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A13919 A goodly treatise of faith, hope, and charite necessary for all Christe[n] me[n] to know and to exercyse themselues therein tra[n]slated into englyshe; Profitelic en troostelic boexken. English. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1537 (1537) STC 24219.5; ESTC S107348 56,528 168

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that God wyll of pure mercye forgeue the synnes requyrynge but onely stedfaste fayth of vs. Wherfore a synner perceauynge that by the goodnesse of God onely he is come to grace he oughte to geue hym onely for it all prayse and honoure Paul saieth Yf Abraham were made righteous thorow workes then hath he wherin to reioyce but not before God But what sayeth the scrypture Abrahā beleued God and it was coūted vnto him for righteousnesse Unto him that goeth aboute with workes is the rewarde not rekened of fauour but of dewty But vnto him y t goeth not aboute w t workes but beleueth on hym that iustifyeth the vngodly is fayth counted for ryghteousnesse for by the law commeth but knowlege of synne But nowe wythoute addynge to of the lawe is the ryghtwysnesse whiche auayleth before God declared hauynge wytnesse of y ● lawe and prophetes but I speake of the ryghtwysnesse before God whiche commeth by the fayth on IESVS CHRISTE vnto all and vpō all them that beleue Here is no difference for they are all synners and wante the prayse that God shulde haue of them Wythout deseruynge are they made ryghteous euen by grace thorowe the redempcyon that is done by CHRISTEIESV whō God hath set for a mercyseate thorowe fayth in hys bloude to shewe the ryghteousnesse which auayleth before hym in that he forgeueth the synnes which were done before vnder the sufferaunce of God And agayne We holde therfore that a man is rustifyed by fayth wythout the workes of the lawe c. Thus farre be the wordes of saynt Paull wherein he teacheth vs that by faythe we optayne all ryghteousnesse and not by oure owne procuryng of suche strengthe is the grace of fayth Whan God perceaueth in vs a faythfull harte whiche seketh hym earnestlye dredynge and fearynge hym thā doth he communicate and ioyne hymselfe vnto suche one geuynge hymselfe wholye ouer vnto hym with all that is in hym For a man optayneth by faythe all that which God hath promysed vnto the y ● faythful saiēg I wil spouse y e vnto me foreuer I wyll marye the vnto me in ryght wysnesse mercy I wyl mary the vnto me in fayth trueth and thou shalt knowe the LORDE All the lawe and commaundementes stretche therto namely that we shulde fulfyll them and lyue so that oure good workes maye testyfye and declare oure faythe and loue that we haue towarde God But seyng we be frayl and oftymes fall through weaknesse of the flesh therfore shall we endeuoure oure selfes to ryse agayne wyth a good wyll syghynge for oure mysdedes askynge mercye wyth a sorowfull sprete Whan we beholde oure synnes then let vs humblye beseke God to geue vs a faythfull harte For yf God syeth an hungrye soule in vs whiche longeth for the ryghteousnesse of faythe and that we do so procure grace by God as by one whiche can comforte the synner than shall the LORDE receaue suche a faythfull harte vnto hys grace For faythe and loue cause a man to haue alwaye a good opynyon of God Yee it is the beste and mooste excellente gyfte that we can haue to be comforted in God and in hys gyfte For as our opinion is of him so shall he please vs. And euen as fayth is a gyft of God geūe frely to man so muste thys opinion of God come frely of him also Yf we knowlege hym for a mercyful father than shall we reioyce in hys mercye trustynge in hys goodnesse and are mercye at hym with a chearefull mynde But yf we knowlege hym for a dredefull iudge than shall we not reioyce in hys goodnesse but euer feare and tremble before hym for we fele no certentye of hys goodnesse Such men can not reioyce in God nor loke for ony comforte of hym Wherfore Paull doth exhorte vs very earnestlye to loue that thereby we myghte know God a right reioycynge in all hys goodnesses and so to prayse and thanke hym sayenge But aboue all thynges put on loue whiche is the bonde of perfectnesse And the peace of God rule in youre hartes to the whyche peace ye are called also in one bodye and se that ye be thankefull Let the worde of CHRISTEIESV dwell in you plenteouslye in all wysedome Teache and exhorte youre owne selues wyth Psalmes and hymnes and spirituall songes which haue fauoure with them syngynge in your hartes to the LORD And what so euer ye do in worde or dede do all in the name of the LORD IESV geue thākes vnto god the father by hym All this must come by fayth For as a man reioyceth in God euen so shall he prayse hym thanke hym and euen brest out in syngynge to hym as to one by whō health and saluacyon is happened vnto hym Yet though the flesh wyll cause hym to synne and greue hym inwardly But yf he knowlegeth God for a mercyfull father then is he conforted agayne by his goodnesse as wytnesseth Paul sayenge God which is rych in mercy thorow his great loue wherwith he loued vs euen whan we were dead in synnes hath quickened vs w t CHRIST Than is God mercyfull vnto vs a father of mercy geuen vnto vs w t al his goodnesse and then are we saued by his goodnesse whan we can beleue thorow fayth y ● redēpcyon iustifycacyō declared by his worde Therfore sayeth Paul Yf a man beleue from the harte he shalbe made ryghteous and yf a man knowlege with the mouth he shalbe saued For the scripture sayeth Who so euer beleueth on hym shall not be confounded Seynge then that fayth was so necessary therfore was CHRIST