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A36281 Domestick devotions for the use of families and of particular persons whereunto are prefixed some earnest perswasives to prayer and devotion. 1683 (1683) Wing D1842; ESTC R3307 94,764 289

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St. Pauls account to be they who call upon the name of Christ and to be Christians are one and the same o 1 Cor. 1. 2. There being so much of piety and holiness in this one duty therefore 't is that God is so pleas'd with it for the Prayer of the righteous is his delight p Prov. 15. 8. And we may observe that when he had erected a Temple for his honour among the Jews though Sacrifices and other religious Offices were perform'd in it yet he was pleased to give it a name with respect to Prayer as the most eminent part of his service My house shall be called an house of Prayer for all people q Isa 56. 7. 3. Prayer is an excellent remedy to which we may have recourse in all the ills of our life and 't is a means proper and suitable whatever our condition or distress may be when encompass'd with dangers or overwhelm'd with grief persecuted by men or tempted by Satan When under disappointment losses or want When distemper'd in body or diseased in mind I say in these and other like cases we may by Prayer betake our selves to God who hath a Salve for every Sore who doth know how to deliver and is able to do it When the righteous do Cry unto him he heareth them and delivereth them out of all their troubles r Psal 34. 17. He will be a refuge for the oppressed a refuge in times of trouble and they who know his name will trust in him ſ Psal 9. 9 10. The name of the Lord is a strong Tower the righteous runneth into it and is safe t Prov. 18. 10. And therefore we are directed in Scripture to the use of Prayer when we are in any distress Call upon me in the day of trouble Psal 50. 15. Is any man among you afflicted Let him pray Jam. 5. 13. And it is prescrib'd in the Verse following as the best receipt for a sick man that the Elders of the City be sent for to pray over him 4. This exercise of Devotion is exceeding pleasant and delightsom It was so to David and therefore he said O how amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of hosts My Soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord u Psal 84. 1 2. And 't is the welcom which God doth promise to them who shall come to his worship that he will make them joyfull in his house of prayer w Isa 56. 7. It must be confess'd that this holy duty is not so pleasing to all persons there being some to whom the service of God is an irksom drudgery and they quickly say What a weariness is it x M. l. 1. 13. But the minds of such men are earthly and sensual whence it is they savour nothing that is spiritual and while they continue no better dispos'd the entertainments of Heaven it self would not relish to them To other whose souls are purified and by the practices of Religion wrought into an heavenly and devout temper the Worship of God is not a burden but pleasure and they can experimentally say with the Psalmist One day in thy Courts is better than a thousand for it must needs delight any man of a right understanding to wait on the great Lord and Governour of the World to be imployed in the service of his Creator which is the very end of his being the chief business of his life and that which will be sure to turn to a good account it cannot chuse but be a great comfort and satisfaction to disburden our breasts and make our wants known to one who is so well able to relieve and it may well afford delight and contentment to be exercised in adoring and praising God since 't is the work and happiness of the blessed Angels and Saints above 5. The Duty of Prayer is greatly beneficial and if perform'd aright is a plentiful reward to it self for our God is not like the Idols of the Heathen which have ears and hear not z Psal 115. 6. But 't is his property that he heareth Prayer a Psa 65. 2. and when he heareth he sheweth mercy and giveth forth his benefits By the constant exercise of Devotion men hold an intercourse and holy commerce with Heaven and may thence enrich themselves with returns of blessings for all their needs they do engage him for their friend Who is the giver of every good and perfect gift b Jam 1. 1. 17. By this Key of Prayer they open to themselves the rich treasury of his goodness for it's prevalence with Almighty God is exceeding great we are assur'd by the Apostle that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man availeth much c Jam. 5. 16. There is an authority attributed to it by which it sways with God so in these words by the Prophet Ask me of things to come and concerning the works of mine hands command you me Isa 45. 11. and it is elsewhere intimated as if it did lay a kind of force on Heaven and over-power the hands of Omnipotence as when God speaketh thus to Moses Let me alone that mine anger may wax hot against them that I may consume them d Exod. 32. 10. and though God were so incens'd and dispos'd to take vengeance yet on the earnest intercession of that good man the people were spared These expressions must be understood indeed after the manner of men but however they do really import the great interest and efficacy of Prayer Which how it comes to be a duty of so great success and advantage as it is we may better understand when 6. We shall consider the particular encouragements we have for addressing ourselves to God in this holy duty as 1. That he is so able to help us in all things that we call upon him for being the Lord Almighty who doth whatsoever he pleaseth in the heaven above in the earth and waters beneath e Psal 135. 6. To whom all things are possible f Mat. 19. 26. And he can do for us exceeding abundantly above what we can ask or think g Eph. 3. 20. Wherefore he is a sure refuge and let our case seem never so difficult or desperate we may animate our devotion with that of the Angel to Sarah Is there any thing too hard for the Lord h Gen. 18. 34. and from hence we may also learn how much safer it is to seek unto God and relie on him then to place our confidence in any worldly succours which by daily experience are found insufficient and do especially fail us in our greatest concerns and when we most stand in need 2. The God to whom we pray hath a Goodness equal to his Power and is kindly dispos'd to shew mercy and do good the Scripture assures us that he is gracious and full of Compassion i Psal 111. ● 4. He is good ready to forgive plenteous in mercy unto all them that
