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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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god planteth I see the battel betwixt you him but the victory is yours yea that daily For you haue layd hold vpō the anker of saluaciō which is hope in Christ the which will not suffer you to be made ashamed Be not discōforted that you haue this cōflict but be glad that god hath geuē you the same to try your faith that you might appeare daily worthy of the kingdome of God for the which you striue God beholdeth your striuing fayth agaynst Sathan is pleased with your mightye resistaunce The spirite which is in you is myghtyer thē al the aduersaries power Tempt he may lying awayte at your heeles geue you a fal vnwares but ouercome he shall not yea he can not for you are sealed vp alreadye with a liuely fayth to be the child of God for euer and whom God hath once sealed for his own him he neuer vtterly forsaketh The iust falleth seuē times but he riseth agayn It is mans frailtie to fal but it is the propertie of the deuils childe to lie stil This strife against sinne is a sufficiēt testimony that you are the childe of god for if you were not you should fele no such malice as he now troubleth you withal Luke 11 When thys strong Goliah hath the hold al things be in peace which he posseseth and bicause he hath you not he wil not suffer you vnassaulted But stand fast and hold out the buckler of faith and with the sweard of gods promises smite him on the scalpe that he may receaue a deadly woūd neuer be able to stand against you any more Iames. 4. S. Iames telleth you that he is but a coward saying resist the deuil and he wil flye away It is the wil of god that he should thus long tempt you and not go away as yet or els he had done with you long ere this He knoweth alreadye that he shall receaue the foyle at your hands and encrease the crowne of your glory for he that ouercōmeth shall be trowned Therfore glory in your temptations since they shal turne to your felicitie Be not afrayd of your continual assaultes Ezechi 33. which be occasions of your daily victory The word of god abideth for euer in what houre soeuer a sinner repenteth him of his sinnes they be forgeuē Who cā lay anything to the charge of gods elect Do you not perceaue the manifest tokens of your electiō First your vocation to the gospel after your vocation the manifest giftes of the spirit of god geuē vnto you aboue many other of your condition with godlines which beleueth and yeldeth to the authority of the scriptures is zelous for the same Seing you are gods own dearling who can hurt you Be not of a deiect mind for these temptations neyther make your vnfayned frendes to be more sorrowful for you then nede doth require Since God hath willed you at your Baptisme in Christ to be Carles why doe you make your selfe carefull Caste all your care on him set the Lord before your eyes alwayes for he is on your right side that you shal not be moued Behold the goodnes of god toward me I am careles being fast closed in a paire of stockes which pinch me for very straitnes wil you be careful I wil not haue the vnsemely addition to your name Be as your name pretendeth for doubtles you haue none other cause but so to be Pray I besech you that I may be stil careles in my carefull estate as you haue cause to be careles in your easier cōditiō Be thankful put away al care thē I shal be ioyful in my strayt presēt care Cōmend me to al our brethrē desire them to pray for me that I may ouercome my temptations for the deuil rageth against me I am put in the stockes in a place alone bicause I would not answere to such articles as they woulde charge me with al in a corner at the bishops appoyntment bycause I did not come to masse when the bishop sent for me I wil lie al the dayes of my lyfe in the stockes by gods grace rather then I wil consent to the wicked generation Pray●e god be ioyful that it hath pleased him to make vs worthy to suffer somewhat for his names sake The deuill must rage for .x. dayes Comēd me to maister Fokes thank hym for his law bokes but law neither equity wil take any place among these bloud thirsty I would for your sake their vniust dealing were noted vnto the Parliamente house if it myght auaile God shorten these euil dayes I haue answered the bishop metely playne alredy I sayd to him if he wil cal me in open iudgement I will answer hym as playnlye as he wil require otherwise I haue refused bicause I feare they wil condemne me in hugger mugger The peace of god be with you my deare brother I cā write no more for lacke of lyght that I haue written I can not read my self god knoweth it is written farre vneasely I pray god you maye pytke out some vnderstanding of my minde towards you Written in a Colehouse of darkenes out of a paire of paynful stockes by thine owne in Christ Iohn Philpot. A letter of Iohn Careles writen to Maister Philpot which we thought best here to place a part from hys other letters hereafter followyng bicause it is an answere to the former letter A faythfull frende is a strong defence who so findeth suche a one findeth a treasure A faythfull frend hath no peere the weight of golde and siluer is not to be compared to the goodnes of hys fayth A faythfull frend is a medicine of lyfe and they that feare the Lorde shall finde him Ecclesiast 6. THe Father of mercye and God of all consolation comforte you with hys eternall spirite my moste deare and faythfull louyng frend good Maister Philpot as you haue comforted me by the mighty operatiō of the same the euerlasting God be praysed therefore for euer Amen Ah my deare hart and most louing brother if I shoulde do nothyng elles day and nyght so long as the daies of heauen doe endure but knele on my knees and reade psalmes I can neuer be able to render vnto God condigne thankes for hys great mercye fatherly kindnes most louing compassion extended vnto me moste vile sinnefull wicked and vnworthy wretch Oh that the lord would open my mouth and geue me a thankefull hart that from the bottome of the same might flowe his continual prayse Oh that my sinneful flesh which is the cause of my sorow were cleane separated from me that I might sing psalmes of thankesgeuing vnto the Lords name for euer that with good Samuells mother I might continually record thys noble verse following the which by good experience I haue found moste true praysed be my good god therfore 1 Reg 2 The Lord sayth the good womā killeth and maketh aliue he bringeth
destroye the impenitent Now is the fyer gone out before the face of the Lorde and who is able to quench it Oh therefore repente you repente you It is enough to haue lyued as we haue done It is enough to haue played the wanton gospellers the proud protestantes hypocriticall false Christians as alas we haue done Now the lorde speaketh vnto vs in mercy and grace oh turne before he speake in wrath Yet is there mercy with the lorde and plenteous redemption yet hath he not forgotten to shew mercy to them that cal vpō hym oh then cal vpon him while he may be founde for he is rich in mercy and plentiful to al them that cal vpon him so that he that calleth vpon the name of the lord shal be saued If your sinnes be as red as skarlet the Lord saith he wil make them as white as snow He hath sworne and neuer will repente hym thereof that he wyll neuer remēber our iniquities but as he is god faithfull and true so will he be our God and we shal be his people Hys law wyll he wryte in oure hartes and engraft it in oure myndes and neuer wyll he haue in mynde oure vnryghteousnes Therfore my dere hartes in the Lord turne you turne you to the lorde your father to the lorde your Sauiour to the Lorde your comforter Oh why do you stop your eares and harden your hartes to day when you heare hys voyce by me your porest brother Oh forget not how that the lord hath shewed hym selfe true me hys true preacher by brynging to passe these plagues which at my mouth by my preaching ye oftē heard before they came specially whē I entreated of Noes flood and whē I preached of the 23. chap. of S. Math. gospel on S. Steuēs day the last that I was with you And now by me the same Lord sendeth you word dere cuntrey men that if ye will goe on forewardes in your impenitencie carnality hypocrisy idolatry couetuousnes swearing gluttony dronkennes whoredome c. wherewith alas alas our countrey floweth yf I saye ye wil not turne leaue of seyng me now burned emongs you to assure you on all sydes how god seketh you and is sory to do you hurt to plague you to destroy you to take vengeance vpon you oh your bloode wyll be vppon your owne heades Ye haue bene warned warned again by me in preaching by me in burnyng As I said therfore I say agayne my deare hartes and derlinges in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you cease from doyng euill study to do well awaye with idolatry flye the Romishe god seruice leaue of from swearing cut of carnality abandon auarice driue away drōkennes flye frō fornication flattery frō murther malice destroy disceitfulnes cast away al the workes of darknes put on piety godlines serue god after his word not after custome vse your tonges to glorify god by praier thankes geuing confessiō of his truth c. Be spiritual by the spirit mortify carnal affectiōs be sober holy true louing gentle merciful then shal the lords wrath cease not for this your doyngs sake but for hys mercies sake Go to therfore good cuntreymē take this coūsel of the lord by me now sent vnto you take it as the lords coūsel I say not as mine that in the day of iudgemēt I may reioyce with you and for you the which thing I hartely desyre and not to be a witnes against you My blood wil cry for vēgeance as against the papists gods enemies whom I besech god if it be his good wil hartelye to forgeue yea euen them which put me to death and are the causers therof for they know not what they doe so wyl my blood cry for vengeance against you my dearely beloued in the lord if ye repent not amend not and turne not vnto the Lorde Turne vnto the Lorde yet once more I hertely beseche thee thou Manchester thou Bolton Burye Wigyn Lierpole Ashton vnderlyne Mottrine Stepport Winsley Eccles Preste Middleton Radcliefe and thou Citye of Westchester where I haue truely taught and preached the worde of god Turne I say vnto you all and to al the inhabitauntes thereaboutes vnto the Lord our god and he wil turne vnto you He wyll say vnto his aungel it is enough put vp thy sword The which thyng that he wyl do I humbly besech his goodnes for the precious bloodes sake of his deare sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ Ah good brethrē take in good part these my laste wordes vnto euerye one of you Pardon me mine offences and negligence in behauiour amonges you The Lord of mercy pardon vs all our offēces for our sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen ¶ Out of prison readye to come to you The .11 of Februarye Anno. 1555. Iohn Bradford ¶ To the faythfull and such as professe the true doctrine of our Sauiour Iesus Christe dwellyng at VValden and thereaboutes Iohn Bradford a most vnworthy seruant of the Lorde nowe in bandes and condemned for the same true doctryne wisheth grace mercye and peace wyth the encrease of all godlines in knowledge and lyuyng from God the father of all comforte through the desertes of our alone and full redemer Iesus Christe by the mightye workyng of the most holy spirite the comforter for euer Amen WHen I remember how that by the prouidēce and grace of god I haue bene a man by whō it hath pleased hym through my ministery to call you to repentaunce and amendement of lyfe somethyng effectually as it seemed to so we emōgs you his true doctrine religiō left that by my affliction and the stormes now rysen to trye the faythful and to conforme them like to the Image of the sonne of GOD into whose companye we are called ye myghte be faynte harted I coulde not but out of prison secretly for my kepers may not know that I haue penne and ynke to write vnto you a signification of the desyre I haue that you should not only be more confirmed in the doctrine I haue taught emonges you which I take on my death as I shall aunswer at the daye of dome I am perswaded to be gods assured infallible and playne truth but also should after your vocation auouch the same by confession profession and lyuyng I haue not taught you my dearely beloued in the lord fables tales or vntruth but I haue taught you the verity as now by my blood gladly praysed therefore be god I shal seale vp the same In dede to cōfesse the truth vnto you and to all the church of Christ I do not thinke of my selfe but that I haue moste iustlye deserued not onelye this kinde but also all kyndes of deathe and that eternallye for myne hypocrisye vayne glory vncleannes selfe loue couetousnes ydlenes vnthankefulnes and carnal professing of gods holy gospell lyuyng therein not so purely louynglye and painfully as I shoulde haue done the lord of mercy
before you though it be to come as euen now present lyke as you do and wyl your patientes to doe in purgations and other your ministrations to consyder the effecte that wil ensue where through the bitternes and lothesomnes of the purgatiō is so ouercome and the painfulnes in abydyng the workyng of that is mynistred is so eased that it maketh the patient willyngly ioyfully to receiue that is to be receiued although it be neuer so vnpleasaūt so I say set before you the ende of this straite way and thē doutles as Paule saith aeternū pōdus gloriae pariet whiles you loke not on the thyng sene for that is temporal but on the thing which is not sene which is eternall So dothe the husbandman in plowing and tilling set before him the haruest time so doth the fisher consider the draught of his nette rather thē the casting in so doth the merchaunt the returne of his merchaūdise and so shoulde we in these stormy daies set before vs not the losse of our goods liberty very lyfe but the reaping time the comming of our sauiour Christ to iudgement the fire that shall burne the wicked disobediēt to gods gospel the blast of the Trumpe the exceding glory prepared for vs in heauen eternally suche as the eie hathe not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of man can conceyue The more we lose here the greater ioye shall wee haue there The more we suffer the greater tryumphe For corruptible drosse we shall fynde incorruptible treasures for golde glorye for syluer solace without ende for ryches robes royall for earthely houses eternall Palaces myrthe wythout measure pleasure wythout payne felicitye endeles Summa we shall haue God the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Oh happye place oh that thys daye woulde come Then shal the ende of the wicked be lamentable then shall they receiue the iust rewarde of thy vengeaunce then shall they crye woe woe that euer they dyd as they haue done Reade Sapien Reade Mathew 25. Reade 1. Corrinthians 15. 2. Corrinthians 5. and by fayth whiche GOD encrease in vs consyder the thinges there set forth And for your comforte reade Hebrewes 11. to see what faythe hath done alwayes consyderyng the way to heauen to be by many tribulations that all they which wyll lyue godlye in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution You know thys is oure Alphabet he that wyll bee my Disciple sayeth Christ must denye hymselfe and take vppe his crosse and followe me not thys Bishoppe nor that Doctour not thys Emperour nor that Kynge but me sayeth Christe for he that loueth father mother wyfe chyldren or verye lyfe better then me is not worthye of me Remember that the same Lorde sayeth Math. 8. he that wyll saue hys lyfe shall loose it Comforte your selfe wyth thys that as the Deuyls had no power ouer the Porkettes or ouer Iobes goodes wythout Gods leaue so shall they haue none ouer you Remember also that all the heares of your head are numbred wyth GOD. The Deuyll maye make one beeleue he wyll drowne hym as the Sea in hys surges threateneth to the lande but as the Lorde hathe appoynted boundes for the one ouer the whyche he cannot passe so hathe he done for the other On god therfore cast your care loue him serue him after hys worde feare him trust in him hope at his hande for all helpe and alwayes praye lookyng for the crosse and when soeuer it commeth bee assured the Lorde as he is faythfull so he will neuer tempte you further then he will make you able to beare but in the myddest of the tēptation wil make such an euasion as shal be most to his glorye and your eternall comfort God for his mercy in Christe with his holye spirite endue you comforte you vnder the winges of hys mercy shadow you and as his deare childe guide you for euermore To whose merciful tuition as I doe wyth my hartye prayer committe you so I doubte not but you praye for me also and so I beseche you to do stil My brother P. telleth me you would haue the last part of sainct Hieromes workes to haue the vse thereof for a fortenighte I cannot for these .iij. dais wel forbeare it but yet on thursday next I wil send it you if god let me not vse me that I haue as your owne The lorde for his mercy in Christe directe oure wayes to his glory Amen Out of pryson by yours to commaunde Iohn Bradford To Maystres M. H. a godly gentlewoman comfortyng her in that common heauines and godly sorrow which the feeling and sense of sinne worketh in gods children I Humblye and hartelye praye the euerlyuyng good god and father of mercye to blesse and kepe your harte and mynd in the knowledge and loue of his truth of his Christ through the inspiration and workyng of the holy spyryte Amen Although I haue no doubte but that you prosper and go forwardes daily in the way of godlines more and more drawyng towardes perfection and haue no neede of anyethyng that I can wryte yet because my desyre is that you myghte be more feruent and perseuer to the ende I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you besechyng you bothe often and diligently to call vnto your mynd as a meane to styrre you hereunto yea as a thyng which god most straitly requireth you to beleue that you are beloued of god that he is your dere father in through and for Christ and his deathes sake This loue tender kyndnes of god towards vs in Christ is aboundātly herein declared in that he hath to the godly worst of creation of this worlde made vs after his image redemed vs beyng lost called vs into his church sealed vs with his marke and signe manuel of Baptisme kept and conserued vs all the dais of our lyfe fed nourished defended and moste fatherlye chastised vs and nowe hath kindled in our hartes the sparcles of hys feare faith loue and knowlege of hys Christ and truth and therfore we lament because we lament no more our vnthankfulnes our frailenes our diffidence and waueryng in things wherin we should be moste certain Al these thyngs we shuld vse as meanes to cōfyrme our faith of this that god is our god and father and to assure vs that he loueth vs as our father in Christ to this end I say we should vse the thynges before touched especially in that of all thinges god requyreth this faith and persuasion of hys fatherly goodnes as hys chiefest seruyce For before he aske any thyng of vs he saieth I am the Lord thy god geuyng hymselfe and then all he hath to vs to be our own And this he doth in respect of hymself of hys owne mercye and truth and not in respect of vs for then were grace no grace In consideration wherof when he saieth Thou shalte haue none other gods but me thou shalt loue me with all thy hart
