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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13988 The whole booke of Psalmes collected into Englysh metre by T. Starnhold, I. Hopkins, & others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to synge the[m] with al ; faithfully perused and alowed according to thordre appointed in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions ; very mete to be vsed of all sortes of people priuately for their solace & comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tende only to the norishing of vyce, and corrupting of youth.; Whole book of psalms. 1562 Sternhold, Thomas, d. 1549.; Hopkins, John, d. 1570. 1562 (1562) STC 2430; ESTC S1798 175,161 470

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For I haue spied their citie full of rapyne stryfe and wronge verse 11 Which things bothe night day throghoute doo close her as a wall In middes of her is mischif stoute and sorow eke with all verse 12 Her priuie partes are wicked playne her dedes are muche to vyle And in her stretes there doth remayne all crafty fraude and guile verse 13 If that my foes did seke my shame I might it well abide From open enmies checke and blame some where I coulde me hide verse 14 But thou it was my fellow dere which frendship didest pretend And diddest my secrete counsell here as my famillier frende verse 15 With whom I had delight to taulke in secret and abrode And we to gether oft did walke within the house of God verse 16 Let death in hast vpon them fall and send them quicke to hell For mischief rayneth in theyr hall and parloure where they dwell verse 17 But I vnto my God doo crye to him for healpe I flee Ohe Lorde doth heare me by and by and he doeth succour me verse 18 At morning noone and euening tide vnto the Lorde I praye When I so instantly haue tryed he doth not say me naye verse 19 To peace he shall restore me yet though warre be now at hande All though the number be full greate that would against me stande verse 20 The Lord that first last doth raigne bothe now and euermore will heare when I to him complayne and punish them full sore verse 21 For sure there is no hope that they to tourne will once accorde For why they will not God obey nor doo not feare the Lorde verse 22 Upon their frends they laid theyr hands whiche weare in couenaunt knitte ▪ Of frendship to neglect the bandes they passe or care no whyt verse 23 while they haue war within their hart as butter are theyr wordes Although his words wer smothe as oyle they cut as sharp as swordes verse 24 Cast thou thy care vpon the Lorde and he shall nourish thee For in no wise wyll he accorde the iust in thrall to see verse 25 But God shall cast them deepe in pit that thirst for bloud alwayes He will no guilefull man permit to lyue oute halfe hys dayes verse 29 Thoughe such be quite destroyde gon in the O Lorde I trust I shall depende thy grace vpon with all my hart and luste Miserere Psalme Lvi I. H Dauid being broughte to Achis the kinge of Gath Saum complayneth of hys enemyes demaundeth succoure putteth hys trust in God and hys promisses and promiseth to performe hys vowes whyche he had taken vpon hym Wherof thys was the effecte to prayse God in hys Churche HAue mercy Lorde on me I pray for man woulde me deuoure Sing this as the. li. Psa. He fyghteth with me day by daye and troubleth me eche houre verse 2 Myne enmies dayly enterprise to swalowe me outeryghte To fyght agaynst me many ryse O thou moste hygh of myghte verse 3 When they would make me most afraid with boast and bragges of pryde I trust in thee alone for ayde by thee will I abyde verse 4 Gods promise I doo minde and prayse O Lorde I sticke to thee I doo not care at all assayes what flesh can doo to me verse 5 What thinges I eyther did or spake they wrast them at theyr will And all the counsell that they take is how to worke me ill verse 6 They all consent them sealues to hyde close watche for me to laye They spie my pathes snares haue tred to take my lyfe awaye verse 7 Shall they thus scape on mischef set thow God on them will frowne For in his wrath he doth not let to throwe whole kingdomes downe verse 8 Thou seest how oft they make meflee and on my teares doest looke Reserue them in a glas by thee and wryte them in thy booke verse 9 When I doo call vpon thy name my foes awaye doo starte I well perceaue it by that same that God doeth take my parte verse 10 I glory in the worde of God to prayse it I accorde with Ioye will I declare abrode the promise of the Lore verse 11 I trust in God and yet I saye as I afore beganne The Lorde he is my healpe and stay I doo not care for man verse 12 I will performe with hart so free to God my vowes alwayes And I O Lorde all times to thee will offer thankes and prayse verse 13 My soule frō death thou dost me defēd and keepe my feete vpright That I before thee may ascend with suche as lyue in lyght Miserere Psalme lvii I. H Dauid being in the deserte of Ziph where the in habitauntes did betraye hym and at length in the same Caue with Sauil. Calleth most earnestly vnto God with full confidence that he will perform his promis and take his cause in hand Also that he wil shew his glory in the Heauens and the earthe agaynst hys cruell enemyes Therfore doth he render laude and prayse TAke pitie for thy promise sake haue mercy Lorde on me For why my soule doth her betake Sing this as the. ill psal vnto the helpe of thee verse 2 Within the shadow of thy winges I set my selfe full fast Till mischief malice and lyke thyngs be gon and ouer paste verse 3 I call vpon the God moste hye to whom I sticke and stand I meane the God that will stand by the cause I haue in hand verse 4 From heauen he hath sent hys ayde to saue me from theyr spighte That to deuoure me haue assayed his mercy truth and myght verse 5 I leade my lyfe with Lyons fell all set on wrath and ire And with such wicked men I dwell that freate lyke flambes offyre verse 6 Theyr teeth are speares arrowes lōg as sharpe as I haue seene They wound cut with theyr quick toūg like swerdes and weapons kene verse 7 Set vp and shew thy selfe O God aboue the heauens bryght Exalt thy prayse on earth abrode thy maiestie and myghte verse 8 They lay theyr net and doo prepare a priuie caue and pitte Wherin they thinke my soule to snare but they are fallen in it verse 9 My harte is set to laude the Lorde in hym to ioye alwayes My hart I say doth well accorde to syng hys laude and prayse verse 10 Awake my ioy awake I saye my lute my harpe and strynge For I my sealf before the daye will rise reioyre and syng verse 11 Amonge the people I will tell the goodnes of my God And shew hys prayse that doeth excell in Heathen landes abrode verse 12 His mercy doeth extend as farre as heauens all are hie His truthe is highe as any starre that standeth in the skye verse 13 Set fourth and shew thy self O God aboue the heauens bryghte Extoll thy prase on earthe abrode thy maiestie and might Siuere vtique Psalme lviii I. H He describeth the malyce of hys enemyes the flatterers of Saule who bothe secretiye and openly sought hys dystruction
