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B13585 The saints hope, and infalliblenes thereof. or Two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October, 1608. Written by Mr. Iohne Forbes, at the earnest request of the hearers, and now published by them for the generall instruction and comfort of all Gods children Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 11134; ESTC S115118 69,305 128

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to be shutt vp in displeasure there is no assurance of lyfe Psal 116.3 but the snares of death doe cōpasse them then the greeues of the graue doeth gripe them and they finde trouble and sorrowe And then doth their soule returne to rest when they haue tasted of Gods mercie and therefore in all their troubles the ground of their confidence and drawing neare to God is and euer hath bene 〈◊〉 ● 16 his mercy Therfore doeth the Apostle to the Hebrues will vs to goe bodly to the throne of grace that we may receaue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede Now come we to the qualitie of this mercy that mooueth God to cal vs to the hope of lyfe The Apostle calleth it his aboundant mercie It is most certaine that all the creatures of God doe taste of his mercie towards them yea the very reprobates and the very Deuils themselues For it is a great mercie that they are referued so long vnto the iudgement of the great day and that they and the wicked are so long spared vncast in hell fyre ●ud 6. Many a time doth both the word of God and daylie experience teach vs that God doth giue many blessings and deliuerances to the wicked Achab being a man as witnessed the booke of God who had not his like who did sell himselfe to worke wickednes in the sight of the Lord hauing heard the threatning of the Prophete against him for the killing of Naboth c. and humbling himselfe albeit without true repentance the Lord did delay his iudgement all his dayes and did not execute the euill denunced against him till his sonnes dayes for the Lords mercie is aboue all his workes Therefore as wee haue said before hee maketh the Sunne to arise on the wicked the good and sendeth raine to the iust and vniust Moreouer he giueth to the wicked kingdomes Empires Dominions yet doeth not this mercy that obtaines so many blessings procure to the wicked that they should be renewed to the hope of Eternall lyfe and receiue remission of sinnes For it is not a small mercie that mooveth God to doe so that is to iustifie a sinner to call his enemies to the dignitie of the sonnes of God to giue thē the hope of eternal life it must be a mercie running ouer superaboundant that must mooue the Lord to bestow these blessings which are of greater value then all the kingdomes of the world Therefore doth the Apostle to the Ephesians call this grace a ritch grace Whereby the Lord hath bene aboundant towards vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding Ephe. 1.7 ● And this aboundance of Gods mercy and grace is most clearly manifested by that which the Apostle speaketh to the Romanes in declaring both the end of the giuing of the Lawe and effectes of the Lawe giuen the end of it sayeth he was that the offence should abound whereby it might seeme that thereby wee should bee put further from the hope of grace then before but hee addeth for our comfort that where sinne abounded there did grace abound much more the grace might raigne through righteousnes vnto life eternal through Iesus Christ our Lord even there wher sinne had raigned vnto death Before sin hauing taken occasiō by the Law to worke in vs al maner of concupiscence that sinne might appeare sinne to be out of measure sinfull in working death in vs by that which is good And all this for no other thing but for the praise of the glory of his rich grace whereby hee doeth abound towardes vs aboue all aboundāce of sinne in vs that his mercie may be knowen to be greater then our iniquities yea to be greater then al his workes For it is saide in the 108 Psalm His mercie is great aboue the heauens And again As high as the heauē is aboue the earth so great is his mercie towards them that feare him For it is not that common goodnes and general mercie of God to all his Creatures whereby he giveth life and being and moouing to all whereby he giveth riches and honours and Kingdomes that mooveth the Lord to bestow this blessing of remission of sinnes hope of eternal life This teacheth vs neuer to content our selues with that sence of Gods mercie which ariseth only vpon the enioying of tēporall blessings be they neuer so great though he should giue vs the whole world For this errour doth deceyve many who thinke the man to bee beloued of God with whō he dealeth mercifully in things belonging to this lyfe Albeit it bee true that a man may be made Monarch of the whole world and yet bee voyde of the sauing grace and mercie of God The true reioycing in