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A07996 The pearle of prayer most pretious and powerfull, or, A Christian treatise most necessarie for all these that desire to shew that wrath to come ... By Mr. William Narne ... Narne, William, 1583?-1653. 1620 (1620) STC 18360; ESTC S101894 161,410 486

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Heb. 13. 16 doing and distributing for with such sacrifices GOD is pleased thou with him will bee reconciled thy request granted This Spirit will cause thee to continue p Col. 1. 21 grounded and stablished in faith and not to bee moved away from the hope of the Gospell to bee so rootted and builded in CHRIST that thy heart shall not be distracted with vaine cogitations or worldly cares in time of this holy service neither shall thou waver q Iam. 1. 6 and bee like a wave of the sea tossed with the winds and carried away If in time and in the practise Plutarch in vita coriola of the blind superstition of the old Romans a cryer proclamed Hoc age doe this onelie much more in the sincere service of our GOD wee should bee most intentiue and only diligent to performe this duetie Now seeing the true supplicant must bee graced with all these qualities thou may soone perceiue the difficultie of this exercise it is wonderous hard to be adorned with so many properties and more of the difficultie of this action thou shall find in the 12. Chapter following Thus after confession and lamentation Remember to note well th●t all these good gifts and qualities are both purchased increased by prayer goe on to an earnest and sinceere p●tition with consideration of thine owne indignitie and of the necessities of those good things to bee desired and asked and let this petition be to thee an information of the principall graces which ought fervently to bee required A PETITION FOR GRACE MERCIE c. The sixt Chapter O Almightie GOD and most mercifull Father trueth it is that in regard of my wickednesse and wretchednesse the a Psal 116. 3 snares of death haue compassed mee and the griefes of Pray for the Lords remembrance the graue haue caught mee I now finde trouble sorrow and miserie But O LORD I humblie pray thy Majestie to b Psal 40. 16 thinke vpon me who am poore and needie and to remember c Psal 106. 4 mee with the favour of thy people and to visite mee with thy salvation by this thy mercifull rememberance O my gratious Redeemer albeit I remaine in a deludge of dangers yet with Noah d Genes 8. 1 I shall bee delivered albe●t I bee in doolefull distresse yet with Rachell e Genes 29. 22 I shall b●e comforted albeit I be in paine in shame and cala●nitie yet with the f Luk. 23. 43 penite●t thiefe I shall get pleasure honour and felicitie Wryte m● nam●● bese●ch thee in that Booke g Mal. 3. 16 of rememberance which is before thee h Isa 49. 16 Graue me vpon the palme of thy owne hands set i Cant. 8. 6 mee O LORD as a seale vpon thy heart and as a signet vpon thy owne arme that ●o thou mayest ever thinke vpon mee and that I may remember vpon thee continually and k Cant. 1. ● remember thy loue more than wine and that I may rejoyce l Psal 97. 12 and gaue thee that for thine holy rememberance O gracious GOD looke m Isaiah 63.15 downe 2 For Gods gracious looke from the Heaven and behold from the n Genes 16.13 dwelling place of thy Sanctuarie mee thy owne poore servant loo●e LORD vpon mee as thou looked n vpon Hagar Abrahams maide s●●e then received instruction and consolation so I sha●l bee wel● instructed and comforted turne o Psal 25. 16 thy face vnto mee to regard mee who am deso●ate and needie looke vpon mee as thou did to thy servant Peter p Luk. 22. 6 that I may remember thy Word and weepe b●tterly for my transgr●ssions and gran● O my Saviour that as q Psal 123. ● the eyes of the servants looke vnto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of a maide vnto the hand of her mistresse so my eyes may waite vpon thee O LORD my GOD vntill thou be beneficiall vnto me O m●rcifull Father r Psal 77. 7 absent not thy selfe for ever not only 3 For GODS good cōming remember mee and looke vpon mee but come quicklie ſ Revel 22. 20 to bee my deliverer and to be my comfortable helper t Psal 90. 13 returne O LORD how long and bee paci●ied toward thy servant If the Gibeonits being in danger of their enemies thus besought Ioshua saying u Iosh 10. 6 withdraw not thine hand from thy servants come vp to vs quickly and saue vs and helpe vs I haue greater neede to cry to thee O IESUS withdraw not thine hand from mee x Psal 18. 9 Bow the Heavens come O LORD my GOD bring to mee who 4 Pray for mercie am miserable m●rcie vnder y Mal 4. 2 thy wings Haue compassion vpon me a wretched tre●passer for with thee O LORD there is abundant mercie z Psal 130 7 and great redemption I rejoyce O good GOD that thy mercies a Psal 36. 5 doe reach vnto the Heavens and thy faithfulnesse vnto the clouds that the shining sunne in the firmament shall sooner want light and the great Ocean shall sooner want water than thou O infinite in goodnesse shall want mercie for a poore penitent sinner Giue some portion thereof to mee who am most indigent Haue b Psal 6 2 mercie vpon mee who am weake and who desireth to repent without this me●cie all other gifts O LORD as an abortiue birth is to the mother As c Psal 58. ● the vntimely fruite of a woman which hath not seene the sunne which will bring paine and perill to the parent but no pleasure no profite at all O LORD thou art the fountaine 5 Pray for grace d Ier. 2. 13 of living water thou hast the fulnesse e Ioh. 1. 16 of grace and trueth O most loving Father giue grace to me who of my selfe am voide of all good and gracelesse whereby I may so serue thee that I may please thee with reverence and feare Albeit sinne f Heb. 12. 28 aboundeth in mee yet grace g Rom. 5. 20 much more aboundeth in thy Majestie Gra●t O Heavenly Father that I may trust h 1 Peter 1. 13 perfectly on that grace that is brought to mee by the revelation of IESVS CHRIST And I intreat 6 Pray for Gods favour thy Majestie to lift i Psal 4 7 vp the light of thy countenance to shine continually vpon mee bestow thy favour k Psal 30. 5 in which is life vpon mee who hath so often deserved thine anger giue to mee O LORD thy loving kindnesse which is better than ten thousand worlds which as it is most profitable and pleasant so it is most sure and permanent Thou O LORD endurest and art l Psal 102.27 the same thy yeeres faile not thy favour altereth not thou O LORD a●t never changed and thy children therefore are not m Mal. 3. 6 cons●●ed O my blessed Saviour who
