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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14033 The whole booke of psalms, collected into English meter by Thomas Sternhold, I. Hopkins and others: co[n]ferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to syng them withall. Faithfully perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes Maiesties Injunctions. very meete to be vsed of al sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort: laying apart al vngodly songes and ballades, which read only to the norishing of vice & corrupting of youth..; Whole book of psalms. 1565 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1565 (1565) STC 2434 175,429 234

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see the euil worke vnrighteousnes and beare themselues loftye against the lower sort and desirest to warne some therof say the 37. psalme If thou haste determined to take heede vnto thy selfe and seest the aduersarye lying in wayte who is moste earnest agaynst suche and wouldest arme thy selfe against him syng the 39. psalme If thou seest many poore men and beggars and wouldest pitie thē thou maiest both trye them which are now pitied already and exhort other to do the same saying the 41. psalme If thou hast a desire toward God and hearest the enemies vpbraiding let it not dismaye thee but vnderstandyng the immortall fruite whiche springeth of thys desire comforte thy soule with hope towarde God and with this relieue and mitigate the griefes of lyfe saying psalme .42 If thou wylt oftē cal to remembrance the benefytes of God which he shewed to the fathers bothe in the goyng oute of Egypte and in the wyldernesse and howe God was good to them but they were vnthankefull thou hast the 44. psalme and the .79 80. 102. 106. 107. 114. psalmes If flying vnto God thou haste escaped suche thynges as were spoken agaynst thee and wouldest geue thankes vnto God and declare his liberalitie and goodnes towardes thee thou hast the 46. psalme If thou hast synned and beyng turned fallest to repentance and wouldest obteyne mercy thou hast the wordes of confession in the 51. psalme If thou hast suffred a false accusation before an euill king and seest the enemye to boast go aside and say the .52 psalme If any persecute thee and quarell willing to betray thee like as the Phariseis dyd Christ and straungers Dauid abashe not thy selfe but with trust in the Lord syng the 54. psalme the .56 psalme If persecution chaunce and the persecutor vnwares enter into the caue where thou arte hid feare not for thou hast in this strayte profitable wordes both for comfort and forremembraunce of these thinges in the 57. psalme and a 142. If he that lyeth in wayte of thee haue commaunded to watch and beset thy house thou hast escaped geue thankes vnto god and in the tables of thy soule graue the thyng and say the 59. psalme If the enemies which trouble thee vpbrayde thee and with many wordes backbyte thee which seeme to be frendes and in the exercyse of this thy crosse thou art somwhat weake thou maiest call vpon the same also saying the 4. psalme Against hypocrytes and suche as brag to a mans face saye to conuert them withall the 58. psalme If they sharpely rush vpon thee and would catche thy soule set against them thy subiection to Godward and be of good comfort for the fiercer they are the more shall they be subiect vnto God say thou the 62. psalme If to auoyde persecution thou flee into the desert feare not as though thou were there alone and desolate but hauyng God and in the dawning of the day rysing to him syng the 63. psalme If the enemies make thee afrayd and cease not to sowe deceytes and searche alwayes against thee although they bee neuer so many cease not for all that for their nets shall be lyke shaftes of little children if thou sing the 64. 68. 70. 71. psalmes If thou wilt sing of god and his prayse thou hast the 65. psalme If thou wilt enstructe anye man in the mysterye of the resurrection thou haste the .80 psalme If thou aske mercy of God sing the 67. psalme If thou seest the wicked prosper in peace be not so offended that thou be moued bnt saye the .73 psalme If god be angry with his people thou hast wordes wherewith thou maist comfort thee in the same in the 74. psalme If thou thinkest expedient to confesse thee syng the 71. 75. 92. 105. 106. 108. 111. 118. 136. and 138. psalmes If thou wilt rebuke a Gentile and an heretike namely suche a one as knoweth not God thou maist with intelligence syng and saye that whiche is in the 86. psalme If thenemies haue taken thy refuges and thou art in great distres althoughe thou arte troubled yet dispayre not but praye and if when thou criest thou arte hearde geue thankes vnto God saying that which is in the .77 psalme If the enemies hold on and continue breaking in and defiling the house of god and killing the sainctes and casting their bodies to the foules of the ayre feare not theyr crueltye but suffring with them that suffer affliction say the .79 psalme If thou wilt sing to the Lord in solemnity cal together the seruauntes of God syng the. 81. and the 95. psalme If the enemies be gathered together euery where and threaten the house of the Lord conspiring against godlines let not the multitude and power of them dismay thee thou hast as it were an author of hope the wordes which are in the .83 psalme If thou see the house of god and his euerlasting tabernacles and hast a minde or affection toward them as had the Apostle say the 84. psalme If rancor be stinted and captiuitye released thou hast to geue god thankes withall the 85 psalme and a 116. If thou wilt knowe discorde of the catholike churche against diuisions and wouldest conuert them thou maist say that which is in the .87 Psalme If thou wilt moue thy self and other to true religion and perswade that the hope in God maketh not the soule ashamed but rather put away all feare prayse God saying the .91 Psal If thou wilt sing vpon the Sabboth thou hast the .92 Psalme If thou wilt geue thankes vpon the Sonday thou hast in the .13 Psalme If thou wylt geue thankes in the second Saboth syng the .95 Psalme If thou wilt sing vpon the day of preparation thou hast a forme of prayse in the .93 Psal and therfore a song of reioycyng ought to be song vnto god himselfe If there haue bene imprisonment and the house wasted builded agayne sing that which is in the 96. Psalme If the land haue bene vexed of the enemies and whiles the Lord ruleth and raygneth it be at quiet thou hast to syng the .97 Psalme If thou wilt syng vpon the fourth Saboth thou hast the .94 psalme for then he beyng betrayed began to reuenge death and to tryumphe ouer the same Therfore when thou readest the gospel and seest the Iewes consulting against the Lord and the Lord himself standing boldly on our side against the deuil syng that which is in the. 94. Psalme as is next before sayd If thou markest the prouidence of the Lord in all thinges and the Lorde of the same and wouldest instruct any with the fayth and obedience therof when thou hast perswaded thē first to acknowledge syng the .100 Psalme If thou knowest power in him to iudge and that god iudgeth mingling iudgement with mercy and hast a desyre to attayne vnto it thou hast for this purpose wordes in the .101 psal If because of the imbecillity of our nature thou art after the maner of a phisition irke
