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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75062 An Abstract of the Scripture-catechism accommodated by the author, to the use of children and ignorant people / newly corrected by the author himself. 1675 (1675) Wing A142B; ESTC R42630 16,853 76

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many kinds of sin be there A. Two Original sin actual sin Q. What is Original sin A. It is want of Original Justice which we are all born in by means of Adams fall Q. How is Original sin remitted A. By Baptisme Q. Whither go Infants who dye without Baptisme in Original sin A. To the upper part of Hell where they feel no pain of sense but shall never see the Face of God Q. What is actual sin A. It is thought word or deed contrary to the word of God Q. What is a sin of Omission A. To omit any thing willingly which is commanded us by God or his Church Q. How is actual sin divided A. Into mortal sin and venial sin Q. What is mortal sin A. Any great offence against the Charity of God or our Neighbour Q. What is venial sin A. A small and very pardonable offence against God or our Neighbour Q. How is mortal sin remitted A. By hearty Contrition and Penance Q. How is venial sin remitted A. By all the Sacraments by devout Prayer holy water the like Q. Whither go such as dye in mortal sin A. To Hell for all Eternity Q. Whither go such as dye in venial sin or not having fully satisfied for the punishments due unto their mortal sines A. To Purgatory till they have made full satisfaction for them and then to Heaven Q. How know you there is a Purgatory A. Because when the Day of our Lord shall come that is the day of our death the Work of every one of what kind it is the fire shall try c. If any mans work burns as theirs do who go to Purgatory he shall suffer hurt but himself shall be saved yet so as by fire 1 Cor. 3. ver 14 15. Q. How many wayes may a man be made partaker and guilty of anothers sin A. Nine wayes 1. By Counselling it 2. By commending it 3. By consenting to it 4. By provoking him to it 5. By praising or flattering him for it 6. By not speaking when he ought to speak 7. By winking at it 8. By being a partner with him in the fact 9. By defending the ill done CHAP. XV. The seven deadly or capital sins Q. HOw call you the seven capital sins A. 1. Pride 2. Covetousness 3. Lechery 4. Anger 5. Gluttony 6. Envy 7. Sloath. Q. What is Pride A. An inordinate desire of our own worth and esteem Q. What is Covetousness A. An mordinate desire of riches Q. What is ●●chery A. An inordinate desire of carnal pleasure Q. What is Anger A. An inordinate desire of revenge Q. What is Gluttony A. An inordinate desire or use of meat drink Q. What is Envy A. A sadness or repining at anothers good because it seems to lessen our own Q. What is Sloath A. A lasiness of mind neglecting to begin or prosecute good things The sins against the Holy Ghost Q. HOw many be the sins against the Holy Ghost A. Six 1. Despair of Salvation 2. Presumption of Gods mercy 3. To impugne the known truth 4. Envy at anothers spiritual good 5. Obstinacy in sin .. 6. Final Impenitence The sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance Q. HOw many such sins be there A. Four 1. Wilful Murther 2. Sin of Sodom 3. Oppression of the Poor 5. To defraud work-men of their wages CHAP. XVI The four last things Expounded Q. WHat be the four last things A. Death Judgment Hell and Heaven Q. What mean you by Death A. That we are all mortal and must once dye how soon we are uncertain and therefore should be alwayes prepared for it Q. What is the best preparative for a good Death A. A good life and to be often doing Penance for our sins and saying with St. Paul I desire to be dissolved and be with Christ Phil. 1. v. 13. Q. What understand you by Judgement A. That besides the General Judgement of the World our souls as soon as they be dead shall receive their particular Judgment at the Tribunal of Christ Q. How must we prepare our selves against this Judgment A. By often remembring that it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God Heb. 10. v. 31. Q. What mean you by Hell A. I mean that such as dye guilty of mortal sin shall be tormented there for ever and ever Apoc. 20. v. 10. Q What understand you by Heaven A. I understand that the chosen and faithful servants of God who dye in state of grace shall live with him for ever in his Kingdom Q. What benefit have we by the frequent me mory of these last things A. Very great benefit In all thy works remember thy last things and thou shalt never sin Eccles 7. v. 40. Grace before Meat BLess ye Resp Our Lord. Let us pray BLess us our Lord and these thy gifts which we are to receive of thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Resp AMEN Grace after Meat PRaise we our Lord. Resp Thanks be to God Let us Pray WE give thee thanks O Almighty God for all th● benefits who livest and reignest world without end Resp Amen Vers And let the souls of the faithful through the mercy o● God rest in peace Resp Amen FINIS
increaseth grace and nourisheth our souls in spiritual life He that eateth of this bread shall live for ever S. John 6. Q. What is the Mass A. It is the unbloody sacrifice of the body and blood of Christ which he himself ordained at his last supper Q. For what is the Sacrifice available A. For the remission of sins and the obtaining of all gifts and graces Penance Expounded Q. WHen did Christ ordain this Sacrament A. After his rising from the dead when he breathed on his Disciples saying Receive ye the Holy Ghost whose sins ye shall forgive they are forgiven and whose sins ye shall retain they are retained St. Joh. 20. v. 23. Q. What is the matter of this Sacrament A. The sins and confession of the Penitent Q. What is the form of it A. I absolve thee from thy sins In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Q. What are the effects of it A. It reconcileth us to God and either restoreth or increaseth grace Q. How many parts hath it A. Three Contrition Confession and Satisfaction Q. What is required to a good Confession A. That we seriously examine our Consciences 2. To be heartily sorry for our sins 3. To confess them faithfully to the Priest with a firm purpose to amend Q. What if a man knowingly leave out any one mortal sin A. He commits a great sacriledge by lying to the Holy Ghost and makes his whole Confession nothing worth Q. What is Indulgence A. Not leave to commit sin or a pardon for sins as Protestants slander but only a releasing of temporal punishments due to such sins as are already forgiven us by Contrition and Confession Extream Vnction expounded Q. WHat warrant have you for this Sacrament A. In the 5th of S. James v. 13. we read Is any man sick amongst you let him bring in the Priests of the Church and let them pray over him annointing him with Oyle in the Name of our Lord and the prayer of Faith shall save the sick man and our Lord will lift him up and if he be in sins his sins shall be forgiven him Q. Who is capable of this Sacrament A. Every Christian that is in mortal danger of death by sickness except infants fools and such as art alwayes mad Q. What is the Matter of this Sacrament A. Oyle blessed by the Bishop Q. What is the form of it A. By that annoyling and h●● own most pious mercy let our Lord pardon thee whatsoever thou hast sinned by thy seeing c. and so of all the other senses Q. What are the effects of thi● Sacrament A. It comforts the soul in her last agony against dispair it remits venial sin and the reliques of sin and restoreth health if it be expedient Holy Order Expounded Q. WHen did Christ Ordain this Sacrament A. At his last Supper where he made his Apostles Priests saying Do ye this in remembrance of me St. Luke 22. v. 19. Q. What did he then give them power to do A. To consecrate and offer the unbloody Sacrifice of his own body and blood which he had there ordained and offered under the outward likeness of Bread and Wine Q. Why did he say for a commemoration of me A. Because the unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass is a commemoration of the bloody Sacrifice made on the Cross Q. What are the effects of holy Order A. It gives men power to consecrate the body and blood of Christ to administer the Sacraments and to preach Q. What sin is it therefore to oppose the Government of Bishops A. A sin of Rebellion against the peace and safety of Gods Church for Christ hath appointed Bishops to be Guards and Teachers of his Law Matrimony expounded Q. VVHere did Christ ordain this Sacrament A. Either at the wedding of Cana in Galilee S. John ch 2. or when he said Now therefore are not two but one flesh That which God hath joyned together let no man seperate S. Mat. 9. v. 6. Q. How prove you Marriage to be a Sacrament A. Out of St. Paul This is a great Sacrament but I say in Christ and in the Church Ep. 5. v. 32. Q. What is the matter of this Sacrament A. The mutual consent of the parties and delivery of their bodies Q. What is the form of it A. The words or signs which signifie the said present consents Q. What are the effects of Matrimony A. It gives special grace to the material couple to love be faithful and bear with one another as also to bring up their Children in the fear of God Q. How great is the bond of Marriage A. So great that it can never be broken but by death CHAP. XII The Cardinal Virtues Q. HOw many Cardinal Vertues be there A. 1. Prudence 2. Justice 3. Fortitude 4. Temperance and they are called Cardinal-Vertues because they are the fountains and as it were the hinges of all moral good works The gifts of the Holy Ghost Q. WHat how many are th● Gifts of the Holy Ghost A. Seven 1. Wisdom 2. Vnderstanding 3. Counsel 4. Fortitude 5. Knowledge 6. Piety 7. The fear of our Lord. The Fruits of the Holy Ghost Q. HOw many are the Fruits of the Holy Ghost A. They are in number twelve 1. Charity 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Patience 5. Longanimity 6. Goodness 7. Benignity 8. Mildness 9. Fidelity 10. Modesty 11. Continency 12. Charity Gal 5. CHAP. XIII The works of Mercy Corporal and S●iritual Q. HOw many are the works of mercy corporal A. Seven 1. To feed the Hungry 2. To give drink to the Thirsty 3. To cloath the Nak●● ● To harbour the Harbourless 5. To visit the Sick 6. To visit the Imprisoned 7. To bury the dead Q. How prove you these works to be meritorious of a reward A. Because he that giveth a cup of cold water only to a Disciple in the name of a Disciple he shall in no wise lose his reward Mat. 10. And Christ hath promised Heaven as a reward to such as do these things S. Mat. c. 25. v. 35. Q. How many are the works of Mercy spiritual A. Seven also 1. To give counsel to the Doubtful 2. To instruct the Ignorant 3. To admonish Sinners 4. To comfort the Afflicted 5. To forgive offences 6. To bear patiently the troublesome 7. To pray for the quick and the dead Q. Is it lawful to pray for the dead A. Yes It is a wholesome and a holy cogitation to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from their sins Machab. 12. Q. Is there also a reward give to these works A. Yes For they who instruct others unto Justice shall shine lik● stars for all Eternity Dan. 12. ver 2. The eight Beatitudes Q. WHat are the eight Beatitudes A. 〈◊〉 ●over●● of spirit 2. Meekness 〈◊〉 M●●●ning 4. To Hunge● and Thirst af … ●ustic● 5. Mercifulness 6. Cleanness of heart 7. T 〈…〉 Peace-makers 8. To suffe● Persecution for justice-sake CHAP. XIV Q. HOw