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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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vnto the tabernacle of the congregation whiche was without the hoast 8 And when Moyses went out vnto the tabernacle all the people rose vp and stode euery man at his tent doore and loked after Moyses vntill he was gone into the tabernacle 9 And assoone as Moyses was entred into the tabernacle the cloudie piller descended and stode at the doore of the tabernacle and he talked with Moyses 10 And all the people sawe the cloudie piller stand at the tabernacle doore and they rose vp and worshipped euery man in his tent doore 11 And the Lord spake vnto Moyses face to face as a man speaketh vnto his freende And he turned agayne into the hoast but the young man Iosuah his seruaunt the sonne of Nun departed not out of the tabernacle 12 And Moyses said vnto the Lord See thou sayest vnto me Leade this people foorth thou hast not shewed me whō thou wylt send with me And thou hast sayd moreouer I knowe thee by name thou hast also found grace in my sight 13 Nowe therfore if I haue founde fauour in thy sight then I pray thee shew me thy way that I may know thee and that I may finde grace in thy sight and consider also that this nation is thy people 14 And he said My presence shall go with thee and I wyll geue thee rest 15 He sayd vnto hym If thy presence go not with me cary vs not hence 16 For howe shall it be knowen here that I and thy people haue founde fauour in thy sight but in that thou goest with vs If thou goest with vs shall not I and thy people haue preeminence before all the people that are vpon the face of the earth 17 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses I wyll do this also that thou hast sayd for thou hast founde grace in my sight and I knowe thee by name 18 And he sayde I beseche thee shewe me thy glorie 19 Who aunswered I wyll make all my good go before thee I wyll call in the name of Iehouah before thee and wyl shewe mercy to whom I wyll shewe mercy and wyll haue compassion on whom I wyll haue compassion 20 And he said furthermore Thou mayest not see my face for there shall no man see me and lyue 21 And the Lorde sayd Beholde there is a place by me and thou shalt stande vpon a rocke 22 And whyle my glory goeth foorth I wyll put thee in a clyft of the rocke and will put my hand vpon thee while I passe by 23 And I wyll take away myne hande and thou shalt see my backe partes but my face shall not be seene The .xxxiiij. Chapter 1 God byddeth Moyses to prepare newe tables 6 The names of God 8 Moyses entreateth God to go with the people commendyng Gods mercy 11 God promiseth the lande of Chanaan 12 Company kepyng with the Gentiles and idolatrie is forbidden 17 goddes made of mettall 18 The solemnitie of sweete bread 19 Of the first borne 21 The Sabboth 22 The feast of Pentecoste and of tabernacles 26 The first fruites 28 The fast of Moyses The ten wordes 29 The face of Moyses horned 33 A vayle ouer the face of Moyses 1 ANd the Lord saide vnto Moyses hewe thee two tables of stone like vnto the first and I wyll wryte vpon these tables y e wordes that were in the first tables whiche thou brakest 2 And be redy in the morning and come vp early vnto the mount of Sinai and thou shalt stande there for me in the top of the mount 3 There shall no man come vp with thee neither let any man be seene thorowout al the mount neither let sheepe nor oxen feede before the hyll 4 And Moyses hewed two tables of stone like vnto the first and rose vp earlye in the mornyng and went vp vnto the mount Sinai as the Lorde had commaunded hym toke in his hande the two tables of stone 5 And the Lord descended in the cloude and stode with him there and he called vpon the name of the Lorde 6 And the Lorde passed by before hym and cryed Lorde Lorde God strong mercyfull and gracious long suffering and aboundaunt in goodnes trueth 7 And kepyng mercy in store for thousandes forgeuing wickednes vngodlynes and sinne and not leauing one innocent visiting the wickednes of the fathers vpon the chyldren and vpon the chyldrens chyldren euen vnto the third and fourth generation 8 And Moyses made haste and bowed hym selfe to the earth and worshipped 9 And sayd If I haue founde grace in thy sight O Lorde then let my Lorde I pray thee go in the middest of vs for it is a styfnecked people and thou shalt haue mercy vpon our wickednes and our sinne and shalt take vs for thine inheritaunce 10 And he said Beholde I make a couenaunt before all thy people I will do meruayles such as haue not ben done in all the worlde neither in all nations all the people amongest whiche thou art shall see the worke of the Lorde for it is a terrible thyng that I wyll do with thee 11 Kepe diligently those thinges that I commaunde thee this day Beholde I cast out before thee the Amorites Chanaanites Hethites Pherezites Heuites and Iebusites 12 Take heede to thy self lest thou make any compact with the inhabitours of the lande whyther thou goest lest they be cause of ruine amongest you 13 But ouerthrowe their aulters and breake their images and cut downe their groues 14 Thou shalt worship no straunge God for the Lorde is called ielous because he is a ielous God 15 Lest if thou make any agreement with the inhabitours of the lande and they go a whoring after their gods and do sacrifice vnto their gods they call thee and thou eate of theyr sacrifice 16 And thou take of their daughters vnto thy sonnes and their daughters go a whoryng after their gods and make thy sonnes go a whoryng after their gods also 17 Thou shalt make thee no gods of mettall 18 The feast of vnleauened bread shalt thou kepe Seuen daies thou shalt eate vnleauened bread as I commaunded thee in the tyme of the moneth Abib for in the moneth Abib thou camest out of Egypt 19 All that openeth the matrice is myne and al that breaketh the matrice amongest thy cattell if it be male whether it be oxe or sheepe 20 But the firstling of the asse thou shalt bye out with a lambe and if thou redeeme hym not thou shalt breake his necke All the first borne of thy sonnes thou shalt redeeme see that no man appeare before me emptie 21 Sixe dayes thou shalt worke and in the seuenth day thou shalt rest both from earyng and reapyng 22 Thou shalt obserue the feast of weekes with thy first fruites of wheate haruest and the feast of ingatheryng at the yeres ende 23 Thryse in a yere shall all your men chyldren appeare before the Lorde Iehouah God of Israel 24 For I
may knowe thy name and feare thee as doth thy people Israel and that they may knowe how that in this house whiche I haue buylt thy name is called vpon 34 If thy people go out to warre against their enemies by the way that thou shalt sende them and they pray to thee in the way towarde this citie whiche thou hast chosen euen toward the house which I haue buylt for thy name 35 Then heare thou from heauen their supplication and prayer and helpe them in their right 36 If they sinne against thee as there is no man but he doth sinne and thou be angry with them and deliuer them ouer before their enemies and they take them and carie them away captiues vnto a lande farre or neare 37 Yet if they repent in their heart in the lande where they be in captiuitie and turne and pray vnto thee in the land of their captiuitie saying We haue sinned we haue done euyll and wickedly 38 And turne againe to thee with all their heart and all their soule in the lande of their ●aptiuitie where they kepe them in bondage and so pray towarde their land whiche thou gauest vnto their fathers euen toward the citie which thou hast chosen toward the house whiche I haue buylt for my name 39 Then heare thou from heauen euen from thy dwelling place their supplication and their prayer and iudge their cause and be mercifull vnto thy people which haue sinned against thee 40 Now my God let thine eyes be open and thyne eares attent vnto the prayer that is made in this place 41 Nowe vp O Lorde God into thy resting place thou and the arke of thy strength O Lorde God let thy priestes be clothed with health let thy sainctes reioyce in goodnesse 42 O Lord God turne not away the face of thyne annoynted remember the mercies whiche thou hast promised to Dauid thy seruaunt The .vii. Chapter 1 The fire consumeth the sacrifice 2 The glorie of the Lorde filleth the temple 12 He heareth his prayer 17 and promiseth to exalt him and his throne 1 ANd when Solomon had made an ende of praying there came downe fire from heauen and consumed the burnt offring and the sacrifices the house was filled with the glorie of the Lorde 2 And the priestes coulde not go into the house of the Lorde because the glorie of the Lord had filled the lordes house 3 And when al the children of Israel saw howe the fire and the glorie of the Lord came downe vpon the house they fell downe flat vpon their faces to the earth vpon the pauement and worshipped and confessed vnto the lord That he is gracious and that his mercie lasteth euer 4 And the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the Lorde 5 And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of twentie and two thousande oxen and an hundred and twentie thousande sheepe and so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God 6 And the priestes wayted on their offices the Leuites had the instrumentes of musicke of the Lord which king Dauid had made to confesse vnto the Lord that his mercie lasteth euer Dauid praysing God by thē And the priestes blew with trumpettes before them and all they of Israel stoode 7 Moreouer Solomon halowed the middle of the court that was before the house of the Lorde for there he offred burnt offringes the fat of the peace offringes because the brasen aulter which Solomon had made was not able to receaue the burnt offringes and the meate offringes and the fat 8 So at the same time Solomon kept a feast of seuen dayes and al they of Israel with him an exceeding great congregation euen from the entring in of Hamath vnto the riuer of Egypt 9 And in the eyght day they made an assemblie For they kept the dedication of the aulter seuen dayes the feast seuen dayes ●0 And the three and twentie day of the seuenth moneth he let the people depart into their tentes glad and mery in heart for the goodnesse that the Lorde had shewed to Dauid and to Solomon and to Israel his people 11 And so Solomon finished the house of the Lorde and the kinges house and all that came in his heart to make in the house of the Lorde in his owne house went prosperously forwarde 12 And the Lorde appeared to Solomon by night and sayd to him I haue heard thy petition and haue chosen this place for my selfe to be an house of sacrifice 13 If I shut vp heauen that there be no rayne or if I commaund the locustes to deuour the lande or if I sende pestilence among my people 14 And if they that are of my people among whom my name is called vpon do humble them selues and make intercession and seke my presence and turns from their wicked wayes then will I heare from heauen and be mercifull to their sinne and will heale their lande 15 And from hencefoorth myne eyes shal be open and myne eares attent vnto the prayer that is made in this place 16 And therfore nowe I haue chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there for euer and myne eyes and myne heart shal be there perpetually 17 And if thou wilt walke before me as Dauid thy father walked to do all that I haue commaunded thee and shalt obserue my statutes and my lawes 18 Then will I stablishe the seate of thy kingdome according as I made the couenaunt with Dauid thy father saying Thou shalt not be without a man to be ruler in Israel 19 But and if ye turne away and forsake my statutes my commaundementes which I haue set before you and shall go and serue other gods and worship them 20 Then will I plucke them vp by the rootes out of my lande whiche I haue geuen them and this house whiche I haue sanctified for my name will I cast out of my sight and will make it to be a prouerbe and a iest among all nations 21 And this house whiche is most high shal be an astonishement to euery one that passeth by and shal say Why hath the Lorde dealt on this fashion with this lande and with this house 22 And they shal aunswere Because they forsoke the Lorde God of their fathers which brought them out of the lande of Egypt and caught holde on other gods and worshipped them and serued them euen therefore hath he brought all this euyll vpon them The .viii. Chapter 2 The cities that Solomon buylt 7 People that were made tributarie vnto him 12 His sacrifices 17 He sendeth to Ophir 1 ANd it fortuned that after twentie yeres when Solomon had buylt the house of the Lorde and his owne house 2 He buylt the cities that Hiram gaue hym and put of the children of Israel in them 3 And Solomon went to Hamath Zoba and strengthed it 4 And he buylt Thadmor in the
