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A15144 The vvay to the celestiall paradise Declaring how a sinner may be saued, and come to life euerlasting. Contained in three bookes.The first second third sheweth that a sinner may be saued, & come to life euerlasting. By faith, apprehending Christ for his iustification, & applying to himselfe the promises of the Gospell made in Iesus Christ. Repentance, hauing his sins washed away in the bloud of the lambe Iesus Christ. Prayer, calling vpon God in the name of Iesus Christ. By Robert Whittell, minister of the Gospell. Whittle, Robert, d. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 25441; ESTC S120396 338,769 458

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Peter giueth this exhortation i 1 Pet. 2. 12. Hauing your conuersation honest among the gentiles that whereas they speake against you as euill doers they may by your good workes which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation After this manner we are to praise God and to testifie our thankfulnesse 2 Reasons to perswade to thanksgiuing vnto God for his benefits and for all his goodnesse and mercies towards vs. In the second place I am to vse reasons to perswade to this dutie of thanksgiuing and they are these First The Scripture exhorteth to it saying k Psal 50. 14. 15. Offer 1 The Scripture exhorteth to it vnto God thanksgiuing and pay thy vowes to the most high and call vpon me in the day of trouble I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Againe the Psalmist exhorteth those that are deliuered from diuers calamities and afflictions l Psal 107. 8. to praise the Lord saying k O that men would praise the Lord for his goodnesse and for his wonderfull workes to the children of men So the Apostle exhorteth saying m Coloss 3. 17. Whatsoeuer ye doe in word or deed doe all in the name of the Lord Iesus giuing thankes to God and the Father by him Secondly Examples of good men may mooue vs to 2 Good men haue practised it imitate them in their thankfulnesse to God Dauid in sundrie Psalmes praiseth God saying in one place n Psal 103. 1. 2. Blesse the Lord O my soule and all that is within me blesse his holy name Blesse the Lord O my soule and forget not all his benefits And againe he saith o Psal 116. 12. 13. What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon the name of the Lord. And againe he saith p Ver. 17. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thankesgiuing and will call vpon the name of the Lord. Hezekiah prayseth God after that he was recouered of his sicknesse saying q Isa 38. 19. the liuing the liuing he shall prayse thee as I doe this day the father to the children shall make knowne thy truth When our Sauiour Christ had restored a blind man to his sight it is said that he r Luk. 18. 43. followed him glorifying God and all the people when they saw it gaue prayse vnto God Thirdly the Creatures may teach vs thankefulnesse 3 The very creatures in their kinde doe prayse God and mooue vs to prayse God for the verie Creatures in their kinde and manner doe prayse God and obey his will the Sunne keepeth his course and the Moone obserueth her seasons her full and change as saith the Psalmist ſ Psal 104. 19. He appointed the Moone for seasons the Sunne knoweth his going downe The birds and feathered fowles prayse God in singing and keeping their time as sayth the Prophet Ieremie t Iere. 8. 7. the Storke in the heauen knoweth her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow obserue the time of their comming the u Psal 33. 9. earth stands fast as God hath commaunded neither is it x Psal 104. 5. remooued for euer And the sea ouer flowes not the bankes which God hath set to keepe it in as it is also said of the great and deepe waters of the Sea y Ver. 9. thou hast set a bound that they may not passe ouer that they turne not againe to couer the earth And the Creatures doe not onely iustruct vs in this dutie of thankfulnesse to God by their obedience but the creatures which we haue the vse and benefit of for food and raiment and other necessarie vses doe as is obserued teach vs our dutie of thankfulnesse vnto God in three words z Accipe r●dde caue accipe beneficium redde debitum caue nisi reddideri● supplicium Ludon Granat lib. 1. par 1. receiue restore beware that is receiue this benefit and blessing from God restore vnto God that which is due render him thankes and prayse for it and take heede beware of punishment if thou be vnthankfull vnto God for his benefits Fourthly Thankesgiuing and praysing God for benefits receiued is profitable vnto vs For first to prayse God for benefits receiued is a meanes to preserue and 4 It is profitable for vs to prayse God for continue those blessings which we haue alreadie receiued God is pleased to blesse his blessings vnto vs because we blesse and prayse him for his blessings Secondly thankesgiuing to God for former blessings 1 To praise God for blessings receiued is a meanes to preserue and blesse them vnto vs. is a meanes to procure more blessings yea increase of blessings as it was said to that seruant that had gained fiue talents a Mat. 25. 21. well done thou good and faithfull seruant thou hast beene faithfull ouer a few things I will make thee ruler ouer many things so he that is thankefull to God for the gifts and graces which he hath alreadie receiued and vseth 2 To praise God for former blessings is a meants to procure more blessings them wel shall haue not onely the same continued but likewise more gifts and more graces added Now seeing that thankesgiuing is a dutie commaunded seeing that good men haue practised the same yea seeing that the very creatures doe stirre vs vp to thankfulnesse and seeing that it is so profitable vnto vs The consideration hereof serues greatly to reproue all those Vse who are vnthankfull vnto God for benefits receiued Euen Against those which are vnthankfull vnto God for benefits receiued amongst men it is a hateful thing for a man to proue vnthankfull and it s a grieuous thing for a man to doe well to him that will neuer giue him thanks much more odious and hatefull a thing it is for vs to be vnthankeful vnto our God for all his benefits it is a grieuous thing to the Lord to see vs daily receiue his blessings and not lift vp our hearts nor open our mouthes to prayse the Lord and giue him thankes And they are to be reckoned in the number of vnthankfull people who hauing receiued blessings from the God of heauen doe daily sin against him who in stead of opening their mouthes to prayse God doe open their mouthes wide to blaspheme God and in stead of seruing the Lord in holines and righteousnesse all the dayes of their life doe spend all or most part of their dayes in vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse This was the great plea that the Lord had against Israell b Isa 1. 2. 3. Heare O heauens and giue eare O earth for the Lord hath spoken I haue nourished brought vp children and they haue rebelled against me The Oxe knoweth his owner and the Asse his Maisters crib but Israel doth not know my people doth not consider One of those ●enne Lepers which came to Christ to be
craue something of him delighteth to heare his childe how earnestly he calleth vpon him father good father I pray you Father and to see how he will hang vpon his Father and follow him and will giue him no rest till he haue what he desireth and though the child's importunitie be a trouble to the Father yet for the loue that he hath to his child he counts it no trouble but rather delighteth in it and in the end granteth his childe what he desired so almightie God our heauenly Father is delighted and well pleased when we come vnto him to craue any lawfull and needfull thing if we craue it earnestly crying Abba father heauenly father mercifull father and then the Lord because he is delighted in vs his children and knoweth our neede of his goodnesse and mercie will heare our prayers and grant our requests And this of feruencie in Prayer The sixt thing required in making our Prayers is Perseuerance in praier not ceasing nor fainting in praier Perseuerance or continuing in Prayer but holding out and continuing in prayer till the Lord be gracious vnto vs and heare vs and grant our requests And to this perseuerance in Praier the Scripture perswadeth vs both by testimonies and examples S. Paul exhorteth to c Coless 4. 2. continue in Prayer And to d 1. Thes 5. 17. pray without ceasing And S. Luke recordeth that Iesus e Luk. 18. 1. spake a parable to this end that men ought alwaies to pray and not to faint By which phrases of continuing in prayer praying without ceasing and not fainting in prayer the holy Ghost giueth vs to vnderstand that if we would haue the Lord to heare vs and grant our requests we must pray with perseuerance we must continue in Praier we must not waxe faint in praying neither cease praying till the Lord fauourably in mercie looke vpon vs and heare vs. And of this perseuerance in praier we haue examples in the Scriptures Dauid prayeth thus f Psal 13. 1. How long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from me In that Dauid saith how long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me It is euident that Dauid being in trouble and distresse prayed vnto the Lord for helpe and deliuerance and that long and often before he was heard he prayed but the Lord delayed the time and deferred to helpe him yet Dauid fainted not neither waxed wearie in praying but praied still he continued in praier though it was long before the Lord heard him How we ought to perseuere and continue in praier without ceasing and not to faint in Praier our Sauiour sheweth in the parable of the widdow who had a suite to an vnrighteous Iudge crying and saying vnto him g Luk. 18. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. Auenge me of mine aduersarie And he would not for a while but afterward he said within himselfe though I feare not God nor regard man yet because this widdow troubleth me I will auenge her lest by her continuall comming she wearie me And the Lord said heare what the vniust Iudge saith and shall not God auenge his owne elect which cry day and night vnto him though he beare long with them The woman of Canaan endured three repulses yet would not be repelled nor driuen backe she had three denials but would take no deniall neither would cease following after Christ still calling vpon him and crying vnto him h Mat. 15. 25. Lord helpe me till in the end the Lord answered her graciously i Ver. 28. O woman great is thy faith he it vnto thee euen as thou wilt S. Paul in his temptation prayed with perseuerance for he saith k 2. Cor. 12. 8. for this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me And our Sauiour Christ in his agonie praied thrice that the cup might passe from him for it s said that he l Mat. 26. 44. prayed the third time saying the same words And this perseuerance and continuing in Prayer is fitly resembled by Moses holding vp his hands when Israel fought against Amalek For it is said that m Exod. 17. 11. when Moses held vp his hand Israel preuailed and when he let downe his hand Amalek preuailed Moses holding vp his hands resembleth a deuout man praying with feruencie and earnestly making supplication vnto God and the letting downe of his hands figureth a man fainting in prayer and as it was with the Israelites when they fought against the Amalekits that so long as Moses held vp his hands they preuailed and when he let downe his hands Amalek preuailed so it is with vs in our Prayers As long as we continue in praier holding vp our hands lifting vp our hearts earnestly calling vpon the Lord for helpe we preuaile against our spirituall enemies the flesh the world and the Deuill and in the end shall haue deliuerance and shall find the Lord readie and willing to helpe vs but if we faint and waxe wearie in praying and are vnwilling to pray any longer then we are in danger to be ouercome of our enemies and then we depriue our selues of those blessings and helpes which otherwise the Lord in mercie would haue bestowed vpon vs if we had continued in Prayer The consideration of this perseuerance and continuing in Prayer serues First for instruction to teach vs to wait vpon the Lord Vse 1 for helpe and deliuerance so Dauid exhorteth saying To wait vpon the Lord for helpe and deliuerance n Psal 37. 7. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him And the Psalmist saith o Psal 130. 5. I wait for the Lord my soule doth wait And the Church in distresse prayeth thus p Isa 33. 2. O Lord be gracious vnto vs we haue waited for thee This is illustrated by a similitude of men-seruants and maid seruants waiting vpon their masters and mistresses q Psal 123. 2. behold as the eyes of seruants looke vnto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of a maiden vnto the hand of her mistresse so our eyes wait vpon the Lord our God vntill that he haue mercie vpon vs. Secondly this serues to reproue all such as are impatient Vse 2 in their trouble and are not content to stay the Against those who are impatient in their trouble and will not stay the Lords leasure Lords leisure and wait till the Lord haue mercie vpon them and send them deliuerance like to the Bethulians who being besieged by the enemie limited the Lord prescribing him a set time wherein to helpe them namely the space of r Iudeth 7. 30. 31. fiue dayes and if the Lord did not send them helpe within that space then they would yeeld vp the citie into the hand of the enemie But this their doing was sinfull and Iudeth reprooueth them for it saying Å¿ Iudeth 8. 14. 15. 16. 17. nay
