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A73748 The sinners sleepe vvherein Christ willing her to arise receiueth but an vntoward answer. By Henoch Clapham. Clapham, Henoch. 1596 (1596) STC 5345.4; ESTC S124802 49,655 153

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Thus the Image of God was turned into the similitude of Satan light into darknes and holines into vnholinesse God had put on our Fore-parents the Coate of an vnderstanding minde Holy vvill from whence proceeded Power of Mouing vvell but hauing broken the Commandeme● loe they were stripped of their Co● and they perceived themselues N●ked Genes 3.7 The Coate put off t● Sun was set and the Dark-night can vpon them and the Seed of their loyn And therefore in the worke of Reg●neration and Newe birth the spirite God beginneth to build where Sat● first cast downe namely with rectif●ing the Mind and then with sanct●fying the Will which is called the pu●ting on of the Ephes 4.24 Newe man This Garment the putting on● the second Adam Christ Iesus by op●ning the doore of her conscience sh● insinuateth shee cannot do because was darkenight that is because he● Minde was possessed with ignoranc● thinking that darknesse that is Ign●rance shal be to her a sufficient excus● of not arising out of her bed of secur●tie and worldlie ease I haue put off my coate howe should I put it on is then a● though she should say I in my Fore-p●rents ADAM and HEVAH haue put off my spirituall Coate of an vnderstanding minde and holy will sithence which a spirituall darknesse hath raigned over me by reason vvhereof I can not see howe to put on that Garment aright therefore thou must haue me excused Thus the sinfull soul pleadeth ignorance and darknes when the King of knowledge light standeth at the portall of her doore with a torch in his hand wherewithall to enlighten her not vnlike to a foolish person in bed who called vpon by the Kings messenger for preparance vnto the entertainment of his King should replie It is night I cannot see to attyre my body the King must stay till the daye shine in at the windowe Were this a fit answere for a subject especiallie if the King himselfe were at the doore and offered vnto him at the windowe the benefite of torche light Verilie Christ knocketh not by any minister of his but therewithal he offereth to the soul sitting in darknes sauing light and knowledge But as ● Iewes having in the middest of th● Ioh. 1.9 That true Light vvhich lightneth e●ry man that commeth into the world b● Chap. 3.19 louing darknesse more than light th● would not knowe him except to 〈◊〉 him and bury him with a stone sea●on his head that so he should not 〈◊〉 so in these daies men will plead ign●rance when God hath lighted ma● Lamps amongst them When Sp●tuall Light namely DAVIDS L●terne Psal 119.105 is proffered vn● them toucheth their knockles 〈◊〉 cannot see the wood for trees yet th● can see to dash out the Light neith● will they knowe these lights that w● Iohn 1.8 Iohn beare witnesse of the Light lights except to persecute them i● prison them kil them that so if it we● possible the Light might be put o● that offendeth their bleared eies a● makes their lewd workes manifest so much as multitudes nowe say wi● the wicked in IOB Iob. 21.14.15 Depart from 〈◊〉 ●or vvee desire not the knowledge of thy vvaies Who is the Almightie that vve should serue him But let such wicked ones knowe 2. Thess 1.8.9 That the Lord Iesus shall shew himselfe from heauen with his migh●ie Angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance vnto them that do not knowe God and which obey not the Gospel of our Lord Iesus Christ Well Christ will come sodainlie as doeth a theefe Revel 16.15 Blessed therefore is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and God make all Angels and Men to see his filthinesse But mark that this poore soul confesseth her spiritual nakednes althogh by an interrogation she maketh it too difficult to bee attyred A confession which fewe will bee brought vnto in these daies for they rather will say I am not more naked than others more ignorant than such If they may pull others into their Confession so be it they will more easilie confesse somewhat but to single out themselues and to particulate their owne sinne that v● fewe will come vnto Which sin● confession although it bee a lifting of the head towards repentance ye● it nothing availeable without Rep●tance or Conversion it selfe It is not ●ficient for thee to lie in the bed of ●dultery and to confesse that thou h● put off the coate of Chastitie exce● thou arise from Adulterie and put 〈◊〉 the coat of Chastitie Flie evill and good Prov. 28 13. He saith SALOMON that 〈◊〉 knowledgeth and forsaketh his sinnes sh● finde mercie The second part of her answer lyi● in these wordes I haue washed my fee● howe should I defile them Is as much if she saide I haue fitted my affections ●therwise in so much as if I arise and op● vnto Thee I see not howe I shall do it b● with embasing