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A18672 The foundation of Christian religion: comprehended in three godlie and learned treatises. 1. Faith. 2. Hope. 3. Charitie L'Espine, Jean de, ca. 1506-1597. Traité de la foy. English.; Veghelman, S. 1612 (1612) STC 5188; ESTC S118874 139,379 370

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doe him any violence Also in the Church of God the first thing that was published was the remission of sinnes which is as it were a place of freedome into the which those malefactors that haue deserved death and the halter may retyre themselues to the end to be assured of their life and from the sentence and condemnation which the judge might giue against them if hee were not hindered frō it by reason of their refuge thither and that they are receaued into the protection and safegard of the King who is the Protector and warrant of the Church As then the Citie of Roome in her beginning was peopled but with theeues robbers murderers and people abandoned to all kinds of vices by the meanes of the place of Freedome which had beene opened for them by the founder of Rome so is the Church assembled compounded of jdolaters blasphemers prophaners drunkards rebels theeues adulterers murderers evill speakers detractours covetous ambitious and voluptuous persons ravishers robbers and other such like persons by the meanes of the remission of sinnes which hath been opened vnto them as a place of Freedome to retyre themselues in safty The which did Adam Abell Enoc Noe Abraham Isaac Iacob Samuel Gedeon Iephte Sampson Dauid the Prophets the faithfull and all the Saints that ever were Now this remission of sins is the ground of the hope of a christian man and of all consolation For seeing wee offend so many wayes and that wee cannot liue a moment and minute of an bower without having evill thoughts in our vnderstandings evill affections in our hearts evill words in our mouths evill actions in our hands and in all the members of our bodyes and a great vanity in all our sences What should we doe how should we escape wherevppon should we assure our salvation withot-the fayth which we haue of the remissiuon of our sinnes which is as it were a plaister a tent which wee apply euery day vpō this moist corrupted wound of our nature and which festured doth alwaies drop without stenching drying cleāsing or healing by other means but by this onely remedy the which is altogether necessary for the conversation of our life and to hinder that the rottenesse spreading it selfe and ramping ouer all the parts thereof in the end should not cause vs to dye It is it which rayseth vs when we are fallen as sayth Dauid Psal 37. Though he fall he shall not be cut off for the Lord putteth vnder his hand I haue waited on the Lord Psal 130. my soule hath wayted and I haue trusted in his word My soule waiteth on the Lord more then the morning watch waiteth for the morning Let Israell wayt on the Lord for with the Lord is mercy and with him is great redemption And he shall redeeme Israell frō all his iniquities Psal 65.3 Wicked deeds haue preuailed against me but thou wilt be mercifull vnto our transgression This remission causeth that the faithfull do not sinne to the death for this seed of the grace of God of his promise and of his spirit wherewith he hath sealed our hearts causeth although that wee bee sinners that wee assure assure our selues notwitstanding our sinne and the corruption that is in vs that God who is jnfinite in goodnes and mercy maketh his grace to abound where sinne aboundeth Rom. 5. In this onely gift of the remission of our sinnes wee haue matter and argument to admyre and exalt the jmmense and jncomprehensible mercy of God which is never weary of giving vs grace for so many sinnes which we haue committed every day If a King had giuen halfe a dozen or a dozen of remissions to a murderer or other malefactor he would waxe weary at the last and although hee were the most benigne and pittifull of the world yet would he put him to death seeing his perseverance in dojng evill But our God doth not quitte vs 1 2 3 4 5 and 6. tallents parcels and debts which we owe him but 10. Thousand yea 10. Millions provided onely that wee confesse wee owe them vnto him and that we make it appeare that wee are sorry to bee so much jndebted vnto him The which we see in the parable of the bad servant wherof mention is made in S. Mathew chap. 18. and in the example of Dauid who wondering at the greatnesse of the goodnesse and mercy of God sayd in his prayse Psal 32. Then I acknowledged my sinne vnto thee neither hid I mine iniquity for ●o I thught I will confesse against my selfe my wickednes vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sin Therfore shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in time when thou mayest bee found surely in the floud of great waters they shall not come neere him Conclusion this remission of sinnes is as a quittance vnto vs and a generall abolition of all that we may owe and of whatsoever we may be sought after for in the Chamber of Accompts of our God So that being furnished with it wee ought not to feare any whit to present our selues before the judgement of God with all assurāce For there is no condēnatiō for those that are in Iesus Christ as saith the Apostle Rom. 8.1 CHAP. VIII ¶ Of Iustification the third effect of Faith IT is time then to enter into the deduction of the third effect of Faith which is our justification the which is plainely declared in the Epistle to the Romanes chap. 3. vers 22. The righteousnesse of God commeth by the Faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vppon all them that beleeue There is no difference for all haue sinned and haue need of the glory of God but are justified freely by his grace through their redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome God hath set forth to bee a propitiation through Faith in his bloud to declare his righteousnes by forgiuing the sinnes that are past which God doth suffer to shew at this time his righteousnesse that he might bee just and the justifier of him that beleeueth on Iesus Which hee confirmeth in the fowrth alleadging that which Dauid saith towching the beatitude of man vnto whōe God alloweth justice without workes saying Psalm 32. Blessed is he whose vnrighteousnesse is forgiuen and whose sinne is couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the Lord imputeth not sinne and in whose spirit there is no guile Whereupon wee must note that this terme of justifying signifieth to absolue in the holy Scripture and that man is justified before God when appearing before his throne and Iudgement seat he is absolved of all his crimes and sinnes which the law the Deuill and his owne conscience may set before him to cause him to be condemned which is done in the fauour of Iesus Christ Rom. 4. who cloathing vs with his righteousnesse is cause that our sinnes hidden vnder his cloake Psalm 32. do not appeare before God but to the contrary that being clensed
everlasting and permanent for ever 2. Sam. 7. Now this promise was occasion to Adam Abraham and Dauid and to all their posterity to beleeue and conceaue a certaine and assured hope of salvation perswading themselues that God offering himselfe so benignely vnto them did shew that he was not willing to destroy thē although that by their rebellion they had well deserved it but was content againe to gather to loue and to embrace them and even to bind himselfe as straightly vnto them as by marriage wee see man and wife joyned and vnited together Gen. 17. It is that which the Scripture sayth speaking so often of the alliance betweene God and his Church the which hath beene brought to passe by the mutuall promises which are made betweene God and it God promising it that he will bee her God and it promising to God that it will be his people the which allyance is the greatest happiest that ever was treated or brought to passe in the world for therin wholy cōsisteth the assurance of our beatitude as sayth the Prophet Psalm 33. Blessed is that Nation whose God is the Lord euen the people that hee hath chosen for his inheritance Psalm 89. Blessed is the people that can reioyce in thee they shall walke in the light of thy countenance O Lord They shall reioyce continually in thy name and in thy righteousnesse shall they exalt themselues Blessed are the people that be so Psal 144. yea blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. For as the body liveth and is happy whiles the soule remaines in it of which it receaveth mooving feeling and all the force and vigour which is in it also and more happy is the Church that is joyned with God of whome as of it soule it receaueth all the good and the happinesse that it can haue desire and hope for And to the contrary as the soule separated from the body that body is no more any thing but a stincking and jnfectious rottonnes also that Church which is sequestred from her God is nothing else but all misery and vanity Now the greatnes of the felicity which falleth vnto vs by the allyance which we haue with God may bee yet better knowen by the comparison of the allyance which the jdolaters haue with their jdols Psal 115. Who haue eyes but see not mouths but speake not eares but heare not hands but feele not and feet but goe not The trust in which jdols is altogether vaine as sayth the Prophet Psal 135. They that make them are like to them so are all that trust in them But wee beeing vnited with God hee by his jnfinite wisedome hath the care of vs and of our affayres and by his providence doth provide for all our necessities and preserveth vs from all dangers And by his charity and the loue which hee beareth vs can never forsake vs so that having once contracted allyance with vs we are assured that it shall be permanent for ever and shall continue towards vs without any jnterruption for ever and ever as it ●s written by the Prophet Psal 23. Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the dayes of my life and shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Psal 30. In his fauour is life My mercy will I keepe for him for euermore Psal 89. and my couenant shall stand fast with him And that which ought yet to make this allyance more recommendable vnto vs is that God with whome wee are allyed is alwayes present to know and to provide for all our affayres as it is written The Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shaddow at thy right hand The Sunne shall not smite thee by day nor the Moone by night Also Psal 33. Behold the eyes of the Lord is vppon them that feare him and vpon them that trust in his mercy CHAP. VII ¶ The second effect of Faith is the remission of sinnes THe second effect of Faith is the resion of sinnes by the which the hinderance that men could not be reconciled with God was taken away For God being perfectly just and we to the contrary most sinfull and vnjust in every fashion there was no meanes to vnite vs vnto him but that the sinne and vnjustice which was in vs must first be abolished 2. Cor. 6. And as sayth the Apostle What fellowship hath righteousnes with vnrighteousnes or what communion hath light with darkenes or what concord hath Christ with Beliall either what part hath he that belieueth with an Infidell or what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols for as the Philosophers say two things that are quite contrary cannot agree in one and the same subject It was then needfull that the sinne which was in vs should be abolished before we could be capable to come neere vnto God and to bee joyned with him Now this abolishment was done for the remission of our sinnes the which God gaue vs by his grace and by the meanes of the satisfaction which Iesus Christ made for it by his death the which satisfaction is allowed and jmputed vnto vs by the faith which we haue in him And it is the article of Faith which we protest to beleeue in the end of our confession saying I belieue the remission of sinnes Wherevpon wee must note one thing which S. Bernard sayth that is to say Even as the grace of God continueth towards vs for ever and that the efficacy and vertue of the death of Iesus Christ is perpetuall also is the remission and abolition of all our jniquities which come thereof perpetuall without being any whit jnterrupted So that as it is written in the Epistle to the Hebrewes Heb. 9.10 That we are continually sprinckled with the bloud of Iesus Christ the which is neuer clutterd but is alwaies fresh to be powred vppon vs to wash vs and to cleanse vs frō all our filthines And we may say of this bloud and of the remission of sinnaes which is therein established that it is the Asile the freedome of Christians whither they must alway haue their recourse to bee warranted and to saue their life when they haue chanced to commit any criminall cause And that may be very well fitted to this purpose which S. Augustine sayth in his booke of the Cittie of God making a comparison between the Church and Roome in this poynt that is to say that as to people and edifie the Citie of Roome in her beginning by the aduise of Romulus the first building that was there set vp was the place of Libertie and Freedome after the framing wherof hee caused a Proclamation to bee made in all the places thereabouts that who so euer found himselfe to haue committed any capitall crime retyring himselfe into this pace of Freedome he should obtaine his fauour and should be receaued into the place of Citizen and defended by the Inhabitants against all those that should
