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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50088 The counsell and admonition of Henry Massingberd, Esq., to his children Massingberd, Henry. 1656 (1656) Wing M1044; ESTC R7677 141,779 251

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that thou wilt turn me from all my evill waies and give me true repentance from the bottome of my heart so I shall be turned unto thee in true love for thou art the Lord my God and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart Psal 19.14 be now and ever acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer Incline not my heart to evill that I should commit wicked works with men that work iniquity Set a watch O Lord before my mouth and keep the door of my lips so shall my mouth speak thy praises for ever Amen O my sweet eternity and my eternall Saviour in thy love to poor sinners in Jesus and for his sake I only beg of thee trusting that in him thou wilt not deny me notwithstanding all my sinnes for thou art good and thy mercy endures for ever And first my most humble petition unto thy most sacred Majesty is that thou wouldest of free and perfect mercy pardon all my breach of Covenants with thee or men as thy mercy endures for ever Secondly To pardon accordingly my vowing and not paying for thou art good as thy mercy endures for ever Thirdly to pardon of thy like goodnesse all my hypocrisie towards thee and man as thou art good and as thy mercy endures for ever Fourthly To pardon all my blasphemies against thy Majesty any manner of way as thou my God art only good and as thy mercy endures for ever Fifthly To pardon all my Lies wherewith I have given thee cause of Anger against me as thou art good and as thy mercy endures for ever Sixthly To pardon all my relations speaking absolutely yet beyond my certain knowledge at that time when I spoke them as thou my good Lord art onely and perfectly good and thy mercy endures for ever Seventhly To pardon all my Oathes and taking of thy Name in vain as thou art good and thy mercy endures for ever Eighthly To pardon all my vain and idle speakings as thou art good and as thy mercy endures for ever O my mercifull and loving Father I humbly pray thee for thy Sonne my Saviours sake and in his Name be graciously pleased to pardon and forgive all the sinnes of all my senses I humbly acknowledge I have been dull to listen to thy commands but most ready and open to receive vanity to the corrupting and as much as in me lieth the destruction of my body and soul For give I humbly beg also the sins of my seeing smelling tasting goings and of all the members and faculties of my body and soul for they have all rebelled against thy gracious mercy to their due deservings of eternall death O Lord who knowes the errour of his heart and of his waies cleanse my soul O Lord from my secret sinnes and deliver me I humbly beseech thee from my presumptuous sinnes least they get the dominion over me O cleanse thou me and so I shall be cleansed I doubt not but thou wilt in thy infinite love to the works of thy own hands and in thy free pardoning of sinne for Jesus Christ his sake give me eternall life with thy servants and wilt not impute the guilt of sinne unto me for thou art the Lord my God whose mercy endures for ever above all thy works Selah In thee therefore I will rejoice A Confession and humble suit for Pardon in Jesus Christ O My mercifull Lord God I humbly pray thee for Christ thy Sonne my only Lord and Saviours sake to pardon and put clear out of thy remembrance that originall sinne and damnation due to me from the loynes and rebellions of my first parents O forgive thou the sinnes of my father and let the sinnes of my mother be done away I doubt not oh my Father of mercy but thou hast of thy own free goodnesse already done it for I know thou art only perfectly good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah O Father I know thou wilt not visit the originall sinne of my fathers upon me Exek 18.20 for that thou hast said The sonne shall not bear the iniquity of the father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the sonne but the righteousnesse of the righteous shall be upon him and the wickednesse of the wicked shall be upon himself O Lord I know as a father hath compassion on his children so thou hast compassion on them that fear thee O my God I acknowledge that I was born in iniquity and in sinne hath my mother conceived me Psal 51.5 Exod. 34.6 7. but thou art the Lord my God strong and mercifull and gracious slow to anger and abundant in goodnesse and truth reserving mercy for thousands forgiving iniquities Dan. 9.9 transgressions and sinnes Compassion and forgivenesse is in the Lord our God albeit we have rebelled against him O my Father Eccl. 11.10 Remember not the sinns of my childhood for childhood and youth are vanity When I was a childe I spake as a childe I understood as a childe I thought as a childe but mercy is with thee that thou maist be feared Psal 24.48 Look thou upon my affliction and my travell and forgive all my sinnes It is the joy of my soul O God 86.5 that thou art good and mercifull and of great kindnesse unto all them that call upon thee O my good Lord I beseech thee for thy goodnesse sake remember not the sinnes and vanities of my youth for only thy free mercy in Jesus my Saviour is sufficient to release me from the torments of their deservings Thou my good God in thy saving compassion and sparing us miserable men from our deservings saist Gen. 8.21 The imagination of mans heart is evill even from his youth but thy mercy endures for ever O make me not to possesse the iniquities of my youth Psal 25.7 Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my rebellions but according to thy loving kindnesse remember thou me even for thy goodnesse sake O Lord for thou art my hope O Lord even my trust from my youth O God thou hast taught me from my youth even untill now therefore will I tell of thy wondrous works I desire most humbly to live if it were thy blessed will from this moment eternally in thy perfect service O my God I must acknowledge and confesse that my heart my will my waies my words and actions have been evill from my youth the leprosie of my sinne is only cureable by the blood of my Saviour that infinite pledge of thy blessed mercy therefore O my good God give me a lively faith to apply it to all my wounds as thou my God art only good and from thee only is the will and the deed of true faith and repentance Amen O my Father Remember not the sinnes of my man hood and riper years I acknowledge O my God when I call to minde my breach of promises and Covenants both with thee
my God and man which I have solemnly made and taken I have promised to thy sacred Majestie my unworthy service though but the least part of my dutie upon condition to receive mercy from thee which in particular thou hast been gratiously pleased as I may judg to give me but I alas have wholly left undone my promise with thee so that surely I admire thy patience that thou hast not ere this cast me into hell amongst thy enemies Thou hast of thy free mercie given me time of repentance I trust thou wilt in thy great goodnesse give me true repentance it self even such as thou wilt not despise O give it me for thy mercies sake O my Creatour as thou lovest sinners in Jesus and hast mercie for the works of thy own hands give me true and saving grace lead and draw me to thee in true repentance Lord thy long-suffering and patience to me doth give me some hope of thy electing me to mercie O give me the full assurance of it by a true and a lively faith Open thou I most humbly pray for Christ Jesus his sake my dark and closed eyes so that I may see the wondrous things of thy Law blesse me O my Father in not imputing sinne unto me for man liveth not by bread only but by every word of thy mouth O God What is man that thou art mindefull of him Psal or the Sonne of man that thou visitest him Lord what is man that thou regardest him or the Sonne of man that thou thinkest upon him Behold thou hast made my daies as a hand-breadth and my age as nothing in respect of thee surely every man in his best estate is altogether vanitie When thou O God with rebukes dost chastise man for sinne as a moth his beauty doth consume surely every man is vanity Doubtlesse man walketh in a vain shadow he disquieteth himself in vain he heapeth up riches and cannot tell who shall gather them And now Lord what wait I for my hope is even in thee deliver thou me from all my transgressions Who can withstand thy chastenings surely every man living is vanitie Selah O my God I humbly beseech thee for my Saviour Jesus Christ his sake and in thy love through him to poor wretched and miserable sinners forgive all my Oathes and my hypocrisie towards thee or man all my blasphemies lies false and doubtfull speeches my vanities and offendings of thee by thought word and deed O let thy sweet free and saving mercy forgive all my secret sinnes and from my presumptuous sinnes good Lord deliver me least they get the dominion over me I humbly beseech thee seeing sinne must raigne in this my earthly tabernacle give me grace and strength I humbly crave of thy most sacred Majestie that I may submit unto it unwillingly as to the subjection of a cruell Tyrant not willingly with joy and comfort as to a lawfull Prince Give me grace and strength I most humbly pray with Ephraim to bemoane my self in secret and truly desire to be released from the cruell oppression of this Tyrant to be dissolved and be with thee my only joy and peace that I may serve thee as thy faithfull servants and never offend against thee any more Amen I beseech thee O my Saviour and my God for the whole remainder of my life that yet I have to live under the Sunne remember not thou against me my former iniquities but make haste and let thy tender mercies prevent me that I offend not against thee nay I doubt not in Jesus but thou my mercifull God wilt of thy free goodnesse prevent me Psal Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a right path because of my enemies Teach me thy way O Lord and I will walk in thy truth knit my heart unto thee that I may fear thy Name Turn away mine eies from vanity and quicken me in thy way 119.37 Stay my steps in thy pathes that my feet doe not slide Shew me thy waies O Lord and teach me thy pathes for all thy pathes O Lord