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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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God vntill thou which dwellest in the heauens haue mercie vpon me and the eies of thy hand-maid attend and looke diligentlie vnto the hand of hir mistresse that my soule be neuer filled with the scornfull reproofe of the wealthie nor with the despitefulnes of the proud Make me true both in word and deed vnto those whom I serue and with all possible care and industrie to declare my fidelitie and obedience by my faithfull painfull and trustie seruice and by preferring still their busines to mine owne necessitie Make thou me godlie religious and holilie giuen to all vertuous exercises Giue me grace to praie often and hartilie for my master and mistresse their children friends and all their familie and for the whole Church And let thy holie feare be alwaies before mine eies to shunne and auoid all occasion of sinne and offence both in my selfe and others that I may be worthilie accompted in the number of those godlie seruants and maids on whom thou hast promised to powre thy holie spirit and that thou also my souereigne Lord and master maist testifie for my righteous and faithfull seruice by blessing my labours and rewarding mine industrie and diligence as thou didst all the godlie seruants and hand-maids in the old time and thereby giue me ample occasion to laud and praise thee all the daies of my life Finallie whatsoeuer I shall go about to doo doo thou vouchsafe to blesse me O God let it both be begun continued and ended in thee and also tend euermore to the glorie of thy name the wealth of my master and mistresse the full discharge of my dutie and the increase of my faith and blessing in thee euer for Iesus Christs sake thy sonne and my sauiour who being verie God equall with thee laid aside his glorie and being Lord of all made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruant willinglie to submit himselfe to the most shamefull death of the crosse for our redemption to whom therfore with thee and the holie ghost three persons and one God be all honour praise power rule and dominion for euer and euer Amen The poore widowes mite conteining seuen meditations or praiers in meeter for the obteining of Gods mercie and the forgiuenes of sin against desperation to be said or soong● gathered by William Hunnis one of the Gentlemen of hir Highnes Chappell and maister to the children of the same AH helples wretch what shall I doo or which way shall I run The earth be wraies heauen records the sins that I haue do●● The gates of hell wide open stand for to receiue me in And fearefull f●ends all readie be to torment me for sin Alas where shall I succour finde The earth doth me denie And to the sacred heauens aboue I dare not lift mine eie If heauen and earth shall witnes be against my soule for sin Untimelie birth alas for me much better then had bin And now despaire approcheth fast with bloudie murthering knife And willeth me to end my gréefes by shortning of my life Shall I despaire Thou God forbid for mercie more is thine Than if the sins of all the world were linked now with mine Despise not then most louing Lord the image of thy face Which thou hast wrought and déerelie bought with goodnes of thy grace And since the bloodie price is paid and bitter paines all past Receiue my plaints accept my spirit and mercie grant at last So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The second meditation THou God that rulst reignst in light that flesh can not attain Thou God that knowst the thoghts of men are altogither vain Thou God which neither tongue of man nor angell can expresse Thou God it is that I doo séeke thou pitie my distresse Thy seate O God is euerie-where thy power all powers extend Thy wisedome cannot measured be for that it hath no end Thou art the power and wisedome too and sole felicitie But I a lumpe of sinfull flesh nursse of iniquitie Thou art by nature mercifull and mercie is thy name And I by nature miserable and thrall of sin and shame Then let thy nature O good God now worke his force in me And cleanse this nature of my sin and heale my miserie One depth good Lord another craues my depth of sinfull crime Requires thy depth of mercie great for sauing health in time Swéet Christ grant y ● the deapth of grace may swallow vp my sin That I thereby may whiter be than euer snowe hath bin So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The third meditation BEfore thy face and in thy sight haue I deuoid of shame O Lord transgressed willinglie I doo confesse the same Yet was I loth that men should knowe or vnderstand my fall Thus feard I man much more than thée thou righteous iudge of all So blind was I and ignorant yea rather wilfull blind That suckt the combe and knew the Bée had left hir sting behind My sins O God to thée are knowne there is no secret place Where I may hide my selfe or them from presence of thy face Where shall I then my selfe bestowe Or who shall me defend None is so louing as my God thy mercies haue none end In déed I grant and doo confesse my sins so heinous be As mercie none at all deserues but yet thy propertie Is alwaie to be mercifull to sinners in distres By which thou wilt declare and shew thy great almightines Haue mercie Lord on me therefore for thy great mercies sake Which camst not righteous men to call but sinners part to take So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The fourth meditation MOst gratious God doo not behold the number of my sin Nor yet consider with thy selfe how wicked I haue bin But rather thinke I am but dust or as the withered haie Which flourisheth to daie in féeld to morrowe shorne awaie My flesh rebels against the spirit my spirit too weake is found By sin conceiued in mothers wombe my soule first caught hir wound My flesh is fraile too weak vain to do the thing I should And what I would not that doo I contrarie that I would Thou séest O Lord how weake I am not able for to stand Without the succour helpe and aid of thy most mightie hand And what is he that will not staie the man thats like to fall Or will refuse the sicke to helpe for helpe when he doth call If thou wilt laie vnto my charge the burden of my sin O Lord the conquest is but small that thou thereby shalt win For why thy glorie and thy praise in mercie doth consist Unto the which I yéeld my selfe to doo with what thou list My soule shall trust in thée and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The fift meditation IF I demand what mercie is thou
