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A15336 A discourse touching the doctrine of doubting In which not onely the principall arguments, that our popish aduersaries vse, for the establishing of that discomfortable opinion, are plainely and truely aunswered: but also sundrie suggestions of Sathan tending to the maintenance of that in the mindes of the faithfull fully satisfied, and that with singuler comfort also. VVritten long since by T.W. and now published for the profit of the people of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1598 (1598) STC 25621; ESTC S102154 130,155 343

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any grace in himselfe from god but also to speake of them as time and occasion serued he foūd by experience that he was so farre of to shutt God out from ordering and disposing of all these men and their matters that he tooke it rather for fury and madnesse in men to think otherwise specially seeing both men matters plainely say that there is nothing be it neuer so smale but that all and euery one of them are gouerned according to the becke and good pleasure of almighty God And as for mā himselfe he was so far of frō guiding gouerning these things that either he knewe not his owne estate in the things themselues or els if he had them whether they were things worthy either to be beloued or to be hated he could not tell howe to vse them Nowe what will this auaile to prooue doubting for our good estate and forgiuenesse of our sinnes before God whereas it speaketh that the vnregenerate whose beastly blindnesse and blockishnes is so great that neither can they discerne of Gods administration gouernment of their owne estate and condition nor of the things that God in mercy or iudgement hath beene pleased to lay vpon them Surely they are so wide and indeede vnnaturall vnreasonable that from meere naturall men will iudge of those that are inlightened and sanctified from God But we will leaue this and proceed to the sifting examining and answering of such places as they produce and alleadge out of the newe Testament specially such as they make most account of and presse most as they that must beare the stresse of this cause Places out of the newe Testament 1 The first place which they obiect out of the newe Testament is Rom. 3. verse 28. which they turne thus We thinke that a man is iustified by faith without workes and therevpon they inferre and inforce that sith the Apostle vseth the worde of thinking that therefore no man can certenly affirme concerning his owne iustification But we haue many exceptions against this interpretations as first that though it be so in the old latine translation yet the word that the Apostle vseth in the originall is of a more sure and certen signification For the vvord signifieth to reason or to gather togeather or out of the premises to put downe a collected or sure assertion and the same to deliuer also in wordes or speech And this almost all the greeke interpreters the best expositors of their owne words haue obserued and specially Theophilactus who turneth the simple verbe that the Apostle vseth by a compound which signifieth by reasoning to euince together and out of such thinges as were not onely probablie but trulie put downe necessarilie to effect and conclude But suppose we had not this in iust and sufficient answer yet we know and beleeue that there is great difference betweene doubting and thinking the one alwaies containing in it and vnder it vncertaintie and the other manie times hauing certaintie adioyned with it For though we will not denie but that sometimes in the latin tongue the word to thinke is doubtingly vsed yet we shall finde in good and approued authors that very often it signifieth after the propounding of diuers opinions and sentences to choose out that which a man will affirme and mainteine And so we doubt of it in this place it implieth not a doubtfull and vncerten imagination for in a matter of so great importance the Apostle would not deale so sleightely with the Chuch and the members of it but an assured and steadfast affirmation which as yet may appeare by the nature of the greeke word aboue mentioned so me thinketh it is confirmed by the weight of the cause or matter the the Apostle hath in hand which is free iustification through faith in Christ of which howsoeuer sometimes some good men in the weaknesse of their faith and beholding of their owne vnworthinesse may or doe doubt yet the doctrine of it was is and euer shall be most sure and stable And therefore vnlesse they would cōtinually confound the tearmes of doubting and thinking this text or testimony will doe them no good And if it should be of such a doubtfull signification alwaies then must it so likewise in all places for that which is so at all times is the same euery where and cannot be varied as in respect of difference or distāce of place But that cannot be so for we shall see this word in other places namely in some places of this epistle cannot admit or receiue this doubtful sense and therefore not heare neither we will but take one in stead of all namely Rom. 8. verse 18. For I thinke that the afflictions of this present time are not worthy of the glorie which shal be shewed vnto vs. What shall we thinke that the Apostle doubted of this point whether that our sufferings here and the glory to be reuealed in the life to cōe were vnequal surely he knewe and felt well enough the great oddes and difference that is betwixt them and that maketh him in another place to say our light affliction which is hut for a while causeth vnto vs a far more excellent and eternall weight of glory And I suppose verily the grossest papist in the world and greatest merite-monger amongst them would not defend this that there is a partie betweene the sufferings of all or any of the Saints and the infinite and incomprehensible ioyes of eternall life Besides what