one onely true God to acknowledge the Vnity of the God-head and the Trinity of Persons but to know and acknowledge the one only What it is true God to be our God that God the Father hath elected vs in Christ hath redeemed vs by Christ and sanctifieth vs by his Holy Spirit To acknowledge that God the Father is our Heauenly Father who hath created preserued and doth continually by his prouidence sustaine vs that God the Son is our Sauiour and Redeemer and that the Holy Ghost is our Sanctifier and Comforter and to know and acknowledge that God of his mercy through the merits of Christ will assuredly saue our soules and giue vs life euerlasting So that a man hauing true sauing Faith and being endued with this true sauing Knowledge may say vnto the Lord with Dauid a Psal 22. 10. Thou art my God Againe b Psal 25. 2. O my God I trust in thee Yea may say with Thomas c Ioh. 20. 28. My Lord and my God This is not onely to d Credere D●um cred●re De●● credere in Deum beleeue there is a God that God is and that there is one God nor onely to giue credit to the word and promise of God but this is to beleeue in God That is so to beleeue as that euery one that hath true faith can say in particular for himselfe I beleeue that the one onely true God is my God and therfore I trust in him I feare him I loue him I worship him I call vpon him I depend vpon his prouidence for temporall things and rest vpon his mercy for forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life This particular knowledge of God is sauing knowledge bringing comfort health and saluation to the soule as our Sauiour saith e Ioh 17. 3. In the knowledge of God foure things to be considered This is life eternall to know thee the onely true God And to the end that we may seeke after and attaine vnto this sauing knowledge I will shew foure things concerning the knowledge of God First how necessary it is to haue the true knowledge 1 The true knowledge of God is necessary For of God Secondly how profitable it is Thirdly how dangerous it is to want it Fourthly the meanes of obtaining it Touching the first the true knowledge of God is necessary for First God requireth it Salomon saith f Prou. 3. 6. In all thy wayes 1 God requireth it acknowledge him Dauid giueth his sonne Salomon this counsell g 1 Chro. 28 9. Know thou the God of thy Father and serue him with a perfect heart and with a willing minde And S. Paul prayeth for the Colossians that they might increase in the h Col. 1. 10. knowledge of God 2 God complaines of the want of it Secondly the Lord complaines of the want of the knowledge of God by Ieremie thus i Ier. 4. 22. My people is foolish they haue not knowne me And by Hosea hee saith k Hos 4 1. The Lord hath a controuersie with the inhabitants of the land because there is no truth nor mercy nor knowledge of God in the Land Thirdly the Lord prefers the knowledge of God before 3 It s better then sacrifice sacrifice and burnt offerings l Hos 6. 6. I desired mercy and not sacrifice saith the Lord and the knowledge of God more then burnt offerings Fourthly the knowledge of God is so necessary that 4 Without it we cannot be saued without it wee cannot bee saued S. Paul affirmes that m 1 Tim. 2. 4. God will haue all men to be saued and come vnto the knowledge of the truth God who hath appointed the end hath also ordained meanes to the end the end is the saluation of our soules that 's the end of our Faith that 's the blessed end that we desire and long for now the meanes of obtaining saluation is to come to the knowledge of the truth to know and acknowledge the onely true God and Iesus Christ whom hee hath sent So necessary is the knowledge of God For the Second how profitable the knowledge of 2 The knowledge of God is profitable For God is appeareth by the benefits that come thereby Which are specially these two First the true knowledge of God worketh peace and concord amongst men of contrary dispositions and 1 It maketh peace amongst men of contrary dispositions correcteth the froward natures of men making them of fierce and wrathfull to become gentle and patient This was fore-shewed by the Prophet Esay saying n Isa 11. 6 7 8 9. The Wolfe shall dwell with the Lambe the Leopard shall lie downe with the Kid and the Calfe and the young Lyon and the Fatling together and a little childe shall lead them And the Cow and the Beare shall feed c. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountaine for the earth shall bee full of the knowledge of the LORD Where the knowledge of God is it will work a great alteration and change if by nature men be like Wolues giuen to deuoure and destroy their neighbours the the knowledge of God will cause them to cease from their rauinous greedy deuouring of others if they bee by nature like Lyons and Beares fierce wrathfull bloudy-minded the true knowledge of God will tame them and make them meeke and gentle Wherefore if any now in the time of the Gospell be like Wolues and Lyons and Beares towards their brethren and neighbours it is because they haue not the true knowledge of God But heere it will be sayd that some that haue knowledge Obiect are wrathfull cruell and hard-hearted towards their brethren I answer their knowledge is not sanctified they haue Answ knowledge but not grace to put their knowledge in practice they know God but will not doe the will of God They haue the knowledge of God in their heads but not in their hearts For certaine it is if men had the true knowledge of God aswell in their hearts and mindes as in their heads and tongues they would not they durst not be to their brethren as Wolues and Lyons and Beares the knowledge of the Lord would make them more peaceable more quiet and patient Secondly the true knowledge of God brings eternall 2 Eternall life commeth therby life so saith our Sauiour o Ioh. 17. 3. This is life eternall to know thee the onely true God The third thing concerning the knowledge of God is the hurt and danger that comes through the want 3 The want of the knowledge of God is hurtfull and dangerous for it causeth thereof As the knowledge of God is necessary and profitable so the want therof is hurtfull and dangerous First because the want of the knowledge of God causeth mourning and languishing desolation and destruction as the Lord sheweth in Hosea complaining that there was p Hos 4. 1 3. no knowledge of God in the land he
cannot escape the iudgement of God And many in this agonie being not able to deliuer themselues and their soules refusing comfort are swallowed vp with abundance of worldly sorrow and without the great mercy of God are plunged into the gulfe of despaire But there is also an Euangelicall sorrow for sinne 2 Euangelicall Two-fold which is properly Godly sorrow and this is twofold Inward and Outward Inward sorrow for sinne is called Contrition Outward is mourning lamenting and weeping for sin First of Contrition or inward sorrow for sinne In 1 Contrition or inward sorrow for sinne handling whereof I will shew First what Contrition is Secondly how it is wrought in vs. Thirdly the signes and markes of it Fourthly the motiues to perswade vnto it For the first Contrition or inward sorrow for sinne 1 What Contrition is is a sorrow of the heart specially for this that a sinner hath offended God and being truely humbled with a sence and feeling of his sinnes is displeased with himselfe for his sinnes and doth now not onely dislike but from his heart detest and abhorre sinne This is properly called c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sorrow according to God or sorrow after a godly sort and godly sorrow and sorrow to repentance It is called d 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 7. 9 10. compunction of heart It is also called the e Acts 2. 37. renting of the heart And it is called a f Ioel 2. 17. broken spirit g Psal 51. 17. a broken and a contrite heart For the second How Contrition is wrought in a sinner The meanes whereby a sinner is brought to Contrition 2 How Contrition is wrought in a sinner and inward hearty sorrow for his sinnes are two The one is the gracious working of the Spirit of God giuing a sinner a liuely sence and feeling of his sinnes giuing him grace to see and know how by his 1 By the working of the Spirit of God sinnes he hath offended God and grieued the Holy Spirit of God so●ming also his hard heart that hee may greeue lament and mourne for his sinnes after a godly manner This is that which the Lord saith by his Prophet Zachary h Zach. 12. 10. I will powre vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the Inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall looke vpon me whom they haue pierced and they shall mourne for him as one mourneth for his onely sonne A sinner looking vpon Christ whom by his sinnes he hath pierced and wounded and hauing a true feeling of his sinnes greeueth and mourneth he is sorry after a godly manner but how is this godly forrow wrought in him the Lord saith that he will powre the spirit of grace and of supplications vpon the sinnefull soule and when the Lord hath put such grace into the soule of a sinner to see his sinnes and to perceiue how that by his sinnes hee hath offended God and pierced the Sonne of God then hee is inwardly grieued at the heart then his heart melts into teares This is the first meanes whereby a sinner is brought to Contrition The second meanes is the preaching of Christ crucified 2 By preaching Christ crucisied as appeareth in the example of those first Conuerts to whom Peter preached Christ crucified For hauing testified against them that they had crucified Christ i Acts 2. 37 38. They were pricked in their hearts and sayd vnto Peter and the rest of the Apostles Men and brethren what shall wee doe their consciences were so stricken with the terrour of this that they should be guilty of shedding the innocent bloud of the Sonne of God that they were at their wits end they knew not what to doe yet were they desirous to finde ease to their troubled consciences but knew not how till they called to remembrance the words of the Apostle how that Iesus of Nazareth whom they had crucified and slaine was the Sonne of God whom God raised vp who ascended to Heauen and is exalted at the right hand of God and hearing also that he is Iesus the Sauiour that he is the true Messias Christ the Anoynted of the Lord heereupon they are pricked in their hearts and touched in their consciences with a feeling of their sinnes yet so as they doe not despaire of all mercy but trusting in the goodnesse and mercy of God through Christ and being desirous to know how they may finde comfort to their troubled consciences they said to Peter and to the rest of the Apostles Menand brethen what shall we doe ô teach vs what we must doe to be saued Now they are sorrowfull after a godly manner now they are of a contrite spirit and an humble soule now they are exceeding sorrowfull that they haue crucified the Lord of life now they haue bleeding hearts for that they haue shed the bloud of the innocent Lambe of God now they are exceedingly displeased with themselues for that they haue done so wickedly and now they so abhorre their sinnes and wickednesse that they purpose neuer to doe wickedly againe So that their compunction was not onely a bare pricking of the heart such as Cain and Iudas had but as they had a feeling of their sinnes so also had they a feeling of the mercy of God in Christ Iesus Moreouer to the compunction and pricking of their hearts there was ioyned a readinesse to obey the will of God and to doe whatsoeuer the Lord should command them and therefore it is that they say Men and brethren what shall we doe to the end that a sinner may be brought to Contrition its necessary that the Word of God which is k Heb. 4. 12. quicke and powerfull and sharper then any two-edged sword piercing euen to the diuiding a sunder of soule and spirit and of the ioynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart doe pierce the heart and wound the conscience making the sinner to feele his sinnes to know that by his sinnes he hath offended God who hath beene so gracious a God and so louing and mercifull a Father vnto him and to acknowledge that by his sinnes he hath pierced and wounded the Sonne of God who was content to be pierced and wounded yea and to suffer his bloud to be shed for his sinnes The Adamant the hardest stone which will neither bee bruized with iron nor melted with fire is notwithstanding dissolued with l Gemin lib. 2. cap. 26. Goats-bloud What heart is there so hard and stony so adamant-like that will not bee mollified and softned that will not be rent and broken yea dissolued into teares being washed and soaked in the bloud of Christ this ô man this must or nothing will soften thy hard heart Thus Contrition is wrought in the heart The third thing is concerning the signes and marks 3 Signes of contrition or inward godly sorrow of Contrition Contrition or
Wherefore Dauid saith of himselfe a Psal 32. 3. 4. 5. When I kept silence my bones waxed olde c. But I said I will confesse my transgressions vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the iniquity of my sinne Dauid after he had sinned for a time kept silence held his tongue and opened not his mouth to confesse his sinne but that was paine and griefe vnto him befound no comfort in it but when he acknowledged his sinnes and confessed his transgressions then the Lord shewed mercy on him and forgaue him and Dauid did not obtaine mercie and forgiuenesse at the hands of God till that hee confessed his sinne to the Lord. b Nos alit●r salui esse non possumus nisi confiteamur paenitentes quod iniquè gessimus negligentes Aug. We cannot otherwise be saued saith one but by humble acknowledgement of our sinnes which through our negligence we haue so wickedly committed Before the sicke man can finde ease and remedie for the recouering of his health he must make his griefe knowne vnto the Physitian and the Creeple is not ashamed to lay open his soares to the passenger to mooue him to haue pitty on him so likewise it 's necessarie for a sinner by confession of his sinnes to make knowne the inward diseases the infirmities and sores of his soule to the chiefe and best Physitian of our soules Christ Iesus and bee as earnest with the Lord to beg mercy and craue pardon and forgiuenesse of his sinnes as the poore beggar by the high-way side is importunate to beg a penny of the Passenger Thirdly Confession of our sinnes to God is necessary 3 If we doe not confesse our sinnes yet wee cannot hide them frō God for God both seeth knoweth them for if we doe not confesse them vnto God yet God knowes them and sees them yea c Quando i●●m● celat D●us ●●dat when sinners doe foolishly hide and couer their sins then the Lord layes them open to the view of the world The Lord said vnto Dauid d 2 Sam. 12. 12. Thou didst it secretly but I will doe this thing before all Israel and before the Sunne When thou didst commit thy sinne of adultery thou didst it secretly thou thoughts that no eye had seene thee but I beheld thy wickednesse which thou didst in secret and I will punish thee openly because thou hast sinned and not confessed thy sinne I will bring thy sinne to light and thy selfe to shame Secondly as Confession of sinne is necessary so is it 2 It 's good and profitable For also good and profitable for a sinner for First by Confession of sinne a sinner obtaineth remission and forgiuenesse of sinne so saith Salomon By confession we obtaine remission e Pro. 28. 13. Who so confesseth and forsaketh his sinnes shall haue mercie S. Iohn saith f 1 Iohn 1. 9. If wee confesse our sinnes hee is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes And Dauid witnesseth of himselfe g Psal 32. 5. I said I will confesse my transgression vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the iniquitie of my sinne h V●i Confessio ibi remissio Qua●d●●●mo det●gi● D●us ●egi● quando homo agnoscit Deus ign●scit Where there is true hearty and humble confession of sinne there is remission and forgiuenesse When a sinner vncouereth and layeth open his sinnes God couereth and hideth his sinnes When a sinner acknowledgeth and confesseth his sinnes God doth pardon and forgiue him his sinnes Vpon Dauids confession i 2 Sam. 12. 13. I haue sinned against the Lord Nathan the Prophet saith vnto Dauid in the word of the Lord The Lord hath put away thy sinne thou shalt not die Secondly Confession of sinne is a meanes to pacifie 2 Confession of sin is a meanes to turne away Gods turne away Gods wrath heauie displeasure the anger and to asswage the wrath of Almighty God Yea to auert and turne away the iudgements of God which ar● threatned against and hang ouer the head of sinners When Ionah the Prophet cried against Nineueh k Io. 3. 4. 8. 9. 