and establish thou the work of our hands upon us yea the work of our hands establish thou it Forsake me not O Lord O my God be not far from me Teach me to do thy Will for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the Land of uprightness O Most great and glorious God the whole World is the work of thine hands and thou governest all things both in Heaven and Earth We do here admire and adore thy Wisdom Power and Goodness which are so visible and illustrious in all the great Works of Creation and Providence and we do humbly acknowledge our dependence upon thee who art the Author of our Life and the support of our Being by thee we have have been preserved and nourished ever since we were born and 't is of thy care and kindness that we are still sustained from morning to evening and from evening to morning When we consider the frailty of our nature and the many provocations of our life we see great reason to confess that 't is of thy mercy we are not consumed Grant O Lord that thy long suffering and goodness may lead us to repentance and as thy mercies are new to us every morning so we may renew our serious purposes of walking before thee in holiness and righteousness all our dayes Remember not against us the errours of our former life neither punish us as we have deserved but through the redemption of thy beloved Son grant us pardon and reconciliation and make us partakers of all those rich benefits which he hath purchased And let the grace of God which hath brought Salvation teach us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts to live in the pious fear of thee and in faithful obedience to thy holy Laws But because of our selves we cannot stand upright let thy Grace be always sufficient for us strengthen us with all Spiritual Might in the inner man that neither our own corrupt affections nor yet the snares and temptations of the World may ever cause us to depart from thee but grant that the Principles of faith and holiness being firmly rooted in us we may be always stedfast and immoveable in our Christian Practice suffer us not to be too much in love with the things of this World nor to lay up our treasure here on Earth but grant that our affections may be chiefly set on things above and our treasure laid up in Heaven where it will never perish nor be taken from us while we are busie about many things that concern this present life help us still to remember the one thing necessary making it our greatest care to provide for our eternal State in the life hereafter As long as thou shalt continue our abode in this World let thy good Providence watch over our persons and supply all our wants help us to be thankful in prosperity patient in affliction and in every condition to be therewith content and do thou so order and govern the several events and passages of our life that they may all help us forward in our way to Heaven O Lord defend and preserve thy Church Universal enlarge its borders and purge it more and more from all Errour and Corruption bless this Land of our Nativity with Peace and Unity with the continuance of thy Truth and Gospel the encrease of righteousness and all Christian vertues Bless the King's Majesty with sound wisdom and all princely endowments that his Reign may be prosperous and the People happy under him be favourable to all our Friends and Relations bestowing upon them all those good things that may be for their comfort in this life and their eternal happiness in that to come Extend thy pity to such as labour under any trouble or distress give them strength to bear their affliction and in thy due time an happy deliverance We do also present unto thee our sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving for thy care over us the night past that our bodies have been refreshed with sleep and our life continued to another day as thou doest afford us a longer time in the land of the living so lengthen out thy favour and loving kindness by which alone our life can be safe and comfortable to us and teach us so to number our daies that we may apply our hearts to heavenly wisdom to make a right use of our time by doing good works while it is day because the night is coming in which none can work O Lord let thy good Providence and heavenly Grace be present with us and watching over us throughout this day to secure us from dangers and every unhappy accident to preserve us from evil actions and to assist us in those that be good make our way prosperous in every business and undertaking and guide us always by thy Counsels till we shall come to thine everlasting Kingdom Through thy rich mercy in our blessed Sunday Morning Saviour Jesus Christ in whose name and merits we offer up these our Petitions and conclude them in his own words Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with us all this day and for ever A Psalm and Prayer for the Morning on the Lords day BY the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made and all the Host of them by the breath of his mouth He gathereth all the waters of the Sea together as a heap he layeth up the deep in Storehouses Let all the