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A04220 An exposition of the second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy, the first chapter Wherein 1 The text is logically into it's parts resolved ... 4 The seuerall doctrines thence arising deduced. ... All which is accompanied with familiar and delightfull similitudes ... Lastly as the matter requireth: there is vsed, definitions, distributions, subdiuisions, trialls, motiues, and directions, all which be of great vse in their proper order. By Iohn Barlovv ... Barlow, John, b. 1580 or 81. 1625 (1625) STC 1434; ESTC S100861 328,113 454

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and are not our imperfect actions perfected by the Lord Iesus Wee seeke and doe not finde because Iam. 4. 3. wee seeke and aske amisse Let me exhort thee to preach and pray read and heare propound and resolue profitable questions and then if thy labours be in vaine count me a false Prophet curse me at thy death Who euer did sow good feed in its season but had a rich and plentifull croppe at haruest If Peter cast in his nette at his masters command though in former time he hath laboured hard and caught nothing yet at the last he shall encompasse many great fishes hale them to land and be sufficiently recompenced satisfied It s not a trade but the well vsing of it not a farme but the well husbandry of it that will enrich the one and the other Wherfore be stedfast immoueable and abundant in the worke of 1 Cor. 15. vlt. the Lord knowing that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. What did Paul and the people fast pray and lay on hands without obseruing the effect of their actions No he and they saw how the gifts of Timotheus were augmented increased in so doing whence it will follow that In the vse of Gods ordinances we are to obserue how hee dealeth Doct. 8. with vs. Haue not the Prophets Apostles and all the Lords people done thus Should we make a collection of each particular wee should be exceeding large When they did offer sacrifice did they not obserue the successe Fast and pray what effects did follow reade and preach how people were conuerted comforted or hardened In administration of the Sacraments that Many were sicke and weake and slept others healed reioiced and receiued the holy Ghost Gen. 4. 3. and 10. 20. 21. Nehem. 9. 9. c. Psal 106. 23. and 107. 6. c. Mat. 7. 28. Acts 4. 31. and 28. 23. 24. 29. 2 Chro. 30. 20. c. 2 Kin. 22. 19. Io. 13. 27. 1 Cor. 11. 30. For in so doing we come to haue an experimentall knowledge Reas 1. of the truth and fidelity of Gods promises than the which nothing is better If any man will doe his will hee may be assured that the doctrine we deliuer is not sensuall earthly Ioh. 7. 17. Iam 3. 17. or diuellish but pure peaceable good and profitable For all the Lord speaketh shall come to passe Iosh 21. 45. And will it not yeeld matter of thankesgiuing Why are we so barren in blessing of God haue our mouths so empty Reas 2. of his praises doe not continually sing songs of gratefulnesse Is it not the neglect of this obseruation Could we with the Prophet register the many mercies wee receiue in the vse of Gods ordinances we should crie as he did What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits Psal 1 16. 12. Would it not also constraine vs to be more frequent in Reas 3. good duties prouoke and pricke vs forward to preach and pray will not men spend much time without wearinesse in that calling that affordeth great commoditie with constancie Who euer casteth off a profitable art or waxeth dull in doing that which his owne experience makes sure hath recompence of reward Suppose we found no fruit in thus doing but all our actions Reas 4. of this kind were blasted Yet would it not cause vs to looke out the cause why God with-holdeth a blessing Should we not finde some Babilonish garment in our tent some Ionah a sleepe in the shippe one sinne or other that hinders the good successe of our spirituall indeuours and were not this worthy of our paines Hence comes to be reproued many a person who though Vse 1. they performe holy duties yet neuer haue eye to the euent Are not these worse than Cain For he obserued the successe of his sacrifice Or Balaam Did not hee perceiue how the Lord answered him Doe wee not read that hypocrites marked what fruit they reaped in fasting and afflicting themselues Isay 58 3. Are not Christians then blame worthie who come short of such in this thing True it is that in nothing the best faile more than in not ioyning watchfullnesse in the vse of Gods ordinances Want of this one thing breedeth doubting staggering in the promises with-holdeth matter of thankfulnesse causeth slownesse dulnesse in good duties and keepeth sinne close from being reuealed discouered What shal we then do Why we must imitate men in other Vse 2. vocations recreatious When the husbandman hath cast good seede into his soile will hee not haue an eye to its rooting sprowting growing Who planteth or grafteth but obserueth how the tender blades budde shoot forth and spread themselues will not the fisherman hauing cast in his net or angle into the riuer expect whether any fish be catcht by the gill or intangled in the meshes What fowler spreadeth pantels setteth his ginne dischargeth his piece but will haunt the spring view the scrap and looke with a stretched out necke to see if any bird be caught fast insnarred or wounded Shall Physitians giue pils administer potions and grow carelesse how their Physicke workes Learne then by their examples what successe accompanieth the Lords ordinances Preacher people Sow the seede of the word in season out of season and marke which doth prosper 2 Tim. 4. 2. Eccles. 11. 6. this or that In thus doing peraduenture thou maist finde some person strucke with the shot of the word who like a wounded Pigeon will single himselfe from his former companions fall in some obseure corner of a field spread the wings of his armes and with a drouping conscience call and cry to God for mercie for pardon Pray and watch what the Lord will say vnto thee Reade and heare and take notice how thy heart waxeth hot corruption is cooled and grace kindled Yea in all holy actions looke to the successe and experience will let thee see that as the shadow followeth the body the blessing of God doth accōpanie his ordinances Aboue all things thinke thou on this so shall thy faith grow strong in the promises of God thou shalt find them a sure word that neuer faileth Also thou maist haue matter of prayse to God-ward and tell thy brethren what he hath done for thy soule And how will this experimental Psal 66. 16. knowledge encourage thee to preach pray read heare and neuer grow wearie in wel-doing At the least or if I may so say at the worst this benefit will accrue how that there is some sinne in vs not repented of one corruption or other not mortified or iust circumstance in Gods service omitted which causeth our indeuours not to prosper our best fruite to be blasted From the words diuersly considered might many more doctrines be collected as that 1. There may be increase of grace in the best Christian For Timotheus was an excellent man before this time and were not his gifts now augmented 2. That a Minister hath neede