and grief thou gauest an eare and didst prouide to ease me with relief verse 3 Of thy good wil thou hast cald back my soule from hell to saue Thou didst reuiue whē strēgth did lacke kept me frō the graue verse 4 Sing prayse ye saints that proue se the goodnes of the Lord In memory of his maiesty reioyce with one accord verse 5 For why his anger but a space doth last and flake agayne But in his fauor and his grace alwayes doth life remayne Though gripes of grief panges ful sore shal lodg with vs al night The Lord to ioy shal vs restore before the day be light verse 6 When I enioyd the world at wil thus would I boast and say Tush I am sure to feele none il this wealth shal not decay verse 7 For thou O Lord of thy good grace hadst sent me strēgth ayde But whē thou turnd away thy face my mind was sore dismayd verse 8 Wherfore agayne yet did I cry to thee O Lord of might My God with plaints I did apply and prayd both day night verse 9 What gayn is in my bloud sayd I if death destroy my dayes Doth dust declare thy maiesty or yet thy truth doth prayse verse 10 Wherfore my God some pity take O Lord I thee desire Do not this simple soule forsake of helpe I thee require verse 11 Then didst thou turne my grief and wo vnto a chereful voyce The mourning weede thou tookst me fro madst me to reioyce verse 12 Wherfore my soule vncessantly shal sing vnto thy prayse My Lord my God to thee will I geue laud thankes alwayes In te domine speraui Psalme .xxxi. 1. Hop ¶ Dauid deliuered from some great daunger in the deserte of Maon or els where first he rehearseth what meditation he had by the power of faith when death was before his eyes his enemyes beyng ready to take him then he adioyneth the fauour of God alwayes to be ready to those that feare him Finally he exhorteth all the faithful to trust in God and to loue him bycause he preserueth and strengthneth them as they may see by his example Syng this as the. 18. Psalme verse 1 O Lord I put my trust in thee let nothing worke me shame As thou art iust deliuer me and set me quite from blame verse 2 Heare me O lord that anone to help me make good spede Be thou my rocke and house of stone my fence in tyme of nede verse 3 For why as stones thy strēgth is tride thou art my fort and tower For thy names sake be thou my guide lead me in thy power verse 4 Pluck forth my feete breake y e snare which they for me haue laid Thou art my strēgth and al my care is for thy might and ayd verse 5 Into thy handes Lord I commit my spirit which is thy dew For why thou hast redemed it O Lord thou God most true verse 6 I hate such folke as wil not part from things that he abhord When they on trifles set their hart my trust is in the Lord. verse 7 For I will in thy mercy ioy I se it doth excel Thou seest whē ought would me annoy knowest my soul ful wel verse 8 Thou hast not left me in their hand that would me ouercharge But thou hast set me out of band to walke abrod at large The second parte verse 9 9 Great grife O Lord doth me assayle some pyty on me take Mine eyes waxe dim my might doth fayle my wōbe for wo doth ake verse 10 My life is worne for grief payne my yeares in wo are past My strēgth is gone through disdaine my bones corrupt wast verse 11 Among my foes I am a scorne my frendes are all dismayd My neighbours and my kinsmen borne to se me are afrayd verse 12 As men once dead are out of mind so am I now forgot As smal effect in me they find as in a broken pot verse 13 I hard the brags of al the route their threates my mind did fray How they conspird and went about to take my life away verse 14 But Lord I trust in thee for ayde not to be ouer trod For I confes and stil haue sayd thou art my Lord and God verse 15 The length of al my life and age O Lord is in thy hand Defend me frō the wrathes and rage of thē that me withstand verse 16 To me thy seruaunt Lord expresse and shew thy ioyful face And saue me Lord for thy goodnes thy mercy and thy grace The third part verse 17 Lord let me not be put to blame for that on thee I call But let the wicked beare their shame and in the graue to fal verse 18 Oh how great good hast thou in store layd vp ful safe for them That feare and trust in thee therfore before the sonnes of men verse 19 Thy presence shal thē fence guid from al proud bragges wrōgs Within thy place thou shalt thē hide from al the strife of toungs verse 20 Thankes to the Lord that hath declard on me his grace so far Me to defend with watch and ward as in a town of war verse 21 Thus did I say both day and night when I was sore opprest Loe I was cleane cast out of sight yet hardst thou my request verse 22 Ye saints loue ye the Lord I say the faithfull he doth guide And to the proud he wil repay according to their pride verse 23 Be strong and God shal stay your hart be bold and haue a lust For sure the Lord wil take your part sith ye on him do trust Beati quorum remissi sunt Psalme .xxxii. T. S. ¶ David punished with greuous sicknes for his sinnes counteth them happy to whom God doth not imputs theyr transgressions And after that he had confessed his s●nnes and obteined pardon he exhorteth the wicked men to lyue godly and the good to reioyce Syng this as the .xxx. Psalme verse 1 THe mā is blest whose wickednes y e Lord hath cleane remitted And he whose sinne wretchednes is hid also couered verse 2 And blest is he to whom the Lord imputeth not his sinne Which in his hart hath hid no guile nor fraude is found therin verse 3 For whilst that I kept close my sinne in silence and constraynt My bones did weare wast away with dayly mone plaint verse 4 For night and day thy hand on me so greuous was and smert That al my bloud and humours moyst to drynes did conuert verse 5 I did therfore confes my fault and al my sinnes discouer The thou O Lord didst me forgeue al my sinnes passe ouer verse 6 The humble man shal pray therfore and seke thee in due time So that the floudes of waters great shal haue no power on him verse 7 When trouble and aduersitie do compasse me about Thou art my refuge and my ioy thou doost rid me out verse
20 The Lord doth so preserue and keepe his very bones alway That not so much as one of them doth perish or decay verse 21 The sinne shal slea the wicked mā whiche he himself hath wrought and such as hate y e righteous mā shal soone be brought to nought verse 22 But they that serue the liuing Lord the Lord doth saue thē sound and who that put their trust in hym nothyng shal thē confound Iudice domine psalme .xxxv. I. H ¶ So long as Saule was enemy to Dauid al y ● had any authoritie vnder him to flatter their king did also most cruelly persecute Dauid against whom he prayeth God to plead to auenge his cause that they may be taken in their nets and snares which they laid for hym his innoccēy may be declared And y ● the innocēt whiche taketh part w e him may reioyce praise the name of the Lord that thus deliuereth his seruant And so he promiseth to speake forth the iustice of the Lord and to magnify his name al the dayes of his lyfe LOrd pleade my cause agaynst my foes con found their force and myght Fyght on my part against all those that seeke with me to fyght Lay hand vp pon thy speare and shield thy self in armour dresse stand vp for me and fight the field to helpe me from distresse verse 3 Gird on thy sword and stop the way my enmies to withstand That thou vnto my soule do say lo I thy helpe at hand verse 4 Confound them with rebuke and blame that seke my soule to spil let thē turne backe flye with shame y e think to worke me il verse 5 Let them disperse and flie abrode as wind doth dryue the dust And that the aungel of our God their might away may thrust verse 6 Let al their wayes be voyde of lyght and slippry like to fal And send thine aungel with thy might to persecute them al. verse 7 For why without my fault they haue in secret set their grin And for no cause haue digd a cause to take my soule therin verse 8 When they think least haue no care O Lord destroy them al Let them be trapt in their owne snare aud in their mischief fal verse 9 And let my soule my hart and voyce in God haue ioy and wealth That in the lord I may reioyce and in his sauyng health verse 10 And then my bones shal speak and say my partes shal al agree O Lord though they do seme ful gay what man is lik to thee The second part verse 11 Thou doost defēd y e weake from thē that are both stout and strōg and rid the poore from wicked mē that spoyle and do thē wrong verse 12 My cruel foes against me rise to witnes things vntrue And to accuse me they deuise of that I neuer knew verse 13 Where I to them did owe good wil they quit me with disdayne That they should pay my good with il my soule doth sore cōplain verse 14 When they wer sick I mournd therfore and clad my self in sacke With fasting I did faint ful sore to pray I was not slacke verse 15 As they had bene my brethrē deare I did my self behaue As one that maketh woful cheare about his mothers graue verse 16 But they at my disease did ioy and gather on a rout Yea abiect slaues at me did toye with mocks and checks ful stout verse 17 The belly gods and flattering trayne that al good things deryde At me do grin with great disdayne and pluck their mouth asyde verse 18 Lord whē wilt thou amēd this geare why doost thou stay pause Oh rid my soule myne onely deare out of these Lyons clawes verse 19 And then wil I geue thanks to thee before thy church alwayse And where as most of people be there wil I shew they prayse verse 20 Let not my foes preuayle on me which hate me for no fault Nor yet to winke or turne their eye that causeles me assault The third part verse 21 O peace no word they thinke or say their talke is al vntrue They stil consult and would betray al those that peace ensue verse 22 With opē mouth they run at me they gape they laugh they fliere Wel wel say they our eye doth see y e thyng that we desire verse 23 But Lord y u seest what waies they take sease not this geare to mēd Be not far of nor me forsake as men that fayle their frend verse 24 Awake aryse and stirre abrode defend me in my right Reuenge my cause my Lord my God and aid me with they might verse 25 According to they righteousnes my Lord God set me free and let not them their pride expresse nor triumph ouer mee verse 26 Let not their harts reioyce cry there there this geare goeth trim Nor geue them cause to say on hye we haue our wil of hym verse 27 Confound thē with rebuke and shame that ioy whē I do mourne and pay thē home with spite blame that brag at me with scorn verse 28 Let them be glad and eke reioyce which loue mine vpright way and they al tymes with hart and voyce shal prayse y e lord say verse 29 Great is the Lord and doth excel for why he doth delight To see his seruants prosper wel that is his pleasant sight verse 30 Wherfore my tonge I wil apply thy righteousnes to prayse Vnto the Lord my God wil I sing laudes w t thankes alwayes Dixit iniustus Psalme .xxxvi. I. H. ¶ Dauid greuously vexed by the wicked doth complaine of their malice wickednes Then he turneth to consider the vnspeakable goodnes of God toward al creatures But specially towards his children that by fayth there of he may bee comforted and assured of his deliuerance by this ordinary course of gods worke who in the ende destroyeth the wycked and saueth the iust Sing this as the. xxxv psal verse 1 THe wicked w t his workes vniust doth thus persuade his hart That of y e Lord he hath no trust his feare is set apart verse 2 Yet doth he ioy in his estate to walk as he began So long til he deserue the hate of God and eke of man verse 3 His words are wicked vile and naught his tong no truth doth tel Yet at no hand wil he be taught which way he may do wel verse 4 When he should slepe thē doth he muse his mischief to fulfil No wicked wayes doth he refuse nor nothing that is il verse 5 But Lord thy goodnes doth ascend aboue the heauens hie So doth thy truth it self extend vnto the cloudy sky verse 6 Much more thē hils so high and steepe thy iustice is exprest Thy iudgemēts like to seas most depe thou sauest both mā beast verse 7 Thy mercy is aboue all things O God it doth excel In trust wherof as in thy wings the sonnes of men shal dwel verse 8 Within thy house they
The voyce forget not of thy foes for they presuming hie Is more and more encreast of those that hate thee spitefully Confitebimur tibi deus Psalme .lxxv. N ¶ The faithful do prayse the name of the Lord which shal come to iudge at y ● tyme appointed when the wycked shal be put to confusion and drinke the cup of his wrath their prayer shal be abated and the righteous shal be exalted to honor Sing this as the .44 Psalme verse 1 VNto thee God we wil geue thāks we wil geue thāks to thee Fith thy name is so nere declare thy wōdrous works wil we verse 2 I wil vprightly iudge when get conuenient tyme I may The earth is weak and al therin but I her pillers stay verse 3 I did to the mad people say deale not so furiously And vnto the vngodly ones set not your hornes so hye verse 4 I said vnto them set not vp your raysed hornes on hye And see that you do with stiffe neck not speake presumptuously verse 5 For neyther from the eastern part nor from the western syde Nor from forsaken wildernes protection doth procede verse 6 For why the Lord our God he is the righteous iudge alone He putteth down the one and sets another in the throne verse 7 For why a cup of mighty wine is in the hand of God And al the mighty wyne therin himself doth powre abrode verse 8 As for the lees and filthy dregs that do remain of it The wicked of the earth shal drink and suck them euery whit verse 9 But I wil talk of God I say of Iacobs God therfore And wil not cease to celebrate his prayse for euermore verse 10 In sunder break the hornes of al vngodly men wil I But then the hornes of righteous men shal be exalted hye Gloria patri To father sonne and holy ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shall be euermore In Iudea psalme .lxxvi. I. H. This psalme setteth forthe the power of God care for the defence of his people in Ierusalē in y ● destructiō of the army Senacherib and exhorteth y ● faithful to be thankful for the same Syng this as the .69 Psalm verse 1 TO al that now in Iury dwel the Lord is clerely known His name is great in Israel a people of his own verse 2 At Salem he his tents hath pight to tary there a space In Sion eke he hath delight to make his dwelling place verse 3 And there he brake both staffe bow the sword y ● speare shield and brake the ray to ouerthrow in battle on the field verse 4 Thou art more worthy honour Lord more might in thee doth lye Then in the strongest of the world that rob on mountains hye verse 5 But now y ● proud ar spoild through thee thei are fallen on slepe through mē of war no help can be thēselues they could not kepe verse 6 At thy rebuke O Iacobs God when thou doost them reproue as half in slepe their charets stode no horsman once doth moue verse 7 For thou art fearful Lord in dede what man the corage hath To bide thy sight and doth not drede whē y u art in thy wrath verse 8 Whē y u doost make thy iudgemēts hard frō heauē through y ● ground Then al the earth ful sore afraid in silence shal be found verse 9 And that when y u O God doost stand in iudgemēt for to speake To saue thafflicted of the land on earth that are ful weake verse 10 The fury that in man doth raign shal turne vnto thy prayse Hereafter Lord do thou restrain their wrath threates alwayes verse 11 Make vowes pay them to your God ye folke that nigh hym be Bring gifts al ye that dwel abrode for dreadful sure is he verse 12 For he doth take both lyfe and might from Princes great of birth And ful of terrour is his sight to al the kings on earth Voce mea ad dominum Psalme .lxxvii. I. H. ¶ The prophet in the name of the church reherseth the greatnes of his affliction and his greuous temptation wherby he was driuen to this end to consider his former conuersation and the continual course of gods workes in the preseruation of his seruantes and so he confirmeth his faith against these temptations I With my voyce to God do cry with hart and harty cheare my voyce to God I lift on high and he my sute doth heare In tyme of griefe I sought to God by night no rest I toke but stretcht my hands to hym abrode my soule comfort forsoke verse 3 When I to think on God entend my trouble then is more I spake but could not make an end my breath was