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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20606 The rockes of Christian shipwracke, discouered by the holy Church of Christ to her beloued children, that they may keepe aloofe from them. Written in Italian by the most reuerend father, Marc Ant. de Dominis, Archb. of Spalato, and thereout translated into English; Scogli del christiano naufragio, quali va scoprendo la santa chiesa di Christo. English De Dominis, Marco Antonio, 1560-1624. 1618 (1618) STC 7005; ESTC S117489 73,138 191

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sinnes in any sauing Christ alone and in his merits Rom. 3.24 for hee freely iustifieth you without any merit of yours True it is and therefore take heede of the other extreame that no man can present himselfe to God nor rely vpon Christ's merits that goeth on in a wicked resolution to continue still in sin against his conscience And therefore I told you that you must addresse your selues vnto Christ to obtaine this remission but with faith that is with a true and liuely faith Iam. 2.17 not with that faith which without workes is dead but with such a faith in the mind which is accompanied with holy affections and that is to beleeue in Christ to bee subiect vnto him to obey him with detestation of faults committed and intending of a new life and yeelding vp a man's selfe to the keeping of God's holy Commandements And whosoeuer doth not this in vaine shall hee rely vpon Christ and his merits neither shall he euer obtaine remission of his sinnes This rysing vp from sinne and submitting to the obseruance of God's Commandements as farre as humane frailty will afford is not in you any merit whereto remission should bee repayed as due but it is a necessary disposition and taketh away the impediments that otherwise would hinder remission of sinnes And herein consisteth Penitence being both the inwards of true repentance which is the most principall disposition requisite for remission and the outside also of penitentiall workes as fasting almes mortifying the flesh and other workes of piety which are indeede no merits nor causes of forgiuenesse but fruits of inward true repentance and a fit appurtenance vnto the inward good disposition and vnto due humiliation These dispositions being forelaid as necessary required by God let a man hold himselfe to his faith and confidence in Christ and by his mercy hee shall without faile obtaine remission and the whole conueyance betweene God and a sinner is carried in this man̄er by the meanes of Christ mine and your onely Mediatour without any necessity at all of any other Confession made vnto man due Confession made vnto God beeing of it selfe sufficient whereby a sinner beeing humbled doth not any more defend his sinnes but confesseth to God Chrys in ep ad Heb. hom 31. that he hath sinned I doe not aduise thee saith Saint Chrysostome to lay thy selfe open nor to accuse thy selfe to others Psalm 57. but to obey the Prophet who sayeth Reueale thy way vnto the Lord. Confesse thy sinnes before God declare thy offences before the Iudge though not with thy tongue yet with thy memory and then hope that thou shalt obtaine mercy So saith that worthy holy Father I doe not know that I euer intertayned in my house any such Sacrament appointed mee by my Spouse as a true and proper Sacrament whereby hee hath obliged himselfe to giue remission of sinnes after Baptisme I beleeue indeed that whosoeuer groaning vnder the load of sinne shall with true inward pentience and reall repentance approach vnto the holy table and receiue the Communion with due preparation shall receiue remission of his sins For although this Sacrament was principally instituted by Christ and committed to mee for the spirituall feeding of the soule and for the preseruing of charity among my children yet in that it is also a remembrance of the Passion of Christ it auayleth much for the remission of sinnes for the obtayning whereof Christ's body was sacrificed vpon the Crosse his most pretious blood shed and therefore in his first giuing the Communion to his Apostles hee said vnto them Luc. 22.19 Math. 26.28 that that was his body which was giuen for them and his blood shed for the remission of sinnes You must vnderstand also that Auricular Confession and Priestly Absolution which are the ground of this Rocke now set before your view is neither practised aright nor well vnderstood by those that follow the Romane doctrine who hereupon haue built a shop of money-mart and gaine Recall I pray you to your remembrance that which I obserued before in the fourth Rocke of the first part concerning the two first medicinall Excommunications and you shall finde that my ancient custome prescribed vnto mee by my Spouse and practised by my holy and learned Ministers of at least foure of the first Ages was publickly to correct grieuous and scandalous offendors and according to the authority committed to me by Christ to binde them in their sins and afterwards to loose them againe and in this man̄er to imploy the keyes about the remitting of sinnes namely to debarre such offenders for some while from the holy Table sometime also from all other Congregations and meetings of the faithfull for spirituall exercises as