he would haue his graces in vs excercised to the vttermost He that buildes a ship fitteth the burden answerable to her bignes else in part his labour and charge were in vaine For a lesser barke would haue fitted his purpose serued his turne And if our afflictions did exceed our ability then it were Reas 2. not for probation but destruction No man will ouerburden his beast for that would bruise him breake him Christ would not haue new wine put into old vessells for the vessels would burst and the wine be spilt his Disciples Math. 10. 14. had too much of the old man in them they were not renewed so much as to be able to vndergoe for the present extraordinary duties of Religion therefore for a time hee would spare and exempt them This reproues such as accuse the Lord of iniustice crying Vse 1. out like Caine My punishment is greater than I can beare for God is iust and equall in all his proceedings And heere we see the goodnes of God that in iudgement Vse 2. remembreth mercy he looketh at the ability of his children and maketh their power the rule of his proceedings his will is not but their weakenesse the ground and sole cause of their greater or lesser afflictions Yea he fits them for sufferings before he try them and then makes the burden proportionable to the measure of strength receiued By this poynt we may also be informed why one Christian Vse 3. suffereth much another lesse because of their inequal●ty of strength exhibited He that hath much grace shall ●eare much little suffer the lesse And it● plaine from this ground that to suffer many and great afflictions argueth ●●e ●ore grace the greater ability This is for the comfort of the weake Christian for he hauing Vse 4. receiued a little strength shall endure the les●e ●●i●ll for God is merciful to the beasts much more to his de●re children What man will s●●ke his ves●●ll with overbu●dening of it breake his beast with overlading o● him or p●●tle his servant or sonne to death by casting too great a load on their shoulders And then shall God burst his golden vessels with filling them too full of this liquor Moreouer we must learne hence that as wee grow in Vse 5. grace so to prepare for greater sufferings Christ will haue his chiefest Champions to fight the greatest combates weake souldiers shall come in the Rereward and not in the forefront or in the heate of the battell And be sure of this that if thy strength be encreased thy troubles shall be also augmented Note for all our graces in truth and in degree too shall be employed If Christ be infinite in power hee must vndergoe the infinite wrath of his father being made a sinner by imputation Furthermore if God dealeth thus with vs let vs haue the Vse 6. like hand one towards another A minister must hauean eye to discerne the state of his flocke and put a difference in his commands he must not tyre the Lambes with driving them too fast or too farre with the elder Sheepe Choyse must be made to fast and pray and to performe extraordinary duties at extraordinary times lawfully cōmanded lawfully to be executed Parents too and Masters must not like the taske-masters of Egypt enioyne their children and seruants a greater worke then they are able to discharge And would to God that all men would remember this in all things for its iust and equall Finally we must take knowledge of our owne power and Vse 7. neuer presse our selues beyond our might Christ would not haue some to speake of him and to tell of his workes why for they were not for the present either able to defend the truth suffer for it or those with whom they were to deale fitted to receiue it We haue many but too forward in these times except their ability were better yong Christians will be now a dayes in the heate of the skirmish without a calling casting Cannons off their carriages that neuer gaue fire to a double Muskert controll the Captaines when as they themselues neuer fought on foote Yet beare fight quarell but know thy standing thy strength and presume not like Peter aboue thy power For our direction we must know that ability is either Power distributed inward or outward Inward 1. Spirituall 2. Corporall Outward is in our head Christ or our riches And according to all this power we must beare and suffer Some Christians like great bony beggars are able to beare much but in the time of trouble they either run away or shrinke when the burden is to be put vnder their shoulders others as wee haue heard thinke nothing too heauy for them so that these are extremities on both hands and to be as dangerous avoyded The last thing we note is this that It is the power of God receiued which will support a Christian Doct. 10. in affliction This is as wine to the spirit the spirit to the soule as wind to the sayles and the sayles to the ship But in regard we haue touched it before we omit it here and proceed to the verse which followeth VERS 9. Who hath saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose and grace which was giuen vs through Christ Iesus before the world was IN this verse the Apostle declareth what the Lord The Logicall resolution hath done for him and his sonne Timotheus 1. He hath saued them 2. Called them 3. Wherwith with an holy calling 4. Why hee hath done this First Paul remoues a false ground in these words Not according to our workes and Secondly hee layeth downe the true cause in these words But according to his purpose and grace c. Who. That is God for this word hath relation vnto the The Theologicall exposition last word in the foregoing verse Hath saued 1. Saluation is either corporall or spirituall 2. It is either partiall or totall Spirituall and totall is here meant and it containes 3. things 1. A freedome from some evill wee are fallen into or subiect to fall into 2. A position setting of vs in a good condition And 3. A perpetuall preservation of vs from all dangers for future time This is totally and perfectly to be saued And called Calling may be distinguished 1. By the meanes and 2. By the subiects of it The instruments are either principall or secondary God is the chiefe efficient of our calling and the Minister word and creatures are but as instruments in the workemans hand The subiect is man onely and that either generall or particular Generall as whole Nations Gentiles Iewes Particular as persons Paul Timotheus the latter here meant Moreouer calling is either effectuall or not effectuall for we may distinguish of it according to the successe And finally it s either ordinary or extraordinary ordinary effectuall calling is by the wor● and