that call vpon thee 6 Geue eare O God vnto my prayer and be attentiue vnto the voyce of my humble petitions 7 I call vpon thee in the day of my trouble for thou hearest me 8 Among the gods there is none like vnto thee O Lorde there is not one that can do as thou doest All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship thee O Lorde and shall glorifie thy name 10 For thou art great and doest wonderous thinges thou art God alone 11 Teache me thy way O God and I wyll walke in thy trueth make my heart all one with thyne that it may feare thy name 12 I wyll acknowledge thee O Lorde my God with all my heart and I wyl glorifie thy name for euer 13 For great is thy mercy towarde me and thou hast deliuered my soule from the lowest part of hell 14 O God the proude are rysen against me a companie of outragious naughtipackes haue sought after my soule and haue not set thee before their eyes 15 But thou O Lorde art a God full of compassion and mercy long yer thou be angry plenteous in goodnes and trueth 16 Turne thy face vnto me and haue mercy vpon me geue thy strength vnto thy seruaunt and helpe the sonne of thine handmayde 17 Shewe some good token of thy fauour towardes me that they whiche hate me may see it and be ashamed because thou God hast helped me and comforted me The argument of the .lxxxvij. psalme ¶ The prophete commendeth Sion the citie of God of the holy religion that is in it of the sitation of the great loue that God beareth to it of the noble actes done in it and in auauncing it aboue all the kingdomes of the earth ¶ A psalme the song of the sonnes of Corach 1 GOD loueth the gates of Sion more then all the dwellynges of Iacob for her foundations are vpon the holy hilles 2 Very excellent thinges are spoken of thee O thou citie of God Selah 3 I wyll make mention amongst those that knowe me of Egypt and Babylon behold also of Palestina and Tyre with Ethiopia and it shal be sayde suche a man is borne there 4 But of Sion it shal be reported that very many be borne in her and the most highest him selfe shall establishe her 5 God wyll number in the register of the people euery one that is borne there Selah 6 And the singers aswell as the players of instrumentes yea al my fountaines are in thee ¶ The argument of the .lxxxviij. psalme ¶ The prophete after a most lamentable sort desireth God to heare his prayers He complayneth of his great calamities and extreme perilles wherin he was wrapt by sicknes by ieoperdie of death and by the losse of his frendes as one forsaken of God and without al comfort He is loth to die for that then he can not prayse God with the faythful ¶ A song the psalme of the sonnes of Corach to the chiefe musition vpon Mahalath Leannoth a wise instruction of Heman the Ezrahite 1 O God the Lorde of my saluation I crye day and night before thee let my prayer enter into thy presence encline thyne eare vnto my crying 2 For my soule is full of miserie and my life toucheth the graue 3 I am counted as one of them that go downe vnto the pit and I am nowe become a man that hath no strength 4 I am free among the dead like such as beyng kylled lye in a graue whom thou remembrest no more and are cut away from thy hande 5 Thou hast layde me in the lowest pit in darknes and in deepenes 6 Thyne indignation sore presseth me and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes Selah 7 Thou hast put away myne acquaintaunce farre fro me and made me to be abhorred of them I am shut vp I can not get foorth 8 My sight fayleth through my affliction O God I haue called dayly vpon thee I haue stretched out mine handes vnto thee 9 Wylt thou worke a miracle amongst the dead or shal the dead rise vp againe and acknowledge thee Selah 10 Shall thy louing kindnes be talked of in the graue or thy faythfulnes in destruction 11 Shall thy wonderous workes be knowen in the darke and thy righteousnes in the lande of forgetfulnes 12 But vnto thee do I crye O God and my prayer commeth early in the morning before thee 13 O God why abhorrest thou my soule and why hidest thou thy face from me 14 I am in miserie I labour euen from my youth with the panges of death I haue suffered thy terrours and I am styll in doubt 15 Thyne indignation hath gone ouer me and thy terrours haue vndone me 16 They came rounde about me dayly lyke water and compassed me altogether on euery syde 17 Thou hast put a way farre from me my frende and neighbour thou hast hid mine acquaintaunce out of sight The argument of the .lxxxix. psalme ¶ The prophete prayseth the inspeakable goodnes of God for the couenaunt made to him and to the elect people of God for euer He prayseth his great power goodnes and iustice He declareth what promise God hath made to hym of his kingdome and posteritie He complayneth of the great spoyling of his kingdome and of his people He desireth God for his couenauntes sake to deliuer hym out of affliction vpon the consideration that mans life is very short ¶ A wyse instruction of Ethan the Ezrachite 1 I Wyll sing alwayes of the mercy of God with my mouth I wyll make knowen thy trueth from one generatiō to another 2 For I sayde mercy shall for euer endure thou hast established thy trueth in the heauens 3 I haue made a couenaunt with my chosen I haue sworne vnto Dauid my seruaunt 4 I wyll establishe thy seede for euer and buylde vp thy throne from generation to generation Selah 5 O God the very heauens shall confesse thy wonderous workes and thy trueth in the congregation of saintes 6 For who is he in the cloudes that shal matche God and who is like vnto God amongst the children gods 7 God is very terrible in the assemblie of saintes and to be feared aboue al them that are about him 8 O God Lorde of hoastes who is like vnto thee a most mightie Lorde and thy trueth is on euery side thee 9 Thou rulest the ragyng of the sea when her waues aryse thou delayest them 10 Thou hast brought Egypt in so bad a case as if it were wounded thou hast scattered thyne enemies abrode with thy mightie arme 11 The heauens are thine the earth also is thine thou hast layde the foundation of the rounde worlde and of all the plentie that is therin 12 Thou hast made the north and the south Tabor and Hermon do reioyce in thy name 13 Thou hast a mightie arme thy hand is strong and thy right hand is exalted 14 Iustice and iudgement is the foundation of thy throne
that is weaned from his mother yea my soule is within me as a weaned chylde 3 O Israel repose thou thy trust in God from this time foorth for euermore The argument of the .cxxxij. psalme ¶ The prophete desireth God to remember hym and his great affection towarde religion and to buylde a temple for his arke He sayeth it was declared vnto hym that Sion shoulde be the house of God Dauids petition when he brought the arke thyther God promiseth how that Dauids seede shal raigne after him for euer if they kepe his lawes and that he wyll blesse the citie of Sion and the inhabitauntes thereof with all kynde of felicitie ¶ A song of high degrees 1 O God be mindfull of Dauid with all his affliction 2 Who swore vnto God who made a vowe vnto the most mightie Lorde of Iacob 3 Saying I wyll not enter into the tabernacle of my house nor get vp into my bed 4 I wyll not suffer myne eyes to slepe nor myne eye liddes to slumber 5 Vntill I finde out a place for the temple of God an habitation for the most mightie Lorde of Iacob 6 Beholde we hearde it to be at Ephratha we founde it in the fieldes of the forest 7 We wyll go into his tabernacle and fall downe on our knees before his footestoole 8 Aryse O God for to come into thy resting place thou and the arke of thy strength 9 Let thy priestes be clothed with righteousnes and let thy saintes make a ioyfull noyse 10 For thy seruaunt Dauids sake turne not away from the face of thyne annoynted 11 God hath sworne for a trueth vnto Dauid and he wyll not go from it I wyll place vpon thy throne some of the fruite of thy body 12 If thy chyldren wyll kepe my couenaunt and my testimonies whiche I wyll teache them their chyldren also shall sit vpon thy throne for euermore 13 For God hath chosen to be in Sion he had a desire that it might be an habitation for hym 14 This is sayeth he my rest for euer heare I wyll dwell for I haue a desire to it 15 I wyll aboundauntly powre my blessinges vpon her victuals and I wyll satisfie her poore with bread 16 I wyll clothe her priestes with saluation and her saintes shall make an exceeding ioyfull noyse 17 I will make there the horne of Dauid to bud vp I wyll ordayne a light for mine annoynted 18 I wyll clothe his enemies with shame but his crowne shall florishe vppon hym selfe ¶ The argument of the .cxxxiii. Psalme ¶ Dauid declareth howe acceptable a thing is brotherly loue and concorde both to God and man ¶ A song of high degrees made of Dauid 1 BEholde howe good and howe pleasaunt a thing it is that brethren dwel together in vnitie 2 It is lyke vnto a pretious oyntment powred vpon the head which runneth downe vpon the beard euen vpon Aarons beard which also runneth downe vpon the skyrtes of his garmentes 3 It is also like vnto the deawe of Hermon whiche falleth downe vpon the hyll of Sion 4 For God hath commaunded his blessing and life euerlasting to be where is suche concorde ¶ The argument of the .cxxxiiii. psalme ¶ The prophete exhorteth those that do watche all night in the house of God to lift vp their handes and to prayse God The Priestes and Leuites of duetie watched all night by course in the temple as it appeareth Leuit. viii ¶ A song of high degrees 1 BEholde blesse God all ye the seruauntes of God who in the nyght tyme remayne in the house of God 2 Lyft vp your holy handes and blesse God 3 God who made heauen and earth blesse thee out of Sion The argument of the .cxxxv. psalme ¶ The prophete exhorteth all them to prayse God who come to the temple for that God hath chosen Iacob to be his inheritaunce and also for that he is able to do what he wyll in heauen earth and sea He rehearseth the workes that God did in deliuering them out of Egypt and in bryngyng them into the lande of Chanaan As for the gods of the Heathen they be but golde and siluer 1 PRayse ye the Lorde prayse ye the name of God prayse it ye seruauntes of God 2 Ye that stande in the house of God in the courtes of the house of our Lord 3 Prayse ye the Lorde for God is gratious sing psalmes vnto his name for it is pleasaunt 4 For the Lorde hath chosen Iacob vnto hym selfe and Israel for his owne possession 5 For I knowe that God is great and that our Lorde is aboue all gods 6 God doth whatsoeuer pleaseth hym in heauen and in earth in the sea and in all deepe places 7 He causeth cloudes to ascende from the lowest part of the earth he maketh it to lighten when it rayneth he bringeth wyndes out of his treasure houses 8 He smote the first borne of Egypt aswell of beast as of man 9 He sent tokens and wonders into the mydst of thee O Egypt against Pharao and all his seruauntes 10 He smote many nations and slue mightie kinges 11 Sihon king of the Amorites and Og the king of Bashan and all the kingdomes of Chanaan 12 And he gaue their lande for an inheritaunce euen for an heritaunce to Israel his people 13 Thy name O God endureth for euer there wil be a remembraunce of thee O God from one generation to another 14 For God wyll iudge his people and he will be pacified beyng displeased with his seruauntes 15 As for the idols of the Heathen they are but siluer and golde the worke of mens handes 16 They haue a mouth and speake not they haue eyes but they see not 17 They haue eares and they heare not yea there is no breath in their mouth 18 They that make them are lyke vnto them and euery one that putteth his trust in them 19 Blesse God ye the house of Israel blesse God ye the house of Aaron 20 Blesse God ye the house of Leui ye that feare God blesse God 21 Blessed be God out of Sion who dwelleth at Hierusalem Prayse ye the Lorde The argument of the .cxxxvi. psalme ¶ The prophete exhorteth men to prayse God aswell for all thinges created by hym as for his benefites peculiarly bestowed vpon the chyldren of Israel in deliuering them out of Egypt and in bringing them into the lande of Chanaan He doth insinuate also ▪ that God is not praysed worthyly except we acknowledge that all his benefites proceede of his free and meere goodnes and not of our desertes 1 COnfesse you it vnto the Lord for he is gratious and his mercie endureth for euer 2 Confesse you it vnto the God of Gods for his mercy endureth for euer 3 Confesse you it vnto the Lorde of Lordes for his mercy endureth for euer 4 Who onlye doth great wonders for his mercy endureth for euer 5 Who by his excellent wysdome made the heauens for his mercy
