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A03087 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. [et] c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian cou[n]sayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the natio[n] of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche in dem Wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation an Lehr, Brauch der heyligen Sacramenten un Ceremonien, Seelsorg und anderem Kirchendienst, biss auff eines freyen, christlichen, gemeinen oder nationals Concilii, oder dess Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heyligen Geyst versamelt, Verbesserung, bei denen so unserer Seelsorge befohlen, anzurichten seye, English Wied, Hermann von.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Bucer, Martin, 1491-1551. 1547 (1547) STC 13213; ESTC S103980 258,817 620

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as we transgresse no cōmaundement of God wythout the transgression of thys so neuertheles both thys promise and threatenyng perteyne to euerie commaundement Secondly the preachers shal also diligētly warne thys thynge cōcerning this place I wyl visite iniquities etc. that al maner of euyls punishementes corporall and spirituall temporall and eternall be cōprehended therein amonge whiche thys is the sorest when God forsaketh men when he taketh his holy spirite from them and giueth them to the desires of theyr hertes into a reprobate sense into concupiscences and lustes etc. Ro. i. Wherof the Psal lxxxi speaketh But my people hearde not my voice Israell attended not vnto me wherfore I let them go in the crokednes of theyr hertes Furthermore in thys place the people muste be ryghte diligently taughte that what so euer aduersitie chaunseth vnto men either in soule or in goodes it is vndoubtedly the punishmēt of God for our sinnes whether it be blyndnes ignoraunce darckenes of mynde perturbations naughtie desires and affections of the hert vnto vnlawfull thynges diseases corporall pestilences either in oure owne bodies or in the bodies of oure chyldren friende cattayle euyl weather for thynges of the earth euyll lucke dammages in oure businesse discorde sedition warre and all troublynge of common peace For all these thynges are sent vpon men from God for synnes and vngodlines In thys place the preachers shall adde God exerciseth vs wyth aflictions to call vs backe to repentaūce that God when he exerciseth the fayhthfull wyth sundrie aflictions correcteth them fatherly and for theyr profitte and draweth them backe to hym selfe and to his sonne Christe that they be not damned wyth the wicked worlde and that he loueth them nothynge the worse whom he punisheth wyth outwarde punishmentes and sore calamities For he is wonte to begynne his iudgement from his owne house and to chasten them whom he loueth and in them to shewe to the worlde the vehemencie of his wrath that other men beynge frayed wyth these iudgementes and wyth thys so greate seueritie of God vpon his owne chyldren shoulde forthynke the synnes in which they stycke and amende and take more diligent hede afterwarde that they synne not Thyrdly the people must be taught concernynge thys promise and threatenynge of God I wyll visite the iniquities of the fathers vpon the chyldren to the thyrde and fourth generation etc. that God wyll exercise Other mens goodnes profiteth not the vngodlie nor others vngodlines hurteth not the godlie thys reuengeaunce whiche he threateneth here to his dispicers beinge vngodlie parentes and elders vpon those chyldren onely whiche thorowe their owne wickednes haue lyke wyse well deserued the punishmentes that they suffre so that yet in thys worlde they suffre muche lesse then is due to theyr synnes and peruersitie So in lyke maner that no Godlinesse of the parentes and elders profiteth theyr chyldren whiche be vngodlie them selues and continue in theyr vngodlinesse but that it profiteth them onely whiche be inheriters of theyr elders godlines For thys threate and promyse of God can not be contrarie to his Oracle sette forth by Ezechiell that is to saye that euerie father or chylde shall either perishe thorowe his owne vngodlines or lyue thorowe his owne Godlines and that the father shall not be well entreated for the sonnes godlines nor yll for the sonnes wyckednes but that euerie man shall heare his owne synnes if he lyue vngodlie and shall enioye his rewardes if he lyue Godlie For by reason of originall synne all men are borne vndre the wrath of God and tyrannie God punisheth the wickednes of the parentes in wicked chyldren of the deuyll Wherefore if God to shewe vs his iust iudgement leaue the children of the vngodlie in the power of Satan and therefore thorowe theyr owne mischeuous actes bringe vpon them selues so horrible punishmētes that the verie world perceiueth the vngodlines of the parentes to be punished in the children also neuertheles no wronge is done to those chyldren neither is God to be accused of iniquitie seinge that they be euyll and the chyldren of wrath by nature to whom God can owe notyng but euerlasting punishmēt So if God thorowe his vnspeakable mercie in Christe Iesu deliuer thorowe his sonne the chyldrē of them that loued him from all perdition wherunto they were borne and adourne them wyth excellent godlines thorowe the gifte of his spirite and so heape so many benifittes vpō them that euery godlie man maye easely iudge that in thē both their owne and their parentes godlines is recompensed and that it is declared how deare they were to God the vnmeasurable goodnes of God oughte to be embraced and magnified therein and therefore God is more to be loued and his worde to be receyued more desirously but the vnsearchable iudgementes of his mercie oughte not to be soughte out the deape botome of his goodnes muste not be pored into much lesse ought we to blame thys his so greate bountiousnes whiche doeth wyth his owne as pleaseth hym ¶ Howe the preachers muste teache of remission of synnes and iustification AFter that men beinge moued thorowe the preachynge of the lawe beginne truelye to acknowledge their synne and to repēt and now detestyng synne sigh for rightuousnes and carefully desire to come to Goddes fauour agayne and to worshippe hym religiously the preachynge of the Gospel muste also be added For to be sorie for synne sufficeth not to rightuousnes before God though the sorowe be so vehement that it maye consume and kyl a man as there was in Iudas But satisfaction for synnes is also required and a sure trust of Goddes mercie wyth a purposed amendement of lyfe and a continuall studie of ryghtuousnes afterwarde But mā cā perfourme none of these thinges thorow his owne strēgth neither satisfy for his synnes committed and restore hym selfe into the fauour of God nor embrace a better lyfe afterwarde Oure Lorde Iesus Christe is alone whiche thorowe his death hath satisfied for our synnes as Iohn sayth he is a propitiation or attonement for oure synnes and not for oure synnes onely but for the synnes of the whole worlde He thorowe the preachynge of the Gospell setteth forth and offreth the rytches of Goddes grace and goodnes and his owne satisfaction for our synnes and the gyft of the spirite of adoption and iustifieth deliuereth from the wrath of God and maketh parte takers of eternall lyfe all those that wyth sure fayeth whiche he hym selfe steareth vp and nourisheth in vs acknowledge hym and the father in hym and thys same his mercie redemption and satisfaction Thys is the thinge that Esaye preacheth that my ryghtuous seruaunt shal iustifie many thorowe the knowledge of hym selfe that is to saye thorowe fayeth whereby we acknowledge hym as a sauiour And Daniel in the fourth Chapter Thorowe Christe transgression shall be finished synne shal take an ende and euerlastynge ryghtuousnesse shall be brought in As for the Gospell it is the ioyfull preachyng What the Gospel
shall be present in theyr exammation and conuersion But if anie refusyng godlie admonition and doctrine shall obstinately continue in theyr impietie the officer of that place muste brynge theyr cause before an higher magistrate He shall punishe suche accordynge to the state of the personne and erroure wyth banishmente or other sore paynes after the law of the empire and the tēporal cōstitutiō decreed set forth cōceruyng these matters For we wyll that thys be knowen to all men that none in our dominions or places subiecte to our rule shal be suffered that dareth alowe one or more of the Anabaptisticall errours We wyl haue the same maner vsed with all them whiche steare vp spreade abrode or allowe anie false doctrine that fighteth with the receyued articles of our fayth ¶ Of the administration of religion that is to saye of the handlynge and dispensation of the doctrine Sacramentes and discipline of Christ in the churche And fyrste of the maner and ordre of holy sermons ON the sondaies and holie daies the preachers shal reherse and declare to the people the wonted lesson of the Gospell betwene the administration of the Sacramente as the custome is and out of that lesson they shal teache the people admonishe and argue those thinges which they shall perceyue to be moste necessarie and profitable for christian lyfe And forasmuch as al the lessons of the holy scripture preache vnto vs of God to be acknowledged in Christe of his almightines and mercie of repentaunce and forgyuenes of synnes in the name of Christe a wyse and faithful preacher shal easely chose that thing chiefely out of euerie lesson that shall make to the health and edification of the present congregation Wherfore the pastours must haue great care of the people and trye at certeyne tymes howe muche euerie one hath profited in religion in what partenerie one staggereth and is readie to fal whether it be in the doctrine of fayth or concernynge the trust of Gods mercie or in the feare of the iudgement of God or in patience loue or orderynge of maners that timelie and holesome remedies maye euer be brought out of the worde of God as out of a plentifull apothe caries shop and layed to the greuous diseases and vices of the people The lessons of the scripture beinge recited in the begynnynge of sermons muste be diligently declared to the people and that whole togither For the worde of God must be propouned to the people that they maye learne it and be enstructed to godlines therby Wherfore so muche shal be declared as was reade to the people that they maye receyue some fruite of godlines thereby But the preachers and ministers of the cōgregations shall labour diligently herein that the doctrine and exhortation whiche they wyll vse before the lessons euer be referred to those thynges wherein the people is weakeste and they shall instantly beate in the thynges whiche they shall perceyue to further the amendemēt of the people and holesome institution whiche thynge we se that the holy fathers dyd also which fyrst declared in ordre the lesson that was recited and afterwarde taryed in those places chiefely in teachyng exhortyng and reprouyng that semed moste to further the institution admonition and correction of the people But bycause all doctrine and exhortation is then ryghtly perceyued and lette to sinke deeper into the mynde if it be deriued out of certaine principles knowen before as fundacion and cōcluded in the same the preachers muste referre all doctrine and exortation in theyr sermones to some place of a Catachisme or institution as to the ten commaundementes to the articles of our faithe the Lordes praier the Sacramentes and suche lyke principall poyntes of our religion And bycause that the whole christiane doctrine and what so euer perteyneth to godlines consisteth in these sūmaries and be meetelie well knowē to the people it bringeth great light to the doctrine and it moueth the people the more if the sermons shal be referred to these poyntes as to a certeyne marke and they shall shewe the people to what parte of the catechisme that that they teache perteyneth Thys thynge shall healpe muche to thys purpose that the people maye dayly growe more and more in all godlines fayeth in Christe and loue towarde theyr neighbour The pastoure muste also teache the people the common offices and dueties of thys lyfe accordynge to euerie mannes vocation as the office of maried folke one towardes an other the office of the parentes towarde theyr chyldrē and cōtrary wise What maisters owe to their seruaūtes and seruauntes to theyr maisters Howe the officers oughte to be estemed and all other gouernours howe greate reuerence we owe them howe we oughte to lyue wyth oure superiours equalles and inferiours These thynges must be often propouned and repeted in sermons chiefely on the holie dayes when a greate cōpany of people resorteth togyther And the prayses of ciuile lyfe muste be diligētly beaten into mē and chiefely the youth muste be accustomed wyth great diligence and arte to learne to haue a reuerent opinion of the officers of the lawes and of al politike thinges This reuerence is profitable to the common weale and is the nurse of great vertues On the sundayes and holie dayes at the euenyng prayers some exhortation muste be made which shal be chosen out of the epistle of the sundaye or holie day whiche the preachers when it is reade to the people shal interprete diligently They may if they wyll declare to the people the actes of the Apostles or one of the euangelistes or some epistle of Paule or the Psa●ter in ordre But let none of the preachers take in hāde to declare the bokes of Moyses the histories of the olde Testamente the prophetes but they to whom the Deanes shal committe that matter We wyll also that vpon the sundayes and holie dayes aswel in the mornynges as eueninges holie assembles be vsed holie lessons be propouned and prayers be made if there be ministers inowe and if muche people come thereunto For so seruauntes and other of the common people shall be better prouided for which can not euer come to the principall assembles of the churche In the mornyng let the catechisme be declared if it maye be if not let it be declared at euentide when the people resorte togyther For a certeyne houre on the holie dayes muste be appoynted for the ruder sorte and the youth to haue the Catechisme declared And that houre for the Catechisme shal be appoynted that is moste conuenient for the people And A Catechisme is an introductiō institution and instruction of the vnlearned in the wicke dayes two dayes or one at the leste muste be appoynted for the Catechisme from Marche to Nouember From that tyme vnto the spryngtyde the Catechisme maye be omitted on the workynge dayes by reason of youge chyldren whiche can not be present for the great colde In euerie congregation suche ministers must be chosen to the handling of