heynous delinquents drowned in their sinnes and vnworthy of such participation vnlesse they should first recall themselues vnto due inward penitence and giue also outward satisfaction vnto mee by penitentiall workes enioyned them by me and my Ministers when they thus had by scandalous sins disgraced mee and not yet made mee any due satisfaction And yet in due time according to the pious discretion of my Ministers such as these were loosed and reconciled and were anew admitted to the holy meetings with others and to the Communion of the Lord's Supper This was a course taken to very good purpose and at length did work great setlednesse and comfort in the consciences of such offenders though perhaps it did goe downe with some bitternesse and shame For such a sinner being in this man̄er bound by me vpon earth was infallibly also bound in heauen nor could obtaine remission at God's hands though hee were neuer so well disposed by penitence and inward contrition betweene God and him for that promise made by Christ is most certaine and cannot faile Matth. 18.18 that he would bind in heauen all those whom I had without error bound vpon earth Iohn 20.23 and that he would withhold and suspend all remission from those sinners whose sinnes I had withheld namely by the aforesaid retention or excommunication or solemne penance and as soone as such a sinner thus first bound by me was afterward reconciled and remaunded to the Church and restored to religious commerce and to the participation of the holy Sacrament he did without faile obteine remission of Christ himselfe by vertue of his aforesaid promise that he would release and forgiue the sinne assoone as I had loosed the person and released the sinne by this externall remission and so the internal remission afforded by Christ in such a case dependeth vpon the externall remission giuen by me which truely was a way of dealing on a very sure hand And moreouer many grieuous and also secret offenders nay perhaps all the sort of them in regard of the suretie of this course came to their Bishop or to some other deputed by him who was afterward called the Penitentiary or Confessor and some openly with a lowd and audible voyce
lesse defalked Christ hath instituted the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the forme of a meale a banquet a refection for the increase of amitie and loue among the faithfull whose charitie is much imployed in these mutuall intertainements and feasts as also to signifie that he would hereby refresh and nourish our soules Now he that debarres drinke from his boord and feeds his guests with meate onely surely maketh but a dry feast and hee that feeds onely on meate without any drinke at all is but ill refreshed and very imperfectly nourished When therefore the faithfull come together to the Lord's Supper they ought euen in the outward action not onely to eate but also to drinke together to expresse in this compleat man̄er their mutual loue and vnion and if they onely eate together without drinking they cannot taste the entire signification of this spirituall Feast which consists in an entire and totall charitie And hee that outwardly receiueth meate onely without the Cup cannot thereby represent to his vnderstanding the inward receipt of a compleat spirituall refection They haue therefore done very ill to take away the vse of the Cup to the grieuous mayming of the Sacrament and robbing of you my deere children of a great part of the fruit of the Eucharist whilest they giue it you in this man̄er lame and dismembred And this reuerence which they pretend is a vaine excuse for such care and diligence as by men can bee performed in this behalfe is sufficient to preuent vndecent handling of those sacred misteries and there beeing no danger at all that the very body or the very blood of Christ should be materially trampled or trodden vnder foot but surely their keeping their Sacrament thus in boxes and shrines which is indeede no Sacrament whilest it is not thereto imployed is heereby exposed to danger of beeing gnawen and consumed by mice and wormes and in this their case of danger they are driuen to say that a mouse eating those species doth receiue into it selfe the very body of Christ and the entire Sacrament though it receiue not rem effectum Sacramenti the Sacramentall thing and effect thereof and whilest these species remaine in the belly of this mouse it must needes follow according to their doctrine that in the mouse's belly there is included the true and reall body of Christ. And is not this I pray you a greater absurdity then if some droppe of the sacred wine though it were indeede the very blood of Christ should be spilt vpon the earth whence it may either be gathered vp or wiped away without beeing trodden on at all In the meane while heere also they vse their ambitious tyrannie making themselues absolute Lords ouer holy things and mysteries ordayned by Christ himselfe whereof they ought to be dispenfers onely and not commanders nor masters to giue or deny what they please euen to those who are worthy receiuers of them And besides this fuell of their ambition whereby they mainetaine transubstantiation to make their Priests and Friars to bee more highly esteemed and reuerenced of the people as those who