to wryte somthyng for your comfort spirituly My dearely beloued looke not vpon these dayes and the afflictions of the same here with vs simply as they seme vnto you that is as dismall dayes and dayes of gods vengeance but rather as lucky dayes and daies of gods fatherlye kindnes towardes you and such as ye be that is towardes such as repent their synnes and euyll lyfe past and earnestly purpose to amēd walking not after the wil of the world as the most part of men do for the preseruation of theyr pelfe which wyl they nyll they they shal leaue sooner or later to whome or how it shall be vsed they know not In deede to suche as walke in their wickednes and wynde on wyth the world this time is a tyme of wrath and vengeance and their begynnyng of sorrowe is but nowe because they contempne the phisike of theyr father which by these purgyng tyme and cleansing dayes would worke their weale which they wil not and because they will not haue gods blessynge which both wayes he hath offred vnto them by prosperity and aduersity therfore it shall bee kept farre enoughe from them as when the sycke man wil no kynd of phisike at the handes of the phisicion he is left alone and so the malady encreaseth and destroieth him at the length To suche men in dede these dayes are and shoulde bee doleful daies daies of woe and weepyng because their damnation draweth nigh But vnto such as be penitent and are desirous to liue after the Lordes wyll amongs whom I doe not onely compte you but as farre as man may iudge I knowe ye are vnto such I say this tyme is and should be comfortable For first nowe youre father chastiseth you and me for our synnes for the whiche yf he would haue destroyed vs then woulde he haue letten vs alone left vs to our selues in nothing to take to harte his fatherly visitation whiche here it pleaseth hym to woorke presentlye because elsewhere he wyll not remember oure transgressions as Paule writeth he chastiseth vs in the world least with the worlde we shoulde perishe Therefore my deare hartes call to mynd youre sinnes to lamente them and to aske mercye for them in hys syghte and wythall vndoubtedlye beeleue to obteine pardon and assured forgeuenes of the same for twise the Lorde punisheth not for one thynge So that I saye firste we haue cause to reioyce for these dayes because our father suffereth vs not to lye in Iesabels bedde slepyng in oure synnes and securitye but as myndefull on vs dothe correcte vs as his children whereby we maye bee certayne that we be no bastardes but children for he chastiseth euery childe whome he receyueth So that they whyche are not pertakers of hys chastising or that contempne it declare themselues to bee bastardes and not chyldren as I knowe ye are which as ye are chastised so doe ye take it to harte accordingly and therefore bee gladde my deare hartes as folkes knowynge certainlye euen by this visitation of the Lorde that ye are his deare electe children whose faultes your father dothe visite with the rodde of correction but hys mercy wil he neuer take away from you Psal 89. Amen Secondlye ye haue cause to reioyce for these dayes because they are dayes of triall wherein not onely ye your selues shall better knowe your selues but also the worlde shall knowe that ye bee none of hys but the Lordes derlynges Before these dayes came Lorde GOD howe manye thoughte of themselues they had bene in Gods bosome and so were taken and would be taken of the worlde but nowe we see whose they are for to whome we obeye hys seruauntes we are If we obey the world whiche god forbidde and hetherto ye haue not done it then are we the worldes but yf we obey GOD then are we gods Which thynge I meane that ye are Gods these dayes haue declared bothe to you to me and to all other that knowe you better then euer we knewe it Therefore ye haue no cause to sorrowe but rather to syng in seyng your selues to bee Gods babes and in seeyng that all Gods children doe so counte you What thoughe the worlde repyne thereat What thoughe he kycke what thoughe he seeke to trouble and moleste you My deare hartes he doth but hys kynde he cannot loue the Lorde which lyue not the Lorde he cannot brooke the chylde that hateth the father he cannot mynde the seruaunte that careth not for the ma●●er If ye were of the world the world would loue you ye should dwell quietlye there woulde be no griefe no molestation If the deuill dwelte in you whiche the lorde forbydde he woulde not styrre vp hys knyghtes to besiege your house to snatche at your goodes or suffer hys frendes to enter into your hogges But because Christ dwelleth in you as he dothe by faythe therefore styrreth he vppe his fyrste begotten sonne the worlde to seeke how to disquiet you to robbe you to spoyle you to destroye you And perchaunce your deare father to trye and to make knowen vnto you and to the worlde that ye are destinate to an other dwellyng then here on earthe to an other citye then mans eyes hathe sene at any tyme hathe geuen or wyll geue power to Sathan and to the world to take from you the thynges whiche he hathe lente you and by takyng them awaye to trye youre fidelitie obedience and loue towardes hym for ye may not loue them aboue hym as by geuynge that ye haue and keepyng it he hathe declared hys loue towardes you Sathan perchaunce telleth GOD as he dydde of Iob that ye loue GOD for youre goodes sake What nowe then yf the Lorde to trye you wyth Iob shall geue hym power on youre goodes and bodye accordynglye shoulde ye bee dismayed Should ye dispayre Should ye bee faynte harted Shoulde ye not rather reioyce as dyd the Apostels that they were compted worthye to suffer anye thynge for the Lordes sake Oh forgette not the ende that happened to Iob for as it happened to him so shal it happen vnto you for god is the same god and can not longe forgette to shewe mercye to them that looke and longe for it as I knowe ye do and I praye you so to do styll for the Lorde loueth you and neuer can nor wyll forgette to shewe and powre out hys mercye vppon you After a little whyle that he hath afflycted and tryed you saieth Peter he will visite comforte and confyrme you As to Iacob wrestlyng with the aungel at the lengthe mornyng came and the sonne arose so deare harts doutles it wil happen vnto you Howbeit doe ye as Iob and Iacob did that is order and dispose your thynges that god hath lente you as ye may and whyles ye haue tyme. Who knoweth whether god hath geuen you power this long euen to that end Go to therfore dispose your goods prepare your selues to tryall that eyther ye may stande to it like gods
of mercye in Christe blesse you both kepe you both and sende you both aswell to do as I wishe to my dearest and best beloued frendes and brethren in the Lorde I praye you continue to praye for me as I doubte not you doe and so geue thankes to God for me for he is good and hys mercye endureth foreuer The daye will come when we shall meere together and neuer departe God send it shortly Amen Iohn Bradforde To the worshipfull Syr VVilliam Fitzwilliams then being Knyghte Marshall of the Kinges Benche THe peace of god proper to his people the holy ghost worke daily and depely in your hart through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen I thanke my Lorde and God throughe hys Sonne our mediatour and sauioure for hys mercyes and graces geuen to your Mastership the whiche I beseche hys goodnesse to encrease in you continuallye to youre euerlastyng comforte in hym By hys mercyes towardes you I meane not in your landes possessions offices naturall wysedome rychts healthe forme c. whiche in deede be giftes of God geuen to you of hys mercye withoute your desertes and therefore shoulde he bee daylye of you praysed for the same as I doubte not but he is for elles your ingratitude woulde prouoke hym to punyshe you in them and by them if he loue you but I meane hys mercyes towardes you in the knowledge and loue of hys truthe in religion The whiche benefite in that you amongest the not manye of youre estate and condition 1. Co. 1 as Sainte Paule witnesseth haue receaued as a verye testimoniall of youre election in Christ I woulde bee sorye that you shoulde neede anye suche as I am to moue you to thankefulnesse for I am not in a mammerynge whether you be thankful to god for thys great mercy which is much more to be estemed thē al that euer you haue I hūbly besech God in hys Christ to encrease the same in you to the very end And that by me he myght doe the same in some part I thought it good and also my bounden dutie deepely deserued on your behalfe towardes me for the whiche I beseche the Lord to reward you to send to you thys treatise of the doings of Maister Ridley at Oxford concernyng hys disputation about the Sacrament This treatyse of M. Ridleyes disputation which he sent to hym you shal read in the booke of Martyrs Fol. 963. I know that there hath gone diuerse copies abroade but none of them were as I knowe thys is for I haue translated it out of that copye in Latten which was corrected with hys owne hand whiche came vnto me not without hys own consente and therfore dare I be bolde to saye that thys hath not before beene seene on thys sorte In readyng whereof you shall well see thys I speake to be most true and also that whiche causeth me to suppresse commendations of the thyng the excellencye and worthines therof I meane because I thinke I cānot speake any thing so worthely as vndoubtedly these hys doings do deserue Vnto your Maistership I sende them as a token of my dutie towardes you thereby to declare that as you deserue muche of me so I woulde shewe my selfe willynge to recompence the same if I coulde but in that I can not and also youre doinge is simplye in respecte of GOD and hys cause I wyll accordyng to your expectation leaue the recompence vnto hym in the meane season prayinge hym that of hys goodnes he would as encrease the knowledge and loue of hys truth in you so strenghen you after your vocation both purelye to walke and manfullye to confesse hys Gospel if he shall thynke it needeful to call you to that honoure for surelye of all honours it is the greatest to suffer any thyng for Christes sake Most happye maye that man thynke hymselfe that hath any thyng for hys cause to lose As he shall bee sure to fynde for hys owne parte eternall felicitie and honoure endles so shall hys posteritye euen temporallye proue thys to be moste true For gods sake therefore ryghte worshipful Syr consider well thys geare and waye it not as the worlde and your mother witte wyll moue you to do but as the word of God doth teach you there shal you see thys I speake of to bee matter of much myrth ioye and glory though to the world it seme cleane contrary Gods good spirite alwayes guide you to hys glorye geue you the spirit of prayer continually to praye that God neuer further tempt you then he will make you able to beare Amen In that thys copie is not so fayre written as I wishe and woulde haue had it I shall desire you to consider where I am and how I can not haue thinges so done as I woulde and therefore you haue it as maye bee when it may not be as I woulde it were and shoulde be From the Kinges Benche Your humble Iohn Bradforde To my good brother Maister Coker at Maldon in Essex ALthoughe I haue presentlye both litle tyme and lesse oportunitie otherwyse to write as I would yet as I maye I thoughte better to write somethynge thē vtterlye to be silente For if I shoulde not so do hauing so conuenient a messenger as I mighte towardes you incurre the suspision of ingratitude and forgetfulnesse so might I not satisfye the desire of thys my poore brother and frende Iohn Searchfield which cōmeth vnto you for helpe and comforte in this troublesome time Thys dare I say that the man feareth God and for Gods sake and conscience towardes hym susteyneth both losse and labour For our common fathers sake therefore in Christ helpe him to some hole to hyde him selfe in for a litle time if conueniently you may and remember that he that receaueth one of Christes litle ones receaueth Christe as he him selfe in the last day will acknowledge Which laste daye let vs often loke on and set before vs as the thing which most maketh to our comfort Nowe we sorrowe and sighe to see the sea swell and rage on this sort as it doth And to confesse the truth we haue double cause as wel because we haue deserued this sower sauce by reasō of our vnthankfulnes and many sinnes which the Lord pardon as because gods glory is troden vnder foote But thys comfort we haue that as God our good father will not the death of a sinner so wyll he order this geare most to his glory and our ioye and comforte if we repent now and hartely lament our euilles vse earnest humble and often yea continuall prayer and caste our selues wholy on hym and hys goodnes still labouring to lothe thys life and longing for the life to come for the which we shoulde accompte thys as it is a very vale of miserye much to be mourned in because the time of our habitation herein and exile is prolonged God graunte vs hys holy spirite to strengthen vs in his truth professed that we may perseuer to the end in the
haue good cause If your welfare ioy and saluation hanged vpon any other thyng then only gods mercy and truth then might you wel be sad heauy and stand in a doubte But in that it hangeth only vpon these two tell Satan he lyeth when he would haue you to stand in a māmeryng by causyng you to cast your eyes which only in thys case should be set on Christ your sweete sauiour on your selfe in some parte In dede looke on your selfe on your fayth on your loue obediēce c. to awake you vp from securitie to styrre you vp to diligence in doyng the things apperteyning to your vocatiō but when you would be at peace wyth god and haue true consolation in your cōscience altogether loke vpon the goodnes of god in Christ Thynke on this commaundement which precedeth all others that you must haue no other gods but the Lorde Iehouah which is your Lord and god the which he could not be if that he dyd not pardon your synnes in very dede Remember that Christe commaundeth you to call hym father for the same entente And hereto call to mynde all the benefites of god hetherto shewed vpon you and so shal you fele in very dede that which I wyshe vnto you now and praye you to wyshe vnto me farewell or welfare in the Lord Iesus wyth whome he graunte vs shortlye to meete as hys chyldren for hys name and mercyes sake to oure eternall welfare Amen Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An other letter to Mystres A.VV. ALmighty god our heauenly father for hys christes sake encrease in vs fayth by which we may more and more see what glory and honour is reposed and safely kept in heauen for all them that beleue wyth the hart and confesse Christe and hys truthe wyth the mouthe Amen My derely beloued I remember that once heretofore I wrote vnto you a Vale or a farewell vpon coniecture but now I wryte my farewell to you in thys lyfe in dede vpon certaine knowledge My staffe standeth at the dore I continually looke for the Shiriffe to come for me and I thank God I am ready for hym Now go I to practise that which I haue preached Now am I climing vp the hil it wil cause me to puffe and blow before I come to the cliffe The hill is stepe and high my breath is short and my strength is feble pray therfore to the lord for me that as I haue now through hys goodnes euen almost come to the toppe I may by hys grace be strengthned not to rest til I come where I should be Oh louing Lord put out thy hande and drawe me vnto thee for no man cōmeth but he whome the father draweth Se my derely beloued gods louing mercy he knoweth my short breath and great weakenes As he sent for Helias a f●ry chariote so sendeth he for me for by fyre my drosse muste be purifyed that I may be fine gold in hys syghte Oh vnthankefull wretche that I am Lorde do thou forgeue me myne vnthankfulnes In dede I confesse ryghte deare to me in the lord that my synnes haue deserued hell fyre much more then thys fyer But loe so louyng is my Lorde that he conuerteth the remedye for my synnes the punishmente for my transgressions into a testimoniall of hys truth and a testification of hys verity which the Prelates doe persecute in me and not my synnes therfore they persecute not me but Christ in me which I doubte not wyl take my part vnto the very ende Amen Oh that I had so open an harte as coulde so receiue as I should do this great benefite and vnspeakable dignitye which God my father offreth to me Now pray for me my derely beloued pray for me that I neuer shrinke I shal neuer shrynke I hope I trust in the Lorde I shal neuer shrinke for he that alwayes hath taken my parte I am assured wil not leaue me when I haue most nede for hys truth merties sake Oh Lord helpe me into thy handes I commende me wholy In the Lorde is my my truste I care not what man can do vnto me Amen My derely beloued say you Amen also and come after if so god call you Be not ashamed of the gospell of Christ but kepe company wyth hym stil He wyll neuer leaue you but in the myddest of temptation wil geue you an outscape to make you able to beare the brunte Vse harty prayer reuerently reade and heare gods worde put it in practise looke forthe crosse lift vp your heades for your redēption draweth nigh know that the death of gods saintes is precious in hys syght be mery in the Lorde pray for the mitigation of gods heauy displeasure vpon our countrey God kepe vs for euer God blesse vs wyth his spirituall blessynges in Christ And thus I bydde you farewell for euer in thys present lyfe Pray for me praye for me for gods sake pray for me God make perfecte hys good worke begonne in me Amen Out of prison this 7. of February Yours in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To certayne godlye men relieuers and helpers of hym and others in theyr imprisonmente THe peace of Christ which passeth all pleasure and worldly felicity be daily more and more felte in your hartes my right derely beloued in the Lord by the inwarde workyng of the holy spirite the earnest of our inheritaunce and guider of gods electe wyth the whyche god our dere father more more endue vs al vnto the ende for hys beloued sonnes sake our lord Iesus Christ Amen Praysed be god the father of our lord Iesus Christ which is a father of mercy a god of al consolation that hath blessed you with the knowlege loue of his truth not only to your own cōfortes but also the great ease cōfort of many which without the helpe of god by you hetherto had bene in much more misery By your releuing the lordes prisoners I am brought to see the rote wherof the worke doth spring euen the knowlege loue of gods truth wherfore we are in hādes The which knowledge loue in that it is a blessyng of all blessings the greatest for it is euen eternal life Ioh. 17 I cānot but praise god for you on this behalfe that it hath pleased hym to much you worthy so excellēt singuler a benefit which is more to be estemed desired cared for thē any thyng els The world for al that euer it hath cānot attayne by any meanes to this blessing which God our father hath geuē you freely of his own good wil through christ euē before ye were purposed to desire it Therfore I besech you al to be thankful with me to reioyce in the lord For if he haue geuē vs such a gift vnasked vndesired yea vnthought vpō how can it be the he wil deny vs any good thing now which may be necessary for vs Wil he trow ye sowe his sede in the ground of your hartes