are mercie and truth unto such as keep thy Covenants and thy testimonies O my God I plainly see my evill and my sinne the bitternesse of my waies are before me I must judge and condemne my self for the least sinne guilty of infinite punishment even as thou the Lord my God whom I offend and rebell against thereby art infinite But O what then is the due desert from thy severe justice for those innumerable heapes of wickednesse and transgressions which momentarily increase upon me through my corruption wherewith I have provoked thee to anger and which continually call for judgment for my eternall destruction as my due deserts Although I see no way of pardon without great fears and doubts yet I will delight my self in the mercies of thee my God and commit my waies unto thee my Redeemer for I know thou wilt bring it to passe I humbly beseech thee O my Father my hope my joy the onely rest and peace of my eternitie guide me and lead me in the perfect way of thy blessed service as thy true and faithfull servant from this moment for ever O leave me not nay I doubt not in Jesus but thou wilt ever guide and not leave me untill I be in the house of thy love in the place of thy rest which thou O my Father in thy infinite love hast prepared for thy servants untill the door be shut that I cannot return unto my own vanities againe even so come O my Father in Jesus Come quickly Amen A Prayer O thou that hearest prayers unto thee shall all flesh come look upon our Saviour and our mercy and let not our unworthy prayers offend thee O Almighty and our all-sufficient Lord God whose will is all things both in Heaven and earth who art only good and whose mercy endures for ever to thee the grave is open and from thee there is no covering for destruction thou stetchest out the North over the empty place and hangest the earth upon nothing thou bindest thy waters in the clouds and the clouds are not broken under them thou holdest back the face of thy Throne and spreadest the clouds upon it Thou hast set bounds to the waters untill the day and night come to an end The pillars of Heaven tremble and quake at thy reproof the sea is calm by thy power and by thy understanding thou smitest the pride thereof Thy spirit hath garnished the Heavens and thy hand hath formed the crooked serpent Loe these are part of thy waies O mighty God but how little a portion have we of thee and who can understand thy fearfull power Thou art the God of the spirits of all flesh great art thou O Lord and most worthy to be praised thy greatnesse is incomprehensible Thou good Lord be mercifull to all us that desire or would at least both desire and fully prepare our whole hearts to seek and
22.30 He shall deliver the Iland of the innocent and it is delivered by the purenesse of thy hand Rom. 12.1 That you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your reasonable service 1 Cor. 6.9 Know ye not that your body is the Temple of the holy Ghost that is in you a Gen. ● 27 God created man in his own Image b Heb. 13.15 By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually that is the fruit of our lips Matth. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve Rom. 10.12 The same God over all is rich unto all that call upon him Psal 50.3 10. I will have no bullock out of thy house nor he-goat out of thy fold for every beast of the forrest is mine and the cattell upon a thousand hills Psal 109.22 For I am poor and needy and my heart is wounded within me Psal 22.22 I will declare thy Name unto my brethren and in the midst of the Congregation will I praise thee Ver. 25. My praises shall be of thee in the great Congregation I will pay my vowes before them that fear thee Psal 40.8 I delight to doe thy will O God yea thy Law is in my heart Matth. 6.10 Thy will be done O God in earth as it is in Heaven Heb. 10.7 I come to doe thy will O God Prov. 5.21 For the waies of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he pondereth all his goings And 15.3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good Exod. 20.7 Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vaine Psal 139.20 Thy enemies O God take thy Name in vaine And 145.2 Every day will I praise thee and I will blesse thy Name for ever and ever And 99.3 Let them praise thy great and terrible Name for it is holy Levit. 22.2 Speak to Aaron and to his sonnes that they profane not my holy Name for I am the Lord. And Psal 111.9 Holy and reverent is his Name And Ezek. 39.25 I will be jealoas for my holy Name Eccl. 8.2 I know it shall be well with them that fear God that fear before him Jer. 10.23 O Lord I know that the way of man is not in himself it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps Prov. 29.25 The fear of man bringeth a snare but he that putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe And 30.5 God is a shield to them that put their trust in him Rom. 8.28 We know that all things work together for good to them that love God Matth. 10.19 30. Are not two Sprrrowes sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall to the ground without your Father But the very hairs of your head are all numbred 2 Cor. 1.3 Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort Psal 23.4 Thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Isa 66.13 As one whom his mother comforteth so will I comfort you and ye shall be comforted Isa 6.16 Thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the wayes and see and ask for the old pathes where is the good way and walk therein and you shall finde rest for your souls Rom. 8.10 And if Christ be in you the body is dead because of sinne but the spirit is life because of righteousnesse Psal 119.71 It is good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn thy statutes And 126.5 Them that sowe in tears shall reap in joy Jer. 22.13 I will turn their mourning into joy and will comfort them and make them rejoyce for their sorrow Lam. 3.25 It is good for a man that he bear the yoak in his youth 1 King 3.9 Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart that I may discern betwixt good and bad Psal 119.34 Give me understanding and I shall keep thy Law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart And v. 73. Give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandements Dan. 12.10 None of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand Gal. 5.17 For these two are contrary one to another Job 9.20 If I justifie my self my own mouth will condemn me if I say I am perfect it shall also prove me perverse Psal 37.27 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way And 50. 23. Who so offereth praise glorifieth God and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God Psal 119.67 71. Before I was afflicted I went astray but now have I learned thy word It 's good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes Psal 68.3 Let the righteous be glad let them rejoyce before God let them exceedingly rejoyce And Prov. 29.6 In the transgression of an evill man there is a snare but the righteous doth sing and rejoyce Psal 38.13 For I will declare my iniquity and be sorry for my sinne 2 Cor. 7.9 10. Now I rejoyce not that you were made sorry but that you sorrowed to repentance for ye were made sorry after a godly manner For godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation not to be repented of but worldly sorrow worketh death Jer. 10.24 O Lord correct me but with judgment not in thy anger lest thou bring me to nothing Psal 119.33 Teach me O Lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keep it to the end And 143. 8. Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my soul to thee Deut. 8.5 Thou shalt also consider in thy heart that as a man chastiseth his sonne so the Lord thy God chastiseth thee Psal 94.12 Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest O Lord and teachest him out of thy Law Heb. 12.6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every sonne whom he receiveth Matth. 22.29 You erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Joh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternall life and they are they which testifie of me 2 Tim. 3.16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousnesse 1 Cor. 2.10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his holy Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God Rom. 10.6 Say not in thy heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above who shall descend into the deep that is to bring Christ up from the dead but the Word is nigh thee the word of faith which we preach Matth. 7.15 Beware of false prophets Eph. 4.14 That we be no more children tossed to and fro by the sleight of men to every winde of Doctrine whereby they lie in wait to deceive
Mich. 6.8 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to doe justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God Rom. 11.33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and his waies past finding out Psal 4.5 Offer the sacrifice of righteousnesse and put your trust in the Lord. And 104. 33. I will sing unto the Lord so long as I live I will sing praise unto my God while I have any being Matth. 6.20 Lay up for your selves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves doe not break through and steale for where your treasure is there will your heart be also Prov. 13.13 Who so despiseth the Word shall be destroyed but he that feareth the Commandement shall be rewarded 1 Pet. 3.16 Having a good conscience that whereas they speak evill of you as of evill doers they may be ashamed that falsly accuse your good conversation in Christ Isa 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose minde is stayed on thee because be trusteth in thee 2 Chron. 25.2 And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord but not with a perfect heart Matth. 5.8 Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God 1 Tim. 1.5 Now the end of the Commandement is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith unfeigned Psal 107.43 Who so is wise and will observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindnesse of the Lord. Deut. 4.9 Take heed to thy self and keep thy soul diligently and teach them thy sons and thy sons sonns Matth. 