Gods mercy ariseth vpon the hope of the glory of God builded vpon the peace which we haue toward God through Iesus Christ Rom. 5.1.2 and 11. arising vpon the remission of sinns in his bloud or iustification by faith and the attonement which we haue receyved by Iesus Christ our Lord. Therefore 1. Pet. 1.6 and 8. gett what we will get from God wee never shall be satisfied with all the tokens of his love and mercy vntill wee gett that gift of God whereof Christ speaketh in the 4. of Iohn to the woman of Samaria when shee did denye him a cup of water Iohn 4.10 If sayeth he thou knewest that gift of God meaning himself shewing vs that he knoweth nothing of the sauing mercie of God nor of the groūd or warrāt of eternall lyfe though he know al the giftes that euer God did giue to man who yet knoweth not the Lord Iesus and hath not bene a feeling partaker of the mercy of God which is in him through him This serueth to moove vs to esteeme more of the spirituall blessings of God then of all earthly things Psal 4.6.7 And with Dauid to desire the Lord to lift vp the light of his coūtecance on vs and not with the world to seeke for earthly things for therby shall we haue more ioy of heart then they haue when their wheate and their wine doeth abound The vses of the aboundance of Gods mercie The vse of this poynt is threefolde It serveth for Instruction for consolation for conviction For instruction in teaching vs seeing it is an aboundāt mercy wherby the Lord doth call vs to the hope of lyfe and to this effect begetteth vs to bee his children that sinne iniquitie is a thing most detestable before God since that generall goodnes of God that mooueth him to giue all earthly things to man maketh him not to giue remission of sinnes to man Therfore should wee aboue all things abhorre sinne by all meanes indeuour to eschew sinne as the thing most daungerous and pernitious to man For although thou be a sinner God will blesse thee with honour and riches of this lyfe yet will giue thee no portion of his inheritance in the heavens He
promised to Abraham when hee prayed that Ismaell might live in his sight Gene. 17 1● that hee would blesse him and make him fruitfull and multiplie him exceedingly that hee should begett 12. Princes and bee made a great Nation but his couenant would hee not establish with him but with Isaac Therfore ought we to beware of this common error of the wordlie who do esteeme so little of sinne that when they so licentiouslie doe commit all vncleanes yet doe they thinke thimselues in no perill at all there is and hath bene euer in the world sinne prophane persons who haue deceiued others with vaine wordes as though the wrath of God should not come vpon men for whoredom couetousnes c. Therfore doth the Apostle to the Ephesians warne vs That we let no man deceyue vs with vaine words For for such things sayeth the Apostle cometh the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience Let vs therefore learne not to extenuate sinne nor securelie to giue our selves to sinne since no common mercie but an superabundant mercie can obtaine remission of sinne at the hands of our God This poynt serueth next for consolation to all penitent sinners how wearie and loaden soeuer they be since sinne can not abound in so great measure but the mercie of God aboundeth much more yea this is the very custome of God that where he maketh the sence and sight of sinne to abound there he maketh also the sence of his mercie and grace to abound much more Let vs not therfore with Cain esteeme our sinne greater then we can beare and distrust in the mercies of God seeing the Lord himselfe made vs this promise by the Prophet Esai Esai 1.18 Though your sinnes were as crimsin they shal be made white as the snow Though they were redd as scarlet they shal be white as wooll Therefore is it that God hath shewed mercie to the chiefest sinners that we should not dispair in Gods mercies though our iniquities were never so great This doeth the Apostle Paule plainely teach vs by his owne example in the first cha to Tim. 1. Tim. 1.16 shewing that albeit he was chief of sinners albeit he was a persecutour yet was he receyved to mercie by the exceeding aboundance of the grace of God towards him in Christ Iesus And that for this cause that Christ Iesus should first shew on him all long suffering to the example of all them which in time to come should beleeue in him vnto eternall lyfe And therefore declareth that this is a saying both true and by all meanes worthie to be receyued to wit that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners Let not then the haynousnes of our iniquities dryue vs away from God who is able to remooue our sinnes from vs as farre as is the East from the West Psal 103.12 Seeing Christ doth call vpon al that are wearie and loaden and doth promise them relaxation and case Mat. 11.29 witnesseth That hee did come into the world