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A05789 A prymer in Englyshe with certeyn prayers [et] godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Catholic Church.; Marshall, William, fl. 1535. aut; Joye, George, d. 1553. Ortulus anime. aut 1534 (1534) STC 15986; ESTC S105505 141,102 352

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delyuer my soule saue me for thy mercys sake For they verely that ar in this dedely anguysshe can not thynke vpon the in this helly paynes who may prayse the I am wery with synghyng I shal water my bed euerynyght with my teares so that it shal swymme in them My face is wrinkled dryed vp with care anger my enemyes haue made it full thynne with trouble Auoyde fro me ye workers of wyckednes for the lorde hathe herde my complayntes poured out with wepynges The lorde hath herde my depe desyre the lorde hath receyued my petition All myn enemyes shall be shamed and astonyed they shal be put to flyghte and confounded sodenly Beati quorum psal xxxij BLessed is he whose vngodlynes is for geuen and whose synnes are couerd Blessed is the man to whom the lorde rekeneth not his synne neither is there in his spirite ony dessemlynge defayte Whiles nowe I helde my peace dayly musinge with my selfe other whiles cryed oute my bones wasted for sorow For day and nyghte thy hande pressed me downe my moister was dried vp lyke as one tosted in the myddes of somer Selah I shall knowledge my synne shall not hyde my wyckednes I thought sayeng with my selfe I shal cōfesse my vngodlynes which is agaynste me to the lord thou euen strayght forgauest me my wickednes which openeth her selfe by my outward synne Selah For the whiche euen euery saynte shal praye vnto the in tyme of besechynge then yf afflyccion come vpon hym lyke a great swellynge floude yet shall it not touche hym Thou arte my defender from tribulation thou shalt kepe me shalte make me glad excedyngly for my delyueraunce Selah I shall instructe the and teache the the way wherupon thou may ūgo I shal coūsell the se for the right well Se that ye be not as horse or mule whiche are vnreso●able whose chawes muste be refrayned with bye brydle lest they stryue agaynste the. Many so●owes fal vpon the vngodly but hym that trusteth in the Lorde mercy closeth rownd aboute ●e glad t●erfore in ●he lorde and retoyse ye ryghtwise make ye mery all faythfull and vpryght in her●e ¶ Domine ne the seconde PUnysshe me not lorde of indignation nether chasten me in thy wrathe For thy arrowes are sore smyten in to me and the desease whiche thou hast cast vpon me presseth me downe sore There is no healthe in my flesshe for thy wrath there is no rest in my bones for my synnes For my synnes haue pressed downe my heade lyke an heuy burden they are heuyer then I maye beare My olde preuy sores festred within now are they broken forthe for myne owne folysshnes I am depressed and sore broken I walke in contynuall mornynge For a foule botche occupyeth all my thyghes so that there is no helth ī my flesshe I am feble sore broken I gnasted with my tethe for sorow of my herte Lorde al my desyres are before the and my sorowful syghes ar not vnknowne vnto the. My herte trembeleth and panteth for sorowe my strengthe fayleth me and euen the very syght of myn iyes ceasse from theyr offyce My frendes and my felowes stode agaynst my wounde and my nyghe kynsfolke stode all a farre In the meane season they that soughte my lyfe made snares for me they that hūted for my faute spoke desaite why speringe to desayue me contynually But I as it hadde ben one deffe herde nothynge at al and as a dumme man opened not ones my mouth I was as one that herde not and as one that had not a worde in his mouthe to answere for hym selfe For the Lorde do I abyde thou shalt answere for me lorde my god For I sayd with my selfe these men parauenture wyll reioyse vpon me and as soone as my fote begynne to slyde thy shal runne vpon me For I am but an haltynge creple redy euer to fall my sorowe neuer goeth fro me I confesse my vngodlines I sorow for my synnes But in the meane ceason my enemes lyue were stronge euen they whiche persue me falsely ar encresed in power Whiche acquite me euell for good and are agaynste me because I soughte studeously to profyte them Forsake me not lorde be not farre fro me my God Spede the to helpe me lorde my sauynge helthe Miserere mei deus psal li. HAue mercy vpon me God for thy fauourable goodnes for thy great mercyes sake wype away my synnes And yet agayne washe me more fro my wykednes make me cleane fro my vngodlynes For my greuous synnes do I knowledge my vngodlynes is euer before myne iyes Agaynste the agaynste the one●y haue I synned and that that sore offendeth the haue I done wherfore very iuste shalte thou be knowne in thy wordis pure when it shal be iudged of the. Lo I was fashoned in wyckednes and my mother conceyued me polluted with synne But lo thou woldest trowthe to occupye rule in my inwarde par●es thou shewedste me wysdom which thou woldest to sytte in the secretes of my herte Sprinkle me with ysope and so shall I be clene thou shalt wasshe me then shall I be whytter then snowe Poure vpon me ioye and gladnes make my bones to reioyse which thou hast smite Turne thy face fro my synnes and wype awaye all my wyckednes A pure herte create in me o lorde and a stedfaste ryghte spirite make a new within me Cast me not away thy holy ghost take not fro me Make me agayne to reioyse whyle thou bryngest me thy sauynge healthe and let thy chyef gouernynge fre spirite strengthen and lede me I shall instructe cursed and shrewed men in thy waye and vngodlye men shall be conuerted vnto the Delyuer me from the synne of murdther o god o god my sauyour and my tongue shall triumphe vpon thy mercy wherwith thou makest me ryghtwyse Lorde open my lyppes and then my mouth shal shew forthe thy prayse For as for sacrifices thou delyghtest not in them or els I had offred them and as for brent sacrifices thou regardest them not Acceptable sacrifices to god is a broken spirite a cōtrite and a deiected herte thou shalte not despyse O god Deale gētly of thy fauourable beniuolence with syon let the walles of Hierusalem be edified preserued Then shalt thou delyghte in the very sacrifices in the ryghte brente sacrifice and in the oblacion of ryghtwysnes then shall they laye vpon thy altare the very oxen Domine exaudi psal c.ij. LOrde heare my prayer and suffer my depe desyre to come vnto ye. Hyde not thy face fro me in tyme of my trybulation bowe downe thyn eare vnto me in the day when I call vpon the haste the to graūt me For my dayes verely are vanysshed awaye lyke smoke my bones ar dried vp lyke a stone My herte is smyttē thrugh lyke grasse and is wythered awaye in so muche as I forsoke to take myne owne meate I was so dried vp with my sorowful
loude syghes that my bones cleued to my skynne I am lyke an destrege of the wyldernes made lyke an owle in an olde forlaten house I lye wakynge am left alone lyke the sparowe in the thacke Myne enemyes reuyled me all daye they that chide me vsed my name opprobriously I eate erthe in stede of brede lycken my teares in stede of drynke And all is for thy indignation and thy wrathe for when I was a lofte thou thruest me downe My dayes are vanysshed awaye lyke a shadowe I my selfe am whytherd lyke hay But thou Lorde syttest styll for euer thy memoriall endureth from age to age Thou shalt ryse and haue pyty on Syon for it is tyme for the to fauour it thy daye apoynted is now come For the stones of it please thy seruantes verely and they fauour her soyle Euen the hethen also shal worshyp the name of the lorde and all the kynges of therthe shall knowlege thy gloryous beauty The lorde verely shal buylde spō he shall be sene in his beautiful glory And he shall haue respect vnto the prayer of the poore forsaken his praier shall he not despyse This thyng shall be wryten for the worlde to come and for this cause the people whiche are yet vnmade shall praise the lorde For he shall loke forthe of his hyghe holye place the lorde shall beholde therthe euen from heuen To heare the syghes of them that