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A64954 Vasanos alēthinē, the true touchstone which shews both grace and nature, or, A discourse concerning self examination, by which both saints and sinners may come to know themselves whereunto are added sundry meditations relating to the Lords Supper/ by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1681 (1681) Wing V400; ESTC R8823 153,137 370

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are but for a season Job 20. 5 8. Knowest thou not this of old since man was placed upon Earth that the triumphing of the Wicked is short and the joy of the Hypocrite but for a moment Though his excellency mount up to the Heavens and his head reacheth to the Clouds yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung they which have seen him shall say Where is he He shall fly away as a dream and shall not be found yea he shall be chased away as a night vision 3. Better their false peace which must quickly end should be disturbed by Self-trial than that it should cease by their Trial at Gods Bar. The ungodly cannot carry a false peace along with them into another World The rich man in the Gospel that fared sumptuously every day carried none of his good things with him when he died his pleasure then came to a full stop and we read of nothing he met with but evil things torments flames endless and unquenchable Luk. 16. and then the rich man saw it had been better before to have broken off his sinful pleasure by Self-reflection and Repentance 4. Though a false peace upon Self-examination be banished yet there may a true peace be obtained in the room of it Be not unwilling to look into your selves though you find matter of sorrow for godly sorrow worketh repentance unto salvation They that sow in tears shall reap in joy Psal 126. 5. And Christ pronounces the mourners blessed for they shall be comforted Mat. 5. 4. Case 2. The second Case is this Is it not time enough hereafter for Sinners to search and look into themselves Then when prosperity and youth are gone and affliction and old age are come What necessity is there to put themselves upon the rack presently Ans 1. The longer they defer the more afraid they will be to begin and so it may never be done in this World especially considering that delay will make the work more difficult and grievous The larger the scores are the more loath they will be to look them over and the more peccant and wicked the heart has been the more unwilling it will be to be called to account therefore 't is best to begin this very instant and 't would have been better to have begun before 2. Sin is so great an evil that none can be too soon convinced of it nor too soon converted from it as on the other hand Grace is so excellent that we can never be too early enriched with it and assurance of the love of God so desirable and delightful that it can never be too soon obtained Why should there be a delay in the search after Sin This Enemy should speedily be inquired after since if let alone it may ruine us suddenly before we are aware 3. If Sinners refuse to mind the Lord and themselves in the time of youth and prosperity God may refuse to have any regard to them in the time of their distress Now is the accepted time now they may seek the Lord and search themselves to good purpose but whether the time of affliction may be an accepted time or no is questionable The Lord threatens to laugh at the calamity of some and to mack when their fear comes and that he will not be found of them Prov. 1. 26 28. They that refused to hearken and stopt their Ears and made their hearts like an Adamant Stone see what came to pass at last great wrath came upon them they were scattered with a whirlwind and as he cried and they would not hear so they cried and I would not hear saith the Lord of Hosts Zach. 7. 13. 4. Why should such a short lived creature as Man delay to examine himself What is his life 'T is even a vapour that appears for a little time and then vanisheth away Jam. 4. 14. How quickly may Death arrest him and summon him before the Lords Tribunal Some are well in one hour sick the next and dead the third nay some are well and sick and dead the same hour if not the same minute Defer not then to look into thy state and heart speedily since upon the sudden it may be said to thee Render an account of thy Stewardship for thou shalt be no longer Steward Luk. 16. 