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A12976 An exposition on the CXXIIII. CXXV. CXXVI. Psalmes, called the Psalmes of degrees: or, the churches deliuerance Plainely set forth for the benefit of Gods church, by T.S. Seene, and allowed. Stint, Thomas. 1621 (1621) STC 23270; ESTC S107446 122,519 446

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things labouring to approue our selues vnto GOD keeping faith and a good conscience which hath the promise of this life and that which is to come And wee must euer entertaine this holy resolution that nothing should draw vs from God and godlinesse 2. Cor. 1.12 This is our reioycing saith Paul the testimonie of a good conscience that is in simplicitie and godly purenesse and not in fleshly wisdome c. This yeelds vnto vs much comfort that our hearts can witnesse with vs that wee haue done our duties in obedience to Gods will Verse 4. Do well O Lord vnto them that be good and true of heart THE Prophet saith not heere doe well Lord to the perfect and such as offend in nothing but to the good and true of heart The good and true of heart are they which are of a single sincere and vpright heart for these are they which are most accepted of God although they also through infirmitie doe some times offend Heere is matter of great comfort to the Children of God that fall of weaknesse and infirmitie into the same sinne after repentance and such is the depth of Sathans temptations that he tels them that the Children of God fall not into the same sinne againe after their repentance if they doe hee telleth them that there is no place for a second repentance but this is false for the promises of God are without limitation of times or consideration of sinnes or respect of persons he will receiue to mercy all repentant sinners whether their sinnes be committed before or after repentance whither once or often so that they renew their repentance according as they haue sinned anew This pardon Christ himselfe publisheth Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heauy laden and I will refresh you Mat. 11.28 Yea the Lord inioyneth vs sinfull men to forgiue our Brother seauentie times seauen times if hee turne againe and say it repenteth me So that wee see this is a maruellous comfort to all such as groane vnder the burthen of sinne that haue fallen through infirmitie into one sinne often let not such be discouraged but assure themselues that albeit with Peter they fall often yet with him if they repent truly and weepe bitterly for their sinnes the Lord is mercifull to forgiue them their sinnes not that wee should liue proudly presumptuously stubbornely and obstinately against him but if wee fall through frailtie Psal 103. Psalme 103. The Lord knoweth whereof we be made hee remembreth that wee are but dust The Child of God not alwayes at one stay Hence wee learne that the Childe of GOD is not alwayes at one stay but there is an entercourse in the estate of a Christian man or woman sometimes full of comfort ioy and peace of conscience and sometimes againe heauie and sad yea full of sorrow and perplexitie euen as a man in an ague sometimes sicke and sometimes well and as it is with trees sometimes winter and sometimes summer This is the state of all Gods Children as Dauid Ioseph Hezekias Iob c. and continuall experience prooueth this that the estate of Gods Children ebbes and flowes hath their change when as they walke directly and vprightly with God then they haue peace and comfort but when that they start aside and commit some wicked sinne then they finde torments of conscience and great griefe of mind This shewes vs what is the state and condition of the Childe of GOD in this life hee is not so heere sanctified as that hee feeles no corruption of sinne to hange about him but rather such a one as feeles the burthen of his corruptions hindering him in this his course of Christianitie vnder which hee grieuously sighes and groanes labouring by all good meanes to bee disburthened Indeede it is a matter of great comfort to feele the graces of Gods Spirit as Faith Loue c. but no Childe of GOD can alwaies feele the comfort of grace but as fire that is raked vp in the ashes it is hid from his feeling for a time but at the length it will breake out againe to his great ioy and comfort Well seeing this is the state of Gods Children heere they finde great peace and comfort sometimes griefe and sorrow let vs not bee to much discouraged but rather when as by our falls and slippes wee haue weakened our comfort let vs intreat the Lord to renew our comfort againe let vs doe as a poore traueller who if he misse his way and goe out of it he will hasten into it againe and trudge and plucke vp his heeles with all speed to recouer that