not to call the righteous Psal 106.4.6 and 45. but sinners to repentance but let vs rather with the Psalmist praye that the Lord will remember vs with the fauour of his people and visit vs with his saluation that wee may see the felicitie of his chosen and reioyce in the ioy of his people and glorie with his inheritance For although we haue sinned with our Fathers haue committed iniquitie and done wickedlie yet shall hee remember his couenant and call backe his wrath according to the multitude of his mercies Thirdly this poynt serueth for conuiction of all who doe esteeme that it behooueth that their merites bee added to Gods mercies for obtayning of eternall lyfe as though the mercy of God were not sufficient alone to mooue God to graunt vs this benefite For if grace doth abound much more there where sin hath abounded then needeth there nothing to be added to grace since the measure of Gods mercy givē vs in Christ doth alwayes exceed the measure of our sinne Therfore doth the Apostle reason to the Romanes frō this aboūdance of the grace of God Rom. 5.15.16 17. proveth the certaintie of eternall life by comparison in this similitude betwixt the grace or gift of God in Christ the offēce of Adam in three respects First in respect of Adams sin Christes righteousnes or obedience For the Apostle sayeth that the gift is not so as is the offence he sheweth the reason for sayeth he If through the offence of that one many bee dead Much more the grace of God the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath aboūded vnto many Hereby declaring that the righteousnes of Christ givē vs by grace is more aboundantly bestowed vpon vs to life then Adams offence was of power vnto death Secōdly inrespect of that which followeth there are two causes to witt guiltines that cometh throgh that one offence of Adā iustificatiō that cometh of Christs onely righteousnes Neither sayeth hee is the gift so as that which entred by one that sinned And he addeth the reason For sayeth he the fault came of one offence to condēnatiō but the gift is of many offences to iustification shewing that iustificatiō by Christ is farre more large then the cause of cōdemnation in Adā Seeing that not only that one sinne which alone hath brought cōdemnation on all men but al other our sinnes are forgiuē in Christ so the gift of grace aboūdeth much more is of greater measure thē the guiltnes of the sin that was the cause of all mens cōdēnation Thirdlie the Apostle reasoneth from the difference of power betwixt the death that followeth vpon the guiltines of Adams sinne the lyfe that is given to them that are iustified by the righteousnes or obedience of Christ Iesus For sayeth he If by one offence death raigned through one much more shall they which receyue that aboundance of grace and of that gift of it Righteousnes raigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ The reason is implyed in this sentence takē from the aboundance of grace and of the gift of that righteousnes By al which the Apostle will assure our heartes that we who are partakers of the grace mercie of God in Christ shal be saued that in respect Neither is Adams sin so powerfull to make guiltie vnto death as the righteousnes of Christes to iustifie vnto lyfe neither is the guiltines coming from Adams only sinne so aboundant as the iustification which is by Christ only Obedience seeing our guiltines cometh from one finne but our iustification is not only from that sinne and guiltines comming from that sinne but from all sinnes and guiltines of them all Neither is death which followed vpon the guiltines of that one sinne of Adams vpon all men of such force to raigne as the lyfe that commeth to all them that are iustified by that one obedience
it So first because the Apostle did knowe howe hard and difficill a thing it is to perswade man to forsake this present world the life the glory the riches the reast pleasures of it except hee have esperance of an other world life glory riches pleasure Therfore doth hee first set downe the exceeding mercie and goodnes of God in begetting vs to the hope of life in the heavens Secondly in respect the naked hope of an other life is not sufficient to perswade vs to forsake this life nor to minister solide ioy in suffering for it except we know that this life for which we hope be much more excellent and precious Therefore in the second place the Apostle describeth the excellencie of this life hoped for Thirdly seeing for the solide consolation of the Saints it is required that not only they have hope of life and knowe the excellencie of it but also that they bee sure not to be frustrat nor disappointed of their hope Therefore in the third place hee declareth the certaintie infalliblenes of this hope In these three points consists the substance of the worde which wee have read whereof wee are now to speake as the Lord shal assist by his grace But first