10. Yet ●ortie dayes and Nineueh shall bee ouer throwne The Niniuites humbled themselues before the Lord with fasting and mourning confessing their sinnes and crying mightily vnto God and when God saw their workes that they turned from their euill way then God repented of the euill that be had said that he would doe vnto them and hee did it not Hereupon is that saying of Chrysostome l Niniuitae confitentur viuūt Sodomitae obdurantur pereunt Chry. in Psal 106. The Niniuites confesse their sinnes and liue the Sodomites are hardned in their sinnes and perish Thirdly Confession of sinne is profitable to a sinner for thereby his conscience is pacified and his soule eased Like as a man being discontent in his mind and sore troubled in his thoughts can take no quiet rest 3 By Confession the soule is cased and the conscience pacified his stomacke faileth him and his sleepe departeth from him till meeting with a faithfull trustie friend hee maketh his minde knowen vnto him layeth open the griefe of his heart and by mutual conference together findeth comfort and ease so a sinner that is greatly distressed in soule and afflicted in conscience with the remembrance of his sinnes by humbling his soule in secret before the Lord confessing his sinnes laying open his iniquities and not hiding his sinnes doth finde great case for vpon ●he sinner's humble confession the Lord who is the best friend that a poore sinner hath doth marucilousl● com●ort and refresh the soule of the sinner So that the heart of the poore sinner is now comforted his soule is cased and his conscience pacified Such benefit commeth by confessing our sinnes vnto God And s●●ing that Confession of our sinnes vnto God Vse is so necessarie and profitable the consideration hereof serues iustly to reproue First those who will not acknowledge and confesse 1 Against those who will not confesse but hide and couer their sinnes their sinnes vnto God but hide and couer them as Adam when he had eaten of the forbidden fruit m Gen. 3. 8. bid himselfe among the trees of the garden thinking to hide himselfe and his transgression from the Lord wherefore Iob saith n Iob 31. 33. If I couered my transgressions as Adam by hiding min● iniquitie in my bosome Iob counts it a haynous thing to couer his transgressions and to hide his iniquitie And indeed for any one to couer his transgressions and to hide his iniquitie is both foolish and dangerous Foolish for no man can so hide his sinne but God knoweth and seeth it A notable example hereof we haue in Dauid It is wonderfull to consider what deuises what 1 Foolish shifts and inuentions o 2. Sam. 11. Dauid vsed to couer and hide his sinne of adulterie with Bathsheba Whn Dauid committed that sinne of adulterie with Bathsheba
Repentance presuming on Gods mercie PResuming on Gods mercy is the second impediment 2 Presuming on Gods mercy Where consider two things that hindreth many from Repentance The wicked man that liueth in sin leadeth an vngodly life because he feeles no iudgement of God fall vpon him for his sinnes presumes to sinne still and pleads for himselfe God's mercifull Christ dyed for sinners c. It is true God is mercifull He is a ●xod 34. 6. 7. the Lord God mercifull and gracious long-suffering and aboundant in goodnesse and truth keeping mercy for thousands forgiuing 1 God is onely mercifull to penitent sinners iniquity transgression and sinne But vnderstand First that God is mercifull onely to penitent sinners to such as b Isay 1. 16. 17. 18. cease to doe euill and learne to doe well to such as c Isay 55. 7. forsake their euill way and returne vnto the Lord to such as d Ezek. 8. 21. turne from all the sinnes which they haue committed and doe that which is lawfull and right And although it be true that God hath mercy and plenty of mercy for sinners though neuer so wicked and vngodly if they truely and vnfainedly repent them of their sinnes yet the mercy of God is not extended to impenitent sinners to such as are obdurate and hardned in their sins not to such as are growne obstinate rebellious and disobedient against the Lord. Impenitent Kaine hard-hearted Pharao and despairing Iudas these find no mercy these dye in their sinnes without mercy onely penitent sinners find mercy Dauid Peter Marie Magdalene and such sinners as haue truely repented of their sinnes haue obtained mercy Secondly God is mercifull indeed but as he is mercifull 2 As God is mercifull so hee is also iust so is he also iust as he is mercifull he is very ready to pardon iniquity and to forgiue sinne but as he is iust he will punish sinners and will in no case spare them that presumptuously goe on in their sinnes As Moses tells the presumptuous sinner e Deu. 29. 19. 20 And it come to passe when he heareth the words of this curse that hee blesse himselfe in his heart saying I shall haue peace though I walke in the imaginations of my heart to adde drunkennesse to thirst the Lord will not spare him but then the anger of the Lord and his iealousie shall smoake against that man and all the curses that are written in this Booke shall lye vpon him and the Lord shall blot out his name from vnder heauen This serues to reproue those who by no admonition Vse or counsell will be brought to repentance and amendment Against those that presume on Gods Mercy of life but still liue in sinne doe wickedly goe on in sinne from day to day and say God's mercifull but doest thou not heare O man that God is mercifull only to repenting sinners And vnderstandest thou not that as God is mercifull so he is also iust A mercifull Father but also a iust God How then darest thou be so venturous so bold yea so presumptuous to do wicked●● 〈…〉 in thy euill course of life yet to ble●se thy 〈◊〉 in the euil● 〈◊〉 flatter ●●y selfe in thy sinnes 〈…〉 well Go●● mercifull because 〈…〉 wil● 〈◊〉 the●efore doe wickedly and 〈…〉 Nay ●●ther because God is mercifull 〈…〉 of our sinnes that we may 〈…〉 ●nd since mercy with the Lord. He that ●●●th 〈◊〉 mercifull and yet still sinne●h against God shall one day finde that God is a God of ●ustice and will not suffer the sinner to goe vnpunished Wh●●●fore the 〈◊〉 Sonne of Sir●ch giueth the presumptuous sinner 〈◊〉 admonition f 〈…〉 Say not his mercy is great hee will be 〈◊〉 for the multitude of my sinnes for mercie and wrath 〈◊〉 from him and his indignation resteth vpon sinners CHAP. XIIII Of the third impediment of Repentance Custome in sinning CVstome in sinning is the third impediment of 3 Custome in sinning Repentance A sinner hauing once gotten a habite and custome of sinning is loath to leaue and very hardly perswaded to forsake his sinne a Cons●●t●do est altera natura Custome is another nature Through long continuance in sinne sinne groweth to bee a vsuall thing with a sinner As it is vsuall and naturall with him to eate and drinke and sleepe so is it vsuall and euen naturall with him to sinne Custome preuailes with him The Lord greatly reprooues the Iewes for this their custome in sinning comparing them to the Ethiopian and Leopard b Jerem. 13. 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skinne or the Leopard his spots then may ye also doe good that are accustomed to doe euill Letting vs thereby see the Custome in sinning and giuing vs to vnderstand what a great impediment and bind●●●nce custome in sinning is to repentance and 〈◊〉 of life Were it not an exceeding ●i●●●cult 〈…〉 for any one to take in hand to wa●● the 〈…〉 till it were white So i● it an excee●●●● 〈…〉 ●o alter and change 〈…〉 that h●●h accustomed ●●●selfe 〈…〉 to d●e euill 〈…〉 wi●l wa●● away the thicke 〈…〉 soule sa●e onely that pure and 〈…〉 the bloud of Iesus Christ which clea●●●t● vs ●rom all sinne What hinders the common s●earer from repenting 〈…〉 ●●earing what is the cause that he 〈…〉 ●●earing that euen in hi● ordinary communication 〈…〉 with him 〈…〉 as to speake but custome of s●earing what hinders the lyer tha● hee cannot leaue his lying but cust●●e and what makes the drunkard that he 〈◊〉 not lea●e his drunkennesse but custome drinking he hath so long continued in that course of life and so accustomed himselfe vnto its that now he cannot leaue it Whosoeuer then would truely repent him of his sins Vse let hi● take he●d of accustoming himselfe to any sinne Not ●● accust●●●●ur selu●● t● any sin●● and that hee doth not vse himselfe to any vicious and sinnefull course of life And to that end euery one of vs ought to be carefull to preuent sinne betime c 〈…〉 Stay the first beginnings of sinne Let not thy heart bee enti●ed to delight in euill thoughts suggested by Sathan or if thou pleasest thy selfe in those entising thoughts for a moment yet consent not vnto them Or if thou suffer thy heart to consent yet beware of the practise of sinne or if through the subtill suggestions of Sathan and the corruption of thine owne heart thou hast yeelded to commit iniquity and to doe the euill deed O repent betimes forsake thy euill way continue not in wickednesse lest by thy long continuance in sinne thou accustome thy selfe to doe euill and then it will bee hard for thee to leaue thy sinne hard for thee to do good which hast accustomed thy selfe to doe euill CHAP. XV. Of the fourth impediment of Repentance Hope of long life HOpe of long life is the fourth impediment of 4 Hope of long life Repentance This hope hinders many men
against the Lord by thought word deed we cannot but acknowledge that it is of the Lords mercies that we are not consumed The Lord might in his iustice cut vs off for the very first transgression for one euill thought for one wicked word for one sinnefull deede and when we find the mercy and goodnesse of God so much shewed towards vs as to spare ●s and suffer vs to liue notwithstanding our vile wicked and sinnefull life O how ought wee to acknowledge the goodnesse of God herein and how ought wee to praise the Lord for his mercy and patience towards vs in suffering vs so long Wherefore a sinner should be so far from making the patience of God to be an occasion of deferring that it ought rather to hasten his repeatance And he should reason thus hitherto I haue liued in sinne and done wickedly and yet the Lord hath beene ●o gracious vnto me that he hath spared me he might haue cut me off in the midst of my sinnes it is of the Lords mercies that I am not consumed and now I know not whether the Lord will forbeare me any more Wherefore I will delay the time no longer I will now repent I will now returne vnto the Lord the patience and long-suffering and the goodnesse of the Lord shall lead me to repentance CHAP. XIX Of the shortnesse of our life of the certaintie of death and the vncertaintie of the day and houre of death and how in regard of these its necessarie for a sinner to repent THirdly its necessarie for a sinner to repent of his sinnes and to amend his life in regard of 3 The shortnesse of mans life the shortnesse of our life In the first age of the world men liued long because as yet sin was not multiplied in the world for as one saith a D●c●r●●tus est 〈…〉 dec●●sus s●●●●dum 〈…〉 cap. ●6 the course of mans life was shortned according to the increase of some For when sinne beganne to be multiplied on the earth when the wickednesse of man was great in the earth then did God drowne the world of the vngodly and shortned the dayes of man so that whereas in the beginning of the world and before the stood men liued eight or nine hundred yeere after the floud they attained not two hundred for Abraham liued but an b Gen. ●5 7. hundred threescore and fifteene yeeres And Iacob counteth his dayes to be c Gen 47. 9. an hundred and thirtie And in the time of Moses the dayes of mans life were counted but d Psal 90. 10. threescore and ten The Scriptures speake thus of the shortnesse of mans life Iob saith e I●b 14. 1. Man that is borne of a woman is of few dayes Dauid thus f Psal 39. 5. behold thou hast made my dayes as an hand-breadth and mine age is as nothing before thee verily euery men at his best state is altogether vanitie Our life for the shortnesse thereof is compared to things of great swiftnesse and short continuance Iob compares our life to a g Job 7. 6. Weauers shuttle to a running h Iob. 9. 25. 26. Post to the swift Ships and to the flying of an Eagle hasting to the prey to a i I●b 14. 2. flower of the field that is soone cut downe and withered as al●o to a shaddow that fleeth and continueth not Dauid to the k Psal 103. 15. grasse and slower of the field which in the morning flourisheth and groweth vp in the euening is cut downe and withereth St Iames to a l Iam. 4. 14. vapour that appeareth for a little time and then vanisheth away The woman of Tekoa in her parable compares the life of man to m 2 Sam. 14. 14. water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered vp againe and indeed n Pret●reunt ann●m refluentis aquae our yeeres passe away as the running waters For as all Riuers runne into the sea from whence they came so doe all men runne and hast to the earth from whence they came Our life is nothing else but a passing from life and a tending to death For from our infancie we passe to child-hood from childhood to young age from yong age to middle age from middle age to old age and from old age to death Now the shortnesse of our life ought to be a great motiue to perswade vs to repentance and amendment of life And to be warie how we spend our dayes This Moses the man of God teacheth vs from the consideration of the shortnesse of our life for hauing told vs that the length of our dayes is but threescore yeares and ten hereupon prayes and therein teacheth vs to pray o Psal 90. 12. so teach vs to number our dayes that we may apply our hearts vnto wisedome This reprooues the great folly of those who spend their daies in vanitie and wickednesse liuing at ease passing Vse away their time in eating and drinking and making Against those who spend the sho●t time of their life ill merrie considering not how short their life is nor how soone and suddenly they may be cut off and their daies come to an end It is with manie as Iob saith p Iob. 21. 13 they spend their dayes in wealth and in a moment goe downe to the graue It is the prayse of Moses that when he was in Pharaoh's Court and might haue liued there in all worldly honour and enioyed his pleasures at full yet q Heb. 11. 25. he refused to be called the sonne of Pharaoh's daughter chusing rather affliction with the people of God then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season Letting vs thereby vnderstand two things first that the pleasures of sinne are but for a season secondly that a wise man as Moses will not aduenture the losse of felicitie in heauen which is euerlasting for the enioying of the pleasures of sinne for a season Sinne is committed in this present life and this life is but short we are but of small continuance here and therefore if a man should giue himselfe to all sports and mirth that could be inuented and solace himselfe in all worldly delights and earthly pleasures euen to satietie yet these pleasures would be but for a short time but for a season now no wise man none but a very foole will buy his pleasures so deare as for the enioying of his earthly pleasures to loose heauenly ioyes and for the winning of things temporall to loose things eternall Fourthly its necessarie for a sinner to repent and amend 4 The certaintie of Death his life if he consider the certaintie of death Our life is but short and death is certaine God hath determined the end of mans dayes vpon earth After that Adam had finned God said vnto him r Gen. 3. 19. dust thou art and vnto dust shalt thou returne Iob saith ſ Iob 14. 10. Man dieth and wasteth away yea man giueth
