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A17731 The seaven trumpets of brother Bartholomevv Saluthius of the holie order of S. Francis; exciting a sinner to repentance. A worke very profitable for the saluation of all such soules, as are bound with sinne. Now lately translated out of the Latin, into the English tongue, by Br. G. P. of the same order and obseruance; Sette trombe. English Cambi, Bartolomeo, 1558-1617.; Perrot, George, 1601-1670, of the order of S. Francis. 1626 (1626) STC 4469; ESTC S115141 107,909 452

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wicked impious and vngodly wretch which hauing noe respect or reuerence to so great infinite a maiestie darest commit such thinges in his presence which thou wouldest feare and be ashamed to commit in the presence of an earthlie King or Prince although of meane power and authoritie The third reason is Tell mee oh yee sinners what punishment is hee worthy of who receauing many courtesies fauours from some noble man of worth as a ●ouse ornaments and clothes beseeming his qualitie when before he was ragged torne and meanly cloathed and being restored to his former dignitie whē as before he was in great disgrace and miserie and hauing recouered his health which before was sicke infirme by his meanes made rich and wealthy which before was a begger and in great want lastly promoted and placed in the cheifest degree of honour who before was contemned vilified and despised of all if this man who is thus infinitly obliged and bound to this his friend should in stead of giuinge thankes intend and meditate snares and deceipts for the taking away of the goodes estimation and honour and laste of all the life of so great a friend and charitable benefactor and should associate him selfe in the companie of his enemies to the end that he might abuse contemne deride and kill him speake I beseech thee what penaltie shall this vngratefull wretch deserue surely the greatest that can be inuented Tell mee now oh moste wicked rebellious adulterous sinner what punishments what torments art thou worthy of when as thou doest disunite and separate thy selfe from thy God which made thee which created thee which gaue thee thy soule and body adorned thee with faculties and senses correspondent which produced thee out of nothing when as thou wert nothing and conserueth thee in this state in which thou now art and for thy vse conseruation hath ordained an infinite number of creatures visible and inuisible the heauens sunne moone starres elements mixt and composed bodies for thy sake only who also exceeding in loue and charitie for thy sake was made man visible and mortall exposinge himselfe to all wronges and difficulties when as he was impassible who last of all did offer him selfe to be killed and naked like a publique malefactour in the middest of two theeues as theire captaine crucified vpō the wood of the crosse only that he might free thee from death sinne the diuell and hell and to bring thee to the eternall blisse of the celestiall paradise but thou on the contrary doest oppose and resist with al thy forces this so benigne a God so indulgent a Father so gentle and milde a Lord this I say so infinite and great a maiestie thou doest studie and endeauour with all thy faculties and powers of body and soule with so odious and detestable crimes to offend despise and dishonour Oh miserable and sinneful soule what punishmēt cā be thought vpon ordained worthy of thy deserts oh infinite patience and clemency of God which when as thou mightest precipitate plūge and caste these sinners into the bottomlesse pitte of hell and deliuer them into the hand of the diuell to be carried into the abisse of perpetual darknesse thou doest not only not doe it but fauorably and patiently expect their returne calling them by thy diuine inspirations and heauenly suggestions vnto amendment repentance And also hast conserued protected and defended such cruell and malitious enemies forso many yeares together as well in thinges appertaininge to the body as the soule thou callest them thou goest to meet them thou inuitest them and doest offer thy selfe vnto them as if thou wert rauisht with loue towardes them who art so infinitly offended and greatly dishonoured by them Oh immense loue oh patience oh clemency oh mercy of God what great reason haddest thou oh holy Prophet to say Misericordias Domini in eternum cantabo Psal 88.1 Thy mercies oh Lord will I sing for euer the earth is full of thy mercies oh Lord there is no end of thy goodnes Let vs come to the fourth reason which declareth the greatnes of sinne wherwith a sinner offendeth God What doe you otherwise oh sinners when yea sinne and offend then ballance in one scale the infinite maiestie power and presence of God and your selues your vnlawfull desires and momentary pleasures in the other therefore tell mee oh sinner whither of these two is of greater excellency and worth rather to be chosen God or thy little momentary pleasure your opinion is that this your transitorie pleasure is of greater value by which meanes your Sauiour being reiected you make choise of his creature God being left in whom is the fulnes of all thinges you take that which is nothing the cheifest good beinge contemned yee doe embrace that which beareth in it selfe noe species or signe of true good but superficiall painted and transitorie oh iniurie oh offence oh wrong oh dishonour wherewith you offend so louing a God and benigne and clement a Father Let vs now proceed to the gift of reason what doth a miserable sinner by sinning but call in question and dispute whether his or Gods diuine will is better whither with more promptitude hee should obey God or his owne base desire He preferreth his own will before Gods and presently concludeth that it is more conuenient to obey his owne making himselfe an other Lucifer greater then God Oh execrable Lucifers oh wicked and accursed sinners who when as yee are base filth and dung are so swollen and puffed vp with pride that in as much as lyeth in your powers you exalt yourselues aboue God what affliction therefore shall be imposed vpon you in the world to come when you shall be deliuered and giuen vp into the handes of that proud Lucifer of whō ye haue bene such diligent sectatours and vigilant seruants Oh my deare sinnefull Brethren I will not be more prolix in this argument because the disputation calleth mee an other way it sufficeth mee and also ought to suffice you to haue heard the sound of this our first Trumpet which with a shorte blaste I haue sounded that detesting and abhorring sinne you may be disunited from Sathan and reioyned to your sweet creatour Lord and redeemer that herafter yee may desist from offering him so great iniuries and make an end and period of so many foule and detractiue contumelies wherby yee haue in no small measure offended him Doe this I beseech you brethren which I begge and implore of you by the pretious woūdes and liuely blood of our Sauiour Iesus Christ lyinge prostrate at your feet vpon the earth I say vnto you oh Brethrē by the bitter passion of Iesus crucified offend him not so often with so many iniuries crucifie him not any more with such hainous crimes desist my Brethren hereafter to contemne and tread vnder foot the blood of the couenant And turning to thee oh my Iesu I say oh Iesu my only loue and ioy graunt pardon