and endamaging my sel● By Feete every where in holy writ meant the Affections or Will which the container of the affections B● Moses Exod. 3. putting his shoes off fro● his feet is there vnder ment a putting ●ff or laying aside earthly carnall and ●eastlie affections By the Iohn 13. washing ●f feete commended by Christ to his Disciples is signed foorth the bearing ●f holy affections one towards ano●er When DAVID saith Psal 119.59 I turned my ●eete into thy testimonies hee meaneth ●eturned his affections to Gods law ●nd indeede the feet willinglie go on ●r turne to that way the Heart affects By all which appeareth my former ●onclusion to bee true namely that he thought her selfe in an estate good ●nough for the present season ey ●hat nowe to rise were but a defilement to her waies an endangering of ●er health An answere notablie wic●ed and highlie worthy the departure of Christ and yet an answer given by many to Christ in these daies who can say I affect the Word and the pure Government of the Church of Christ not one of them wisheth more good ●hereto than I do but because of the present pollicie of the Land becaus● of my present calling wherein I mu● bath my selfe as in a bed I cannot ●rise and shake of these thinges for th● entertaining of Christs Scepter an● holy government but first I shall d●file my name and credet which nam● and credite with the world I must a●fect and secondly by reason of cold Lawes abroad I should by arising t● giue place to Christ hazard the los● of libertie and revenewes which I a●fect as my life And indeed the prai● of men rather than of God and the r●gard of bodily ease before souls helth is so deare vnto this serpents brood● that lick the dust go with their be●lies vpon the earth that if they be d●prived of these they are readie to sta● and hang themselues with Achitoph● in a halter These say in their heart● what profit shall we haue in openin●
repenting is more sweet and comfortable for last●ie shee meeteth with the Daughters of Ierusalem the visible Church or body of Christ to whome she communicateth her perplexed estate that so togither with her as feeling members they may bewaile her vnto her welbeloued with loue of whome shee ●s nowe not a little wounded Thus much for the whole now to the parts The sillie sinner having returned a● vntoward answer out of her bed of S●curitie Christ hee ceaseth knockin● not awayting her lewde leasure a● longer therefore drawing his han● from the doore he departeth This ● doth because as his presence make● her wanton so his Adieu for a seaso● may happely cause her to search int● the cause and by litle and little be d●uen into a dump and so after that ● as inquisitiue after her Loue lost ● before she was toying and negligen● The like course the Lord was vrged ● take with Hos 5.15 Iudah and Ephraim that ● Israel the greatest Tribe put for th● whole They not listening vnto h● voice by Hoseah other his Prophet IEHOVAH determins on the case th● I vvill go and returne to my place till th● acknowledge their fault and seeke me ● their affliction they will seeke me dilige●●lie By these two witnesses appeare●● the cursed crookednes of our nature who the more we are woed the mo● wilfull we be but being once set at six and seven almost or altogeather cast off even then if ever wee seeke after Christ I wil not say oh ye two Sisters Iudah and Israel hearken but oh ye two Sisters England and Scotland harken how long by the voice of his Prophets sounded out in wordes and writings hath hee called vpon you for reformation of manners how haue the hearts of your Magistrates bene knocked vpon that once Christ might bee received fully and not onely in part that not onely hee might vse his voice ●n your judgment seates but also his hands for executing judgment and justice in equal ballance not passing by ●he Murders open professed Atheisme Adulteries thefts of the Rich and Noble as also to render vnto the Widowe Orphane and Strangers their ●ight howe long hath Christ sued vn●o ye for obedience to his Scepter and Power born exercised in his church ●ut ye answer as being fast a sleep and not yet well wakened Christs voice too homely and his spiritual ordin●ces too naked for such a cowple● spangled Sisters as is England Sc●land His worde and ordinances sh● not further bee received in kno● Christ till his heart ake then they ●gree with present pollicie the pl●sures of festered consciences W● well mock on If Christ can doe● good by the voice of his owne P●phets but day by day shall bee pos● off if not haue a flat answer He s● not raign over vs then expect ere lo● his departure his lamentable dep●ture As two sisters by naturall vn● and Evangelicall covenant ye wa● hand in hand but not without bit● one another take heed that by Ch● his desertion ye consume not as ● Gal. 5.15 Apostle saith one another that phraim eat not vp his brother Ma●ses and Manasses Ephraim and a● that a third eate you vp both I h● said Sure I am that if Christ brea● house and