5.19 Whosoever shall doe and teach them shall be great in the kingdom of heaven Prov. 28.9 He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law even his prayers shall be an abomination to the Lord. Rom. 10.17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God 1 Tim. 4.13 Give attendance to reading Psal 1.2 In his Law doth he meditate day and night Read the whole Psalm Psal 55.17 Evening morning and noon will I pray Luk. 6.38 Give and it shall be given to you again Eccl. 1.4 One generation passeth and another generation cometh 1 Thes 5.10 Who died for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him 1 Cor. 1.20 Where is the wise where is the Scribe where is the disputer of this world Hath not God made foolish the wisdome of this world Ver. 27. God hath chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and the weak things of this world to confound the things which are mighty Phil. 4.17 I desire fruit that may abound to your account Psal 103.15 As for man his dayes are as grasse as a flower of the field so he flourisheth Heb. 11.16 But now they desire a better country that is a heavenly wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City Psal 90 1● So teach us to number our dayes O Lord that we may apply our hearts unto wisdome TEN ADMONITIONS Upon the Ten severall Ages of a Mans Life It being divided into ten Sevens in which is easily to be observed ten apparent changes in our Apprehensions and Desires PSAL. 90.10 The age of a man is threescore years and ten if strength continue till fourscore years yet is that strength but labour and sorrow it suddenly faileth and we are gone ALSO Generall Admonitions for the whole Life of Man ECCLES 12.12 By these my sonne be admonished ECCLES 4.13 Better is a poor and a wise childe then an old and foolish King who will no more be admonished HIS EPISTLE Children MY desire is to speak very plainely to you in a low and common stile that so the meanest capacity may receive and understand my meaning You are they that are very near me in my generation and for vicissitudes and perhaps multitudes of times although to speak properly not much time for our dayes be few and evill you are to passe and sojourn with me in my pilgrimage and as my journey drawes towards an end nearer the grave the undoubted portion of mortality so your journeys likewise become shorter and who knowes the hour of his dissolution for our times are in thy hands O God My accompt is great for you and my care is great of you especially for the good of your eternity and my commands are therefore great unto you that with your best abilities you assist me in it and heartily endeavour to further my good accompt of you in the day of triall let our great and diligent care be so to spend our time that we may live together in the true and perfect service of our good God for our eternity Let us take here comfort in those our friends who are gone or shall go out of this world before us praemissi non anussi who lived and died in the same faith and belief with us and whose lives as we may judge have answered their profession that we in the eternall mercy of the eternall Father in Christ Jesus shall upon our dissolution meet them again Rev c. 2. we being as they were constant in all good duties to the end and never part one from the other nor from the perfect service of our Creator for ever This may be in some part our hope and joy but our great rejoycing must alwaies be willingly and joyfully to submit to the will of God and to his pleasure for ever This is not to be the work of a day but of all the dayes of all our lives for a day soon passeth away and mortality is alwaies at hand therefore beware of unpreparednesse for if the tree fall ill so it lies upon this moment as it were dependeth eternity if then thou hast not oyl in thy lampe the door of mercy is for ever shut and who knows what a day may bring forth therefore seriously consider fill your holy lampes with the burning oyl of piety and watch And know in case any of you become a Parent that you owe unto your Children not only materiall subsistence for their bodies but much more to contribute spirituall things unto their better part their souls and be sure you principle them aright in the beginning of their daies so soon as they can doe or apprehend any thing let it be good and from the true principle of loving and obeying our good God even for his own sake which will conduct us to the right loving of our neighbour I humbly blesse our good God that hath endued all of you with capacities and naturall endowments in some measure capable of the best instructions and withall I humbly crave his powerfull spirit upon your wills to improve them and I trust your best compliances shall not be wanting Be sure you imbrace and hold fast true love one towards another and although you had
you and abound they will make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Ver. 9. But he that lacketh these things is blinde 1 Joh. ● 15 Love not the world nor the things of the world if any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him Prov. 14.14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own wayes and a good man shall be satufied from himself Psal 34. from the 10th to the end The young Lyons doe lack and suffer hunger but they that fear the Lord shall not want any thing that is good Come my children hearken unto me I will teach you the fear of the Lord. What man is he that desirech life and loveth many dayes that he may see good Keep thy tongue from evill and thy lippes that they speake no gu●l Depart from evill and doe good seek peace and ensue it The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their cry The face of the Lord is against them that doe evill to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth The righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all He keepeth all his bones not one of them is broken Evill shall slay the wicked and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate The Lord redeemeth the souls of his servants and none of them that trust in him shall be desolate Prov. 14.15 16. The simple beleeveth every word but the prudent man looketh well to his goings A wise man feareth and departeth from evill but the fool rageth and is confident Eccl. 12.13 Fear God and keep his Commandements for this is the whole duty of man Ver. 14. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evill NOw we have by the mercy of God obtained a fruitfull plantation in this promised Land let us plant in it good and wholesome fruit for men do not gather grapes of thorns nor figgs of thistles Here we may proceed in the sixth Age of our Life and third ascent of our Manhood under the notion of constant Action and hereby our duty is by all means to endeavour the good of all the heavens lead us to this by shining upon all without hopes of gain or requitall shewing thereby the duty of a good man to his neighbour to be constantly conversant in some good employment of the body minde or both is a very lively branch of true vertue which keeps a man unvanquished and is not subject to pleasures and hath its reward in it self Vertue doth alone bring forth solid joy and only enables a man to bear all the changes and chances of this life with comfort and doe you rightly consider all the branches that proceed from this root and you will finde that they are firmly united with linkes unseparable as all the branches of a tree have but one root to nourish them so all the Vertues have but one principall foundation which is the doing all things out of true obedience to the service and commands of almighty God therefore is true Vertue most highly to be aspired unto Wisdome is a true branch of it which makes a man rightly to understand the nature use and property of all things and counteth nothing evill but vice which it is alwaies sufficiently fortified against and cannot enter there Teach mee o lord the way of thy statutes and I shall keepe it vnto the end Psal 119.33 Take heede of wasting time for when it 's spent There 's noe redemption from the great Judgment Vaine wretched pride beholde within thy sight Is death or dayes falce pleasure or delight My dayly dying freinds that take theire flight At highest noone bid mee remember night where vertue and honesty dwelleth if injury be the sufferance of some evill and a wise man cannot suffer evill then there is no evill that appertains to a wise man every injury is a diminution of him to whom it is offered and no man may receive injury without some detriment either in good-Name body or goods but a wise man can loose nothing he hath all his goods inclosed with the enjoyment of true vertue as for other things he useth them as borrowed and what man is so much moved at the losse of what is not his own but if injury can attempt nothing which is proper to a wise man because the whole is conserved by his vertue it must follow that a wise man cannot be injured because he sets not his heart upon earthly things as if they were his own knowing that the possession of all those things that abound externally is slippery and un-assured plant then plentifully in the vineyard of Vertue and be thou a flourishing branch of this blessed root so thou shalt relieve others with thy pleasant fruits without diminishing of thy own store and plenty prosperity shall not puff thee up nor adversity deject thee true goods are never subject to moth rust and canker neither can thieves break through and steal them heavenly riches shall have a heavenly reward and earthly changes cannot approach their dwelling Wisdome will advise thee to be very carefull how thou dost ingage thy self either by word or action especially amongst a croud with a multitu●e in a warre a civill warre against a Prince a present power rather fly such a flame if any conveniency will permit avoid the fire while fury is fierce let it passe thee for violent things are seldome permanent I cannot shew you a certain way to avoid the dangers that time and chance may bring upon you or upon your country in your generations for outward things true vertue and inward treasure must secure you it must be wisdome that heavenly gift obtained by true and hearty prayer and humble obedience that must guide your feet in the way of peace that peace which the world the flesh the devill cannot deprive us of which the God of Heaven grant us all for his mercies sake Amen Into thy hands I commit my spirit thou hast redeemed it or lord God of truth Psal 31.5 If wee a blest Creatoure and a saviour haue Our duty is to worke and faith to craue Vnto my mother earth I am now gon Vntill the morning resurrection As quickly as the Sand falls to his place Soe sudden is the change of humane race Gen. 2.8 And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed Ver. 15. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dresse it and to keep it Prov. 20.18 Every purpose is established by counsell and with good advice make warre And 24.6 For by wise