not now for your necessities why leaue you not your pernicious and wicked course of life why desist you not from offending your gratious God why crie you not out with the Prophet Dauid Haue mercie vpon mee oh God according to thy great mercie and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine iniquities If you will now implore the diuine assistance your daungerous woundes may be cured and you may find grace and mercie at the handes of God which at the howre of death it may be you shall not obtaine for then you will with feare but now you may with loue inuocate craue his diuine clemencie then you leaue not your sinnes but your sinnes leaue you Wherefore Brethren sinners be now vigilant and carefull for your soules begge at this instant with importunity pardō for your so many heinous offences and odious delinquences Turne you to your Lord God with all your hartes he is exceedingly clement and his mercies are many and you shal finde rest vnto your soules Returne to him with the saying of the prodigal sonne in your mouthes Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee and am not worthy to be called thy sonne which if you shall so doe he being moued with compassiō towards you will goe out to meet you and fall vpon your neckes and louingly embrace you pardoning all your former iniuries wherby you haue offended him euen as a Father taketh pittie of his children so hath our Lord compassion vpon them that feare him because he knoweth our making he remembreth that wee are but dust Psal 102.13 Our Lord is nothing but clemencie and goodnes the earth is filled with his mercie there is no end therof Psa 32.5 Breake forth therefore yee sinners into these wordes sayinge oh sweet Iesu our God Redeemer grant pardon mercie and remission helpe aide succour and assist vs perishing soules for thy bitter passions sake Amen haue mercy vpon me oh Lord haue mercy vpon me because my soule hath trusted in thee Of the separation of the soule from God in the article of death THE XVI CHAPTER INiquitates vestrae diuiserunt c. Isay 59.2 your iniquities haue diuided betweene you and your God saith the holy Prophet Isay consider now obdurate sinner that thou must approach to the last moment of thy death perswade thy selfe that thou must come to that terrible and fearfull instant in which thy soule shall be separated from thy body oh misery and calamity what wilt thou then say or doe when as by no meanes thou canst hinder thy soules departure Thy spirit must be then disioyned from thy flesh which I wish may not bee separated from God Alas alas wretched and miserable sinner when thou shalt see thy soule to depart from thy body and eternally to be separated from God what wilt thou then doe oh miserable separation of the soule from the bodie but oh farre more miserable the separation of the same from God What wilt thou coniecture when thou shalt see thy selfe to be excluded the presence of God thy Creator vnfortunate soule consider what a seuere iudgement there will be of thee at thy death which the holy Apostle considering saieth For we must all be manifested before the iudgement seat of Christ that euery one may receaue the proper thinges of his body according as he h●th done either good or euill 2. Corin. 5.10 Then of all thy deedes euen thy least actions of all thy vaine wordes and cogitatiōs which euer came into thy minde thou art to giue and yeelde a strict and seuere account Then shalt thou be constrained to answere not only for thy lost time but for al thy time il spent Then shalt thou vnderstand how profitable it would haue bene for thee to follow the counsell of the wise man who saieth Make vse of time and decline from euill Eccles 4.23 O miserable humane nature which runneth to death as the riuers to the sea You shall all die and fall as the waters vpon the earth which do not returne Enter therfore into the closet of thy harte and consider that thou art not to answere for thy owne crimes only but also for those which are committed either by thy fault consent counsell or conniuency or not hindering them when it was in thy power Then thou shalt not excuse thy selfe nor say with Cain Am I my brothers keeper Gen. 4.9 for truly he hath commaunded to euery one the care and charity of his neighbour Bee vigilant therfore thou sinner for there will be a great and difficult matter handled at the moment of thy death Well wilt thou then know how great an offence it is to vse iestes tauntes scoffes sportes and other merrie passages euen although without preiudice or detrimēt of thy neighbour How perspicuouslie shalt thou then perceaue what it is to be distracted in time of diuine office Masse and other holy Ceremonies and to be negligent and indisposed in the church or in other holy places If euery sinne be it neuer so smal for its obiect which is God is most great therefore also the least iniurie offered to God who is infinite is likewise infinite Now therefore oh sinner see how preposterously and peruerslie thou doest when thou wilt not alwaies eleuate and fix thine eyes vpon God Be circumspect least thou displease him euen in the least thing because thinges seeming of no moment are in his diuine presence very great from little and meane thinges of no account we easily fall into greater and more enormous as the scripture saith He that despiseth small thinges by little and little falleth saieth the wise man How truly did Salomon say The number of fooles is infinite because euery sinner is a foole who for a little vaine and transitorie pleasure feareth not to loose an infinite treasure permanent and immutable Oh sinners turne into your selues liue in the feare of God who created you for this is true wisedome and solidd prudence The beginning of wisedome is the feare of God Psal 110.10 Oh yee obdurate and blinded wretches looke into the state of your soules foresee what griefes you shal conceaue when your soules must departe your bodies with whom they haue bene with so great affection conioyned and vnited Consider that vnwilling and most dolefull departure and separation no man euer hated his flesh saith the Apostle Ephes 5.29 but loueth it with a moste vehement loue and affection whereupon the philosopher vnderstanding this naturall loue of the soule saied that death is the last of terrible and fearfull thinges Know now sinner that this feare terrour is to inuade thee but when this horrour shall seaze vpon thee the time is vncertaine Oh my Trumpet send foorth thy sound that thou mayest bee heard in the extreamest and furthest partes of the world let thy eccho enter into the eares of the wretched sinner that hee may know himselfe knowing may turne vnto himselfe and see the infinite losse detriment which
confesse and humblie acknowledge that wee haue all offended thy diuine and infinite maiestie wee doe all desire to amend and to reforme our liues and actions wee doe confesse ô my Lord Iesu that thine ineffable clemencie benignitie hath beene wronged and abused by vs all wee confesse our dullnes and negligence in cooperating with the diuine concourse of thy grace and last of all we confesse that in all thinges we haue bene most vnprofitable negligent and vnworthy seruants and most vndeseruing of such a clement louing and bountifull Father Lord and Master And therfore we cast our selues downe prostrate at thy feet submissiuely imploringe thy goodnes that thou wouldest not haue respect vnto our iniquities but vnto thy fatherly mercy most gratious compassion Euen as a Father hath mercy vpon his sonne so God is mercifull vnto those that feare him because he hath knowne our making He hath remembred vs because we are but dust Psal 102 15. Man is as the hay his dayes decay as the flower of the field Remēber therfore my Iesu that thou art our Father correct and instruct vs as a Father that we being moued with thy so great beniguity clemency and charity may fly and haue recourse vnto thee like good children and abandoning all vices may faithfully serue thee and loue honour and obey thee as our louing clement mercifull and omnipotent Father for euer and euer world without end Amen The fift Trumpet of the losse that sinne bringeth at the day of Iudgement THE XXIII CHAPTER ANd the fift Angell sounded the Trumpet Draw neare and with attention giue eare vnto the terrible sound of the fift Trumpet for there must come a reuolting first and the man of sinne shall be reuealed the sonne of perdition which is an aduersarie and is extolled aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he sitteth in the temple of God shewing himselfe as if he were God and then that wicked one shall be reuealed whom our Lord Iesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the manifestation of his coming him whose coming is according to the operation of Sathan in all power and lying signes and wonders and with all seducing to iniquitie those that perish because they haue not receaued the truth according to charitie that they might be saued 2. Thess 2. Heare ô you sinners the terrible and fearfull sound of this Trumpet be astonished with all expedition arise from the sinke of sinne thinke seriouslie with your selues what exceeding great detriment damage it bringeth with it Alas thou vnhappie soule if thou couldest but penetrate the greatnes of the losse that sinne procureth how vigilant wouldest thou be for being ensnared in it and if thou being depriued of the grace of God shouldest fall how dilligently wouldest thou rise againe Miserable sinner if thou wouldest be throughlie