si confessio praecurrat humana the revenge of GOD ceasseth if the confession of man preceedeth and in an other place he thus exhorteth Fatere peccata ô homo vt Idem lib 1. de interpellatione cap. 5. veniam consequaris dic iniquitates vt justificeris quid erubescis fateri ea in quibus natus es O man acknowledge thy faults that thou mayest haue pardon tell thine iniquitie that thou mayest be justified wherefore art thou ashamed to confesse these in the which thou art borne An other Ancient affirmeth Gregorius Nazianzen in oratione consolaorta de pacis silentio thus Magnum remedium malitiae est confessio fuga peccati that confession is a great remedie of maliciousnesse and a flight of sinne An other so speaketh Basilius in Hexamero homilia vndeci ma. Septuplam retributionem peccatoribus delatam remittet DOMINUS in hac vita per confessionem ac resipiscentiam à nobis placatus the LORD being pleased by vs in this lyfe by confession and repentance will forgiue that sevenfold retribution objected to sinners dicito peceata saith Chrysostome vt Chrysostom homilia 2. deleas dicito in hac vita vt requiem habeas tell thy sinnes that thou mayest put them away tell them in this lyfe that thou mayest get rest in an other lyfe Absque confessione Bernard 2 ●ep cap 14. justus judicabitur ingratus peccator mortuus reputatur confessio igitur peccatoris est vita justi gloria without confession the just is judged vnthankfull and the wicked is esteemed dead confession then is the lyfe of the sins and the glory of the just Moreover another writeth thus Confessio sanat confessio justificat confessio peccatis vemam donat omnis spes in confessione consistit in confessione locus misericordia est nulla est tam gravis culpa quae per confessionem non habeat veniam Confession healeth confession justifieth confession giveth pardon to sinnes all hope consisteth into confession in confession there is a place for compassion there is no fault so greevous but by confession it will bee pardoned But principally let vs giue attendance August pas sim in multi locis to Augustin in this point assevering Damnaberis tacitus qui possis liberari confessus being silent thou shall bee condemned who being confessed may be delyvered Againe Confessio malorum operum initium bonorum operum est the confession of evill workes is the beginning of good workes And furthermore Confessio nos humiles facit Confession maketh vs humble Confessio jungit nos DEO confession conjoyneth or vniteth vs to GOD Confessio judicat vivos confession declareth that wee are aliue now enjoying the lyfe of grace referved to haue eternall fruition of the lyfe of glory yea that Philosopher Seneca Seneca saith Somnium narrare vigilantis est vitia confiteri sanitatis indicium est It is a token of one awake to tell their dreame and of health to confesse their sinnes And not to bee too tedious in such trie testimonies for conc●ution of the same wee will offer to your due consideration that fathers saying Ratio DEI inducendi August citante Spinaeo in lib depeccatorum confessione vt peccata nosira excuset ac tegat● ea est si ea detegamus ac nos ipsos accusemus nos ille evehit cum ipsi nos abijcimus nos justificat cum nos ipsi condemnamus obliviscitur peccatorum cum nos ipsi meminimus eorum denique nos in prctio habet cum nobis ipsi vilescimus nos invenit cum nobis ipsis perditi videmur pluriminos facit cum nos ipsos nihili facimus ●he m●ane most remarkable are the sentences to moue GOD that hee may excuse and cover cur sinnes is that if wee shall vncover them accuse our selues hee exalteth vs when wee cast downe our selues hee justifieth vs when we condemne our selues hee forgetteth our sinnes when wee remember on them Finalie wee are pretious vnto him when wee are vile in our owne sight hee findeth vs when wee seeme lost to our selues and he maketh much of vs when we make nothing of our selues Sicut sumus praecedit incendium sic flammam Similitude fidei charitatis praecedit peccatorum confessi● As smoake goeth Primasius in Apocalypsin before burning so confession of sinnes goeth before the flamme of faith and charitie Thirdly Experience showeth vs that the parient will declare his disease to the Physitian the wounded man will vncover his soares to the Chirargion the Client will manifest the weaknesse of his cause or action to his Advocate the poore Beggar will vtter his wants to the helping Passenger and cry pittifully and earnestlie for some support that the child will tell his necessitie to his loving parents that the oppressed subject will signifie his hurt to a gratious King or pittiefull Magistrate Now answere mee truely is not GOD thy perfite Physitian who will heale all thine q Psal 103. 3 infirmimities Is not CHRIST a faithfull r 1 Iohn 2. 1 Advocate who will defend thy right and bee thy reconciliation for thy sinnes to purchase an Heavenly Kingdome for thee Is not thy LORD a most liberall benefactor who ſ Iob. 22. 18 can fill the house of the wicked with good things at sometimes and will multiplie his t Hezek 36.11 benefites towards thee more than at the first Is not Hee the Father u 2 Corinth 1.3 of mercy and the GOD of all consolation Will not He satisfie x Psal 91. 16 thee with long lyfe and glorifie thee with salvation Is not He the King of y Isaiah 44. 6 Israell the LORD of Hostes and thy Redeemer Will not Hee looke z Psalm 102 19. 20 downe from the hight of his Sanctuarie out of Heaven Will Hee not behold the Earth that he may heare the mourning of his prisoners and delyver the children of death Wherefore then will thou hide thy woes and offences from him Wherefore will thou a Iohn 8. 24 die in thy sinnes and perish eternally in thine iniquities Why concealeth thou thy cancred corruption for thine owne destruction in b 2 Pet. 3. 47 the day of judgement and perdition of vngodly men or before that dreadfull day Why will thou vexe thine owne soule with continuall griefe and molestation When DAVID himselfe did hold his c Psal 32. 3. tongue his bones consumed fearefully his hand was vpon him continually his very moisture was turned into the drought of summer But when hee did not hide his iniquitie but acknowledged his trespasse then he got remission and so joy and consolation It is written of Creusa by an Ethnick that being troubled in Euripides in Iovem her minde and grievouslie perplexed in conscience to mitigate the extremitie of that vexation shee did vse the remedie of confession and shee did discover her secret fornicatios and did declare openly her whoordome that shee had
was wedded I haue remembred the z Titus 3. 3 deceitfull pleasures thereof wherewith I was intangled I am bent to the vile a Rom. 13. 14 lustes of my flesh wherein I am defiled miserablie and almost drowned eternally O LORD I find sensitlie that Capitall crimes I am not able to expresse sufficiently the hainousnesse the grievousnesse of my filthie enormitie for frequently I b Timoth. 5. 4 haue turned the grace of GOD into wantonnesse I haue despised c Rom. 2. 4 the riches of the bountifulnesse of thy patience without d Ephes 4. 15 feeling I haue given my selfe to commit vncleannesse to commit wickednesse even with a vehement desire and with greedinesse Alace O mightie GOD if it was said of thy servant IOB that hee added rebellion e Iob. 34. 37 to his sinne may not I say rather of my selfe that I haue added high treason to my manifold transgressions In so great a light of the GOSPEL I f Ezech 16.49 haue exceeded the people of sinfull Samaria in vngodlinesse Alace O LORD without mercy and amendement I haue iustified the sinne of Sodom and Gomorah in pride and aboundance of idlenesse If the prophet DAVID protested O LORD that g Psal 73. 22 hee was a beast before thee how can I declare my beastlynesse vnto thee For h Psal 119.176 I haue gone astray like a lost sheepe I am now in great danger and jeopardie I who should haue beene vpright am like i Deut. 32. 