spirit extraordinary effectuall calling is immediately by the spirit without the word The calling here is effectuall and in respect of Pauls manner of being called seemes extraordinary though not so in regard of Timotheus Act. 9. Vs. That is me Paul and thee my sonne yet all the elect either haue beene or shall be called with an holy calling With an holy calling Here 's another distinction of callings Holines it is either personall or by imputation So God is called holy Yea he is holines it selfe Personall holines is either inherent or actuall and both these are to bee found in the subiects of this calling though not perfectly yet in some degree Besides imputatiue holines is double also 1. When Holines imputed 1. to persons 2. things Christs holines is made ours for hee is our sanctification 1 Cor. 1. 30. And as our sinnes were made his sinnes and hee became a sinner by imputation so his holines is made ours and we without sinne by imputation Finally holines is ascribed to the word to the Sabbath and many other things because they are causes of holines or times wherein we are specially commanded to serue God in the duties of the first table or in that the things be not applyed to a common vse and in some one of these senses or other as wee shall heare more anone this calling is said to be holy Not according to our workes That is not for the prevision and foreknowledge of mans faith or merits But according to his purpose and grace viz. Freely and of his meere mercy and from no other ground Which was giuen to vs in Christ Iesus before the world was 1. Here Paul giueth a strong reason why their workes were not the cause of their calling in the word Giuen for a gift must be free and 2. He draweth another from the time it was giuen viz. before the world was 1. From all eternity And amongst many other arguments this is not the The Metaphrase least for to moue and instigate thee to preach the Gospel to beare witnesse to the truth to partake of the afflections which I and others suffer in as much as the Lord of his meere grace and favour before any thing had a being and without any regard at al of thy faith workes or merit hath freed thee from all dangers placed thee in a good condition and in time called thee effectually by his blessed Spirit with such an honorable and holy calling as he hath done me and will also preserue thee to his heauenly Kingdome through the Redemption of Christ his sonne our onely Saviour and Mediatour If we hold this verse as a digression from the former matter The deductiō of doctrines then this poynt will follow that A Digression is warrantable either in words or writing Doct. 1. And the Scripture else where doth confirme this proceeding Gen. 4. 23. Isay 7. 16. For it is a meanes to stirre vp better attention and to Reas 1. draw the Auditors more strictly and respectiuely for to giue heed to what followeth The Hawke sometimes goeth afarre off that shee may get the wind and bee better able at the stoope to strike and catch her prey And this Crypsis in preaching may be vsed Againe the Spirit of God may draw the tongue sometime Reas 2. to speake what we haue not purposed for the good of some particular person who is in the assembly and some present occasion may minister iust occasion to doe the same as wee see and know by our daily experience Then let not the Auditor be too forward in censuring the Vse 1. preacher for digression from the matter in hand for God may haue a secret hand therein that we for the present are not ●ware of for the comforting or conuerting of some person present And this may warrant the Minister in this kind of proceeding Vse 2. Cautions for Digressions Yet Cautions must be observed 1. See it bee not for want of study through idlenesse or thy owne neglect and carelesnes to be well provided 2. Forg●● not to returne to thy former matter and purpose for otherwise a iudicious Auditor wil feare as Sauls father did him when he had long sought his Asses that the preacher hath lost himselfe Againe where Paul in the former verse and the last word thereof hauing named God doth in this make a description of his goodnes we note that It is vsuall with good men when they name the Lord to make Doct. 2. mention of his mercies or some benefit they haue receiued from him For they would haue him to receiue all glory We vse in Reas 1. the naming of our friends to make mention of the kindnes we haue receiued from them to shew our thankfulnes and that they might be praised Againe they would not haue the Lords name tooke vp in Reas 2. vaine or be profained and the more they can speake to his praise the more inward comfort they haue Wee ioy in the commendation of those wee most affect so doe the children of God in the due prayse of their father Would to God that this were the custome of our country Vse 1. but with too many it is not We vse his name but alas how often in vaine not once making mention of the least of his mercies nay it were wel if some did not first sweare by it and next declare what villany they themselues haue committed But if we would glorifie our heauenly father haue Vse 2. others to speake to his praise shew foorth our thankfulnes and haue much inward comfort let vs couple his name and his mercies together and hee that doth this shall haue a secret and hidden ioy stirred vp in his heart Is it not vsuall that if we speake much of a friend and his fauours to vs for others to say Sure you are beholden to or you are in loue with such a one wil not such sayings make vs right glad In the third place if we consider these words as they are a motiue cause and depend on the former then this is the doctrine that will follow that He who would not faint but suffer affliction is still to haue an Doct. 3. ●ye to his Salvation Moses had respect to the recompence of reward and thereby was moved to suffer affliction with the people of God for a season The Saints looked for a better resurrection therefore endured Racking sawing asunder and resisted v●to bloud The forerunner and finisher of our faith Christ our Lord he setting before him the glory provided for him endured the crosse and despised the shame Heb. 11. 24. 35. and 12. 2. Because varying of the obiect varieth the minds motion Reas 1. Psal 40. When Dauid considered his misery hee cried out I am poore and needy but when he thought on the affection of God towards him he altered his ioy and note saying Yet the Lord thinketh on me Besides saluation is a
