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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20229 A sermon of repentaunce a very godly and profitable sermon preached at Lee in Essex / by Arthur Dent ... Dent, Arthur, d. 1607. 1582 (1582) STC 6649.7; ESTC S4601 24,399 66

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in Ezech. 1827. When the wicked turneth awaye from his wickednesse that hee hath committed and doeth that which is lawfull and righte he shall saue his soule aliue And againe Esay 55. 7. Let the wicked forsake his wayes and the vnrighteous his owne imaginations and returne vnto the Lorde and hee will haue mercy vppon him So here we see to whom forgiuenesse of sinnes and the mercies of God belongeth Namely to the penitent sinners to those that leaue sinne and imbrace Godlines to those that forsake his owne waies and imaginations turne vnto the Lord. And as for such as walk on in their owne wayes and follow y e delightes of sin without any sorrow or purpose to leaue them they haue nothing to doe with the mercie of God though Iesus Christe had ●●●●red an hundred deathes which could not bee yet shal no vnpenitent sinner haue remission of his sinnes by his death nor any other benefites of his Passion for they belong onely to his Churche and chosen people here vpon the earth He therefore that is not of the Church he that is not grafted into Christ by fayth he that is not a member of his mystical hody can inioy nothing by Christes death If any man abide not in me he is east foorth as a braunch and withereth and men gather them and caste them into the fire and they burne Iohn 15. 9. We reade in the 29. of Deuteronomie Howe God barreth all stubburne sinners from his mercie and doeth most terrible shoote out against them Hee that heareth the wordes of this curse and blesseth him selfe in his heart saying I shal haue peace although I walke according to the stubburnnes of our owne heart thus adding dronkennesse to thirste the Lord will not be mercifull vnto him but then the wrath of the Lorde and his iealousie shall smoke against that manne and euery curse that is written in this booke shal light vppon him So that God saith playnely hee hath no mercie for such as walke in the vayne delights of sinne and in the stubbornes of their owne heart adding drunkennesse to thirst that is one horrible sin to another Yet for all this it is a wonder to sée how y e blind wormes of this earth deceiue thē selues For they thinke whatsoeuer they say whatsoeuer they doe be it good be it euill whether they repēt or not repent yet they shalbe saued by christs death as thogh they would make it a baud to their sinnes so worke that villany against Christ I hope to be saued by Christs death aswell as the best of them all sayth some But where is thy repentaunce thou miserable wretche Doest thou thinke that Gods mercy is common to all and Christs death a baude for thy sinnes No no when it conuneth to the vpshotte thou shalt stoppe shorte For it will proue farre otherwise for thou shalt finde Gods mercye turned into Iustice and Christes death into Wormwood because thou hatedst knowledge and choosedst not the feare of the Lorde Thus you sée my deare brethren that Repentaunce must néedes go before forgiuenesse of sinnes where it leadeth not the way there the gates of Gods mercie are shutte vp and this is the first qualitie of repentance It hath also another condition and that is to alter and chaunge men from that they were before not in the substance and proportion of the body but in the qualities conditions of the minde For whosoeuer hath truely repented you shall by and by sée a moste marueilous and wonderfull chaunge in him so that he will not doe as he hath done nor speake as he hath spokē nor companie as he hath companied nor play the good fellowe as they terme it as he was wont to do nor runne to the same excesse of riot he was wont And this is it that amazeth the world and causeth them to bristle and fome at the mouth like wild Bores and to speake euil of them that are turned vnto God For the worlde loueth his owne and cannot abide that GOD should plucke one feather frō his Wings But repentaunce doth violently pull men out of the clawes of Sathan and chaunge them from the conditions of the world for it maketh of proude humble of hurtefull harmelesse of cruell méeke of Wolues Lambes of Lions Sheepe of adulterers Chaste liuers of Drunkardes sober men of Swearers reuerent speakers of Haters Louers of Despisers Imbracers of Scoffers Followers of Earthly Heauenly of Deuils Sainctes All this worketh Repentance Paul trauelled towards Damascus a Woolfe a Persecuter a bloodsucker an hater a despiser but ere he