comfort in this That his mercy endures for ever therefore rejoyce alwayes and in all things give thanks for that is the love of God to thee in Christ Jesus Isa 43.25 Thus saith the Lord I even I am he that putteth away thy iniquities for mine own sake and will not remember thy sinnes Isa 53.4 Fear not for thou shalt not be ashamed neither shalt thou be confounded for thou shalt not be put to shame yea thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth Ver. 7. For a little while have I forsaken thee but with great compassion will I gather thee Ver 8. For a moment in my anger I hid my face from thee for a little season but with everlasting mercy have I had compassion on thee saith the Lord thy redeemer Ver. 9. For this is unto me as the waters of Noah for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more goe over the earth so have I sworn that I would not be angry with thee nor rebuke thee Ver. ●0 For the mountains shall remove and the hills shall fall down but my mercy shall not depart from thee neither shall the Covenant of my peace fall away saith the Lord that hath compassion on thee Ver. 13. And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and much peace shall be to thy children Ver. 17. But all the weapons that are made against thee shall not prosper and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemne this is the heritage of the Lords servants and their righteousnesse is of me saith the Lord. Eph. 2.8 For by grace ye are saved through faith and that not of your selves it is the gift of God Sing praises unto the Lord ye his Saints and give thanks before the remembrance of his holinesse for he endureth but a while in his anger but in his favour is life weeping may abide at evening but joy cometh in the morning 1 Chron. 16.34 Praise the Lrod for he is good for his mercy endures for ever Ver. 41. And they were appointed to praise the Lord because his mercy endures for ever 2 Chron. 5.13 And they praised the Lord saying for he is good because his mercy lasteth for ever Chap. 7. ver 3. And they bowing themselves worshipped saying for he is good because his mercy lasteth for ever Ver. 6. And the Priests waited to praise the Lord because his mercy lasteth for ever Chap. 10. ver 21. And they went before the men of Arms saying Praise ye the Lord for his mercy lasteth for ever Ezra 3.11 Thus they sang when they gave praise unto the Lord For he is good for his mercy endures for ever Psal 118.4 Let them that fear the Lord say that his mercy endures for ever Psal 106.1 Praise the Lord because he is good for his mercy endures for ever Read Psal 136. Psal 117.12 For his loving kindnesse is great towards us and the truth of the Lord endures for ever Psal 138.8 Praise ye the Lord the Lord will perform his work towards me Psal 28.21 O Lord thy mercy endures for ever forsake not thou the works of thy hands forsake me not O Lord be not thou farre from me my God Psal 71.9 Cast me not off in the time of age forsake me not when my strength faileth Amen VIII A third Comfort in Death Thou maist rejoyce because blessed are they which die in the Lord even so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours and their works follow them Rev. 14.13 Say thou with Paul Phil. 1.21 Christ is to me both in life and death advantage Ver. 22. And whether to live in the flesh were more profitable for me and what to chuse I know not Ver. 23. For I am greatly in doubt on both sides desiring to be loosed and to be with Christ which is best of all Eccl. 4.12 So I turned and considered all the oppressions that are wrought under the Sunne and behold the tears of the oppressed and none comforteth them and loe the strength is of the hand of them that oppresse them and none comforteth them wherefore I praised the dead which now are dead above the living which are yet alive Numb 23.10 Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like unto his the death of the righteous is greatly to be desired Psal ●8 14 God is our God for ever an ever he shall be our guide unto death Psal 116.15 Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Prov. 14.32 The wicked shall be cast away for his malice but the righteous hath hope in his death Love the Lord thy God and therein thou shalt have comfort and great joy in all conditions whatsoever for love is stronger then death and our God will destroy death for ever Isa 25.8 Hear with great joy the word of the Lord to them that love him Hoseah 13.14 I will redeem them from the power of the grave I will deliver them from death O death I will be thy death O grave I will be thy destruction repentance is hid from my eyes Rom. 5.10 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life Chap. 8. ver 2. For the Law of the spirit of life which is in Christ Jesus hath freed me from the Law of sinne and of death Psal 42.1 2. As the Hart brayeth for the rivers of waters so panteth my soul after thee O God My soul thirsteth for God even for the living God when shall I come and appear before the presence of God IX A fourth Comfort in Death Our Saviour Jesus died in pain farre greater then ours and also a most ignominious and shamefull death and all for our sinnes it were happy for us that we could imitate in some measure his sufferings for us because his purity in the least degree or part we cannot He suffered most freely for us contrary to the cry and call of our rebellions even at that time against him when he could have got as much honour in our condemnation and have been rescued from those sufferings by more then twelve legions of Angels He hath willingly suffered to parchace eternall life for us as we ought truly to beleeve Therefore this being his appointed Crosse for us let us take it up carry it and follow him therewith rejoycing that we through his mercy are accepted of him as worthy to obtain and doe his service much more may we rejoyce that we in his goodnesse should have promise to raign with him for ever Amen Besides our blessed Saviours incarnation in coming from his Throne of eternall God-head to take upon him the form of a servant his being laid in the manger not having whereon to rest his head his many weepings and sorrowings for the sinnes of the world Read with true sorrow and repentance that thy sinnes should cause him such a death
perfectly to serve thee the God of our Fathers although we be not clensed according to the purification of the Sanctuary O Lord we beseech thee let thy loving kindnesse and thy mercie to poor miserable sinners in Jesus direct our hearts as the hearts of thy elected servants to pray unto thy sacred Majestie in spirit and truth and we humbly beseech thee let thy ears hearken to our praiers and the praiers of all thy servants who desire to fear thy Name Two things we most humbly beg of thee O our mercy denie us not them before we die Remove farre from us vanity and lies Give us neither poverty nor riches feed us with food convenient for us least we be full and denie thee and say Who is the Lord or least we be poor and steale and take the Name of our God in vaine so we will praise thee O Lord in the power of thy might saying Thou wast angry with us because of our mighty sinnes provoking thee but thy wrath is turned away and thou comfortest us Thou art our preserver and our refuge we will trust and will not feare for thou Lord God art our strength and long and our salvation O our good and blessed Lord and King in the power of thy mercie we will extoll thee and will blesse thy Name for ever and ever Praise ye the Lord O our soules we will praise the Lord during our lives as long as we have any being we will sing unto our God O our God blessed is the man unto whom thou imputest not iniquity O teach us thy statutes Teach us to pray unto thee in a time when thou maist be found Thou art our secret place thou preservest us from trouble thou compassest us about with joyfull deliverance because thy mercie endures for ever O instruct us and teach us the way that we should goe and guide us with thine eye least we be like the horse and mule which have no understanding O our loving God give us grace to trust in thee that thy mercie may compasse us and that we may rejoice in thy salvation and give thee praise with all the faculties both of our souls and bodies continually O cause us to trust truly in thee for so we shall not perish Give us grace and strength O Lord by the power of thy saving spirit in Jesu truly to humble our selves for the afflictions and sinnes of our enemies so in thy mercie shall our praiers return into our own bosomes but doe thou save and comfort them O Lord for thy goodnesse and let it be thy will O God that our tongue utter thy righteousnesse and thy praise every day We desire to doe thy will O our God yea thy Law is within our hearts deale with thy servants according to thy mercies and teach us thy statutes we are thy servants grant us therefore understanding that we may know thy testimonies we love thy Commandements above gold yea above fine gold therefore we esteem all thy precepts most just and hate all false waies Thy testimonies are wonderfull therefore doth my soul keep them The entrance into thy word sheweth light and giveth understanding to the simple Look upon us O Lord and be mercifull unto us as thou usest to doe unto them that love thy Name Direct our steps in thy Word and let none iniquity have dominion over us shew the light of thy countenance upon thy servants and teach us thy statutes Righteous art thou O Lord and just in thy judgments Trouble and anguish are come upon us yet are thy Commandements our delight The righteousnesse of thy testimonies is everlasting O grant us understanding and we shall live Hear our voice O Lord according to thy loving kindnesse O quicken us according to thy judgments Great are thy tender mercies O Lord quicken us according to thy free mercy and thy goodnesse Doubtlesse thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israell know us not yet thou O Lord art our Father and our Redeemer thy Name is for ever O give