2. Case 3. The third Case follows which is this How shall Sinners that all their days have been careless of and utter Strangers to themselves manage this business of Self-examination Ans 1. Let them get alone not to be speculatively wanton or project for the World or to please themselves with vain and proud and towring imaginations but that they may seriously bethink themselves what is likely to become of them for ever Let them get out of the croud and hurry of worldly business and shake off carnal company and be at leisure to understand their Souls condition Certainly a Soul that is of greater value than all the World is worth minding is worth saving 2. Let the thoughts of God and of Eternity make them serious especially considering how much God has been provoked and how near they may be unto Eternity Time is posting away from them and Death is making great haste towards them and immediately after Death they enter upon Eternal state and how sad will it be if it be a state of eternal woe 3. Let them cry unto God for his Convincing Spirit When the Spirit is given and truely the Lord is ready to give his Spirit unto all that ask him he does discover that in Sin that before was not perceived he makes Hell to become naked and takes off that covering that was upon destruction He holds before Sinners the Glass of Gods holy Law that in that Glass they may behold their hearts and lives shews unto them that the characters of Gods Enemies agree to them and that their spot is not the spot of his Children Deut. 32. 5. Then Sin will revive and Sinners die that is become sensible they are the sons of death and wrath and in great danger of Eternal ruine Now they are to hold up their hands and cry Guilty Guilty and to lament and bemoan themselves as Ephraim did to see themselves in such a lost condition 4. Let them be very inquisitive what they shall do that they might be saved Thus were those Jews that were prickt at the heart Act. 2. and thus was the trembling Jaylour Act. 16. A lost estate being perceived is not to be rested in none ought to be contented to be damned but they must inquire what they must do to escape the wrath to come and they must give themselves to prayer in good earnest and use the other means of grace and the sense of their sin and misery should make them the more servent in crying for that mercy and grace which they so highly stand in need of Case 4. The fourth Case this When Sinners upon Self-trial have found out the badness of their State is there any
reason they should despair of mercy Ans 1. Despair is one of the greatest sins that can be committed dishonouring the grace of God making light of the blood of Christ and very opposite to the Spitit of Grace It is good says the Prophet that a man should hope Lam. 3. 26. Surely then 't is bad that a man should despair This sin thwarts the very design of the Gospel And Satan being hopeless himself would fain hinder sensible Sinners from hoping though he cherishes vain hopes in such as are presumptuous 2. There is a despair that is a Duty that is a despair of help from self and a despair of help from God if there be a resolution to continue in Sin Thou mayest as well hope to get no harm by the fall in throwing thy self off from the top of Londons Monument Thou may'st as well cast thy self into the Fire and hope not to be burnt as go on still in thy Sins and hope to escape everlasting Flames 3. But yet the door of hope is really open to the greatest Sinners that are willing to return to God and become Saints Blasphemous persecuting Saul was let in at this door And 1 Cor. 6. 9 10 11. you read of a sad Crew that if Hell were to be raked worse could hardly be found Fornicators Idolaters Adulterers effeminate abusers of themselves with Mankind Thieves Covetous Drunkards Revilers Extortioners and yet these were washt and sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God Such instances of the rich and free grace of God should hinder the worst from despairing when they come to themselves and are minded to come home to the Lord. 4. That conviction of sin and misery which sensible Souls have is the common road to Christ and grace and comfort He gives rest to the weary and heavy laden he gives liberty to the captives and binds up the broken hearted Mat. 11. 28. Luk. 4. 18. When Sinners are brought to the brink of Hell in their own apprehension this is an hopeful sign they shall be delivered from that place of woe and sorrow and that they shall not feel what they fear Case 5. The fifth Case is this What course must Sinners take after they have prov'd themselves and found how bad they are to be brought into a better and safe Estate Ans 1. They must not oppose conviction but be willing nay earnestly desirous that it may be thorow that their humiliation may be the deeper they must not only be sensible that their actions have been bad but that their hearts are a great deal worse that their very nature is corrupted and their state most miserable Slight convictions soon wear off and a little sense of Sin is followed only with such goodness that is as the morning cloud and as the early dew it goeth away Hos 6. 