came there he was quite chaunged and cleane of an other mind So mighty was he that met him by the way When Iesus Christ sent downe the holy Ghost vpon his Disciples according to his promise there were some scoffers at Hierusalem which mocked and said they are ful of new wine But the same men cryed out by and by after men and brethren what shal we doe to be saued Here was a moste wonderfull and sodaine chaunge See then the force of Repentaunce when God striketh it into the heart of man and driueth the nayle to the head as they say It effecteth that which all the wisedome and policie of man is not able to bring to passe no when they haue prolled he●her and thether and ●●ide their heades together and sought al the corners of their wits yet can they not tell which way to turne their hande or where to begin to chaunge the hearte of a man and to conuerte him to God Therefore Repentaunce is stronger then all the whole worlde and woorketh that whiche all men with their naturall wittes 〈◊〉 heades and deepe deuises can not compasse for the conuersion of a Sinner is a woorke supernaturall Here then we haue a glasse to beholde our selues in whethereuer we haue Repented or no. For if wee find not this change and alteration in vs we haue not repented and so consequently remaine vnder Damnation Therefore let euerie man looke vnto himselfe for marke how muche he is chaunged and altred from his former euill wayes so much hath he repented And he that is the same man he was three foure eight nay thictie yeares agoe surely surely hee hath not repented and therefore abideth in damnation I maruell then howe those menne which neuer felt anie change or alteration wrought in them nay whose consciences tell them that they are not chaunged ne knowe what it meaneth can have any hope of saluation Vnlesse peraduenture they beléeue not this doctrine or think it to be false But I will sende ouer these men to suche as haue bene in the like case they nowe are and yet thought they might doe well enough for all that although both blinde in Iudgement and corrupt in conuersation I haue knowen and doe knowe men which before their conuersion and inward chaunge were counted as honeste men as euer brake breade and as substantiall men as any coulde bée as true dealers vpright liuers
and stoppeth his nose at the stincke of it wheresoeuer he smelleth it The fourth thing is feare whiche is a certaine awe of God when a man is afraide to displease him For the penitente person feareth alwaye and beeing priuie to his owne infirmity and weaknesse whē God neuer so litle withdraweth his grace and leaueth him alone worketh his Saluation with feare and trembling He will not presume vpon former grace to commit any sinne nor flatter himself in the mercy of God and in the thinges that he hath alreadie tasted of God to yeeld to some litle sinne thinking he may doe that and bee the child of God wel enough because some of Gods children haue fallen into greater but rather he trembleth at the least motion of sinne and is afraid of the temptations whiche Sathan trumpeth in his waye and is afraide when the temptations of sinne are vppon him to satisfie the hunger of sinne but rather he fighteth against sin when sin fighteth against him and presenteth the feare of God before his eyes as godly Ioseph in the assault of Putiphars wife to be as it were a Tower of defence Welspring of life to auoide the snares of Death The fift thing is Desire that is a hungring and thirsting after righteousnesse For the penitent man is rauished with desire of good thinges Hee desireth to be euery day better then other He desireth to leaue euery day some sinne He desireth to praye He desireth newe knoweledge and newe vnderstanding of heauenly things He desireth to heare Sermons and wil straine himselfe to heare thē He desireth the company of the godly he thinketh him selfe in heauē when he is emongest them He desireth the saluation of his very enemies and prayeth for them All these and many other such like desires are in the penitent man The first qualitie is zeale which consisteth in the earnest imbracing of vertue and hatred of vice so that the penitent person is zealous in euery good thing Zealous of Gods glory in all places in all cōpanies and emongest all persons hee cannot abide that Gods honour should be impeached or his name blasphemed or his glory trampled vnder foote by wicked mē but he will open his mouth to reproue the wicked and stand stoutly in the defence of Gods glorie Hee is not like these Atheistes and dissemblers which are alwayes as is the companie that is godly emongst the Godly A Protestant emongest Protestantes wicked amongest the wicked a Papist emongest Papistes