The yong man must Remember his Creator in the daies of youth least the houres come wherein hee shall haue no pleasure in them Iezabel had a time so had Ierusalem Agrippa and many others but when they foreslowed the oportunitie they found not in future time any mercy When God calleth and we will not come we shall cry but we shall not be heard Wofull experience hath taught this truth to many thousands for there is an appointed time for all things vnder the sunne 2. Seeke for what thou wouldst haue at the Lords hands let him be the principall Asa was sicke in his feete Ezekiah at the heart the one seeking to the Phisician first died the other going to God had his life many yeares prolonged Goe not with Saul to a witch at Endor with Iudas to the Pharisees with Ephraim and Iudah to Ashur and Hos 5. 13. king Iareb with the Papist to the Pope or Angell But goe to the Lord for these are miserable comforters and the best of them if the God of all the world the first mouer of all things and chiefe Phisician be absent cannot heale thee or cure thee of thy wound But seek vnto God and he will heare thee helpe thee 3. Goe to him but not like the proud Pharisee with I thanke God I am not so nor so neither with the boasting Papist in the robes of thing owne righteousnes but come vnto him in the name of Christ Iesus the sonne of his loue send him or set him before thee For whatsoeuer thou shalt seeke in his name that is in his worthines it shall be giuen thee For without Christ he is a consuming fire 4. Let the word and that neuer-erring spirit be thy guide If these two lead thee to the Father in the new and euerliuing way of Christ the Sauiour of all that are saued thou shalt find according to thy hearts desire Practise this Rule 5. Haue respect to the manner of thy seeking let it be vpon the feete of faith and affection with the wings of pure zeale and feruency and then thou shalt find assuredly 6. And finally let the end of thy seeking be for the glory of thy God the good and comfort of thy brethren and reformation of all thy wayes the curing and curbing of thy strong corruptions the encrease of all grace and for food friends favour and rayment so farre and no farther as the Lord seeth them to be needfull for thee Obserue these directions and then stay the Lords leysure and be sure of it that as Onesiphorus found Paul so shalt thou the thing thou hast sought after be it what it can in earth or heauen Now whereas Onesiphorus sought Paul at Rome and was permitted to refresh him we may note that Rome heathen was not sobad then as Rome Christian is now Doct. 5. Act. 28. 30. For Paul might be suffered to liue to haue his keeper Reas 1. to leade him in a chaine to dwell in a house all that would were permitted to come vnto him and without let he might preach the kingdome of God the Gospell of Christ But now if a Paul were there he would not be thought worthy to liue no not for an houre Againe wicked men grow worse and worse Reas 2. Vse Let this for euer be as a sure brand for that Beast who is drunkk with the bloud of the Saints that it is he and no other who exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God and the very Antichrist whom the Lord will consume with the sword of his mouth They boast of piety and pitty when as Cain was no more cruell to Abel then they be to the faithfull Well Let them thinke that they doe God good seruice in putting vs to death yet they are deceiued it that In this we are not that for so doing they shall tast of the very dregs of Gods hottest vengeance spue and fall and dye the second death For Pope and Papists are men according to the Divells owne heart VERS 18. The Lord grant vnto him that he may find mercy with the Lord at that day and in how many things he hath ministred vnto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well WE are now come through the good prouidence The Logicall resolution of God to the last verse of this Chapter In the which two things are comprehended 1. A prayer 2. An Appellation In the Prayer we may obserue 4. things 1. To whom Paul prayed the Lord. 2. For whom he prayed him That is Onesiphorus 3. For what he prayed mercy 4. At what time he would haue his friend to receiue the thing he prayed for at that day In the Appellation we haue these particulars 1. That Onesiphorus relieued Paul 2. The place where it was at Ephesus 3. Wherewith that is many things And 4. The probation of this in the last words These or this thou knowest very well He drawes an argument from Timotheus knowledge to confirme his Testimony The Lord. In Hebrew Adonai is Lord being a word of The Theologicall exposition the plurall number yet often vsed in the forme singular it is deriued of Aeden a base or pillar which sustaineth a thing and our English word Lord hath much like signification being contracted of the old Saxon word Laford which commeth of Laef to support sustaine or cherish so that Lord is a Sustainer refresher supporter cherisher For if God withdraw his power all things come to nothing In the Greeke it properly signifieth one that hath authoritie or on whose authoritie something dependeth or consisteth and so indeed doe all things depend on God and hee is cheife gouernour and owner of all things created Mercy The word in the Hebrew put for mercy doth import a sacred affection of piety fauour benignitie and bountifull good pleasure or will of God towards a man without respect of desert or merit It is also applied to man and then it is meant a pious louing and benigne affection whereby he is moued and inclined to doe good to shew pittie compassion c. or that grace of God the which he hath receiued from the father through Christ which is inherent in him or conferred externally vpon him and then its glory Isai 40. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 24. And it is frequent for the Greeks to vse that word which our Apostle doth here for it the which Christ himselfe alloweth did practise See Hos 6. 6. Math. 9. 13. And the Hebrewes of Chesed which is Mercy call a godly man chasid that is gracious mercifull Psal 4. 4. some read a gracious Saint With the Lord. The like phrase we read Gen. 19. 24. The Lord rained fire and brimstone from the Lord. Paul vseth the like manner of speaking for as iudgement came from the Lord vpon Sodom so he prayes for mercy to befall Onesiphorus from the Lord Yet I haue thought that Lord in the first place is to be vnderstood of the Father and in the second is meant the Sonne
