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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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concluded for the third time O peace more cruell than any warre the yeare 1570. in the moneth of August the faithfull of the Church of Orlians thinking to inioy and vse the benefite of the saide peace were daily threatened beaten robbed and were for the most part euen for the space of one yeare let hindered both to inioy the greatest part of their goods as also to gather the Church together vntill the yeare of our Lord 1571. in the month of Septēber by the friendly soliciting that the late Lord Chatilliō Lord admiral through the great zeale goodwill that he had vnto these vertuous and notable men of name the late maister Baylife of Orlians The establishment of the Church of Orlians in the Isle maister Ierome Groslot Lord of the Isle with certaine other notable citizens of the saide citie the Church began to gather together as the peeces of a broken ship in a great sheepwracke vnto the saide place of the Isle a two small miles from Orlians where I was called thither againe to exercise the ministry and to beginne to reare vp this poore tabernacle which was so desolate But as our Lorde Iesus Christ being scarce borne and lodged in a little place at Bethelem forthwith had such kickings and assaults that he was constrained to retire himselfe into Egypt euen so the saide Church of Orlians as a man would say being but about to be borne againe and a litle to gather it selfe together that shee might knowe her selfe felt right soone the encountringes and forces of the enemie the exercise being broken off in the same place for a time through extorted cōmandements and wrasted proclamations such as we reade to haue beene in the fourth of Nehemie when for a time the building of the Tēple was hindered by one Sanbulat and his complices Nowe God graunting grace to this litle flocke to ouerpasse such lets and stops the exercise being a new agreed vpon in the saide place the furie and the slaughter of these papisticall people was no whit appeased in such sort that in steede of taking pitie of v. or vi hundred persons which went out ordinarily euery sunday to heare the preaching and exhortation as women children young and old and that often in vnseasonable times Cruelty against those which returned frō the preaching in the Isle and by verie long iourney they commonly receiued them with flinging of stones with myer and durt cast in their faces with iniuries outrages all kinde of scornings and derisions which the poore faithfull ones yea the women patiently did beare praising God who hadde giuen them this honour to suffer any thing for Iesus Christs sake The day of S. Bartholmewe vntill that that glowning fearfull and blouddie day of the 24. of August in the yeare 1572. was come on which day I made the last Sermon in the said place of the Isley There followed a generall deluge of Christian bloud through out all Fraunce and that which might stint euen one of the fairest and flourishingest Churches in all Fraunce to wit a 700. and more as some say Bourgeses Inhabitantes Counselars Aduocates Doctors and men of all qualities and conditions were cruellie slaughtered and Massacred amongst other there was slaine Monsieur de Champeaux the ancientest Counseller and next in place vnto the President one of the most courteous of all the citie The murther done at Orleans Doctor Taillebois the aduocate Patas maister Iohn Baudet and Gilles le Boiteux two of the most honorable and best affected citizens and so many others without sparing one of the most worshipful and ancient olde men of the citie who all his life long had beene honored amongest the chiefest bourgeses and beloued for his liberalitie and integritie to wit Monsieur Framberge Lorde of Bretache who drawen through the fieldes where he was in a waggen was cruelly striken downe in the suburbes of Portereau he who had all this yeare with great zeale and to his great charges lodged the Church to wit the Lord of the Isle The Massacre of the Lord of the Ile being Bailife of Orlians of whom mention was made before and who was there at the wedding of the king of Nauarre among the most auntient seruantes of his house this man was partlie shot in with Harquebusiers and partlie stricken downe by Halbardes within the citie of Paris Now who seeth not will some man say that yet this wound bleedeth and that ruine droppeth downe without ceasing vpon the desolate as was said in the destruction of Ierusalem in the 9. Chap. of Daniel Lord where are thy former mercies whereon wee doe waite Psal 89. Where is the zeale the strength of the Lord and the compassion of his bowels which are so dull that the Churches of long time in Fraunce bee as though God ruled not in the middest of them Esai 63. Lament ● Yea who seemeth to haue deliuered his people so into the hands of