are in bondes and to lose the chyldren iudged to death That they myghte preache the name of the lorde in Syon and his prayse in Ierusalem When the people and the kyngdomes shall be gathered together to worshyp the lorde He abated my courage in my iourney and hathe cut of my dayes I saye my god take me not away in the miooꝭ of my dayes for thy yeres endure throughout all ages In the begynnyng thou layedste the foundacyon of therthe and the heuens are thy handy worke They shal perysshe when thou shalt staude faste and all thyngꝭ shal wax olde lyke a garment thou shalt dresse them agayne lyke a garment they shall be chaūged But thou art euen thy very selfe and thy yeares shall neuer be ended The chyldren of thy seruantes shal dwell styll and theyr posterite shall lyue prosperously and blessedly in thy presence FRo my moste depest paynfull troubles called I vpon the lorde Lorde heare thou me and let thy cares be attente vnto my deape desyre If thou sholdest loke narowly vpon our wyckednesses o lorde lorde who might abyde the But there is mercy with the and therfore art thou worshypped I abyde the lorde my soule abydeth hym I tary lokyng vp alway for thy ꝓmyses My soule wayteth for the lorde as desyrously as do the watche men desyre the daye sprynge Let Israell wayte for the lorde for with the lorde is there mercy and plentuous redemption It is he that shall redeme Israell from all theyr wyckednesses Domine exau the .ij. psal C.xliij O Lorde heare my prayer lysten vnto my feruēt besechyng for thy trouthes sake graunt me for thy ryghtwysenes Haue thou not to do with thy seruant in iudgement for in thy presence no man lyuynge is reputed ryghtwyse A cruell enemy verely persecuted my soule he hath caste downe my lyfe in to therthe he hath set me in darknes lyke as men iudged to dethe My spirite is sore troubled within me and my herte wexeth colde in my brest But at last I remembred the dayes paste I consydered all thy workes and pondred in mynde the dedes of thy handes I stretched forth my handes vnto the my soule desyrously panted and breathed for the I gaped for the lyke thyrsty earthe Haste the to graunt me o lorde for my spirite faynteth hyde not thy face fro me on lesse I be lyke mē goyng downe in to theyr grakes Make me shortly to heare of thy mercyable goodnes for in the do I truste shewe me the way wherin I maye go for vnto the haue I lyfted vp my soule Delyuer me fro myne enemyes o lorde my god for vnder the do I hyde my selfe Teache me to do thy pleasures for thou art my god thy good spirite moughte lede me in to the ryght way For thy names sake lorde restore me for thy ryghtwysnes leade my soule out of this strayte anguyshe Ye and for thy mercyes sake all to destroye my enemyes and shake away all that trouble my soule for I am thy seruāt Glorye be to the Father to the sonne and to the holye Ghoste As it was in the beginnyng as it is now and euer shall be AMEN ¶ The commendacyons The argumente in to the C.xix psalme ¶ This psalme declareth in howe greate pryce and reuerence the sayntes or holye men haue the lawes of god how ernestly they are occupyed in them howe they sorowe to se them broken and sayde agaynst of the vngodly how they pray to be taught them of god and to be acqueynted and accustomed with them and to be short how they desyre those mē to be destroyed what so euer they be whiche breake and saye agaynste them ¶ Beati immaculati BLessed are they which lyue pure innocently euē them I meane which lyue after the lawe of the lorde Blessed are they whiche obserue his testimonies and serche theym with all theyr herte For they shal do no wyckednes that thus trede his wayes Thou hast cōmaunded that thy cōmaūdemētes sholde be kepte with earnest diligēce wolde god that my lyfe were so instructe that I might obserue thy ordinaunces Then sholde I not be disapoynted when I shall haue all thy cōmaūdemētes before myne eyes I shall magnifie the with a pure herte when I shall learne thy ryghtwise iudgemētes I shal obserue thy ordinaūces forsake me not at ony time How shold the yong mā amēde his liuyng he shal wel amende it in obseruyng thy pleasures with all my herte haue I sought the suffre me not to swarue frō thy cōmaundemētes In my herte haue I hyd thy wordes to th entēt I wolde not offend ye. Lord thou art praise worthy teache me thy ordinaūcꝭ with my lyppes shal I shewe forth all the pleasures of thy mouthe I shall reioyse of the way whiche thy testimonies teache as vpon al maner of rychesse Upon thy cōmaundemētes shal I set al my mynde shall set thy pathes before my eyes In thy ordinaūces shal I delight I shal not forget thy wordes Rewarde thy seruāt that I maye lyue obserue thy pleasures Uncouer my eyes that I maye perfitly se the meruelous thynges in thy lawe I am but a stranger in the earthe yet hyde not thy cōmaundemētes fro me My soule is broken with desyre to know at all tymes thy pleasures Thou shalt sharply rebuke the vngodly cursed are they the erre from thy cōmaūdemētes Take away fro me obprobry ignominy for I shal obsue thy testimonies Euen the chyef rulers sit speake against me but yet thy seruant is occupied euer in thy ordinaūces Also
fygure of Chryste Wherfore fyrste of all he syngeth and expresseth his great deiection and downe fall and anone after his exaltacyon his encrease and purchasynge of his kyngdome euen to the vttermost partes of the lande and the contynuaunce therof vnto the worldes ende ¶ Deus deus meꝰ respice Psal. xxij MY god my god lo wherfore forsakest thou me how farre is thyne helpe from myne out cryenge My god shall I thꝰ crye and call vpon the all daye and yet wylt thou not heare shall I crye all nyght and neuer cease Ueryly yet art thou that holy one whiche dwellest in Israell extollynge the with prayse Our father 's trusted vpon the they trusted vpon the and thou delyuerdest them They cryed vnto the and were delyuered they trusted vpon the were not shamed But as for me I am but a worme and no man euen the very opprobrye of the men and an abiecte from the vylest folke All that se me made but a laughyng stock on me they mocked me with theyr lyppes and wagged theyr heddes at me Sayinge this vyleyn referred all thynges to the lorde let hym now delyuer hym yf he wyll for he loueth hym well But yet thou arte he whiche leddest me out of my mothers wombe myne owne refugy euen from my mothers teates As soone as I came in to this worlde I was layde in thy lappe thou art my God euen from my mothers wombe Go thou not farre from me for my trouble draweth nygh neyther is there any man that wyll helpe There are beset me rounde aboute greate sturdy steares ye the fatte bulles of Bashan haue hedged me in Lyke a rorynge lyon pantynge and gapynge for his proye theyr mouthes are open vpon me naked before them I sanke awaye lyke water all my bones shoke out of ioynte my hert within me melted away lyke waxe The moystur of my body was dryed vp and I was lyke a potsherde my tung cleued to the sydes of my mouth thou hast drest me to my graue For euen lyke dogges they came aboute me the chyrche of noyous men hedged me in they dygged thorowe my handes fete A man myght haue tolde all my bones they gasyng vpon me thus pytyles entreated toke theyr pleasure They parted my ouer clothes to them self and for my other cote they casted dyce But thou oh lorde be not farre o my strengthe haste the to cōme helpe me Delyuer my lyfe from the deth stroke and my deare soule from the woodnes of these dogges Saue me from the mouthes of these lyons and defende my poore simplenes from the hornes of these vnicornes I shall sprede thy name among my bretherne in the myddes of the congregacyon I shall prayse the. I saye ▪ ye that feare the lorde se that ye prayse hym all ye of the sede of Iacob gloryfye hym all ye of the progeny of Israel feare hym For he hath not despised nor abhorred the troublous affliction of the poore in no maner of wyse turneth he his face from hym but whan he cryed vnto hym he herd hym I shall prayse the in the greate congregacyon I shall ꝑforme my vowes before his worshyppers The meke men shall eate be satisfyed they that seke the lorde