a worldling emongest worldlinges and a Swearer emongest Swearers a Weathercocke that turneth with euery wynde The penitent man I say is not of this stampe but he is constant and zealous in all good things Hee is zealous both against the pleasures and profites of sinne though he might winne a whole worlde or pleasure himselfe neuer so much by committing a sinne against God yet will he refuse it for he hath learned from Christes mouth that it shall not profite a man to winne all the whole worlde and to loose his owne soule The last thing is Reuenge that is the penitent person is so offended with the sinne he hath committed that hee will be reuenged of himselfe for it As for example if he haue offended in gluttony he wil Reuenge himselfe by fasting two or thrée daies after If he haue offended in whoredome hee will be reuenged of his lustes by haltring and bridling them euer after If he haue offended in couetous catching and polling of other mens goodes he will he reuenged of himselfe by restitution as was godly and penitent Zacheus and this in déed is a speciall fruite of Repentaunce to reforme our selues in 〈◊〉 thinges wherein we haue moste offended Nowe then you see my deare brethren what lieth in the bellie of repentance and which be her inwardes so that wee must needes now come to the vnlasūng and vnbowelling of Christes wordes Except ye repent sayth he ye shall all perishe that is except ye haue this forenamed care you shall all be damned Except ye haue this clearing of your selues you shall be damned Except you haue this indignation you shall all he damned except you haue this feare you shalbe damned Except you haue this desire you shal a● be damned Except you haue this zeale you shall all be damned Except you haue this reuenge you shall all be damned For our Sauiour Christe doeth not speake of the bare name of Repentaunce But of Repentance withal his ●urn●●●re and appurtenances so that who so euer hath not Repentaunce with all his qualities and effectes or at leaste some measure of them he hath no Repentaunce indeed and therefore shall be damned For except ye repent ye shall all perishe But me thinketh I here some man say Here is nothing but damnation damnation You preach nothing but the law Let vs heare of the Gospell My brethren I protest vnto you that I speake of loue whatsoeuer I speake I desire the saluation of you all if I could win but two in all this congregation I woulde count my selfe happy thinke that God had greatly blessed my labours And vndoubtedly if I knewe any neerer way to bring you vnto GOD then by preaching the Lawe to make you knowe your selues surely surely I would vse it Or if I could be perswaded that the preaching of the Gospel and mercie would doe you more good you shoulde heare of nothing but Gospel Gospel mercie mercie But alas I sée that euerie carelesse and euerie ignorant man presumeth vppon Gods mercy I sée that euerie filthy liuer and notorious blasphemer abuseth Gods mercy in applying it to him selfe without Repentaunce so that they woulde make Gods mercie a cloake for their sinnes I sée that euerie man would faine be flattered in his sinne heare of it no more but haue the Gospell preached which in déed belongeth not vnto them continuing in their stubburnes but only to the penitent sinner which forsaketh himselfe and groneth and panteth vnder the burden of his sinne Therefore when I sée you humbled with the conscience of your sinnes and grone and pant vnder the burden of them when I sée your faces blubbered with weping and your hearts mollified and sorrowing with care then will I comforte you and cease to preach the lawe But I praye you will you steale murther and commit adultery and yet heare of mercy Will ye Mocke Sweare blaspheme and Rayle and yet heare of mercy Will you serue sinne hate vertue and followe your owne lusts and yet heare of mercy Would you haue Plaisters before you haue woundes Would you haue Phisicke before you bee sicke Would you be let bloud before you haue néede Would you not account him a foolish Physitian that wil minister Phisicke to a whole man Woulde you not thinke him an vnskilfull Surgion that will applie a gentle salue to an olde festered sore and not rather Corsie it Then knowe my brethren that because you are ful of grosse humors you must haue strong purgations Because ye are