prouid for all and to bring al things to their poynt when hee shall see the time fitting Wherevpon we must also well note that which the Prophet sayth They shall looke vnto him Psal 34. and run to him and their faces shall not be ashamed saying This poore man cryed and the Lord heard him and saued him out of all his troubles And also Psal 17. Concerning the workes of men by the words of thy lippes I kept mee from the pathes of the cruell man Psal 73. Wee see sometimes that the wicked prosper and haue a pleasing wind yea they haue oftentimes better then they wish for God giving them according to their desires all that they haue a mind to and abandoning them to their concupisences which we are angry at yea sometimes our jmpatience and wrath carrieth vs so farre as sharpely to complayne and almost murmure because that we who serue God and feare to offend him Malach. 3. and for this reason should bee blessed and more gently and favourably jntreated then those that despise and blaspheme him at every word are so vsed that one would thinke that we are in the world Psal 44. but to serue as a fable and a proverbe to other men who looking towards vs In skoffing shake their heads But then to abate the grumbling of our hearts we ought to speake softly to it as it were in the eare Psal 43. Why art thou cast downe my soule and why art thou disquieted within mee wayt on God for I will giue him thankes he is my present helpe and my God Confessing that which the Prophet sayth to wit Psal 73. Vntill I went into the sanctuary of God then vnderstood I their end Surely thou hast set them in slipperie places and castest them downe into desolation Let vs assure our selues then vpon the providence of our God and worshippe him to what estate soever wee bee brought and let vs not thinke that he hath left the care which he hath promised to haue over vs and our affaires But let vs always resolutely hold Psal 33. That the eye of the Lord is vppon them that feare him and vpon them that trust in his mercie And that which the Prophet saith in the same Psalme The Lord looketh downe from Heauen nnd beholdeth all the children of men Also that which he saith elsewhere Psal 113. Who is like vnto the Lord our God that hath his dwellings on high Who abaseth himselfe to behold things in Heauen and in Earth If we haue once our eyes setled vpon the providence of God as wee see the Prophet had wee shal never be troubled in our consciences neither shall wee feele the anguish and sorrow wherewith those are strongly vexed and tormented who by their passions are drawn now hither thē thither without bejng able to rest in their minds nor to find any resolution in their jmaginations wherevpon they may stay or rest but wee shall haue our consciences quiet and peaceable and what wind soever bloweth it shal seeme propicious and favourable vnto vs and what danger soever can present it selfe before our eyes it shall neuer be so great as to affright or make vs tremble For knowjng and believing that the goodnesse of God is vpon vs both aboue and beneath Psal 144. and that wee are environed with his grace and presence on every side Psam 46. wee will say with the Prophet Wee will not feare though the earth bee mooued and though the mountaines fall into middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and be troubled and the Mountaines shake at the surges of the same And also I will lay me downe Psal 4. and also sleepe in peace for thou Lord onely makest me dwell in safetie Also that which is written in an other Psalme Psal 23. The Lord is my sheepheard I shall not want He maketh me to rest in greene pasture and leadeth me by the still waters He restoreth my soule and leadeth me in the pathes of righteousnes for his name sake yea though I should walke through the valley of the shadow of death I will feare no euill for thou art with mee thy rod and thy staffe they comfort me Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of mine aduersaries thou doest annoynt mine head with oyle and my cup runneth ouer For what evils stormes or tempests soever may besiege vs wee will alwayes come to his conclusion of all our discourses To wit that The Lord of hoasts is with vs Psam 46. the God of Iacob is our refuge And that which is written elswere Psal 118. I called vppon the Lord in trouble and the Lord heard me and set me at large The Lord is with me therefore I will not feare what man can doe vnto mee And in the same place The Lord is mightie and hath giuen vs light The resolution then that euery faithful man shall haue vpon this article of Adoration shall be such a one as that of the Prophet to wit Thou art my God and I will praise thee euen my God therfore will I exalt thee ¶ The last effect of Faith Thanksgiuing THe last effect of Faith is Thanksgiving by the which calling to mind the great good which God hath done for vs in such great nomber that wee should not be jngratefull towards him we giue him thanks for them repeat thē according to the occasiōs presented to vs to the end that God by that means may be jnduced to continue and multiply them towards vs the which he doth ordinarily to those who doe not forget the benefits and favours which they receaue from him as it is sayd That to him that hath shall be giuen Mat. 13. and from him that hath not shall be taken euen that which he seemed to haue and elsewhere it is said Psal 84. That God giueth grace vppon grace to those