so diligent euen to beate it in vs As for an ensample to the syke of the palsey he sayde My sonne be of good cheare thy synnes are forgeuen the. And to the woman of Canaā O woman great is thy fayth be it vnto the euē as thoudesyrest And agayne to Martha he sayeth I am the resurreccyon and the lyfe he that beleueth on me shall lyue thoughe he were dead already And who so euer lyueth and belyueth on me shall neuer dye Item to the woman that was syke of the blody yssue he sayde Doughter be of good conforte thy fayth hath made the safe Thus is it euident that all is ascribed vnto fayth and not vnto vs. For oure workes can stretch no farther saue onely to shewe oure wyllynge harte and to yelde thankes vnto hym whiche throughe vnoutspeakeable loue hath saued vs. And thus doynge we geue only God the honour for all y ● good which he worketh in vs. Loke vpon the seconde to the Hebr●es And in the elenenth chapter he sayeth Without fayth it is vnpossible to please God For he that commeth vnto God muste beleue that God is and that he is a rewarder of thē that seke hym And agayne We knowe y t a man is not made righteous by y ● dedes of y e law but by y e faith on IESVS CHRIST We
this maner Fayth is a sure confidence of thynges which are hoped for and a certainte of thinges which are not sene Herby we mayese which is the true fayth namely that we abyde loke to optayne mercy of the LORDE where as we fynde nought in vs y t is worthy of Gods mercy nor se the good that God hath promysed vs but onely trust in hym because he is mercyfull Wherfore receauynge the worde that wytnesseth vnto vs and beareth record of his goodnes we haue a sure hope in God by faith that he shall shewe his goodnesse tendernesse toward vs by his boūte ous mercy But hereto is requyted of vs that we reste w t our whole harte vpon this promyse of mercy reioycynge in sprete therin and by fayth rendre vs in loue and thankfulnesse to God Thus haue we a sure testymony that we are come to a good fayth for we can fynde none other fundament wheron the synfull soule may test saue onely yf we can hope that God wyll be a mercyfull father thorowe the death of IESV CHRISTE This is it that Paul sayeth No mā can laye another fundament saue that which is layed already that is CHRIST IESV Suche fayth causeth a man to walke confidently to be sure mynded to Gods goodnesse wherin he can reioyce so farre as he can beleue to optayne so much as God hath declared and promysed by his worde Now because he beleueth the same therfore is his spirite endued with godly ioye by the sprete of God whiche dyd appeare and teache hym the same by fayth Wherfore sayeth Paul Ye haue not receaued the sprete of bondage to feare ony more but ye haue receaued the sprete of adopciō whereby we crye Abba deare father The same sprete certifieth our sprete that we are the chyldren of God Whan a man feleth this by fayth and his harte reioyceth therin then hath he rest and quyetnesse in his consciēce hauynge no respecte to his owne workes or deseruynges but onely to CHRISTE which hath set hym atone with the father throughe his bytter passyon and death Thus geueth he onely CHRIST the glorye of his redēpcyon beholdeth hence forth no creatures more It is sufficient to hym to knowe God in his goodnesse beleuynge that mercy goodnesse shalbe shewed vnto hym of God reioyceth in that he hath a mercyfull father in heauen in all thynges he cōceaueth a good opinion of God his goodnesse Suche fayth causeth hym to rest to be cōtent with all that the LORDES wyl is to do w t hym Whether it be deth hell synne or deuell none can make hym abashed For as longe as a mā clyueth to Gods worde beleuyng y t God hath ouercome all euel thorow his loue to warde mankynde thē is he at rest and peace in all y t can betyde or chaūce vnto hym beyng certified that seynge God loueth hym he sheweth mercy kyndnesse in all that he doth vnto hym and all man kynde Whether it be thā anguyshe painfulnesse or ony daūger that can happen vnto man other in body or soule y t cōmeth al to his auayl Onely yf he cā beleue be persuaded in himselfe y t God loueth him For one frēde forbeareth much of another y ● which natural loue causeth Wherfore yf naturall loue can forbeare wrōge of a frende how muche more ought we to forbeare y ● good that is sent vs of God to our saluacyon Seynge fayth is a gyfte geuē of God it is necessarye we turne oure selues lowly vnto the LORDE desyrynge hym humbly to prepare oure hartes and make them wyllynge to accepte his worde with ioye As muche as we loue Gods worde so muche shal we be conforted made glad in sprete by fayth in all that y e worde hath promysed vs. Seynge God is hyd in his worde yee is the worde it selfe therfore yf we receaue the worde then by fayth and with ioye we shall receaue so much as God hath sayd and promysed by his worde CHRIST which is the blessed worde of the father geueth hym self with his goodnesse in to al faythfull hartes and maketh hym selfe with all his goodnesse cōmune takynge vs to his grace yee with all the wyckednesse that is in vs. Whan we haue synned than wyll God haue vs to admonysshe hym of his promyse yf we than praye with a faythfull harte he shall remembre all that he hath promysed and shal haue mercy vpon vs to fulfyll hys promyse and worde Thys knewe Dauid what tyme he sayde The worde of the LORDE is treue and al his workes are faithful Upon thys trusted the same Dauid whan he had synned he put god in mynde of his wordes sayenge Agaynst the onely haue I synned done euell in thy syghte that thou myghtest be iustifyed in thy sayenges and shuldeste ouercome whan thou arte iudged As though he wolde saye LORDE