4. The deeper the humiliation commonly the stricter the holiness afterwards Piscator ictus sapit the burnt Child dreads the Fire And he that hath tasted the Wormwood and the Gall that is in Sin will be the more alienated from it and afraid of contracting new guilt and defilement Let not the pangs of contrition go off too soon for fear there be an abortive instead of the new birth the more you are burthen'd with Sin the more sincere Conversion will be and Christ is the readier to give you rest 2. They must consent to cast away every transgression and cease to be the companions of Transgressors Let not any Sin be kept and rolled as a swee morsel under the Tongue for 't will prove as bitter and deadly as the very gall of Asps at last That promise Iniquity shall not be your ruine is annexed to a command Cast away from you all your transgressions Ezek. 18. 30 31. The wicked man is required to forsake his way which intimates the reformation of his life and also to forsake his thoughts which shews his very heart must be renewed else there cannot be a returning unto God indeed nor mercy and pardon obtained Esa 55. 7. It is reported concerning Agrippina the Mother of Nero Caesar that it was foretold her That her Son should be Emperor of Rome but afterwards kill his own Mother She said Occidat modo imperet Let him kill me so he may but Reign Oh let not any Sinner say so concerning any gainful delightful darling Sin Let it damn me so it may but Reign Let me die by it so I may but live in it And as sinful courses must be abandoned so also sinful company Save your selves from an untoward generation Act. 2. 40. was the advice of Peter to those awakned Souls that askt him what they should do If you would turn to God and go to Heaven you must leave that company that are resolved to go on in Sin and unto Hell 3. They must attend upon prophecy and beg that the Spirit would accompany it The Word of God is the incorruptible seed of which Sinners are born again 1 Pet. 1. 23. and the Word is made effectual by the Spirit 'T is a very encouraging asseveration of Christ Joh. 5. 25. Verily verily I say unto you The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and live A meer man might have cried long enough and to no purpose at Lazarus his grave But when our Lord says Lazarus come forth there went out a power along with his word that raised him Let Sinners attend upon the Word of Christ Christ himself may speak to them as well as man and then the Spirit of Life will enter into them and the dead in sin shall live 4. They must look unto Jesus for righteousness and strength Esa 45. 24. The righteousness of Christ is necessary unto Sinners reconciliation therefore God does not impute their own sins to them upon their believing in Christ because he does impute the righteousness of his Son That 's a notable place Rom. 4. 6. Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousness without works Here is an imputed righteousness and lest any should think it a putative or imaginary righteousness 't is called a righteousness of the Lords own imputing Further 't is a righteousness that does not consist in any works or obedience of ours Finally this Doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Christ is asserted by David under the Old Testament as by Paul under the New In Sinners Approach unto God this righteousness is to be relied on for pardon and justification And as his Righteousness is necessary unto Reconciliation so is his strength and the power of his Spirit unto Conversion None will be made free from the power of Sin and Satan none will be delivered from the power of darkness till the Son of God does make them free indeed and translate them into his own Kingdom 5. They must cry unto God to be throughly turned So did Ephraim Jer. 31.
dead to sin and live to Righteousness MEDITATION XXXVI Is the Cup of blessing at the Table the Communion of the Blood of Christ indeed How should my Soul and all that is within me bless the Lords Name when I take it into my hand My Lord does in effect say to me Here is the New Testament sealed and confirmed there is remission of all thy sins Here is sanctifying Grace here is an assurance of mine and my Fathers love here is a pledge and earnest of Glory and Immortality This Blood of Jesus is deservedly styled precious 't is the Blood of the Lamb without spot nay 't is the Blood of the Lord Jehovah To make light of this Blood as if it were an unholy or common thing is to deny the Lord that bought us and to bring upon our selves certain and swift destruction But whosoever by Faith applyes this Blood of Jesus shall find it sufficient to cleanse them from all unrighteousness MEDITATION XXXVII Dearest Lord How great is the vertue of that blood of thine which was shed upon the Cross without the gates of Jerusalem It can appease thy Fathers anger though provoked unto great fierceness it can remove the greatest guilt it can cure and cleanse the most leprous and defiled Soul it can heal the most wounded and enraged Conscience Oh blessed Laver where I may wash and be clean where I may bath and be eased Effectual medicine which heals every spiritual malady How wonderful was thy love which made thee shed thy blood how happy is thy Church for whom