Logitian is there that seeth not that there is in this argument falacia homo nymias that is as we may say of the equivocatiō or doubtfull and diuers signification of the word to thinke which though sometimes in some places it may signifie to doubt yet that hath bin shewed on this part yet here for the reasons aboue alleadged it must signifie certenty and assurednes though not of the feeling of this truth alwaies in the hearts and mindes of the godly who somtimes feele it and sometimes not yet of truth and certenty of the doctrine it selfe which can be no more vncerten then God himselfe from whome it cōmteh or thē the spirit it selfe by which the Apostle preached deliuered the same To conclude this is the plaine meaning of the Apostle that from the former disputation or points that before had bin handled he did necessarily gather finely cōclude that a christian or faithfull man was iustified through faith in Christ and not by the workes of the law And good reason he should conclude so out of the premisses for he had before euinced proued this that all men whether they were Iewes or Gentiles the Gentiles without the lawe the Iewes by vnder the lawe were sinners and transgressors of the lawe therefore destitute void of righteousnes in of themselues righteous they must be if they would be saued but that they could not be without Christs righteousnes the same apprehēded by faith only And therefore
condemne our owne deedes and workes and renouncing them vtterly to rest and stay our selues vpon the mercy of God promised vnto vs for Christ our Sauiour his sake and alwaies both in minde and mouth to haue that worthy saying of the prophet rise with vs Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for then no flesh shall be righteouse in thy sight and that of the Apostle 1. Cor. 4. I knowe nothing by my selfe and yet I am not iust or iustified for all that One the other side it is not humilitie as they suppose but arrogancie and indeede contempt of God and heauenly promises not to giue credit to or not to beleeue these sweete promises And therefore Saint Iohn saith he that beleeueth not God hath made him a lier 1. Iohn 5.10 and we may see a memorable example of it in Ahaz Isaiah 7. who refused a signe giuen vnto him from god But they presse this further say it is a token of humilitie to acknowledge our infirmities and sinnes And who wil deny that that hath any fault or sauour in him of godlines But on the other side who knoweth not that humilitie and doubting differ as much as vice virtue or what man vnles he were madde not onely without reason but against godlinesse would suppose that our true humility should destroy confidēce boldnesse or faith concerning Gods grace forgiuenesse of our sinnes and eternall saluation sith our humility is as other good things in vs the fruite of the faith If mā did soundly vnderstand what humility were they would doubtlesse be of another minde thē conclude so This is humility not onely truly to feare God as a iudge and so to acknowledge in his sight our sinnes and infirmities but also to fly vnto Iesus Christ and to stay in his al sufficiēt satisfaction Doth this ouerthrowe a poore mans pouertie that he beggeth an almes for Gods sake as we say or doth this destroy a weake mans weaknesse that he seeketh for shelter and defence at the handes of the strōg or doth this take away a sicke mans sicknes that he laieth it open to the Phisition and requireth medicine no verely but rather argueth pouerty weaknesse sicknesse c. And so doth our humility But let vs go forward 9 The ninth argument is this Where there is vnworthinesse there cannot be assurance of Gods grace of forgiuenesse of sinnes and of saluation but still there must be doubting But in thē that are turned to God there is great vnworthinesse whilest they knowe not whether they haue sufficiently and worthily prepared themselues and performed all the couenants and conditions that God hath prescribed therefore c. The proposition or maior of this argument is very false because the beholding or feeling of our own vnworthinesse doth no more worke doubting much lesse distrustfulnesse in the hearts of Gods people then feeling of outward wants maketh naturall men carelesse of a supply It is a grace of God to be well acquainted with our owne vnworthinesse yea such a grace as God onely bestoweth vpon his owne children that so in the beholding and sight therof they may more earnestly seeke after and be more fruitfully made partakers of the exceeding riches of his mercy wheras the wicked of the world are either ceased with benūmednesse and senslesnesses of their owne vnworthinesse and good reason thereof because they feele not sinne or els see it in iudgement and condemnation and good reason of it also because rather they haue made no account to profit by Gods mercies but to abuse them rather to licentiousnesse and sinne And that we might be the better assured of the trueth of this point namely that the feeling of the indignity of gods people hath neither wrought doubting in themselues nor caused god the lesse but more rather to esteeme them we haue many memorable examples but for the present we will content our selues with one out of the ould testament and another out of the newe that so seeing the consent of scriptures and the confirmitie of this trueth in all ages we may the better beleeue it both for the comfort of our consciences and stopping the mouthes of the aduersaries In the 18. of Genesis the spirit presseth this in the prayer of Abraham that he made for Sodom Gomorrah c. that he said he was but dust and ashes and how could he more debase and humble himselfe and yet he cōtinueth afterwards his prayer againe againe which had his heart beene possessed with doubting and vpheld with hope he could not haue performed And in the 8. of the gospell after Mathew the Centuriō that came to intreat Christ for his seruant sicke of the palsie