mooued with the horrour of sinne weigh well in thy minde what thinges shall befall thee at the last day of iudgement And first of all consider that Antichrist polluted and defiled with all kinde of sinne and vices must thē appeare who is the chiefest enemie of God who shall striue by all meanes to seduce the faithfull beleeuing Christiās affirming that he is true God If thou desirest more particularly to know the conditions and affections of this hellish and diabolicall vsurper consider diligently the forementioned wordes There shall come reuolt first and the man of sinne shall be reuealed c. Turne your cogitations Brethren to the names which are attributed vnto him by S. Paul A man of sinne The sonne of perdition that wicked man whose coming is according to this operation of Sathan O wretched and vnhappy shal they bee which liue at this time for many of them shall either be seduced by his false doctrine or compelled with the extremity of his torments and tortures to follow his diuellish inuētions Contrarilie moste happie are they which shall follow blessed Iesus keeping his holy law with purity and integrity of minde for although they shall be tormented with the diuerse and many kindes of torments punishments yet they shall be saued and receaue a crowne of eternall happinesse Time will not permit or suffer me ô sinners to insist any longer vpon the improbous impietie of Antichrist neither did I at the first intend it but this I ardently desire that you considering the greatnes and multitude of euille wherwith your soules are blemished and deformed may auoide them with great detestation abhorre and loath them for what other cause is there wherefore Antichrist should be so impudēt and so wicked but sinne He shall be a most false lyer borne by the operation of the diuell who shall haue a shew of sanctity when he is most wicked what maketh him be so cruelly minded against the professors of Christianity which are the seruantes of God but sinne what other reason shall there be wherfore so many poore soules shall be seduced by him but sinne wherfore the holy Apostle saieth In all seduction of iniquity vnto them that perish for that they haue not receaued the truth in charitie that they might be saued Therfore God will send them the opinion of errour to beleeue a lie But who hath secured vs that that dreadful day shall not come euen in our time Certaine it is that Antichrist shall come but when there is nothing more vncertaine O you vnfortunate and wretched soules what if he should come now what would you doe which way would you dispose of your selues without all doubt should not God most extraordinarily preserue you you would vnite and ioyne your selues vnto him for because you haue reiected and refused the truth which so often hath bene ministred vnto you by sermons and other spirituall exercises and not only refused it but in some sorte haue scorned vilified and contemned it how iust would it be with God if he should permit you to be seduced with the hellish doctrine of that enemie of God that you should heare him obey him worship him honour follow him and eternally perish and be damned with him Cōsider o you blinded sinners with feare and trembling what Dauid the holy Prophet saieth of the diuine maiestie in these wordes Hee is terrible in his diuine councels vpon the sonnes of men how hidden and profound are the diuine iudgemēts Blessed are they which runne the race of their liues with feare blessed is that man saieth the wiseman which is alwaies fearfull Consider also ô you wretches what the holy Prophet speaketh of the righteous and such as are enflamed with the loue of God Serue saieth he your God in feare and reioyce in him with trembling as if hee should haue said you which worship God with all your soules serue him with all feare and reuerence him when soeuer you desire inward exultation doe it with feare and trembling But you o wicked sinners who incessantly serue your enemie the diuell lying plunged in the filth of
is a friend companion of God by how much it is intense in his worship praise and honour by so much it is gratious and acceptable vnto him from whence it cometh to passe that these great holy men when they were liuing in the worlde they were called the friendes of God Loquebatur Deus ad Moysen Exod. 13.11 God spake vnto Moyses face to face as a man speaketh to his friend and Iesus Christ saieth to his disciples Iam non dicam vos seruos Ioan. 15.15 now I will call you no more seruantes for the seruant knoweth not the minde of his Master but you haue I called friends because whatsoeuer I haue heard of my Father that I haue manifested vnto you Behold by what meanes a soule is made a friend and darling of God to witt by obeying his holy will and obseruing his diuine precepts now a sinner refuseth to doe that which is alwaies commaunded by God and in neglect of this performing the contrarie he witnesseth his malice and contempt of so omnipotent and infinite a maiestie if God saieth vnto him Non assumes nomē Domini tus in vanum Exod. 20.7 thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaine he is presently breathing forth blasphemies If God saieth Obserua diem Sabath keepe holy the Saboth day he will little esteeme the prophanation of it if God saieth Honora Patrem honour thy Father and thy Mother he will be disobedient to them hence therfore ariseth a capitall emnitie betwixt the soule God Iniquitates vestrae diuiserunt inter vos Deum vestrum Isay 59.2 your iniquities haue made a diuision betwixt you and your God Oh vnfortunate soule what an inexcogitable preiudice hast thou procured which is the losse of Gods friendship and to appeare no other wayes in his diuine aspect then an abiect Reprobate and wretched enemy perhaps thou thinkest with thy selfe that thou hast lost but the fauour of some ignoble and vnworthy man or Prince Oh no no it is no lesse then the friendship of almighty God the creatour and conseruer of all thinges and redeemer of all mankinde Oh miserable soule if thou wouldest but duly consider and equally ballance thy vnheard of detrimēt what could there be inuented so pleasant or delightfull which might retaine thee in the snares of sinne what fetters and chaines of sinne so stronge that thou wouldest not shake off and breake in sunder oh what damage doe you sinners suffer when as you loose the loue fauour and friendship of so omnipotent clement and mercifull a God The holy Prophet Dauid consideringe only that he could not be present at the solemnity of the temple bewailing and lamenting he saieth Fuerunt mihi lachrimae meae c. Psal 41.4 my teares haue bene my bread day and night whilest they doe say vnto me where is thy God Quēadmodum desiderat ceruus euen as the harte panteth after the fountaines of waters so my soule desireth after thee oh God my soule hath thirsted after God the liuing water when shall I come and appeare before the face of God Si ergo inueni gratiam in conspectu tuo c. If therefore I haue found fauour in thy eyes shew mee thy fauourable cōtenāce saith Moyses to God Exod. 33.13 This is that that caused the Saints to be so vigilant and industrious in their prayers so austere in their fastinges mortifications and resignations of their proper wills and that to no other end but that they might be coūted worthy to be friendes of God for truly what other is the end center or repose of our soule but God As fire of its owne nature is carried vpward as euery ponderous and heauy thing of its nature falleth downewards euen so the soule is directed towards God and euen as the waters runne into the sea so haue our soules recourse vnto almighty God now truly from this center from this end and from this sweet repose is the soule hindred by the obstacle of sinne no other thing Oh therfore sinners enemies of God where wil you be secure To what place will you flie for refuge Where will you hide your selues from the presence of God Quò ibo à spiritu tuo Psal 138.7 whether shall I go from thy spirit or whether shall I flie from thy face It was the misery of sinne that made Cayn crie out Ecce hodie eijcis me à facie terrae Gen. 4.14 behould thou doest cast me this day from the face of the earth and I shall be hid from thy face therfore euery man that seeth me may kill mee It is a fearfull thing to fall into the hands of the liuing God saith S. Paul But do ye not tremble oh you sinners when your aduersary is so powerfull your enemy so potent wo be vnto