15 a horse waxing fatte haue spurned with my heele and forsaken thee who made mee I haue not regarded but I haue offended the GOD of my salvation I haue beene like an k Hosea 10.12 heifer vsed to delight in threshing but haue no desire of the painfull worke of plowghing I am like a vile l 2 Pet. 2. 22 dogge returning to his vomite againe I am like the filthie Sow once washen and yet turneth backe to the pudle and filthie myre like m 2 Tim. 4. 17 a cruell Lyon devouring and like a false foxe n Luke 13 31 deceiving like a bold o Psal 22. 12 bull of Bashan pushing and wronging or like a subtill Serpent and like an p Levit. 11. 41 vncleane creature creeping on my bellie and licking the dust of the earth altogether abhominable and vnmeete to bee offered vp vpon GODS Altar And I confesse that by nature I am like q Ierem. 13. 23 a Leopard that cannot change his spots I doe acknowledge O LORD Worse than senslesse creatures that r Isaiah 5. 4 I haue beene an evill vine in thy vineyarde thou lookest that I should bring foorth sweet grapes but I haue brought foorth soure I as I am the sonne of Adam haue not the fatnesse of the oliue but am as a wilde oliue I am ſ Rom. 11. 7 as a brier or thorne of the garden worthie to bee cast in the fire I am alace like a barren and vnprofitable husbandrie for t Iob. 31. 40 thistles doe grow in me in stead of wheate and cockle in stead of barley I like earth doe drinke in the raine that commeth vpon mee but I am hurtfull and noysome and neere u Heb. 6. 8 to cursing whose end without repentance is to bee burned O pitifull GOD I haue reason to cry to thy Majestie that x ● Tim. 1. 15 I am the least of thy Saints that I am y Luke 17. 10 the chiefe of all sinners I am an vnprofitable servant I haue not done that which was my duetie to doe and LORD most justlie may thou cast z Malach. 2.3 the dongue of our confession backe vpon our faces and reject me with all my service but now O LORD by thy helpe I will assay to lament before thee most bitterly my woefull state and great miserie A PREPARATION TO LAMENTATION The third Chapter THou to whom the Alsufficient GOD the a Iam 1.17 giver of every perfect gift and donation hath vouchsafed vpon thee this Heavenly wisdome that thou art of this resolute purpose as to b 1 Sam. 7.2 lament after the LORD to c 1 Sam. 1.15 powre foorth thy soule with Hannah before thy GOD to deplore thy miserable estate and wretched condition Know thou must certainly and bee perswaded in thy minde assuredly Three thinges needefull for true lamentation that first thou must haue three things necessarie namelie a sure sense and feeling of thy vnspeakable miserie againe a great feare and terrour therewith lastly an vnfained sorrow and heavie displeasure for the same No lamentation will bring to thee Feeling life solide joy and consolation without a sure sense and painefull feeling of thy sore disease and doolefull calamitie Before thou attaine to this feeling thou must of absolute necessitie and without any controversie haue two things First spirituall quickning Secondly tymous awaking vnlesse thou bee quickened inwardly vnlesse thou be awakened throughly thou shall neither haue knowledge nor feeling of thy wretchednesse and misery And yet before this d Galat. 6. 15 new birth and regeneration there must bee Death of sin in thee vndoubtedly a e Coloss 3. 5 true mortification and f Heb. 2. 15 deliverance from the death of sinne and impietie which by many degrees is worse than naturall death the separation of the soule from the body This naturall death bringeth to Death of sin worse than naturall death the bodie seven evils Namelie senselesnesse weaknesse heauinesse vglinesse coldnesse rottennesse stinke or an evill savour Now albeit this bee most evident and manyfold by the proofe of dayly experience so that it needeth no probation yet wee will insist a little therein for our memorie and consideration 1 Saul being slaine had no feeling Senslesnesse when the Philistims abused his body and g 1 Sam. 31. 10 hanged vp the same on the wall of Bethshan 2 A dead body wanting vitall Heavinesse spirits is heavier than it was when the soule remained therein this heavinesse of body apparantly made these Iewes when they were burying h 2 King 13.21 a corps when they saw the Souldiers of Moab they cast his corps in the sepulchre of Elisha 3 Seeing there is weakenesse Weaknesse in man while hee liveth for all flesh is as grasse how weake is hee wanting life That Giant Goliah being dead had i 1 Sam. 17.46 no strength to keepe his carkase from the foules of the aire 4 If olde age bringeth coldenesse Coldnesse to the feeble body for David himselfe being striken in yeares albeit k 1 King 1. 1 they covered him with cloths yet no heat came vnto him death much more maketh the body cold as a key or as clay 5 The body by death groweth Vglinesse vglie and vnprofitable to behold when beautifull l Genes 12. 11 Sara her selfe was deprived of life then her loving husband Abraham had no
Lament thy condemnation I excuse my selfe before thee I cry vnto thee pittiefully My condemnation u Hos 13.9 commeth of my selfe but my salvation is from thee only It x Lament 3.22 is of thy mercie that I am not alreadie consumed because thy compassions faile not thy mercies are renued vnto me every morning Albeit O most mercifull GOD thou y Pet. 2.4 5. 6 spared not the Angels that sin●ed but cast them downe to hell and delyvered them to the chaines of darknesse to be keept into damnation Neither spared thou the old world but brought in the flood vpon the vngodly and turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes thou condemned and overthrew them perpetually yet LORD it hath pleased thee of thy goodnesse to spare mee into this present tyme who am worthie of that same punishment and condemnation O LORD like z Isaiah 8. 14 a crane or a swalow so should I chatter and as a doue mourne before thee I am like a Psal 102. 6 Polica●e of the wildernesse I am like an Owle of the deserts I am as a Sparrow alone vpon the house tops Oh! that b Ier. 9. 1 myne head were full of water and mine eyes a fountaine of teares that I might weepe day and night for my miserie and iniquitie O c Psal 42. 7 LORD all thy waues and floods are gone over me Sorrow for sinne grievous calamitie hath so choaked me that I can not more speake to thy Majestie Let my secreet sighes and my salt teares and d Psal 19 14. the meditation of myne heart bee alwayes acceptable in thy sight O LORD my Strength and my Redeemer A PREPARATION BEFORE PETITION The fift Chapter ALthough the due and diligent practise of the promises of humble co●●ession and bitter lamentation may verie forcibly vrge thee to earnest petition yet for preparation to the same consider diligently what graces and good gifts are absolutelie necessarie to prepare thee arightly that thou mayest be a true and sinceere supplicant vnto the LORD Now lest a Iames. 4.3 thou aske amisse and receiue not lest when thou stretchest out thy hand the Lord hide his eyes from thee and though thou b Isaiah 1. 15 make many prayers yet God will not heare thee le●t thy c Prover 28. 