the Sacramente of Christes bodie and bloude The olde fathers administred thys Sacramente of the supper of the Lorde euen to infantes wyth Baptisme But seynge that that custome is worne awaye not wythout a cause it is conuenient and it perteyneth to godlines that the parētes wyth the godfathers and the kinsfolke whiche obteyne the moste holie Sacrament of regeneration for theyr infantes shoulde vse the supper of the Lorde wyth singuler desire of the spirite that they maye receyue the communion of Christe to them selues whiche they obteyne in Baptisme for theyr infātes Which thing healpeth to the edification of other also yea of the whole congregation and it commendeth the holie cōmunion of Christe to other Therfore that all thynges maye be done more diligently and wyth greater religion in the administration of holie Baptisme we wyll that when so euer it maye be conueniently done the Catechisme or instruction of the parentes and godfathers and the exorcisme of the infātes be exhibited the day before the holie daye or sunday that baptisme shal be ministred For seinge that Baptisme muste be ministred in an high administration whē al the church is gathered togither it is cōuenient that in these holie actions suche moderation of both the sacramētes be vsed that maye healpe to steare vp the deuotion of the people and that thorowe longe taryinge it gyue not some occasion of negligēce or of diminishynge the godlie feruentnes of the mynde Wherefore when it maye so be it shall be profitable to seperate in tyme the handlinge of the Catechisme and exorcisme from the ministration of baptisme after the custome of the olde fathers But when the people can not be commodiously present bicause that manie of them dwell farre from the temple or for some other iuste cause then the exorcisme and Catechisme may be handled wyth Baptisme Howe be it the pastours shall laboure as muche as is possible that thys moste holie Sacrament of Baptisme whiche is the first adoption receyuyng and entrynge into the kyngdome of Christe be not administred and receyued but before the whole congregation wyth greate grauitie and reuerence Whē the Catechisme then and exorcisme shal be handled the daye before Baptime let the infantes be brought forth at the euening assēble at the whiche people bycause of the holie day folowyng or sundaye is wont to be present The parentes and the kinsfolke after the exemple of the olde saintes muste also be presente and brynge theyr Infantes to the temple Which and other being come togyther the pastours and ministers muste fyrste playnely declare the misterie of holie Baptisme and the exceadynge benifittes of God exhibited therein to them whiche brought the chyldren and to the reste of the people with singuler grauitie and religion Secondly they shal exhorte thē to a godlie and faythfull receyuyng of so greate a Sacramente and so inestimable benefittes of Christe Then they shall require of the parētes godfathers to renounce Satā the worlde and to confesse the principal articles of our fayth and religion whiche confession and renunciation they muste make playnly and grauely before the whole congregation ¶ A fourme of Catechisme that is to saye of institution exhortation and demaundes made to the godfathers and all them that brynge infantes to holie Baptisme FYrste the pastoure other ministers standynge by hym shall thus exhorte them whiche brynge the infantes to Baptisme Beloued in Christe Iesu we heare dayly out of the worde of God and learne by our owne experience that all we from the fal of Adam are conceyued and borne in synnes that we are giltie of the wrath of God and damned thorowe the synne of Adam except we be deliuered by the death and merites of the sonne of God Christe Iesu our onely sauiour Seinge then that these present infantes be borne in the same state and condition that we were it is playne that they also be spotted wyth originall synne and disease and that they be subiecte to eternall death and damnation But God the father accordynge to his vnspeakeable gentlenes and mercie towardes mankynde sent his sonne to saue the worlde Wherfore he wyll also that these infantes be saued He bare the synnes of all the worlde and deliuered and saued aswell the infantes as vs whiche be of greater age from synnes death the diuel and euerlastynge damnation which would haue the infantes to be offered vnto hym that he myghte gyue them his blessynge Wherfore according to your christiā godlines take thys childe bryng him vnto Christ and offre hym wyth your godly prayers that he may obteyne of him remission of his synnes and be remoued into the kyngdome of grace beinge deliuered from the tirrannie of Satan and that he maye be made heyre of eternal saluation And be ye most certeine hereof that oure Lorde Iesus Christe wyll mercifully regarde thys worke of your charitie towardes thys infant and that he wyll heare your prayers for he him selfe thus cōmaunded wyth hys worde Suffre the litleones to come vnto me for vnto such perteyneth the kingdome of God Wherefore beloued I exhorte you and beseche you as manie as be present that you wyll religiously considre wyth your selues the greatnes of thys ministration and worke that we go aboute For ye se howe the churche humbly but constantly bryngeth hither these miserable weake infantes destitute of al strēgth Wyth whiche dede they confesse playnely that they be the childrē of the wrath of God of synne and euerlastyng death They pray for them wyth godlie and feruent wishes desiring to obteyne for them the grace and healpe of God that thorowe baptisme beinge borne agayne of God they may be the chyldren of God Thynke not then that anie triflynge or chyldishe thynge is handled in thys holie administration wherein warre is taken in hande agaynste Satan wherein he is not onely dryuen out of the infant but the infant is bound with an othe that he euer warre agayng hym as the enemie of his kynge Christ vnto his last breath wyth all his power Wherefore God must be called vpon wyth greate confidence and moste feruent prayers that he wyll not onely deliuer thys chylde from the power of Satan but also strēgthen and defende hym that thorowe out all his lyfe and chiefely in the poynt of death he maye stande fyght agaynst Satan valiauntly Wherefore lyfte ye vp your myndes also and thynke that you muste in thys place heare the worde of God wyth singuler deuotion that you muste call vpon God with lyuely fayth and that here you are prouoked to prayer for a moste weightie cause Therefore behaue your selues so that God maye se your religion and allowe it neither suffre ye that thys moste holie Sacramente of Baptisme be vnworthelie handled thorowe you and be made a mocke vnto Satan and so shame be done to God whiche here powreth forth so greate ryches of his grace For he hym selfe calleth thys Sacramente the lauer of regeneration whereby he maketh vs his owne sonnes heyres of
euerlastynge lyfe and part takers of all his benifittes bycause we be the coheyres of his Christe beinge deliuered from the tirannie of the diuell synne death and hell Wherefore I beseche you for Gods sake and your saluation that ye wyll worthely esteme and thankefully embrace so wonderfull abundaunt grace of God whiche is exhibited in thys Sacrament For Baptisme is a greate comforte vnto vs in oure daungers and afflictions and it is the fyrste entraunce vnto all the benifittes of God and to the blessed feloshyppe of all saintes Therefore that we maye considre thys vnspeakeable benifitte of God wyth a presenter minde and greater religion we must fyrste remembre into howe greate euyls the fall of Adam thrue vs. And contrariewyse how vnmeasurable grace God exhibited to mankynde thorow his sonne in that that he hath redemed vs from the same euylles by baptisme Thirdly howe thys so great mercie of God ought to be euer before our eyes in all perilles and with howe great prayses we should magnifie the grace of god which we haue receyued thorowe baptisme Fyrste then we muste considre wyth all diligence that all we thorowe the synne of Adam and enuie of Satan be subiect to the wrath of God and moreouer damned and be holden prisonners vnder the power and kyngdome of the diuell vndre death synne and hell so that we being by nature the children of wrath coulde appease God by no strength of man no vertues or workes For all that is in vs and all our workes be cursed of God and subiecte to the tirannie of Satan by reason of our corrupted nature For seinge that thorowe the inobedience of our fyrst Adam of whō we are all borne into this natural and earthlie lyfe we come al into the worlde giltie and cursed of God so that we muste all dye in hym and beare his earthie Image in thys mortall bodie it feloweth that all our lyfe and all the dedes of our nature so corrupted be condemned of God though they appeare neuer so godlie and holie before men For what so euer is borne of fleshe is flesh that is to say straūge from God repugning to the spirite and adiudged to death and hell Wherefore fleshe and bloud shal not atteine to the kyngdome of God For whatsoeuer is fleshe it sauoureth fleshely thynges and so lyueth it is an aduersarie to God for it is not subiecte to the lawe of God Wherefore they that be fleshely can not please God the wysedome of the fleshe is death And therefore oure Lorde Christe disputyng wyth Nicodemus concludeth thus Verely verely I saye vnto the excepte a man be borne agayne of water and of the spirite he can not entre into the kyngdome of God Secondly we must considre howe plentifull the grace of God gyuen to vs in baptisme is wherin his bountuousnes and loue towardes men truly appeareth in asmuche as he hath saued vs not thorowe the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we had done but accordyng to his mercie by the lauer of regeneration and renouation of the holie gost For he thorow the vertue of his worde washeth awaye and abolisheth whatsoeuer maketh vs giltie and condemneth vs as in olde tyme he drouned in the redde sea the enemies of his people and destroyed al mākynde wyth the floude eyghte soules reserued whiche were saued in the arke So this lauer of water saueth vs thorow the word not in washyng away the fyl●h of the fleshe as it chaunseth in all other washynges but thorowe the certification of a good cōscience towardes God by the resurrectiō of Iesus Christ For by the vertue of Goddes couenaunt we are cleansed in our cōsciences and we are certified both thorow the worde and an outwarde signe that all the synnes that defiled and condemned vs be playnly abolished bycause they be forgyuē and be dead Therfore thorowe baptisme we determine certeynly that we are acceptable vnto God and ioyned vnto hym wyth an euerlastyng couenaunt of grace so that nothynge can seperate vs frō hym or condemne vs. Wherfore hensforth we muste not onely eschewe synnes but also feare them and abhorre frō them none otherwyse then from hel as men dead vnto synnes For all we as S. Paule wytnesseth whiche be baptised into Christe Iesus be baptised into his death for we are buryed wyth hym into death Therfore we be dead to synne and to the whole olde mā and broughte forth in Christe so farre that nothynge can condemne vs or seperate vs from the grace of God For he that is deade is iustified from synne he is no more subiecte to the tirannie of synne death and hell though he feele the remnauntes of synne in the fleshe yet those be not imputed vnto cōdemnation by reason of the iustification of the spirite in Christe Furthermore Baptisme worketh a newe lyfe in vs and acceptable to God For as Christe was reysed from the deade by the glory of the father so he worketh in vs with his spirite that we also maye walke in newnes of lyfe For if we be grafted in hym by the lykenes of his death surely we shal also be part takers of his resurrection vnto euerlastyng lyfe knowinge thys that oure olde man is crucified wyth him that the bodie of synne should be abolished that hereafter we serue not vnto synne Wherfore let vs recōpte that we be dead to sinnes in dede and liue to God in Christ our Lorde in whom also we be circumcised wyth a circūcision made wythout handes whyle we put of the bodie of synnes thorow the circūcision of Christ We are buried wyth hym thorow baptisme wherein we haue also rysen agayne wyth hym by the fayth of the workynge of God For God whiche raysed Christe from the deade hath quickened vs with him euen when we were dead thorowe synnes by the vncircumcision of the fleshe or fleshly lyfe For though our lyfe be hidden in God with Christ yet whē Christe our lyfe shall appeare then shall we also in hym be manifested in glorie as men whom God of his exceadyng mercie hath begotten agayne into a lyuely hope thorow the resurrection of Iesus Christe from the dead vnto I saye an incorriruptible inheritaunce vndefiled and that fadeth not away not of corruptible seede but vncorruptible namely the lyuely worde of God by which worde baptisme consisteth and worketh all the forsayed thynges in vs truely and effectuously Thyrdly we shall cōfort our selues with so great excellencie of the grace of God and benifittes bestowed vpon vs thorowe baptisme and we shall euer thanke God and that so muche the more studiously as we shall be oppressed wyth more greuous calamities confirmynge our fayth hereby that God worketh in vs mortifieth the olde mā and repayreth the newe though not after a visible sorte yet by the vertue of baptisme thorowe the worde and the spirite Wherefore lette vs confirme oure consciences and thynke that God careth for vs and that for the merite of his sonne we be acceptable and deare to hym and when we be