us thy saving spirit of life in Jesus from Heaven for we can receive nothing except it be given us from Heaven O Lord why hast thou made us to erre from thy waies and hardned our hearts from thy feare returne for thy servants sake and for our Saviour Jesus Christ his sake doe thou write our Names in the book of life with thy servants Let our complaints come before thee O Lord and give us understanding according to thy word Let our supplications come before thee O Lord and deliver us according to thy promise Our lipps shall speak thy praise O God when thou hast taught us thy statutes Our tongues shall treat of thy word for all thy Commandements are righteous Let thy hand help us for we have chosen thy precepts We have longed for thy salvation O Lord and thy Law is our delight Let our souls live and they shall praise thee and thy judgments shall help us We have gone astray like lost sheep seek thy servants for we doe not forget thy Commandements Our sinnes O Lord our sinnes they have taken hold of us that we cannot look up they are more in number then the hairs of our heads therefore our hearts have failed us Let it please thee O Lord to deliver us make haste O God to help us Our souls thirst for God even for the living God when shall we come and appear before the presence of God O God thou art our guide for ever have mercy upon us according to thy loving kindnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away our offences Wash us throughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sinnes for we know our iniquities and our sinnes are ever before us Against thee against thee onely have we sinned and done evill in thy sight that thou mayest be just when thou speakest and pure when thou judgest behold we were born in iniquity and in sinne have our mothers conceived us Thou O Lord lovest truth in the heart therefore give us wisdome in our inward affections Purge us with hysop and we shall be clean wash us and we shall be whiter then snow make us to hear of joy and gladnesse that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoyce Hide thy face O Lord from our sinnes and put away all our iniquities Create in us clean hearts O Lord and renew right spirits within us O cast us not away from thy presence and take not thy holy spirit from us Open thou our lips O Lord and our mouthes shall shew forth thy praise Deliver us from bloud O God of our salvation and from the secret trapps of our deadly enemy Have mercy upon us O God have mercy upon us for our soul trusteth in thee and in the shadow of thy wings will we trust till the afflictions of our sinning against thee be overpast We will call upon the most high God even to the God that performeth his promise towards us We will
profession I esteem it a calling most subject to temptations and therefore spiritually dangerous if not with most serious care performed Luk. 3.14 Wherein I doe not condemn or wholly disallow in any case the taking up of Arms but I counsell and advise that it be not undertaken without most pious care and circumspection which may by the mercy of the God of hosts obtain his blessed guidance and direction and preservation from those manifold dangerous allurements and temptations incident to that imployment which strongly presse to the distraction of the soul with which the body must participate Time is a root that certainly brings forth many branches many casualties and changes it doth produce to all mortality and nothing befits a man better to entertain such passages then such a calling and imployment as when evill presents it self to us we may have ready at hand honest and just actions to assist pious and holy meditations from which we by the gracious mercy of God shall receive much comfort and never be ashamed whereas idlenesse and want of good and honest action is a root for any evill Psal 103.26 All of them shall wax old as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed Hos 4.7 And they sinned against me therefore will I change their glory into shame Isa 65.21 They shall build houses and inhabit them and they shall plant vineyards and cat the fruit thereof And 66. v. 2. For all those things hath my hand made and all those things have been saith the Lord but to this man will I look even to him that is pure and of a contrite spirit and that trembleth at my word 2 Cor. 7.1 Let us cleanse our selves from all filthinesse of the flesh Gal. 5.16 Walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Ver. 19. Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are those adultery fornication uncleannesse lasciviousnesse c. Prov. 19.14 Houses and riches are inheritances of the fathers but a prudent wife is from the Lord. Ver. 2. The contentions of a wife is a continuall dropping 1 Cor. 7.8 I say therefore to the unmarried and widdowes it is good for them if they abide as I. Ver. 9. But if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry then to burn Matth. 19.12 And there be Eunuches which make themselves Eunuches for the kingdome of heavens sake Psal 106.39 Thus they were defiled with their own works Prov. 11.14 Where no counsell is the people fall but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety And 15.22 Without counsell purposes are disappointed but in the multitude of counsellors they are established Psal 1.1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsell of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornfull And 73.24 Thou shalt guid me with thy counsell and afterwards receive me into glory Jer. 40.7 Is counsell perished from the prudent is their wisdome vanished Psal 106.13 They soon forgat his works they waited not for his counsell Ver. 14. But lusted excredingly in the wildernesse and tempted God in the desart Ver. 15. And he gave them their request but sent leannesse into their souls Prov. 8.11 Wisdome is better then rubies and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to her And v. 14. Counsell is mine and sound wisdome I am understanding and have strength Ver. 19. My fruite is better then Gold yea then fine Gold and my revenue then choice Silver Ver. 20. I leade in the way of righteousness in the middest of the paths of judgement Prov. 7.1 c. My Sonne keepe my commandements and hide my words with thee keepe my commmandements and live and my law as the apple of thy eye binde them upon thy fingers write them upon the tables of thy heart say unto wisedome thou art my Sister and call understanding thy Kinswoman that they may keepe thee from the strange woman from the stranger which flattereth with her words Ver. ● I descried among the youth a young man voide of understanding Ver. 10. And behold there met him a woman with the attire of an Harlot and subtile of heart she is loud and stubborne h●r feet abide not in her house for she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him I have peace offering with me this day have I paid my vowes therefore come I forth to meet thee dilligently to seek thy face and have found it Ver. 18. Come let us take our fill of love Ver. 21. With much faire speech she caused him to yeeld with the flattering of her lippes she forced him Ver. 22. He goes after her straight way as an Ox goeth to the slaughter or as a foole to the correction of the stockes Ver. 23. Till a dart strike through his liver as a bird hasteth to the snare and knoweth not that it is for his life Prov. 6.23 The commandement is a lampe and the law is light and reproofes of instruction are the way of life Ver. 24. To keepe thee from the evill woman from the flattery of the tongue of the strange woman Ver. 25. Lust not after her beauty in thy heart neither let her take thee with her eye-lids Ver. 27. Can a man take fire in his bosome and his cloathes not be burnt Gal. 5.6 This I say walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Jam. 1.4 Every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lusts and entised Ver. 15. When lust is conceived it bringeth forth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth forth death 1 Joh. 2.16 17. For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but of the world and the world passeth away and the lusts thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth for ever THe next Age still goeth on in Manhood although in it if we observe we shall finde of necessity many extraordinary changes and alterations therefore now we are entred into this promised Land of our pilgrimage and have in some measure destroyed the wicked it is convenient in this place to seek out a fitting habitation that so we may plant a Vineyard and drink the wine thereof with thankfullnesse here is the blessed gift of Chastity much required about this time and before this too oft and too soon fond youth is apt to think it is not good to be alone there is much promised relicity in a married life but how narrow is the way that leads to this most difficult happinesse how many thousand wayes are there that lead to misery in it If thou meanest to take upon thee a married life seek earnestly by prayer and true reason for heavenly guidance in it that which can be but once done how great need is there that it be well done