them of them I say out of which they cannot be recouered and stand vp What hope is then there will some say or what are these remnantes of the Church seeing that the greatest part hath beene lead as it were vnto a butcherie or to slaughter the remnant for the most part forced by impatience is in such sort turned and falne away from the trueth that it seemeth there is no trace or path of a Church left or that euer there had beene anie reformation had at Orlians or in the most part of the other cities These are O alas the thinges that are most true and that which hath bin recited is not the thowsand part of the outrages violences and miseries which haue come to the said Church For what tongue can expresse or what speach can vtter and set forth so manie lamētable cries as well of women as of childrē seeing slaine cruellie before their eyes their husbandes and fathers as well by enforcementes of their bodies as of their consciences and other such like outrages that would make the posteritie euen by onelie thinking of it to quake and tremble and now maketh vs as it were beside our selues when we doe but by the way make anie mention thereof as for example this preface can not bee a full laying out of such lamentable Tragedies neither is it my meaning at this time leauing those to intreate of this argument more at large that can doe it better with an higher stile and that are better informed of all the particularities than I can be But this is to the end that wee may now see and as it were put into the ballance on the one side the afflictions and miseries of the said Church And againe on the other part may see the consolations wherewith the scriptures haue furnished vs to the end we should know whether we haue occasion altogether to droupe and to lose our courage as alas to my great sorrow I see that manie haue done and not rather euen
to stirre vp through our prayers those mercies and bowels of compassion in the diuine Maiestie For wee must well remember in this behalfe the place that is in the 14. Chap. of the Prophet Osee Who is wise shall vnderstand these things and prudent and shall know thē A consolation against the extreme miseries wherewith God doeth exercise his children For the waies of the Lord are right and the iust also shall walke in them But the vngodlie shall fall therein By which wordes it is shewed vnto vs that it is a great wisedome rightlie to marke the proceedings of our God and to vnderstand the end of them as well in his promises as in his threateninges for they be alwayes iust and right and there are none but Infidels and wicked men which stumble and fall in them But men commonlie offend in this that they measure the thoughtes of God according to the thoughtes of men doe perswade themselues that thinges ought to goe and to take such course as they imagine in their vnderstanding the which is altogether contrarie to the Scripture For my thoughtes saith the Lord are not your thoughtes Esai 55.8 neither my wayes your waies For as the heauens are higher than the earth so bee my wayes higher than your wayes and my thoughtes aboue your thoughtes Nowe wee know that the thoughtes of our God are not to destroy his Church Mat. 16. against which the gates of hell can haue no power and for this cause we are commaunded to beleeue the Church howsoeuer she seeme not to appeare in the world as faith is not of thinges which bee apparant vnto carnall eyes Although then that sometimes stormes tempestes and calamities bee so extreme as it seemeth that there is no more face neither anie tract or footing of a Church on the earth and moreouer that GOD hath left his house and as it were altogether forsaken his heritage and as it might be leauing the welbeloued of his soule in the handes of his enemies Loe the verie wordes that the Lord vseth in the 12. of Ieremie yet will hee dailie haue as it is said in the 6. Chap. of Esaiah a tenth part And the Church shal bee made bare as a Birch or as an Oke when they shall cast their leaues and yet there shall be substance within euen so shall bee the substance of the Church a holie seede So that euen then when she shall walke in the middest of aduersitie Psal 138. the Lorde shall quicken her The meaning of the Lorde in sending calamities and shall not leaue the worke of his handes I say hee shall quicken her no otherwise than if of dead and drye bones being inspired with a new soule and strength they should bee gathered together and liue as it is said in the 37. Chap. of the Prophet Ezechiel And as concerning the Lordes purpose when hee sendeth such deluges and floudes to come among vs it is partlie to the end to shewe forth vnto the whole world his power prouidence goodnesse and righteousnesse partlie to the end that wee should learne to walke by faith to renounce our selues and in this so fraile and miserable a life to aspire vnto that which is euerlasting Hee sheweth his power when hee vpholdeth