letters to nor fro I coniectured that when the bishop and the Chauncellour had sene them it moued them the rather to haue me away being more desirous as I suppose to haue had me dispatched priuily in pryson thē to come opēly to my answer The maner of entreating vsing me at my first cōming to prison dyd partly declare the same Certayne sergeauntes Constables of Couentry beyng appointed to haue the conueying of vs to Lichfield to be deliuered there to one Iephcot the Chaūcellours man sent frō Couentry wyth vs for the same purpose we were commaunded to horsebacke aboute 11. or .12 of the clocke on Friday beyng market day that we myght be the more gased and wondred at And to kindle the peoples hartes more against vs they did proclayme a letter concerning a proclamation made for calling in and disanulling of al such bokes as truly expound interprete the scriptures We came to Lichfield about 4. of the clocke at nyght had leaue to repose our selues our supper tyme. We Inned at the signe of the Swanne where we were enterteyned frendly and gently After supper Iephcot repayred to vs whome we intreated that vpon sureties we myght rest our selues that nighte beyng vnprouided of any thyng to helpe our selues withal in the pryson at that present He was content at the fyrst as he semed but afterwards whether it was by persuasiō or rather as it semed to me he did but of pollicy put of the tyme till he had gathered a multitude to stare and wonder vpō vs and also that we should prouyde nothyng to ease our selues wythall he reuoked hys promise and so by consente we were hadde to the pryson the the multitude wonderyng at vs. I wylled Iephcot before to execute hys offyce wyth mercy tellyng hym that they shoulde haue iudgement wythout mercy that shewed no mercy And this mercy I founde at hys hand He put me into a pryson the same nyght where I continued vntyll I was condemned a place next to the doungel narrow of roumes strong of buildyng and very cold wyth small lyght and there alloweth he me a bundel of straw in stead of my bed wythout chaire forme or any thyng els to ease my selfe wythall God of his mercy gaue me great patience through prayer that nyghte so that if it had bene hys pleasure I could haue bene cōtented to haue ended my life But Iephcot and one Persey the bishops man whyche afterwardes was my continuall keper for the most part came to me in the mornyng to whome I said this is great extremity god send vs patience and no more Then they were content that I should haue a bedde of myne owne procurement But I was allowed no helpe neyther night nor day nor company of any man notwythstanding my great sicknesse nor yet paper penne or ynke or bookes sauing my new testament in Latine a prayer boke which I priuily stole in Within two daies after M. Chauncellour and one Temsey a prebendary there came to me into my prison M. Chauncellor exhorted me to conforme my selfe to my Lord and to the church He wished to my soule no more hurt thē to his owne belike because I had laid to hys charge at Couentry the sekyng of my bloode vniustly and wrongfully Now thus the second tyme I aunswered M. Chauncellour to hys exhortation that I refused not to be ruled by that church that was content to be ordered and gouerned by the worde of GOD. He asked me how I knewe the worde of God but by the churche The churche sheweth whiche is the word of god therfore the church is aboue the word of God This is no good reason in learnyng sayd I to Mayster Chaūcellor For it is like vnto this Iohn shewed the people who was Christ Ergo Iohn was aboue Christe Or els I haue a man that knoweth not the king and I tel him who is the kyng am I therfore aboue the kyng M. Chaūcellour said he came not to reason with me and so departed So remained I without any further conference of any man by the space of .8 dayes and tyll the bishops commyng in in the which tyme I gaue my self continually to prayer and meditation of the mercifull promises of god made vnto al wythout exception of person that cal vpon the name of his deare sonne Iesus Christ I found in my selfe daily amendment of health of body increase of peace in conscience and many consolatiōs from god by the help of his holy spirit sometymes as it were a tast and glymmering of the lyfe to come all for hys only sonne Iesus Christes sake to hym be all prayse for euer and euer Amen The enemy ceased not many tymes sundry waies to assault me oftētimes obiectyng to my consciēce mine own vnworthines through the greatnes of the benefite to be coūted among the number of them that should suffer for christ or his gospels sake Against hym I replyed wyth the word of God in thys sort what were all those whome God had chosen from the begynnyng to be hys witnesses and carye his name before the worlde Were they not men Act. 14. as Paule Barnabas said similiter obnoxii peccato aswel subiect to wickednes sinne imperfections as other men be Euen such were Noe Abraham Dauid and all the rest Rom. 11 Roma 4. Quis prior dedit illi as S Paule sayth Who gaue firste vnto him And also speaking to euery mā What hast thou that thou receiuedst not Likewise Iohn al haue receiued of his fulnes Iohn ● they wer no bringers of any goodnes to god but altogether receyuers They chose not god first but he chose them They loued not god first but he loued thē first Yea he bothe loued and chose them when they were his enemies Roma 10. full of sinne and corruption and voyde of all goodnes Est dominus omniū diues in omnes super omnes inuocātes eū He is and wyl be stil the same god as riche in mercy as mighty as hable as redy as wyllyng to forgeue the synnes wythout respect of person to the worldes ende of all them that call vpon hym Prope est dominus omnibus inuocantibus eum God is nere he is at hād Psal 145. he is wyth all wyth al I say and refuseth none excepteth none that faithfully in true repentaunce cal vpon hym in what houre what place or what tyme soeuer it be It is no arrogancy nor presumption in any man to burthen god as it were wyth hys promise of duty to clayme and chalēge hys aide helpe and assistance in all our perils daungers and dystresse calling vpon him not in the confidence of our owne godlines but in the truste of hys promises made in Christ in whom and by whome and for whose sake whosoeuer boldly approcheth to the mercye seate of the father is sure to receyue whatsoeuer is expedient or necessary either for body or soule in more ample wayes and large manner
you the most swete and heauēly consolations of the holy ghost To him therfore who is able to do exceding aboūdātly aboue al that euer we can desire or thinke I do most hartely cōmit you with al the rest of your godly prison fellowes who comfort strengthen and defend you wyth hys grace and mighty operatiō of his holy spirit as he hath he therto done that you hauing a most glorious victory ouer the suttle Serpēt and all his wicked sede may also receiue the crown of glory immortalitie prepared for you before the foūdations of the world wer laid is so surely kept for you in the hands of him whose promise is vnfaflible that the Deuill sinne death or hell shall neuer be able to depriue you of the same The blessyng of God be with you now and for euermore Amen Pray pray pray for me Your owne for euer Iohn Careles ¶ To my derely beloued in the lord Mystres A. K. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the helpe comfort and assistaunce of his most pure and holy spirite be wyth you my moste deare Syster to the performaunce of that he hath so graciously begon in you that it maye be to hys glory the profit of hys churche and your eternall comfort in hym Amen As I am ryght sory at my poore hart O worshipfull Matrone that any afflictiōs or passiōs of heauines should trouble your godly and louing hart vnto the which I wish vnfainedly all godly ioye quietnes euē so am I glad and geue god most harty thankes that he of hys great goodnes hath vsed me poore wretched miser by any meanes to be an occasion of the increase of your godlye mirthe and gladnes But O my good and faithfull Syster I see wherabout you go You play wyth me as a good louyng mother doth with her vnwilling child When it dothe any thyng at her desyre she prayseth it and maketh her selfe glad therof that it maye take courage to do better and be more willing against an other tyme. Euen so do you right reuerend Matrone make your selfe glad of my symple doinges to comforte encourage me to cōtinue in that which is good and to grow and go forwarde willingly in the same God for Christes sake geue me hys grace that in all thinges I maye satisfye your godly expectation that I may do some honour to hys heauenly doctrine And as you haue greatly comforted me with your most godly and louyng letter euen so I beseche you to assiste me with your faythful and harty praier as I dout not but you do for I feele the present helpe therof praised be God therfore God make me thankeful for you my deare Syster and also mindfull of my duetye towardes you all other the lordes elect children Ah my deare and faithfull hart in the Lorde how much and how depely am I bound to prayse god for you and to geue hym thankes day and night on your good behalfe Oh happy are you that euer you were borne the God wil so mightely be magnified in you O blessed woman that so surely beleuest and hast so plentifully tasted of gods holy spirit that out of thy wōbe doe flow the ryuers of the water of lyfe to whō god hath made manifest that myght of his meruelous mercy and hath geuen consolatiō in the same so that you are able of your own good experiēce to comfort others in all their afflictions which thyng I can wytnes I praise god therfore in that I do depely tast fele of the same God for christes sake recompence the same all other your good doinges seuen folde into your bosome as I doute not but he wil do according to hys promise God make me suche a one as you report me to be that my frutes might take suche effect as you speake of But alas I am a great horrible most greuous sinner therefore I feare me god be angry with me for presuming to take his word in my mouth God hide my sinnes from the sight of the world that I be not a slaūder to his truth But it is you O dere daughter of Abrahā whiche doe so loue liue the gospel that I other are more confirmed in the truth therof by your good example God hath at thys day in hys poore afflicted church a sort of worthy women which do him and his such seruice as is acceptable in hys sight I speake of experience I prayse god therfore and not to the ende to flatter you or any other the lord is my witnes God for my sinnes hath taken from me the companye of godly learned men to my great grief and heauy discomfort but of his great goodnes mercy he doth supply my spiritual lacke by the good ministery of godly vertuous womē Of which faithful labourers in the gospel whose names are writē in the boke of life my derely beloued Sister you are not the least The lord be thāked for you blessed be the time that euer I knew you for your loue faithful amity is to me a sure signe seale of gods loue mercy Oh dere lord what am I vpon whō thou shouldest vouchsafe to shew such great tokens of thine inestimable loue kindnes Oh faithful father forgeue me my great ingratitude sinnes Oh let me be no lōger negligent in doing my duty towardes thy dere childrē whiche thou haste lincked in loue wyth me knitting oure hartes together in a perfecte bonde of Christian charitye wherby all men may see that we are thy Disciples O my good Syster I would you knewe what ioy cōfort I doe fele in my good christ at this presēt houre God make you partaker of the same for this which I haue partly commeth by you whom god hath vsed as his good instrumēt therto And where as you do most godly counsell me with S. Peter 1. Pet. 5 to cast all my care vpon the Lorde and to be careles not only in name but also in effecte specially in respecte of hym for whose sake I do suffer and the syncere truth which I do professe I thanke you hartely for your most godly and comfortable exhortation and I entend by gods grace to folow the same as farreforth as he shall assist me with his holy and mighty spirit wythout the which I can neither take things patiently neither reioyce vnder the crosse as I ought for to do Oh what great cause haue I to reioyce be glad the god of his great mercy infinit goodnes wil count me worthy to suffer for hys sake to beare hys swete crosse wherwyth he doth meruelously begynne to fashion me into hys owne similitude and likenes that in his glory I maye bee like him also Oh how wel may I be Careles in dede as wel as in name seyng that I haue cast my care vpon the lord hymself who I am ryght well assured by fayth careth for me hath committed me to christes safe custody which
contrary to all the reste to make them seme among the simple or carnall as though they serued for your purpose and euen so may the rankest heretyke in the world do to stablish his heresy withall But surely in the ende such rakers shal receiue a heuy reward which will be a great deale soner thē they wene let them make as light of the matter in the meane space as they list Ah what a great griefe is this how greatly to be lamēted in these our woful dais that so many which beare the name of christiās vnto whom it hath pleased the lord of his great goodnes infinit mercy to reuele the blessed knowlege of his holy sincere word and therto hath opened the eies of their minds illuminate their vnderstāding wherby they do perceiue aswel what is pleasaūt acceptable in his sight as also what is abhominable detestable in the same do yet that not withstāding not only leue the good which they ought withal their indevour to haue done but also with a wicked boldnes do commit that euil which they ought in no wise to haue done that is where as they ought by al godly meanes to haue encouraged their christian brethrē and Sisters to be strong in the lord and boldly to confesse Christe bearyng his crosse also with ioy and patience and to auoyde al detestable idolatry superstitiō and wickednes which is the right occupieng of their talent and the very ende wherto God hath geuen thē the same do contrariwise as much as in them lyeth both by worde wicked example discourge their weake bretherne and Sisters from the bold confession of christes verity that they shoulde not with ioye and patience beare Christes swete crosse and also do prouoke yea allure and draw thē to all kynde of idolaty supersticion and wickednes in beyng present with the papistes at their most horrible and blasphemous Masse and other Antichristian seruice Whereby it is now come to passe alas therfore that the old prouerbe that S. Peter speaketh of 2. Pet. 2. is found to true the dogge is turned to his vomite agayne and the Sowe that was washed to her wallowing in the mire to the vtter destruction of many a one vnles the lord of his great mercy geue them grace to repent and turne in time Oh world of wickednes and case most lamentable that euer any man to whome the Lorde hathe geuen any of hys good gifts should now apply the same to the destruction of his christian bretherne and Sisters for whome Christ shed his most precious bloud Alas that euer there shoulde be any such vnthankfulnes found amongest those that beare the name of gospellers It had bene muche better for such vnles they in time repent that they had neuer knowen the gospell then thus beastly to abuse their knowledge not only to the terrible destruction of themselues but also of many other simple soules whiche woulde neuer haue bene presēt or pertakers with the Antichristes at their Babilonical superstition had it not bene for such tēpting Serpents which haue subtely deceyued them vnder a pretence of knowlege Oh miserable blynd guides and blynd leaders of the blind who can sufficiently lament your wofull state into the which your worldly wisdom hath brought you hath god for your ingratitude so geuen you vp to your selues that you can nowe finde in your hart with your knowledge to go about to destroy that thing which you ought chiefly to edifie I meane the church of Christ wherof you pretend to be members also to erecte and edifie the thing which God he knoweth you ought by al lawful meanes to pul down destroy I meane the Sinagoge of Sathā or malignant church of Antichrist Ful well am I assured O you holow harted hypocrites that the pestilent papists thēselues neither by feare nor flattery coulde euer haue bene able to haue brought so many simple soules that had some zeale to gods word to the presence of their deuilyshe Idolatry if you such lyke carnal gospellers had not holpe thē aswel with your lying persuasions as also with your deuelysh doings most wicked exāples Therfore I must nedes say that you haue shewed your selues to be greater enemies to the church of Christ dearer scends to the church of Antichrist then the very papistes thē selues be Verely you are farre fitter instrumentes for the deuill to vse his disceate by then the papistes be they neuer so ranck yea to saye the truth you are a farre sweeter bayte to catche the simple soules that do not suspect you then the fynest papists vpon the whole earth For is not this a swete kind of gospelling trow you to the senses of the carnall man to come tel him that is somthing feareful worldly minded with al that he may by the word of God lawfully go to church do al things outwardly as the papists do only let his hart be towardes god and al shal be well enough yea and so he may liue be quiet saue his landes goods and do much good an other way many a day to come when the gospel shal come again c and to make this bayte yet somthing more sweter more subciller to deceaue to garnishe the same with diuerse sayings and examples of the holy scriptures which at the fyrst blush before they be wel weighed seme to make somthing for your purpose thinke you I say that thys is not a swete slight of the subtill Serpent to deceaue the simple soules of carnall wauering minded men withal Yes verelye for this is as the Prophet Ezechiell sayeth a sowing of pyllowes vnder al arme wholes EZec. 13. and bolsters vnder the heades of young and olde to catch soules and to lay the conscience a slepe vpon But when the tyme shall come that God doth waken them then will such slepers say with the Prophet woe be to thē that so haue done Woe be vnto such vngodly gospellers that geue such counsel vnto carnall mē making them by euill meanes to seeke to saue their liues wherby they are like vtterly to lose the same both in body soule for euer These be the enemies of the crosse that Saint Paule speaketh of Phil. 3. which with swete preaching flatteryng wordes deceaue vnstable soules These do not choose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God then to enioye the pleasure of synne for a litle season esteming the rebukes of Christe to bee greater ryches then all the treasures of Egipte Heb. 11. Matth. 8. as good Moses dyd But these godlesse hypocrites with the Gergesites set more by their Porkettes then by the companye of Christe and therefore haue they not onelye desyred hym but also compelled him to depart oute of their coastes and in hys stead they haue gently receaued the Deuill and Antichriste hys eldest sonne yea with all their force and might they haue brought him in againe as a good Swineheard to kepe
