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A11245 Truthe tryed very comfortable to the faithfull, but a discomfort to the enemies of God / newly sette forth by J.S. J. S. 1562 (1562) STC 21506; ESTC S2307 22,134 63

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slaues in mysery in darkenes and in the shadowe of death hath made vs free men to haue vse the libertye and freedome of our conscience which is a treasure of treasures Now hath god comforted vs after the tyme that he punyshed plaged vs and for the yeares wherein we haue suffered aduersity he hath shewed vnto vs hys mercy and to our children hys glory Oh that men woulde therefore prayse the goodnesse of the Lorde Psal 107 and the wonders that he doth for the children of men who of hys mere mercy hath deliuered vs from those that robbed and spoyled vs and were to strong for vs and hath satysfied the emptye soule and fylled the hungry soule with good wherefore my good brethren as oure mercyfull and gratious God hath so done hys maruelous woorkes that they ought to be had in remembraunce as in the day of our trouble we called vpon the Lord for helpe who hath now deliuered vs geuen vs our hartes request so should we likewyse now with earnest hearts willyng myndes performe that which we thē promysed vnto the Lord our God which was amendment and newnesse of life which I hartely wyshe and desyre of God may be the which also the Lord doth loke for at oure handes and he will not be mocked with all But alas that notwithstandinge I see rather a forgetfulnesse in our selues and synne and wickednesse rather most shamefully to abound then any amendmente of lyfe or reformation of oure wycked manners What pryde what whoredome what theft what dronkennesse what blasphemye and swearyng what vsurye what gredye and vnsatiable couetousnesse what vntrue dealyng is daylye vsed no regarde of woorde or promyse no skante the bondes or hande writynges with seale vppon seale is auaylable or sufficient without trauais in the lawe and expence of money Sinne I saye is made but a sporte for pryde is accompted for cleanlines whoredome for a pange of youthe thefte a shifter the drunkard a good companion the desperate swearer a lustye courtier the gredye couetuous vsurer a ware thriuyng manne the vntrue and subtyll dealer pregnaunt and fyne wytted Thus synne is accoumpted none offence and as it appeareth there is neyther regarde or care for the punishmente of the magistrate nor feare of the plage of God for the same But my brethern do not these abhominable filthye and corrupte thynges whiche stynke before the face of GOD and declare that we thynke in oure heartes there is no god Shall we dwell in the tabernacle of the Lorde or reste vpon his holy hyll that lyue thus carelesly carnallye and beastly No but he that leadeth an vncorrupte lyfe that dothe the thynge that is righte and speaketh the truthe from hys harte that vseth no deceyte in hys tongue and dothe no yll to his neighbour but perfourmeth that he promyseth vnto hym and that setteth not by the vngodly but maketh much of them that feare the Lorde that geueth not hys money vppon vsurye nor taketh rewarde against the innocent and that in all theyr doynges haue the feare of the Lorde before their eyes And these bee they that GOD wyll blesse vppon the earthe and in the worlde to come they shal be partakers of eternall glorye But howe groweth this carelesnes and impudencye of lyfe amongest vs which nowe so shamefully aboundeth Truely thoroughe neglectyng to heare the woorde of God preached and not beleuynge it when we haue harde it whiche when we hadde not thenne we hungred for it and nowe that it hathe pleased God to geue it agayne vnto vs we begynne agayne not to care for yt But my bretherne be not so vnthankfull for the greate benefyte of GOD. Consyder bee myndefull and thynke vppon the dolefull dayes passed forgette not the terriblenesse thereof remember I say the manifolde Godlye admonitions and warnynges for the amendement of our wicked dissolute lyfe in the laste tyme of the Gospell the great myserye and pitefull plages that were pronounced and foreshewed by the electe ministers of Iesu Christe to come vpon vs onles then spedye repentaunce and amendement But how littel regarded we the same til crueltye had catched vs and that the flame of fyrye faggottes flewe aboute oure eares Let not therefore that merciles and tyranous tyme the smarte whereof so latelye felte be already forgotten but let the same rather prouoke and moue vs lyke Christians to geue better hede now vnto the swete lessons Godly admonitions and daylye warnynges of Gods messangers whiche he of his louyng kyndnes and greate