his Church in the middest of so manie euils and diseases when as hee shall raise it vp as it were from the dead Psal 68.2 when as in a moment hee shall make his enemies to vanish as a heape of smoke Hee testifieth his prouidence when as hee maketh the determined season come to deliuer his And contrariewise Psal 102. when hee bringeth the appointed day vpon his aduersaries as it is said in the lamentation of the Prophet Ieremie the 1. Chapter Hee likewise sheweth his prouidence in that of euill hee can drawe forth good Rom. 8.28 and make all thinges to worke to the good and saluation of his drawing out of afflictions remedies and profitable medicines for his Church Hee sheweth also his goodnesse first in that hee tempereth his corrections and in the middest of the greatest fiers hee comforteth and sustaineth his children as it is said in the 94. Psalme When I had manie thoughtes in my selfe thy comfortes haue recreated my soule His goodnesse shineth also in that he hath appeased his owne wrath putting an end to all calamities as it is said in the 30. Chap of Esaiah Therefore doth the Lorde put off to the end that hee may haue mercie vppon you and likewise that he may bee exalted when hee doeth pardon vs. Hee maketh his righteousnesse appeare when as hee spareth not no not his owne children making his iudgementes to beginne at his owne house euen as S. Peter saith in his first Epistle and 4. Chap. But in asmuch as hee hath established a couenant with his Church the which is not grounded vpon our workes or woorthinesse but vppon his welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ in whom hee hath chosen vs loued and blessed vs this couenant is euerlasting Ephes 1. ● And for the loue thereof he turneth himselfe towardes his people and he maketh them this goodlie certaine promise that is in the 89. Psalme I will visite their offences with a rod and their sinne with scourges But I will not vtterlie take my louing-kindnesse from him nor suffer my faith to faile him And in the 54. Chap. of Esaiah Although the mountaines shall remoue and the hilles shall fall downe yet my louing kindnesse shall not moue and the couenant of my peace shall not fall downe from thee saith the Lord who hath compassion of thee Behold thou poore vexed despised without anie consolation I will make thy walles of pretious stones and thy foundation of Saphires c. Nowe the whole is that wee awaite for him as it is said in the 30. of Esaiah Blessed are all they that waite for him But man is of a nature first The imperfections of man Lib. De patientia Rom. 8. verie impatient so as Tertullian hath not said without cause that impatiencie is the cause of all euils Secōdlie man is of this nature that he will not beleeue but that which he seeth a thing altogether contrarie vnto faith For that faith and hope which ground thēselues vpon that which is seene are properlie neither faith nor hope Thirdlie man is so corrupted as S. Chrysostome saith verie well in his 4. Homilie vnto the people of Antioch that he feareth that that he ought not to feare feareth not that which hee ought most to feare Men feare death and miseries that in deede bee nothing for they cannnot separate vs from the grace of God and they are so farre off from being able The vse of afflictions saith Chrysostome to separate vs that if thou haue manie vices afflictions will tame them if thou haue vertues afflictions will make them shine and appeare But men feare not sinne which maketh a diuision betwixt God and vs and the reward thereof
substance the father that neuer was begotten the onely sonne of the father and the holy Ghost proceeding from both the holie inseparable trinitie one almightie God Thou Lorde hast made vs strong and mightie when as we were not and when wee were lost through our offence thou hast restored vs miraculously through thy goodnesse Therefore neuer suffer vs O Lorde that we shew our selues vnthankefull and to yeelde vs vnworthy of so many thy mercies graunt rather good GOD to increase in vs faith hope and charitie So by this thine accustomed grace make that we may be stedfast in faith apt to all good workes that by thee we may come vnto euerlasting life that one day Lord seeing thy glorie such as it is wee may worship thy maiestie singing vnto thee this song Glorie be to the father which hath created vs glorie bee to the sonne that hath redeemed vs glorie bee to the holy ghost that hath sanctified vs glorie be vnto the most high and inseparable Trinitie whose workes are inseparable and Empire euerlasting Here followeth to the Articles of the Faith The father almightie maker of heauen and earth Of Gods almightie power Of the making of all thinges and of his diuine prouidence Of Gods almightie power TO the end that the knowledge of our God bee not acknowledged in the aire and that we may see also that they are good tokens that wee should put our trust in him it is written in