manage and handle Christ and cause him to come downe from heauen heereto is to be added also the part which coueteousnesse hath in this lot by squiesing your purses and drawing from you the larger offerings by this vaine fancie put in your heads selling their Masses at so much the higher rate which they see cannot haue the name of a propitiatory Sacrifice vnlesse the very body of Christ bee offered in them And thus you see these so high mysteries for the priuate ends of those that manage them enwrapped with grosse and palpable errors from which I aduise you to keepe aloofe as from most pernicious Rocks ¶ The second Rocke Auricular Confession ONe of the precious treasures which my Iesus Christ hath layd vp in his house and mine is the remission of sinnes which cannot bee had or found anywhere else then in my precincts This in most full man̄er is granted first in Baptisme vnto those who beeing of ripe vnderstanding doe seriously come to the holy lauer And you my children by reason of your corrupt nature cannot remaine any long while in this mortall life without falling into sinnes whereupon the true and generall remedy for remission of sinnes committed after Baptisme is Repentance But I would haue you be aduised that yee by no deede that you can doe though supported with God's grace can euer purchase or merit this Remission as if doing one or more good actions and presenting them to God ye might pretend that he is bound to pardon you especially concerning the act of Iustification wherein of an impious sinner remayning vnder God's wrath a man becommeth the sonne of God and is reconciled to him and accepted of him This is a grieuous errour and dangerous Rocke inasmuch as neither repentance nor Confession nor any other act done by a sinner can binde God to affoord him remission to whom onely it belongeth to remit sinnes And this remission hath my only Spouse your Lord and mine Iesus Christ purchased and merited with his bitter Passion by shedding of his most precious blood and dying vpon the balefull tree of the Crosse and the remission of your sinnes consisteth in this onely that God through his meere grace and mercy accepteth Christ's satisfaction instead of that satisfaction which a sinner ought to pay him for his sinnes by the euerlasting punishment of eternall damnation And so a sinner becommeth iust whilest God doth deriue vpon a sinner the iustice of his sonne and doth apply it vnto him with this onely condition that the sinner by faith doe vnite himselfe vnto Christ and beleeuing in him doe lay his whole confidence on him onely and not on any worke or merit of his owne For all your workes if they be meerely naturall are filthy of no worth to obtaine any supernaturall good and if they be done with faith and by the helpe of grace besides that they are alwayes full of imperfections and tainted with some spots they are not indeede to bee counted yours but to be attributed to God and his grace and are also a debt due vnto him in many respects for whose the tree is his also is the fruit that it beareth and to him that is master of a slaue belong also the children the worke and the purchase whatsoeuer the slaue getteth Yee can neuer therefore bring vnto God your workes as your owne free gift whereupon you might expect recompence of pardon and so much the more in that there is no proportion betweene your workes which are finite and of finite value if of any at all and the offence of infinite demerit Suffer not therefore your selues to bee deceiued by the couetousnesse of the Priests and Friars when they tell you that you may obtaine iustification and remission of your sinnes how heynous soeuer by your good workes especially by giuing almes Neither put you any confidence toward the remission of
himselfe and deceiueth others For we haue in the Scriptures expresse Patent for those three sorts of Keyes but of that fourth no graunt appeares but forgery and vsurpation and if it be one of these three it cannot haue any proper and distinct name nor different effect neither can it be appropriated to any more then they neither can it be vsed otherwise then in remitting the whole punishment together with the fault and so it will not bee diuers from them There hath bene indeed in my house and still may be the vse of certaine Indulgences but without imploying any Treasure in them from whence those false Indulgences haue occasionally taken their beginning and not from Apostolique tradition as is pretended and this was when as some Penitent being bound by me in man̄er aforesaid with iniunction of penance for some prefixed and determinate time wherein the Penitent was to giue euidence of his repentance and to bee taken downe to a fit degree of humiliation which course of time for performance of penance was now and then the space of seuen whole yeeres together yet vpon the good behauiour of the partie and out of my owne compassion and mercy towards him as also by the instance and prayers of my children I was wont to shorten this time and to moderate these penalties and so to graunt him reconciliation sooner as S. Paul did to the incestious Corinthian 2. Cor. 2.10 And this was my Indulgence which as you see hath nothing to doe with the punishment of sinnes nor with Purgatory For these workes of