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A19239 Meditations and praiers gathered out of the sacred letters and vertuous writers disposed in fourme of the alphabet of the Queene Her most excellent Maiesties name : whereunto are added comfortable consolations (drawen out of the Latin) to afflicted mindes. Conway, John, Sir, d. 1603. 1571 (1571) STC 5652; ESTC S4590 71,691 468

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perswasion shall suffise so to incorporate thee in Loue Felowshippe and daily exercise as sharpely to take reuenge of thy sluggish body in whatsoeuer Daye thy vngratefull Spirite shall become negligente of thy dewetie therin Consider I pray thee the paine Passion merites and immense goodnesse of a milde louing and mercifull Sauiour Iesus Christe towarde thee forgeat not that beinge deade throughe Sinne in thy firste Father ADAM and worthily condemned to eternall dampnacion He without other mocion then his own mercy brought thee to liue againe If this so great mercie cannot bring in the bondes of thy owinge dewtie and mooue thee by daily vse of thankes geuing through harty Praier to cancel the records of such gratitude be yet reduced by considering the scorching paines prepared in guerdon of the vngrate and reprobate Accepte the troubles wretchednesse Martirdomes of this lothsom life as true Figure of his fauoure and signes of his blessing be not vnthankfull by omission of Prayer toward so naturall and more then louing a Father that he hath stauled thee on earth not onelie replenished with manie wholesom Hearbs Flowers Fruites Waters Trees Plants manie worthie Creatures to thy behoofe and Subiection but hath farther geuen thee a most comfortable and infallible promise and graunt of his holy Spirite deuine grace to arm guide and defende thee so well against the traines of thy Aunciente foe Sathan as also how to vse these his wonderful workes louing kindnesse and great mercie so that with heartie and faithfull Praier thou call to him for the same yea and hathe left thee a form of Peticion by Praier to him for all thy necessities and lastlie hath geuen thee a speciall cōmaundement to Praie promising to heare and graunt thy request Wherfore it is requisite to thee such as praie Firste well to consider of this promisse whereby may bee kindled in them a more Ardent desire Faithfullie to pray for without this speciall commaundemente enioyning vs to praie except also God had promised hee woulde heare vs neither thou nor anie creature could obtaine the least thinge by his praiers And here thou maist see when we obtaine any thing the graunt is not to be attributed to our praiers or worthinesse but to the vnspeakeable goodnesse of GOD which preuenteth our praiers with his promise and commaundemente wherby hee dooth mooue vs to praie that wee may learne he is carefull for vs and much more ready to graunte then we to aske or receiue And because he offreth to vs more goodnes then either wee dare or can in any wise desire let that blessed bountie of GOD so kindle and confirme thee that thou alwaies praie without doubting For speciallie in acceptable praier is required that we mistrust nothing the prouidence of the almightie by that he chieflie promiseth that he will heare vs and gaue a precept of praying onely to settell and confirme our sure beliefe that he vvould heare vs as in the .21 of Mathew and .11 of Marke is saide Whatsoeuer you aske Praying beleue you shall receiue it and it shall be geuen you Luke likevvise 11. Euery one that asketh receiueth he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shal be opened With these and like so well promises as commaundementes thy minde is to be confirmed faithfullie to praie assuring thy self thou shalt receiue all that thou doest aske But if thou doubt of the will of God in thy Praier praie rashlie thou cōmittest tvvo offences First because thorowe thine owne fault thy praier is of lesse valevv and laboure in vaine For saith S. Iames If any man require ought of God lette him aske with Faith not doubtinge For hee that doubteth is like a Surge of the Sea which is tossed of the winde and caried with violence N●ither let that man thincke he shall receiue any thing of his Heauenly Father because his hart is not sure quiet for Faith kepeth the harte quiet that it may receiue the guift of God. The other is that thou beleeuest in God as in a light and friuolous Person deeminge him eyther not able to perfourm his promises or that he vvill not These plucke avvay the Glory and Name from the high God which beleue he is not faithfull and true And this Sinne is so great that of a Christian it maketh a Heathen for God is not only denied in this Sinne but he is vtterly thereby lost neither is there any hope of recouery so longe as thou abidest in this infidelitie And if it happen to any that praieth vvithout sure trust that he obtaine any thing that guifte is geuen of God being angry to the destruction bothe of Body and Soule that at the least somme Honour may be done to the holy Scriptures whiche may be vttered from menne full of sin distrust and contempt of God. Furthermore they doo not iudge right vvhiche thincke to obteine in prayer by their ovvne vvorthinesse This is not to be regarded vvhether thou be vvorthy or vnvvorthy that praiest for praier consisteth not in the worthinesse vvhiche wee bring but in the infallible truthe of Goddes promise And truly if praier be grounded eyther vpon it selfe or any other it is vayn frustrate yea thoughe it seeme to proceede from the Godly affectes of the Harte and eies pouring out aboundant teares of Water or Bloud But let vs praie to be Iudged vvorthy and bee hearde because vvee perceiue oure ovvne vnvvorthynesse and are bolde through the only goodnesse of God and Faith. Although thou perceiuest thy selfe vnvvorthy in desert either to aske or receiue any thinge of thy Celestiall Father let this only be regarded that thou shalt obtain it through the honour of his name vvhich is true and let not thy vnbeleeuing Faith holde his promise for an vntruthe Neyther shall vnvvorthynesse hinder thee as also thy vvorthinesse shall nothinge further thee But Vnbeliefe onely shall damme thee and Faithe shall make thee vvorthy and saue thee Diligentely therfore bevvare that thou neuer deem thy self vvorthy to pray or receiue but euen vvhen thou feeleste thy selfe able boldely to leane to the sure and true promises of thy chiefe Creatoure of vvhose mercy thou oughtest to bee so muche the more sure because euen as hee promised thee vnvvorthy and vvithout deserte that hee vvill denie thee nothing So likevvise thoughe thou be vnvvorthy yet he vvil heare thee that he may perfourme the promises he gaue thee So that nothinge is left to thy deserts or vvorthinesse but the truth mercie of the most Highest do chalenge all thinges to themselues From vvhence al promises flovve as oute of a Fountaine that this s●ying might be fulfilled Psalm 25. All the wayes of th● Lorde are mercy and truthe for his mercy vve do se in his promises and his Truthe vvhen they are fulfilled and kept And likevvise in the Psal 32. Mercie and Truthe are in his way that is they are mette and seene ioyned togeather in any one vvorke or guift vvhiche vve obtaine in