Reu. 22. 20. Surely I come quickly Amen Euenso come Lord Iesus CHAP. VII Of the matter of Prayer shewing for what things wee are to pray HAuing entreated of the persons whom Prayer 4 The subiect matter of Praier Two-fold doth concerne the next which is the fourth th●ng in the Treatise of Praier is the subiect matter of prayer and it is two-fold for it is concerning such things for which we are either To pray to God or To praise God For the Scripture as it teacheth vs how they ought to be qualified that doe pray and directeth vs both to whom we must pray and for whom so also it sheweth vs for what we are to pray as also how to praise God for blessings and benefits receiued First of the things for which we are to pray and they 1 Things for which we are to pray Two-fold are to be considered either Generally or Particularly First in generall we are to pray for lawfull things for 1 In generall for lawfull things such things as we may lawfully request at Gods hands S. Iames hath this saying a Iam. 4. 3. For we may pray amisse Two wayes Ye aske and receaue not because ye aske amisse by which words of the Apostle it is euident that a man may pray and pray amisse and a man may aske amisse two manner of wayes First When hee asketh and praieth for vnlawfull things Secondly When hee asketh and praieth for lawfull things but vnlawfully and after an vnlawfull manner First they aske and pray amisse who aske and pray 1 Asking vnlawfull things for vnlawfull things As did the Israelites in asking them a King they come to Samuel and say vnto him b 1 Sam. 8. 5. Make vs a King to iudge vs like all the Nations But it 's said c Verse 6. the thing displeased Samuel And its further said that Samuel praied vnto the Lord concerning this matter and the answer of the Lord was this d V●rse 7. Hearken vnto the voice of the people in all that they shall say vnto thee for they haue not reiected thee but they haue reiected mee that I should not raigne ouer them They made a petition for a King to rule ouer them when as the Lord God was their King But their request was vnlawfull and displeasing vnto the Lord. Such an vnlawfull request was that which the mother of Zebedees children made vnto Christ saying e Mat. 20. 20. 21 Grant that these my two sonnes may sit the one on thy right hand and the other on the left in thy Kingdome How vnlawful this request was may be gathered from the answer of Christ f Verse 22. Ye know not what ye aske First then we may aske amisse asking vnlawfull things Secondly wee may aske lawfull things and yet aske 2 Asking lawfull things vnlawfully Two wayes vnlawfully after an vnlawfull manner and so aske amisse and that two wayes First in not asking according to the will of God S. Iohn saith g 1 Ioh. 5. 14. This is the confidence that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. In 1 Not asking according to the will of God our prayers we are not to consider so much what we desire and what wee would haue granted vs as whether that which we desire be a thing wel-pleasing vnto God and be according to his will Secondly we may aske lawfull things vnlawfully and 2 Asking good things to an euill end so aske amisse asking good things to an euill end As when men pray for goods and substance aske wealth and riches to waste and consume with riotous liuing Of this S. Iames saith h Iames 3. 4. Ye aske and receaue not because ye aske amisse that ye may consume it vpon your lusts And this of the things which we are to pray for in generall Secondly in particular the things which wee are to 2 In particular pray for are of two sorts For First we are to pray against euill things Two-fold Secondly for the obtaining of good things Both which are set downe by the Apostle S. Paul to Timothy saying i 1 Tim. 2. 1. I exhort therefore that first of all supplications praiers c. be made the first is expressed in the word supplications the later in the word prayers For the first Supplications are such praiers as are made 1 Supplications Against euill things Two-fold against euills which either doe or may befall vs. And these Supplications stand in these two things First that we may be freed from the euill of our former sinnes Secondly that we may deliuered from the euill of the punishment for sinne First Supplications made against the euill of sinne are 1 Against the euill of sinne those praiers which we make to moue the Lord through the humble acknowledgement and confession of our sinnes to be mercifull vnto vs to forgiue vs our sinnes to pardon our offences and to remoue our sinnes from vs. So our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs to pray k Math. 6. 12. forgiue vs our trespasses For the second kinde of Supplications which are made 2 Against the euill of punishment Three-fold against the euill of the punishment for sinne these are three-fold For either we pray that the euill may be auerted and turned away from vs before it fall or that it may be remooued and taken away or that it may bee mittigated and asswaged First in regard of euils that may befall vs wee may 1 To turne away euils and ought to make supplications that the Lord would of his mercy auert and turne them away from vs. For so our Sauiour Christ himselfe praieth l Math. 26. 39. O my Father if it be possible let this cup passe from me Secondly concerning euils that are fallen vpon vs 2 To remooue euils we may make supplications that the Lord of his mercy would remooue them and take them away from vs and that he would deliuer vs out of our trouble as Dauid in his sicknesse prayeth m Psal 6. 2. O Lord heale me for my bones are vexed And againe he prayeth n Psal 25. 22. Redeeme Israel O God out of all his troubles Thirdly concerning euils of punishment afflictions 3 To mitigate asswage euils we may make supplications that the Lord would mittigate and asswage them so Iob supplicates some ease and some mittigation of his paine saying o Joh 7. 19. How long wilt thou not depart from me nor let me alone till I swallow downe my spettle And this of Supplications The second sort of Prayers are made for the obtaining 2 Prayers forthe obtaining of good things of good things and they are called petitions precations requests and by a generall name Prayers which are such praiers whereby we doe beseech and entreate the Lord to bestow some good thing vpon vs either some temporall blessing for this present life or some grace needfull
state Secondly Prayer also auaileth greatly for the good 2 In regard of the soule And that of the soule and that both for the Remoouing of euill and Procuring of good 1 Remoouing euill As First for the remoouing of euill And first prayer is a meanes to remooue away our sinnes from vs which stand as a cloud betweene God and vs to hinder good 1 Our sinnes things from vs separating betweene God and vs and prouoking Gods wrath against vs wherefore Hezekiah being recouered from his sicknes and praising God for his deliuerance saith t Isa 38. Ver. 2. 3 And 17. thou hast in loue to my soule deliuered it from the pit of corruption for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy backe Secondly Prayer is effectuall and powerfull to helpe 2 Temptations vs against temptations and to deliuer vs from that euill one So our Sauiour teacheth vs to pray u Mat. 6. 13. lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill And so he exhorteth vs to pray x Mat. 26. 41. watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation Thirdly Prayer is powerfull to helpe vs in the euill 3 The te●●our of death and iudgement and perillous times to free our soules from the danger of death and the iudgement to come that neither death shall suddenly come vpon vs nor the day of the Lord take vs vnawares Which our Sauiour sheweth vs in this exhortation y Luk. 21. 36. Watch ye therefore and pray alwayes that ye may be accompted worthie to escape all these things that shall come to passe and to stand before the Sonne of man Thus prayer auaileth for the remoouing of euill from the soule Secondly prayer auaileth much for the procuring of 2 Procuring Good As good things to the soule as first mercie pardon and forgiuenesse Dauid in his Prayer confesseth his sinne 1 Mercy pard●n and forgiuenesse saying z Psal 32. 5. I acknowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine iniquity haue I not hid I said I will confesse my transgressions to the Lord and it followeth thou forgauest the iniquitie of my sinne Dauid confessed his sinne and prayed for the pardon of his sinne and the Lord heard his Prayer and pardoned his sinne So S. Iames saith a Iam. 5. 15. the prayer of faith shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shall be forgiuen him Secondly Prayer is a meanes to obtaine all graces necessarily 2 All graces necessarie for our saluation accompanying saluation For b Iam. 1. 17. euery good gift and euery perfect gift is from aboue and commeth down from the Father of lights Our Sauiour Christ saith c Mat 7. 7. Aske and it shall be giuen you and S. Iames saith d Iam. 1. 5. If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of God that giueth to all men liberally and vpbraideth not and it shall be giuen him Thirdly Prayer is effectuall not onely for the obtaining 3 Increase of Grace of grace but likewise for the increase of grace the Apostles pray e Luk. 17. 5. Lord increase our Faith And S. Paul prayeth for the Ephesians that God would f Ephe. 3. 16. 17. 18. 19. grant them according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man that Christ might dwell in their hearts by faith that being rooted and grounded in loue they might be able to comprehend with all Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the loue of Christ Which passeth knowledge that they might be filled with all the fullness● of God And they that are strengthened by the Spirit in the inner man hauing Christ dwelling in their hearts by faith and are growing and increasing in grace in this life shall assuredly attaine to glorie in the life to come Prayer then as it remooueth euill ●o it procureth good to the soule mercie grace yea increase of grace and with grace glorie the perfection of Grace Such is the efficacie of Prayer The consideration of which efficacie and power of Vse Prayer may teach vs in all our necessities and tribulations To vse prayer in time of need as a sure defence to flee vnto God by Prayer to lay hold on prayer as a man would on his shield and buckler For prayer is a most sure defence in all troubles whatsoeuer It is a defence against tribulations outward and temptations inward It helpes the bodie and cures the soule it preuaileth both in heauen and in earth concerning which the exhortation of the Apostle S. Paul is to be receiued and embraced g Ephe. 6. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. take vnto you saith he the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the euill day and hauing done all to stand Stand therefore hauing your loynes girt about with truth and hauing on the breast-plate of righteousnesse and your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace Aboue all taking the shield of faith wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fierie darts of the wicked and take the helmet of saluation the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God Praying alwayes with all Prayer and supplication in the Spirit A Christian that is thus armed hauing the girdle of truth about his loynes hauing on the breast-plate of righteousnesse and his feete shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace hauing the shield of faith before him the helmet of saluation vpon his head hauing the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and being prepared to pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit Such a one is able to stand against the aduersarie the Deuill and all spirituall wickednesse and such a one shall preuaile against his spirituall enemies yea such a one shall preuaile with God himselfe for any petition that he shall make so farre as it shall be good for him For the effectuall feruent Prayer of a righteous man auaileth much CHAP. XVIII Of the helpes and furtherances of Prayer Of the first helpe the Spirit of God THe ninth thing in the Treatise of Prayer is of 9 The helps and furtherances of Prayer Three the helpes and furtherances of Prayer and they are three The first is Gods holy Spirit of which Saint Paul saith a Rom. 8. 26. 27. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities 1 Gods holy Spirit And for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for vs with groanings which cannot be vttered And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God For this cause the Spirit of God is called the spirit of supplications by the Prophet Zacharie b Zach. 12. 10. The holy spirit
are called by my Name shall humble themselues and pray and seeke my face and turne from their wicked wayes then will I heare from heauen and will forgiue their sinne and will heale their land Fiftly Prayer is the best helpe in temptation 5 In temptation either to be freed from the temptation or to obtaine grace and strength from God not to be ouercome of the temptation It was Pauls helpe when he had that q 2. Cor. 12. 7. thorne in the flesh the messenger of Sathan to buffet him in which case he prayed to the Lord and that with feruencie and perseuerance for saith he r Ver. 8 9. for this thing I besought the Lord thrice that it might depart from me And he said vnto me My grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakenesse Sixtly Prayer is a helpe in time of sicknesse it deliuereth 6 In sicknesse from corporall infirmities Wherefore Saint Iames saith ſ Iam. 15. 4. 15. Is any sicke among you let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them pray ouer him annointing him with oile in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall saue the sicke and the Lord shall raise him vp It helped Hezekiah in his sicknesse for Hezekiah being t Isa 38. 1. 2. c. sicke vnto death prayed vnto the Lord and the Lord heard his prayer and lengthened his dayes adding vnto his dayes fifteene yeeres Lastly Prayer helpeth not onely to ease and heale the 7 Prayer is a remedie to cu●e the sicke soule sicke bodie but also to cure the sicke soule This was Dauids remedie when his soule was sicke and diseased with sinne as his bodie was through infirmitie saying u Psal 6. 1. 2. 3. haue mercie vpon me O Lord for I am weake O Lord heale me for my bones are vexed My soule is also sore vexed but thou O Lord how long Returne O Lord deliuer my soule oh saue me for thy mercies sake And againe he praieth saying x Psal 41. 4. O Lord be mercifull vnto me heale my soule for I haue sinned against thee And Chrysostome agreeing with these Scriptures saith that Prayer is a y Animis aegrotantibus pharmacum Chrys de orando Deum lib. 1. medicine to sicke soules This is the second benefit of prayer it is a helpe in trouble Thirdly the Prayer of a righteous man framed according to the right manner formerly mentioned is a 3 Saluation promised to them that call vpon the name of the Lord. meanes to procure not onely temporall benefits and spirituall graces but also saluation for so is the promise z Rom. 10. 13. whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued For as the promise is made concerning them that beleeue in Christ that a Ioh. 3. 