depart ye haue to exspect no better judgment than had Ezek. 23 Aholah and Aholibah Ierusalem and Samaria What prerogatiue royall haue ye oh ●he Rulers of the Earth before Iudah and Ierusalem that knock the belo●ed ye will sleep on and scarse lift vp ●our leaden heads vnder your armes ●n your Pillowes while his holy voice ● sounded out by his Prophets and ●et suppose to scape scotfre Gal. 6.7 Be not ●eceived God will not be mocked as ●e sowe assuredly ye shall reape If the ●ord for disobedience cast off the Iew his kins-man according to the fleshe ●nd hath at this day marked him forth ●ith bloody Cain to wander in the ●rth as an abject If for the establish●g their owne devised Priesthoode ●nd vnholy ordinances the Lord stir●d vp the Assyrian King to come a●ainst the ten Tribes of Israel who led ●hem away Prisoners neither what is ●ecome of them can bee heard off to ●his daye What art thou oh Brutus Land that the Lord should forbea● thee and not rather hastely forsa● thee ey cause one of you to whip an●ther till both be wearie Pro. 14.14 For the he● that declineth shall be satiat with his o● vvaies VVhat is the Lord that y● should tempt him Is he vnrighteou● Is he like vnto thy selfe He is patie● and of long suffering saiest thou I deede he is so and that thou maist●● by his former sparing thee thou● now no longer he deferre Iudgmen● He goeth to battle with a leaden foo● but come he once in the field he w● as hardly be intreated to depart wit● out bloodshed Hee hath called a● knocked vpon both your doores ● within your Pallaces First by Pe●lence Secondly by present Fami● VVhat followeth in the third plac● Alas alas fearfull and horrible Blo●shed Pestilence and Famine came n● like dumb dogs but had there Ange● or Men sent of God preaching the● withall the Cause and the End But t● heede lest when the sworde passeth thorough and it will assuredly ere it be long if you repent not least I say when the sword passeth through you it preach in an horible confused noise not in a distinct voice lest in steade of hearing the liuely voice of the Prophet your eares heare nothing but clashing of weapons and armor horrible lamentations and roarings crying out Aes me Aes me Rev. 6.17 the great day of IEHOVAHS wrath is come and who can stand If you will not otherwise be wakened this way the Lord will wake ye and rowse ye vp If faire means wil do no good he wil put a cutting bit in your mouthes sharp spurres in your sides and ryde yee vp and downe till your eies be open your harts ake with the burden of your sinns and you vnfainedly fall downe and cry out in the bitternes of your soules Haue mercie vpon vs oh God haue mercy vpon vs we are weary of our by-pathes we covet peace oh our God that so vvee may serue thee in the Sepulchers of our Fathers Wee h●●● abused thy Prophets ôh Lord vve rep●●● it Oh take away our Sinnes and let 〈◊〉 Sun-shine of thy countenance once aga●● shine in our streets and we shall not on●● professe thee in word but also in deed 〈◊〉 Lord heare oh Lord forgiue oh Lord c●●sider and do it deferre not for thine ow● names sake oh our God VVit is nothi●● worth till it be bought nor will m●● know what Christs face is till he ha●● turned his back 2. Sam. 24 David seing the p●stilence inflicted on his poore subjec● could crye out Oh Lord I haue sinne●● yea I haue done vvickedly The Prod●gall being throughly bit with famin● came to himselfe and repented b●● neither pestilence
Mediatours 1. Tim. 2.5 For there is but one Mediatour betweene God and man even the man Christ Iesus but improperly are they so called namely because as faithfull feeling members they communicate to the Lord their fellow-like miserie therfore it is that the Saints interceeding for any their poore members they come vnto the Father not by the●selues but by the Sonne for his Reu. 8.3 Cuser is onely Gold and in him is the F●ther vvell pleased Let the Saintes departed haue their due let the Sainte liuing haue their due neither to either or both do attribute the Lords due But what would shee haue them to impart to her beloved namely this That she was sick of Loue alluding vnto a Virgin over-rapt with an amorous conceipt who by reason of her Betrothed his absence is ready to sound and to passe away in a loue-qualme Dauid but wanting the Tabernacles presence he Psal 84.2 faynted howe much more would hee haue fainted and faultered vnder loues affection if so he had lacked the feling presence of his God that could not be contained within any materiall Tabernacle or Temple Shee here was arrived at the Lords Tabernacle namely at the societie of Saints but shee yet attained not the comfortabl● face of him that hath promised tha● Where two or three are gathered togither 〈◊〉 his Name there in the middest he will be She sees the body but not the Head She therfore maketh suite eye chargeth the body by reason of that dutie which is owing from member to member to acquainte her beloued with this namelie That she vvas sick of Loue. She that