and grieuously pained feeling and confessing his owne vnworthinesse that he was not vvorthy that Christ should come vnder his roofe doth not only make Christ him selfe as he was mā to maruaile at it but according to truth for the better comforting of all that haue the like sense to cōmend him to say verely I haue not found so great faith no not in Israel what meaneth that generall sentēce of the word god resisteth the proud giueth grace to the humble confirmed by the example of the Pharise Publican Luke eighteene But to teach vs this point Can a man be truely humbled in himselfe without sight and sense of his owne vnworthinesse or can he tast or tell how sweet the Lord is in his mercies that is not wel acquainted with his owne miseries If anie man thinke so he is fowly deceiued Nay we will say more that where vnworthines is most felt there is offred vnto godlie men the best meanes of certainetie and assurance not onely because the Scripture saith where sinne hath aboūded ther grace hath abounded much more but because God in his purpose and indeed assured good-will calleth vs out of our selues who are altogether weaker then water that so we might wholy repose our wofull soules vpon him that is the god of our comfort and the vnmouable rock of our strength Wherefore wee see that the maior is vtterly vntrue As for the first part of the assumption or minor we will not denie it namely that euen in the faithfull there is not onely is great vnworthines but a very good tast and feeling thereof And good reason there is it should be so they best obserue their owne waies they best examine their owne hearts c. Neither will we much stick with them to yeeld them the secōd part of it namely that these are good meanes to make euen god feele their vnworthines that they doe not rightly and reuerently prepare themselus to the seruice of god that they fullfill not al nay not any in sort as they should of the couenants conditions or cōmandements of god c. but that they should worke doubting in them of gods goodnes grace towards them that is the point we deny and they cā neuer prooue for doubting is not the proper peculiar
bodie vnto the edifying of it selfe in loue And Cor. 2. We are rooted built in him and stablished in faith whereof all the body furnished and knit togeather by ioints and bandes increaseth with the increasing of God Lastly in as these sinnes doe not raign in me or ouer rule by that but that they are mastered and beaten downe by the grace of the spirit plentifully shed abroad in into my heart and powerfully prevailing against my corruption one while whilest it doth in a notable measure subdue iniquitie present in me and another while whilest after sinne committed it raiseth me vp to repētance and amendement so that I lie not sleeping and snorting in sinne as the wicked but theese sinnes are through the mightie operation and working of the holy Chost daily by little and little more and more purged in me scoured from me in this life by beginning if I may so say here and by consummation perfection in the life that is to be reuealed 4 And therefore the assault that he maketh against vs is by an argumēt framed thus Innumerable men and women perish and are condemned as whom Christ and righteousnes doth no whit at all profit but thou art of that number as appeareth by this because thou art no whit better then they that worsest rather therefore thou art damned Hereunto I answer that the truth of this proposition I willingly consent vnto namely that innumerable persons perish and are condemned but yet with this exception that the cause thereof is not in any impotencie or weaknes of Christs death and righteousnes for that is of most large yea of infinite merit as hath bin shewed alreadie but by reason that they themselues doe not beleeue Fos as that is true in the faithfull which our Sauiour vttereth in a most vehement affirmation saying Ioh. 5. Verily verily I saie vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life So that againe must be verified in the vnbeleeuers which he saith els where Ioh. 3.18 He that beleeueth not is cōdemned alreadie because he hath not beleeued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God And for the minor I charge it with two faults first that it is false as when he saith thou art one of that number and very vncerten in the other words or if thou wilt reason of the assertion because thou art no whit better then they but worse rather For first when he saith I am one of them he doth not onely euill as in regard of himselfe taking Gods office vpon him to whom alone as vengeance so all true sound iudgement appertaineth but affirmeth falsly that which he can neuer prooue nay the contrarie whereof I am able to shewe and that not onely by mine owne iudgement which happily might be suspected in mine owne cause and yet speaking the truth I see no reason why I should not as well be beleeued for my selfe as Satan against me but euen from the testimonie and witnes of Gods holy word I know I am faithful and I am confirmed in the truth and certentie of the perswasion because I doe not in an euil or idle opinion but in true and certen faith lay hold of Christ and stay and settle my selfe wholly and onely vpon him This no heathē Idolater can doe because he is not only without Christ but without God in the worlde This no Mahometist or Iewe can performe because they denye him and defie him from their heartes This no counterfeited or corrupt christian can accomplish For the false christian as papistes ioyne their workes at the least with him and the carnall professour in the corrupt course of his conuersation denies his power to mortification and sanctification Therefore I separated from all and euerye one of them in strength of perswasion in particular application and the fruites of faith and blessed obedience cannot perish But maye truelye and effectuallye saye that Christ Iesus dwelling in my