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A67808 Crooked pathes made straight: or, The wayes of God made knowne to lost sinners, or bewildered saints Wherein is represented the severall conditions of a Christian in the spirit, as hee growes up out of weaknesse into strength, through death into life eternall. By Anne Yemans. Yemans, Anne. 1648 (1648) Wing Y30A; ESTC R222187 125,255 256

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many places of Scripture yet none of them kept them out of the Land of Canaan which was a type of heaven but only unbelief And this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men loved darkenesse rather then light John 3.19 Christ hath obtained of his Father a full pardon for all the sins of the world and a perfect righteousnesse and heaven and spirituall and temporall things and it is kept in store for us in Christ all the spirituall things are till wee doe really believe what Jesus Chri●● hath done for us in particular and he woul● have his love made knowne to the world tha● they might believe and then hee will mak● known to them that their sins are pardoned and how great his love is to them and wh●● hee hath purchased for them and what the● are in him And although there remaines s●● in the conversation yet sin in the conscien●● is done away The blood of Christ which throug● the eternall spirit offered himselfe without spo●● purge your consciences from dead workes to ser●● the living God Heb. 9.14 And he speaking i● the 9th verse of this chapter and verse 2. of th● 10th chapter of the sacrifices in the time of th● Law there was offered gifts and sacrifices tha● could not make holy concerning the conscience of him that did the service for if it could would they not then have ceased to have bee● offered because that that the offerers onc● purged should have had no more sine in thei● conscience but those sacrifices could not take away sin in the conscience Heb. 9.24 25 26. For Christ is not entered into the holy places ma●● with hands which are the figures of the true bu● into heaven itselfe now to appeare in the prese●● of God for us Nor yet that he should offer himself● often as the high Priest entereth into the holy pl●●● every yeare with blood of others For then must often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world hath be appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himselfe And it is he alone that can and will sanctifie us in our conversation Let us draw neer with a true heart in assurance of faith sprinkled in our hearts from an evill conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water Heb. 10.22 Christ shed both water and blood John 19. ●4 His blood for to sprinkle our conscience from evill works that so they shall not damn us and water to purge and sanctifie us in our conversation that sin shall be mortified in us and we shall walke in obedience to God And this Christ hath done for all and would have all know it that they all might come to Christ and be saved For be tasted death for-every man Heb. 2.9 And be dyed for all that they that live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him that dyed for them and rose again 2 Gor. 5.15 Christ not only dyed and was buried but hee also rose from the dead which doth declare unto us that hee hath gotten the victory over the spirituall death for us he triumphed over it for us Death is swallowed up in victory O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Chris● 2 Cor. 15.54 55 56 57. So Christ hath done all things for thee an● hath made way for to goe to God by him J●sus said I am the way the truth and the life ●man commeth to the Father but by me John 1● 6. And now he makes a generall proclamat●on for all to come unto him and he will gi●● them life for their life is hid in him and they doe not come unto him they shall dye● their sins and the Lord saith As I live I wi●● not the death of a sinner Isa 55.1 2 3. Ho ev●●● one that thirsteth come ye to the waters and 〈◊〉 that hath no money come ye buy and eat yea com● buy wine and milke without money and with●●● price Wherefore doe ye spend money for that whi●● is not bread and your labour for that which sati●fieth not hearken diligently unto me and ea●● ye that which is good and let your soule delight selfe in fatnesse Encline your eare and come un●me heare and your soule shall live and I wi●● make aneverlasting Covenant with you even t●● sure mercies of David The waters that we are invited to come 〈◊〉 to is Christ he is the water of life John 4 1● And he calls all to come without any worth nesse of their owne though they are never 〈◊〉 great sinners let them come let them not ke●● back because they are great sinners but ther●fore let them come for he dyed for their sins ●nd if they come unto him he will give them a ●ardon for their sins their sinnes cannot be too great for him to pardon and doe not stay for ●ualification to come to Christ for there is ●o qualification out of Christ but come unto him and he will qualifie thee there is no vessel