thy sake exercising iustice mercie and Truthe to all thy Creatures and neuer suffering me to doo that may mooue thy wrath but more and more assisted with thy grace may encrease thy loue and likinge and finally obtaine thy ioyes euerlasting Amen H HEare these my Prayers sweet Lord Iesu and for thy exceedinge Loue whiche broughte thee from the Sacred seate of thy Fathers breast into the wo●be of the blessed virgin to bannish Death and Sinne to redeeme mans nature whereby in thy astere Passion as thou haste restoared mee and with so blessed a Shielde defended mine eternall deathe by the self same Loue call mee that haue wandred home againe to thy Folde renewe me with thy Spirite cōfirme mee with stronge faithe nourish in me such thi abundant loue garnish mee with thy plentifull grace lade mee with infallible hope of thy mercie finally restore all partes in mee which are decaied and quicken in mee what so is dead should liue that my spirite set at libertie from Terrestriall thinges thou maist euer dwell in mee And my Soule and body assisted with thy ritche guifte of all these may fully purely safely and strongly settle them in thee To whom be praise both nowe and euer Amen R REnder mee thy grace O Lorde that from this day I neuer becomme enimies with thee againe but that I only rest in thee Guide me with the clere light of thy woorde thorowe the dark desertes of this wretched world where no misery nor trouble lacketh wher euery place is ful of snares of mortal enimies yea wheron trouble and temptations ouerpassed and other ensueth and the first enduringe a newe battaile suddainely assayleth wherby I neuer haue peace and wante wherwith to war. wherfore with contrite hart I crie Lorde Lorde assist me with the power of thy holy Spirite and as thou hast cōmaunded I come vnto thee prayinge the guifte of all these my requests and specially Lord I require the swoord of my Sau●●ur Christ true and firm faith that established in thy Truthe holding that for my defence may be safely armed against all mine enimies strong to cut downe the thornes which shal spring in my way of passage vnto thee in whom sweete sauiour aboue all honour glory triumphe sway rule power dignity make me settle al my ioyes yea aboue all healthe ritches bewtie fame and felicitie to desire thee loue thee and magnifie thee which geuest all and therfore of al to be beloued sought art most worthy Amen E EAse O Lorde the paines I suffer the troubles of my soule let the fountaines of thy grace ouerflow my barraine bodie and the floudes of thy mercie batten my feeble spirite let thy louing kindnesse couer mine infirmities and thy suffered drops of dewe vpon the Crosse drownde mine iniquitie Thy worde is Truthe and thou hast saide Thy delight is not in the death of a Sinner but wouldest he shoulde conuerte and liue Teache me therfore to number my dayes in the loue of thy Lawes that I alwayes thirste after thy Kingdome and neuer forgeat thee but in this that I haue here begonne may perseuer increase setting at naught all worldly pompe respect of persones and mans helpe and only cleaue to thy omnipotente power mercie strengthe and goodnesse wherin Lorde make mee so ritch as I neuer haue power to swerue from thee nor wante thy grace to resiste all temptations neither yet thy strengthe to treade downe mine enimies and so my harte shall ioyfully liue and geue thanckes to thee my God of all truth mercy and victory Amen G GOD merciful Father of my redeemer Christ which hast promised to heare the peticions of them that aske in thi Sonnes name geue downe thy feare into my harte conioyne thy holy spirite to the felowship of my soule poure vpō me the blessed dewes of thy grace enritche mee with thy high vnderstandinge and send wisdome in her glory from thy Sacred seate to dwel in me that shee may guide mee vphold mee and labour with mee to the end that in al my trauelles enterprises proceedinges and studies I may preuaile to thy glorie Do this deare Father for the triumphe of thy name Bow downe thine eares mercifullie heare and receiue the summe of all my requests and graunt that all thinges which I aske according to my necessity I may effectually obtaine to thy glorye and profite of my soule through Iesus Christe my Lorde Amē I I Geue and committe into thy hands deere Lorde my Spirite yea rather I may say thy Spirite seeing thou hast geuen it mee lincte it to my body for a season and seing it is thy image and Figure made after thine owne likenesse seeinge thy deere Sonne did clime the dyrefull steppes of death for redemption therof O most fauorable Father and meeke God of al mercy and compassion I eftsoones cōmende this my Spirite into thy hande I am thine what so euer I am receiue thine I beseeche thee preserue mee and comforte mee for no man can help me besides thee Onely thou arte the sureste resister of all mischiefe thou arte O God the readieste help in all trouble thou arte my hope and strength In thee do I put my trust lette mee not be confounded let mee neuer be rebuked thou art my strong rock and my Castell thou art my sauioure my portion is in thy hands Lighten thy face vpon thy Seruaunt and saue mee O Lorde in thy Mercie Amen N NO brickel nor corrupt gold or Siluer hath redeemed my soule O Heauenly Father but the precious bloud issuinge from Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spotte make mee therefore O Lorde for his sake to put on his humility patience vertu and vnspotted life rendring such accompt of this my Pilgrimage as beste may agree to his merite and thy mercie Let mee not be founde vnthankfull in so sweete a Lorde and sauiour what is most rightuous acceptable and pleasante in thy sight let mee alwayes O God preferre in faith works and what so euer is to approoue mee vnworthy of his tender and surmountinge loue that may alter his louing kindenesse or exchaunge his wonted compassion towards mee Lorde let me euer faile in strength to do it but assisted by thee I may euerlastingly be founde to liue in him Amen A ALmighty God which fliest with the winges of the Ayre ridest vpō the Cherubins hast Empyre aboue the starry Firmaments Thou thou that sittest in Sacred seate most hie beholdeynge the wretchednesse of man in this lowe Earthe attending through thine own loue his deserts when with any occasion thou may offer thy mercie Bowe downe thy pitifull eies and fauour in me the Image of thy selfe as thou diddest vouchsafe in Zache when thou calledst him out of the Figge thee enritche my eares with the same voyce of Remission and Gladnesse as thou diddest his incline thine eares heare these cries oh louing redeemer for though I am but Dust Earth and Asshes yet I am bolde strengthened
inspyre vs with the feruēt flames of thy loue to consume the festerynge phantisses of our minde conioyne amd knytte the sences poures of our inwarde partes in thee make vs holde in hate al earthly substaunce and transitorie things by thy grace strōglye to tread down and conquere al motions occasions of sinne deliuer vs most benigne father from all rancore malyce hatred bloudsheding lying backbiting swearing and all suche horryble euils what so euer they be yea from lighteninge and tempeste from murther and battaile greuous plagues and other diseases good Lorde deliuer vs. Finally deliuer vs from all anguish troubles and mishappes eminēt either bodily or ghostly and with thy mighty hand defende our Ritches from abuse our brickle body from corruptiō our Soule from dampnation euen as beste shall accorde with thy holy will and true glorie of thy Maiestie Deliuer vs Lord from the chaynes of sinne the ropes of Hell and all perill of destruction so that beinge certified in conscience our Prayers worthely of thee accepted and wee deliuered from all assaults of the diuell his wicked craftes and inticementes to damnation and by thy holy spirite assisted may perseuer in this goodnesse wherof thy mercie and kindenesse is true Aucthor to the end of our dayes