great multitude that in a maner the whole world agréeth w e them to practise our death Thus the diuell doth cast a mist before their eies and closly lead them away from repentaunce Therefore ●éere brethrē let vs stand fast in the word of the Lord and not be caried away or bowed quite down with this raging stream of the multitude but let vs knowe it to be one speciall engine of Sathan whereby he driueth vs from repentaunce The fourth let vnto repentance is long custome of sinne For that taketh away all sense féeling of sinne making it as 〈◊〉 were another nature vnto vs So that we may aswel alter nature as shake it of whē it is once thus soldred vnto vs through lōg custome Therefore it is saide Iere. 13. 23. Can the blake-More chaunge his skin or the Leopard his spots thē may ye also doe good that are accustomed to do euil Here the Prophet affirmeth that it is as hard to cure an old disease that is bred in the bone and to remedie a sinne that hath béene hatched and brought vp with vs as to washe a black-more white or to change the spots of a Leopard which cannot be with out destroying of nature And surely trie it who will hee shall finde it as harde a matter to leaue an old custom whether it be of sw●●ring of gaming of lying of whoring of euill company or of any other sinne as to wash an Aethiopian Therfore it is written Prou. 27. Though thou shouldest bray a foole in a morter emonge whea●e brayed with a pestell yet will not his foolishnes depart from him So that as longe as we are in custome with sinne the doore of repentance is barred vp against be The fifth hinderance is long escaping of punishmēt for the wicked therby are sta●●●ed in sinne and driuen of from repentance euen as an olde théefe that hath stollen a long time and escapeth both prison and gallows is animated more boldely to procéede in his wickednesse thinking he shall so alwayes escape So many filthy loose liuers go forward in their abhominations without repentaunce thinking that because God doth not incontinētly punish them and shew some manifest iudgments signe of his wrath vpon them therefore they shalbe acquited for altogether Wheras contrariwise if God should by and by strike th̄ down assone as they had sinned by thundering vpon one and lightning vpon another and raining fire brimstone vpon the third it would make them afraid Hereupon it is said in Pet. 2. 3. 4. This first vnderstand that there shal come in the last dayes mockers which will walke after their lustes and say where is the promise of his comming For since the fathers died al things continue alike from the beginning of the creation But let these men well knowe that when God hath delayed along time prolonged the terme of the wicked at length he will shew y t although● he waited for their repentance yet he fo●●gate not their misdéedes but registre● them before him and packed them vp 〈◊〉 a great heape to increase the terrour o● his wrath The sixt hinderance is the beholding 〈◊〉 other mens endes For when some me● that haue liued a wicked an vngratiou● life and haue bene notorious sinners euen to the worldward so that euery man cou● point at them yet if vpon their death 〈◊〉 they can say a fewe good wordes and crye God mercy and say their praiers and for giue al the world and so die quietly It is merueilous to heare howe the foolish people of the world will exalt them iustifye them saying hee made a very good ende as any man could make and died as qui●● as a Lambe set all things in good or●●● before he died Herevpon an other w●●ked monstrous verlet is encouraged 〈◊〉 sinne For thinketh he such a man liued 〈◊〉 loosely as I or any man else and yet 〈◊〉 made a verie good ende and why may not I do so too But alas these mens eye● are bleared For to die quietly is no to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to crie God mercie for fashion is not to haue God mercifull to say a fewe ●●●yers with téeth outwarde is not to die in the faith of Christ for many may doe all this and yet die miserably The last let is hope of long life for while men féede and besette them selues in this hope they waxe dronken in sin and defer the day of Repentance As the riche man in the Luke 12. dreaming of his long life cast off all thought of God and of the other life and of Christes comming and of Repentaunce and all good thinges and sayid within himselfe Soule thou hast muche goods laid vp for many yeres liue at ease eate drinke and take thy pastime Thus the bleareyed men of this world choke vp Repentance quite smother it by doting themselues with hope of long life Therefore my deare brethren I beséech you by the mecies of God in the bowels of Iesus Christ that none of all these common lets may stay you from spéedy and vnfeigned Repentance But that you may ouerstride them all least vnhappily you being found without Repentance and taken tardie in your sinnes should all perish and be damned according to Christs sentence Wh●●● fore in conclusion let vs with godly E●chias be afraide of Gods threateninges sorrow aforehand stand in awe of GOD examine our conscience mourne for our sinnes lament inwardly that when the wicked which haue swimmed in pleasures here belowe shall enter into their eternal paynes we may then I say there haue euerlasting peace rest that when Iesus Christ shall appeare from heauen with all his holy Angels we may haue crownes of glory and victory clapped on our heades and raigne with our God our sauiour his sonne and all his Sainctes and Angels in the middest of all ioy in the heauens for euermore To the which ioy he bring vs all which hath so bearely bought vs Iesus Christ the righteous to whom with the father the holy Ghost be all honour glory praise power empire and dominion now and for euermore Amen FINIS