these Articles of our faith that in his word he is reuealed euen as well as by his workes that we might also so much the more discerne our selues from the people that doe not know him aright and truelie Thererefore this is the verie proper gift of the Church to know God such as he is to wit in substance and therewithall these three persons the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost And he who knoweth not the Father knoweth not the Sonne Iohn 14.11 and he that knoweth not the Sonne knoweth not the Father Now albeit that hee is also our Father as we doe call him in the Lordes prayer yet be wee not but the children of adoption receaued and adopted Psal ● for the loue of his onelie sonne euerlasting and eternallie engendred of the Father in whome he taketh his good pleasure Behold how God is here called Father to shew vnto vs that our onelie faith is builded on God alone But this verie God whome the Church woorshippeth and in whome it beleeueth is the Father How God is manifested the sonne and the holie ghost the which God hath truelie shewed himselfe in the world by foure diuine workes most excellent aboue all by the creation by the redemption made of mankinde by the assemblie and conseruation of the Church and by the woonderfull giftes that God did partake vnto this Church giuing vnto her forgiuenesse of sinnes and euerlasting life in that she confessed the true God so as by the meanes of this knowledge Rom. 15. wee might say as S. Paul did in the 3. 1. Cor. 3. Chap. of the first Epistle to the Corinth that all thinges are ours because that we be vnto Christ as Christ is vnto God who is the father of our Lord Iesus Christ as S. Paul manie times calleth him Now is he called also Almightie and thus lifted vp aboue all creatures and aboue the Gods of the Gentiles and their Idols Psal 115. that haue handes and cannot touch Eyes and cannot see But our God that hath his throne in heauen dooth what him pleaseth And as concerning vs poore creatures we know not to make alas one slippe of grasse and there is none that with all his care industrie can adde one cubite vnto his stature or height Mat. 6. This is then for you to woorship and to feare the almightie that hath power ouer heauen ouer earth ouer bodies ouer soules goods children and ouer all that which is vnto vs Psal 149. ouer kinges ouer the prowdest princes yea to buind them in chaines when it shall please him to vse his iudgementes and to bring them to nothing Lift not vp your hornes on high saith Dauid in the 75. Psalme for it is GOD that is your Iudge who lifteth vp and setteth downe as it pleaseth him How was it that hee tamed Pharao How did he put downe Nabuchadonozer whome he made to feede with beastes for seuen yeeres space And this it is as Iob speaketh in the 21. Chap. Against the wicked shall griefe of minde and trouble be strengthened because hee hath stretched forth his hand against the Almightie Esai 33. And how should man helpe himselfe before his face that is as a consuming fire Who is he that would abide in continuall burninges See wee not the mountaines leape and tremble before him as it is said in the 19. of Exodus and in the 68. Psalme But what say I the mountaines Yea the verie diuels are constrained to tremble Iames. 2.19 knowing and feeling that there is a God Therefore what blockishnesse is this what hardnesse what mischiefe that man shall sometimes be so froward and presumptuous that hee as it were would spite the Lord Euen as men may see enough therein who despise his threatninges and doe sooner feare earthlie man that is with all his glorie but as a flower and grasse than the Almightie before whose face the fearce and foming Sea the hard rockes and the earth also doe quake and tremble as wee doe reade in the 114. Psalme Wherefore let vs remember euen all the daies of our life that which was spoken vnto Abraham in the 17. of Genesis I am the God almightie walke thou before mee And I pray you what better Maister could we finde than him who hath all abundance in himselfe and that may doe all that he will For his power is ioyned with trueth righteousnesse He can doe that which he will but hee will not anie thing sauing that which is agreeable to his trueth and righteousnesse Iohn 10. Wee ought to haue remembrance namelie in our afflictions of this Almightinesse of the Lord and that none can take away his hand frō vs When God nourisheth sustaineth and preserueth his not onelie by ordinarie meanes but also by woonderfull meanes when it pleaseth him as he shewed when he diuided the Sea to make his people to passe through conducting them with a clowdie Pillar yea a fierie Pillar giuing thē Manna and so manie other his woonderful benefites 1. Cor. 2. and singular woorkes as one may yet dailie marke Therefore blessed are we whose faith is not builded on the wisedome of man but on the power of GOD. But Owe thrise yea foure times vnhappie if wee doe not trust in the almighty but doubt in his promises For that which is harde before our eies shall it therefore bee harde before the eies of the euerlasting himselfe Like as he speaketh in the 8. Chap. of the prophet Zacharie and as it is