of GOD or elles we doe moste wickedly transgresse the greate and fyrste commaundemente But doe we obeye and beleue that thys is true So shall we of force by the same bee constrayned to fulfyll the seconde parte that is to saye loue hym wyth all oure harte c. For whoe seeing the goodnesse of GOD towardes hym in Iesus Christe for whose sake onelye he hath geuen hym selfe wholye to bee oures in most large ample wise that may be who I say seing thys woulde not with all his hart soule and minde loue the Lord againe and of loue not only leaue the doing of such things as might displease him but also be ready and willing to doe what so euer is acceptable in his sight yea moste gladly and ioyfullye suffer what soeuer he wil appoint vs to do for his sake knowing assuredly that nothing can come vnto vs no not the diminishing of one heare of our head wtout his good wil pleasure and merciful appointment and that he louing vs so wel that he would geue hys sonne him selfe the holye ghoste and finally all other thinges in Christe to vs will not appoynt any thing vnto vs otherwise then shall bee to the setting forth of his glory and our euerlasting commoditie This great aboundaunt bottomles loue and mercye of god did holy S. Paule depely feele when he made that bold proclamation in the latter ende of the .8 Chap. to the Rom. saying who is it or what is it that shal bee able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord Reade the whole Chapter often times I besech you Thus deare hart you see the eternall loue fatherly care prouidence of God towardes you In respecte whereof I trust you do not onely caste al your care vpon him but also most louingly obeye him in all his holy ordinaunces euermore meekely submitting your will vnto his in all and euery thing knowing that the same wil make all thinges turne to your beste and that without his pleasure a poore sparow shall not peryshe in the foulers nette muche lesse you or your deare husband your good Vncle M. Latymer or any of yours Let this fayth and godlye persuasion euer more be firme in your hart without doubting or wauering for ●ou● it al that euer you go about is in vaine yea without this faith in God you can not please him you can not commit and betake your self wholy vnto him you can not truly feare him you can not loue him in deede you can not call vpon him or hartely praye vnto him neither yet prayse him a tyght Therefore let this be your alone and continual endeuour to be confirmed more and more of this that GOD is your owne moste deare louing father throughe Christ that he hath a moste tender care ouer you and for you as alwayes he hath hadde and euer wyll haue both in soule and body for this life for eternal life how so euer things haue or shal happē to appeare vnto you According to this your fayth and as you beleue so shal it be vnto you and as you thinke god to be vnto you so shal you feele him Thinke therfore swetely of the lord of his goodnes thāke him most hartely that euer he would vouch you worthy to sustaine the losse of your chefest treasures in earth for his sake and that he would euer geue you any thing to bestowe for his loue And as you prayse the Lord for his great mercyes manifolde benefites so largelye geuen vnto you before many other so do you faythfully pray vnto him that he wil continue hys louing kindnes towards you and kepe you blamelesse through loue in Christ vnto the ende yea make you worthye stronge and able to suffer the losse of your owne life for the testimonye of his truth whiche as your good Vncle sayde to me once and your deare husband full often is the greatest promotion and dignitie that God can bring vs vnto in this life yea it is an honour which the highest Aungells in heauen be not permitted to haue And in this your hartye and faythfull prayer I doe moste humblye require you to remember me a moste miserable wretch I feare me not compted worthye to become one of his constante witnesses vnto the worlde in such sorte as I woulde fayne be pray for me my deare hart pray for me as I will neuer forgette you nor your blessed childrē so long as I am in this prison of the body Cōmende me vnto Hewgh Glouer Marmaduke and to their younger brother and sister The Lord god comfort and blesse them and poure his good spirite vpon them wherewith their good father was plentifully endewed I praye you do my hartye commendations vnto my good brother her Augustine and his wife and I hartely thanke you for your goodnesse towardes them Desire them also to praye for me for now the needefull time doth approche I prayse God I am more harty then euer I was and so I beseche hym to make you all to bee I haue manye thinges to say more but I am here constrayned to make an end Al my doinges come to an ende with extremitie God graunt that I may enter into his glory through the straite gate though I struggle striue thrusting amonge the preasse with great violence I beseche you yet once againe all my deare frends in god to ayde strengthē me with your praiers as I wil neuer forget any of you so long as this wrasteling life of mine doth laste as knoweth God to whose most merciful defence I do hartely cōmitte you and al yours The swete blessing of god the father the sonne the holy ghoste be with you all Amen Your dayly and most bounden Oratour Iohn Careles prysoner of the Lorde pray praye for me in fayth To my good brother M. Iohn Bradford THe peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternal cōfort of his swete spirite which hath surely sealed you vnto eternall saluation be with you and strengthen you in your ioyfull iourney towards the celestial Hierusalē my deare frend and most faythfull brother M. Bradforde to the setting forth of Gods glory and to your eternall ioy in Christ Amen Euer since the good M. Philpot shewed me your last letter my deare hart in the lord I haue continued in great heuynes perplexitie ▪ not for any hurt or discōmoditie that I cā perceaue comming towardes you vnto whom doubtles death is made life and great felicitie but for the greate losse that gods chuch here in England shal sustaine by the taking away of so godly worthy and necessary an instrument as the lord hath made you to be Oh that my life a thousand such wretched liues moe might goe for yours Oh why doth god suffer me such other Caterpillers to liue that cā do nothing but consume the almes of the church and take away you so worthy a workmā labourer in the Lords vineyard But woe
flaming fyre quicke and aliue whosoeuer will goe aboute to bewray their falshed The kind of fight against these church robbers is also of an other sorte and kinde then is that whiche is agaynste the theues of the borders For there the true men go forth against thē with speare launce with bow and byl and al such kind of bodelye weapons as the true men haue but here as the enemyes be of an other nature so the watchmen of Christs flocke the warriours that fight in the Lordes warre muste be armed and fight with an other kinde of weapons and armour For here the enemies of God the souldiors of Anti-Christ although the battel is set forth against the churche by mortall men being flesh and bloud and neuerthelesse members of theyr father the deuil yet for that theyr graund maister is the power of darknesse theyr members are spirituall wickednes wicked spirites spirites of erroures of heresies of all deceate and vngodlines spirites of idolatry Ephe 6 superstition and hipocrisye which are called of S. Paule Principates powers Lordes of the world rulers of the darknesse of this world and spiritual subtilties concerning heauēly things therfore our weapons must be fit and mete to fyght agaynst such not carnall nor bodely weapons as speare and launce but spiritual and heauenly we must fight agaynst such with the armor of God not entendinge to kill they re bodyes but their errours theyr false craft and heresies theyr idolatry superstitiō and hipocrisy Eph 6. and to saue as much as lieth in vs both theyr bodies and soules And therfore as S. Paule teacheth vs we fighte not against fleshe and bloude that is we fyght not with bodely weapon to kyll the man but with the weapons of God to put to flight his wicked errours vice and to saue both body and soule Our weapons therfore are faythe hope charitye righteousnesse truthe pacience prayer vnto God and our sword wherwyth we smite our enemies we beate and batter and beare down all falshed is the word of God With these weapons vnder the banner of the crosse of Christ we do fyght euer hauinge our eye vpon our graunde Maister Duke and captayne Christe and then we recken our selues to triumphe and to winne the crown of euerlastinge blesse when enduringe in this battaile withoute anye shrinking or yelding to the enemies after the example of our graund Capitaine Christ our Mayster after the exāple of his holy Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs when I say we are slayne in oure mortall bodyes of our enemies are most cruelly and without all mercy murdered down like a me any of shepe And the more cruel the more payneful the more vyle and spitefull is the kind of the death whereunto we be put the more glorious in God the more blessed and happye wee recken withoute all doubtes oure Martyrdome to be And thus much dere loeuers frends in god my country men kinsfolk I haue spoken for your comfort least of my deathe of whose life you loked peraduenture sometimes to haue had honestye pleasures and commodities ye myghte be abashed or thinke any euill whereas ye haue rather cause to reioyse if ye loue me indeede for that it hathe pleased God to call me to a greater honoure and dignitye than euer I did enioye before eyther in Rochester or in the Sea of London or euer shoulde haue had in the Sea of Durham whereunto I was last of all elected and named yea I count it greater honoure before God in deede to die in his cause whereof I nothynge doubte then is any earthlye or temporall promocion or honoure that canne be geuen to a man in thys worlde And who is he that knoweth the cause to be Goddes to be Chrystes quarell and of hys Gospell to bee the common weale of all the elect and chosen children of God of all the inheritoures of the kingdome of Heauen who is he I saye that knoweth this assuredlye by Goddes woorde and the testimonye of hys owne conscience as I through the infinite goodnes of god not of my self but by hys grace acknowledge my self to do who is he I say that knoweth this both loueth fereth god in dede in truth loueth beleueth hys maister Christ and hys blessed gospel loueth his brotherhode the chosen children of god and also lusteth and longeth for euerlastinge life whoe is he I say againe that woulde not or can not fynde in his harte in thys cause to be content to dye The Lord forbid that any such shoulde be that shoulde forsake this grace of God I truste in my Lord God the God of mercies and the father of all comfort throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde that he whiche hathe put thys mynde will and affection by hys holye spirite in my harte to stande agaynste the face of the enemie in hys cause to chose rather the losse of all my worldly substaunce yea and of my life to then to denye hys knowne truthe that he well comfort me ayd me and strengthen me euermore euen vnto the ende and to the yelding vp of my spirite and soule into hys holye handes wherof I most hartely besech hys moste holye sacred Maiestye of hys infinyte goodnes and mercye throughe Iesus Christe our Lord. Amen Now that I haue taken my leaue of my countrey menne and kinsfolke and the Lorde doth lende me life and geueth me leysure I wyll bydde my other good friendes in God of other places also farewell And whome fyrste or before other then the Vniuersytye of Cambridge whereas I haue dwelte longer founde more faythfull and hartye frendes receyued more benefites the benefytes of my naturall parentes onlye excepted then euer I did euen in mine owne natyue countrey wherein I was borne Farewel therfore Cambrydge my louyng mother and tender nurse If I shoulde not acknowlege thy manyfold benefits yea if I shold not for thy benifits at the lest loue the agayn truly I were to be counted vngrate vnkind What benyfytes hadst thou euer that thou vsest to geue bestow vpon thy best beloued childrē that thou thoughtest to good for me Thou diddest bestowe on me all thy Schole degrees of thy common offyces the Chaplaynshyppe of the vniuersity the office of the P●ortorship of a cōmon reader and of thy priuate cōmodyties emolumētes in colledges what was it that thou madest me not partner of Fyrst to be Scholer then Fellow and after my departure frō thee thou calledst me agayne to a Mastership of a right worshipful colledge I thanck thee my louing mother for all this thy kindnes and I pray God that his lawes the syncere Gospel of Christ may euer be truly taught faythfully learned in thee Farewell Pembroke hall of late mine own Colledge my cure my charge what case thou artin now God knoweth I know not well Thou wast euer named sithens I knewe thee which is nowe a .xxx. yeares agoe to be studious well learned and a greate
faythe and firme hope of eternall life dearely beloued whiche of long tyme ye haue learned and throughlye perswaded your selues in by the truth vnfallible veritye of the heauenlye worde sealed with christes most precious blood is verye sore and daungerouslye assaulted and by all meanes possible attempted to be taken from you that ye should haue no longer credit to gods truth but beleue mās lies nor haue you saluation by Christe that once died and offred himself for sinne once for al but that ye should beleue now your saluation in Christ to be manye times offered by wicked men euery day in the abhominable masse to the vtter conculcation and defacing of christes death as the wicked pope and his adherents would perswade you not as Christ your sauiour hath taught you But this sodaine and miserable chaunge from the truth vnto falshode from god Christ to the deuil and Antichrist doubtles cōmeth of god for our manifold synnes towardes the heauenly father our shephard that taught vs a long time with his blessed word and we were neither thankefull for it nor yet put our trust in hym as in one that onely could saue and defend his own word but we thought in our folishnes that the world was so much and so many wayes with the word of God that euen by mannes strength it myght haue ben defended wheras the truth of gods word is permanent and neuer fayleth saying Ieremy 17 Psal 30 cursed be they that make flesh their defence shield For as king Dauid when god had broughte him to possesse hys kyngdome peaceably sayde like a foole as he was I shall neuer be more vnquieted but yet the Lord turned his face from hym and he found straight way such an alteration as he neuer founde before with increase of newe daungers more troublous then euer he had before euen likewise whē god had geuen vs a blessed and holy king and such maiestrates although they were synners as wished the glorye of god onely to be preferred by true doctrine we lyke carnall men thought our selues so sure and so stablished that it had not bene possible to haue sene such a pitious and myserable chaunge and the truth of gods word so oppressed as we see at this present daye But we be most worthely punished euen the same wayes that we haue offended We dyd put our trust in fleshe and where as Gods spirite in fleshe dwelled as in our holy blessed kyng Edward the sixte he is now dead in the flesh and his holy soule resteth with the heauenly father in ioyes for euer he is nowe I saye taken from vs and cannot helpe vs such as in his tyme seemed much to fauour the glory of god are become gods enemies can both hear other to proced against the glory of god also set fort the same thēselues as much as thei may so that such spirituall and godly persons as sought in the flesh gods glory are taken from vs or els in such case as they can doe vs no good And such fleshe as folowed and loued God in the sighte of the worlde and had great vauntage by hys word are become his very enemies and not only his but also enemies to hys members But yet as kyng Dauyd knew his folish foly and with repentaunce repented and found grace so it may please god to geue vs of his grace holy spirit to amend our faultes in the lyke offence and helpe vs as he did him But doubtles great is our iniquity For there was neuer so great abhomination redde of and