which hee hath lost So let vs when we haue sinned and gone out of the way make hast to returne and as a man that hath beene long sicke and growne feeble and weake will vse all meanes to gather vp his crums and to recouer his former strength againe So let vs when wee haue lost some part of our comfort and heauenly strength let vs I say vse all blessed meanes to recouer our former health and comfort againe Let vs pray much reade much heare much and meditate much let vs bewaile our former sloth and make our steps more vpright in time to come to Gods kingdome c. A purpose not to sinne the marke of a sanctified Heart Note heere that it is the speciall fruite and marke of a sanctified Heart and of the Minde renewed to haue a purpose not to sinne but in all things to please God and to doe his Will to walke with God in all his Commaundements Whereas on the contrarie Psal 50.17 when a Man hath a purpose to liue in any knowne sinne it is a fearefull and a manifest signe of a naughtie and wicked Heart For when the Heart is truely sanctified then will bee brought this right Spirit not to sinne in any thing I doe not say that the Man sanctified and regenerate doth not sinne at all but hee hath no purpose to sinne no delight in sinne but beareth a constant purpose in all things to please God When hee can say with Dauid I haue refrayned my feete from euerie euill way Againe Hee that is borne of God sinneth not that is Iohn 3.9 with full purpose of heart with delight in Sinne and as they purpose not to sinne so they endeuour it they are afraid and suspect themselues shunne the Occasions of Sinne Gen. 39.9 and striue against their owne Corruptions and Sathans Temptations This Doctrine doth euidently conuince the greatest number to bee such as neuer had the true Worke of Sanctification wrought in them Their Hearts bee not sanctified and their Mindes are not renewed Why Namely because they want this marke and fruite of a sanctified heart for though they heare of their sinnes bee told of them and the fearefull iudgements of GOD denounced against them yet they will not leaue them nor forsake them but will continue in them yea though it cost them the losse of Gods
themselues redeemed but those who are cleansed from sinne and haue a care to forsake sinne so it is as true that none doe more keepe themselues from sinne then those that doe dayly meditate of and remember their Redemption it being the speciall end of our Redemption to cease from sinne and to serue God in righteousnesse and true holynesse all the dayes of our liues Lu. 1.74 75. As our Sauiour Christ when hee had cured him that had beene sicke thirtie eight yeeres meeting him in the Temple hee like a good Physician giueth him wholesome counsell and bids him Sinne no more But first prepares him to this dutie by calling to remembrance his mercie and fauour towards him in healing of him Iohn 5.14 Behold sayth Christ thou art made whole Sinne no more So if we would seriously remember the loue and mercy that God hath shewed in redeeming vs by his Sonne and the vnspeakable loue and care that Christ had on vs to die such a cursed Death for vs it would make vs breake forth with a full resolution of heart and say by our selues Behold I am made whole I am redeemed I will therefore defile my selfe no more I will leaue all sinne I will sinne no more lest a worse thing happen to me and it would make vs practise the contrary vertues When Paul would haue the Ephesians not to haue any fellowship with vnfruitfull works of darknesse but to walk as children of the light he doth first put them in mind of their new estate and makes them to consider of it seriously as being a notable means against sinne saying Ephes 5.8 9 10 11. Yee were once darkenesse but now are light in the Lord walke as children of the Light approouing what is pleasing to the Lord and haue no fellowship with vnfruitfull workes of darkenesse but rather reprooue them It is a manifest note of one redeemed Rom. 6.2 to be dead to sinne and if we are dead to sinne how shall wee any longer liue therein Forget not therefore this wonderfull benefit of Redemption Psal 103.2 3 4. sayth Dauid to his Soule And surely if this loue of Christ were truly remembred it could not be that we should sinne so commonly against him and so cruelly handle him by our sinnes euen by crucifying him afresh againe as wee doe First this Meditation as it is a notable meanes to preserue vs from all sinne so especially it keepeth vs from these and stirreth vs vp to the practise of the contrary vertues First it banisheth all vnthankfulnesse and stirreth vs vp to blesse and praise Gods Name who hath done so great things for vs. This was Dauids Meditation and practise Psal 103.4 Luke 1.68 1. Cor. 15.57 My soule praise