stopt so sore verse 4 Thou holdst mine eyes alwayes from rest that I alwayes awake With feare am I so sore opprest my speach doth me forsake verse 5 The dayes of old in mind I cast and oft did thinke vpon The tymes and ages that are past ful many yeares agone verse 6 By night my songs I cal to mind once made thy prayse to shew And w t my hart much talk I find my sprits doth search to know verse 7 Will God sayd I at once for al cast of his people thus So that henceforth no tyme he shal be frendly vnto vs. verse 8 What is his goodnes cleane decayd for euer and a day Or is his promise now delayd and doth his truth decay verse 9 And wil the Lord our God forget his mercies manifold Or shal his wrath encrease so whote his mercy to withhold verse 10 At last I sayd my weaknes is the cause of this mistrust Gods mighty hand can help al this and change it when he lust The second part verse 11 I wil regard and think vpon the working of the Lord Of al his wonders past and gone I gladly wil record verse 12 Yea al his workes I wil declare and what I dyd deuyse To tel his factes I wil not spare and eke his counsel wise verse 13 Thy workes O Lord are al vpright and holy abrode what one hath strēgth to match y ● might of thee O Lord our God verse 14 Thou art a God that oft doost shew thy wōders euery hower and so doost make the people know thy vertue thy power verse 15 And thine own folk thou didst defēd w t strength stretched arme The sons of Iacob that discend and Iosephs sede from harme verse 16 The waters Lord perceyued thee the waters saw thee wel and they for feare aside did flee the depthes on tremblyng fel. verse 17 The clouds that wer both thick black dyd rain ful plenteously The thunder in the ayre dyd crack their shafts abrode dyd fly verse 18 Thy thunder in the fyre was heard the lightning from aboue With flashes great made men afraid the earth did quake moue verse 19 Thy wayes within the sea doth lye thy path in
sometymes the mercyes receyued desiryng also to be instructed of the Lord that he may feare hym also and glorifie his name He complayneth also of hys aduersaries and requireth to be deliuered from them Syng this as the .81 Psalm verse 1 LOrd bow thine eare to my request and heare me by and by With greuous payne grief opprest ful poore weake am I. verse 2 Preserue my soule because my way and doings holy bee and saue thy seruaunt O my Lord that puts his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercy Lord on me expresse defend me eke with al For through the day I do not cease on thee to cry and cal verse 4 Cōfort O Lord thy seruaūts soule that now with payne is pinde For vnto thee Lord I extol and lift my soule and mynde verse 5 For thou art good and bountiful thy gifts of grace are free And eke thy mercy plentiful to al that cal on thee verse 6 O Lord likewise when I do pray regard and geue an eare Marke wel the wordes that I do say and al my prayers heare verse 7 In time when trouble doth me moue to thee I do complayne For why I know and wel do proue thou aunswerest me againe verse 8 Among the Gods O Lord is none with thee to be comparde and none can do as thou alone the like hath not bene hard verse 9 The gentils and the people al which thou didst make and frame Before thy face on knees wil fal and glorify thy name verse 10 For why thou art so much of might al power is thine owne Thou workest wonders stil in sight for thou art God alone verse 11 O teach me Lord thy way and I shal in thy truth procede O ioyne my hart to thee so nye that it thy name may dread verse 12 To thee my God wil I geue praise with al my hart O Lord and glorify thy name alwayes for euer through the world verse 13 For why thy mercy shewed to me is great and doth excel Thou setst my soule at liberty out of the lower hel verse 14 O Lord the proud agaynst me rise and heapes of men of might They seke my soule and in no wise wil haue thee in theyr sight verse 15 Thou Lord art merciful and meke ful slacke and slow to wrath Thy goodnes is ful great and eke thy truth no measure hath verse 16 O tourne me Lord and mercy graunt thy strength to me apply O helpe saue thyne own seruaunt thy handmayds sonne am I. verse 17 On me some signe of fauour shew that al my foes may see And be ashamde because Lord thou doost helpe and comfort mee Fundamenta eius Psalme .lxxxvii. I. H. ¶ The holy ghost promiseth that the condition of the Church whiche was a misery after the captiuity of Babilon should be restored to great excellēcy so that there should be nothing more comfortable then to be nombred among the members therof Sing this as the .81 Psalme verse 1 THat city shal ful wel endure her ground worke stil doth stay Vpon the holy hils ful sure it can no time time decay verse 2 God loues the gates of Siō best his grace doth there abide He loued them more then al the rest of Iacobs tents beside verse 3 Ful glorious things reported be in Sion and abrod Great things I say are sayd of thee thou city of our God verse 4 On Rahab I wil cast an eye and beare in mind the same and Babilon shal eke apply and learne to know my name verse 5 Loe Palestine and Tyre also with Ethiope like wise a people old ful long ago were borne and there did rise verse 6 Of Sion they shal say abrod that diuers men of fame Haue there sprong vp the hye God hath founded fast the same verse 7 In their recordes to them it shal through Gods deuise appere Of syon that the chief of al had his beginning there verse 8 The trumpetters with such as sing therin great plenty bee My fountaynes and my pleasaunt springs are compast al in thee Domine deus salutis Psalme .lxxxviii. I. H. ¶ A grieuous complaint of the faithful sore afflicted by sicknes persecutiō aduersitie being as it were left of God without any consolation yet he calleth on God by fayth and striueth against desperation complainyng him selfe to be forsaken of al yearthly helpe LOrd God of health the hope stay thou art alone to me I cal cry throughout the day and al the night to thee O let my prayers sone ascēd vnto thy sight on high encline thyne eare O Lord entend and herken to my cry verse 3 For why my soule with wo is fild and doth in trouble dwel My lyfe and breath almost doth yeld and draweth nye to hel verse 4 I am esteemd as one of them that in the pit do fal And made as one among those men that haue no strength at al. verse 5 As one among the dead and free from things that heare remayne It were more easy for me to be with them the which are slayne verse 6 As those that lye in graue I say whom thou hast cleane forgot The which the hand hath cut away and thou regardst thē not verse 7 Yea lyke to one shut vp ful sure within the lower pit In places darke and al obscure and in the depth of it verse 8 Thine anger and thy wrath likewise ful sore on me doth lye And al thy stormes agaynst me ryse my soule to vexe and try verse 9 Thou puttest my frends far of from me makst them hate me sore I am shut vp in prison fast and can come forth no more verse 10 My sight doth faile through grief and wo I cal to thee O God Throughout the day my handes also to thee I stretch abrod verse 11 Doost thou vnto the dead declare thy wondrous workes of fame Shal dead to life agayne repayre and prayse thee for the same verse 12 Or shal thy louing kindnes Lord be preached in the graue Or shal with them that are destroyd thy truth her honor haue verse 13 Shal they that lye in darke ful low of al thy wonders wot Or there shal they thy iustice know where al things are forgot verse 14 But I O Lord to thee alway do cry and cal apace My prayer eke ere it be day shal come before thy face verse 15 Why doost thou Lord abhorre my soule in grief that seketh thee And now O Lord why doost thou hide thy face away from me verse 16 I am afflict as dying stil from youth this many a yeare Thy terrours which do vexe me il with troubled mind I beare verse 17 The furies of thy wrathful rage ful sore vpon me fal Thy terrours eke do not asswage but me oppres with al. verse 18 Al day they compas me about as water at the tyde And al at once with streames ful stoute beset me on ech syde verse 19 Thou settest far from me my frends