for the breath of the Lord bloweth vpon them of a trueth the people are grasse 8 The grasse withereth and the floure fadeth away yet the worde of our God endureth for euer 9 Go vp vnto the hye hyll O Sion thou that bryngest good tidinges lyft vp thy voyce with power O thou preacher Hierusalem lyft vp without feare say vnto the cities of Iuda Beholde your God 10 Beholde y e Lorde God shal come with power and shall of him selfe beare rule with his arme beholde his rewarde with hym and his workes before hym 11 He shall feede his flocke like an heardman he shall gather the lambes together with his arme and cary them in his bosome and shall kyndly intreate those that beare young 12 Who hath measured the waters in his fist who hath measured heauen with his spanne and hath comprehended all the earth of the worlde in three measures who hath wayed the mountaynes and hylles in a ballaunce 13 Who hath directed the spirite of the Lorde or who gaue hym counsayle and shewed hym 14 Who is of his counsayle and geueth hym vnderstandyng and hath taught hym the path of iudgement who taught hym cunnyng and opened to hym the way of vnderstandyng 15 Beholde all people are in comparison of hym as a droppe of a bucket full and are counted as the least thyng that the ballaunce wayeth yea and the Isles he taketh vp as a very litle thyng 16 Libanus is not sufficient to minister fire to his offeryng and all the beastes therof are not inough for one sacrifice 17 All people in comparison of hym are reckened as nothyng yf they be compared with hym lesse then nothyng and as it that is not 18 To whom then wyll ye lyken God or what similitude will ye set vp to him 19 Shall the caruer make hym a carued image and shall the goldesmith couer hym with golde or cast hym into a fourme of siluer plates 20 Moreouer shal the image maker that the poore man which is disposed may haue some thyng to set vp also seeke out and choose a tree that is not rotten and carue thereout an image that moueth not 21 Knowe ye nothyng hearde ye neuer of it hath it not ben preached vnto you since the beginning haue ye not ben enfourmed of this by the foundation of the earth 22 It is he that sitteth vpon the circle of the world whose inhabiters are in comparison of him but as grashoppers he spreadeth out the heauens as a couering he stretcheth them out as a tent to dwell in 23 He bringeth princes to nothing and the iudges of the earth as though they were not 24 So that of them it may be sayde they be not planted nor sowne agayne neither their stocke rooted agayne in the earth for assoone as he bloweth vpon them they wither and fade away lyke the strawe in a whirle winde 25 To whom nowe will ye liken me and whom shall I be lyke saith the holy one 26 Lift vp your eyes on high and consider who hath made those thinges which come out by so great heapes and he calleth them al by their names there is nothing hid from the greatnesse of his power strength and might 27 Howe may then Iacob thinke or may Israel say My wayes are hid from the Lord and my God knoweth not of my iudgementes 28 Knowest thou not or hast thou not hearde that the euerlasting God the Lorde whiche made all the corners of the earth is neither weerie nor fainte and that his wysdome can not be comprehended 29 It is he that geueth strength vnto the weerie and power vnto the faint 30 Children are weerie and faint and the strongest men fall 31 But vnto them that haue their trust in the Lorde shall strength be increased Egles winges shall growe vpon them when they runne they shall not fall and when they go they shall not be weerie The .xlj. Chapter 2 Of the goodnesse and mercy of God towarde the people 1 BE styll you Ilandes and hearken vnto me let the people lay their strength together let them come hither and then shew their cause we will go to the lawe together 2 Who raysed vp the iust man from the east and called hym to go foorth who cast downe the people and subdued the kynges before him that he may throw them al to the ground with his sworde and scatter them lyke stubble with his bowe 3 He foloweth vpon them and goeth safely him selfe that in a way where before his foote had not troden 4 Who hath made and created these thinges euen he that called the generations from the beginning euen I the Lorde whiche am the first and with the last 5 The Isles sawe and did feare and the endes of the earth were abashed drewe nye and came hither 6 Euery man helped his neighbour and sayd to his brother be strong 7 The carpenter comforted the goldsmith and the goldsmith the hammerman saying sowder wyll do very well in it and they fastened it with nayles that it shoulde not be moued 8 But thou Israel art my seruaunt thou Iacob whom I haue chosē thou art the seede of Abraham my beloued 9 Thou art he whom I led from the endes of the earth for I called thee euen from among the glorious men of it and sayd vnto thee Thou art my seruaunt I haue chosen thee and not cast thee away 10 Be not afraide for I am with thee Melt not away as waxe for I am thy God to strength thee helpe thee and kepe thee with the right hande of my righteousnesse 11 Beholde all they that resist thee shall come to confusion and shame and thine aduersaries shal be destroyed brought to naught 12 So that who so seeketh after them shall not finde them thy destroyers shall perishe and so shall they that vndertake to make battayle against thee be as that is not as a thing of naught 13 For I the Lorde thy God wyll strengthen thy right hande euen I that say vnto thee Feare not I wyll helpe thee 14 Be not afraide thou litle worme Iacob and thou despised Israel for I wil helpe thee saith the Lorde and the holy one of Israel thy redeemer 15 Beholde I will make thee a treading cart and a newe flaile that thou mayest threshe and grinde the mountaines and bring the hilles to powder 16 Thou shalt fanne them and the winde shall carrie them away and the whirle winde shall scatter them but thou shalt reioyce in the Lorde and shalt delight in the holy one of Israel 17 When the thirstie and poore seeke water and finde none and when their tongue is drye of thirst I geue it them saith the Lorde I the God of Israel forsake them not 18 I bryng foorth fluddes in the hilles and welles in the playne fieldes I turne the wildernesse to riuers and the drye lande to conduites of water 19 I plant in the waste
noble actes 4 Who shall declare the power of his greatnesse or who wyll take vpon him to tell out his mercie 5 As for the wonderous workes of the Lord there may nothing be taken from them nothing may be put vnto them neither may the grounde of them be founde out 6 But when a man hath done his best he must beginne againe and when he thinketh to be come to an ende he must go againe to his labour 7 What is man whereto is he worth what good or euill can he do 8 If the number of a mans dayes be almost an hundred yeres it is much and no man hath certaine knowledge of his death 9 Lyke as the droppers of rayne are vnto the sea and as a grauell stone is in comparison of the sande so are these fewe yeres to the dayes of euerlasting 10 Therefore is the Lorde pacient with them and powreth out his mercie vpon them 11 He sawe and perceaued the thoughtes and imaginations of their heart that they were euill therefore heaped he vp his mercifull goodnesse vpon them and shewed them the way of righteousnes 12 The mercie that a man hath reacheth to his neighbour but the mercie of god is vpon all fleshe He chasteneth he teacheth and nurtureth yea euen as a sheephearde turneth againe his flocke so doth he all them that receaue chastening nurture and doctrin● 13 Mercyfull is he vnto them that diligently seeke after his iudgementes 14 My sonne when thou doest good make no grudging at it and whatsoeuer thou geuest speake no discomfortable wordes 15 Shall not the deawe coole the heate euen so is a worde better then a gift 16 Is not a friendly worde a good honest gifte but a gratious man geueth them both 17 A foole shall cast a man in the teeth and that roughly and a gift of the nigarde putteth out the eyes 18 Get thee righteousnes before thou come to iudgement learne before thou speake and go to phisicke or euer thou be sicke 19 Examine and iudge thy selfe before the iudgement come and so shalt thou finde grace in the sight of God 20 Humble thy selfe afore thou be sicke and whilest thou mayst sinne shew thy conuersation 21 Be not let to pay thy vowe in good time and tary not to be iustified vnto thy death for the rewarde of God endureth for euer 22 Before thou prayest prepare thy soule and be not as one that tempteth God 23 Thinke vpon the wrathfull indignation that shal be at the ende and the houre of vengeaūce when he shall turne away his face 24 When thou hast inough remember the time of hunger and when thou art rich thinke vpon the time of pouertie and scarsenesse 25 From the morning vntyl the euening the time is chaunged all such thinges are soone done in the sight of God 26 A wyfe man feareth God in al thinges and in the dayes of transgression he kepeth him selfe from sinne but the foole doth not obserue the time 27 A discreete man hath pleasure in wysdome and he that findeth her maketh much of her 28 They that haue had vnderstanding haue dealt wysely in wordes haue vnderstand the trueth and righteousnesse and haue sought out w●fe sentences and iudgementes 29 The chiefe aucthoritie of speaking is of the Lorde alone for a mortall man hath but a dead heart 30 Folowe not thy lustes but turne shee from thyne owne wyll 31 For if thou geuest thy soule her desires it shall make thyne enemies to laugh thee to scorne 32 Take not thy pleasure in great voluptuousnesse and meddle not to much withall 33 Make not to great cheare of the thing that thou hast wonne by aduauntage lest thou fall into pouertie and haue nothing in thy purse els thou shouldest sclaunderously lye in wayte for thyne owne lyfe ¶ The .xix. Chapter 2 W●ne and whordome bringeth men to pouertie 6 In thy wordes must thou vse discretion 22 The difference of the wysdome of God and man 27 whereby thou mayst know what is in a man 1 A Labouring man that is geuen vnto drunckennes shall not be rich and he that maketh not much of small thinges shall fall by litle and litle 2 Wine and women make wyse men runagates and put men of vnderstanding to reproofe 3 And he that companieth adulterers shal become an impudent man mothes and wormes shal haue him to heritage yea he shal be set vp to a great example and his soule shal be rooted out of the number 4 He that is hastie to geue credence is light minded doth against him selfe 5 Who so reioyceth in wickednesse shal be punished but he that resisteth pleasures crowneth his owne soule he that refraineth his tongue may lyue with a troublesome man he that hateth to be refourmed his lyfe shal be shortened he that abhorreth babling of wordes quencheth wickednesse 6 He that offendeth against his owne soule shall repent it and he that reioyceth in wickednes shal be punished 7 Rehearse not a wicked and churlishe worde twyse and thou shalt not be hindered 8 Shewe thy secretes neither to friende nor foe and if thou hast offended tell it not out 9 For he shall hearken vnto thee and marke thee and when he findeth oportunitie he shall hate thee and so shall he be alway about thee 10 If thou hast heard a worde against thy neighbour let it be dead within thee and be sure thou shalt haue no harme thereby 11 A foole trauayleth with a worde lyke as a woman that is payned with bearing of a childe 12 Lyke as an arrowe shotte in a thigh of flesshe so is a worde in a fooles heart 13 Tell thy friende his fault lest he be ignoraunt and say I haue not done it or if he haue spoken that he do it no more 14 Reproue thy neighbour that he keepe his tongue and if he haue spoken that he say it no more 15 Tell thy neighbour his fault for oft times an offence is made and geue not credence to euery worde 16 A man falleth sometime with his tongue but not with his wil for what is he that hath not offended in his tongue 17 Geue thy neighbour warning before thou threaten him and geue place vnto the lawe of the Lorde 18 The feare of the Lorde is the first degree to be receaued of him wysdome obtayneth his loue 19 The knowledge of the commaundementes of the Lorde is the doctrine of lyfe and they that obey him shall receaue the fruite of immortalitie 20 The feare of God is all wysdome and he that is a righteous man keepeth the lawe 21 If a seruaunt say vnto his maister I wyll not do as it pleaseth thee though afterwarde he do it he shall displease him that nourisheth him 22 As for the doctrine of wickednes it is no wysdome the prudence of sinners is no good vnderstanding it is but wickednes and abhomination and a blaspheming of wysdome 23 A simple