so quickly to preuaile as this abhomination of the wicked masse hathe preuailed in Englande And all Christen men knowe that the Turkes and heathen neither haue nor yet had euer any so sensibly knowen and manifest an Idoll Wherfore Vpon this psalme as vpon dyuers other he wrote a godly most comfortable treatise whe● unto he annexed this letter as a preface that almighty god of his mercye may preserue his people in this noble City of London I haue write vpon the 23. psal of king Dauid to aduertise men howe they shal beware of heresies and false doctrine and so to lyue to his honour and glorye Albeit I knowe dearely beloued that all those whiche seeke Godes honour and the furtheraunce of his gospel bee accompted the Quenes enemies although we daily pray for her grace and neuer thynke her harme but we must content to suffer slaunder patiētly to beare al such iniuries Neuertheles this is out of doubt that the Quenes highnes hathe no aucthoritye to compell any man to beleue any thyng contrary to gods worde neyther may the subiecte geue her grace that obedience in case he do his soule is lost for euer Our bodies goods and liues be at her highnes commaundement and she shall haue thē as of true subiects but the soule of man for religiō is bound to none but vnto god and hys holy word To a certayne godly woman instructing her how she should behaue her selfe in the time of her widowhode THe grace of god and the comfort of his holy spirit be with you and with all them that vnfainedly loue his holy gospell Amen I thanke you deare sister for yor most louing remembraunce and althoughe I can not recompence the same yet doe I wishe with all my hart that god would doe it requiring you not to forget your duty towardes god in these perilous days in the which the Lorde wyll trye vs. I truste you doe increase by readyng of the Scriptures the knowledge you haue of God and that you diligently applye your selfe to folowe the same for the knowledge helpeth not excepte the lyfe be accordyng there vnto Further I do hartely praye you to consider the state of your widowhode and if God shall put in your mynde to chaunge it remember the sayeng of Saint Paule 1. Corinthians 7 it is lawfull for the widow or mayden to mary to whom they list so it be in the lord that is to say to such a one as is of Christes religion Dearely beloued in Christ remember these wordes for you shal fynd therby great ioy and comfort if you chaunge your state Whereof I will when I haue better leysure as now I haue none at all further aduertise you In the meane time I commende you to God and the guidyng of hys good spirite who stablyshe and confirme you in all well doyng and keepe you blameles to the daye of the Lorde Watche and praye for this day is at hand Yours assured in Christ Ioh Hoper An aunswer to a frende of his for a woman that was troubled with her husband in matters of religion how she should behaue her selfe towardes him THe grace and peace of God our deare father throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord Amen As concerning the party whom you wrote vnto me of I haue here sent you mine aduise and what I thynke is beste in this case to be done Fyrste she shall
imbecillitye in our selues 1. Pet. 5. beyng suche as is not hable to withstande the leaste of hys assaultes but on the contrarye beynge ouerwhelmed wyth the waues whiche be styrred vp by these tempestes of hys temptations Math. 8. we are compelled to crye wyth these Dysciples who in theyr extremitye cryed saue vs Lorde or elles we peryshe The tymes be perylous we muste therfore be circumspect not solace our selues in carnall security but beyng cōtent to enter into the sheepe of Christes crosse and obiecting our selues to al ieoperdous passages in the aduēturous iorneying to our heauenly countrey let vs for thys present vsage accompte it comfort enough to haue the fellowship of suche a fellow venterer He once beyng in the Shyppe wyth hys Disciples dyd wyth hys worde aswage the swellyng of the Sea so daungerous He hath not lefte vs alone in the Ship of thys frayle fleshe but ioyneth wyth vs in thys daungerous iorney aswel by hys once beyng subiecte vnto all bodely infirmities as we be synne only except as also by his assuryng vs of his gratious assistāce now that he is becom before hys heauenly father our Prynce our Priest and our Prophet alwayes prest and ready to helpe by hys power propitiation and inspiration of hys holy spirite And what though he for a season do slepe and do so suffer vs vnto our seemynges to synke He wyll bee awaked beyng pulled by prayer and therfore doth he delay our spedy deliueraunce euen to fortifye our faithe by importune prayer Lette vs then wyth instance apply this busines and the rather in respect of the dangerous do●ing of this old age of the world For it is with the men of this latter age of the worlde as it is with a very aged man who for impotency of the powers both of the mind the body is brought to much imbecillitye Then do the wittes by weakenes wander out of the waye The bodye by feablenes and defaulte of the former strength doth stagger full weakely doth any lymme or part of that wretched body execute the function vnto it belongyng In lyke maner is it with the churche of Christe in this do●yng old age of the world There is nothyng such fulnes in gods graces as heretofore hath bene in the primatiue church and the tymes immediatly ensuyng There is lesse perfection in the fayth feare and loue towardes god charity towardes the brethren There is lesse zeale to confesse god and lesse constancy to continue in gods truth then was heretofore And this is not straunge vnto them which do obserue the fore-speakings of the scriptures aswel of the prophets of our sauior Christe as also of his apostles by whome it hath ben signified before hand what daungerous dayes should come in the latter times as Math. 24 2. Thess 2. 1. Timoth. 2. Timo. 3.2 Peter 2. Wherfore let vs which are come into these latter daungerous tymes first consider how that the holy ghost hath geuen vs warnyng therof and also that we by proofe haue experience of the verifying of the same let vs now I say the more earnestly apply our humble petition vnto that mercyful father and hys sonne our swete sauiour who is the head of hys churche euen this his body weake though it be that he wyll vouchsafe not so muche to obserue the backeslidyng and shrinkyng of thys hys feble body as to respect the forspeakynges of these perilous tymes and let vs wyth and in the name of the whole church remember often the prayer of Dauid Psal 71. Lord cast me not away in the tyme of mine olde age when my strength doth decay That tyme of the church is euen now presente and truly if we be instance in prayer we be not without warrantise of gods promises to obtayne that we pray for Psal 40. Math. 24. 1. Cor. 10 Yea call vpon me sayth he in the day of thy trouble and I wyll delyuer thee For the electes sake it is sayd the daungerous dayes shal be shortned Yea faythfull is he that wyll not suffer vs to be tempted aboue that we be able to abyde We may be bold to put our gracious god in remembraunce of hys olde mercies Psal 44. with Deuid say oh god we haue hearde wyth our eares and our fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes that thou dyddest in theyr dayes and in the olde tyme before thē The testimonies of hys word do teach vs how he hath from the begynnyng alway gathered vnto himself a congregation church vnto the which hys chosē church he hath bound him selfe by his couenaunt of mercy to be their god and sauiour and besydes that hath powred vppon them his sundry blessinges and benefits But agayne it is to be sene in the scriptures how that euen these peculier gods people did at sundry tymes fall from that theyr heauenly profession aswell to Idolatrye and false Gods seruice as also vnto dissolute liuyng therby prouokyng gods wrathfull plagues and punishmentes the which in dede oftētimes as they were oftē deserued so they fel vpō them But euen as the god of Israel did visite the offences of hys people wyth his rodde of chastisement so did he not at any tyme take away hys mercies from them Psal 89. and that for that couenaunt of mercy made vnto them in Abraham Isaac and Iacob their forefathers And therfore when at any tyme throughe hys grace they dyd by repentaunce turne vnto hym he most fatherly embraced thē with the armes of his mercy These thyngs be written for vs that we in semblable wyse should consider fyrst the dignitye whereunto we haue bene called that is euen to be hys church and people Yea in comparyng our profession with either the heathenish Turkes infidels or vnto the people which are professed vnto this hypotriticall papistrye we haue to aduaunce our selues as the true childrē of Christ for that we beare the ryght badges of gods true people and that is the earnest desyre towards the propagation of gods most holy word and the right vse of the sacraments agreable to the same hauyng ioyned ther with a readines of hart and mynde to suffer affliction persecution for the confession of our fayth or at the least rather then we wyll deny or put away faith and a good conscience And besydes these outward notes and tokens declaryng the we be the true church there is a nearer token in gods elect which is the inward testimony of gods spirite whiche beareth wytnesse vnto our spirit that we be gods children Rom. 8 causyng vs to crye Abba father and beyng in dede the earneste peny of our saluation But notwithstandyng that we be thus promoted by our god and dignifyed by his graces yet must we consider how vnworthely we haue vsed in sundry wise these gods graces blessyngs yea so vnthankfully we haue receyued thē that no lesse plagues by gods iust iudgemente belong vnto vs then was at that tyme
c thoughe of duetye wee are bounde to accomplishe all that he requyreth and are culpable and gilty yf we do not the same yet he requyreth not these thyngs further of vs thē to make vs more in loue and more certayne of this his couenaunt that he is our lord and god In certaintie wherof as he hath geuen this whole world to serue to our nede and commoditie so hath he geued hys sonne Christe Iesus and in Christ hymselfe to be a pledge and gage wherof the holy Ghoste dothe nowe and then geue vs some taste and swete smell to our eternall ioye Therefore as I sayde because God is your father in Christe and requyreth of you straightly to beleue it geue your selfe to obedience although you do it not with such feelyng as you desyre First must fayth go before and then feelyng wyll folow Yf our imperfection frailtie and many euils should be occasions wherby Sathan woulde haue vs to doubte as much as we can let vs abhorre that suggestion as of all others most pernicious for so in dede it is For when we stande in a doubt whether God be our father we cannot bee thankefull to GOD we cannot hartelye praye or thynke any thyng we doe acceptable to God we cannot loue our neighboures and geue ouer our selues to care for them and do for them as we should do and therfore Sathā is most subtile hereaboutes knowyng full well that if we doubte of Gods fatherlye eternall mercies towardes vs through Christ we cannot please god or do any thynge as we should do to man Continually casteth he into our memories our imperfection frailtye falles and offences that we should doubt of gods mercye and fauour towardes vs. Therfore my good Syster we must not be sluggish herein but as Sathan laboureth to losen our fayth so muste we labour to fasten it by thynkyng on the promises and couenāt of God in Christes blood namely that god is our god wyth all that euer he hathe which couenaunt dependeth and hangeth vpon gods owne goodnes mercy and truth only and not on our obedience or worthines in any poynte for then should we neuer be certayne In dede God requyreth of vs obediēce worthines but not that therby we might be hys chyldren and he our father but because he is our father and we hys chyldren through hys own goodnes in Christ therfore requyreth he faythe and obedience Nowe if we wante this obedience and worthynes which he requyreth shoulde we doubt whether he be our father Nay that were to make our obedience and worthynes the cause and so to put christ out of place for whose sake god is our father But rather because he is our father and we feele our selues to wante such things as he requireth we should be styrred vp to a shamefastnes and blushyng because we are not as we shoulde be and therupon should we take occasion to goe to our father in prayer on thys manner Deare father thou of thyne own mercy in Christ hast chosen me to be thy childe and therfore thou wouldest I should be brought into thy church fayth full company of thy chyldren wherin thou hast kept me hetherto thy name therfore be praysed Now I see my selfe to wante fayth hope loue c. which thy children haue thou requirest of me where throughe the deuyll would haue me to doubte yea vtterlye to dispayre of thy fatherly goodnes fauour and mercy Therfore I come to thee as to my mercifull father through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and pray thee to helpe me good Lord helpe me and geue me faythe hope loue c. and graunt that thy holy spirite may be with me for euer and more and more to assure me that thou arte my father that thys mercifull couenaunt thou madest with me in respecte of thy grace in Christ and for Christ and not in respecte of any my worthines is alwayes true to me c. On thys sorte I say you must praye and vse your cogitations when Sathan woulde haue you to doubte of saluation He doth all he can to preuaile herein Do you al you can to preuaile herein against him Though you feele not as you would yet doubt not but hope beyonde all hope as Abraham did Fayth always as I said goeth before feeling As certayne as god is almighty as certayn as god is mercifull as certayne as god is true as certayne as Christ was crucifyed is rysen and sytteth on the ryght hand of the father as certayne as this is gods commaundement I am the Lord thy god so certayne oughte you to be that God is your father As you are bound to haue none other gods but him so are you no lesse bounde to beleue that god is your God What profyte should it be to you to beleue thys to be true I am the Lord thy god to others yf you shoulde not beleue that this is true to your selfe The Deuil beleueth on this sorte And whatsoeuer it bee that woulde moue you to doubte of thys whether god be your god through Christ that same commeth vndoubtedlye of the Deuyll Wherfore dyd GOD make you but because he loued you Myghte not he haue made you blynde dumme deafe lame frantyke c Myghte not he haue made you a Iewe a Turke a Papiste c And whye hathe he not done so Verelye because he loued you And whye dydde he loue you What was there in you to moue hym to loue you Surelye nothing moued hym to loue you therfore to make you and so hetherto to kepe you but hys owne goodnes in Christ Now then in that his goodnes in Christ styll remayneth as much as it was Eccle. 2. that is euen as great as him selfe for it cannot be lessoned how should it be but that he is your god and father Beleue this beleue this my good Sister for god is no chaungeling them whome he loueth he he loueth to the ende Caste therefore youre selfe wholye vppon hym and thynke without al waueryng that you are gods child that you are a citizen of heauē that you are the daughter of god the temple of the holye Ghoste c. If hereof you bee assured as you ought to be then shall your conscience be quieted then shall you lament more and more that you wante many thynges whiche god loueth then shall you labour to bee holye in soule and bodye then shall you goe aboute that Gods glorye maye shyne in you in all youre wordes and workes then shal you not bee afraid what man can do vnto you then shall you haue such wisedome to aunswer your aduersaries as shal serue to their shame and your comfort then shall you be certayne that no man can touch one heare of your heade further then shall please your good father to your euerlastyng ioye then shall you be most certayne that god as your good father wyl be more carefull for your children and make better prouision for them yf all you haue were gone then