16. whosoeuer beleeueth in him shell not perish but haue euerlasting life and concerning them that repent that if they b Act. 3. 19. repent and be conuerted their sinnes may be blotted out and their soules saued so likewise concerning Prayer the promise is that Whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saued The consideration of this that Prayer is so great a Vse 1 helpe in trouble yea in all manner of tribulations and Against those who in time of trouble seeke not vnto the Lord but either put their trust in lawfull meanes or seeke helpe by vnlawfull meanes afflictions serues First to reproue those who in time of trouble seeke other helpe then from God and trust in meanes yea and vse such meanes as God hath not appointed and do not seeke to the Lord by prayer and supplication As some in their sicknesse seeke to the Physician they call earnestly vpon him and pray him to doe his best for them but doe not so earnestly call vpon God and pray vnto him to be fauourable vnto them to pardon their sinne and first to heale their soule that so their bodie may be healed Such are like to King Asa who c 2. Chro. 16. 12. in his disease sought not to the Lord but to the Physicians And this was imputed vnto Asa for sinne and it remaineth a blemish vpon his name to this day for although it be lawfull to seeke to the Physician and to vse his helpe yet to trust in the helpe of the Physician more then in the helpe of God and to seeke first and rather to the Physician then vnto God is sinnefull for God is our best helpe and our best Physician without whose helpe the helpe of the Physician is nothing worth Others there are who being sore sicke or any whit strangely diseased or visited with a lingring disease seeke not to God as to the best and chiefest helpe nor yet to the Physician as to the lawfull meanes but seeke and send to witches and wizards to forcerers and charmers like to King Ahaziah who being d 2. Kin. 1 2. sicke sent messengers and said vnto them Go enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recouer of this disease This was Ahaziah's sinne and this is the sinne of all those who in their distresse seeke not to the Lord neither seeke helpe by lawfull meanes but seeke helpe by vnlawfull and deuillish meanes contrarie to the charge and commaundement of the Lord which he giueth vnto his people saying e Leuit. 19. 31. Regard not them that haue familiar spirits neither seeke after Wizards to be defiled by them I am the Lord your God Secondly seeing that we haue so many motiues to Vse 2 peswade vs to pray as the testimonies of Scripture examples To giue our selues denoutly to Prayer of holy and deuout men yea and of Christ himselfe seeing that the necessitie of Prayer is so great that without Prayer we can obtaine no good thing seeing we are in continuall perill and danger seeing they that do not pray vnto God are as dead men among the liuing and seeing that the want of Prayer is a marke of wicked and vngodly men Furthermore considering the great good and benefit which we haue by Prayer seeing that the Lord heareth vs and granteth our lawfull requests seeing that prayer is the best helpe in trouble the best weapon against our enemies the best ransome in captiuitie the best prouider in famine the best remedie against the pestilence the best Physicke in sicknesse the best comfort in temptation the best meanes to cure the body and heale the soule and seeing that whosoeuer calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saued the consideration of these things should be of great force to mooue and perswade vs to dedicate our selues to the seruing of God to giue our selues deuoutly to prayer to inuocation and calling vpon the name of the Lord accounting it our health our ioy and happinesse that we so wretched and miserable creatures should be admitted into the presence of so great a King as the King of Kings
children of God because their faith shall not vtterly faile cannot finally fall away this yeildeth exceeding great consolation to the children of God The faith of a Christian is not strong at all times but sometimes it may be very weake and scarcely felt as after the committing of some great sinne or in time of sore temptation● when as with Dauid a man may be in great heauinesse his soule may be g Psal 42. 11. cast downe yet notwithstanding faith is neuer so quenched in the true beleeuer but some sparke remaines yea a seede remaines that immortall incorruptible seed that in time will quicken and reuiue Like as a sicke man that is brought very low with sicknes his stomacke failes him he loaths his meat the Phisitian forsaks him all men hold him not a man for this world notwithstanding while breath is in his body there is hope many times such a one reuiues recouers and comes to his strength againe so a Christian sore wounded with sinne and in grieuous temptations giues few comfortable words but sends forth sighes and ●obs and many times doe proceed from him desperate speeches so that they that see and heare him might feare least all faith were gone yet afterwards in time the sparke of faith is kindled and flameth the immortall seed is quickned and the Spirit puts new life of grace into the distressed soule making the sinner to beleeue in Christ to hope in Gods mercy to trust in God to call vpon God and cry Abba Father To conclude a Christian who vpon good ground is assured that hee hath true iustifying faith may confidently say with St Paul h Rom. 8. 38. 39. I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. CHAP. XVII Of the signes and markes of true iustifying faith and first of the inward signes thereof THe tenth and last point in the Treatise of faith 10 Signes of true faith is touching the signes and marks of true iustifying faith How a man may know whether he hath the true faith The signes and markes of faith are two-fold Two-fold The first are inward The second outward There are inward signes of faith whereby a man may know and find in himselfe that he hath faith and there are also outward signes whereby not onely he himselfe may be assured but others also may vnderstand and perceiue that he hath faith First of the inward signes The inward signes of true iustifying faith are diuerse 1 Inward signes as The first is the witnesse of the Spirit euen the Spirit of God Of which St Iohn sayth a 1. Job 5. 10. he that beleeueth on 1 The witnesse of the Spirit the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe Now the Spirit of God is a true and infallible witnesse a witnesse that cannot deceiue the same Spirit beareth witnesse with our spirit that we are the sonnes of God Some may here demand How may I be assured that Quest it is the good Spirit of God which certifies me that I am the child of God and haue faith or that it is not a fancie or bare coniecture of mine owne or that it is not some delusion How shall I be able to discerne betweene Answ these I answere the Spirit of God the true witnesse doth certifie our spirit and assure our conscience that we haue indeed true iustifying faith that we are the adopted sonnes of God and shall certainly be saued specially by these two things First the Spirit of God perswades our conscience inwardly that we haue faith vpon good ground and sound reason taken not from our owne works or worthinesse but from the goodnesse and bountifulnesse of God towards vs from the mercie of God and grace in Christ and so neither the flesh nor the Deuill doth perswade Secondly the Spirit of God perswades vs of the certaintie of faith by the effects which it worketh in vs. As namely the purifying of the heart purging out sinne so that no sinne hath rule and dominion in the heart likewise stirring vp in our hearts a loue of God a hatred of sinne an earnest desire to pray vnto God and an endeuour to please God also an inward spirituall ioy and peace of conscience c. All which are true effects and manifest fruits of the Spirit and cannot come eyther from the flesh or the Deuill and therefore the testimony of the Spirit is a true and sure witnesse to assure vs that we haue the true faith and he that beleeueth on the son of God hath this witnesse in himselfe The second is an inward feeling of spirituall grace 2 A feeling of grace a feeling of faith in a mans selfe When a man is perswaded of the truth of the Gospell and all the promises contained therein and in particular is perswaded for himselfe that his sinnes of the mercie of God and through the merites of Christ are pardoned and he receiued into fauour with God the inward feeling and perceiuing of this in the b Menti nosirae fides nostra conspicua est heart is a signe of faith This was in Dauid after that he had confessed his sinnes vnto God as he witnesseth saying c Psal 32. 5. I acknowledge my sinne vnto thee and mine iniquitie haue I not hid I said I will confesse my transgressions vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the iniquitie of my sinne The third is a godly desire and a holy resolued purpose to walke in obedience to Gods commandements 3 A godly desire and purpose to obey Gods commandements to please God and to doe his will This was also in David for he saith d Psal 119. 6. 4 I haue respect vnto all thy Commandements The fourth is deuout prayer calling vpon the name of the Lord with confidence that God will heare our prayers and grant our requests For faith if it be in the 4 Deuout prayer heart indeed will set the heart a-working to thinke on God to pray vnto God and to call vpon his name For this cause the Spirit of God is called the spirit of grace and supplications the Lord by the Prophet Zacharie sayth e Zach. 12. 10. I will poure vpon the house of Dauid and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications And it is called the spirit of grace and supplications because it is of the gracious working of Gods holy spirit that sinners are brought to repentāce of their sins that they mourne sorrow for their sins and that they seeke vnto the Lord and call vnto him for grace and mercy This is the same Spirit which f Rom. 8 26. helpeth our infirmities as S. Paul speakes For we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit
m Luk. 18. 11. I am not as other men are extortioners vniust adulterers or euen as this Publicane Secondly except we search out our owne sinnes and 2 To cause vs to seeke vnto the Lord for grace and mercie come truely to know our owne selues we cannot bee brought to seeke to the Lord for grace and mercie for a man that knoweth not his wants seeketh not for helpe and redresse of his wants Secondly the consideration of the knowledge of sin and that in particular manner as hath beene formerly Vse 2 shewed serues to reproue those who are so farre from Against those who haue no sence or feeling of sinne searching their hearts to finde out and know their sins that they haue little or no sence and feeling of their sins Though they know and confesse themselues in a generall manner to be sinners as others are yet they doe not come to a particular knowledge of their sinnes to know the greatnesse of their sinnes the multitude and foulenesse of their sinnes and to know the danger that their soules are in by reason of their sinnes Though they be sinners yet their sinnes neuer trouble them their sinnes are no burden vnto them they lie vnder the heauie waight and burden of sinne and yet feele no paine The reason is because they are yet in ignorance and blindnesse they are not inlightned with the knowledge of the truth to know God and to know themselues the eyes of their minde are not inlightned truly to see and know their particular sinnes but n ●phe 4 18. 19 hauing as the Apostle saith the vnderstanding darkned being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindnesse of their heart who being past feeling haue giuen themselues ouer vnto lasciuiousnesse to worke all vncleannesse with greedinesse These haue benummed and dead consciences yea these haue as the Apostle also saith o 1 Tim. 4. 2. their conscience seared with a hote iron This is a very dangerous state when a sinner is so farre from the knowledge of his sinnes as that he hath no feeling of his sinnes no remorse nor true touch of conscience for all the euill that he hath done But to the end that a sinner may truly repent him of his sinnes and be saued its necessarie that he haue as much as possibly he can a particular knowledge of his sinnes to know which they are and what manner of ones they are how great how grieuous how haynous and how dangerous they be And that he haue also a feeling of the heauie waight and burden of sinne For a● a man carrying a heauie and waighty burden too heauie for him to beare is not like to be eased of his burden till he complaine of the waight and call for helpe and then some friend or neighbour easeth his shoulder so a sinner that is heauie laden with the burden of sinne is like to find no ease till he haue a feeling of the heauy waight and burden of sinne lying heauie vpon his soule For Christ calleth onely such sinners to come vnto him p Mat. 11. 28. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest And as a sick-man sore diseased is not like to find ease till hauing a feeling of his paine hee complaine of his griefe and lets the Physician know where his paine lies so a sinner that is sicke by reason of sinne and hath a diseased soule except he haue a feeling of his spirituall infirmitie how can he be healed q Mat. 9. 12. They that be whole neede not a Physician saith our Sauiour but they that are sicke Christ is the true and best Physician of the soule euery sinner is a sicke man sicke in soule and hath need of Christ's Physicke to cure and heale him Now if any one thinke himselfe sound and whole enough in soule and feele no sinne trouble him and therefore make no hast to goe and seeke to Christ Iesus the good Physician how can that mans soule be healed That man who in the iudgement of the learned Physician is sore sicke and diseased and yet feeles little or no paine is most dangerously sicke so that sinner who hath a sinfull soule sore diseased with sinne and yet hath little or no feeling of sinne no true knowledge of his sins is in greatest danger of his soule When the Israelites felt themselues stung with r N●m 21. 6. 7. 8. 9. fierie serpents in the Wildernesse their remedie was to looke vp to the serpent of brasse and if a serpent had bitten any man when he beheld the serpent of brasse he liued This brasen serpent was a type and figure of Christ who was lift vp for our Redemption Of which our Sauiour Christ himselfe saith ſ Ioh. 3. 14. 15. As Moses lift vp the brasen serpent in the wildernesse euen so must the sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life But as those Israelites onely had benefit by the brasen serpent which felt themselues stung and then looked vp to the brasen serpent so they onely haue benefit by Christ who hauing a feeling of sinne feeling their soules inwardly slung with the fierie darts of the old serpent the Deuil doe runne and flie apace to Christ Iesus for helpe by the eye of faith looking vp vnto Iesus that so their wounded soules may be healed CHAP. V. Of godly sorrow and first of Contrition or inwar● sorrow for sinne AFter the knowledge of sinne followeth godly 2 Godly sorrow sorrow for sinne This is the second step and degree in the repentance of a sinner * 2 Cor. 7. 10. God●y sorrow saith S. Paul worketh repentance to saluation not to be repented of Heere S. Paul makes godly sorrow a thing necessarily required to repentance without which a sinner cannot be saued That sorrow which Sorrow for sin Two-fold worketh repentance the Apostle calls Godly sorrow for there are two sorts of sorrow for sinne The one a Buca de poenitent Legall The other Euangelicall The Legall sorrow for sinne is that sorrow which ariseth 1 Legall from the Law of God and the terrour of a mans owne conscience whereby a sinner is sorry and grieued for the euill which he hath committed onely in regard of the wrath of God and the punishment which he sees to bee deseruedly due vnto him and hanging ouer his head This is that sorrow which the Apostle calls b 2 Cor. 7. 10. the sorrow of the world or worldly sorrow which worketh death Godly sorrow worketh repentance but worldly sorrow worketh death for a sinner being detected and his wickednesse found out the Law of God hauing laid open his sinne and wounded his conscience he stands as one terrified with the remembrance of his deserued punishment now his conscience witnesseth against him that he hath done wickedly that hee deserues punishment and