thou the Lord and all within mee shall praise his holy Name and forget not all his benefites who redeemeth thy soule from destruction c. This did Zacharias thus did Paul and so will all doe that do finde and feele their part in this redemption Secondly this Meditation will keepe vs from fainting vnder the Crosse and make vs constant to vndergoe affliction and without this we cannot doe either Consider and remember therfore Christ Heb. 12.3 which endured such contradictions of sinners against himselfe lest yee bee wearied and faint in your minds Verse 1.2 and that we may cast aside euery sinne that hangeth on so fast and runne with patience the race set before vs let vs looke vnto Iesus the authour and finisher of our Faith Heere we see this is a great meanes against any sinne as well as impatiency inconstancy and the like and holds vs in a continuall course of doing well and walking aright in our Christian race Thirdly this is a speciall dutie enioyned vs in the right participation of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper without which wee cannot receiue as fit guests but vnworthily eating and drinking our owne damnation And therefore Christ himselfe in his first Institution gaue vs this in speciall charge saying 1. Cor. 11.24.25 Doe this as oft as ye doe it in remembrance of mee repeating the same to shew vs the necessitie of it Fourthly this giueth vs comfort in sicknesse and at our death and stayeth vs against despaire of Gods mercy and at our death assure vs of endlesse mercy in the world to come besides al Gods blessings in this life temporally For if we remember that he dyed for vs and rose againe for vs Some shall also rise with him from the death of sinne vnto newnesse of life here and to immortall glory hereafter For where our head and member Christ is there also must we his members redeemed bee also And if when wee were enemies to him Christ died for vs Rom. 5.10 much more being now reconciled Rom. 8.1 shall we bee saued by him as Paul saith Now there is no condemnation to vs. Fiftly it maketh vs constant in all good duties stedfast and vnmoueable it maketh vs rich in all good workes when with Iob we can say I know that my Redeemer liueth Iob 19.25 This is that which Paul remembred with thankfulnesse and remembring it did stirre vp himselfe and others to abound in good workes which none can doe but those that cease from sinne 1. Cor. 15.57.58 Thankes bee vnto God who hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ therefore bee yee stedfast and vnmoueable alwaies abounding in the worke of the Lord. For as much as ye know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Sixtly in way of thankfulnesse beware of turning backe to the seruice of sinne and obey the precept giuen to the blinde man as hath bene shewed before Luke 7.47 Thou art made whole sinne no more Seuenthly loue him much who hath forgiuen so much Eightly studie to please him in all things Psal 116.8 Because thou hast deliuered my soule from death mine eyes from teares and my feet from falling I will walke before the Lord in the land of the liuing Lastly magnifie and speake of this great deliuerance and saluation as the Church did Psal 126.1 Luke 1.49 The Lord hath done great things for vs whereof we reioyce and say with Marie He that is mightie hath done great things for me and holy is his Name Verse 2. Then was our mouth filled with laughter and our tongue with ioy THis Psalme hath in it a singular Maiestie and therefore the Prophet vseth here many figuratiue or borrowed speeches By laughter he signifieth the voyce of the Gospel for the Gospel should be to vs nothing else but ioy and gladnesse especially if we compare it with the Law for the Law terrifieth and killeth whose vse and office is to breake and mollifie the hard and stonie hearts of the impenitent as Ezechiel saith for they must bee broken with this iron Scepter as it were and beaten downe to hell as the Psalmist prayeth Let the wicked be turned into hell Psal 9.17 and all
deliuered This will make vs to hate and abandon all sinne which are the cause for the most part of al his punishments Lam. 3.39 this will make vs afraid to displease God by any one sin fearing lest he should iustly giue vs ouer vnto the wil of our aduersaries this will make vs to fly to him for help succor to depend vpon him to seek by all meanes to come into his loue and fauour Least his wrath be kindled and so wee perish from the right way in a word this will be a speciall meanes to quicken vs to the performance of all dutifull obedience vnto our good God who hath been so gracious and mercifull to vs thus to deliuer vs. Secondly we must call to minde often our perils by land by water by fire at home and abroade our danger in