in holynesse and rightuousnesse to the honour of thy Kingdome powre and glory both now and euer Amen E ENgraue thy Lawes in the deapth of my hart O Lord that beinge instructed in thy cōmaūdements I may serue thee in feare and reioyce in thee with trembling and take holde vpon thy discipline in all thinges Least at any time thou become angrye and I perishe from the right way Amen L LOrde geue me me help from my trouble for vaine is the helpe of Man in thee I haue strength and thou bringest vnto nothing those which trouble me let my soule be subiect vnto thee for from thee proceedeth my patience for thou art my God and Sauiour my helper I wil not depart from thee In thee is my health and my Glory thou arte the God of my healpe and my hope is in thee Amen I I Haue broken thy Folde and wandered long as a lost sheep let me return againe O Lord bicause I haue not forgotten thy commaundementes the misdeedes ignorances of my tēder yeeres remember not Lorde according to thy mercy haue minde on mee For thy goodnesse O Lorde keepe my soule and deliuer mee let mee not be ashamed bicause I haue trusted in thee Turne my heauinesse into ioye cut of my sacke of sorrowes and girde mee with gladnesse that my Glory may singe vnto thee and I shall not be greeued Z ZOrobabell Kinge of Iuda in the deapthe of thy displeasure tasted of thy mercie and receiued by the mouthe of Ageus thy Prophete sweete comforte knowledge of thy fauoure and grace yea after thy determination to destroy the whole Kingdome of the Heathen thy righte hand did preserue him and thy incomparable mercie did choose him for a seale to thy selfe Lord this happy Kinge in thy goodnesse was but an earthly Creature and then coulde he haue no rightuousnesse in him selfe to mooue such thy compassion if it proceeded from the multitude of thy mercies that surmounte the iniquity of the whole world and that thou diddest only vouchsafe to beholde in him the Image of thy selfe Bowe downe thine eies Lorde and beholde the selfe same in mee Certifie my conscience with remission of my sinnes that my sorrowfull Soule be at rest within mee send downe thy holy spirite to remaine with me that I may become with that good Kinge thy chosen seale and seruaunt And so gouerne thy people that I may with them and they with me neuer deserue further then to taste of thy Rod of fauorable correction but that all my labours and studies may euer bend to the performance of thy holy will and discharge of my dutie Amen A ARise illuminate my minde moste benigne Sauioure that I sleape not at any time in deathe leaste mine enimies say they haue preeuailed againste mee They whiche trouble mee will be glad if I be cast downe but I haue fixed my hope in thy mercy Enter not into iudgement with thy Seruaunt for no liuing Creature shal be iustified in thy sighte I will euer looke vpon the Lorde for he shal be on my righte hande that I be not mooued for this my harte is glad and my tongue reioyceth yea moreouer my fl●ash shall rest in hope Amen B BE thou vnto mee O Lorde in the day time a defendour and in the nighte season a place of refuge that thou maiste saue mee for thou art my strengthe and vnto thee I flie Lord God deliuer me from the hand of sinners and from the Lawebreaker and the wicked dooer for thou Lord art my patience thou art my hope euen frō my youth in thee I am confirmed euen from my Mothers wombe thou art my protectour in thee shall be my songe for euer and euer Amen E EVer my tongue shall be tellinge of thy ritche mercy and woonderous works O Lorde for thou hast caused mee to passe through fire and water and hast leadde mee into a freashe place thou haste geuen my soule life and hast not suffered my feete to fall According to the multitude of my sorrowes thy comfortes haue made my Soule merye My Soule is like a Sparrow taken out of the foulers snare Thou hast deliuered my life frō death and my hands from bloud that I may please thee O Lorde in the light of the liuing Amen T THou art iust O Lorde and all thy Commaundementes be true and al thy waies mercy truth and iudgement And now Lorde be mindefull of mee take not reuengemente of my sinnes remember not mine offences neither the offences of my Fathers because wee haue not obeyed thy precepts Geue mee an hart of vnderstandinge and set thy feare alway before mine eyes that I may be obediente in woorde deede and thought to all that is thy will. Lorde geue vnto mee the power of thy Holy Spirite to rule and gouerne thy people commited to my charge in al godly feare and knowledge of thy woorde and that I may be vnto them an ensample in al godlinesse an● vertue to the prayse of thy Holy name Amen H HEale me Lord and I shall be healed saue mee and I shal be saued My life cleaueth vnto the Earthe Quicken mee accordinge to thy worde accordinge to thy mercie releeue mee and I wil keepe the testimonies of thy lippes helpe mee Lord so shall I be safe and I will from henceforthe study thy rightuousnesse thy mercies are many O Lorde according to thy woorde restore my health Amen R REgarde my Prayers O thou God of my life leaue me not in the thoughts of euill Deliuer mee from the wicked man let not the foote of pride com vpon mee and to vaine glorie geue mee not take from mee all sinfull lustes lette no desire of vncleannesse take hold vpon mee geue mee
not ouer to an vnshamefast obstinate minde but correct mee in thy mercie for into thy handes I committe me Amen E ENter thy Iudgementes in the tables of my harte destroy my affections with thi loue send thy wisdome from the holy Heauens and from the seate of thy maiesty that she may be with mee and labour with mee that I may knowe what thing is acceptable before thee and may Iudge thy people rightuously and deserue betweene good and euill G GRatious Lorde thou that arte the most hie God aboue al the yearth long suffering and of muche mercie sorowinge the sinnes of man and of thy greate goodnesse haste promised to the penitent remission of sinnes Lorde I haue sinned my iniquity is multiplied aboue the sandes of the Sea and there is no hope of life in mee bicause I haue sturred the to anger in multiplying offēces before thee And now Lorde trustinge in thy mercy I bowe the knees of my hart beseching of thee goodnesse distroye mee not together with mine iniquity for the dead whose Soules are out of theyr bodies can neither prayse nor thanke thee but the sorowfull hart and the thirstye Soule ascribe praise vnto thee O Lorde I powre my Prayers before thee and require mercie in thy sight saue me which am vnworthy and reserue not eternall punishment for me for thine owne sake I aske it and will prayse thee al the daies of my life Amē I ILluminate my hart O Lord with the lighte of thy woorde leade mee Lord in thy way and I shall enter into thy Truthe printe thy feare in my hart that I may reioyce in thee lette thy woorde be a Lanterne vnto my feete and a light vnto my paths So shall I not erre from the right way but walk with an vpright harte a cleane conscience and single eye before thee this day and euermore Amen N NEuer will I cease to call vpon thee moste m●ghtye God of Hostes whiche fittest vpon the Cherubins and haste dominion ouer al the kingdoms on the earth Thou which madest the Heauens and all things comprehended in them bowe downe thine eare and heare open thine eyes and behold saue mee from the hande of mine aduersaries suffer no euill to happen vnto mee that al the people may know that thou alone arte my god Amen A ASsist me O Lord my God with thy Heauenly grace and renew in mee a righte Spirite that I may receiue strength and ablenesse to doo