9 prayer it selfe bee abhominable Lest albeit thou d Prover 1.26 call yet the LORD laugh at thy destruction and mocke when thy feare commeth Thou must take much diligent heede with earnest indevour that in some measure thou bee indued with these good gifts that are absolutlie requisite to the end that thy prayer may bee effectuall and comfortable vnto thy selfe the want whereof will make thy petition to be effectlesse yea to be but abomination Therefore come on and consider with mee carefully what graces must accompanie thy petition and convert as it were the same to Heaven First thou must haue knowledge Iraeneus lib. 15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iustin Mar. quaest 1. d● gent. saving knowledge Cognitio Dei renovat hominem The knowledge of GOD will make thee a new creature It is the greatest good to man It will bring thee to salvation for this e Iohn 17. 3 is life eternall to know the LORD to be very GOD and whom hee hath sent IESVS CHRIST Thou shouldest not be a Samaritan to worship that which thou knowest not Content not thy selfe with worldlie wisdome which is but sensuall f Iam. 3.15 and divelish Bee not like an * Basilicus Owle blinde in the day but seeth somewhat in the night A people that is of no vnderstanding hee that made them shall haue no compassion on them and hee that flamed them will haue no mercie on them Shortly if thou knowest not CHRIST thou shall never with Christians cry to CHRIST but with the Iewes thou shall kill him and crucifie g Act. 3. 17 Faith him Fides est seala à terra in Coelum Ambros Fides est lumen animae ostium vitae fundamentum salutis arternae Chtysost Secondly Thou must haue true justifying faith This is the ladder of Iaakob from earth to Heaven This is the light of the soule the d●●●e and foundation of life cternall This is the golden port by which the KING of Glorie entreth into our mynde This is the first word of a Christian I BELIEUE This is the eare by which we heare CHRIST our good d Iohn 10. 11 Shepherd the eye by which with MOSES we e Heb. 11. 27 see him The mouth by which we doe receiue the tongue by which wee pray to him saying Abba f Rom. 8. 15 Father This faith procureth our adoption that wee are g Iohn 1. 12 the sonnes of GOD This maketh vs the habitation of CHRIST that hee will h Ephes 3. 17 dwell in our hearts It is the hand whereby we take hold on him the i Luke 2. 28 armes by which with Simeon wee embrace our Saviour CHRIST and then wee pray to GOD and praise his Majestie Now as this was a great point of wisedome in Themistocles that when hee came in the presence of his enemie Admetas King of Molossi hee tooke the Kings sonne in his armes and then made his petition to Admetus of whom Thucydides Chytraeus hee received favour and kindnesse So thou if thou desire to k Iam. 4. 8 draw neare to thy GOD to goe l Hebr. 4. 16 boldly vnto the throne of grace and present thy selfe before him from whose m Revel 20.11 face both the earth and Heaven shall flee away It shall bee greatest wisedome for thee to take CHRIST IESUS in whom the n Math. 3. 17 Father is well pleased into the armes of thy soule and then make thy petition to the Almighty who will delyver o Psal 91. 16 thee glorifie thee and show thee his salvation otherwise thy supplication yea thy selfe shall bee like Cains p Genes 4. 5 offering wherevnto the LORD will haue no regarde because without q Heb. 11. 6 faith it is impossible to please GOD and whatsoever is not of faith is sinne and will procure but a punishment from him who is the just r Psal 94. 1 Avenger Thirdly Studie most carefully and continually to be graced with true holynesse and pietie without the t Heb. 12. 15 Sine pictate virtues non possunt esse in hac vita which no man shall see the LORD in mercie in the lyfe to come and without it there can bee no vertue in this present life If u Psal 66. 18 I regarde wickednesse in my heart saith the Psalmist the LORD will not heare mee If the Leviticall Priests of necessitie vnder paine of death were ordained to wash x Exod. 30. 28 themselues with water when they did goe into the tabernacle much more must the Preist Evangelicall wash y Ierem. 4. 14 his heart from wickednesse and his z
art 7 Pray for peace and recon●iliati●n the Prince n Isaiah 9. 6 of peace and reconciliation which hath o Eph. 214.17 broken the partition wall a●d ●●th preached peace vnto mee that thou might reconcile mee vnto thy GOD giue vnto mee p Iob. 34. 29 peace and quietnesse and who then can make trouble and vexation bee thou my advocate q ● Iohn 2. 1 with the Father and the recon●iliation for my soule be thou my attonem●nt and propitiation If the inhabitants of Tyrus and Sidon did earnestly labour to haue peace r Act. 12. 20 with Herod an evill and earthly King O LORD what paines should I take to haue concord and vnitie with thee a good and Heavenly King O LORD make mee diligent ſ 2 Pet. 3. 14 that I may be founde of thee in peace without spot and blamelesse let the t Col. 3. 15 peace of GOD rule in my heart let O LORD thy peace u Philip. 4.7 which passeth all vnderstanding preserue mine heart and minde in CHRIST IESVS for ever and ever And for this purpose most ● Pray for remissi●● of sin mercifull GOD forgiue me x Math. 6. 12 all my debts grant vnto mee a free discharge of all my sinnes and a comfortable acquittance of all mine iniquities written subscribed and sealed with the Blood of m● faviour Put y Col. 2. 14 out that hand writting and obligation that is against me and cortrarie to mee take it out of the way and fasten it vpon the crosse Let it never bee of power to shame mee in this world or to condemne mee in the world to come As z Psal 103.12 farre as the East is from the West so farre remoue thou my sinnes from mee Let a Rom. 6. 12 not finne rule in my mortall bodie that I obey the lusts thereof But O LORD subdue b Math. 7. 19 mine iniquities and cast all my faultes into the bottome of the sea I humbly beseech thee to c Col 3. 5 mortifie and slay my sinne in mee least it slay my soule eternally Burie all my offences in the graue of CHRIST Let them never rise against mee for my conviction and eternall confusion Now almightie GOD Seing by 9 Pray for life spirituall nature I am d Eph. 2. 1 dead in sinne and trespasses I pray thee to quicken mee Let e 2 Cor. 4. 16 my inward man be renued dayly Grant that I may be borne f Iohn 3. 3 againe and bee partaker of regeneration and so enter into thy Kingdome Thou who art the g Iohn 11. 2 resurrection and the lyfe who raised from death Lazarus who was stincking and rotting in the graue and gaue him naturall lyfe breath spirituall lyfe into my dead soule that thou who art the GOD h Math. 22.32 of the living thou mayest bee my GOD and guide for ever O thou who art the i Mal. 4. 2 Sunne Pray for spirituall light of Righteousnesse and the true light of the world who hast abundance of eye k Revel 3. 18 salue arise and shine vpon mee anoynt the blind eyes of my minde illuminate my dark vnderstanding Thou who opened the l Genes 21.19 eyes of Hagar and made her see a Well of water wherewith her dying sonne was refreshed open thou the eyes of my inward man that I may see that Well of the m Iohn 3. 