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A08850 A myrrour or cleare glasse for all estates, to looke in, conteining briefly in it the true knovvledge and loue of god, and the charitie of a faithfull christian tovvardes his neyghbour. Palfreyman, Thomas, d. 1589? 1560 (1560) STC 19137; ESTC S101415 93,769 240

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it repēt you and be conuerted sayeth Christ that your sinne and iniquities may be done avvay Math. 4. Act. 3. tourned oure faces and fledde backe from the voice of our most holy and rightuouse God in the lare dayes specially of hys mercyfull visitation yet lette vs repentauntely tourne in tyme and embrace hym moste louely with our readye spreadde armes of faith charitie and constancye And as we haue ouer longe wyth corrupted and vaine hartes bene vaynely addicted to vaine thynges and our wylles greatly dissenting from the wil of god so let vs now make haste that wyth all puritie and cleannes of harte suche fondnesse and impuritie may be refected and goddes most diuine wyll obediently retayned Yea and though God in deede by his iustice hathe some thing of late dayes and presētly also touched vs Gods heauye and bitter vvrathe vpon Englande and hath seemed to laye vpon vs cruell strokes and rough chastisementes whether by our late kynges death that most godly and christē prince either by the breach of vertuous and good lawes by the alteration of Chrystes holy religion by takinge awaye the lyght of the gospel by cruell persecution and destruction of the pastoures and flocke of Christe And in stead of mercy and pitie bitter tyrannye and most shamefull effusion of innocente and christen bloude by bournynge famishinge in prysons buryenge in dungehylles rackynge headinge drawynge hangynge and quartering as in the dayes of goddes slaughter by his greate and most heauie indignacion besides strange diseases sodein deathes dishonorable warres greuouse exactions meynteinyng of straungers vniuersal famyne losse of goods losse of frends or otherwise yet for the auoidynge of further daungers that by the bytternes of his wrath maye yet fall vpon our fleshe and specially escapynge the second death secludinge wilfull ignoraunce obstinatie Good coūsayle and stiffeneckednes let vs humbly geue thankes vnto gods diuine maiestie for all thinges and namely for the present shewe and ioiefull lyght of his countynaunce now shynynge agayne vpon vs dailye besechinge him to contynue his goodnesse to assiste vs wyth his grace and to prepare vs lyuelye and apte folowers of his holye and diuine wylle wythout murmurynge vnreuerente talkynge secrete conspirynge or cursed rebellynge for they are euelles greately dyspleasing god and wourkes of the deuell and of hysedicious membres vpon whome he wyl assuredly poure downe his determinate plages to their swyfte confusion of bodye and soule Lette vs feare therefore to offende the maiestie of so mighty a God VVe maye not vvith stande the vvil of god who is rightuous and a ieolous god ouer rightuousnes let vs not repugne his wyll or stryue against the streame preparyng newly vnto our selfs the cup of gods wrath and to drynke double the dregges of his vengeaunce but spedyly with a lyuely faythe to retourne and leane towardes hym and not be doubtefull of his mercy for he hath promised in Iesus Christe that our synnes shall be consumed oure transgressions couered and oure iniquities pourged He is mercyfull Daniel 9. he beholdeth vs in Christe and reioyceth in the conuersion of synners he wyll haue mercye vppon vs after the multitude of his mercyes whyche wyll not the death of synners Math. 3. Eze. 18.33 1 Timo. 〈◊〉 1. Peter 3. The tyme and houre vvhen god vvill vifite vs and take accomptes of vs vvee knovv not but rather that they repentantly tourne and lyue and aptly receyuynge the grace of god readily to prepare theim selues that in what so euer tyme and place deathe by the hande of God shall assaild them they bee not founde vnprepared in that so shorte and sodayne warnyng And not withstandinge this moste apte preparacion touchyng lyfe and death or tymes appointed for them let vs referre all with a liuely hope to the good disposition and wyll of god and say with saint Pauie whether welyue or whether we die to god and to goddes good pleasure wee lyue or dye For herein shall consist greate perfection in oure spirituall profession if in our redines and moste apte preparacion we humblye embrace rightuousnes shewyng our selues always well pleased and reioycing in god and desire accordynge to the wyll of god to be dissolued from this frail and corruptible body and to lyue vncorruptible wyth Chryst for euer And we may be sure yf god see in vs such apt towardnes that we hunger thirst for the waye of ryghtuousnesse and that we earnestly seeke the mortification of our olde grosse affectes and shake frome oure shoulders that greuous packe and reprocheful bourthen of malice Collos 3. fearcenes wrath bloudshed cursed speaking cōspiring rebelling lieng octractiō false accusation pride couetousnes drūkennes vncleannes selfe loue vayne affection and suche lewde fondnes and in respect of gods he auenly felicite and endles treasure to neglect the fugitiue and shorte pleasures of this life he will not deferre to help vs to assist vs and strēgthen vs such is the accustomed goodnes of his deuine nature towardes vs but wyll be myndefull