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mercy_n goodness_n lord_n psal_n 4,045 5 7.5057 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68798 A prognosticall iudgement of the great coniunction of the two superiour planets, Saturne and Iupiter, which shall happen the 8. day of Aprill. 1583 the fruite of a godly minde, warning us to be mindfull of the sodaine comming of our Lord and Sauiour Christ to iudgement : a comfortable and most necessary discourse, for these miserable and dangerous dayes. R. T. (Robert Tanner) 1583 (1583) STC 23676; ESTC S118135 19,582 64

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in the 12. degree 26 mi. of Aries Mercurie in the 13. de 2. mi. of Pisces Saturne in the 12. deg 23. min. of Taurus Iupiter in the 7. deg and 52 mi. of Leo. Mars in the 7. deg and 3. min. of Aries The Moone in the 21. deg 13. mi. of Virgo Pars Fortunae in the 23. de 14. m. of Geminie Caput Draconis in the 9. degree and 43. min of Virgo Canda Draconis in the 9. degree and 43. min. of Pisces ¶ This Eclipse of the Moone shall be at 6. of the clocke and 49. min. at night the colour of the Moone white and shall appeare a litle after the sun is set An other celestial Scheāe of the 2. Eclipses of the Moone this presēt yeere 1588. the 25. day of August hora 16. scrip 49. Calculated for the Meridian of the citie of Lōdon Polus 51. deg 24. 32. The Ascendent is the 21. degree 20 mi. of Aquarius The 2. house 25. and 28. min of Aries The 3. house the 27. degree and 59. min. of Taur The 4. house the 14. degree of Gemini The 5. house the 27. degree and 1. min. of Gemini The 6. house 14. degree and 11. min of Cancer The 7. house the 21. degrees 20. mi. of Leo. The 8. house the 25. degree 28 min. of Libra The 9. house is the 27. degree 59. min. of Scorp The 10. house 14. degrees of Sagit The 11. house the 27. degree 1. min. of Sagit The 12 house is the 14. degree 11. min. of Capric The Sun in the 12. degree and 4 min. of Virgo Venus in the 17. degrèe and 40. min. of Libra Mercurie in the 26. degree 50. min. of Virgo Saturne in 0 degree and 27. min of Gem. Iupiter in the 1. degree and 6. min. of Virg. Mars in the 9. degree 45. min. of Leo. The Moone in the 6. degree and 19. min. of Pisces Pars fortunae in 15. degrees 31 min. of Cancer Caput Draconis in the 10. degree and 25. min. of Virgo Cauda Dra conis in the 10. degree 25. mi. of Pisces Heere is the tune that Cipryan in his verses turned in ryme maketh mention of The time waxeth short and the day of the Lordes comming to iudgement by all signes and tokens cannot be farre off Therefore good brethren in Christ be mindfull of the Lords comming let vs call vpon his holy name by deuout prayers and supplications Let vs make our submission vnto his glorious maiestie Let vs acknowledge our offences and bewayle our manifolde sinnes and wickednesse Let vs be hartilie sorie for these our misdoings whose heauie burdens are intollerable let vs craue mercy forgiuenesse at the Lords hand Let vs frame a newe and godly life Let vs alwayes haue the Lordes comming in our remembrance Let vs meditate vnto him by deuout prayers and most humble supplications aske all things of him prayse hym trust in hym and giue him the honor and worshippe belonging to his glorious Maiestie Let vs not neglect holy meditations and prayers but continually pray It is written Gentle Reader that in the beginning in the dayes of Seth the sonne of Adam the people first began to inuocate call vpō the name of God by deuout prayer this maner of praying was vsed amōg the fathers frō Noah vntyl the cōming of Christ and they did frequent the same as a speciall meane and way to craue of God his mercie his grace and his assistance By prayer also they did set forth the glory of God appeased his wrath and displeasure and rendred him thankes for his benefites receiued Christe our Sauiour after his comming taught it also as a most necessary comfortable doctrine whereby we might craue of our heauenly father not onely all thinges necessarie and requisite for vs as appeareth in the prayer which hee taughte his Disciples but also forgiuenes of sins to the attainement of euerlasting life And therefore may wee well say that as the vse thereof is worthie prayse so the want therof is to be blamed For where prayer is not frequented there God