hearte and making me fruitefull to good workes and I againe beeing thereby in him there is no condemnation to me nor anye such yea I am throughly and certainelye perswaded That neither life nor death heigth nor breadth thinges present nor thinges to come are able to separate me from the loue of God tovvards me vvhich is in Christ Iesus As for the vncertaintie of the cōfirmation it is apparant by this that though Sathan knowe vs all to bee tainted in Adā yet he knoweth not in whom the power of corruption preuaileth most or more The wicked cannot discerne of them of another no not one of them well of their hearts as we see euen particularly by this that many times they are not only blind but senselesse also and yet a man would thinke that they should be as wel able either to know the heigth and hainousnesse of one anothers corruption or their owne as Sathan should bee acquainted with theirs And if Sathan cannot tell whether I bee worse then they he lesse knoweth whether I bee in anye measure of mercie better then they for by reason of the fulnesse of his owne corruption he can much better discerne of euill then any whit at all of good by reason of his aduersnesse and waye-wardnesse and vnto wardnesse thereto But be it as it may be we will yeeld him the hardest that I am such a one to wit by nature yet am I another man by grace and adoption which varieth the state And though I were in my selfe of my selfe no whit better then others nay I will say more worse then others if god be pleased to account otherwise of me what is that to Sathan sith God will haue mercy vpon whomsoeuer he will haue mercy wil cause me and others to feele and finde that true in our selues that the Apostle saith in the generall doctrine of the word where sin hath abounded there grace hath ouer abounded and freelye confesseth of himselfe that God had mercie on him the chiefe of all sinners And therfore I am so farre of from desp●ire in my selfe though it be true that in that respect I may couer my face with shame that I may rather greatly comforte my selfe because in this life Gods fauour and good will doth not in any thing so plainely appeare as in the forgiuenesse of my sinns But Sathan will yet againe presse and vrge this further thus The faithf●● verily are not damned but saued by Christ But thou art not faithfull or hast not faith therefore thou canst not be saued by Christ but must notwithstāding for the want of thy faith remaine stil vnder condemnation For aunswer whereto I say still notwithstanding all thy oppositiōs Sathan that I haue faith and doe beleeue And if thou wilt aske how I know it or can be assured of it I will shew thee Christ our Sauiour telleth vs that we shall know the tree by the fruite from the effects
A DISCOVRSE TOVCHING THE DOCTRINE OF DOVBTING In which not onely the principall arguments that our popish aduersaries vse for the establishing of that discomfortable opinion are plainely and truely aunswered But also sundrie suggestions of Sathan tending to the maintenance of that in the mindes of the faithfull fully satisfied and that with singuler comfort also VVritten long since by T. W. and now published for the profit of the people of God PRINTED BY IOHN LEGAT Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1598. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE AND HIS VERIE GOOD LORD AND LADIE THE LORD EDWARD EARLE OF BEDFORD AND THE LADIE LVCIE HIS WIFE AND TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL AND HIS VERIE GOOD FRIENDS SIR IOHN HARRINGTON KNIGHT AND THE LADIE HIS WIFE T. W. vvisheth the aboundant riches of all Gods mercies in this life and the full fruition of the Lord himselfe and all his fauours in that vvhich is to come through Christ THe life of christian men womē here vpon earth is not without cause right honourable and right worshipfull neither yet vnfitely compared by the holye ghost in the canonicall Scriptures to a continuall combate and warfaire Of which as the written vvord it selfe in the sound doctrine and approoued examples thereof concerning this point doth beare faithfull witnes so if god would giue vs grace carefullie to obserue either other men or our selues in such sorte as vve ought or could not but quicklie finde good warrantise for it in the vvorld likewise For confirmation whereof if vve had no more but on the other side the darke doctrine of poperie euerie vvhere assaying to persvvade yea to driue men to doubting and on the other side the diffidence and distrustfulnesse that naturally we carrie about with vs in our hearts it were as a man might say more then sufficiēt Touching the popish opinion it is certainelie pitifull that they can see no other vvaye or meane to preuent proude presumption but to incurre the daunger of distrust and doubting And it is the more pitifull doubtlesse by hovv much both in Gods religion yea and in mans reason also they can not but know confesse that euery singular vertue or good worke hath two sins set against it the one as disagreeing from it the other as contrarie to it The vertue or good worke as we nowe call it here is trust in God then what can be a more excellent vvorke sith our Sauiour saith This is the worke of Christ that ye beleeue in him whō he hath sent And vvhat is more contrarie to it then to doubt or distrust and vvhat is more disagreeing from it thē Lucifer-like presūption And yet euen againe I say it is the more pitifull by howe much it crosseth euen their ovvne opinion practise For how can that cōceit of theirs touching merit before Christ and specially of meriting eternall life stand with the doctrine of doubting seeing that merite or absolute obedience specially if men deale with one that is iust as Christ who is iustice it selfe must needes shutt out doubting touching that we are sure we haue deserued and he cannot choose but of iustice giue and graunt But such vaine fantesies must they fall into that fall