mercye hath thus once agayne sente amongest vs to declare hys will vnto vs who dayly cry out repentaunce repentaunce in the Lordes name who most louyngly and fatherly pityeth our destruction if his warnyng may helpe whiche alas preuayleth nothyng as appeareth For we are as ill naye rather worse then wee wer before but my brethren if ye be so carelesse that ye respect not the ambassage and fatherly warnynges of the almyghtye pronounced by hys electe and chosen ministers Yet be not so diuelishe desperate so lyghtly to regard the maruelous and straunge doinge and worke of the Lord hymself euen the almyghty who trulye is not pleased but hyghly offended with oure heathenyshe manners wherof let the fearefull fyer from heauen whiche so sodenly consumed that huge and myghty monument and temple of Poules be witnesse and let the sundrye straunge procreation monstrous shape as well of children as also of beastes beare recorde of oure monstrous and beastly lyfe remember also the verye heauens heauily bewailyng our wo and misery to come whose late daily droppyng showres dolefully preached vnto vs the heauye wrathe of god for our wickednes to be at hand ye hanging ouer our heads onlesse betime we turne vnto the lord what christian conscience quaketh not to thynke vpon the premysses turne therfore and lette amendement of life appeare in tyme or els to heauy will the burdeyns bee for vs to beare whyche God for oure disobedience and wickednes wil lay vpon vs I therfore exhort you for Christes sake that for as muche as in oure conuersation and liuing we haue swarued from god therby deseruynge his heauie wrathe and displeasure so we may endeuor our selues tenne times to turne agayne and seeke the lorde euen from the bottome of our heartes with wepyng fastyng and prayeng and for as muche as nothyng is better than to feare God and nothyng sweter than to haue a respecte vnto the commaundementes of the lord Syrach 23 let vs be meke and lowely to heare the woorde of god the gladde tidynges of Iesu Christe preached and not slacke to beleeue it * For where no knowledge of gods woorde is Syrach 5 Prouer. 15 the soule is not well and vayne are all those in whome no knowledge of god is Let vs therfore take hede to our selues Sapi 22 and keepe well our soules that we forget not the thinges that our eies haue sene let our lyuyng bee agreable vnto the doctrine
from place to place from countrey to countrey to offer to cary and bryng to them that neyther sawe nor felte but yet receauers they had that refused nothing al was fyshe that came to the net with thē these p●●feryng pilgrimages had that papisticall broode Romyshe ●able deuised for their own lukers sake which though beneficiall to themselues yet moste abhominable in the sighte of God and a playne robbyng of God of the honour and reuerence only due vnto hym wherof thoughe they were not ignoraunt yet careles Secondly touching the Masse which was their chiefe staffe to stand by howe were we by them persuaded coniured and brought to beleue the same to be a sacrifice to put away the sinnes bothe of the quicke and the dead and that by the vertue ther of as they saide they transported soules from purgatorye to paradise purchased eternall saluation ye what sore was it not a salue for or what diseases wold it not cure And after the wordes of consecration spoken then no bread nor wine to remaine but were forthwith altered and turned into the very body and bloude of Christe ye the very same proportion of body that honge on the crosse to be there foorthe commyng at their commaundemente they had hym in a strynge in suche subiection to plucke him to them and put him from them at their owne pleasure the creator to be subiect to the creature Oh abhominable blasphemye oh diuelishe detestable and shamelesse sacrificers directly denying the death of Iesu Christe to be onely sufficient But now beholde therefore what they are and what theyr owne doyngs declare them to be euen the very enemyes of Christ Iesu they kepte the symple ones ignoraunte and shewe themselues to bee euen they Ro. xvi whome Paule willed vs to be ware of who with their flatteryng woordes and sweete preachynges deceaue the heartes of the innocentes These I saye be they of that viperous generation of that fylthye broode that oure Sauiour Christ warneth vs of Math 24. Mar. xiii by the holy Euangelist Mathew * If any man say vnto you to here is Christe or there is Christe beleue them not For there shall aryse false Christes and fals prophets shal do great myracles wonders in so much that if it wer possible the very elect shold be deceiued And alas howe were we poore selye wretches and innocentes in bondage wretchedly