same command Ex. 20. 3. 4. Is not the promise made alike to them all Gala. 3. vlt. We must not then severely censure one another for who Vse 1. art thou that condemnest another mans servant he standeth or falleth to his owne Master Iames his exhortation is here to take place Be not many Masters that is many censuring and commanding Masters I●m 3. 1. Neither may we haue one another in too great estimation Vse 2. giuing that worship to the servant which is due to the Master what saith the Angell to Iohn See thou doe it not for am not I thy fellow-servant Rev. 22. 9. Care must be had that we make not vniust lawes to bind Vse 3. the Consciences of our brethren this were Pharisaicall and not to be obeyed if pressed servants must not Lord it but know that they haue a Master in heaven with whom there is no respect of persons Mat. 23. 4. Eph. 6. 9. In one word there must be no iarres and contentions amongst Vse 4. Luk. 2. 14. vs it s our Masters charge Liue in peace if an house be divided it cannot stand and if we devoure one another we shall be devoured Wherefore be of one tongue and of one heart liue in peace and the God of peace shall be with you 2 Cor. 13. 11. Out of the word Our might many points be deduced as that 1. Christ Iesus hath a pluralitie of servants Doct. 15. Doct. 16. Doct. 17. Doct. 18. 2. True faith applyeth the promise in particular 3. Christ is a Lord indifferently to all the faithfull 4. We are to acknowledge the priviledges of our fellow-servants In conclusion as this sentence depends on the former words we collect that No grace mercie or peace can be had from God the Father Doct. 19. but in and through Christ Iesus The Father is the fountaine Christ the spring and the reason is because God is iust and none but Christ can satisfie him He it is that must roll away the stone from the Wels mouth 〈◊〉 Adam dammed it vp He and none but he can open the sealed fountaine This discovereth the misery of Turke Iew and all who know not or deny the Lord Iesus we must learne hence ●o●seeke sue to God in his name and none other Acts 4. 12 And ●●therto of this second Verse Now followeth the third VERS 3. I thinke God whom I serue from mine elders with pure Conscience that without c●asing I haue remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day● THIS Verse and the two following depend The Logicall resolution one vpon another and though they be not a plaine exhortation yet they closely conteine in them the seeds of such a dutie as may easily be conceived In this we may consider a three fold Confession The first is that the Apostle gaue thankes which dutie is amplified by the Obiect of it God The second that he also served this God and that 1. For time from his elders 2. Againe for the manner with pure Conscience Thirdly he acknowledgeth that he prayed wherein 1. He remembred Timotheus 2. Without ceasing 3. And that night and day by this Paul declares to Timothie his affection and desire he hath of his welfare I thanke God Somereade I haue thankes for God but The Theologicall exposition that may not be admitted for Paul did it and deferred not this action In these words are three things 1. The action thankesgiving 2. The person I and 3. To whom thankes were 〈◊〉 The Lord. Whom I serue from m●re elders with pure Conscience The Apostle addeth these words because he was accounted by the Iewes to be an Apostata and a revolter from the truth and a dissembling person By elders is meant Abraham Isaac and Iacob Some reade progenitors ancestors fathers as though he spake of his naturall Parents With pure Conscience That is vnfeignedly sincerely and without hypocrisie That without ●●asing These words haue a double reading as if which Paul prayed he also pray sed God for Tim●thie or thus I than●● God that I doe pray for d●ee c. Without ceasing is constantly ordinarily I haue remembrance of thee in my Prayers Prayer is manifold mentall vocall conceived read in verse in prose publique private simple compound and the like It is likely these were private not publique prayers for Paul would avoyde all ostentation and iust cause of exception also at this time he was a prisoner Remembrance Remembrance hath in it foure things apprehension reposition retention and production a notion or thing is by the externall or internall sence presented to the eye of reason she perceiue● it that 's apprehension then it is committed vnto memorie as a place of conservation that 's reposition afterward kept ●here in safe●ie that 's retention and lastly when occasion●s given it s called ou● againe and that 's production A man takes a sha●t in his A Simile hand puts it in his ●●ver retaines it there for a t●●e and when he would recreate himselfe pu●s it forth againe this is a plaine Embl●me of Remembrance Night and day Lailah in Hebrew is for night and it signifieth rest quietnesse stilnesse because men were to take their ●ase and sleepe in that time which is from the Sunne-setting vnto the Sunne-rising Day In Hebrew jom of the stir tumu●● and busines that is in it the time from the Sun-rising to its-setting is called day or from Sunne-setting to its-setting in the same horizon whence a day is distributed into naturall or artificiall day is taken for hight and night for darkenesse and are applied to our spirituall estate 1 Cor. 3. 13. Ephes 5. 13. 1 Thes 5. 5. I would not haue thee my sonne Timothie once to imagin The Metaphrase but that what I write vnto thee is out of loue for I vnfeignedly giue thankes to God whom whatsoever others may report and beleeue of me I haue served in truth and integritie and not declined or done any thing of malice or set purpose since I had vnderstanding yea from my progenitors and elders Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the rest of the beleeving Iewes And be thou assured that as I pray night and day so in my requests to God I in a peculiar and speciall manner remember to make mention of thee and thine affayres alwayes in the Lord. I thanke God Note hence that Doct. 1. A good man exerciseth himselfe in thankesgiving He doth not onely craue future but returnes prayse for former favours hence it is that David Deborah Moses and many moe haue penned Psalmes of this subiect Exod. 15. Psal 106. Iudg. 5. Rev. 19. 1. 2. and Psal 96. per totum For they know themselues to be vnworthy of the least Reas 1. benefit and receiue all things without desert of their owne I am lesser than all thy mercies and all thy truth Gen. 32. 10. And it s a good thing to prayse the Lord no dutie more Reas 2. acceptable
