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mercy_n good_a sin_n sinner_n 3,410 5 7.5691 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15145 A brieff discours off the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany Anno Domini 1554 Abowte the booke off off [sic] common prayer and ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre/ to thende off Q. Maries raigne, in the which discours, the gentle reader shall see the very originall and beginninge off all the contention that hathe byn, and what was the cause off the same. Whittingham, William, d. 1579. 1574 (1574) STC 25442; ESTC S103071 143,706 216

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he saied onely by warrant of mans authoritie and no grownde in godds worde for the same and had also a longe tyme verye superstitiously in the masse byn wickedly abused But yff he might not be suffred to minister the Sacraments accordinge to his conscience he then requested that some other might minister the Sacraments and he woulde onely preache Iff nether coulde be admitted be besought them that he might be discharged But to that the congregation woulde in no wise consente Whiles these things were thus in handlinge came maister Leuer before elected who assemblinge the congregation requested that he might withe their consentes appointe suche an order as shulde be bothe Godly withowt respecte off the Booke off Geneua or anye other requestinge farther that for so muche as that office was off so great importaunce ād that he had not byn in the like before that he might betweene that and Easter haue a triall off them and they off him and so at the ende off that terme either take or refuse whiche time off triall as it was willingly graunted him so when they vnderstoode that the order whiche he woulde place and vse was not altogether suche as was fit for a right reformed churche they woulde in nowise yelde to the same Knox whittingham and others perceyuinge that theis beginnings woulde growe to some what yff it were not staid in time drewe forthe a platt off the whole booke off England into the lattin tonge sendinge the same to maister Caluin off Geneua and requestinge his iudgement therin and shewinge him that some off their countrie men went abowte to force them to the same and woulde admit no other sayinge that it was an order moste absolute and that yff euer they came in to their countrie they woulde do their beste to establishe it againe Nowe folowethe the description A description off the Liturgie or booke off seruice that is vsed in Englande FIrste off all morninge praier offreth it selff The minister hauinge put on a white garment whiche they call a surplesse beginninge withe some sentence off holie scripture as for example ▪ yff we shall saie that we haue no sinne we deceyue oure selues c. or some suche of like sorte Then he takethe in harde the exhortat on whiche stirreth vp to a confession off synnes whiche the minister pronounceth with a loude voice the people sainge after him To this is added an absolution and when these thinges are done he rehersethe the lordes praier and afterward lorde open thow my lyppes and my mouthe shall shewe forth thy praise O god be redie to be my helpe c. Then come and let vs singe vnto th Lorde c. By and by also there folowe 3. Psalmes together at th ende off euery one Then foloweth the first lesson whiche conteinethe a whole chapi●er off the olde Testament After this lesson they saie or singe we praise ●he lorde or Blessed be the Lorde c. Then an other lesson owte off the Newe testamente vnlesse peraduenture the solemnization off some highe feast haue other set and apointed lessons Nowe in cathedrall churches they vtter their lessons in plaine songe and thē afterwards is Benedictus added This booke warnethe that they keepe this order through owte the whole yere Afterwards the crede is pronounced by the Minister all the people in the meane tyme stāding vp Afterwards fallinge downe vppon their knees the Minister saithe The Lorde be with yow The answere And with thy spirite Then Lorde haue mercy vppon vs Christe haue mercy vppon vs Lorde haue mercy vppon vs c. our father c. pronounced owte alowde off all with all boldnesse Then the Minister when he standeth vpp saithe o lorde shewe vs thy mercy The answere and geue vnto vs thy sauinge helthe O Lorde saue the king In the day wherin we shall call vppon thee Iudu● thy Ministers withe righteousnes And make thy chosen people ioyfull O Lorde saue thy people And blesse thyne inheritaunce Geue peace in our tyme o Lorde c. At lenght● Collects are had ●n place off a conclusion the firste for the daie the seconde for peace the laste is for the obteininge off Grace Nowe the eueninge