vs if he were not clement who is so mighty Returne therfore now oh Brethren vnto him which so louingly expecteth you Humiliamini igitur sub potenti manu Dei 1. Pet. 5.6 humble your soules vnder the mighty hand of God that he might exalt you in the time of his visitation reconcile your selues vnto him and agree with your aduersary whilest you are in the way that when he shall see you at the point and laste article of your death taking your farewel of the world he may not condemne you with the damned soules and execrable diuells in hell but of his mercy extoll and place you in heauen Amen That a soule by sinne doth lose the grace of God THE X. CHAPTER GRatiam gloriam dabit Dominus Psal 83.4 Our Lord will giue grace and glorie That I may comprehend the matter in few wordes our Lord is he that in this life giueth grace and in the next glorie But you so long as yee are in mortall sinne are depriued of that grace and dying in sinne shall neuer attaine to that glory which God forbid therefore rather turne from your wicked wayes and learne to liue vnto God for our Lord saieth Nolo mortem peccatoris impij c. Ezech 33.11 I will not the death of a wicked sinner but had rather that the vniust man would leaue his iniquitie and liue Therefore Brethren consider I beseech you the exceedinge great detriment and losse that you suffer by the depriuation of grace which that with fruite and profit I may intimate demonstrate vnto you I beseech you and implore this thing of you that you would attentiuely heare and with diligence read this that followeth I haue formerly declared how a sinner looseth the friendship of God and now my intent is to make knowne vnto you how he looseth his diuine grace which grace is as it were an intermediat thing betwixt the soule and God causing it to be acceptable and gratefull vnto him for the grace of God is no other thing then a certaine ornament garment or spirituall vestment of the soule by which she is made glorious appeareth beautifull in the eyes and presence of her
puddle sincke of all iniquitie shall we be kindlie inuited to the mariage dinner Math. 22.4 and refuse to come for some base commoditie that is complacent vnto our sensualitie Certainly such proceeding would argue want of faith in vs that we should not beleeue that the diuine iustice will punish sinne with perpetuall bannishment out of the celestiall paradise of endlesse blisse and with euerlasting paines and torments in the horrible fire of hell Let vs then as the Apostle aduiseth Heb. 12.12 shake off from vs all weight and clogg that may hinder vs let vs by patience and long animitie runne and make hast vnto the combat offered vnto vs with our eyes fixed vppon the authour of our faith and principall cause therof Christ Iesus who setting before him the ioyes of heauen and contēning the confusion or worldly shame that thereof might ensue sustained the bitter death of the Crosse and thereby hath obtained to sitt at the right hand of the seat of God his Father Lastly as Gods vnworthy Legate your dutiful sonne I admonish you with the Prophet Psal 47.13 that out of hand you compasse Sion the Catholique Church and embrace her that you build in her towers by considering her fortresses the holy Doctors and Fathers which watch and defend her Walles that you sett your hart on her strength resting assured of all matters of faith vpon her the pillar and foundation of truth that you distribute her houses by obseruing and marking diligently how many particular churches were speedilie founded into the world th●t you may declare that in another generation by teaching thē to hould fast the same faith or to returne vnto it if they be relapsed or to receiue it if they be estranged from it Because this is God our God for euer euer Christ God incarnate that worketh a●l this is our verie God and Sauiour not for a few yeares as an hundred six hundred a thousand or millions of thousands but for euer and euer He shall rule as a King consequently haue a kingdome his Catholike church euermore to endure vnto the end of the world which church must be your Mother if you will haue God for your Father For it is an infallible rule with S. Cyprian and S. Augustin Non habebit Deum patrem qui nolit habere Ecclesiā matrem Cypr. simp prelat he shal not haue God for his Father who wil not haue the church for his mother It may be you shal haue your Scripturarum fures Origen in 2. ad Rom. theeues of the scriptures your presumptuous heretikes fly through the whole b ble quoting the Psalmes Prophets Gospell Epistles very readily vnto you as Vincentius Lirinensis sayth such mens fashion is but take heed of them for they giue you the bare text w●thout the true meaning and as the Diuell did vnto our Sauiour they come vnto you with a Scriptum est Math. 4.6 couering themselues ouer head eares with scripture as with the wooll and fleese of simple sheepe Beware of such f●lse Prophets which are inwardl● rauen ng wolues Mat. 7.15 worke out your saluation with feare trembling remembring that none shall be crowned which doth not lawfully fighte 2. Tim. 2. Now therfore make ioyfull all the Angels and court of heauen with your conuersion strike the stroake with God say with the Prophet Nunc cepi Mal. 7.6 now I haue begunne in Gods blessed seruice Doe you with S. Hierom although your Mother much lamenting should show you her brests with which shee gaue you sucke and your Father should weepe on his knees before you hereby to keepe you from the sweet repose and tuition of the Catholique church runne ouer your Father cast your Mother aside and make hast to the standard of the Crosse Solum pietatis genus est in hac re esse crudelem this is the greatest kinde of pietie aboue all other in this point to shew your selfe cruell I humbly implore the diuine Maiestie and lying prostrate at your feete do begge with teares that he would so moue and mollifie your hart that at the sound of these summoning Trumpets all impediments being incontinently cast aside you may attentiuely harken to their dreadfull echoe Sweet Iesus out of his infinite mercy and by his bitter death and passion blesse direct and confirme you with his principall spirit Psal 50. that when he shall be pleased inwardly to moue you with his diuine inspirations he may gratiously inuite you to tast of the heauenly waters of his most sweet and our holy mother the Catholike church Cōtristate not any longer the holy Ghost Ephes 4.30 by hardning your harte but thankefully receaue and entertaine the same with submission reuerence respect towards so great a maiestie and without delay make profession openly of the Catholique faith and religion of our auncient holy Christian forefathers that so you may raigne with our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and with them in heauē participating there of such ioyes as neither eye hath seene eare hath heard nor euer hath ascended into the hart of man to conceiue Cor. 2.9 to which God of his infinite mercie bring vs who hath so dearly bought vs that we may there raigne perpetuallie in glorie with him for euer Amen Your humble and dutifull sonne during life G.P. TO THE WORSHIPFVLL HIS DEARE MOTHER Mistris E. P. increase of all spirituall and temporall consolation TO you deare Mother doe I offer these My poore endeuours which I doe implore And begg of God-allmightie on my knees At their arriuall may find ope the dore Of your desires What pittie cannot moue For its one sake may enter by my loue Let mee noe longer frutelesse sacrifice Vppon the sacred Altar of sinceare Deuotion offe●… with tear-tricklinge eyes Dride vpp with sighs redoubled are with feare Which wakes my thoughts with a perpetuall fright In the dead-silent howers of the night To thinke the wombe wherein I was conceau'd The louinge Breasts which first gaue nourishment Vnto my tender yeares whose armes receau'd Into the bosome of such sweete content My Infancy which tenderly to wrapp They tooke delight lay'd prostrat● on the lapp Of more then common-care should what Alas Must I pronounce the sentence Perrish ô noe Heauens forbide the fatall howerglasse Is nott yett runne Though itt draw too too lowe Returne my dearest Sunamite returne Let not in vaine thy holy off'rings burne T' was noe small greefe you seem'd for to expres With pittie moueinge plaints and promises By which you did coniure mee no●-Lesse Deare to my soule then yours to bannish these Religious enterprises What will bee The Greefe when wee must part and neuer see Each other thinke you Nether is that all For in the day of wrath and indignation Men shall reioice to see their Parents fall By the iust iudgement of Gods ordination Thus much my filiall duty forst mee too The rest I leaue to Iesus Christ and you Your most dutifull and obedient Sonne G. P. To the deuout