the writers inkehorne by his side is appointed to b Ezech 9 4. goe through the midst of Ierusalem and set a marke vpon the foreheads of the men that sigh that cry for all the abhominations that were done in the midst thereof Giuing vs to vnderstand that there were some in the city which sighed and mourned for the abhominations that were done in the citie For the second what we are to mourne and weepe 2 For what for That which we are specially to weepe for is sinne In generall we are to mourne for all our sinnes great small knowne and vnknowne secret and manifest In particular for some one sinne by which we haue offended or doe still more grieuously offend God The Israelites hauing offended God by asking a King when the Lord God was their King and being reprooued for it by Samuel they sorrowed and lamented and said to Samuel c 1 Sam. 12 19. Pray for thy seruants vnto the Lord thy God that we die not For we haue added vnto all our sinnes this ●uill to aske vs a King So Dauid with great feeling of his sinnes and with great sorrow and mourning confesseth his sinne● to the Lord and craueth mercy d Psal 51. 1. haue mercy vpon me O God c. Yet is most sorrowfull for his heinous bloody sinne points that out in particular and praies against it e ver 14. deliuer me from blood-guiltinesse ô God The third thing herein is the time when we ought chiefely to mourne for our sinnes It is not vsuall with 3 The time whē men to mourne for their sinnes till the hand of God be vpon them a●●l●ct●ng them visiting and scourging them for their sinnes But the chiefest time of mourning for sinne is when we haue sinned that thereby we may preuent the iudgement of God iudging our selues that we be not iudged of the Lord. For as the Apostle saith f 1 Cor. 11. 31. M●roris tempus non tunc est cum aliquid p●●imur aduersi sed cum malè operamur Chrys de prouident l. 3. If we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged g The tim● of sorrowing and mourning for sinne is not as a Father saith when we are vnder the crosse and suffer aduersity but when we doe euill then it behooues vs to mourne for the euill that we haue done As when a man hath committed adultery murther or any other grieuous crime for which 4 The measure of mourning for sinne and therein these rules are to be obserued his soule is in danger to be depriued of the kingdome of heauen then is it a fit time for him to mourne and sorrow for his sinne that he may be reconciled to God winne the fauour of God againe When affliction is vpon vs for our sinnes necessity constraineth vs to weepe and mourne because the affliction calls our sinne to remembrance 1 Sorrow for sinne must be greater then for any wo●●dly want or losse For. but it had bene much better for vs to haue wept and mourned for the euill of sinne before the euill of punishment fell vpon vs for sinne The fourth thing herein to be considered is the measure of our outward mourning and weeping for sinne 1 Sinne is the cause of all euill Concerning which these rules must be obserued First that our sorrow for sinne be greater then for any wordly want or temporall losse for First Sinne is the cause of all euill that befalleth vs in 2 A man may be saued without riches but not without repentance the course of our life Secondly a man that hath want of wordly things or sustaineth losse in temporall things may notwithstanding be saued come to life euerlasting but sinne not repented of is able to cast soule and body into hell Thirdly wordly wealth may be procured and temporall 3 The soule once lost cannot be recouered losses may be recouered againe but the soule being once lost cannot be recouered The losse of the soule is irrecouerable and therefore farre greater cause haue we to mourne and weepe for our sinnes then for any wordly want or temporall losse whatsoeuer Secondly greater sinnes must haue greater sorrow 2 For great sinns we must haue great sorrow more mourning and more weeping Dauid was sorrie for his lesser sinnes but was exceedingly sorrowfull for his great transgressions h 1 Sam. 24. 5. Dauids heart smote him because he had cut off Sauls skirt but for his adultery and bloodshed he afflicted himselfe sore he i 2 Sam. 12. 16. psal 51. fasted and mourned he lay vpon the earth and made great lamentation Thirdly mourning weeping for sinne must haue 3 There must be a moderation in mourning for sinne it moderation that it exceed not As S. Paul speakes in the behalfe of that incestuous Corinthian whom he had excommunicated but vpon his repentance had forgiuen saying k 2 Cor 2. 7. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many So that contrariwise ye ought rather to forgiue him and comfort him lest perhaps such a one should be swallowed vp with ouermuch sorrow After this manner a sinner expresseth his godly sorrow outwardly by mourning lamenting and weeping for his sinnes There remaine the motiues which may perswade vs 2 Motiues to mourning and weeping for sinne to this Godly sorrow which is outward in mourning weeping for sinne and they are foure First God requireth it So saith the Prophet Esaias l Isa 22. 12 In that day did the Lord God of hosts call to weeping and to 1 God requireth it mourning and to baldnesse and to girding with sackloth The prophet Ioel also saith m Ioel 2. 12. Therefore now saith the Lord turne ye euen vnto me with all your heart and with weeping and with mourning S. Iames saith n Iam. 4. 9. be afflicted and mourne and weepe Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your ioy to beauinesse Secondly penitent sinners haue wept and mourned 2 Penitent sin ners haue wept mourned ●or their sin●es for their sinnes Dauid saith o Psal 6 6. I am weary of my groaning all the night make I my bed to swime I water my couch with my teares That penitent woman mentioned by S. Luke held by diuerse to be Mary Magdalen wept so abundantly for her sinnes that those two little fountaines her eies yeilded her water sufficient to p ●uk 7. 38. wash her Sauiours f●ete when Peter remembred himselfe how he had sinned in denying his master Christ he went out and q Luk. 22. 62. Wept ●●tterly Yea Christ Iesus the head of the Saints though he himselfe had no sinnes to lament and weepe for yet he oftentimes wept Comming to Ierusalem r Luk. 19 41. he wept ouer it At the raising of Lazarus ſ Ioh 11. 35. Iesus wept At his passion he wept sore for the Apostle saith that
two sorts 2 The sorts and kinds of it Two-fold Generall and Particular Generall when a Sinner doth onely in a generall manner confesse that he is a sinner that hee hath offended 1 Generall God that he hath broken Gods commandements and done wickedly c. Particular confession of sinne is an acknowledgement 2 Particular of our particular sinnes when hauing made diligent search by the law of God to finde out our sinnes we doe then confesse those sinnes which our owne conscience witnesseth against vs that we are guilty of as Dauid when hee had committed adultery with Bathsheba confessed his sinne in particular saying d Psal 51. 4. Against thee thee onely haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight The Iewes confessed their sinnes both in generall and particular In generall e Isa 59 12. Our transgressions say they are multiplyed before thee and our sinnes testifie against vs for our transgressions are with vs and as for our iniquities wee know them And in particular they confesse and say f Vers 13. in transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing away from our God speaking oppression and reuolt conceiuing and vttering from the heart words of falshood The third thing in Confession is the manner how a 3 The manner of making Confession aright sinner is to make confession of his sinnes that his confession may be acceptable to God Dauid saith g Psal 32. I said I will confesse my transgressions vnto the Lord. The vulgar Latine translation readeth it thus g Psal 32. I said I will confesse against my selfe mine vnrightousnesse vnto the Lord. From whence sixe things are obserued to bee necessary in the confession of sinne First that our Confession of sinne be done with premeditation 5 h Dixi confitebor aduersum me iniustitiam meam Domino Six things are necessary in the Confession of Sinne. that we doe not rashly and rudely thrust our selues into the presence of the Lord but first search our hearts try our wayes finde out our sinnes take notice of them view them consider them and haue them before our eyes when wee come to make confession of them This is noted in the beginning of the sentence i Dixi. I said before I confessed my sinnes I first thought with 1 That it be with premeditation my selfe I considered in my minde the sinnes which I was to confesse I said within my selfe I will confesse my sinnes Secondly Confession of sinne must be in truth without 2 That it be in 〈◊〉 guile not hiding sinne but plainely and truely confessing our sinnes wherfore he saith k Confit●bor I will confesse I will make knowne my sinne I will hide nothing I will search euery corner of my heart I will lay open all and euery sinne I will confesse my sinne Thirdly our Confession must be accusing not excusing 3 That it be accusing not excusing noted in the next words l Aduersum me against my selfe Our confession must be against our selues Howsoeuer it be dangerous for any one to accuse himselfe before men yet euery sinner must accuse himselfe before God iudge himselfe to haue broken the commandements of God and condemne himselfe to be worthy of death For this cause a sinner must come before the Lord in all humility and lowlinesse of mind with shame and confusion of face being ashamed to lift vp his eyes to heauen for the multitude of his sinnes and transgressions saying with Ezra m Ezra 96. O my God I am ashamed and blush to lift vp my face to thee my God for our iniquities are encreased ouer our heads and our trespasse is growen vp vnto the heauens And must be like the penitent Publican who comming before the Lord to confesse his sinnes n Luk 18. 13. Stood a farre off and would not lift vp so much as his eyes to heauen but smote vpon his breast saying God be mercifull to me a sinner Fourthly Confession must be made of sinne and iniquity 4 Confession must be of Sinne and iniquity noted in the word o Iniustitiam vnrighteousnesse or transgresgressions Wee must not with the Pharisee boast our good deeeds and praise our well-doing but with the Publicane confesse our sinnes and our selues sinners and earnestly pray for the pardon of our sinnes Fiftly Confession must be made of our owne sinnes 5 That we confesse our owne sinnes wherefore he saith I will confesse against my selfe p Meam mine vnrighteousnesse or my transgressions S●xtly Confession of our sinnes must be made vnto the Lord our God wherefore he saith I will confesse my 6 That our confessiō be made vnt● God transgressions q Domino vnto the Lord. Confession must be made vnto God to the honour of God that God may haue the glory and we the comfort Of this Dauid speakes thus in another place r Psal 51 4. Against thee thee onely haue I sinned So also when he had numbred the people his heart smote him and Dauid said vnto the Lord ſ 2 Sam. 24. 10. I haue sinned greatly in that I haue done Daniel said t Dan. 9 4. 4. I praied vnto the Lord my God and made my confession and said O Lord we haue sinned and committed iniquitie and haue done wickedly c. Chrysostome taught the same doctrine u De● s●luendis pe●catum Chrys de pae●it Hom. 9. Tell thy sinne onely vnto God Againe he saith * S●lu●te Deus confi●ent●m vid●a● Chrys de pae●it conf●s Let God onely see the confessing of thy sinnes After this manner we are to make Confession of our sinnes In the fourth place I come to the motiues which may perswade vs to confesse our sinnes vnto God Which I take 4 Motiues to cōfesse our sinnes vnto God First from the necessity Secondly from the benefite thereof For the first Confession of Sinne vnto God is necessary 1 〈◊〉 necess●ry For for First God is chiefly and principally offended by our sinnes wherefore it is that Dauid hauing committed 1 God is principally off●nded by our sinnes adultery and thereby hauing not onely offended God but wronged man comming to make confession saith y Psal 51. 4. Against thee thee onely haue I sinned Now because sinne is chiefly and principally committed against God therefore it 's necessary that wee make our confession chiefly and principally vnto God Secondly without confession of sinne we can looke 2 Without Confession we can haue no remission for no remission of sinne Salomon saith z Pro. 28. 13. He that couereth his sinnes shall not prosper but who so confesseth and forsaketh them shall haue mercy Giuing vs to vnderstand that he onely obtaineth mercie of the Lord that confesseth his sinnes but if any one will not confesse but hide and couer his sinnes he shall not prosper it shall not be well with him the Lord will shew him no fauour nor mercie