of all before we enter to speake of these three Gods benefits never to be remembred without thankfulnes we must consider the maner which the Apostle vseth in propounding of them which is by way of thanksgiving To teach vs in what maner wee should speak of the blessings of God whose goodnes to vs should never be remēbred without out thankesgiuing to him Hee chooseth vs he predestinateth vs he calleth vs Ephes 1.6 saith the Apostle to the praise of the glory of his grace Therefore when ever it pleaseth him to bestow vpō vs the fruits of his love and free grace in Iesus Christ wee should alwaies receiue them thinke and speake of them so as our God receive of vs the thing for which hee giveth them that is the prayse of his glorious grace wherwith he doth abound towards vs in all spirituall blessings in Iesus Christ There is a great difference betwixt the maner of speech of those who speake vpon a bare and naked knowledge of the blessings of God and of those who speake from the sense feeling of them as having tasted themselves of the goodnes and bountifulnes of God in these blessings towards thē in Christ The speech of the one as it is without feeling so is it fectles and without force they can speake of his goodnes and not give him glorie whereas the other are forced by their feeling to glorifie God because he is good his love in their hearts constrayning them as saith the Apostle 2. Cor. 5.14 This is the cause why the Saints in Gods word have made so many songs of praise and thanksgiuing to God so sweete is the sense of his mercie and so deepe was the insight they had of it towards thēselves that they have provoked all the creatures to praise him because hee is good and his mercie endureth for ever as though themselves alone were not sufficient to speake of the praise of his grace towards them yea the helpe of al creatures being too too small in their iudgement to make thē worthely to render him the glorie of his goodnes to them alone knowing that their tongues and lips were not able condignely to thanke him they haue called on their soules and all that is within them to prayse his holy name This serveth for a tryal to vs to examine ourselues in what sort wee possesse the knowledge of the grace of God towardes man in Christ Surely it is to be feared that there is small sense lively feeling of it within vs when thankfulnes doth not outwardly abound in our speeches and actions And hereby may we iustly esteeme this age although it abound in knowledge yet to haue small feeling of the things knowen seing the affections of men are so slenderly touched with the loue of God and his goodnes neither heart nor tongue being prepared to proclayme his prayse The Prophet saith and so doth the Apostle I beleeved and therefore I spoke 2. Cor. 4.13 surely where faith is there wil be speech The Apostle therefore writing to the Colossians bids them abounde in faith with thanksgiuing Colos 2.7 The same Apostle willing to make vs vnderstand what is the nature of true knowledge after hee hath exhorted vs to know the will of the Lord to be filled with the Spirit he subioynes an exhortation to practise the effects of this knowledge and amongst the rest hee desireth vs alwayes to giue thanks for al things to God the Father in the name of Iesus Christ our Lord ioyning these two things together and teaching vs that no blessing yea nothing should happen to vs for the which we should not giue thankes to God For that is the nature of true grace truly ingraffed in the heart for all things even for Afflictions to prayse the Lord. Let vs looke on the example of Iob when God did permit Satā to spoyle him of his substance Iob. 1.21 his speech is The Lord hath given and the Lord hath taken it blessed be the name of the Lord. Beholde hee acknowledgeth that it was the Lord that did giue it was the Lord that did take and hee blessed the Lord both in giuing him and in taking from him If then the very Afflictions chastisements wherby the Lord exerciseth the faith and tryeth the patience of his Saints bee iust matter both of reioycing as Iames saith Iam. 1.2 and also of thanksgiuing how much more should we render thanks to God for our Election our Calling our Iustification and all the rest of his blessings both spirituall and bodilie Let vs learne then with the Apostle and according to the former exhortation of Paul to give thanks alwayes for al things to God the Father in the Name of Iesus Christ our Lord. So much concerning the maner of the Apostles speaking and propounding this blessing Now wee come to the matter it selfe which wee diuided in three wherof the first concerneth the blessing of God bestowed vpon vs. In declaring of this blessing wee haue these points set downe by the Apostle in order 1. The Authour and giuer of it to wit the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. The cause mouing him to call vs to so excellent a blessing to wit his aboundant mercie 3. The preparatiue fitting mindes wherby he both makes vs able for the benefite and brings vs to it to wit The begetting of vs againe 4. The blessing it selfe to wit a liuing hope or the hope of life 5. And last the ground and foundation of this hope to wit the Resurrection of Christ from the dead Now concerning the first it is the Father who is the Authour of this blessing as he is the God Father of our Lord Iesus Christ