where thou hast scatered vs. 14 Heare our prayers O Lorde and our petitions bring vs out of captiuitie for thyne owne sake get vs fauour in the sight of them which haue led vs away 15 That all landes may know that thou art the Lorde our God and that Israel and his generation calleth vpon thy name 16 O Lorde loke downe from thy holy house vpon vs encline thyne eare and heare vs. 17 Open thyne eyes and beholde for the dead that be gone downe to their graues whose soules are out of their bodies ascribe vnto the Lorde neither prayse nor righteousnes 18 But the soule that is vexed for the multitude of her sinnes which goeth on heauyly and weakly whose eyes begin to faile yea such a soule ascribeth prayse and righteousnes vnto the Lorde 19 For we poure out our prayers before thee and require mercie in thy sight O Lorde our God not for any godlynes of our fathers 20 But because thou hast sent out thy wrath and indignation vpon vs according as thou diddest threaten vs by thy seruauntes the prophetes saying 21 Thus saith the Lorde Bowe downe your shoulders and neckes and serue the king of Babylon so shall ye remaine still in the lande that I gaue vnto your fathers 22 But if ye wyll not heare the voyce of the Lorde your God to serue the king of Babylon 23 I wyll destroy you in the cities of Iuda within Hierusalem and without I wyll also take from you the voyce of mirth and the voyce of ioy the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride and there shal no man dwel more in the lande 24 But they would not hearken vnto thy voyce to do the king of Babylon seruice and therefore hast thou perfourmed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruauntes the prophetes namely that the bones of our kinges and the bones of our fathers should be translated out of their places 25 And lo nowe are they layde out in the heate of the sunne and in the colde of the night and dead in great miserie with hunger with sword with pestilence and are cleane cast foorth 26 As for the temple wherein thy name was called vpō thou hast layd it waste as it is to see this day and that for the wickednesse of the house of Israel and the house of Iuda 27 O Lorde our God thou hast intreated vs after all thy goodnes and according to all that great louing mercie of thyne 28 Lyke as thou spakest by thy seruaunt Moyses in the day when thou diddest commaunde him to write thy lawe before the children of Israel saying 29 If ye wyl not hearkē vnto my voyce then shall this great multitude be turned into a very small people among the nations for I wyll scatter them abrode 30 Notwithstanding I am sure that this folke wyl not heare me for it is an hard necked people but in the lande of their captiuitie they shall remember them selues 31 And learne to know that I am the Lorde their God when I geue them an heart to vnderstande and eares to heare 32 Then shal they prayse me in the lande of their captiuitie and thinke vpon my name 33 Then shal they turne them from their harde backes and from their vngodlines then shall they remember the thinges that happened vnto their fathers which sinned against me 34 So wyll I bring them againe into the lande which I promysed with an oth vnto their fathers Abraham Isahac and Iacob and they shal be lordes of it yea I wyll encrease them and not minishe them 35 And I wyll make an other couenaunt with them such one as shall endure for euer namely that I will be their God and they shal be my people and I will no more dryue my people the children of Israel out of the lande that I haue geuen them The .iii. Chapter 1 The people continueth in their prayer begun for their deliueraunce 9 He prayseth wysdome vnto the people shewing that so great aduersities came vnto them for the despising therof 36 Only God was the finder of wysdome 37 Of the incarnation of Christ 1 ANd nowe O Lorde almightie thou God of Israel our soule that is in trouble and our spirite that is vexed cryeth vnto thee 2 Heare vs O Lord and haue pitie vpon vs for thou art a mercifull God be gracious vnto vs for we haue sinned before thee 3 Thou endurest for euer shoulde we then vtterly perishe 4 O Lorde almightie thou God of Israel heare nowe the prayer of the dead Israelites and of their children whiche haue sinned before thee and not hearkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde their God for the whiche cause these plagues hang nowe vpon vs. 5 O Lord remember not the wickednesse of our forefathers but thinke vpon thy power and name nowe at this time 6 For thou art the Lorde our God and thee O Lorde will we prayse 7 For thou hast put thy feare in our heartes to the intent that we should call vpon thy name and prayse thee in our captiuitie that we might turne from the wickednesse of our forefathers that sinned before thee 8 Behold we are yet this day in our captiuitie where as thou hast scattered vs to be an abhomination curse and subiect to exactions like as it hath happened vnto our fathers also because of al their wickednesse and departing from thee 9 O Israel heare the commaundementes of lyfe ponder them well with thyne cares that thou maiest learne wisdome 10 But howe happeneth it Israel that thou art in thyne enemies lande thou art waxen olde in a straunge countrey and defiled with the dead 11 Why art thou become lyke them that go downe to their graues 12 Euen because thou hast forsaken the well of wysdome 13 For if thou hadst walked in the way of God truely thou shouldest haue remayned still safe in thyne owne lande 14 O learne then where is wysdome where vertue is where vnderstanding is that thou mayest knowe also from whence commeth long continuaunce and lyfe the light of the eyes and quietnesse 15 Who euer founde out her place or who came euer into her treasures 16 Where are the princes of the heathen become and such as ruled the beastes vpon the earth 17 They that had their pastime with the foules of the ayre they that hoorded vp siluer gold wherin men trust so much and made no end of their gathering 18 What is become of them that coyned siluer and were so carefull and coulde not bring their workes to passe 19 They be rooted out and gone downe to hell and other men are come vp in their steades 20 Young men haue seene light and dwelt vpon earth but the way of reformation haue they not knowen 21 Nor vnderstande the pathes thereof neither haue their children receaued it yea right farre is it from them 22 It hath not ben heared of in the land of Chanaan neither hath it
destroyed Bel he hath slaine the Dragon put the priestes to death 28 So they came to the king and saide Let vs haue Daniel or els we wyll destroy thee and thyne house 29 Nowe when the king sawe that they rushed in so sore vpon him and that necessitie constrained him he deliuered Daniel vnto them 30 Which cast him into the lions denne where he was sixe dayes 31 In the denne there were seuen lions they had geuen them euery day two bodies two sheepe which then were not geuen them to the intent that they might deuoure Daniel 32 There was in Iurie a prophete called Habacuc which had made potage broken bread in a boule was going into the fielde for to bring it to the reapers 33 But the angel of the Lorde saide vnto Habacuc Go cary the meate that thou hast into Babylon vnto Daniel which is in the lions denne 34 And Habacuc saide Lorde I neuer sawe Babylon and as for the denne I know it not 35 Then the angell of the Lorde toke him by the toppe and bare him by the heere of the head and through a mightie winde set him in Babylon vpon the denne 36 And Habacuc cryed saying O Daniel thou seruaunt of God haue take the breakfast that God hath sent thee 37 And Daniel saide O God hast thou thought vpon me wel thou neuer faylest them that loue thee 38 So Daniel arose did eate And the angell of the Lorde set Habacuc in his owne place againe immediatly 39 Vpon the seuenth day the king went to be weepe Daniel and when he came to the denne he loked in and beholde Daniel sate in the middest of the lions 40 Thē cryed the king with a loude voyet saying Great art thou O Lorde God of Daniel and there is none other besides thee 41 And he drew him out of the lions den cast those that were the cause of his destruction into the denne and they were deuoured in a moment before his face 42 After this wrote the king vnto al people kinredes and tongues that dwelt in all countries 43 Saying Peace be multiplied with you My cōmaundement is in al the dominion of my realme that men feare and stand in awe of Daniels God for he is the lyuing God which endureth euer 44 His kingdome abideth vncorrupt and his power is euerlasting 45 It is he that can deliuer and saue he doth wonders and meruailous workes in heauen and in earth for he hath saued Daniel from the power of the lions ¶ The prayer of Manasses king of Iuda when he was holden captiue in Babylon O Lorde almightie God of our fathers Abraham Isahac and Iacob and of the righteous seede of them which hast made heauen and earth with al the ornament therof which hast ordained the sea by the worde of thy commaundement which hast shut vp the deepe and hast sealed it for thy fearefull and laudable name which all men feare and tremble before the face of thy power and not for the anger of thy threatning the which is importable to sinners but the mercie of thy promise is great and vnsearchable for thou art the Lorde God most high aboue all the earth long suffering and exceeding mercifull and repentaunt vpon the malice of men Thou Lord after thy goodnes hast promysed repentaunce of the remission of sinnes and thou that art the god of the righteous hast not put repentaunce to the righteous Abraham Isahac and Iacob vnto them that haue not sinned against thee but because I haue sinned aboue the number of the sandes of the sea and that myne iniquities are multiplied I am humbled with many bandes of iron and there is in me no breathing I haue prouoked thyne anger and haue done euil before thee in committing abhominations and multiplying offences And now I bowe the knees of my heart requiring goodnes of thee O Lord. I haue sinned Lord I haue sinned and know myne iniquitie I desire thee by prayer O Lord forgeue me forgeue me destroy me not with myne iniquities neither do thou alwayes remember myne euils to punishe them but saue me which am vnworthy after thy great mercie and I wyll prayse thee euerlastingly all the dayes of my lyfe for all the powre of heauen prayseth thee and vnto thee belongeth glory worlde without ende Amen ❧ The first booke of the Machabees The first Chapter 1 After the death of Alexander the king of Macedonia 11 Antiochus taketh the kingdome 12 Many of the children of Israel make couenaunt with the Gentiles 21 Antiochus subdueth Egypt and Hierusalem vnto his dominion 43 Hierusalem being burnt they make lawes of their owne and forbid to kepe gods lawes 50 Antiochus setteth vp an idoll ouer the aulter of God 1 AFter that Alexander king of Macedonia sonne of Phillip went forth of the lande of Cethim and slew Darius king of the Persians and Medes and raigned for him as he had done before in Grecia 2 It happened that he toke great warres in hand wanne very many strong cities and slue many kinges of the earth 3 Going through to the endes of the worlde and getting many spoyles of the people insomuch that the whole worlde stoode in awe of him and therfore was he proude in his heart 4 Now when he had gathered a mightie strong hoast 5 And subdued the landes and people with their princes so that they became tributaries vnto him 6 Then he fell sicke and when he perceaued that he must needes dye 7 He called for his noble estates which had ben brought vp with him of childrē and parted his kingdome among them while he was yet aliue 8 So Alexander raigned twelue yeres and then dyed 9 After his death fell the kingdome vnto his princes and they obtayned it euery one in his roome 10 And caused them selues to be crowned as kinges and so did their children after them many yeres and much wickednes increased in the worlde 11 Out of these came the vngratious roote noble Antiochus the sonne of Antiochus the king which had ben a pledge at Rome and he raigned in the hundred thirtie and seuen yere of the empire of the Grekes 12 In those dayes went there out of Israel wicked men which moued much people with their counsel saying Let vs go and make a couenaunt with the heathen that are rounde about vs for since we departed from them we haue had much sorowe 13 So this deuice pleased them well 14 And certaine of the people toke vpon them for to go vnto the king which gaue them licence to do after the ordinaunce of the heathen 15 Then set they vp an open schoole at Hierusalem of the lawes of the Heathen 16 And made themselues vncircumsized but forsooke the holy testament and ioyned them selues to the heathen * and were cleane soulde to do mischiefe 17 So when Antiochus began to be mightie in