deede the hygh waye whereby as God encreaseth his giftes so sheweth he more linelye hys saluation Psalme 50.107 I haue receaued Gods blessing frō you the which I haue partly distributed vnto my three fellowe prisoners Maister Farer Maister Taylour Maister Philpot and the residue I will bestowe vppon .iiii. poore soules which are imprisoned in the cōmon Iayle for religiō also As for mine own part if I had had nede I would haue serued my turne also But because I had not nor I thanke God haue not I haue beene and will hee your Almner in suche sorte as I haue already aduertised you God rewarde you and geue you to finde it spiritually and corporally Because otherwise I can not talke with you therefore on thys sort as occasion and opportunitie wil serue I am readye to shewe my good will and desire of youre healpe and furtheraunce in the Lorde to euerlasting life whereunto GOD bryng vs shortlye for hys mercyes sake Amen Good Madame bee thankefull to God as I hope you be be earnest in prayer continue in readynge and hearinge Gods woord and if Gods further crosse come as therein God doth serue hys prouidence for elles it shall not come vnto you so bee certayne the same shall tourne to your eternal ioy and comforte Amen Iohn Bradford To the Lady Vane THe euerlasting and most merciful god which is the father of our sauiour Iesus Christ encrease in your ladiship the knowledge loue of hys truth with the gift of perseuerāce to cōtinue therin to the end Amē Albeit at this present I haue no cōuenient leasure to write is shold be semely to send to your personage yet cōsidering your gētle good wil for gods cause towards me I thought I mought be the more bold to write somthing although not in such sort as I would perchaunce on your behalfe might be loked for I doubt not but that your ladiship considereth often with your self the you are the childe of god and a citizen of heauē by Christ in whō God the father before the worlde was made hath chosen you of his own mere mercy and not of your desertes done or to be done That you shoulde with thankefulnes cal this to minde often thereby to excite and stirre vp yourself to the loue of god in his sight and to al holinesse of life in the sight of man many things should moue occasion you iustly as that you were borne of Christen parents that the name of god was called vpon you in baptisme which is a sacrament of regeneratiō and adoption into the children of god with all other benefites which hytherto you haue receaued Amonges which surely your ladiship should not thinke the least euen the crosses that god hath hetherto exercised you with all as the losse of youre good husband landes and other worldly commodities c. But aboue al next to Christ crucifyed this is most thankefully to be considered that god as he hath geuen you pacience I trust in your trouble so in these daungerous dayes he hath geuen you a desire to know him and to helpe them which for hys sake be in trouble for thys I gather and euidentlye see by your twise sending to me which am not otherwise knowen to you but by name I pray god I may be hartely thankeful to him for you and so dispose your benefites as you desyre My best I will doe by gods grace but enough of thys My desire is good Madame although I haue no doubt as I said but that you be diligēt herein that you would oftē call to minde your state before god I meane howe that you be hys childe through Christ and this I would you dyd for diuerse causes Fyrst that you myghte be quiet in conscience before him in this troublesome worlde as we neuer can bee vntill thys be something setled Secondly that you myghte bee carefull to appeare in hys syghte and in the syghte of man as one of Gods children Thyrdly that you myght in all troubles boldelye by prayer throughe Christe goe to hym and cal hym by the name of father with hope of hys helpe alwayes to your comforte Fourthly that you myghte not bee dismayed if trouble come vnto you as it can not be but more or lesse it must needes come for the worlde loueth none but suche as be his the deuill can neuer suffer the children of God to be quiet I will not speake of our mortal and familiar enemye the fleshe which ceaseth not to fyght agaynst the spirite But God your father being hartely called vpon in and through Christ as he will with hys holye spirite helpe you so will he geue you the victorye at the length to your singular comforte Which I pray God you may daily more and more feele Amen From the Kings Benche in hast as appeareth Your Ladiships own in Christ to commaunde Iohn Bradforde To my deare frendes and brethren R. and E. with their wiues and families THe comfort of Christ felte commonly of hys children in their crosse for his sake the euerliuing God worke in both youre hartes my good brethren and in the hartes of bothe your yokefellowes especially of good Mary my good sister in the Lorde Amen If I had not somthing heard of the hazard which you are in for the gospels sake if you continue the profession confession therof as I truste you doe and will doe and that vnto the end God enabling you as he will doubtles for his mercyes sake if you hope in him for this bindeth him as Dauid in Christes person witnesseth our father keped in thee and thou deliuerest them c. Psal 22 yet by coniectures I could not but suppose though not so certainly the tyme of suffering and probation to bee at hande For nowe is the power of darkenesse fullye come vppon this Realme moste iustlye for oure synnes and abusynge the lyghte lente vs of the Lorde to the settynge forthe of oure selues more then of Gods glorye that aswell we myghte bee broughte into the better knowledge of our euilles and so hartely repente which god graūt vs to do as also we might haue more feling sense of our swete sauiour Iesus Christ by the humbling and deiecting of vs therby to make vs as more desirous of him so him more sweete and pleasaunt vnto vs the which thing the good spirite of God woorke sensiblye in all our hartes for Gods holy names sake For thys cause I thoughte it my dutye being now where I haue some libertie to write the Lorde bee praysed and hearing of you as I heare to doe that which I should haue done if I had hearde nothing at all that is to desire you to be of good cheare and comfort in the Lorde although in the worlde you see cause rather to the contrarye and to go on forwardes in the waye of God wherinto you are entred considering that the same can not but so much more and more waxe streite to the outwarde man by howe much
losse of this life which in dede is neuer founde til it be so loste excepte the graine of wheate fal and be dead it remaineth fruitles You know how that he which was rapte into the third heauen did know what he wrote doth say that as the corne liueth not excepte it bee dead and cast into the earth so truly our bodyes And therefore the crosse should so litle feare vs that euen death it selfe shold altogether be desired of vs as the taylour which putteth of our ragges and arayeth vs with the royall robes of immortalitie incorruptiō and glory Great shame it should be for vs that al the whole creatures of God should desire yea grone in their kinde for our libertie Rom. 8. we our selues to loth it as doubtles we do if for the crosse yea for death it self we with ioye swallow not vp all sorrow that myght let vs from followyng the Lordes calling and obeying the lords prouidence wherby doubtles all crosses and death it selfe doth come and not by hap or chaūce In consideratiō wherof righte deare Mother in that this prouidence stretcheth it self so vnto vs and for vs that euen the heares of our heads are numbred with GOD not one of them to fall to oure hurt surely we declare our selues very faint in faith yf we receiue not such comfort that we can willinglye offer oure selues to the Lord and cast our whole care vpon his backe honouring him wyth this honour that he is euer wyll be carefull for vs and all we haue as for hys deare chyldren Be therfore of good chere euen in the myddest of these miseries be thankefull to the Lorde and prepare your selfe for a further trial which if god send you as I hope so do you beleue that god therin will helpe and comfort you and make you able to beare whatsoeuer shall happen And thus much hauyng this oportunitie I thoughte good to wryte praying god our father to recompence into your bosome all the good that euer you haue done to me especially and to many others bothe in this tyme of trouble and alwaies heretofore Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Maystres VVylkinson THe Lorde of mercye in Christe his sonne our Sauiour and only comforter be with you all now and for euer Amen Although presētly I haue litle tyme by reason of this bringers short departing lesse occasiō of necessary mater to write vnto you yet in that it hath pleased god to offer me more liberty to write thē before I had as this reader can report I thought good to signifye vnto you the same with the acknowledging of the receipt of your tokens for the which I neither can nor wil go about to flatter you with thankes in that I know you loke for none at myne hands god beyng the cause and his word the ende wherfore you dyd so to him I know you woulde haue me thankefull and I beseche you praye that I may so bee and not onelye thankefull for my selfe and his benefites towardes me but also thankefull for you to whome God hath geuen to feare his name and loue his truth The which giftes farre passe the riches of the world for they shal perish and be left we know not vnto whō but these gifts of god as they last for euer so they make happy the possessours of the same Go to therfore and pray god to encrease them of hys goodnes as of his mercy he hath begūne thē in you in dede so he wyll For to whome he geueth the earnest of wyllyng to the same he will geue the grace of continuyng yf we reiect not the same as we do when we bee double harred ●4 Reg. 17. and parte our feare and loue as dyd the Samaritanes which feared god and their Adramelech loued gods religion and their olde countrey customes c. If this doublenes come on vs that we feare more the worlde and couple it wyth the feare of God yf we loue the mucke of this molde and couple it wyth the loue of Gods religion then parte we stake then marre we the markette then the spiryte of GOD wyll departe Act. 5. then playe we as Ananias and Saphyra dydde and so sooner or later shall fall to perdition wyth them But as I sayde I thynke no suche thynge of you I thynke of you as of Gods deare chyldren whose hartes are whole wyth the Lorde And therefore I wryte not thys as thoughe you were suche but because it is Gods goodnes you bee not suche because Sathan woulde haue you suche and because manye that were as you nowe bee are suche Therefore to make you as thankeful so carefull to continue but yet so that youre care bee caste all on the Lorde is the onelye cause I write thys and woulde wryte more but that the brynger can not carye And therfore hastely and abruptlye I make an ende besechynge almyghty GOD in our redemer Iesus Christ to bee wyth you and wyth hys holye spiryte comforte you all and helpe my good Syster Maistres W. to bee an happye and a good mother of the chylde of whiche as yet I heare God hathe not deliuered her By your owne to vse in the Lorde for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare Brother in the Lorde Mayster Rychard Hopkyns and hys wyfe dwellyng in Couentrye and other my faythfull bretherne and Systers professours of gods holye Gospel there and theraboutes THe peace whiche Christe lefte to hys churche and to euerye true member of the same Iohn 14. Rom. 8 the holye spirite the guide of Gods chyldren so engrafte in youre harte and in the harte of youre good wyfe and of all my good bretherne and systers aboute you that vnfaynedlye ye maye in respecte thereof contempne all worldlye peace whyche is contrarye to that peace that I speake of and dryueth it vtterlye oute of the hartes of all those whiche woulde patche them both together For we cannot serue two maisters Math. 6 no man can serue GOD and mammon Christes peace cannot bee kepte with this worldes peace God therfore of hys mercy doe I beseche to geue vnto you his peace whiche passeth all vnderstandyng and so kepe your hartes and mynds phil 4. that they may be pure habitacles and mansions for the holye spirite yea for the blessed trinitie Iohn 14 who hathe promised to come and dwell in all them that loue Chryste and keepe hys sayenges My dearely beloued the tyme is nowe come wherein tryall is made of men that haue professed to loue Chryste and woulde haue beene counted kepers of hys testimonyes But weale awaye the tenthe person perseuereth not the more parte doe parte stakes wythe the papistes and protestantes so that they are become maungye Mongrelles to the infectynge of all that company wyth them and to theyr no smale peryll For they pretend outwardly popery The Mongrels excuse goyng to Masse with the papistes tarying with them personallye at theyr Antichristian and
shall be able by the worde of God euer to impugne it muche lesse to confute it In the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians Ephesi 1. the Apostle sayeth thus Blessed be god the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs wyth all maner of blessynges in heauenly thinges by Christ accordyng as he hath elect or chosen vs in hym before the foundation of the world was layed that we should be holy and without blame before hym through loue and hath predestinate vs or ordeyned vs thorough Iesus Christ to bee heyres vnto hymselfe accordyng to the good pleasure of hys wyll to the prayse of the glory of hys grace wherwyth he hath made vs accepted in the beloued by whom we haue receyued redēption thorough hys bloud and the forgeuenes of our sinnes accordyng to the riches of hys grace which grace he hath shed on vs aboundauntly in all wisedome and vnderstandyng and hath opened vnto vs the mysterye of hys wyll accordyng to hys good pleasure which he purposed in hymselfe to haue it declared when the tyme was full come that he myght gather together all thynges by or in Christe as well the thynges that be in heauen as the thynges that be in earth euen in or by hym by or in whome we are made heyres beyng thereto predestinate accordyng to the purpose of hym whiche worketh all thynges accordynge to the decree or counsayle of hys owne wyll that we which hoped before you in Christe shoulde bee vnto the prayse of hys glory in whome ye also hoped after that ye heard the word of truth the gospell of your saluation wherein ye also beleuyng were sealed wyth the holy spirite of promyse whyche is the earnest of our inheritaunce vntyll the redēption or full fruition of the purchased possession vnto the prayse of hys glory These be the wordes of Paule which I haue faithfullye translated accordyng to the very texte in the Greeke as by the iudgement of all that be learned I desyre herein to bee tried Out of the which wordes of Paule we may wel perceiue euerye thing affirmed in my propositiō as I wil geue occasion plainly to them that wil to see it The cause of gods election is his grace good will First that the cause of gods election is of hys good wyll the Apostle sheweth in saying that it is throughe hys loue wherby we are holy and wythout blame also accordyng to the good pleasure of his will according to his good pleasure purposed in hymselfe accordyng to hys purpose which worketh all thynges after the counsel of his owne wyll The tyme of gods election was from the beginning Secondly that election was before the beginnyng of the world the apostle plainely sheweth in sayeng that we were chosen before the foundation of the world was laid and afterwardes in callyng it the mysterye of hys wyll purposed wyth hymselfe in tyme to be declared Election is in Christ Thirdly that election is in Christ the Apostle doth so flatly and plainly set it forth that I nede not here to repete it We sayeth he are chosen in him we are heyres by hym wt are accepted by him we are gathered together in him c. Electionis not of all men Fourthly that election is of some of Adams posteritye and not of al we may plainly see it if we cōsider that he maketh the true demonstration of it beleuing hoping and hauing the earnest of the spirite In whom yea hoped saith he after ye heard the word c. In whom ye beleued wer sealed vp c. Agayne in attributyng to the electe forgeuenes of synnes holynes blameles liuyng being in Christ c. That we shold be holy saieth he c. we haue receyued forgeuenes of sinnes c. Who seeth not that these are not common to al men 2. Thess 3 Act. 13. 1 Iohn 1 Math. 13 Al men haue not faithe saieth Paule elsewhere None beleued saith Luke but suche as were ordained to eternall life None beleue but such as be borne of god None beleue truly but such as haue good hartes and kepe gods seede to bring forth frute by patience Fayth is a demonstratiō of election to such as be of yeres of discretion Psal 125. So that it is plain faith being a demonstration of gods election to them that be of yeres of discretion that all men are not elect because all men beleue not For he that beleueth in the lord shal be as mount Sion that is he shal neuer be remoued for if he bee remoued that is finally perish surely he neuer truely beleued But what go I about to lighten a cādell in the cleare sonne light whē our sauiour plainly saith that all be not chosen but few Many be called saith he but few be chosen Mat. 20. And in the 2. chap. to the Ephes the Apostle plainly saith that the greate riches of gods mercy through hys exceding great loue hath saued thē before their parentes many other Gentiles whiche were excluded from Christ and straūgers from the promise hopeles godles c. Rom. 11. Psal 144. Wherthrough we may be occasioned to cry oh the depth of the iudgements of god which is iuste in all hys doynges and holy in al hys workes extendyng his mercy after hys good pleasure wyll aboue al his workes Fyftly that god hath predestinate these Election is to eternal life thus elect vnto euerlastyng lyfe in Christe the apostle dothe also in the wordes before writen declare in saying and hath predestinate vs through Iesus Christe to be heyres vnto hymselfe Agayne by hym sayth he yeare made heyres and predestinate to the prayse of hys glorye Rom. 8 So sayeth the Apostle elsewhere whom he hathe predestinate them hath he predestinate to be lyke fashioned vnto the shape of hys sonne Luke 10 And therfore Christ sayeth reioyce in thys that your names are writen in heauen Syxtlye The ende of election is to the prayse and glory of god that the ende of election is to the prayse of gods glory and grace the Apostle sheweth here in saying we are predestinate to be holye without blame before god c. In saying we are predestinate to the glory of hys grace And in saying also vnto the prayse of hys glory so that nothing can be more manifest Seuenthly Election is not without vocation and iustificatiō in time that predestination is not without vocation in gods tyme and iustification the Apostle here dothe teach in bringyng vs to the consideration of hearing the word of truthe beleuing receiuing the holye spirite remission of synnes c. In whom saith he ye haue hoped after that ye heard the word of truth c. Againe by whome ye haue redemption that is remission of synnes thorough the sheding of hys blood c. Also he hath in hys full tyme declared the mystery of hys wyl c. Vnto the Rom. the apostle sheweth it moste