10 water of lyfe that my dying soule may be comforted and thou O powerfull SAVIOUR who did giue sight to that man who n Iohn 9.7 was borne blind giue spirituall sight to my blind soule that I may see thee and follow thee continually O my GOD thou who opened the o Math. 7. 33 eares of that deafe man grant Pray for in ward hearing that myne inward eares may be prepared q Psal 40. 6 and opened to heare thy holy and blessed Word that my bodie r Heb. 10. 5 may bee ordeined and made fitte for thy continuall service and worship For O my gra●ious GOD while Pray for health I haue beene walking in the wildernesse of this world I haue fallen ſ Luke 11. 30 amongst cruell and covetous theeues who haue robbed m●e of my raiment and riches they haue wounded me grievously I am now lying waltring in my blood and half dead Many miseregarde me and passe by me without any pittie I can not pittie myne owne selfe but O sweet Samaritan come neere to me and haue compassion on mee Bind vp Ibidem my bleeding wounds powre in wine oile carry me in thy owne armes and heale mee Haue a continuall care of me that I may haue a care to honour thee and glorifie thy Majestie O my blessed Red●emer in whom Pray for wisdome are t Coloss 2. 3 hidde all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge giue vnto mee true wi●edome and Heavenly knowledge and vnderstanding so that I x Prover 5. 23 may not die for fault of instruction and that I goe not astray through my great folly that I may bee wise y Proverb 16 20. 21. in myne owne businesse and prudent in heart that my vnderstanding may bee a welspring z Pro. 16. 23 of lyfe vnto mee that I may trust in thy mercie and be blessed aeternally O LORD thou who art able to breake a Psal 107. 16 the gates of brasse and to brast the barres of yron asunder Pray for libertie I pray thy Majestie to set mee at libertie who am a capti●e and miserable prisoner loose mee from the bands of the devill for spiritually I am bound and bowed b Luke 13. 11 together and can not lift vp my soule in any wise without thy helpe Bring mee out of the snare c 2 Tim. 2. 26 of Sathan that I may come to amendement Take d 2 Sam. 8. 1 the bridle of bondage out of the hand of mine enemie Bee thou LORD my goodnesse e Psal 144. 2 and my fortresse my tower my sheild and delyverer Restore mee to the glorious freedome of thy children Giue mee strength to stand f Galat. 5.1 fast into that libertie wherewith thou hast made me free that I never bee intangled againe with the yoke of bondage And because in the devils dungeon and in the stinking puddle Pray for purgation of sinne I am filthily polluted and miserably defiled O holy God wash g Psal 51. 2 mee througly from mine iniquitie and cleanse mee from my sinnes and pollutions If thou wash mee h Iohn 13. 8 not I shall haue no part nor portion with thee and I know perfectly that no i Revel 21. 27 vncleane thing shall enter in Heavenly Ierusalem nor within thy holy Sanctuarie therefore O gratious GOD I humbly and heartily intreate thy Majestie to wash k Ierem. 4 4● mine heart from wickednesse and my whole man from vngod●ines even in the
lawes of regeneration in that l ●●ch 13. 1 fountaine opened to the house of David for sinne and for vncleannesse Grant LORD that with indeavour and industrie I keepe my selfe pure and holy vnspotted m Iam 1. 27 of this wicked world that I may cast n Rom. 13. 12 away the workes of darknesse and so walke honestlie as in the day continually And seing O LORD like o ●sal 119.176 a Pray for conversion lost sheepe I haue gone astray and wandred farre out of that narrow way seeke thy servant and find mee turne me that I may turne convert p Ierem. 31.18 mee and I shall bee corverted turne mee O most mightie and mercifull GOD from the devill myne adversarie a q Iohn 8. 44 lyar and a murtherer who would deceaue mee and destroy mee to IESUS CHRIST my Saviour and r Ephes 5. 29 husband who will teach mee and glorifie ſ Psal 91. 15 mee turne me from t Coloss 3.13 darknesse to thy joyfull light from nature to grace turne mee from the broad u Math. 7. 13 way that leadeth to hell and damnation to the strait way which leadeth to Heaven and salvation turne mee from wickednesse to holynesse from wretchednesse to everlasting happines O my GOD draw x Cant. 1.3 mee after thee knit y Psal 86.11 and vnite my heart inseparablie with thy Majestie teach mee thy wayes to feare thine holy name continually to z Genes 17. 1 walke before thee and with thee consciensciously and be vpright in thy sight continually And for this effect O thou Al-sufficient GOD take a mercifull Pray for Gods good dealing with thine heart dealing with my faultie heart that the same which by nature sinne and Sathan hath locked with Lydias a Act. 16. 14 heart it may bee opened by thee who hath b Revel 3. 7 the key of David Grant that my narrow heart may bee c Isaiah 60. 5 enlarged to receaue within mee the LORD IESUS the King of glory O holy Heavenly Father soften e my hard and obdur●d heart with the oyle of grace with the precious blood of my Saviour d Iob. 23. 16 that it may receaue the impression of the image of CHRIST that I d 2 Cor. 3. 18 may bee changed into the same image from glory to glory Bow my stiffe e Ezech. 2 4 heart Encline it f Psal 119. 36 to thy testimonies and not to covetousnesse O LORD giue mee a wise and vnderstanding g 1 King 2. 9 heart that I may discerne betweene good and bad O LORD vouchsafe vpon mee an honest h Luke 8 15 and good heart that I may heare thy Word keepe it and bring foorth fruite with patience and O my GOD I most willingly giue i Prover 23 26 mine heart to thy Majestie requiring the same from mee beseeching thy goodnesse to take such full possession and governement of my heart that thou may k Rom. 9. 23 declare the riches of thy glory vpon mee a vessell of mercie that I may be most certainly perswaded a chosen l Act. ● 15 vessell appointed for honour and everlasting happinesse O my blessed Creator assure Pray for the grouth of all good mee that I am thine owne m 1 Cor. 3. 9 husbandry Grant that I may bee as good n Math. 13. 8 ground to receaue the good seede of godlinesse and pieti● and to bring foorth fruite aboundantly that I may grow o 2 Pet. 3. 18 in grace and in the knowledge of IESVS CHRIST my LORD and Saviour O LORD helpe p Mark 9. 24 my vnbeliefe and encrease my faith my loue patience zeale feare hope courage and all Christian vertues make my good ●orkes q Revel 2. 19 to be moe at the last than at the first O my most mercifull Father● Pray for the Lords presence Teach r Psal 27. 11 mee thy way and leade mee in a right path Forsake ſ Psal 38. 21 me not O LORD bee not far from mee my GOD Thou t Psal 27. 9 art my succour leaue mee not neither forsake mee O GOD of my salvation Though my father and my mother should forsake mee yet thou O LORD will gather mee vp Though u Psal 38. 10 the Light of mine eyes bee not myne owne my sight will faile mee my senses will departe from mee my soule will be separate from my body yet abide thou with mee continually O gracious GOD I most humbly intreate thy Majestie giue mee x Rom. 1. 24 not vp to my hearts lusts nor vile affections for that I will bee but a lost creature and of all most wretched and miserable But O LORD of thy vnspeakable Pray for God his blessing kindnesse and endlesse mercie vouchsafe thy Heavenly and spirituall blessings vpon mee O GOD blesse mee with the blessing of election that thou mayest chuse mee y Psal 65. 