his welbeloued sonne O good sauiour haue mercie on thy brethren come vnto them and dwell in them A prayer concerning Iesus Christ for to know him rightly O Lord my God seeing thou hast prouided for vs so precious a gift giuing vnto vs thy sonne Iesus fill my soule with the feeling of his bountie kindle in me a true desire of thy deere sonne and of his grace quench in me all euill affections neither suffer that my soule be vexed by worldlie cares but lift it vppe O Lorde and drawe it vnto a perpetuall meditating of thy sonne my redeemer Let his name be in my mouth let his mercie be shed in my heart to run through all my bones marowe and that I may neuer tast any other thing than this good sauiour that is dead for me Grant me also grace to correct my manners and take away from mee that which displeaseth thee for to giue me that which is agreeable and pleasing vnto thee Alas who shall make man cleane that is conceiued in vncleannesse if he be not washed and made righteous by thy sonne Iesus My health lyeth in thee good GOD and my weakenesse is before thee Heale this and by thy grace graunt vnto me the other For it is thou that healest the infirmities and keepest them that are healed and all through thy mercie An other prayer on the same matter O Lorde if our eyes be so tender and weake that they bee not able to beare the light of the sunne howe can we alas beholde thee if thou haddest not declared thy selfe in thy sonne which is the eternall worde and brightnesse of thy glorie O woonderfull secret that is not vnderstoode by mans wisedome the which is come out of the heauenly closet This is it that GOD was made man the euerlasting is made mortall hee that was not subiecte to suffer was made subiect to suffer the maister to abide the death for his seruauntes and he which ought nothing hath payed the debt to set vs poore sinners free O the great goodnesse of our sauiour to abide and suffer so much for vs O great power of our Lord Iesus Christ to ouercome death Hell had thought to haue swallowed him vp but it is hee that hath ouercome hell And in such manner it is come to passe therein as vnto fishes the which are taken when they thinke to take the baite euen so death taking our redeemer was himselfe taken And nowe Lorde who is he that will not trust in thee seeing that thy sonne is risen againe on the thirde daie so gloriously and tryumphauntly seeing that hee is ascended aboue all the highest heauens and hath deliuered man from his captiuitie to make him way euen vnto the heauenlie dwelling place It is there where hee sitteth on thy right hande and where wee doe worshippe him with thee the father and with the holie Ghost the comforter of the afflicted This is thy sonne our Lorde who is our life and our resurrection This is the hope and trust of the afflicted this is our light in our darkenesse this is the dewe of our thirstie soules This is he that doeth strengthen vs in our weakenesses and that healeth our woundes Wee are sinners but our sinne is not so great and mightie as is his mercie We be wanderers in this worlde but he is our shephearde and we doe awaite vpon him with a most earnest desire that our bodies may be alike vnto his glorious bodie and that wee may O mightie God beholde thy face A prayer and meditation vppon the birth of Iesus Christ taken out of the 15. Chap. of the Meditations of S. Augustine O Exceeding goodnesse O inestimable loue of thee my God who hast giuen thy sonne to redeeme thy seruaunt God was made man that man being lost should be redeemed out of the diuels pawes It must be O Lorde true that thy sonne Iesus hath right tenderly loued mankinde seeing that he hath not alonely brought him selfe so lowe to bee willing to become man and to bee borne of a virgine but did willingly yeelde himselfe vnto the punishment of the crosse and that for our saluation The good sauiour is come vnto vs he by his goodnesse is come to seeke out that which was lost hee hath sought out the lost sheepe and hauing founde him he hath taken him vppon his shoulders to carie him vnto the sheepe folde O good Lorde O true shephearde O woonderfull charitie And who is he that may heare these thinges without beeing astonied from the bowelles of this mercie Who will not marueile thereat or rather reioyce therein in that thou hast so much loued vs Lorde thou hast sent thy sonne in the likenesse of a sinnefull man that he who was without sinne might ouercome sinne and that we might of thy righteousnesse reioyce in him For hee it is that is the true Lambe without spotte and that hath taken away the sinnes of the worlde and that in dying hath destroyed death and in rysing againe hath brought life But alas O Lorde