so unclean but the blood of Christ wil cleanse ●t And saith Christ Those that come to me I will ●●n no wise cast away and that wine and milk is Christ John 15.1 I am the Vine that brought forth those grapes that this wine came of and he was pressed in the wine-pres of the wrath of God for us to drinke of the fruit of it And as it is the nature of wine to comfort strengthen and refresh those that are ready to faint So it is with this spirituall wine Christ whosoever hath tasted of him it comforts him exceedingly and when they are ready to faint through the sence of their sins this wine refreshes them and strengthens them against the Devils temptations and their owne sins and this milke is to feede those that are babes in Christ I have fed you with milke and not with meate for bitherto ye were not able to beare it 1 Cor. 3.2 For every one that useth milke is unskilfull in the word of righteousnesse for he is a babe Heb. 5.13 So Christ is this milke that feeds those that are babes in him he is their nourishment and hee revealeth his love to them by degrees and 〈◊〉 are babes at the first and grow by degrees be men in Christ and hee leades them acco●ding Wherefore doe ye spend money for that whi●● is not bread you spend a great deale of cost paines to get a righteousnesse of your own a●● so feede upon that but that is not bread th●● is but ashes that will not nourish thee b●● wildo thee more harm than good Christ sait● He is the bread of life John 6.48 This is 〈◊〉 bread which came downe from heaven that a m●● may eate of it and not dye I am the living bre●● which came downe from heaven if any man
nothing in us that moved Go●● to bestow his Sonne upon us to be crucisied f●● us but it was his free love Herein is love 〈◊〉 that we loved God but that he loved us and se●● his Son to be the propitiatin for our sins 1 Joh● 4.10 Hereby perceive we the love of God beca●● he laid downe his life for us 1 John 3.16 A●●● while we were yet sinners Christ died for us e● when we were dead in sins Ephes 2.5 For so loved the world that hee gave his only begotten Sonne that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved John 3.16 17. For I came not to judge the world but to save the world John 12.47 Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay downe his life for his friend John 15.13 That is the greatest love that friends can shew one to another but Christ hath loved us with a greater love for while wee were his enemies he dyed for us to reconcile us to God and to make us his friend hee takes occasion by our sins to shew us merie The Lord complains of the spirituall Idolatry of his people in Hosea 2. which of all sins that is partly the greatest to forsake God and cleave to Idols and to give that to them that belongs only to God for they made their Idols their God gave honour and glory to them but the Lord saith I will not give my honour to another nor my glory to graven Images Hos 2.13 14. Shee decked her selfe with her ear-rings and her jewels and she followed her Lovers and forgate me saith the Lord. Therefore behold I will allure her and bring her into the wildernesse aad speake comfortably to her Hos 11.7 My people are bent to rebellion against me though they called them to the most High yet none at all would exalt him Yet this did not turne the love of the Lord from them for in the 8. and 9. verses he saith How shall I give thee up Ephraim how shall I delive thee Israel how shall I make thee as Admah how shall I set thee as Zeboim Mine heart is turned within me my repentings are rouled together I will not execute the fiercenesse of my wrath I will not return to destroy Ephraim for I am God and not man the holy One in the midst of thee Ezek 20.44 And ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have respect unto you for my Names sake and not after your wicked wayes nor according to your corrupt workes O ye house of Israel saith th●● Lord Isa 43.25 I even I am hee that putteth away thine iniquities for mine owne sake and wil● not remember thy sins Isa 44.22 I have put away thy transgressions like a cloud and thy sinner as a mist turn unto me for I have redeemed thee Jer. 33.8 And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me I will pardon all their iniquities wherby they have sinned against me and whereby they have transgressed against me Jer. 50.20 And in those dayes and at that time saith the Lord the iniquitie● of Israel shall be sought for and there shall be none and for the sinnes of Judah and they shall not be found for I will be mercifull unto them Here is the free mercie of God and riches of his love belonging to all man-kinde that ever was is or shall be there is not any one excluded from his love for there is nothing can keep us from God but our sins and that Christ hath dyed for and hath made full satisfaction to his Father and hath obtained of his Father a full pardon for all the sinne of all man-kinde although they be never so great 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithfull saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chiefe He was a persecuter and a blasphemer and an injurious person yee saith he I obtained mercy The Lord is no respecter of persons He shed his dearest heart-blood for all sinners as well for the chiefe of sinners as any other for without blood-shedding there can be no remission of any one sinne though never so small in our apprehension but by the blood of Christ being shed for us the greatest sins are pardoned as well as any For the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all unrighteousnesse And this gift of God in giving his Sonne is a free gift of God given to all to redeeme all from sinne hell and the Devill Hes 13.9 O Israel one hath destroyed thee but in me is thy helpe The Devill having overcome man by his tempting the woman and they yielding to him wee were all destroyed by the Devill but in Christ is our helpe against him Jer. 31.11 The Lor● hath redeemed Jacob and ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he All man-kinde fell by and in the fall of Adam from that glorious condition that th●● were in before they sinned So we all fell fro● that glorious condition with him into a sta●● of condemnation sin and the wrath of Go● both spirituall and temporall and hell an● damnation and as we all fell in Adam so we are all raised by and in Christ not to tha● condition that Adam fell from but from tha● condition that he fell into and as we all dye● in Adam so wee are all made alive in Chri●● Adam was a publique person for man-kind so was Christ therefore he is called the secon● Adam Therefore as by the offences of one which was Adam judgement came upon all men to c●● demnation even so by the righteousnesse of ou● which is Christ the free gift came upon all m●● unto justification of life For as by one mans dis●● bedience many were made sinners so by the obe●●ence of one shall many be made righteous Rom. ●● 18 19. All were made sinnners in Adam so all a●● made righteous by Christ Quest How are all made righteous 〈◊〉 Christ Answ He being made a publique person so all man-kinde he undertook to make full satisfaction for our sins which he did comit so he redeemed us from that condemnation that came upon all the world by the fall of Adam so that for those sinnes wee shall never be condemned Hee hath redeemed the whole world from the Devill and sin to himselfe that we should serve him in all love so the Devill and sinne cannot keepe the world out of heaven they can doe us no harme yea those that are very great sinnes cannot nothing but unbeliefe can keepe us out There was nothing that kept the children of Israel out of the Land of Canaan but unbeliefe We see they could not enter in because of unbeliefe Heb. 3.19 They had committed many sins and those that were very great ones and God complained of their sins in
ye be willing and obedient ye sh●● eate the good of the Land but if ye refuse and reb●● ye shall be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it And so he goes along proffering mercy to them that are thus qualified Psal 147.3 He healeth the broken in heart and bindeth up their wounds Mal. 3.7 Return unto me and I will returne unto you saith the Lord of Hosts Joel 2.12 13. Therefore also now saith the Lord turne ye even to me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and rend your hearts and not your garments and turne unto the Lord your God for he is gracious and mercifull slow to anger and of great compassion and repenteth him of the evill Luke 13.3 But except yee repent ye shall all likewise perish And seeing the Lord calls upon thee for repentance and proffers thee a pardon through thy obedience thou art resolved to set thy selfe upon repentance and obedience CHAP. II. How Sathan comes with his Enditements against us by our workes of the Law VVHen thou art thus resolv'd to set thy selfe to walke in the wayes of God thinking thy selfe to be in a good way now then comes Sathan and tels thee 't is true the Lord is very mercifull and gracious to them that truly repent but thy repentance is not a true repentance for thou art not sufficiently humbled for thy sins for great sins must have great repentance and many sinnes must have much repentance Looke upon David and Peter whether thy repentance be like theirs if it be thou wilt be carefull for feare of falling into the like sins againe but thou daily fallest into the same sins againe Mat. 7.21 Not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven Heb. 6.4 5 6. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightned and have tasted of the heavenly gifts and were made partakers of the holy Ghost And have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come if they shall fall away to renew them againe to repentance seeing they crucifie to themselves the Sonne of God afresh and put him to open shame Heb. 10.26 27 28 29. For if we sinne wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice but a certaine fearfull looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries He that despised Moses law dyed without mercy under two or three witnesses Of how much sorer punishment suppose yee shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foote the Son of God and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith hee was sanctified an unholy ●hing and hath done despight unto the spirit of grace 2 Pe● 2.20 21 22. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they are againe entangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them than the beginning For it had been better for them not to have knowne the way of righteousnesse than after they have knowne it to turne from the holy Commandement delivered unto them But it happened to them according to the true proverb the dog is returned to his owne vomit againe and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire Thus thou seest how the Devill wounds thee with thy owne righteousnesse for there is a perfect righteousnesse required and perfect obedience but thou canst not find this in thee therefore thou art sore troubled but sometime thou hast got some power over thy sinnes and art affected with the wayes of God that thou canst goe on cheerefully in thy obedience to God and powre forth thy soule to the Lord in prayer and findst that thy prayers are heard and thy petitions granted and thy sinnes are pardoned and now for present thou hast joy and comfort and now thou art ready to say with David I shall never be moved Thus while thou art in duties and performances thou hast joy and peace but when thou art overcome againe with the Devile temptation and thy owne corruptions then immediately thou art cast downe againe and ready to question that joy peace thou hadst before and say it was presumption Thus thou seest beloved how thy comforts ebbe and flow with thy performances CHAP. III. H●w poore soules are wounded by false Teachers VVHen thou seest thy selfe in this sadde condition that thou art sore troubled on every side for thou seest God angry with thee for thy sins and he command thee to repent and he will pardon thy sins But thou sindest that thou canst not repent aright therefore now thou canst not see thy sins pardoned And the Lord requires obedience of thee and sometimes thou canst not performe any obedience to him at all for thou canst do nothing bur sin then thou art sore troubled ●r that and other sins thou canst perform o●●dience but thou findest that it is not such a ●●rfect obedience as is required therefore thou ●t sore troubled that thou canst not performe a right Oh thinkst thou what shall I doe ●m ignorant of the wayes of God and I do ●●t know what to doe I will goe to some Mi●sters and tell them what a sad condition I ●n in They are learned men and therefore ●●ey know the mind of God They know how 〈◊〉 administer a word of comfort in season ●d will tell mee what I should doe that I ●ight finde God and walk in his wayes and ●●t be thus troubled So thou goest and tellst ●●em thy sad condition askest them what ●urse they would counsel thee to take Cant. 3. The watch-men that goe about the Citie ●nd me to whom I said saw ye him whom my ●●le loveth If you have seene him you can ●●l how to describe him to mee If you have ●●ne him you can tell mee what he is not ●ly in himselfe but what he is in the Saints ●●d to the Saints and how excellent hee is in ●his wayes and glorious in all works I have heard excellent things of him but if ●u have seene him you can tell mee more of ●●●m then another therefore I pray tell me ti●gs of him tell me where he is and how I ●ll finde him tell mee how you found him that I may find him also for he is my belo● he is he whom my soule loves above all thi● in the world I count all things like drosse● dung to him I am exceeding sick of love and 〈◊〉 not rest till I have found him Cant. 5.7 watch-men that went about the City found they smote me they wounded me How did they wound her but with 〈◊〉 doctrine so doe they thee they tell thee Law is a Schoole-master to bring thee to Ch●● Gal. 3.24 They tell thee the law saith ●●sed are every one that continueth not in all th●● which are written
hast given mee bee with mee where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst mee before the foundation of the world His love is so great to us that he must have us with him wheresoever he is so he carrieth us in his bosome upon his heart and he is gone into heaven and we are there with him though we see it not and we are glorified with him And the glory which thou hast given mee I have given them that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as tho● hast loved me John 17.22 23. There is not any thing that Christ thinke too deare or too good for us hee bestows al●● his excellent things upon us hee loves us 〈◊〉 dearly he cannot keep them from us His lov● to us passeth the love of women to their chil●dren yea the greatest love that they can be●● to them Isa 49.15 16. Can a woman forg●●●ber sucking childe that she should not have 〈◊〉 passion on the sonne of her womb yea they 〈◊〉 forget yet will I not forget thee Behold I ha●● graven thee