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A14185 Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ... Airay, Henry, 1560?-1616. 1618 (1618) STC 245; ESTC S100494 890,650 1,118

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thanksgiuing vnto God then should it also worke in vs all holy desire and labour to be daily more and more stablished and strengthned in the truth of Christ Iesus and in our fellowship with other Churches in the gospell And yet how wauering are we many of vs and how quickly caried about with euery winde of doctrine by the deceit of men and with craftinesse whereby they lay in waite to deceiue If a runnagate Seminarie that compasseth sea and land to make one of his profession and when he is made makes him twofold more the childe of hell then he himselfe is a sworne-vassall to that man of sinne a disloyall traitor to his Prince an vnnaturall enemy to his country if such a one I say shall with fained words creepe into secret corners amongst vs and glosingly slander the truth of the gospell of Iesus Christ and set abroche his owne damnable heresies how quickly doe we listen vnto them and are led captiue by them Howsoeuer it be with vs it is thus in too too many places But beloued let vs know that whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God 2 Ioh. 9. He that continueth in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any vnto you and bring not this doctrine 10. receiue him not to house neither bid him God speede I know they will tell you they bring the doctrine of Christ vnto you but doe yee as the men of Beraea did Act. 17.11 which are much commended for so doing examine it by the scriptures and search whether it be so and yee shall finde it to be the doctrine of deuills 1 Tim. 4.1 as the Apostle speaketh and as euen by that place it will appeare to be Wherefore beloued brethren as now yee haue fellowship with other Churches in the gospell of Iesus Christ so continue therein Let nothing bee able to remoue you from the truth wherein yee stand but hold fast your good profession vnto the end The third thing which here I note is the Apostles bold and neere and ioyfull approch vnto God in his thanksgiuing vnto God in that he saith I thanke my God Whence I obserue the manner of our thanksgiuing vnto God how we should offer our sacrifice of thanksgiuing vnto him And that is 1. with such assurance of Gods loue in his mercies towards vs as that in our thanksgiuing for them we dare boldly as sonnes say I thanke my God for so shall our sacrifice of thanksgiuing be acceptable vnto God if vpon assurance of his loue we boldly powre out our soules in praise vnto him And therefore the Apostle to the Hebrewes exhorteth Heb. 4 16. saying Let vs go boldly vnto the throne of grace be it in prayer or in thanksgiuing Let vs goe boldly vnto the throne of grace praying and giuing thanks vnto God through Iesus Christ our Lord. 2. Our thanksgiuing should be offered with such willingnesse and cheerefullnesse from our hearts vnto God that we might say I thanke my God So our Apostle in an other place 1 Cor. 14.18 I thanke my God I spake languages more then yee all How cheerefully he openeth his mouth in praise of his God And so shall our thanksgiuing be pleasing vnto God if we offer it from the heart cheerefully for he loueth a cheerefull giuer as of almes vnto the poore Saints so of thanks vnto his name And how can I goe vnto him with greater cheerefullnesse and thanke him then when I go vnto him as to my God and say I thanke my God 3. Our thanksgiuing vnto God should be offered vp with such soule-melting passion and affection that as if we had greater feeling experience in our soules of his goodnes then others and would be neerer him then others we should say I thanke my God for such the Lord loueth best as presse the neerest vnto him and then the sacrifice of praise pleaseth most where the soule is tied the closest vnto his God These are the things in which the manner how we should offer vp our sacrifice of thanksgiuing consisteth namely in faith and full assurance of Gods loue towards vs with all willingnesse and cheerefulnesse from our hearts and with a soule-rauisht affection as of a more then ordinarie feeling-experience of Gods goodnes towards vs. And this manner I take it may bee obserued from this that the Apostle saith I thanke my God Here then that cold and cursorie forme of thanksgiuing which commonly is vsed is vtterly condemned For what doe wee when the Lord hath remembred vs in mercy and done great things for vs I doubt not but there are who in their hearts cheerefully and with their mouthes ioyfully say with the Prophet thou art my God Psal 118.28 and I will thanke thee thou art my God and I will praise thee But a great many of vs like vnto horses and mules which haue no vnderstanding either remember not or regard not to giue God thanks A man may see it daily in many of vs that we come from our beds and from our meales as dogs from their kennels and oxen from their stalls Others of vs haue certaine words of course as to say God be blessed God be thanked I praise God I thanke God which being good words in themselues yet are so coldly and cursorily vttered by vs as that a man may well see they haue their beginning in the lips and their ending in the ayre but neuer pierce the heauens But beloued if we will haue our voice of thanksgiuing to breake thorow the clouds to come vnto the highest we must vse Maries magnificat and say My soule doth magnifie the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour Luc. 1.46 As therfore it becommeth vs to be thankfull so let vs remember in faith and full assurance of Gods loue towards vs to powre out our soules in thanksgiuing vnto him that so our sacrif●●● may be acceptable vnto him LECTVRE IV. PHILIP 1. vers 3.4 5. Verse 3. Hauing you in perfit memory 4. Alwaies in all my prayers for all you praying with gladnesse 5. Because of the fellowship which yee haue in the gospell from the first day vnto now NOw farther the Apostle signifieth this reioycing on the Philippians behalfe and his loue towards them by remembring them in all his prayers vnto God and by praying for them with gladnesse when he saith that he hath them in perfect memory alwaies in all his prayers c. It is vsuall with the Apostle in his Epistles as to signifie his thanksgiuing vnto God on their behalfe vnto whom he writeth so to signifie his remembrance of them alwaies in his p ayers But yet here the Apostle signifieth this his remembrance of them in his prayers in more then an vsuall manner In the Epistle to the Romanes to the Colossians the former to the Thessalonians and to Philemon he telleth them to whom he writeth that he maketh