sickenesse and diseases how many wayes God could plague vs with strange and grieuous visitations as the stone and chollicke the frencie madnesse and manifold destructions frō all which the Lord hath graciously preserued vs. We must remember Gods mercy in preseruing of vs in our conception in our birth in our infancy youth middle age old age and how he hath continually prouided for vs all things necessary whereas hee might iustly for our sinnes haue sufferd vs to starue and and famish for want of foode infinite are Gods works in preseruing of vs which neuer ought to slip out of our mindes but to be treasured vp in faithfull memories acknowledging that God and none but he doth all things for vs and who therefore would abuse this bounty and goodnesse of God and not rather as the Apostle Paul sayth Be moued by these to forsake our sinnes and turne to God by true repentance Rom. 2.4.5 being led as it were by these to returne the more speedily vnto God Here first wee are to consider how great things God hath done for our soules how he hath kept vs from the spirituall famine in giuing vs his word to bee so plainely and plentifully taught how hee hath kept vs from the powre and snare of the diuell how hee hath pulled vs out of the dungeon of hell and hath deliuered vs from Sinne Death Hel and Condemnation how he hath made vs to know his Wil to vnderstand his Word how he hath inlightned our vnderstandings informed our Iudgements in Truth Psal 24.2 sanctifying our affections renewing our wils rectified our reasons pacified our troubled consciences asswaged the maledy of our minds how hee hath kept vs from the power and dominion of sinne of children of wrath he hath made vs heires of heauen he hath not onely giuen vs his Sonne to be our Sauiour but his spirit to assure vs and his Sacraments to seale the assurance of our saluation in our hearts he hath elected called iustified and sanctified vs and many gracious promises hath hee made from which he will neuer go back that vndoubtedly he will glorifie vs he gaue vs power ouer sin and Sathan in our conuersion he hath giuen vs strength from time to time to withstand the temptations of the world the flesh and the diuell so that wee may truely say What could the Lord haue done more for his Vineyard the Lord hath not dealt so with euery Nation neither had the Heathen such knowledge of his Lawes O that men would wisely consider these things it would make them leaue sinning moue them to exercise themselues meditating day and night to liue so and to please God O my people saith God What wrong haue I done vnto thee or wherein haue I wearied thee Micah 6.4 5 6 testifie against mee I haue deliuered thee redeemed thee and sent before thee Moses Aaron and Meriam i. Minister and Magistrate O my people remember now c. and this with Dauid this will make vs cry out and say Come and I will tell you what the Lord hath done for my soule Secondly we must remember the manner how God hath thus preserued vs both in body and soule and that hath beene extraordinarily for the most part on Gods part and vndeseruedly alwayes on our part extraordinary on Gods part as in those manifold treasons and treacheries beyond all expectation when there haue beene no way as we might thinke for vs to escape when they haue beene ready to put in execution their wicked deuises then hath God awaked as one out of sleepe to rescue and deliuer vs and that miraculously discouering their hidden treacheries as wee haue shewed before which the world knew not of Psal 107. O that men would therfore remember to praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare his wondrous workes to the Children of men Againe all this is vndeserued on our parts for we haue deserued iustly to bee cast off from God for wee diserue nothing but damnation and when we haue done all wee can doe yet still wee are vnprofitable seruants Luke 17. and therefore with Dauid wee may iustly say not vnto vs Lord not vnto vs Psal 115.1 Rom. 5. but to thy name giue the praise for thy mercy and truths sake Yea when wee were enemies to GOD yet did he looke vpon vs all which as it aggrauateth our misery and Gods mercy so it should aggrauate our hatred to all sin and loue to God and goodnesse Thirdly wee must remember the end of our preseruation that is to leaue vs so much the more without excuse at the latter day if we remember not these things to make aright vse of them Secondly to make our punishment so much the greater hauing abused Gods mercy Thirdly that we may be moued by the sight and consideration of Gods great mercy to yeeld him all possible thanks and praise expressing the same by all dutifull obedience to his commandements Fourthly that wee may hereby see our owne inabilitie weakenesse and insufficiencie