4 and cause mee to come to thee that I may be satisfied with the pleasures of thine holy Temple Blesse mee with the blessing of effectuall vocation that thou mayest call mee inwardly and powerfully to thee that I may answere and obey thy blessed calling and say heere z Genes 22 ● am I readie to doe thine holy will Blesse mee O LORD with the blessing of true sanctification that I may bee holy a Levit. 11. 24 as thou my GOD is most holy that I may keepe b Isaiah 56. 2 judgement and doe justice and restraine my hand from doing any evill Blesse mee with the blessing of spirituall joy and consolation that I may ever rejoyce c Psal 40. 4 in thee my LORD and walke in the light of thy countenance Blesse mee O my GOD with a setled purpose and resolution to serue thee continually that I may determine d Psal 119. 57 to keepe thy Words constantly Blesse mee with the blessing of true repentance through all my lyfe that I may e Revel 20. 6 haue parte in the first resurrection that the second death haue no power to hurt me Blesse mee with an happie end that I may die f Revel 14. 13 in the LORD and receaue the blessing of glory and inherite g Math. 25.34 the Kingdome prepared from all eternity As also O LORD I most humbly beseech thy goodnesse to blesse me with thine owne selfe to bee h Psal 16. 5 my lot and portion to bee the GOD i Psal 27. 9 of my salvation For whom k Psal 73. 25 haue I in Heaven but thee and I haue desired none in earth with thee Grant O gratious GOD that as l Psalm 42. 1 the Hart brayeth for the rivers of waters so my soule may pant after thee the living GOD vntill thou come to be favourable vnto me Blesse mee with CHRIST IESUS that he may be my m Heb. 7. 2 King governing mee my n Math. 1. 21
pedibus secreet sinnes and robberies haue beene in diverse ages disclosed by dogs passing over these which haue beene discovered by men and women conjunct or verie neare to the evill doers themselues Forasmuch that this is most cleare and evident and altogether true without doubt or contraversie that thy sinne can not bee keept secreet perpetually but it shall bee manifested and revealed openly and at length without repentance shall bee punished publickly ●he Gentils by experience knew this plainely and confessed the same frequently It is then the safest and best way beleeue mee it is most profitable and comfortable vnto thee that thou thy selfe make a true humble and sinceere confession of thy owne sinnes since they can not bee covered continually but will certainely be manifested if not in this world yet most fearefully in that day of the ſ Rom. 2. 5. declaration of the just judgement of GOD when the secreets of all hearts shall bee revealed and everie t Math. 12.38 idle word shall bee brought to an account and everie privie action shall bee disclosed And that thou may bee thus moved In the second place thou hast to consider of the profite and commoditie Of the good of confession of confession And first heere obserue a great difference yea and manifest opposition betwene the effect of the confession of the guiltie before the judgement seate of men or earthly judges and of that confession which is made before the Spineus in lib. de peccatorum confessione tribunall of GOD the Heavenlie judge who is the righteous and high judge u Genes 18. 25 of all the world The confession before Magistrates even at other times mercifull is verie dreadfull dangerous and deadly for evill doers when Achan made his confession of the thift of the execrable goods then Ioshuah and all x Iudg. 7. 25 Israel stoned him his sonnes and his daughters his oxen his asses and his sheepe with stones and burnt them with fire because of his trespasse and abomination When the Amal●ki●e a stranger confessed the killing of Saul then David caused to kill him and that justly because his owne y 2 Sam. 16 mouth testified against him Thus after a confession made before earthly z Rom 12. 1 powers who are Ministers of justice followeth death sorrow punishment and execution and therefore it is no wonder although malefactors be verie unwilling to confesse capitall crymes So these Eunuches Bigthan and Teresh did not acknowledge their conspiracie against Assuerus vntill a Ester 2. 22 inquisition was made and it was found so and therefore they were both hanged on a tree and died shamfullie But it is plaine contrarie in The fruites of confession regarde of the confession of our sinnes to the Almightie After the same followeth great good and vnspeakable commoditie as most evidently appeareth by proofe of sacred Scripture by examples by the testimonies of learned writers and by experience First If b Proverb 28 13. thou hide thy sinnes saith Salomon thou shall not First Mercy prosper but if thou will confesse them and forsake them thou shalt haue mercie What more pleasant or more expedient to a miserable sinner then GODS mercies Secondly forgivenesse of thy fault and remission If c Iohn 1.9 thou acknowledge thy sinne saith St. IOHN 2 Remission GOD is faithfull and just to forgiue thee thy sinne Thus forgivenesse and remission bringeth happinesse and salvation Blessed is hee d Psal 28. 13 whose wickednesse is forgiven him so proclaimeth the Prophet DAVID Thirdly If thou confesse thy offences the Apostle witnesseth 3 Sanctification that GOD will e Iohn 2. 9 cleanse thee from all vnrighteousnesse so thou may bee most sure of sanctification and f Heb. 12. 14 holynesse without the which no man shall see the LORD in his eternall glory Fourthly thou by confession 4 Knowledge shall get Heavenly wisedome and instruction as when Daniell was speaking and confessing his sinnes and g Daniel 9 2● presenting his supplications in that same instant the Angell Gabriell gaue him knowledge and vnderstanding So when thou shalt truely acknowledge thy wickednesse the holy Spirit will bee sent vnto thee to bestow vpon thee knowledge vnderstanding Fiftly Ioy and consolation shall 5 Consolation come to thee in tyme of anguish and affliction If thou shalt make to GOD a right confession as David was greatly greeved and very sore troubled for his murther and adultery when he confessed that he had sinned against the LORD hee was immediatly strongly and joyfully comforted when the Prophet Nathan replyed on this maner the h 2 Sam. 12.13 LORD hath put away thy sinnes thou shalt not die that was glad tydings and comfortable newes vnto his wearied and distressed spirit So it is most certaine that consolation will come to every Christian after confession Sixtly if thou confesse thy sin 6 Employment in the LORDS service in sinceritie the LORD then will more readily imploy thee in his service as when the Prophet Esay confessed his vncleannesse and pollution that hee was a man of polluted i I saiah 6. 