to walke abrode at large The seconde parte verse 9 Great grief O Lord doeth me assaile some pitye on me take Mine eyes waxe dimme my might doth my wombe for wo doth ake verse 10 My lyfe is worne with grief and paine faile my yeares in wo are past My strength is gone through disdaine my bones corrupt and wast verse 11 Amonge my foes I am a scorne my frendes are all dismaide My neighbours and my kinsmen borne to see me are afrayde verse 12 As men once dead are out of minde so am I now forgot As small effect in me they finde as in a broken pot verse 13 I heard the bragges of all the route theyr threates my minde did fraye How they conspirde and went about to take my lyfe awaye verse 14 But Lorde I trust in thee for ayde not to be ouer trod For I confesse and still haue saide thou art my Lorde and God verse 15 The length of all my lyfe and age O Lorde is in thy hand Defend me from the wrathes and rage of them that me withstand verse 16 16 To me thy seruaunt Lord expresse and shew thy ioifull face And saue me Lorde for thy goodnes thy mercy and thy grace The thirde parte verse 17 Lorde let me not be put to blame for that on thee I call But let the wicked beare their shame and in the graue to fall verse 18 Oh how great good hast thou in store layde vp full safe for them That feare and trust in thee therfore before the sonnes of men verse 19 Thy presence shall thē fence and guide from al proud bragges and wrongs Within thy place thou shalt them hyde from all the stryfe of tonges verse 20 Thankes to the lord that hath declard on me his grace so farre Me to defend with watche and ward as in a towne of warre verse 21 Thus did I say both day and night when I was sore opprest Loe I was cleane cast out of sight yet heardst thou my request verse 22 Ye sainctes loue ye the Lord I say the faithfull he doth guide And to the proude he will repay according to their pride verse 23 Be strong and God shall stay your hart be bolde and haue a lust For sure the Lorde wyll take your part sith ye on him doo trust Beati quorum remissi sunt Psal. xxxii T. S. Dauid punished with greuous sicknes for his sinnes counteth them happy to whom God doeth not impute theyr transgressions And after that he had confessed his sinnes and obteyned pardon he exhorteth the wicked men to lyue godly and the good to reioyse THe man is blest whose wickednes the Lorde hath cleane remitted Sing this as the. xxx psal And he whose sin and wretchednes is hid and also couered verse 2 And blest is he to whom the Lorde imputeth not hys sinne Whyche in hys hart hath hid no guile nor fraude is founde therin verse 3 For whilst that I kept close my sinne in silence and constraynt My bones did weare and wast away with dayly mone and playnt verse 4 For night and day thy hand on me so greuous was and smert That all my bloud and humours moist to drines did conuert verse 5 I did therfore confes my fault and all my sinnes discouer Then thou O Lord diddest me forgeue and all my sinnes passe ouer verse 6 The humble man shall pray therfore and seke thee in due time So that the floudes of waters great shall haue no power on hym verse 7 When trouble and aduersitie doo compasse me about Thou art my refuge and my ioye and thou doest rid me out verse 8 Come hither and I shall thee teache howe thou shalt walke a right And will thee guide as I my self haue learnd by profe and sight verse 9 Be not so rude and ignoraunt as is the horse and mule Whose mouth without a raine or bit from harme thou canst not rule verse 10 The wicked man shall manifolde sorowes and grief sustayne But vnto him that trusteth in God his goodnes shall remayne verse 11 Be mery therfore in the Lorde ye iust lyft vp your voyce And ye of pure and perfect hart be glad and eke reioyce Exultate iusti in domino Psalm xxxiii I. H. He exhorteth good men to prayse God for that he hath not only created all thynges and by his prouidence gouerneth the same but also is faythful in his promises He vnderstandeth mans hart and soattereth the counsell of the wicked So that no man can be preserued by any creature or mans strength but they that put their confidence in hys mercy shalbe preserued from all aduersitie YE rightuous in the Lorde reioyse it is a semely sight Sing this as the. xxx psalme That vpright men with thankfull voyce should prayse the God of might verse 2 Prayse ye the Lorde with harp and songe in Psalmes and pleasant thinges With lute and instrument among that soundeth with ten stringes verse 3 Sing to the Lord a song most new with courage geue him prayes verse 4 For why his word is euer true his workes and all his wayes verse 5 To iudgement equitie and right he hath a great good will And with his gifts he doth delight the earth through out to fill verse 6 For by the worde of God alone the heauens all were wrought Theyr hostes and powers euery chone his breath to passe hathe brought verse 7 The waters great gathered hath he on heapes within the shore And hid them in the depth to be as in an house of store verse 8 All men on earth both least and most feare God and kepe hys lawe Be that inhabite in eche cost dreade hym and stande in awe verse 9 what he cōmaunded wrought it was at once with present spede what he doth will is brought to passe with full effect in dede verse 10 The counsels of the nacions rude the Lorde doth drine to nought No counsell cā preuaile against God but shall haue ill succes He doth defeate the multitude of their deuise and thought verse 11 11 But his decres continue still they neuer slake or swage The motions of his mind and will take place in euery age The secōd parte verse 12 And blest are they to whom the Lorde as God and guide is knowen Whom he doth chose of mere accorde to take them as his owne verse 13 The Lorde from heauen cast his sight on men mortall by birth verse 14 Considering from his seate of might the dwellers of the earth verse 15 Te lord I say whose hād hath wrought mans hart and doth it frame For he alone doth know the thought and working of the same verse 16 A king that trusteth in his host God only deliuereth and preserueth his people shall nought preuayle at length The man that of his might doth boast shall fall for all his strength verse 17 The troupes of horsemen eke shall faile their sturdie stedes shall sterue The strength of horse shall not preuaile the rider to
about his mothers graue But they at my dissease did ioye and gather on a route Yea abiect slaues at me did toye with mockes and checks full stoute verse 17 The belly gods and flattering trayne that all good thinges deride At me doe grin with great disdayne and plucke their mouth a syde verse 18 Lord when wilt thou amend this geare why doest thou stay and pause Oh rid my soule myne only deare out of these Lyons clawes verse 19 And then will I geue thankes to thee before thy churche alwayse And where as most of people be there will I shew thy prayse verse 20 Let not my foes preuayle on me whiche hate me for no faulte Nor yet to winke or tourne theyr eye that causeles me assaulte The third parte verse 21 Of peace no worde they think or say theyr taulke is all vntrue They still consult and would betraye all those that peace ensue verse 22 With open mouth they run at me they gape thei laugh thei flere Well wel say they our eye doth see the thyng that we desire verse 23 But Lorde thou seest what waies they take sease not this geare to mende Be not far of nor me forsake as men that fayle their frend verse 24 Awake aryse and stirre abrode defend me in my right Reuenge my cause my Lorde my God and ayde me with thy might verse 25 Accordyng to thy righteousnes my Lorde God set me free And let not them their pride expresse nor triumphe ouer me verse 26 Let not their hartes reioyce and cry there there this geare doth trime Nor geue them cause to say on hye we haue our will of hym verse 27 Confound them with rebuke shame that ioy when I do mourne And pay them home with spite blame that brag at me with scorne verse 28 Let them be glad and eke reioyce which loue mine vpright waye And they all times with harte voyce shall prayse the Lorde and saye verse 29 Greate is the Lorde and doth excell for why he doth delyght To see his seruaunts prosper well that is his pleasaunt sight verse 30 Wherfore my tonge I will applye thy righteousnes to prayse Unto the Lorde my God will I sing laudes with thankes alwayse Dixit iuiustus Psalme xxxvi I. H. Dauid greuously vexed by the wicked doth complayne of their maiyce wickednes Thē he turneth to consider the vnspeakeable goodnes of God towardes all creatures But specially towards hys children that by faithe therof he maie be comforted and assured of his deliueraunce by this ordenary course of Gods worke who in the ende destroyeth the wicked and saueth the ruite THe wicked with his workes vniust doth thus perswade my hart Sing this as the. xxxv psalme That of the Lorde he hathe no trust his feare is set aparte verse 2 Yet doth he ioye in his estate to walke as he began So long till he deserue the hate of God and eke of man verse 3 His wordes ar wicked vile and naught his tong no truth doth tell Yet at no hand will he be taught which way he may doo well verse 4 