doth eke his iustice shew in al the Heathens sight verse 3 His grace and truth to Israel in mynd he doth record That al the earth hath sene right wel the goodnes of the Lord. verse 4 Be glad in him with ioyful voyce al people of the earth Geue thankes to God sing and reioyce to him with ioy mirth verse 5 Vpon the harpe vnto him sing geue thanks to hym with psalmes Reioyce before the Lord our king with trumpets with shalmes verse 6 Yea let the sea with al therin with ioy both rore and swel The earth like wise let it begin with al that therin dwel verse 7 And let the flouds reioyce their fils and clap their hands apace and eke the mountaynes and the hils before the Lord his face verse 8 For he shal come to iudge and try the world and euery wight and rule the people mightely with iustice and with right Dominus regnauit psalme .xcix. I. H. He cōmendeth the power equitie and excellency of the kingdō of god by Christ ouer y e Iew Gētils prouoketh thē to magnify y e fame to serue y e lord following the example of the aunciēt fathers Moyses Aarō Samuel who calling vpon God were hard in their prayers Sing this as the .95 Psalme verse 1 THe Lord doth raign although at it the people rage ful sore Yea he on Cherubin doth syt though al y e world wold rore verse 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwel is high wōdrous great aboue al folke he doth excel and he aloft is set verse 3 Let al men prayse thy mighty name for it is feareful sure and let them magnify the same that holy is and pure verse 4 The princely power of our kyng doth loue iudgement and ryght thou rightly rulest euery thyng in Iacob through thy might verse 5 To prayse the Lord our God deuyse al honour to hym do His footestoole worship ye lykewyse for he is holy to verse 6 Moyses Aaron and Samuel as priests on hym dyd cal when they did pray he heard thē wel and gaue thē aunswer al. verse 7 Within the cloud to them he spake then did they labour stil to kepe such lawes as he did make and pointed them vntil verse 8 O Lord our God thou didst them heare and aunswerst them again Thy mercy did on them appeare their dedes didst not maintayn verse 9 O laud and prayse our God and Lord within his holy hil For why our God throughout the world is holy euer stil 2 Iubilate deo omnis terra psalme C. He exhorteth al to serue the lord who hath made vs and enter into his courtes and assemblies to prayse his name AL people y t on earth do dwel sing to y e Lord with chereful voice him serue w t fear his praise forth tel come ye before him reioice verse 3 The Lord ye know is god in dede wtout our ayde he did vs make We are his folke he doth vs fede for his shepe he doth vs take verse 4 Oh enter thē his gates w t praise approch with ioy his courts vnto praise laud and bles his name alwayes for it is semely so to do verse 5 For why the Lord our God is good his mercy is for euer sure His truth at al times firmly stood and shal from age to age indure Another of the same verse 1 IN God the lord be glad and light praise him throughout the earth Serue him come before his sight with singing and with mirth verse 2 Know that the Lord our God he is he did vs make and kepe Not we our selues for we are his owne folke and pasture shepe verse 3 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the same Within his courts set forth his prayse and laud his holy name verse 4 For why the goodnes of the Lord for euermore doth raigne from age to age throughout the world his truth doth stil remain Misericordiam iudicium psalm Ci. N. ¶ Dauid discrybeth what gouerhmēt he wil obserue in his house and kingdome He wil punish and correct by rotyng out the wick●d and cheryshing the godly persons Sing this as the .81 psalme verse 1 I Mercy wil and iudgement sing O Lord God vnto thee and wisely do in perfect way vntil thou come to mee verse 2 And in the midst of my house walke in purenes of my sprite verse 3 And I no kind of wicked thyng wil set before my sight I hate their worke that fal away it shal not cleaue to mee verse 4 From me shal part the froward hart none euil wil I see verse 5 Him wil I stroy that slaundereth his neighbour priuely The lofty hart I cannot beare nor hym that looketh hy verse 6 Mine eyes shal be on them within the land that faithful be In perfect way who worketh shal be seruant vnto me verse 7 I wil no guileful person haue within my house to dwel and in my presence he shal not remayne that lies doth tel verse 8 Betimes I wil destroy euen al the wicked of the land That I may from Gods city cut the wicked workers band Domine exaudi orationem psalme Cii I. H. ¶ It semeth that this prayer was apointed to the faithful to pray in the captiuity of Babilon A consolatiō for the buildinge of the church Wherof foloweth the praise of god to be published vnto al posterityes The conuersion of the Gentils And the stability of the church Syng this as the .67 Psalme verse 1 O Heare my prayer Lord and let my crye come vnto thee verse 2 in tyme of trouble do not hide thy face away from mee Incline thine eares to me make hast to heare me when I cal verse 3 For as the smoke doth fade so do my dayes cōsume and fal verse 4 And as a harth my bones are burnt my hart is smittē dead and withers as the grasse that I forget to eat my bread verse 5 By reason of my groning voyce my bones cleaue to my skin verse 6 As Pellicane of wildernes such case now am I in And as an Owle in desert is loe I am such a one verse 7 I watch and as a Sparow on the house top am alone verse 8 Loe daily in reprochful wise myne enmies do me scorne And they y ● do against me rage against me they haue sworne verse 9 Surely with ashes as with bread my hunger I haue fild and mingled haue my drink w t teares y t fro mine eies haue stild verse 10 Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayn For thou hast lifted me aloft and cast me down agayn verse 11 The dayes where in I pas my life are lyke the fleeting shade and I am withered like y ● gras that soone away doth fade verse 12 But thou O Lord for euer doost remayne in stedy place And thy remembrance euer doth abyde from race to race The second part verse 13 Thou wilt arise and mercy thou to
sure For certenly beleue I do that thy preceptes are pure verse 67 Yer thou didst touch me with thy rod I erred and went astray But now I kepe thy holy worde and make it al my stay verse 68 Thou art both good and gratious and geuest most liberally Thy ordinaunces how to kepe therfore O lord teach me verse 69 The proud wicked men haue forged agaynst me many a lye yet thy commaundements stil obserue with al my hart wil I. verse 70 Their harts are swoln w t worldly welth as grease so ar they fat But in thy lawe do I delight and nothing seeke but that verse 71 Oh happy time may I wel say when thou didst me correct For as a guide to learn thy lawes thy rods did me direct verse 72 So that to me thy word and lawe is dearer manifold Then thousands great of siluer gold or ought that can be told IOD The .x. part verse 73 SEing thy hands haue made me lord to be thy creature graūt knowledge likewise how to learn to put thy lawes in vre verse 74 So they that feare thee shal reioyce when euer they me see Because I haue learned by thy word to put my trust in thee verse 75 Whē w t thy rods the world is plagde I know the cause is iust So when y u didst correct me Lord the cause iust nedes be must verse 76 Now of thy goodnes I thee pray some comfort to me send as thou to me thy seruant hetest so from al il me shend verse 77 Thy tender mercies poure on me and I shal surely liue For ioy and consolation both thy lawes to me doth geue verse 78 Confound y ● proud whose false pretence is me for to destroy But as for me thy hestes to know I wil my