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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18052 A plaine and compendious exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount contayned in the 5.6.7. chapters of Saint Matthew. Being the substance of sundry sermons. By Iohn Carter minister at Belstead neare Ipswych Carter, John, 1554-1635. 1627 (1627) STC 4695; ESTC S116220 101,087 134

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wayes met and no gesture but standing and perking vp to be seene the further off And when they fasted insteed of making their hearts sad they made a sad countenance insteed of disfiguring their lusts they disfigured their faces for the very nonce affecting rather the seeming then the substāce of sanctimony the opinion rather then the thing Is not this most base and loathsome dealing enough to make one cast his gorge ought wee not to abhorre and abominate any spice of it Surely as the Lacedemonians are said to haue set their drunken and spuing slaues before the eyes of their children to cause them to abhorre drunkennesse so doth our Lord and Master heere set these ambitious and dissembling wretches before the eyes of his Disciples and of all his faithfull people to worke in them a hatred and loathing of such doings and to make them more in loue with humilitie and sinceritie The second reason against hypocrisie and ostentation is the vnhappie successe of it which to make the matter out of all question hee auoucheth with his vsuall asseueration Amen or verily I say to you they haue their reward Praise they hauke after and praise they haue one corrupt man applauding another as one Mule or Asse knibbles another and more then that are they not to expect their reward shall dye with them If they doe not out-liue it as commonly hypocrites doe whose vizards at the length God pulleth off from their faces in this present life and insteede thereof t Mal. 2. 3. casteth dung vpon them But howsoeuer they enioy their bright and brittle reward all their dayes being reputed Saints vpon earth yet shall that word of Christ stand for euer u Luke 16. 15. That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of GOD. And the more praise they find for the present the more dishonour shall they find at the last day when fained holinesse charitie and humilitie will clearely appeare to bee double deuillishnesse and iniquitie Then shall all time-seruers know perfectly by wofull experience how good a thing it had beene not to haue x Iohn 5. 44. receiued honour one of another but to haue sought the honour that commeth of GOD onely In the second place hee exhorteth them to humilitie and sinceritie in Almes Prayer and Fasting aduising them rather to affect obscuritie by hiding their goodnesse from the eyes of men then same and celebritie by setting themselues and their good workes to sale any manner of wayes Hee would haue them learne the art of holy dissimulation so farre forth that if it were possible to hide it from their owne selues they should doe it resting vpon Gods approofe testimonie and reward alone When thou giuest Almes let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth signifying by this hyperbolicall prouerbe that if the left hand had reason and vnderstanding it should be kept from the knowledg of that good which the right hand doth then much more should other folkes Teaching vs to be so farre from making that to bee our ayme to please men looking no further as hypocrites doe not that wee should feare and flee nothing more then to doe good vpon these conditions to sell away as it were our golden workes for such a drossie and durtie reward But contrariwise to hold such inwardnesse and secrecie with God as to make it our great and onely ambition that hee alone who alone is worthy may bee pleased and glorified by all meanes To this end serueth that which followeth when thou prayest enter into thy closet or some such place of priuacie sequester thy selfe from all companie set thy selfe in Gods presence alone with alone poure out thine heart in secret into his bosome that dwelleth in secret And know thou that this blessed secrecie with God will in speciall manner further thy deuotion and put by the occasion of vaine glorie so much hated of God and preiudiciall to men So when thou fastest priuately howsoeuer thou weepe and bewaile thy sinnes and miserie and the sinne and miserie of the time in secret before thine heauenly father yet openly before men set as good a face on it and looke as cheerefully as thou canst yea rather then faile vse what Art thou canst to that end wash thy face anoint thine head which was the manner of that countrie to expresse ioy and cheerefulnesse thereby put thy selfe in such a habit as will best serue to couer thine extraordinarie humiliation Let it suffice thee in the act of fasting to approue thy selfe vnto God and to bee seene and knowne of him as an honest Matrone is beautifull and trimmed enough if she be so in her husbands eyes shee looketh after none other Thou hast much more reason to stand so affected towards thy God so thyselfe thine actions may be amiable in his eyes to looke no further His reason annexed hereunto drawne from the fruit and benefit is very obserueable y Vers 4. 6. 18. And thy Father which seeth thine Almes Prayer and Fasting in secret will reward thee openly where in the word reward hee giueth none allowance to the beggerly trash of Popish merit but rather commendeth the rich treasures of Gods mercie and goodnesse who freely accepting vs accepteth our workes done at his appointment and through his gracious assistance crowning vs crowneth our workes So z Psal 127. 3. children and the fruits of the wombe are called an heritage of the Lord and his reward and free gift So elsewhere The meaning is that whereas hypocrites and vaine-glorious persons looking to men and hauing their worldly aimes and ends vtterly lose their reward with God the faithfull and truely religious trading as it were with God alone and hauing a secret stocke running with him of Almes Prayer Fasting and other good workes receiue in due time an open reward and blessing from their heauenly father suitable to their foregoing endeauours Neither are we to confine this open reward as most doe to the life to come only But we are to know be assured that the Almes Prayers and Fasting of Gods children are apparantly crowned with most blessed successe beyond all expectation many times euen in this very life The mercifull man as hath beene said findeth mercie in time of neede according to his mercie shewed to others and that with a rich increase many times The prayers of the Saints come not weeping home but fetch down blessings from heauen to earth to their great ioyes increase Their fasting also is oftentimes turned to feasting God giueth them beautie for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse All which Cornelius the Centurion found most true by comfortable experience for his Almes Prayers and Fasting not done in hypocrisie or of vaine-glorie but in faith and sinceritie a Act 10. 4. came in remembrance before God and receiued an open and Illustrious reward from him So this or the like song is often in