mightie it is God mightie in battayle 9 Lyft vp your heades O ye gates and be you lyft vp ye euerlastyng doores and the kyng of glorie shall enter in 10 Who is this kyng of glorie euen the God of hostes he is the kyng of glorie Selah The argument of the .xxv. Psalme ¶ Dauid afflicted with enemies feelyng the great burden of sinne namely of his youth prayeth God partly to delyuer hym partly to teache hym and to pardon his offences He setteth foorth the infinite goodnesse and felicitie which is assured to all them that feare God Finally he confesseth that all his trust is in God 1 I Lyft vp my soule vnto thee O God I put my trust in thee my Lorde let me not be confounded neither let myne enemies triumph ouer me 2 Yea let not all them that hope in thee be put to shame let them be put to shame who without a cause do trayterously transgresse 3 Make me to knowe thy wayes O God and teache me thy pathes leade me foorth in thy trueth and teache me for thou art the Lorde of my saluation I haue wayted for thee al the day long 4 Call to remembraunce O God thy tender mercies thy louyng kindnesse for they haue ben for euer 5 Oh remember not thou the sinnes and offences of my youth but accordyng to thy mercie euen of thy goodnesse O God remember me 6 Gratious and ryghteous is God therfore he wyll teache sinners in the way 7 He wyll guide the meke in iudgement and teache the humble his way 8 All the pathes of God are mercie and trueth vnto such as kepe his couenaunt and his testimonies 9 Pardon thou therfore for thy name sake O God my wickednesse for it is very great 10 What man is he that feareth God God wyll teache hym in the way that he shall choose 11 His soule shall rest all nyght at ease and his seede shall inherite the lande 12 The secrete of God is among them that feare hym and he wyll make knowen vnto them his couenaunt 13 Myne eyes be alwayes turned vnto God for he wyll take my feete out of the net 14 Turne thy face vnto me and haue mercie vpon me for I am desolate and in miserie 15 The sorowes of myne heart are encreased O bryng thou me out of my distresse 16 Loke thou vpon myne aduersitie and vpon my labour and forgeue me all my sinne 17 Consider myne enemies for they do multiplie and they beare a tirannous hate against me 18 O kepe my soule and deliuer me lest I shal be confounded for I haue put my trust in thee 19 Let integritie and vprighteous dealing kepe me safe for I haue wayted after thee 20 O God redeeme Israel out of all his aduersities The argument of the .xxvj. psalme ¶ Dauid offereth his cause for the whiche he was persecuted to be iudged of God protesting his innocencie partly in that he serued God with purenes of heart and vprightnes of life frequenting his temple and vsing his ceremonies partly also in that he hated all company of euill men whatsoeuer they were ¶ Of Dauid 1 IVdge thou me O God for I haue walked in my perfection my trustalso hath ben in God therfore I shall not fall 2 Examine me O God and proue me trye out my reynes and my heart 3 For thy louing kindnes is before mine eyes and I wyll walke in thy trueth 4 I haue not sit in company with vayne persons neither haue I entred once acquaintaunce with dissemblers 5 I haue hated the congregation of the malitious and I wyll not sit amongst the vngodly 6 I haue wasshed my handes in innocencie and so I haue gone about thine aulter O God 7 That in a publique confession I myght heare and set foorth all thy wonderous workes 8 O God I haue loued the habitation of thine house and the place wherethine honour dwelleth 9 O gather not my soule with sinners nor my life with bloodie men 10 In whose handes is wickednes and their right hande is full of gyftes 11 But as for me I wyll walke in my perfection O redeeme me and be mercyfull vnto me 12 My foote standeth vpon a playne grounde therfore I wyll blesse God in the congregations ¶ The argument of the .xxvij. psalme ¶ The prophete confesseth his boldnes courage and no feare at all that he had through God in extreame and perilous daungers Before al thinges he requireth that he may come into the temple with the godly for to sacrifice and to prayse God He prayeth also most earnestly for helpe at Gods hande being of all other forsaken 1 GOD is my lyght and saluation whom then shall I feare God is the strength of my life of whom then shall I be afraide 2 When the malitious approched neare vnto me for to eate vp my fleshe mine enemies and foes stumbled and fell 3 Though an hoast of men were layde in campe against me yet shall not mine heart be afraide and though there rose vp warre against me yet I wyll put my trust in this 4 I haue desired one thyng of God whiche once agayne I wyll earnestly require euen that I may dwell in the house of God all the dayes of my life to beholde the beautifulnes of God and to seeke it in his temple 5 For in the time of aduersitie he shall hide me in his tabernacle yea in the secrete place of his pauilion he shall hide me and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone 6 And nowe he shall lift vp my head aboue mine enemies rounde about me therfore I wyll offer in his tabernacle a sacrifice of great ioy I wyll sing and prayse God with psalmes 7 Hearken vnto my voyce O god when I crye vnto thee haue mercy vpon me and heare me 8 My heart hath sayde vnto thee accorcording * to this thy commaundement seeke ye my face thy face O God wyll I seeke 9 O hide not thou thy face from me nor cast thy seruaunt away in a displeasure thou hast ben my succour leaue me not neither forsake me O Lorde of my saluation 10 For my father and mother forsoke me and God did take me vp 11 Teache me thy way O God and leade me in a right path because of mine enemies 12 Deliuer me not into mine aduersaries handes for there are false witnesses rysen vp against me and such as speake wrong 13 If I had not beleued veryly to see the goodnes of God in the lande of the liuing their spite had kylled me 14 Attende thou therfore vpon God be of a good courage and he will comfort thine heart I say attende thou vpon God The argument of the .xxviii. psalme ¶ The prophete turning his face towardes the arke of God desireth that his prayers may be hearde that God would succour him and not suffer him to be oppressed of the wicked to whom vengeaunce is due he thanketh
thing that is good 11 Come ye chyldren and hearken vnto me I will teache you the feare of God 12 What man is he that listeth to liue and woulde fayne see good dayes 13 Kepe thy tongue from euill and thy lippes that they speake no guyle 14 Eschewe euill do good seeke peace and ensue it 15 The eyes of God are ouer the righteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers 16 The countenaunce of God is against them that do euill to roote out the remembraunce of them from of the earth 17 The righteous crye and God heareth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles 18 God is nye vnto them that are of a contrite heart and saueth such as be of an humble spirite 19 Great are the troubles of the righteous but God deliuereth him out of all 20 He kepeth all his bones so that no one of them is broken 21 Malice shal put the vngodly to death and they that hate the righteous shal be brought to naught 22 God redeemeth the soules of his seruauntes and al they that put their trust in him shall not be brought to naught The argument of the .xxxv. psalme ¶ Dauid desireth God to be his iudge and defence against his enemies who without all cause geuen of his part like cruell hypocrites parasites and flattering courtiers say and do all that they can for to put him to death He declareth his hope confidence and ioy that he hath in God of ayde defence and deliuerie for the whiche he promiseth to geue him thankes not only by him selfe but also by such other as haue any regarde of his righteousnesse and innocencie ¶ Of Dauid 1 PLeade thou my cause O God with them that striue with me and fight thou agaynst them that fight against me 2 Lay hand vppon a shielde buckler and stande vp to helpe me 3 Bryng foorth the speare and stop the way against them that persecute me say vnto my soule I am thy saluation 4 Let them be confounded and put to shame that seeke after my soule let them be turned backe and brought to cōfusion that imagine mischiefe for me 5 Let them be as dust before the winde and let the angell of God scatter them 6 Let their way be darke and slipperie let the angell of God persecute them 7 For without a cause they haue priuily layde for me a pit full of their nettes without a cause they haue made a digyng vnto my soule 8 Let a sodayne destruction come vpon hym vnawares and his net that he hath layde priuily catch hym selfe let him fall into it with his owne destruction 9 And my soule shal be ioyfull in God it shall reioyce in his saluation 10 All my bones shall say God who is lyke vnto thee whiche deliuerest the poore from hym that is to strong for him yea the poore and him that is in miserie from him that spoyleth him 11 False witnesse did rise vp they layde thinges to my charge that I know not 12 They rewarded me euill for good to the great discomfort of my soule 13 Neuerthelesse when they were sicke I did put on sackcloth I afflicted my soule with fasting and my prayer returned into myne owne bosome 14 I kept them company whersoeuer they went as though they had ben my frende or brother I went heauyly as one that mourned for his mother 15 But in mine aduersitie they reioysed and gathered them together yea the very abiectes came together against me yer I wyst they rented me a peeces and ceassed not 16 With hypocrites scoffers and parasites they gnashed vpon me with their teeth 17 Lorde howe long wylt thou looke vpon this O deliuer my soule from their raginges and my dearling from Lions whelpes 18 So I wyll confesse it vnto thee in a great congregation I will prayse thee among muche people 19 O let not my deceiptfull enemies triumph ouer me let them not winke with an eye that hate me without a cause 20 For they speake not peace but they imagine deceiptfull wordes agaynst them that liue quietly in the lande 21 They gaped vpon me with their mouthes and said this is well this is wel our eye hath seene 22 Thou hast seene this O God holde not thy tongue then go not farre from me O Lorde 23 Stirre thou and awake O my God and my Lorde to iudge my cause and controuersie 24 Iudge me according to thy righteousnesse O God my Lorde and let them not triumph ouer me 25 Let them not say in their heart it is as we woulde haue it neither let them say we haue deuoured hym 26 Let them be put to confusion shame all together that reioyce at my trouble let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour that exalt them selues against me 27 Let them triumph with gladnesse and reioyce that be delighted with my righteousnesse let them say alwayes blessed be God whiche hath pleasure in the prosperitie of his seruaunt 28 And my tongue shal be talking of thy righteousnesse and of thy prayse all the day long The argument of the .xxxvj. psalme ¶ Dauid describeth the wickednesse and wretched ende of them that feare not God And also the great goodnes of God towardes all creatures He desireth his mercy and defence against the wicked ¶ To the chiefe musition seruaunt to the God of Dauid 1 THe wickednes of the vngodly speaketh in the middest of my heart that there is no feare of the Lorde before his eyes 2 For he flattereth him selfe in his owne sight so that his iniquitie is found worthy of hatred 3 The wordes of his mouth are vnrighteous and full of deceipt he hath left of to behaue him selfe wisely to do good 4 He imagineth mischiefe vpon his bed setteth him selfe in no good way neither doth he abhorre any thing y t is euil 5 Thy mercy O God reacheth vnto heauen and thy faythfulnes vnto the cloudes 6 Thy righteousnes is like the mountaynes of God thy iudgementes are a great deapth thou sauest both man and beast O God 7 How excellent is thy mercy O Lord therefore the chyldren of men shall put their trust vnder the shadowe of thy winges 8 They shal be satisfied with the plenteousnesse of thy house and thou shalt geue them drinke out of the riuer of thy delicates 9 For with thee is the fountaine of lyfe and in thy light shall we see light 10 O continue foorth thy louing kindnesse vnto them that knowe thee and thy righteousnes vnto them that are of an vpright heart 11 O let not the foote of pryde reache vnto me and let not the hande of the vngodly make me to moue out of my place 12 There be the workers of iniquitie fallen they are cast downe and shall not be able to rise vp ¶ The argument of the .xxxvij. psalme ¶ Dauid comforteth the godly that they be not offended