of hys promyse to haue mercy vpon vs as he in thys wise sayeth of hym selfe by the prophet Esaye I haue forsaken you sayeth hee for a small season Esay 〈◊〉 I haue tourned my face from you I haue sharply with plages visited you haue stretched out myne arme agaynste you to stryke you and make you stoupe for the greatnesse of your pryde and iniquity ye haue bene agaynste me so stoughte so stonye harted and sturdye but now I see you agayne relented repentaunse for your synnes and tourned agayn vnto me I wyl with great mercyfulnes tourne me vnto you embrace you receyue you take ye vppe agayne vnto me and for euer holde ye vp and preserue you And where in my wrathe as it were the twyncklynge of an eye I hydde my selfe frome you I haue nowe thoroughe myne euerlastynge goodnesse tourned me agayne vnto you and pardoned you sayeth the LORDE GOD youre auenger I am he Psal 102. I am he sayeth the Lorde whych taketh awaye your iniquities for mine owne sake and will no more remember youre synnes Thus we vnderstande the greate mercye and goodnesse of God towarde vs dysobediente and wretched synners who wylle not onelye here vs and tourne hym mercyfullye agayne vnto vs by oure humble sute and peticion or by oure happye amendmente of lyfe thoroughe the true faythe and loue in Iesus Chryste and staye his presente indignacion now raygnynge vppon vs and the greate terroure of hys vengeaunce to comme eyther in cases generall touchynge thys our already afflicted realme or countrey our lord blesse it and defende it or properly touch●●●● our owne personnes for euerye of vs see in our selues our due dosertes but wyll henseforthe blesse vs he wyll renewe styll hys ioyfull countynance vpon vs he wyll wythdraw the power of the diuell from vs that he preuayle not agaynst vs in no kynde of temptacion he wyll not suffre vs to be tempted aboue our strength but wyl in the myddeste
of temptation prepare vs awaye to escape Numc 23 1. Cor. 1.10 1. Thes 5. 2. Pet. 2. he wyl so strengthē vs that when his grace is offered vnto vs wee shall not receyne it in vayne hys good spirite shall poisesse vs cleanse oure hartes of the deuelles infections he wyll not suffce vs to be ouercomme or drowned in theym for he wyll sowe in oure hartes the lyuely seedes of his grace and fill vs full of the wisedome of Chryst By thereare of god sin is eschevved he will putte his feare into oure heartes whyche the proude and scornefull people of thys worlde and they that maliciousely meddle against god do want Iob. 18. his grace is taken from such for they dwell without his feare he will so knitte our hartes in vnitie that hauynge but one harte and one waie we shall feare his name all the daies of our lyues that we and oure children after vs Iere. 32. Psal 118. maie bee blessed and prosper the will delyuer vs frome all daungers and misfortune he wil take warre and discention frome vs he will geeue vs victorye ouer our ennemyes he will prepare vs quietlye to● inioie oure wynuyngs he wyll not suffre vs to be confoūded our children destroied our goodes spoiled nor our wyues our daughters our maydens to be rauished and defyled he wyll be our mighty protection at all assaies geeue vs longe life Iob. 8. he will blesse oure posteritie he wil fil our mouthes with laughter and our lippes wyth gladdenesse he wyll blesse the lande wherein we dwel take from vs famine pestilence all strange dyseases specially of the mynde that oure soules beynge foūd we may behold him with a pure saythe and serue hym ioyfullye wyth a cleane harte he wyll bee vnto vs a GOD of ryghtuousnesse truthe and mercye he wyll be faithfull to fulfill and keepe hys promises He will sette vppe an euerlastynge couenaunt with vs namely that he wil neuer ceasse to doo vs good and that he wyll put his feare into oure hartes Iere. 32. so that hensefoorthe wee shall not runne nor goe astraye frome hym hee wyll make vs walke in the good and perfecte waye and to keepe the pathes of rightuousenes Yea Prou 2. he wyll haue a luste to do vs good and faythfullye to plante vs in the lande of the lyuynge wyth hys whole harte and with all hys soule For lyke as he hathe broughte vppon vs Iere. 32. great and diuers plages so will he also of hys mercye take theym againe frome vs and in steade of hys greate vengeaunce yet to come he will bring vpon vs all the good that he hath promised vnto vs. I foure hartes haue in possession thys precious and lyuelye vertue the feare of God the grace and fauoure of God shall abundauntly be poured vppon vs. Neyther shall we at anye tyme in suche wyse offende him that his wrath shal be kendled ageynst vs. There shall nothinge be wantyng in vs or neadefull for vs that shal bee to the comforte of soule and bodye yf we haue in vs the sayde vertue It is the begynnyng of wisedome Prouer. 