by creation c. according to the diuersitie of their groundes so is the dispensation of God to men diuers The first is the ground of his dispensation to the reprobates yea to all his other creatures The second is the ground of his dispensation to his elect And because the first ground concerneth this life therefore is it that God bestoweth on the reprobates aboundance of earthly things as riches honour kingdomes and Empires and yet al in his wrath because they receyue them not in Christ the only cause of his loue to man so it shall come to passe that many who haue most of this wordly wealth ritches and pleasures from God shall neuertheles be cast by him in hell fire therefore we must not iudge of Gods favour to men by the outward blessings of this life whereof all are partakers for God maketh his sunne to arise on the evill and the good and sendeth raine on the iust and vniust Math. 5.45 The second ground of Gods dispensation concerneth speciallie the life to come albeit the children of God haue the promise both of this life and the life to come therfore is it that the Lord bestoweth his love his mercie his grace and all his spirituall blessings to none but such as are liuely members of Iesus Christ his Sonne who doe worship him in Christ his Sonne made man who do come to him by Christ who doe call vpon him in the name of Christ who doe acknowledge Christ to be their wisedome their righteousnes 1. Cor. 1.30 their sanctification and redemption Therfore we should studie to haue part in Christ if wee desire to receiue from God eternall life but more of this in the next point to wit that it behoueth Christ to be our Lord before we receyue the blessings from God which now followeth In this point wee have to consider First how many wayes Christ is the Lord of Mankinde and next in what sense hee is called our Lord by the Apostles As for the first we finde him in the scriptures three maner of wayes Lord. First How many wayes Christ is Lord. as wee haue God the Creatour of all things in which respect he is also Lord of all things seeing all things receyued their being from him and are sustayned by the power of his worde Concerning the first in Psalme 102. Heb. 1.3 Hee is called Lord Thou O Lord from the beginning laydest the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the workes of thy handes Further it is said concerning his authoritie Thy Throne O God is from euerlasting to euerlasting And touching the same and the second also in the first to the Hebrues it is said that by him God made the world therafter that he sustaines all things by the mightie power of his worde Secondly he is called Lord as he is the sonne of man Mat. 28.18 for euen as he is man he hath receiued all power both in heauen and in earth Colos 2.10 and is made the head of all principality power Psal 8. and is crowned with glory and honour and is sett aboue all the workes of Gods handes Heb. 2.7.8 and hath all things put in subiection vnder his feete Phil. 2.4 and 10.11 and hath a name giuen him aboue all names that at the name of Iesus Ephe. 1.21 should every knee bowe both of things in heauen and things in earth and things vnder the earth Iohn 17.2 And that every tongue should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the Father And this dominion is generall ouer all flesh and aboue all principalitie and power and might and domination and every name that is named So that hereby he is Lord of the very Diuels and of the reprobates no lesse then of the godly and elect Iohn 17.1 But the end wherefore hee receiued this power is not one to both for to the elect it is that he may giue to them eternal life but to the other it is that he may crush them with a scepter of yron Psal 2.9 Reuel 2.27 and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell Which is a great consolation to all that are his members 2. Thes 7.8 9.10 knowing that all their ●enem●●ts both bodily and spirituall are ruled by their Lord and Saviour and that the heauens are his and all that therein is and the earth is his and that therein is So that nothing can be wanting to them that feare him Lastly he is Lord speciallie and only of his Saints and Church of God Ephe. which he hath purchased to him selfe by his own blood 1. Pet. 2.24 Colos 1.14 Luc 1.71.72 and 73 74.75 Psal 2.6 Luc. 1.32 Ephes 1.22 Ioh. 10.19 Iohn 17.2 and 6 and 9.11.24 1. Pet. 2.4 Heb. 2.5 And therefore besyde this generall Dominion which is giuen him ouer all