Lorde 5 Shewe your selues ioyfull vnto God all ye in the earth make a ioly noyse reioyce you chearfully syng psalmes 6 Syng psalmes vnto God playing vpon an harpe vpon an harpe and with the sounde of a psalterie 7 Shewe your selues ioyfull before the kyng eternall with trumpettes and sounde of shawmes 8 Let the sea make a noyse and that is within it the rounde worlde and they that dwell therin 9 Let the fluddes clappe their handes and let the hylles be ioyfull altogether before the face of God 10 For he commeth to iudge the earth he wyll iudge the worlde accordyng to iustice the people accordyng to equitie The argument of the .xcix. psalme ¶ The prophete setteth foorth the exceedyng fauour of God towardes the Israelites in that he raigned most mightily ouer them defended them dwelled amongst them and most gently hearde them and their fathers callyng vpon hym for helpe in their neede to the great discouragement of their aduersaries Wherfore he wylleth all to prayse God and to worshyp God 1 GOD raigneth the people be in a rage he sitteth betweene the Cherubims the earth quaketh 2 God is great in Sion and high aboue all people 3 They shall prayse thy name great dreadfull for it is holy and a kynges * power that loueth iudgement 4 Thou hast ordeyned all thynges accordyng to equitie thou hast caused iudgement and iustice to be in Iacob 5 Magnifie God our Lorde and kneele downe before his footstoole for it is holy 6 Moyses Aaron among his priestes and Samuel among such as call vpon his name these called vpon God and he hearde them 7 He spake vnto them out of the cloudy pyller for they kept his testimonies and the lawe that he gaue them 8 O God our Lord thou heardest them O Lorde thou didst forbeare them and thou tokest auengement for their owne inuentions 9 Magnifie God our Lorde and kneele downe before his holy hyll for God our Lorde is holy ¶ The argument of the C. psalme ¶ The prophete moueth all the people of God to frequent Gods temple and to come thyther chearfully with all kynde of ioy seruyng praysyng and thankyng hym for that he only is the God that hath made vs and so gratious that we shal be partakers of his benefites and goodnesse for euer ¶ A psalme for to confesse 1 BE ye ioyfull in God all that be in the earth serue God with gladnesse and come before his face with a ioyfull noyse 2 Be ye sure that God is the Lorde it is he that hath made vs and not we our selues we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture 3 Go your way into his gates with thankesgeuyng and into his courtes with prayse be thankfull vnto hym and blesse his name 4 For God is gratious his mercie is euerlastyng and his trueth endureth from generation to generation ❧ The argument of the .cj. psalme ¶ Dauid settyng foorth the duetie of a good ruler declareth that in his gouernment aboue all thynges he wyll acknowledge Gods benefites goodnesse He wyll study to lyue vprightly to do no wrong or euyll nor to beare any malice at all in his heart but he wyll employ hym selfe most zelouslie to confounde the wicked and to promote the godly and vertuous ¶ A psalme of Dauid 1 I Will sing of mercie and iudgement I wyll syng vnto thee O God psalmes 2 I wyll endeuour my selfe to be fully instructed in the way of perfectnesse when thou wylt come vnto me I wil go vp and downe in the middest of my house in the perfectnesse of my heart 3 I wyll neuer set before myne eyes any deuillishe thyng I wyll detest to do the worke of transgressours it shall take no holde of me 4 A frowarde heart shall depart from me I wyll not once knowe any euyll 5 I will destroy him who priuily slaundereth his neighbour I wyll not suffer hym who hath a proude loke and a great stomacke 6 Myne eyes shal be vpō such in the lande as haue a true meanyng that they may sit with me he that leadeth a perfect lyfe shall minister vnto me 7 There shall no deceiptfull person haue any seate in my house he that telleth lyes shall not tary long in my syght 8 I wyll euery mornyng destroy all the vngodly in the lande that I may roote out from the citie of God all workers of wickednesse ¶ The argument of the .cii. Psalme ¶ The prophete desireth God to heare hym vtteryng his godly affect and great griefe for the calamities of the people of God desolation of the citie of Sion He setteth foorth the reproches and outragious behauiours of the enemies and his affliction of mynde for it He wisheth that the people may returne home agayne and that Sion may be reedified that Gods glorie may therin be set foorth And he consideryng the eternitie of God assureth hym selfe that God wyll perfourme his promises in grauntyng that the children of his people shall lyue for euer ¶ A prayer of the afflicted when he was ouerwhelmed and when he did powre out his petition before the face of God 1 HEare my prayer O God and let my crying come in vnto thee 2 Hyde not thy face from me in y e day of my distresse encline thine eare vnto me heare me spedyly in the day that I call 3 For my dayes are consumed away like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as though they were a firebrande 4 My heart is smitten downe and wythered lyke grasse because I did forget to eate my bread 5 Through the noyse of my gronyng my bones wyll scase cleaue to my fleshe 6 I am become lyke a Pellicane of the wildernesse and like an Owle that is in the desert I watch and am as it were a sparrowe that sitteth alone vpon the house toppe 7 Myne enemies reuile me all the day long and they that are in a rage against me make their oth by me 8 For I haue eaten asshes as it were bread and mingled my drynke with weepyng because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast set me vp and cast me downe 9 My dayes fade away lyke a shadowe and I am wythered lyke grasse 10 But thou O God endurest for euer and thy remembraunce throughout all generations 11 Thou wylt aryse vp thou wylt haue compassion vpon Sion for it is tyme that thou haue mercie vpon her for the tyme appoynted is come 12 For thy seruauntes be well affected towarde her stones and it pitieth them to see her in the dust 13 And the heathen wyll feare thy name O God and all the kynges of the earth thy glorious maiestie 14 For God wyll buylde vp Sion to be seene in his glorious maiestie 15 He wyll regarde the prayer of the humble destitute of all helpe and he wyll not dispise their prayer 16 This shal be written for those that come
farre from the Lord and I haue ben a rebuker of them all 3 I knowe Ephraim well inough and Israel is not hid fro me for nowe O Ephraim thou art become an harlot and Israel is defiled 4 They wyll not geue their myndes to turne vnto their God for the spirite of fornication is in the middest of them and they haue not knowen the Lorde 5 And the pryde of Israel doth testifie to his face therefore both Israel and Ephraim shal fal for their wickednesse and Iuda with them also 6 They shall come with their sheepe and bullockes to seeke the Lorde but they shall not finde hym for he is gone from them 7 They haue transgressed against the Lorde and brought vp bastarde chyldren a moneth therefore shall deuour them with their portions 8 Blowe with the shawmes at Gibea and with the trumpet in Ramah crye out at Bethauen after thee O Beniamin 9 In the tyme of the plague shall Ephraim be layde waste in the tribes of Israel haue I shewed the trueth 10 The princes of Iuda haue ben lyke them that remoue the lande markes therefore wyll I powre out my wrath vpon them like water 11 Ephraim is oppressed and broken in iudgement because he wyllyngly folowed the commaundement 12 Therefore wyll I be vnto Ephraim as a moth and to the house of Iuda as a caterpiller 13 When Ephraim sawe his sicknesse and Iuda his disease Ephraim went vnto Assur and sent vnto kyng Iareb yet coulde not he helpe you nor ease you of your payne 14 I wyll be vnto Ephraim as a lion and as a lions whelpe to the house of Iuda I euen I wyll spoyle and go my away I wyll take away and no man shall rescue 15 I wyll go and returne to my place tyll they knowledge that they haue sinned and seeke me In their aduersitie they shall early seeke me The .vi. Chapter 1 Affliction causeth a man to turne to God 9 The wickednesse of the priestes 1 COme let vs turne agayne to the Lorde for he hath smitten vs and he shall heale vs he hath wounded vs and he shall binde vs vp agayne 2 After two dayes shall he quicken vs in the thirde day he shall rayse vs vp so that we shall liue in his sight 3 Then shall we haue vnderstanding and endeuour our selues to knowe the Lord he shal go foorth as the spring of the day come vnto vs as the rayne and as the latter rayne vnto the earth 4 O Ephraim what shall I do vnto thee O Iuda howe shall I intreate thee for your goodnesse is lyke a morning cloude like a deawe that goeth early away 5 Therfore haue I cut downe the prophetes and let them be slayne for my wordes sake so that thy punishment shall come to light 6 For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more then burnt offeringes 7 But euen like as Adam did so haue they broken my couenaunt and set me at naught 8 Gilead is a citie of wicked doers and is polluted with blood 9 And as theeues armed wayte for him that passeth by the way suche is the counsell of the priestes which with one agreed counsell murther cruelly suche as kepe the way yea they dare do all vnspeakable mischiefe 10 Horrible thinges haue I seene in the house of Israel there is the fornication of Ephraim and Israel is defiled 11 Yea and thou Iuda kepest an haruest for thy selfe when I returne the captiuitie of my people The .vij. Chapter 1 Of the vices and wantonnesse of the people 12 Of their punishment 1 WHen I vndertoke to make Israel whole then the vngraciousnesse of Ephraim and the wickednes of Samaria came to light for thei go about with lyes therfore the theefe robbeth within and the spoyler destroyeth without 2 They consider not in their heartes that I remember al their wickednesse Nowe their owne inuentions haue beset them whiche I see well inough 3 They make the kyng glad with their wickednesse and the princes with their lyes 4 All these burne in adulterie as it were an ouen that the baker heateth when he hath left kneading tyll the dowe be leauened 5 This is the day of our kyng the princes haue made hym sicke with bottels of wine he hath stretched out his hande to scorners 6 For whyles they lye in wayte they haue made redye their heart lyke an ouen their baker sleepeth all night in the morning it burneth as a flambe of fire 7 They are altogether as hotte as an ouen and haue deuoured their owne iudges all their kinges are fallen yet is there none of them that calleth vpon me 8 Ephraim hath mixt him selfe among heathen people Ephraim is become like a cake that no man turneth 9 Straungers haue deuoured his strength and he regardeth it not he waxeth full of gray heere 's yet wyll he not knowe it 10 And the pryde of Israel testifieth to his face yet wyll they not turne to the Lorde their God nor seeke hym for all this 11 Ephraim is like a doue that is begyled and hath no heart nowe call they vpon the Egyptians now go they to the Assyrians 12 But whyle they be goyng here and there I shal spreade my net ouer them and drawe them downe as the foules of the ayre and according as they haue ben warned so wyll I punishe them 13 Wo be vnto them for they haue forsaken me they must be destroyed for they haue set me at naught I am he that hath redeemed them yet haue they spoken lyes agaynst me 14 They call not vpon me with their heartes but lye howlyng vpon their beddes they wyll assemble them selues for corne and wine but rebel against me 15 I haue bounde vp and strengthened their arme yet do they imagine mischiefe agaynst me 16 They turne them selues but not to the most hyest and are become as a broken bowe their princes shal be slayne with the sworde for the malice of their tongues this shal be their derision in the lande of Egypt The .viij. Chapter 1 The destruction of Iuda and Israel because of their idolatrie 1 SEt the trumpet to thy mouth swiftly as an Egle shall the enemie come agaynst the house of the Lorde for they haue broken my couenaunt and transgressed my lawe 2 Israel shoulde haue sayde vnto me Thou art my God we knowe thee 3 But he hath refused the thyng that is good therfore shall the enemie pursue him 4 They haue ordeyned kinges but not through me they haue made princes and I knewe it not of their siluer and golde haue they made them idols therfore shall they be destroyed 5 Thy Calfe O Samaria hath cast thee of for my wrathfull indignation is gone foorth agaynst them howe long wyll they be without innocencie 6 For the calfe came from Israel the workman made it therfore can it be no God but euen in peeces