I haue trespassed I praye the remembre thy word that thou haste promysed vnto the synners which turne agayne from theyr synnes namely that thou wilt receaue a sorowfull sprete vnto thy mercy Wherfor thou oughtest to receaue me vnto thy grace that thou myghteste be founde ryghteous Shewenge suche mercye vnto the synner accordynge to thy promyse than shalt thou discomfyte thyne enemyes wyth the treuth which wyl iudge and estyme the as one that doth not accordynge to hys worde Whan Dauid nowe knewe inwardlye that he had optayned mercy of the LORDE than dyd he prayse and thanke God in al his wordes and dedes sayenge The LORDE is gracious and mercyfull longe sufferynge and of greate goodnesse The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man and hys mercye is ouer all hys workes The LORDE is ryghteous in all hys wayes and holy in all hys workes The LORDE is nye vnto all them that call vpon hym Yee all such as cal vpon him faythfully And euen thus is it wyth vs We can prayse and thanke God so earnestlye and reioyce so greatlye in hys goodnesse as we can beleue that mercye and kyndnesse can be shewed by hym Though the lawe dyd vtterlye dāne vs hel wold swalow vs vp though all syn and other enmyes wolde ouerrunne vs yet muste we abyde sure vpon God and se what CHRISTE hath deserued and geuen vs by hys bytter passyon and what he hath promysed thā shal faith worke hyr worke Yf we haue receaued the worde in fayth through the holy goost than shal we optayne mercye and lyfe in the myddes of death and of synne Wythout hope dyd holde vp oure head and the promyses sonke in oure hartes we muste nedes be drowned in despayre Hope sayth My sonne despyse not the selfe in thy syknesse but praye vnto the LORDE and he shal make the whole The synfull man beholdyng God and knowyng him by hys worde that is that he is mercyfull not wyllynge the death of a synner he lyfteth vp hys heade w t a lusty corage sayenge I shall not dye
but lyue and shewe forth the workes of the LORDE The LORDE chastenynge hath chastened me and not delyuered me vnto deathe Open vnto me the gates of ryghtwysnesse and whan I am entred than shall I confesse the LORDE That is the gate of the LORDE and the ryghtwyse shall entre in thorow it All thys fayth and confydēce had de Dauid for he was sure fyxed vppon Gods promyses Whan his sinnes wolde oppresse hym than turned he vnto the LORDE and hys worde the whiche whan he trusted vnto he reioyced in the LORDE All this caused the worde that was beleued Yf he had ben weake in the faith he wolde haue thought continually that he muste be damned Wherfore he sayde Wythout the LORDE had holpen a lyttell whyle my soule shulde haue dwelled and abyden in hell Dauid sought none other comforte saue onely that he wolde fulfyll that vnto hym which he had promised him and beleuyng this he was conforted sayenge Thynke vpon thy seruaunt as concernynge y e worde wherin thou causedest me to put my trust that conforted me in my lowlynesse ye thy worde hath relyued me Herby may we discerne the true fayth namely that a man is fixed groūded vpon God and his word that is to saye that he shall and wyl geue so much as his promyse is y t y e synfull soule can be conforted therin or els is it not possible to knowe God in his goodnesse Yf God be not knowē in his goodnesse by his worde how shulde ony man reioyce in his goodnesse or conceaue ony hope to come to his mercy What tyme as the chyldren of Israel had synned greueously agaynste God murmurynge agaynste hym and so prouokynge hym to anger and after that worshippynge the golden calfe so y t he wolde haue destroyed the whole multitude of them Moses lyke a true and faythfull seruaūt of God seing that God was angry and beynge wyllynge to apeace his wrath agayne he knewe no nearer nor feater waye to reconcyle the people agayne vnto God than to offre a faythfull harte wherwith he dyd knowlege God to be mercyful kind and longesufferynge shewyng mercy in thousandes Moses was surely fixed vpon this grounde that is that the LORDE was mercyfull But seynge his mercy was turned in to wrath by reason of the multytude and greatnesse of the synnes he perceaued that it was not possible vnto mā to fynde grace by God Wherfore he beganne to admonyshe hym of his kynde and fatherly loue to remembre all that which he had promysed vnto Abraham Isaac and Iacob Thus was the LORDE pacyfied so that he dyd not the euell that he hadde spoken agaynste the people This hadde Dauid sene in spre● that is that God in his wrath shulde remembre his conuenaunt sayenge My conuenaunt wyll I not breake nor disanull the thynge that is gone out of my lyppes Dauid wytnesseth of faythful Moses which brake and turned the wrath of God whan he admonysshed hym of his promyse The LORDE sayd he wolde haue destroyed the people hadde not his chosen and electe Moses stonde for them agaynst the mysdedes Whan the synnes be accomplysshed and the synner knoweth not whether to turne hym than is ther no counsell better then to submytte hym selfe before God praynge that he maye take his Godly worde to harte and to knowe therby what mercy and forgeuenesse God wyll shewe vnto the that trust in hym knowlege him by his fatherly loue The LORDE requyreth nought of vs for oure synnes but an heuy and contrite sprete a wyllynge harte to leaue synnynge and an hūgry soule to fulfyll the wyll of God More ouer whan we be moost forsaken and whan oure synnes and the iudgement of God do moost greuously oppresse vs then is it tyme for vs to knowe whiche be the true fayth whan we ought to haue our syght and mynde moost surest fixed vpon God Unto the synner is God mercyful wherfore sayeth