life of righteousnesse in himselfe that as he knew by the word Christ his resurrection to haue such a vertue so by experience in himselfe he might know Christ his resurrection to haue such a vertue And this care the Prophet exhorteth all men vnto where he saith Psal 34.8 Taste and see how gracious the Lord is Where yee may not thinke that the Prophet speaketh as if the gracious goodnesse of the Lord could be tasted on with the mouth or seene with the eye but his meaning is that such is the gracious goodnesse of the Lord vnto his children that they may haue as sound experimentall knowledge thereof as if they should taste it with their mouths or see it with their eyes It is then as if the Prophet had thus said Know yee doe the gracious goodnesse of the Lord by his manifolde mercies and more then so yee may know it by your owne experience Acknowledge therefore him to bee gracious whom by your own experimentall knowledge ye doe as it were taste and see to be gracious As then the Prophet doth exhort vs and as our Apostle both by example and exhortation moueth vs our care should be that besides our knowledge out of the word we might haue a feeling knowledge of that wee know out of the word by experience in our selues This then should teach vs to obserue the mercies and iudgements of the Lord to obserue the proofe and experience in our daily life of such things as wee know by the word that so we may haue not a contemplatiue onely but an experimentall knowledge of things in our selues As for example the scripture telleth vs that the poore crieth and the Lord heareth him and saueth him out of all his troubles Psal 34.6 This we know to be true because wee finde it so in the word But our care should be farther to know it by a feeling experience in our owne selues We must then obserue the mercies of the Lord in hearing vs when we call vpon him and deliuering vs in euery needfull time of trouble so shall we know not only by the word but by experience in our own selues that the Lord heareth the poore when they cry vnto him and saueth them out of all their troubles Psal 34.7 So Dauid besides this knowledge out of the word 1 Sam. 17.37 that the Angell of the Lord pitcheth round about them that feare him and deliuereth them had obserued the truth of it by his owne experience in his deliuerance out of the paw of the Lyon Matth. 16.18 and out of the paw of the Beare and thereupon was bold to encounter that great Goliah that vncircumcised Philistim Againe we know that the gates of hell shal not preuaile against Christ his Church because the scripture saith so But will wee so know it to be so as if our owne senses should tell vs that it were so Then we must obserue the stormes and tempests the persecutions and troubles the batteries and assaults that Satan in his members makes against the Church and how the Lord bringeth all their counsels to naught and maketh their deuises to be nothing else but the imagination of a vaine thing And thus in all things we must obserue that by long experience our spirituall senses may be exercised to know the truth of euery thing that wee know out of the word But so carelesse commonly we are that wee passe ouer the mercies and the iudgements of the Lord without obseruation at all whereby we might grow in all iudgement and sound experience It may be that some of vs sometimes will desire to know somewhat out of the scriptures touching the Sacraments touching the resurrection touching faith touching good workes c. But what is it It is onely to know it there it is not to haue a feeling of it in our owne soules If wee haue the text of scripture for proofe we thinke we haue knowledge enough but for proofe out of our owne experience in our owne soule we look not after it But beloued ye see we should haue a care as to abound in knowledge out of the Scriptures so in sound iudgment out of a feeling experience in our selues of the truth of that we know Let vs not therefore ●ightly passe ouer the things that we know out of the word but let vs labour to increase in a feeling knowledge of them in our owne soules Let vs obserue in our daily experience that as it is written so it is indeed that when we heare or read such and such things out of the word our owne soules within vs may giue witnesse vnto the same and say it is so indeede in mine owne experience I finde it to be most true Thus the Apostle exhorteth and thus it behoueth vs to doe The next thing which here I note is that the Apostle praieth for the Philippians that their loue may abound more and more in knowledge and in all iudgement which is that their loue might bee founded and grounded in sound knowledge and in sound iudgement that each hauing helpe of other and each being furnished by other they might the better discerne things that differ c. Whence I obserue yet a farther continuall care necessarie for all Christians and that is that their loue may abound in knowledge and in all iudgement Though saith the Apostle I had all knowledge and had not loue I were nothing 1 Cor. 13.2 So on the other side though we say we haue all loue and haue not knowledge it is nothing for what is all our loue if it be not grounded in knowledge and in iudgement Then these are good when they grow vp together and each hath helpe of other and which of these soeuer growes vp without other like vnto Ionas gourd it will quickly wither Our care then must be that our loue may abound in knowledge and in all iudgement In knowledge that we may know on whom our loue ought principally to be set And in all iudgement that knowing whom we ought to loue we may loue them whom wee ought Gal. 6.10 and as we ought Let vs doe good saith the Apostle vnto all men but especially vnto them which are of the housholde of faith Here we are taught whome we ought principally to loue We are to loue all men but especially them that are of the houshold of faith thē that are ioyned vnto vs in the band of Christianity And knowing that they are those whō we ought principally to loue we are to loue them in deed in truth the more neerely that they are linked vnto vs in the bands of Christianitie the more dearely we are to loue them Otherwise our loue If it be not in knowledge and in all iudgement may do more harme then good euen as wee see that zeale doth without knowledge for it was in zeale but without knowledge Gal. 1.14 that Paul persecuted the Church of God extreamely and wasted it And it was in
Gospell he should be ashamed but that with all confidence c. The first thing which here I note is that the Apostle saith that he hopeth that in nothing he shall be ashamed .i. that shame shall neuer befall him for leauing the defence of the Gospell Whence I obserue both that it is a shame to leaue the defence of the Gospell and that a godly care in this behalfe is needfull in euery Christian that this shame may neuer befall him Which care and regard of which shame how litle it is reckoned of in these our daies doth too too much appeare by the number of shamelesse Apostataes and back sliders which harkning vnto the serpent eat of the forbidden fruit which opening their eares to that enchanting whore drinke themselues drunke with the cup of her fornications and forsake the truth of Christ Iesus But let vs hearken to the Apostle Heb. 10.23 and let vs hold fast the profession of our hope Doe we hope in Iesus Christ Doe we hope that in nothing touching the profession of the truth of Christ ●esus we shall be ashamed Let vs hold fast this hope and ●et vs pray that this hope may continually be confirmed in ●s and that according to this hope we may stand fast vntill ●he day of Christ Iesus The second thing which I note is that the Apostle saith ●hat hee hopeth that with all confidence and liberty to ●peake in the defence of the Gospel Christ shall be magni●ied and honored in his body whether it be by life that