myght any thyng endure yf it were not thy wyll or howe coulde any thyng be preserued except it were called of thee 26 But thou sparest all for they are thine O Lorde thou louer of soules ¶ The .xij. Chapter 2 The mercy of God towarde sinners 14 The workes of God are vnreprouable 19 God geueth leasure to repent 1 FOr thy vncorruptible spirite O Lorde is in all thinges 2 Therfore chastenest thou them measurably that go wrong and warnest them by putting them in remembraunce in what thinges they haue offended that leauing their wickednesse they may beleue on thee O Lorde 3 As for those olde inhabiters of thy holy lande thou mightest not away with them 4 For they committed abhominable workes against thee as witchcraft sorcerie and wicked sacrifices 5 They slue their owne chyldren without mercy they dyd eate vp the bowels of mens fleshe and deuoured the blood in abhominable bankets and had their mad fanaticall priestes 6 And the fathers were the chiefe murderers of the soules destitute of helpe these doers thou wouldest destroy by the handes of our fathers 7 That the lande whiche thou louest aboue all other might be a meete dwelling for the chyldren of God 8 Neuerthelesse thou sparedst them also as men and sendedst the forerunners of thyne hoast euen hornettes to destroy them out by litle and litle 9 Not that thou wast vnable to subdue the vngodly vnto the righteous in battayle or with cruell beastes or with one rough worde to destroy them together 10 But thy mynde was in punishing them by litle litle to geue them place for amendement knowing well that it was an vnrighteous nation and wicked of nature and that their thought might neuer be altered 11 For it was a cursed seede from the beginning yet hast thou not pardoned their sinnes wherein they offended for that thou fearest any man 12 For who will stand against thy iudgement or who wyll blame thee for the nations that perishe whom thou hast made or who wyll come before thy face to be reuenged for the vnrighteous men 13 For there is none other God but thou that carest for all thinges that thou mayest declare howe that thy iudgement is not vnright 14 There dare neither king nor tiraunt in thy sight require accomptes of them whom thou hast destroyed 15 Forsomuche then as thou art righteous thy selfe thou ordrest all thinges righteously thinking it vnseemely for thy power to condempne hym that hath not deserued to be punished 16 For thy power is the beginning of righteousnesse and because thou art Lorde of all thinges it maketh thee to be gracious vnto all 17 For when men thinke thee not to be of a full strength thou declarest thy power and reprouest the boldnesse of the wyse 18 But thou mastring thy power doest iudge with equitie and ordrest vs with great fauour for thou mayest vse power when thou wylt 19 By suche workes nowe hast thou taught thy people that the iust man shoulde be louing and hast made thy chyldren to be of a good hope because thou geuest roome to repentaunce for sinnes 20 For insomuche as thou hast punished and with such deliberation and obtestation the enemies of thy seruauntes whiche were worthy to dye where through thou gauest them tyme and place of amendement that they might turne from their wickednesse 21 With howe great circumspection then punishest thou thyne owne chyldren vnto whose fathers thou hast sworne made couenauntes of good promises 22 So where as thou doest chasten vs thou punishest our enemies a thousande tymes more to the intent that when we punishe we should diligently thinke of thy goodnesse and when we our selues are punished we shoulde hope for mercy 23 Wherefore where as men haue liued dissolutely and vnrighteously thou hast punished them sore with their owne abhominations 24 For they went astray very long in the wayes of errour held the beastes whiche euen their enemies despised for gods deceaued as chyldren of no vnderstanding 25 Therefore hast thou sent them thy iudgement in scorne as to chyldren voyde of reason 26 As for such as wyll not be refourmed by those scornes and rebukes they shall feele the worthy punishment of God 27 For looke in what thinges they disdayned when they suffred for their sakes whom they counted gods seyng them selues punished in the same they perceaued that he was in deede the true God whom before they had denyed to knowe and therefore came extreme dampnation vpon them ¶ The .xiij. Chapter 1 All thinges be vayne except the knowledge of God 10 Idolaters and idols are mocked 1 SVrely vayne are all men by nature which were ignoraunt of God and coulde not out of the good things that are seene knowe hym that of hym selfe is euerlasting neither toke so muche regarde of the workes that are made as therby to knowe who was the craftesman of them 2 But some toke the fire some the winde or swift ayre some the course of the starres some the running water some toke sunne and moone or the lightes of heauen for gods that rule the worlde 3 But though they had such pleasure in their beautie that they thought them to haue ben gods yet should they haue knowen howe muche more fayrer he is that made them For the maker of beautie hath ordayned al these thinges 4 Or if they marueyled at the power and worke of them they shoulde haue perceaued therby how much he which made these thinges is mightier then they 5 For by the greatnesse of the beautie and of the creatures the maker therof compared with them may playnely be knowen 6 Notwithstanding they are the lesse to be blamed that seeke God and woulde finde him yet peraduenture misse 7 For they being occupied in his works do seeke hym diligently and are perswaded by the sight because the things are beautifull that are seene 8 Howebeit yet neither are they to be excused 9 For if their vnderstanding and knowledge be so great that they can discerne the world and the creatures why do they not rather finde out the Lorde therof 10 But miserable are they and among the dead is their hope that call them gods whiche are but the workes of mens handes golde siluer and the thing that is founde out by cunning the similitude of beastes or any vayne stone that hath ben made by hande of olde 11 Or as whē a carpenter cutteth downe a tree meete for the purpose and pareth of al the barke cunningly and so by arte comely maketh a vessell profitable to the vse of life 12 And with that whiche is cut of from his worke doth dresse his meate to fyll his belly 13 And as for the other part that is left whiche is profitable for nothing for it is a crooked peece of wood and full of knobbes he carueth it diligently by leasure and according to the knowledge of his
that they had no proprietie more in the lande (m) The kyng for the singuler care of his religion prouided pu●lickely for his priestes (n) Neither doth he oppresse tirannically y e people and doth his good seruice to his prince (o) The priestes priuileage in Egypt (p) Iacob lyued in the lande of Chanaan .77 yeres then in Mesopotamia 20. afterward in the lande of Chanaan .33 and in Egypt 17. (q) He would hereby surely confirme his posteritie in the promise of God (r) Thus he thanked God for Iosephs consent and commended to god his posteritie “ Bowed hym selfe God had made his couenaunt with Iacob thus that the succession of grace shoulde come to his posteritie This thyng therfore he nowe goeth about (a) He perswadeth Ioseph to ioyne hym selfe to the holy people from the which he had ben deuided and from the whiche his great glorie myght alienate hym Gen. xxxv (b) When the lande of Chanaan shal be deuided they shall haue no seuerall inheritaunce but shal be vnder their brethrens names (c) If his mother left her owne coūtrey he also ought to obey Gods worde (d) The godlye in all thinges consider the goodnesse of God who geueth more then is loked for (e) For the thynges that were nowe in doyng were of greater maiestie then his hygh dignitie (f) The holy ghost directed all these doynges (g) This blessyng commeth from Gods mercie and dependeth of the couenaunt made with the father (h) He meaneth Christe as ● Cor. x. (i) That is compted as one of my chyldren vnder my name “ The word signifieth to multiple as fishe (k) Yet Gods free giftes are not to be esteemed by the order of nature (l) As Gods minister he pronounceth what God hath decreed (m) Gods grace shoulde so appeare in these two that y e people shuld take thence a paterne of blessing their chyldren “ A shulder (n) The lande about Sichē was his for that his children dyd get it vnder his name whom God spared for his sake Iohn iiii (a) Sinne was the cause that Ruben loste all this great dignitie (b) The birth right was geuen to Ioseph the priesthod to Leui and the kyngdome to Iuda Or Thy d●gnit● is g●●e (c) Crueltie with falshode he condepneth in them for their posterities cause (d) The kyngdome of Iuda was diminished at y e departure of the ten tribes yet none went about to ouerthrowe it but he was punished () Messias is here promised “ Shiloh (e) The fertilitie of the tribe of Iuda is signified by these speaches (f) There were manye commodious hauens about this tribe “ Tsidon (g) His posteritie was stronge but idle and redie to pay tribute so they myght inioy their lande “ Of great bones (h) The tribe of Dan shoulde ouercome his enemies rather by craft then manhode (i) He seyng the great calamitie that should fall vppon his posteritie resteth thus vppon Gods promise (k) There was so pleasaunt fruite in this tribe that kynges might be content therwith “ Daughters (l) The afflictions of Ioseph his posteritie shal be sore (m) The deliueraunce of Ioseph was by God to the ende also that his people shoulde be fedde (n) That is all these thynges come (o) The tyme nowe was nigher when Gods blessinges should take effect (p) This tribe lyued much on pray and spoyle (q) This was not for the holynes of the place but hereby to renewe the memorie of gods promise to his posteritie Gen. xxiii Gen. xxv (r) Moyses speaketh nothyng of her death neither of Leas death (ſ) That is the fruite of a good cōscience to dye peaceably quietly (a) Naturall sorowe yf it be in measure is not to be reprehended (b) This was to the godly then an outwarde token of incorruption but to y e ignoraunt a vayne ceremonie (c) This was a ceremoniall mournyng (d) Among the vnbeleuers reuerēce was had vnto an othe (e) These went for their defence against theeues and others (f) An euyll conscience is a sore torment to it selfe (g) The faultes of the faithful ought easely to be remitted “ Or In the place of God (h) That is he woulde not turne that to their shame which God had disposed to their wealth (i) A sure token of reconciliation to ouercome euill with good “ To their heartes (k) He was in office .79 yeres liued after his father .54 yeres to the great reliefe of the Churche “ Or brought vp or nourished (l) The trueth of gods promise is immortall which men must loke for patientlye and not prescribe God a tyme. (m) Ioseph testifieth his fayth hereby and confirmeth his posteritie * This booke is in Hebrue called specially Schemoth of the seconde worde of it which is names And in Greke Exodus which betokeneth an issue or goyng out because it principally entreateth of the goyng out and y e deliueraunce of the children of Israel “ As fishe or wormes (a) God maketh his seruaūtes mightie to beare the affliction that folowed (b) The Egyptinas were vnthankefull people (c) The wicked enuie the prosperitie of the godly (d) God wonderfully increaseth his Churche in persecutions (e) Tirannes trie diuers wayes to oppresse the Churche “ seates (f) It was better to obey God then man (g) He rewarded their constancie and not their lying (h) God increaseth their families and housholdes God for his names sake wyll delyuer his Churche from the affliction of tirannes (a) The faith of Moyses parentes Hebre. xi (b) God sa●eth his by the handes of their enemies (c) God restoreth to the faithful aboūdauntly that which they loose for his sake “ Moseh (d) The godly preferre the Churche of God before the court of the wicked (e) Such her●icall deedes of the godlye men are not to be folowed (f) Vnthankfulnesse towarde a godly magistrate “ Speakest (g) Worldlye trouble folowe often the godlye executyng their vocation “ Prince or head (h) Thus he continued the remembraūce of the redemption promised (i) Their bondage waxyng ●orer compelled them to seke to God (k) Gods free promise was the cause he hearde the Israelites (a) This hyll was called also Sinai vppon another part of it “ Chorebah (b) Though the Churche be greuouslye afflicted yet the presence of God kepeth it from destruction (c) By this externall ceremonie he was put in mynde humblye and reuerently to heare God (d) God seeth the afflictions of his church when by diferryng punishement he semeth to neglect them (e) This certayne promise of successe shoulde prouoke good magistrates to obey Gods callyng (f) This refusall was of humilitie and not disobedience (g) By a signe y t should come Moises is confirmed in his vocation as were Dauid and Ioh. Baptist (h) This is read in the future tence in Hebrue (i) Al thinges haue their beyng power of God (k) God woulde haue them rest vppon his free promise whiche they had almost forgotten (l) The afflicted ought to hange vpon the