Paul This is a true sayenge and by all meanes worthy to be receaued that CHRIST IESV came in to the worlde to saue synners of whom I am chefe Notwithstandynge for this cause optained I mercy y t IESVS CHRIST might pryncypally shewe in me all longe pacyence to the ensample of all thē whiche shulde beleue in hym vnto eternall lyfe Furthermore sayeth Paul Where abūdaūce of syn was there was yet more plenteousnesse of grace Nowe where true fayth cōmeth there shall it not be enquyred what ther is deserued or what a mā is worthy to haue or howe impossible it is for a man to come vnto the mercye of God For ther is nothyng in man that is worthye of mercyfulnesse and fayth beholdeth God onely and that whiche he hath promysed with hys worde and that the LORDE is mercyful and wyl shew mercy vnto all them that seke hym in the treuth Thys causeth the synner to conceaue an hope to optayne mercye by oure LORDE though to hymselfe it seme impossible Thys maye we se by Abrahā which beyng olde hūdreth yeares and Sara his wyfe foure score and ten herde that they shulde haue a sōne in theyr olde age Which thynge whan he herde it it semed vnto hym impossyble as it myght also to ony man for ther was no hope of ony frute But seing it was God that promysed it and that Abraham gaue fayth vnto the worde therfore dyd he hope contrarye to hope and beleued agaynst nature and thys fayth is rekened hym for ryghtwysnesse Not because of of hys workes nor because of the circumcisyon or vncyrcumcysyon but seynge he beleued he dyd geue God the glory and optayned mercye Thys is not onely written to know howe Abraham became ryghteous by hys faith but also for our instruccyon yf we beleue CHRIST dyed for oure synnes and is rysen agayn for oure iustyfycacyon Thys thyng earnestly beleued shal also saue vs for fayth consydereth onely howe much God maye and wyll geue of hys goodnesse Wherfore let vs that be faythful rest onely vpon CHRISTE IESV that hath saued vs although oure mysdedes be many and greate Let vs trust and leane harde to Gods worde it is ynough that God hath promysed it Thys doynge we be sure and may reioyce that we be come to the trewe fayth Thys fayth had Abraham He was promysed that thorowe hys sonne Isaac hys sede shulde so encrease as the starres of the skye After thys dyd God commaunde hym to offre the same sonne and to staye hym Abraham beynge stayed in God and his promise was redy to accomply she Gods wyll Thus is Abraham become ryghteous by the dede that is Abraham by thys worke hath testifyed and declared hys fayth to be good trewe before God thus be hys workes coūted ryghteous before God thorowe fayth As wytnesseth Saynt Iames Thys all is spoken now to knowe a trewe and good fayth namely Not onely to beleue God to be a mercyfull and good father but also to beleue that God
mystruste his worde and they that loue hym wyll kepe his cōmaundements c. Thus is it euydent that fayth muste nedes be a worke glorious puyssaunt wherby man optayneth so much of the LORDE How coulde ony mā comprehende and perceaue the power of faith and that by fayth we are one with God Ihon sayeth That God hath geuen all mē power to be the chyldrē of God Christ sayd All thynges are possible vnto hym that beleueth And agayn Yf ye beleue ye shall se the glorye of God And agayne Yf ye haue fayth as a grayne of mustarde sede ye maye saye vnto this mountayne Remoue hence to yonder place and he shall remoue nother shall ony thynge be vnpossible vnto you Now seynge God worketh so gloriously in all faythfull hartes then is it conuenient that we humbly beseke hym to teach vs to trust in his worde For we shall reioyce so much in his goodnesse loke for so much aide cōforte at his hāde as we can trust in hym and in his worde We ●ede of Susāna that what tyme she was in hir moost distresse anguish beyng iudged wrongfully to death she syghed and prayed to God trustyng stedfastly in him and y e LORD delyuered her Daniel also whan he was cast in y e Lyōs denne was not hurte of them for he trusted in God The godly worde commeth not for nought it worketh wonderfully whan it is receaued in fayth Therfore doth saynt Iames erhorte vs to receaue with mekenesse the word that is grafted in vs whiche is able to saue our soules A man can not erre so longe as he can testyfye hys lyfe to be led accordynge to Gods worde Yf a man haue his myndefixed vpon mans inuencyons or inuented holynesse he maye surely be dysquyete and confortlesse But so longe as a man hath his eyen fixed vpon God and his worde bearynge Gods commaundementes in his harte so longe doth that man walke in sekernesse beynge assured of all y e is expressed by Gods worde and is sure of his sauegarde and cōforte accordynge as Paul sayeth All men are lyars but God is true The sonne of God is the wysedome of y e father Who so now doth yelde hym selfe vnto the word receauyng therby the wysedome of the father the same is dryuen from death vnto lyfe by the sprete of God Syrak sayeth that wysedome breatheth lyfe in to hyr chyldren receaueth them that seke her It foloweth then that they which haue once assayed god by his worde in the wysedome of God that those I saye maye come to complete lyfe But it is contrarye with the worldly wysedome as wytnesseth Paul sayenge In so muche as the worlde by the wysedome ther of knewe not God in his wysedome it pleased God thorowe folyshe preachynge to saue them that beleue Whan Paul was mynded to conuerte ony man then wolde he laye nothynge before hym saue onely Gods worde sayenge I haue begotten you in CHRIST IESV thorowe the gospell Wherfore I exhort you be ye my folowers as I am IESV CHRISTES So longe as a man