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A45698 The woolf under sheeps-clothing discovered, or, The spirit of Cain, appearing in the Bishop of Liechfield, reproved as hereafter is sufficiently manifested by the fruits of his sermon at Polesworth in Warwickshire ... / Charles Harris. Harriss, Charles.; Harris, William, 1634 or 5-1705. 1669 (1669) Wing H920; ESTC R4146 17,879 26

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Gen. 1. And the Lord God took the man and put him into the ●arden● t● dress it and to keep it and the Lord commanded the man 〈◊〉 Of every Tree of the Garden thou mayest freely eat but of 〈◊〉 Tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of i● for in the day thou eats thereof thou shalt surely dye Now the Serpe●t was more subtil then any Beast of the field and he said unto the woman ye shall not surely dye but we see the Serpent was a Lyar from his beginning who got in through a temptation and a Lye by which sin entred through ●ransgression for which the Law was added and for his wicked work was accursed from God and man for his disobedience was cast out from God so by the disobedience of one many were made Sinners and by the obedience of one many were made Righteous● which was and is through Faith 〈◊〉 Christ For the Iust lives by Faith and without Faith it is impos●●ble to please God but ●here was and is the Faith of Devils that works not in the love but in the emni●y and so brings forth of the sower Grap● which is sin and unrighteousness and through disobedience sin entred by which man is led captive at the Enemie● will into the corrupt nature into ungodliness and unrighteousness which is the corrupt ground from whence proceeds all evil in which ●ate there is none doth good no not one and in which 〈◊〉 all have sinned and come short of the Glory of the living God in whom is Salvation● and Eternal Life through Christ Jesus who is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith which we have received from God Almighty from whence every good and perfect gift comes● And that Faith which comes from God alone it works by love in the heart and this is the Love of God that we keep his Commandments and his Commandments are not burdensom For all that are born of God overcometh this World 1 Iohn 5.4 But the Priest told me that thou saidst to him thou strangest at me that I opposed thee in that partic●lar above all the rest for thou well remembredst what thou wert speaking of thou wer● come to thy last point and to conclude that all were miserable ●inners and thou saidst all the World would con●ess that they were Sinners now as 〈◊〉 is written 1 ●ohn 5.19 We know that we are of God and thi● whole World lyeth i● wickedness and the World loves its own in which is the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life which is not of the Father● but of this World And when the Ph●ri●ees he●rd that Jesus had put the Sadduces to silence one of them which was an expounder of the Law asked him a Question saying Master which is the greatest Commandment in the Law Jesus said unto him Thou shal● love the Lord thy God with all thy heart wi●h all thy soul and with all thy mind and the second is like ●nto this Thou shal● love thy Neigh●our as thy self Matthew 22. Now to the witness of God in thy Conscience do I speak which if thou turn in to it it will tell thee whether thou art faithful herein and whether thou doest act herein according to Christ's Doctrine and the Scriptures which was given forth from the Spirit of Truth freely and not to be made a trade of for money neither can the gift of God be purchased with money if so then would Simon Mag●● have purchased the Kingdom of Heaven with money and the rich of this World but Christ's Kingdom stands not in corruptable things but in that which is uncorruptable and is Pure Holy R●ghteous and Eternal of God therefore said Christ unto them in the dayes of old Except a man ●e regenerated and born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven Read the Scriptures as Christ said for they are them which do tes●ifie of me but you will not come unto me that you might have Life Now many have a life in the ea●thly part serving their own hearts lust but whos●ever will follow Christ let him forsake himself and take up his cross and follow him and whosoever will not take up his cross and deny himself daily is not worthy of him And whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lay down his life for my Name sake and the Gospel the same shall find it For what shall it profit a man though ●e should win the World if ●e lose his soul or what exchange sh●l● a man give for his soul And whosoever shall be ashamed of Me and my Words amongst this adulterous and sinful Generation of him shall the Son of ●an be ashamed also when he cometh in the Glory of his Father with his holy Angels Mark 8. And he that fulfils the lust of the flesh he shall dye but if thou through the spirit