shall prayse hym theyr herte shall lyue and ioye for euer The dwellers in thextreme partes of the erth shall remembre themselues and be turned to the lorde and all hethen nations shall fall downe before the. For the kyngdome is the lordes and he is lorde ouer al nations All the ryche men of the erth shall eate and do hym homage they shal be bowed downe before hym and descende in to theyr graues for they may not prolonge ony lyfe to thyyr soules But theyr postertie shall serue hym shall be nombred to the lorde for euer And thus theyr chylders chylderne shall shewe the ryghtwisnes whiche he hath gyuen to the people whiche is yet to be borne ¶ Dn̄s regit me Psal. xxiij THe lorde is my pastoure and feader wherfore I shall not wante He made me to feade in a full plentuous batle groūde and dyd dryue retche me at leyser by the swete ryuers He restored my lyfe and led me by the pathes of ryghtwisnes for his names sake Ye yf I shold go thorowe the myddes of deth yet wolde I fere none euyll for thou art with me thy staffe and thy shepe hoke conforte me Thou shalt sprede garnysshe me a table ye and that in the syght of myn ennemyes thou shalt souple my heed with oyntment and my full cuppe shall laugh vpon me Ye and thy mercy and gentylnes shall folowe me al my lyfe I shall syt in the house of the lorde a longe tyme. ¶ Dīn est terra Psal. xxiiij THe erth is the lordes and all that is conteyned in it the rounde worlde and all that inhabyte it For in the see hath he set her foūdacyons hath buylded her aboue the flodes Who shall clymme in to the hyll of the lorde or who shall abyde in his holy place An innocent in his dedes and he that is pure in herte that hath not extolled hym self proudly vnto vanite neyther hath sworne for ony disceyte This mā shal be fed with the blessyng of the lorde with the mercy of god his sauyour This is the nacion gyuē all vnto hym seketh hī this is the very ryght Iacob Selah Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selues ye gates euerlastynge be ye opened this gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the myghty valyaunt lorde noble in power a lord excellēt ī strength to wage batayle Oh ye gates lyfte vp your selfe ye gates euerlastyng be ye opened the gloryous kyng shall inentre Who is this kyng that is so gloryous it is the lorde of hostes it is he that is this gloryous kyng Sela. ¶ Ad te dn̄e leuaui Psal. xxv UNto the oh lorde I lyfte vp my mynde my god I trust in the let me not be shamed lest myne ennemyes reioyse vpon me For they shall not be shamed who so euer depēde vpon the but they shall be shamed that wrongfully hurt innocentes Shewe me thy wayes lord and wonte me to thy pathes Lede me forth for thy faythfull truthes sake acquaynte me with the for thou art god my sauyour of whome I depende perpetually Lorde remembre thy mercy thy gracyous fauour for in these thynges thou excellest euen frō the begynnynge But the synnes of my youthe with my vngodlynes also remēbre thou not remembre me accordynge to thy goodnes for thy mercyes sake oh lorde Good and ryghtwyse is the lorde wherfore he wyll instructe and teche synners the waye He wyll make the lowlyones to go in ryghtly and in good ordre and wyll teache meke men his waye All the pathes of the lorde are mercy and faythfulnes to those men whiche kepe touche and conuenaunte with hym For thy names sake oh lorde forgyue me my wyckednes for it
obediet herte a meke herte and a newe spirite put thou in to vs and make vs walke in thy cōmaundementꝭ hate and slee that thou forbyddest vs loue folowe that thou cōmaundest vs. Iac. j. Lyghten oh father of lyght frome whome all goodnes doth descend lyghten our blynde hertꝭ Eph. iiij blynded with errour ignoraūce wrong iudgment euyl affections myne the most blynd of all blynd lorde father I aske the mery lyghten them I beseche the with the true lyghte of thy worde that we maye knowe thy wyll loue it lyue therafter psal C xviij for thy worde sayth thy prophete dauyd is a lantorne to my fete and lyght vnto my pathes Lu. j. Gyue vs this lantorne blessed father gyue vs this lyght Shyne vnto vs that syt in darknes in the shadowe of death psal xij for thou arte be that lyghteneth our lantornes oh lorde lyghten thou our derknes psal xlij Send out thy lyght and the truthe of thy worde and they shall lede and brynge vs in to thyne holy mountayne which is also thy tabernacle ꝓuer xxj The kynges hert is in thyne handes Oh lorde that where thou wylte thou mayest inclyne it for soo sayeth thy scrypture Inclyne his herte to this purpose oh father that it wyl please hym to cōmaunde his prelates of his realme no lenger to kepe from his people his louynge subiectes the lyght of thy worde the lyght of holy scrypture the lyght of the testament of thy deare sonne our sauyour Iesu christ the lyght wherin he that walketh erreth not neyther stumbleth at ony stone put it in his mynde lorde to cōmaūde that lyke as thrugh thy secrete inspyratiō other nations alredy haue so his people also by his cōmaundement maye haue in to theyr tonge truely translated thy holy scrypture wherin they may learne perfytely know thy godly wyll pleasure obedyently submyt theym selfe vnto the same folowe it expresse it in theyr lyuynge Da. ix O lorde god heare these thy seruauntes prayers depe desyres bowe downe thyne eares heare Open thyne eyes and beholde the thycke derknes that we wanderin psal xxx lyghten thy shynynge face vpon thy seruātes that truste in the that flee vnto the that cleaue fast vnto thy promesses we are synners lord haue lyued vngodly and haue iustly deserued to be depriued of thy lyght and to be throwen forth in to this palpable derknes be cause we dyd not knowe what daunger we were in we sought not vnto the to helpe vs out of it but now lorde god seynge that thrughe thy goodnes we are brought to feele and perceyue our derknes with deape syghes we sue vnto the for to be with thy lyght illumyned Lorde for thy mercy sake heare vs lorde for thy truthe sake graunt vs lorde for thy benygnite sake come agayne in grace with vs. Lorde for thy ryghtwysnes sake attende vnto our peticion and brynge this thynge to passe But now we thynke I heare soūdynge in myne eares that fearful and ouer true worde that thou longe a go spakest by the holye prophete Esaie .xxix. chapytour this people draweth vnto me with theyr mouthes and with theyr lyppes they gloryfye me but theyr herte is ferre from me For they synne dayly without repentaunce Rom. ij Despisinge the riche plentifulnes of my goodnes pacience and longe suffringe not considerynge that my benignite styrreth calleth them to repentaunce but for their hardenes impenitent herte they saye vp as it were in stoore and treasurye myne ire wrathe and vengeaunce agaynst the daye of wrath and ryghtfull iudgemēt Truthe it is oh lorde and ouertrue we cōfesse it to the which knowest al our nough●●nes Hie. xxxj But now cōuert thou our impenitent hertes blessed father which can not repente of them selues and myne most impetent of all impenitentes lorde father I aske the mercy conuert them blessed father vnto repentaunce throughe thyne almighty power Eph. j. whiche thou shewdest in Christe Iesu thy sonne in raysynge hym from deathe for it is no lesse poure to conuerte a synner than to rayse vp a man frō death no not a whit les●e than to make the whole worlde of nought Cōuert thou vs therfore oh moste blessed father whiche art of abilite mighte and powre to do it Hier. xxxj Conuert thou vs and than shal we be truely conuerted for thou arte oure lorde god whiche only wylte and canste do it and yf thou conuertest vs than shall we erneastly repente and do true penaunce And yf thou ones shewest vs oure synnes we shal sinyte our selues on the thyes and euer be cōfussed and ashamed in our selues of it and els al is but very hiprocrice what so euer without thy spirite we inforce oure selues to do psal lxxxiiij Conuert thou vs therfor we beseche the oh almighty father and turne away thy wrath from vs. Gyue vs grace blessed father to haue a spiritual taste and a gostly fealynge in our hertes of thyn infinite goodnes mercy and exceding