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mercy_n goodness_n lord_n psal_n 4,045 5 7.5057 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68066 The fou[n]tayne or well of lyfe out of whiche doth springe most swete co[n]solatio[n]s, right necessary for troubled co[n]sciences, to then rent ye they shall nat despeyre in aduersite and trouble. Translated out of latyn in to Englysshe.; Bible. English. Selections. 1532 (1532) STC 11211; ESTC S113119 43,171 122

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hath merc● vpon them that feare hym / for h● knewe his owne creation / he rembred that we are as dust / and th● man is as haye All flesshe is hey / and al the glor● Es 40 of it lyke a floure of the felde / th● heye wethereth / and the floure i● faded / for the spiryte of the lord● hath blowen on it verely the people is heye / the heye is wetheret● ● the flour is fadyd / but the worde ●f the lorde abydeth for euermore Deu. 8. Man doth nat lyue by bread one ●y / but in euery worde whiche co●eth out of the mouth of god Euery worde of god is fyry / it is Prouet 30. Ps 17. ● shelde for thē that trust in him My god / hys waye is vndefyled the wordes of the lorde ar tryed in fyre / he is a defander of all that trust in him Al sayntes are in his power / they Deu. 32 that approche vnto his feete / shall receyue of his doctryne Vnderstāde ye with all your her Iosu 23 us / that of all the wordes that the lorde hath promised that he wolde pforme that one shal passe in vayn Psal 144. The lorde is true in al his wordes and holy in all his workes The lorde lyfteth vp al that fal downe / easeth all that he hurte For the lorde sercheth al hertes 1. pa. 18 the perceyueth all the thoughtes of the mynde / yf thou wylte seke hī thou shalt finde hī / but if y● forsake him / he wyl cast the away for euer Seke the lorde / whyle he ma● Esa 55 be founde / call on him whyle he i● at hande / let the wycked leue hi● way / and the vniust man his imagynations / let him retorne vut the lorde / and he wyll haue merc● on hym / and vnto oure god / for h● is great and redy to forgyue Sauour ye of the lorde in goodnes Sap. 1. symplycite of hert / seke hi● out for they shall fynde hym whyche do nat tempte him / and appereth vnto them which trust in hi● The ryche haue neded / and hauben Ps 33. hungry / but they y● seke y● lorde shal nat fayle of any good thig● The lorde is good to al y● trust i● Ebre 3 him / vnto the soule that will seke him The good lorde wyl be mercyfu● 2 pa. 30 vnto all that seke out with al the● hertꝭ the lorde god of their fader● nor he wyll nat lay to thē any sinne bycause they be lesse sanctifyc● And whan they wyll reuerte i● 1. pa 15. their trouble / wyll crye vnto th● lorde god of Israel / and wyll sek● him / they shall fynde him For theyr truste is in teir sauiour / Ecc 34 the eyes are set on him that tour him / he that dreadeth the lorde shall nat tremble nor bē aferde / for ●is hope is in him / he that feateth the lorde his soule is blessed / whan he regardeth / he also is his defēce For the eyes of the lorde do beholde 1. pa. 26 all the erth / gyue strength vnto all that bose ue in him with a perfyte herte The eyes of the lorde are set on Ec. 34. suche as feare him / the protectour of power / the foūdation of vertu / the couer of heate / and the moone shadowe / the in treatour of offēding / ●h●lpar ●●myschaunce / exaltynge the soule / gyuyng light to the eyes ●●uyng helth lyfe benedietion The eyes of the lorde a● set vpon 1. Pet. 3 the rightwyse / and his eares vnto the prayer of them Beholde the eyes of the lorde are Psa 32 vpon all that feare him / and vpon suche as truste in his mercy Taste se how the lorde is swete Ps 33. blessed is the manne that trusteth in hym Trust in god / and worke goodnes Ps 36. / and inhabytre the erth / and thou shalt fede in the ryches of it And thou shalt knowe how thy Rume 1 lorde god is a god myghty true keping couenaūre and mercy to a● that loue him The lorde is good and cōforterl● in tyme of trouble / wyll know● all that