creatures he is speciallie anoynted and set king vpon Sion the Lordes holy Mountaine and hath receiued the throne of his father Dauid to raigne ouer the house of Iacob for ever and is made aboue all things the head of the Church in which respect the elect are said only to be giuen to him of the Father whereas in respect of his general Dominion all things are given him of the Father This Dominion and Lordship consisteth in the Right that Christ hath to vs by his owne purchase in the spirituall gouernement of his Saints by his spirit and word Ruling thereby in their hearts not suffering any more Sathan nor sin to beare rule in their mindes but making them as a chosen generation a Royall Priesthood an holy Nation a people set at libertie to shewe foorth the vertues of him that hath called them out of darknes into his marvelous light And this is the kingdome of Christ which is not of this world but is called the kingdome of the world to come because it concerneth not the things of the world belonging to this earthlie and corruptible life but the things that belong to the spirituall life of God in vs in creating vs over againe to his Image 1. Cor. 7.31 and making vs partakers of all the spirituall blessings that are in the heauenlie places in Christ Iesus him selfe And secondly it is so called because it shall not be perfyted in this world but in the world to come when the shape and forme of this world shall be abolished and passed away These are the three wayes that Christ is to be considered Lord in the scriptures In the first respect he is Lord with the Father and with the Spirit and he is the very life of the world in whom al things haue their naturall being and moouing and so are bound for this very life to serue him In the seconde respect hee is made Lord by the Father who hath giuen him the preeminence in all things aboue all creatures Iohn 5.2.7 that hee should rule the world and execute
Iustice did come by our workes then had we wherein to reioyce and glorie And for this cause also is it that God doth choose the vyle things of this worlde the foolish and the weake 1. Cor. 27. to the end euen that no flesh should reioyce or glory in his presence for wee are that which wee are of him in Christ Iesus and not of our selves nor in our selves saith the Apostle be it Wiesdom iustificatiō sactification or redemption That according as it is written Hee that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lord. The second reason of the Apostle to the Ephesians Phil. 2.13 is Because the power of doing good is not of our selues nor in our selues because we are the workmanship of God created to good workes And this Creatiō saith the Apostle is in Christ Iesus therefore not in our selues Therfore it is not of our selues that we do good but of God who worketh in vs both the will and the deed and that of his good pleasure Neither haue we the vertues in our selues of working good but in Christ Iesus that we iustly say with the Apostle to the Galathians Gall. 2.10 It is not we that liue any more but Christ that liueth in vs. And therefore with the same Apostle to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 12.2 and 3. Our reioycing should be not in our selues but in the man which is Christ And we ought to acknowledge with him that what we are we are it by the grace of God And when we labour in well doing it is not we but the grace of God which is with vs. This serveth to vs for two things to instruct vs not with Papist or other whatsoeuer to asscribe merites to our workes or to esteeme the cause of our election calling iustification or glorification to be in our selues or our workes but in the free grace of God Therfore doth the Apostle to the Romans declare Rom. 11.5 that the remnant which are saved are reserued according to the election of grace and thervpon concludeth that if election bee of grace it is no more of workes else were grace no more grace And if it be of works then it is no more of grace or els workes were no more works So may we conclude here of our calling to the hope of life since the Apostle saith It is of Gods aboundāt mercy than it is not of merit els were mercy no more mercy and if it be of merite it is no more mercy or els merite were no more merite The cause therefore moouing God to call and elect vs is no wayes in vs but in God himselfe Therefore doth the Apostle say to the Ephesians Ephe. 1.5 that God hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Christ in himselfe And what was the cause in himselfe moouing him the Apostle likewise declareth it According to the good pleasure of his wil. And moreouer in the next verse he maketh it more plaine saying That it is his grace wherewith hee hath made vs freely accepted in his beloved yet more amplie hee cleareth this adding in the 7. verse That the redemption which we haue by the bloud of Iesus Christ is also according to his rich grace Declaring that whither wee look to God in giuing Christ to dye for vs or whither wee consider God iustifying vs in Christ and accepting of vs in him for the merite of his death applying or imputing the same to vs There was nor is nothing that mooueth him to doe so but his owne grace For as it is written Exod. 33.19 I will haue mercy vpon him to whom I will shew mercie wil haue compassion vpon him on whom I will haue compassion So that it is not in him that willeth Rom. 9.15 16. 