avvaie from the faith and trueth of the worde and vvill lift vp thēselves against Christ our Sauiour that so refusing grace offered and feeling it where it is not to bee found they might vanish avvay through the disquietnes of their spirits in the vaine imaginations of their ovvne mindes Concerning the other it is verie lamentable that in so large aboundance of Gods gracious promises and in so faithfull and continuall performance of them speciallie to his owne people whereof not onely the vvord but the vvorld doth yeeld vs an infinite cloude of vvitnesses mens mindes should yet be replenished vvith fearefulnesse and doubting But such and so great is Sathans malice against vs and so dull and slow of heart are vve to beleeue speciallie when we regard our manifold vnworthinesse our grieuous transgressions or the seueritie and iustice of the Lords iudgements that it is more then marueilous if anie man be found in better estate considering I say either vvhat we are by nature or regarding withall what after our inlighting and regeneration begunne in vs a world there is of reliques remainder of corruption in vs which though they doe not vtterly deface and put out the good worke of God in vs because it is to maiesticall and povverfull to be battered and beaten downe by so weake an aduersarie yet do they so backward and hinder the same that in this life vvee can not attaine to that fulnesse of faith which we greatly hunger and thirst after and though through gods goodnes we haue gained somewhat yet many times we finde those graces so eclipsed and darkened in vs that they seeme to be as if they vvere not But what meane we to trauaile in the strengthning of these points vvhich in euerye mans minde and mouth almost are so cleare and vsuall as nothing more The thing rather that we should striue vnto is this namely that sith by corrupt opinions we are or may be dayly assaulted outwardly and by Sathans subtle suggestions and our owne cursed corruptions vve are continually prouoked inwardly as to euerie other euill generally so particularly to this sore sicknesse of our soules distrust or doubting we should in the holy wisedome cleare light of Gods vvorde and also by the all sufficient strength and power of the blessed spirite so labour to looke vnto our selues as that we suffer not our selues either to be infected vvith the pleasaunt poyson of false doctrine or to bee drawne to discomfort through the doubtfullnesse of our hearts For as the former hazerdeth what saie I nay ouerthroweth the health of our soules that more dangerously by much then any bodily poison doth or can doe the state of our outward man for in the middest of this the minde may be safe and sure whereas in the other specially persisted in there insueth euerlasting destruction both of bodie and soule so the latter strongly haleth downe vpō vs and violently bringeth vnto vs all heauinesse of heart and fearefull disquitnesse and togeather with the same as a peculiar effect thereof all manner of vnwillingnesse vnfitnesse and disabilitie in and about the seruice of Christ whether publikely in the congregation or priuately in the familie as also for the carefull accomplishment of our Christian duties either at home or abroad For what likelihood or probability is there that he shall appeare before god or doe good vnto mē whose spirit is disquieted within him seeing that a quiet spirit is a thing much set by before god and fitteth vs also for naturall duties These great difcfiulties dangers are not nay cannot be discerned but by the light of the word neither indeede can the euill of them be preuented and beatē backe but by carefull taking vnto vs and dailie vsing of all the armour that Christ himselfe and not
man hath prouided for vs and prescribed vnto vs in the worde of trueth For plaine proofe whereof we may beholde if we can the bad effects and bitter fruits that either the ignorance or neglect hereof bringeth forth in our age And if there were no more but this the continuall carnalitie and carnall securitie that euerie where raigneth til it be discouered and felt and the distrust yea desperation that then rageth when the Lord is pleased to lay it open and to presse it hard and home as we saie to to the heart these were sufficient enough not onely to prooue the point but also to cause vs in time to leaue our great and grieuous corruptions and in in a good and acceptable seasō euen while it is called to day as the scripture saieth to looke to better courses assuring our selues that as for poperie it can neuer be repelled but by the sounde knovvledge of Gods will reuealed in his vvord this trueth beeing as cōtrary to that errour and falsehood as daye is to darknesse and as for assured comforte in distresse or distrust it is no where to be found but generally in the same word also and particularly in the sweet promises thereof which as God alone that is altogether faithfull hath plentifullye made so vvill he that is onely almightie and doth vvhatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and earth in an acceptable time graciously performe for his glorie and the good of his people And that therefore vve should endeuour by all the good meanes that possibly we can that the word of Christ might dvvell in vs plenteously in all vvisedome teaching and admonishing our ovvne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spirituall songues singing with a grace in our hearts to the Lord and doing vvhat soeuer vve shall do in vvord or in deede either towards God in the cause of his vvorship or in the dueties of charitie towards men in the name of the Lord Iesus Now vvhat experience you right honourable and right vvorshipfull haue had in this behalfe I knovv not This I am sure of that belonging to the Lord as vpon good groun●● I doubt not I perswade my selfe you do you either haue had heretofore or hereafter before the day of your dissolution dravv nigh shall