do mortifie the deeds of the flesh then shalt thou live● so now doest thou know the new birth ar● thou regenerated and born again not of flesh and of blood but of the Water and of the Spirit the Water washeth and the Spiri● purifieth the heart through Faith in Christ by which we come to witness Mortification Redemption Sanctification and newness of ●ife by the Power of God revealed in Christ whose Blood was shed for his people now that none make his Blood his Covenant his Commandments of none effect by their Traditions For the Blood of Christ cle●seth from all ●●n and it is only the sins of people that makes the separation between God and man mark Your sins ●ath separated between me and you saith the Lord God and as it is written He heareth not sinners neither doth he ac●ept of the Prayers or Teachings or any Sacrifices of sinners while they remain in their sins but he that comes to believe in God and in Jesus Christ and repents and forsakes shall find Mercy but he that hideth his sins shall not prosper so that it is good for all to confess and to forsake and not alwayes to be making a confession of miserable sinners year by year and so all a mans life time this is but the sacrifices of the wicked which is abomination in the sight of the pure God therefore confess and forsake and return to the Lord while thou hast time that if thou hast not sinned ou● the day of thy visitation thou mayest find Mercy with the Lord for there is no repentance beyond the Grave For as the Tree falleth so it lieth and as death leaves so Iudgment finds and if any dies in their sins which is the transgression of the Royal Law of God for which the Law was added now when God shall come at the last day to call all to Judgment for their deeds done in their Bodies whether good or evil if thou hast done well thou shalt be accepted if no● sin lies at the door then he that hath done well and wrought out his
a man unlike God and that is it which this man lives in and pleads for And so he and all such are in those chaffie notions and amongst the husks where the Swine feed and when the Word and Power of the Lord appears in his Servants against them they run and are driven like Chaff For if this Bishop had been of the weighty Seed he would have taken up better Weapons and stood to his cause But the 5th verse saith The ungodly shall not stand in Iudgment And verse the 6th The way of the ungodly shall perish And so the Bishop's Text is opened and he manifested to be one that can use his tongue to say The Lord saith and the Prophets say and the Apostles testifie thus and thus and so to strive to cover himself with sheeps clothing but it s proved he is ravened from that Life and Spirit of Love which dwelt in them and by which they were guided to bring forth the ●ruits of the Spirit even Meekness Forbearance Brotherly-kindness and all other heavenly Vertues c and is following the lusts of the flesh according as they are declared Gal. 5.20 21. but not according to Paul's Exhortation see 1 Tim. 3. also Titus 1.7 8 9 10 11. they who would know a true Bishop let them not miss reading these places for although many may call the Scriptures their rule the name of a Christian now must not serve and to live in the nature of Heathens and Infidels tearing like Dogs and Swine and Wolves and what is the matter with many called Bishops and Priests of late they begin to stir more then formerly to prosecute their design against the innocent Lambs of Christ do you think your Seat is stablished for ever many of you came in hungry a few years since but your great yearly revenues hath soon fed you up and now you begin to kick and grow wanton Will not strong drink and wine serve to content you still must you needs have the Saints Blood to sup and mingle with your Sacrifice will not bloody Bonner's spirit be yet laid amongst you you would fain be blowing the Fire the bottom of the Cup will be bitter to you Well take your day and do your work there is an eye open that sees you will soon be ripe if you go on The Anger of the Lord of Hosts is already kindled and though you may fortifie your selves to an evil work of Persecution think not to speed better then they which undertook it before you for the Lord is on our side before whom the strength of all men is but like a Bull-rush and though you may seek to Kings Councils and Parliaments for add in such a work the more you strive the weaker you shall grow and when you have filled up your measure and your iniquity is full the sower Grape shall be ca●t into the Wine-press of God's Wrath and your lofty looks shall be bowed and I must tell you from your seats of Covetousness and Opression and Cruelty and Violence you shall be overturned and though you mock at Revelation and movings by the Spirit when this is fulfilled upon you remember it was told you by the Spirit of Truth And all people high and low who are yet in the broad way walking at ease in the flesh minde your