18 nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie And therefore hee hath mercy on whom hee will and whom hee will hardeneth The second thing that hereby we learne is that comfortable lesson which the spirit of God teacheth vs by the Apostle to the Romanes reasoning from this mercie and loue of God towardes vs in Christ who when wee were yet of no strength at his time Rom 5.6.7 8.9.10 dyed for the vngodly God setting foorth his merueillous loue to vs that whyle we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs. Whereupon he concludeth that nowe being iustified by his bloud we shall much more bee saued from wrath through him For as the the Apostle sayeth If when we were enemies wee were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne Ephe. 2.3.4 and 5. much more being re●ciled we shal be saved by his life For that mercy that mooued God when we were dead in sinne and trespasse being by nature the children of wrath Ier. lament 3.22 to quicken vs in Christ Seeing it remained for euer and his compassions fayle not but are renewed every morning Ephe. 2.3.4 must needes much more mooue him to accomplish the good pleasure of his will in vs Psal 106.1 who nowe are made the children of his loue in Christ Therefore neede we not to feare what man Rom. 8.38 and 39. yea what Deuills can doe to vs For neither death nor life nor Angells nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus For our God is full of compassion and mercie Psal 103.8 c. slow to anger and of great kindnes Therefore he will not alwayes chyde Psal 103.6 nor keepe his anger for euer neither will hee deale with vs after our sinnes nor reward vs according to our iniquities seeing he pitied vs and had mercie on vs when we were his enemies For that mercie that mooued God to beget vs to the hope of lyfe when we were straungers from him without hope and without God much more shall it mooue him to bring vs now being made his children to the enioying of that blessed hope Herevpon it followeth That Gods mercie is the only ground of solide and perfect comfort to man and only sure stay to the soule of him that is in trouble that contrariwise they can haue no stedfast hope nor perfect ioy through their hope who build their hope of lyfe not vpon the mercie of God but on their owne merite or merite of any other creature Therefore is it that in the scripture the most lamentable and sorrowfull cace of the godly is described to bee when as the sence of Gods mercie faileth them For then doe they crie out Will God shewe noe more fauour Psal 77.8 Is his Mercie cleane gone for euer Doth his promise faile for euermore Hath God forgotten to be mercifull Hath he shutt vp his tender mercies in displeasure This is my death sayeth the seruant of God Hereby declaring that mercie is their only comfort and cause of their lyfe And where mercie appeareth
their minde to the Image of God and must finde themselves cast in a new moulde and fashioned to another shape and borne over againe Therefore we should diligently trye our selves and consider if God at any time hath bin effectuall in vs to the alteration of the spirit of our minde renovation of our soules and if his spirit doth possesse and lead vs so that our conversation be after the spirit and not after the flesh And as the Apostle Peter in his second epistle exhorteth vs 2. Pet 1.10 Wee should studie to make our calling and election sure by adding to our faith vertue and so foorth For they can haue no certaintie of their calling that are not sanctified and therefore no assured hope For when God maketh vs his sonnes Gal. 4.6 he sendeth the spirit of his son in our heartes which cryeth Rom. 3.14 Abba Father For if any have not the spirit of Christ he is not his sayeth the Apostle to the Romanes Rom. 8.10 And if the spirit of Christ be in vs sayeth the same Apostle the same body is dead because of sinne the spirit is lyfe because of Righteousnes Therefore we may iustly conclude with the Apostle Pieter in the first chapter aforsaid of his second epistle after hee hath exhorted vs to ioyne vertue to our faith and to vertue knowledge to knowledge temperance 2. Pet. 1.9 and so foorth that whosoever hath not these things hee is blinde and seeth not farr off and hath forgotten that he was washed from his olde sinnes and so consequently that their hope is but a blinde hope their confidence a blinde confidence their boasting a blinde boasting 2 Co. 5.17 