conceiue that the Preacher speaketh out of spleene not of affection and therefore they regard not their words And they are wise for the world to come and louing to their children therefore they doe this For herein consisteth Reas 4. true affection and the principall dutie of good Parents to their children What then be those Parents that neuer practise this Vse 1. point Nay who neuer so much as once minde it may we not from the rule of contraries conclude that they are profane and impious they will prune their plants breake their horses and traine their hawkes to the lure yet neuer dresse the plants of the Sanctuary instruct their Sonnes or take the least toyle to make them faithful of the Lords family Doe they not rather by rotten speech lewde example and wicked courses make them two-fold worse than children of the Devill If they procure them a competent portion a profitable calling which be good we grant they thinke they haue done their dutie but what haue they done all the while for their soules and to make them the Lords sonnes the vnreasonable creatures will feed their yong till they can prey of their own wing so that thus farre they are equall to them Let them then that would bee accounted religions shew Vse 2. it in the imitation of these Godly parents Prouide food raiment for the body but especially a spirituall portion for their soules Worke faith in their hearts grace in their persons and in thus doing thou shalt saue thy selfe and thy children Let their eares heare not thy trickes of youth but what God hath done for thy soule in the daies of old Let thy practise be a Patterne worthy their imitation say to thy sonne doe thus aswell as this that it may be said of thee a Godly father a Godly childe And doe not deferre the time but take the season teach them while they are yong and let these reasons moue thee 1. For then they will remember it when they are old Pro. Children to be taught yong why 23. 13. dye cloth in the wooll not in the webbe and the colour will be the better the more durable 2. To deferre this dutie is dangerous For thou maist bee tooke from them Who then shall teach them after thy departure or what if they dye in that condition must not thou answere for their bloud 2. Kin. 2. 24. 3. Besides what if they come to faith will it not be with the more difficulty fallow ground must haue the stronger teame great trees will not easily bend and a bad habit is not easily left and a better come by If their memories bee stufft with vanity as a table-booke the old must bee washt out before new can be writ in 4. What shall I more say God workes strangely in children 1 Kin. 14. 13. and rare things haue beene found in them and what a comfort will it be for parents in their life to heare their children speake of good things and at the last day when they can say to Christ here am I and the children thou hast giuen Heb. 2. 13. me And here children must attend to their fathers instruction Vse 3. and not despise their mothers counsaile least the Rauen of the valley plucke out their eies and the yong Eagles eate it Pro. 30. 17. Some care not for the instruction of their Parents other can out-runne them but can they escape the hand of God and hee that obeyeth not his Parents speech shall certainely be destroyed 1 Sam. 2. 25. We reade here of good women but there is no mention made of their yoke-fellowes the mothers bee commended not the fathers whence let be noted that Faithfull wiues may haue faithlesse husbands Good women Doct. 6. may be vnequally yoked 1 Sam. 25. 3. 1 Cor. 7. 13. And this comes to passe through beauty for that being Reas 1. in a man may much preuaile with the weaker sex For why did the sonnes of God take the daughters of men to their wiues Was it not because they were faire So might it fall out with the daughters of God Gen. 6. 2. beauty preuailes much in this matter Gen. 12. 12. Couetousnes also may be a cause Honest maides be often Reas 2. poore haue but small portions wicked men sometimes rich and mighty and that may worke mightily Hester 2. 16. And if there be but such a motion how will carnal Parents presse their daughters to it Sometimes men affecting and knowing the person to be Reas 3. religious will like the Shechemites serue the true God to gaine fauour By this diuellish dealing many haue beene deceiued Iosh 9. 4. Gen. 34. 9. 14. It often falleth out that when persons marry they are Reas 4. both faithlesse and so the Lord calling the wife and passing by the husband that woman becomes vnequally yoked 1 Cor. 7. Whence we are taught not to iudge wiues by the cariage Vse 1. of their husbands neither husbands by their wiues For in so doing wee may commend or condemne without cause or reason Nabal the foole may haue a wise Abigail and Hester a good Queene an vnbeleeuer All wiues that haue good husbands must first praise God Vse 2. for such Secondly Make much of such Thirdly Pitty and pray for those that haue not such and fourthly In their liues endeuour to walke worthy of such else they may receiue the greater condemnation in being yoked to such And good wiues that haue bad husbands are 1. to seeke Vse 3. out the true cause if some carnall respect did not make them to marry such if it did they must acknowledge their sinne with great sorrow if not be patient For it is but a fatherly correction and God may worke great good out of it aiming at another end they are not aware of Hester 4. 14. for the present 2. They must be subiect to their husbands that though they obey not the word yet they may without the word by their good conuersation be wonne to the word 1. Pet. 3. 1. The wiues good actions must be their husbands instructions 3. Let this teach them to loue Christ their first husband the more perfectly For by the badnes of the one you may iudge the better of the goodnes of the other This is to draw good out of euill and worthy to be remembred 4. Such must admire the mercy of God to them that they had not themselues beene bad their husbands good and liue in hope that through the blessing of the Almighty they may proue instruments to saue their soules And if this fall out how would that man affect then his wife more than euer he disliked her From this doctrine the women maids or widowes that Vse 4. intend to marry may learne a lesson to beware in their election least they fall into the like condition And the better to direct thee let these rules be obserued in the choyce of an husband In the choyce