what shall I yeelde vnto thee for these so excellent benefites What prayses what thankesgiuing shall I giue vnto thee O Lorde Although wee shoulde be indewed with the knowledge of Angelles yea though all our members shoulde bee turned into tongues yet shoulde we be vnsufficient and vnwoorthy to praise so great a louing kindenesse for thy inestimable charitie that thou hast shewed vnto vs poore and vnworthie creatures dooth ouercome all knowledge Because that thy sonne hath not taken the seede of Angelles but of Abraham beeing made like vnto vs sinne excepted Therefore hauing taken humane nature and glorifying it and through his resurrection decking it with immortalitie he hath lifted vp him selfe aboue all heauens and hath placed him at thy right hande where hee is hee that is thy sonne worshipped and feared of Angelles Nowe beholde my comfort and my hope and wee all haue a portion in his flesh And since that he that hath taken our flesh raigneth with it I doe beleeue that I shall raigne because that my flesh is glorified in the person of Christ we shal be also glorified Albeit that my sinnes may let mee therein yet will this coniunction that I haue with Christ take away the lettes My God is not so rigorous and seuere to despise man seeing hee hath carried man and the humane nature vp on high How should hee forget that that hee hath with him Truelie this good Lorde is gentle and louing and loueth his flesh And if the Father loue his sonne as in deede hee loueth him hee also loueth all the which dooth appertaine vnto him so that from henceforth we be as raised vp in Christ Wee be alreadie seated in the kingdome of God since that the humane nature is gone vp thither with Christ No man hath euer hated his owne flesh We be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh Oh that this is a great secrete saith the Apostle this of Christ and of his Church O
thy brethren as we doe read in the 15. of S. Iohn I will say no more seruantes for the seruaunt knoweth not what his maister doeth But I haue called you friendes for all thinges that I haue heard of my father haue I made knowen to you And in the 20. of S. Iohn where it is sayde vnto Marie Magdalene Go vnto my brethren and tell them that I am gone vp vnto my father and vnto your father vnto my God and vnto your GOD. O Lord who shall comprehende sufficiently praise thy goodnesse For that truly which thou hast prepared to thine are thinges that the eie hath not seene 1. Corinth neither eare hath heard neither came into mans heart Giue therefore vnto vs thy holy spirit the which soundeth all thinges to the ende that we may vnderstande and knowe those thinges that thou hast giuen vs and that in knowing them wee may account thereof to forsake the earth and aspire vnto heauen where our head is and where there is true fulnesse of ioie and comfort So be it The historie of Iesus Christ his ascending is described vnto vs in the 16. Chap. of S. Marke and 19. vers After that the Lorde had spoken vnto them hee was receiued into heauen and sate on the right hande of God In the 24. of S. Luke the 50. vers After he lead them out into Bethania and lift vp his hande and blessed them And it came to passe that as hee blessed them he departed from them and was caried vp into heauen And they worshipped him and returned to Ierusalem with great ioie In the first Chap. of the Acts ver 9. And when he had spoken these things while they behelde he was taken vp for a cloud tooke him vp out of their sight And while they looked stedfastly towarde heauen as he went beholde two men stoode by them in white apparel which also said Yee men of Galile why stande ye gasing into heauen This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen so shall come as you haue seene him goe into heauen Out of the 3. of the Acts ver 21. Whom the heauen must containe vntill the time that all thinges must be restored which God had spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophetes Out of the 10. to the Romanes ver 6. That righteousnesse which is by faith speaketh thus Say not in thy heart who shal ascende into heauen that is to bring Christ from aboue or who shall descende into the deepe that is to bring Christ againe from the dead But what sayeth it The worde is neere thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart this is the worde of faith which wee preach As if he sayde that all doubts are taken away by faith and that the faithfull are assured by Iesus Christ to goe vp into heauen and to enter into euerlasting life Out of the 4. Chap. to the Ephesians ver 7. Vnto euerie one of vs is giuen grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ wherefore he sayth when he ascended vp on high he lead captiuitie captiue and gaue giftes vnto men Nowe in that he is ascended what is it but that he had also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all thinges A Meditation vpon the saide Text. And