kyndenes that thou haste so many wayes declared and setforth vnto vs ī and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe whome thou hast geuyn vp to moste paynfull and after the worldes estymation moste shamefull death for to redeme vs thy moste wreched seruantes from euerlastynge death damnation that we hadde deserued in oure father adam and so innumerable wayes also by our owne abhomynable synne and wrechednes and I most wretchedly of al wretches lord father I aske the mercy and to make vs thy chyldren and heyers brethrē and inheritours togyther with thyne onely naturall sonne our sauiour Iesu Christ. Graunt blessed father that we beynge myndefull of this excedynge kyndenesse maye so condemne oure vnkyndenesse and our abhominable synne and wretchednes hate it and euē abhorre it in our hertꝭ as we shold do Graunte that we maye cease from it leaue it resiste agaynste it and withstonde in tyme of temptation as we sholde do Graunte that with vnfayned fayth with sure beleue in thy promesse we maye aske and obteyne of the forgyuenes of it with grace to amende our vngracious lyues as we sholde do Graunte that we maye be kynde and thankefll for uthy greate benefites that we haue receyued and daylye do receiue of the and laude the loue for them as we sholde do Graunte that for loue of the we maye also loue thyne holy cōmaundemētes as we shold do Graunt vs ghostly eyes to se the bewty of vertue that is cōtayned in them and so consequently an inwarde delectation a ghostlye luste pleasure to muse thynke of them yea a syghyng desyre with a feruēt prepensed purpose an ernest wyll to obserue and keape them as we sholde do Graunte vs thy contynuall assistence and ayde with a constant determination of our mynde not wantynge abilite power nor strenghte to perseuer in them forgettyng that good which thrugh thy grace we haue done neuer thynkynge that we haue done ynoughe neuer wery of well doynge but euer lokynge forwarde
iij. A ✚ 24   b ✚ ✚ 25 xj c ✚ 26 xix d   27   e   28 viij f Michaell Tharchaungell 29   g   30 KL October hath .xxxj. dayes The mone hath .xxx. xvj A   1 v. b ✚ ✚ 2 xiij c   3 ij d ✚ 4   e   5 x. f ✚ ✚ 6   g   7 xviij A   8 vij b Dionise Ariopagite Act. xvij After this god sente thē Amos and Ionas in Israell Amos tolde them of the miserable captiuite of the Assirians 9   c 10 xv d 11 iiij e 12   f 13 xij g Then was ther Esaias and 〈…〉 14 KL Nouember hath .xxx. dayes The mone hath .xxix.   d All Halows daye 1 xiij e All soullen daye 2 ij f as was amonge the people of Israel and Iuda whan theyr myserable captiuite and soden 3   g 4 x. A 5   b Saynt Leonarde 6 xviij c destructiō hanged ouer theyr headꝭ For the hygher vngodlynes synnes of the kyngꝭ of theyr subiectes grew and 〈…〉 7 vij d 8   e 9 xv f 10 A Saynte Lyne Pope 26 viij b tellynge them of the captyuyte that was nowe at hande and rebuked them sore because they wolde not heare but despysed goddes messengers and his prechers Rede the hystory of the kynges 27     28 xvi d 29 v. e 30 KL December hath .xxxi. dayes The mone hath .xxx.   f   1 〈…〉 ● 〈…〉 laste 〈…〉 Christes 〈…〉 so many wry●●●● and prechers therof ther is lyke troble calamyte abydyng vs hangyng ouer our Thomas thapostle Iohn̄ .xx. headꝭ Are we not yet Israel haue we not dayly Noah Moyses Aharon with the Christmasday Math. the .ij. Saynt Steuen Act. vi .vij. Iohn̄ Euangelyst Iohn̄ .xxi. Thynnocentes Mathew .ij. Thomas tharchebysshope Prophetes ye and Christe 〈…〉 14 〈…〉 ● 15 〈…〉 ● 16 〈…〉 ● 17 〈…〉 ● 18 ● c 19 xiiij d 20 iij. e 21   f 22 vi g 23 xix A 24   b 25 viij c 26   d 27 xvi e 28 v. f 29   g 30 〈…〉 the ●●●her of m●●●yes and god of all consolation my God my Father I knowledge my self vnfaynedly with herte minde and mouth nowe before the to haue offended greuously thy hyghe maiestie godnes I knoweledge my selfe to be full of synne ful of vnfaythfulnes and a seruaunt vnprofytable for all thy holy cōmaundmentes haue I transgressed and broken Fyrst I haue not set all my beleue confidence truste hope in the. I haue not loued the with all my herte with all my soule mynde powers of my soule Secundarely I haue deuyded thy honour and worshipe from the gyuē it to thy creatures and dede thynges imagyned of my nowne fantasy I mene in the myseusyng of images Thyrdly I haue abused thy holye name by fal●ly and deceptfully swerynge to the hyndraunce of my neyghbour and ydely and vaynly haue I vsed thy holy name I haue not sayed ne done neyther thought all thynges to thy glory Fourthly in the saboth day I haue not gyuen my selfe to hearinge readynge and lernyng thy holy scriptures nether visited the syke and poore counfortles nor ceassed from my nowne synfull wyll lust praynge at all tymes thy wyll not myne to be fulfylled wherfore I aske the mercy and desyre the of forgyuenes Furthermore I haue not honoured my father mother I haue not so moche set by them as thou cōmaundest me ne obayed them neyther counforted them or helpe them c. I haue slayne I haue broke wedlocke I haue stolen and borne false wytnes Also I haue coueted my neyghbours house his other goodes vnlawfullye I haue desyred his wyfe his seruaūtes his catell c. wherfore I crye the mercy moste mercyfull Father and desire the for that loue whiche thou bearest to they deare sonne my Sauyour Christe to forgyue me in his bloude for when I went aboute to seke the to truste to beleue in the or to do any thynge to thy glory yet wolde not this lust and concupiscens this contagiouse originall poysone and flesshly dregges drawne of our father Adā suffer me perfectly to do that I wolde haue done through this naturall concupiscens I stryue and fight dayly agaynst thy holy gost in me which vnlauful luste desyre I knowledge to be a greuous synne against thy hyghnes yf thou shuldest iudge me streytely after the law without the whiche cōcupiscence I can not be wherfore I beynge a synner in my selfe without all ryghtwysnes without all goodnes all holynes all deseruynge am come nowe by fayth before the vnto Christes mercy scole and ryghtwysnes vnto his goodnes holynes deseruynges satisfactions desyrynge the o mercyful father for his deathes sake that is ryghtwisnes his wysdome his holynes his goodnes his merites and satis●●ctions may be myne and serue me for my forgyuenes and saluation for lykewise as thou gauest me hym to dye for my synnes euen so beleue I that thou hast giuen me with hym all his to be myne to serue me for my saluacion wherfore glory worshyp Impery and rule be to the oh Father with the Sonne in the holy goste for euer Amen ¶ Forthermore I haue not gyuen meate to the hungry drynke to the thrysty lodged the harbourlesse clothed the naked vysyted the syke counforted releefte the men in prisone for I haue not expended of how greate waight these wordes of thy sonne my sauiour Christ ar neyther beleued hym saynge In as moch as ye haue done these thynges vnto one of the leste of these my bretherne ye haue done it vnto me Math. the .xxv. But I haue bestowed my golde syluer after my lewde lust cōcupiscence in excesse of meat and drynke in gorgyous apparell of my body c. where I shuld not haue bestowed it or els not so largely and excessiuely haue bestowed it not regardynge in the meane tyme to suffre the dere beloued brethren of Iesu Christ to go naked and perysh for colde and hōgre Thus greuously haue I synned leuyng thy cōmaundementes o father to fulfyll the desyre of my flesshe the word and the deuyll wherfore I crye the mercy my god my father desyryng forgyuenes in thy bloude and for the dethes sake of thy sonne my sauyour Iesus Christe to whom with the be glory world without ende Amen ¶ Then saye the one and fyfty psalme called Miserere mei deus the fourth among the .vij. Psalmes ¶ The preface vnto the reader Among other innumerable pestilent infections of bokes learnynges with the which christen people haue bene pyryously seduced and deceyued brought vp in dyuers kyndes of dyffydence false hope I may iudge and that chiefly those to be pernicyous on whom they be wont in euery place to pray and haue also learned by herte both curyously with great scrupulosite to make rehersal of theyr sinnes These bokes though they aboūded in euery place with infynyte errours and taught praiers made with wycked folishnes both to god