how soone wee might perish were not God our good God to helpe vs and do for vs. Fifthly to make vs depend vpon his fatherly prouidence in the vse of all meanes Lam. 3.38 for out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth both euill and good That is both prosperitie and aduersitie Sixthly to make vs humble suters to Almighty God for euery good we stand in need of If the Lord himselfe had not beene on our side they had then swallowed vs vp quick for it is only Hee who preserues vs and euery good and perfect gift comes from aboue Iam. 1.17 Seuenthly to attribute nothing to chance and fortune but all to Gods mercy in Christ Iesus Lastly to deny our selues with all that wee haue acknowledging that not for any merit in vs but only because God had a fauour vnto vs he hath shewed such wonderfull deliuerance vnto vs both in soule and body for had it not beene Gods endlesse mercy wee had long since beene swept away as the Prophet Esaiah hath it Esay 19 Except the Lord of of Hosts had left vs a small remnant we
all outward things to his hearts wish Zacheus had mercy enough when saluation was come to his house hee neuer got so fast before as now he forgoes restores he was neuer compassed with mercy till now though he was a great rich man neuer so rich as now when he was impouerishing himselfe to entertaine Christ in his house and heart Iacob when he saw Iosephs face his best beloued Son now saith he I haue enough let me now dye seeing I haue seene my sonne Iosephs face how much more shall we haue enough to see the face of the well-beloued Sonne of God yea and God himselfe in that wel-beloued one appeased and fully pacified Simeon hauing seen Christ with his eyes and held him in his armes Now Lord said he let thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue seen thy saluatiō but to see christ by the eye of faith hold him in our hearts will make death much more welcome to vs we shal think we haue enough the sweet sense of it will frame the mouth to speake plentifully of it as our Prophet doth in this place neither can any good heart either lightly account or speake slenderly of such a mercy neither content it selfe with slight meanes to get it or with superficial phrases in holding it In a word if once wee can claspe hold on this mercy of God in pardoning our sinnes we could desire euen to liue no longer in this world were it not to come to a more full sense fruition of it Where hee addeth from henceforth and for euer by rhese words he sheweth that this vigilancy of the Lord our God ouer vs is not temporall but eternall according to that which he sayd before in the first verse of this Psalme they shall remaine for euer Let vs learne therfore out of this Psalme that our constancy and perseurance consisteth in this that we are defended by the power and prouidence of the Lord on euery side Verse 3. For the rodde of the vngodly cometh not into the lot of the righteous lest the righteous put their hand vnto wickednesse HEre the Prophet plainly decalreth that the people which rest vnder this defence and protection are afflicted and subiect to all miseries and calamities as touching the flesh although they be compassed about with high and mighty mountaines as touching the spirit as Sathan can neuer surmount yet touching the flesh and the old man they lye open on euery side to the darts of Sathan and of the world for God by these means will afflict and exercise the flesh that sinne and the foolishnesse of the flesh may be mortified in them and that spirituall wisedome and the inward man may increase this is the cause why we are according to the flesh as a broken hedge and as a citie Whose walles are cast downe and so lyeth open to the enemy on euery side Hereof cometh intollerable blasphemyes cruell torments and bloody slaughters of the Saints of God for the flesh hath no walles no munitions to defend it but the spirite therefore the flesh is in danger to all stormes and tempests as the Prophet Esay sayth which haue sayd vnto thy soule bow downe that we may go ouer thou hast layd the body as the ground and as the street to them that went ouer These afflictions wee must needes suffer and by patience ouercome them and withall we must beware that by these outward afflictions the inward man be not weakened or ouercome resting in the assured hope and trust that the Lord will neuer forsake vs but that wee are in the bosome of the Father and are closed within most sure and strong holds so that now although our goods our Wiues our Children yea our liues also be taken from vs yet wee shall neuer bee spoyled of our Christ by whom we are so surely defended that in the middest of all our tentations hee will make a way for vs to escape or else giue vs strength to beare them