my brethren prouoke not the Lord our God to anger For if he will not helpe vs within these fiue daies he hath power to defend vs when he will euen euery day or to destroy vs before our enemies Doe not bind the counsels of the Lord our God for God is not as man that he may be threatned neither is he as the sonne of man that he should be wauering Therefore let vs wait for saluation of him and call vpon him to helpe vs and he will heare our voice if it please him Not to waite on the Lord for deliuerance but to prescribe the Lord a time to helpe vs is a prouoking of God a binding of the counsels of God a tempting of God and a limiting of the Lord who may not be limited for God though he be t Liberalis est Deus s●d liber liberall and bountifull to bestow his blessings vpon vs and to helpe vs yet he is free he is not tyed nor bound to man neither is he to be limited and appointed by man Say not thou then I haue praied so long and so often and yet the Lord doth not heare doth not deliuer me what should I pray any longer take heede be not of this minde let no such words proceede out of thy mouth for if the Lord doe deferre to heare vs and helpe vs when we call vpon him in the time of our need The Lord often deferreth the granting of our requests it is not because the Lord is either vnable or vnwilling to helpe vs but for other ends as First to exercise vs in praying to cause vs to pray more 1 To exercise vs in praying feruently and to make vs crie and call vpon the Lord more earnestly as did the woman of Canaan Secondly the Lord doth not alwayes yeeld to grant 2 That we may receiue the blessings of the Lord with greater ioy and thankfulnesse vs our requests at the first asking but oftentimes suffereth vs to aske once and twice yea manie times before he be pleased to answere vs and grant our requests that when he heareth vs and granteth vs the things which we prayed for we may receiue the same with greater ioy thankefulnesse That as when we wanted such blessings we prayed earnestly so when we haue receiued his blessings we should praise him heartily And this also of Perseuerance in Prayer CHAP. XVI Of praying in Faith also of praying according to the will of God and in the name of Christ THe seauenth thing required in making our praiers is to pray in Faith without doubting When 7 To pray in Faith we pray we must beleeue that God will heare vs and grant our requests being lawfully made Of this our Sauiour Christ saith a Mat. 21. 22. all things whatsoeuer you shall aske in Prayer beleeuing you shall receiue If you beleeue you shall receiue So saith S. Iames b Iam 1. 5. 6. 7 If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of God that giueth to all men liberally and vpbraideth not and it shall be giuen him But how must he aske the Apostle answereth let him aske in faith nothing wauering for he that waueth is like a waue of the Sea driuen with the wind and tossed For let not that man thinke that he shall receiue any thing of the Lord. And St Paul saith c 1 Tim. 2. 8. I will therefore that men pray euery where lifting vp holy hands without wrath and doubting This is the trust and confidence that we haue in making our praiers vnto God that God is able to heare vs and grant our requests and also that he is willing and for his truth and promise sake for his goodnesse and mercie sake he will heare vs and grant the things which we lawfully craue at his hands in this confidence the Leper said vnto Christ d Mat. 8. 2. Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me cleane e Potentiam credo veluntatem spero I beleeue thou canst I hope thou wilt make me cleane Thus ought we to pray in faith without doubting Here they are reprooued who are fearefull and faint-hearted Vse in prayer being distrustfull and wanting boldnesse Against those who in praying are weak-hearted doubtfull of being heard to approach to the throne of grace the distrustfull man saith thus to himselfe to what end should I pray God doth not heare me and if I make my supplication the Lord will not deliuer me And by reason of these distrustfull thoughts he either praieth not or praieth but sleightly and weakly fainting and doubting But hearken ô man and consider God saith vnto thee f Psal 50. 15. call vpon me in the day of trouble I will deliuer thee and Christ maketh thee this promise g Mat. 21. 22. all things whatsoeuer ye shall aske in prayer beleeuing if you beleeue you shall receiue O then cease not to pray to the Lord for helpe and deliuerance because the Lord bids thee pray and promiseth deliuerance but pray that thou maist haue faith to beleeue that the Lord will helpe thee and deliuer thee For if thou be faint-hearted and beleeue not thou shalt obtaine nothing And the reason wherefore thou art not helped and deliuered is either because thou doest not pray or not pray in faith not beleeuing but doubting Hence it is that the wise sonne of Sirach saith h Ecclus. 2. 13. Woe vnto him that is faint-hearted for he beleeueth not therefore shall he not be defended The eight thing required in the manner of making an 8 To pray according to the wil of God acceptable prayer vnto God is that we make our prayers according to the will of God Concerning which Saint Iohn saith i 1 Ioh. 5. 14. This is the confidence that we haue in him that if we aske any thing according to his will he heareth vs. Here is a promise that if we aske at Gods hands things needfull forvs he will heare vs but here is also a condition set downe we must aske according to his will Which asking according to the will of God stands in two things Standing in two things First that we pray for spirituall and heauenly things 1 Asking spirituall things simply and temporall things conditionally for graces accompanying saluation as for faith knowledge and repentance and godly sorrow for pardon and remission of sinnes for hope and charitie for patience and humilitie and for all other graces needfull for our soules health as also for increase of grace simply and absolutely for these things are necessarie to our saluation and we are assured that God will grant vs these things if we pray for them aright God is willing to bestow vpon vs graces in this life which may bring vs to glorie in the life to come Wherefore it is that St Iames saith k Iam. 1. 5. If any of you lacke wisedome let him aske of God that giueth to all men liberally and vpbraideth
soules Consider with your selues that y 2 Sam. 12. 16. Dauid a King fasted mourned when his child was sicke and lay all night vpon the earth that z Esth 4. 4. 16. Esther a Queene fasted and did neither eat nor drinke three daies night nor day and that a Luk. 2 36. 37. Anna a woman of great age serued God with fastings and praiers night and day But where is our fasting or where shall we finde one of an hundred fasting truly after the right manner and to the ●ight ends that can say with S. Paul I haue bene b 2. Cor. 11. 27. Infastings often or can say with Dauid c Psal 109. 24. My knees are weake through fasting and my flesh faileth of fatnesse Some hope to excuse themselues from fasting saying each one for himselfe though I cannot fast yet I can pray but tell me not of thy deuotion in praying except thou canst also tell me of thy daily abstinence and of some time set a part for the taming of thy rebellious flesh and bringing vnder thy bodie by fasting for fasting is as hath bene declared a great helpe and furtherance to prayer and therefore where abstinence is not vsed and fasting neglected there doubtlesse praier either is not or is verie weake cold and formall And this of Fasting as it is a help and furtherance to praier CHAP. XX. Of the Third help and further ance of prayer Diuine Meditations GOdly Meditations are a third help and furtherance to our praiers which I will make manifest 3 Di●ine Meditations considered two waies First in generall Secondly by a particular enumeration of sundry profitable meditations For the First All godly meditations are a helpe and 1 Generally furtherance to our praiers as appeareth by the words of the prophet Dauid saying a Psal 39. 3. 4. My heart was hot within me while I was musing the fire burned then spake I with my tongue Lord make me to know mine end c. and againe he saith b Psal 77. 1. I cried vnto God with my voice euen vnto God with my voice he gaue eare vnto me But before he called cried vnto the Lord he declareth what thoughts meditations he had he c Ver. 3. remēbred God he could not sleepe for thinking vpon God he d Vers 6. 7 8 9. Communed with his owne heart his spirit made diligent search wil the Lord cast off for euer wil he be fauourable no more c. To this agreeth the saying of the sonne of Syrach e Ecclus. 39. 1. He that giueth his mind to the law of the most high and is occupied in the meditations thereof will seeke out the wisdome of all the ancient c. and it followeth f Vers 5. He will giue his heart to resort early to the Lord that made him and will pray before the most high and will open his mouth in prayer and make supplication for his sinnes Thus holy and diuine meditations generally considered are a helpe and furtherance to our praiers Secondly that diuine meditations are a great help 2 Particularly Twofold furtherance to d●uout praier I will manifest by the particular enumeration of sundry diuine meditations which I reduce to these two heads Godly meditations concerne either God or Ourselues 1 Concerning God Threefold Those that concerne God are of three sorts The first concerne his nature or Attributes The second his word The third his workes Touching the First The consideration of the attributes 1 Concerning the Attributes of God as of God may stirre vs vp to Inuocation either to pray to God or to praise God as First when we thinke vpon the eternitie and immortalitie of God the consideration of this that God is eternall 1 Eterniue of God and immortall that he is euerlasting without beginning and without ending may raise our thoughts to thinke on the life euerlasting which the eternall and euer-liuing God hath prepared for his elect and then to pray that we may liue eternally with God in his eternall and euerlasting kingdome Secondly when we meditate on the power of God 2 Power of God consider that he made the world of nothing and that he doth what soeuer it pleaseth him both in heauen and earth this should teach vs to pray that we may depend vpon Gods prouidence for the things of this present life because God is al sufficient to pray that in time of trouble we may waite vpon God for deliuerance because he is a God of might and power able to doe all things yea and to pray that we may feare that powerfull God to seeke to please him and to glorifie him both in our bodies and in our solues because he is g Mat. 10. 28. able to destroy both soule and bodie in hell Thirdly when we meditate on the iustice of God and 3 Iustice of God consider how iust the Lord is in all his waies that he is a iust God hating sinne and iniquitie and punishing the transgressors h Exod. 34 7. That will by no meanes cleare the guilty i Nahum 1. 3. And will not at all acquit the wicked the consideration hereof should mooue vs to pray that we may alwaies k Psal 4. 4. Stand in awe of his maiesty and not sinne against him lest we prouoke his wrath and indignation against vs. Fourthly when we thinke on the mercy of God and 4 Mercie of God consider with our selues that God is l Ioel. 2. 13. Gracious and mercifull this meditation should moue vs to pray that the Lord would be gracious and mercifull vnto vs that he would shew mercie vpon vs and pardon our sinnes as Dauid prayeth m Psal 51. 1. Haue mercy vpon me ô God according to thy louing kindnesse according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions Fiftly when we thinke on the patience long suffering 5 Patience of God and forbearance of God considering how long we haue liued in our sinnes how often we haue done wickedly and still the Lord hath shewed his patience and long suffering and waiting for our repentance hath forborne to cut vs off in our sinnes then we should pray that this n Rom. 2. 4. Goodnesse of God in forbearing vs might be a meanes to lead vs to repentance Sixtly when we thinke on the wisedome of God and consider how wisely the Lord hath made all things and 6 Wisdome of God how prudently he ruleth and gouerneth the world this meditation should bring vs into admiration of the Lords wisedome and cause vs to lift vp our hearts on high praising the Lord and saying with Dauid o Psa 104. 24. O Lord how manifold are thy workes in wisdome hast thou made them all Thus the deuour soule may be carried aloft in heauenly meditations concerning these and the rest of the Attributes of God and in all he may be stirred vp
sinne but sinne being brought forth is very foule and vglie to looke vpon a mishapen thing a filthie leper there 's nothing in the world so foule to looke vpon as this childe of wickednesse Consider it in some particulars murther is a bloody sinne the murtherer's hands are full of blood Fornication adulterie are filthy sinns called t Eph 5. 3. v●cleannes Drunkennes is a very beast like swinish sinne what a filthy sight is it to see a man made in the Image of God vomiting like a dogge tumbling in the dirt and wallowing in the mire like a swine we finde in the law that there were diuerse washings and purifiings to wash and cleanse the offenders signifiing thereby that sinne is a most filthie thing and that the soule stained with sinne hath neede of much washing Secondly our sinnes are great and that in a twofold 2 Great respect first comparing one sinne with another secondly in their owne nature for they are committed against God who is great in power and infinite Thirdly our sinnes are many they exceede in multitude 3 Manie they are innumerable Insomuch that Dauid saith u Psal 19. 12. who can vnderstand his errours and againe x Psal 40. 12. they are mothen the haires of my head Manasseh in his praier counting the number of his sinnes findes them so greatly to exceede that he saith They are aboue the number of the sands of the sea Hereby it may appeare what manner of knowledge of sinne is required of euery penitent sinner The Second thing concerning the knowledge of sin How a sinner may come to the knowledge of his sinnes Namely by the law is how a sinner may come to the knowledge of his sins S. Paul sheweth that the knowledge of sinne is by the Law y Rom. 3. 20. By the law is the knowledge of sinne The law of God euen the Morall law written in the two tables of ston● is the meanes to finde out our sinnes the law of God wi●l let vs see our originall sinne by making vs see and know our corruption of nature our euill inclinations and euill dispositions against the law of God Of which S. Paul speakes thus z Rom. 7. 7. I had not knowne sinne but by the law for I had not knowne lust except the law had said thou shalt not couet The law also will let vs see and know our actuall transgressions whether they be committed by thought word or deede against any commandement by the law of God we may see and know our euill thoughts against God and against our neighbour our lustfull thoughts our couetous thoughts our carnall and worldly thoughts our blasphemous words and slanderous speeches and all our sinfull and wicked deedes Yea what euill we haue committed or what good we haue omitted For this cause the Law of God is compared to a looking-glasse for as a man beholding his face in a glasse may see and perceiue the spots and blemishes that are therein so a sinner looking into the law of God and diligently perusing the Commaundements may find out and euidently perceiue the spots and blemishe● of his soule Thus a sinner commeth to the knowledge of his sinnes Now whereas there is necessarily required such a particular Vse 1 knowledge of sinne and that the knowledge of To know our selues sinne comes by the law the consideration hereof is first profitable for instruction to teach vs to know our selues This hath beene alwayes held a good precept amongst wise men know thy selfe It s good and profitable for euery 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 one to know himselfe to search and try his own heart and by diligent inquirie to find out his owne particular sinnes to know his owne weakenesse and wickednesse his sinnes and his miserie Dauids exhorta●ion is a Psal 4 4. commune with your owne heart vpon your bed Enter into your closet yea into the secret chamber of your owne heart there beginne to thinke with your selues there speake vnto your selues there conferre and reason about the spirituall state not of others but of your owne selues And for the better knowledge of our selues we are to How to know our selues consider and search diligently both what we were by Creation and also what we are by corruption through the fall of Adam By Creation man was in a happie and blessed state created in the b Gen. 1. 