to it so that the secret will of God may be the revealed For before the Creation of the world Gods whole will was hidden in himselfe that afterward became manifest It was in Davids heart to build the Lord an house when he did declare it to the people it was then but one and the same will In the secret will of God two things are to be obserued And from all that hath beene said will many profitable lessons follow 1. We must take heede that we doe not conclude as if the Lord did worke all outward things of necessitie For his Will is free in respect of the outward obiect Gen. 45. 5. Act. 2. 23. Isai 10. 6. 7. 2. Because it is the first mover that therefore we conclude not He is the Author of sinne For God can doe the same which man doth yet free from iniquitie And 3. we must avoyde the error of those who imagine that because Gods Will worketh in all things that therefore God willeth sinne and punishment absolutely without any condition on mans part And 4. of them and their opinion wee must beware who thinke that Gods Will can make any thing lawfull be it neuer so vniust 5. Of those also who because Gods Will is vnchangeable therefore will vse no meanes at all for what they would pertake of 6. And finally Let vs all take heed that we maintaine not the heresie of the Monothelites who held because Christ was God therefore his Will was but one when as our Lord himselfe witnesseth the contrary Ioh. 6. 38. Math. 26. 39. And seeing that Gods Will is free and the first moving Vse 2. cause of all goodnesse Let vs. 1. prayse him for the good he hath bestowed on vs or at any time done by vs. 2. Depend vpon him for direction and abilitie in all our proceedings 3. Reverence the extraordinary acts of his Providence 4. Yeeld our selues and all our wayes with willingnes to be ruled and disposed as shall seeme best in his eyes 5. And as he willeth good and nilleth evill so let vs doe the same 6. In conclusion let vs alwayes pray Lord thy will be done and not ours If we doe these things we shall never fall but with our Apostle be confident in the assurance of the conservation of our soules which wee commit to him at the last day Let thy faith be fixed on Gods power and Will and then thou shalt haue the desires of thy heart and Will We might now come to speake of Pauls perswasion and assurance he had in God for his preservation Some of our Divines make fiue degrees of faith 1. A credence 2. an assurance 3. an affiance 4. a confidence and 5. a perswasion Perswasion seemes to be the greatest so that wee may collect that Of Faith there be distinct degrees Mat. 6. 30. 15. 28. Doct. 13. Mat. 8. 10. 13. 32. We reade of a faith no bigger then a graine of Mustard-seed and of a Plerophorie or full perswasion And in the Gospell mention is made of a little faith and of a great faith So that this point is manifest that there is two at the least distinct degrees of faith And not without Reason For some haue had greater meanes and liued longer vnder Reas 1. the powerfull Preaching of the Word then others who thereby are become strong in faith For as we see that trees which be planted in a good soyle neare the pleasant rivers and haue stood long doe flourish and spread more then they that haue growne in barren ground wanted watering and a shorter season so is it with the flower of faith Great meanes great faith little meanes the lesse faith except the Lord as sometimes he doth worke extraordinarily Some after their effectuall call haue beene more frequent Reas 2. and diligent in the vse of Gods ordinances then others more forward to doe good carefull to absteine from the least appearance of evill so that their faith is growne mightie Twinnes of equall age will outstrip one another by carefull attendance And this is to comfort the feeble minded and to support Vse 1. the weake in faith Be not deiected though thy faith carry thee not with a full gale to the kingdome of God for as all ships haue not alike sailes and winde all birds equally winged and all women infants of like proportion in every part so haue not all Christians the same degree of saving faith yet the weakest minde and lowest saile will carry the ship to shore as securely though not so speedily as if they were greater and the least true faith and hope will bring the sanctified soule to the haven of heaven as certainely though not so comfortably as the greatest But yet wee must not content our selues with this weake deg●●e we are to endevour for the strongest faith and the greatest measure goeth to the sea for water will not feare that he shall returne with his vessell emptie For what heate can dry vp the same And shall we doubt of grace when we goe to the fountaine it selfe whose depth is vnsearchable past sounding When we cast vp our heads the Sunne shineth in our faces and doth refresh and heate vs so by the act of Meditation we come vnder the beames of Gods mercy that shall confirme our feeble faith 2. Consider that Christ hath satisfied the Fathers iustice payd the full debt cancelled the bond and is making intercession for all repentant sinners Therefore in his Name Heb. 4. 16. goe boldly to the throne of grace What if it be called a Throne for greatnes Is it not a throne of Grace that resembles goodnes When Esau had killed Venison in his hand he went boldly for his blessing though he mist it But take thou Christ the Lambe of God and come with and in him vnto the Father and none can steale away thy blessing for God cannot be deceiued neither wanteth he mercy in store for such 3. Call to minde that the promises belong to such as are Mat. 11. 28. in doubt Come vnto me all that are weary and heavy laden and I will ease you Whom came Christ to saue Such as in their owne feeling not in Gods purpose were lost Whom will the Physician heale They that be sicke Vnto whom hath the Lord promised comfort to the mourners in Sion And who ever in godly sorrow sought the Lord but he returned Mat. 9. 2. with this encouragement My sonne be of good comfort for thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Salvation is entred into thy house 4. Finally Pray often in private for as the slender and still dew that falleth in the night doth more refresh the yong sprouting and tender buddes then more wet that falleth or a greater shower in the day So oftentimes the prayer made in secret prevaileth with God more then the publike for the encrease of faith Paul at his conversion prayed three dayes and three nights Yet vse all the ordinances of God for it sometimes