God descended vpon them To be briefe the scripture is full of such examples although on the contrary his diuine mercy in expecting the conuersion of a sinner farre surpasseth his iudgement and the reason that there are so many examples extant of sinners in the scripture not punished by God sodenly is that he might declare vnto vs the riches of his mercy according to that saying of the Apostle Deus autē qui diues est in misericordiâ Eph. 2.4 God who is rich in mercie would expect them vntill they were conuerted he expected the penitencie of the olde worlde an hundred yeares before he would destroy it with the deluge in the meane time he commaunded Noah to preach pennance allthough according to the custome of the world they beleeued him not who were wont very seldome to beleeue Prophets who did denounce any destruction vnto thē but rather did persecute and torment them with diuerse punishments The Euangelist declareth this where Iesus Christ our Lord threatning Ierusalē Ierusalem inquiens Ierusalem quae occidis Prophetas Math. 23.37 Ierusalem Ierusalē thou which puttest to death the Prophets and stonnest them which are sent vnto thee But let vs omit these and declare how long time he expected before he would raine downe fire and brimstone vpon that obscene cōtaminated citie of Sodome and after that he had decreed to consume it he was soe clement that he was compelled drawne vnto it as if it were by the eares wherupō the holy scripture saith Clamor Sodomorum Gomor multiplicatus est Gen. 18.21 The cry of Sodome Gomorrha is multiplied and their sinne aggrauated exceedingly I will descend and see whether they haue in act● accomplished the crie which is come vnto me Notwithstanding though he hath in so full a measure manifested his mercy yet that he might demonstrate the hate detestation which he hath towardes sinne it appeareth by many wonderfull examples how seuerely and iustly he hath punished it euen so soone as it was committed which is an infallible argument of the great deformitie of sinne The second reason by which we may vnderstand the great displeasure which God conceaueth against sinne is that for the subuersion of the same he would giue his only begotten sonne to die a most ignominious death vpō the crosse amidst two theeues Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum c. Ioh. 3.16 so God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne for the redemption of it Propter scelus populi mei percussi eum Isay 53.8 for the sinne of my people I haue strooke him and hee hath laid vpon him all our iniquities saieth the same holy Prophet Oh thou sinner consider wel this place and let it touch thee to the quicke if the eternall Father for the bannishing of sinne would that his owne sonne should suffer death who was not man only but also God and that so pretious a life should be giuē for the death of sinne which was prized at soe high a rate that the holy Apostle saieth Empti enim estis pretio magn● 1. Cor. 6.20 for yee are bought with a great price what an infinite then and immense indignation and wrath must God needs conceaue against sinne Furthermore how odious and detestable must execrable sinne be when Iesus Qui erat speciosus prae filijs hominum who was the fairest amonge the sonnes of men should soe abase himselfe that he made himselfe of no reputation that the Prophet Isay did say Vidimus eum c. Isa 53.2 we haue seene him and there was moe appearance of beautie in him we were desirous of him despised and most abiect of men a man of sorrowes and knowing infirmitie whereupon neither haue we esteemed him but counted him as a leaper and one striken of God oh yee Brethren sinners if the eternall Father would not pardon and remit sinne without the death of his only sonne how hatefull must it needes bee in his diuine sight and so much the more that it did not satisfie his infinite inscrutable iustice that his deare sonne should ōly dy but that he should suffer vpon the crosse a death most ignominious that he should be so oppressed with griefe and so tirannically hādled that his contenance and shape could not bee knowne Oh sinne be thou accursed that wast the cause that my sweet Sauiour Iesus suffered and died so shamefull vnheard of a death Oh Iesu my loue and delight commiserate and compassionate poore sinneful and wretched soules the which thou hast redeemed with so great a price as thy prepretious blood Neither can yee say that deare Iesus suffered and was crucified for the fall and sinne of Adam only when as trulie he died for the sinnes of the whole world Supra dorsum meum fabricauerunt peccatores Psal 128.3 sinners haue builded vppon my backe saieth the Prophet Dauid in the person of Iesus Christ what need we many words Iesus Christ our Lord died for the abolishing and abliterating of all sinnes and offences generally and particularly and he suffered no more for all then for one yea I say he offered himselfe to be buffeted and massacred for one only soule and if it were needfull and necessary he would doe the same againe for the most abiect soule that liueth Oh therfore yee sinners sinne no more by your so many offences and execrable iniquities crucifie no more your sweet Iesus indulgent Father for what of only the Iewes doe yee say he was crucified I will tell you brethren that what time so euer ye commit any sinne in as much as in your power lieth you doe crucifie him againe and doe cause him with euery one of your mortall sinnes if his death and passion were not already sufficient to vndergoe and suffer the same againe Rursum crucifigentes sibimetipsis filium Dei Hebr. 6.6 crucifying againe vnto themselues the sonne of God oh therefore Brethren abstaine from such infinite heinous offences and offend not your louing God any more with such death-bringing iniuries which loueth you so exceedingly mercifully expecteth your penitency and conuersion saying Conuertimini ad me in toto corde vestro Ioel. 2.12 turne to me with your whole harte oh clemencie oh benignitie oh loue of Iesus oh ingratitude oh obduracie oh malice of a sinner Oh deare and louing Iesus haue pittie vpon vs looke not vpon our iniquities but remember that infinite mercy wherewith thou diddest imbrace vs Et secundum magnam misericordiam tuam Psal 50. and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine iniquitie Amen The third Trumpet of the detriment that sinne bringeth to a soule in this life THE VII CHAPTER ET tertius Angelus tubâ cecinit Apoc. 8. and the third Angell sounded the trumpet Draw neare my sinfull Brother and attentiuely giue eare vnto the soūd of this trumpet if thou canst not be moued to the abhorring of sinne by that deformity which the former trūpet hath sounded vnto thee at least
a sleepe in vices iniquities neither wretch that thou art doest thou take notice of the troubled state of the shippe the church exposed to the danger of shipwrack for thy sinnes on all sides tossed with turbulent windes and stormes of most cruell enemies Arise vnhappy soule I say not the Master or pilot of the shippe but thy poore Brother who beinge touched with a desire of the helth of thy soule and of all other sinners for the loue of him who shewed such great mercy towardes me that called me from the sleepe in which I did lie I say vnto thee wherefore doest thou lie opprest with sleepe sleepe no longer awake oh sinnefull and wicked wretch now is the time to thinke with thy selfe what miseries are imminent now implore the diuine ayde and mercy Si fort● recogitet de nobis vt non pereamus Ion. 1.6 if perhappes he will thinke of vs that we may not perish Arise now with the holy Prophet Dauid saying Illumina oculos meos Psal 12.5 lighten mine eyes lest I should sleepe in death lest that mine enemies should say I haue preuailed against him There are some which snorte are sound a sleepe in their sinnes and there be some which be halfe awake they of the first sorte be such as daily sinne mortally and they are in continuall enmitie with God because as they that snorte sleepe soundly neither are they awaked of the sudden so they that are in mortall sinne are not easily raised out of the depth