Dauid who whē he was couertly reproued by the prophet Nathan and his sinnes laid before his eyes did not stubbornly defende them and so iustle against God nor yet secretlie excuse them and daube them ouer but cryed out in the bitternesse of his hearte I haue sinned and thervpon made the 51. Psalm A Psalme indéed full of dolour and heauines Wherein the Prophet bewayleth his falles lamenteth his sinnes and praieth euen for a newe hearte and a newe spirite newe thoughtes newe affections newe purposes of amendment of life So that in Dauid wée maie sée an inward sorrowing a lasting griefe as the booke of Psalmes doeth euerie where declare whiche layeth him out as it were in an Anotamie yea and greate reformation both in inwarde outward sinnes Héere therefore beholde what is Repentaunce Likewise S. Peter through infirmity hauing denied his Lord and Mayster Christ and béeing punched of his owne conscience wakened with the alaram of a poore Cockes crowing wente out of the Courte of Pilate with a heauie heart wéeping bitterlie euer after stoutlie professing Christe euen vnto the death Sée then what is Repentaunce The Prophetes in the olde Testament exhortinge y e rebellious Iewes vnto Repentance vse commonly an Hebrew verbe which signifieth turne ye or returne yee come backe again by the which Metaphore is meant that like as a man that is strayed farre out of his way must turne quite backe againe the contrary way So those y t haue strayed from the wayes of Godlinesse to the way of sinne must come backe againe as fast as euer they went forwarde altogether change the course of their life so that Repentaunce is an earnest turninge vnto God with all our hearte soule and minde Saint Iohn Baptist and the Apostles in the Newe Testament exhorting vnto Repentaunce vse a Gréeke woorde which signifieth a chaunging of the minde afterwarde or afterwitte so that those whiche through their follie want of former wit haue slipped into the déepe pit and daungerous gulfe of sinne when they come to themselues haue recouered their wits will bée wise afterward take héede they neuer come there againe according to the Proneth The burnt childe will take heed of the Fire By this time I hope you see what is repentaunce It is not euery sorrowe but sorrowe for sinne not for some sinne but for all sinne not for an houre but for euer not for a day but continually not for a week but as longe as we liue Some thinke euerie sorrow is repentance but so should worldlinges repent Some thinke euery litle pante for sinne is repentaunce so should Pharaoh repente Some thinke all weeping and lamenting for sinne is repentaunce so should Esau Iudas Caine repent Some thinke euery litle humbling of our selues is repentaunce but so should Achab repent Some think y t good woords and good purposes is Repentaunce but so shoulde euerie sicke man repent Some thinke y e reformation of words and deeds is Repentaunce but so shoulde ciuill men repent Some thinke that crye God mercie is repentaunce and so shoulde euerie foole repent You see therfore hows many are deceiued in repentaunce but if you will see what it is indeede looke backe to y t which hath beene said afore For hee that will repent in good earnest must not hang down his head like a Bulrushe for a daye onely and so haue doone nor crie from the teeth outwarde Lord haue mercie on me and so away but he must make a back reckoning with diligente consideration of his former life As did the Prophet Dauid Psal 119. ver 59. I haue considered my wayes and turned my feete vnto thy testimonyes So must euerie one that meaneth to repēt sinke aside into some corner or out place that there hee may haue roome enough to beate his owne conscience to make his heart smart for his sinnes by aggrauation thereof weighing all the circumstances as in the 9. of Daniel The Church of God confesseth her sinne not lightlye but with woonderfull great exaggeration and heaping of one thinge to another So that it is not enough to say I haue sinned but to say