For if any man be in Christ Iesus he is a new creature sayeth the Apostle to the Corinthes So to conclude this point it were better to a man never to have bene borne in this worlde then after he is borne not to bee borne over againe by God And woe is the man who before the laying downe of this naturall life hath not obtayned another which is spirituall Now followeth the fourth point Hope followeth Regeneration which is the benefite it selfe vnto the which God of his mercie doth beget vs againe that is a living or lively hope or hope of lyfe This sheweth vs the purpose of God in begetting vs which is to cause vs hope For as we have said before First wee must bee made the children of God before we can hope to enioy his inheritance Therefore our Regeneration is a warning to vs that wee are the heires of God and coheires with Christ and obligeth vs to hope for the glorie of God seeing God hath begotten vs Because as saith the Apostle here he begetteth vs to hope therefore where hope is not there is no new birth for the Lord can not bee frustrate of the ende of his worke for hee that renewes vs vnto hope with renovation gives hope Therefore the sanctified man in Christ may be sure of glorie and lyfe everlasting according as the Apostle sheweth vs Whom he calleth Rom. 8.30 hee iustifienh and whom hee iustifieth him hee glorifieth In this benefite wee have two things to consider First what is the blessing tot wit hope Next what is meant by the propertie of this hope in that it is called a lively hope Concerning the firist the Apostle describing our estate before the Lord doe beget vs and make vs partakers of the adoption doth declare that among the rest of our miseries this was one that we had no hope For whē he hath expoūded to vs the mercy of God in our salvation and regeneration shewing that we are his workmāship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which God had ordayned that we should walke in them being iustified by faith he willeth vs to remember what we were before saying Remember that ye beeing in time past Gentiles in the flesh called vncircumcision of them which are called circumcision in the flesh made with handes that yee were I say at that time without Christ were aliaunts from the common wealth of Israel and were strangers from the couenants of promise and had no hope and were without God in the world This is the miserable estate of vs all before wee be called of God to the adoption of his sonnes and be begotten of him againe wee are all without Christ without hope and without God in the world What greater miserie can there be Act. 17.28 then have a being and yet without him in whom wee have our being our lyfe our moving and all things as the Apostle sayeth in the Actes And knowing that we must depart from this life to have no hope of lyfe thereafter Miserable indeed is our estate by nature how much soever we glorie in it so much the more miserable that wee have neither sense nor sorrow of this our miserie Who is he that can reioyce in any thing while hee abydeth without him in whom are all things And howe can the heart sufficiently praise love and magnifie the Lord when it tasted of this his goodnes in begetting vs againe And so consequently taking from vs all our miseries making vs blessed in giving vs hope and himselfe to bee our God and Father in Christ through whom sayeth the Apostle to the Ephesians we both Ephe. 2.18.19 and 22 that is Iewe and Gentill haue one entrance vnto the Father by one spirit and are no more strāgers forreners but citizens with the Saints and of the houshold of God and in whom wee are build together to bee the habitation of God by the spirit It is not without good reason that the Apostle here in this place can not speake of this mercie without blessing him who hath brought vs to this blessed estate of hope And great matter have we of reioycing who have tasted of the like mercie If wee consider that which the Apostle saith to the Romanes That wee are saved by hope Rom. 8.24 For as he saith in another Epistle We walke here by faith 2. Cor. 5.7 and not by sight and therfore taking from vs hope our salvation and lyfe is taken from vs which wee doe possesse by hope for this is the difference of faith and hope that by faith we beleeue the promises of salvation in Christ which hope waiteth for so that faith hath respect to lyfe and salvation as it is embraced by vs here in this world Hope hath relation to them as wee shall possesse them in the world to come so that hope doeth alwayes follow faith hangeth vpon it although they be often times takē in the scripture the one for the other indifferently The one looketh to lyfe apprehendeth it promised in the world the other wayteth for the revelation of it from heaven as it is possessed by Christ at the right hande of the Father This is now the blessing vnto the which the Lord begetteth vs againe so that without Regeneration