redresseth hys lyfe accordyng to Gods worde so longe shall he come walkynge the ryghte waye of saluacyon and reioyce in his conseyence For all that the worde of God doth vtter is concernynge ether mercy or in warde consolacyon Peter sayeth Ye knowe of the preachynge y t God sent vnto the chyldrē of Israel preachyng peace thorow IESVS CHRIST Of hym beare al the prophetes wytnesse that thorow his name all they that beleue in hym shall receaue remission of synnes Luke also wrytyng CRISTES wordes saieth Thus is it wrytten and thus it behoued CHRIST to suffre and the thirde day to tyse agayne from the dead and to let repentaunce and remyssiō of synnes be preached in his name amōgeal nacions This knewe Esay afore hande whan he sayde Lyke as the rayne and snowe commeth downe from heauen and returneth not thy ther againe but watereth the earth maketh it frutefull and grene that it maye geue corne and bread vnto the so wer So the worde also that cōmeth out of my mouth shall not turne vnto me voide agayn but shal accomplyshe my wyll and prosper in the thynge whereunto I sende it Hereby we are taughte that like as the earthe is made frutefull of the rayne that God sendeth so shall we also be renewed and be frutefull yf we knowlege God a ryghte by hys worde and reioice in al that he hath wytesafe to warne vs of by hys worde Yee we shall mortifye the fleshe wyth all hys desyres and he ioyned to God He that cleueth vnto god becommeth one sprete wyth hym and optayneth all goodnesse wyth hym A man reioyceth so muche in God as he is knytte wyth him by fayth and is diligent in all thynges to forther hys glorye The olde father Symeon beholdynge the lytle babe and beynge sure in wardlye that he was hys saueoure for he loked for hym by hys fayth reioyced in hys harte desyrynge to go to hys reste by bodely death for his eyen had sene the saue garde of men Euen so lykewyse we yf we had sene by fayth the loue which God beareth to ward vs how hartelye shulde we then yelde oureselues vnto death For fayth certyfyeth the harte that God is a mercy full father and that mercye shall be shewed vnto vs by y e death of IESV CHRISTE We can optayne no greater rewarde than to beleue that God is wyth vs and we beynge wyth the LORDE are safe Steuen seynge heauen open by fayth sayde incontinentlye LORDE receaue my sprete For thys cause sayde Paule Because therfore that we are iustyfyed by faythe we haue peace wyth God thorow oure LORDE IESVS CHRISTE by whom also we haue an entraunce in faythe vnto thys grace wherein we stonde Here lo is no mencyon of workes or of y ● lawe for by the workes is noman iustyfyed But the workes muste breake oute thorowe loue and declare oure inwarde fayth by workynge of charitable dedes Iob was ashamed of all hys workes and was not so bold as to lyfte vp hys heade before hys LORDE God but submitted hymselfe lowly vnto him ye though ther had ben founde some right wy sucsse in hym Dauid also sayde LORDE entre not in to iudgemente with thy seruaunte for in thy syghte shall noman lyuynge be iustifyed Neuerthelesse God wyllynge to certifye vs what we maye optayne by fayth he shewed vs that by pure and onely loue and mercye he taketh the synner to grace wythoute ony regarde of dedes so that mercye shulde be shewed to vs of promyse and not of dewtye Therfore ought we to geue all glorye vnto God onely Dauid wytnesseth thys same sayenge Blessed are they whose vnryghteousnesse is forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is the man vnto whome the LORDE imputeth no syn and in whose sprete ther is no gyle Herin maye you perceaue the maner of tustifienge namely
through hys mercye wyll receaue a synner to grace and that he maye come to the fauour of God Suche fayth causeth a man to reste and ●cane on God only and so earnestlye to reioyce in the goodnesse of God as doth he that fyndeth a treasure of greate value We speake not of a fayned faith as the deuels haue or as the wycked do beleue nor of suche an hystorycall faythe as to beleue that CHRISTE was crucyfyed but we speake of suche fayth and confydence wherebye we are assured that the goodnesse and mercye of God is oures and that all is oures that is in God that he is mercyfull vnto vs that we can reioice in him and walke confydently in hym all thys is the operacyon of faythe Suche faythe causeth mortyfycacyon of the fleshe wyth all hys concupiscence whan he hath felte once by faythe the exeeadynge goodnesse that he hath founde by the LORDE Shulde not suche a faythfull soule reioyce in the LORDE his God by true loue vse all spirituall glory Suche fayth causeth a man to captiuate and presone his witte vnderstonding wyl wholy vnder Gods worde and reioyce only in God sayenge with Dauid My soule wayteth onely vpon God for of hym cōmeth my helpe He onely is my strength my saluacyon my defence so y t I shall not greatly fal And agayn Turne agayne then to thy reste O my soule for y e LORD hath geuen the thy desyre And why thou hast delyuered my soule from death myne eyes from teares and my fete from fallynge I wyll walke before the LORDE in the lande of the lyuynge Paul what tyme he was come to such earnest fayth sayd very ioyfully I shewed not my selfe amonge you as though I knewe ony thinge saue onely IESVS CHRIST euen the same that was crucyfied It is not sufficient to saye I beleue that the holy church beleueth or as myne elders haue beleued but a man muste searche and proue how he beleueth For by his owne fayth shall a man be acceptable to God Yf he wyl procure to optayne ought of God he must turne hym to God and knowlege hym by his owne fayth that he is his LORDE and redimer Abrahā saw God in