the meanynge of the two forsayd cōmaundementes herunto apperteyneth what so euer is cōmaunded vnto vs of worshyppynge god of hearyng goddes worde of good workes by whiche we may subdue the fleshe to the spyryte soo that all our lyfe and all our workes be goddes and not our owne ¶ The fulfyllynge of the fourth is with full obedyence and mekenes to submytte hym selfe to all offycers because it pleaseth god as wryteth Thapostle Peter without cōtradyction without compleynt and without any grudgynge herunto applye what so euer thynges are wryten in scrypture of obedyence humylyte subiectyon and reuerence ¶ The fulfyllynge of the fyueth is sufferaunce mekenes goodnes peace mercy an herte that is full puryfyed with loue and swetenes clene without hate wrathe and bytternes not to his frendꝭ only but also to his enemyes yea indyfferently to all men hyther conferre all the instructions of pacyence gentelnes peace and vnyte ¶ The fulfyllynge of the syxte is chastyte sobrenes shamefastnes not of dedes only but of wordꝭ maners yea of thoughtꝭ Besydes that attēperaunce of meate drynke slepe and what so euer doth helpe ch●stite hyther applye all places of holy scriature cōsernyng chastite fastynge sobryete attēperaunce praier watchyng laboures and in conclusyon all thynges that maynteyne chastite ¶ The fulfyllyng of the seuenth is pouerty of spirite kyndenes liberalyte spēdyng of our owne goodes to proffet our neyghbours to lyue without couetousnes and desyre of ryches here gather all that is wrytē of couetousnes of goodes iniustly goten possessed of vsury sotelty euyll deceypte of iniury and hurte done of lettynge thy neyghbours proffet or despysyng hym ¶ The fulfyllynge of the eyght is a peasyble and hole tonge which hurteth nomā but profyteth all men whiche setteth enemyes at one whiche excuseth defendeth them that be noted vicyous persones and synners Such symplicite and proffet is in speakynge herunto apperteyne al thyngꝭ which ar spoken of sylence and speakynge and what so euer toucheth the good name honour ryght causes and proffettes of thy neighbour ¶ The fulfyllyng of the last is the perfect and absolute purenes and despysyng in the harte of all temporall ryches pleasures which thyng shall be done perfectly in the lyfe to come In all these thynges seest thou non other thynge but to loue other that is loue god and thy neyghbour which loue seketh not dis owne profet but only those thynges whiche belonge to god and to his neyghbour which loue yeldeth and gyueth hym selfe pleynly to euery man grauntyng the ryght gladly in thyr necessyte the moderat vse of all his goodes and proffettes Now seyst thou that in all these tenne cōmaundementes in a good ordre and bryefly are cōteyned all kyndes of informations that are expedyent for mans lyfe which yf any man wyll do his diligence to kepe truely he shal neuer be ydle no not an houre but shall haue occasion to do good dedes so that truely he shall neuer haue nede to chose to hym other straung workes of mans inuētion neyther to be occupyed in suche thynges as in no place ar cōmaunded which be no thynge profyttable neyther to hym selfe nor to his neyghbour It is euident that in al these preceptes there is nothyng wryten which teacheth vs to serue our selues eyther to do leue or require of any man that whiche consernyth our owne proffet but only what we are bounde to do to other that is to say to god to our neyghbour So that euen blynde men may well perceyue that the fulfyllynge of the commaundementes stondeth in loue towardꝭ other not towardes our selfe For man of his owne nature seketh and auoydeth sufficiently that which is for or agaynste his proffet so that it nedeth not to moue hym to it but moch rather to brynge hym from it Therfore he lyueth beste whiche lyueth not to hym selfe And contrary he lyueth worste which lyueth to hym selfe This is theffect that the tenne cōmaundementes teache wherby it is manifest that there be but few that lyue well ye in that we are men none of vs lyueth well This knowē we must learne of whome to aske this excellent gyfte to lyue well so that we may fulfyll these cōmaundementes ¶ The Crede or Belefe THeffect of our Faythe stondeth in thre partes as in it are rehersed thre persones of the godly Trinite The fyrst is of the father The seconde of the Sonne The thyrde of the holy ghoste and to euery one of these persones is applyed his operation This is the chyef Article of the fayth on y● whiche all the other depende ¶ Here note two maner of beleues fyrst some there be whiche beleue that those thynges be true whiche are spoken of god euen as a man doth beleue those thynges to be true whiche he hereth of the Turke of the deuyll and of hell This faythe is rather a scyence or a vayne opynyon then a sure truste or belefe There is an other fayth towardes god that thou do not only beleue these thynges to be true whiche thou hearest of god but also trust to hym and betake and cōmyt thy selfe hooly vnto hym besydes that to haue a sure hope and confydence in hym with the maner of a certayn good presumptyon vpon hym that without doubte thou surely shalt opteyne and receyue of hym that which thou hardest spoken of hym and that with suche fayth and cōfydence as thou woldest gyue to no erthly mā Beyt in case that the Turke or any other mā be greatly praysed vnto the and that thou beleue faythfully that some man is dyscrete and worthy prayse yet for all that thou wyll not cōmytte thy selfe vnto hym puttynge all thy trust and confydence in hym But this faythe which boldely betaketh hym selfe to god both in ieopardy of lyfe and death knowlegynge that he is suche as he is spoken of maketh only a Christen obteyneth of god what so euer she desyreth neyther is there any false harte that receyueth this faythe for this is the quyck fayth whiche is requyred in the fyrst cōmaundement whiche sayeth thus I am thy god take no straūge goddes wherfore this In is not put in vayne but it is to be obserued with a notable sygnyfycatyon For we do not say I beleue to god the father or of god the father But I bleue in god the father in Iesu Christe and in the holy ghost wherfore this fayth ought to be had in none but in one god so that by this we cōfesse also the godhed of Chryste and of the holy ghost because we beleue none other wyse in the sonne the holy ghoste then we do in the father hym selfe For euen as we haue one fayth in all thre persones so all thre persones are only one god ¶ The fyrste parte of the Belefe I Beleue in God the father almyghty maker of Heuen and Erthe That is I forsake satan al Idolatry al charmes wytchecraftes and false hope I put my trust in noman of all the worlde
thy syghte and be not a shamed in the daye when thou shalt geue to euery man after his doynges Amen PRayse ye the lorde all gentyles magnyfye hym all nacyons For his mercye is spred ouer vs and the trouthe of the lorde stondeh for euer Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghoste As it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be Amen ¶ When thou shalt go to bed saye thus I Laye me downe to rest In the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghoste Amen Then saye these two prayers folowynge I Thanke the my heuenly father by thy most deare beloued sonne Iesu Christe that this daye of ●hy plentuouse ryche mercy thou haste thus preserued me I pray the forgiue me al my synnes which I haue this day vnryghtwysely cōmytted in dede worde and thought And that thou woldest vochsafe of thy gracious goodnes to kepe me this nyghte for I comytte my selfe bothe body and soule and all myne in to thy handes Thy holy aungell be with me leste my dedely aduersary haue entrese in to me Amen O ABOue all Blyssed and Almyghty Lorde God my God my Father I thy synfull creature and moste vnworthy childe prestrate in my herte before thyne hyghe maiestye aske the mercy and forgyuenes of all my synne and iniquite that I haue this daye cōmytted agaynste the yea euer sythe the tyme that I was conceiuyd in