thy rightuous will and to stand against al the assaultes of wilie Sathan that they may haue no place in me but that the Old man which I beare about in my body may be crucified and daily die in me that the desire of sinne erroure of worldly vanities may vtterly be destroyed that I may euermore be renewed in the Spirite of my minde that the life of my Sauiour Christe may alwayes appeare in mee To whome with the Father and the Holy Ghost be all honoure triumphe and glory for euer and euer Amen IOAN I. SI confiteamur Peccata nostra Deus fidelis est iustus vt remittat nobis Peccata nostra emundet nos ab omni Iniquitate Si dixerimus quoniam non peccauimus Mendacem facimus cum Verbum eius non est in nobis IOSVE Fili mi da Gloriā Deo Israël confitere atque indica mihi quid feceris ne abscondas AGVSTINVS Confessio est salus animarum dissipatrix Vitorum restauratrix Virtutum expugnatrix Daemonum Quid plura Obstauit Os Inferni Paradisi Portas aperit Cassidorus super Psalm 77. O beata Confessio quae aeternum tollit opprobrium Nam quicquid Reatum inuenerit Poenitentia perpetuis Seculis reddit Absolutum An inward speache vvherevvith Christ dooth comfort the Soule of the sinner desiringe to liue better Gathered out of the works of sundry holy Writers I Loue them saith Christe that seeke mee and my delight is emonge the children of mē Sic dilexi Mundum vt in mortem datem animam meam vt non periat sed habeat vitam aeternum quicunque in me crediderit I haue so loued the worlde that I gaue my selfe vnto death that who so euer beleeued in mee should not perish but haue euerlasing life O thou Soule O Daughter I haue laboured hungred thirsted I haue bene despised and suffred persecution for thy sake I am wounded for thine iniquitie I am weried through thy wickednes I am dead for thine offences and risen again for thy iustification the loue whiche I beare to thee hath forced mee to doo and suffer all these thinges and to make choyse of thee for my childe Wherefore amende thou and returne to mee washe thee in the bloud of my wounds and deck thee with vertues and merites of my life All these thinges I willingly geue thee nay rather as a most louing father offeringe these thinges I runne to imbrace thee and receiue thee with imbracinge and kissing alluring thee to loue me againe return Daughter and be cleane Praebe cor tuum mihi quia praeter hoc aliud abs te non desidero Be sory that thou hast sinned bicause thou hast offended mee or at the leaste sorrowe because thou canst not perceiue thy selfe pensiue for oft it cometh to passe that it better pleaseth mee and is more profitable to man to haue a wil to be contrite and deuout then to perceiue contrition or deuocion Because this contrarye desire of willing and vnwillinge engendreth affliction of minde Therfore be sory and angry with thy selfe yee iudge thy selfe woorthy to be damned bicause thou hast sinned and art not sory as thou oughtest This contrition although it be not sensible yet it is such though thou suffer persecution as will bring thee to health eternall for I knowe your miserye your weaknesse and necessitie so that in no wise a willing mind ought to dispaire what soeuer oldenes or coldenesse of conscience he feele But you wil say I haue cōmitted innumerable offences how shall I perticulerly sorrow euery one of them O my daughter needest thou comfort let only truthe comfort thee if thou hast many sinnes haue also one generall contrition in the whiche thou wilte include all and euery offence so that there be no sinne whiche althoughe it came vnto thy minde wouldest exempte frō thy penitencie and whiche thou wouldest not eschewe forsake For this generall contrition extendeth it selfe to all and euery offence yea vnto those whiche thou haste forgotten and canste not remember neither doo I require that you should necessarily haue for euery offence seuerall contritions accordinge to the number māner of your sinnes for thus I haue spoken of Mary Magdalaine I haue forgeuen her many offences for that she loued much I saide not bicause shee loued oftentimes neither coulde this Magdalaine in so suddaine a compunction be otherwise sory then for all togeather Thou likewise so be sory for all that there be no sinne which may delight thee whether generally or
yet truste not to thy endeuour but to the healpe of my grace for if thou trust to thy selfe to thine owne industery thou shalte easily fall thy well dooing neuer ascribe to thy selfe nor vsurpe any thinge vpon my guiftes for of thy selfe thou canst not but offende of thy self thou hast nothing but sinne whiche proper is to thy selfe desire not vainely to please any mortall man wisshe rather to be knowne of fewe then many to be despised rather then praysed neuer esteeme thy self any thing woorth nor thinke thy worthinesse of any value but with out faining accōpt thy selfe vngraceful vnwoorthy and vilest creature aliue Humble and imbase thy selfe beneathe all menne for my sake loue all menne with a pure loue yea those also which persecute thee wishe the prosperity of thy Brother despise none dispaire not at the well dooinge of any slaunder none iudge no man what thou seest and hearest of others interprete it to the best with al studie mortifie thine owne apetite and singulerly imbrace my will gladly and willingly obeye mee in all thinges and men in those which be lawfull leaue thine owne will and denie thy selfe commit and yeeld thee wholy to my prouidence with firme truste in mee in all temptation perill and necessitie for I haue care of thee and diligently attend thee as if thou only liuedst Daughter learne to receyue euery aduersitie and affliction no otherwise then as from my hand sent only and patiently beare it to the end for my sake for trouble is the cup of blessing whereon I haue made all my chosen drinke There hathe not ben any of mine which outwardly or inwardly hathe nor suffred some trouble Wherefore reiectinge all weakenesse what so euer commeth to thee take it in good part and beleeue it to be sent to thee for thy health for the great loue I beare thee Suffer aduersity it is the kingly way which leadeth to heauenlie Heritage walke therfore in it reioysing geue me thankes that I haue so regarded thee that I woulde geue thee somewhat that thou shouldest suffer when any doo moleste thee and woorke thee iniury or spighte thinke him sent by mee to proue thee Be not agrieued with him geue him not sharpe and bitter woordes neither thinke of reuengement marke not the man whiche is my instrumente and scourge but attende on mee which suffer suche thinges to be done by man O Daughter in euery trouble and sorow be patient resigning thy selfe to mee for I purge thee by afflictions and make thee apt and woorthy to be maried to mee But if of thy humaine infirmity or other defect thou fall to impatience be not discouraged neither wauer dispairinge in thy good indeuoures but foorthwith arise turne to mee and call vpon mee with a sure hope of pardone I know the generall weaknesse of man I knowe also thy peculiar frailetie truste to mee thy hope and ful trust cannot be too assured in me if thy life be good and repentante Wherefore hastily flie vnto mee I will take thee vp heale and defende thee what doest thou feare yet O Daughter why doest thou not euen now desire deathe for what euill can death bringe thee Truely after thou haste bequeathed thy Carkas to the ground thou shalt no more offende mee Thou shalte no more be defiled with sinne if thou loue nothing in this world deathe can take nothinge from thee if thou loue any worldly thinge wilte thou stande to the daunger nay