wrapped in captiuitie of many yeares subiect to these gredy whelpes of Antichrist who without all shame and destitute of godly feare continual lye poured out vppon and in maner drouned vs with innumerable blasphemies and hipocritical superstitious ceremonies ageinst God and his truthe Thus were we by them led towardes destruction of body and soule Thus were we through that wicked Romish trayne still kepte from the bryght beames of gods holy worde And beyng thus in our chiefe extremitie at an exigent euen at the pytte brynke of pardition beholde the mercyfull goodnes of our almyghty God the God of our forefathers Abraham Isaac and Iacob beholde I say the great care of God for his people who he so derely hath bought euen with the precious bloude of his sonne Christe behold how God here tendred the workes of his owne handes ye and behold the sweete and comfortable promyses of our sauiour Christe moste louingly performed Nothyng saith he is in secrete that shall not come abrode Mar. 8. nor any thyng hyd that shall not come to light be know● For lost plesed our heauenly father of his free mercy then that his worde should be a lanterne to our feete Psal 119. Ma● ● and a lyght to our path wais where as before we walked in darkenes now dyd the blynde see and the deafe heare and to the poore was the gladde tidyngs preached Psalm 19. This woord gaue lyght and brought foorth vnderstanding euen vnto the very babes it offred an euerlasting enheritance vnto all those that with constaunt faithe did or doo imbrace it God stirred vp then his faithful ministers to pronoūce the same his wil vnto vs Psalm ●7 to winne his people vnto hymselfe Oh how mercifully dyd god then blesse vs and shew the light of his countenance vpon vs geuyng vs true and skilful shepardes to guide vs euen such as at his hands had receiued a spiritual vnderstanding They preached vnto vs the kyngdome of god to be at hand They preached vnto vs the lost shepe of Israel the gospel of the kingdom of god They preached repentance Mathe. ● * Freely they receyued euē of the good gyfte of god And freely they gaue agayn so that thorough the sounde and true doctrine of Iesu Christ taught by them we were led to the strayght and narrowe waye that leadeth vnto lyfe Mat. 7. Note therfore nowe gentyl Christian the great diuersitie in this pointe beetwene the fantasies dreames and inuentions of the perillous papistes and how much they varye and disagre with the truth of god taught vnto vs by the faythfull ministers of his most holy and inuincible worde The Romish broode taught vs that with gadding on pilgrimage and offring of money and trifles to stockes and blockes our sinnes were forgeuen vs and that those worme eaten ambassadours and painted Idoles were as mediators to take vp the matter betwene god and vs but S. Iames sayeth Iames. i●● that these bee lyers against the truth and their wisedom not to discend from aboue but is earthly naturall diuelish and therfore to be detested abhorred and vtterlye despised But the true pilgremage in dede was taughte vs by the trustye messangers of their Master Christ Pet●er 2. And which of al Christians ought continually to be obserued and followed and this it is Iame ● ● that we abstayn from sleshely lustes which fyght agaynst the soule to visit the prisoners and succourles people the fatherlesse in their aduersity to clothe and couer our nedy naked brethren with som holsom and comfortable garment c. But not to apparrell the blunt blocke that neyther feeleth heate nor colde and howe is it then possible they shoulde help vs or do vs any pleasure that cannot helpe themselues ye what neede we anye other mediatour or intercessour Iohn i. but him whome we haue alreadye to be our aduocate with the father euen Iesu Christ that righteous one And thus dydde those holy men of God teache vs they taughte vs Christ alone to be oure intercessour and aduocate and that God alone absolueth and freelye forgeueth vs for Christ his sake all our sins if we earnestly repent and beleue as witnesseth Peter we are saith he 1. Peter 1 iustified by faithe only in Christ his blood let this be sufficient in this pointe And now to the second pointe concernyng the reall presence of Christ to be in their Masse whiche the Papistes continually taught earnestly affirmed and with tooth and nayle mainteined Note now I say here the true vnderstanding thereof taught vs by Christ his