1. It is the verye entrye to attayne the fauoure and blessyng of god Iere. 31. psal 24. In whom so euer it abydeth the secretes of our lord god are euer vnlocked vnto theym layed foorthe and spredde amongest theym and sheweth also vnto them Psal 25. Act. 13. psal 23. psal 147. Psal 34. Psal 102. his comfortable and most ioiefull couenaunt Vnto theim also as vnto the faithfull seede of Abraham is the wourd of saluation sente They that feare him and putte their truste in his mercye beholde hys mercyfull eyes are euer fixed towardes theym his delyghtes in theym hys aungell pitcheth his tente round aboute thē He is their strength and delyuereth theym his saluacion is nygh vnto them And looke how hygh the heauens are in comparison of the ●arth so great is his mercy towardes them that feare him Looke how wide ●he East is from the west so far hathe ●e sette oure synnes from vs yea and like as a father pitieth hys owne chyldren euen so is he merciful vnto them that feare hym psal 103. The mercyfull goodnes of the lorde endureth for euer and euer vppon theym that feare him and his ryghtuousenes vpō their childres children psal 111. psal 112.182 He geeueth meate to theym that feare hym and towardes theym he is euer myndefull of hys couenant They are blessed that feare the Lorde The feare of the lorde maketh a longe lyfe Prou. 10. Prou. 14. The feare of the lorde is a well of lyfe to escape the daungers of deathe The feare of the Lord preserueth life yea it geueth plentuousnes withoute the visitation of any plage We are sure it shall goe well wyth theym that feare the lorde because they haue him before their eyes Prou 19. Ecclesi 8. Ecclesi 1. The feare of the lord is wourshyppe and triumphe gladdenes and a ioyfull crowne it maketh a mery hart and it driueth out synne The feare of the lorde is in the hart of the wyse whereby he departeth from euell and walketh in the pathe way of ryghtuonsenes The feare of the lorde is wyth the wyse manne in all hys doynges Prou. 14. Eccle. 28. and in the dayes of transgression he kepeth him self from sinne Eccle. 25. The feare of the lorde setteth it selfe aboue al things It is the beginning of loue and the beginning of faith is to cleaue fast vnto the feare of god The feare of the Lorde wanteth nothyng Eccle. 40 and neadeth no helpe The feare of the lorde is a pleasaunte gardeine of blessing and nothynge is so beautyfull as it is Eccle. 25. psal 128. O blessed therfore is the mā vnto whom it is graunted to haue the feare of god For as Esay saith it is the power of goddes holy spirite whereby we reuerence god by auoidinge euell and embracynge good accordyng to this sayenge The wyseman feareth god and auoydeth from euell And Iob sayeth Beholde the feare of the lorde is euen verye wisedome it selfe and is wholly cōtinuyng for euer for it is the strēgth of the diuine spirit to the reuerencing and wourshypynge of God whyche strength is not in vs the wourke of nature but the grace of god bath planted not the wil of mā but the purpose of god towardes his beloued chosen people vnto whom in Iesus Christe pertaineth the great strength myghtys wourkyng of hys gracē to the renewing of their mindes that through a reuerēt life in rightuousnes the promises of god maye in this lyfe be atrayned vnto and felte And after thys lyfe Math 25. Iohn 5. to haue a ioyfull resurrection into euerlastynge lyfe thorough the onlye merited and death of hys dearelye beloued sonne Iesus Christ our lorde and sauiour who liueth and raigneth wyth hym in the vnitye of the holys ghost most blessed for euer and euer Amen The grace of god O dearelye beloued abounde in oure hartes to the shewing forth of hys glorye in rightuousnes that all we knowynge our duties and obedience to hys dyuyne and most gloriouse maiestie may be ryche and plentyfull in all good wourkes to the pleasynge of oure neighbours for their wealth and co●yeng Roma 15. Gala. 15. accordyng to the exaumple of Iesus Chryste the true patrone comforter and sauioure of the worlde who for the tendernesse of compassion that he had to hys people and to saue them from destructiō sought not to please hym selfe but beeyng innocent and a lambe vnspotted suffered as a wicked offendour moste shamefull reproche bitter tormentes and paynes in the flesh as also bodilye death as it was written of hym by the prophet The rebukes of them wihche rebuked thee sel on me psal 69. Roma 4. What so euer thynges are wrytten aforetyme they are written for our learning that thorough pacience comfort of the scriptures we myght haue hope The god of hope pacience and consolatiō fil vs wyth all ioye and peace in beleuynge that we may be ryche in hope thorow the power of the holy ghost Leuit. 19. and be like mynded one towardes another after the ensaumple of Christ that we al together agreeyng in vnitye may wyth one mouthe praise God the father of our lorde Iesus Amen The God of peace treade Sathan shortelye vnder our feete Roma 6. FINIS Fautes escaped in pryntyng ¶ In the leaf of A. the .xii. page the .xi. lyne of the Queenes epistle for into reade vnto In the leafe of B. the iii. page the xvii line or to muche In the leafe of B. the iii. page the .xx. line reade for restranitie restraint In the leafe of D. the .x. page the .xv. line for his pathes reade bypathes In the leafe of D. the .xi. page the .ix. line much to muche And in the xxv line for wrathe reade wroth In the leafe of D. the xiiii page the vii line for co reade to In the leaf of d. the xv page the xxii line for al as reade as all Note also the x. page of F the iii. lyne for in thys maner reade he teacheth vs in thys maner In the leafe of G. the v. page the ● liue for confession reade profession In the leafe of G. the xv page the xxiii line for thy reade the. In the leafe of H. the xii page the xxv line the 〈◊〉 or is to much And in the xi lyne before in the same for yf reade that In the leafe of L. the iii. page the .xix. lyne for he to hys electe reade he hath to hys electe In the leafe of N. the 14. page the .v. line for a glorious reade glorious FINIS ❧ Imprinted at London by Henrye Sutton at the costes and charges of Myghell Lobley and Ihon Waley The .vii. daye of Maye in the yeare of our Lorde a thousande v. hundred and syxtye And also perused and allovved accordynge to the Queenes maiesties iniunctions