upon the palms of my hands and thy wayes are continually before me He would have us to take notice of his love Behold I have graven thee upon the palmes of my hands he hath done it and wee must behold it and take good notice of it it is done already it is not to be done by us but God saith I have done it And there is not any thing in us that can hinder his love to us I have loved you with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindnesse have I drawne thee These are expressions of God to us that we are set upon his heart and arme and hand is to shew us how neare we are to him and hee would have us to know it therefore he comes himself and declares it to us by his Spirit Fear not for I am with thee be not affraid for I am thy God Isa 41.10 Man naturally is affraid of God and it is because of our sins and ever since Adam fell wee have beene affraid of him some affraid of his anger and some affraid of punishment Gen. 3.9 10. And the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him where art thou And be said I heard thy voyce in the garden and I was affraid because I was naked and I hid my selfe The righteousnesse of God which Adam had before his fall did cloath him he saw no nakednesse he was not ashamed of the nakednesse of his bodie that was nothing he could see nothing but what was of God and he was cloathed with him and there was a sweete communion betweene God and him hee was not affraid of God and there was no cause of fearing any thing else for all things below God were under Adam they had no power to doe him any harm But after Adam fell his falling stripped him of the righteousnesse of God and so he became naked and then hee was affraid of God And thus by nature wee are naked and are affraid of God and it is our nakednesse that causeth our feare and makes us affraid of every thing below God as well as of God and there is not any covering that can cover our nakednesse and so take away the cause of our fear for Adam did what he could to hide his nakednesse Gen. 3 7. And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig-leaves together and made themselves aprons They saw but some part of their nakednesse and so far as they saw it they made a covering to hide it and it was of the leaves of a fig-tree faire great leaves and that tree grew in the Garden of Eden where Adam was put and that was the best covering they could get yet they were affraid and hid themselves from God for all that covering This Garden of Eden was a type of the ●hurch of God which is the Spouse of Christ ●●●t 4.12 15. and chap. 5.1 6.2 And this Garden in the midst of it is the tree ●life which is Christ Rev. 2.7 To him that ●●reommeth will I give to eate of the tree of life ●●ich is in the midst of the Paradise of God Joel 〈◊〉 27. And ye shall know that I am in the midst Israel and that I am the Lord your God and ●e else and my people shall never be ashamed ●●d he is that water of life that runneth in the ●idst of the garden Revel 22.1 Whosoever ●●nketh of the water that I shall give him shall ●●er thirst But the water that I shall give him ●●ll be in him a well of water springing up into e●lasting life John 4.14 Jesus stood and cry●● saying If any man thirst let him come unto 〈◊〉 and drinke He that believeth on me as the ●●ipture saith out of his belly shall flow rivers of ●●ing water John 7.37 38. And this is that ●●e of life that whosoever eates thereof they ●all live for ever And this the Saints feed up●● but Adam did not eate of this And out of 〈◊〉 ground made the Lord God to grow every tree 〈◊〉 is pleasant to the sight and good for food ●●en 2.9 So in the garden the Church of God out 〈◊〉 the ground of the love of God for he is the ●ound of all our happinesse hee causeth to grow every tree that is pleasant to the e●● and good for food which is a comforta●● enjoyment of all temporall things and goo●nesse hath a promise of all things in this 〈◊〉 for temporall things so far as it is for Go● glory and for our good and for things come which is spirituall but the trees of 〈◊〉 ward mercies doe grow by the high way● 〈◊〉 all sorts of people to eate of as well as the ch●●dren of God But this is but by the way 〈◊〉 shew you that wee have the enjoyment of o●● ward things by the enjoyment of spiritual 〈◊〉 in the garden of God so farre as Christ 〈◊〉 peareth in it it brings forth good fruits s●●ble to him for hee is a Spirit and the fr●● that grow in this garden are spirituall and have not this fruit by nature for except 〈◊〉 are in the Vine we cannot bring forth fr●● sutable to God and we by nature are nake● and we seeing our selves naked and know● there is no appearing before God so we ta●● of the broadest and fairest leaves of the shew godlinesse that we can get and sew them handsomely together as wee can and co●● that part that we see naked but there is a g●● deale of our nakednesse that we doe not 〈◊〉 and that wee cannot cover yet God sees our nakednesse both that as we cover 〈◊〉 as we doe not cover When God doth app●●● 〈◊〉 we are affraid of his seeing us