haue your portion and part of triall both the one and the other vvaye And though it may be that you haue through gods mercie in Christ bestowed vpon you the grace of a stedfast perswasiō yet he that is now strong through Gods grace may hereafter through his owne wickednesse and vvants become weake God hauing not onely ordeined that as a meane so to humble vs least in the excellent aboundance of graces we might be exalted aboue measure but prouided one of vs to support and helpe an another according to any measure of mercie that we haue receiued from him Wherein if I may either soundly comfort you for that vvhich is past and duetifully prouoke christian care minister strong consolation for that which is to come and may perceiue either the one or the other or both not onely to dwell in your selues but as by and and from you to bee communicated to others specially those whose case and state is distressed either waye I shall right hartely reioyce a● one in this comfortablie feeling the forgiuenesse of our sinnes that God hath beene pleased to make his trueth effectuall and powerfull in vs aswel for the obedience of his holie commādementes as for the vnfeigned beleefe of his blessed promises And in this respect principally I assure you is it that hauing sometime since written a discourse against all manner of doubting whether it be from others as popish doctrine and Sathans suggestions or from the diffidence and distrustfulnesse of our owne hearts and being much and often requested by some deare friends of mine vvhome I could not vvell denie to publish it I am bold vnder your patronages to let it passe to the presse and to come forth to behold the light and from you to cause it to come to the vievv of others for yours and their spirituall benefite especially And in this dedication of my poore trauailes vnto you I could not but ioyne you all together as one because that though as in respecte of your several states degrees and callings in the common vvealth you do somewhat differ yet God by many gracious meanes of his mercy particularly by open and religious profession of his trueth and holie bande of christian mariage hath made you as it were to become one that so growing alltogether in this life by the power of the spirite to the vnitie of faith and obedience of the goodwill of God you might in that time that God hath set vvith himselfe from before all tines come all together likewise to that one euerlasting life blessednes vvhich is the ende of that one faith and hope wh rewith we are and shall be both sealed and susteined euen vntill and in the day of Iesus Christ And so humblie beseeching good acceptance of this that is done in the singlenesse and sinplicitie of my soule vvhich I trust you will not denie me because I desire nothing but that is right and reasonable and directly tending to your owne good specially spiritual and vvithall hartilie praying the Lord to giue it a blessing in your seuerall soules for the glorie of his name and your euerlasting comforte whereof also I conceiue good hope because God is large in loue and bountifull in giuing specially vnto his people in vvhich number I trust you are not without cause accounted before me I do ende for this present and vvith that submission that is fitt for my selfe and belongeth to persons of so great place and calling take my leaue At Wooburne the 14. of Aprill 1598. Your Hon. and Worship euer ready and that in all things to be commaunded in Christ Thomas Wilcocks the Lords vnworthy seruant Lord Iesus begin and make an ende ALL popery generally is full of vanity and vntrueth being drūke vp and receiued in infecteh defileth both body and soule Howbeit this cannot be denied but that some points are more deadly discomfortable by much then other some For as in the great varietie of naturall sickenesses diseases all are not alike dangerous but some are more pestilentiall and infectiue as more assaulting the heart and the head other vitall partes then other some are as we may see in the messels pocks hot burning agues plauges or pestilences and such like So is it in the huge heape and infectiue lumpe of popish opinions and doctrines some being more high and heinous then other some and as if it were not only taking the crowne of glory and eternall life from the head or out of the hands of our Sauiour Christ and setting it vpon the headlesse or handlesse bodie of mans corrupt nature tainted with all manner of vngratiousnes and sinne but euen labouring to take by the throat and to strāgle that little
speaking of heauenly matters and particularly of the forgiuenesse of sinnes do vse tearmes of doubting seeme doubtfully to promise fauoure to penitēt persons Amongst whcih I remember not that they haue alleadged any more then 2. Samuel 16.12 Amos 5.15 Ioel 2.14 Ion. 3.9 Sauing that they haue produced a place out of Daniel 4. ver 24. where indeede in the greeke text in Ieroms latine translation there is vsed a article of doubting as perhaps or it may be there will be a healing of thy sinnes Whereas the word that the Prophet vseth doth in the hebrewe signifie rather a manifest asseueration or affirmation as though he should say loe there shall be an healing of thine errour This not onely agreeing better with the Prophets purpose which as it was in the first part of the verse to instruct the king by holy coūsell to breake off his sinnes through righteousnes his iniquities by shewing fauour to the afflicted so in this part he performing that that was prescribed in the former to comfort him This also being an vsual thing in duties of obedience and holy precepts deliuered to adioyne sweete and comfortable promises that so they might see their labour and loue in the Lord should not be lost Neither may we thinke the Prophet either to be ignorant of this in himselfe or vnwilling to propound it to others that vpon obedience of Gods will and sincere repentance men should certenly