hee ●iue and preach the Gospell or by death that he be put to ●eath and seale the Gospell with his bloud Whence I ob●erue another godly care needfull in euery Christian which ●s that God may be glorified in him whether he liue or die Glorifie God saith the Apostle in your body and in your spirit 1 Cor. 6.20 ●or they are Gods Where the Apostle by way of exhorta●ion commendeth this dutie vnto euery one of vs that we glorifie God both in our bodies and in our spirits by con●orming our whole man in all obedience vnto his will And why for both our bodies and our spirits they are Gods and ●hey are bought for a price by him that hath died for both ●hat wee should not henceforth in either liue vnto our selues but in both vnto his glory which died for vs and ●ose againe And let this be enough to warne vs to beware of dishonoring God in our bodies or in our soules either by shrink●ng from a good profession or by giuing our members weapons of vnrighteousnes vnto any kinde of sin to serue ●t in the lusts thereof Neither let vs be so besotted as to ●hinke that we are not as well to be sanctified in our bodies ●s in our soules or that God is not as well to be glorified in our bodies as in our soules but let vs know that we are to be sanctified throughout in our spirit soule and body that God is to be glorified in our whole spirit and soule and body Let this therefore be our care that God at all be not dishonored by vs but that in our whole man hee may bee honored The last thing which here I note is how the Apostle was confirmed and strengthned in these his hopes and that was by his owne experience for he hoped that as alwaies 〈◊〉 now Whence I obserue how the hope of a Christian is nourished and increased It is begun and grounded vpon Gods promises made in Christ Iesus but it is strengthned and increased by obseruation of the Lord his goodnes toward vs in our owne experience So our Apostle also witnesseth Rom. 5.4 where he saith that tribulation bringeth forth patience and patience experience and experience hope .i. experience of the Lord his helpe in troubles confirmeth and strengthneth our hope in the Lord. Ye know the saying of Da●id The Lord said he that deliuered me out of the paw● of the Lion 1 Sam 17.37 and out of the paw of the Beare he will deliuer me out of the hand of this Philistim This should teach vs to obserue the mercies of the Lord toward vs and not to suffer them to slip out of our minde and thus to reason with our selues as alwaies the Lord hath beene good to vs so now he will LECTVRE XVII Verse 21. For Christ is to me both in life and in death aduantage NOw then that the Apostle had signified his hope that Christ should be magnified in his bodie and had added whether it were by life or by death implying that it was all one to him so that Christ were magnified in his body whether it were by life or by death he yeeldeth a reason thereof saying For Christ is to me c. as if he should haue said I heartily looke for and hope that Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death and so that Christ be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death all is one to ●●e for Christ is to me c. .i. whether I liue or die Christ i●●o me aduantage If I liue and Christ be magnified in my ●ody by preaching the Gospell and walking in his waies ●●erein I count I haue great gaine and aduantage and if I ●ie now in my bands and Christ be magnified in my body ●y my constancie in the defence of the gospell and in suffe●ing for the gospels sake herein also I count I haue great ●aine and aduantage so that if Christ be magnified in my ●odie it is all one to me whether it be by life or by death ●ecause which so euer fall Christ and his glory is the thing which I count my vantage and gaine His glory by me is ●y glory the increase of his kingdom by me is the crowne ●f my reioycing the honor of his name by me whether it ●e by my life or by my death is to me in mine account a ●reat gaine Thus then I resolue the Apostles reason Christ and his glory is to me of that reckoning and regard ●hat whether he be glorified in my life or in my death I ●ount it a great gaine vnto me therefore it is all one to ●e whether he be glorified in my bodie by my life or by ●y death This sense and meaning of these words I fol●ow both because being a reason of the former words i●●hus best concludeth them in my iudgement as also be●ause the words themselues in the originall may very well ●arie this meaning if we vnderstand an ellipsis of the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is not vnvsuall Neither is this meaning of these worde vnso●ting with ●he words that follow For hauing said that Christ and his glory was vnto him and in his account aswell in death as in ●ife euen both in death and in life an aduantage and gaine ●pon that occasion by a litle digression he first moueth the ●oubt whether were better for him to chuse
dwelleth the loue of God in him As if the Apostle should haue said Whatsoeuer shew this man makes the loue of God dwels not in him neither he loueth God nor God loueth him Men and brethren what should more stirre you vp vnto this holy worke of releeuing of Gods poore Saints a thing so needfull now to be vrged and pressed what I say should more stirre you vp vnto it then this which hath already beene said It is a worke of Christ which Christ commandeth which hee loueth and liketh which Christ highly rewardeth and vnmercifulnesse to the poore he hateth and detesteth As euery man therefore wisheth in his heart so let him giue vnto the poore Saints not grudgingly or of necessitie for God loueth a cheerefull giuer 2 Cor. 9.7 If it be a worke of Christ it well beseemeth thee if thou be a Christian if he haue commanded it it stands thee vpon to obey it if he loue and like it thou hast great cause to moue thee to it if for his mercies sake he reward it thou hast great reason to be occupied in it and if he so hate the neglect of it it behoueth thee not to be negligent in it As therefore euery man hath receiued of the Lord so let him be ready to giue according to that he hath Hee that hath mercy on the poore Pro. 19.17 lendeth vnto the Lord and the Lord will recompence him that which hee hath giuen And blessed is hee saith Dauid Psal 41.1 that considereth the poore and needie the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble Consider what I say and the Lord giue you a ●ight vnderstanding in all things and fill your hearts full of all knowledge that yee may abound in euery good vnto the glory of God the Father to whom with the Sonne and the holy Ghost c. Laus omnis soli Deo THE THIRD CHAPTER LECTVRE XLVIII PHILIP 3. Vers 1.2 Moreouer my brethren reioyce in the Lord. It grieueth me not to write the same things vnto you and for you it is a sure c. THe holy Apostle hauing in the first chapter of this Epistle first signified his good minde towards the Philippians by retaining them in perfect memorie by his longing after them all from the very heart roote in Iesus Christ and by his praying for them and hauing afterward exhorted them that they should not shrinke for his imprisonment because thereby the Gospell was confirmed and not diminished In the second Chapter as we haue heard he first exhorted them vnto humility that putting apart all contention