and by reason thereof our feruencie slaketh wee may comfort and quicken our selues with the meditation of that fulnesse and Ocean as it were of Fatherly goodnesse which wee haue learned to bee essentiall and so immutable in him And this is yet further put home Luke 11. 13. where hee saith If yee which are euill can giue good gifts to your children how much more shall your heauenly Father giue the Holy Ghost to them that desire him meaning an happie increase of the gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost and if that then what not He that witholdeth not his Spirit what will he withhold The second part of Righteousnesse followeth which is Charitie and Equitie inferred as it seemeth vpon that which goeth before p Verse 12. Therefore all things whatsoeuer yee would that men should doe to you doe euen so to them for this is the Law and the Prophets As though he should say Since your heauenly Father being good and the vndrainable Fountaine of all goodnesse is more readie to giue good things to you then you who are euill are or can bee euen to your dearest children And since with what measure you mete it shall without all question bee met to you againe see therefore that you doe iustly and extend mercie in all things great and small to the vttermost of your power as your selues would gladly be dealt withall For besides this that you are one flesh end partake the same Image of God besides also that you may certainly expect not onely a iust retribution in the world to come but euen in this very life to drinke of the same cup your selues which you haue filled to others you are of necessitie to take knowledge that it is your heauenly Fathers will who streightly cha●geth you so to doe His will alone is and ought to bee reason enough without all other Reasons Yea it is not onely his will absolute Commandement but the tenour purport of the whole Law or Doctrine of Moses in his fiue Bookes and of the Prophets his Expositors so much as concerneth the second Table of the Law prescribing all dutie to our Neighbour Otherwise the Law and the Prophets containe all the duties of the first Table concerning Pietie towards God they containe also the promises and types concerning the Messiah then to come This pass●ge barreth all men from doing any harme to their Neighbour any manner of way directly or indirectly or to suffer any to bee done either in his person goods or name more then they would haue done to themselues It doth also lay a necessitie vpon euery one to turne his Brothers keeper no man q Phil. 2. 4. looking on his owne things but euery man on the things of others also Remembring euer wh● said Thou shalt loue thy Neighbour as thy selfe When we find any particular Rule in the holy Scripture to goe by let vs follow it and cleaue to it but where particular precepts are wanting there are wee alwayes to set before our eyes this generall direction not daring to goe one haires bredth from it and passing no day without strict examination of our liues and actions by it thanking God who hath set vs downe the whole mind of the Law and the Prophets and of this our great Prophet and Law-giuer Christ Iesus concerning mutuall loue in so few words And if this most equall and iust rule by which wee shall be iudged at the last day now beare palme in our hearts wee would euery one of vs erect such a high Court of Chancerie within our selues that a little law would serue the turne and many flaunting Lawyers would bee forced to turne their veluet and silken sutes into plaine beggers g●ay The third part of righteousnesse which is mortification of our owne corrupt nature r Verse 13. 14. followeth And this is brought in by way of an answer to a secret obiection If so exact loue towards our neighbours such faith and feruencie in prayer such reformation of our selues and discretion in our admonitions such resting vpon Gods prouidence for all necessaries of this present life and laying vp of treasures in heauen so spirituall vniuersall and sincere obedience in doing Gods commandements euen to the least bee requisite and necessarie who then can bee saued For vpon this ground no doubt was his question raised ſ Luk. 13. 23. Lord are there few that shall be saued our Lord Christ answereth there as heere that there are indeed few in comparison of the great multitude that perish and those few are to striue and straine mightily as if they were to croud hard in at a strait gate and goe on along in a very narrow way or lane which wee know is often mirie and many wayes vncheerly to trauellers whereas contrariwise the vngodly being many in number and marching by troopes and armies as it were enter in a-brest at the broad gates and expatiate all the fields and countrie ouer taking their delight and pastime therein so much the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 importeth But all is well that ends well and a wofull end maketh all that went before miserable and deare-bought pleasures and that our Sauiour Christ forgetteth not to put v● in mind of Fot when hee had first generally propounded his exhortation to his Disciples and all well affected Enter t Verse 13. in at the strait gate by way of explanation hee telleth vs that it is the wide gate and broad way that leadeth to destruction euerlasting and that many there bee which goe in thereat On the other side that u Vers 14. the gate is strait and the way narrow that leadeth vnto life euerlasting and few there bee that finde it Now for the wide gate and broad way taken by the vngodly there needes no great proofe experience testifieth sufficiently They follow the current of their corrupt nature and what great reluctation can there bee in that their predominant lusts command and they obey Besides the deuill en●yeth them not he crosseth them not but rather leuelleth and stroweth the way for them And as for the world and children thereof they c●y all haue with you yea when they giue Almes Pray Fast and doe other workes in themselues good as the Scribes and Pharisees did but not from the right fountaine nor to the right end that is not from a pure heart nor to the glorie of God they may gallop away with them as horses doe with an emptie Cart there is nothing to straiten the gate or way against them while God is not serued in the practice of such workes but their owne lusts they shall haue good thankes of the flesh world and deuill so be forward in them which made workes of that nature to bee so rife in Poperie and Paganisme and not to bee vnusuall among the better sort of ciuill people But let a man or woman according to Christs teaching elsewhere x Iohn 8. 31. continue in his word and so become his