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A10989 Ane treatise callit the court of Venus deuidit into four buikis, newlie compylit be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith. Rolland, John. 1575 (1575) STC 21258; ESTC S112993 61,624 145

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scho buir of excellence Boos the first a man of greit prudence Quhilk gat the nixt Boos of veritie This gat the thrid sa thair was Boos thre This Boos gat on Ruth Obed with mence Quhilk gat Isai that cleipit is Iesse This Iesse begat Dauid that was King Chosin be GOD aboue Israell to ring Ane greit Propheit sine Salomon gat he On ane Ladie richt bewteous and bening Gentill courtes curious and conding Mansweit suaue to Name hecht Bersabe Quhilk was ye spous of vmquhile Knicht Vrie As ȝe proponit befoir in ȝour saying All this luif come of sensualitie It is weill knawin that Bersabea lay With King Dauid as the Scriptour dois say Langtime befoir or hir husband was slane Throw dern fauour and luif betuix thame twa Now I begin agane quhair I best may That ȝe consaif the storeis in certane First I rehersit Thamar and Raab plane And Bersabe the quhilk ȝe can not nay War all of sport Ladeis venereane And swa thairfor to count ȝow line be line was IESVS borne Goddis verray sone deuine Quhilk ransonit vs with his precious hart blude And sa to bring my argument to fine I can not find in luif na time to tine Boc mixt with mirth mercie and manswetude Plenist with sport and sueit suauitude Repleit with playis but pouertie or pine Vell of worschip the port of pulchritude ●se of all storeis that ȝe haif tald And allegeance with argumentis sa bald Aganis luif in malice and hatrent Come not sic euill ȝit be ane thousand fald Nor neuer will nor in na times wald As I haif schawin the gude come of Lufrent Thairfoir as now I end my argument Sa that ȝe will the victorie wpȝeild And cry mercie sa far as is miswent That I deny Madame than said Vesta As to the first quhair that ȝe planelie say First that Thamar Raab and Barsabe War licht Ladeis all geuin to sport and play As ȝe alledge I say ȝow schortlie nay Thay war richt wise and full of grauitie And ar Namit in the genologie Of Christ for gude vnto this present day For thair vertew and greit humilitie Than Venus said of Christ is genologie Was thair na ma gude wemen bot thay thre ▪ Or schaw the caus quhy thay ar in Scriptour Mair thau●he laif it is not lik to be Sa mony Kingis of Eminent degre Sa gay Captanis of welth and of valour Quhair was Mary of all wemen the flour I think scho sould be put in memorie Gif thir thre gat for gude life sic honour As I haif said befoir ȝit I say plane Thay thre was of the Court venereane ●e me caus sic wordis to disclois The fourt I can find ȝit withoutin lane The Ladie Ruth wald haif bene yair richt fane Quhen that scho ȝeid into bed with Boos As Noemi bad for to cum to purpois Was all thir gude na na ȝe speik in vane Ȝe brek the text and as ȝe pleis dois glois Thus I conclude thairfoir ȝe Auditouris Heir circumstant attend and assessouris Quhidder that I or Vesta Ladie fre Hes schawin storyis autentik be Scriptouris Mair for to prais or reput of valouris Perfitlie pance with all maturitie Sa that ȝour voce concord in vnitie That pane may be in put to Forfaltouris The Partie spthit as Law will lat it be Thā spak an Nimphe to name hecht Chaistitie Ane of the sex in Vestais companie Madame Venus now I wald with licence Of my Maistres to speik twa wordis or thre Quhair that ȝe say Thamar and Barsabe Raab and Ruth war geuin to Insolence I say thay war wemen of greit prudence Geuin to vertew and profound grauitie Groundit in grace with all Magnificence For quhy we reid efter Lira and Iohne mair And in the glois al 's Interlinear In the first heid quhair thay wrait in Mathe The Euangelist settis him not to declair Of the thre Kingis quhilkis richt vicious war Of quhome Christ come be Iust genelogie And for thair vice euill life and crueltie Amang gude folk he wald thame not compair Bot ar seclude abiect as vnworthie And gif euill men for vices ar seclude Out of this band sa gracious and gude I think rather euill wemen to depriue Bot I suppone thir wemen ar Include For thair gude life vertew and sanctitude For to fulfill the number suspensiue And for to be the rute restoratiue For the thre Kingis quhilk war befoir denude Out of this clan and linage successiue Heirfoir I say Thamar and Bersabe Raab and Ruth in the genelogie Of Christ ar put for prayer and gude deidis Na said Venus agane to Chaistitie I sall ȝow schaw alhaill the veritie Of that mater quhat Sanct Hierome reidis Becaus mercie of Christ euer proceidis Christ wald suffer of sinner is borne to be For to augment thair meritis and thair meidis Howbeit I knaw of all sin Christ was quit And Mary al 's I knaw that richt perfit Bot ȝit thay come of folkis friuolous That we micht knaw his cheritie Ignite Ardent and hait our sin to abolite Did nocht disdane to tak than kinde of vs. An as the Rois dois spring of thornie bus Sa did Mary hir virginitie Sprang of the spray and sum of thame vicious ¶ Sicut lilium inter spinas sic amica mea inter filias CANTI I. In the vyle schell is found the Perle of price Of the rude rute springis the flour delice In the gray clay is found the gold sa cleir Richt swa did Christ our flour and Fortalice Sprang of the rute quhilk part was geuin to vice Sa to purpois quhair of I spak lang eir Raab and Ruth Bersabe and Thamar War licht Ladeis thocht ȝe it mak sa nice And of my Court and hes bene mony ȝeir Thus quod Venus I end my conclusioun The remanent I put to discretioun Of Theologis or ellis profound Doctouris And quhair I faill into the writ Cannoun Be wrang reheirs transgres or collusioun Or by the boundis of the deuine Scriptouris Antlk storyis or honest Oratouris Heir I promit to stand at correctioun Quhen the Assyse will make Interpretouris And I siclike quod Vesta am content That my mater pas to the Iugement Of the Assyse with this ane libertie Richt perfitlie that thay wald pance and prent Considder weill and in thair heid take tent Remord thair mindis quhidder gif Chestitie Be not mair clene mair glorious and hie Triumphant stait mair digne and eminent ▪ Than Venus warkis with all hir dignitie And this the caus diuers virginis and clene Fra Venus warkis becaus thay did abstene Outhair bodyis thay sufferit mekill wa As in Scriptouris perfitlie may be sene Sum Heritonris sum Countes and sum Quene As is Katherin Margaret and Barbara Dorothe Lucie and mony diuers ma For Chaistitie greit sorrow did sustene Throw quhais vertew to heuin thay did all ga
can not thoill men haif displesour And speciallie thair deith for to purches Heirfoir lat vs amang vs all deuise Considerand the man in perrell lyis Quhat is the best to saif Venus honour We will send doun the Chancellar of the syis To Rhamnusia quhair scho sittis blandyis For grace in time gif we may fang fauour And put not all of to the latter hour That the man get be vs na preiudyis Nor in na part for to haif displesour With humbill hart and hauingis dolorous Lawlie langage and fassounis fauorous In sober wise this we may say hir till With greit requeist and minde richt desirous Sa prayand hir for to be pieteous Sayand but dout that he is cum in will And in all sort the samin sall fulfill Beseikand hir for to be gracious And take the best and set on syde all euill And swa his life to be saif and his gude And ask mercie for the greit Mansuetude In wemen bene as scho expedient Thinkis to dispone efterwart scho may dude Quhidder scho will of his life him denude Or saif his life gif scho will stand content Into ane bill this man be to hir sent Sa in ane voice heirupon we conclude The bill was maid with it Thisbe is went On humill wayis and maneris womanlie Richt Chancellarlike kneilland vpon hir kne To Rhamnusia the missiue represent Fra the Assise with curage courteslie Sayand Madame sen Iuge heir now ȝe be Vnto ȝour grace to schaw ȝow thair entent To that effect this bill hes to ȝow sent To wit ȝour will caus the mater is hie Prayand to send to thame ȝour auisement With all honour the bill scho did resaif As Nobill Nimph and Ladie most suane Red it to end secreitlie hir allone Quhais text scho did considder and consaue With mature minde and countenance richt graue Richt perfitlie of all thay did propone Thinkand richt weill thay couet na vltioun Thair minde erair was the mannis life to haif ●or him to tine be exterminioun Venus beheld the bill geuin be Thisbe To Rhamnusia and reidand quietlie Scho said Madame ane thing I ȝow requeir Of that ilk bill quhat may the tennour be Gif it be ony preiudice to me I ȝow protest the Text that I may heir Glaidlie Madame said scho as suld effeir Swa in all pointis that ȝe thairon agre I stand content quod Venus with glaid cheir Traistand richt weill be perfite knawleging Ȝe will not thoill nor bid me do na thing That my honour may faid in ony sort Or displesour ony to me Inbring Na than said scho I war na way conding Of ȝow to bruik office I say at schort Bot all is for ȝour plesour and confort Than said Venus reid furth but tarying I am content sa ȝe keip ȝour report The Court was Coy commandit was silence Vnder all pane thay suld gif audience Rhamnusia the bill scho gaif in deid To Fremmitnes Iustice Clerk in presence Of all the Court had hir reid the sentence To Dame Venus for scho dowtles but dreid Was weill appayit sa Fremmitnes did proceid In the missiue with all hir diligence Of the trew Text this way began to reid ¶ Missiua Rhamnusiae missa ab Assisa SEN we for fault of personis mair prudent Be ȝow elect Madame ar present heir In greit laubouris and vncouth argument As Assisouris the mater to mak cleir Bot it is sa contrarious and austeir To the rigour and we it put dowtles Wemen for ay salbe callit merciles De Desperance as GOD forbid he do The lak and schame and all defamatioun To Dame Venus but dowt it will cum to And caus Ladeis to get blasphematioun And be haldin of the les reputatioun Baith odious and snell as ane serpent Quhairfoir as now we schaw ȝow our entent We find Vesta in the far hier estait Than Dame Venus be mony suir questioun In that behalf Venus may not debait In ony sort be na comparisoun Bot sa far as Venus gat detractioun Be Desperance sayand of hir all euill As to that point we put him into will Of ȝow Madame as Iuge and to Venus Hang heid and draw do with him as ȝe pleis Beseikand hir and ȝow to be gracious And fra malice ȝour minde with mercie meis This we desyre for to deuoyid diseis In time cumming and euer he do siclike He salbe brint euin as ane heretike ●nd gif Venus be obstinate in this case ●●●●an solist scho be gracious also ●●●●saif his life of hir mercie and grace And find ane freind quhair that scho had ane fo ▪ And win ane wicht to weill that was in wo And deliuer the drery of distres That wemen sall not be callit merciles For weill we wait or Venus wist him de In hir defalt sa that he cum in will For all the faltis and the greit velanie That euer he said throw wilfulnes by skill Scho leuer gif ten thousand crounis him till To saif his life we knaw sa hir kindnes That scho on force can not be merciles For ȝour honour Madame this we requeir With ȝour answer as ȝe expedient Thinkis for to gif and Ladie Venus heir Al 's prayand hir for to be pacient As we beleue the criminall dois repent Beseikand heir ȝour gracious excellence Quhair that we faill that ȝe wald find defence ¶ FINIS MISSIVAE VENVS heirand this pieteous petitioun Send fra the syse on sa gude ane fassoun Ane richt greit thing hir minde it mitigait Scho said Madame I sweir ȝow be my Crown I am mair blyith than geuin me ten Mulȝeoun Of fine reid gold in hand weill numerait For I lang eir was sa hie stomochait At Desperance for his greit rebellioun That in this warld his deith I maist couait And sen my sisteris on the sise hes said That Desperance is cum in will and mai● To make ane mendis as Ierpedient Thinkis to be tane thairof I am richt glaid For weill I wait his stomake is stormestaid Becaus he is put in ane Merciment Of all the Court with the Assise consent Bot I war laith my honour war degraid For thair requeist howbeit I be pacient And quhen I heir of the Assise sentence That Desperance is cum in Repentence And put in will and schawin befoir the Iuge Promineit be the sutouris Eloquence Than is dew time with matetis to dispence And faltis ouir se quhilkis he committit huge And gif I pleis him to repell or luge Is not all that put in beneuolence Of me gif I will take him in refuge First call the syse and heir thair diffinitioun All that thay make put it to executioun And quhat I say it sall stand firme and stabill But obstakill ganecall or reuocatioun Impediment or appellatiounr Incontinent past Tisbe furth but fabill Schew the Assife with fassoun fauorabill How that Venus tuik gude consideratioun Of thair writtingis thocht thame