When he should slepe then doth he muse his mischife to fulfill No wicked wayes doth he refuse nor nothing that is ill verse 5 But Lorde thy goodnes doth ascend aboue the heauens high So doth thy truth it selfe extend vnto the cloudie skie verse 6 Much more then hilles so high steepe thy iustice is exprest Thy iudgments like to sease most deepe thou sauest both man and beaste verse 7 Thy mercy is aboue all thinges O God it doth excell In trust wherof as in thy winges the sonnes of men shall dwell verse 8 Within thy house they shalbe fedde with plenty at theyr will Of all delight they shalbe sped and take therof their fill verse 9 For why the well of life so pure doth ouer flow from thee And in thy light we are full sure the lasting light alwayse to see verse 10 From such as thee desire and knowe let not thy grace departe Thy righteousnes declare and shew to men of vpright hart verse 11 Let not the proude on me preuayle O Lorde of thy good grace Nor let the wicked me assayle to throwe me out of place verse 12 But they in their deuice shall fall that wicked workes maintaine They shalbe ouerthrowne with all and neuer rise agayne Noli emulari Psalme xxxvii w. w. Because the godly shoulde not wonder to see wicked men prosper in this world the prophet sheweth that all thinge shal be graunted according to theyr harts desire to them that loue and feare God they that do the contrary although they seme to florish for a tune shall at lengthe peryshe Sing this as the. xxxv psalme GRudge not to see the wicked men in wealth to florish styll Nor yet enuie suche as to ill haue bent and set their will verse 2 For as grene gras florishing herbes are cut and wither awaye So shall theyr great prosperitie sone passe fade and decay verse 3 Trust thou therfore in God alone to do well geue thy minde So shalt thou haue the land as thyne and there sure foode shalt find verse 4 In God set all thy harts delyte and loke what thou wouldst haue Or els canst wish in all the worlde thou nedest it not to craue verse 5 Cast both thy selfe and thyne affayres on God with perfect trust And thou shalt see with patience theffect both sure and iust verse 6 The perfect life and godly name he will cleare as the light So that the sunne euen at none daies shall not shine halfe so bryght verse 7 Be still therfore and stedfastly on God see thou wayte then Nor shrinking for the prosperous state of leude and wicked men verse 8 Shake of despite enuy and hate at least in any wise Their wicked steppes auoyd and flie and folow not their guise verse 9 For euery wicked man will God destroy both more and lesse But suche as trust in him are sure the lande for to posses verse 10 Watch but a whyle and thou shalt see no more the wicked trayne No not so muche as house or place where once he did remayne The seconde parte verse 11 But mercifull and humble men enioy shall sea and land In rest and peace they shall reioyse for nought shall them withstand verse 12 The leud men and malicious against the iust conspire They gnash their teeth at him as men whiche doo his bane desire verse 13 But while that leud men thus do think the Lorde laugh them to scorne For why he seeth their terme approche When they shall sygh and morne verse 14 The wicked haue their sword out drawē their bowe eke haue they bent To ouerthrow and kill the poore as they the right way went verse 15 But the same sword shal pearse their harts which was to kil the iust Likewise the bow shal breake to shiuers wherin they put theyr trust verse 16 Doubtles the iust mans poore estate is better agreat deale more Then
for worne and old our realine as now doth stand verse 22 Let not the simple go away with disapointed shame But let the poore and nedye aye geue prayse vnto thy name verse 23 Ryse Lord let be by thee mainteined the cause that is thyne owne Remember how that thou blasphemde art by the folysh one verse 24 The voyce forget not of thy foes for they presumyng hie Is more and more encreast of those that hate thee spitefully Confitebimur tibi deus Psalm lxxv N. The faythfull doo prayse the name of the Lord whiche shall come to iudge at the time appoynted when the wicked shal be put to confusion and drynke of the cup of his wrath theyr prayer shall be abated the righteous shall be exaited to honor VNto the God we will geue thankes Sing this as the. rliiii psalme we will geue thankes to thee Sith thy name is so nere declare thy wondrous workes will we verse 2 I will vprightly iudge when get conuenient tyme I may The earth is weake and all therin but I her pillers stay verse 3 I did to thee mad people say deale not furiouslye And vnto the vngodliones set not your hornes so hie verse 4 I sayd vnto them set not vp your taysed hornes on hye And see that you doo with stiffe neck not speake presumptuously verse 5 For neyther from the eastern part nor from the westernside Nor from forsaken wildernes protection doth procede verse 6 For why the Lorde our God he is the righteous iudge alone He putteth downe the one and sets another in the throne verse 7 For why a cup of myghtye wyne is in the hand of God And all the myghtye wyne therin himself doth poure abrode verse 8 As for the lees and filthy dregges that doo remayne of it The wicked of the earth shall drinke and suck them euery whyt verse 9 But I will talke of God I say of Iacobs God therfore And will not cease to celebrate his prayse for euermore verse 10 In sunder breake the hornes of all vngodly men will I But then the hornes of righteous men shalbe exalted hye Gloria patri To father sonne and holy ghost all glory be therfore As in beginning was is now and shalbe euermore In Iudea Psalme Lxxvi I. H. This Psalme● setteth for the the power of God and care for the defence of hys people in Jerusalem in the destruction of the armie Senacherib And exhorteth the faythfull to be thankefull for the same TO all that now in Jury dwell Sing this as the lxix psa the Lorde is clerly knowen His name is great in Israell a people of his owne verse 2 At Salem he his tents hath pighte to tary there a space In sion eke he hathe delyghte to make his dwellyng place verse 3 And there he brake bothe shaft and bow the sworde the speare and shilde And brake the ray to ouerthrowe in battell on the fielde verse 4 Thou arte more worthy honour Lord more mighte in thee dothe lye Then in the strongest of the worlde that rob on mountayes hye verse 5 But now y e proud are spoyled through the and they are fallen on sleepe Through men of warre no helpe can be them selues they coulde not kepe verse 6 At thy rebuke O Iacobs God when thou doost them reproue As halfe in slepe theyr charets stoode no horsman once doth moue verse 7 For thou arte fearfull Lorde in dede what man the corage hathe To bide thy sight and doth not dreede when thou art in thy wrath verse 8 Whē thou dost make thy iudgmēts hard from heauen through the grounde Then al the earth full sore afearde in silence shalbe founde verse 9 And that when thou O God dost stand in iudgement for to speake To saue thafflicted of the lande on earth that are full weake verse 10 The fury that in man doth raygne shall tourne vnto thy prayse Hereafter Lorde doo thou restrayne theyr wrath and threates alwayes verse 11 Make voues paye them to your God ye folke that nigh him bee Bring giftes all ye that dwell abrode for dreedfull sure is he verse 12 For he doth take bothe lyfe and might from Princes great of birth And full of terroure is hys sighte to all the kinges on earth Voce mea ad dominum Psalm lxxvii IH The Prophet in the name of the churche rehearseth the greatnes of his affliction and his greuous temptation wherby he was driuen to thys end to consider his formore conuersacion the continuall cours of Gods worckes in the preseruation of his seruauntes and so he confirmeth his sayth agaynst these temptacyons I With my voyce to God do cry with harte and harty cheare my voyce to God I lyfte on hyghe and he my sute doth heare in tyme of grief I sought to God by nyght no rest I toke But stretcht my hands to him abrode my soule comfort forsoke verse 3 When I to thinke one God entend my troble then is more I spake but