sprete through his lyuely fayth and reioyced This fayth ●orageth a man agaynst death in it a man seyth his lyfe For according to the wytnesse of all scriptures The iust lyueth by his fayth This fayth is not subdued vnto the lawe for the faythfull accomplissheth the LORDES wyll in the sprete through loue So that he fulfylleth all that the lawe cōmaundeth Not ●ecause it is a commaundement of ●he lawe for the lawe geueth onely knowlege of synne but because he ●ath a loue to the commaundementes and is ready to do all that is acceptable to God Wherfore sayeth Paul Thorow the lawe I am dead vnto the lawe that I myghte lyue vnto God I am crucyfyed with CHRIST yet do I lyue Neuertheles now not I but CHRIST lyueth in me for the lyfe which I lyue now in y ● fleshe I lyue in the fayth of the sōne of God whiche loued me and gaue himselfe for me Agayn sayeth Paul that God hath made vs accepted in the beloued sōne in whom we haue redempcyon thorow his bloude namely the forgeuenesse of synnes accordyng to the ryches of his grace Seynge then that accordyng to these testimonies of scripture the worke of our redempcyon is accomplyshed in vs by CHRIST therfore must oure synfull soule knowlege y t excellēt worke in CHRIST only and in hym only rest by fayth For CHRIST sayd No man commeth to the father but only by me And yf ye are the father ought in my name he shal geue it you But seyng faith is a gyfte of God therfore muste we lowly and humbly praye the LORD to haue pyte vpon vs and increase oure faith y t we may know his goodnesse dewly by fayth and reioyce in hym Of this gyft speaketh Paul sayeng By grace are ye saued thorow fayth and that not of youre selues For it is the gyft of God not of workes lest ony man shulde boast hymselfe For weare his workemanship created in CHRIST IESV vnto good workes to the which God ordeyned vs before that we shulde walke in them Whan man fyndeth rest and quietnesse in his conscience by fayth beleuynge that all that is in God is to mans behofe that is a sure token that such a man is come to the faith whiche geueth health For fayth certifyeth hym that CHRISTE hath ouercome death hell synne and the deuyll for hym As great as his faith is so much also can he reioyce in God Prayse God and thanke God whiche hath receaued his synfull soule to mercy not for the workes of ryghtwysnesse that we haue done but accordynge to hys mercye hath he saued vs. Thus muche nowe is sayde to knowe the trew faith namely to rest onely vpon CHRIST and to knowlege oure redempcion and saluacion by CHRISTES death according to hys worde The whiche graunte vs the father thorowe hys welbeloued sonne CHRIST Amen ¶ The secōd Chapter treateth of y t inestimable greate mercye that we do purchase and optaine by the lyuely fayth For true saith cā not be ydle but bryngeth vnto hym that possesseth her plenteous saluation WHan Paul wolde comforte the sycke or stablyshe the weake in faith more more than dyd he ofte rehearse and as a man myghte saye bette in them the glad tydinges of the Gospell Certifienge them to what greate mercye they were called whan God geueth them a good wyll to receaue hys worde with ioye and to reioyce ouer all the goodnesse that the Gospel assureth vs of Thys frute which the Gospel bringeth with it and geueth vs oughte we hyghelye to thanke God for and to reioyce for cause of so manyfolde gyftes and treasures minystred and geuen vs by hym thankynge and praysynge God whiche hath opened oure eyes and inwarde syghte So that we maye dewlye knowlege oure saluation by CHRIST IESV reioyce in him only This is the intent now wherfore Paule doth so earnestly admonyshe vs not to receaue such gyftes in ●ayne but that the worde of God be frutefull in vs by fayth and loue that God myghte be praysed thanked and honoured for hys workynge so wonderfullye mercyfully and gloriouslye in all faithfull hartes Therfore sayeth Paull We are bounde to geue thankes al waye vnto God for you brethren beloued of the LORDE because that God hath from the beginninge chosen you to saluation in the sanctifyenge of the spirite and in beleuinge of the treuth whereunto he hath called you by oure Gospell to optayne the glorye of oure LORDE IESVS CHRIST Farther more saieth Paul After that ye herd y e worde of treuth namely the gospell of youre saluation wherin whan ye haue beleued ye were sealed with the holy sprete of promesse whiche is the earneste of oure enheritaunce to oure redemption that we mighte be his
owne to the praise of his glorye And agayn Because we knowe brethren beloued of God howe that ye are electe For oure Gospell hath not ben with you in worde only but both in power and in the holy goost and muche certainte In all these foresaide reasons are we exhorted to receaue the godly worde with greate luste and loue prayenge the LORDE humbly to geue vs grace that we maye take it to harte and receaue it as a gladde tydinge that is shewed and promysed vs by the worde Paule what tyme he preached the worde of God he thanked hym and sayde for thys cause we thanke God wythout ceassynge because that whan ye receaued of vs the worde of the preachynge of God ye receaued it not as the preachynge of men but euen as it is of a treuth the worde of God whiche worketh in you that belefe It is not sufficiente that we can bable muche of the worde and haue many treatyses and bokes thereof but we muste also be chaunged and renewed in the spirite through faith of the worde in oure lyuyng so that we can reioyce in spirite beyng sure that the worde of God hath ended a greate glorious worke in vs. By faythe of the worde muste we be renewed in sprete and in conuersacyon so y e we can