earth fear the Lord and all the Inhabitants of the World stand in awe of him For he spoke and it was done he commanded and it stood fast Know ye that the Lord he is good it is he that hath made us and not we our selves we are his People and the Sheep of his Pasture Enter into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his Courts with Praise be thankful unto him and bless his Name They that trust in their Wealth and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches None of them can by any means redeem his brother nor give to God a ransom for him But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave for he shall receive me I have set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoiceth my flesh also shall rest in hope For thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption O how amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts My soul longeth even fainteth for the
Meditations and Desires may be heavenly and that I may serve thee in holy Sunday Morning Duties with sincere Devotion grant that by a pious Celebration of this religious Rest on Earth I may be the better prepar'd for keeping an eternal Sabbath in thine heavenly Kingdom These things I humbly beg in the name of thy beloved Son my blessed Saviour concluding as he hath taught me Our Father c. Thy grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me this day and for evermore Amen PRAYERS FOR Particular Persons IN THE EVENING A Prayer before Reading the Scripture O Lord my God blessed be Evening thy Name for this great priviledge of waiting upon thee and that thou hast given me a willing heart to make use of the same 't is of thy Mercy that I am alive this Evening and not numbred among those many who have the day past perished from the Land of the Living I do acknowledge thy long-suffering and goodness and I will not give sleep to mine Eys nor slumber to mine Eyelids till I have render'd unto thee my bounden Duty of Worship and Praise be thou pleas'd to assist and accept my present Devotions teach me by thy holy Word to live according to thy Will and lead me by it in the way to everlasting Life through Jesus Christ my blessed Redeemer Amen A Prayer for the Evening LOrd I cry unto thee make hast unto me give ear unto my Voyce when I cry unto thee Let my Prayer be set before thee as incense and the lifting up of my hands as the Evening Sacrifice O Eternal God thy property it is that thou hearest Prayer and though thou art the high and lofty One yet art thou nigh unto all that call upon thee be thou pleas'd to bow down thine ear at this time to the Supplications of me thine unworthy Servant and let me find Grace and acceptance with thee while I Worship at thy Footstool I do here offer up my self a living Sacrifice and do humbly adore thy divine Majesty as the great Creatour and Governour of the whole World as the Authour of all that I am and of all that I do enjoy unto thee O Lord belong Honour and Service and Praise but unto me nothing but shame and punishment for I have offended the pure Eyes of thy holiness from day to day by repeated transgressions and as thou hast not ceased to do me good so have I been constant in the unhappy returns of unthankfulness and disobedience I have neither lov'd nor fear'd nor serv'd thee as I ought to have done and my sins are more then I am able to number I do therefore humble my self before thee with hearty repentance imploring thy gracious pardon through the Son of thy Love whom thou hast set forth to be a Propitiation for sin Be thou reconcil'd unto me for his sake and make me partaker of all those benefits which are the purchase of his redemption Impute not unto me the iniquities of the day past but forgive whatever I have therein thought or said or done amiss either against God or against man O Lord grant me thy favour speak peace to my Conscience and that I may no more return to folly be thou pleas'd to work in me both to will and to do the things by thee requir'd give me an hatred of sin and a love of holiness that I may abhor what is evil and cleave to that which is good incline mine heart unto thy Statutes and let not any iniquity have dominion over me O thou who knowest my sinful frailty and to how many Temptations my life is expos'd assist me by thine own Grace and strengthen me with all might in the inward man help me to crucisie the Flesh with the affections and lusts thereof to reject all the allurements of Sin and so to resist the Devil that he may flee from me Whatever temporal blessings I receive at thine hands grant me to use them aright with all thankfulness and sobriety and also to undergo with Christian patience any chastisement or affliction thou shalt please to lay upon me let every dispensation of thy Providence be sanctify'd to my spiritual good that nothing may ever separate me from thy love and favour for as much as this World passeth away and all the enjoyments of it are of short continuance suffer me not to set my heart or affections on any thing here below but raise them up to the things above to that glorious inheritance reserv'd in heaven which fadeth not away and since my days come to an end and I am still hastening on toward my great change help me to be alwaies preparing for it by doing good and working out my Salvation with fear and trembling that so death may not be terrible but a welcom passage to a life of glory Bless the Land of my Nativity grant us peace and plenty and let the truth and purity of Religion still continue and prevail among us Be thou a Friend and Patron to all my Friends and near Relations make them holy and prosperous in this World and for ever happy in the next Send thy consolation and succour to all who are in sorrow want sickness or any other affliction but especially to such as do suffer for the sake of righteousness and a good conscience Accept I