I haue most traitrously sinned I haue most obstinatly carelesly and rebelliously sinned I haue mōstrously offended in such a place in such a houre in such companie in such a day In suche a corner in the darke I committed adulterie closly when I thought none had seene mee In suche a Chamber I defiled my neighbours wife mine owne conscience doeth accuse me of it In suche and such companie I haue bene dronke I haue spoken and railed against Gods worde I haue mocked the preachers I haue spared no othes nor filthy spéech and now O Lorde Lorde what an vgley monster and wretched villaine am I. Here I stand before thy presence all naked blinde wounded poore wretched and miserable hauing deserued a thousand damnations if thou shouldest enter into iudgement and trie the lawe with me Therefore I beséeche thée shewe pitie and compassion vpon me Ancient my woundes with the oyle of mercy restore mee my sight cloath my nakednes enrich me that am poore strengthen me that am weake helpe mee that am fallen oh bid me not farewell The infant ouercōmeth his mother with crying the child his father with wéeping the seruant his master by entreaty wilt not y u be intreated O Lord Thus I say if euerie man would speak in his conscience to God thus narrowly or more narrowly examine himself vndoubtedly he were in the way of repentaunce But alas it is a worlde to sée how the blinde Bussards and crooked cancrewormes of this worlde go awrye from this rule deceiuing themselues with the bare title and naked name of repentance Many in déede can talke of it but few walke it it Many speake of it but fewe féele it Many describe it but fewe know it It is hidde and locked vp from the worlde and reuealed onely to Gods children Many think they haue caught it when they haue but the shadow of it It is so high that few can reache it It is so déepe that few can come to the bottome of it It is so narrow that fewe can pearce into it So wide that few can comprehend it So slippery that fewe can holde it So scerete that few can finde it Therefore my deare brethren I beséech you let vs pray vnto our God that hee woulde reueale vnto vs this mystery which is hid from the world that we may truly sée it and know it find it féele it to our endles comfort through Christ Iesus which grace he graunt vs. But now to the seconde point concerning the qualities and fruites of repentance One speciall qualitie of repentance is alwayes to bringe with it remission sinnes for where true repentance 〈◊〉 before there remission of sinnes muste ●●cessarily followe after not that repentance deserueth remission of sinne but because where God worket● repentance there hee pardoneth sin because of his promisse At
visitation Our Sauiour Christe wepte ouer Ierusalem because they knew not the time of their visitation Hée reproueth the Iewes because they coulde discerne the face of the Skye but could not discerne the signes of the times And surely in the ende it will turne to our destruction if wée will not knowe this to bee the daie of mercie the time of Grace wherein God stretcheth foorth his hande vnto vs and wisedome crieth out in the stréetes Therefore nowe whilest wée haue the light let vs walke as children of the light the nighte commeth when no manne can woorke It shall be too late to call for mercie after this life when the gates of mercy are shut vp and Repentaunce will bée too late Oh deare christians let vs remember the fiue foolishe Virgins whiche because they forslowed the time had heauen gates barred vp against them Let vs also remēber the fearefull dolefull example of the riche Glutton which beeing in Hell torments yelled and yelped for the least ease and help that might be and could not haue it An hundred thousande times therefore better it is for vs to leaue our sinnes now to mourne for them now and now to Repente then hereafter alas when it shall be too late Better nowe a great deale to take some paine to strayne our selues to leaue our sinnes and to make our hearte smarte for them then to bee condemned for euer and to cry in the bottome of Hell we haue wearied our selues in the way of wickednesse and Destruction and wee haue gone through daungerous waies But we haue not knowen the way of the Lorde What hath pride profited vs Or what profite hath the Pompe of riches brought vs All these thinges are possed awaie like a shadowe and as a Paste that passeth by We haue set our selues against the children of God we had them in derision and in a parable of reproch Wée fooles thought their life madnesse and their ende without honour but loe they are counted emongst the children of God and their portion is emonge the Sainctes Therefore let vs knowe the tyme of our calling