of Angels and sundry appearynges to his disciples but also by his ascension into heauen and wonderfull sendynge of the holie goste and many other miracles and signes that nothynge more certeyne euer chaunced vndre the sunne Neither did he rise from the dead for his owne cause onely but for asmuch as he abolished our dette and sinne thorowe his death the mercie and bountuousnes of God is so great towardes vs whiche beleue in Christ that he wyll not onely forgyue our synnes for Christes sake but wyll also gyue vs the fruite of his resurrection and in verie death preserue vs vnto euerlastynge lyfe He the●● that trusteth in Christe is plāted into Christ thorow faith so far that he is made a mēbre of hym Your bodies sayeth Paule be the membres of Christe And in an other place God hath putte all thynges vndre his feete and hath made hym an heade aboue al thinges vnto the congregation it selfe whiche is his bodye the fulfyllynge of hym whiche fulfylleth al thynges in all Seing then that Christe the heade of the congregation atteyned to euerlastyng lyfe and glorie thorowe his resurrection from death it is not possible that one of his membres planted in him thorowe fayth shoulde not atteyne to the same For though it be deade buried rottē wasted corrupted yet it muste needes come to passe that it shal be raysed vp againe in due tyme vnto lighte and lyfe and so enioyne eternall blisfulnes with Christe For thys cause christian men departed are not called deade but are sayed to be a sleepe euerye where in the scriptures S. Paule confirmeth this our fayth whē he saith that as Iesus died and rose againe so God shal bringe them agayne with hym whiche are fallen a sleepe thorowe Iesus He sayth thus also Philip. iij. Our cōuersation is in heauen from whence we loke for a sauiour Iesus the Lorde which shal transfigure our base bodie that he may make it like vnto his glorious bodie etc. Whiche thynge that it may be more euident the Apostle teacheth vs not onely that the deliueraunce of the faythful frō death raysyng vp againe vnto euerlastyng reste shal be moste certeine but also he addeth wyth expresse wordes i. Thessa iiij with howe great glorie and maiestie these thynges shal be done For thus he speaketh Thys we say to you in the worde of the Lorde that no man shulde thynke that these be dreames or imaginations of mēnes braynes but that it is the Lordes worde and therefore heauē and earth must needes passe awaye rather then one iote thereof shoulde fayle and thys is that true and euerlastyng and vnchaungeable worde of the Lorde that we whiche shall lyue and remayne vnto the Lordes cōming shal not preuent thē whiche sleepe For the Lorde him selfe shall descende from heauen wyth a shoute and voice of the Archangell and trompe of God that is to saye wyth so great glorie and maiestie as was neuer sene in the earth before and the deade shal fyrste ryse agayne wyth Christe and then we whiche shal be aliue which shal remayne shal be caught vp with them in the cloudes into the ayre to mete the Lorde and so we shal be euer wyth the Lorde Seinge then that thys our brother whō we haue nowe brought to hys graue was baptised in the name of Christe and embraced his gospell and confirmed and declared the same his fayth with communicatinge at the Lordes supper and finally departed in the confession of Christ we haue good hope that God hath forgiuen him hys sinnes for Christ sake hath receyued hym in to the fauour and so ioyned him to the death and resurrection of hys beloued sonne that at the sounde of the trompe of the archaungel in a moment in the twinckling of an eye he shal come out of hys graue to meete Christ and shall obteyne with al the sayntes the inheritaūce of the heauenly kingdome and enioye euerlastinge blisfulnes Wherefore lette vs also giue thankes to oure Lorde God for him and lette vs besech hym ernestly that he wyll brynge vs to the true knowledge of Christ thorough the holi gost whereby we maye ouer come death and be kepte in death it selfe vnto euerlastinge life thorough Christe our Lorde praie ye oure father which art c. ❧ Another buriall sermon Forasmuch as it hath pleased almyghtye God that accordynge to hys mercye he woulde take thys oure brother out of thys worlde vnto hym selfe to whose buriall we are come together of brotherlie loue in the name of Christe it shall not be vnprofitable to set before you the Euangelicall lesson of Lazarus raysed vp by Christe whiche is in Iohn Chap. xi in thys sorte Martha sayed vnto Iesus Lorde if thou haddest bene here my brother had not bene dead etc. In this Gospell Christe promiseth to Martha that hir brother shall ryse againe and streighte waye he called hym agayne to lyfe beinge foure dayes dead Howbeit we must not thinke that Christ wyth thys notable miracle woulde signifie that euery mā after foure dayes shal be raysed vp to this temporall and momētaine life as Lazarꝰ was but with this acte he would cōfirme and establishe the truth of his Gospell whiche he comprehended in thys place with fewe wordes and as it were in a sūme saiyng I am the resurrectiō and lyfe he that beleueth in me though he be deade he shall lyue and euery one that lyueth and beleueth in me shall not dye for euer And though the face of death by reason of sinne be very terrible and horrible as one that of hir owne nature draweth wyth hir euerlastyng dānation yet seing that Christe hath abolished sinne and escaped the dominion of death thorowe his resurrection he hath taken also frō death all hir power and strength so that who so beleueth in him and is planted into his body thorowe fayth as a liuely mēbre he shall be preserued in death it selfe and shal be trāslated frō death to lyfe As Paule testifieth Christ is rissen from the deade he was the first fruite of thē that had fallen a sleepe For seing that death came by man the resurrection of the dead cometh also by man For as by Adam all men dye so by Christe al men be quickened etc. Wherfore the death of thē whiche cleane to the body of Christe thorowe fayth ought not to be compted suche as shoulde haue strēgth to destroye and condemne but suche as before God is compted precious and is as it were entronised cōsecrated of Christ to be the dore and entry into euerlasting life Though the bodie then beinge buried in the earth vanishe away and be cōfounded from the eyes of mē yet God which is almightie preserueth the life of it As a grayne of corne cast vpō the earth first dieth and afterward bringeth forth fruite so god hath also ordeined that mānes body being now rotten and consumed shoulde yet be restored agayne vnto lyfe This is a diuinite and an vnchaungeable truth that this selfe same
thorowe the trust of Goddes promises he obtayned the couenaūt of grace and of his saluation and became deare to God yet that he dyed a straunger in the lande promised to hym and to hys posteritie Whō neuertheles though he were a straūger and had no certayne possession in the lande God merueilously guyded wyth his posteritie and defended from all harme and encreased hym wyth as maner of blessinges Of whō singeth the Psal Ciij When they were verie fewe in numbre and went from nation to nation and frō kyngdome to kyngdome he suffered not anie man to do them wronge and he pinished kinges for theyr sakes toutche not myne anoynted and hurte not my prophetes Vnbeliefe was the cause of miseries and punishementes in the olde people Thorowe the same fayth of his grace he gouerned and guided the other patriarches and the vniuersal people of Israell whiche were truly the people of Israel and the childrē of the promises And what so euer calamitie happened vnto them it was a punishment of theyr vnbeliefe bycause they had not obeyed to Goddes voice Finally the cōgregation must be taught thys thinge also diligently that that couenaunte Thorowe Christ all benifittes happened to the fathers of grace and al other benifites were obtained confirmed and exhibited to the fathers by the sonne of God Christ the Lorde the euerlastinge worde of the father Al thei desired to see hys daye and than they beganne to enioye the promised blessinges whan they sawe that daye he speake wyth the fathers he guyded them and fedde thē not onely wyth corporal manna rayninge doune from heauen and wyth water drawne out of the rocke by the power of God but also with spiritual meate and drinke of blessede participation wyth hym and heauenly lyfe whiche he gyueth to his whereof Paule speaketh saiyng Al eate the same spirituall meate and dranke the same spiritual drinke For they dranke of the spiritual stone folowynge them that is of Christ Wherfore they receiued the same spirituall meate and drinke namely Christe the Lorde not onely amonge them selues but also together with vs though that meate and drinke horough vnbeliefe profited not al. Wherfore lette the preachers with al diligence teach and cōfirme this thinge perpetually that al benifittes of God that were exhibited to the fathers frō the beginninge and al that be bestowed vpon vs haue ben gyuen and be gyuen by Christe onely the blessed seede of Abraham the heade and sauiour of the vniuersal churche ¶ Of the difference of the olde and newe Testament FOr as muche as not onelye Saynte Paule but also the prophete Ieremie putteth a playne difference betwene the newe and olde Testamente affirmynge that the newe Testamente pertayneth to the commynge of Christe and the olde to Moses and the olde people the preachers shal diligently obserue this difference that the places of the scripture concerning the olde testamēt and the new and olde people maye be handsomely interpreted that they wythdrawe nothynge from the grace and benifittes of God promised and exhibited either to the fathers or to vs as some are wounte to doe not vnderstandinge sufficiently the wordes of Paule Of which men some affirme that those thinges that God did with the fathers were al only corporall and erathle and so much as they can they ouer throwe or doe not ryghtly regarde manye goodlye benifities of God amonge vs and holesome ordinaunces as officers iudgementes restraynynge of malefactours whiche thynges they saye pertayne not at all to the newe Testament Other thorowe the same ignoraunce of the Gospell and newe Testament gyue more then is conueniente to iudaicall rytes and ceremonies and they set forth the obseruation of them wyth the hurte of fayeth in Christ euē in this time of christian libertie Wherfore the preachers shal obserue that A double vnderstandynge of the olde testamente one as God instituted it an other as men abuse it the prophetes the apostles speake muche otherwise of the olde Testament whē they speake of it as it was at the begyunyng cōfirmed to Abraham Moyses and all the olde people then when they haue matter in hande conceruyng the Iewes whiche brake thys couenaunte in dede and onely bosted outwarde ceremonies wythout fayeth in Christe and true obedience towardes God For when they speake of the olde Testament after the first maner that is to saye as it was deliuered from God to the fathers they testifie that it is the couenaunte of the grace of God and that it conteyneth in it the promises of Christe the Mediatoure They call the people that keepe it the fyrst begotten and peculiar people of God the kinglie priesthode the holy people to whom in thys promise I wyll be your God etc. God promised thorowe his sonne his euerlastyng mercie remission of synnes adoption to be sonnes and heyres and therfore a newe and blessed lyfe For God bestoweth all these benifites vpon them to whom he sheweth hym selfe God Which thing may appeare hereby that Christe proueth to the Saddnceis the blessed resurrection of saintes which is a passage into a newe and blessed lyfe by thys that God testified that he was the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob which then were deade in theyr bodies For it was knowen euen amonge the Sadduceis that God is not the God of the dead but of the quycke that is to saye of them that lyue well and blisfully Thys folowed then euidently that al they to whō suche promise was made muste necessarely be raysed from death to lyfe wherein they should be heyres euē after the fleshe of saluation and euerlastyng lyfe whiche God promised them whē he testified that he was theyr God Wherfore that olde couenaūt or Testamēt made with the fathes cōprehēdeth also remission of sinnes grace and adoption into the children of God the gyuinge of the holye goste by whome he circumcided and renued theyr hertes and certified them of saluation and perpetual gouernaunce and protection And for the confirmation of thys grace he deliuered vnto them the whole religion the lawe and the possession of the lande of Canaan al that did he thorough Christe our onely mediator and sauioure and for this cause god setteth forth so greatly this his leige and he calleth the lawe and his statutes the couenaunte of life and wysedome wherein the people of Israel excelled a● nations he wytnessed wyth thys leige that he is presēt with his that he dwelleth amonge them heareth theyr prayers and deliuereth them from al daungers For whiche causes Paule also wrote of the Iewes Romano iii. and ix cha that the oracles of God were deliuered vnto them and adoption and the glorye of the childrē of God and the worshippinge of God and that Christ the Lorde was gyuē them with all the benifittes of God For thys cause also he declareth and proueth to the Gala. iii. that we whiche beleue in Christe be the children of Abraham and of the new testament after that we haue putte on Christe thorough