finde fauour with the Lord which he might haue called into question if he should haue spoken so doubtfully But les vs graunt that the words were commonly or for the most part vsed to expresse doubting or distrust wil this followe therevpon that they would faine inferre namely that therefore Gods children should doubt of the forgiuenes of their sinnes and eternall life Nay for first it is not cleare and certen whether Nabuchadnezer to whome these words were directed were an elected chlid of God yea or no and we knowe that the question concerneth them that are called and iustified and sanctified in some measure and so shall be eternally saued Besides whether can we tell that that which was in him of terrour and feare were sound or hypocriticall or whether he continued or whether Daniel hauing extraordinary and many personall things also reuealed vnto him foresawe what should become of him In such cases we see and to such persons many things may be deliuered as if it were doubtingly whereas with persons of other qualities and callings other courses must be obserued But put the hardest we haue yet another aunsweare vnto this place namely that the Prophet vseth this manner of speach both to note the difficultie and the excellencie of the things he required at the kings hands men imagining repentance conuerting to God taking away of sinnes c. to be a very easie and sleight matter which indeede causeth them not to esteeme the grace according to the worthinesse thereof nor to striue therevnto as they should and also to cause him and in him all others the more to indeauoure the attaining thereof and strengthening of themselues therein because things so hardly atcheiued and of such dignity indeed would not be sleightely or lightly let goe And let this suffice or satisfie for this place Let vs come to the rest already quoted and examine them 1 The first place is the 2. Sammuel 16.12 It may be that the Lord will looke on mine affliction and doe me good for his cursing this day They are the wordes of Dauid to Abishai who would very willingly haue slaine Shimei rayling vpon the king his master and nowe flying from the face of his sonne Abshalon where vnto ouer and besides that that hath bin said before touching the place of Daniel we may adde this it is hard vpon all the wordes of good men to inferre either the lawefulnesse of their speaches or a doctrine either contrary to the truth of the word in other places or not warranted thereby For as that is true in Salomon that where there are many vvords there is much sinne so that is likewise true that the Apostle Iames saith he is a iust man that hath not offended with his tongue Many times feare griefe hastines hatred worldly loue and other passions carrie them very farre as we may perceiue not onely in Dauid himselfe but in sundry other of Gods children as Ieremy Woe is me my mother c. chap. 15. 10. and Peter M. fauour or be good vnto thy selfe Math. 16. Lastly he speaketh here but of an outward mercie of which many a good man considering his owne vnworthinesse and how they are but promised vpon condition may easily doubt and yet offer no iniury to Gods grace for he giueth these things as pleaseth him indifferently to the good and the badde nor much discomfort to his owne heart And what is this to spirituall heauenly geaces all which as they do proceed frō the free fauour of god toward vs in Iesus Christ so are they promised vnto vs and propounded vnto vs absolutely and without condition and therefore they nowe assured in themselues ministring the more hope vnto the hearts of the faithfull And if there be a condition annexed as I deny not but sometimes there is it is but for the better strengthening of vs therein whilest that he that promiseth vs giueth vs strength to performe the couenants and condition and so both we in his grace haue the more certaine assurance and he might the more plainely and fully crowne his owne graces in vs. 2 The next place is Amos 5.15 Hate the euill and loue the good and establish iudgemēt in the gate it may the Lord God of Hostes will be mercifull to the remnant of Ioseph which place though it may in some sort be answered by that which is put downe already if men will well viewe and marke that which hath beene deliuered yet it shall not be amisse to adde some particular thing for the further declaration and explanation thereof The Prophet had to deale with a straunge kinde of people not onely such as were giuen ouer to idolatrie and other particular iniquities hatred of the Prophets oppressing of the poore c. But such as yet notwithstanding iustified themselues and said that the Lord of hosts was with them No doubt but they that were thus exalted in themselues and that without anie cause had neede by all good meanes to be humbled And they that were thus hypocriticall not onely to deceiue others but to dallie with their owne hearts and to thinke that God and iniquitie could stand well together had need to be sent back to be instructed to soūd their owne soules well And that causeth the Prophet to deale with them as he doth in this place But what is this to gods people who through his grace are restrained from these high and hainous iniquities who are so farre of from deceiuing their owne hearts in a vaine imagination that notwithstanding their sinne God is