be so vexed with hunger that she shall thinke it longer her chylde be borne that she might eate it Exod. xv d. (r) Some reade the lord wyll seperate thy plagues meaning from other plages so that they shal be more greeuous and more notable (ſ) He alludeth to the promise made to Abraham Gen. xv I●re xxxi c. (t) Thou shalt be a vagabonde (u) Because they were vnthankefull to God for his miraculous deliuering of them by the parting asunder of the red sea “ Articles Exod. xix a. “ Or mount Sinai where the lawe was first geuen fourtie yeres before the makyng of this couenaunt “ Or proofes (a) This declareth that man can not perceaue the thynges perteynyng to God without the helpe of the grace of God (b) Made by man but M●nna the foode of angels whiche serued them for bread and all other sustenaunce Num. xxi f. c Some rede that ye may be wyse (d) Who scareneth your heartes and therfore ye may not dissemble with hym Ios ix d. (e) Not only the chiefe but also the meanest (f) He alludeth to an auncient ceremonie by whiche they that made a couenaunt deuided a beast into two partes passyng betwene the same sayde so to be deuided that breaketh this couenaūt (g) Meaning them that wer yet vnborne (h) That is sinne the roote wherof must speedyly be cut vp left afterward the bitter fruite therof do choke the soule “ Or. Flatter (i) No harme shall come to me (k) For as the thirstie man desireth nothyng but drynke so he that hath disordred lustes can not be satisfied in them * Gen xix c. * 〈◊〉 xxii ▪ b. Or whiche had not geuen them a lande to possesse (l) He condempneth the curious sent thers of thynges reserued to gods secrete knowledge neglectyng the thyngs reuealed by God as his lawe (a) By bringyng to mynde both his fauour and his displeasure (b That is wyll chaunge his purpose wyll reconcile hym selfe to thee (c) Wyll cut away ●oy vngodly iustes a●fections * Ier. xxxii f. (d) Not that God is subiect to affections but hereby is set foorth his fauour toward repentaunt sinners Rom. x b. (e) Some reade not seperate from thee He meaneth that the lawe is so playne that none cā pleade ignoraunce (f) By heauen and the sea he meaneth places very farre of 〈◊〉 x● d. g He s● 〈…〉 ●bedi● to Gods 〈◊〉 bring 〈◊〉 and ●ence 〈…〉 Deut iiii d. That is to saye shew thy ●oue and obedience to God which is not perfourmed by our owne strength but by gods grace working in his elect (i) Whereby is not onely meant y e land of Chanaan but also y e heauenly inheritaunce wher● of the other was a figure (a) Can no longer perfourme the chardge committed vnto me (b That is into the land of Chanaan for Iordan in the coast ●f Moab is the bounde of the lande of Chanaan Num xx c. (c) Into your power Iosu i. b ▪ 〈◊〉 ▪ Reg. ii a. (d) Before Moyses tyme the doctrine which conteyned the maner of seruyng God was not put in writing but only delyuered by word of mouth by the fathers to the children from one generation to another (e) Notwithstandyng this solempne lecture of the lawe at the ende of euery seuen yeres they had in y e meane tyme ordinarie exercises in the same (f) Whiche were vnborne at the geuing of the lawe Exod. 32. d. (g ●orsaking God to whom they had plight their tr●th as to their spouse (h) I wyll turne my face from them as it is sayd that God sheweth vs his countenaunce whē he doth fauour ●o (i) ●hal testifie to thē that are thus plagued for departyng from me Iosu i. a. iii. Reg. ii b. Deut. x●ii (k) To declare the maiestie of the doctrine conteyned therin as proceeding from God (l) Of thy lacke of fayth when thou shalt fall to idolatrie 4. Reg. 17. c (m) By worshipping images whiche your handes haue made (a) As witnesses of the vnthankfulnesse of this most insensible people (b) Not vpon the stones but vpon y e grasse that is tractable and obedient people “ Hebre rocke This declareth Gods strength stedfastnes in hi● promise 〈…〉 〈…〉 () Full of wyld beastes Psa● 81. c. Rebelled against God 〈◊〉 cvi f. (e He calleth them Gods chyldren not to honor thē ▪ but to shewe them from what state they are ●ailes Rom. x. d ▪ Iere. xx c. Iere. v. b. Ioel. i. b. (f) Reioycyng to see the godly afflicted and attributyng that to them selues whiche is wrought by gods hande Or ▪ delyuered them into their enemies hande 1. Reg. v. b. (g) As yf he sayde thynke not that I forget mens sinnes but reserue them to the tyme of pun●shment ▪ Rom. xii d. ii Mac. vi● a. h Gouerne them 〈◊〉 ii d. Deut iiii f. i. Reg. ii c. Deut iiii f. i. Reg. ii c. Iob. xv b. (i) That is acknowledge gods goodnes towards thē Deut. v●● Num. xx d. Num. xx a. (a) Which is a for eshewyng of the mercies that GOD woulde after-terward shew to the Israelites The instrumente of y e holy ghost (c) Here Moyses bringeth the people in minde of the glorious re●ealyng of the lawe (d) The children of Israel (e) To continue amongst vs from age to age By these words he mea● the priest● Thum● signifieth ●tition and ●ynesse V● lyght and knowledge R●●de Exodus ●8 d. g That 〈◊〉 esteemed the seruyng of God then the loue of his parentes Or substaunce “ Or sweetenes of heauen meanyng the sweet deawes and rayne that come from heauen Loke Genesis 49. h God that appeared to Moyses in a bushe (i) Meanyng that this tribe shoulde be victorious (k) That is which God the lawe geuer had reserued for the Gadites (l) That is shal be strong enough to defende hym selfe Num. xvi ● (a) Which was a part of the mount Abarim (b) Some reade the top of Phasga betweene which hyll and Iericho the fludde of Iordane doth runne (c) The sea mediterraneum which lyeth westwarde from Iurie Gen. xii b. Deut. iiii c. (d) Gods angel (e) Lest the Israelites shoulde take occasion of idolatrie therby Num. xx d. Num. 27. ● (f) To whom God spake most plainely familierly (g) All the inhabitauntes of his lande (h) Great power (a The beg●n●ng of this booke dependeth on the last chapter of Deute which was written by Iosuah ▪ as a preparation to his historie (b Educati●n with Moyses by Gods prouidence was a meane to make Iosuah meete for this hye callyng Blessed are they that haue their education with good men c God only disposeth kingdomes and geueth them to whom he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 xi c. d Of Zin c●led Cade●h and ●a●an or ●erat● e Meanyng t●e whole ●nde of Chanaan f Called Mediterranea● which in respect of the other ●eas of the lande of Chanaan is ●ed great Iosu iii. b. Heb. iiii b. Deu. xxxi f Deu v. g. Deu. xvii d. (g)
vtterly perishe ▪ ●hough but a fewe did remayne faithfull 2. Pet. 2. a. Iere. xiiii b. and .xxiiii. c Deut. 29. c. Sophon i. c. Iere. vi b. Iere. xiiii b. and .xxiiii. c Deut. 29. c. Sophon i. c. Iere. vi b. Esai 33 b. Deut. 28. c. Baruc. iiii c. Iere. xvi b. Deut. 28. g. Esai vi b. Ioh. ix d. Iob. 26. d. and .28 a. Esai lxix a. Esai ● Osee v● ● Rom. i. ● ii Re. xiiii a (a) The shepheardes with their flockes that is the princes and captaines with their armies Iere. iiiii a. and ix d. Iere. v. c. and .xx. b. Iere. iiiii a. and ix d. Iere. v. c. and .xx. b. Esai lvi c. Iere. viii b. Esai lvi c. Iere. viii b. Eze. xviii b. Iere. viii c. Iere. xix a. Esai i. b. Iere. vii c. (b) Ceremonies although they be gods ordinaunces pleaseth him not without fayth purenesse of minde Iere i e. and .v. a. Abac. i. c. (c) So soone as the hypocrites here tell that gods iudgementes are at hande their heart fayleth and is full of sorowe Amo. viii b. Psal xiii a. and liii a. Rom. iii. c Iere. xvii b. and .xxvi a Esai i. e. Iere. xxvi e. Exo. xxii c ▪ Zacha. viii c. Leu. xxix g Iob xxiii ● ● Re viii ● Esai lix b. Iob ii b. Mat. xxi b. Iere. xxxii Iosu xviii a. Esai lix b. Iob ii b. Mat. xxi b. Iere. xxxii Iosu xviii a. Iere. xxvi a. i. Reg. iii. Prou. i. e. Esa lxv b. Luke xxi a. i. Reg. xvii a Iere. xiiii b. Ezec. xiiii c. i. Iohn v. c. Iere. xliiii c. Esai i. a. Deut. x. a. Esai xliii a. Exod. xix a. Zacha. vii a. Iere. xxv a. xxix c. and .xliii. a. Iere. v. a. Ezech. v. a. Iere. xxxii d 〈◊〉 32. ● 4. Re 24 ● Psal xvi c. Iere. xliii ● Iere. xix e Iere. v●i b. and ix c. Iere. xviiii and xxv d. Ezec xvi ● Deut. iiii c. Luk. xxiiii c Esai i a. Deut. liiii a. Psal xix a. Ezech. vi d Esai vi c. Iere. vi b. Ezec. xiii d. Iere vii d. Iere. xiiii d. Leu. xxvi d Esai xxii a. Iere. xii b. Math. x. e. Mich. vii a. Psa xxviii a Iere. v. b. Psa lxxix Mich. iii c Deut. 29. a. Ios xxiiii c. Deu. xxii b. Iere. xxiii c. Deut. xx c. Deu. xxii b. Iere. xxiii c. Deut. xx c. Iere. vii d. and viii ● Esai lv ● i. Cor. i. d. ii Cor. xi a Math. ix d. and .xii. a. Osee vi b. Iere. xxv ● Iere. iiii a. and .vi. b. Rom. ii c. Esai xlvii c. Esai xliiii b. Baruc. vi c. 4. Re. xvii g Apoc. xv ▪ ● (a) By wo● is ment all kinde of matter whereof images are wont to be made whiche although they be garnished with golde and siluer and clothed in purple and silke and set vp as some mercy to be lay ●ens bookes yet teache they nothing saith the prophete but vanitie Num i a. Gene. i. a. Psal xliiii a. Esai ▪ i. d. and .xliiii. b. Iere. vi c. (b) The kinges the rulers the prophetes and the priestes are blinde and so destroyeth the flocke Prou. xx b. Psal vi a. xxi c. viii c. Esai lxiiii b. Psa lxxix a Eccle. 37. a. Iere. xxx c. and .l. b. Deut. xxvii and .28 b. Gala. iii. b Gene xv ● xxvi a. and .xxvii. ● Iere. x●i b. Zach. vii b. Deut. 35. c Iere ii b. Iere. v● ▪ ● and .xv ● Agge● 〈…〉 Iere. xvii ● Math. vii b. Rom. xi ● Esai liii b. Iere. xviii b. Iere. xx a ▪ and .xvii. b. Esai xxx d. Amo. vii d. Iob xxii i ▪ Abac. ● b. Psal 73 a ▪ By the raynes he meaneth the inwarde affections and secrecie of the mynde ii Pet ii c. Iere. xiiii a. Deut. xix e Iere. v. b. and .xxiii. e. Sophon i. e. Iere. ix ● Esai lvi c. Esai v. a. Esai lvi c. Esa● v. a. Deu. iiii e. and .xxx ● ▪ Esai l● M● 〈…〉 Iere. vii c. xi● b. xviii c and .xix. c. Deut. iiii c. and .xxvi. d. Iere. xxx d. Iere. xxxi c. Thre i. a. Iere. xix a. Esai xiii b. Ozee ii b Iere. xxiii b Esai xlix b. ●●re xvi c. and .xvii. c. Iere. vii d. Iere. v. d. Sophon i. e. Iere. xii a. and .xxiii. c. Iere. xxiii d. Zach. xiii a. Iere. xvi a Iere. viii c Esai xix ● The temple at Hierusalem is called the seate of Gods honour because he had appoynted that place wherin specially to be honoured and there to shewe the tokens of his honourable presence Iere. vii d. xi c. xiiii b. Eze. xiiii c. Eze. v. c. Iere. xvi a. 4. Reg. 24. a. Iere vii c. i. Tess v. a. Amos 8 d. Iere. xx d. (a) By the remnaunt is meant the tymes toward the last ende of his lyfe when God caused Nabuzaradan to shewe fauour vnto Ieremie Iere ● Ier. xv● and 〈…〉 Psa xix Eze iii a. (a) I am called thy prophete Iere xxi a. Iere. i. c. Leuit. x. d Iere. xiiii e. Psa xxix a Iere. xv a. i. Cor. xv b. Iere. vii d. xxv b. Iere. v. d. Deut. iiii d. Iere. vii b. 〈◊〉 v● d. Deut. 28. c. Iere. xxiii b Mat. iiii c. Gods seruice done accordyng to his worde 〈◊〉 sweetely that is pleaseth God but Gods seruice and worship without his worde doth sauour lyke carion that is is abhorred and much displeaseth God Iere. xv a. xx b. Psal xlix d. Pro. xi c. Iere. xlvi c. and .xlviii. a. Eze. xxix ● Psal ii b. xxxix c. Pro. xxii c. Psal i. a. Prou. xi d. Iere. xi ● Apoc. ii d 〈◊〉 v● b. 〈…〉 ▪ a Pro xxiii a. Psa lii b. Luk. xiii b. Iere. iii. b. Eze. 36. d. Ioh. iiii b. Iere. xiiii a. and .xxvi. b. Iere. viii a. xxvi a. Exod. 23 ● Deut v. b Exod. xx d. Esai xlv b. Iere xix ● R●m ix ● Eze. xviii c. Luk. xv a. Ioh. iii. b i. Reg. xv f. Iere. xxv a. and .xxxv. c Ionas iii. b. Iere. xiiii a. (a) It is extreme madnesse to forsake God the only freshe spryng of pure pleasaunt waters who is nigh at hande and to go far of to seke fowle and fylthy puddels wherein there is nothyng but vncleane and stinckyng water Iere. xix b and xiix Iere. xi b. Psal cix ● Iere. x. d. Psal cix b. Thre iii. f. Iere. xi d. 3. Reg 21 c. Iere v● c. Deut xii d xxviii b. Psal cvi c. Eze. xvi c. and .xx. d. Iere. vii d. iii. Reg. x. f. Iere. xviii d. xlix and .l. b Thre iiii b. Deut. 28. c. iiii Reg. vi f Iere. xviii a. Iere. vii d. Iere. vii c. Ioh. xviii c. Actes xiiii a 4 Reg xx c Iere xv c. and .xvii. a. (a) The prophete assureth the trueth of his doctrine against the slaunderer for it is the word of God who can not deceaue nor be deceaued Iere. vi b. (b) The priestes