could not make an ende my breath was stopt so sore verse 4 Thou houldst myne eys alwayse from rest that I alwayes awake With feare am I so sore opprest my speche doeth me forsake verse 5 The dayes of olde in minde I cast and oft did thinke vpon The times and ages that are past full many yeares agon verse 6 By night my songes I call to mynde once made thy prayse to shew And with my hart much taulke I finde my spirites doth searche to knowe verse 7 Will God sayd I at once for all cast of his people thus So that hence for the no time he shall be frendly vnto vs. verse 8 What is hys goodnes cleane decayed for euer and aday Or is hys promise now delayde and doeth his truthe decaye verse 9 And will the Lorde our God forget his mercyes manifolde Or shall his wrath encrease so whot his mercy to with holde verse 10 At last I sayde my weakenes is the cause of this mistrust Gods mighty hand can healpe all thys and chaunge it when he lust verse 11 I will regarde and thinke vpon the workyng of the Lorde Of all his wonders past and gone I gladly will recorde verse 12 yea all his workes I will declare and what he did deuise To tell his factes I will not spare and eke his counsell wyse verse 13 Thy workes O Lorde are all vprghit and holy all abrod What one hath strēgth to match y e mighte of thee O Lorde our God verse 14 Thou art a God that oft dost show thy wonders euery hower And so doest make the people knowe thy vertue and thy power verse 15 And thine owne folke thou diddest defēd with strength and stretched arme The sonnes of Jacob that discend and Josephes seede from harme verse 16 16 The waters Lorde perceued thee the waters saw thee well And they for feare a side did flee the depthes on trembling fell verse 17 The clouds that were both thick black did rayne full plenteously The thonder in
of all prayeth feruently for delyueraunce Somtimes rehearsing his miseryes somtymes the mercyes receyued desiring also to be enstructed of the Lord that he may feare hym also and gloryfye his name He complayneth also of his aduersaryes and requyreth to be delyuered from them LOrde bow thine eare to my request Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. and heare me by and by With greuous payn and gref opprest full poore and weake am I. verse 2 Preserue my soule because my waye and doinges holly bee And saue thy seruaunte O my Lorde that puttes his trust in thee verse 3 Thy mercy Lord on me expresse defend me eke with all For through the day I doo not cease on thee to crye and call verse 4 Comfort O Lorde thy seruaunts soule that nowe with payne is pinde For vnto thee Lorde I extoll and lift my soule and minde verse 5 For thou arte good and bountifull thy giftes of grace are free And eke thy mercy plentifull to all that call on thee verse 6 O Lorde lyke wise when I doo pray regarde and geue an eare Mark well the words that I doo say and all my prayers heare verse 7 In time when troble doth me moue to thee I doo complayne For why I know and well doo proue thou answerest me agayne verse 8 Among the Gods O Lorde is none with thee to be comparde And none can doo as thou alone the lyke hath not ben harde verse 9 The Gentils and the peoples all whiche thou didst make and frame Before thy face on knees will fall and gloryfye thy name verse 10 For why thou art so muche of might all power is thine owne Thou workest wonders still in sight for thou art God alone verse 11 O teache me Lorde thy way and I shall in thy truth procede O ioyne my hart to thee so nye that it thy name may dreade verse 12 To thee my God wil I geue praise with all my hart O Lord And gloryfie thy name alwayse for euer through the worlde verse 13 For why thy mercy shewed to me is great and doth excell Thou settest my soule at libertie out from the lower hell verse 14 O Lorde the proude against me ryse and heapes of men of might They seeke my soule and in no wise will haue thee in theyr sight verse 15 Thou Lorde art mercyfull and meeke full slacke and slow to wrath Thy goodnes is full greate and eke thy truth no measure hathe verse 16 16 O turne me and mercy graunt thy strength to me apply O help and saue thine owne seruaunte thy handmaides sonne am I. verse 17 On me some signe of fauour shew that all my foes may see And be ashamed because Lorde thou doest helpe and comfort me Fundamenta eius Psalm lxxxvii I. H The holy Ghost promiseth that the condicion of the Church whiche was in miserye after the captiuitie of Babilon shoulde be restored to great excelency so that there should be nothing more comfortable thē to be nombred among the membres therof THat city shall full well endure Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. her ground worke still doth staye vpon the holy hilles full sure it can no time decaye verse 2 God loues the gates of Sion best hys grace doth there abyde He loued them more then all the rest of Iacobs tents beside verse 3 Full glorious thinges reported be in Sion and abrod Great thinges I say are sayd of thee thou citie of our God verse 4 On Rahab I will cast an eye and beare in minde the same And Babilon shall eke applye and learne to know my name verse 5 Loe Palestine and Tire also with Ethiope likewise A people oulde full longe agoe were borne and there did rise verse 6 Of Sion they shall say abrod that diuers men of fame Haue there sprong vp and the hie God hath founded fast the same verse 7 In their recordes to them it shall through Gods deuise appere Of Sion that the chefe of all had his beginning there verse 8 The trumpetters with such as syng therin great plenty be My fountayns my pleasant springs are compast all in thee Domine deus salutis Psalme lxxxviii I. H Agrieuous complaynt of the faythfull sore afflicted by sicknes persecution and abuersitie being as it were left of God without any consolation yet he calleth on God by fayth and striueth against desperation complayning him selfe to be forsaken of all yearthly healpe LOrde God of health y e hope staye thou art alone to me I call cry throughoute the daye and all the nighte to thee O let my prayers sone ascende vnto thy sight on hyghe enclyne thyne eare O Lorde entend and herken to my cry verse 3 For why my soule with wo is filled and doth in trouble dwell My lyfe and breath almost doth yelde and draweth nye to hell verse 4 I am estemd as one of them that in the pit doo fall And made as one among those men that haue no strength at all verse 5 As one amonge the dead and free from things that heare remayne It weare more easy for me to be with them the whiche are slayne verse 6 As those that lye in graue I saye whom thou hast cleane forgot The whiche thy hand hath cut away and thou regardst them not Yea like to one shut vp full sure within the lower pit In places darke and all obscure and in the depth of it verse 8 Thyne anger and thy wrathe like wise full sore on me doth lye And all thy stormes agaynst me ryse my soule to vex and trye verse 9 Thou puttest my frends far of frō me and makst them hate me sore I am shut vp in prison fast and can come forth no more verse 10 My sight doth faile through grefe wo I call to thee O God Throughout the day my handes also to thee I stretche abrode verse 11 Doest thou vnto the dead declare thy wondrous workes of fame Shall dead to lyfe agayne repayre and prayse thee for the same verse 12 Or shall thy louing kindnes Lorde be preached in the graue Or shall with them that are destroyd thy truth her honor haue verse 13 Shall they that lye in darke full lowe of all thy wonders wotte Or there shall they thy iustice knowe where all thinges are forgot verse 14 But I O Lorde to thee alwaye doo crye and call apace My prayer eare it be daye shall come before thy face verse 15 Why dost thou Lorde abhorre my soule in grefe that seeketh thee And now O Lorde why dost thou hide thy face awaye from me verse 16 I am afflicte as dying still from youthe this many a yere Thy terrours whiche doo vexe me ill with troubled minde I beare verse 17 The furies of thy wrathfull rage full sore vpon me fall Thy terrours eke doo not asswage but me oppres with all verse 18 All day they compas me aboute as water at the tide And all at once with streames ful stoute beset me on eche side verse 19 Thou