trust in him They that trust in the lorde s●al Es 40 chaūge in strength / and shall hau● fethers as Egles / they shal ronn● and nat labour / they shall go / and yet shall nat faynte He that trusteth in the lorde / i● Prouer 16. p 146. blessed For the lorde is well contente● with all that feare him / and wit● them that trust in his mercy Euyll shall nat happen to hy● Eccl. 33 that feareth god / but god shal preserue him in temptacion / and delyuer him from all euyll They that feare the lorde / hau● Ps 113. trusted in the lorde / he is their he● ●er and theyr defender you that feare the lorde abyde Eccl. 2. his mercy / and do nat tourne from hym leste ye fall / ye that feare the lorde beleue hym / and your rewar ●e shall nat be frustrat● ye that fea●e the lorde trust in him and mercy shall come to you at pleasure All congregatiōs of people trust Ps 61. ● in bun Shede before him your hertꝭ / god is our helpar euermore Saluation of the rightwyse is Psa 36 of god / he is their defender in the tyme of trybulation And the lorde shall helpe them and delyuer them / and shall rydde them from mysdoers / and shall sa●e them bycause they haue trusted in him The skourges of a synner ar manyfolde / he Psa 31. that trusteth in the lorde shall be compassed with mercy Blessed be all that trust in him Psal 2. Hie. 17 That manne is cursed that tru●eth in man / maketh flesshe his ●efence / whose herte swarueth frō●he lorde Blessed is the man that 〈◊〉 in the lorde shal be his 〈◊〉 He that trusteth in hym that Eccl. 31 nat be mad● worse It is better to trust in the lord● ● 117. than to trust in man It is better to trust in the lorde than to trust in prynces He that feareth mā shal sone fal / h● Prouer 29. Sap. 3. y● trusteth in the lorde shal be holpe They that trust in him shal perceyue the truth / the faythful sha obey him in loue / for rewarde an● peace is vnto his electe The people se and do nat vnderstande Sap 4 / nor do remembre such thynges in their hertes / howe th● grace and mercy of god is vnto h● sayntes / regarde his electe The lorde doth nat forsake hi● ●● Re. 12 people / for his great names sak● God wyl● at put backe his peple Ps 93. / and wyl nat forsake his inherytaunce Truely god wyll nat gyue b● Ec 47 his mercy They that truste in the lorde as ●● ● 124. hyl
that offende vs. Lede vs nat in to temptation / but delyuer vs from euyll / for it is thy kyngdome power / glory for euermore Blessed art thou lorde god of Istahell i. Par. 29. our father / euerlastyngly / for it is thy magnificens o lorde and thy power / and glory / victory / and prayse to the. O gouernour / lorde god / pytifull Ero. 34. and benigne / pacyent and of great mercy / which dost extend thy mercy vnto thousandes / which takest a way wyckednes / myschefe syn none of hiselfe is innocēt before the / I besech y● that thou wilt take away out wickednes synne I beseche the lorde god of heuen / Noe. 1. strong / mighty and terrible / which kepeste couenaunt and mercy with suche as loue the / and obserue thy commaūdement●s / let thyne eares be harknyng / and thyn eyes open / that thou mayst here the prayer o● thy sernaunt O lorde which art paciēt and o● Nu. 14 great mercy / and takest awaye ou● iniquite and myschiefe c. forgyu● I beseche the the synne of thi● thy people / after the gretnes of th● mercy Lorde god / do nat destroy thy pe●ple Oeu 9. / thyn ēheritaūce / which tho● hast bought / through thy power Thou hast bene guyde in the mercy Exo. 15 to the people / whiche thou hast redemed Forgyue thy people / though they 2. Para 6. be sinners / for thou art my god let thyne eyes I beseche the be open and thyne eares intentif vnto the prayer that is made in this place O lorde thou art our father / and Esaia 64. we are but claye / thou arte our creatour / and all we but the werkes of thine hādes / o lorde be nat ouer moche angry / be no more myndefull of our iniquite / beholde / haue respecte / all we are thy people Lorde / thy mercy is euerlastig do ps 126. nat dispyse the worke of thyn hādʒ O thou lorde / whiche art our