praiers are saide 〈◊〉 manner as the other are sauinge that after the firste lessen foloweth my soule doth magnifie the lorde After the 2. lessen Now Lorde c. and in steed off that collect God whiche arte the Author off peace is vsed o God from whom all holie desiers c. besides there is caution added that all Ministers shall exercise them selues continually aswell in morninge praiers as eueninge praiers except perhapp by studie in dyuinitie or some other busynes they be greatly and necessarely let or hindred· Besides vppon euery Sabothe daie wensdaie and fridaie there is yet in vse certeine suffrages deuised off Pope Gregory whiche beginnethe after this manner O God the father off heauen haue mercy vppon vs miserable synners O God the sonne redemer off the worlde c. onely leauinge owte the inuocation off saincts otherwise we vse a certaine coniuringe off god By the misterie off his incarnation by his holy natiuitie and circumcision by his haptisme fastinge and temptation by his agonie and bloudie sweate c. yea it comprehendethe in plaine wordes a praier to be deliuered from suddain deathe the people answeringe to the ende off euery clause either spare vs good lorde or ells Good Lorde deliuer vs or we beseche thee to heare vs Good Lorde O Lambe off God that taketh awaie the sinnes off the worlde is thrise repeated Then Lorde haue mercy vpon vs thrise and then the Lords praier with this praier also o Lord deale not with vs after our sinnes to the same adioined passinge ouer some things least we shulde seeme to syfte all those drosses which remaine still amonge vs. Nowe the manner off the supper is thus The nomber off three at the leaste is counted a fitt nomber to communicate and yet it is permitted the pestilence or some other common siknes beinge amonge the people the Minister alone maie communicate withe the sicke man in his house First therfore the Minister muste be prepared after this manner in a whit lynnin garmente as in sayinge the other seruice he is apointed and muste stande at the Northeside off the Table Then is had the Lords praier after the custome then he reciteth the collect and after folowe in order the ten commaundements but so notwithstanding that euery one off the people maye answere lorde haue mercy vpon vs and inclyne oure hartes to keepe this lawe After the rehersall off the commandements the collect off the daie as it is called and an other for the kinge is had By and by the Epistle and Gospell folowethe to witt suche as the callender apointethe for that daie And there in this place there is a note that euerie holy daye hathe his collect Epistle and Gospell whiche fill 73. great leaues off the booke ● when the reste fill scarse fiftie For all holy daies
he hath heretofore dealt with the companie off poore students at Zurick but also through vntrew reportes off all good mennes deuotions and liberalitie that hereafter woulde ells be bestowed Their reportes whiche amonge many other vntruthes to hinder this poore congregation they slanderously brute abroad are chiefly theis firste that the poore off this churche be so well prouided for that the worste hathe after the rate of 2. shillinges by the weeke Secōdly that some of the poore here be so stowte tha● they disdaine t● aske relieff in their nede so that oure poore seeme either not to nede or not to be worthie off helpe And thirdly that men here seeke to knowe the names off the geuers to this congregation to their great perill and vtter vndooinge whiche reportes be all vtterly vntrue but the truthe is that for lack many poore men haue byn driuen bothe to depart hence to seeke their liuinge in other places and some forced to go for relieff into England Theis speciallties besides muche more that we haue thought good and very necessarie that good godly men shulde knowe bothe that they shuld not conceaue anie euell opinion off this congregation by false reporte and also that mindinge to relieff the poore and miserably afflicted members off Christe their brethern in this churche they shulde when god shall moue them to departe with anie thinge to that vse so deliuer it as it maie sauffly come and iustly be distributed where they would haue it bestowed And therfore we considering the state off oure fellowe exiles liuinge here with vs in nede and pouertie and fedde by the onely good prouidence off god desier all Christian men for the loue off oure sauiour Iesus Christe to consider howe pleasant a sacrifice howe sweete a sauor the relieuinge off the poore for his sake is before the face off oure heauenly father A good mannes liffe is almoste nothinge ells then a continuall exercise off mercie All the daie longe he hathe mercy and pitie saith the prophet Dauid Geue almes off