my mothers wombe vnto this presēt hour specyally in this c. And then cal to your mynd what offence ye haue cōmytted that day that cheyflyest grudgeth your conscience And I thanke the by thy deare sonne Iesus Christe that thou haste preserued me from all suche offences as I haue not fallen in and wherinto any other persone through his owne fault and thy sufferaunce hathe fallen In to the whiche I also without doubt shold haue fallen haddest not thou with thy grace preuented me saued me supported me and sustained me That I haue fallen many wayes my greate fault and blame it is wherof in moste humble wyse I aske mercy and forgyuenes of the. That thou haste preserued me thyne excedynge goodnes mercy and grace it is wherof with all my herte I thanke ye. And nowe I beseche the most mercyfull father that thou wylte no more be angry with me neyther hensforth forsake me but that thou wylt contynually assyste me fortifie me and strēgth me be my succoure and defence this nyght and allway to my lyues ende agaynst all synne and iniquite And that thou wylte also of thy abundaunt bountyfulnes refresshe my bryttle bodye with conuenyent reste this nyghte yf it be thy wyll so that I may the more redely freshly and promptly with all diligence serue the to morowe accordynge to the stare that thou haste set me in called me vnto so that all my lyfe may plese the and through thyn assistence be so ordred gouerned that after this vayn and transitory lyfe be ended I may finally come to the lyfe that shal last for euer where thou moste blessed father lyueste and rayneste with thy Sonne and the holy ghoste in to the worlde of worldes Amen Then as thou dydest in the mornyng say● the Pater noster 〈…〉 and the Crede ¶ Here foloweth the Matens O LORD open thou my lyppes and then shal my mouthe shewe forth thy prayse O god bende thy selfe in to my helpe lorde haste that to helpe me Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnynge as it now euer shal be Amen ¶ Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The Inuitatorie Mathei xj 〈…〉 all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you COme and let vs ioyfully geue thankes vnto the lorde let vs reioyse in god our sauyour let vs approche in to his presens with prayse and thankes geuyng and synge we vnto hym in the Psalmes ¶ Come vnto me all ye that lobour and are laden and I shall refreshe you For god is a greate lorde a grete kynge ouer all gods in whose handes are the hertes of all the creatures of the erth and the hyghe hylles are at his commaundement ¶ And I shall refreshe you The see is his for he hath made it and his handes haue fashoned the erathe also come therfore and let vs worshyp fall downe before the lorde whiche hathe made vs for he is our god and we are the flocke of his pasture and the shepe whome he dryueth ¶ Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you Now the gospell preched yf ye heare his voyce se that ye harden not your hertes as they dyd in the place of temptacyon in wyldernes bytterly murmurynge speakynge agaynste god where your fathers temp●ed me and prouoked me to angre ye althoughe they se my myracles ¶ And I shall refreshe you Forty yeres was I at debate chydynge with the generation wherfore I sayd euer theyr hertes are gone from me they know not my wayes to whome I swore in my greate angre that they sholde not entre in to the lande of my reste ¶ Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I shall refreshe you Glory be to the father to the sonne and to the holy ghost As it was in the begynnynge as it is nowe euer shal be Amen The hympne PRaysed be god for his exceadynge fauour which hathe geuen vs his sone to be our sauyour We are synners vnryghtwyse folyshe flesshlye Christe is our mercy stole rightwysenes and wysdome verely We are vnclene holden vnder the daunger of deathe and synne Chryste is our holynes our lyfe our redemption and satysfaccion Glorye be to the o lorde borne of the indefyled virgyn glorye to the father and to the holy Ghoste our soules surgeon Amē ¶ Domine dominus noster LOrde ye our lorde how wonderfull reuerente cleare is thy name ouer al the earthe whiche haste lyfted vp thy hyghe magnificence aboue the heuens Ye and that by the mouthes of thy soukynge babes that connot yet speake hast thou set vp the prayse of thy myghte agaynste thy enemyes to confoūde thy aduersary that wyll auenge hym selfe I shall therfore loke vp wonder at thy heuens lo these ar the workes of thy fyngers the mone and starres thou haste set them so goodly But lo what thynge is man mortall that thou thus remēbrest him what is the sonne of Adam that thou regardest hym so greatly Thou haste made hym not moche inferior then Angelles with so greate dignite and glorye hast thou endued hym Thou haste made hym lorde of thy handy workes thou haste cast all thynges vnder his feate As flockes of shepe all herdes of neate and also the wylde beastes Foules of the ayer and fysshes of the see and what so euer swymmeth in the water Lorde ye our lorde how wonderful reuerent cleare is thy name ouer all therthe Glorye be to the father to
peryshe Glory be to the father c. Quare fremuerunt gentes psal ij WHerfore do the gentyles thus swel and cluster togyder wherfore do the people of the Iues thus gnaste in vayne Wherfore conspyre the kynges of therthe and the cheyfe prestes thus cast theyr headꝭ togyder agaynst the lorde his anoynted Sayenge let vs breake theyr bondes and let vs cast of theyr yokes But he that hath his resydence in heuen derideth them it is the lorde that scorneth them Then shall he thruste them downe in his wrathe and in his indignacion shall be all to trouble theym I haue constytute ordeyned my kynge to be ouer Syon my holye hyll I shal shewe forth the lordes cōmaūdement for he sayde vnto me thou arte my Sonne whom I haue nowe openly declared Aske of me and I shall gyue the the nacions in to thy heritage to be thyne owne possessyon thrughout all the worlde Thou shalt smyte them togyder with an yerne sceptre shalt breke them lyke erthē vesselles Now therfore ye kynges be wyse and vnderstonde ye rulers of the erthe be content to be monyshed lerned Serue ye the lorde besely study to gyue him his honour ioyfully with reuerence Kysse ye the sonne lest he beynge wroth your life ꝑishe for his angre shal be shot●ly kyndled And then blessed are all men that truste in hym Dūe quid multip psal iij. LOrde se what a sorte there are that trouble me full many there are that ryse agaynst me Many there are that thynke thus vpon my soule surely there is no helthe to be loked for from god vnto this man But thou lorde thou art my helpe my glory thou liftest vp my heade The lorde I called vpon with my prayer and he answered me euen from his holye hyll Selah I shall lye downe and sleape I my selfe shal vpwake me for the lorde susteyneth me I shall not feare ye thousandes of folke althoughe they be sege me rounde aboute Aryse lorde saue me my god thou shalt ●yue all my enemyes such a clap on th●yr chekes that a non the tethes of these vngodly shall be broken It is the lordes properte to saue thy people it behoueth to be holpen endued with thy benefites ¶ Non nobis dn̄e psal C.xv. NOt to vs lorde not to vs but to thy name gyue the glory and prayse for thy mercy and for thy trouthes sake Wherfore then sholde the gentyles saye where is nowe theyr god When our god is in the heuens he dothe what so euer lyketh hym Theyr ymages are but golde and syluer euen the very worke of mannes hande They haue mouthes and yet speake they not eyes and se not eares and heare not nose and smell not They haue handꝭ and nothynge fele they feate and go not with theyr throte make they no noyse Unto these ydols are they lyke that make them and as many as truste vnto them But Israell truste thou in the lorde for he helpeth them and is theyr shylde Ye of the house of Aharon se that ye truste in the lorde for he is their helpe their shylde Ye worshipers of the lorde se that ye truste in the lorde for he is to them helpe defender The lorde wyll haue vs in mynde it is he that wyll do good he wyll do good to the house of Israel to