wheras on the other side they shall haue good successe that feare god and are loth wittingly on willingly as we say to offend and displease him And this I take to be not onely the meaning of this sentence here but almost in euery place of the word where it is said Blessed is the man that feareth that Lord. Where also we are to know further that such sentences are propounded vnto vs not to strike doubtfulnes or distrust into the hearts of beleeuers which beeing in them naturally through the remainders of sinne God laboureth by so many meanes to remoue from them as the promises of the word the participation of his Sacraments the pledge powerful working of his spirite c. For so god in his words and deeds should be contrary to himselfe and we must so expound his word as we find no cōtradition in the places themselues nor loade him with any opposition who in his owne nature in his word also is alwayes but one But in them that setting before their eyes on the one side their owne weaknes and wants and on the other side the good that God requireth of them they might not onely depēd wholy of his mercy and no way swell with the cōfidence of any gift that they haue receiued but also striue according to the measure of grace vouchsafed vnto them to doe that that the Lord requireth at their hands And what will this serue to vphold doubtfullnes or distrust of hart in Gods children 6 The last place that they alleadge out of the old testamēt which hath any marrow or strength in it is in Ecclesiastes or the booke of the preacher cha 9. ver 1. which they turn and expound after this manner Man knovveth not whether he be worthie loue or hatred that is to say in the popish lāguage as they interpret it whether he be in the grace or fauour of God yea or no. Where first we may not dissemble this that as in other places so here they dissent frō the original verity both in their translation in their sense For these words are in Hebrew thus Euē or either loue euē or either hatred knoweth not mā al which is before their faces VVhereas we may perceiue in their translation they adde the word worthie which is not there to be found and in their interpretation or sense they add God and his fauour or hatred there beeing not in this part of the text any of the names wherby god is called in the old Testament But before we come to deliuer that which we take to be the true meaning of the spirite here me thinketh that euen the text as they turne it will not euince that for which they aleadge it For though we should graunt them that loue and hatred should in this place be vnderstood of gods loue hatred towards men yet this me thinketh we may say of it namely that wee must needs vnderstād it either of men that are ignorant of Gods word and vnbeleeuers or else of his loue and hatred towards such as of whose faith we doubt not for betwene these two there is no meane neither are there anie other sorts of people in the world To refer it to the incredulous to vnderstād it of them there is no reason Because he that cannot lie hath told vs he that beleeueth not is condēned already because he beleeueth not in the name of the onely sonne of god sith he hath giuē the iudgemēt we iudge not according to our selues but according to his truth that cannot erre And besids he that beleueth not the gospell as he knoweth not god himselfe with effect and fruite so he knoweth not neither for himselfe nor for others those whome God loueth or hateth or of what force his loue and hatred is VVe must therefore vnderstād of the faithfull beleeuers who though they cannot iudge of other men specially by their outward estate of which it seemeth Salomon speaketh here whether God loue any man or hate him yet concerning himselfe or for Gods loue or hatred towards him he cannot either be ignorant or doubtfull of it because he knoweth and feeleth the loue of god towards him as an adopted child and that by better proofes and pledges then outward mercies as we may perceiue not onely by the 7. verse of this chapter where he saieth go eate thy bread with ioy c. for god novv accepteth thy works but also by this of Iohn in his first epistle fourth chapter Heerin was the loue of God made manifest amongst vs because God sent that his onely begotten sonne into this vvorld that we might liue through him and sundry such other places And therefore this is a non sequitur as we say in the schooles or an euill fauoured argument By outward things men cannot determine of Gods loue or hatred and therefore we cannot conclude of it out of Gods word What and if a man should reason thus In the same bookes Salomon saith we cannot by outward euents see a sensible difference betwixt mans soule and beasts life because the end of either is alike therfore we can by no other meanes discerne the difference it were false and indeed would not hould or followe By all these things then we may perceiue that howesoeuer we vnderstand this place of the loue or hatred of God towards men that yet it will make nothing for the Papists to establish their doctrine of doubting touching the grace of God and the free pardon and ful forgiuenesse of our sinnes That we may take no aduantage of this that Papists affirming that such as offend against their consciences doe wel inough knowe that they are vnder gods hatred and God is angrie with them doe by this doctrine crosse their owne sense and interpretation And againe it that be true in offending parties why should they enioyne such as are turned to God and doe vnfainedly repent them of their sinnes to doubt of the grace and loue of God towards them But let vs returne and deliuer the true and naturall meaning and see whether that will helpe any whit at all I knowe that both Iewes and Christian expositors also doe giue diuers sēses of this one place but to me this following seemeth most right In this chapter as I take it he dealeth with such a sort or kind of administration or ordering of thinges in this world as is beyond mans reach he setteth it out by sundry particulars the first whereof is conteined in this first verse and some of the verses following and indeede respecteth mēs persons and the seuerall euents and successes that followe them And yet in this first verse he doth not onely declare the iudgement of flesh blood concerning the persons themselues but also expresseth what he himselfe conceiued of it according to truth and godlinesse This is it then that he meaneth that hauing set his heart not onely to search into these things so farre forth as he could by