reioyce in sprete beynge assured that the worde of God hathe fullended a glorious worke in vs. By fayth in the worde muste we be certyfyed that muche is geuen vs of the LORDE By fayth muste we trye oure lyues Thys worde worketh myghtelye whan it is receaued in faythe for CHRISTE reconcyled vs by the father whan we were yet enemyes vnto hym We are approched and come neare vnto God by the faythe in the worde where as afore we were straungers so that we be euen electe and chosen chylderen CHRISTE sayeth Nowe are yecleane because of the worde that I haue spoken vnto you Abyde ye in me and I in you Alas we be all dettours our synnes will depreasse vs oure conscyence is of tymes greued whan she douteth whether to turne herselfe We fynde nought in oure selfe whereof we myghte haue ayde or comforte But yf we coulde beholde CHRISTE only in oure trouble and pondre by oure selfe the profyte of hys passyon and remembre the mercye promysed vnto vs by Gods goodnesse Howe earnestlye shulde we than ryse from oure synnefull lyfe sayenge wyth a lustye corage Wherfore shulde I mystruste he dyed for me whiche shall iudge me and he hath also were safe to call me I wyll ryse and seke my LORDE my God He may dāne but I am sure he wyll saue The LORDE is oure iudge the LORDE is oure lawe geuer the LORDE is oure kynge he shall come hymselfe and saue vs. yf God be wyth vs who can be agaynste vs whyche dyd not spare hys owne sonne but hym hath he geuen for vs all howe shall not he geue vs all thynges with hym also Who wyll laye ony thynge to the charge of Gods chosen It is God that maketh ryghteous who wyll than condempne It is CHRISTE that dyed ye rather which is raysed vp agayne whiche is also on the ryghthande of God and maketh in tercession for vs. We haue CHRIST for aspecheman for a mediator and an apeacer of Gods wrath whose bloude calleth for mercye for vs. By CHRISTE haue we a sure and fre entraunce to the father Whan the synner seyeth all this in the scrypture and can stonde sted faste vpon these wytnesses than maye he perceaue ryghte well that they be wrytten to oure comforte that the synner myghte hope to optayne mercy by the father Yf he submytte hymselfe vnto God the LORDE shall accomplyshe hys promyse in hym and steare the synner to repentaunce All this commeth by the worde which the synner heareth and taketh to harte for so myghtely worketh it in a man Therfore doth Paul call the worde or gospell y ● power of God saynge I am not ashamed of the Gospell of CHRIST for it is the power of God whiche saueth al that beleue theron the Iewe fyrst and also the Greke For in it y ● ryghteousnesse y t is of value before God is opened which cōmeth out of faith into fayth as it is written The iust shal lyue by his fayth Agayn sayth Paul The worde of the crosse is folyshnesse to them that peryshe but vnto vs that are saued it is the power of God In these aforesaid scriptures is it euident that God doth wyll worke a myghtye and blessed worke namely that he wyll turne conuerte a synner through his wordes Let vs therfore cal earnestly vpon hym desyryng hym to poure out his worde feruētly vpon vs and to worke therwith mightely in our hartes Peter preachyng the worde dyd conuerte thre thousande men at one tyme. Scripture sayeth that what y t tyme the chyldrē of Israell fought agaynst the Morians in theyr anguyshe they called vpō God and he herde them because they beleued on hym And agayne ther is wrytten The eyen of the LORDE beholde the whole earth and geue strength vnto them that trust in hym with a perfecte harte And agayne ther is wrytten And Iuda was greatly conforted for they trusted in the God of theyr fathers And of Asa sayeth the scripture that he called vpon y e LORDE his God and sayd LORDE it is no difference with the to saue by fewor by many Helpe vs O LORDE our God for our trust is in y e in thyne name we come forth agaynst this multitude Such lyke prayer made kynge Iosaphat in his anguyshe y e LORD dyd help hym By this may we perceaue y e power of faith which he requyreth of vs namely that we must loke vpō his worde what he requyreth of vs Agayne what he hath promysed vs how faythful he is of his promysse and true in his worde Consyderynge this we maye be stedfast in his worde and folowe the counsell of Syrak writynge in his boke called Ecclesiasticus Beleue in God and he shall helpe the ordre thy waye aryght and put thy trust in hym Holde fast his feare growe therin O ye y t fear y e LORD take sure holde of his mercy shrenk not away frō him y t ye fal not O ye y t feare y e LORDE beleue hym your rewarde shal not be emptye O ye y t fear the LORD put your trust in him mercy shal come vnto you for pleasure O ye y t fear the LORD set youre loue vpō him and your hartes shal be lyghted Cōsydre y e olde generacyns of men O ye chyldrē marke them well was ther euer ony one cōfoūded y e put his trust in y e LORD Who euer continued in his feare and was forsaken Or whom dyd he euer despyse that called faythfully vpon hym c. And agayne in the same chapter They that feare the LORDE wyll not