washeth them and doth other thinges pertainyng to nuresing and when she enstructeh them vnto the inuocation of God and religion But the chiefest worshipping of God resteth in these poyntes if they be done in fayth that is if the mother truste that she is acceptable to God for Christes sake and beleue that hyr doinges please God for the same mans sake if she call for healpe of God to the perfourmaunce of those thynges that he wyll prosper them and make them holesome finally that he wyll keepe and nourishe vp hir infant and gouerne his lyfe in all thynges After thys sorte our fayth muste be exercised in al other busines and offices of thys lyfe Magistrates and wariars be exercised wyth sundrie daungers troubles and difficulties Neuertheles if they execute their office after thys maner and wyth suche fayth as we haue spoken of all suche thynges be worshippinges of God Thys is no small consolation to a godlie mynde And it is the true propre doctrine of the Gospel which Adam Noe Abraham Iacob Ioseph Samuel Dauid and Paule taught ¶ The fourth question Why are good workes to be done ¶ Answer Firste because God hath commaunded them Al creatures serue God and be made to the obedience of God It is euident then that seinge that man ought to shewe obedience vnto God Goddes commaundement is the fyrst chiefest cause why we shoulde do good workes And in as muche as God hath cōmaunded good workes it foloweth of the same cause that they that exercise not them selues in wel working but continue in the contempt of Goddes cōmanndementes deserue euerlastynge paynes Howe be it God punisheth sinnes in this lyfe also with infinite miseries Thys thē is an other cause whiche oughte to steare vp our myndes to worke well that we fal not into euerlasting paynes For so Paule sayeth i. Corhin vi Erre not Neither adulterers nor worshippers of Images etc. shall possesse the kyngdome of God And Gala. v. They whiche do suche thynges shall not possesse the kingdome of God The thyrde cause of doing good workes is verie necessarie for that that it is not possible that a true fayth and a certayne truste in Christe can stande wythout perfecte conuersion vnto God or wyth synnes whiche are committed agaynst a mannes cōscience These thynges appeare playnly by the verie nature of fayth For fayth is that assent to the Gospell out of whiche there aryseth a sure confidence of Goddes mercie promised for Christes sake But suche a trust can not stande with a purpose of sinning wherin there is a manifest comtempte of God and an vndoubted prouocation of Goddes wrath By reason of thys fyghtynge betwene fayth and synne Paule sayed that what so euer is not of fayeth is synne signifiynge that the nature of fayth is suche that it bringeth forth good fruites of it selfe Wherfore whē a mā sinneth as that is done by wrōge confidence so the truste in Christe is reiected and grace and eternall lyfe is cast awaye and mannes saluation is paste remedie excepte he recouer a trust in Christe and puttynge awaye all wronge affiaunce he wholly restore hym selfe into the obedience of God The large promises of Goddes reward ministre the forth cause of good workes For it is the commaundement of God that his moste ample promises shoulde be preached to all men As Paule sayeth Godlines is profitable vnto all thynges and hath a promise of the present lyfe and of the lyfe to come And we shewed before that euyll workes be punished wyth euerlastyng paynes whiche yet often tymes haue their begynnynge in thys lyfe as it apppeareth in Saul Achab Iuda So contrarie wise God requireth their workes that repent wyth eternall rewardes Howe be it thys fundation of our saluation standeth styll that is to say the trust of euerlasting lyfe in Christ the Lorde whereof we spake before namely that we obtaine remission of synnes euerlastyng lyfe thorow fayth for Christes sake and not for the worthines of our workes For thys sentence standeth fast and sure in which the Lorde testifieth of him selfe Ihō vi Thys is the wyll of the father that euerie one that beleueth in the sonne shall haue eternall lyfe For though God thorowe a merueilous purpose suffre his churche to be pressed greuously with the crosse and exerciseth it with great miseries as shal be sayed hereafter yet forasmuche as he wyll be knowen to men in thys lyfe and be magnified he steareth vp preserueth and defendeth the preachers of his name the teachers of his Gospell and also the hearers as he promised that his churche shoulde continue here vnto the ende of the worlde Therfore for thys purpose that his church maye continue perpetually he dealeth forth sundrie giftes of his spirite and he gyueth to his sayntes that thorowe good workes they deserue the encrease of vertues accordynge to the worde of Christ there shal be gyuen to him that hath And seinge that in thys life we haue neede of fode peace lawfull gouernaunce of the common weale health etc. God addeth these thynges also and recompenseth the good workes of his therwyth yet with thys moderation that neuertheles he holdeth styll his churche vndre the crosse Of thys rewarde of good workes Christe speaketh Gyue and there it shal be gyuen vnto you And Esaie xxxiij He that walketh in ryghtuousnes etc. shall dwell in an high and therfore a sure place He shall not wante meate and drynke his eyes shall se the kynge in his glorie So though Esaie Hieremie Daniel and Paule were pressed wyth sundrie and moste grenous aflictions yet God after a merueylous forte preserued them a greate whyle in lyfe and ministred vnto them abundauntly thynges necessarie for lyfe And surely for thys cause God promised vs corporall goodes that being steared vp thorowe such promises we shoulde exercise fayth and inuocation and laboure the more to be busie in good workes When thou hearest then that God commaundeth the to gyue almes and addeth his promises that he wyll gyue the agayne fode and other good thinges Giue thyne almes liberally and exercise thy faith therin and confirme thy mynde that it is God that gyueth the corne a lyuynge and all good thinges that maynteyneth the and thyne and that he wyll recompence thy liberalitie shewed for his sake And whē thou considerest these thynges wyth fayeth and hast afterwarde confirmed thys sentence of fayth in thy mynde thou muste exercise also the inuocation of God and trustynge in his promises thou muste praye hym thorowe Christe his sonne that as he hath promised he wyll gyue the thynges necessarie for life and maynteyne the and thyne and thou muste also wyth a sure hope loke for those thynges whiche thou haste so prayed for of hym nothynge doubtynge but that he wyl gyue them to the as farre as they maye be good for the in dede For if the mynde be so farre from God and so emptie of the truste of his goodnes that it can not so muche as aske
when thou arte rebuked of hym for whō the Lorde loueth him he correcteth etc. S. Paule sayeth the same thynge i. Cor. xi When we are chastised we are corrected of the Lorde that we be not condemned wyth thys worlde Item Ro. viij We knowe that to them that loue God all thynges worke for good to them I saye whiche be called according to his determined will Thirdly they muste be taughte that the crosse and aflictions be a schole wherein we are wel nourtured and enstructed of the wil of God For Christe sayeth Luke xiiij He that beareth not his crosse and foloweth me can not be my disciple For we ought not to acknowledge an other maister vpon earth If then we can not be his disciples excepte we take our crosse vpō vs we can not learne of hym the thynges that pertayne to oure saluation wythout the crosse and afliction Wherefore S. Paule exhorteth vs also Ro. xij to gyue our bodies a lyuely sacrifice to be killed with the crosse and that we should trie what the good wyl of God is etc. For we learne manie thynges vnder the crosse and aflictions which it skylleth vs to know vnto our saluation Of al whiche neuertheles the summe and ende is to acknowledge the good and fatherly wil of God towarde vs. But we wyll reherse some of these thinges Some vndre the crosse acknowledge their weaknes and sinnes which otherwise they would not haue founde in them selues as Iob. For when he had a while keept and shewed patience vnto God at the last being broken and ouercome wyth the moste greuous calamities wherewith the Lorde exercised hym he curssed the daye of his natiuitie and murmured agaynste God whiche faute he would neuer haue thought to haue bene in hym wythout the crosse In the crosse then we feele how much euil hangeth yet in vs the secrete vices of oure herte and naughtie concupiscence of our nature is brought forth and disclosed vnto vs. Wherfore they whiche are impatient in tribulations whiche be discouraged or moued wyth some kynde of reuengynge or flee to euyll craftes and remedies of deuyls or about the confession of the name of Christe shoulde backe and abiure the Gospel or do some thynge vngodlie and vnworthie of christian profession suche men maye learne thorowe theyr fall that they do not yet truly beleue God For such falles are vndoubted fruites of infidelitie and thei proue those men whiche so fall to distruste God and to despeyre of his gooddes healpe and that they truste in them selues and in other creatures yea in witchcraftes and moreouer in the deuyl hym selfe They then whiche beinge tried wyth the crosse fynde that there hangeth in them greate wickednes whiche they knewe not before and that they were counterfaites and emptie of true fayeth ought to be agast and to quake at this their ●ngodlines and to be moued wyth earneste repentaunce and to flee wyth all their herte vnto Christe whiche maye deliuer them of thys infidelitie gyue them stronge fayth etc. For God sendeth such miseries and tribulations for thys purpose that in them mē myghte beholde trie and acknowledge thē selues in a glasse For whyle they be in prosperitie they lyue carelesly they runne not to God they neglecte to heare his worde they call not vpon God they thynke that they knowe him and haue all thynges that they neede Some vndre the crosse call their synnes passed to remembraunce and weygh them worthely at length and lamente them and truly repent of them For whyle they haue all thynges at pleasure for the moste parte they neglecte their sinnes they despice the wrath of God and thynke it not to be so muche as they heare it to be preached But when the crosse and afliction cometh vpon thē their mynde is aflight it cōsidereth not that the thynges whiche it suffereth be the scourges of Goddes wrath it feareth leste God wyll shewe him selfe hereafter a rigorous iudge and reuenger of wicked actes and not a gentle father The man considereth in thys chastising of God al his sinnes whereby he desirued the punishmentes a greate whyle before whiche he nowe suffereth he weigheth them worthely at the last and condemneth him selfe and sayeth wyth him selfe in thys and that synne I well deserued thys correction of God If then true repentaunce come into his mynde and if he flee to the mercie of God in Christ he is healped also with grace For God therfore sendeth vs aflictions that we shoulde acknowledge oure sinnes that we shoulde condemne our selues and turne to the Lorde as Paul monisheth i. Cor. xi sayinge for this cause that is to saye bicause ye celebrate the supper of the Lorde vnworthely and not religiously there be many weake and feeble amonge you and manie sleepe and he addeth if we had iudged our selues that is to say if we had repented our sinnes and amended our life we should not be iudged that is we should not be subiected to so manie euyls But when we iudge not oure selues God iudgeth and chastiseth vs not wyth an enemous but wyth a beniuolent and fatherlie mynde that he maye putte vs in remembraunce of our synnes and call vs againe to repentaunce and this it is that he sayeth afterwarde But when we be iudged of God we be corrected that we be not cōdemned wyth the worlde Such then learne in the crosse the boūtuous and fatherly will of God in that that they knowe that God wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he be conuerted and lyue as Ezechiell testifieth xviij Whereunto he driueth euen wyth his scourges Other in the crosse acknowledge not their synnes onely or not chiefely as men hauing obteyned remission therof and which sinnes be couered by the mercie of God but they gette muche more knowledge of the mercie and excedynge goodnes of God as he that was borne blyude Iohn ix Of whom whē the disciples had moued a questiō whether he or his Parentes had synned that he shoulde be borne blynde Iesus answered neither hath thys man synned nor his Parentes but that the workes of God maye be made manifest in him etc. Of thys sorte be the aflictions of them whiche haue somwhat profited in christian religion For God is muche redier to giue and to healpe then we be to aske it whiche thynge appeareth euidently by thys that he steareth vs vp wyth so manie his preceptes and promises to pray to him selfe promising also that he wyl gyue vs what so euer we aske in the name of Christe his sonne Therefore that we maye acknowledge this his so bountuous and verie fatherly loue towardes vs he layeth a crosse vpon vs wherein he constrayneth vs to call vpon hym that hearing vs and deliuering from euyls and heaping benifittes vpon vs he may declare his good wyll towarde vs and moue vs to loue hym agayne and to magnifie hym accordyng to the sentence of the Psal Call vpon me in the daye of trouble and I wyll deliuer the and thou shalte
goodnes diuine maiestie God hymselfe in Christ the Lord may be preached glorified acknoledged called vpon and magnified among our selues and in all the world thorowe manifest sincere and constant confession and preachyng of the Gospel openly and priuately with al mennes wordes and dedes The second wish is that at this preachyng of Gods name his kyngdome come dayly to vs to al called to the same more mightely and aboundauntly that is to say that the heauenly father wil poure vpon vs euer more plentifully the spirit of his sonne which maye brynge to passe that a iust and pure ministration of religion and dispensation of the worde sacramētes and holy lernyng may florysh and preuayle among vs and euery where all they whiche beleue in his name beyng so ioyned together and copled as it were members into his bodye so that thys selfe same body maye be repared and augmented both in number of thē that pertayne to the church also in encrease of their godlines which be alredy come to the church by euery manne that liueth in Christ specially by the holy ministre of the church But because sinne dwelling in vs and offences commyng from without hindre thys worke of the holy Gost that though we be in the church in the kyngdom of Christ and therein be dayly enstructed to godlines yet we go slouly forwarde in the same he dyd well to adde the thirde petition wherewyth we praye that Goddes wyll be done in vs whiche yet lyue in the earth and be depressed with the grosse lompe of the bodie so as it is done in heauē by the holie spirites thys burthen of the fleshe and these lettes of the worlde beinge remoued wyth lyke prompnes and studie whether we muste do or susfre any thynge for the name of Christ And bicause that as long as we lyue here we haue neede of meate and drynke and other necessaries of thys lyfe as prosperous health and good administration of the common weale in the fourth petition we desire that also vndre the name of dayly breade that we maye the better and more cōmodiouslie sanctifie the name of God promute his kyngdome and go forwarde in the same wyth all godlines We are commaunded to aske these necessaries of lyfe dayly that we maye considre that they be not layed vp in oure storehouses but in the prouidence of God and that they be euer ministred vnto vs of the free beniuolence of God and not gotten by our industrie or strength howe be it euerie man oughte to applie his industrie and labour to thys bountuousnes of God accordynge to the worde of God He addeth our and dayly bread epiousion that is to saye that whiche the instant and present vse of lyfe requireth that he maye teach vs that in these bodilie thynges we oughte to aske nor gette no more then the neede of our lyfe requireth to prouide the kyngdome of Christe in our neighbours and moreouer that we shoulde acknowledge that measure of thys oure neede that the heauenlie father hath limited