thy blood is shed Lord I love thee I rest upon thee I rejoyce in thee who hast loved thy People and washed them from their sins in thy own Blood and hast made them Kings and Priests unto God and thy Father who gavest thy self for thy Church that thou mightest sanctifie and cleanse it and present it to thy self a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish MEDITATION XXXVIII Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifieth Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed This is my Answer unto the Accuser of the Brethren when he tells me of my manifold Transgressions All that he can truly lay to my charge I am ready to lay to my own nay I subscribe guilty to all that is down in the book of the Omniscient Gods remembrance but then I add Christ dyed Christ shed his Blood that sin might be pardoned and purged and I am willing to be cleansed as well as pardoned And if the Blood of Christ be enough to satisfie divine justice surely 't is sufficient to satisfie and quiet the most awakened Conscience I have indeed like a Sheep gon astray and turned to my own way but the Lord has laid on Christ all my iniquities he endured the chastisement of my peace he felt the stripes that I might be healed Hereby Satan is silenced my own desponding Spirit revived and encouraged and in the Name and Mediation of Jesus I can go unto God himself though he is so glorious in Righteousness and Holiness as a Child unto a Father MEDITATION XXXIX The Blood of Christ does speak and speaks better things then the Blood of Abel No voice more loud then that of Blood no blood does cry like that of God This blood does speak both to God and Me it speaks to God and what ever I pray for which I really need this blood cryes that I may obtain Blessings of all sorts were purchased by the shedding of it and it is continually pleading that what it purchased may be bestowed Hence is the efficacy of Prayer because what the belieuer prays for the blood of Christ speaks for How loud does it cry in Gods ears Lord pity and pardon the humbled and Believing Soul Heal and Comfort the Contrite and Broken hearted Oh give converting and Renewing Grace to all that do desire it Those that fear thy Wrath let them escape it Those that prize thy love love them freely and for ever Receive all returning sinners and take away all their iniquities Give Grace give Glory and no good thing withhold from them that seek thee in sincerity Thus the blood of Christ does intercede with God And the Lord having contrived the shedding of it on purpose that without any derogation from his Righteousness he might shew mercy to the Children of men certainly its intercession for mercy shall not be in vain MEDITATIONS XL. The blood of Christ does speak also to Me. And how good and comfortable are the words of it Soul be of good chear thy sins are forgiven thee thou hast destroyed thy self but in me is thy help and Salvation found God was angry with thee but I have appeased his Wrath. He whom thou wast ready to find a consuming Fire is become a God in Covenant nay a Father to thee That blood which was shed upon the Cross has made thy Peace though heretofore never so much a stranger never so great an Enemy Behold Hell lockt up thou shalt never fall into that place of Wo behold the way into the Holiest of all is open Thou hast liberty to come with boldness to the Throne of Grace and within a little while thou shalt have an abundant entrance into Glory Dear Lord What am I that blood and such blood as thine should be shed for me Why wast thou at such expence and cost for the Redemption and Salvation of such a Wretch such a Rebel Thou hast mercy because thou wilt have mercy thy exceeding rich and glorious Grace must be matter of a delightful transport and sweet astonishment to Eternity MEDITATION XLI My Lords love and kindness should thaw and melt my heart That God whom for so long a time I neither lov'd nor fear'd nor cared to be acquainted with but dishonoured and sinn'd against with so high an hand had he indeed purposes of Grace towards me from Eternity That Jesus whom I shut and barr'd the door of my Heart so fast against whose word I was deaf unto and whose Spirit I resisted for so long a time has He indeed born my sins and carried my sorrows Oh that my head were Waters and my eyes Fountains of Tears Oh stony Heart for shame now become like wax and be melted in the midst of my Bowels I am a prodigy of unkindness wo is me that I have sinned Wo is me that I who have sinn'd so much do grieve no more Surely all my days I will walk softly in the bitterness of my Soul I will be vile in my own eyes and wonder that the Lord should have respect to such an one as I My own sin and my Lords Love shall be my Study I will compare them together that sin may be lamented and loathed according to the desert of it and that my Repentance may be indeed Evangelical and after a godly manner MEDITATION XLII O my Soul if thy