before would make no better vse of Christ his knocking at her dore must now be glad to seeke after Christ and knock at his dore She that before would not make better vse of Christ his priuate petition must now be glad to come vnto Christ by publike petition and that vnder the broade seale of his church when Christ knocked called suited she lay snorsing in her sinne just therefore that now shee knocke call and suite vnto Christ though come out of sinne●ey she who before for keping fellowship with the City had neglected fellowship with Christ and his mystical body just it is that now she should come vnto Christ no other way but by f●seking vnto his body An acquittan● for sinne is not so easily woon Ma●● thinking they haue it goe vnto hell i● a dreame many feeling the want th● of do labour for the plakard of Rem●sion but seeking for it where it is no● they pop into hell without it Som● feele the want labour for supplied that Grace and quickly haue it by reason they come roundlie off at Christ Call Others finding their box empt● of that quittance do labour for it b● obtaine it at leasure by reason of thei● former rude behauiour to their Ca● Turne not therfore God his grac● into wantonnesse if thou do then expect either to haue thy conscience s●red with ane hot yron that so thou ma●● passe vp and downe a Goate brande to hell or at the best awaite a black glooming day wherein thy soule sh● be stripped in the eyes of manie an● thou in body and soule whipped fro● one place to another before thou o●taine the heauens-charter of sins re●ission Isa 38.14.17 Hezekiah chattered like a ●rane and mourned like a Doue before 〈◊〉 had assurance that his sinnes were ●●st behind Iehouahs back neither was Dauid who so oft was bet in the lords ●orter vnacquainted with passing ●hrough this fierie fornace before he ●●s fit Golde to receiue Iehouahs im●resse But as their comming vnder his lash correctory may fear vs from ●allyinge with repentance so their ●nce meting with the Sun-shine coun●●nance of their beloued may teach ●s not to dispaire of mercie conside●ing Iehouah desireth not the death of ● sinner but rather that hee would re●ent and liue Lastly for some necessi●e vrgeth brevitie that perplexed ●●ule may vndoubtedly beleeue and ●●pe for happy release who truly can 〈◊〉 My soule is sick of Loue as Dauid ●●de Psal 42.2 My soule thirsteth for God If God haue giuen thy soule to hunger 〈◊〉 thirst for righteous things it is because hee is minded afterwarde to 〈◊〉 thee As a prudent housholder wi● there bestowe his meate where f●● he perceiueth appetite hunger s● the housholder of the Church eue● Christ Iesus reacheth there forth h● hidden Manna where first hee percei● spiritual appetite Need maks the n●ked run and hunger breakes the sto● walls neither will any thing stop st●● or quench the soules want the soule wish Cant. 8.6.7 for loue is strong as death dev●ring as the graue like to fiery coales and vehement flame This Loue of God wa● not in Cain in Esau in Achitophell ● Iscariot for if it had Cain had not be● finallie impatient Esau had not nourished fury in his brest Achitophel wol● haue thought no shame that the lo● should haue shamed him in frustrating his delphik-like oracle nor wo● Iscariot haue demed Christ his oblat●on insufficient to saue him If wee would not bee driuen in● these straites let vs preuent that 〈◊〉 timely Resurrection from Sinne. If wee haue slept away the third sixt ninth and tenth houres yet let vs not now at the last houre shame to arise goe into the Lords blessed vineyarde and there labour with others for the peny of promise Euery man woman in that vineyard worketh in some honest roome and holy calling one bearing the infirmities of another labouring to doe all their things in loue Awake therefore oh Sleeper arise it is day nay the Sun is redy to set and to leaue our horizon Christ tendreth his mercy as yet but after Sunset catch christ and mercie where thou can I haue no promise of mercy for thee Happie is ●he who by others harmes is more warie let this sinners affliction feare thee from sleepe and let her patience and discreit cariage lead thee vnto the infallible Vision of peace where peace of conscience is not finally failing howsoeuer sometimes it stands a far of for a season Serò sed seriò surgit An Animadversion SOme from my Epistle to Engla● prefixed to the Sommons to Doo●day would gladly collect That I he● vnlawful for a Pastor of the new Testam● Church openly to rebuke open sin Such 〈◊〉 know that I neuer was so absurd na● would haue them to know that I wo● not onely haue publike sinns publi● rebuked but which more is I doe leeue that such offenders not satisfy the congregation by apparant hum●ation vppon the Churches rebuke ● Church ought first for keping her s● vnleauened secondly for the humbl● such sinners without delay to excomunicate such Because of Salomons speach Prov. 26 I haue said now no more but beca● of his next speach vers 5. I haue sa● thus much and so an end