and vaine glory they would haue euen the same minde that was in Christ Iesus who being God humbled himselfe to be man and became obedient to the death euen the death of the Crosse and was therefore highly exalted c. 2. Hauing grounded certaine exhortations vpon that example of Christ his humilitie and obedience as 1. That they would runne forward in that race of righteousnesse wherein God had freely placed them through Iesus Christ making an end of their saluation with feare and trembling and then that they would doe all things with their neighbours without murmuring and reasonings that they might be blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God c. The Apostle I say hauing grounded these exhortations vpon that example of Christ his humilitie and obedience 2. For their comfort and confirmation against certaine false Apostles crept in amongst them hee both promised to send Timothy shortly vnto them and likewise that himselfe would shortly after that come vnto them and besides sent their Minister Epaphroditus presently vnto them Now in this 3. Chapter the Apostle instructeth the Philippians in the things wherein the false Apostles laboured to seduce them and so armeth the Philippians against them till his comming vnto them by confuting that false doctrine which they deliuered The doctrine which the false Apostles deliuered was that not Christ alone and faith in his name but circumcision also and the workes of the law were necessarie vnto iustification and saluation Which doctrine the Apostle doth at large confute in the Epistle to the Galathians because they had suffered themselues to be seduced and bewitched by it But here because the Philippians had manfully withstood it and giuen it no place amongst them the Apostle very briefly confuteth it and proueth that our righteousnesse is onely by Christ and faith in his name not at all by the works of the Law The principall parts of this Chap●er are three 1. He exhorteth them to beware of false Teachers verse 2. and instructeth them in that truth which the false Apostles gainesay vers 3. 2. The Apostle proposeth himselfe as an imbracer of that truth touching mans righteousnesse which they were to embrace à vers 4. ad 15. Lastly hee exhorteth them to embrace and hold fast the same truth with him and to walke as they haue him for an ensample from vers 15. to the end of the Chapter Now before he come to the handling of any of these principall parts 1. He setteth downe this exhortation reioyce in the Lord as a conclusion of that which went before as a ground of that which followeth 2. He excuseth h●mselfe for writing now the same things by epistle which before he had taught them by word of mouth That the exhortation is set downe partly by way of conclusion of that which he had spoken before may appeare by the entrance vnto it in that he saith Moreouer c. For it is as if the Apostle had thus said hitherto ye haue been full of heauines partly for my bonds and imprisonment Phil. 1.12.14 partly for Epaphroditus your minister his sicknes Now for my bonds they ●s I haue told you haue turned rather to the furthering of the Gospell inasmuch as many of the brethren in the Lord are boldned through my bonds to speake the word and now so it is that I am in good hope shortly to be deliuered from my bonds and to come vnto you Again for Epaphroditus God hath had mercy vpon him and now he is returned vnto you in good and perfect health What therefore now remaineth my brethren but that ye be glad and reioyce in the Lord in the Lord I say whom before I haue described vnto you in that Lord who being in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God yet made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant c. Reioyce for that there is no other cause but that ye should reioyce but reioice in the Lord who became man for you died for your sinnes rose againe for your iustification setteth at the right hand of God to make request for you vnto whom euery knee in that day shall bowe and confesse that he is the Lord reioyce in him Againe it is partly set downe as a ground of that which followeth as if the Apostle should thus haue said I haue already as in a glasse
is this thing whereof we now speake Hee will as it shall be for his glory continue vs in the fellowship which wee haue in the gospell if wee continue to aske it in faith and faint not This then may teach vs of what weight and moment our continuance in the fellowship of the gospell is It is not a thing which hapneth by fortune or which humane policie effecteth but onely it is of God and therefore alwaies in all our praiers we are to pray vnto him for it Let vs therefore pray vnto the Lord without ceasing for this grace let vs neuer forget to commense this suite in our praiers vnto God let vs alwaies pray for it and not faint The fift thing which here I note is that the Apostle praied for the Philippians with gladnes because of their growth in godlines and in the knowledge of Iesus Christ by the worke of his ministery Whence I obserue a necessary care which ought to bee in the whole Church I meane in all them that are taught in the word and that is that they so profit and increase in all knowledge and iudgement in all godlinesse and holy conuersation that their Pastors and Teachers may pray for them with gladnes Such a care it may seeme that the Romanes had vnto whom the Apostle giueth this testimonie that their faith which was published and their obedience which was come abroad much gladded him Rom. 1.8 Such a care it may seeme that the Colossians had vnto whom the Apostle giueth this testimonie that though he was absent in the flesh yet was he present with them in the spirit reioycing and beholding their order and their stedfast faith in Christ And such a care ought all the people of God to haue that they which watch for their soules as they that must giue accounts vnto God for them may now pray for them with gladnes and afterwards giue their accounts for them with ioy and not with griefe But this care is not common among the people for where the Pastor in an holy care for his people praieth for them he praieth for them in many places with great heauinesse with heauinesse I say for their neglect and contempt of the word with heauinesse for their ignorance in the things that belong vnto their peace and vnwillingnesse to bee instructed therein with heauinesse for their vngodly conuersation and vnchristian walking with heauinesse for spending his strength in vaine and for nothing amongst them Hee praieth but his soule mourneth because hee cannot gaine them vnto Christ Iesus he praieth but his soule mourneth because they runne and needs will runne headlong to the deuill So litle care commonly there is of profiting by the ministery of the word amongst them that are taught in the word Beloued let it neuer be said so of you but let your care be that they which labor in the word amongst you may pray for you with gladnes Jam. 1.21 Lay apart all filthinesse and superfluity of maliciousnes and receiue with meeknes the word that is graffed in you which is able to saue your soules Follow the truth in loue and in all things grow vp into him Eph. 4.15 which is the head that is Christ Let your conuersation be such as it becommeth the gospell of Christ and