to him for therein we acknowledge euery good perfect gift to come from him and so glorifie his name Psal 91. 1. Iam. 1. 17. Also it s the best time spent that is spent in this dutie for Reas 3. therein we resemble the Saints and Angels in heaven who continually say Glory be to God and prayse to the Lambe that sitteth on the throne for evermore and hence it followeth that the more gratefull the more gracious is the person Rev. 19. Moreover is it not a meane to receiue more and greater Reas 4. favours What lost the Leper in returning backe to Christ Or the blind man in acknowledging his kindnesse And who will not be liberall to a gratefull person Ioh. 9. Luk. 17. Thankefulnesse is a voluntarie retribution of one good thing Thankfulnes defined for another First I say it is a retribution what shall I render or retribute to the Lord Psal 116. 12. for first it alwayes presupposeth a benefit receiued secondly or else it were a giving rather then a thanksgiving Secondly And it must bee voluntary not coacted it must be a free will-offering Ezra 2. 68. first for the giver and receiver in this are to be like minded freely ye haue Mat. 10. 8. received freely giue againe God respects the affection of the action more then the thing given for a wicked man may doe the one but not the other he loues a cheerefull giver 2 Cor. 9. 7. Thirdly The matter or thing rendred must bee good first we may not render evill for evill much lesse evill for good secondly againe iustice requires it and the very law of nature to doe as we would be done vnto Who is he that would bee content to receiue evill for good or what proportion is there betwixt them are they not the greatest opposites Fourthly The last thing in this definition is that wee must render good things for good things for though we may doe good for evill yet wee must not giue thankes for evill first for it is naught in it owne nature secondly and that were follie in vs and might moue the authour of it either to scoffe at vs or harden him in a course of evill doing But it may be obiected that Gods children haue given Obiect thankes for afflictions and they are evill True they haue done so yet not simply for afflictions Resol but first as they bee tokens of Gods loue for if wee were without corrections whereof all are partakers then were we bastards and not sonnes Heb. 12. 8. Secondly the Lord will cause them to worke for the good of his and in that they are to thanke him for them else not Rom. 8. 28. Psal 119. 21. Obserue further that good things are either exhibited or promised so that we are to prayse God for his promises as for performances first for they are good things secondly they shall all be accomplished in a convenient season and this duty haue the Saints also practised Luk 1. 46. Tim 4 8. Thankefulnesse is either conceived or manifested conceived Thankfulnes distributed in will and resolution manifested in word or deede The first kind is hid from man yet knowne to God and is the cause of the other that followes and in some sence the least degree of thankefulnesse for what is in the heart will vpon iust occasion breake forth into speech yea if there be abilitie into action also as in erecting of schooles hospitals building of churches colledges maintaining of ministers receiving of the poore and the like Againe thankefulnesse is either sincere or hypocriticall what one doth in truth another may in appearance as we reade of the Pharisee who stopped into the Temple with a Lord I thanke thee c. Luke 18. 11. This checkes the current of our times which is alwaies Vse 1. craving but never restoring many pray yet doe not pay For what are thankes but pence God sels his favour for we haue not onely nine but nintie times nine who never Luk. 17. 17. returne praise for their cleansing many and it s good intreat others to pray for them yet which were better never find time to desire men to giue thankes for them How many favours haue we received how many pretious promises are vnto vs exhibited whereof wee take no knowledge Is not this the signe of an vngratefull minde I had almost said of a gracelesse heart But to leaue such let vs studie and practise this dutie Vse 2. and say with that good man What shall we render to the Lord Psal 116. 12. Psal 148. 1. c. for all his benefits He would call vpon all creatures to praise him in their kinde No surer signe of sound grace than to be frequent in this action doubtlesse a gratefull heart hath set times to praise God as to pray vnto him they thinke no houres better spent than in thus doing O how will such reioyce when they finde their hearts enlarged and their lips opened to prayse God Such a day to them is of more worth than a thousand others but because to doe this is no easie matter remoue we the impediments that hinder vse the helpes that further this action and they be such as these following 1. When as we thinke that our owne handes haue procured Impediments of thankfulnesse vs our abundance Is not this Babell which I built by the might of my power When as except the Lord build the house man labours in vaine When men doe not know that all comes from God they will sacrifice to their owne nets Deut. 8. 17. Dan. 4. 30. Psal 127. 1. Hab. 1. 16. 2. A second is vnmindfulnesse of Gods mercies he that forgetteth a kindnesse done it is all one for the present as if he never received any whence springs these speeches truely I had thanked you but it was out of my minde I had quite forgot I pray you pardon me 3. A third is discontent when this rules in the heart no thankes is to be had a contented minde is alwayes a thankfull minde Whence it commeth to passe that proud men covetous men or ambitious men are vngratefull men The bird will not prune sing till she haue tooke a stand that giues her full content When wee can say with Iacob Gen. 33. 11. We haue all things then we will giue thankes for all things 4. And not to mention any more ignorance of our misery were we deprived of present favours is a great blocke in the way what were a man if he were stript of his clothes and turned without food but a day or two into the fields Should we but lodge one night in Egypt England would be a good Countrey were we in such a famine as was in Samaria that the Mother must famish or eat the fruit of her 2 King 6. 28. owne wombe then food would be worth thankesgiving But we haue lost our tast and that 's the reason we cry giue me my will as