3 lippes there his iniquitie was taken away and his sins purged and hee was in the businesse of the LORD imployed and in his service directed and hee was sent by GOD to the people of the Iewes Lastly if thou conceale not thy 7 Furnitur● of necessaries offences nor thy distresse but will confesse the same ingenuoussie the LORD will furnish thee good things aboundantly as when the Aegyptians confessed to Ioseph their want and great povertie when they said wee k Genes 47.23 will not hide from my LORD our pittiefull indigence then Ioseph did furnish them food and seede to sow the ground So will GOD doe to thee if thou on this maner will deale faithfully and truely Hee will giue vnto thee that bread l Iohn 6. 37 which came downe from Heaven which giveth lyfe to the world He will giue thee that good feed of his m Luke 8. 21 Word and make it n Zach. 8. 12 prosperous to bring foorth good fruite in thee And shortly after the right confession thou mayest assuredly perswade thy selfe of absolution of justification and of thy glorification For the LORD o Psalm 103 8. 9. is full of compassion and mercie slow to anger and of great kindnesse he will not alwayes chide nor keepe his wrath for ever And most sure it is if the LORD absolue thee who shall lay p Rom. 8. 33 any thing to thy charge If GOD justifie thee who shall condemne thee If the Almighti glorifie thee who shall disgrace or bring infamie vpon thee Againe hearken and take heede diligently consider and meditate carefully what the auncient wise true and judicious fathers tell to thee plainly of the profite that commeth to thee by humble and sincere confession One saith cessat vinaicta divina Ambros Beati immaculats
bee a strong confession if thou desires to haue strong i Hebr. 6.18 consolation to vphold thee in the day of tentation then also vse a strong confession of thy sinnes and transgressions never goe about to extenuate thine offences but rather labour to aggrevate and to aggrege the same 1 In regarde of the person against whom thou hast offended who hath beene so patient h 2. Pet. 3.9 in sparing a guiltie malefactor and would not thee to perish but to come to repentance and is so bountifull and mercifull towards thee whose mercies i Lament 3.21 faile not but are renued every morning Who k Exod. 34. 6 is strong gratious slow to anger abundant in goodnesse and trueth who l Psal 68. 19 ladeth thee dayly with his benefits who so loved thee that hee m Rom. 8. 32 spared not his owne Sonne but gaue him to death for thee and for thy redemption and for thine eternall glorification 2 Of IESUS CHRIST who made himselfe of no reputation but humbled n Philip. 2. 8 himselfe to the death of the crosse for his affection towards thee who o Revel 1. 5 shed his pretious blood to wash thee and to make thee a King and Priest to GOD. 3 In consideration of the season the p Rom. 13. 12 night is past the day is at hand that thou hast sinned when salvation was neere thee in the revelation of his glorious Gospell when his light hath shined clearely before thine eyes when his trumpet hath frequently fearefully and comfortably sounded in thine eares that thou hast not only trespassed in q Act. 17. 30 the time of ignorance which GOD regarded not but after so many instructions admonitions reprehensions counsells and consolations comminations and commandements in the contrarie 4 In consideration of the occasion or matter wherefore thou hast so transgressed for so small a●d base thing for some r Genes 25.33 pottage with Esau to sell thy birth-right or for a cuppe ſ Iudg. 4. 14 of milke with Sisera to lose thy lyfe or for some beastes with Saul t Sam. 15. 28 to bee deprived of a Kingdome not earthly or temporary but Heavenly and eternall for a triffle for vanitie and perishing pleasure a short and filthie delectation to losse GODS favour to bee plagued with his anger to destroy thine owne soule to bee miserable for ever confesse thy sinne vehemently that GOD may the more pittie thee 15 In thy confession transferre 15 An accusing confession not thy faults vpon others to lay the blame vpon them or cleareing and excusing thy selfe for now they be many like that foolish man of whom Seneca speaketh Seneca de tranquillitate animi who having a fore foote and so crooking he imputed the cause of his limping to the sharpenesse of the way and not to the thorne pricking his foote within or like one that is sea-sicke ascribing the cause of his diseas● to the swelling of the sea and not as the trueth is to the corrupt Simile humors of his owne stomack or like that blind woman Harpasta Seneca epistola ●0 who would not bee perswaded of her owne blindnesse but found fault with the house wherein shee remained as being voide of light and over dark So I say with too many it is who in their spirituall crookednesse their inward sicknesse and in their owne spirituall blindnesse would lay the fault vpon other outward occasions but not vpon themselues But in thy confession charge thine owne selfe for thy transgressions blame thine owne selfe and thine inward corruption accuse thy selfe principally and only with DAVID It u 2 Chron. 21. 17. is I even I that haue sinned but these sheepe what haue they done By such confession thou will obtaine the free absolution of GOD and stop the devils mouth from thine accusation 16 Lastly let thy confession 16 A punishing confession be without flattering of thy selfe and let it bee with some holy indignation and with a desire to take some punishment x 2 Cor 7. 11 of thy selfe for thy foolishnesse For thy beastlinesse with IOB abhorre y Iob. 42. 6 thy selfe in dust and ashes with the Prophete IEREMIE smite thine owne z Ierem. 31. 19 thigh and say what haue I done with the Publican knock thine a Luke 18. 14 owne brest with St. Paul beate thine owne body and bring it into subjection Thus thou hast more than reason to take heede most diligently and carefully that thou confesse thy sinnes arightly and in due maner or else know for a surety that thy confession will be altogether improfitable and never comfort thee without the forsaid conditions in some measure bee keept therein and first of all labour to get a sure notice and exact knowledge of thy secreet sinnes and privie corruptions of thy predominant profitable as thou dreames and pleasant vice Take travell with all industrie to try them with the b Proverb 20 27 light of the LORD with the Lanterne c Psal 119. 115 of his Word by searching d Zephan 2. 1 thy selfe narrowly by e 1 Cor. 11. 28 examining by f 2 Cor. 13. 15 prooving thy selfe most accurately and continually and thereafter goe to a sinceere humble and most serious confession and prying into thy selfe profoundly bee perswaded that thou cannot confesse thy sinnes sufficiently Thus farre for preparation come now to thy right confession as it shall please GOD to helpe thee and strengthen mee to further thee PSAIME 102. 6. I am like a Pelican of the Wildernesse A CONFESSION OF OVR SINNE AND INIQVITIE The second Chapter ALmightie GOD and most mercifull Father Now I thy poore servant am heere a Act. 10. 33 present before thee and it is of trueth thou seest b 1 Sam. 16. 7 not as man seeth for man looketh only to the outward appearance but thou ô GOD beholdest mine heart and searchest c Ierem. 17. 10 my reines thou vnderstandest d Psal 135 2 my thoughtes a farre off I take thy selfe to record O Lord GOD e Numb 27.16 of the spirits of all flesh that I desire greatly to confesse my sinnes in sinceritie humilitie and tymouslie as it becommeth mee to doe And I acknowledge before thee who knowest the hearts f Act. 1. 24. of all men that my transgressions are many they g Psal 49. 12 are moe 1. Many sins in number than the haires of my head my trespasses are multiplied before thee as the h Isaiah 40.12 waters As the waters in the deludge were encreased exceedingly to i Genes 7. 18 drowne the old and wicked world so are my sinnes to destroy mee everlastingly Certainly it was easier to Ioab to k 1 Sam. 24. 9 number the thousands of Israell than it is for mee to number the millions of mine iniquities It was as easie for Abraham to number the l Genes 13. 16 dust of the earth the