striue to increase in all good things with all godly increasing for so and so onely shall we haue cause to pray for you with gladnesse Lastly in that the Apostle hauing taught the Philippians the way of truth giueth thanks for them praieth for them and that with gladnesse because of the fellowship c. Hence I obserue a duty of the Pastors of the Church which if time had giuen leaue and the place had beene so conuenient should principally haue beene stood vpon and that is that the Pastors are not onely to teach their people with the wholesome word which cannot be reproued but they are also to pray for them that the word may haue a blessing among them that they may grow and increase thereby in all knowledge and holinesse to the Lord they are to be glad in their soules for their profiting in the word of grace and they are to giue thanks vnto God on their behalfe when they see their order their stedfast faith in Christ their growth in godlines and righteousnes and holy conversation This should be and might be and I wish it were and if it be not it is their perill in whom it faileth to be LECTVRE V. PHILIP I. Verse 6. And I am perswaded of this same thing that he that hath begun this good worke in you will performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ NOw giue mee leaue briefly to note one thing further from those words and that is that both our thanksgiuing and our praying are alwaies to bee vnto God Our thanksgiuing because all deliuerance in dangers all comfort in troubles all helpe in time of neede all spirituall graces in heauenly things and all corporall blessings whatsoeuer are from him the father of all mercies and giuer of all goodnesse for euery good giuing and euery perfit gift is from aboue and commeth downe from the father of lights Iam. 1.17 He vpholdeth all such as fall Psal 145.14 15 16. and lifteth vp all those that be downe the eyes of all waite vpon him and he giueth them their meat in due season he openeth his hand and filleth all things liuing with plenteousnes He killeth and maketh aliue bringeth downe to the graue and raiseth vp 1 Sam. 2.6 maketh poore and maketh rich bringeth low and exalteth He is our rocke and fortresse our strength and shield 2 Sam. 22.1 and he that deliuereth vs in all time of danger He is the father of mercies 2 Cor. 1.3 and the God of all comfort which comforteth vs in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any affliction by the comfort wherewith we our selues are comforted of him 4. He succoureth vs when we are tempted and suffereth vs not to be tempted aboue that we be able 1 Cor. 10.13 but giueth the issue with the tentation that we may be able to beare it He created vs Esay 43 7. Act. 17 28. Eph. 1. formed vs and made vs for his owne glory In him we liue moue and haue our being Hee blesseth vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenly things in Christ hauing chosen vs in him predestinate vs to be adopted through him redeemed vs through his blood iustified vs and sanctified vs washed and cleansed vs from our sinnes in him and begotten vs by faith vnto a liuely hope in him In one word he is all in all things vnto vs. Vnto whom then should wee sacrifice the calues of our lips Col. 3.11 and offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiuing but vnto him of whom through whom and for whom are all things and by whom we haue all blessings in good things and deliuerance from all
heart To thinke a good thought this is from the Lord for wee are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues but all our sufficiencie is of God To will and desire that which is good and to doe that which is good is likewise from the Lord for it is God that worketh in vs both the will and the deed So true is that of our Sauiour Ioh. 15.5 Without mee yee can doe nothing Where the meaning is not only that wee are so weake that we are not able of our selues to doe any thing that is good vnlesse we be assisted by grace but that wee are no more able than the branch that is pluckt from the tree is able to bring forth fruit The summe of this point is that the fruits of the spirit in vs are altogether from the spirit euen as the fruits of the flesh are altogether from the flesh Doest thou then at any time feele any good motions of the spirit within thee any desire to flie that which is euill and to doe the thing that is good Is thine heart enlarged to runne the way of Gods commandements and to glorifie thy Father which is in heauen Are the bowels of thy compassion opened towards thy poore brethren to releeue the necessities of Gods Saints It is God that worketh in thee all these and whatsoeuer is like vnto these and they are so many testimonies vnto thee of Gods holy spirit dwelling within thee Acknowledge therefore Gods mercy towards thee who when thou wast in thy bloud said vnto thee Ezek. 16.6 thou shalt liue that is who when thou wast dead in sinnes and trespasses and hadst no will to be raised from the dead sleepe of sinne whereinto thou wast fallen hath quickned thee by his spirit and of vnwilling made thee willing to doe those things that are good and acceptable in Gods sight Glorie not in any good thing that thou hast as though thou hadst not receiued it For when thou wast as vnable to will or to doe any thing that is good as the dead man is vnable to exercise any function of life then did hee circumcise the foreskinne of thine heart and did not onely worke in thee a power to will and to doe the thing that is good but gaue thee also grace both to will and to doe the thing that is good Glorie therefore in thy God let thy soule reioyce in him and let his praises be euer in thy mouth He it is that filleth thy heart with good desires and hee it is that directeth thy steps in the way wherein thou shouldest walke and which leadeth vnto life And why doth he shew such mercy on vs Euen of his good pleasure Euen of his good pleasure Wee haue heard that it is God that worketh in vs both to will and to doe that which is good And why doth he so That God may be all in all and all the glory of out saluation may be wholly his The Apostle telleth vs that this he doth euen of good pleasure it so pleaseth him and howsoeuer the cause or this his pleasure be hidden from vs yet it is good and iust hee doth it euen of his good pleasure Here then wee haue the first and furthest cause euen of the whole mysterie of our saluation Hee hath predestinated and chosen vs vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ Eph. 1.4 before the foundation of the world And why The Apostle telleth vs he did it according to the good pleasure of his will 5. He hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will And why This also he did according to his good pleasure He hath made vs accepted in his beloued Eph. 19.6.7 by whom wee haue redemption through his bloud And why This also is according to his rich grace He hath wrought in vs both to will and to doe the things that belong vnto our peace And why Euen of his good pleasure Wilt thou then know why God hath chosen thee and refused him why hee hath made thee a vessell of honour and him a vessell of dishonour why he hath taken away the hardnesse of thy heart and suffereth him still to walke in the hardnesse of his owne heart why he hath sanctified