that loue and serue him And in the parable of the talents Mat. 25. wee are taught that if we bee attentiue well to vse and mannage the graces and gifts which God bestoweth vpon vs that he doth conserue and jncrease them vnto vs. Psal 145. Now if there bee any exercise worthy of a Christian man and fit for his dutie surely it is that of Thanksgiving We see by the scripture that the principall exercise of the Angels in Heaven is to prayse God and thanke him jncessantly for that in their first creation he adorned them with perfections and vertues which do shine and are resplendant in them as doth the brightnes and light in the Starres which are fixed in the Heavens and doe continue glorifijng God without end and without ceasing having no other exercise but that nor other delectation and contentmēt but dayly to behold his face to admire and myre themselues therejn without in satisfying themselues ever bejng satisfied Now haue we more greater occasion to prayse God then haue these celestiall creatures because
THE FOVNDATION OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION Comprehended in three godlie and learned Treatises 1. Faith 2. Hope 3. Charitie And now abydeth Faith Hope and Loue euen these three but the cheefe of these is Loue. 1. Cor. 13.13 AT LONDON Printed by Tho Purfoot for Iohn Royston and William Bladon and are to be sold at their shop at the great North dore of Paules at the signe of the Bible An. Dom. 1612. TO THE RIGHT worshipfull Sir James Lancaster Knight S. Veghelman wisheth all happinesse externall internall and eternall SIR IT IS A VSVal thing whē men haue any worke to be published to dedicate it vnto some worthy personage like your selfe vnder whose patronage it may be sheltered But although this small volume be not originally my owne onely the translation thereof yet I present it to a farther end vnto your worship not so much to protect which is a thing as easie as common as to affect the matter therein contained to wit Faith Hope and Charity as the principall foundation of christian Religion They are three points which I doubt not but you as many other haue often heard of therfore are not onelie well acquainted with them but know how to put them in practise according to that measure of grace wherewith God the fountaine of all goodnesse hath plentifullie endued you Beseeching your worship not to mistake for I present it not to instruct you who thanks be to God are well knowne to be a dailie exerciser of these vertues and therefore haue now no need to learne But partly to refresh your memorie to continue in such blessed practises the perseuerance wherein not the beginning shall bee crowned with an euerlasting reward and partlie to manifest my loue and dutie You may well maruaile at my presumption in presenting so small a gift as is this Translation vnto one that deserueth so much but the matter being so heauenlie that I hope not onelie your selfe if you vouchsafe the reading thereof but many others of Gods children shall receaue comfort thereby I presume you will not haue so much regard to the breuitie as to the excellencie of it And if I find that this my little labour shall prooue acceptable I shall not onelie thinke it well bestowed but be incouraged to goe on in greater of the same quallitie and to doe your Worshippe any other seruice my best indeauours can extend vnto so I humbly take my leaue desiring the Almighty to graunt you in all felicity the scope and accomplishment of your hearts faire desires In London this 4. of October 1611. Your Worships euer to be commanded S. VEGHELMAN A TREATISE of FAITH Which is the foundation of Christian Religion CHAP. I. ¶ What ought to make vs to esteeme and seeke after Faith aboue all things THere is nothing ordinarily that hath more power and efficacie to stirre vp the desires and appetites of the will of man then the profite which he knoweth to be in the thing that he pursueth As to the contrary there is nothing that diswadeth him more from an enterprise than the inconveniences losses and dammages which he foresees and feares may happen vnto him in the pursute thereof Because that naturally men are enclined to desire and seeke after their profit and advantage in all things Now in all that man can thinke on or jmagine in this world there is nothing that is more nor so profitable nor healthfull vnto him as is the true Faith for many reasons of the which to avoyde prolixity I will onely touch three The first shall be that without faith as saith the Apostle it is jmpossible to please God Heb. 11. as to the contrary with faith it is not possible to displease him It remaines then to consider what the fauour and grace of God is towards those vnto whome it pleaseth him to jmpart them and what