and not that oure vnmeasurable desire appointeth to whom it perteineth alone to meate out to vs his chyldren oure measure that we maye thinke that to be our breade and not doubte but that it shall suffice vs abundauntly to lyue well and godlie that the heauenlie father shall gyue vs what so euer it be In these partes then of thys fourme of prayinge the Lorde hath taughte vs what good thinges we muste pray for of the heauenlie father both spirituall and corporall Afterwarde he teacheth to praye for the remouing of euyls namely our misdedes and synnes whiche we euer cōmitte and the punishmentes that we owe to Goddes iustice for the same Wherefore he taughte vs to praye Forgyue vs oure dettes For we do neuer our duetie so religiouslie in those thinges whiche God hath cōmaunded but that yet we owe a great deale more vnto the full obedience of Gods lawe Nowe we do not onely runne into those dettes of the law not fulfilled and heape daylie more and more but also we committe manie thinges playnlie against the lawe for which we are endetted to God of greuous punishmentes And we can paye neither of these two kyndes of dettes For we do not only neuer satisfie the lawe whereby we runne in newe dettes of the lawe not fulfilled but also oftentymes we committe manie thynges agaynste the lawe of God whereby we runne into infinite dettes of punishmentes Wherefore the Lorde taught vs to fleee onely to the mercie of the heauenlie father thorowe hym selfe for we muste praye for all these thynges in his name and to desire forgyuenes of oure dettes and he addeth no condition of satisfiyng For the Lorde alone hath satisfied for our synnes and he gyueth vs that satisfaction when we committe our selues vnto him But he woulde haue vs to professe that we wyll forgyue all the dettes that oure neighbours maye owe vnto vs either bicause against humanitie they haue done vs wrong or bicause they haue not done theyr duetie towardes vs and he wyl that this thinge be surely perfourmed For seinge that God in al his commaundementes prescribeth onely those thynges vnto vs whiche perteine to our health and felicitie he made this the summe of our preceptes that we loue and healpe one an other with a sincere herte and perpetuall beniuolence and he requireth verie straitlie that frō the hert we forgiue one an other mutual offences which euer more happen thorow the naughtines and weaknes of our nature yea and that we studie one to ouercome an others wronges with benifites and leaue the reuengeaunce to hym and praye that he wil remitte the same to them that hurte vs. He wyll haue suche a sure and perpetuall beniuolence to growe amonge vs and to be confirmed with all kindes of gentlenes Moreouer bicause no man can aske of the heauenlie father forgiuenes of his dettes except he humble him selfe al togither vndre his hāde and vtterly yelde him selfe to his commaundementes the Lorde hath well prescribed in this fourme of praying that we should professe before the heauenlie father that we woulde forgiue our bretherne what so euer dueties or punishmentes they myghte seme to be endetted for vnto vs in that place of prayer where we pray vnto him to forgiue vs our dettes whiche we owe vnto him infinite either for oure obedience whiche we haue not fullie perfourmed or for the punishmentes that we deserue both for neglectyng our dueties and also for the despitefull wronges that we do to his maiestie cōmittynge so manie thynges againste the duetie that we owe him Which our dettes if we rightlie acknowledge as we muste needes acknowledge thē if we aske forgiuenes of them with all oure herte we shal not doubt but that the wronges that oure neighbours do vs be the fatherlie chastisement of God muche gentler then we haue deserued and that they shal be also an holesome remedie for vs againste synnes For whiche causes it shall be easie for vs earnestly
father thorowe oure onely mediatour Christe and cal vpon hym onely in the name of his sonne wyth a sure truste of childrē towardes his more then fatherly loue wyth earneste feare also and reuerence and carefull supplication of mynde towardes his maiestie And to steare vp kendle and feede suche inuocation and praiyng Let them vse those instrumentes religiously whiche God hym selfe hath appoynted and cōmēded for thys purpose I meane holy assembles the diuine scriptures the sacramentes and a godly contemplation of al his gyftes workes and iudgementes ¶ Of christian faste THe holy scriptures sette fastynge Augustine to Consulaine Priest epist lxxxviij Of the fastes of the olde fathers I sayth he in the wrytynges of the Apostles and euangelistes and all the newe testament reuoluyng that thinge in my mynde I se that fastynge is commaunded But vpon what dayes we shoulde faste or not fast by the commaūdemente of the Lorde or the Apostles I finde it not determined before vs as a certeyne peculiar preparation and way to more earnest prayer for the remission of sinnes for the singuler mercie grace of God and other singuler benifittes and gyftes As the Niniuites humbly prayed to God wyth moste straite fastyng for remission of synnes and forgyuenes of the punishment which God had declared vnto them Ionas iij. Such a faste it was also whiche God cōmaunded to the people of Israel the .x. daye of the .viij. moneth whiche was the daye of purgation in whiche all the people humbly praye God for the remission of synnes Leuiti iij. God also cōmaunded such a fast Ioel. ij When the people was punished of corne and wyth greuous warre for theyr synnes Turne vnto me sayeth he wyth all your herte wyth fastyng weepyng and bewaylynge Item in the same place Blowe vp a trompe in Sion sanctifie a faste etc. Such a fast also is described i. Samuel vij and thei came togyther in Masphath and drue water shedde it forth in the syght of the Lorde and fasted on that daye and sayed there we haue synned vnto the Lorde Item Dauides faste in the syckenes of his sonne whom he had fyrste of Bathseba God strucke also the yonge chylde whom the wyfe of Vrias brought forth vnto Dauid and he was despeyred of and Dauid humbly praied to the Lorde for the yonge chylde and Dauid fasted a faste and wente asyde and laye vpon the grounde Item Achab when Elias had declared vnto hym the reuengeaūce of god for the death of Naboth i. Kynges xx Of thys sorte was that faste of Paule which cōtinued three dayes when the Lorde had conuerted hym nigh Damasco and had taken away his sight actes ix The faste that Iosaphat ordeyned when the Moabites and Ammonites had brought forth an huge armie agaynst hym was ioyned wyth prayer for the singuler benifitte and healpe of god The faste of Esdras was lyke whē he prepared to returne into Iurie And that which Hester inioyned to hyr people whē she wold speake to the kinge for the health of the people Of the same sorte it was also which the congregation of the sayntes at Antioche inioyned to them selues when laying on their handes they shoulde sende forth Paule and Barnabas to preache the Gospel to the heathen Actes xiij And it was also such a faste whiche the same two Apostles kepte when they woulde appoynte elders in the congregations of Asia whiche they had wonne to Christe Act. xiiij And that fasting ought alway to be ioyned to euerie earnest and solemne prayer the thyng that Paule wryteth of maried folkes teacheth sufficiently Let the husbande rendre due beniuolence to his wyfe and lykewyse the wife to hyr husbande defraude not one an other excepte anie thynge be done of agremente for a reason that ye maye gyue your selues to fastynge and prayer The preachers shall diligently obserue these and suche other testimonies of the holy scripture concernynge fastynge and they shal faithfully teach the people by the same Fyrst that fastyng is a certeyne propre maner and a certeyne parte of careful and earnest prayer vnto God as the places alledged and such other testifie and that it is not a worke acceptable to God by it self or holsome vnto vs. Secondly they shal diligētly warne this also that fasting as prayer excepte it be obserued out of true fayeth and earnest repentaunce for our synnes it is not onely a thing vnacceptable to God but also abominable as if we faste by reason of the institution and custome of men or also to boste our selues whiche thinge Christe the Lorde noted Math. vi They darken theyr faces that it maye appeare vnto men that they faste A true faste and acceptable to God muste be taken in hande wyllyngly of mannes owne accorde of one whiche feeleth the burthen of synnes in his conscience whiche feareth the angre reuēgeaunce of God for his sinnes whiche therefore is dryuen diligētly to seeke and praye for remission of synnes or whiche desireth to make readie hym selfe and after a certeyne wyse to sanctifie him selfe to pray more religiously for the benifittes of God Wherfore thys thynge whiche is in Ioel ij Chap. muste be euer diligently beaten into the people when we speake of fastynge Turne vnto me sayeth the Lorde wyth all your herte wyth fastyng etc. that men may learne that no fastynge pleaseth God but that that springeth out of true repentaunce and lyuely griefe for synnes and true conuersion to the mercie of God of whom we seeke remission of sinnes wyth singuler and feruent desire Thyrdly the preachers shall teache out ●f the alledged places and suche lyke that fastyng is not onely abstinence from meate and drynke but that there is required moreouer forasmuche as fastyng oughte to be a parte of carefull prayer for remission of sinnes and the grace of God that on the fastynge dayes we wythdrawe our selues vtterly from al pleasures and busynes of this lyfe and gyue our selues wholy to prayer wyth great humilitie of all our lyfe cōming from the herte and chastisynge of the bodie Hereof it came that the Lorde in Ioell commaunded to sanctifie a faste to call an assēble to gather the elders together the spouse and the spousesse al the inhabitauntes of the lande into the house of God and crie vnto the Lorde He cōmaundeth also the infantes and the suckelynges to be broughte that by the syght and pitie of them they myghte be moued to greater repentaunce of theyr synnes and feruenter prayer for forgiuenes This is the cause why God so sore rebuketh the Iewes Esaie lviij Bycause on the fasting dayes they regarded theyr busynes and required theyr dettes And he testifyeth that he abhorreth theyr fastynges and that they be not those that he commaunded In whiche place thys thinge is diligently to be considered that therefore he hearde not their prayers nor accepted theyr fastes bicause they folowed theyr owne desires vpon the fastyng dayes Lo sayeth he in your fastinges your wyll is founde Wherefore it is conuenient that vpon
thy brest that the power of Christe crucified may be euer thy succour and sure protection in all thynge ❧ Then let hym saye to the people The Lorde be wyth you ❧ Let the the people answere And wyth thy spirite ❧ The pastour Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastyng God the father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe I call the vpon thys N. thy seruaunte for whom the churche requireth the Sacramente of baptisme and therein thy grace and spirituall regeneration and thou saydeste aske and ye shal receyue etc. so gyue thy grace and mercie to thys chylde as thy church prayeth the that he maye obteine the redemption of thy sonne and inheritaunce of euerlastynge and blessed lyfe whiche thy cōgregation seeketh for hym thorowe baptisme Open to hym the dore of thy kyngdome at whiche thy churche knocketh for hym thorowe Christe our Lorde Amen ❧ Let vs praye Further almightie God whiche in olde tyme dyddeste destroye the wycked worlde wyth the floude accordynge to thy terrible iudgement and dyddeste preserue onely the familie of godly Noe eighte soules of thy vnspeakable mercie and which also dyddest droune in the redde sea obstinate Pharao the Kynge of the Egiptians wyth all his armie and warlike power and causedist thy people of Israel to passe ouer with dry feete and wouldest shadowe in them holy baptistisme the lauer of regeneration furthermore whiche dyddeste consecrate Iordane wyth the Baptisme of thy sonne Christe Iesu and other waters to holie deepynge and washynge of synnes we praye the for thy exceadynge mercie loke fauourably vpon thys Infante gyue hym true fayeth and thy holie spirite that what so euer fylth he hath taken of Adam it maye be drouned and be put awaye by thys holie floude that being seperated from the numbre of the vngodlie he maye be kepte safe in the holie arke of the churche and maye confesse and sanctifie thy name wyth a lustie and feruent spirite and serue thy kyngdome wyth constant truste and sure hope that at length he maye atteyne to the promises of eternal lyfe wyth all the godlie Amen ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite Heare the Gospell of oure Lorde Iesus Christe Marke x. In that tyme they broughte chyldren to Iesus that he might toutch them But the disciples rebuked them that broughte them When Iesus sawe that he toke indigna ion and sayed vnto them sulfure the litleoues to come vnto me etc. Beleue these wordes and thys deede of our Lorde Iesu Christe vpō them and doubt not but that he wyll so receyue your chyldren also and embrace them wyth the armes of his mercie and gyue them the blessynge of eternall lyfe and the euerlasting communion of the kyngdome of God The same Lorde and our Sauiour Iesus Christe confirme and encrease thys your fayth Amen ❧ After thys the pastoure shall laye his handes vpon the chyldes heade and the godfathers touching the child shall praye wyth hym Oure father whiche arte etc. Then they shall also rehearse the crede I beleue in God the father etc. ¶ Let vs praye After thys the churche shall synge the Psal Cxiiij Item Cxv. and. Cxxxvi. When Israell went forth etc. Not to vs Lorde etc. Item prayse the name of the Lorde etc. Ye seruauntes prayse the Lorde ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ¶ The people And wyth thy spirite ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and euerlastynge God heauenlie father we gyue the eternall thankes that thou haste vouchsafed to cal vs to thys knowledge of thy grace fayth towardes the. Encrease and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Gyue thy holie spirite to thys infant that he maye be borne agayne and be made heyre of euerlastyng saluation which of thy groce and mercie thou hast promised to thy holie churche to olde men and to children thorow our Lorde Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth wyth the nowe and for euer Amen ❧ Thus