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A93131 The Quakers wilde questions objected against the ministers of the Gospel, and many sacred acts and offices of religion. With brief answers thereunto. Together with a discourse [brace] 1. Of the Holy Spirit of God, his impressions and workings on the souls of men. 2. Of divine revelation, mediate and immediate. 3. Of error, heresie, and schism: the nature, kindes, causes, reasons, and dangers thereof: with directions for avoiding the same. All very seasonable for these times. / By R. Sherlock, B D. at Borwick-Hal in Lancashire. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1655 (1655) Wing S3255; Thomason E858_1; ESTC R203556 215,435 300

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Lord and Master Mat. 5.44 But I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you CHAP. VII Of the danger of Heresie and Shism THE most holy God as he is infinite in mercy so in justice for as well wrath as mercy cometh from him and his indignation resteth upon sinners 't is of his mercy that all things work together for good to them that love him Etiam peccata saith the Father ever their sins whilest truly repented do work to their greater Humiliation and more careful conscienciousness of their waies and so their errors also do work both for their trial of and confirmation in the most holy faith 'T is of his justice that evill doth haunt the wicked person to his ruine both the evil of sin and the evil of error leaves not the wicked person till he be ceased with the evill of punishment either temporal or eternal hence it comes to pass that Heresie is both profitable and dangerous as S. Chrys observes Chry. Hom. 19. in Mat. 7. 't is useful and profitable in that thereby the truly faithfull are sifted tryed and known from the light giddy and counterfeit number of professors and 't is dangerous in that many are thereby seduced and perish The great danger of Heresie and Schism will appear if we consider 1. The infectious nature of them how easily this spiritual plague doth sease and how fast it cleaveth to the depraved soul of man There is no question but if holy truth could be difcerned by mortal eyes in its native beauty and lustre there is nothing that would so much attract and ravish the soul whether we respect the cause thereof as being a beam displaid from the divine light of heaven or its effect being the perfection and joy of the highest faculty in man the understanding in both respects there 's nothing so illustrious and lovely in it self as holy Truth that therefore which makes errors and lies so plausible and infectious is not their own natural stamp and quality which is deformed and hateful but the counterfeit dress of seeming Truth wherewithall the Devil doth gild and paint and cover their deformities nor could the devil ever obtrude his lies and errors but that they are gilded over with holy and religious expressions and intermixt also with many wholsome and profitable truths and thus doth this Prince of darkness transform himself into an Angel of light that he may at once both amuse and betray the deceived souls of men through a spiritual to an eternal darkness But as sin is the more sinful and dangerous Ibi vitiorum illecebrae sunt ubi tegmen putabatur virtutum Hier. in Eccl. the more 't is palliated and clothed with the name and attire of vertue because saith Hierome In those veils and covers of vertue the snares of sinfulness and vice do secretly lurk So errors in Religion are the more deceivable and destructive by being arayed in the garments of truth and integrity for thus they appear to the outward view of the unskilful more true saith Irenaeus then truth it self even as a counterfeit jewel Si quis aquae mixtum gypsum dans pro lacte seducat per similitudinem coloris sic de omnibus qui quolibet modo depravant quae sunt Dei adulterant veritatem Dei. Lacte gypsum malè miscetur Irenae l. 3. c. 19. made bright and sparkling by Art so deceives the eyes of the unskilful Lapidary that he prefers it before the true and genuine Diamond or as poyson secretly mixt with wholsome food passes for good nourishment Sunt quidam vaniloqui mentis seductores non Christiani sed Christum mercantes cauponantes verbum Evangelii qui venenum erroris commiscentes dulci blandimento sicut oenomeli ut qui biberit illius potus gustabilem sensum dulcedine captus in observanter morti abdicatur Ignat. ep ad Trall or as well mixed whitelime by the likeness of its colour passes for milk so the untempered mortar of false Prophets Ezek. 22.28 for the sincere milk of the Word 1 Pet. 2.2 To this destructive quality of error the holy professions and strict austere outward actions of Heretiques do much conduce no man so pure in their own eyes none so seemingly pure and holy to the outward view of other mens eyes none more zealous in their way none so full of religious phrases and Scripture expressions their crossed armes down-cast eyes neglected gestures garb and attire seemingly bespeak them men altogether weaned from the world and