people of the earth Geue thankes to God sing and reioyce to him with ioy and mirth verse 6 Upon the harp vnto him sing geue thankes to him with psalmes Reioyce before the Lord our king with trumpets and with shalmes verse 7 Yea let the sea with all therin with ioy bothe rore and swell The earth likewise let it begin with all that therin dwell verse 8 And let the flouddes reioyse theyr filles and clap theyr handes apace And eke the mountaynes and the hilles before the Lorde his face verse 9 For he shall come to iudge and try the world and euery wighte And rule the people mightely with iustice and with right Dominus regnauit psalme lxxxxix I. H. He cōmendeth the power equitie and excellency of the kingdome of God by Chryst ouer the Iew and Gentils and prouoketh them to magnyfye the same to serue the Lord folowing the example of the auncyent fathers Mosies Aaron Samuel who calling vpon God wer harde in theyr prayers THe Lord doeth raygne although at it The people rage full fore Sing this as the. lxxxxv p yea he on Cherubin doth sit though all the world woulde rore verse 2 The Lorde that doth in Sion dwell is high and wonders great Aboue all folke he doth excell and he aloft is set verse 3 Let all men prayse thy mightye name for it is featfull sure And let them magnifye the same that holy is and pure verse 4 The princely power of our king doth loue iudgement and ryght Thou rightly rulest euery thing in Iacob through thy might verse 5 To prayse the Lorde our God deuise all honour to him doo His fote stole worship ye likewise for he is holy too verse 6 Moses Aron and Samuell as priestes on him did call When they did pray he herd them well and gaue them aunswer all verse 7 Within the cloude to them he spake then did they labour still To keepe suche lawes as he did make and pointed them vntill verse 8 O Lord our god thou diddest them here and aunswerst them againe Thy mercy did on them appere theyr deedes diddest not maintayne verse 9 O laude and prayse our God and Lord within this holy hill For why our God throughoute the world is holy euer styll 2 Iubilate deo omnis terra Psalme C. He exhorteth all to serue the Lorde who hath made vs and to enter into his courts and assemblies to prayse his name IN God the Lorde be glad and lyght prayse him throughout the yearthe Sing this as the. lxvii Serue him and come before his sight with singing and with mirth verse 12 Know that the Lorde our God he is he did vs make and kepe Not we our sealues for we are his owne folke and pasture shepe verse 13 O go into his gates alwayes geue thankes within the same within his courts set forth his prayse and laud his holy name verse 14 For why the goodnes of the Lorde for euermore doth raygne From age to age throughout the world his truthe doth still remayne Miserecordiam et iudicium Psalm Ci. N. Dauid describeth what gouernment he will obserue in his house and kingdome He will punish and correct by roting out the wicked and cheryshing the godly persones I Mercye will and iudgement sing O Lorde God vnto thee Sing this as the. lxxxi Ps. And wisely doo in perfect way vntill thou come to me And in the middest of my house walke in purenes of my sprite And I no kind of wicked thing will set before my sight I hate their worke that fall away it shall not cleaue to me From me shall part the froward hart none euell will I see Him will I stroy that sclaundereth his neyghbour priuely The lofty hart I can not beare nor him that loketh hie Mine eyes shall be on them within the land that faithfull be In perfect way who worketh shall be seruant vnto me I will no guilefull person haue within my house to dwell And in my presence he shal not remaine that lies doth tell Betymes I will destroy euen all the wicked of the lande That I may from Gods citie cut the wicked workers band Domine exaudi orationem Psalm C. ii I. H. It semeth that this prayer was apointed to the faithful to pray in the captiuitie of Babilon A consolation for the buyldyng of the churche wherof foloweth the prayse of god to be published vnto al posterities The conuersion of the Gentels And the stabilytie of the churche O Heare my prayer Lorde and let my crye come vnto thee In tyme of troble doo not hide thy face away from me Inclyne thyne eares to me make haste Sing this as the. lxvii to heare me when I call For as the smoke doth fade so doo my dayes consume and fall And as a herth my bones are burnt my hart is smitten dead And withers as the grasse that I forget to eate my bread By reason of my groning voyce my bones cleaue to my skinne As pellicane of wildernes suche case now am I in And as an oule in desert is loe I am suche a one I watch and as a sparow on the house top am alone Loe dayly in reprochefull wise mine enmies doo me scorne And they that doo against me rage against me they haue sworne Surely with ashes as with breade my hunger I haue filld And mingled haue my drink with teares that fro mine eyes haue stild Because of thy displeasure Lord thy wrath and thy disdayne For thou hast lifted me aloft and cast me downe agayne The dayes wherin I pas my lyfe are like the fleting shade And I am withered like the gras that sone away doth fade But thou O Lord for euer doest remaine in stedy place And thy remembrance euer doth abide from race to race The second parte Thou wilt aryse and mercy thou to Sion wilt extend The time of mercy now the time foreset is come to end For euen in the stones therof thy seruants do delighte And on the dust therof they haue compassion in theyr sprite Then shall the Heathen peoples feare the Lordes most holy name And all the kinges on earth shall drede thy glory and thy fame Then when the Lord the mighty God againe shall Syon rere And then when he most nobly in his glory shall appeare To prayer of the desolate when he himself shall bend when he shall not disdayne vnto theyr prayer to attend This shalbe written for the age that after shall succede the people yet vncreated the Lordes renome shall sprede For he from his hie sanctuarye hath loked downe belowe and out of Heauen hath the Lord beheld the earth also That of the mourning captiue he might heare the woefull crye And that he might deliuer those that damned are to dye That they in Sion may declare the Lordes most holy name and in Ierusalem set fourth the prayses of the same Then when the people of the land and kingdomes with accorde Shalbe assembled for to do theyr seruice to
within my brest doth naturall lyfe preserue yea till this world shalbe dissolued thy law will I obserue verse 45 So walke will I as set at large and made free from all drede Because I sought how for to kepe thy precepts and thy rede verse 46 Thy noble actes I will describe as thinges of most great fame Euen before kings I will them blase and shrink no whit for shame verse 47 I will reioyse them to obey thy worthy hests and will Which euermore I haue loued best and so will loue them still verse 48 48 My handes will I lyft to thy lawes whiche I haue dearely sought And practise thy commaundementes in will in dede and thought The. vii parte ZAIN verse 49 Thy promise whiche thou madst to me thy seruaunt Lorde remember For therin haue I put my trust and confidence for euer verse 50 It is my comfort and my ioy when troubles me assayle For were my lyfe not by thy worde my lyfe would sone me fayle verse 51 The proude and suche as God contemn still made of me a skorne yet would I not thy law forsake as he that were forlorne verse 52 But cald to mind lord thy great works shewde to our fathers olde Wherby I felt the ioy surmount my grief an hundred folde verse 53 But yet alas for feare I quoke seing how wicked men Thy law forsoke and did procure thy iudgment who knoweth when verse 54 And as for me I framed my songs thy statutes to exalt When I among the straungers dweld and thoughtes gan me assalt verse 55 I thought vpon thy name O Lorde by nyght when others slepe As for thy law also I kept and euer will it kepe verse 56 This grace I did obteyne because thy couenants swete and deate I did embrace and also kepe with reuerence and