rather thou louest thine owne perilles Therfore before thou die cease to loue worldly and transitory thinges if thou feare not to much to die yea if thou loue me alone in this life be gladde thou shalte die for but by death thou canst not gette what thou louest But I know what thou fearest truly nothing in this worlde thou louest nothinge thou doost possesse that either thou carest to enioye or wouldest sorowe the losse but trembling and feare vexeth thee bicause thou knoweste not whether thou be worthy loue or hatred Thou knowest not howe thou shalt be receiued of mee either to reste or paine None of these shalt thou know O daughter neither is it expedient truly Though thou feare yet abide in hope and sure trust in mee whether thou liue or die of thy selfe thou canste neither liue nor die well both thou haste of mee if I geue thee to liue well shall not I also graunt thee wel happilie to die seeing therof thou hast all of me seeing thou lookest for all thinges at my hande how is it thē that thou hopest one thing and dispairest another Truste then and caste all thy thoughtes and care vpon mee as liuinge thou art able to resiste no temptacion nor auoyde any sinne so neither dyinge arte thou able if faithfully I preuent temptations and moderate them in thy life the same will I doo in thy deathe Neuer enter battaile with thine own force and armes but leaue it vnto mee leaninge to mee I will fight for thee and I fightinge for thee and defending thee what cause haste thou of feare neither doubte thou of the condition or kinde of deathe Nullum est genus mortis quod nocere potest iusto No kinde of deathe is able to annoye a iuste man for the iust with what deathe so euer he be besette is in safegarde Therefore be nothinge carefull whether at home or abrode in bedde or in fielde thou shalt die neither feare whether thy death be naturall or violent But as the Apostle counselleth study to liue soberly iustly and godly that thou may well and happily die An euil death dooth not folow a good and iust life but the deathe of the iuste is precious in my sight how so euer they ende this life whether in the water in the fire or in bedde they die ¶ A sweete and comfortable Consolation for al weake mindes to confirm strengthen them against Desperation WHosoeuer refusinge the hope of pardon rūneth headlonge into the goulfe of desperation doth not only distrust the omnipotencie of God perswadinge him self that there is som crime whiche he is not able to extinguish but also maketh him a lier By the mouthe of his Prophete he hathe promised free remision of sinne so soone as the offender bewaileth but frowardely doothe the posterity of Caine say Suche is mine iniquitie as I shall neuer obteine remission What sayest thou caitif If God be not able to pardone bicause of the greatnesse of thy sin thou robbest him of his Omnipotencie If he will not do that which he can doo he is a Liar and too lighte not to perfourme the thing whiche so oft he hathe promised by the mouthe of his holy Prophetes It is saide of the Psalmiste God is gratious and mercifull long sufferinge and of great goodnesse The Lorde is louing to all menne and his mercie is ouer all his woorkes Is there any thing then more admirable then the creation of the heauens with so many shininge bodies then the makinge of the Earthe
me Lord through thy grace for in al my proper works diuises can be founde no sin● shielde of defence for mee Cast not away my sorowfull soule Remember the pitifull Passion of thy deare Sonne and suffer it not to perish Guide my feete in the shining light of thy Verity carry mee aloft from the snares of the vngodly and from the traitorous trappes of the malitious saue mee Suffer not thou oh Prince of al power who rulest the heauens and earthe that any canckred or malitious stomacke rebell or increase against me Pardon my cursed crimes release my dyrefull debtes geue mee againe thy grace wrappe vp my woefull woundes that fester in my feeble fleash graffe mee a new with the garnishinge of thy grace so shall thy glorie growe and my gained gladnesse heale my grouing griefes If I deserue the fulnesse of thy furie to fall vpon mee yet as a louing Sauiour rule ouer the roughnesse of thy rage and let thy most meke mercy measure my paine as thou haste donne vnto numbers Graunt most gratious God of all victory that I maie euer haue thy power right hand to be my resident Rocke of refuge Geue gratious eare to my requests be thou my stay in euery storme and peril for all mannes staies are vnsteady Beate downe therfore mine enimies with thine owne hande and Swoorde which arte mine only aide and Protectour geue mee thy grace and I shall neuer cease to geue thee glorye bothe with my tounge and harte shall I ioyfully singe Dominus illuminatio mea salus mea quem timebo Dominus Protector Vitae meae à quo trepidabo Amen ENcline thy harte to mercie delight thy thoughts in equitie and Iustice then shall thy light breake forth as the morning springe and thy healthe florishe thy rightuousnesse shall preserue thee and the glorie of the Lorde shall imbrace thee ENritch me oh God with thy grace illuminate my minde with thy vnderstanding be vnto mee a sure saluacion whom should I feare Truly neither wil I feare anie enimy bodily or ghostly thou being the strength of my life Though innumerable hostes do rise against mee my Spirite shal trust in thee and in my hart will I neuer be afraide Arme mee with thy strength of warre oh God and teache my handes to wage battaile And I shall lay flat the enemies of thy Truthe and ioyfully resiste all those that rise against me My life shall euer declare thy sauinge healthe my soule shall not cease to sing thy praise Thou hast deliuered me from the chaines of Hel and when I haue bene wrapped in the daungers of Death thou hast cleared my pathes of all stumblinge blocks and made thy ritch mercie my candle Lorde if I haue benne vnthankful a broken minde shal be thy Sacrifice my harte shall euer dwell in the place of thanks geuing Spirite still mourne for her vnkindenesse Saue mee Lorde I beseeche thee in the daie of my distresse for thou arte the horne of my healthe the shielde of my glory and bearest vp mine infirmitie Let them be consumed in their diuises that shall worke against me and faile of their force in the houre of their pretence Poure vpon them the Vyall of thy wrathe let them sinke by themselues and saue thy Seruauntes that trust in thy mercy I will honour thee for my sauiour and praise thee for a God aboue all Gods. Amen GOd is gratious and mercifull he forgeueth sinnes in time of trouble and is a defender of them that seeke him with hartie praier and wholie put their truste in his mercie and truthe GVyde my feete oh Lord in the waies of peace and keepe my hands cleane from innocent bloude Lorde geue mee grace to perfourm the tauailes of this Pilgrimage before thee with pure minde cleare conscience that when thou shalt shewe thy selfe towardes euery creature to their deedes I may be ritche in thy mercie and not dreadde thy presence Whilest I treade this wearie laborinthe leaue mee not Lorde to my selfe but graunte mee thy continuall grace for my staffe I am not of might Lorde in my selfe to do any thinge that is good my rightuousnesse and glory stand in thy hande Therfore oh Lorde I appeale to thy mercy and pray thy grace that I may in minde be made strong with thy holy Armoure whiche I desire maye be thy rightuousnesse for my Brest plate firme faithe for my Targette hope of mercy for my Helmet and true knowledge of thy woorde for my Banner so that I may stand here stronge