Fearest thou not in thy selfe that huge heapes of sinne that wil accuse thee or make the more careful and lowely Neither thy barthen of thy conscience that so fore oppresseth thee and wherby the iustice of god hangeth ouer thee Either wy●●e thou shew thine hart to be hardened against him O fadyng floure erthly creature what meanese thou vnreuarently to forget god thy creator or not to fear hym Thinkest thou that the cōtinuāce of thy wil to do wickedly shal euer endure Or why art thou so presumptuous ageinst him Art thou able thou wretched and feeble wourm●● to resiste hys omnipotence or almyghtye power Art thou not in hys hande as a piece of clay in the hand of the potter Esaie 49. Iere 18.19 Rom. 9. Or whyche of all the stought or puyssaunte prynces of the earthe shall not stoupe at hym and obeye hym He trulye is almyghtye and terryble yea the earth trembleth and quaketh for feare of hys greate indignacion and wrath and the people shal not he able to abide hys threatnynge The whole power and strength of all the earth ioyned to I●ther is not able to abyde one blaste of the breathe of goddes mouthe And darest thou thou dustye stubble persist or stand at any time in the state of wickednes before the face of so great and terrible a god Consider therfore thy wilfull malice and folishnes and thy carelesse slippyng from god that is so iust and terrible Examin thy self reuerentlye in the feare of god trye well the state of thy cōscience whether thou mayest iustlye saye before heauen and earth O lord thou omnipotēt terrible god Hiere 17. whose throne is most glorious excellēt and of most antiquitie which dwellest in the heuens euen in the place of mans holy rest of whō thou arte of all goddes moste highely to he feared for thou art a rightous and a iuste god in pouryng thy wrath vpon thyne enmies The repentant sinner yea I must also say that thou art a mercyfull and a louyng god the only comforter and refuge of man his immouable pillour and staye of assurance and the lyuely hope of his helth ioy strength and saluation Therfore O Lorde in acknowledgynge thyne omnipotency and great mercy whervnto I appeale I humbly fly vnto thy mercy seate for succour for myne iniquitie O god is manyfest vnto thee which I confesse before thy diuine maiestie I haue O lord offended against thee I haue forsaken thy lawe and cōmitted iniquitie I haue fledde from thy loue I haue falne from thy word I haue broken my fidelite I haue ben rebellious against thee For myn hart hath wickedly possessed pride and maliciousnes wherby I haue greuousely offended and hurte my neyghbour O Lorde greate therfore is myne iniquitie in thy sight Psal 119. My conscience iustly accuseth me my fleshe trēbleth for feare beefore thee my spirites are troubled within me And the remembraunce of thy Iudgement is terrible vnto me O Lorde myne eies therefore gushe oute with water my sight falleth me I am greuouslye vexed myne harte panteth within me my strength is gone from me my knees are weake my flesshe is dryed vp my beautie is consumed I am weary of my gronynge Alas my griefe alas my fal Alas my great wo and myserye for thys my stroke and wofull plage that thy grace O God should thus be taken frome me wherby I most wretched sinner am forget full of my truthe and obedience of my faythe and promises of thyne infinyte loue and goodnesse towardes me and of thy greate indignation and Iustice for my synne iniquitie Ah who shall geue me water to my head and a fountain of teares to mine eies that I may washe my bedde with teares of sorow and bewayle my sinnes both nighte day wherby thy grace O swete god may yet be returned vnto me and thy iustice agaist me be shortlye preuēted I make myn hūble peticion in thy presence with my whole hart the thou wile be merciful vnto me accordyng to the truthe in thy wourde O heauenly father A Prayer lette thy greate mercy in Iesus Christe lyghten vppon me that thy wrathfull indignation preuaile not against me I humbly with repentāce acknowledge myne iniquite I cōtesse my sicknes frailtie appeale to thy mercye promysed vnto me in Iesus Christ And if thou O Lorde for his sake wilt assist me Psal 119. order my steppes according to thy wourd my fete shall kepe thy pathes no wickednes shall henseforth haue dominion ouer me O refourme therfore with mercy that is amisse Psal 3● for thy mercy recheth vnto the heauens and thy faithfulnes vnto the cloudes With the is cōfort the light of life in thy light shal I se light and the workes of darknes shall flie farre from me O turne thee then vnto me Ierem. 1● so shall I be tourned heale thou me and I shall bee made whole saue thou me and I shall be saued O be not terrible vnto me after thy rightuous iudgemente Psal 143. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for then shall I not be iustified in thy syghte Yea if thou O lorde shouldest extremely marke what is doone amysse who could then abyde it But thou arte also a God of mercy yea thou delightest in mercy and with thee is plentuous redemption My soule therfore flieth only vnto thee Psal 130. it wayteth humbly for thee trusteth assuredly in thee Out of the depe doo I call vnto thee O Lorde O here myne humble voyce and lette thyne eares consyder welle the voyce of my complaynte Benignely beholde me with thyne eye of mercy that I I say thyne vnwourthy seruaunt maye bee ioyfull of thy coūtenance O let thine holy spirite possesse my harte to create in me a cleane harte to ●enue within my bowelles a ryghte spiryte that I wretched synner may be quiet in thee maye growe in the true knowledge of thee that I may feruentlye desyre thy kyngedome and that I maye knowe thy wyll and reuerently wourke there after For thorow thyne onelye grace O Lorde and by the vehement impulsion of thyne holye spirite shall myne heart and soule be cleane pourged quiesed quickened strengthned sanctified It is thy spirite O GOD that shal conuerte my soule and guyde me forth in the pleasaunte and playn path waye of rightuousnesse Yea Lorde I wyll therfore be bolde and saye Come thou good spirite of god comme I beseche thee and assiste me with the present healthe of thy grace I haue affiaunce in thee O instruete thou me and strengthen mee refresshe comforte and quiete me replenysshe my soule with ioye and gladdenesse and kendle in me the fyre of thy loue Th n O holy spirit whether in body I wake or sleape my soule shall continuallye watche vnto thee thynke of thee delight in thee depende onely vpon thee yea it shal be fully satisfied in thee and euermore reioyce loue please thee euen
in his doctrine and to make vs againste oure aduersaries wyse politike and puissant And therfore with al our possible strength and endeuour to apply our good myndes to folowe the same that althoughe our flesshe seeketh her owne and couereth with the deuil and the worlde to take parte against god to the destructiō of our soules yet will he assist vs strēgthen vs with the armour of grace that his holye and diuine wil here in earth may be done by vs and amongst vs Math. ● Luc. 11. as in the presence of his glorious maiestie amonge the angels and saintes in heauen leste we be founde to the contrary very rebels in the latter daie and wilfull disobedient children vainely kickyng against the pricke whiche can neuer be aptely atteyned vnto onles the said corruption and blyndnes bee first taken from vs Ephe. ● Iohn ● Iohn 8. and our soules clean purged of the vnfruitefull workes of darknes wherwith we shuld haue no felowship that we may be light in the Lorde walke as the children of lyght by thexample of Iesus Christe the trewe lyghte of the worlde whome if we folowe we shall not walke in darkenes but shall haue the light of life wherby we may the better the more clerely discern in our profession thynges that are euyll to be refused frome thynges that are good to be accepted so to eschew the stūbling or the doubtful aduēture at the electiō of such thyngs as appertaineth in dede to the very profession tru religion of christen men we shall then fynde thereby to the confirmation of oure promise howe verye needefulle it shall be Mat. 13.16 Marc. 9. Luc. 8. Iohn 2. 1. Ioan. 5. Faithe is a liuely and quicke feling knovvlege of the mercye of our heuenly father agreed made at one and moste graciousely reconciled vnto vs by the bloude of our lord Iesus Act. 5. to haue in our hartes an assured and lyuely faithe in god our creatour and heauenly father as his chyldrē regenerate and new borne to rule vs to dwel and abide in vs And whollye to dedicate oure selues vnto hym both harte and soule our mynde and wytte and that all is within vs as vnto a god of loue mercy and righteousnes whome we euer fynde to bee oure readye helper in all necessities by whose dyuyne power also we lyue we haue oure beeinge and are moued Of whose greate mercye and goodnes towards vs the prophet wrighteth that he lyke a diligente watcheman attendeth euer more vppon his people whether they wake or sleepe and is these strength and mightye defence not onlye against Sathan that olde and maliciouse enemye of mankinde but also againste all other oure aduersaries so that thorow his great mercy and godlye power we be harmeles preserued and are deliuered frome the power of darknes hath translated vs into the kingedome of his deare sonne whose eyes contynuallye respecteth theym that loue hym for their loue agayne is largely required he is their myghty protection and stronge grounde a defence for the heate and a refuge for the hot noone day a succour for stumvlyng Eccle. 34. and an healpe for fallynge He lyfteth vp the soule he lyghteneth the eies he geueth lyfe health strengthe and blessyng And the cause also why the said prophete who alwaies beholdeth the mercies of God in Christe brefely declareth vnto vs that is for our faithfulnes mekenesse and humblenes of spirite for our hartes contrition Psal 1 128.145.147 for our constancy in loue and obedience to his commandementes And sainct Paule also saieth That he hath blessed vs with all maner of spirituall blessynges in heauenlye thynges by Christ accordyng as he had chosen vs in hym before the foundations of the worlde were layde that we should be holy and blamelesse before hym thorowe loue Wherby also he hath ordeined vs to be heires vnto hymselfe accordynge to the good pleasure of his will and to thexaltation of his glorye for his grace wherwith thorowe oure Lord Christ he hath made vs accepted c. For these his abundant mercies innumerable benefites and blessyngs poured vpō vs most wretched sinners we owe duely vnto hym by the direction of sound clere consciences euen frō the very depth of our harts soules Deute 10. Eccle. 