27. image of God expounded by S. Paul to be c Ephe. 4. 24. righteousnesse and true holinesse But since the fall of Adam man is brought into a farre worse state by reason of sinne so that if a man could d Si bene inspexeris teipsum inuenies materiam contemnend● teipsum Stell d● contemp●● Mundi well looke into himselfe he might finde matter enough to humble yea to contemne himselfe in regard of any goodnesse or worthinesse that is in himselfe and that whether we regard the bodie or the soule of man In regard of the body what is man but earth a vessell of corruption dust and ashes wormes-meat yea a sinfull polluted bodie And for the soule now in the corrupt state infected and polluted with sinne till we be renewed by the Spirit of God till God come vnto vs to cleanse and purifie and sanctifie vs with his renewing grace what are we but as the Scripture calleth vs e Rom. 5. Ver. 6. 8. 10. vngodly sinners enemies of God f Ephe. 2. 13. dead in trespasses and sinnes children of wrath and g Ephe. 5. 6. children of disobedience Yea by nature and of our selues without Christ we are h R●u 3. 17. wretched and miserable and poore and blind and naked Besides all this in danger of the i Gal. 3. 10. malediction and curse of God in danger of hell and condemnation and that which augmenteth our miserie and wretched state is that we are the cause of our owne miserie and are no way able to helpe our selues out of our miserie either to purge our selues from our sinnes or to free our selues from the danger o● condemnation and eternall death so that a sinner comming to this humble acknowledgement of himselfe in regard of his owne spirituall state and considering seriously what he hath beene what he is may crie out and say with St Paul k Rom 7. 24. O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me This knowledge of a mans selfe to know his owne sinnes and his miserie to know how wretched and miserable The knowledg of our selues necessarie he is by reason of sinne is ve●ie necessarie for First vnlesse a man know himsel●e to be sinfull and 1 For our Humiliation wretched and miserable he will neuer be brought to true l Zanch. de Natur Dei l. 3. c. 3. humiliation but will thinke too well of himselfe trust too much in his owne righteousnesse and boast too much of his owne goodnesse and say with the proud Pharisie
vnto the end haue continued in their goodnesse vnto the end It is said of King Asa that k 1 Kin. 15. 14. his heart was perfect with the Lord all his dayes Paul saith l 2 Tim. 4. 7. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith And Dauid speakes thus of his perseuerance m Ps 119. 1●2 I haue inclined mine heart to performe thy statutes alway euen vnto the end These are examples left for our instruction to teach vs to labour for the grace of perseuerance that we may continue to the end as they did 3 The necessity of perseuerāce Thirdly this grace of perseuerance is exceeding necessary for 1 All that begin well doe not end w●ll First All that beginne well doe not continue in well-doing many fall away from their former goodnesse and grow worse and worse of which S. Paul forewarneth Timothie saying n 2 Tim. 3. 13. 14. Euill men and seducers shall waxe worse and worse deceiuing and being deceiued but continue in the things which thou hast learned and hast beene assured of o Incipere mu●torum ●st finire vero paucorum Auth. operis impert in Math. Hom. 24. Many beginne well saith one but few end well Which ought to be a caueat for vs to take heed lest hauing begunne well we should waxe wearie of well-doing The fall of others should be our admonition to stand fast in the faith and to hold on our course of godlinesse to the end Secondly except we perseuere and continue to the 2 Except wee continue to the end we cannot obtaine the crowne of glory end we cannot obtaine the crowne of immortall glory nor possesse that kingdome which is prepared for them that do perseuere continue to the end To the Angell of the Church in Philadelphia Christ saith p Reu. 3. 11. Hold that fast which thou hast that no man take thy Crowne Such is the necessity of perseuerence Fourthly to perswade vs to perseuere and continue 4 The benefit of perseuerance in goodnesse consider the benefites that come by continuing in well doing to the end The benefit of perseuerance is great For First It brings Saluation q Math. 24. 13. Hee that shall endure vnto 1 Saluation the end saith our Sauiour the same shall be saued r Salus in●pi●ntibus promi●titur praemium perseuerantibus datur Saluation is promised to them that begin well but the reward is giuen to them that perseuere and continue to the end Secondly they that continue to the end shall haue a kingdome So our Sauiour promiseth to his Disciples and in them to all that continue to the end saying ſ Luke 22. 28. 29 30. Yee are they which haue contined with me in my temptations and 2 A kingdome I appoint vnto you a kingdome as my Father hath appointed vnto me that ye may eate and drinke with me at my table in my kingdome Thirdly through perseuerance wee shall come to 3 A Crowne weare a crowne in the kingdome of heauen Of which S. Paul speakes thus t 2 Tim. 4. 7. 8. I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith Here 's perseuerance Now heare what the reward of perseuerance is Henceforth there is laid vp for me a Crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge shall giue me at that day And not to mee onely but vnto them also that loue his appearing Fourthly Perseuerance in grace and continuing in 4 Eternall life holinesse vnto the end brings eternall life Of which S. Paul saith u Rom. 6. 12. But now being made free from sinne and become seruants to God ye haue your fruit vnto holinesse and the end euerlasting life The consideration of this that a Christian may perseuere Vse and continue in goodnesse vnto the end and Against those who fall backe from grace and goodnesse that he ought so to doe as hath beene prooued serues to reprooue those who fall backe from grace and former goodnesse for which going backeward S. Paul reprooues the Galathians and layes folly to their charge x Gal. 3. 3. Are ye so foolish hauing begunne in the spirit are ye now made perfect by the flesh No man saith our Sauiour hauing y Luke ● 62. put his hand to the Plow and looking backe is fit for the kingdome of God z Gen. 19. 26. Lots wife looking backe from Sodome became a pillar of Salt Ephraim and Iudah are both reprooued by the Prophet Hosea for their want of perseuerance and continuance in goodnesse a Hosea 6. 4. O Ephraim what shall I doe vnto thee O Iudah what shall I doe vnto thee for your goodnesse is as a morning cloude and as the early deaw it goeth away Our goodnesse should bee of more continuance then the morning deaw which being drawne vp by the heate of the Sunne vanisheth and is gone Our goodnesse should rather bee like the greene Bay tree which is greene and flourishing both Winter and Summer Such ought our perseuerance in goodnesse to be that neither in the cold winter of aduersity nor in the hote Summer of prosperity wee lose the greenenesse of grace and vertue but for goodnesse be still the same and continue in well-doing in all states and conditions through the whole course of our life What shall it profit thee O man to enter into the good way and to turne backe againe To beginne to doe well and to be weary of well-doing To beginne well and to end ill Wretched Iudas that Sonne of perdition made shew of a very good beginning but his last end was fearefull and damnable Paul beganne ill but he ended well More happy was Paul who though he beganne ill ended well then Iudas who began well and ended ill Wherefore if wee bee going with the Israelites to the Land of Canaan let vs not thinke on the b Exod. 16. 3. flesh-pots of Aegipt If we be going with Lot towards Zoar see wee doe not with c Gen. 19 22. 26 Lots wife looke backe to Sodome And if with d Ruth 1. 14. 15. 16. Naomi wee bee going to the Land of Iudah let vs not goe backe againe with Orpah to Moab But hold on with Ruth to Iudah Yea let vs goe on walking in holinesse and righteousnesse towards the promised Land the new Ierusalem the Citty whose builder and maker is God And hauing escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ let vs take heede that wee be not againe intangled therein and ouercome lest the latter end be worse with vs then the beginning And to encourage vs herein let it be remembred that except we doe perseuere in goodnesse and continue in a godly course of life vnto the end we cannot obtaine the Crowne of immortall glory which God hath prepared for them that loue him But if we
perseuere and continue to the end then through the mercy of God and the merites of Christ our Sauiour wee shall obtaine saluation inherite a Kingdome and be crowned with glorie CHAP. XI Of the time of Repentance HItherto of the manner how a Sinner may truly repent and of the steps of grace whereby a sinner returneth vnto God and ascendeth vp to the high mountaine of heauen The fourth thing in the treatise of Repentance is 4 The time of Repentance concerning the time of repentance And the time when a sinner ought to repent is threefold The First is the time of this present life Threefold The Second is the time of grace The Third is the time present Touching the First The time of this present life euen 1 The time of this present life the short time that we haue to liue heare on earth is the time yea the longest and largest time that God hath granted vnto vs for our repentance as is euident by the Scriptures Dauid saith a Psa 6. 5. In death there is no remembrance of thee in the graue who shall giue thee thanks Christ our Sauiour saith b I●h 9. 4. I must worke the workes of him that sent me while it is day the night commeth when no man can worke where by day is meant the time and space of this present life and by night the time after this life c Di● sumꝰ in hac vita nos iuuari a vobis possumus vos potestu in nos conferre beneficia cum autem abierimus illuc ibi ne● amicus neque frater neque pater idoneus erit ad liberandum cum qui ●uplicijs deputetur aeternis Chrys de cōpunct cordis l. 2. while we are in this life saith Chrysostome you may helpe vs and doe vs good but when we shall depart thither there neither friend nor brother nor father will be found fit to deliuer him that is deputed to eternall torments Theophilact vpon those words of our Sauiour Christ d Luk. 52. 4. Quand●● super t●rram sumus potermus peccata nostra at posiquam eterra migrauerimus non vltra c clausa enim est ianua Theophil in Luk. 5. The sonne of man hath power vpon earth to forgiue sinnes saith e while we are vpon earth we may haue our sinnes blotted out but not after we are departed out of this life for then the gate is shut and another saith * either here saluation is won or lost Now whereas the time of this present life is the time of our repentance yea the longest largest time that God hath granted vnto any one to repent and amend his life this serues for confutation of that Popish doctrine of Purgatory whereby they make the simple people beleeue that their sinnes may be purged away after this life that satisfaction may be then made for temporall punishment whereas the true purging away of sinnes is onely in this life Now in this life while God giueth vs time and space to repent while the light of the Gospell shineth and whiles that God offereth vs the meanes of saluation is the onely time for vs to worke f Aut his salus acquiritur aut amittitur Cypr. out our saluation now is the time for vs to runne that we may obtaine now is the time to fight against our Vse spirituall enemies that we may ouercome and winne Against Purgatorie the crowne of righteousnesse now is the time either to winne of loose the kingdome of heauen and now is the time to aske seeke and knock afterwards when the gate is shut it will be to late Secondly the time of our repentance which God 2 The Time of Grace hath granted vnto vs in this present life is not any time of our life when we our selues will but it is the time of Grace euen that blessed time wherein God doth gratiously offer vnto vs the meanes of saluation calling vs to repentance and all that space of time wherein God sheweth his patience and long suffering forbearing vs and waiting when we will turne vnto him S. Paul preached thus to the Athenians who had liued in idolatrie and ignorance saying f Acts. 17. 30. the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men euery where to repent Now when Christ is reauealed and the Gospell preached it is time for all men euery where to repent And to the Corinthians he saith g 2. Cor. 2. 6. behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of saluation the h Gen. 6. 3. hundred twenty yeeres while the arke was preparing was the time of repentance for the old world wherein Noah a preacher of righteousnesse warned them to repent And the i Ion. 3. 4. forty dayes granted to the Niniuites was their time of repentance whiles that Ionah the prophet of the Lord threatned them with the ouerthrow of there city except they repented The consideration whereof may admonish vs not to Vse harden our hearts against the word of the Lord but to Not to harden our hearts against the voice of the Lord calling vs to repentance hearken to the voice of the Lord calling vs to repentance that we doe not willfully passe ouer the time of grace offered vnto vs and that we doe not despise the patience and long suffering of almighty God inuiting vs to repentance this carelesse passing ouer the time of grace and not turning to the Lord when he called to repentance was the sinne of Ierusalem noted by our Sauiour Christ in his dolefull lamentation for them saying k Luk. 19. 42. If thou hadst knowne euen thou at least in this thy day the things which belong vnto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eies In that he saith in this thy day he giueth vs to vnderstand that they had their day and time of repentance wherein God offered them grace and mercie hauing long and often called them by his prophets and now in the last daies hauing sent his owne sonne to call them to repentance but they regarded it not and therefore wofull misery befell them and their citie l Ver. 43. 44. For the daies shall come vpon thee saith our Sauiour that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee and compasse thee round and keepe thee in on euery side and shall lay thee euen with the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leaue in thee one stone vpon another because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation Let their example be our warning to take heede of neglecting or despising the meanes of our saluation that we doe not refuse grace offered but hearken to the voice of the Lord calling vs to repentance as the Apostle exhorteth m Heb. 3. 15. 16 To day if ye will heare his voice harden not your harts as in the prouocation for some when they had heard did prouoke When the Lord said n