hys true seruice that perpetually we maye enioye the same welfare as here in hope so in heauen in deede and eternallye You knowe thys worlde is not your home but a pilgrimage and place wherin God tryeth hys children and therfore as it knoweth you not nor can know you so I trust you know not it that is you allowe it not nor in any poynte wyll seme so to do althoughe by manye you be occasioned therto For thys whote sunne which now shineth burneth so sore that the corne which is sowen vpon sand and stonye ground beginneth to wyther that is many which before tymes we toke for hartye Gospellers beginne nowe for the feare of afflictions to relente yea to turne to their vomytte agayne thereby declaring that thoughe they go from amongest vs yet were they neuer of vs for els they would haue still taryed with vs 1. Ioh. 2 and neyther for gayne nor losse haue left vs eyther in word or deede As for their hart whiche vndoubtedly is double and therfore in daunger to Gods curse we haue as muche with vs as the papistes haue with them and more too by theyr owne iudgenente For they playing wilie begile themselues thynke it enough inwardlye to fauour the truth though outwardly they currye fauour What though with my body say they I do this or that GOD knoweth my harte is whole wyth hym Ah brother if thy harte be whole with GOD why doest not thou confesse and declare thy selfe accordynglye by woorde and facte Eyther that whiche thou sayest thou beleuest in thy hart is good or no. If it be good whye arte thou ashamed of it If it be euill whye doest thou keepe it in thy harte Is not GOD hable to defende thee aduenturing thy selfe for hys cause Or wyll not he defende hys worshippers Doth not the Scripture saye that the eyes of the Lorde are on them that feare hym and truste in hys mercye Psal 33 And whereto Forsoth to deliuer theyr soules from death and to feede them in the tyme of hunger If thys bee true as it is moste true whye are we afrayde of death as thoughe GOD coulde not comforte or deliuer vs or woulde not contrarye to hys promyse Whye are we afrayde of the losse of oure goodes as thoughe GOD woulde leaue them that feare hym destitute of all good thynges and so doe agaynste hys moste ample promyses Ah faythe faythe howe fewe feele thee nowe a dayes Luke 18. Full trulye sayde Christe that he shoulde scarcelye finde faythe when he came on earth For if men beleued these promyses they woulde neuer doe anye thynge outwardlye whiche inwardlye they dysallowe No example of men howe many so euer they bee or howe learned so euer they bee can preuaile in thys behalfe for the paterne which we must follow is Christ hym selfe and not the more companye or custome Hys woorde is the lanterne to lyghten oure steppes Psalm 118 and not learned men Companye and custome are to bee considered accordinge to the thyng they allowe Learned men are to be listened to and followed accordyng to Gods lore and lawe for elles the more parte goeth to the deuill As custome causeth erroure and blyndnesse so learnyng if it bee not accordinge to the lighte of Gods woorde is poyson and learned men moste pernicious The deuill is called Demon for hys cunnynge and the children of this worlde are muche wyser then the children of lyghte in theyr generation Luk. 16. and I knowe the deuill and his dearelynges haue alwayes for the moste parte more helpes in this life then Christes Churche and her children They the Deuill and hys Sinagoge I meane haue custome multitude vnitye antiquitye learning power riches honoure dignitie and promotions plentye as alwaies they haue hadde and shall haue commonlye and for the moste parte vntyll Christes comminge muche more then the true Churche haue presentlye heretofore haue hadde or hereafter shall haue For her glorye riches and honoure is not here her triall crosse and warrefare is here And therefore my deare hartes in the Lorde consider these thinges accordinglye Consider what you bee not worldlynges but Gods children Consider where you bee not at home but in a straunge countreye Consider among whom you are conuersante euen in the middest of youre ennemies and of a wicked generation and then I truste you will not muche muse at affliction which you can not be without being as you bee Gods children in a straunge countreye and in the middest of youre ennemies excepte you woulde leaue youre Captaine Christe and followe Sathan for the mucke of this moulde reste and quietnesse whiche he maye promyse you and you in dede thinke you shal receaue it by doing as he woulde haue you to doe but my sweete hartes he is not hable to paye that he promiseth Peace and warre come from GOD riches and pouertye wealth and woe The deuill hath no power but by Gods permission If then GOD permitte him a little on youre goodes bodye or life I praye you tell me what can muche hurte you as Peter sayeth you being followers of godlynesse 1. Pet. 3. Thinke you that GOD will not remember you in hys tyme as moste shall bee to youre comforte Can a woman forgette the childe of her wombe Esay 49. And if shee shoulde yet will not I forgette thee sayeth the Lorde Loke vppon Abraham in his exile and miserye looke vppon Iacob Iosephe Moses Dauid the Prophettes Apostles and all the Godlye from the beginning and my good brethren is not GOD the same God Is he a chaungeling You haue heard of the patience of Iob saith Saint Iames and you haue sene the ende howe that God is mercifull Iacob 5 patiente and longe suffering euen so saye I vnto you that you shall fynde accordinglye if so bee you bee patiente that is if so bee you feate hym sette hys woorde before you serue hym thereafter and if he laye hys crosse on you you beare it with pacience the which you shal do whē you consider it not according to the presente sense but accordyng to the end Hebru 12.2 Corin. 4. Therefore I hartely beseche you and oute of my bondes which I suffer for your sake pray you mine own swete hartes in the Lord that you would cleaue in harte humble obedience to the doctrine taughte you by me and many other my brethren For we haue taught you no fables nor tales of mē or our own phantasies but the very word of god which we are ready with oure liues God so enhabling vs as we truste he will to confirme by the sheding of our bloodes in all pacience humble obedience to the superiour powers to testifye and seale vp as wel that you mighte be more certaine of the doctrine as that you myght be ready to confesse the same before this wicked world knowing that if we confesse Christ and his truth before men he will confesse vs before hys father in heauen if so be
19 Say wyth the poore man I beleue Lord helpe my vnbelief Say with the Apostels Lord encrease oure fayth This myne owne hartes in the Lorde I wryte not that you shoulde lyue more securely and carnally doing as the Spiders doe whiche gather poyson where bees gather honye but that as the electe of god you mighte liue in all puritie godlines and peace which god encrease in vs all for his Christes sake Amen I pray you hartelie pray for vs that to the verie ende we may as I hope we shall goe lustelie and cherefullie whether soeuer our heauenly father shal bring and lead vs. His will whiche is alwaies good bee done in earthe as it is in heauen Amen Your brother in bondes for the testimonye of Iesus Christ Iohn Bradforde To my good Syster M. H. THe peace of God wyth encrease of fayth and feeling of his mercy to your cōfort in Christ the holy ghost worke in your hart now and for euer Amen As it is much to my comfort that God hath geuen you such a loue and zeale to hys truth so I exhort you my good Syster diligētly to labour as by cōtinual readyng and meditation of gods holy word so by earnest prayer and other godly exercises to maintayne and encrease the same that by the feelyng of gods gratious spirite workyng in you suche good fruites as wytnesses of your fayth you may growe in strength therof and certayntie of gods fauour and good wyl towardes you For aboue all thyngs of thys I woulde haue you to be moste assured that you are beloued of god that you are hys dere chylde and shall bee for euermore throughe Christe in whome you are by fayth and he in you Out of thys certeintie the cause wherof is gods owne goodnes grace and truth spryngeth true loue and louyng feare and obedience to god continually and in all thynges Where it is I meane thys fayth certaintie and persuasion of gods eternall goodnes to you in Christe there no synnes are imputed to you or layd to your charge to condēnation nor shal be though for correctiō sake now thē your heauenly father visit them fatherly or rather you for them Where it is not there is nothyng be it neuer so well done that pleaseth God Labour therfore for this certainty of faith through Christ Whēsoeuer you dout you heape sinne vpō sinne If Satan your cōsciēce or gods law do accuse you confesse your fault hide it not before the lord But whē they woulde inferre that because of your synne you are condemned you are cast away then aunswer them that it is but their office to accuse and witnes not to geue sentence iudge it onely apperteyneth to god to geue iudgement Paule sayth it is god that absolueth who then shall condemne vs God hymselfe promiseth before he demaund any thyng of vs that he is our Lord and our god and are not they happy which haue the lord for their god Is he god to any whose sinnes he remitteth not Through Christ he is our father and therfore we are commaunded so to call him and can there want any fatherly kyndnes in hym towardes vs which be hys children No verely Therfore be sure and wauer not of gods loue fauour towardes you in Christ The cause of hys loue is his owne goodnes and mercy this lasting for euer hys loue loseth for euer How can you then but be quiete happy Vse this geare to comforte the weake conscience and not to vnbridle the mighty affections of the fleshe or olde Adam which must haue other meate Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ An exhortation to the patient sufferyng of trouble and afflictions for Christes cause wrytten to all the vnfayned professours of the gospell thoroughout the realme of England at the beginning of hys imprisonmente and here placed as it came to our handes THe holy spirite of God whiche is the earnest and pledge of God geuen to hys people for theyr comfort and consolation be powred into our hartes by the mighty power merites of our alone Sauiour Iesus Christ now and for euer Amen Because I perceiue plainly that to the euils fallen vpō vs which professe Christes gospell greater are most like to ensue and after them greater Gene. 15. Luke 9. Genes 19 tyl the measure of iniquity be vp heaped except we shrynke hauyng put our handes to the plough do loke back and so wyth Lothes wyfe and the Israelits desiryng to returne into Egipt fal into gods heauy displeasure vncurably al which god forbidde and because I am persuaded of you my derely beloued brethern and Systers throughe out the realme of Englande which haue professed vnfainedly the gospell of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ for vnto such do I wryte this epistle that as ye haue begonne to take parte wyth gods gospell and truth so throughe his grace ye will perseuer and goe on forwardes notwithstandyng the stormes risen and to arise I cannot but wryte something vnto you lustely to goe on forwardes in the way of the Lord and not to become faynte harted or fearefull Apoca. 25. whose place S. Iohn appointeth with the vnbeleuers murtherers and Idolaters in eternall perdicion but cherefully to take the Lordes cuppe and drynke of it afore it drawe towardes the dregges and bottom Psal 75 wherof at the length they shall drynke with the wycked to eternal destruction 1. pet 4 which wil not receiue it at the first with gods children with whome god beginneth hys iudgemente that as the wicked world reioyceth when they lament Iohn 16. so they may reioyce when the wycked world shall mourne and without ende fynde woe intollerable First therfore my dearely beloued in the Lord I besech you to consider Iohn 14 Psal 17 2. Cor. 4. Apoc. 12 Heb. 11 1. pet 2 Heb. 13 Psalm 119 Heb. 12 Mat. 28 Rom. 9 1. Ioh. 5 Apo. 13 Luke 6. EZech. 9. Math. 5. Esay 22 1. Cor. 15 that thoughe ye be in the worlde yet ye are not of the world Ye are not of them whiche looke for their porciō in this lyfe whose Captain is the god of this world euen Sathan who now ruffleth it apace as he were woode because his tyme on earthe is not long But ye are of them that loke for a Citye of gods owne blessing Ye are of them that know your selues to be here but pylgrimes and straūgers for here ye haue no dwellyng place Ye are of them whose porcion is the lorde and whiche haue their hope in heauen whose captayn is Christ Iesus the Sonne of God and gouernour of heauen and earth Vnto him is geuen all power yea he is god almighty with the father and the holy ghost prayse worthy for euer Ye are not of them which receyue the beastes marke which here reioyce laugh and haue their hartes ease ioye paradise and pleasure but ye are of them whiche haue receyued the Aungels marke yea Gods marke which here
father for as for the fansie of fortune it is wicked Amos. 3 Thren 3 Math. 10 Esaye 45. as many places of the scripture do teach we must nedes to the cōmendation of gods iustice for in al his doings he is iuste ackdowledge in our selues that we haue deserued at the hands of our heauenly father this hys crosse or rodde fallen vpon vs. We haue deserued it if not by our vnthankfulnesse slouthfulnesse negligence intemperancie vncleannes and other sinnes cōmitted often by vs wherof our consciences can wil accuse vs if we cal thē to counsell with the examination of our former lyfe yet at least by our originall byrth sinne as by doubting of the greatnes of gods anger and mercy by self loue cōcupiscence Psal 51 Heb. 12 Gala. 5. and such like sinnes which as we brought with vs into this worlde so doe the same alwaye abyde in vs and euen as a spring doe alwayes bring somthyng forth in acte with vs notwithstanding the continual fighte of Gods spirite in vs agaynst it The fyrst commoditie therfore that the crosse bringeth is knowledge and that double of God and of our selues Psalm 51. Genesi 8. Ierem. 17. Ephesi 17. 1. Regū 8. Genes 42. Of God that he is iust pure hateth synne Of our selues that we are borne in synne are from toppe to toe defyled wyth concupiscence and corruptiō out of the which hath spronge all the euils that euer at any tyme we haue spokē done The greatest and most speciall wherof by the crosse we are occasioned to cal to minde as did the brethren of Ioseph theyr euill facte against him when the crosse once came vpon thē And so by it we come to the fyrst steppe to get health for our soules that is we are driuen to knowe our sinnes originall and actuall by Gods iustice declared in the crosse Secondly the ende wherfore God declareth hys iustice against our synne original and actual woulde by hys crosse haue vs to consider the same and to cal to minde our former euill deedes the end hereof I saye is thys that we myghte lament be sory sygh and pray for pardon that so doing we myghte obtayne the same by the meanes of fayth in the merites of Iesus Christ hys deare Sonne and further that we being humbled because of the euill that dwelleth in vs might become thankefull for Gods goodnes and loue in continual watchyng and warynes to suppresse the euill which lyeth in vs Iacob 1. that it bring not forth fruites to death at any time This second commoditie of the crosse therfore must we not count to be a simple knowledge onlye but a great gayne of Gods mercy with wonderful riche and precious vertues of fayth repentaunce remission of sinnes humilitie thankefulnesse mortification and diligence in doing good Not that properly the crosse worketh these thinges of it selfe but because the crosse is the meane and way by the which God worketh the knowledge and felyng of these thynges in his children as many both testimonyes and examples in Scriptures are easely found of them that diligentlye waye what therein they read To these too commodities of the crosse ioyne the thyrd of Gods singuler wisedome that it may be coupled with hys iustice and mercye On thys sorte therfore let vs conceaue when we see the Gospell of God and hys Churche persecuted and troubled as now with vs it is that because the greate learned and wise men of the worlde vse not their wisedome to loue and ferue God as to naturall wisedome and reason he openeth hym selfe manifestlye by hys visible creatures Rom. 1. therefore doth God iustlye infatuate and make them folysh geuyng them vppe to vnsensiblenes especially herein For on thys maner reason they concerning the affliction whiche commeth for the Gospell If saye they thys were Gods woorde if these people were Gods children surelye God woulde then blesse and prosper them their doctrine But nowe in that there is no doctrine so much hated no people so muche persecuted as they bee therefore it can not bee of GOD. Rather this is of God whiche our Queene olde Byshops haue professed For how hath God preserued thē and kept them what a notable victorye hath GOD geuen vnto her where it was impossible that thynges shoulde so haue come to passe as they haue done And dyd not the greate Captayne confesse hys faulte that he was oute of the way and not of the fayth which these gospellers professe How many are come agayne from that which they professed to be gods word The most part of thys realme notwithstanding the diligence of preachers to persuade them concerning this new learnyng which nowe is persecuted neuer consented to it in harte as experience teacheth And what plagues haue come vpon this realme sythen this gospel as they cal it came in amongest vs Afore we had plentye but now there is nothing like as it was Moreouer al the houses of the Parliamente haue ouerthrowne the lawes made for the stablishyng of thys gospell and religion and newe lawes are erected for the continuance of the contrary How miraculously dothe God confounde their doctrine and confyrme oures For how was wyat ouerthrowne How prosperously came in our Kyng Howe hathe God blessed our Quene wyth fruite of wombe How is the Popes holines restored agayne to hys ryght All these do teache plainelye that thys their doctrine is not gods word Thus reason the worldly wyse whiche see not gods wisdome For els yf they considered that there was wyth vs vnthankefulnes for the gospell no amendment of lyfe but all kynde of contempt of God all kynde of shameles sinnyng ensued the preachyng of the Gospel they must nedes see that God coulde not but chastice and correct and as he let Sathan loose Apoc. 20. after he had bounde hym a certaine time for vnthankefulnes of men so to let these Champions of Sathan runne abroade by them to plague vs for oure vnthankefulnes Greate was gods anger against Achab because he saued Benadad kyng of Siria after he had geuen hym into his handes 3. Reg. 20. and afterwarde it turned to hys owne destruction God would that double sorrow should haue bene repayde to them by cause of the sorowe they dyd to the sayntes of God Read the .18 of the reuelation As for the victory geuen to the Quenes hyghnes if men had any godly witte they myght see many thyngs in it First god hath done it to wynne her harte to the Gospel Agayne he hathe done it aswel because they that wente agaynst her put their trust in horses and power of men and not in God as because in their doyng they soughte not the propagation of gods gospell which thyng is now plainlye sene Therfore no maruayle why god fought against them would they were hypocrites and vnder the cloke of the Gospel would haue debarred the Quenes highnes of her right but god would not so cloke them Now for the relentyng