the house of Aharon He wyll be benyficiall to the worshypers of the lord as wel to the lytell as to the grete The lord mought increase his good mynd towarde you towarde you and towarde your chyldrene Ye are they to whom the lorde doth good which hath made heuen and the erthe The heuens the verye heuens are the lordes but therthe hath he geuen to the chyldren of men The deed in no maner of wyse shall prayse the lorde neyther they that go downe to the place of scilence But we shall magnyfye and prayse the lorde frome this tyme in to euerlastyng ¶ praise ye the lord The Antheme To the romans xv ¶ We the which are stronge sayth paule ought to beare the frailnes of them which are weake and not to stonde in our owne conceytes ¶ The Chap. Roma xv LEt euery man please his neyghbour vnto his welthe and edefyenge for Christe pleased not hym selfe but as it is wryten The rebukes of them which reuyled that fell vpon me Thankꝭ be to god BLessed be god father almyghty whihath strēghened his feble flocke with stedfast faythe and bolde spirite to bere his crosse burden and youke These ar the last dayes perelous frely Christes gospell to professe come downe lorde shortly to iudge vs. and take vs from this heuenes Amen ¶ The versicle What thynge is precyous in godes sighte Thaūswer The deth of his faithful mē ¶ The songe of our Lady My soule magnyfieth the Lorde And my spirite reioyseth in god my sauyour For he hathe loked on the poore degre of his hande mayden Beholde nowe from thence forthe shall al generations call me blessed For he that is myghty hathe magnyfied me wherfore blessed be his name And his mercye is ouer theym that feare hym throughoute all generations He hathe declared his myghte by his power he hath dyspersed the proude men by the vayne study of theyr owne hertes He hathe plucked downe men of power from theyr seates and hathe lyfted vp the poore lowlyones The hungry men he hathe satisfied with goodnes and them that appered ryche he hathe lefte voyde He hathe taken vp Israell his seruaunte thynkynge vpon hym to be saued for his mercyes sake Lyke as he promysed to our fathers as to Abraham to his seade for euermore Glorye be to the father c The Anthem Luke the .j. .ij. SOmtyme the scrypture with the gospell was so fre that they were preached of the mouthes of holy women as of our blyssed lady of Anna phāneles doughter of the foure doughters of phyllyp but now beholde sayth the lorde by his prophete Amos I shal sende an hūgre in to the erthe not the hungre for bodely fode nor thirst for water but hungre and thurste to here the worde of the lorde and men shall go frome the one see to the other cōpassynge aboute frome the northe to the easte sekynge the worde of the lorde they shal not fynde it ¶ The versycle Oh lorde sende vs the preachers of thy worde Thanswere And geue vs grace to beleue it amē orati O mercyful father which by thy worde madeste all thynges and by it shalt vnmake agayne at the tyme appoynted and with thy fearfull worde dydeste caste downe Adam with thy confortable worde lytfedest hym vp agayne also thrughe thy worde thou hast declared thy wyl geuen vs the knowlege of the by the fathers and ꝓphetes at the last by thyn owne sonne christ sendyng hym to preache it as a thīg soo necessarye that without it there is no knowlege of the no faythe no saluation no helthe wherfore we beseche the for thy wordes
Ye sayntes of the lorde synge vnto hym a prayse se that ye sprede his holy memoryall For it is but a moment that his wrath endureth but lōge is the lyfe that cōmeth of his beniuolence Wepyng waylyng cōmeth in at the euen tide but anone after gladnes aryseth with the mornyng Whan all thingꝭ were ꝓsperous about me I thought with my self that I shold neuer slyde Lorde of thy good wyll thou stablysshdest my kyngdom lyke an hyll for as soone as thou hadst turned away thy face I was astonyed troubled The lorde called I vpon to the lorde did I make my prayer I said with my self what ꝓfyteth my lyf yf I be put now in to my graue shall the dust of my karcas magnyfye the or yet declare thy faythfulnes Heare lorde haue mercy vpon me lorde be thou my helpe Thou hast turned my mournyng in to ioye thou hast shaken me out of my mournyng sacke and clothed me with gladnes Wherfore my tunge shall synge thy prayse and shall not cease lorde my god I shall magnyfye the with prayse in to euerlastynge In te dn̄e speraui Psal. xxxj IN the oh lord haue I trusted let me neuer be shamed for thy ryghtwisnes sake delyuer me Bowe downe thyne eare vnto me spede the to delyuer me be thou my stony rocke whervpon I myght syt fast be thou my strōge defēced castell wherin thou mayst p̄serue me For thou art my rocke my bulwarke wherfore lede thou me forth for thy names sake take the charge of me Lede me forth of the nette whiche they haue set so p̄uely for me for thou art my strēgth I betake my spiryte in to thy handes for thou shalt redeme me lord my god whiche kepest true promyse at all tymes Prayse ye the lorde ¶ The prayer of the prophete Ionas delyuered out of the whales bely IOnas prayed vnto the lorde his god in the whales bely sayinge in my affliction I cryed vnto the lorde he answered me Euen from the bely of hell I cryed and thou herdest my voyce for thou haddest throwen me forth in to the myddes of the depest of the see and the waters closed me aboute all thy great waues flodes wente ouer me And I thought sayinge with my selfe I am cast out of thy syght I shall neuermore se thy holy tēple for waters haue compassed me in euen vp to my soule The darke depthe closed me in the foule stynkynge wedes of the see couered my heed I sanke downe vnder the foūdacyons of the hylles so that the waters barred me out from therthe for euer but thou madest my lyfe to aryse from dethe O lorde my god whan my soule fayled me yet I remēbred the lorde and my prayer came vnto thy holy temple They that are gyuen to vanite and lyes haue lost theyr mercy from god but I shal offer vnto the lowde prayse and shall perfourme my vowes to the lorde whiche is a sauyour for the lorde cōmaunded the fysshe anone she cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande ¶ A Dialoge Wherin the Chylde asked certeyn Questions answereth to the same The question SPeke my deare chylde what art thou The answer As concerninge my fyrste byrthe I am a creature of God endued with wytte reason the sonne of Adam as towchinge my newe secunde byrthe I knowlyge my selfe to be a Christiane The question Wherfore sayst that thou art a christiane The answere Because I am christened in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy goste The quest what is Baptysme the ans It ia called of Paule the lauer or water of rygeneration by the which euery one that beleueth is receyued cōsecrated in to the felawshyp of Christes church to be partaker of lyfe euerlastynge Quest. In whom beleuest thou Answ. I beleue in god the father almyghty and so furthe as it standeth in my Crew Quest. What is Fayth Answ. Fayth as sayth Paule is a sure cōfidence of thynges whiche are hoped for and a certayntie of thynges whiche are not sene that is to saye an ernest and a fast cleuyng to the worde of the lyuyng god with an vndoubtynge trust of his ꝓmesses and no lesse feare of his thretenynges Quest. How many goddes are there Ans. There is but one god alone for all sufficient which hath his beyng of hym selfe al creatures haue their being of him Quest. How many ꝑsons then ar there in the godhed Ans. There are thre parsons whiche are god the father god the sonne and god the holye ghoste thre parsons in Trinite one god in essence Quest. what is god Ans. God is he of whose goodnes and by whose power I am perswaded and assured through my faith to receiue al that good is vnto whō also I flee in all aduersities and perelles as vnto a present and al alone suffecient helpe for me he paciently a bydeth our turnynge from synne full of mercy gentle goad redye alwayes to forgyue and suffreth no synne to be vnpunyshed and that in to the thyrde and fourthe generatiō vntyll none of that synful stocke be lefte alyue Quest. In whom beleuest thou I pray tell