perfite againste thine enemies and in a newe life participate thy ioyes I will blowe thy wonderous name throughe thy people and will praise thee emongest all the faithfull My praises shall haue beinge vnto the farthest part of thy cōgregation and my vowes will I perfourme in the sight of all that feare thee I wil endeuour that the ends of the worlde shall remember themselues and will do my best to turne them vnto thee Geue mee therfore ioyfulnesse of harte rest of conscience continuall comforte in thy worde and trueth and that I may with a thankfull minde aduaunce thy name for euer IN the feare of God who so liueth shall gather his Fruites in a pleasaunt Garden of blessing It geueth the true Honoure Glory Triumphe and ioyfull Crowne IN the multitude of all my sorowes that euer I haue had in my harte Thy comforts oh Lorde haue euer refreshed mee Such is thy louing kindnesse and aboue all thy mercie that if I should stray farther in my vnthankefulnesse mine owne thoughts would accuse me Therfore I do comme vnto thee to be taught thy Testimonies that I maye make thy lawes my delight Truely hopinge of thy grace for my assistaunce I doo meane to make thy commaundementes an Alley of my pleasures to walke in and the Truthe of thy woordes will I weare on as an Armour against mine enimies Guide my fleashly eies oh Lorde least they beholde vanities and my hart in thy rightuousnesse Plucke my feete into the pathes of thy preceptes when they woulde wander printe the remembraunce of thy goodnesse alwaies in the table of my hart and let my power faile to offend thee Heape my handes with sure hope of my Saluacion satisfie my faithe in the forgeuenesse of my sinnes that my fraile fleashe wauer not in thy mercie Temper my tongue oh Lord that it alwaies teache thy testimonies lock vp my lippes that out of my mouth do not proceede neither blasphemy of thy name Hazerde to my soule nor hinderaunce to any Creature Bowe downe thine eares oh Lorde and strengthen mee in these requestes For beholde I bowe the knees of a contrite hart and with assured minde do hope them for thy truthes sake whiche I will euerlastinglye praise NO glorye exceedeth the bewty of a chast life the memoriall is immortall it is Crowned in all triumphe with God and Honoured of al rightuous for it winneth the reward of vndefiled battaile NO fleash is rightuous in
recoumpting thy sinnes to him that cannot forgeue thee Wherefore cast thy selfe on mee only and I will deliuer thee for if a thousand yeres thou wouldest search thy self and be confessed of tenne thousand thou shalt not be clensed Quando enim exhaures Abissum Therefore commit thy self to mee onely I will make thee safe when so euer with all diligence thou shalte goe aboute to confesse thy fault let mee alone with mercy to thee acknowledge that thou canst not cleanse thy selfe say that thou haddest neede of my mercy confesse that thou canst not answeare one woorde to a thousand things wherewith I might charge thee but art in euery worke vnsufficiente and hast neede of my mercie Wherfore trust not to thy confessions but in my mercie for by it thou shalt be iustified And whilest thou art to much conuersante in the care of thy sinnes thou mightest turne vnto mee and enioy my gratious presence Doost thou not note the subtiltie of the enemie To this end he suggesteth thee with the number of thy sinnes and thoughts of thy wickednesse that thou mightest neglecte thinges to thee more wholsome Know thou this therfore chiefly that my delighte is that thou shouldest think of my goodnesse and seeke mee in simplsnesse Thou shalt finde me gentle godly full of compassion and chief in mercy trust in me hope in me seek my fauoure seeke my freendship and familiarity and for the better obteyning of these directe thy exercise in Holinesse Thou shalte vndoubtedly feele a farre more beautifull fruite if thou diligently care how to loue please and solowe mee then by brofinge thy selfe with scruples of thy confessions for deeminge to search out and abolish doubts thou dooste rather engender to thee doubtfuller thinges thou canst not thinke mee too pitifull or mercifull so that thou doo not presume vpon my mercies neither canste thou geue mee ouer much credite Wherfore accustome thy selfe to thincke well of mee and beleeue that I will not condemne thee For truly whoso euer is willing to correcte his life and dispaireth not him will I saue I am well pleased O Daughter that thou arte soarie thou hast offended and that thou wilt not sinne heareafter Now thou art in state of Saluation why fearest thou I am ritch in infinite mercies Thus thinke of mee for thereby thou doost me more honour thē if thou diddest imagine mee cruell and harde or shouldest so mutche feare as though I watched onely to intrap men if this or that doubte or circumstance they had omitted But yet when any great offence commeth to thy minde confesse thy faulte with al humility and sorrowe of harte and desire grace to amend and after rest in peace and cast all the Diuelishe doubtes vpon me I desire thee I am willinge to enioye thy freendshippe I require to be loued of thee se therfore that thou answeare my good will. Vnderstande knowe and iudge thy selfe to be a sinner Say in many thinges thou haste offended that thou art most vngratefull a Rebell spitefull and blasphemous against my Commaundements and will And heareof so much humble thy selfe that thou dare not once lifte vp thine eyes before mee since thou art full of lothsomnesse and abominations Ther be certaine so esteeminge their committed euilles that they are mooued with them either to pleasure and delighte or contrarywise to desperation or some such like inconuenience But thou when thou wilt think thy self a sinner and humble thy selfe shake of the dreames of thy sinnes and turn vnto mee conferre with mee touchinge thy sinnes and infirmities poure out thy complaintes before mee reason with mee accuse thy self to mee of thy crimes committed so shall thy accusation of sinnes be conuerted into Prayer Wherefore when thou hast turned to mee pleade thy cause in Praier for by this meanes thy conscience shall be made cleare and quiet thy affection also to mee directed shall be by mee inflamed But now of Satisfaction for Sinnes Imbrace this counsell That what so euer thy hande is hable to doo that instantly woorke yet not with that minde or to that ende as though therewith thou couldest make Satisfaction for thy sinnes for to the accomplishing of this thou oughtest to thincke all thy woorkes too vnwoorthy and farre vnable But do that thou canste euery way to please mee whom thou haste offended desire mee that with the merites of my passion and most holy life I wil pullish thine offences and satisfie my Father for them This humility this sure truste in mee with which thou debasest thy selfe and thy woorkes and extollest mee and my merites excelling the woorkes of thy satisfaction since that one droppe of my bloude is of more valewe to Satisfaction then al mannes desertes whiche hathe already made satisfaction for the sinnes of the whole worlde Such humilitie allureth mee to thee and causeth me to communicate with thee the treasure of my merites Wherfore let this chiefly be thy studie which thou neglect not my good pleasure continually to thinke on mee desire mee loue mee and what so euer I commaunde and will that diligently perfourme then if thou haddest infinite heapes of sinnes I will forgeue them al as freely as if thou haddest but one neither is it lesse easie for me to forgeue many thē fewe It is a maruailous thing that I wil say but yet most true and