2.14 Iohn 14. Roma 8. 1. Iohn 4. Iohn 3 Roma 2. 2. Cor. 5. Collos 1. all thankes geuyng praise and glory and with no lesse efficacie force and vertue to loue hym again in wourd deede to loue him feruently aboue all thynges and to keepe his commandementes Whose greate loue apered vnto vs first in that he sent his only begottē sonne into the world that we the children of death might haue life and liue thorowe hym Herein appeared the great loue of god to vs ward not that wee loued hym but bycause he loued vs and gaue his onely sonne to make agrement for our sinnes God is loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in god and God in hym And hereby knowe we that we divelle in hym and he in vs because he hathe geuen vs of his spirite And we knowe and beleue the loue that God hathe to vs. If god so loued vs thenne oughte we also to loue one an other If we loue one an nother God dwellethe in vs and his loue is perfecte in vs. And the perfecte loue of God seekethe not it selfe but frankelye appeareth for all others necessitye It is alwayes charitable and frendelye paciente 1. Cor. 8. and longe sufferynge If a mannne saye I loue God and yet hate hys brother he is a lyar Leuit. 19. Iohn 13. For howe camme he that loueth not his brother whome he hath s●ene loue God whome he hathe not seene And this commandement haue we of hom that he which loueth god shoulde loue hys neighbour also Wherby saieth Christe all men shall knowe that ye are my disciples yf ye loue one an other If my wourdes abyde in you then are ye my right disciples and ye shall knowe the truthe and the truth shall make you free and delyuer you You shal be cleane rydde from all bondage of vnrightuousnes ye shall bee possessed with the good spirite of GOD Iohn ● and where the spirite of God is there is freedome And therefore abyde you in Loue Obeye my preceptes and commandementes And this cōmandement geue I vnto you Iohn 15. that ye loue togyther as I haue loued you As ye haue found me to be vnto you a God of mercy and louyng kyndnes and haue alwaies trained ye vp by example and doctrine to thexcercise of godly cōpassion and charitie so I requite you and geue cōmaundemente vnto you that ye obedientely walke in my waus inseparably to knitte your hartes in vnitie and ●●saynedly to loue one an other And howe to continue in loue Christe in fewe wordes signifieth vnto vs that is 〈…〉 the preceptes of god 1. Cor. 14. by
springeth wyth beautie the comfortable free lyuely fruites of compassion christen charity and frendly liberality and vnto whom aboue all others most wourthilie doo appertayne such thinges as hereafter foloweth accordinge to their right reuerend estate and dignitie In whome goddes people reioiceth vnto whom they owe due honor harty prayse and dayly praier amongest whome also I meane nothinge lesse then arragantely to kendle herein offence against thē or against any godlye man of anye degree but charitablie with humblenes do touche in fewe wourdes this familiar abuse which is whereof it cōmeth that among the riche and wealthy mē of this world we se for their pleasures wythoute numbre their fatte fed dogges of euery kind their pampered horses their fair mules gay glisterīg Genettes And to the contrary is many starned forlorn creatures christē soules miserablie passing by thē lyenge in the stretes before thē or standing at their gates to try them with pituouse cries in their necessitie through sorenes hūgre and nakednes and rather receiue succour of the dogges then of them selues if in their kyndes their toungues licking wyll ease asswage these griefes so pitiles are they and colde of charitye to the comforte or mankynde in his necessitie And to aunswer truelye the question what other cause is there then that they are more affected vnto them their hartes are bente towardes them they glory in thē haue their felicity and pleasure in them as they are in deede in their kynde and creation for their good gyftes of nature wourthie to bee beloued and estemed to be prepared for and nourisshed but how much more shoulde manne that noble and most excellent creature aboue all other his creatures be looked vnto be beloued prepared for and nourished if we thinke it conuenient to make preparation for the nourishement of beastes that are seruiseable to vs earthely mortall creatures how muche more one man for an other after thensample of Christ that hath entred the bondes of christen amitie and are sworne seruantes to the celestiall and euerlyuyng god What lefull let is there to the contrarye Beastes in their kinde ought to be beloued but that we maye and oughte by natures good consente to loue euerye creature of God in their kynde and be carefull for them specially for those by whom we fele not only to haue great pastime and pleasure but suche also as bryngeth vs muche profite and welfare whether it bee by laborious tillyng the earth by payneful trauailing in iourneis by greuous caryeng of burdeyns by couragious re●i●tynge enemyes VVe maye not be so affected to fantasies that vve leaue the people of god vnprouided for or such as also serueth to feede our bealies All whiche are louelye necessarye and wourthye due preparation with thanks geuyng to god yet we maye not so