although the benefites of our sauiour Iesus Christ shall truely be felt euen now againe in the life to come Yet so it is that from henceforth wee be alreadie quickened by faith and are as it were sette with him in heauenly places as it is saide in the 2. Chapter to the Ephesians vers 8. Moreouer I pray you howe great is this consolation that wee haue not onely our pleadge alreadie in heauen but also our high priest that maketh intercession without ceasing for vs euen as it is written in the 7. Chapter to the Hebrewes Furthermore S. Paule in this text out of the 4. Chap. to the Ephesians where in wee bee greatly comforted when he sayth that our enimies the worlde the flesh and the deuill were lead away in tryumphe when as Christ ascended vp into heauen Wherfore should we then feare them And this tryumph was figured by the tryumphes and victories wherofare spoken in the 68. Psalme But yet that we may not be depriued from the presence of our sauiour and that he is not retyred from vs in such sort as we should no more reioyce in him S. Paule declareth vnto vs howe it was expedient according as Christ had sayde in the 16. of S. Iohn that I goe away and no more bodilie to bee conuersant in the world Because he had obtained for vs manie graces wherof he storeth and decketh his Churches and is present with vs as it is declared afterwards by the ministers of his word Howe Christ is present with vs. both the vertue and efficacie that he therein giueth to be short he is present with vs according as his spirituall kingdom beareth him he being our head he doth gouerne and guide vs by his holy spirite drawing vs vnto him that wee forsaking more and more the worlde and the earth we may be made citizens in the kingdome of heauen where he is frō whence we do awaite for him to be our ful deliuerance S. Augustin therfore sayth very well in the 50. treatise o● S. Iohn in the booke of faith vnto Peter the 2. Chapter If anie man aske howe I shall holde Christ now which is absent Sende vnto him saieth he thy faith and thou shalt holde him For our predecessours which were in his time haue seene him and layde holde of him in the flesh holde thou him in thine heart He truely hath set his bodie in heauen but he hath not withdrawen his maiestie from the worlde And hee woulde as touching his bodie be absent from vs to the ende that our faith might be edified which could not be truely faith if it did bodily see and holde Christ heere A prayer O Lorde our God vouchsafe through thy goodnesse and mercie to fill vs heere full of thy graces and ioyne vs together through faith with thy sonne Iesus vntill that we be partakers of the fulnesse of thy glory 1. Thes 4. when we shal be gathered together to be daily with the Lorde And sitteth on the right hande of God the Father almightie CONSIDERATION IN these Articles of our faith there is nothing superfluous For the article going before doth shewe vnto vs that hee was truely receiued into heauen which is the throne of God Matth. 5. and the abode of the blessed so that to ascende into heauen is not a vanishing away or as some doe interprete it by a figure to ascende into honour and high degree but Christ is in heauen from whence he shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead and there where the place is for all the elect Lib. de fide
and to make doubtful this Article for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes to the ende to trouble our poore consciences Let vs holde I say this for an vndoubted article as it is saide in the 10. of the Actes that all the prophetes doe giue this testimonie of Iesus that through his name all that beleeue in him without exception of persons shall receiue remission of sinnes We haue indeede strongly to wrestle and we feele yet the lawe of our members which kicketh against the spirit Rom. 7.23 neither also doe we beleeue an vtter putting off of our sinnes but the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and therefore wee crie out with S. Paule Alas wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death I thanke God through Iesus Christ our Lorde who as it is saide in the 4. Chap. to the Romans is ordained an oblation for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes Prayers and meditations to dispose a man to the acknowledgement of his sinnes A prayer of S. Augustine out of the 11. and 24. of his priuate meditation of the soule with God O Lorde I thy poore creature will yet haue hope in the shadowe of thy winges all sinnefull that I am hauing remembraunce of this thy goodnesse according to the which thou hast created mee Helpe therefore thy creature that thy goodnesse would frame and suffer not that he whō thy mercie hath made be destroied through my malice For if I O Lord returne to dust whereto shall thy creature serue thee It was not my deseruinges neither the grace that was in me then when I was but dust which could leade thee to