thy will and left him in the frowardnesse of his owne will Hee hath not done these things for any good thing which hee saw in thee or for any goodnesse which hee foresaw would be in thee not for thy birth wealth sex or condition but euen of his good pleasure for looke into the whole booke of God still thou shalt finde that the last and great cause of all our good is his grace his mercy his loue his purpose his will the purpose of his will his good pleasure the good pleasure of his will And when thou commest hither here thou must stay thy selfe and crie with the Apostle O the depth of the riches both of the wisdome and knowledge of God c. Rom. 11.31 If it be the potters pleasure to make of the same lumpe of clay one vessell to honour and another to dishonour who shall question further with him when this answer is once giuen It was his pleasure euen the good pleasure of his will Is there then nothing in vs to moue him but is it euen of his good pleasure that he saueth vs and that he doth so great things for vs O what great thankfulnesse what dutifulnesse what obedience ought this to stirre vs vp vnto The greater that the gift is and the freer that it is the more it ought to stirre vs vp vnto these duties Now what greater gift than our saluation and all the meanes thereunto And how could this gift be more free than to haue it giuen vs euen of his good pleasure without respect of any thing that was or might be in vs Let vs then with all thankfulnesse yeeld all obedience vnto this so mercifull a God who hath done so great things for vs euen because his good pleasure was such Hee hath giuen vs all let him haue the glory of all Neither can we attribute too much vnto him neither can wee detract too much from our selues Whatsoeuer good thought whatsoeuer good desire whatsoeuer good deed is in vs he of his good pleasure hath wrought it in vs and he is to be glorified in it and for it Other fountaine of our good there is none and therefore all the praise and honour and glory thereof is due vnto him alone LECTVRE XXXV PHILIP 2. Verse 14.15 Doe all things without murmuring and reasonings that yee may be blamelesse and pure and the sonnes of God without rebuke c. HItherto then wee haue spoken of that humble obedience which wee following the example of Christ his humilitie and obedience ought to yeeld vnto our God in all holinesse of conuersation Now followeth another branch of the Apostle his exhortation vpon the same ground of Christ his humilitie and obedience and this is vnto an humble and
in mercy by God that hath called vs in mercie and giuen 〈◊〉 in Christ Iesus by God that hath called vs in Christ Iesus to be partakers of his glory Here then behold and wonder at the louing kindnesse of our God We must runne and we shal be very well rewarded For if we runne albeit we can merit nothing by our running because when we haue done what we can we are but vnprofitable seruants yet in mercie will he giue vs an euerlasting crowne of glory A good reward for a meane seruice performed but meanely by him that runnes the best And therefore the greater the goodnes of our God who giueth such reward in mercie where there wanteth all merit The mercie of our God should stirre vp our thankfulnes vnto our God and the great reward which in mercy he doth giue should make 〈◊〉 runne the waie of his commandementes Rom. 8.18 All that euer wee can doe or suffer is not worthy of that glory which shal be shewed vnto vs. Yet if we suffer willingly for Christ his sake and doe the workes of our calling he will in mercy giue vnto vs an incorruptible crowne of glory Let our mouthes there●●re be filled with his praise and honour all the day long who ●●ere there wanteth merit sheweth such mercie And if du● or loue cannot preuaile with vs yet let this inestimable ●●ward perswade vs to runne the way of his commande●entes In a word we know that our labour shall not be in ●ine in the Lord. Let vs therefore abound in euerie good ●orke and let vs runne with patience the race that is set be●●re vs. The next and last thing which hence I obserue is that as ●od hath chosen vs in Christ Iesus so hath he called vs in ●hrist Iesus Ephes 1.4 The former appeareth by the Epistle to the E●●esians the later by this place of our Apostle and many o●●ers Yea Christ Iesus alone it is in whom and for whom ●●d hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly thinges 3. 〈◊〉 the Apostle both speaketh there and manifestly sheweth ●oth there and elsewhere For in him are we predestinate 〈◊〉 him are we chosen in him are we called in him are we a●●pted in him are we iustified in him are we sanctified and 〈◊〉 him through hope are we glorified and in him are all ●e promises made vnto vs both of the life present and of ●at that is to come If we had beene called in Peter or in ●aule or in Moses then might we haue belieued in them ●nd lookt vnto them as vnto the marke that is set before vs. ●ut now that we are called in Christ Iesus we are to belieue in ●●m and alwaies to looke towardes him in the whole course ●f our life In him we haue all thinges and in him shall our ●●y bee made perfit Let this then teach vs to reioyce onely in Christ Iesus in ●hom onely wee are called and in whom onely wee are ●lessed In our selues we are nothing else but bondslaues of ●atan Children of wrath a naughty and crooked nation vn●ble altogether to thinke or speake or doe any thing that is ●ood abominable disobedient vnto euery good worke re●robate and not onely neare vnto cursing but cursed But in ●ur Christ Iesus we are freede from sinne and condemnation ●nd made the seruants of righteousnes and heires of saluation ●●d in him we are called vnto that high calling to be the sons of God and haue all the priueledges that belong vnto the sonnes of God Let vs therefore reioyce in him alwaie let our songs be made euer of him and dayly let vs praise him Let vs iudge whatsoeuer is best to be but dung for the excellent knowledge sake of him and let vs in all thinges grow vp in him c. LECTVRE LXIV PHILIP 3. Vers 15.16 Let vs therefore as many as be perfect be th●●●●ded and if ye be otherwise minded God shall reueale c. NOw the Apostle hauing thus in particular told the Philippians what he thought of Christ and likewise of all things without Christ 〈◊〉 goeth from the particular vnto the generall and exhorteth that this truth which he ha●● professed may be generally receiued and approued And if any of them will not happily presently receiue this truth yet he signifieth his hope that God will afterwards reueale it to them that they may embrace it wi●h him and in the meane time till God reueale it and make it knowne vnto them he exhorteth that such grounds of the truth as already they had might with one accord be receiued and maintained This I take to be the generall meaning of these words in these two verses Now let vs yet a little more particularly sift and examine the meaning of them Let vs saith the Apostle c. This speech yee see is exhortatiue in that he saith let vs be thus minded and ye see like wise that the exhortation is made by way of conclusion from the particular example of the Apostle vnto the Philippi●●●● generall in that he saith Let vs therefore as many as be perfe●● and ye see that it is to bring ouer his own priuate example vn●o