loue theim and haue theym in price nor seeke so with excesse to fufyll our affectes that we forget or neglecte our high charge and duetie towardes our poore neighbours and christen brothern whervnto we are bounde by goddes will and the lawe of nature And whome god aboue all other hys creatures so dearely loueth and whome he hath so beautifullye adourned wyth reason with wytte wysedome and vnderstanding by whose vertue also and deuine state of life Psalm 9. the glory of god doth shine In whome through Chryst he is well pleased he sheweth his ioyfull countenance vpon vs he plucketh hys wrath from vs he blesseth vs and hathe also mercy vppon vs. And although we in our health wealth vain felicitie thorough the hardenes of oure hartes bee vnmindeful of them regarde them not nor passe anye thinge of them in theyr greate extreme agony and misery beatinge alwayes oure heades to the supportation of our owne state to the encreace of our owne felicitie and vayne pleasure and to stablishe our posterity in the estimation glory of the worlde as though oure doynges therein were sure and founded vpō an immouable rock yet god that is omnipotent rightuouse and mercifull who iustly waieth the true ordre and meanynge of all oure carnall ententes will accordinglye preuent vs and with the vehement storme of his furye beate downe ouer throw and destroy our sandy and stubble foundatiō And at the day or houre when he shall make inquis●tion for the bloude of hys saynctes and call to remembraunce the complayntes of the poore and how wyckedlye we haue in this life abused theym he will bee aduenged of them for the euerlastinge loue that he hathe towardes theym he will haue mercy vpon them he will be perpetuallye myndfull of them he wil regarde and visite theym and not forsake them in such tyme of trial psalm 14. psal 106. psal 138. psal 140. but geueth them the comfort and strength of his spirite pacientlye a shorte tyme to beare the crosse of Christ and the extremitie of their great payne and pouertie through the vnkyndnes of vnnaturall and pitiles people and that their ioyes eternallye shal be afterwardes with him in heauē For he is alwayes the comforte preseruation strength and defence of all suche as pacientlye beare the hande of GOD abyde hys wyl and walke alwaies innocentlye beefore hym He is attendannte vpon theim he guideth theim he keepeth them in the right pathe and preserueth the waie of his sainctes vnto whom he gyueth thunderstandyng of rightuousnes Psal 9.14 Prouer. 2 iudgement and equitie yea and euery good pathe and deliuereth the poore when he crieth the nedy and hym that hath no helper for he shall be fauourable and frendly to the simple and nedy and shall preserue also the soules of the poore Of whome in their great agony and bytternes of paine he torneth forth other whiles with out numbre before our eies and in suche misery to th ende we shuld beholde in theim as in a glasse the face of Iesus Christe his greate pouertie and moste greuous afflictions and tourmentes Vnto whome as vnto Christ hymselfe in their hungre thieste and nakednes we ought chari●ably to minister breade drynke and cloathe as also in their sycknes to confort theim Math. 25. and in their bands and imprisonment to visite theim They are the price and redemption of Christe they beare before oure eyes the Image of Christe and also in whome we partely doo se the great anguysh dolour of Christe And what so euer we be hold in theim we beholde in Chryste and what so euer we geue vnto them we geue vnto Christe Math. 25. And what so euer wee wythdrawe from them we withdraw from Christ for those are they whō Christe spake of to be lefte alwayes amongest vs his beloued poore membres representinge his most deare personne and vpon whome we shoulde for hys sake and in the remembrance of him haue compassion vpon them vse frendly familiaritie amongest them and dispose our godlye charitie to the vpholdynge of their lyues and the asswagynge of their most wofull payne and miserye
euery common welthe among the degrees of men some naturall frendly and charitable men that seeketh gladly the preferment of their countrey by their vertue and wisdō so to the cōtrary there be many other also that are vnnaturall very vnfrendlye vnlouinge to the same and alwaies seeke the hynderaunce therof by their craste and subtletie Of whome we maye saie with compassion and pitie because worthilie there hāg ouer them the daunger and pricke of misfortune O vnnaturall and strange people peruerse and vntoward to the vse of vertue And vnfrendly for the comfort of your countrey before whom standeth alwaies the vrefull face of goddes iustice For yf in these or such other like thinges offence be committed shall it not then be manyfest of thee what so euer thou bee that the charitie of God abideth not in thee or that an euyl spirite possesseth thee What is this but that the deuyl preuaileth againse thee when thou art rebellious againste the wil of god or hateful to thy countrey Thou hast not sought th aduancement of Goddes glorye Thou haste not directly answered to thy vocation thou hast sought onely thyne owne wealth and commoditie Thou art disobediēt and false to the kyng thou hast craftily deceyued hym and his moste vertuouse counsaylours thou lyuest vnder hym an vnnaturall and wicked subiecte thine hert is vnsounde towardes hym thou art sclaunderous to his personne Thou