certainely to be beleeued if the whole worlde weare a fiery Globe and in the middeste of it were throwne a bundell of flaxe this of his natural effecte should not so soone receiue the flame of fire as I will receiue the repentant and sorowful sinner to mercie for in that naturall acte is required some tariance through very litle and peraduenture not to be perceiued but heare is no tariance at all betweene the penitente and him that forgeueth betweene the sorowfull and him that heareth the sighes Thou therfore Doughter reiecte all inordinate feare desirous to please mee with thy holy harte studie to be Holy for I am holy willingly offende not though in neuer so little or lighte a thinge but shunne the occasion so much as in thee lieth wisely withdraw thy self from the society of mans superstitious communications and from vnprofitable and euill occupations be not Solitarie be not Idle spende the time thriftily to my Honour occupie thy selfe in readinge the Holy Scriptures where thou shalte finde my life and Passion plant in thy harte my trouble Crosse and persecution walk before me in Holinesse with feare and reuerence perswadinge thy selfe that I am neuer absente from the Godly but do instantly hold thē diligently bridell and kepe thy sences and tongue if thou loue much babling thou cāst not profite imbrace sobernesse and reasonable continences shunne vanitie and the pompe of pride sensualitie and vnlawfull pleasures see thou followe not but diligently endeuoure to keepe thee vndeflied sighte couragiously againste vices and faithfully pray to me that thou maist breake and ouercome the wicked passions and inclinations doo asmuche as thou art able
with such singuler varietie of liuing Creatures Trees plants Fruites and all other thinges then the fabrication of so many pure Celestiall Soules So that who durste be bolde to affirme had not the Prophet manifestly spoken it that the mercies of God doo excell the glorie of his handiwoorkes Holy Scripture somtime termeth the mercie of God greate somtime to great and sometime it amplifieth the force therof by the name of multitude or number The Kingly Prophet Dauid in one selfe place comprehendeth both the greatnesse and multitude of heauenly mercie saying Haue mercie on mee O God after thy great goodnesse accordinge to the multitude of thy mercies doo away mine offences Wheare great iniquity is there needeth muche compassion If thou but weighe howe heynous the offence of Dauid was thou wilt acknowledge the greatnesse of Goddes goodnesse If thou consider how ofte he offended in that sinne thou shalt se the multitude of his mercies That God whiche is our Kinge our Father our Maister our spouse prescribeth no determinate nūber of offences but as oft as throughe true repentaunce wee return to him he forgetteth and forgeueth the punishment wh●ch he threatneth to vs he enterteineth vs emongest his Familie leadeth vs into the chaumber of his loue and receiueth not vs onely but forgetteth our offences He bringeth the lost sheepe vpō his shoulders to the staules and biddeth the Congregation of the chosen to his reioysinge He goeth to meete the Prodigal Sonne returning frō his longe and lothsom iorney and putteth a Robe and a Ringe vpon him and commaundeth the fatteste Caulfe to be killed for him What other thinge doothe this signifie but the immense or as I may say the ouermuch mercie of God It is no meruaile though his mercie excede which loueth vs so exceedingly Paule feareth not to write thus to the Ephesians We are saith he by nature becom the Children of wrath But God which is ritche in mercie for his tender loue wherewith he loued vs when wee were deade to sinne hath raised and reconciled vs againe to Christe S. Iohn in his Gospel more plainely expresseth the maruailous loue of God our Father towardes vs saying So God loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that who so beleeueth in him shoulde not perishe but haue euerlasting life Wherunto Paule aptly agreeth He that spared not his onely Sonne but gaue him for vs all hath he not geuen vs al thinges togeather with him This so great loue this so great kindnesse doth it not worthily appeare vnmeasurable because wee haue nothinge whiche wee haue not freely receiued of god What so euer wee doo what so euer we possesse it commeth by the mercie of God Yea it is the mercy of god that made the Angelles and created the worlde If he had wroughte it to himselfe his power and policie might haue ben praised but sith to our vse he hath framed al these thinges shall wee not acknowledge his mercy to be maruailous For whome haue the Celestiall Ayres their course to whome lendeth the sunne his beames by day the Moone with the Starres their brightnesse by nighte but for Man For whose vse made he these thinges of nothing For whose sake but for mannes onely doo the hanging Cloudes geue their shade and bedewe the pleasant fieldes Why blowe the windes why flowe the Riuers why spreade the Springes why encrese the Seas but for the vse of manne Who reapeth the commodities of the fertle earth which engendreth so many liuinge thinges suche wealthy store but manne Ther is nothing that God hath not made subiect to man onely he woulde that man should be obedient vnto him Many times our mercifull God sendeth aduersity either to cleare vs of our transgressions or to deterre vs from sinne or to minister occasion of weldooing Thus was Abraham tried so was Iob prooued with many miseries thus is euery one whiche liueth in Iesu Christe tried in this world with sundry afflictions as the Gould with the fire where are those that murmure againste God when either infirmity of health or deathe and losse of wife and children or decay of worldely wealthe happeneth to them nothinge knowinge that these are the manifeste signes of a mercifull god Let vs geue eare to the counsel of Salomon My sonne saith he despise not the woorde of God nor forsake his correction For whome the Lorde loueth he chasteneth and delighteth in him as a Father in his sonne The Apostle Paule hath the like saying to the Hebrewes Whom the Lord loueth he correcteth and rebuketh euery Childe that he receiueth Then by Paules counsell when any storme of aduersity ariseth let vs stand fast in the Truthe knowinge that he offereth him selfe to vs as to his children like a mercifull god If the loue of God lend vs prosperity let vs geue him thankes and be carefull that wee abuse not his bountie It miserie oppresse vs let vs neuerthelesse geue thanks to him and commit our selues to his Iudgemente To obtaine healthe thou geuest thy selfe vp to the Phisicion thou yeeldest thy selfe to the Coarde Sawe and searing of the Chirurgion And to enioy euerlasting health feareste thou to trust thy Creatoure thy Maister thy Father and onely Sauiour Thou darest not say to the phisition thus and thus cure mee And wilt thou prescribe to God the meanes of thy sauinge health Let euery one of vs descend into the deapth● of his conscience let vs consider how oft and how greeuously we haue offended God how his benefites are defiled with our iniquities and so wee shall see how much wee are indetted to his infinite mercy which hathe borne with our frailty so gently which by so many meanes calleth vs to repentaunce whiche so w●●lingly pardoneth the penitente and conuert Truly he is greatly to be lamented which refuseth the fountain of euerlasting life and neuer by repentance returneth whence he departed The Prodigall childe straied farre leaft and forsooke his Fathers house and yet returned Peter was farre gone when he denied his Maister thrise but yet remembringe the woordes whiche Iesus spake to him he recāted and wepte bitterly How gently dooth the Lorde in Hieremie vnder the person of the wife which hauing forsaken her Husbande gaue her selfe to euery man call his people to repentance Return my children be conuerted saith he because I am your husbande But oh wretched is the man that stoppeth his eares at this voyce of the Lordes To daie saith the Psalme if you heare my voyce hardē not your hartes This is our daie as longe as wee liue in which the Lorde ceaseth not to call vpon vs to repentaunce offering vs prepared pardon God him selfe in Ezechiell dooth not onely promise remission to him that forsaketh his euill but voweth obliuion of all his former offences For after he had reckened all the erroures which man fell into he added If the wicked man will be soary for his sinnes keep my commaundements and doo the thing that is right he shall liue and not die