a generall doctrine in that he saith Let vs therefore as many ●●s be perfect be thus minded Let vs therefore therefore why euen because I your Apostle by whom ye haue beleeued am ●hus minded as I haue told you let vs therefore as many as bee perfect be thus minded Thus minded How to renounce all confidence in the flesh to iudge all our owne righteousnes by workes whatsoeuer to be but dung to reioyce only in Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse which is through faith to thirst after the knowledge of Christ and of the vertue of his resurrection and acknowledging our want of perfection in the knowledge of Christ incessantly to runne forward in the Christian race vnto perfection forgetting that which is behind and endeauouring our selues vnto that which is before and following hard towards the marke for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus let vs be thus minded euen as many of vs as be perfect Yea but who were those were there any such Did not the Apostle immediately before deny that he was perfect How then doth he now say let vs as many as be perfect c. We must vnderstand that the Apostle doth not here speake of any that were perfect indeed either in knowledge or in obedience but he speaketh partly vnto those that thought they were perfect and partly vnto those that by their holy walking shewed that they were in the way to perfection that both they that thought themselues perfect and they likewise that by their holy walking shewed plainely that they were in a better way to perfection than others would thinke as he did touching the points before mentioned and controuersed betwixt him and the false Teachers Yea but is not his exhortation generally vnto all Why then doth he require it of them that
to anger abundant in goodnes and truth reseruing mercie for thousands and not making the wicked innocent the most mightie God vnto whom al power is giuen in heauen and in earth who sitteth in heauen and beholdeth the earth and seeth whatsoeuer is done among the sonnes of men our Lord by right of creation in that he made vs of nothing when we were not our Lord in the right of redemption in that when we were bondslaues vnder hell death and damnation he payed the ransome of our redemption and freed vs from the bondage of sinne and Satan and our Lord in the right of soueraignty to rule and gouerne vs by his Spirits to saue and defend vs vnder his wings he is at hand neare about our paths and about our beds pitcheth his tents round about vs and giueth his Angels charge ouer vs he is at hand neare to behold our sufferings and our wrongs Exod. 3.9 as himselfe saith I haue seene I haue seene the affliction of my people which is in Egypt where●nto the Egyptians oppresse them Neare to heare vs when we call vpon him as himselfe saith Call vpon me in the day of trouble Psal 50.15 and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Neare to deliuer vs from the wrongfull dealings of men and therefore the Prophet prayeth vnto him O deliuer me from the wrongfull dealings of men and giue me not ouer vnto mine oppressours Neare to saue vs vnder his feathers in euery needefull time of trouble for so the Psalmist saith The Lord will be a defence for the oppressed Psal 9.9 euen a refuge in due time of trouble Hereof Iacob had experience when Laban persecuted him in that the Lord curbed Laban when he said vnto him Genes 31.24 Take heede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good Hereof Ioseph had experience in his danger by his brethren in that the Lord first by Reuben saued him that he was not slaine and after that he was sold made him Ruler of Pharaohs house and of all his substance Genes 37.41 Hereof the children of Israel had experience when Pharao oppressed thē in that the Lord Exod 3. when their crie for their bondage came vp vnto him deliuered them out of the house of bondage by the hands of Moses and Aaron Hereof Daniel and his companions had experience when they were traduced vnto the king in that the Lord shut the mouthes of the lions that they hurt not the one Dan. and abated the heate of the fire that it had no power ouer the bodies of the other Hereof the Disciples of Christ had experience when they were cast into prison in that the Lord sent his Angell vnto them and deliuered them out of prison Acts 5.19 And hereof the children of God haue continuall experience in that the Lord helpes them to right when they suffer wrong feedeth them when they are hungrie Psal 146. looseth them when they are in prison giueth them sight when they are blinde raiseth them when they are fallen keepeth them if they be strangers relieueth them if they be fatherlesse or widdowes and maketh all their beds in their si●kenesse And hereupon Dauid resolued and said Psal I will not be afraid though ten thousands of people beset me round about nay though an hoste of men were laid against me yet shall not mine heart be afraid nay though I walke through the valley of the shadow of death I wil feare no euill And why for thou art with me saith the Prophet thou O Lord art with me and therefore whosoeuer be against me in what danger soeuer I be I will feare no euill This then to know that the Lord is with vs and that he is alwaies neare at hand to heare vs and to helpe vs should quiet vs as of all feare so of all perturbations of the minde so that we should patiently brooke whatsoeuer might otherwise stirre vs vnto impatiencie How is it then that vpon euery occasion we are so vnpatient and haue so little hold of our selues If any man thwart or crosse vs if any man harme or wrong vs if any man taunt or mocke vs if any man reuile or speake euill of vs if anie man offer vs any hard measure in word or in deed how do we bite vpon the bridle and stomacke the matter One abuse must be quit with another one wrong with another one mischiefe with another or else we think we haue neuer plaied the men But if we be falsly accused before the Iudge of theft murder sedition treason or the like if we be wrongfully scourged imprisoned racked or tormented if we be cruelly or deceitfully turned out of house and home lands and liuing and all that we haue O how then are our soules disquieted within vs and how do our hearts burnt within vs till we be auenged of such as haue thus dealt with vs Here must reuenge be sought by bloud death and if there be any further reuenge then this And tell me I pray what is the cause of such impatiencie in these and the like cases yea oftentimes when the Lord his hand is vpon vs in pouertie sickenes and the like Is it not euen hence because either we know not or remember not that the Lord is at hand Yes verily it is the ignorance or forgetfulnesse of the Lord and of his prouident watchfulnesse ouer vs that makes vs fret and fume and like the dogge runne vpon the bone that is cast at vs. We know not or we remember not that vengeance is the Lords and that he hath promised that he will repay and reward the wicked after their deseruing and therefore forsooth when we thinke there is cause we will be disquieted we will kill and slay and we will be auenged For if we knew or remembred that vengeance is the Lords and that he wil repay we would patiently passe by the contumelies and wrongs of men and leaue them to the Lord that iudgeth righteous iudgement We know not or we remember not that the Lord is neare vnto all that call vpon him in truth to heare and help vs in all dangers if we patiently waite vpon him that we may be safe vnder his feathers and therefore forsooth when troubles assault vs or the sorrows of death compasse vs about we thinke we do well to be as vnpatient as Ionas was angrie for his gourd For if we knew or remembred that he is at hand at euerie needfull time of trouble to helpe vs our soules would patiently wait vpon the Lord vntill he should helpe vs. Eyther we thinke not of the Lord and of his watchfull prouidence ouer vs to saue and defend vs and to auenge our sufferings and wrongs or carnally we say if the Lord be at hand I wish I might know it I wish I might heare him I wish I might see him as if otherwise we could not discerne of his being neare vnto vs or if we