stay your owne conscience wyth the sure truth faithful word of god 1. Cor. 3 with the infallible testimonies of holy scripture For although gods mercy is ouer al hys works Psal 3. Heb. 3. yet it doth not extend but only to them that hold fast the confydence reioicing of hope vnto the end not being weary in wel doing but rather waxe euery day strōger and stronger in the inward man Therfore in the Reuelatiō of S. Iohn 2. Cor. 4. where it is entreated of the beast and hys image it is also said here is the sufferaūce of saints here are they that kepe the commaundements the fayth of Iesus Christ Wherby almighty god doth shew plainly that he doth vse those wycked men as instruments for a tyme to try the patience fayth of hys peculiar people without the performance wherof we can haue no part among the lyuyng but as it is said in the same Reuelation the feareful shal haue theyr part in the lake that burneth wyth fyre and brymstone whych is the second death But peraduenture ye wyll obiect and saye vnto me what shal we do Shal we cast our selues hedlong to death I saye not so But this I saye that we are all bounde yf euer we loke to receyue saluation at gods hand in this case wholy to be obedient to hys determinate counsel and foreknowlege 1. Corin. 12 expressed by the gyft of the spiryt in holy Scripture and then to cast all our care vpon hym who worketh al in al for the best vnto them that loue hym Roma 28. thus he geueth commaundement saying come away from her my people Apo. 18. that ye bee not partakers of her synnes and that ye receyue not of her plagues Now who hearyng thys terrible voyce of god which must nedes be fulfylled wyl not wyth al spede dyligēce apply hymself to do therafter except such as wyll presūpteously tempt hym And as touchyng suche the wyse man sayeth Ecclesi 3. he that loueth peryl and daunger shal peryshe therein but they that be of the fayth of Abraham euen as he dyd so wyl they in al assayes trials be obediēt to the heauenly voyce howsoeuer it semeth contrary to theyr own natural wyl carnal reasō Psalm 36. according to the sure word of fayth which sayth hope thou in the lord kepe hys way hold thee styl in the lord abyde patiently vpon hym Let not thy ielousy moue thee also to do euil 2 Cor. 6. Come out from among thē ioyne not your selues to their vnlawful assembles yea do not once shew your selues wyth the least part of your body to fauour theyr wycked doyngs but glorify god as most ryght is so wel in your whole body outwardly 1. Cor. 6. as inwardly in your spirit or els you can doe neyther of hothe wel for your body doth belōg to god so wel as your spirit At the dreadful day of iudgement we shal al receyue the works of our bodyes accordyng to that we haue done 2. Cor. 5 whether it be good or bad Therfore whatsoeuer we do we may not bring the spirit in bondage to the body but contrariwise we must subdue the body and the will of the flesh to the spirite that the spirit may freely accomplishe the will of God in all thinges for otherwise we shall neuer bee partakers of his promise with the true children of Abrahā For as S. Paule saith they which are the children of the flesh are not the childrē of god if we shal liue according to the flesh we shal die For to be carnally minded is deth but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because that the fleshly mynded is enmity of god for it is not obedient to the lawe of God neyther can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God Nowe chose you which way you wil take either the narrow way that leadeth vnto life which christ himself and his faithful folowers haue gone through before or els the broad path way that leadeth to destruction which the wicked worldlings take their pleasure in for a while I for my part haue now written this short admonition vnto you of good wyl as God be my witnes to exhort you to that way which at length you your selues should proue and finde to be best yea and reioyce therof And I do not onely write this but I wil also wyth the assistance of gods grace ratify confirme and seale the same wyth the effusion of my blood when the full time shal be expired that he hath appointed which so farforth as I maye iudge muste nedes be within these few dayes Therfore I now byd you al most hartely farewel in the lord whose grace be with your spirit Amen Watch pray watch and pray pray pray So be it Iohn Hullyet ❧ Letters of Maister Robert Glouer a gentleman of muche godlye learnynge innocencye and vpryghtnes of lyfe and hartye zeale to the worde of God burnte at Couentrie for the faythfull testimonye of the same the .14 daye of September In the yere of our Lord .1555 To my moste intyrelye beloued wyfe Marye Glouer THe peace of conscience whiche passeth all vnderstanding the sweete consolation comfort strength and boldenesse of the holy ghoste be continuallye increased in your hart through a feruent earnest and stedfaste fayth in our most deare and only Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I thanke you hartelye moste louyng wyfe for your letters sent vnto me in my imprysonment I redde them wyth teares more then once or twyse wyth teares I say for ioy and gladnesse that God had wroughte in you so mercyfull a worke fyrst an vnfayned repentaunce secondlye an humble and harty reconciliation thyrdly a willyng submission and obedience to the wyll of God in all thynges Whiche when I redde in your letters and iudged them to proceede from the bottome of your hart I coulde not but be thankfull to God reioysing with teares for you and these hys greate mercyes poured vppon you These your letters and the hearyng of your moste Godlye procedynges and constante doinges from tyme to tyme haue muche releued and comforted me at all tymes and shall bee a goodlye testimonye wyth you at the greate daye agaynste manye worldlye and deintye daines whiche set more by their owne pleasure and pelfe in this world then by Gods glory litle regarding as it appeareth the euerlasting healthe of their owne soules or others My prayer shal be whylest I am in this world that god whiche of his great mercy hath begonne his good worke in you will finishe it to the glory of his name and by the myghtie power and inspiration of hys holye spirite so strengthen stablishe and confyrme you in all his wayes to the ende that we maye together shewe forth his prayses in the worlde to come to our vnspeakeable consolation euerlastingly Amen So long as God shall lende you continuance in this
these boysterous wyndes that blow The Lord can lay them when he luste And bring the raging waues full lowe But your safegard shall styl remayne In a strong castell of defence God graunt vs well to meete agayne With myrth and ioye in his presence Iohn Careles To the afflicted Christian ☞ Feare not for death passe not for handes Onely in God put thy whole trust For god wil requyre thy blood at their hands And this thou doest know that once die thou must Onely for Christ thy lyfe if thou geue Death is no death but a meane for to lyue A letter of Doctor Taylour of Hadley written to his wife This pac●er is called syr Robert Bracher a false protesstant in Kyng Edwardes dayes afterward a deadlye enemye to that religion whiche he had professed and now is become a protesstante agayne serueth at S. Denys in Lōdon in Fann●-church strete calleth hym self Harry Bradshawe Thys pedler cōmyng to the buryal of hys frende and gods great enemye Walter Clarke of Hadley albeit he came somewhat to late to the market as he sayd yet be●ng desyrous to vtter hys ware opened there his packe ful of most p●stilent poysoned doctrine Thys was one of thē that so vnmerc●fully thrust D. Taylours wife childrē out of the do●es as she h●● 〈◊〉 can testifye whiche we haue here placed as it came to our handes with certayne other letters following DEare wife I pray god be euer with vs through Christ our only Mediatour Amen I thanke you for my cap I am somthing proud of it for it is one steppe frō the cleargy in these dayes I thank god my harte is cleane deuided from their proceedings For I know that no mā can serue .ij. Maisters specially if they agree no better thē Christ Antichrist do I am glad that Hadley can skil of such packing ware as was brought thether the fyrst day of May last past Christes shepe cā discerne christs voice frō the voyce of straungers theues or hyrelings The packe bringer was sory that he came to late to the funeral market of hys faythfull frend But here I wil leaue thē both to Gods iudgement someting touche the matter wherof the packer made mentiō on his opening day At the first he called the scripture as I heare ful of darke sentences but in dede it is called of S. Dauid a candle to our fete a light to our pathes Our Sauiour Christe calleth his word the light which euyll doers do flye frō hate lest their dedes should be reproued therby S. Paul wold haue vs to walke as childrē of light in any wise not to cōtinue in ignorāce or darknes But al we in the world perteyn to .ij. princes eyther to the father of light truth or els to the prince of darknes lyes In these dayes preachers declare euidently of whō they are sent and with what spirit they speake to what prince they belong For they cry out againste Gods lightes sunne moone sterres torches lampes lanternes cressets cādels in gods booke the Bible prouided of gods great goodnes mercy to auoyd al foule darknes cloudes mistes or daungerous doubtful waies in this our iourney to our heauēly father long home mansiō houses derely purchased heritage Esay gods faithfull messenger sayeth woe be vnto thē that call sweete sower good euil light darknes Therfore cōmeth my people into captiuitie because they haue no vnderstādyng Our sauiour Christ pronoūceth errours heresyes to remaine amōg the people so long as ignorance of the scriptures remaineth And hereby it appeareth to al good cōsciences what they meane which defame or accuse gods blessed word being ful of light as though it were ful of darknes These oules wold haue al day lightes scraped out of bokes harts churches Oh lord turne their hartes tonges bowe thē frō the way of darkenes lest they go to the prince of darknes be cast into the paradise of vtter darknes where is weping gnashing of teeth Now touching the packes of wolle packes of cloth I feare they were as al other their wares be transsubstantiate into flockes euē his very finest packing stuffe against only fayth iustifying ▪ for the corporal presence of Christes body in the sacramēt for praying for soules departed for auriculer cōfessiō Abrahams iustification by faith by grace by promise not by workes is plainly setforth both in the Epistle to the Rom. cap. 4 to the Gala Cap 3. And Abrahams works of obedience in offring vp his sonne so long after his iustification must nedes be takē as a fruit of a good tree iustifying before men not of iustificatiō before god for thē had mā to glorye in then did Christ die in vaine And where as the .6 chap. of S. Iohn was alleaged to proue the Christ did geue his body corporally in his supper euē as he had promised in the said 6. chap. it is most vntrue For only he gaue his body sacramentally spiritually effectually in his supper to the faithfull Apostles and corporally he gaue it in a bloody sacrifice for the life of the world vpō the crosse once for al. There in his own persō in his own natural body he bare al our sines by whole stripes we were healed as S. Peter proueth 1. Pet. 2. Esay cap 53. In dede receauing Christs sacramēt accordīgly as it was instituted we receaue Christes body Christs blood euen as I sayd before the Apostles dyd But the popysh Masse is an other matter The Masse as it is now is but one of Antichristes youngest doughters in the which the deuill is rather present receaued then our Sauiour the .2 person in Trinitie god man O Lorde god heauenly father for Christes sake we besech thee to turne againe England to the right way it was in in King Edwardes tyme from thys babilonicall stewyshe spirituall whoredome conspiracye tyranny detestable enormityes false doctrine heresye hardnesse of hart and contempte of thy worde cōmaūdements frō this euident opē Idolatry sacriledge simony blasphemy superstitiō hypocrisy transubstātiate Angel of light day deuil kingdōe of lies foule vain schismes sectes sedition apostasie gaye swete poyson honied and sugered viperous venime wily woluishnes Sathanical subtiltye and abhomination in the sight of God and of all such as put on the true spectakles of holy scripture I am the more plaine now in this matter because I feare greatly the many wil be to much ready to go frō Christ to Antichrist from the Bible true gods seruice religiō to latine lying legendes portases Massebokes superstition They say their church can not erre in any point when in dede they be not of gods church and therefore they can do nothing but erre euen as they do almoste in all cases of true fayth But to come again to the packer rather thē preacher he brīgeth S. Chrisostomes sentence writing ad popu●ū antiochenum
so desire it and purify hymselfe in all puritie so farre wyll he be from carnall libertye and as the elect of God he will endue and apparell hymself daily wyth the apparell of the elect vsyng praier night and day which is an other propertie of gods children To thys certaintie all the creatures of god cal vs concernyng theyr creation and vse This assuraunce gods firste commaundement requireth vnder payne of dampnation the gospell of god and all hys promyses the sacramentes the substance of them which is Christ Iesus our Sauiour doth aboue al thyngs require it of euery one that is baptised and brought into gods churche Nothing elles dothe GOD to require of vs as thus to be persuaded of him for out of it floweth al godlines to god man So that it cannot be but they take Satans part which go about to let or hynde this certainty in themselues and in others The whiche thing in that you do in dede howsoeuer you meane I cannot but as I haue done often before admonishe you of it eftesones that your bloodes may be on your own heads if you perseuer in your obstinacy and yf you do it obstinately and not ignorauntly From the whych I beseche almightye God to deliuer you Amen 1. Ianuary Iohn Bradford A letter of M. Thomas Whyttel writen to a frende of his declaryng the shamefull tyranny of bloody Bonner who lyke a right angell of Sathan to peruerte hys fayth and driue hym from God buffeted him with hys butcherly fystes and moste cruelly beate hym VPon thursday which was the .x. of Ianuary the bishop of London sent for me out of the Porters lodge where I had bene all nyght lying vppon the earth vpon a pallet where I had as payneful a nyght of sicknes as euer I had I prayse god And when I came before hym he talked with me many things of the sacrament so grosly as is not worthy to be rehearsed And amongest other thynges he asked me if I would haue come to Masse that mornyng if he had sent for me Wherunto I answered that I would haue come to hym at his commaundement but to your Masse sayd I I haue small affection At which answer he was displeased sore and sayd I should be fed with bread and water And as I folowed hym through the great hall he turned backe and beate me wyth hys fifte fyrst on the one cheke and then on the other as the signe of my bearing did many daies after apeare And then he sent me into a little salthouse They that saw his face thus miserably arayed much worse then he reporteth can beare witnes to the truth hereof S. paule commaundeth that a bishop should be no fyghter or stryker Titus ▪ ● where I had no straw nor bed but lay two nightes on a table slept soundly I thanke God Then vpon the Friday nexte after I was brought to my lord who gaue me many faire words and sayd he would be good to me And so he goyng to Fullam cōmitted me to D. Harpesfield that he and I in that after noone should common together and drew out certaine articles wherunto if I would subscribe I should be dismissed But D. Harpesfield sent not for me till night thē persuaded me very sore to forsake my opinions I answered I held nothing but the truth therfore I could not so lightl● turne therefrō So I thought I shuld at that time haue had no more adde but he had made a certain bil which the Register pulled out of his bosome red it The bil indede was very easely made therfore more daūgerous The children of god when they see their imperfections frailty falles offences are many tymes brought to such heauines doubting mistrust of gods mercye towardes them as though he had cleane forsaken them as you may reade psal 31.22.77 but then waxe they most strōg receiue newe comforts again in Christ as here you may see in this man of God For the effect therof was to detest al errors and heresies against the sacrament of the aulter and other sacramentes to beleue the fayth of the catholike church and liue accordingly To this bil I did in dede set to my hād being much desired coūselled so to do the flesh being alwais desirous to haue liberty I cōsidered not throughly the incōueniēce that myght come therupō respite I desired to haue had but earnestly they required me to subscribe Now when I had so done I had litle ioy therof For by by my mind consciēce told me by gods word that I had done euil by such a sleight to shake of the swete crosse of Christ and yet it was not my seeking as god he knoweth but altogether came of thē O the crafty subtilty of Satā in his mēbers Let euery man the god shal deliuer into their hands take good hede cleane fast to Christ for they wil leaue no corner of his cōsciēce vnsought but wil attempt all gileful and subtile meanes to corrupt him and make hym to fal both from God and his truthe But yet let no man dispaire of gods help for Peter did fal rise again And Dauid saith a righteous man though he fal he shal not be cast away for the Lord vp holdeth him with hys hand For I for my part haue felt my infirmities and yet I haue foūd gods present helpe comfort in time of neede I most humbly thanke hym therfore The night after I had subscribed I was sore greued and for sorrow of cōscience could not slepe For in the deliueraūce of my body out of bondes whiche I myght haue had I could find no ioy nor comforte but styll was in my conscience tormented more and more being assured by gods spirit his word that I through euill councel aduisement had done amisse and bothe with disquietnes of mynd and with my other cruel handling I was very sickly lying vpō the ground when the keper came whō I desired to praye D. Harpesfield to come to me and so he dyd And when he came and the Register with him I told hym that I was not well at ease but specially I told him I was greued very much in my conicience mynd because I had subscribed and I sayd that my conscience had so accused me through the iust iudgement of God and hys worde that I had felt hell in my conscience and Sathan ready to deuoure me and therfore I pray you M. Harpesfield said I lette me haue the byll agayne for I will not stande to it So he commaūded it to be fetched and gaue it me and suffred me to pul out my name wherof I was right glad when I had so done although death should followe And hereby I had experience of gods prouidēce and mercy towardes me who trieth his people and suffceth them to fal but not to be lost For in the myddes of thys temptation and trouble he gaue me warning