pray thee my humble thanks for all thy Mercies for thy holy Scriptures and the means of Grace for all the good things pertaining to this life I bless thee for thy great kindness toward me the day past that I have escaped dangers that my life is continued to me together with thy wonted benefits both for the necessities and comfort of my present condition And since thou who hast made the Day for action and business hast also ordain'd the Night for a time of rest and repose be thou pleas'd to watch over me in lying down and to grant me the comfortable refreshment of a quiet sleep O Lord let thy Grace and Goodness never forsake me till I shall enter into thine everlasting rest in the highest Heavens through thy rich Mercy in Jesus Christ To whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be ascrib'd all Honour and Glory Worship and Praise World without End Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy comfortable Communion O holy Spirit of Grace be with me and thy whole Church henceforth and for ever Another Prayer for the Evening THe Lord will command his loving-kindness in the day time and in the night his Song shall be with me and my prayer unto the God of my life I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety MOst gracious God the Maker of all things and the Giver of every good and perfect Gift thou deservest to be worshipp'd and serv'd to receive Thanksgiving and Praise from thee I have derived my life
call upon him k Psal 86. 5. Like as a father pittieth his Children so the Lord pittieth them that fear him l Psal 103. 13. He doth exercise loving kindness m Jer. 9. 24. and delighteth in mercy n Mic. 7. 18. The Lord indeed is good unto all and his tender mercies are over all his works but he hath a more especial kindness for the Sons of men who bear his own Image and having given us so excellent a being we may not doubt but that he doth affectionately tender the good and welfare thereof and will therefore be ready to relieve our necessities and bestow good things on us if we seek unto him he beareth towards us the relation of a Father and he hath a readiness to do us good agreeable thereunto yea his paternal kindness may much more be confided in than that of earthly parents who are but sinful men and may fail their own Children or at least mistake as to the things wherein they intend them good but if they however know how to give good gifts unto their Children how much more shall our father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him o Mat. 7. 11. Which is our Saviours argument when exhorting his Hearers to the Duty of Prayero. 3. We are encouraged to pray by those many and plain promises in which he hath engaged to encline his ear and reach forth his hand when men present their requests for 't is declared in his word that He is nigh unto all them that call upon him to fulfill their desire to hear their cry and save them p Psa 147. 18 19. When two or three are gathered together in his name he is in the midst of them q Mat. 18. 20. If we call upon him in the day of trouble he will deliver r Psal 50. 15. He will regard the prayer of the destitute and will not despise their prayer Å¿ Psa 102. 17. Ask and it shall be given seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you t Mat. 7 7. Yea so very forward is God to grant the requests of those who seek to him that as soon as they first set themselves to pray and before their Petitions are gone out of their mouths he doth send a gracious answer as doth appear from that promise of his by the Prophet And it shall come to pass that before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear u Isa 65. 24. Now these things are said on purpose to incite our devotion by letting us know that if we attend on Gods service 't will not be labour lost and that he hath not said to the seed of Jacob seek ye my face in vain w Isa 45. 19. So that from the divine promises we may be certain that if we endeavour to please God in our life and actions x 1 Joh. 3. 22. and our Petitions be agreeable to his Will y 1 Joh. 5. 14. if they be presented in a due manner z Jam. 4. 3. and the things desir'd be such as would be for our real good and advantage a Mat. 7. 11. we shall be heard and answer'd for in all our supplications we must still remember to beg with submission to the wisdom and good pleasure of God who knows how to give good things better than we do to ask him and we are to mind the example of our Saviour who when praying in a case of greatest extremity did say Nevertheless not my will but thine be done b Luc. 22. 42. 4. We may consider the good success that Prayer formerly hath had For there are infinite examples in which it may be seen how the devout supplicant hath been Victorious like Jacob in his wrestling with God c Gen. 32. 28. As a Prince he hath had power with him and hath prevailed I cried unto the Lord saith David with my voice even unto God with my voice and he gave ear unto me d Psal 77. 1. And again I sought the Lord and he heard me he delivered me from my fears e Psal 34. 4 and 8. From which his own experience he doth bespeak others to make the like trial O tast and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man that trusteth in him Jonah on his calling upon God was delivered safe out of the depth of the Sea I cried saith he by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord and he heard me out of the belly of hell cried I and thou heardst my voice f Jon. 2. 2. And there are many other Instances of a wonderful efficacy from the Prayer of holy men It hath conquer'd whole armies so did that of Moses in the battel with Amalek g Exod. 17. 11 13. and that of Hezekiah when in danger from the Host of the Assyrians h 2 Kirgs 19 19 35. It hath shut up and opened the Clouds of Heaven as when Elias prayed in the days of Ahab i 1 Kin. 17. 