is not serued called vpon for his grace and assistance neither is he thanked for his gracious benefites the free gift of his mercie is not desired neither is the horrible punishmente of his iustice feared But who may not now thinkest thou Gentle Reader rightly say to the world as Ionas saide to the Niniuits There are yet 40. dayes Niniuie shal be destroied The people no sooner heard the Prophete denounce destruction to come on them for their sinnes but immediatly euen at the first crying of him with trembling feare turned to God beleeued in him feared his iustice confessed their sinnes with penitent harts craued his mercie But good Christiā brother whome it hath pleased God to cal not by the mouth of one man as hee did the Niniuites for he hath called vs by sundrie meanes therfore doest thou not regard his calling wherfore to thee it may be thus said The more God seeketh thee the more thou shunnest him the more he loueth thee the lesse thou regardest him the more thou needest him the lesse thou thinkest on him So that by thy great unkindnesse God is compelled to say vnto thee as he said to the Israelites I am ouerwearied with bearing and long suffering of thy wicked and sinfull liuing If thou therefore desire to be freed from the horrible plagues and threatnings of God thou must like a true Niniuite with a broken and penitent heart call vpon God with cōtinuall praier crauing of him his mercie grace assistance which if thou aske with a true faith he will graunt it thee Finally if thou couet to bee happie and blessed let no day passe thee but that thou once at the least present thy self before God by prayer and falling downe before him with an humble disposition of deuoute minde not from the mouth but from the heart inwardly crie with the Prophete Dauid O Lord the offences of my youth and mine ignorances remember not but after thy mercy and goodnes O Lord remember me Psal 25. 5. A prayer for true repentance and for the comming of the kingdome of Christ O Lord and our God Iesus Christ the Scripture testifieth of thee that when thou wast in the worlde thou diddest preach repentance and the comming of the kingdome of heauen and after thou wast risen againe thou saydest that it behoued thee so to suffer on the third day to rise againe from the dead and that both repentance remission of sins shoulde be preached to euery creature in thy name and that whosoeuer beleeued and were baptised should be saued Againe then full louingly diddest bid them that labour and are laden to com vnto thee promisedst that thou wouldest vnlade and refresh them verily it is no small company of wicked spirites cleaueth which are also as roaring Liōs earnest accusers of the sonnes of god yea and such enemies of God of thē that appertaine vnto him as by no meanes neyther will nor may be reconciled Therefore wee and all of vs which thorowe thy grace are bounde and giuen ouer to serue God Most humbly beseeche thee O holy spirite that thou wilt defend vs against all the wicked temptations pernicious breathings of this most wicked spirite that all vice excluded all vertue and godlinesse may spring grow and increase in vs vntill wee be made perfect and auncient in Christ Iesu our Lorde and his holy lawe Take a-away infidelitie and ingraft in our breastes a true and vnfained faith take away pride wrath enuy debate whoredome gluttonie drunkennesse couetousnes errour hypocrisie with all kinde of vngodlines and priute in our heartes humilitie loue chastitie and concord purity of life temperance sobriety mercy liberalitie towards the poore truth pure holynes with all kind of vertue take away from vs all that euer is of Satan the flesh and the worlde and giue vs that which only commeth from thee O heauēly father and from thy only begotten sonne from the holy spirit Teach vs all truth enarme vs with the shield of true faith that we may so watche and shew such diligence that wee may perceiue his craftie assaultes and dangers vnto the end that wee liue not hereaf-in the flesh but rather that we abhorre al filthinesse and impuritie thereof and that wee beeing brought into thy kingdome thorow thy precious blood may obtaine dayly more and more perfect remission of our sinnes So be it Imp●●nted at London by Thomas Dawson at the three Cranes in the Viniree at the assignement of R. W. 1583.