are the profits gaines and advantages that wee may hope for frō them receaue as well in this life Rom. 1. as herafter for from the grace of God first commeth a peace that is to say Psal 119. an vniversall prosperity which spreads it selfe ouer vs and vniversally ouer all things that may appertaine or happen vnto vs. For those things which we thinke are euill in themselues Mat. 5. as poverty sicknesse warre famine banishment prison and other such like jncommodities are turned vnto vs into as many fortunes a●d blessings when we are in the grace of God who by his jnfinite wisdome for the loue which he beareth vs can so wel accōmodate apply all things that happen to vs of what nature or condition so euer they be that they alwayes helpe vs to our saluation and cannot be noysome or hurtfull vnto vs Rom. 11. although we should thinke they did through a false and vaine oppinion that we haue thereof Afterwards being fauorites and welbeloued of God according to the common proverbe which sayth that amongst friends all things are common there is a communalty of all good things betweene God and vs Mat. 25. In so much that not onely Heaven Earth and all that is in them doe appertaine vnto vs but also the kingdome of Heaven Life everlasting that jntire perfect felicity that is in God 1. Cor. 1. and even his power his wisedome his goodnesse his justice his truth his clemency and mercy which are the true and proper goods of our God and in the contemplation and possession of the which hee taketh his delight are ours by title of marriage and of the allyance which hee hath contracted with vs by his grace So that this day we are applyed therevnto by the guift which hee hath given vs of them as saith the Apostle 1. Cor. 1. All things are yours and you are Iesus Christs and Christ is Gods from whence we may jnfer that being in the grace of God we are consequently in the grace of the Angels Arch-angels Cherubines Seraphines Thrones Powers Governments and other spirituall creatures that are in Heaven Also the Heavens the Sonne the Moone the Starres the fower Elements to wit the Fire the Ayre the Water the Earth and in generall all creatures compounded of them are for vs that is to saye to keepe preserue and defend vs to accommodate every one according to his faculties meanes and power and to oppose themselues with all their might against whomsoeuer should go about to annoy or offend vs yea that wee may also put in this rancke the Divels themselues Gen. 3. Iohn 11. the which although they be the cappitall enemies of mankind and murderers of many from the beginning are nevertheles maugre them constrained to procvre our salvation without minding it or desiring to do it being thervnto compelled by the almighty power of God the which he doth jmploy in the favour and friendship which he beareth vs to turne the counsels and purposes of the Divell to the contrary of that which hee desireth and thinketh causing that his temptations by the which
Euangelized that is to say that receaue the Gospell and the good tydings which Iesus Christ at his comming brought into the world Examples of humilitie Moyses Gen. 9.8 in Faith and Obedience All the great personages that euer were vpon earth were all furnished and adorned with this goodly vertue Moyses acknowledgeth that in his nature is but a heape of all vice and corruption and that his heart is jnclined to nothing but wickednesse Dauid confesseth that all men are nothing Plal. 92. in sum be all vanity The Children of men are vanity the cheife men are lyars to lay them vppon a ballance they are altogether lighter then vanitie Esay sayth Esay 95. that all the righteousnesse of men and all that is most apparant and jllustrious among them i● nothing else but old rags filthy and stinking and such as are the habits of beggars torne and tottered and couered with filth and vermine wherewith they cloath themselues ordinarily to stirre vp men to haue pittie and compassion on them to succour them with some almes Danil 9. Daniell confesseth and deploreth as well in his owne name as in all his fathers the great iniquitie wickednesse rebellions disobedience contempt and obstinacy whereof all were culpable and inbebted to the Iudgement of God Peter hauing acknowledged Iesus Christ and the great admirable vertues that were in him sayd Lord withdraw thy selse from mee who am a poore and wretched sinner vnworthie to appeare before thy face and to be in thy companie S. Paul acknowledgeth himselfe a blasphemer Tim. 1.11 a persecutor the most scelerate and wicked in the world and vnworthy of all the graces so great and in such great number which he had receaued of God All the Apostles yea all the Church of God desire of him euery day Mat. 6. pardon vs our offences as we