Blessed is the Man who indureth tentation Iam. 1.12 for when hee is tryed hee shall receiue the Crowne of life which the Lord hath promised to them that loue him Thus wee see what consolations the holy Ghost setteth forth vnto them which beleeue the word for vnto such as looke for a better life then this is all things are here full of calamities and miseries death followeth death as Saint Paul saith and we continually die one temptation followeth another vntill at the length by the death of the flesh all miseries shall cease and haue an end This verse therfore admonisheth vs that wee must suffer many troubles yet so that at length wee shall be safe and set at libertie from them although not in this life yet in the life to come as this verse full of consolation doth promise vs. Notwithstanding this promise seemeth incredible both to vs which suffer and also to them which persecute and aflict vs for if wee behold the same with our outward eyes what can be more false yea the contrary seemeth to bee most true behold our Sauiour Christ was hee not so forsaken hanging vpon the Crosse that the rod or scepter of the wicked rested vpon him did it not rest likewise vpon the Prophets the Apostles and orher holy Martyrs this matter then if we consider it with our outward eyes hath another meaning then the words doe import for they promise that the Scepter of the wicked shall haue no power ouer the godly and yet all Stories and examples doe testifie the contrarie therefore the holy Ghost calleth vs backe to the purpose and counsell of God reuealed in his word and commaundeth vs to weigh and consider not what we suffer but what is decreed with the Lord in heauen and he that can so sequester himselfe from the beholding of his afflictions and tentatfons and yeelde himselfe wholy to the will of God and there rest is a right diuine yea hee that is ignorant hereof in true diuinitie knoweth nothing at all for what knoweth he which is ignorant that God is such a God as will not suffer the godly to bee oppressed of the wicked For seeing he hath said I am the Lord thy God he will neuer suffer that which is his owne to bee wrested either by the world or by the gates of hell out of his hands if he then abide and continue they shall also continue for euer which are his Thus to beleeue and thus to lay hold on things inuisible is true diuinitie and true spirituall wisedome indeed Whereupon we may ground this proposition out of the inuisible counsell of God God hateth the wicked and loueth the iust ergo he will damne and destroy the wicked and will deliuer and saue the iust And heere we see that which is the chiefest thing in all Psalmes and Prophets to spring out of the first precept I am the Lord thy God Now haue we to learne how wee may apply this verse rightly and to our great comfort for
Bernard When we aske of God saith S. Bernard euen those things that concerne this present life our praiers are not so soone out of our mouth but they are written in his booke and we ought saith he to bee assured that he will either giue the thing it selfe which we haue asked or other things which hee knoweth to be more profitable for vs. To conclude Prayer is the most mightie and fruifull work of Charitie seeing by it we help our neighbours present and absent knowne and vnknowne great and little and that both with Spirituall and Corporall good things drawing by our Prayers the blessing of God vpon them Now the God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus that great Shepheard of the Sheepe through the blood of the euerlasting couenant make you perfect in euery good worke to doe his Will working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through Iesus Christ To whom be glorie for euer and euer Amen FINIS A NECESSARY Prayer for the great deliuerie from the Gun-powder Treason O Blessed Lord and euerliuing God whose mercy is ouer all thy workes Wee thy poore vnworthy Creatures do heere powre forth our hearts vnto thee that we may neither vngratefully remember thy gratious benefits nor vngratiously forget thy seuere Iudgements who both in the one and the other hast beene beyond all measure so gratious vnto vs. We thanke thee O Lord for all the externall and internall graces bestowed vpon vs the Spirituall and Corporall the Ecclesiasticall and Terrestiall blessings which we haue receiued O Lord thou knowest that without thy helpe we cannot auoid our ruine We beseech thee O Lord let this thy mercy towards vs and our great deliuerance daily put vs in minde to be thankfull vnto thee O God we were without all meanes to foreknow such a miserie and without all Iudgement to vnderstand such a mysterie haddest not thou O Lord of thy great loue to true Religion and mercy to vs giuen meanes to