whose conversation is in heaven Sed latet anguis in herba when under all these fair and goodly appearances there lies secretly the serpentine poyson of error falshood and lying vanity of minde they do not only hereby deceive themselves but mightily seduce and deceive others also For there is nothing saith Chrysostome Chry. Hom. 19. in Mat. 7. does so much destroy Truth and Holinoss as counterfeit truth and feigned holiness for the evil which is manifest is shun'd and avoided as evil but evil covered under the shew of Good is not therefore avoided because not known to be evil but is received as good and holy and doth therefore destroy that which is good by being intermixt therewith And thus saith he the servants of the Devil do most wickedly corrupt and deprave the holy Christian Religion whilest they pretend to be themselves good Christians of whom our Lord therefore commands us to beware saying Beware of false Prophets which come unto you in sheeps clothing but inwardly are ravening woolves Mat. 7.15 2. The great danger of Heresie and Schism will further appear if we consider that they are ever productive and fruitful in all licentiousness and sinfulness of heart and life for Heresies being begotten by the Devil of the sinful corruptions of men hearts as is already noted cannot therefore have any other issue but of the same mold and temper whereof they are themselves begotten What ever therefore may be the external garbe and appearance of holiness which Heretiques generally do put on and how ever pure they may seem in their own eyes yet are such who are not washed from their filthiness Prov. 30.12 and however they may justifie themselves with the Pharisee yet are they not therefore just before God but rather the further off from justification Some of them you shall hear to brag much and boast of the Spirit and yet very fruitful in the lusts of the flesh For saith the Apostle whereas there is among you envying and strife and divisions are ye not carnal 1 Cor. 3.3 To talk much against the vanities of the world and to be themselves worldly minded for so faith S. John of false Prophets They are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them 1 Joh. 4.5 To profess and make a great shew of humility and obedience
narrownesse of the hearts whereinto he flowes 2 Cor. 6.12 as 2 Cor. 6.12 Ye are not straitned in us that is in our Ministry we preach abundance of grace unto you but you are straitned in your own bowels through the hardnesse of your hearts being not capable of the graces of the Spirit And the heart is made soft and pliable for the impressions of the Spirit by repentance and mortification the good seed of Gods Spirit will not take root amongst the thornes of impiety Jer. 4.4 therefore saith the Lord Jer. 4.4 Break up the fallow ground of your hearts and sow not amongst thornes be circumcised to the Lord and take away the foreskin of your hearts that is hardnesse of your hearts Deut. 10.16 Deut. 10.16 cald also the circumcision of the Spirit Act. 2.29 because it makes way for the Spirit Col. 2.11 and Col. 2.11 A circumcision made without hands even the putting off the sinful body of the flesh meaning the sinful crop of fleshly lusts which infest and infect the soul of these the soul must be disarayed and devested by repentance and mortification Rom. 8.13,14 Rom. 8.13,14 If ye live after the flesh c. The coherence of which verses imply before we can be led by the Spirit of God we must mortifie the deeds of the flesh the sordid rags of the old man must be put off before the soul can be clothed with the splendid garments of the Spirit of grace In vain is it to pray unto God for any spiritual grace or mercy while we continue in our sins for God heareth not sinners Joh. 9.31 In vain to hear or read the Gospel of grace Eph. 6.15 except our feet be shod with the preparation of repentance whereby we forsake our sins Therefore before the Gospel it self was published this was first proclaimed both by Christ and his forerunner Repent for the kingdome of God is at hand Mat. 3.2 4.17 1 Cor. 11.28 In vain to participate of those mysteries of our salvation the body and bloud of our Lord Deus gratiam polliciuus qui in extremitatibus temporum per spiritum suum universo o●bi illuminaturus esset praeire intinctienem poenitentiae jussit ut quos per gratiam vocaret ad promissi●…em per poenitentiae subsignatienem aute componeret Tert. de poen c. 2. till first by self-examination we have cast out the venome of our sinful doings by repentance and stedfast purposes of amendment In a word it is our sins unrepented that make void and ineffectual all the blessed means of Grace and of the Spirit by those it is we quench the Spirit we grieve the Spirit 1 Thess 5.19 Ephes 4.30 we resist the Spirit we provoke the Spirit and poyson the blessed waters of life so that all the conveyances of the Spirit are barren and unfruitful whilest they reflect upon hardened and impenitent hearts See therefore repentance enjoyned as to the receiving of the holy Ghost Act. 2.38 8.19 And I would to God that