him not dispaire They doo euill which will not repent with them whome they haue transgressed withall After Dauid had willingly confessed his fault and acknowledged the iuste iudgement of God behold what great hope he conceiued of the mercie of God Sprinkle mee O Lorde saith he with Isope and I shall be cleane washe mee and I shall be whiter then Snowe By the sprinkling of the bloude of the immaculate Lambe he promiseth to himselfe clearenesse too though he acknowledge his conception to be sinfull yet by this washing he hopeth after the whitenesse of innocencie whiche passeth the white of the Snowe And he trusteth not onely in the Innocencie but looketh to see his doubtfull penitencie turned into Heauenly ioy Thou shalt make me heare ioye and gladnesse saith Dauid that the boanes which thou hast broken maie reioyce Geue me the comforte of thy healpe and stablish mee with thy free Spirite O singuler Faithe of a sinner what man hath at any time cried Iesu haue mercie on me but forthwith he hathe obteined grace Take pittie Lorde saithe the woman of Canaan and her Daughter was healed The blinde pore man cried out O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me and he receiued sight Let vs hartely zealously cōstantly cal on him in the middest of our miseries say Iesu thou Sonne of Dauid haue compassion vpon vs And of poore impotent beggers he will make vs felow heyres with him of the kingdom of heauen He hath opened the Sanctuary of his holinesse and thou runnest i●to the Dungeon of despaire he hathe stretched out his hande to thee and thou turneste away thy face he openeth the gates of Heauen and thou hastest to destruction beholde the bosome of his goodnesse and thou creepest into the Lake of vnhappinesse The Theefe that hunge on the crosse heard him saying This daie thou shalt be with mee in Paradise and thou offerest thy selfe to the Diuell The mercie of God came vnto vs when he sente his sonne into the Earth let vs therfore go to it Let vs incline to him as he did to vs The waie is first to leaue our life For firste the Phisitions vse to purge the bodie that they may minister holsomer Medecines Forsake O thou sinner thy wicked imaginations which fight againste God leaue to lust be not couetous refraine riot flie arrogancie that God may powre his blessinges vpon thee He that persisteth in his wickednes and calleth for grace is like to an enemie which being ready armed asketh peace of his Maister he that asketh receiueth he that seketh findeth and he that knocketh hathe it opened to him if thou wilt desire mercie craue it truly if thou seeke it seeke it in dede if thou knock at the gate of forgeuenesse knocke earnestly If thou require an example of one that faithfully craued the fauour of God Mark the prodigall Childe who leauinge his swine returned to his Father and saide Father I haue sinned againste Heauen and againste thee make mee as one of thy hired Seruauntes Marke the Publicane which for the giltines of his conscience dare not lifte vp his eyes to heauen dare not come to his redeemer but standinge a farre of knocketh his brest and saith Lorde be mercifull vnto mee a sinner S. Hierome affirmeth the offence of Iudas to be greater in despayringe the mercie of God then in betrayinge Christe as Cain stirred God to anger more through desperation of pardon then by the slaughter of his brother Abel Many whiche haue persecuted Christ being conuerted and beleeuinge in him haue obtained pardon and are made examples to man that he ought not to distrust the remission of his wickednesse seeing the death of our Sauiour is forgeuen to the penitente Wilte thou heare saithe Augustine the mercy of God leaue thy abomination and he will forgeue thee Wilt thou see the truth of God doo good and thou shalt be crowned with Iustice God is not so mercifull to vse vniustice nor so iust to be vnmercifull But som man will say men encrease their offences by to muche hope but how much do they enlarge their giltinesse by distrust of Remission If there were no forgeuenesse then thou wouldest rage and say I am wretched I am condemned why is not my luste lawe why shall I not fill my selfe with facietie if after this there be naughte but tormente this woulde be thy sayinge O woorse then despayre it selfe He dooth better therfore that correcteth thee with promise of forgetfulnesse and saithe I wil not the deathe of a Sinner but that he conuert and liue God by his promise woulde not haue sinners to presume but his will is they should not in any wise distrust and therfore he hath made them ignorant of the day of theire death if thou repent present pardon is prouided no day is prefixed Wherfore to conclude if thou haue liued wel till this day and still abidest in this life liue well amend thy life and beholde forgeuenesse and be sure that what he hath pardoned shall not be imputed to thee again which for his mercy he graunte that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Amen Consolatio NVlla meroris magnitudo nulla angustiarum acerbitas nulla defectuum multitudo nulla scelerum enormitas te ad desperationem nimiámne pusillanimitatem adducat Quantumcunque peccaueris semper Dei misericordia in infinitum excedit tuas iniquitates Quantumcunque infirmus sis semper illius benignitas adiuuare parata est tuam fragilitatem Vult potest Deus sanare ac liberare te si ad eum verè conuerteris atque humilis factus ipsum Piè inuocas speras in eo O quam homini salutaris Deo grata est spes atque confidentia illa quam Dei amor sanctaque humilitas parit quae hominem non ad negligentiam vel in curiam sese emendandi neque ad facilitatem peccandi pertrahit sed magis ad conatum proficiendi extimulat ¶ The Aucthours Praier IN the deapthe of thi mercy O Lorde bowe downe thine eies beholde encline thyne ears and heare stretch out thine Arme and helpe for I am thine vnwoorthy Creature and haplesse man that through thy rodde of wrath haue experiēce of most wretched misery Mine enemies pursue mee with gaping iawes and whetted teethe saying within them selues lette vs now deuoure him for the time that wee looked for is come wee do finde and see it They haue fortified round about me and haue inclosed me with torment and trauel My fleash and skinne are made olde my boanes are brused they haue hedged mee that I cannot geat out and haue laide heauie Linckes vpon me Healpe Lorde thy seruaunt whom thou neuer failedst I cry and call pitiously yet am I not heerde my innocencie is troden downe my life subdewed with false surmises My mourning they daily heare but comforte I finde farre of They haue stopped vp my waies with quartered stoanes and made my pathes crooked They lay waite for me as wild Beares and