thereof But they of the second sorte sometimes they fall sometimes they rise againe out of their sinnes euen as he that slumbereth often sleepeth and often awaketh againe and this is the lesser euill although sometimes they are punished with noe lesser penaltie then they that are soūdlie a sleepe God almighty illuminate you that you may not sleepe slumber nor snorte in the depth of sinne as you haue done vntill now The Apostle prosecuteth this matter further saying Et exurge à mortuis and arise from the dead Beholde a greater danger wherby the soule is endamaged by sinning for after that a soule for some time hath slept in sinne it is more negligent in the exercise of good workes and is so dulled and in disposed that it seemeth to be dead For as the body without the soule is dead so a soule is dead without God as the soule is the life of the body so God is the life of the soule know yee deare Brethren that there is noe dead carcase so stinkinge or hath a more loathsome smell in the sense of man as a soule dead in sinne hath in the nostrills of almighty God There is an example at hād in the liues of the holy Fathers of an Angell that did accompanie an Anachoret to make him vnderstand something of the diuine iudgements These in the way as they iournied foūd a dead body the Angel passing by made noe signe of any offensiue smell but proceeding further they met with a certaine comely yōg man richly inuested bearing about him strong parfumes at the sight of whome the Angell forthwith stopped his nostrills at which thing the Anchoret wonderinge he demaunded the reason wherfore he should stoppe his nose at that comely yong man wel cloathed and sending forth acceptable smells and immmediatly before made no such signe at the dead body because said the Angell youth loaden with sinne stinketh more odiously then a putrified body I am fetet now he stinketh saith Martha of her Brother Lazarus Ioan. 11.39 oh my my Brother sinner how grieuouslie doest thou stinke in the nostrils of God the Angels the Saints in heauen Et illuminabit te Christus Christ shall enlighten thee behold another greeuous effect and detriment that sinne bringeth vpō the soule Oh blinded sinners which perceaue not the resplendant lustre and light of diuine grace Et confestim ceciderunt ab oculis eius tanquam squamae visum recepit Act. 9.18 and presently there fel from his eyes as it were scales and he receaued his sight saieth S. Luke in the acts of the Apostles speaking of the conuersion of Saul Oh sinner persecutor of Iesus Christ I would to God thou couldest see with what great scales thy eyes are couered which doe hinder blinde thy sight Oculos suos statuerunt declinare in terram Psal 16.11 they haue determined to decline their eyes towardes the earth sinners haue made a compact with the diuell to haue their eyes alwaies fastned vppon the earth Oh blinded sinners that Iesus might illuminate your eyes he would permit his diuine eyes to be ridiculously couered shamfully blindfolded How ignorant and blind art thou oh ambitious man which doest so stedfastly fix thine eyes vpon the vanishinge shadow of vaine glory Oh thou couetous man how blinde art thou to whom a lump of dust earth seemeth an incomparable treasure How blinde art thou oh luxurious man to whom a stinking carcase seemeth so pretious a thing Oh intemperate mā how blinde art thou to whom transitorie pleasures seeme soe sweete and inestimable Oh all yee sinners how blinde are you that you cannot perceaue and see your great detriment and eminent danger oh my Iesu illuminate I beseeche thee these blinded sinners that they may take notice of their errours in which they are soe miserablie inuolued graunt them to repent for theire crimes and offences and to turne vnto thee with all their hartes the sweete fountaine of eternall life and happines Amen That a soule by sinne looseth the friendship of God THE IX CHAPTER SI consideremus fratres charissimi qua quanta sunt quae nobis promittuntur in coelis vilescerent animo omnia quae habentur in terris Oh dear Brethren if you would truly consider what and how great thinges are promised and prouided for you in heauen all things vppon earth would seme contemptible and base vnto you saith S. Gregorie I am not determined at this present to speake of the great losse which sinne bringeth vpon the soule in the life to come seeing that I purpose hereafter to take a more oportune occasion but now I wll intimate only what and how great a thing it is that a soule looseth by sinne in this life In maleuolam animam non intrabit sapientia wisedome shall not enter into a malignant soule saieth the scripture Wisd 1.4 behold the first shipwracke of a sinnefull soule is the want of the taste of true knowledge for although a sinful soule is endued with an excellent vnderstāding yet is it depriued of the comfortable tast of the scriptures and neuer hath the gust of the sweetnes thereof But this is nothing in respect of that which it looseth for the soule of a sinner is depriued of the friendship and amitie of God which farre exceedeth all other thinges Be wife now therefore oh yee sinners and know how pretious a iewell you loose heare mee I beseech you Soe long as a soule is void of sinne it
thy pernicious maledictiōs why blaspheamest thou thy God why contemnest thou thy Iesus and his blessed Mother S. Marie and doest not rather commende thy selfe vnto them chaunge now the institution and manner of thy life Doest thou thinke that thou shalt liue perpetually that thou art immortall that death shall be afraide of thee canst thou be perswaded that death which exerciseth her fatall function vpon all men and seazed vpon God himselfe that it will passe by or exempt thee Alas wretch knowest thou not what the scripture saith It is decreed that all must once die Heb. 9.27 Remember therfore thy last end and turne vnto thy God Giue eare vnto the sound of this trumpet if thou intendest when thou art come to the howre of death to triumph ouer the diuell haue confidence in thy God for in thy name saieth the Prophet Dauid we will dispise those that rise vp against vs and the same in the person of thy God saieth Super aspidem basilicum ambulabis c. Psal 90. thou shalt walke vpon the Aspe and Basiliske and shalt tread vppon the Lyon and Dragon because he hath giuen his Angels charge of thee to keepe thee in all thy wayes There be three waies oh sinner in which the Angels doe protect guard thee The first in thy birth and natiuitie the second from thy birth vntill thy death the third from death to the obtaining of eternall life God of his infinite mercie keepe thee in all these waies that thou maiest come to raigne with him eternally Amen Of the fearfull presence of the Iudge in the instant of death THE XVIII CHAPTER ALas wicked and miserable sinner what terrour feare of necessity must possesse thy soule when as thou now dying must behould the angry countenance of that great Iudge God almightie whose glorious and pleasing aspect holy men could not beholde for no man shall see me and liue saieth God to Moyses Exod. 20.19 speake thou to vs and we will heare thee let not our Lord speake to vs least perhappes wee die saide the children of Israell to Moyses Saint Peter who loued Christ soe dearlie and was likewise so well beloued esteemed of him that he deliuered his church to him to be gouerned directed and would that it should relie vpon him as a firme foundation He I say vpon a certaine time when he saw Christ in presence astonished cried out Exi à me quia homo peccator sum goe from mee oh Lord because I am a sinnefull man what thē wilt thou do in the day of thy death when thou shalt behold the angry contenance of Iesus burning with the fire of diuine iustice Oh worme what will then become of thee where wilt thou hide thy selfe whether wilt thou flie Non intres in iudicium cum seruo tuo c. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant because no man liuing shall be iustified in thy sight crieth out the Prophet in the person of a soule striuing with death Giue eare I beseech thee to that which holy Iob saieth of the presence of the iudge verè quod ita sit c. I know indeed it is so that man cannot be iustified compared with God if he contend with him he cannot answere him one for a thousand Iob. 9.2 notwithstanding Iob was of that integrity and sanctity of life that God him selfe speaking of him said Vir erat in terra Hus c. There was a man in the land of Hus whose name was Iob that was simple and right and fearing God departing from euill Iob. 1. And in the same chapter God speaking of Iob vnto the diuell he saied Hast thou considered my seruant Iob that there is not the like vnto him in the earth a man simple and right fearing God and departing from euill and keeping innocencie Alas how terrible and horrible a thing is it at the time of death to fall into the handes of the iust iudge Truly it would seeme a dreadfull thing if one should be circumuented and besett with a multitude of Serpēts Beares Dragons Lyons or other such like deuouring creatures yet all the terror which would proceed from these thinges created compared with the terrour and astonishment that the contenance and maiesty of the angry and iust iudge shall strike into a soule in the instant of death it is light and nothing O miserable soule commiserate and pitty thine owne case meditate vpon thine owne necessities consider what must at last befall thee consider the last end and thou shalt not sinne for euer saieth the wiseman to forewarne thee ô how much shouldest thou and indeed oughtest to feare and tremble to thinke vpon that last instant of thy life in which thy soule must be dissolued and presented before the maiestie of the angry and offended iudge The iudge miserable wretch will say vnto thee giue an account of thy stewardship render a reason of thy soule which thou receauedst immaculate pure and vndefiled of mee and which being defiled and blemished with the contraction and spot of originall sinne I haue washed and made cleane with my most pretious blood Giue an account of thy Reason Vnderstanding Memorie and Will which thou hast receaued of me thou wast endued with vnderstanding that thou shouldest know mee with thy Will that thou shouldest loue mee with a Memorie that thou shouldest be euer mindfull of mee but thou vngrateful soule hast abused these faculties by which thou wert like vnto God let vs make man after our owne Image saieth God Gen. 1. These endowments more then diuine thou hast occupied and busied about base humane transitorie and vaine subiects for so much as thou dost alwaies thinke of them loue and embrace them and exercise thy memorie with them Bewaile now and lament thou sinner for the time will come in which it will repent thee that thou hast bene no more sorrowfull forget not God now for there will come a time when all thy sayings deedes cogitations and counsels shall be reduced to memorie Now endeuour to loue and honour God with all thy force as he hath commaunded thee in these wordes Loue the Lord thy God with all thy soule and with all thy harte all thy neighbour as thy selfe Math. 22.38 Oh miserable mortall men who so inconsideratly vppon the suddaine runne into death My dayes haue passed more swiftlie then the webbe that is cut by the weauer and are consumed without hope Iob. 7.6 Giue vs we beseech thee thy grace oh Lord pardon and remit oh benigne and bountifull God our delictes crimes and offences Remember that thou art our Father looke not vpon our ingratitude but vpon thy mercie haue respect to mee and behould me with the eyes of pittie and compassion for I am alone and poore the tribulations of my harte are multiplied deliuer mee from my necessities Psal 24.16 Oh Marie Mother of indulgent Iesus by whom I am to be iudged pray for mee and for all sinners that we may so dispose of all our
be not carefull in time to preuent Such like words shall the damned soules vtter when by the diuine power all the dispersed ashes of their bodies shall be gathered together and rising out of their loathsome graues shall be reunited to their accursed soules This being done they shall be presented before the iudge by the tormenting diuels that so they may be accursed and condemned together But now sinners to leaue so pittiful and horrible consideratiōs let vs come to the contemplation of the blessed soules in paradise the very cogitation wherof is sufficient to stirre vp your mindes and affections to embrace practice virtues and to shunne and forsake vices O how delectable and pleasant a sight shall it be to behould so many blessed soules descending from heauen as glorious as the sunne in his ful beautie that vpon the earth they may receaue their bodies O ioyfull spectacle There shall appeare the soule of the great precursor S. Iohn Baptist most resplendāt with the beames of glorie that it may receaue her dispersed and scattered ashes There shall appeare S. Peter and S. Paul the two chiefe pillars of holy church with all the other blessed Apostles Here shall bee seen the soules of the Patriarkes there of holie Martyrs and Confessors as so manie sunnes starres shining in theyr glorie who singing prayses to allmighty God shall fill the ayre with heauenly Alleluiahs and shall come to theyr sepulchers in diuerse places and Countries of the earth to receaue theyr bodies endued with comlynes and glorie O worthie sighte those blessed soules shall come accompanied with Angels as contrariwise the damned soules with diuels but especiallie with theyr Angell Guardians who hauing defended and protected them in this life at theyr happie state and condition are filled with all ioy and heauenlie delight Euerie one then of theise blessed Angells shall speake vnto his most happie soule which he hath protected Come o soule blessed of the most holie Trinitie whom with al thy power thou hast serued come and take againe this thy bodie that together with it thou maist bee made partaker of celestiall ioyes O what a sight shall it bee to see at Rome the two most beautifull soules of S. Peter and S. Paul comming to theyr sepulchers that they may resume their most famous reliques with a companie of so manie blessed Angels Then shall the Angells happie soules themselues speake vnto their bodies in these wordes or the like Alas poore bodies of ours which haue lyen so long time in the dust without your reward arise for now is the time that you must bee reunited vnto vs and receaue the reward of so manie molestations greifes and labors which you haue suffered come hither my feet which haue gone bare so manie iourneies for the loue of God come hither my handes which for the loue of Iesus Christ haue performed so manie good deedes come hither my tounge which hast been dailie preaching of the praises of God and teaching others to conforme themselues to his most holie will come my bellie which hast so often fasted and abstained from meats come my loynes which haue borne cordes chaines for the loue of Iesus come my whole bodie which diuerse times hast mortified and subdued thy selfe with hayr-cloaths whippings scourges and other soare torments for the loue of thy Sauiour for now is the time wherin thou must receaue the recompence of these labors and sufferinges O what a glorious sight will it bee to behould throughout the whole world especiallie at Rome so great a number of Saints bodies arising in such wonderful splendour brightnes O thrise happie then are they which haue runne the race of their life in the path of vertue And if perhaps through humane frailtie they did fall without delay they rose againe doeing also pennance for the same These shall bee of that most blessed and glorious number What sayest thou now ô sinner wilt thou any longer harden thy hart and stoppe thine eares at the sound of my Trumpett wilt thou still persist in thy lewd and vngodly courses woe woe bee vnto thee if thou doest so for by theise meanes thou shalt come to bee of the number of those miserable dāned soules from which God of his infinite goodnesse and mercy deliuer thee Amen Of the comming of the Iudge to iudgement and of the great feare which his cōming will strike into the hartes of sinners THE XXVI CHAPTER WHen the sonne of man shall come in his maiestie and all his Angels with him Then shall hee sitt vpon his throne of maiestie and all nations shall bee gathered together before him Math. 25.31 Alas sinners returne forsake your sinnes and accustomed vices remēber that you must bee iudged of almightie God whom by your lewd liues you haue offended cōsider now at length that after that the angels shall come to cal together all the dead with the sound of a Trumpett the dead shall rise and shall bee gathered together in the valley of Iosaphat and in the neere adioyning places the damned standing on the earth but the elect remaining in the ayre in excellent claritie and brightnes And last of all the iudge shall appeare