me agayne Ans. I beleue I say in god the father almyghty maker of heuen and erathe in Iesu Christ his only sonne our lord c. as it stōdeth in my Crew Quest. What meaneste thou by this fyrste article A. I beleue y● he is my god mercyful father vnto me tēderyng me as his dere beloued chylde and to be euermore vnto me an almighty helper Quest. what meanest thou by the seconde thyrde fourthe c. articles Ans. I beleue that Christe was conceyued borne and suffred for my synnes that he went downe to hel for my sake to delyuer me thense al them that truely beleue that he rose to make me ryghtwyse Quest. What thynge worketh this faythe in the Ans. It worketh in me loue to god to my neyghbours as to my selfe and so chaūgeth me in to a newe man that nowe I beleuynge and knowynge god to haue shewed so excedyng loue for me studye to do his cōmaundemētes and am full heuy in my herte that I can not fulfyll them Quest. Why what ar his cōmaūdemētes Ans. These are his cōmaundemētes fyrste thus saith god Exo. xx I am the lorde thy god Thou shalt haue none other goddꝭ in my syghte The .ij. cōmaundemēt Thou shalt make the no grauē or carued image nether ony similitude that is in heuen aboue either ī therthe beneth or in the water that is benethe therthe Se that thou nether bowe thy selfe vnto them nor yet serue them for I the lorde god am a gelows god punishe the synne of the fathers vpon the chyldren vnto the thyrde fourth generaciō of thē that hate me yet shewe I mercy vnto thousādꝭ amōge them that loue me kepe my cōmaundemētꝭ ¶ The thyrde cōmaundement Thou shalt not take the name of the lorde thy god in vayne
contynually walkynge and goynge forthe in our iourney and encreasynge in vertue euen vnto our lyues ende as we sholde do And then lorde father that thou wolt wouchsaue for thy mercy and truthe sake to take vs out of this wretched worlde and gyue vs possessyon of that kyngdome that thou hast prepared for vs from the begynnynge of the worlde there to be sure and oute of doubte neuer to offende thy goodnes agayne but to reioyse in the laude prayse thy mercye together with all thyne holye aungelles and saintes in and by our swete sauiour Iesu Christe worlde without ende as thou haste ordayned vs to do wherfore lawde honour and glory power imperye and iubilacion be vnto the our aboue all blessed almyghty god Father and Sonne and holy ghoste thre parsons and one god in and by our swete sauyour Iesu Christe for euer and euer AMEN Here foloweth an effectuous prayer very nedefull in these laste and perylous dayes to be sayd with teares depe syghes from the botome of our herte the prayer of the prophet Esaye in the .lxiij. and .lxiiij. chapitours of his prophecyes for the restorynge of Chrystes poore chyrche scatered abrode with persecution forsaken and brente LOrde lo●e out from heu●●● behode from thy holy habitacion from the seate of thy glo●● where is thy strenghte where is thy so●te ple●tuouse pyty and the riche multitude of thy mercyes are al these hardened aganst me verely thou art our father Abrah●● now knoweth not vs neyther Israel knoweth vs but thou lorde thou art our father thou art our redemer thy name is from the begynnyng wherfor hast thou made vs o lorde to 〈◊〉 frō thy wayes hast thou hardened our hertꝭ least leaste we shulde feare the Turne that for thy promesse sake made to thy seruantes for the tribes of thy herytage for few of thy people enioyed the possession of theyr lande and that but a litell while our enemies vane spoiled thy holy place and troden it vnder theyr feate And we were regarded so vile as thought thou haddest neuer bē lorde ouer vs and as toughe thy gloriose name had neuer ben called vpon and shewd ouer vs I wolde thou woldest also breke heuēs and come downe on● that y● hylles myght melte awaye at the presens as in the brennynge of a consumynge fyer where euen waterboyleth out fyer that thy name might be knowē to thyne enemies these vngodly myght be shamed troubled at thy presens when thou wroughteste meruelous thyngꝭ for vs than we loked not for them Thou camest downe the hylles wasted away with trēblyng before thy face And frō the begynnyng herde they not nor ꝑceyued with their eares nether with any eye was ther sene any god besidꝭ the to haue wrought suche meruailes that to men which wayted not for ye. Sōtyme thou mettest with me●● whiche gladly dyd rightwisnes thought vpon that in thy wayes but now lo thou art angry bycause we are synners euer haue ben in synne although we were delyuered frō perils And al we are wrapped in fylthy vnclēnes ye all our rightwisnes is spo●ted lyke the clothes of a menstruous womā And all we are fallen away lyke leues And our iniqities haue caried vs away like a whirle wynde And there is none left that wyl cal or helpe in thy name no not one the wyll ryse vp holde the with prayer for thou hast hyd thy face frō vs. hast dried vs vp in the hande of our iniqite But now lorde thou art our father we are but clay thou art our potter all we are the workes of thy handes Be not angry lorde euer so sore remēbre not alwayes our wyckednes Lo beholde we beseche the all we are thy people the ●●tees of thy holy place are forsakē Syon is turned in to a deser●e Ierusalē is desolate the house of our holynes prayer of our glory in the which our fathers praysed ●he is turned in to an heape of fyre And al thinges wherin we delyte are turned in to wildernes Wylt thou not lorde be auenged of these thinges wylt thou holde thy peace scourge vs thus euer so greuously ¶ The songe of Anna Hescanas wyfe .j. regum .ij. wherin she prayseth god for that he gaue her a sone called Samuel after that she had ben longe bareyn MY hert is pleasauntly set at rest in the lord my strength to cōceyue is stered vp thorow my god Now may I speke frely to my ennemyes for I am made glad in my sauyour Ther is none so holy as is the lorde neyther is there any so myghty as is our God for thou arte he alone Boste not your selfe with many wordes soundyng so to your prayse speke no stoute no vayne wordes For the lord is god that knoweth all preparynge for hym selfe what he lusteth Stronge mens bowes he hath broken the weake are wel strengthened Men wel replenysshed are now famysshed y● hungry are wel satisfyed Whyles the bareyn is made full of chyldren the temyng woman can beare no frute It is the lorde y● sleeth reuyueth he bringeth men in to their graues reyseth them agayne The lorde empouereth and he maketh ryche he maketh men lowe lyfteth vp agayn He tereth vp the ●edy frō the dust ꝓmoteth the poore frō the dung To set hym vp with prynces holdyng his glorious seate regall gyuyng his pencioners theyr desyres For the threisholdes of the erth are that lordes he turneth the worlde vpō them His sayntes fete he wyl kepe the vngodly shal kepe sylēce in darknes for no man shall be stronge thrugh his owne myght His owne aduersaryes shall feare the lorde for he wyl thondre vpon them from heuen The ryghtwyse lorde shall be iudge thorghout all the erth he wyll gyue the empery to his kyngꝭ and wyll lyfte vp the power of his anoynted ¶ The prayer of the prophete Daniel for the re●●oryng of Christes chyrche vnder the fygure of Ierusalem the chyldren of Israel beynge in captiuite at the Babylonytes Daniel ●x HAue the lorde god whiche art greate and reuerently ●o be feared keapyng couenaunt and ●ercy with them that loue the and kepe thy cōmaundemētes We are sinners ye we haue cōmitted vngodlines and are rebell agaynst the declynyng from thy cōmaundemētes and pleasures for we haue not herde thy seruantes the prophetes which spoke in thy name to our kingꝭ to our princes to our fathers and to al the people of the lande Ryghtwysnes lorde is with the but confusion couer●h our faces as this day well declarethe Conuersion is fallen vpō the man of Iuda vpon thinhabyters of Ierusalem and vpon all Israell bothe farre and nyghe in all the landes in to the whiche thou calledste them for their offences cōmytted agaynste the lorde we dare not loke vpon the for shame neyther our kyngꝭ nor our prynces nor yet our fathers because they haue so ●ynned agaynst the. But with the lorde our god