and let vs not be worse thē the foules of the ayre the Storke knoweth her appointed tyme the Turtle the Crane and the Swallowe obserue the time of their comming The Husbandman taketh his times The Mariner watcheth his tide Therefore let vs also take the time turne vnto the Lorde whilest it is saide to day which grace God graunt vs. Nowe let vs returne vnto the fourth pointe concerning the causes which may moue vs vnto Repentance Herein I haue obserued nine especiall thinges First the great mercie of God leadeth vs vnto Repentaunce As Rom. 2. The bountifulnesse of God leadeth vs vnto Repentance sayth the Apostle God doth continually followe vs with his mercies and benefites both concerning our soules bodies wée haue no good thinge which wee haue not receyued at his hands we hold all that we haue of him and to him wee are beholding for all Great is his mercie towarde our bodies but much greater towardes our soules and euerie mercie and benefit eyther towarde soule or body calleth vs to repenaunce Hée giueth vs meate drinke and clothing these call vs to repentaunce Hée kéepeth vs at his owne costes and charges here below this calleth vs to Repentance the Sunne the Moone and the Starres calleth vs to Repentance The birdes of the ayre the fishes of the Sea the fruites of the yearth crie out vpon vs both loude and shrill Repent repent All creatures mooue vs to Repentaunce Our creation calleth our redemption crieth our sanctification knocketh and our Election mooueth to Repentaunce What could God do more for his vineyard y ● he hath not done Therefore let vs repent Secondly the iudgements of God moue vs vnto repentance for al y e thunderbolts plagues and punishments which God hath throwen downe vppon obstinate sinners from the beginning of y e world are so manie warning péeces vnto vs to awake vs out of the dead sléepe of sinne to prick vs to Repentaunce As in the 1. Cor. 10. When the Apostle hath cited diuers greate iudgementes of God against the olde Israelites for diuers sinnes he concludeth now all these things came vnto them for examples and were writtē to admonishe vs vppon whome the endes of the worlde are come So that all the Iudgementes wee reade of in the Scriptures are so many admonitions and as it were carteropes to drawe vs to Repentaunce All the iudgementes we haue read of heard of do sée and heare of euery day knocke with mayn strokes beate downe right vpon our consciences to repentance The vgly monsters straunge byrthes fiery constellations vnknowen Cometes sodaine deathes marueilous droughtes vnwonted snowes horrible inundations forraine wonders straunge apparitions threatning of heauen aboue w e streaming and shooting fire trembling of the earth vnder our féete and our houses ouer our heades as of late dayes What are al these but as it were great Cranes with beams and Cable Ropes to drawe vs vp to the Lord by Repentance Thirdly the word of God haleth vs to repentance For as God in olde time sent his Prophets both early and late to call the rebellious Iewes to Repentaunce so he sendeth abroad his preachers and messengers in those daies to sounde vp the trumpe of his word to ring the swéet bel of Aaron emongst thē to awake thē to repentance but alas how lightly are they regarded Who heareth their voice But surely this is the last remedie y t God hath apointed if this wil not moue vs to repentance if this wil not cure vs then are we altogether vncurable Fourthly the infinite number of sinnes we haue committed ought to be so manie spurres in our sides to pricke vs to repentaunce It is sufficient saith Saint Peter that we haue spēt the time past of our life after the lustes of the Gentiles walking in wantonnesse lustres drunkennes gluttonie drinkinges and abominable Idolatries Therfore it is time now to repent Oh that men would looke backe to themselues and consider themselues as they were fortie thirtie twentie or ten yeares ago Oh that they would call to mind theyr open secret sins me thinketh it should make their heart bléed within their belly to thinke vpon them Oh y t they would consider how much time they haue mispent how many good things they haue neglected and altogether omitted Fiftly the shortnesse of our life calleth earnestly vpon vs to repent The time of our life is sixtie yeares ten if they bee of strength eightie yeeres yet the strength is but labour and sorrowe so it is cut off quickly and we flie away saith the Prophet Dauid we haue spent our yeres as a thought Therefore he addeth Teach vs to number our dayes that wee may apply our heartes vnto wisdome Our life for the shortnesse and inconstancie of it in the scripture is compared to grasse to a vapour to smoke and to a Weauers