discouer it O Lord if this had not beene we had beene blowne vp we had beene smothered we had beene dismembred we had beene persecuted we had been vndone Wherefore good Lord seeing thou didst bring vs to the graues mouth but hast not giuen vs ouer vnto death wee haue imprinted in our minds the horror of the danger and excited our soules to thankefulnesse for the rescue and therefore wee prayse thee wee blesse thee wee worship thee wee glorifie thee and wee render to thee all thanks Honor and power wee ascribe vnto thee for this thy gracious preseruation And wee beseech thee O Lord still to lend thy helping hand to this Kingdome To this end wee beseech thee to blesse our gracious King Iames our supreme Head next vnder thee O Lord make all thy good to goe before him day and night vphold his Crowne maintaine his State giue him continuall peace long life and much happinesse mercifully heare him in all his Petitions and effectually worke for him in all dangers Furthermore we beseech thee to blesse our Noble Prince Charles the Prince Elector Palatine the Lady Elizabeth his Wife and their hopefull Issue and the righteous Cause and when it shall make most for thy glory and their good giue them victorie O Lord ouer all their Enemies And we entreat thee O Lord still to lend thy helping hand to this Kingdome thy assistance to the Gospell and euer blesse the Persons and Consultations of that High Court with holinesse safety that we may inioy our Liues Liuings our Religion our King and that his Off-spring after him may sit vpon his Throne till the comming of Christ Iesus to our comfort thy glory to whom we offer our selues our soules and bodies to be at thy seruice for euer and euer Amen Amen ¶ A Morning Prayer for a Familie O God of glorie and Father of mercy eternall and incomprehensible Maiestie in whom we sinfull Creatures doe liue mooue and haue our being fauourably heare our vnperfect Prayers and mercifully grant our needful suites We sinfull creatures doe sue vnto thee for grace hoping in thy mercie towards vs which is ouer all Keepe vs we beseech thee this day as thou hast kept vs this night past Keepe vs in thy feare faith and loue O Lord turne thy face from our sinnes wherein we haue so delighted and blot out all our misdeeds alter our hearts and wash and cleanse vs from all staines and corruptions in the blood of thy Sonne forgiue vs all that is past euen all the euill that wee haue done or thought and graunt vs the assurance of that forgiuenesse sealed vp in our Consciences by thy holy Spirit Kindle thy loue so feruently in our hearts that wee may detest whatsoeuer is against thee and thy Word Forgiue vs our great contempt and intollerable barrennesse in good workes our soule vnthankfulnesse and the abuse of thy graces and strike our stony Hearts with the Rod of thy feare that wee may attayne vnto a due thankfulnesse for thy benefites and a most vnfayned and earnest repentance for all our sinnes O Lord wee pray thee send thy blessing vpon all our labours and giue vs a willing minde to helpe them that haue neede according to our abilitie and so prepare our hearts in all our businesses that wee may alwayes begin it in thy Name and goe forward in thy feare and finish it with thy blessing that whatsoeuer wee shall doe it may prosper Graunt this O Lord for Iesus Christ his sake our onely Mediator and Redeemer in whose Name wee further pray vnto thee saying that forme of Prayer that hee hath taught vs. Our Father which art in Heauen c. ¶ An Euening Prayer for a Familie BLessing and glory and wisedome and thanksgiuing and power and might be vnto thee O Lord most high and immortall God for thy gracious goodnesse and mercie extended to vs this day past and alwayes notwithstanding all our Wickednesses which cry dayly against vs and our Enemies that would swallow vs vp Wee beseech thee O Lord be still our God and our Lord and continue thy gracious and mercifull fauour vnto vs forgiue vs all the euill that wee haue committed this day or any time heretofore teach vs to sorrow for our sinnes and separate them from vs that would separate vs from thee O Lord pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes remoue from vs those things which our Consciences are afraid of assure vs of thy gracious Pardon and renew vs by thy holy Spirit that wee may vnfainedly hate and detest whatsoeuer is displeasing vnto thee and graunt good Father that wee may euer hereafter serue and please thee in holynesse and newnesse of life Bee thou our shield and defence against the suggestions illusions and temptations of Sathan against all the allurements and baits of the flesh with all alterations prouocations changes and chances of the world sanctifie vs with thy grace that we may keepe our bodyes