sonne when she receiued Samuel with thankfulnesse shee acknowledged the same and loued Samuel and praised GOD the giuer in her notable i 1. Sam. 2. 1 song Thirdly The LORD will delay thy petitions that thou may keepe his benefites with great care and watchfulnesse An Ancient sheweth the reason 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basilius in Asceti● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 All which one possesseth with great travell and industrie he studieth to keepe the same diligently Fourthly For tryall of thy faith hope loue patience and constancie Thus holy IOB was exercised when seriously and continually hee had prayed Lastly For imitation that thou mayest bee content to follow other holy Saincts Did not David pray many tymes to bee delivered from the furie of Saul persecuting him Did not k 1 King 18.43 Helias send his seruant seven tymes to looke toward the way of the sea while raine did come vpon the earth Did not St Paul l 2 Cor. 12. 8 thrise beseech the LORD that the messenger of Sathan buffeting him might depart from him GOD delayeth thy petitions that thou mayed be well content to follow his best beloved servants Yet thou mayest be perswaded of this saying of the Father Deus quod conc●ssurus est si differt non August a●fert quod promisit est fixum fallere non potest habet vnde faciat GOD which hee is to grant if hee delay it hee will not take it away it is sure which hee hath promised hee cannot deceine hee hath whereof hee may doe Againe If the LORD shall deny the requestes of his owne servants and giue them a refu●all then they may bee assured that their prayer is neither agreeable to his holy will and good pleasure nor yet profitable to themselves for their eternall salvation and so it is a great benefite and a good d●●d done by GOD to them when things hurtfull are refused If a young ignorant babe would desire of his father a sharpe knife that would wound him or an hote candle that would burne him yet his loving and wise father would not giue the same that would bring hurt and paine to him Wee as Similit ignorant babes often aske of GOD things which wee suppose to be pleasant and profitable But our wi●e and loving Father m Psal 103. 3 having great compassion on vs knowing that they would be noysome and pernitious to vs in wisdome and mercie denyeth the same According to the judgement of an Ancient these are the causes wherefore thy requests are not ever granted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Basilius in As●etic 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Often thou will say I haue asked and haue not obteined it is of trueth because thou hast prayed wickedly or insufficiently or inconstantlie or vnprofitablie which were not expedient for thee And surely it is of veritie Deus dabit quod petimus aut quod Benharelus Serm. 5. in quadrag n●verit esse vtilius GOD will giue vs these things which we seeke or which hee knoweth to be more profitable for vs. An other Ancient sayeth Saepè multos DEVS Isidorus lib. 3. de summo bono non exaudit ad voluntatem vt exaudiat ad salutem Often tymes the LORD heareth many not according to their will that he may heare them to their salvation Againe it is said Mal● vsurus August eo quod vult accipere DEO potius miserante non accipit who is to vse wickedly that which he would haue he receaveth it not GOD rather having pitie vpon him And therefore think never that thy earnest prayers shall lack force and be fruitlesse albeit the LORD condiscend not to grant thy earthly petition yet trie and n Mal. 3. 10 proue thy GOD who will open the windowes of heaven vnto thee powre thee out a blessing without measure A Christian Poet writeth verie pertinently for this purpose in these most worthie verses Cùm DEVS effectum precibus non praestat iniquis Multum concedit quod nocitura negat Prosper Errantes voto non vult delinquere facto Iratus sineret quod prohibet placidus Discat felici supplex gaudere repulso Incipiatque animo pellere quod voluit That is When GOD giveth not an effect to thy wrongfull prayers he granteth mu●h because he denyeth hurtfull things He willeth not these who goe astray in there wish to doe a fault by fact being a●gry he would suffer which being pacified he prohibiteth Let the supplicant learne to rejoyce by an happie refusall and let him beginne to put out of mynd which hee desired Thus of the force of prayer let vs consider of some necessarie circumstances OF THE CIRCVMSTANCES OF PRAYER The eightenth Chapter COncerning some circumstances of prayer we will speake of soure namely of the Circumstances of persons persons place tyme and gesture First Persons praying comfortably are the members of the bodie of CHRIST his holy a Heb. 3. 1 bretheren partakers of that Heavenly vocation Saints b 1 Cor. 1. 2 by calling who are vnder the covenant of grace with whom GOD c Ezech. 37.26 maketh an everlasting covenant of peace in whom d Rom. 8. 11 the spirit of the LORD dwelleth for e Rom. 8. 26 whom the spirit it selfe maketh request with sighes which can not bee expressed the chosen of the Church militant chi●fly in time of their trouble and ●ff●ction they will f Hos 5. 15 seeke then the LORD diligently with hum●itie and with devotion ●n trouble g Isaiah 26. 16 they will visite GOD they will powre out a prayer when his chastning is vpon them The Godly 〈◊〉 can pray a●ghtly but the wicked vn●aithful● and reprobat●s without h Ephes 2. 12 CHRIST al●ants from the commoun-wealth of Israell strangers from the covenants of promise which haue no hope Atheists in this world false Hypocrites what ever bee their prof●ssion if they be of vngodly conversation howsoever they doe appeare to bee honourable wealthie or happie yet they can not pray to GOD duetifully neither praise his holy Name worthily Secondly Thou i Math. 4. 10 shall worshippe the LORD thy GOD and him ONELY thou shall serue Call vpon k Psal 50. 1● mee saith the LORD in the day of thy trouble so will I delyver thee and thou shall glorifie mee The Almightie GOD who is alsufficient is onely to bee adored and invocated It thou knowest any of such knowledge and wisedome of such strength and perfection of of such loue and affection of such mercie and compassion of such trueth and fidelitie of such rememberance of such presence of such sted●astnesse and constancie then thou mayest call vpon him conscientiously Now most sure it is That l 1 Tim. 1. 17 GOD is only wise he knoweth m Psal 139.2 thy sitting and thy rysing all thy necessi●ies hee vnderstandeth thy thoughts a farre off Secondly GOD is Omnipotent most strong his n Math. 6. 15 is the