create me let then this clemencie which moued thee to create me let the same lead thee to keepe me Whereto shall it serue thee that I was made if thy right hande holde me not vp Alas my God I verie wel knowe that thy hande is not shortened that it cannot saue me neither is thy eare likewise stopped that it cannot heare But I truely feele that they are my sinnes which haue made the diuision betweene thee and mee betweene darkenesse and light betweene death and life betweene vanitie and veritie betweene this daylie life and the euerlasting life Notwithstanding O mightie God I that am the worke of thy handes I will call vppon thee yea I will crie vpon thy name O Lorde For it is not in my selfe neither in my strength that I haue set my hope It is thy arme that shall saue me it is the light of thy couenaunt that shall make me glad Otherwise alas if thou weart not my hope I shoulde despaire But thou art my maker which neuer leauest them that trust in thee Thou art a great God louing sweete pacient disposing all things with an vnmeasurable mildenesse True it is that we are as a withered lea●e or as a litle flower and all our life is but vanitie and a winde that passeth away For this cause wee beseech thee also that thou proceede not against vs in thy wrath yea seeing that we be thy litle children that thou hast made of the earth alas wouldest thou trie thy strength against a leafe or against strawe and stubble We haue hearde so much praise of thy mercie in that thou desirest not the death of vs poore sinners Therefore suffer not death whome thou hast not created to rule ouer thy creature I desire O Lorde to be saued but in hauing a will thereto I haue not the power thereof to be short I can doe nothing vnlesse thy power comfort me I doe not knowe to will and desire that I ought vnlesse thou graunt mee grace that thy will be doone in mee as it is in heauen Thou art the Lorde of the whole worlde and the prince of all fleshe That which doth like thee thou doest fulfill in heauen in earth and in the depthes Let then thy will be done in vs on whom thy name is called vpon and that thy creature whom thou hast created to thy likenesse perish not A prayer vpon the same matter O Lorde howe dare I name thee my father and esteeme my selfe thy childe seeing that in me there is no obedience How dare I lift vp my eies to heauen seeing I am vnworthie that the earth should beare me For death is the rewarde of sinners and my iniquities are before mee which set thine anger in my sight I haue alas so often offended and my sinnes haue fought against thy mercie Thou hast giuen mee vnderstanding to knowe thee and a heart to honour thee Thou hast giuen me eies to beholde thy workes and handes to stretch foorth to the comfort of my neighbour to be short thou hast fashioned mee to thy glorie But O God I haue turned backe my spirite doeth applie it selfe to iniquitie My heart hath serued this wretched bodie which is but a vessell of dung and must be a pray for wormes My soule hath not loued thee with all her strength neither hath meditated in thy worde My eies haue beene fixed on the grounde I haue stretched out my handes to doe sooner euill than good My feete haue walked in the way of the worlde and not in thy pathes And in such sort O Lorde as if thou shouldest goe forwardes against mee in thine anger I could not awaite for anie other thing at my departure out of this worlde than to make my abode in hell I cannot awaite but for thy iudgement and this horrible sentence that shall flash and lighten vpon the wicked when they shall be sent vnto euerlasting fire But O good God I haue yet my trust in thee for it is not the assurance of my workes whereon I rest it is in thy great mercie it is in thy sonne Iesus which is flesh of my flesh and bones of my bones according to his humanitie Beholde then his precious bloud which was shedde for me Forgiue thy sinfull seruant for thy innocent sonnes sake Wipe away that tract that Sathan hath made in me and graue in my heart thy commandementes Quench vice in mee and there kindle faith and true godlinesse Take from me a stony heart and giue me a heart apt to be taught which may loue thee honour thee and delight in thy worde and that so I may haue part in thy kingdome Another confession of sinnes O Lorde my God I haue sinned against thy maiestie I haue prouoked thy wrath against me and also my soule is in sorrow For it feeleth the condemnation that it hath deserued and hath no satisfaction that may content thee What then O Lord shall I perish in mine iniquitie must I in steede of breathing againe despaire in my selfe It had beene much better that I neuer had beene borne in the world than to be here without thy grace Whereto doth this life serue me if thou which art life dost not fauour me Alas my God by my sinne I haue lost thy fauour but thou neuer loosest thy goodnesse therefore looke not vpon me a sinner in thy righteousnesse