careste not for hys lawes Thou dishonorest hys nobilitie neyther loueste thou hys people thou haste shutte vp thy compassyon from theym thy poore neyghboures thou haste not soughte theyr commoditye whome thou oughteste to loue as thy selfe but rather haste styrred theym vp as muche as in thee hathe lyne to dispeyre of the grace of god to disobey the wourde of god to breake withoute feare the true peace of god to hasarde in madnes both body soule to make rebellion and vproure agaynste hym theyr annoynted Kynge and naturall prince as in the dayes of darkenes or great ignorāce of god to dāger his person to put in hasarde vnder him his whole dominiō empire although of late dayes the myghtie hande of god thorough the power of his grace to his onely praise hath so stayed the hartes of the people that thy most wicked attempte hath not taken place O blessed therfore be the name of God for euer that hath wrought so mercifully in vs to the lyghtnyng of our darknes and to works in vs his reuerent feare and obedience wherby the people of god the cōmons of this realme hath bene quiete paciently in all thynges to susteyne the sharpe rodde of his iustice whiche he of late hath bitterly layde vpon vs for oure former disobedience and great vnthankfulnes in the daies of his mercyfull visitation amongest vs who in tyme accordynge to the greattenesse of his mercye in Iesus Christ and for the loues sake in hym he to his elect hath and wyll retourne againe his ioyfull countenaunce vppon vs and wourke myghtily for vs contrary to the expectation of his and our moste wicked enemies Psal 89. yea euen in such wise that thei shal se peciue it be ashamed because he our god hath mercifully leaned vnto vs blessed vs holden vs vp and cōforted vs. Thou therfore what so euer thou be the arte a maynteyner of thyne owne only state rather by corrupted auarice vntrewe dealynge or fylthy gayne then truely in the feare of god without dissimulation or doublenes accordynge to the duetie of goddes faithfull seruaunte and the kinges obedient subiect to the prayse of God to the honoure of the kyng and comfort of his people thou playnely approuest thy selfe the verye ennemy of God a disobediente rebellious subiect to the kyng and a wilfull spoyler or murtherer of his people Thou arte wourthy no better to be termed amonge the people in a common wealth before God and to the knowledge of the kyng than an open ennemy a secrete sower of sedition and a priuie worker of rebelliō wherby the kyng the appointed high minister and seruant of God thy liege lorde and soueraigne and his derely beloued people the flocke of Christ may be greatly vexed and in daunger of confusion althoughe I saye suche cursed instrumentes and workers of mischiefe as thou arte God prospereth good ententes ar oftentymes by the grace of GOD swyftely preuented and the iuste confusyon thorough thy very occasion to lyghte vppon thine owne pate Thynges that are well deuised and entended from a good hart to a good ende god prospereth theym bringeth theim well to passe but the wicked deuises and ententes of an euill hart to a wycked ende VVicked de 〈…〉 of 〈◊〉 god prenented are often of God preuented and comme not so to passe but as a stone vehemently reboūding from the rocke or hard wall doth stryke or hurte hym that threwe it to his greate perill and danger Reuoke therfore thyne euell ordre to the supportacion of thyne own state Preuēt betimes an incōuenience and beware that thou be not rightly vsed and susteyne the curse of god Feare him and honour thy kynge be obediente to his lawes and loue dearelye his people Bridle I lay thyne vnlauful attemptes least thorow the iustice of god the Kynges auctoritie also fall vpon thee for he beareth not a sword for nought but wourthily for the sharpe punishemente and cuttinge of of suche rotten membres noysome and destroyful caterpillers Roma 13. engendered in the commen wealthe of an euyll wynde and pestilent ayre of the deuil that spileth and deuoureth the louely buddes tender grene leaues faire freshe fleures and plesant frutes plentifully flourishyng ouer all the head the braunches and the beautyful renoumed stocke of this Englishe common wealth And finally what soeuer member thou be or artificer inhabiting within thy cuntrey Artificers and other that bearest the name of a christen subiect and abusest thyne honest estate vocation through corrupted auarice falseboode or subtletie not duely wayeng the true order and frendshyp in a common wealthe appointed and stablyshed by thauctoritie of god and the kynges lawes to the comsorte of the people thou shalt also manifest thy self to be void of grace not to be of Christ not to haue in thee the charitie of god nor to lyue in his feare and vnder the obedience of thy kynge and therfore as a disobedient and wylfull malefactour both to God and the kyng thou shalte wourthyly by due iustice stand in daunger of them bothe to thyne vttre ouerthrowe and destruction th one iustely condempnynge thee and the other mynystrynge his vengeaunce vpon thee For as thou art the very aduersary of god mischeuouse hard harted and euill willynge to goodnes so wyll he by some meanes Eccle. 21. sende the bitternes of his wrath vppon thee and it shall destroye the euen as the stubble Therfore O thou enemy of rightuousnes thou vncharitable vnnaturall wycked man Herken in few wourds vnto the voice of the holy ghost by the