whiles he offereth himselfe and his grace vnto you if ye will receiue it Nay more then so sometimes he is so neare vnto the wicked that he lightens them with his holy Spirit giues them a tast of the heauenly gift Hebr. 6.4.5 of the good word of God and of the powers of the world to come But yet because the wicked some of them refuse this grace when it is offered and some of them fall away from it when they haue had a taste of it therefore is he peculiarly said to be neare vnto his children by his grace and might and prouidence and powerfull working of his holy Spirit Againe the Lord is said sometimes to be neare at hand in respect of his last coming vnto iudgement when he shall come in bodily presence in the cloudes of heauen to iudge both the quicke and the dead Iames 5.8 as where Iames saith Be patient and settle your hearts for the coming of the Lord draweth neare and likewise where the Apostle saith Hebr. 10.37 He that shall come will come and will not tarry In the first sense the Lord is at hand aswell to the wicked as the godly to giue as well to the one as to the other life and being other good graces of his Spirit In the second sense the Lord is at hand by his prouidence peculiarly to the godly to saue and defend them and to giue the Spirit of sanctification vnto them In the third sense also the Lord is at hand both to the wicked and to the godly to render vengeance in flaming fire vnto the wicked and to crowne the godly with a crowne of glorie and immortalitie in the heauens In the first sense I take it it is not here said that the Lord is a● hand because that could be no such speciall reason to moue the Philippians vnto mildn●sse and patience towards all men hauing no more comfort in it for the godly then for the wicked But whether it be meant in the second or third sense that the Lord is at hand the reason holdeth strongly that they should in patience and mildnes possesse their soules though haply their patience and mildnesse be much abused For be it that the reason why their patient mind should be knowne vnto all men though their patience be much abused be eyther this because the Lord is at hand to heare and help them when they are oppressed to saue and defend them when they are wronged or this because the Lord is at hand to giue vnto them a crowne that haue borne the crosse and to auenge them vtterly of their enemies eyther of the reasons might be sufficient motiues to perswade them to let their patien● minde be knowne vnto all men And whether of them to choose the rather as more agreeable to the Apostles minde I cannot peremptorily affirme Either of them may very we● stand with the meaning of the Apostle in this place And therefore we will see what profitable notes we may gather from either of them whereof we may make some vse for our selues First then admitting this to be the meaning of the Apostle in this place the Lord is at hand by his watchfull prouidence ouer you to heare and helpe you to saue and defend you I note that the Apostles reason to moue the Philippians vnto a patient mildenesse and gentle moderation towards all men yea though their patience and mildenes were much abused is because the Lord is at hand by his watchful prouidence ouer them to heare and help them to saue and defend them when they are abused oppressed or afflicted Whence I obserue a speciall motiue which may and ought to perswade vs to possesse our soules in patience whensoeuer we are abused oppressed or afflicted namely the certaine perswasion hereof that the Lord his prouidence alwayes watcheth ouer vs to behold our sufferings and our wrongs to heare vs when we call vpon him in truth to rid and saue vs from the wrongfull dealings of men and to deliuer vs in euerie needfull time of trouble If we be the Lord his inheritance we must looke for it to haue many trialls of our patience and moderation by many sufferings and wrongs Genesis 31. Iacob shall haue his vnckle Laban to deceiue him to change his wages ten times to persecute him and if the Lord forbid him not to kill him Ioseph shall haue his owne brethren to hate him Genesis 37. to conspire against him to slay him and if the Lord keepe them from killing him to sell him into a strange Land to be a bond-seruant The children of Israel shall haue a Pharao to wearie them of their liues by sore labour in clay and bricke Exodus 1. and in all worke in the field with all manner of cruell bondage to command to kill all their male children and by all cruell oppression to labour to make hauocke of them D●n 3. Daniels companions shall haue some Chaldeans to deuise mischiefe against them to accuse them to the King and to get them throwne into the hot fierie furnace Daniel himselfe shall drinke of the like cuppe 6. And generally the Disciples of Christ which we are if we continue in his word Iohn 8 31.1●.33 shall in the world haue affliction to try their faith and their patience The gold shall go through the fire ere it be purified and the wheate ere it be made fine manchet for the Lord his owne mouth shall be beaten with the fla●le grownd in the mill sifted and haue all the bran bowlted out of it This is the gate of the Lord and the righteous shal enter into it and this is the lot of Gods inheritance to passe through the wildernesse and through the red Sea to the promised land of Canaan And in all this what is the child of God to do Luke 21.19 Euen as our Sauior willes him by his patience he is to possesse his soule and as our Apostle here exhorteth to make his patient minde to be knowne vnto all men O but in such causes of impatiencie how should a man be patient when open foes maligne him fained friends abuse him and troubles hedge him in on euery side when no man beares with him no man yeelds to him but the more he yeelds and beares with others the more he is abused and wronged by others what should perswade him to moderation and mildenes to gentlenes and patience Do we aske what Do we know that the Lord his prouidence watcheth ouer vs alway Do we know that he will not leaue vs not forsake vs nor deliuer vs into the will of our enemies Do we know that all the haires four head are numbred and that not one of them shall fall to the ground without our heauenly Fathers will Here then is or should be enough to perswade vs to be patient and moderate whensoeuer we are abused afflicted or oppressed the Lord is at hand The Lord the Lord strong mercifull and gracious slow