1. Prayer hath reprieved life even after a sentence of Death pronounc'd of God himself as in the case of Hezekiah k 2 Kin. 20. 5. Yea which is more than all it hath restored the dead to life again for on the supplication of Elias the Widows Son rivived l 1 Kin. 17. 22. And so did Dorcas upon the Prayer of Peter m Act. 9. 40. Now while we hear how successful Prayer hath been to others it should with good reason encourage us to practise the same duty And therefore St. James when exhorting to it doth mention how the Prophet already nam'd though a man of like passions with others yet obtained by his prayer that it should not rain for three years and an half and when he prayed again the Heavens gave rain to refresh the earth n Jam. 5. 17 18. Which brings to our thoughts another Instance not unlike It is that when Antoninus and his Army being incompass'd by their Enemies in a place where there was want of water were ready to perish for thirst the Christian Soldiers then among them having with fervent Prayer call'd upon the name of Christ and desired Rain there soon after fell such plentiful showers as answered their necessity nor were their lives only preserved but also a glorious Victory obtain'd by them all which was attested by that Emperour himself in his own letter to the Senate of Rome the Copy whereof is inserted by Justin Martyr in an Apology of his for the Christians o Justin Mart. Apol 2. and we cannot imagine he should have the confidence to alledge it openly so near the time of the supposed fact were it not a real thing The renowned Constantine had happily experimented by the success of his Arms against his and the Churches enemies how great efficacy there was in the Prayers of Christians and therefore not thinking himself or his Empire could
dangerous folly to live in neglect of the Duty on the presumption it will so be Be persuaded therefore O Christian to seek the Lord while he may be found to honour him with thy constant devotion that thou mayst have comfortable assurance of his ready help when in any case of extremity thou shalt call upon him he is thy best friend whom alone thou canst relie upon and if thou wouldst maintain that friendship with him which thou art to prize above all things in the World it must be by converse and intimacy in this heavenly Duty And consider with thy self what an honour and priviledg it is that thou who art but a clod of earth art allowed the freedom of access to the great God of heaven and to present thy Petitions to him as often as thou shalt please If thou hadst the like liberty with thy Prince on earth thou wouldst certainly value it very highly and think it a great weakness not to make use of it for thine own advantage how then canst thou excuse thy self if notwithstanding the leave and encouragement given thee thou neglect thine approaches to him who is the great Lord of the whole Universe and having all things at command is able to do for thee whatever thou canst request of him If thou desirest the good things of this World the God whom thou art to wait upon is he who giveth Riches and Wealth Å¿ Eccles 5. 19. and his blessing maketh men to thrive t Prov. 10. 22. wouldst thou ascend to honour he is the highest fountain of it for promotion cometh not from the East nor from the West but God setteth up one and pulleth down another u Psal 75. 6. and them that honour him he will honour w 1 Sam 2. 30. dost thou wish to enjoy health of body consider that he to whom thy Prayers should be presented and he alone doth keep off diseases x Deut. 7. 15. and to confide in other Physitians is to hazard thy life y 2 Cbron. 16. 12 13. if thou hast a mind to be wise and knowing thou art directed to ask wisdom of him who giveth liberally z Jam. 1. 5. and take for a great truth that saying of the famous Luther Bene orasse est bene studuisse to pray devoutly t is the same as to study hard For confirmation whereof hear the experience of Aquinas the Angelical Doctor of the Schools who himself profess'd That his knowledg and learning he had acquir'd more by praying then by study a Corn. a Lap. in Zach. c. 12. If thou art real in Religion thou believest a divine providence that thy self and all thy concerns are in Gods power and at his dispose and how canst thou rest satisfy'd if thou seek not his favour by doing him service and without imploring to thy self his particular care and kindness thou knowest that in him thou doest live and move that without him thou canst not be prosperous in any undertaking nor avoid the many evil occurrences to which thou art still expos'd every hour of the day and how then wilt thou presume to set forth in the morning without begging his gracious presence his blessing and safe-guard thou canst not be ignorant what unhappy Casualties may attend the night what Dangers there are from the Prince of darkness and the violence of ill men And wilt thou venture to lie down without committing thy self and what is thine by earnest Prayer to that Keeper of Israel who never sleepeth b Psa 121. 4. and who saveth them that trust in him e Psal 37. 40. thou art convinc'd that thy being and the continual preservation of it together with all the good things thou doest partake of whether pertaining to this life or the next are from God as the sole Author of them and canst thou find in thine heart to be so base and unworthy as to deny him thy poor homage and the cheap returns of Thanksgiving and Praise thy nature is frail thy life uncertain and there are many ways by which death may at unawares break in upon thee so that in the morning it is doubtful to thee whether thou shalt out-live the day and in the Evening whether thou mayst survive the night and therefore of what mighty consequence is it that each Morning and Evening thou make thy peace with God by a Penitent Confession of thy Sins and an humble supplication for the Pardon of them through the Merits of thy Redeemer In short thy unspeakable obligations to Almighty God the constant dependance and necessities of thy being the notices and convictions of thine own mind do all inforce upon thee this great Duty and by it thou art wisely to consult both the security and prosperous state of thy present life and also thine eternal happiness in that to come And remember the day is coming in which God will Judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ d Rom. 2. 