mortality Divine dreames are most happy entertainments of rest thereby the sleeping of the body may be the waking of the soul Therefore thus My slumbring brain foretells the night Me safely guard thou God of might Let not my sinnes that raging swell My blessed tutelar expell But let thy works that once were good Have from thy grace their daily food Let not my sinnes black as the night Eclipse the lustre of thy light Thou art my everlasting yeares Where thou art nought but day appears Thou to whom both day and night Make an individuall light Guard we from that secret power That would thee and thine devour Let no dreames my head infest But such as will me wake more blest While I doe rest my soul advance My sleep let be a holy trance That waking I may rise from rest With sacred thoughts and knowledge blest And with as active vigour runne Therein as doth the nimble Sunne Death seems a sleep O make me tell How sleep and death doe paralell And joy as much to lay my head In grave as in perfumed bed But Lord both sleeping and awake My soul into thy arms re-take And though it be since thence it came Polluted with my bodies shame Yet doe not Lord thy own decline Thou art our God and we are thine And thus assur'd behold I lie Securely or to wake or die Here I a Pilgrim can but call At every stage must rest or fall O come that hour when thou shalt please Which is my everlasting ease And then convert beyond all measure My soul into thy perfect pleasure Amen Reason DOst ' reason why when youth and strength is past In foul transgression ' gainst thy Makers Lawes That fainting age when life is near at last Should obtain pardon is there any cause Though true repentance never be too late It 's rarely true that's of so short a date And if not true then woe unto thy sinne It 's no repentance then of least accept Great need of penitence so soon as sinne So soon as wearied wombe her charge hath left Then we that would true comfort have in death Had need prevent betime repent with breath The ten Ages MY little Infant patient be and still In Childhood meeknesse must command thy will Youth be thou temperate and let man-hood be Acted in prudence and humility Man-hood is made for labour and as health Is gain'd by constant action so in health True fortitude in man-hood claims a part And watchfullnesse is ground for every art True justice and sound judgment merit praise That we in wisdome may conclude our dayes The Metaphor WHo enters first a new Plantation Must wander yet oppose temptation And passing Jordan must suppresse the flood Of wickednesse and must protect the good Next chastly he must labour a Plantation Planting good fruit fit for a habitation Then be must nourish and preserve the same Least wilde devouring beasts destroy the frame Then make good Laws which right to all doe give Whose execution maketh for to live Humility IN marriage and in single life it 's best under thy fortune or estate to live So thou command'st it not it thee and rest is never sound where men and women give Themselves to thoughts of vain ambition and would themselves and children raise up high They are deluded by the vain tradition that it is good for it is bad and nigh To sad destruction thus we see full oft that pinnacles and lofty topps are torne And fond conceits of soaring high aloft are alwayes ruin'd vexed and forlorne With those that waver tost with every winde who on true providence unsetled be Whose miseries are form'd of every kinde but peace is hand-maid to humility BLest is the man whom God doth teach his precepts secretly To whom his sacred arm doth reach beyond false sophistry To whom dark silence learned hath from the eternall grace The perfect walk in sacred path which sinne doth not deface To whom true mercy doth confute the vanities of men Who doe contend in much dispute how God to serve and when This precious pearl who hath obtain'd and this selected stone The perfect way hath cleerly gain'd To serve the holy one Why Sinne is forbidden and Righteousnesse commanded THe true reason why almighty God is offended with sinne is not because thereby we wound his sacred person but because thereby we destroy our selves by unfitting us and making our selves uncapeable of his mercy prepared for the works of his own hands whereby onely is our salvation So his commands of obebience to his sacred Laws is not out of any gain or benefit to himself but from his willingnesse and desire of our eternall life and that therein his saving mercy may be sufficient for our salvation so then the whole benefit of avoiding evill and doing good is principally and chiefly to our selves Psal 50.9 10 11 12. I will take no bullock out of thy house nor hee-Goat out of thy foldes for all the beasts of the forest are mine and so are the cattell upon a thousand hills I know all the fowles upon the mountains and the wilde beasts of the field are in my sight If I be hungry I will not tell it thee for the whole world is mine and all that is therein The chief drift and end of all divine instruction is to admonish and lead us to upright holinesse in life and conversation which is the certain path of eternall peace THrice blest is he whose Name is writ above That doeth good though gaining infamy Requiteth evill turns with hearty love And wreaks not what befalls him outwardly Whose worth is in himself and onely blisse In his pure conscience that doth nought amisse That planteth treasure in his spotlesse soule And vertuous life his treasure doth esteeme That doth his passions master and controule And yet true Lordly manlinesse doth deeme That from this world himself hath clearly quit Counts nought his own but what dwells in his spirit So when his spirit from this vain world doth flit It takes all with it whatsoever was dear Unto it self passing in quiet flit As kindly ripened corn dropps from the ear And heeding nought what idle folk doe say He takes his own and stilly goes away D. MORE The Life and Death of E.M. AS by the fruit the Tree is plainly known So by thy Vertues are thy Parents shown Persons of quality knowledge and estate Thereby more fit true duty to relate To God their Countrey and to each degree That Adams off-spring are by pedigree Thy Infancy thy Child-hood and thy years Well nigh till Twenty one was without fears Of marriage-troubles whence thou took thy flight To Governours and Parents great delight With whose consent whose charge and pious care Into like pious family you were Planted by marriage where did grow like he That bore like fruit that well appear'd in thee Thy first-born Childe from accident unknown Abortive was or was an Embryon Nine more thou hadst into the Church baptiz'd
I will appoint over them four kindes saith the Lord The Sword to slay the Doggs to tear in pieces and the Fowles of the Heaven and the Beasts of the Earth to devour and to destroy 2 Sam. 17.14 For the Lord had determined or appointed to destroy the good counsell of A hithophell that he might bring evill upon Absolon 2 Chron. 33 8. Neither will I make the foot of Israell to remove any more out of the Land which I have appointed for your fathers so that they take heed and doe all that I have appointed them Job 7.3 Painfull nights have been appointed me And 14.5 Are not his dayes determined the number of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds which he cannot passe Ver. 14. All the dayes of my appointed time will I wait untill my change come O preserve thou those that are appointed to die Micha 6.9 Hear the rodd and who hath appointed it Job 7.1 Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth and are not his dayes as the dayes of an hireling Dan. 8.19 And he said Behold I will shew thee what shall be in the last wrath for in the end of the time appointed it shall come Dan. 10.1 But the time appointed was long c. wherefore wait thou the pleasure and appointment of God patiently and rejoyce in all conditions to wait his will And Chap. 11. Ver. 27. And both those Kings hearts shall be to doe mischief and they shall talke of deceit at one table but it shall not availe for yet the end shall be at the time appointed at the time appointed he shall return for there is a time appointed Ver. 29 35. Acts 17.26 And hath made of one blood all man-kindeto dwell on all the face of the earth and hath assigned the times which were ordained before and the bounds of their habitation Job 16.22 For the years accompted come and I shall goe the way whence I shall not return 2 Sam. 7.12 And when thy dayes be fullfilled thou shalt sleep with thy fathers Deut 31.14 Then the Lord said to Moses Behold thy dayes are come that thou must die III. Comfort Take comfort from this that the will of God is the best for us and that we our selves know not what is the best for us and therefore we may well rejoyce that his will is done and not ours save onely when it suites with his in Christ which is surely best for us Numb 27.16 God is the Lord of the spirits of all flesh Deut. 8.3 Therefore he humbled thee and made thee hungry and fed thee with Man which thou knewest not neither did thy fathers know it that he might teach thee that man liveth not by bread onely but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live Eccl. 7.2 Who knowes what 's good for a man in this life in the number of the dayes of the life of his vanity seeing he maketh them as a shadow Jer. 42.6 Whether it be good or evill we will obey the voice of the Lord God to whom we send thee that it may be well with us when we obey the voice of the Lord our God Psal 39.5 Surely every man in his best estate is altogether vanity therefore let us say with joy as Matth. 6.10 Thy will be done O God in earth as it is in Heaven And with our blessed Saviour Mat. 26.42 O my Father if this cup may not passe from me but that I must drink it thy will be done Let us with David Psal 143.10 desire our God to teach us his will and then with him Psal 40.8 let us delight to doe it for our God is good and his mercy endures for ever Selah IV. Comfort Take comfort in Sicknesse because the will of God is there n done which is for the best for us and let it be the joy of our souls in all conditions that his will is done in Jesus Christ for ever Amen Psal 115.3 Our God is in Heaven he doth whatsoever he will Job 30.4 None knowes the secrets of God Who hath ascended up into Heaven and descended who hath gathered the winde in his fist who hath bound the waters in a garment who hath established all the ends of the world what is his Name or what is his sonnes Name if thou canst tell Phil. 4 1● Let us be carefull with St Paul to learn in whatsoever state or condition we are to be therewith content both to be full and to be hungry to abound and to want for we may doe all things through the help of God our Saviour Matth. 4.34 Let us truly say with our blessed Saviour My meat is to doe the will of him that sent me and finish his work Say with the Apostle Acts 21.14 The will of the Lord be done And as Eph. 4.7 Be not unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is and sing with melody in your hearts to the Lord. And say with Job Job 5.17 Blessed is the man whom God correcteth therefore refuse not thou the chastening of the Almighty Prov 3 1● For the Lord correcteth him whom he loveth even as the father doth the childe in whom he delighteth Onely thus pray in true love to thy God and Saviour and with an humble and a contrite heart Jer. 10.24 O Lord correct me but with judgement not in thine anger least thou bring me to nothing Then examine thy soul and be sure God will by his Spirit reveal to thee and will conclude of thee as he did to his people whom he had corrected Jer. 30.11 I am with thee to save thee though I utterly destroy all the nations where I have scattered thee yet will I not utterly destroy thee but I will correct thee by judgement and not utterly cut thee off And Jer. 46.28 Fear thou not O Jacob my servant saith the Lord for I am with thee and I will utterly destroy all the nations whether I have driven thee but I will not destroy thee but correct thee by judgement and not utterly cut thee off Therefore blesse our good God in and for all the conditions of thy pilgrimage and say with David Psal 143. Hear my prayer O Lord give ear to my supplication in thy faithfullnesse answer me and in thy righteousnesse and enter not into judgement with thy servant for in thy sight shall no man living be justified For the enemy viz. sinne and Satan hath persecuted my soul he hath smitten my life down to the ground He hath made me to dwell in darknesse as those that have been long dead therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me and my heart within me is desolate I remember the dayes of old I meditate on all thy works I muse on the works of thy hands I stretch out my hands unto thee my soul thirsteth after thee as a thirsty land Selah Hear me speedily O Lord my spirit faileth hide not thy face from me least I be like to