all who pretend to the holy Spirit of God or to any the fruits and graces of the Spirit would first learn before they make their boast of the Spirit truly to repent them of their sins Gal. 5.19,20,21 and to root out of the ground of their hearts all the fruits of the flesh which are adultery fornication uncleannesse lasciviousnesse idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulation wrath strife seditions heresies envyings murthers drunkennesse revellings c. When these all of these sinful fruits are extirpated out of the ground of the heart there may be then some hopes that our prayers and other divine acts and offices performed in the sincerity of our souls may prevail with God for the direction and comfort of his Spirit of grace and truth God which hast taught the hearts of thy faithfull people by the sending to them the light of thy holy Spirit grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things and evermore to rejoyce in his holy comfort through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same Spirit one God world without end Amen A DISCOURSE OF DIVINE REVELATION Mediate and Immediate Secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this Law Deut. 29.29 Omnis religio supernis Revelationibus nititur aut niti praesumitur Mirand de fid ord cred London Printed 1656. The Introduction and general Heads GOD as he is in himself only knowes himself and consequently those waies of his worship Coeli mystarium me doceat Deus qui condidit non homo quiseipsum ignoravit Amb. which are holy and acceptable to himself Man who knowes not himself aright cannot of himself know God nor those divine and celestial mysteries which are the waies of Gods service and mans salvation For what man is he that can knew the counsel of God Or who can think what the will of the Lord is Wisd 9.13 Veritas i. e. arcanum summi Dei qui fecit omnia ingenio ac propriis sensibus non potest comprehendi Alioqui c. Lactant. lib. 1. c. 1. Truth which is the secret of the most high God who hath formed all things cannot by our own wit and proper senses be comprehended for otherwise there would be little distance betwixt God and man if mans cogitations could dive into the counsels and dispositions of Gods eternal Majesty Canst thou by searching finde out God canst thou finde out the Almighty unto perfection it is as high as heaven what canst thou do deeper then hell what canst thou know the measure thereof is longer then the earth and broader then the sea Job 11.7 c. 2. This therefore must be granted as the ground of all divine truth that nothing either of God or of his sacred service is to be believed and received by us but what from God is revealed or by revelation from heaven derived to us Secret things belong to the Lord our God but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this Law Deut. 29.29 Hilar. de Trin. lib. 5. Non potest Deus nisi per Deum intelligi sicut nec honorem à nobis Deus nisi per Deum accipit namque honorandus c. A Deo discendum est quid de Deo intelligendum sit quia non nisi se outhore cegnoscitur Id. God cannot be known but by himself neither doth he receive honour from us but by himself For that he is to be honour'd we understand not but that himself hath taught and commanded himself to be honoured The honour of God we are taught by God nor may we entertain any such thoughts of God as our own frail humane judgements suggest unto us our nature is
whereunto that woe belongeth Isa 5.20 Wo unto them that call evill good c. 3. In many things we offend all Jam. 3.2 And this not only by iniquity in life and action but also by error in judgement opinion But as God of his great mercy through the merits of Christ imputes not unto us those sins which through natural frailty and meer infirmity daily and hourly invade the innocence of the soul i. e. if with an humble lowly penitent and obedient heart we confesse them and unfeignedly beleeve in Christ for the pardon of them so neither doth he impute those errors of our judgements which are of smaller consequence whilest they infect not the will and affections so as obstinately and perversely to persevere therein A bare and naked error in the understanding only is rather an infelicity then a crime 't is the obstinacy of the will the animosity and perverseness of the affections in cleaving to the mistaken conception of the understanding that renders the mistake a sinful and diabolical error for saith the Father Aug. de verbis Apost serm 22. Whilest we do but erre we are but like our selves frail mortal men whose thoughts are miserable and whose devices are but uncertain but when through animosity and perversness we persist in our errors we are then of our father the Devil who as he was a lyar from the beginning and abode not in the truth so doth he obstinately abide for ever in the destructive and damnable errors of his waies Joh. 8.44 Both this infelicity and also this sinfulness of error will more fully appear by considering and rightly understanding the nature of Heresie and Schism the two general heads