16. in which he will discern between those who served him in private and those who served him not then shall our Saviours promise be faithfully perform'd who hath said that if thou make it thy Religious practice to enter into thy closet and there pray to thy Father which is in secret thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly e Mat. 6. 6. and at the general retribution for thy private Acts of Piety thou shalt be publickly own'd before the great assembly of Men and Angels and be advanc'd to a Kingdom of everlasting Glory DEVOTIONS FOR THE USE OF Particular Persons PRAYERS FOR Particular Persons IN THE MORNING A Prayer before Reading the Scripture Oeternal God thy goodness Morning is exceeding great and thy Mercies are renewed to me every Morning I come now to acknowledge my dependance on thee presenting my religious service and imploring thy blessing although I am altogether unworthy to draw near unto thee and unable to perform any Duty that shall deserve thine acceptance yet be thou pleas'd to receive me with thy wonted Mercy and let thy Spirit help mine infirmities grant me rightly to understand and readily to embrace thy blessed Word that it may be for direction and comfort to me through the whole course of my life cause it to abide in me that I may be throughly furnish'd unto all good Works through Jesus Christ to whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory world without end A Prayer for the Morning HEarken unto the voice of my cry my King and my God for unto thee will I pray My voice shalt thou hear in the Morning O Lord in the Morning will I direct my prayer unto thee and will look up ALmighty God the Maker and Preserver of all things from whom I have my life and subsistance I do with humble prostration admire and adore thine infinite Majesty for thou art God and there is none beside thee thy Nature is most Excellent and Glorious in Wisdome Power Goodness
and being and 't is of thy great Mercy I am not consumed thy goodness hath been my support and comfort ever since I was born I do therefore prostrate my self with humble adoration submitting my soul and body to thy divine Majesty and offering up my thankful acknowledgments of all thy Mercies and Benefits conferr'd upon me I bless thee for my redemption by Christ and all the means of Grace and Salvation for the comforts of this present life and all my temporal enjoyments I thank thee for that kind Providence which hath watched over me this day that thou hast continued my life and preserv'd my person from those many evils to which I am alwaies expos'd O Lord I am less than the least of all the Mercies I have received at thine hands for my sins have been very many and exceeding great I have broken thy righteous Laws both by neglecting what thou hast commanded and by doing what thou hast strictly forbidden and my practice hath been very unsuitable to the rich Grace and holy Precepts of thy excellent Gospel so that I have justly deserv'd thy wrathful displeasure and the severities of thy justice But thou art a God plenteous in Mercy ready to forgive and thou hast given thine own Son to be a propitiation for Sin O Lord I come unto thee in his Name most humbly beseeching thee that through his Merits the Transgressions of my life may be all blotted out and my person freely justifi'd from all unrighteousness More particularly I beg the pardon of whatever Sins I have fallen into the day past whether in thought word or deed O merciful Father be thou perfectly reconcil'd unto me this Evening And be thou pleas'd to deliver me more and more from the power and dominion of sin that I may be the servant of righteousness and live in constant obedience to thee and thy commands strengthen me by thy Grace against the corruptions within me and all temptations from without and keep me by thy mighty power through Faith unto Salvation Bless thy Church and People throughout the World and let the Kingdom of thy Son be daily enlarg'd Be propitious to this Church and Nation pardon our great sins and avert the judgments we have deserv'd keep us in peace and safety and let truth and holiness still flourish among us Shew thy favour to all my friends to such as have done me any good or do wish me well bestowing on them all the blessings that pertain both to life and godliness Have pity on all who are in any distress or tribulation giving to them thy speedy comfort and relief and be thou a present help in the needful time of trouble to all who cry unto thee finally I commend my self to thy Fatherly care this Night humbly praying that thy watchful Providence may be my guard and defence grant unto me a quiet and comfortable rest that my frail nature being refresh'd thereby I may awake the next Morning the better fitted for the Duties of another day Hear me O Father of Mercies and do for me above what I can ask or think through the Merits of my blessed Redeemer To whom with thy self and the holy Ghost be all Glory Dominion and Praise World without End Amen Sunday Evening Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me all thine and mine henceforth for evermore Amen A Psalm and Prayer for the Evening of the Lords day IT is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord to sing praises unto thy name O most high To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning and thy faithfulness every night The earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof the World and they that dwell therein Thy hands have made me and fashion'd me give me understanding that I may learn thy commandements All thy works shall praise thee O Lord and thy Saints shall bless thee They shall speak of the glory of thy Kingdom and talk of thy Power My lips shall greatly rejoice when I sing unto thee and my soul which thou hast redeemed I was glad when they said unto me Let us go into the house of the Lord. One day in thy Courts is better than a thousand How sweet is thy Word unto my tast yea sweeter then hony to my mouth Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee I will delight my self in thy Statutes and I will not forget thy Word I will bless the Lord who hath given me Counsel my Reins also shall instruct me in the night season Into thine hands I commit my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord God of truth O Most glorious God the mighty Creatour and wise Governour of all things the heaven is thine the earth also is thine with all that in them is and thou canst do whatsoever thou pleasest in all places of thy dominion wherefore unto thee alone it doth appertain to receive honour and worship and service from the Sons of men I do thankfully acknowledge it is a very great favour and priviledge that I am so often admitted into thy presence and have this liberty granted of presenting my supplications unto thee who art a God hearing Prayer for what am I vile Dust and Ashes that I should take upon me to speak unto the Lord or how can I expect to find any acceptance with thee who have so greatly offended thine holy Majesty by my repeated transgressions O Lord my very righteousness is as filthy rags and my best performances are sinful and poluted I have waited upon thee this day in the duties of thy Worship but it hath been with much weakness and distraction my thoughts and affections have not been heavenly and devout nor have I honour'd thee as I ought on the day consecrated to thee and thy service But O God who art gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness be thou pleas'd to overlook whatever hath been amiss in my life and actions from my Nativity to this moment grant me an interest in the Merits and Redemption of the Lord Christ and let his precious blood cleanse me from all unrighteousness pardon the defects of my obedience and of all my religious duties through his most perfect Sacrifice who hath taken away Sin by the Oblation of himself once for all Add thy blessing to all the opportunities and means of Grace vouchsaf'd to me and cause thy Word to abide in me that it may be as good seed taking deep root and bringing forth abundantly the fruits of righteousness Grant O Lord that as I have been created by thee so I may make it my chief business to honor and serve thee both in soul and body and as Christ died for my Sins and rose again for my Justification so I may crucifie the flesh with the affections and lusts thereof and rise daily from the death of sin to a life of holiness Enable me
to walk as becomes the Gospel having a Conscience void of offence both towards God and towards Men that as he who hath called me is holy so I may be holy in all manner of conversation Take off my affections from earthly things which are vain and perishing and set them on the things above in which alone my true happiness doth consist fit me by suitable grace for every dispensation of thy Providence that I may know how to want and how to abound how to mourn or rejoyce how to be in sickness or in health and in every condition to be therewith content let thy Fatherly wisdom cause all things to work together for good unto me and that the several occurrences of the present life may help me forward in my Christian course towards the attainment of eternal Salvation And because my nature is frail my life uncertain and I know not how soon I shall be taken from the land of the living help me seriously to consider my latter end to be still preparing for death and by numbring my dayes to apply mine heart to sound wisdom that when I shall put off this earthly Tabernacle I may be admitted into an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens O God who art the Creatour of mankind and didst send thine own Son that the World through him might be saved extend thy goodness to all the kindreds of the earth causing the light of thy glorious Gospel to shine upon them that their feet may be guided into the way of peace and everlasting happiness let all Nations become subject to the Kingdom of thy Christ and the number of thine Elect be filled up that the glory of thy Salvation may be revealed Accept O Lord my evening oblation of Praise and Thanksgiving for all thy rich Mercies vouchsafed to me I bless thee for my being since by thee I have been fearfully and wonderfully made for thy preservation of me to this moment and for all the accommodations and comforts of the present life But above all I magnifie and adore thine inestimable goodness in making known unto me the way of salvation and happiness by Jesus Christ in continuing to me the seasons of Grace and of waiting upon thee in thine holy Ordinances help me to make such a good and pious use of all thy benefits as may be for thy glory and for mine own eternal welfare And since thy wise Providence hath ordain'd that the Night should succeed the Day as a time of rest and refreshment I pray thee that this Night may be so to me thy Servant grant me to be safe and secure under thy protection from all the terrours and perils of darkness and to awake the next morning in health and safety O Lord hear my Prayer and let thy presence and loving-kindness alwaies be with me to the end of my life for the sake of thine only begotten Son my alone Saviour to whom with thy divine