gyuynge his blessynge let hym dimisse the congregation ❧ Of administration of Baptisme The daye folowinge let the infantes beinge exorcised the daye before be broughte agayne to the cōgregation a litle before the supper of the Lorde whō there the pastour after that the Gospel is reade and declared and the crede songe shal bid to be broughte to the foūtstone and shal exhort the parētes the godfathers and kinsfolke after the maner folowinge Beloued in Christ yesterday by the grace of God we hearde how exceading and vnspeakable mercie is exhibited in Baptisme Ye haue renounced Satā and the worlde ye haue cōfessed the fayth of Christe ye haue promised obedience to Christ and the cōgregation and ye haue required of God the father that for his sōnes sake our Lorde Iesus Christ he will deliuer these infātes from the kingdome of darkenes and settle thē in the kingdome of his beloued sōne You must remēbre these thinges and doubt nothing but that we shal receyue all these thynges that we require if we beleue Therefore liftynge vp your mindes vnto the Lorde appeare ye here with all religion as in the sighte of almightie God the father the sōne and the holie gost and receiue ye sure fayth and thankesgiuing the benifitte of regeneration and adoptiō into euerlastyng life of the one god him selfe the father the sonne and the holie goste And bicause the Lorde hym selfe commaunded vs to baptise in the name of the father the sōne and the holie gost vndoubtedly god him selfe baptiseth our infātes cleanseth thē frō sinnes deliuereth thē frō euerlasting death putteth vpō thē his owne rightuousnes and gyueth them life eternal We must acknowledge with true faith and euer magnifie these exceading benifittes of God Wherfore that we may steare vp our fayth and mindes Let vs heare the wordes of S. Paule folowing concernynge thys matter ❧ To Tite Chapter iij. But after that the goodnes and loue of oure sauiour God towardes mē appeared not of the workes of ryghtuousnes whiche we dyd but after his mercie he saued vs by the lauer of regeneration and renuing of the holie goste etc. ❧ The pastour The Lorde be wyth you ❧ The people And wyth thy spirite ¶ Out of the Gospell of Mathewe the laste Chapter The Lorde Iesus said vnto his disciples All power in heauen and in earth is gyuen vnto me Go ye therfore into al the worlde and preache the Gospell to al creatures and teach al the heathē baptising thē in the name of the father the sonne the holie gost etc ❧ The pastour The Lorde be with you ❧ The people And wyth thy spiritie ❧ Let vs praye Almightie and mercifull God and father thou diddest promise to Abraham oure father and the father of all that beleue and in him thou dyddeste promise to vs also his chyldren that thou wouldeste be a God to vs and to oure seede Wherefore as thou diddest receyue the infantes of the olde people into grace and into thyne owne people by circumcisiō And thy sonne Christe Iesus our Lorde and
sauiour admitted chyldrē offered vnto hym right gently and blessed thē testifiynge that the kyngdome of God perteyneth to such So let it be thy pleasure to begette our infantes agayne and to adopte thē into sonnes vnto the felowship of euerlastynge lyfe by the sacrament of baptisme Graūt then heauēly father that we may earnestly requir so gret riches of grace setfurth in baptisme for these infātes that we may acknowledge and receyue them wyth true fayth beinge offered both in the worde and in the sacrament finallie that we maye euer thanke the and magnifie the for them And impute not to these infantes the synne of Adam issued into thē and engendred by their parentes regarde not the merites of theyr parentes and of all thys people but let the death and merite of thy sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ preuayle in them and impute vnto them his rightuousnes and obedience Plant them into his death and resurrection make them membres of his bodie put hym vpon thē that they maye be thy sonnes and heyres and continue for euer Graunte vs also that after Baptisme we maye acknowledge them for thy chyldren and membres of the bodie of thy sonne that we may godly brynge them vp in the feare of the vnto thy glorie that we maye healpe them in all corporall and spirituall thynges that also by them thy holie name maye be more magnified the kyngdome of thy sonne enlarged thy wyl be done in thys earth as in heauen Furthermore keepe them safe gyue them bountuously the necessaries of lyfe and preserue them from all euyll Amen ❧ Thys prayer ended lette the pastoure require the Infantes to be gyuen hym let hym aske the names that they shall haue and lette hym Baptise them saiynge I baptise the N. in the name of the father the sonne and the holie goste Let the godfathers forthwith receyue the Infant from Baptisme the priest saying as it foloweth The almyghtie euerlastynge God and father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whiche hath begotten the agayne wyth water and the holie goste and hath forgiuen the al thy synnes confirme the wyth his grace vnto euerlastynge lyfe Amen ❧ The Pastour The peace of the Lorde be wyth you ❧ Answere Amen Here lette the whole congregation synge in Douche Nowe all thankes etc. or the Psalme God be mercifull vnto vs. Then let the pastour go forth in the ministratiō of the Lordes supper ¶ How baptisme must be menistead at other tymes But if the infantes be weake so that it is to be feared that they wyll not lyue to the nexte sondaie or holye daie or if for weyghtie matters Baptisme cannot bee ministred vppon those dayes the Pastoures shall warne the people that yet they bringe their chyldren to bee Baptised at those houres whan after the custoume the people resorteteth together to heare the lordes wo●de But if that thynge cannot bee doone neyther baptisme in the meane whyle must not be denyed to the infantes offered therevnto whan so euer they be brought for as much as lieth in vs we must not suffer that any departe out of this lyfe without the sacrament of baptisme For the Lorde instituted baptisme that it maye be to vs a sacrament of regenecion and wasshinge of sinnes from whiche in this lyfe no man is free no not an infante one daye olde for it is oure parte to do in all thynges after the Lordes word and to receyue his giftes and benefites that way that he him selfe hath appoynted vnto vs. Whan baptisme than shal be mynistred vpon workynge dayes lette the pastours ioyne to gether in order the Catechisme exorcisme and baptisme and they shal moderate their exhortacions prayers according to the companie and strength of the child For if thei se that the childe is in daunger of lyfe and that the cōpanye is small they shal be shorte in all thynges And they shall vse only the first part of the admonicion which we willed to be saide before the Catachisme vnto these wordes wherefore we exhorte and praye you beloued etc. So they shal vse the firste parte only of the demaundes of euery article and in the exorcisme thei shal vse only one praier wyth the Lordes prayer the Crede and the Gospell Which thinges premised lette them Baptise the infante furthwith and let them exhort the parentes God fathers and other that stand by that thei determine certainly that the infant whether he lyue or dye is the sonne of God and heyre of euerlastinge life and if he lyue that they procure him to be broughte vp vnto religiō and goddes glorye according to the exhortacion sette before whiche beginneth After that beloued etc. ¶ Of baptisme ministred to childrē assone as they be borne for danger of lyfe The peple shal be taught and warned in sermōs that they presume not lightly to ministre priuatli this most diuine sacramēt for it is worthie to be ministred in the cōgregacion bi peculiar ministers with al grauitie and reuerēce and that maketh much for this purpose that it maye be holesomely mynistred and receyued But if exterme necessitie pres vs that thei that be presēt with the child beinge in danger mayei ioyne them selues together in the Lorde and lyftinge vp their mindes religiously vnto God lette them calle for his mercye promised and exhibited in Christ Iesus our Lord vpon the infante and whan they haue sayde the Lordes prayer lette them baptis him in the name of the father the sōne and the hollye gost Which done lette them not doubte but that their infante is trulye baptised washed from sinnes borne agayne in Christ and made the sonne and heire of god lette thē than giue thankes to god for this his so greate benifite and let them not thynke that baptisme muste be renued in children so baptised for in all pointes asmuch as we maye we muste so do althynges as the Lord hath appoynted If any godlie man be present whan the infant is in extremitie lette hys ministerie be vsed to baptysme Further if it chaunce that the infante so baptised at home do liue it is conuenient that he be brought afterwarde to the temple of hys parentes kynsfolke and godfathers which must com with a good company and religiously as men that ought to giue thankes for this excedinge benifite of regeneracion ministred to their infante and to offer him to god and his sauiour in the congregatiō The pastours than shall aske theis men after what sort and with what wordes they baptised the infante whether they dyd baptise him as the Lord commaunded in water and in the name of the father the sonne and the holye gost Whiche if they shall answer that they called god vpon the childe and prayed for him and baptised in the name of the father the sonne and the holye goste and that thei beleue that he is truly clensed from sinnes borne againe to God the pastours must confirme them in this belefe and in no wise Baptise suche an infante againe And that men
the lord we wyll celebrate to morowe by goddes grace the most holye supper of oure Lorde Iesu Christ where in he hath giuen vs hys flesh for meate and his bloud for drincke to confirme oure fayth and verie christane life it is conuenient that euerye man trye hym selfe with greate diligence as S. Paule exhorteth vs. For thys sacrament was giuen of the Lord for singuler cōsolacion and comforte to wretched and afflicted consciences which do ernestly fele and confesse their sinnes whyche be striken with the feare of the wrath of god and of death and hongre and thurste the rightuousnes of God But if euerie one of vs will examen oure selues as S. Paule teacheth we shall fynde none other thynge but all maner of horrible sinnes and euerlastinge death which we haue deserued thorought oure synnes For the rewarde of sinne is death frome whyche we can by no meanes deliuer oure selues Wherefore our Lord Iesus Christ taking pitie vpon vs was made man for oure synnes that he myght fulfyll the lawe and the whole wil of God for vs and procure our saluacion and that he hymselfe might suffer death and al that we had deserued thorough our sinnes only for vs and our redēption Which thing that we might firmely beleue and that thorough faith we might ioyfully lyue after his will whā supper was ended he toke breade gaue thankes and brake it sayinge take eate this is my bodye that is gyuen for you that is to saye that I am made man and further whatsoeuer I do and suffer all that is yours and it is giuen to you and is done for your saluacion For the testificacion and confirmacion whereof and that you maye daily a hide liue more more in me and I in you I giue my bodye vnto you to be meate and meate of euerlastynge lyfe After the same maner he toke the cuppe also saiyng Take drincke of thys all thys is the cuppe of the new testament in my bloude whiche is shed furth for you and for many vnto remission of synnes As often as ye shall do thys do it in the remembraunce of me that is to saye seinge that I haue now taken the charge of you and haue translated your synnes vpon me I will deliuer miselfe vnto death for thē I wil shedde mi bloude I wil deserue grace and remission of sinnes for you and I wyll sette vp a newe testament wherein synnes shal be perdoned and all remembraunce of thē shal be abolished For a pledge and witnesse of al these thynges and to cōfirme and further my life in you I giue you my bloud to drincke He than that eateth of this breade after thys sorte and dryncketh of the cuppe and firmely beleueth these wordes whiche he heareth of the Lorde and signes whiche he receiueth eateth truly holesomely the flesh of Christ and drinketh his bloude and more fully receiueth in to him selfe hole God and man with al his merites and fauour where wyth the father embraceth hym wyth the ryght and participation of euerlainge lyfe he abydeth in Christ the Lorde and the Lord in him he shal liue for euer Let vs thā god li recompēse these thinges with our selues let vs confirme and ster vp our faith in him lette vs celebrate the remembraunce of hym worthely let vs most studoyusly in al oure wordes and dedes exalte his death resurreccion heauenlye glorie and kingdome let vs reioyse in our owne behalfe that this sonne of God died for our sinnes rosse againe forour instificacion ascended into heauen and reigneth at the right hand of the father furthermore lette vs couragiousli euerie one of vs take vp our crosse and valiantly folowe this our capitaine and loue one another according to his cōmaundemēt as he loued vs. For al we are one bread one bodi because we be parttakers of one breade and one cup. After this praier there shall a praier be made for al the necessites of the congregaciō and cheifely for those men which shall communicate the nexte daye And whan the people haue ended their secrete praier the minister shal cōclude the preparacion with this collecte Almightie euerlastinge God heauealye father because we can please the only in thy deare sonne sanctifie our bodies and soules and graunte vs that to morowe we maye receiue the holesome communion of him in his holie supper with a godlie and faithfull desier and all thanckefulnes that beinge confirmed agayne conceruynge thy perpetual mercie and loue towardes vs and euer goinge forwarde in a new life we maye liue vnto the and serue the thorough our Lorde Iesus Christ with more feare and studie to the prayse of thy name and profyte of thy people A men ¶ How the Lordes supper must be celebrated Whan the people be come to gether vnto this ministration for asmuch as it is agreable to godlines that as often as we appere before the lorde before althinges we should acknowledge and confesse our sinnes and praye for remission of the same the minister whiche shall administer the Lordes supper whan he shal come to the altare shall make a confession in the name of the whole cōgregacion and that in the douche tonge whiche al maye vnderstande after this sorte Almightye euerlastinge God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe the maker of all thynges the iudge of all men we acknowlege and we lament that we were conceiued and borne in sinnes and that therefore we be prone to al euils and abhorre from all good thynges that we haue also transgressed thy holie commaundmentes with out ende and measure in despisinge the and thy worde in distrustinge thy aide in trusting our selues and the worlde in wycked studies and workes where with we haue most greuousli offended thy maiestie and hurted oure neighboures Therefore we haue more and more buried oure selues in to eternall death And we are sorie for it with al our hertes and we desire pardone of the for al the thinges that we haue commited agaynst the we calle for thy helpe against sinne dwellinge in vs and Satan the kendler thereof kepe vs that we do nothyng hereafter against the and couer the wickednes that remaneth in vs with the rightuousnes of they sonne and represse it in vs with thy spirite and at length purdge it cleane out Haue mercye vpon vs most gentle father thorough thy sonne oure Lord Iesus Christe Giue and encrease thy holye spirite in vs which maie teach vs to acknowlege our synnes truly and thoroughly and to be pricked wyth a liuelye repentaunce of the same and with true fayth to apprehend and retayne remission of them in Christ our Lord that dyinge to sinnes dailye more and more we maie serue and please the in anewe lyfe to the glorie of thy name and edifiynge of thy congregacion For we acknowledge that thou iustly requirest these thynges of vs wherefore wee desire to perfourme the same Vouchsafe thou o father of heauen which hast giuen vs a wil to graunte vs also that we