it was and how swete a refreshing to our hungry soules til we hungred and thyrsted for it and coulde not haue it but in steede thereof were fed and crammed wyth the moste detestable and Antichristian foode of Rome wherein was no smacke or taste no heauenly swetenesse no spirituall comforte but rather bytternesse and ranke poison corrupting both body and soule and therfore at those dayes mighte we iustly by wofull experience saye where the preachers of gods word fayle there perish the people Prou 25 for then perished the poore selye flocke for want of the good shephardes Iohn ●0 which had geuen their life for their shepe and we poore wretches straying and wandryng shepherdles were in daunger of euerye wolfe and bloudye shepebyter lefte as outcastes and as a people forsaken voyde of comfort without hope without helpe saue onely at the handes of our omnipotent god the great shephard To whom we were then forced to flye as to our onely refuge Then beganne we to beholde the frailtye of our wicked nature then considered we the heauy displeasure of god who for our vnthankfulnes had so louingly corrected vs and of whom in the time of our prosperitie we wee most forgetfull not regarding hym tyll beyng rocked in the cradell of care and as it were in manner ouerwhelmed with the waues of aduersitie and sourges of sorrowe whiche then caused vs to confesse oure wickednes and to acknowledge the eternall God to be our onely helpe Thenne called we to remembraunce the sweete blessynges of God whiche we in the triumphante tyme of the gospell had receiued and for neglecting whereof we had now felt and tasted the bytternesse of hys displeasure who yet more mercifully and louingly delte with vs then oure deserte deserued Then beganne we with the prodygall chylde to retourne from the swyne troughe and submytte oure selues to the handes of our heauenlye father Thenne cryed we Lorde delyuer vs frome the tyrannous and merciles bloudye broode that dailye persecute thy people Then cryed we lorde laye to thy handes for thy ennemies haue destroyed thy lawe Then desyred we the Lorde to delyuer vs and release vs oute of the extreame bondage and captiuitie wherein we were miserablye wrapped and to bee restored to oure former fredome and libertye whereof thorough our vnthankfulnes we were dispossessed Thē he sought we the lord that his worde mighte once agayne be a lanterne to oure feete and that we mighte once agayne walke accordyng to his holy lawes Thus in the trouble some and tyrannous time of persecution in the chiefest of oure calamitie and miserye suche was then oure songe Thys canne God doe and this woorke had god wroughte to make his forgetfull children knowe hym and the rather to bee myndefull of the greate and mercifull kyndnesse of so gratious a lorde Oh blessed ye twise blessed and happye were we that it thus pleased oure heauenly father to laye his crosse vppon vs whiche doubtlesse is as necessarye for the Christian soule as materiall foode for the bodye it made vs knowe hym whome before thoroughe oure frailtye we hadde forgotten and caused vs to humble our selues to him in whose handes our onely helpe consisted who then of hys endelesse goodnesse and whose mightye mercye was suche seeyng that in oure heartes we wer turned vnto hym beholding our inwarde and hartye repentaunce for so greuously offendyng his diuine maiestye of his vnspeakable loue most carefully and louinglye tendring vs as the father his children had then compassion vpon vs and turned his fauourable countenance towardes vs and though for a while he had suffred vs to be euill entreated thorough tyrauntes Psal 107 whome he vsed as instrumentes of his wrath to corrcet vs yet lo at the last he harde the mournyng voices of vs poore captyues and helped vs oute of miserye and shewed himselfe to bee as he is a mighty god of mercy and euen the onlye strengthe of his people Psalm 28 and the defender of the healthe of his annointed which he wonderfully declared when we beyng in our chiefe distresse thraldome and slauerye to them that dailye pursued vs Then he in twincklyng of an eye by his mightye power deliuered vs from that miserable bondage out of that troublesome and dreadefull sea of sorrowe wherein we were euen as he did the children of Israell through the red sea from the euill Pharao whome with all his trayne in their chiefest arrogancie as God by his omnipotente power in the same sea ouerwhelmed and drouned So hath he likewise meruelouslye ouerthrowne oure enemies who in theyr chiefeste pryde he hathe smyten downe beefore oure faces and plaged theym that hated vs Psalm 5● * and put the lying lyppes to silence whiche cruellye disdaynfullye and despightefullye resysted the truthe of God Thys meruelous worke hathe our almightye God wrought and broughte to passe by hys electe and chosen seruaunte and handmayden our most gratious quene Elizabeth God I saye the worker and she the instrument whome God hadde raysed