deuell whiche shulde accomplyshe for vs the worke of saluacyon thorowe his death whose fleshe and bloude shulde call for mercy for vs vnto y e father Who shuld not now knowlege his glorious state where vnto the LORDE hath called vse Who can now fele and perceaue this loue and not reioyce inwardly For he hath geuē euery one power to be the chyldrē of God that beleue in his name Who can come to hygher estate thē to be electe chyldren of hym that onely hath power to exalte his frendes When CHRIST had called his beloued disciples to his loue thē cōforted he them alwaye in theyr passions saynge I am amonge you as a mynister As for you ye at they that haue bydden with me in my temptacyons And I wyl apppoynt y e kyng dome vnto you euen as my father hath appoynted me that ye may eat and drynke at my table in my kyng doine and syt vpon seates iudge the twelfe trybes of Israell No māhath greater loue thē to set his lyfe for his frend Ye are my frēdes yfye do y e I cōmaūde you I call you not seruauntes for a seruaunt knoweth not what his lord doth But I haue sayd that ye are frendes For al that I haue herde of my father haue I shewed vnto you Ye haue not chose me but I haue chosen you and ordyned y t ye go brynge forth frute that youre frute continue y t whatso euer ye aske y e father in my name he shulde geue it you Unto you it is geuen to knowe y e mistery of y e kingdom of heauē but vnto thē it is not geuen With these aforesayd sayenges are we greatly cōforted in y t we se how much the LORD wyl do vnto them y e he loueth Now cōmune maketh he hym selfe with all his kingdome wyllynge vs all to haue his loue and y e we all shulde knowlege all our saluaciō to come of his loue the which he declareth so plenteously vnto vs. Therfore sayeth Paul The LORDE hath chosen vs by hym that is CHRIST or euer the foundacyon of the worlde was layed that we shuld be holy and without blame before him in loue and ordeyned vs before to receaue vs as ehyldrē thorow IESVS CHRIST accordyng to y e pleasure of his wyll vnto the prayse of the glory of his grace wherby he hath made vs accepted in the beloued in whom we haue redempcyon thorow his bloude namely the forgeuenesse of synnes accordynge to y e ryches of his grace which he hath shedde vpon vs abundauntly in all wysedome and prudence The fatherly hart was so moued with loue to vs warde that all his thoughtes were employed how he myght shew mercy vnto his poore shepe Thoughe y e ryghteousnesse of God myght tustly haue condemned vs for Adā and we haue both transgressed hys commaundement in one fleshe And though the LORD myght haue kept vs styl in deaths daunger yet hath his loue and pytie so moued hym y t he dyd ioyne his mercy with iustice and peace with trueth so that these beynge assēbled dyd call vpon loue desyrynge that God wolde declare his loue This dyd Dauid knowlege in sprete and sayd I wyll herkē what the LORDE God wyll saye for he shall speake peace vnto his people to his sayntes that they turne not them selues vnto foolyshnesse For his saluacyon is nye them that feare hym so that glorye shall dwel in our lande Mercy and trueth are met together righteousnesse peace kysse eche other Trueth shall ryse out of the earth and ryghteousnesse shall loke downe from heauen And why the LORDE shall shewe louyng kyndnesse and our lande shall geue hir encrease Righteousnesse shal go before hym and prepare the waye for his cōmynge And agayne The LORDE is gracyous and mercyfull longe sufferynge and of great goodnesse The LORDE is louynge vnto euery man and his mercy is ouer al his workes Turne agayne then to thy rest o my soule for the LORDE hath geuē the thy desyre And why Thou hast deliuered my soule from death myn eyes frō tears my fete frō fallynge Hereby is it euident y t yf we desyre ony inwarde goodnesse wheron our synful soule myght test thē shall we loke stedfastly vpō this loue alwaye cōsider what CHRIST hath geuē vs thorow his loue whā we haue y e knowlege of his loue in vs then haue we fyrst a cause to reioyce For only in his loue may we knowlege our saluacyon Therfore sayth Paul We haue not receaued y ● sprete of bōdage to fear ony more but we haue receaued y ● sprete of adopcyō wherby we crye Abba dear father The same spret certifieth our sprete y t we are y ● chyldren of God Peter also cōfirmeth this sayenge For so muche as his Godly power hath geuē vs al thynges y t pertaine vnto lyfe Godlynes thorowe the knwlege of hym y t hath called vs by his owne glory power wherby the excellēt moost great promyses are geuē vnto vs namely y t ye by y e same shuld be partakers of y e godly nature yf ye flye y e corrupte lust of the worlde He now that doth reioyce in this loue and can perceaue what is geuen hym by the same he I saye coulde lightely withdrawe hymselfe from all that is no trewe loue and suffre not hym selfe to be deceaued with false loue For God hath made vs so lyke vnto his godly nature thorowe loue he hath yelded hymselfe so louyngly vnto y e nature of mā he hath drawē it so frendly to him ward making of it a chosē tēple clensed by his bloude that his sprete myght rest in it w t al his goodnesse and that man myght vse God as a frende Now whan we perceaue y e loue of God onely to be perfect holy and good wherby redempcyon and saluacyon is geuen vs then of dewtye ought such loue only to be our ioye glory and comforte For God which is ryche in mercy thorow his great loue wherwith he loued vs euen whan we were dead in synnes hath quyckned vs with CHRIST And for cause of this nother lawe nor synne lyue in vs but CHRIST which hath powred hym selfe in vs thorow his worde so that God is in vs and we in God The lawe doth not now cōpell vs ony more but it is God that hath so moued oure hartes thorowe his loue that we by the helpe and assistaunce of his sprete shall do all y t is acceptable vnto hym This inwarde mocyon of our harte cōmeth by fayth For whan we know verely that God loueth vs then doth i● worke in vs causyng vs to fixe our mynde on nothynge saue howe we maye reioyce in hym that doth loue vs. It is sure a greate grace geuen vs of God y t we knowlege his loue towarde vs felynge in oure entrayles by fayth peace glorye reste and ioye wherby only we perceaue that thorowe hys loue