father Esa 63 / our redemer / thy name hathe bene euermore For we do nat prostrate our pray Da. 6. ours before thy face in Iustifieng out selues / but in trust of the great mercy herken lorde / be pleased / o lorde / attende / and do / be nat slacke my god for thyne owne sake / for thy name hath ben called vpō this Cyty / and vpon the people Nu. 20 Lorde god here the clamont of this people / opē vnto thē thy treasour / the well of the water of lyfe Let al that know thy name lorde Psal 9 truste in the / for thou haste nat forsaken them that seke the. Thou verely which arte a god Noe. 6 mercyfull / meke / and pytefull / pacient / and of hygh compassyō / hast nat forsaken them Aryse lorde helpe vs / and redeme Ps 43 vs / for thy name sake Do nat remēbre out olde iniquitees Ps 78 / but let thy mercy preuent vs quickely / for we are made very poore / helpe vs our god and for the glorye of thy name lorde / delyuer vs / be mercyfull vnto our synnes for thy names sake I shall do sacryfyce vnto the with Psa 53 good wyll / and shall confesse thy name / for it is good For asmoche lorde / as thou a●t Ps 85. swete and gētyll / and of plentuous mercy / vnto suche as cal vpon the Lorde hear our prayers our petitiōs / Bar. 2. delyuer vs out for thy sake Heare O lorde and haue mercy Bar. 3. for thou art a merciful god / and haue mercy on vs / for we haue synned agaynst the. we haue synned with our fathers / Iud. 7 we haue done vniustly / we haue cōmitted wickednes Thou that art holy / haue mercy on vs. whā y● art angry / remēbre mercy Hab. 5. Bor. ● Be nat mynèfull of the wyckednes o● our fathers / but be in mind of thy power and thy name at this tyme / for thou art our lorde god Let al be glad that trust in the Psal 5 then shall reioyse euermore thou shalt dwell in th● / and al that loue thy name / shall glory in the. Thou art ryghtwise o lorde Thob 3 al thy Iugemētes ar true / al thy wayes / mercy / truth / iugement Blessed is thy name o god of our fathers / whiche in thy wrathe dost she we mercy / and in the tyme of trouble dost forgyue synnes / to them that call on the. All that serue and hononr the he certayne and sure that his lyfe if it haue bene tryed and proued / shal receyue the crowne of victorie / and if it be in trouble it shal be delyuered and if it be in corruption synne / he may come vnto thy mercy For thou arte nat delyted in dystroyng vs / for after tempest thou makest al thynge quiete / and after wepyng mournyng thou causyst gladnes / blessed be thy name therfore o god of Israell euermore God is at hande vnto al that cal Psal 144. on him / to suche as call on hym in truth whan I dyd cal / the good right Psal 4 wy snes dyd here me / in my tribulation / thou hast set me at large O lorde / lette me uat be confoūded Ps 30. / for I haue called on the. I haue called on the lorde / out of Ps 117 try bulation / the lorde hathe herde me abrode In my trybulatyon I wyl cal on 2. Reg. 22. the lorde / and I wyll crye vnto my god / and he wyl here my voyce out of his holy temple / my crye shall come vnto his eares Thy good spirite shal brynge me P. 142 into a ryght grounde / for thy names sake lorde thou shalt make me alyue in thyne equyte / y● shalte brynge my soule out of trouble / in thy mercy / thou shalt distroy al myne enemyes we wyll crye vnto the in our trybulations 2. Pat. 20. / and thou shalt here vs and make vs safe whan we be ignoraunt what we ought to do / we haue only this remedy / for to dyrecte our eyes vnto the. Byue vs helpe in our trouble / for p. 107. the helpe of man is vanite Lorde thou arte my refuge / my Hie. 16 streirgth / my fortres / in the tyme of trouble I truely shal syng of thy strength Ps 58. shal exalte thy mercy be tymes For y● arte made my surete / my socour ī the tyme of my trybulatiō O god that arte myne helpat / I wyl synge vnto the / thou art my socout my god / thy mercy be vnto me So let thy mercy be don y● it ma● Ps 118 cōfort me / accordīg vnto thy promyse made to thy scruaunte Let thy mercyes come vnto m● and I shall lyue / for thy loue