euen as it were from the graue to ouerthrow his and her enemies whiche by all possible meanes most trayterously sought her ouerthrow destruction and death But the god that deliuered Peter forth of prison by whose meanes the chaines wherein he was bound fel from him Actes 1● and before whom the iron gates opened of their own accord that Peter might escape the handes of his ennemies woulde haue the Romishe Herodes vnderstande that there is no prison or forte of that force nor tower of suche terror or keeper of suche crueltie and circumspection that can holde or kepe captiue those whome God wil haue at libertie Well nowe hath Iudith through Gods assistance cut of the head of Holofernes the siege is raised the souldiors beeyng fled Iudith with the inhabitantes of Bethulia ioyfully triumphe praisyng god for the victory Thus hath our God the lord of hostes disappointed that butcherly and bloody broode of theyr mischeuous purpose which their wicked harts had imagined whose serpentlyke tongues stirred vp stryfe Psalm 14 and vnder whose flatterynge lyppes lay hydde the poison of adders and hath deliuered vs from their tyrannie euen as the byrde from the foulers snare and hathe defaced their abhominable wicked and Romish hipocriticall deuises and displaced theyr false and lothesome goddes of woode and stone And of hys myghtye mercy hathe restored his woorde vnto vs which plentifully is taughte and preached vnto vs by those whiche are spronge out of the ashes of them that with fyre were consumed by whome also the Sacramentes are dulie and trulye ministred Nowe haue we for chaffe corne for darkenes lyght for ranke poyson a preseruatiue euen the blessed word of God to heale vs from destruction hys holy worde I say the liuely foode and pretious preseruatiue of oure soules whiche hath brought vs quietnes with forreyne enemyes domestical peace plenty health and al thyngs necessary Oh how mercifully hath the Lord delt with vs that of myserable bond
whiche we professe that we geue not the ennemies of the Lorde a cause to raile for happy is he that readeth and they that heare the worde of god and kepe those thynges that are written therin Reuela 1 and otherwise we are but slanderers of the gospelle And therfore let vs take away our euill thoughtes out of the sight of God cease to doo euill seke iudgement help the poore oppressed Esay 1. be fauorable to the fatherles defend the widow then shal our sinnes as red as scarlet be made as white as snow and then as God of his mightifull mercy hath brought downe and suppressed the stoute mountaynes and hygh rockes Baruch 5. Ps●l ●● 17. the ennemyes of hys truthe whiche maintained theyr owne welthines with oppression and who also haue long bene glad and reioysed at our late decaye so shal he likewise force them whose ioye is nowe turned to sorow still to mourne in theyr owne destruction and we shall encrease and not diminishe but styll quietlye inhabite enioy and peaceablye possesse oure swete blessed land the floweth with milke hony which god hath geuen vs to our vnspeakable comforte and the greate glorye of oure almighty heauenly father with whome after this transitorye life ended we shal bee partakers of hys heauenly kingdome To that immortal god therfore with his only sonne oure sauiour Iesu Christe and to the holye ghost that swete comforter be al praise and glory for euer and euer Amen Finis ꝙ I. S. A praier or geuing of thankes for our deliuery from the hands of our enemies restoryng vnto vs the fredom of our conscience MOst puisaunt mighty and euerliuing God the god of all consolation the comforter of the comfortles the helper vp of such as were fallen the mercifull free forgeuer of the penitent sinners we sorowfull and sinfull wretches thy poore and sely creatures acknowledge confesse our greuous offences ye we protest before thy maiestye against our selues our disobedience our abhominable detestable and wicked sinnes which we most greuously against thy diuyne maiestie haue committed in transgressyng thy holy commaundements neglecting thy sacred word and despisyng the godly admonitiōs and warnings of thy ministers the preachers teachers of the same for the whiche oure moste heynous and horrible crime as of thy iuste iustice it pleased thee to take from vs and worthily to dispossesse vs of that heauenly treasure inestimable dwelling the onely substaunce of our soules thy liuely and euerlasting worde thorough want wherof we daily decayed pitifully perished and grewe more and more into sundry and manifolde miseries ye bothe we and oure countrey in daunger of vtter destruction till of thy only goodnes and heauenly clemency according to the multitude of thy