prayse and magnifie the Lorde holie father almightie euerlastyng God thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde by whom thou madest vs of nothinge vnto thy image and haste appoynted al other creatures to our vses and where as we thorowe the synne of Adam slidynge frō the were made thyne enemies and therefore subiecte to death and eternall damnation thou of thy infinite mercie and vnspeakable loue dyddest sende the same thy sonne the eternall worde into thys worlde who thorowe the crosse and death deliuered vs from synnes and the power of the Deuyll and brought vs agayne into thy fauoure by his holie spirite whom he sent to vs from the and gaue his bodie and bloude to be the fode of a newe and eternall lyfe that being more confirmed thorowe the truste of thy mercie and loue we should euer go forward to all that that is thy pleasure by renuinge and sanctifiynge of our selues and that we should glorifie and exalte the here and euermore in all our wordes and dedes and singe vnto the without ende with al thy holie Angels and beloued chyldren After these thinges Sanctus shall be songe where clerkes be in latine but of the people in douche one syde answerynge the other thryse of bothe partes As for that that is wont to be added The Lorde God of hostes and Benedictus it shal be songe cōmunely of the whole congregation and therefore in douche Streyght waye after thys let the priest synge the wordes of the Lordes supper in douche Our Lorde the nighte in whiche he was deliuered etc. But these wordes muste be songe of the priest wyth great reuerence and playnely that they maye be wel vnderstanded of all men And the people shal saye to these wordes Amen Whiche all the olde church obserued and the Grekes do yet obserue the same For the whole substance of this Sacrament is conteyned in these wordes And it consisteth altogether in the true vnderstandyng and fayth of these wordes that the Sacrament be holesomely administred and receyued ❧ Whē the people then haue answered Amen The priest shall adde lette vs praye Oure father whiche arte in heauen etc. To whiche prayer of the Lorde the people shal say agayne Amen ¶ The priest The Lordes peace be euer wyth you ¶ The people And with thy spirite After thys they which be admitted to the cōmunion and do loke for the same in their place shal come to the Lordes bourde religiously Firste men and then women and the whole Sacrament shal be gyuen to them al that they may be partakers of the body and bloud of the Lorde receiuing not only bread but also the Cuppe euen as he instituted it ¶ At the exhibition of the bodi let the the pastour saye Take and eate to thy health the body of the Lorde whiche was deliuered for thy synnes ¶ At the exhibition of the cuppe Take and drinke to thy health the bloud of the Lorde whiche was shedde for thy synnes ¶ After the communion lette Agnus dei be songe both in douche and in latine one syde answeryng the other where clerkes be And then lette thys douch songe be songe Gotte sey gelobette Item Iesus Christus Vnser Heylant If the communion shall gyue so muche tyme and leasure ¶ When the communion is ended let the priest synge turnyng to the people The Lorde be wyth ynn ❧ The people And with thy spirite ¶ The priest Let vs praye Almightie euerlastynge God we gyue thankes to thy exceadynge godnes bicause thou haste fedde vs wyth the bodie of thy only begottē sonne and gyuen vs his bloud to drynke We humbly beseche the worke in vs wyth thy spirite that as we haue receyued thys diuine Sacrament wyth oure mouthes so we maye also receyue and euer holde fast with true fayth thy grace remission of synnes and communion with Christ thy sonne Al whiche thinges thou haste exhibited vnto vs in these sacramentes thorow our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne whiche lyueth and reygneth wyth the in vnitie of the holie gost verie God and verie man foreuer Amen ❧ An other thankesgyuyng We gyue the thankes father almightie God whiche haste refreshed vs wyth the singuler gyfte of thy bodie and bloude we beseche thy goodnesse that the same maye healpe to confirme our fayth in the and to kendle mutual loue amonge vs by the same our Lorde Iesus Christ etc. ¶ Laste of all lette the pastoure blesse the people wyth these wordes The Lorde blesse the and keepe the the Lorde lighten his coūtenaunce vpon the and haue mercie on the. The Lorde lyfte vp his face vpon the and settle the in peace ❧ Or thus God haue mercie on vs and blesse vs lyghten his countenaunce vpō vs and gyue vs his peace Amen ❧ Or thus God the father the sonne and the holie goste blesse and keepe vs. Amen ❧ Or thus The blessyng of god the father the sonne and the holie gooste be wyth vs remaine wyth vs for euer Amen But where clerkes be not as in villages there lette all be reade and songe in douche But lette the songes be so moderated as in euerie congregation shall make to the edification of godlines But forasmuche as our Lorde instituted thys his sacrament onely for thys purpose that we shoulde eate it and drynke it for the remēbraunce of him and not that we should set it forth or carie it about to be loked vpon forasmuch as sundrie abuses be brought in the true vse of this sacramēt being ouer passed so this sacrament hath bene drawen to horrible superstition and vngodlines for the takyng awaye both of this superstition and vngodlines and also sundrie scruples of the worke and irreligious questions aboute these misteries the pastours and they that administre the Sacramente shall endeuoure them selues that as often as the supper shal be ministred whether it be in the cōgregatiō or in priuate houses for sicke folke they compte the numbre of them certeynely whiche shall communicate that accordynge to the same thei may receiue pieces of bread and measure of wyne As for the remnauntes after that the communion is ended lette the pastours them selues receyue them forthwith and lette them not keepe the same nor lay them vp in any place nor eary them away or set them forth to be beholded For the worde of God whiche saueth vs if we beleue and obey it and damneth perpetually if we do not beleue nor obey it hath thus prescribed cōcerning his sacramētes Take and eate this is my bodie Take and drinke this is my bloude Therfore we must stand in thys institution of Christe and not institute a newe vsage wythout Goddes worde about thys moste holy Sacrament And bicause also that here the Lordes death muste be preached and the communion of hym cōfirmed in vs that thorowe hym we maye be daily more crucified to the world al worldly pompe muste lykewyse be taken frō thys ministration and all tynges muste be so ordeined and moderated that thei may healpe forth and adurne the
true fayth thorowe hym For whiche contempte it threateneth present peynes and euerlastyng to come All these thynges muste be often beaten in that men maye be steared vp to true contrition whereunto they healpe verie muche if they be set forth grauely and religiously But the Gospell doeth also by the truste of Goddes graces rayse vp and comforte myndes being discouraged thorowe repentaunce For it biddeth an hert brused and sorowinge for synnes to acknowledge and embrace mercie promised in Christe and to determine that it shall certeynely obteyue remission of synnes if it beleue that synnes be forgyuen vs freely not for oure merites but for Christes sake whiche offered hym selfe a sacrifice for vs vnto the father as we haue declared before and as it is clearly set forth Ro. iij. Ephesi ij and in other places But to obteyne thys consolation we muste holde faste the worde of the Gospel Wherfore priuate absolution muste be reteyned and vsed in congregations that thorowe it the voice of the Gospell maye be preached to euerie man by hym selfe and that the benifites of Christe maye be so exhibited as Christ sayth Iohn xx Whose sinnes ye shal remitte they be remitted etc. Item mat xviij Thou shalte not onely forgyue seuē tymes but seuentie tymes seuen tymes So Luke xvij If he shall synne seuen tymes in a daye agaynst the and beinge seuen times conuerted shall saye it repenteth me forgyue hym These sentences teache clearely and prescribe that they whiche acknowledge theyr synnes and be striken wyth repentaunce of the same muste not be lefte in doubte of forgyuenes but that remission of synnes muste be preached vnto them in the name and by the commaundement of Christ and that they must be absolued from synnes Which absolution they muste receyue and embrace as a sure voice of the Gospell and beleue that they obteine remission of sinnes not for the worthines of thys worke of whiche sort the heathen had an absolution but for Christes sake Therfore that thys godly benifite of absolution maye be more commodiously reteined in cōgregations we haue enioyned to all curates and other ministers of cōgregations which administre the sacramentes that they admitte no bodie to the communion of the Lordes supper whiche hath not receyued before priuate absolution of the pastour and other ministers of sacramentes And for the reteynyng of this absolution in congregations priuate cōfession muste also be kepte not that numbring of synnes is necessarie but bicause that priuate teachinge and the consolation of priuate absolution whiche is wonte to be vsed in confession is verie profitable and necessarie for manie Howe be it euerie man muste humbly confesse that he hath synned and muste be sorie from the herte that he hath offended God and muste haue a certeyne and sure purpose to amende his lyfe and to gouerne the same from thence forth accordynge to the worde of God in the feare of God obedience inuocation of Goddes name and thankesgyuyng so that he be offensiue to no bodie but edifie many in godlines and further them to al good thynges Further euerie mā must open to the ministre of Christe to whom he confesseth his synnes those fautes and misdeedes chiefely whiche moste trouble and vexe his conscience and for whiche he hath neede of counsell instruction and consolation out of the worde of God that he may afterwarde lyue wyth more warines of synnynge and certeyner truste of the mercie of God and so serue God the better After these thynges it is conuenient to require absolution Suche cōfession avayleth much to warne and enstructe the repentant and that the pastour maye knowe them before absolution that they may the better be enstructed to the amendement of life and that the pastour also maye knowe whether he whiche confesseth requireth absolution vnfeynedly For pearles muste not be cast before swyne And he that promise●h not amendmente of lyfe muste not be absolued For the repentaunce of suche a man muste needes be fayned In this confession the pastour must heare and examen euerie man of his fayth and require of hym the ten commaundementes in ordre and warne that men learne to knowe that it is synne agaynste God when they transgresse the said commaundementes that so they maye perceyue what synne is and thys examination and enstruction muste be vsed wyth singuler diligence in yonge and rude personnes After this he that requireth absolution must be demaunded whether he wil earnestly amēde his life liue frō thēce forth in the feare of God and obey God vnfaynedly If he promise that he wyl so do he must be demaunded whether he hath borne an offence to anie bodie or hath vniustly hurted anie bodie that asmuche as may be such sclaunderous offence be taken away againe and that he labour to be reconciled to hym whom he hath offēded If the crime and offence be opē as if a mā keepe an other mans wyfe or vse vnlawful companie wyth some other woman openly or beare manifest hatred agaynste some bodie or wythholdeth some mannes goodes if there be anie suche manifest sclaunder the absolution muste be deferred tyl the offence be openly remoued He that asketh absolution must also be warned that true repentaunce is required and that that is no small mattter but an earnest and vehement griefe for sinne with a faythfull desire of forgyuenes and sure purpose of amendemēt of life and that God is most greuously offended if anie man require absolution not of true repentaunce but rather for mennes pleasure or for custome Finally they which cōfesse must be warned that it perteineth to true repentaunce to auoyed diligently all occasions of synnes al places tymes cōpanies of men whiche may offre any occasion of synne and to fyghte strongly agaynst euyll lustes and entysementes of synnes and euer to call vpon the healpe of God For thus fayth and inuocation muste be exercised in true repentaunce When he then whiche desireth to be absolued hath promised that he wyll do al the thynges that I haue rehearsed lette hym be absolued frō synnes in the name of Christe and after absolution lette hym be admitted to the communion of the Lordes supper ❧ Of excommunication IF any man continue in manifeste abominable crimes or if he may by conuenient witnesses be cōuinced of suche a crime as ought to be punished and for which according to Goddes worde he can haue no part in the kyngdome of God and neuertheles the mā is not moued wyth the remēbraunce of the wrath of God in the daunger whereof he lyueth nor of the greuous punishment that he deserueth nor of the cōmune sclaunder and stomblynge blocke whiche he layeth before other and wyll not conuerte vnto the Lorde the pastoure wyth other godly men whiche shall be chosen and appoynted out of tounes and villages for this purpose muste warne suche a person wyth grauitie that he come to hym selfe repent his synnes and turne to God his father and sauiour that he remoue the stombling blocke which he hath