though there were neither Hell of his justice nor Heaven of his mercy 2. True love will choose rather to serve our good God in Hell for ever if it could more fully and better do him perfect service in those flames then to be for ever in the highest joyes of Heaven these not to serve him as fully and as truly 3. To desire the eternall and whole conversion of thy soul and body for ever into the everlasting service of thy good Creatour in true love and to finde therein thy true peace is true love Love truly converted into the will of God is Heaven and those that are so converted may be said to be in Heaven upon earth for neither love nor Heaven can here be perfect but although they be still in their earthly tabernacles they have heavenly peace both of minde and conscience which cannot be quite taken from them although here must be no perfection whereby the whole will of almighty God without which either by appointment or permission nothing comes to passe is the true joy and content of their mindes wills and souls The love of our good Father is shown to us in his Sonne Jesus who as it were took satisfaction for our sinnes in his sufferings that his justice being satisfied in the sufferings death and passion of our Saviour Jesus we might have onely the mercy of our good Father to appear before which in his eternall love to us is sufficient for our Salvation when the justice of our good God could no other wayes be satisfied but by our damnation The great and unexpressible love prevailed with the sacred Deity for us when our Saviour Jesus could have been rescued from his sufferings for us with more then twelve legions of Angels and when he could have had as great honour if not greater in our condemnation then in our salvation Let our souls and bodies then with all their faculties be converted into the true love of our Saviour Jesus for ever For His 1. Coming down from his Fathers right-hand from his being God with his Father for ever 2. Poverty that thou mightest be rich 3. Not having whereon to lay his head 4. Wandrings and fastings and prayers for thee 5. Being betrayed 6. Being apprehended as a malefactor 7. Being fasly accused 8. Scarlet robe of derision 9. Crowne of Thornes 10. Being condemned 11. Nayling to the Crosse 12. Cruell thirst 13. Sweating bloud 14. Side stricken with a spear 15. Bleeding water and bloud at that wound 16. Sufferings from his cradle to his grave 17. Bitter passion causing him to cry My God my God why hast thou forsaken me 18. Lying in the grave 19. Resurrection 20. Now sitting at the right-hand of his Father and in him our Father in Heaven there asking the forgivenesse of all our sinnes of his Father who never denies him any thing Wherefore let us stand at the foot of the Crosse of this our Saviour weeping for sorrow that our sinnes caused his sufferings but for joy that through his infinite love shewed therein we are freed from sinne death and hell and have a place prepared in the power of his might where we shall see and partake of his blessed glory as his elected servants for ever Amen Thou needest not to fear death for thy Saviour hath destroyed the sting of death that is the Devill Read Heb. 2.14 15 16 17 18 verses there 's comfort enough in any condition the words are these Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him which had the power of death that is the Devill And deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time subject to bondage For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham wherefore in all things it became him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and a faithfull High-Priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted he is able to succour them that are tempted See an admirable expression of the infinite love of God which may preserve us from despair and may give us true joy from our humble desires to serve him though we cannot desire much more perfectly serve him as we ought Isa 40.1 2. Comfort ye comfort ye my people will your God say speak comfortably to Jerusalem and say unto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquities are pardoned From hence is sweet and solid comfort in all conditions An humble Prayer O Lord remember thy mercies draw me unto the Sonne of thy love Psal 139.23 24. and lead me in the way of thy precepts Try me O God and know my heart prove me and know my thoughts and consider if there be any way of wickednesse in me and lead me in the way for ever 5.8 Lead me O Lord in thy righteousnesse because of my enemies 27.11 make thy way plain before my face Teach me thy way O Lord and lead me in a right path because of my enemies by enemies understand inward and outward of the soul and of the body but especially those inward enemies which are the ruin and destruction of both 31.3 For thou art my rock and my fortresse therefore for thy Name sake 43.3 direct and guide me Send thy light and thy truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy holy mountains and unto thy tabernacles 143.10 Teach me to doe thy will for thou art my God let thy good Spirit lead me unto the land of righteousnesse Draw me O God and I will runne after thee Cant. 1.4 Psal 28.3 Job 7.16 Draw me not away with the wicked and with the workers of iniquity I shall not live alwaies O spare me then for my daies are but vanity I rejoice O Lord my God in thy love because thou art mercifull and wilt spare me as a man spareth his sonne that serveth him for thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou art my good Father O my Creatour thou wilt not punish me nor impute to me my Originall sinnes which descended upon me from the wicked rebellion of my first parents even as my body is from them but the soul that sinneth and doth not look towards thee nor desire thy gracious gift of true repentance it shall die Yet art thou O my good Father wholly and only good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou wilt not punish the presumptuous sinnes and vanities of my youth for thou art good and thy mercy endures for ever Selah Thou delightest not in the death of a sinner O God but wouldst that all should be converted from their evill waies and live Thou art my All-sufficient God of mercy whose will is all things both in Heaven and earth I trust in Jesus thy only Sonne my Saviour
eternity To incorruptible felicity And though our call doth nature oft prevent Yet when shee 's let alone she fairly deales And though she fixt to warmed life be sent To fit our death yet see how oft she steales To us her warnings as with dimmed sight And theumy eyes instead of bright and cleare To make us see our death for want of light And let us know there 's no long being here Again she warnes by some decay in Teeth Or by a haire that turnes to Lilly white Or by some shaking Palsie which all seeth Or feeble knees or paines by day or night Or hands benum'd or hearing almost lost Or smelling gone which should refresh the braine Or relishing in taste whose choicest gust Is to prepare her guests to entertaine Of all her warnings the true meaning is To let us know shee 'le shortly lead us home And leave us in our woe or in our blisse As we to her have good or evill done As earthly pilgrims while she did sojourne And form her self according to our will With us in houses underneath the Sunne Obediently performing good or ill Then cheer my soul and doe not fear to live Nor will to die but take unto thy guard Securest diligence which doth alwayes give Assurance of hope and due reward In power of the merit of our Jesus And love of God shew'd in his onely Sonne By which dear love he never failes to ease us When earthly joyes and earthly friends are gone Then are we freed to all Eternity From sinne and death and hell and surely then Into true love we shall converted be Unto our God which Heaven is Amen The Offring I Will offer to my onely Good an humble and a contrite heart and my joyfull submission unto his dispose and pleasure for ever I will offer unto his most blessed Majesty his own most gracious love to the works of his own hands I will also offer the blessed conception birth life passion and merit of his sacred Sonne my Saviour Jesus in whom I beleeve O my Eternall Good helpe my unbeliefe and for thy mercy sake give and rightly perfect in me true and saving knowledge and assurance in the infinite mercy of thee my onely Good shewed by thy gracious reconcilement unto me in and through Jesus Christ I will most humbly offer a most willing heart humbly begging of my Eternall Good the blessed guidance of his sacred Spirit to conform and leade my weake and timorous belief aright and to satisfie settle and confirm it in his truth I will also offer unto his gracious goodnesse my most humble and joyfull submissive obedience unto the direction and commands of his most gracious Spirit which I humbly crave may be so powerfull and strong in me that the influence and advantage which the world flesh and devill have against me by reason of my sinne and corruption may not in the least sort be able to move or draw me from yeelding and giving all willing and joyfull submission and obedience thereto but that I may perfectly as I am wholly the