in the same ayre who shall descend frō heauen accompanied with his most deare and louing mother attended of all the celestiall quire of Angels Consider the ensigne of the holie Crosse that shall goe before him with all the other trophies of his victorious death and passion which shall bee carried by the holie Angels partlie that they may bee an euident testimonie against all sinners and partly that they shew the lawfullnes of the sentence which the iudge shall pronounce against the damned and partlie to encourage and comforte all good men which by their force vertue shal bee saued And then sayeth our Lord shall appeare the signe of the sonne of man in heauen and our holy mother the church singeth this signe of the Crosse shall bee in heauen when our Lord shall come to iudgement O wonderfull spectacle neuer seen in the world before this most holie signe of the Crosse shall shine farre more bright then six hundred sunnes adorned with an innumerable company of celestiall colours ô happie and thrise happie are they who shall behould that crosse with ioyfull countenance but contrariwise most miserable shall bee the reprobate which against their willes shal be forced to see the same to their great griefe and sorrow O what ioy and pleasure shal vertuous men haue at the presence therof and what excessiue lamētations shall wicked and sinnefull men make when they see the same with what alacrity shal S. Iohn Baptist S. Peter S. Paul S. Bartholomew and all the holie Apostles looke vpon that glorious wodde of the crosse S. Benedict S. Charles S. Dominicke S. Francis S. Clare saint Cecilie sainte Catharine Marie Magdalen and all the other holie Virgins and Matrones with what gladnes will they behould it Alas o wicked and cruell Pilat which condemnedst
of his wife the wife all the faultes of her husband euery one shal haue his vices and disordered affectiōs plainely knowne O the iustice of almighty God which will discouer that which a sinner thought would haue beene for euer concealed Call to minde sinner what shame that will be for thee to be set before the eyes of the whole world to be seene of al both within and without Alas how many shall there be who whilst they liued in this world were reputed Saints were reuerenced of all for such but then shall be knowne to be farre otherwise How many treacherous and diuellish plottes how many adulteries and robberies shall openly be declared to the eyes of the whole worlde O my sweet Iesu which seest al thinges that descriest whatsoeuer is committed in priuat pardon sinners Iesu helpe them that doing pennance they may not be confounded with that last and great shame Iesu remember that thou art our Father our Lord God therfore forsake vs not but turne thine anger from vs suffer not the fire of thy wrath to consume vs Let not that perish Lord which is altogether thine Haue mercy vpon vs crying out vnto thee I haue strayed as a sheepe that is lost seeke thy seruant because I haue not forgotten thy law He hath forsaken mee and there is none that seeketh after my soule Psal 118. Many poore afflicted soules of sinners make such lamentations releeue and succour them Lord leaue them not who are thine they wholly giue vp themselues vnto thee they flie to thee for refuge they craue and looke for helpe of thee alone Alas sinners men and women without doubt our case is most miserable vnlesse we liue well and honestly and be conuerted vnto our Lord God seeing we yet receaue helpe wherupon if we perish it is our owne faultes The Saints the Angels the church yea heauen earth and euery thing else is ready to helpe vs the Blessed Virgin Mary is ready to succour vs our sweet Iesus to releiue vs and in a word the Blessed Trinity is prepared to defend vs whose wee are of whom we are created and preserued God doth lift vs vp but we cast our selues downe procuring to our selues our owne damage and withall the infernall pitt of hell God would haue vs be saued our Lord Iesus Christ died for vs all he is the propitiation for our sinnes saith S. Iohn not only for ours but for the sinnes of the whole world 1. Iohn 2. Therfore sinners if we be damned we can giue no lawfull excuse it is our owne mischiefe and we are the cause beginning of our owne destruction Alas therfore brethrē sisters let vs shunne and detest our former vices which if we cannot doe at the first for the loue of God which we ought to beare towards him as a Father yet at the least let vs doe it to auoide the shame which will otherwise befall vs before the whole world in the day of iudgement And thus doing I hope at last we shall be brought to forsake them for the loue of God ô heauenly consideration ô frutefull and profitable contemplation I could wish that thou wert engrauen in the hartes of all men for surely thou wouldest be then a great helpe to miserable and wretched soules which now are like to be damned by theire owne foolish madnes O sinnefull man what doest thou what thinkest thou whither goest thou why doest thou hasten with such speed vnto thy destruction ruine and damnation show them a way ô Lord that so great a number of them may not perish preserue Christiā soules from destruction seeing that so many Turkes heretikes and other infidels are daily damned who obstinatly refuse to acknowledge the truth of the holie Catholique church But there is a meanes found out alreadie Christian Bretheren and sisters which stil remaine in your sinnes If you will enter into life keepe the commaundements Math. 19.17 you know you are commaunded of God to lead a life worthy and beseeming Christian profession to abstaine from sinne and flie the apearance of euil to loue vertue and embrace godlines God almighty graunt that we all may performe this that our soules in the day of accompt may be saued Amen Of the fearfull sentence which Iesus Christ will pronounce at the day of iudgement blessed and happy are they who seriously ponder it in their hartes and soules for this is the most compendious way to forsake sinne and to turne vnto God THE XXVIII CHAPTER THen shall the King say to those that are on his right hand Come yee blessed of my Father possesse the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Math. 25.34 There are two things which may moue and excite you sinners to forsake your enormous crimes and vices and with an vnfained repentāce to returne to your God One is the consideration of the blessinge which the good shall haue the other is the pondering of the fearfull sentence that Iesus Christ shal pronounce against the damned to the good he shall say Come yee blessed of my Father inheritt the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world But to the wicked Goe into euerlastinge fire which is prepared for the diuell and his Angells the one shall be called to a paradise of pleasures the other shall be sent into a lake of torments Nothing is more glorious or beautifull then paradise nor any thing more horrible and loathsome then hell nothing more delightsome then heauen nothing more detestable then hell therfore sinner consider well of these two such contrarie places Thinke of heauen that forsaking sinne and doing pennance thou mayest come to enioy the vnspeakable pleasures of it Thinke of hell and learne soe to order thy life that desisting from thy former courses thou mayest escape the grieuous punishments of the same Wise sinners and blessed are they who chaunge their ill maners forsake their lewed courses and satisfy for their misdeeds for at their death they shall be saued but miserable are those who giue themselues ouer to the filthy lustes of the flesh and with greedines doe commit all sinne for they after this life shall finde no redresse Happy are those who striue here to adorne their soules with virtues for in the day of iudgement they shall finde mercy and obtaine euerlasting ioyes but wretched are they who followinge the pleasures of this world dye in their sinnes for in the great day of their visitation they shall be perpetually damned And they that haue done good saieth S. Athanasius shall go into life euerlasting they that haue done ill into euerlasting fire Happy are the good to whom God of his bounty will giue the treasures of heauen miserable the wicked whose portion shall bee with the diuells in torments of hell O hard hart which art not moued with these thinges O impietie of a sinner who doeth not thinke of these thinges and by harty cōtritiō returne vnto God! thou hast but one poore soule