self employ verse 79 Who so with reuerence do thee feare to me let them retyre and such as do thy couenants know and them alone desyre verse 80 My hart without al wauering let on thy lawes be bent That no confusion come to me wherby I should be shent CAPH The xi part verse 81 MY soule doth faint ceaseth not thy sauing health to craue and for thy words sake stil I trust my harts desyre to haue verse 82 Myne eyes doth fayle w t looking for thy word and thus I say Oh when wilt thou me cōfort Lord why doost y u thus delay verse 83 As a skin bottel in the smoke so am I partcht and dryde yet wil I not out of my hart let thy commaundement siyde verse 84 Alas how long shal I yet lyue before I see the houre That on my foes which me torment thy vēgeance y u wilt power verse 85 Presumptuous men haue digged pits thinking to make me sure Thus contrary agaynst thy law my hurt they do procure verse 86 But thy cōmaundements are al true causeles they me greue To thee therfore I do complayne that thou mightest me releue verse 87 Almost they had me cleane destroyd brought me quite to groūd yet by thy statutes I abode and therin succor found verse 88 Restore me Lord agayne to life for thy mercies excel and so shal I thy couenaunts kepe til death my life expel LAMED The .xii. part verse 89 IN heauēs Lord wher thou doost dwel thy word is stablisht sure and shal for al eternity fast grauen there indure verse 90 From age to age thy truth abides as doth the earth witnes whose ground worke thou hast laid so sure as no toūg cā expres verse 91 Euen to this day we may wel see how al things perseuere accordyng to thy ordinaunce for al things thee reuere verse 92 Had it not ben that in thy law my soule had comfort sought Lōg time ere now in my distres I had ben brought to nought verse 93 Therfore wil I thy precepts aye in memory kepe fast By them thou hast my lyfe restord when I was at last cast verse 94 No wight to me can title make for I am onely thyne Saue me therfore for to thy lawes myne eares hart encline verse 95 The wicked men do seke my bane and therto lye in wayt But I the while considered thy notable workes and great verse 96 I see nothing in this wide world at length which hath not end But thy commaundement and thy word beyond al end extend MEM. The .xiii. part verse 97 WHat great desire and feruent loue do I beare to thy law al the day long my whole deuise is onely on thy saw verse 98 Thy word hath taught me far to pas my foes in policy For stil I kepe it as a thyng of most excellency verse 99 My teachers which did me instruct in knowledge I excel Because I do thy couenaunts kepe and them to others tel verse 100 In wisedome I do pas also the auncient men in dede and al because to kepe thy lawes I held it ay best rede verse 101 My fete I haue refrayned eke from euery euil way Because that I continually thy word might kepe I say verse 102 I haue not swarued frō thy iudgemēts nor yet shroonk any del For why thou hast taught me therby to liue godly and wel verse 103 Oh Lord how swete vnto my tast find I thy wordes alway Doubtles no hony in my mouth feele ought so swete I may verse 104 Thy lawes haue me such wisdome learnd that vtterly I hate al wicked and vngodly wayes in euery kind or rate NVN. The .xiiii. part verse 105 EVen es a lanterne to my fete so doth thy word shine bright And to my pathes where euer I go it is a flaming light verse 106 I haue both sworne wil performe most certeinly doubtles That I wil kepe thy iudgements iust and them in life expres verse 107 Affliction hath me sore oppressed brought me to deathes dore O Lord as thou hast promised so me to life restore verse 108 The offrings which with hart voyce most frākely I thee geue accept and teach me how I may after thy iudgements lyue verse 109 My soule is aye so in my hand that daungers it assayle Yet do I not thy law forget nor it to kepe wil fayle verse 110 Although the wicked layd theyr nets to catch me at abray Yet did I not from thy precepts once swerue or go astray verse 111 Thy law I haue so claymed alway as mine own heritage and why for therin I delite and set my whole courage verse 112 For euermore I haue ben bent thy statutes to fulfil Euen so likewise vnto the end I wil continue stil SAMECH The .xv. part verse 113 THe crafty thoughts and double hart I do alwayes detest But as for thy law and precepts I loued them euer best verse 114 Thou art my hid and secret place my shield of strong defence Therfore haue I thy promises lookt for with patience verse 115 Go to therfore ye wicked men depart from me anone For the commaundemēts wil I kepe of God my Lord alone verse
and meditate vpon thy workes most wonderful O Lord. verse 6 And they shal of thy power and of thy feareful actes declare and I to publish al abrod thy greatnes wil not spare verse 7 And they into the mētion shal breake of thy goodnes great and I aloud thy righteousnes in singing shal repeat verse 8 The Lord our God is gratious and merciful also Of great abounding mercy and to anger he is slow verse 9 Yea good to al and al his workes his mercy doth excede verse 10 Lo al thy works do praise thee lord doe thy honor spred verse 11 Thy saints do blesse thee they do thy kingdomes glory shew verse 12 And blase thy power to cause the sōnes of mē his power to know And of his mighty kingdome eke to spread the glorious praise verse 13 Thy kingdome Lord a kingdome is that doth endure alwayes And thy dominion through ech age endures without decay verse 14 The Lord vpholdeth them that fal the sliding he doth stay verse 15 The eyes of al do wayt on thee thou doost them al releue and thou to ech suffising foode in season due doost geue verse 16 Thou openest thy plentuous hand and bounteously doost fil al things whatsoeuer doth lyue with gifts of thy good wil. verse 17 The Lord is iust in al his wayes his workes are holy al verse 18 Nere al he his that cal on him in truth that on him cal verse 19 He the desires which they require that feare him wil fulfil and he wil heare thē whē they cry saue them al he wil. verse 20 The Lord preserues al those to him that bear a louing hart But he them al that wicked are wil vtterly subuert verse 21 My thākful mouth shal gladly speake the praises of y e Lord al flesh to prayse his holy name for euer shal accord Lauda anima mea Psalme Cxlvi I. H. ¶ Dauid shewing the great desire he had to prayse God teacheth that none should put theyr trust in men but in God alone who is almighty and deliuereth thafflicted nourisheth the poore setteth prisoners at libertie comforteth the satherles widowes and the straūgers and rangneth kyng for euer Sing this as the .2 137 Psalme verse 1 MY soule prayse thou the Lord alwayes my God I wil cōfes While breath life prolōg my daies my tōg no time shal cease Trust not in worldly princes thē though they abound in wealth Nor in the sonnes of mortal mē in whō there is no health verse 2 For why their breath doth sone depart to earth anone they fal and then the counsels of theyr hart decay and perish al. verse 3 O happy is that man I say whom Iacobs God doth ayde and he whose hope doth not decay but on the Lord is stayd verse 4 Which made the earth waters depe the heauens hye wythal which doth his word and promise kepe in truth and euer shal verse 5 With right alwayes doth he procede for such as suffer wrong The poore and hungry he doth fede and lose the fetters strong verse 6 The Lord doth sēd the blind theyr sight the lame to lims restore The Lord I say doth loue the right and iust man euermore verse 7 He doth defend the fatherles the straungers sad in hart And quyt the widow frō distres il mens wayes subuert verse 8 Thy Lord and God eternally O Sion stil shal rayne In tyme of al posterity for euer to remayne Laudate dominum Psalme Cxlvii N. ¶ The Prophet prayseth the bounty wisedome power suffice and prouidence of God vpon al his creatures But specially vpon his Church which he gathereth together after