pardon those that haue ●ffended vs. Acknowledging by his ge●erall confession the infinite nomber of ●er sinnes which it were jmpossible to ●eckon by particulers as Dauid also ●aith Who can vnderstand his faults Psal 19. Dutie of the Christians ●lense me from secret faults We haue ●ll then great need to humble our selues before God to hold downe our heads ●owards the earth for shame griefe to see in vs such a disorder and confusion as wee see And to say with Iob Cursed was I when I sinned Iob. 9.10 but if I haue donne well yet shall not that make me lift vp my head nor looke the higher S. Augustine in his confessions Cursed be all our vnrighteousnesses if they bee examyned and Iudged without the pittie and mercie of God Psal 99. Seeing then as saith the prophet that the sinnes which greeue vs are as an jmmortable burthen which presseth vs downe Psal 143. Psal 130. we ought euery day continually to desire of God that he enter not into Iudgement with vs that he correct vs not in his anger and that he hould not his expresse region in the examination and condemnation of our sinnes Psal 96. But that he vnfold his greatest compassion ouer vs. And although that to shew his liberality and bountie towards vs he hath communicated and enlarged many of his graces and blessings fit Comparison neverthelesse that ought not to lift vp our eye lids but wee ought alwayes to haue our head bended downwards like vnto the eares that are loaden with corne in a good yeare and to acknowledge that that proceedes not from vs but of his onely grace and favour which dojng we shall breake all the colour and anger of our God who seejng vs so abated will rayse vs againe by his goodnes and will forget all our faults and wee experiment that as the plants or young trees doe bend with the wind and yeelding vnto the will and jmpetuosity of them are preserued and maintayned an other which the great trees are not as the Oakes and Walnut-trees which by resisting of the stormes are many times beaten downe bruised and rent that also in humbling our selues wee shall avoyd the fury of God an other even ●s also we see in the thunder-bolts and ●n Artillerie whose furie is quenched when they come to encounter with the ●arth or a bag of Wooll which bejng ●oft giveth place to the blow ¶ The Eight effect of Faith it is the Mother of Prayer FAith also is the mother of Prayer in the which the truely faithfull exercise themselues jncessantly followjng the commaundement of Iesus Christ who exhorteth his Apostles and consequently all the faithfull to pray without end and without ceasing in Faith without the which wee cannot in any wise hope that our requests be heard of God nor likewise graunted For also the prayer which is made in doubt and jncertitude is displeasing to God as sayth S. Iames Iames. 2. That the vncertaine man must looke for nothing from God whatsoeuer he demandeth Rom. 10. And S. Paul demandeth How it is possible to call vppon God if first we doe not belieue and hope in him Now this prayer when it is well made and grounded vppon the promises of God and that then it is addressed vnto his Majestie it cannot choose but obtaine of him what it demandeth Wherfore Dauid sayd Psal 139. That prayer was his refuge in all aduersitie Wee haue in the holy Scripture jnfinite examples of the prayers that this good Prophet hath made to God for to obtaine of him some good and happy jssue in all his afflictions Psalm 3. I did call vppon the Lord with my voice and he heard me out of his holy mountaine I layd mee downe and slept and rose vp againe for the Lord sustained mee I will not bee affrayd for tenne Thousand of the people that should beset me round about And in the 18. Psalme where hee records the meanes that hee vseth to avoide the furie of his enemies that kept him besieged on every side he sayth that for to repulse and beat them backe he helped himselfe principally with prayer But in my troubles did I call vpon the Lord and cryed vnto my God he heard my voyce out of his Temple and my cry did come before him vnto his eares Then the earth trembled and quaked the foundations also the Mountaines mooued and shooke because he was angry Psal 18. And also Some trust in Chariots Psal 20. and some in Horses but wee will remember the name of the Lord our God They are brought downe and fallen but wee are risen and stand vpright Saue Lord let the King heare vs in the day that we call And in the 9. Psalme The Lord also will bee a refuge for the poore a refuge in due time euen in affliction And they that know thy name will trust in thee for thou Lord hast not failed them that seeke thee And in the same Psalme The wicked shall turne into Hell and all Nations that forget God For the poore shall not alwaies bee forgotten the