latter end and take heed of following such Blind-Guids who daub you with untempered Morter telling you you are good Christians ●nd Believers and Children of Abraham and heirs of Christ's Kingdom though you live in that which can never enter Oh awake to Righteousness while the door of Mercy is open and come to Judgment that ye may know God's Word in your hearts like a Hammer ●o knock down all Satans works and like a Fire to burn them up out of your hearts For it s the heart that God requires and take heed of pleading ignorance but mind that Light of Grace in you which manifests sin and believe in it that so you may receive Power to overcome it For it s those that overcomes that have right to ente● the Kingdom but sin and unbelief shuts out of it And all you who see the deceit of the Deceivers and yet follow them for fashion-sake or for fear of su●●ering for the Truth if you should leave them and walk in it I warn you from the Lord unto whom one day you must give account to take heed and con-consider you have immortal Souls lies at hazard and if you do not obey the call of God to come out of Sodom and Babylon you must have a share of their Judgments for they that hav● eyes and will not see and ●ars and will not hear but sport themselves in the day time and slights the day of their visitation and puts far the evil day the Lord will overtake such as a Thief in the night and then though they may call and cry it will be said unto such I called and ye would not hear so as to answer me by obedience and therefore now when ye call I will not answer you with my Salvation which in time past I freely offered unto you in the day when my Light 〈◊〉 in your hea●ts by which you knew what you ought to do ●nd what you o●ght not to do but you re●used the good● and chose this present evil World and the pleasures that are therein and would not take up the Cross but denied me b●fore men and set at nought my Counsel and stiffned your necks and would not bow to my yoke therefore shall you have a reward according to your doings think on this all you l●ke-warm Professors and you who love the praise of men more the● to follow the Lord in the way of Self-denial for God will not be mocked from whom every man must receive a reward according to his works And now further to the Bishop and Priests in those Parts or elsewhere seeing ●●ey say the Quakers are Lay-men and cannot understand the Sc●●ptures because they have not the Original as they call Hebrew Greek and Latine these places following are sent to you to be interpreted and that forth-with you give the true meaning of them to publick view under your hands with a plain Answer to the two following Queries and let it be left in the hands of any of your Neighbours called Quakers directed for me Isa. 56.11 Yea they are greedy Dogs which can never have enough and they are Shepherds that cannot understand they all look to their own way every one for his gain from his Quarter Jer. 5.30 31. A wonderfull and horrible thing is committed in the Land the Prophets prophesie falsly and the Priests bear rule by their means and the people love to have it so and what will ye do in the end thereof Micah 3.5 Thus saith the Lord concerning the Prophets that make my People ●rr that bite with their Teeth and cry peace and he that putteth not into their mouths they even prepare war or Law against him Also
repentance beyond the Grave such as man sows he shall reap If ye live after the Flesh then shall ye die but if ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Flesh then shall ye live for Christ came not to call the Righteous but Sinners to repentance and he is come in the Spirit we are Witnesses of his Glory who is not come to send peace on the Earth but a Sword to cut down all that which is contrary unto him whose Word is as a Fire and as a Hammer who is stronger that is in us then he that is in the World who taketh the strong man armed and dispossesseth him of all and overturns the Earth and the Foundation thereof and destroys the old Earth and the old Heavens where Antichrist the God of this World hath taken up the heart with other Lovers but blessed be the Name of the Lord our God who hath given the Son of his Love into our hearts and hath changed our hearts and minds and hath set our affections on things above and hath taken away the stony unbelieving heart and ●ath given us a new heart and hath renewed a right spirit in us by which we witness his Promise fulfilled who said he would create a new earth and new Heavens wherein dwells Righteousness Christ the Righteousness of God who came not to destroy mens lives but to save them Antichrist he persecutes in pretence of the true Christ and puts to death O subtil Serpent Christ's Kingdom is not of this World therefore his Servants will not fight Antichrist self-exal●ed man whose Kingdom is of this World he fights and kills about Religion lest his Kingdom should go down for if the true Christ whose free Grace Truth and Righteousness which cannot be bought with money or purchased with any carnal earthly object I say if the Grace of God Christ Jesus the Son of his Love who is the true Oyl if this take place in the heart and therewith the Lamp be trimed ye will be wise Virgins and need not go buy of Babylons Merchants or that any man should teach you but as that same Anointing abideth in you it will teach you all things which is Truth and no Lye then will Antichrist's Kingdom go down which he was afraid of before he had crucified Christ when exalted in the Scribes and Pharisees being got up into the heart of man yea in the Temple of God and would be exalted above all that is called God when many believed Christ and followed after him then Antichrist s●ood up in his Members and said If we let him thus alone all men will believe on him and the Romans will come and take away both our place and Nation John 11.48 therefore they arose and crucified him but he is risen again and is come in the Spirit and hath made many Witnesses of his Resurrection through Faith in his Name whose Name be blessed and praised and magnified for evermore Now every one prize the day of your visitation not knowing how soon your Soul● may be required of you O have not the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ in respect of persons in an outward Profession and in formality of any carnal Ordinance as in remembrance of Christ to shew forth his death until he come● for he is come in the Spirit and is worshipped in the Spirit and in the Truth and this is the Ordinance of God Christ Jesus who is the Righteousness of God in whom is the spiritual Baptism for there is but one Faith one Lord one Baptism So every one keep unto that Faith which works by Love in the heart through the Spirit by which you will come to know the deeds of the Flesh to be mortified and your hearts to be cleansed purified and sanctified and so come to know the redemption of your immortal Souls and this is the true Faith and the true Baptism which washeth and purifieth the heart in the water of Regeneration through the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus by which we are come to know the new birth born again of that which is immortal which cannot feed upon any thing that dies of it self but of that which is living pure clean and uncorruptible even of the Bread of Life which comes down from Heaven from the Father of all our mercies who hath broken of his own body and hath given us to eat of his Flesh and to drink of his Blood in which is Life indeed Life Eternal but this is a great Mystery to the carnal mind in which is death Therefore return in the eye of your understandings unto that which is pure and holy of God for as the Apostle said What is to be known of God is made manifest in us and God hath shewed it unto us who is a Spirit and to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace The Superscription and Copy of the Letter to the Bishop This for the hands of John Hackitt who is called Bishop of Liechfield and Coventry for him to read over that he may try all things and hold fast that which is good Friend I Being c●st into Prison by thy servants at thy command for obeying the Word of God and keeping of his Commandments in obeying the Truth as it is in Jesus Christ our Lord whose Name be praised and honoured over all for evermore whose Love and Mercy through the riches of his Grace which hath appeared unto all men hath appeared unto us as the Apostle said Teaching us to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live Soberly Godly and Righteously and Holy in this present evil ●orld and the arm of the Lord is not shortened who is the same yesterday to day and for ever who is the Salvation of his people unto as many as believe in him Now it is not such that sayes with their lips and opens their mouths and cryes Lord Lord that shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven and also talk of God and Christ Faith and Righteo●sness and of being Believers and yet live in their sins that can enter into God's Kingdom for his Kingdom stands not or consists in Meats or in Drinks or in divers Washings but in Righteousness and true Holiness without which there is none can see God but sin is an unrighteous work by which the Enemy got into man through temp●ation and a lye and all unrighteousness is sin and that must never enter into God's Kingdom nor any while they are servants thereunto for no man can be a servant unto two ma●ters God and Mamon Christ and Belial but his servant thou art unto whom thou yieldest thy members servant unto mark whe●her of sin unto Death or unto Righteous in which is Life eternal Now in the beginning when God made man and set him and placed him in Paradice he created man in his own Image in the Image of God created he him male and female and God blessed them and said unto them Be fruitful and multiply and gave him Dominion over all