with feare The. viii parte HETH verse 57 O God which art my part and lot My comfort and my stay I haue decreed and promised thy lawe to kepe alway verse 58 Mine earnest hart did humbly sue in presence of thy face As thou therfore hast promised Lorde graunt me of thy grace verse 59 My lyfe I haue examined and tryde my secrete hart Whiche to thy statutes caused me my fete strayght to conuert verse 60 I did not stay nor linger long as they that slouthfull are But hastely thy lawes to kepe I did my selfe beware verse 61 The cruell bandes of wicked men haue made of me theyr pray Yet would I not thy law forget nor from thee go astray verse 62 Thy rightous iudgment shewd toward me so great is and so hie That euen at midnight will I ryse thy name to magnifye verse 63 Companion am I to all them whiche feare thee in theyr hart And neyther will for loue nor dread ▪ from thy commaundements start verse 64 Thy mercies Lorde most plentuously doo all the worlde fulfyll Oh teache me how I may obey thy statutes and thy will The ix parte TETH verse 65 According to thy promise Lorde so hast thou with me delt For of thy grace in sundry sorts haue I thy seruaunt felt verse 66 Teache me to iudge alwayes a ryght and geue me knowledge sure For certenly beleue I doo that thy precepts are pure verse 67 Yer thou didst touche me with thy rod I erred and went astray But now I kepe thy holy word and make it all my stay verse 68 Thou art both good and gratious and geuest most liberally Thy ordinaunces how to kepe therfore O Lord teache me verse 69 The proud and wicked mē haue forged against me many a lye yet thy commaundements still obserue with all my hart will I. verse 70 Their harts are swolne with worldly welth as gras so are they fat But in thy law doo I delyte and nothyng seke but that verse 71 Oh happy tyme may I well say when thou didst me correct For as a guide to learne thy lawes thy rods did me direct verse 72 So that to me thy worde and law is dearer manifold Then thousands great of siluer golde or ought that can be tolde The. x. parte IOD verse 73 Seing thy hands haue made me Lord to be thy creature Graunt knowledg like wise how to learne to put thy lawes in vre verse 74 So they that feare thee shall reioyce when euer they me see Because I haue learned by thy worde to put my trust in thee verse 75 When with thy rods y e world is plagd I know the cause is iust So when thou didst correct me Lorde the cause iust nedes be must verse 76 Now of thy goodnes I thee pray some comforte to me send As thou to me thy seruaunt hetest so from all ill me shend verse 77 Thy tender mercies power on me and I shall surely lyue For ioy and consolation bathe thy lawes to me doth geue verse 78 78 Confound the proud whose false pretēce is me for to destroy But as for me thy hestes to know I will myself employ verse 79 Who so with reuerence doo thee feare to me let them retire And suche as doo thy couenants knowe and them alone desire verse 80 My hart without all waueryng let on thy lawes be bent That no confusion come to me wherby I should be shent The xi parte GAPH verse 81 My soule doth faynt and ceaseth not thy sauing health to craue And for thy wordes sake still I trust my hartes desyre to haue verse 82 Mine eyes doo fayle with loking for thy word and thus I say Oh when wilte thou me comfort Lorde why dost thou thus delay verse 83 As a skin bottell in the smoke so am I partcht and dryed yet will I not out of my hart let thy commaundement slide verse 84 Alas how long shall I yet lyue before I see the houre That on my foes whyche me torment thy vengeaunce thou wilt power verse 85 Presūptuons men haue digged pittes thinking to make me sure Thus contrary agaynst thy law my hurte they doo procure verse 86 But thy commaundements are al true and causeles they me greue To thee therfore I doo complayne that thou mightest me relieue verse 87 Almost they had me cleane destroide and brought me quite to grounde yet by thy statutes I abode and therin succor founde verse 88 Restore me Lorde agayne to lyfe for thy mercyes excell And so shall I thy couenants kepe till death my lyfe expell The. xii parte LAMID verse 89 In heauens lord where thou dost dwel thy word is stablished sure And shall for all eternitie fast grauen there indure verse 90 From age to age thy truth abideth as doth the earth witnes Whose ground work thou hast layd so sure as no tounge can expres verse 91 Euen to thys day we may well see how all thynges perseuer Accordyng to thy ordinance for all thinges thee reuere verse 92 Had it not ben that in thy lawe my soule had comfort sought Long time yere now in my distres I had ben brought to nought verse 93 Therfore will I thy
praise his greatnes not cāreach frō race to race they shal thy works praise and thy power preache I Of thy gloryous maiestye the beauty will recorde And meditate vppon thy workes most wonderfull O Lorde And they shal of thy power and of thy fearfull actes declare And I to publish all abrode thy greatnes will not spare And they into the mention shall breake of thy goodnes great And I aloud thy righteousnes in singing shall repete The Lorde our God is gratious and mercifull also Of great abounding mercy and to angre he is slowe yea good to all and all his workes his mercy doth excede Loe all thy workes doo praise thee lord and doo their honor sprede Thy sainctes doo bles thee and they doo thy kingdomes glorye shewe And blase thy power to cause the sonnes of men his power to know And of his mighty kingdome eke to sprede the glorious prayse Thy kingdome Lorde a kingdom is that doth endure alwayes And thy dominion through eche age endures without decay The Lorde vpholdeth them that fall the sliding he doth stay The eyes of all doo wayte on thee thou doest them all releue And thou to eche sufficing foode in season due dost geue Thou openest thy plentuous hand and bounteously doest fill All thinges what euer liue with giftes of thy good will The Lorde is iust in all his wayes his workes are holy all Nere all he is that call on him in truthe that on him cal He the desires whiche they require that feare him will fulfill And he will heare them when they crye and saue them all he will The Lorde preserues all those to him that beare a louing hart But he them all that wicked are will vtterly subuert My thankfull mouth shall gladly speake the prayses of the Lorde All flesh to prayse hys holy name for euer shall accorde Lauda anima mea Psalm cxlvi I. H Dauid shewing the great desire he had to prayse God teacheth that none should put theyr trust in men but in God alone who is almightye and deliuereth thafflicted nourisheth the poore setteth prisoners at lybertie comforteth the fatherles widowes and the straungers and raygneth kinge for euer My soule prayse thou the Lord alwayes My God I will confes Sing thys as the. cxxxvii Whyle death and lyfe prolong my dayes my tonge no tyme shall cease verse 3 Trust not in worldly princes then though they abound in wealth Nor in the sonnes of mortall men in whom there is no health verse 4 For why theyr breath doth sone depart to earth anone they fall And then the counsels of their hart decay and pearysh all verse 5 O happy is that man I say whom Iacobs God doth ayde And he whose hope doth not decay but on the lorde is stayd verse 6 Whiche made the earth waters depe the heauens hie with all Which doth his word and promise kepe In truth and euer shall verse 7 With right alwayes doth he procede for suche as suffer wrong The poore and hungry he doth fede and lose the fetters strong verse 8 The lord doth send the blind their sight the lame to limmes restore The lorde I saye doth loue the ryght and iust man euermore verse 9 He doth defend the fatherles the strangers sad in hart And quite the wydow from distres and ill mens wayes subuert verse 10 Thy lorde and God eternally O Syon still shall rayne In tyme of all posteritie for euer to remayne Laudate dominum Psalme cxlvii N. ☞ The Prophet prayseth the bountye wisdom power iustice prouidence of God vpō all his creatures But specially vpō his church whiche he gathereth together after theyr dispersion Declaring hys word and