layed before the congregation and finally that he seeke recōciliation with God and the cōgregation by worthy repētaunce And the verie obedience due vnto Christ requireth that euerie man in his parishe obeye suche exhortation with al subiection and humilitie For it is a parte of the ministerie whereof Christe speaketh Luke x. He that heareth you heareth me he that despiceth you despiseth me etc. If he then whiche hath liued with an open scaunder admitteth such an exhortation and promiseth amendment fyrst he muste take away the offence that he had caused as if he keepe vnlawfull company wyth some woman he muste put hyr awaye from hym if he hath borne open hatred agaynst any man he muste be reconciled vnto hym asmuche as perteyneth to hymselfe etc. This done he must come to his pastour confesse his sinnes and promise a better lyfe and so require and receyue absolution and then be admitted to the Lordes supper But if suche a man whiche continueth in open synnes wyl not come to the pastours and other ministers of repentaunce beinge called lette him be called thrise or if he come and yet abyde obstinately in his wycked actes after the thirde admonition let the whole matter be brought before the superintēdant by the pastoure and one of them which shal be ioyned with the pastour by the appoyntment of the cōgregation to execute thys busines The superintendāt must come to that congregation where suche an obstinate wicked person shal be and shall call hym againe before hym selfe with the pastour and other appoynted to that office And if he haue not yet lefte his naughtie actes nor amēded his lyfe neither yet earnestly promiseth amendment all these personnes muste pronounce a sētence together agaynst such one and iudge hym worthy to be cast out of the congregation and to be excommunicated and wyth that theyr commune sentence they shall exclude hym from all communion of the congregation And he whom they shall so excōmunicate muste bee compted of all the congregation as one not perteynyng to the bodie of Christe and he muste not be admitted to the holie supper or to Baptisme or to the institutynge of the ministers of the churche or to the blessynge of mariage whiche is wont to be done in the congregation Howe be it he shall not be forbidden to come to sermons yea he shall be exhorted the more to heare sermons that by the worde of God he maye be admonished of the wrath of God of euerlasting and present punishmentes of his vnthankefulnes agaynste the mercie of God and the bitter death of Christ For the ministerie of the Gospell muste euer iudge of al mē in the world good and hadde must rebuke the synne of all men accordynge to thys saying of Christe The spirite shal rebuke the worlde of synne etc. And that men maye rightly vnderstande the ministerie and strength of excōmunication and that a true doctrine of thys matter may be reteyned in cōgregations this thing is diligently to be marked and taughte I meane what difference there is betwene ecclesiastical and ciuile punishmentes The ciuile officer restrayneth and punisheth mē by the cōmaundement of God with bodily punishmētes enprisonment exile losse of goodes and death And he must execute this his office not only for cōmune peace but also for the glorie of God and to reteyne discipline amonge men Ro. xiij Of whiche thinge the ministers must often admonishe the people And if the ciuile officer graunt to a man being excōmunicate the vse of the politike state and cōpanie with citizins the excōmunication of the cōgregation must not hindre ciuile cōmunion and the true and obedient membres of the cōgregation may vse the cōpany of such a person in ciuile matters and in the administration of the cōmune weale in commune iudgementes in byinge and sellinge and suche other busines of ciuile felowshyp and of the necessitie of this life But in other matters not necessarie the mēbres of Christ must auoied the cōpany of such lest they defile thē selues with other mēnes sinnes Yea they muste so behaue them selues towardes such men that both the personnes thē selues and also other maye vnderstande that they be sore agrieued wyth theyr wicked actes and sclaunders wherewith they trouble the congregation of God If any die in excōmunication let not the other mēbres of the congregation be present at his buriall but let them compte hym as a cast awaye seinge that he died wythout the inuocation of the name of Christe and acknowledgyng of his synnes Therfore the superentendant the pastour and other deputed to this ministerie muste vse excōmunication onely agaynst open il liuers whiche wyl not amende and not in ciuile matters as to require dettes for of these thinges the politike iudgemētes of the officers muste gyue sentence and obserue that waye whiche is described in our reformation set forth heretofore cōcerning this matter and if neede shal require it shall be yet more largely described by the aduise of our counsell The pastours then and teachers of congregations must diligētly teach and warne men that they despice not excōmunication nor doubte but that he whiche is lawfully excommunicated is verely reiected of God and that God to cōfirme the feare of excommunication punisheth them often wyth bodilie paynes whiche despice the excōmunication of the cōgregation For neither the blessing nor cursing of the congregation and of godly men can be in vayne as it is wrytten Gene. xiij I wyl blesse them that blesse the and curse them that curse the. And psal Cx. Let his dayes be fewe and let an other take his bishopriche Item let him put on a curse as a garmēt The exēple also of the Cor. testifieth the same So when S. Ambrose had excōmunicated Stilico the scribe the diuell inuaded him forthwyth Wherefore there is no doubte but that he shall surely be punished of God whiche despiseth lawfull excommunication But if the Lorde wyll gyue grace that he whiche is excōmunicated wyll come to hym selfe againe and leaue his wicked deedes for whiche he was excōmunicated and wyll acknowledge and confesse his synnes and be reconciled to hym whom he hath offended and asketh humbly remission of his synnes and disobedience agaynst God and the cōgregation let the pastour absolue thys man before the altare and restore him to Christe and to the congregation if he hertely cōfesse that he wyl obeye Christ and the congregation in all these poyntes as a true penitent Howe be it the other also whiche be appoynted to this ministerie must stande by the pastour as witnesses of those thinges that the man whiche shal be absolued promiseth and as witnesses of the right handling of the absolution And that no mā may haue occasion to require iudgementes by whiche he maye obteyne his ryght in dettes without vnlawful delaies and great charges we by the aduise of our counsell wil take such away in iudgementes which are executed in our name and in the names of archdeacons that they shall be
vpon holy dayes Then some lesson conuenient for the place and time shal be recited whereby the people may be steared vp to acknowledgyng of synne and amendement of the same wherewyth we prouoke the anger of God agaynst vs and deserue al maner of calamities Furthermore they shall also be moued to prayer for remission of sinnes for Goddes mercie and healpe and also they shall be steared to liberall almes Whereunto there shall succede a litanie in douch after the fourme that foloweth And whē the people haue also sayd their priuate prayers at length the pastoure shall ende commune prayers wyth some one of those collectes that folowe the litanie here Besides these cōmune prayers in Cities and where a greate companie of people is a litanie shall be songe wyth them that come together in the spirite and commune prayers shall be made vpon an appoynted daye euerie weeke But in those supplications which are appoynted for some notable necessitie and afflictiō sent of God an holy daye and fasting shall be proclaymed to the whole people at lest vnto the ende of cōmune prayers And in suche solemne dayes of supplication some vehemente and earneste lessons shall be reade out of the Prophetes concernyng repentaunce and renuinge and correction of lyfe and out of the same the intollerable wrath of God shall be propouned to the people most diligently and vehemently ❧ Litanie ❧ Lorde haue mercie Christe haue mercie Lorde haue mercie Christe heare vs O God the heauēli father haue mercy on vs O God the sonne redemer of the worlde haue mercie on vs. O God the holy goste haue mercie on vs. ¶ Be fauourable Spare vs O Lorde Be fauourable Deliuer vs O Lorde From al synne Deliuer vs O Lorde From al errour Deliuer vs O Lorde From all euyll Deliuer vs O Lorde From the awaytes of the diuyll Deli. etc. From sodeyne and euyll death Deliuer etc. From pestilence and hungre Deliuer etc. From warre and slaughter Deliuer vs. From sedition and priuie hatred Deliuer From lightenyng and tempestes Deliuer From euerlastynge death Deliuer vs etc. By the misterie of thy holy incarnation Deliuer vs O Lorde By thy holy natiuitie Deliuer vs. etc. By thy Baptisme fastynge and tentations Deliner vs O Lorde By thyne agonie and sweatynge of bloude Deliuer vs O Lorde By thy crosse and passion Deliuer vs. etc. By thy death and buriynge Deliuer vs. By thy resurrection and ascension Deliuer By the commyng of the holy goste the comforter Deliuer vs O Lorde In all tymes of our tribulation Deliuer In all tymes of our prosperitie Deliuer vs. In the houre of death Deliuer vs O Lorde In the daye of Iudgement Deliuer vs. etc. We synners beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylte vouchsafe to rule and gouerne thy holy and catholike churche We. That thou wylte vouchsafe to keepe the bishoppes pastours ministers of the church in holsome doctrine and holy lyfe We be That thou wylte vouchsafe to take awaye sectes and al offenses We beseche the to etc. That thou wylt vouchsafe to brynge them agayne into the waye of truth whiche stray and be seduced We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylt vouchsafe to treade Satan vndre our feete We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylt sende forth faythful workmen into thy haruest We be That thou wylt vouchsafe to gyue to al the hearers encrease of thi worde and the fruite of thy spirite We beseche the to here vs. That thou wylt vouchsafe to lifte them vp that be fallen and to strengthen them that stande We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylte vouchsafe to conforte and healpe the weaklinges and suche as be tempted We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylte vouchsafe to gyue peace and concorde to al kynges and princes We. That thou wylte vouchsafe to gyue oure Emperour perpetuall victorie agaynste the enemies of God We beseche That thou wylte vouchsafe to guyde defende our prince wyth his officers We be That thou wylte vouchsafe to blesse and preserue our officer and cominaltie We be That thou wylte vouchsafe to regarde and saue the aflicted and suche as be in daunger We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wilt vouchsafe to giue luckie deliueraunce and encrease to women wyth chylde and nurses We beseche the. That thou wylte vouchsafe to cherishe and keepe Infantes and sicke folke We besech That thou wylt vouchsafe to deliuer prisoners We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylte vouchsafe to defende Orphanes and wydowes and to prouide for them We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylte vouchsafe to haue mercie on all men We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wilt vouchsafe to perdon and cōuert our enemies persecutours and sclaunderers We beseche the to heare vs. That thou wylt vouchsafe to gyue and preserue the fruites of the earth We be That thou wilt vouchsafe to heare vs. We. The lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the worlde Haue mercie on vs. The lambe of God whiche takest away the synnes of the worlde Haue mercie on vs. The lambe of God whiche takest away the synnnes of the worlde Gyue vs peace Christe heare vs. Lorde haue mercie on vs. Christe haue mercie on vs. Lorde haue mercie on vs. Amen A prayer or collecte after litanie The minister Lorde deale not with vs after our sinnes The Quier Neither rendre vnto vs according to our iniquities The minister O God the mercifull father whiche despifest not the groning of the cōtrite nor contempnest the affection of them that morne be presēt at our prayers which we poure forth before the in the affictions which cōtinually laie vpon vs and heare the same mercifully that the thynge that the gyles of Satā and mē entende maye be brought to naught and dispersed by the deuise of thy goodnes that beinge hurte wyth no persecutions we may euer giue the thankes in thy holy congregation thorowe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amē An other Collecte The minister Call vpon me in the daye of tribulation The Quier And I wyll deliuer the and thou shalte glorifie me The ministre Spare Lorde spare oure synnes And thoughe continuall payne be due vnto vs whiche synne wythout ceasyng yet graunte we beseche the that the thynge that we deserue vnto perpetuall destruction may passe frō vs vnto the furtheraunce of vertue thorowe our Lorde etc. An other Collecte The ministre Healpe vs O God our health The Quier And for the glorie of thy name deliuer vs and be mercifull to oure synnes for thy names sake The minister Almightie euerlastynge God by whose spirite the whole bodie of the congregation is sanctified and gouerned heare vs praying for al ordres and degres that bi the gift of thy grace al the same may serue the faithfully thorowe our Lorde etc. An other Collecte The minister Shewe vs Lorde thy mercie The Quier And gyue vs thy saluation The minister God from whom all holie desires good purposes and ryghtuous workes procede gyue