their dispersion declaring his word iudgement so vnto them as he hath done to no other people PRaise ye the Lord for it is good vnto our God to syng For it is pleasaunt and to prayse it is a comely thing 2 The Lord his own Ierusalem he buildeth vp alone and the disperst of Israel doth gather into one verse 3 He heales the broken in their hart theyr sore vp doth he bynd verse 4 He counts the nūber of the starres names them in their kind verse 5 Great is our Lord great is his power his wisedome infinit verse 6 The Lord releues y e meke throwes to groūd the wicked wight verse 7 Sing vnto God the Lord with prayse vnto the Lord reioyce and to our God vpō the harpe aduaunce your singing voyce verse 8 He couers heauen with cloudes for the earth prepareth rayne and on the mountaines he doth make the gras to grow agayne verse 9 He geues to beastes theyr foode to young rauens when they cry verse 10 His pleasure not in strength of horse nor in mans legs dothly verse 11 But in al those that feare the Lord the Lord hath hys delight and such as do attend vpon his mercies shyning light verse 12 O prayse thy Lord Ierusalem thy God O Sion prayse verse 13 For he the barres hath forged strōg wherwith thy gate he stayes verse 14 Thy children he hath blest in the● and in thy borders he Doth settle peace with y ● flower of wheat he filleth thee verse 15 And his commaundement vpon the earth he sendeth out and eke the word with spedy course swyftly run about verse 16 He geueth snow like wol hore frost like ashes doth he spred verse 17 Like morsels casts hys I se therof the cold who can abide verse 18 He sendeth forth his mighty word and melteth thē agayn His wind he makes to blow thē y ● waters flow amayn verse 19 The doctrine of his holy word to Iacob doth he shew his statutes his iudgments he geues Israel to know verse 20 With euery nation hath he not so dealt nor they haue knowne his secret iudgements ye therfore prayse ye the Lord alone Laudate dominum Psalme Cxlviij I. P. ¶ He prouoketh al creatures to prayse the Lord in heauē in earth in all places specially for the power that he hath geuen to his people Israel whō he hath taken so nere vnto hym GEuelaud vnto the Lord from heauē that is so hye Praise him in dede and word Aboue the starry skie And also ye his angels al armies royal prayse him with glee verse 3 Prayse him both mone sunne Which are so cleare and bright The same in you be done He glistring stars of light verse 4 And eke no les He heauens fayre verse 5 And cloudes of the ayre His laud expresse verse 6 For at his word they were Al formed as we se At his voyce did appere Al things in theyr degre Which he set fast To them he made A law and trade For ay to last verse 7 Extol and prayse Gods name In earth ye Dragons fel Al depe do ye the same For it becommeth you wel verse 8 Him magnify Fyre hayle I se Snow And stormes that blow At hys decree verse 9 The hils and mountaynes al And trees
here before thy maiesty trusting in our owne merites or worthines but in thy manifold mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers graūt our requests which we shal make to thee in y ● name of thy beloued son Iesus Christ our Lord who hath also commaunded vs to assemble our selues together in his name with ful assurance that he wil not onely be amōgst vs but also be our mediator and aduocate towards thy maiestie that we may obtayne all thinges which shal seme expedient to thy blessed wil for our necessities therfore we besech thee most merciful Father to turne thy louyng countenance towardes vs and impute not vnto vs our manifold sinnes and offences wherby we iustly deserue thy wrath sharp punishment but rather receyue vs to thy mercye for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offences in whom onely thou art pleased and through whom thou canst not be offended with vs. And seyng that of thy great mercies we haue quietly passed this nyght graunt O heauenly Father that we may bestow this day wholy in thy seruice so that al our thoughts words and dedes may redoūd to the glory of thy name and good ensample to al men who seyng our good workes may glorify thee our heauenly father And for as much as of thy mere fauour and ●oue thou hast not onely created vs to thyne own similitude and lykenes but also hast chosen vs to be heyres with thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ of that immortal kingdom which thou preparedst for vs before the beginning of y e world we besech thee to encrease our faith knowledge and to lighten our harts with thy holy sprite that we may in y ● mean tyme liue in godly conuersation and integrity of lyfe knowyng that Idolaters adulterers couetous men cōtentious persons drunkards gluttons and such like shal not inherite the kingdom of God And because thou hast commaunded vs to pray one for an other we do not onely make request O Lord for our selues and them that thou hast already called to the true vnderdandyng of thy heauenlye wil but for all people nations of the world who as they know by thy wonderful workes that thou art God ouer al so they may be instructed by thy holy spirit to beleue in thee theyr onely Sauiour redemer But for as much as they cannot beleue except they heare nor cannot heare but by preachyng and none can preache except they be sent therfore O Lord rayse vp faithful distributers of thy misteries who settyng apart al worldly respects may both in their lyfe doctrine onely seeke thy glory Contrarily confound Sathan Antichrist with all hyrelinges whome thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sence that they may not by sectes schismes heresies and errours disquiete thy little flocke And because O Lord we be fallen into the latter dayes and daungerous tymes wherein ignoraunce hath gotten the vpper hand and Sathan by his ministers seke by all meanes to quenche the light of thy Gospell we besech thee to maintayne thy cause against those rauenyng wolues and strengthen al thy seruants whom they keepe in prison and bondage Let not thy long suffryng be an occasion eyther to encrease their tiranny or to discourage thy children neyther yet let our synnes and wickednes be a hynderaunce to thy mercies but with speede O Lord consider these great miseries For thy people Israell many tymes by their synnes prouoked thyne anger and thou punishedst them by thy iust iudgement yet thoughe theyr synnes were neuer so greuous if they once returned from theyr iniquity thou receyuedst them to mercy We therefore most wretched synners be wayle our manifolde synnes and earnestly repent vs for our former wyckednes and vngodly behauiour towardes thee and where as we cannot of our selues purchase thy pardon yet we humbly besech thee for Iesus Christes sake to shew thy mercies vpon vs and receyue vs againe to thy fauour Graunt vs dere father these our requests and al other thynges necessary for vs and thy whole church according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our lord In whose name we besech thee as he hath taught vs saying Our father c. A prayer to be sayd before meales ALl thynges depend vppon thy prouidence O Lord to receyue at thy hands due sustenance in time conuenient thou geuest to them and they gather it thou openest thy hande and they are satisfied with al good things O heauenly father which art the fountayne ful treasure of al goodnes we beseche thee to shew thy mercies vpon vs thy children sanctify these gyfts which we receyue of thy mercifull liberality graunt vs grace to vse them soberly and purely accordyng to thy blessed wyll so that hereby we maye acknowledge thee to bee the author and geuer of all good things and aboue al that we may remember continually to seeke the spirituall fo●●e of thy worde wherwith our soules may be nourished euerlastingly through our sauior Christ who is the true bread of life which came down from heauen of whom whosoeuer eateth shal liue for euer and raigne with him