iudgmēts so vnto them as he hath don to no other people PRaise ye the Lord for it is good vnto our God to synge For it is pleasante and to prayse it is a comely thyng the Lord his owne Ierusalem he buildeth vp alone and the disperst of Israell doth gather into one He heales the broken in their hart theyr sore vp doth he bynde He countes the number of the starres and names them in theyr kynde Great is our Lord great is his power his wisdome infinite The Lord releues the meke throwes to ground the wicked wight Sing vnto God the Lord with prayse vnto the Lord reioyse And to our God vpon the harp aduaunce your singing voyce He couers heauen with cloudes and for the earth prepareth rayne And on the mountaines he doth make the grasse to grow agayne He geues to beastes their fode and to yong rauens when they crye His pleasure not in strength of horse nor in mans legges doth lye But all in those that feare the Lorde the Lord hath his delight And suche as doo attend vpon his mercies shining light O prayse thy Lorde Ierusalem thy God O Syon prayse For he the barres hath forged strong where with thy gaie he stayes Thy children he hath blest in thee and in thy borders he Doth settle peace and with the floure of wheat he filleth thee And his commaundement vpon the earth he sendeth out And eke his word with spedy course doth swiftly runne about He geueth snow like woll hore frost like ashes doth he spreade Like morsells castes his ise therof the colde whoe can abide He sendeth fourth his mightye worde and melteth them agayne His winde he makes to blow and then the waters flow amayne The doctrine of his holy worde to Iacob doth he shewe His statutes and his iudgements he geues Israell to knowe With euery nation hath he not so dealt nor they haue knowne His secrete iudgementes ye therfore prayse ye the Lord alone Laudate dominum Psalme cxlviii I. P. ☞ He prouoketh all creatures to prayse the Lode in heauen in earth and in all places specially for the power that he hathe geuen to his people Israell whom he hathe taken so nere vnto hym GEue laude vnto the Lord frō heauen that is so hie Praise him in dede and worde Aboue the starry skie 2. And also ye his angels all armies royall prayse him with glee Praise him both mone and Sunne Whiche are so cleare and bryght The same in you be done Ye glistring starres of lyght And eke no les De Heauens faire And cloudes of the ayre His laud expresse For at his worde they were All formed as we see At his voyce did appeare All thinges in their degree Whiche he set fast To them he made A law and trade For aye to laste Extoll and prayse Gods name In earth ye Dragons fell All depe doo ye the same For it becommeth you well Him magnyfye Fyre Hayle Ise Snowe And stormes that blow At his decree The hilles and mountaines all And trees that frutfull are The Cedres great and tall His worthy prayie declare Beastes and cattell yea birdes fliyng And wormes crepyng That on earth dwell All kinges both more and les With all their pompons trayne Princes and all iudges That in the worlde remayne Exalte his name
of the Jews against the Sauiour say the second Psalme If thyne acquaintaunce persecute thee and many ryse against thee thou hast the thirde Psalme If thou being troubled on this sort hast called vpon the Lorde and because he hath hard the thou wouldest giue him thanks syng the. 4. psa and the. 115 Psalme If thou perceyuest wayte to be layd for the of euil willers and desyrest that thy prayer should be hard syng the. 5. psal If thou feelest the threatninges of God and thereby perceyuest thy selfe to be dismaied thou mayest say the. 6. psalm and the. 37. If any consult or conspire againste the as Achitophel agaynst Dauid and some man tel it the syng the 7. Psalme when thou considerest the grace of our Sauiour euerywhere spread abrode and man kind restored vnto helth thē if thou wilt talke to the Lord syng the 8. Psalme If againe thou wilt synge of the wonderous workes of God gyuing God thankes thou hast the 8. Psalme and the 81. Psalme If thou wilt haue thine enemy stopped and driuen back neuertheles the creature to be saued not trusting in thy self but in Gods sonne say the 9. Psalme If any man wil make thee afrayed thou with trust in the Lord shalt syng the. 10. Psalme If thou seest the pride and malice of many to abounde so that nothing which is good and godly is regarded amongst men flye thou vnto Lorde and say the. 11. Psalme If the lyinges in waite of enemies continew still do not forget thy selfe as though the Lord set nought by thee but call vpon the Lord synging the. 26. Psalme If thou heare any man blaspheming and speaking ill against the prouidence be not thou partaker of their wickednes but flying vnto God say the. 14. Psalme and 53. Psalme If thou wilt know after what sort the life of a citizen of the kingdome of heauen is syng the 15. Psalme If thou hast nede of prayer for them which withstand the and compas thy soule aboute singe the 17. Psalme and 86. 89. and 142. Psalme If thou wilt knowe howe Moyses prayed thou hast the 90. Psalme If thou art escaped from enemies and deliuered from thē which persecute the sing the 18. Psalme If thou maruelest at thorder of thynges created and the grace of the diuine prouidence syng 19. 26. 27. Psalme If thou seest any man troubled cōfort them and praying for them say the wordes of the Psalme 20. If thou seest thy selfe kept of the Lord and that thou prosperest reioyce and syng the 23. Psalme If thine enemies rush vpon thee lift vp thy soule to God and say the 25. Psalme and thou shalt see them worke wickednes in vayne If thine enemies perseuer and continew as with bloudy handes seke to seduce thee or kill thee geue not iudgement vnto manne for all humaine thinges are suspect But requiring God to be iudge who is thonly Iudge say 26. psalme and 35. 43. Psalme If thine enemies cruelly curse the multiply as it were an host with dispite feare not no more thē though thou wer nothing in daunger at all and sing 46. Psalme If againe they be impudent which lye in wayte set thou nothin by them but sing vnto the Lorde that which is in the 47. Psalme If thou wilt know how thou ought to go vnto the Lord when thou wilt geue him thanks playnly thou shalt vnderstand and sing 48. Psalme Furthermore when thou renuest thy house soule which receiueth the Lord the sensible house in which thou bodely dwellest geue thankes and say 49. and 127. Psalme If thou see thy kinsmen and frendes hate the for the truth leaue not of thy loue nether feare such aduersaries but think what is to come and sing the 31. psalme If thou seest them that be christened deliuered frō the corruptible birthe maruelling at the deuine bounteousnes sing the. 31. Psalme If thou wilt sing with the iust men and remembring thē whiche liue a righte synge the. 33. psalme If thou haste fallen amongst enemies and wisely escaped them and fled from their snares therfore wilt geue thāks call together the meke and sing with them the 34. Psalme If thou see the wicked striue to do mischief think not that sinne is naturally in them as certayne heretikes helde an opinion but say 36. Psalme If thou se the euill work vnrighteousnes and beare them selues loftie against the lower sorte and desirest to warne some therof say the 37. Psalme If thou hast determined to take hede vnto thy selfe seest the aduersary lying in wait who is most earnest against such and woldest arme thy self against him sing the 39. psalme If thou seest many pore men and beggers and wouldest pitie them thou mayst both trye them whiche are now pitied al redy and exhorte other to do the same saing 41. Psalm If thou hast a desire towarde God hearest the enemyes vpbraiding let it not dismay thee but vnderstanding thimmor tall frute whiche springeth of this desire comforte the soule with hope toward God and with this releue and mitigate the griefes of lyfe saying 42 psalme If thou wilt often call to remembraunce the benefites of God which he shewed to the fathers bothe in the going out of Egipt and in the wildernes and how God was good to them but they were vnthankfull thou hast the 44. Psalme the 79. 80. 102. 106. 