whereunto all sinful error is reducible CHAP. II. Heresie the nature and ingredients thereof HEresie hath its denomination from the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to chuse or follow by way of division and separation the which being continued and increased by perversness and obstinacy therein gives unto Heresie its perfection and compleatment The former is an error of the understanding the latter an exorbitancy of the will And thus both the Sententiarist and the Schoolman define an Heretique He is an Heretique who both erres in the Articles of holy faith through defect in his understanding and withal pertinaciously cleaves to such errors through the perverseness of his will From this general description of an Heretique and the nature of Heresle the particular ingredients whereof the cup of Heretical poyson is compounded will appear to be these 1. To be an Heretique is to erre in matters of faith not of Fact and in points of Doctrine not of Discipline the former distinguishes Heresie from sinfulness of life The latter opposes Heresie to Schism These points of faith are either 1. Fundamental such as are the grounds pillars and constituent parts of holy Christian Religion Or 2. Superstructive such clear and evident truthes as are built upon and by necessary consequence do flow from those grounds An error in the former is primarily and principally and in the latter secondarily and consequentially Heresie 2. He that in either of these respects erres in the most holy faith through ignorance misunderstanding or misinformation is not presently to be adjudged an Heretique untill this error in his understanding hath so infected his will and affection that he cleaves to this his private erroneous opinion even against the judgement of holy Catholick Church and the doctrine of Christ sufficiently made known unto him so the Father Aug. de civit d●… l. 18. c. 51. Qui in ecclesia Christi morbidum aliquid pravúmque sapiunt si correpti ut sanum rectumque sapiant resistunt contumaciter c. They who in the Church of Christ do believe any pernicious doctrines and being instructed and admonisht to receive the sound and saving truth do yet pertinaciously persist in their errors and continue to defend them still without conversion and amendment are hereby become Heretiques of whom S. John They went out from us but they were not of us for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us 1 Joh. 2.19 viz. In the society of holy or thodox Christians And being gone out through the obstinate maintaining the delusions of their own heads they become saith the Father of the number of those enemies whom God-permits for the trial of our faith and exercise of our charity And this particular ingredient of Heresie the same Father in one of his Epistles more fully cleareth thus Qui sententiam suam quamvis falsam nulla pertinaet animositate defendit praeser●…m quam non dudacia suae praesumptionis peperit sed à seductis in errorem lapsis parentibus accepit Quaerit autem cautâ solioit udine veritatem corrigi paratus cum invenerit nequaquam est inter hareticos deputandus Aug. Epist 162. He that defends his opinion though it be false with no perversness and animosity especially if it arise not from his own bold and sawcy presumption of minde but from his erroneous and seduced guides and pastors or parents he hath received it if with all carefulness and diligence he seek to know the Truth being of a ready and prepared heart to imbrace it when he shall finde it such a person though he does erre in the most holy faith is not to be accounted an Heretique 3. The third ingredient then of Heretical poyson is the obstinate cleaving to an erroneous opinion or tenent in Religion contrary to the judgement of the universal Church So Isidore defines Heretiques to be such persons Isid de verbo Haeres who of their own heads depart from the judgement of the Church hammering out of their own brains false and perverse doctrines whereas saith he it is not lawful for us orthodox Christians to bring in any thing of our own heads nor yet to receive and believe what any others of their own heads have brought into the Church We have the Apostles of Christ for our Authors for even they brought in nothing of their own minde but the doctrine they received from Christ they faithfully published and preached to the world And though we saith the Apostle or an Angel from heaven should preach any other Gospel besides c. Gal. 1.18 From the Apostles the sound and saving Truth is received by the Church so that saith Irenaeus Non oportet adhuc quarere apud alios veritatem quam facile est ab ecclesia sumere cum Apostoli quasi in depositorium dives plenissimè in ea contulerint omnia quae sunt veritatis ut omnis quicunque velit sumat ex ea potum vitae Irenae l. 3. c. 4. We ought not else where to seek the truth which in the Church may be easily found since the the Apostles have most fully treasur'd up therein as in a rich store-house all things that are of Truth so that whosoever list may thence take out the waters of life