in glory world without end So be it A thankes geuyng after meales LEt all nations magnify the Lord let all people reioyce in praysing and extollyng hys great mercies For his fatherly kyndnes is plentifully shewd forth vpon vs and the truth of his promise endureth for euer We render thankes vnto thee O Lorde God for the manifolde benefites which we continually receiue at thy bountiful hand not onely for that it hath pleased thee to frede vs in this present lyfe geuyng vnto vs all thinges necessary for the same but especially because thou hast of thy free mercies fashioned vs a new into an assured hope of a far better lyfe the which thou hast declared vnto vs by thy holy Gospell Therfore we humbly besech thee O heauenly father that thou wilte not suffer our affections to bee so intangled or rooted in these earthly and corruptible thyngs but that we may alwayes haue our myndes dyrected to thee on high cōtinually watchyng for the cōmyng of our Lord and Sauiour Christ what time he shal appeare for our ful redemption To whome with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory for euer and euer So be it Another thankes geuyng before meales ETernall and euerlyuing God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ who of thy most singular loue whiche thou bearest to mankynde hast appointed to his sustenaunce not onely the frutes of the earth but also the foules of the ayre the beastes of the earth and fishes of the sea and hast commaunded thy benefits to be receyued as from thy handes with thanks geuing assuring thy children by the mouth of thy Apostle that to the cleane al things are cleane as the creatures which be sanctif●d by thy word by prayer graunt vnto vs so moderately to vse these thy giftes present that the bodies being refreshed the soules may be
mischief stout and sorrow eke withal verse 12 Her priuy partes are wicked playne her dedes are much to vile And in the streetes there doth remayne al crafty fraud guile The second part verse 13 If that my foes did seeke my shame I might it wel abyde From open enmies check and blame some where I could me hide verse 14 But thou it was my fellow dere which frendship didst pretend And didst my secret counsel heare as my familiar frend verse 15 With whom I had delight to talke in secret and abrode And we together oft did walk within the house of God verse 16 Let death in hast vpon them fal and sen them quick to hel For mischief rayneth in their hal and parlour where they dwel verse 17 But I vnto my God do cry to him for help I flee The Lord doth heare me by and by and he doth succour mee verse 18 At morning noone and euenyng tyde vnto the Lord I pray Whē I so instantly haue cride he doth not say me nay verse 19 To peace he shal restore me yet though war be now at hand Although the number be ful great that would against me stand verse 20 The Lord that first and last doth raign both now and euermore Wil heare when I to hym complaine and punish them ful sore verse 21 For sure there is no hope that they to turne will ouce accord For why they wil not God obey nor do not feare the Lord. verse 22 Vpon their frēds they laid their hāds which were in couenāt knit Of frendship to neglect the bands they passe or care no whit verse 23 While they haue war within their hart as butter are their words although his words wer smoth as oile thei cut as sharp as swords verse 24 Cast thou thy care vpon the Lord and he shal nourish thee For in no wise wil he accord the iust in thral to see verse 25 But God shal cast thē depe in pit that thirst for bloud alwayes He wil no guileful man permit to liue out halfe hys dayes verse 26 Though such be quite destroid and gone in thee O Lord I trust I shal depend thy grace vpon with al my hart and lust Miserere psalme .lvi. I. H. Dauid being brought to Achis the king of Gath 2. Sa. 21. 12. cōplaineth of his enmies demaū deth succour putteth his trust in God his promises promiseth to performe his vowes which he had taken vpon hym Wherof this was the effect to prayse God in his Church Syng this as the Lamentation verse 1 HAue mercy Lord on me I pray for man would me deuoure He fyghteth with me day by day troubleth me ech houre verse 2 Mine enemies daily enterpryse to swaldow me outryght To fyght against me many ryse O thou most high of might verse 3 Whē they would make me most afraid with boast brags of pryde I trust in thee alone for ayde by thee will I abyde verse 4 Gods promise I do mind and prayse O Lord I stick to thee I do not care at al assayes what flesh can do to me verse 5 What things I either did or spake they wrast thē at their wil And al the counsel that they take is how to work me il verse 6 They al consēt themselues to hide close watch for me to lay They spy my pathes snares haue tride to take my lyfe away verse 7 Shal they thus scape on mischief set thou God on thē wilt frown for in his wrath he doth not let to throw whole kingdōs down verse 8 Thou seest how oft they make me flee and on my teares doost looke Reserue them in a glas by thee and wryte them in thy booke verse 9 When I do cal vpon thy name my foes away do start I wel perceyue it by that same that God doth take my part verse 10 I glory in the worde of God to prayse it I accorde With ioy wil I declare abrode the promyse of the Lord. verse 11 I trust in God and yet I say as I afore began The Lord he is my helpe and stay I do not care for man verse 12 I wil performe with hart so free to god my vowes alwayse And I O Lord al times to thee wil offer thankes and prayse verse 13 My soule from death thou doost defend and kepe my feete vpright That I before thee may ascend with such as lyue in light Miserere Psalme .lvii. I. H. ¶ Dauid beyng in the desert of Ziph where the inhabitants did betray him and at length in the same caue with Saule Calleth most earnestly vnto God with full confidence that he wil performe his promise and take his cause in hand also that he wil shew his glory in the heauēs and the earth against his cruel enemies Therfore doth he render laud and prayse Sing this as the. 44 Psalme verse 1 TAke pity for thy promise sake haue mercy Lord on me For why my soule doth her betake vnto the helpe of thee verse 2 Within the shadow of thy wings I set my selfe ful fast Til mischief malice like things be gone and ouer past verse 3 I cal vpon the God most hye to whom I sticke and stand I meane the God that wil stand by the cause I haue in hand verse 4 From heauen he hath sent his ayde to saue me from their spight That to deuour me haue assayd his mercy truth and might verse 5 I lead my life with Lions fel al set on wrath and ire And with such wicked men I dwel that freat like flames of fyre verse 6 Their teeth are speares and arrowes lōg as sharp as I haue sene they wound cut w t their quick tong like swords weapōs kene verse 7 Set vp and shew they self O God aboue the heauens bright Exalt thy praise on earth abrode thy maiesty and might verse 8 They lay their net and do prepare a priuy caue and pit wherin they think my soule to snare but they are fallen in it verse 9 My hart is set to laud the Lord in him to ioy alwayes My hart I say doth wel accord to syng his laud and prayse verse 10 Awake my ioy awake I say my lute my harpe and string For I my selfe before the day wil ryse reioyce and sing verse 11 Among the people I wil tel the goodnes of my God And shew his prayse that doth excel in Heathen lands abrode verse 12 His mercy doth extend as far as heauens al are hie His truth is high as any star that standeth in the sky verse 13 Set forth and shew thy self O God aboue the heauens bright Extol thy prayse on earth abrode thy maiesty and might Si vere vtique Psalme .lviii. I. H. He describeth the malice of his enemies the flatterers of Saule who both secretly openlye sought his destruction from whō he appealeth to gods iudgemennt shewyng that the iust shal reioyce when they see the punishment of the wicked to the