Majesty and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory World without End Amen Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Fellowship and Communion O holy and blessed Spirit be with me henceforth and for evermore Amen A Psalm and Prayer to be us'd by a Person who is under Sickness O Lord rebuke me not in thy In sickness wrath neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure Have mercy upon me O Lord for I am weak O Lord heal me for my bones are vexed My soul is also sore vexed but thou Lord how long Return O Lord deliver my soul O save me for thy mercies sake For in death there is no remembrance of thee in the grave who shall give thee thanks Have mercy upon me O God according to thy loving kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Wash me throughly from mine inquity and cleanse me from my sin Why art thou cast down ô my soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God Yea though I walk thorow the Valley of the shadow of death yet will I fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff comfort me O Lord my times are in thy hand deliver me from the hand of mine enemies Let my soul live and it shall praise thee and let thy judgments help me Whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee My flesh and my heart faileth me but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever ALmighty God and most merciful Father thou art the Author of my being and as my life my health and strength are from thee so they are and ought to be at thy dispose and I do humbly confess that because of my sinfulness and disobedience 't is just with thee to afflict me with sickness and pain yea and to cut me off from the Land of the Living O Lord I bear about me a body of Sin and Death and am liable to the penalties of that first transgression for by one man Sin entered into the World and Death by Sin Likewise the practice of my life hath been very evil and my sins still repeated from day to day I have not made it my chief business to serve and glorifie thee which is the end of my Creation nor hath the time of my life and health been employ'd as it ought in doing and receiving good The faculties of my Soul and Members of my Body have been made the instruments of Sin I have not been duly thankful for thy manifold Mercies nor made a right use of them and I have too much despis'd thy goodness and forbearance which should have lead me to repentance I do therefore acknowledg the justice of thy dealings for why should a man complain of the punishment of his sins But O thou Father of Mercies who delightest not in the death of a sinner be favourable unto me Enter not into judgment with thy servant neither let thine anger wax hot against me but forgive my Sin and deliver me for in thee do I trust I know O Lord that afflictions rise not from the Dust but are of thy sending and I do desire to hear the voice of thy Rod and to turn to him that smiteth I do with hearty repentance humble my self at thy footstool lamenting all the errours of my former life and I do give up my Soul and Body to thy Will and Governance resolving and promising by thy Grace to live and act hereafter in all holy obedience to thee and thy righteous commands O deal not with me after mine iniquities nor punish me as I have deserved but remember the sufferings of thy Son who himself bore our sicknesses and the punishment due to us in his own death I believe in him as my alone Saviour my trust is in his Merits and I do humbly beg for his sake that thou wouldst be reconcil'd unto me that thou wouldest heal my Body and comfort my Soul O God who art the preserver of men who hast declared in thy word that thou art nigh unto such as pray unto thee and hast promised to deliver when call'd upon in the day of trouble be thou pleas'd to bow down thine ear and extend thy compassion in removing the distemper under which I now labour do thou who art the great Physitian prescribe and bless the means that may be for my recovery and restore me again if it be thy blessed Will to a state of health and strength then will I praise thee with a thankful heart and will serve thee faithfully all my daies But I do humbly submit my self to thy good pleasure and not my will but thine be done Though thou visit with thy Rod yet take not thy loving kindness from me and while my body shall be afflicted be thou pleas'd to strengthen and support my Soul with thy Grace and inward consolation help me with chearfulness and Christian patience to bear thy chastisement with a firm and constant faith to trust in thee and thy pretious promises Grant that this present visitation may be sanctifi'd to my spiritual benefit and through thy wise ordering in the issue turn to my real advantage and that I may by experience know that in very faithfulness thou hast afflicted me Let this thy fatherly correction teach me to be more dutiful and obedient and grant that by considering the vanity and uncertainty of health of life and worldly enjoyments I may be the more careful to set my affections on things above and to breath after that immortal life of perfect bliss which thy Gospel hath promis'd And grant O Lord that whether in health or sickness in prosperity or affliction I may still honour and serve thee that whether I live I may live unto thee and whether I die I may die unto thee that whether I live or die I may be thine And so an entrance may be ministred to me into the everlasting Kingdom of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ In whose Name and Merits I do earnestly recommend unto thee my present condition and all my Concern both of Soul and Body praying further in his Words Our Father c. Thy Grace O Lord Jesus Christ my Redeemer thy Love O Heavenly Father thy Consolation O blessed Spirit of Grace be with me and all thy People henceforth and for evermore Amen FINIS