107. 114. Psalmes If fleing vnto God thou hast escaped such things as wer spoken against thee woldest geue thankes vnto God and declare his liberalitie goodnes towards the thou hast 46. If thou haste sinned being turned fallest to repentance and wouldest obteyne mercy thou hast the words of confession in the. 51. Psalme If thou hast suffred a false accusation before an euill kyng and seest thenemy to bost go aside and saye the. 52. Psalme If any persecute thee quarell willing to betray the like as the Phariseis did Christe and straungers Dauid abashe not thy selfe but with trust in the Lorde syng the 54. Psalm and the. 56. If persecution chaunce and the persecutour vnwares enenter into the caue where thou arte hyd feare not for thou hast in this strayte profitable wordes both for comfort and for remembraunce of the thinges in the. 57. psalm and 142. If he that lieth in waite of thee haue cōmaunded to watch and beset thy house and thou hast escaped geue thankes vnto God and in the tables of thy soule graue the thinge and say the 59. Psalme If thenemies which troble thee vp brayde thee and with many wordes backbyte thee which sem to be frends and in thexercise of this thy trosse thou arte somwhat weake thou mast call vpon the same also saying the. 4. Psalme Against hipocrites and such as bragge to a mans face saie to conuert them withall the 58. Psalme If they sharply rush vpon thee and would catch thy soule set against them thy subiection to God ward and be of good comfort for the fearser they are themore shall they be subiecte vnto God saye thou the 62. Psalme If
and hide you in youre hyll verse 2 Beholde the wicked bende theyr bowes and make their arrowes prest To shote in secret and to hurte the sound and harmeles brest verse 3 Of worldly hope and stayes were shrunke and clearly brought to nought Alas the iust and rightuous man what euill hath he wrought verse 4 But he that in his temple is most holy and most hye And in the heauens hath his seate of royall maiestie The poore and simple mans estate All thinges are gouerned by gods prouidēce considereth in his minde And searcheth out full narowly the maners of mankinde verse 5 And with a cherefull countenaunce the rightuous man will vse But in his harte he doth abhorre all suche as mischiefmuse verse 6 And on the sinners casteth snares as thicke as any rayne ▪ Fire and brimstone and whirle windes thicke As in the distruction of Sodom and Gomo appoynted for theyr payne verse 7 Ye see then how a righteous God doeth righteousnes embrace And to the iust and vpryght man sheweth forth his pleasant face Saluum mefac Deus Psalm xii T. S. The Prophet learnyng the miserable estate of the people and the decaye of all good order desyreth God spedely to sende succor to his children Then comfortyng himselfe others with thassuraunce of gods helpe he commendeth the constant beritye that God obserueth in keping his promises concluding that when all orders are most corrupted then will God delyuer hys HElpe Lorde for good and godly men Sing this as the third psalme doo perysh and decay And fayth and truth from worldly men is parted cleane away verse 2 Who so doeth with his neighboure talke his talke is all but vayne For euery man bethinketh how to flatter lye and fayne verse 3 But flatteryng and deceitfull lippes and tounges that be so stoute To speake proud words make great bragges the Lorde soone cut them out verse 4 For they say still we wyll preuayle our tonges shall vsextoll Oure tonges are ours we ought to speake what Lorde shall vs controll verse 5 But for the great complaint and cry The lord doth deliuer from all daungers of poore and men opprest Arise will I now sayeth the Lorde and them restore to rest verse 6 6 Gods worde is lyke to siluer pure that from the earth is tried And hath no les then seuen times in fire bene puryfyed verse 7 Now since thy promise is to helpe God can not deceue them that put theyr trust in him Lorde kepe thy promise then And saue vs now and euermore from this ill kinde of men verse 8 For now the wicked world is full of mischief manifolde When vanitie with mortall men so highly is extolde Vsquequo domine Psalme xiii T. S. Dauid as it were ouercomen with sundry and new afflictions fleeth to God as his onely refuge and so at the length being encouraged through Gods promises he conceyueth moste sure confidence againste the extreame horrors of deathe HOwe longe wilt thou forget me Lorde shall I neuer be remembred Sing this Psalm with the iii. tune ▪ How long wilt thou thy visage hide as though thou were offended verse 2 In hart and mynde how longe shall I. with care tormented be Howe longe eke shall my deadly foe thus tryumphe ouer me verse 3 Beholde me now my Lorde my God and heare me sore opprest Lighten mine eyes lest that I slepe as one by death possest verse 4 Lest this mine enemie sai to me beholde I doo preuayle Lest they also that hate my soule reioyse to see me quayle verse 5 But for thy mercyes and goodnes The mercye of God is the cause of our saluation my hope shall neuer start In thy relife and sauing health right glad shall be my hart verse 6 I will geue thankes vnto the Lorde and prayses to hym syng Because he hathe hard my request and graunted my wishyng Dixit insipiens Psalme xiiii T. S. He described the peruerse nature of men whiche were so growen to licenciousnes that God was brought to vtter cotempt for the which thing although he was greatly greued yet being perswaded that god would send som present remedy he comfort him selfe and others THere is no God as folish mē affirm in their mad mode their drifts ar al corrupt and vain not one of thē doth good The lord beheld frō heauen hie y e whole race of mākind and saw not one y t sought in dede y e liuing god to find verse 3 They went all wide and were corrupt and truely there was none That in the worlde did any good I say there was not one verse 4 Is all theyr indgement so farre lost that all worke mischief styll Eatyng my people euen as breade not one to seke Gods wyll verse 5 When they thus rage then sodenly great feare on them shall fall For God doth loue the rightuous men and will maintayne them all verse 6 He mocke the doinges of the poore to theyr reproche and shame Because they put theyr trust in God and call vpon hys name verse 7 But who shall geue thy people health and when wilt thou fulfill Where wicked men raine all felicitie is but very slauery lyke to Egipte or Babilon The promise made to Israell from out of Sion hill verse 8 Euen when thou shalt restore agayne suche as were captiues lad Then Iacob shall therin reioyse and Israell shall be glad Domine quis habitabit Psalm xv T. S This Psalme teacheth on what condition Goddid chuse the Jewes for his peculiar people and wherfore he placed his Temple amonge them whyche was to thentent that they by liuing vprightly godly might witnes that they were his speciall and holy people O Lorde with in thy tabernacle Sing thisas thr iiii Psa. who shall inhabite styll Or whom wilt thou receyue to dwell in thy most holy hill verse 2 The man whose lyfe is vncorrupt whose workes are iust and streit Whose hart doth thinke the very truthe whose tong speaketh no deceyt verse 3 Nor to his neyghboure doth none ill in body goods or name Nor willingly doeth moue salse tales which might empere the same verse 4 That in hys hart regardeth not malicious wicked men But those that loue and feare the Lorde he maketh muche of them verse 5 His othe and all his promises that kepeth faithfully Although he make his couenaunt so that he doth lose therby verse 6 That put teth not to vsury hys money and hys coyne Them the which doo not this shalbe cast out of the church with Ismaelli and the hipocrites Ne for to hurt the innocent doeth brybe or els purloyne verse 7 Who so doeth all thynges as you see that here is to be done Shall neuer perish in thys world nor in the worlde to come Conserua me domine psalm xvi T. S. Dauid prayeth to God for succor not for hys workes but for hys faithes sake protestyng that he hateth all Idolatry takyng God only for hys comforte and felicytie who suffereth hys to lacke nothing LOrde