thy goodes saith the holie man Tobiah and turne neuer thy face from the poore and so shall it come to passe that the face off the lorde shall not be turned awaie from the. Be mercifull after they power yff thow hast● muche geue plenteouslie yf thou haste litle do thy diligence gladlye to geue of that litle for so gatherest thow thy selff a good rewarde in the daie off necessitie for almes deliuereth from deathe and suffreth not the soule to come in darknes A great comforte is almes before the high God vnto all them that doo it Blessed is he that consideth the poore saith the Prophet Dauid the lorde shall deliuer him in the tyme off trouble c. The good man saith Dauid hath distributed abroad and geuen to the poore his righteousnes remaineth for euer his horne shal be exalted with honor he that geueth to the poore shall not lack saith the Wyse man in the prouerbes As water quencheth burninge fire so dothe mercie reconcile synnes whiche god shall rewarde and not forget and the dooer shall fynde a staie to keepe him vpp when he falleth saithe Iesus the sonne off Sirach Break vnto the Hungrie thy bread saith the Prophet Esaie and bringe the poore fatherles into they howse when thow seeste the naked couer him and hide not they face from thine owne fleshe Then shall thy light break foorthe as the morninge and thy helthe flourishe right shortly thy righteousnes shall go before thee and the glorie of the lorde shal embrace thee Thē yf thow callest the lorde shall answere the yf thou criest he shall faye here I am Laie ye not vp treasures in earthe where the rust and the moth maie destroy it and theues maie digge it owte and steale it saithe Christe but laie vpp your treasures in heauen Geue almes off that ye haue and behold saithe Christe all is cleane vnto yow What ye geue to one off theis litle ones saithe he ye geue it vnto me And also he saith blessed are the mercifull for they shall finde mercie ▪ when the ydolatrus Kinge Nabuca●nezer shuld be conuerted vnto god what saied the Prophet Daniell vnto him redeeme they synnes with almes and thy wikednesse with mercie on the poore so perhappes god will pardon they sinnes Think ye that god forgate abdias that preserued the hundreth Prophetes in caues and fedd them there Paule and the other apostells diligently bothe with wordes and writinge did labor for the relieff of the poore brethern that were at Ierusalem and ells where And we hope that god will open your hartes and mindes to consider oure state and by theis saynges and examples moue yow to haue pitie on your poore brethern whiche yff it shall please his mercie to graunte yow cheerfully to doo it is not to be dowted but albeit he suffer yow to slyde and fall for a time yet will he heaue yow vp when it shal be his good pleasure and preserue yow so as at the lenght ye maie be partakers off the ioyfull kingdome off god whiche oure sauior Ie-Christ hathe purchased for his electe with the price off hi● blood The holy spirite off god be allwayes with yow amen This controuersie which yow haue now harde from the ●3 off Ianuary hitherto I finde written by the handes off such as are bothe lerned and off credit but yet I muste nedes say by those that were parties in this broyle And for so much as Maister Chambers in this controuersie is very sore charged amonge the reste who yet was thought off manie wise and godlymen to be verye godly vpright and honest ād so no dowte he tooke his leaue of this lyffe I haue therfore here thought good to place a letter whiche is yet off his owne hande to be seene wrytinge the same in his owne defence touchinge theis matters so as the reader wayinge bothe the one and the other maie vse his iudgemente with discretion ▪ The copie off the letter To the worship Maister Iohn Hales M. Thomas Crawley Maister Iohn Willford and to Maister Whitthead Tho mas Sorsby William Maister and Iohn olde at Franckford Immanuell I wishe vnto yow the peace off god with my commendations The tenor of your demaunde hathe caused me to differr answeringe to your letters vntill this time not off purpos to geue no answere but that I then vppon the suddain wanted sure knowledge in that thinge wherby yow chiefly charge me At my comminge from Zurick to Frankford I was intreated by certaine men to continewe my traueiles in gatheringe the Almes and liberalities off godly mē to relieue therwith such poore dispersed Englishe brethern As I shuld think moste meete to be relieued euen as before time I had done This requeste put in writinge subscribed by certeine was deliuered vnto me not as letters testimoniall off authoritie whiche as I neded not or I required them not neither yet that I shuld by force off them gather for the church off Franckford onely or