Penance inioyned the Penitent before his Absolution were not punishments otherwise due vnto the sinne by God's iustice but meere signes of repentance and of necessary humiliation the true punishments of sinne being cancelled by his Reconcilement and consequently by the applying of Christ's treasure in such sort as I haue declared and not by abreuiating the time of precedent trials and humiliations So here ye see the blind-Rocke of those Indulgences that now-adayes are vsed A Rocke whereat many doe suffer shipwracke The maine mischiefe of it is that it taketh away cleane out of the world and disanulleth true Christian repentance and so robbeth many a soule of the true remission of their sinnes I will demonstrate this to you A sinner heauieloaden with heinous crimes putting his confidence in the great vertue of Sacramental Absolution which ex opere operato by the deed done must remit sinnes and make ex attrito contritum of a brused heart a broken heart hereupon doeth not hate his sinne nor abhorre it and so he doth not rise vp from sinne but he goes to finde one of these triuiall Confessors with a brace of sixpences in his hand and for more or lesse vpon the bargaine without any troublesome examination he gets Absolution and now he holds himselfe secured from his sinnes in respect of the guilt and of eternall punishment And as for the temporall punishment there are imposed vpon him so many fasts so many Masses such a quantitie of Almes which he accepts but with intent to performe neuer a whit of them He is content to leaue them on the score for Purgatory and yet he hath a tricke to escape that paiment too he will gape after a planary Iubily or rather he will take a gainer way hee hath in his Bead-row or Rosary certaine beads crosses and medals which haue bene all to be-blest by the most holy Father and these containe in them Indulgentiam plenariam a full Indulgence ouer and ouer and so with chewing ouer threescore and three Auemaries and seuen Paternosters he hath rid himselfe of all this troublesome matter and thus without Penance without Satisfaction and without Purgatory hee is more then certaine of Paradise And when these diuelish inuentions were first in vre Indulgences à culpâ paenâ aswell from all fault as punishment were granted euen without Confession and without Absolution to all that would put to their helping hand so that it had money in it But now-adaies gran-mercy Luther the Pardon-mongers are somewhat more moderate though not reformed For they doe not now trucke for the fault but for the punishment onely Where you may note at least the goodly beginning of these Indulgences with marting the remission of sinnes at What will you giue And yet notwithstanding for the gaine that commeth of them they are defended and extolled by the Papists as likewise the Stations to such and such Churches the visiting of such an Altar or such Reliques with so much adoe in iangling the Bells for many dayes afore and setting vp titles and banners in the chiefe corners and eminent places of the Citie with vehement vrging these things in the pulpit Such doings as these whither else do they tend but to rob you my simple children of your money But such Stations as these and Indulgences lest they should passe without income to the Pope they are not granted but in his Court of Chancery in forme of Bulls and this is a very good meanes for the ingrossing vp of money at Rome To preuent murmures of the people there was a new deuise brought into Rome for the speeding of Indulgences per Breue gratis by Breues without fees but now-adayes againe he that will haue any of these gainefull Indulgences must goe the olde way by the Chancery and by Bulls as for Breues they are rarely graunted and they also now not altogether gratis But it is an excellent tricke of thrift the Pope hath gotten vp both in leuying forces and Souldiers in forreine Estates for his owne enterprises as also in giuing of presents which as a temporall Prince he is to bestow on other Princes and on their Embassadors he to saue his owne purse puts his hand into the endlesse treasure of Indulgences and loads them with whole bags full of blessed beads medailes and croslets of copper paltry pictures printed on paper with a catalogue of Indulgēces belonging to them whereof more accompt is made by the Pope's gentle customers then of so many Spanish Doublons Such trinkets as these together with the tricke of a plenary Indulgence and of opening the gate of Paradise fly abroad vpon euery designe of the Popes And yet all this while this treasure shrinketh not but it bulkes vp euery day by the canonizing of new Saincts and with their merits and works of supererogation O wofull blindnesse of men which take no knowledge of such abuses and deceits The Pope not content with the Keyes of heauen and earth will needs haue his keyes reach vnder the earth also and exerciseth his omnipotence vpon the soules which are in the center of the earth stretching forth his Indulgences vnto the imagined Purgatory per modum suffragij by way of suffrage but so that they may haue their certaine effect without faile as much as concerneth his authoritie if the indisposition of the soules themselues doe not hinder it and all this for the whetting on of simple men especially