creature of my Creator be converted into his perfect will and service and therein rest in perfect joy and peace for ever and this for his onely mercy and goodnesse sake Amen Therefore thus Faine would I have a Royall Sacrifice Worth the presentment to my sacred Good Faine would I finde the Pearle of precious price That by my Saviour so was understood I trust it was with which I 'le here commence An humble soul fram'd of obedience For sure all earthly things are much too vaine Too much corrupted by the fall of man Too much rebellion doth this earth sustaine Too much oppression underneath the Sunne Too little worth they are my Good did make And give me these what need he then retake So is the will and deed to work aright His onely gift but in another sense For outward gifts are unto all alike But holy will and deed arise from hence From God's free love on souls by sacred Spirit As new-born babes prepared to inherit Wherefore my Sacrifice is onely this An humble heart a broken contrite soule Cause me to know it is my onely blisse My onely happinesse without controle To doe thy will make me fit instrument I 'me thine and not my own I 'me full content Belief I do believe that Almighty God is and that he is the rewarder of all them that diligently seeke him I do believe he hath incomprehensible mercy and justice towards all the works of his own hands I do believe that they shall come from all quarters of the world and sit down at his Eternall Table and receive of his infinite bounty I do believe that Almighty God is perfect goodnesse and mercy and justice it self and whoever feareth him and worketh righteousnesse shall be accepted of him I do believe he is the Creator and disposer of all things and this after a manner wholly incomprehensible to mortality I do believe his own beeing and proceeding is onely from himself and is to mortality likewise incomprehensible I do also believe the Apostles Creed concerning the sacred Trinity the Confession of Athanasius and the Confirmation thereof by the Reformed Church of England whereof the providence of my good Creator hath made me a member but in these I must espcially say Good Lord help my unbelief and guide and hold me by thy good and unresistible power in thy blessed service for ever Amen I do believe that with almighty God all things are possible and that his gracious mercy is above all his works And therefore Jesus Christ may be and I believe but Lord help and direct aright my unbelief that he is his onely begotten Sonne and yet conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin Mary that he suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried and descended into hell and the third day rose again from the dead and ascended into Heaven and si●teth there on the right hand of God the Father almighty from whence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead I do believe there is a selected number of Saints in this world which may be comprehended by the holy Catholick Church and that they shall have an eternall communion and fellowship together after this life and that they shall have all their sinnes freely forgiven them and also shall rise together in eternall life at the generall resurrection of which number I believe and trust my self with ot ers more to be for which free and incomprehensible grace I desire with all Saints to give everlasting praise and thanks and to doe everlasting most perfect service unto my good Creator forever Amen I doe also believe in the Holy Ghost and that this sacred Spirit is proceeding from the sacred Deity of the Father and the Sonne which being sent to command and take possession of our souls for the use as it were of the sacred God head we are thereby made fit workers and labourers
Give thou O God and frame thy servant thankfully to see his yearly gain for his hourly service his eternall joy for his temporall grief the infinite rest from his finite sufferings How fit is it O my Father that I should as well suffer as raigne with my Saviour and to know that the present afflictions of this life are unworthy of the joyes that in thy most free and gracious mercy shall be revealed and given unto me O my good Father give unto me thy most evill deserving childe all those sweet and blessed scourges crosses and afflictions even whatsoever is necessary and needfull to frame my impersect soul and body fit for thy eternall and most perfect service And truly O my Father although I were to have of thy justice my self-condemning sentence to all eternity so soon as this life is ended yet my serious thoughts would not make choice to spend my time in sinfull vain delights but would rather choose thy fatherly chastisement and corrections temporall although they also were to be as I deserve eternall for thy corrections as all that proceedeth immediately from thee my God are sweete they sad the countenance thereby making the heart better I submit wholly to thy will O my eternall Good To be thy servant is my Heaven for thou art the Lord my God and I am thine Thou art the will and the deed O my God guide me for thy Names sake to doe thee service and in thy goodnesse accept of my desire thy own most gracious gift suffer not sinne O my Father to raigne in my corrupted mortall body let not my soul offend my God however my body may offend him let not my will offend my God however my actions may offend thee but let the desires of my soul and the inclinations of my spirit be so commanded by thy sacred power that they may truly will and doe thee true and perfect service now and for ever and doe thou for thy own mercies sake to the works of thy own hands and for the merits of Jesus Christ thy onely Sonne my Saviour convert my most imperfect will into most perfect actions in thy most perfect and everlasting service And when these dayes of my sinfull pilgrimage are ended when I return to thee my God my hope my joy from this my earthly tabernacle doe thou O my blessed Creator re-create my soul and body that so thy blessed will may be my eternall perfect joy and comfort and that to be thy servant wheresoever and howsoever may be the blessed Heaven of my soul and body for ever O my Good Eternity I doe not onely humbly crave these mercies and what is necessary to salvation which is the perfect admittance into thy sacred service for my self and such as are near to me in this life but also that it be thy blessed will even for all that thou hast appointed to immortality in thy gracious converting of sinners from the wickednesse of their waies that so if it be thy blessed will to whom all things are possible we might be all as one flock under thee the great and gracious shepheard of our soules that so the number of thy elect being accomplished the blessed resurrection may appear before thee and we become fit inhabitants for that new Heaven and new earth which thou hast appointed and sinne and sorrow may cease from us thy unworthy servants And further my humble suit is that thou wouldest give us to see all thy gracious dispensations towards us in this life to know that nothing falls upon us by chance and fortune but by thy especiall providence and appointment Give us to know we are not our own but thine and that it is most right thou shouldest dispose of thy own for ever make us to rejoice onely in thy dispose for that thou art most good and gracious and knowest better what is best for us than we can know or aske Now O my good Creator take us into thy almighty protection and direction for ever thou hast been wonderfull in mercy and goodnesse to every one of us thou hast delivered infinite of us from infinite evils which we see others visited with which we may justly judge deserve better at thy hands then we have done we humbly beseech thee let this thy mercy lead us to repentance and make us to love thee as thou hast loved us that hath not spared thy Son to death for us that so thy justice being satisfied in his sufferings for our sinnes which could no otherwise have beene satisfied but in our damnation thy mercy may be sufficient for our salvation and although I have provoked thy justice by my daily sinnes to my just condemnation yet doe I cast my soul and body even for its eternity upon thy mercy and doe disclaime all other judgment then thy gracious pleasure in which I will in thy gracious strength with peace rejoice and therein rest for ever Wherefore to thee O gracious Father to thee O sacred Sonne to thee O eternall Spirit three persons but one everlasting God be ascribed as is most due all honour glory and praise by thy whole creation now and for ever Amen The Blessing O Blessed Childe whose parts his age out-run Whose vertues stile him man before his stature Each eye beholds him as ' the rising Sunne Each heart applauds him as a Pearle in nature Yea very strangers blesse his hopefull breeding And breathe out prayers to his happy speeding But when fresh springing budds proove canker-fretted With taint of vice or rust of happy sloth Their dearest friends that see their hopes defeated To speak them fair or deigne a look are loth But view such noysome weeds with nausious scorn Yea parents wish ill-thriving plants unborn The fear of God doth only guide aright The perfect way to sacred wisdom's treasure Then let this fear direct with powerfull might Thy twisted thred spun out by natures leasure So with thy daies thy saving health will grow To perfect joy in sins just overthrow Let Heavens powre down their sweetest influence let them enrich you with the earth's best treasures Let them withall instill Truths Quintessence heavens joyes doe far surmount all earthly pleasures Let the celestiall powers you guard and guide and countermine when wicked powers conspire Let spotlesse blood which ran from harmlesse side quench unto you the ever burning fire And let the winged Posts void of delayes from glorious Throne whom great Jehovah sendeth Translate your souls when death shall end your daies to that celestiall blisse which never endeth FINIS An Index or Table directing to severall Points and Discourses in this Book THe Authors Epistle Parents and Children travell together towards the grave Parents must give an account for their Children Children must herein assist their Parents We should live together here as we would live together hereafter Hence take comfort in the dissolution of godly friends that we shall goe to them and shall never part page 2. Our constant work Beware of