mercies and not of our desert turning thy face from our sinnes forgetting our vnworthines and rather carefully pitieng our wofull and miserable state it pleased the agayne to restore vnto vs the fredome of oure conscience and in time to lay to thy hande for the defence of thy people against their enemies who thorough their violēce had oppressed their flock and troden thy truth vnder foote and diddest delyuer vs from the raging madnesse and tyranny of that mercycylesse gredy rauenous and Romyshe bloudsuckers euen as thou by thy myghtie power delyueredst Danyell foorth of the den from the hungry lyons therby cuttyng our sacke of sorow in peces turning our misery to mirth our woe to wealth and clothynge vs with ioye and gladnesse and haste also gathered together the remnant of thy flocke dispersed in sundry countreys to feede nowe with vs togyther vppon the holsome pleasant and swete pastures of thy sacred word here in our natiue blessed and fruitfull countreye of Englande which we through thy vnspekable and great mercy to the praise of thy holy name and our comfort doo quietly and peasibly possesse So nowe muste gratious and eternall God and heauenly father we selye wretches of our selues moste vyle and voyde of all goodnesse without thy assistaunce and fatherly care for vs prostratyng oure selues before thy maiestie do with vnfained harts most humbly beseche thee that this cherefull lyght of thy countenance may continually shyne vpon vs and our contrey and that it may please thee more more to poure out thy holy spirite vppon vs that by the assistance therof wee maye bee folowers of the swete comfortable doctrin now daily pronoūced taught by thyn elect chosen ministers neuer herafter go back agayn nor fall from thy truth but imbrace it stil go forward in the same according to our profession that our vertuous life may be an exāple to the wicked that sinners may be conuerted vnto thee be stil fauorable O'lord be now euer a defence vnto thy people of England els where soeuer thy gospell is taught and let no more thy heritage of England be brought to cōfusion geue vs no more ouer nor suffer vs neuer hereafter to be a reprofe amōg our ennemies neither suffer any more suche as be strangers to thy truth to gouerne vs that the blood of innocentes be no more spilt but good lorde for thy mercye sake mollyfie the stony heartes of those wilful ones that in time they may mekely tast the sweetenes of thy glorious gospel learne to know the and become of the number of the flocke of thy folde that we may be glad and reioice at their conuersion but if they shal still frowardly obstinately persist in their wilfull and wicked blyndnes despise thy holy lawes disdain the truthe crokedly contende and rebelliously resiste the godly religious procedinges of our moste gratious and soueraign princesse quene Elizabeth to whom we humbly besech thee to graunt a long ioiful and prosperous raign to the more magnifiing and extolling of thy glorious name and the comforte of this thy realme and people of England by thee committed vnto her gouernmēt whom also thou haste appointed and by thy holy worde autorised chiefe and supreme gouernor Then lord we pray the and reuerently requeste thee as thou arte an ennemye to the wicked doers abhorrest the bloud thyrstye and deceitefull and broughte their pomp and power to noughte So let their wickednes fal vpon their own heades and poure out thy indignacion vpon them that they may perishe together in our syght to their vtter confusion and neuer more be able to ryse vp nor rebell agaynst thee and thy Christ nor preuail against or molest thy flock but be thou our heauenly shepard euer in the myddest of vs that we alwayes may beyng as one flocke of one folde drawynge together by one lyne with godly and zelous hartes christianlike professyng one truthe euen thy gracious gospell and plentifully yeldynge foorth the fruites of the same may continually receiue thy heuenly venediction vppon vs and our contrey that our pastures may be ●●●ne and the earthe bryng foorthe and yelde her encrease that in due tyme we may with thankes geuynge reape and gather the fruites therof to our comfort ioyfully making our boast of thy praise and all the dais of our lyfe serue thee our Lord God in holinesse and rightuousnesse To whom with the sonne and the holy ghost one onely and eternall God bee all praise glorye and maiestie for euer and euer Amen Finis Imprinted at Lōdon by Henry Sutton for Edward Sutton dwellyng in Lumbarde strete at the signe of the Cradell The .xxi. day of December in the yere of our Lorde 1562. Perused and allovved according to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions