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A08772 The prentises practise in Godlinesse, and his true freedome Diuided into ten chapters. Written by B.P. B. P., fl. 1608.; T. R., fl. 1608. 1608 (1608) STC 19057; ESTC S120852 65,287 210

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a godly writer of our time is reconciliation it selfe the desire to beleeue is faith indeed and the desire to repent in a touched heart is repentance it selfe not in the owne nature but in Gods acceptation For if wee being touched througly for our sinnes do desire to haue them pardoned and to bee at one with GOD GOD accepts vs as recōciled Only our desire of recōciliation must not be a flash but cōstant cōtinued Secondly ernest serious though not alwaies alike yet at sometimes so that we may say with the Prophet Dauid My soule desireth thee O Lord as the thirsty land desireth raine or the chased Hart the riuers of water Thirdly it must be in a touched heart for when a man is touched in conscience the heart is cast downe and as much as it can it withdrawes it selfe from GOD For this cause if then there bee any spirituall motions whereby the heart is lift vp vnto GOD they are without doubt from the spirit of GOD. So then though as yet thou want firme and liuely grace yet art thou not altogether void of grace if thou canst vnsainedly desire it thy desire is the seed conception or bud of that which thou wantest Now is the spring time of the ingrafted word or the immortal seed cast into the furrows of thy heart wait but a while vsing the good meanes to this end appointed and thou shalt see the leaues blossomes and fruit will shortly follow after Thus fare he As for that which the diuel or thine owne flesh shall suggest to mooue thee to despaire of Gods mercie that GOD in iustice cannot receiue such a rebell wretch as thou hast bin aggrauating euery of thy least sinnes and telling thee it is in vaine to repent thou maiest easily beat backe that temptation T' is true GOD is not so mercifull to vse iniustice so he is not so iust to bee vnmercifull He hath suffered mighty and maruailous men to erre that we by their example might haue comfort and not despaire of grace and pardon In holy Scripture who is more commended then King Dauid who was both a King a Prophet a man after Gods owne heart and of whose stocke the Messias came But into how many and grieuous crimes sell so worthy a man yet hearing Nathan pronounce the fearfull threatnings of God cried out I haue sinned and Nathan said But the Lord hath put away thy sins thou shalt not die Hast thou sinned with Dauid repent with Dauid and thou shalt with Dauid finde mercy What should I tell thee of our first parents of Manasses of Zacheus of Mary Magdalen of Peter of Paul of the Theefe on the crosse all which had beene most grieuous sinners vpon earth all which are now most glorious Saints in heauen For where sin aboundeth there grace superaboundeth and therefore let not the multitude nor the magnitude of thy sinnes dismay thee seeing the mercy of that Lord to whom thou turnest is aboue all though thy sinnes were as red as scarlet yet hee will make them as white as snow and though they were of purple hue yet he will make them as white as the purest wooll of the fleece There cannot be a deeper die then scarlet it is a thing vnpossible with men to bring a scarlet into whit yet the Lord saith if we will but talk and come to any reason with him he will make our sinnes though neuer so deep ingraind in any scarlet or bloudy colur to turne white and pure as innocencie it selfe Read the booke of Ionah thorow and there you shall see the propensity of Gods nature to shew mercy liuely set forth And therefore a Father affirmeth the offence of Iudas to be greater in despairing of mercy thē in betraying the Sonne of God and Caine to haue stirred God to anger more through desperation of pardon then by the murder of his brother Abel many which nailed Christ to the crosse being conuerted and beleeuing in him obtained pardon and are made examples to man that hee ought in no wise to distrust the remission of his wickednes seing the murder of the Lord of glory is forgiuen to the penitent Turne then vnto him and a present pardon is made ready which shall be signed the first houre of thy repentance When therefore thou feelest in thy heart a sorrow for sin and a feruent desire to serue God cherish it and take the opportunity of the first motion Enter presently into thy chamber or into some other secret place and there falling on thy knees beseech the Lord that as he hath giuen thee a detestation of sinne and a minde of godlines so it may please him to perfect the good begun by him to accept thy will and pardon thy many wants and weaknesse in for the al-sufficient merits of Christ Iesus to giue thee grace that thou maiest go on mourning continually for thy sinnes and yet withall to reioice in his sweet mercies to put his feare into thy heart that thou maiest neuer more depart from him and so to enkindle thy zeale that the fire thereof may burne vp and consume euery day more and more thy carnall desires and natural corruptions Continue this course of praying both mornings and euenings at the least but if thou canst oftner it is the better For pray continually saith the Apostle meaning thou shouldest haue alwaies good meditations in thy mind when thou goest to pray striue to pray in the spirit framing thy petitions according to the feeling of thine own wants or Gods mercies towards thee not that I disallow of set praiers for I reuerence the godly authors and vsers of them but because hee that hath the gift of extemporall praying is not so easily caried away with vaine distractiōs which Satan prompts vnto him his minde and vnderstanding being wholly bent to the matter in hand as commonly they be that pray in the booke of another mans conceiuing And if thou feele thy selfe somewhat duller sometimes sound forth thy voice withall it will help much to the awaking of thy deuotion as by mine owne experience I haue many times found But take heed as neere as thou canst that thy praiers bee out of the hearing of others lest thou get the imputation of hypocrisie and cause thy good to be euill spoken of And for the further increasing of thy knowledge vse euery morning after praiers to read a chapter of the old or new Testament and another at night likewise before praiers thou shalt find it by the blessing of GOD in short time to haue cleared thine vnderstanding very much and dispelled the mistes of thy former ignorance Also let me wish thee to read sometimes carefully and aduisedly the 28 chapter of Deuteronomy and the 26 of Leuiticus because they bee parts of Scripture which if we marke them well will help much to containe vs in the doing of our duties When thou art tempted to any sinne carry not in the place but goe doe something else till the
vphold their idolatrous kingdome the more let it fall downe euen as Dagon before the presence of thine Ark. Powre downe the vials of the fulnesse of thy wrath vpon the kingdome of the Beast and let their riches wealth credit and authority drie vp euery day more and more as the riuer Euphrates Let it pity thee O Father to see thine owne spouse sit as a deformed and forlorne woman heere below weeping and mourning with haire about her necke hauing lost all her beauty and comlinesse cheere her vp deere Father glad her with the ioy of thy countenance and so decke her and trimme her vp that thou maiest delight in her as a Bridegrome in his Bride Specially we in treat thee to haue mercy vpon th● Church in this land intend good vnto vs and not euill giue vs not ouer into the hands of the cruell Spaniard as our sinnes haue deserued Scatter we pray thee O Lord the deuices breake the plots of all such as haue plotted the ouerthrow and vtter subuersion of this Church and common wealth Blesse this Church more more with the continuance of true Religion amongst vs. For thy great names sake and infinite mercies sake deale gratiously and fauourably with vs and our posterity Turne from vs that vengeance which is due to vs for our sinnes For thou seest how iniquity preuaileth and the wicked goe away with the goale Atheisme ouerspreadeth euery where and Poperie seemeth to get a head againe Now therefore deere Father wee most humbly beseech thee to take order speedily for the remedying and repressing of these manifold disorders and grieuous enormities that are amongst vs. Be intreated of thy poore children to be good to this English nation Heare the cries of thine elect heare the mourning of them that mourne in Sion Let the cries of thy children crie downe all the cries of the sinnes of the land and be reconciled vnto vs in the multitude of thy compassions that so thou maiest still continue a most mercifull protector of this thine English vineyard Wee pray thee good Father shew special mercy to our most Noble and gratious K. Iames thine anointed seruant blesse him and keep him in all his waies Blesse his gouernment vnto vs. Let thine Angels encamp about him and let thy holy hand be alwaies ouer him keep him from treasons and deliuer him frō the treacheries of his enemies giue him to see what belongeth vnto his peace and giue him a heart earnestly bent to set vpon the practise of the same giue him al graces necessary for his peace and necessary for his saluation continue his gouernement peaceable and prosperous amongst vs and as thou hast made him the breath of our nostrils and a gratious instrument for the sauing of many thousand soules so let his owne soule be saued in the day of thy Sonne Christ Blesse his Maiesties most honorable priuy Counsellors and giue such good successe vnto all their Counsels and policies in matters of state that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty Blesse all the Nobility worke in them a care to glorifie thy name in their places make them faithfull to thee and faithful to the Land Direct with thy good spirit all such as beare the sword of Iustice that they may draw it out to punish the wicked and to defend the godly that they may with al good care and conscience discharge the duties of their places Increase the number of faithfull zealous Ministers in this Church Send thy Gospell to those places where it is not blesse it where it is Remember them in thy mercy O Lord that are vnder any crosse or affliction whatsoeuer bee comfortable vnto them heale vp their wounds binde vp their sores put all their teares into thy bottle and make their bed in all their sorrowes and put such a good end to al their troubles that they may redound to thy glory and the furtherance of their owne saluation In the meane time giue them patience and constancy to beare whatsoeuer it shal please thy merciful hand to lay vpon them Last of all in a word wee pray thee blesse Magistracie Ministery Cōmonalty Blesse all thy people do good to all that are true and vpright in their hearts And so deere father we do commit cōmend our selues our soules bodies into thy hands for this day and the rest of our life praying thee to take care and charge of vs keep vs from all euill watch ouer vs for our good let thine Angels encamp about vs let thy holy hand be ouer vs and keep vs in all our waies that we may liue to thy praise and glory here in earth keeping faith and a good conscience in all our actiōs that after this life we may be crowned of thee for euer in thy kingdome Grant these things good father to vs here present and to all thine absent praying thee in speciall fauour to remember our friends and kinsfolkes in the flesh all our good neighbours and wel-willers and all those for whō we are bound to pray by nature by deserts or any duty whatsoeuer for Iesus Christs sake our onely Mediator to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be giuen all praise and glory both now and for euermore Amen An Euening prayer to be vsed in priuate families O Eternall GOD and most louing deare Father we thy vnworthy children do heere fall downe at the foot of thy great maiesty acknowledging from our hearts that we are altogether vnworthy to come neere thee or to look towards thee because thou art a God of infinit glory and we are most vile and abominable sinners such as were conceiued and borne in sinne and corruption such as haue inherited our fathers corruptions and also haue actually transgressed all thy holy statutes and lawes both in thought words deeds before we knew thee since secretly and openly with our selues and with others our particular sinnes are moe than can be numbred for who knoweth how often hee offendeth But this we must needes confesse against our selues that our hearts are full of pride couetousnesse and the loue of this world full of wrath anger and impatiencie full of lying dissembling and deceiuing full of vanity hardnesse and prophanenesse full of infidelity distrust and selfe-loue full of lust vncleanenesse and all abhominable desires yea our hearts are the very sinkes of sin dunghils of all filthines And besides all this we do omit the good things we should doe for there are in vs great wants of faith of loue of zeale of patience of contentment of euery good grace so as thou hast iust cause to proceed to sentence of iudgement against vs as most damnable transgressors of all thy holy commandements yea such as are sunke in our rebellions and haue many times often committed high treason against thy maiesty therefore thou maiest iustly cast vs all downe into hell fire there to be tormented with Satan and
reconciliation with God when by casting off sinne in this houre he may in this houre cast off al these curses and miseries accompanying sinne and so both liue a blessed life all his time and close vp his daies with a blessed death which shall be the beginning of eternall life what foolish bodie wouldly forty or fifty yeares mortally languishing of some disease refusing to be cured all his best time and seeking helpe onely in his last worst time when the cure is doubt full by reason nature is decayed or if he recouer yet he cannot enioy his health aboue a day or a weeke or a month and then giue ouer life all But ten thousand times worse infatuated are they that would lie the whole age of a mā in a mortall languishment of soule as it were bedred by reason of sinne and neuer take the physick of repentance till they lie gasping for breath when it is vncertaine whether they shall then haue leasure to repent or if they repent whether it will be of force and able to fetch life in the soule being so farre gone in that desperate consumption or if they recouer and liue the true life which rarely happens they liue in a sort too late both to themselues and others CHAP. 4. THey haue euer proued vnprofitable in religion that haue held too much of that truantly rule the way to well doing is neuer too late Eccles Therefore Salomon calles vpon yong men to remember their Creator in their yong daies as if well doing were neuer too soone Heb. 3.13 And the Apostle exhorteth the Hebrues to call one vpon another to turne to God whilest it is called to day not to make it a morrowes worke his reason is Lest any of you be hardned through the deceitfulnes of sinne See heere then one maine danger of dwelling in our sinnes and putting off our amendment from one day to another the longer we continue in sinne the more we are hardened in sinne so that at length wee cannot repent no though wee seeke it with teares as Esau did It is as easie to temper the flint stone betweene our fingers and to make it soft and pliable for sealing as to supple our stonie hearts and fit thē to receiue the impression of grace you thinke you can repent when you will and apprehend the mercies of God when your owne leasure serues you but you are deceiued it is not in man to order his waies nor to returne into the right path being mislead Sinne is cunning and will make you beleeue you may come and goe without entanglement or restraint especially whilest you haue day light enough before you But trust not this fleering Iahel for if you vse to turne in to sleepe in her tent and tast of her milke and butter which she can set in a Lordly dish she wil when you suspect least nayle your head to the ground that it shall be impossible to get loose from her Iudg. 16. This Dalila hath a crue of Philistines ready in a corner when she hath shorne the lockes of your strength vpon her lap to come vpon you and bind you with fetters and put out your eies that you shall neither haue power to start nor yet see the meanes to make an escape In your youth she will teach you to excuse your mistreadings with It is the time and when that excuse is out of fashion by reason of more yeares puld ouer your heads then she will reach you another Apologie It hath beene my custome and I cannot leane it and then followeth hardnes of heart that you cānot repent the greatest iudgemēt that God bringeth vpon a man or woman in this world for then we are past hope God hath decreed our destruction and all the prayers and suffrages of the faithfull which are of great force will doe vs no good God wil answere as hee did to Ieremie Doe not intreat noe for them Ier. 7.16 14.11 make no intercession to doe them good for I wil in no wise heare you I haue thrust them out of my sight I haue decreed to destroy them Yet you may preuent this iudgement yet your custome of euil is not so strong but you may breake it yet you may cast off a litle and a little by good custome that which you haue got at times by euill custome yet your hearts are tender flexible deferre not the new moulding of them til they be growne peruerse and incorrigible lay hold of offered grace whilest the accepted time the day of saluation lasts Remember he that promiseth mercie to the penitent hath not promised repentance to the presumer vpon mercy nor one day of life to the delayer of repentance But you are yong and healthy what then therefore you are not like to die do not lambes skinnes come to be sold as well as sheepes skinnes Doe we not see and heare where euer we go that men and women die that were neither sicke nor old wee may say we will go to morrow to such a place to see such a commodity to receiue such a summe of money to make merry c. and yet before this next euening may heare that voice Foole to preuent thy bargainings thy talkings thy merriments c. this night before the morrow thy soule shall be taken from thee Aske but that one street which leadeth from the City to the common iudgement hall how many times her stones haue beene bestained with the reeking gore of murdered men since the beginning of this last terme and tell me whether life be so sure a thing when so many sound bodies haue groand their last in a peaceable well gouerned City within the compasse of one terme and the limits of one street and how knowest thou whether thy time be not as short as theirs seeing as I said afore not onely wicked men vpon earth but all the Diuels in hell all the creatures in the world are armed against thee whilest thou remainest impenitent and weltrest in thy sinnes Thou knowest how short warning Esay 38.1 Ezekias had Put thy house in order for thou shalt die and not liue Numb 20.25 And Aron Bring Aron and Eleazar his sonne vp into mount Hor and cause him to put off his garments and put them vpon his sonne and then he shall die immediately vpon the top of the mount What if the like warning were giuen thee where is thy repentance then become where are thy good purposes for hereafter Then thou wilt cry out if I had knowne my time had beene so short Ifs at deaths aproch vaine foolish I would long ere this haue reformed my waies If it were now to begin my life I would take another course In what sanctimony and vprightnes would I walke before God man O that the Lord would spare me a little before I goe away from hence and be no more seene O that he would allowe me but one moneth or one weekes respite
away and comes to nothing like seed cast away vpon the rock where it cannot take root And in this point the irreligiousnes of Prentises doth farre exceed the negligence of masters For it is too apparant that many seruants would seldome or neuer come to Church at all if it were not more for displeasing their masters on earth then for displeasing their master in heauen For let masters vpon occasion bee from home a moneth or two and all that time if his seruants come to Church in the forenoone onely they thinke they are meetly well in the fashion but commonly you shal not see them there either forenoone or afternoone and their reason is their masters absence is the time of their liberty and they may not suffer such good daies to slip away without fruit If you aske them how they wil answere it to their masters at their comming home they will tell you they hope their masters knowledge goeth but by his eie If you aske thē how they will answer it to GOD that seeth and iudgeth the most secret workes they make a pish at that or giue you some grosse flout for recompence But let such know that pouertie and shame belongs vnto them for refusing instruction and they that thinke now the Lords day though it were a moneth long to flie away as one minut in their pleasures shall hereafter thinke one minute too lag and passe by as slowly as a whole yeare in their paines But here some may reply Will you not allow vs to recreate our selues at any time If you say yes then I pray what day haue we that be prentises to take our recreation in but the Sunday For all the weeke wee are kept so straight that we cannot so much as get out to speake with any friend And as for keeping our Church duely howsoeuer others be negligent yet it is well knowne in our parish that we neuer almost misse one Sunday in the yeare but wee are alwaies at Church with the first and neuer go into the fields or to any merrimēt vntil euening praier be done and then I hope the matter is not so hainous as you make it Surely if you were such diligent goers to Church as you say you are it could not be but you should heare at sometime or other that you ought not to prophane or mispend one houre of the Sabbath where you make it lawfull to spend halfe the afternoone in merriment and pleasure But it may be you are asleepe when you should heare that or else you take it to be but the word of a mortall man and the authority thereof to vanish with the speaking But a day will come when you shall know it was the eternall truth of the GOD of heauen which his ministers deliuered and when it will cut your heart to remember that you did heare such a Preacher in such a yeare in such a moneth in such a day and in such a Church denounce the fearefull iudgements of God against such a sin which you did vse and wherein for a little pleasures sake you did obstinately continue to your owne damnation To conclude hast thou beene a drunkard now learne sobriety hast thou been intemperate now embrace chastity hast thou beene malicious shew charity proud be humble Finally whatsoeuer vice thou hast addicted thy selfe to recline now to the contrary side That which thou doest do it with all thy power in the present time euen in this day of saluation For time being once past can neuer be recalled and to trust vpon time to come is as much as if we shold trust vpon a broken staffe the splinters whereof will run into our hand or vēture to passe so dangerous a gulse as damnatiō with a tottering planck delay I meane which hath tilted so many thousands into hell before vs. THE FOVRTH PART CHAP. 10. HAVING shewed the inestimable loue and mercy of GOD to repentant sinners that do truely forsake their former wickednesse I thinke it necessary in the last place as the Lord will enable mee to shew the good profit of afflictions to Gods children to the end they may not bee discomforted or shrinke backe at the sight of them Eccles 2.1 My sonne saith the Sonne of Syrach if thou come into the seruice of GOD stand fast in righteousnes and feare and prepare thy soule to tentation and shrinke not when thou art troubled but wait patiently vpon God And it is a sealed truth which the Apostle hath deliuered All that will liue godly in Christ Iesus shall suffer persecution in one kind or other more or lesse It is their portion and euer hath beene Christ Iesus himselfe the author of our faith was not exempted and the seruant is not aboue his Lord. If then afflictions must needes bee vndergone let vs labour to vndergo them willingly which must bee vndergone of necessity I know there is a certaine tendernes in our nature which with reproches and ill turnes is so pressed and wrung that there is scarse any man to be found so wise or couragious but when he feeles the prickes and stings thereof pearcing him is oftentimes halfe in the minde to giue ouer his course of godlinesse and turne from the way of vertue No affliction or vexation for the present seemeth ioious but grieuous saith the Apostle but afterward it bringeth forth the quiet fruits of righteousnes to them that are exercised therby Let vs not dwell then vpon the present feeling but looke further into the sweet effects and end of our troubles thence gather comfort strength against them This made the Apostle breake out My Brethren count it for an exceeding ioy when yee fall into diuers tentations because they are pledges of Gods loue trials of our faith and breeders of patience experience and hope which neuer makes ashamed Art thou entred into a course of religion and sanctification art thou iealous for the Lord of Hostes and doest thou meet with oppositions and stumbling blockes in thy way be not dismaied was it not told thee before the way to heauen lay by the crosse It is a sure signe thou art in the path that leades thither Art thou skoffed at by worldlings prophan people Iob. 21.14 men or women for I know diuers such persons of both sexes that being not content to liue in ignorance themselues without any desire to know the way of the Lord do deride and point at those that seeke instruction Let the clearnes of thy conscience and thy holy desire and endeuour to the best things be as a brasen wall and a strong tower against these euils let them know that the Lord hateth those that sit in the seat of the scorneful Psalm 1. and though they please themselues well enough the while yet it shall not be well with them at the last day Esay 3.10 For the reward of their owne hands shall be giuen them Hast thou a master that entreates thee hardly for thy well doing and
Spirit adopted vs to be thine own children heirs apparent to the great crown O Lord opē our eies euery day more more to see consider of thy great and maruellous loue to vs in all these things that by the due consideration therof our hearts may be drawen yet neerer vnto thee euen more to loue thee feare thee and obey thee that as thou art enlarged towards vs in mercy so we may be enlarged towards thee in thankesgiuing and as thou doest abound towards vs in goodnes so we may abound towards thee in obedience and loue And sith deere Father thou art neuer weary of doing vs good notwithstanding al our vnworthines and naughtinesse therefore let the consideration of thy great mercy and fatherly kindnesse towards vs euen as it were force our hearts and compell vs to come into thy most glorious presence with new songs of thākesgiuing in our mouths We pray thee O most merciful God to forgiue vs all our vnthankefulnes vnkindnesse prophanenesse great abusing of thy mercies and specially our abuse and contempt of thy Gospel together with all other the sinnes of our life which we confesse are innumerable and moe than can be reckoned vp both in omission of good things and commission of euill We most humbly intreat thee to set them all ouer to the reckoning which thy son Christ hath made vp for thē vpon his crosse and neuer to lay any of them to our charge but freely forget all and forgiue all Naile downe all our sinnes and iniquities to the Crosse of Christ bury them in his death bathe them in his bloud hide them in his wounds let them neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs. Set vs free of the miseries that are vpon vs for sin and keep backe the iudgements to come both of soule body goods and good name Be reconciled vnto vs in thy deere Sonne concerning all matters past not once remembring or repeating vnto vs our old and abominable iniquities but accept vs as righteous in him imputing his righteousnesse to vs and our sinnes to him Let his righteousnesse satisfie thy iustice for all our vnrighteousnesse his obedience for our disobedience his perfection for our imperfection Moreouer we humbly beseech thy good maiesty to giue vs the true sight and feeling of our manifold sinnes that we may not be blinded in them through delight or hardened in thē through custome as the reprobates are but that wee may be euen weary of them and much grieued for them labouring and striuing by all possible meanes to get out of them Good Father touch our hearts with true repentance for all sinne Let vs not take any delight or pleasure in any sinne but howsoeuer we fall through frailty as wee fall often yet let vs neuer fall finally let vs neuer lie downe in sinne nor continue in sinne but let vs get vpon our feet againe and turne to thee with all our hearts and seeke thee whilest thou maiest be found and whilest thou dost offer grace mercy vnto vs. O Lord increase in vs that true and liuely faith whereby we may lay sure hold on thy Sonne Christ and rest vpon his merits altogether Giue vs faith assuredly to beleeue all the great and precious promises made in the Gospell and strengthen vs from aboue to walke and abound in all true sound fruits of faith Let vs walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Let vs feele the power of thy Sons death killing sinne in our mortall bodies and the power of his resurrection raising vs vp to newnesse of life Let vs grow daily in the sanctification of the spirit and the mortification of the flesh Let vs liue holily iustly and soberly in this present euill world shewing forth the vertues of thee in al our particular actions that we may adorne our most holy profession and shine as lights in the middest of a crooked and froward generation amongst whom we liue being gainfull to all by our liues and conuersations and offensiue to none To this end wee pray thee fill vs with thy spirit and al spiritual graces as loue wisedome patience contentment meekenesse humility temperancy chastity kindnesse and affability and stirre vs vp to vse praier and watchfulnesse reading and meditation in thy law and all other good meanes whereby wee may grow and abound in all heauenly vertues Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes from day to day make vs such as thou wouldest haue vs to bee and such as we desire to be working in vs both will and deed purpose and power For thou O Lord art all in all thou wilt haue mercy vpon whom thou wilt haue mercy whō thou wilt thou hardenest Haue mercy vpon vs therefore deere Father and neuer leaue vs to our selues nor to our owne wils lusts and desires but assist vs with thy good spirit that we may continue to the end in a righteous course that so at length we may be receiued into glory and be partatakers of that immortal crown which thou hast laid vp for all that loue thee and truely call vpon thee Further we entreat thee O heauenly father to giue vs all things necessary for this life as food raiment health peace liberty and such freedome from those manifold miseries which we lie open vnto euery day as thou seest meet Blesse vnto vs all the meanes which thou hast put into our hands for the sustenance of this fraile life Blesse our stocke store corne and cattell trades and occupations and all the workes of our hands for thy blessing onely maketh rich and it bringeth no sorrowes with it Giue vs therefore such a competency and sufficiency of these outward blessings as thou in thy heauēly wisdome seest most needfull for vs. Moreouer we humbly beseech thee most louing Father in great mercy to looke downe from heauen vpon thy whole Church and euery member of it Be fauourable vnto Sten and build vp the wals of Ierusalem Behold with the eie of pity the great ruines and desolations of thy Church Heale vp the wounds and make vp the breaches thereof in all Nations Regard it as thine owne flocke tender it as thine owne family dresse it as thine owne vinyeard loue it as thine owne spouse Thinke thoughts of peace to it and alwaies looke vpon it in deep compassion Blesse it with thy grace guide it with thy spirit and defend it alwaies with thy mightie power scatter the deuices cōfound the counsels ouerthrow the forces of all that fight against it Specially we intreat thee deere father to set thy self against that Antichrist of Rome that man of perdition which setteth himselfe against thee and against all thy people In thine appointed time we pray thee giue him a deadly downe fal Beat downe all his power and authority daily more and more giue free passage to thy Gospell in all kingdomes that Babylon may fall and neuer rise vp againe The more the fauourites adherents of Rome labour to
his Angels for euer And wee haue nothing to except against thy maiesty for so doing sith therin thou shouldest deale with vs but according to equity and our iust deserts Wherefore deere father we doe appeale from thy iustice to thy mercy most humbly intreating thee to haue mercy vpon vs and freely to forgiue vs all our sinnes past whatsoeuer both new and old secret and open knowen and vnknowen and that for Iesus Christs sake our onely Mediator And wee pray thee touch our hearts with true griefe and vnfained repentance for them that they may be a matter of continuall sorrow and heart-smart vnto vs so as nothing may greiue vs more then this that we haue offended thee being our speciall friend and father Giue vs therefore deere Father euery day more and more sight and feeling of our sinnes with true humiliation vnder the same Giue vs also that true and liuely faith wherby we may lay sure hold onthy Son Christ and all his merits aplying the same to our owne soules so as we may stand fully perswaded that whatsoeuer hee hath done vpon the crosse he hath done for vs particularly as well as for others Giue vs faith good Father cōstantly to beleeue al the sweet promises of the gospel touching remission of sinne and eternall life made in thy Sonne Christ O Lord increase our faith that we may altogether rest vpon thy promises which are all yea and Amen Yea that we may settle our selues and all that we haue wholly vpon them both our soules bodies goods name wiues children our whole estate knowing that all things depend vpon thy promises power and prouidence that thy word doth support beare vp the whole order of nature More ouer we intreat thee O Lord to strengthen vs from aboue to walke in euery good way and to bring forth the fruits of true faith in all our particular actions studying to please thee in all things and to be fruitfull in good workes that we may shew forth vnto all men by our good conuersation whose children wee are and that we may adorne and beautifie our most holy profession by walking in a Christian course and in all the sound fruits and practise of godlines and true religion To this end wee pray thee sanctifie our hearts by thy spirit yet more and more sanctifie our soules and bodies and all our corrupt naturall faculties as reason vnderstanding will and affections so as they may be fitted for thy worship and seruice taking a delight and pleasure therein Stirre vs vp to vse praier watchfulnesse reading and meditation in thy law and all other good meanes whereby we may profit in grace and goodnesse from day to day Blesse vs in the vse of the meanes that we may daily die to sin and liue to righteousnesse draw vs yet neerer vnto thee help vs against our monifold wants Amend our great imperfections renue vs inwardly more and more repaire the ruines of our hearts aide vs against the remnants of sin Enlarge our hearts to runne the way of thy Commandements direct all our steps in thy word let none iniquity haue dominion ouer vs. Assist vs against our special infirmities and master sinnes that wee may get the victory ouer them all to thy glory and the great peace and comfort of our owne consciences Strengthen vs good father by thy grace and holy spirit against the cōmon corruptions of the world as pride whoredome couetousnesse contempt of thy Gospell swearing lying dissembling and deceiuing O deere Father let vs not be ouer come of these filthy vices nor any other sinfull pleasures and fond delights wherwith thousands are caried headlong to destruction Arme our soules against all the temptations of this world the flesh and the Diuell that we may ouercome them all through thy help and keep on the right way to life that we may liue in thy feare and die in thy fauour that our last daies may be our best daies and that we may end in great peace of conscience Furthermore deere Father we intreat thee not onely for ourselues but for all our good brethren thy deere children scattered ouer the face of the whole earth most humbly beseeching thee to blesse them all to cheere them vp and glad them with the ioy of thy countenance both now and alwaies Guide them all in thy feare and keep them from euill that they may praise thy name In these dangerous daies and declining times we pray thee O Lord raise vp nursing fathers and nursing mothers vnto thy Church Raise vp also faithful Pastors that thy cause may be caried forward truth may preuaile Religion may prosper thy name onely may be set vp in the earth thy Sonnes kingdome aduanced and thy will accomplished Set thy selfe against all aduersary power especially that of Rome Antichrist Idolatry and Atheisme curse and crosse all their counsels frustrate their deuises scatter their forces ouerthrow their armies When they are most wise let them be most foolish when they are most strong let them be most weake Let thē know that there is no wisdom nor coūsel power nor policy against thee the Lord of Hosts Let thē know that Israel hath a God that thou which art called Iehouah art the onely ruler ouer all the world Arise therefore O most mightie God and maintaine thine owne cause against all thine enemies smite thorow all their loines and bow downe their backes yea let them all be confounded and turned backward that beare ill will vnto Sion Let the patient abiding of the righteous be ioy and let the wicked be disappointed of their hope But of all fauour we intreate thee O Lord to shew special mercy to thy Church in this Land wherein we liue Continue thy Gospell amongst vs yet with greater successe purge thy house daily more more take away all things that offend Let this Nation still bee a place where thy name may bee called vpon and an harbour for thy Saints Shew mercy to our posterity deare Father and haue care of them that thy Gospell may bee left vnto them as a most holy inheritance Defend vs against forrē inuasiō keep out Idolatry and Popery from amongst vs. Turne frō vs those plagues which our sins cry for For the sins of this Land are exceeding great horrible and outragious giue thee iust cause to make vs spectacles of thy vengeance to all Natiōs that by how much the more thou hast lifted vs vp in great mercy and long peace by so much the more thou shouldest presse vs downe in great wrath long war Therfore deere Father we most humbly intreat thee for thy great names sake and for thy infinit mercies sake that thou wouldest bee reconciled to this land and discharge it of all the horrible sins thereof Drowne them O Lord in thy infinit mercy through Christ as it were in a bottomelesse gulfe that they may neuer rise vp in iudgement against vs. For although our sinnes bee exceeding many and feareful yet thy mercy is far greater For thou art infinite in mercy but we cannot be infinite in sinning Giue vs not ouer into the hands of the Idolaters lest they should blaspheme thy name and say Where is their God in whom they trusted But rather deere father take vs into thine owne hands and correct vs according to thy wisedome for with thee is mercy deep compassion Moreouer wee most heartily beseech thy good Maiesty to blesse our most gratious King Iames and to shew much mercy to him in all things Guide him in thy feare and keep him in all his waies working in his soule vnfeined sorrow for sinne true faith in the promises a great care to please thee in all things and to discharge the duty of his high place in all zeale of thy glory and faithfulnesse towards thy Maiesty that as thou hast crowned him heere in earth so hee spending his daies heere below in thy feare may after this life be crowned of thee for euer in the Heauens We beseech thee also to blesse his Maiesties most honorable priuie Counsellors Counsell them from aboue let them take aduice of thee in all things that they may both consult and resolue of such courses as may be most for thy glory the good of the Church the peace of this our Commonwealth Blesse the Nobility and all the Magistrates in the Land giuing them all grace to execute iudgement and iustice and to maintaine truth and equity Blesse all the faithfull Ministers of the Gospell increase the number of them inincrease thy gifts in them and so blesse all their labours in their seuerall places and congregations that they all may bee instruments of thy hand to inlarge thy Sonnes kingdome and to winne many vnto thee Comfort the comfortlesse with all needfull comforts Forget none of thine that are in trouble but as their afflictions are so let the ioyes and comforts of thy spirit bee vnto them and so sanctifie vnto all thine their afflictions and troubles that they may tend to thy glory and their owne good Giue vs thankefull hearts for all thy mercies both spirituall and corporall for thou art very mercifull vnto vs in the things of this life and infinitely more mercifull in the things of a better life Let vs deeply ponder and waigh all thy particular fauoures towards vs that by the due consideration thereof our hearts may bee gained yet neerer vnto thee and that therefore wee may both loue and obey thee because thou art so kind and louing vnto vs that euen thy loue towards vs may draw our loue towards thee and that because mercy is with thee thou maiest bee feared Grant these things good Father and all other needfull graces for our soules or bodies or any of thine thorow out the whole world for Iesus Christs sake in whose name we further call vpon thee as he hath taught vs in his Gospel saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. FINIS