God wilt answere me That mercie is the aboundance great of thy heauenlie pitie With which thou viewst the afflicted sort that on the earth doo lie And what is this compassion then but proofes of thy mercie Our fathers old the same haue felt and now in rest do raigne And thou art still the selfe-same God for euer to remaine Our fathers were conceiued in sin and so are we likewise Wilt thou compassion shew on them and children theirs despise One faith in Christ we all professe one God in persons thrée As thou compassion hadst on them compassion haue on me Ponder O God my harts desire most humblie doo I craue And doo awaie all my misdéeds and so compassion haue And as of sinners manie a one whose number is vnknowne Thou didst vouchsafe to drawe to thée make them all thine owne So now vouchsafe most gentle God likewise to drawe me in And make me righteous by thy grace forgiuing me my sin So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The sixt meditation MOst mightie God I doo confesse ten thousand times more Thou hast me washed from my sin and salued still my sore But I through sin am falne againe and fowler now am made Than euer was the filthie swine with mire ouer laid How oftentimes shall we forgiue each other that offend Seuentie times seuen the scripture saith which signifieth no end If man to man such fauour shew that wretched caitiues be How much more thou O gratious God to them that call on thée It is thy nature to forgiue my nature can but fall Though thou be iust in all thy works thy mercie passeth all What time a sinner doth repent and turne to thée at last All sins foredone thou wilt forget thy promise so hath past Behold O God I turne to thée with sorrowe for my sin And do repent euen from my hart that I so lewd haue bin Now wash me Lord yet once againe with fountaine of thy grace That I among the sacred saincts with thee might haue a place So shall my soule reioice and still for mercie crie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei The seuenth and last meditation LIke as the guiltie prisoner stands before the iudge so tride With quaking breath shiuering lims his iudgement to abide Euen so O God before thy face in fearefull state I stand And guiltie crie to thée my iudge and now hold vp my hand Nothing have I to pleade for life no goodnes is in me Of sin deceipt and wickednes guiltie good Lord guiltie Thus by thy righteous doome O God and sacred lawe diuine Condemnd am I to endles paine through iust deserts of mine Alas what then is to be said or what is to be done For mercie yet will I appeale to Iesu Christ thy sonne For neuer yet hath it béene heard since first the world began That Iesu Christ did turne his face from anie sinfull man Which unto him for mercie came with sad repentant minde O Lord shall I then be the first that shall no mercie finde Shall I be she thou wilt despise that humblie commes to thée No no swéet Christ thy promise is for to deliuer mée Wherefore my soule be glad and crie incessantlie Peccaui peccaui miserere mei FINIS W. H. A praier to be said of a widowe immediatlie after the death of hir husband ETernall and mercifull God father of our Lord Iesus Christ which according to thine heauenlie pleasure hast taken now my deere and louing husband R. B. out of this world whereby I am a poore afflicted widowe and my seelie children fatherlesse vnto thee doo I crie in this my miserie O mine assured aduocate haue mercie on mee a forsaken orphane and after thy great goodnes pardon all my sinnes which I haue committed against thee Turne vnto me O Lord and take mercie on me for my soule is become a widowe and I am alone and comfortlesse looke vpon the teares of my widowhood and behold mine affliction and miserie Oh my Lord now releeue my necessitie as thou didst releeue that widowe of Sarepta whom thou didst most miraculouslie preserue by thy prophet Elias Take the like pitie on me now I saie untill thou returne ah shew thy selfe vnto me that I may be comforted assist me behold my necessitie and deliuer me out of all my troubles Grant likewise that sith thou hast taken awaie from me the vaile of mine eies mine head and deer husband with whom I was preserued from all dangers and of whom peraduenture I was vnworthie I may yet find fauour now in the sight of all gouernours and magistrates whom in thy holie word thou hast commanded to be as an husband and guid vnto me that I be not iniuried by the vngodlie contrarie to all reason and equitie In like sort let me find patrons and honest men which will haue a tender consideration of this my present estate and succour me at times with godlie counsell Protect me oh my God from all false tongues which are like rasures cutting deceitfullie and as the sharpe arowes of a mightie man Deliuer me O Lord from slander and from the obloquie of wicked men which with poisoned words haue bent their bowe to cast downe the poore and needie and to slay such as be of a right conuersation Furthermore I beseech thee giue me grace to liue in this my desolate state of widowhood chastlie and godlie shewing my selfe an example of godlines to others and trusting wholie in thy mercie at all times Let me patientlie and christianlie endure all crosses laid vpon me and continue faithfullie in making of supplications night and day Behold as the eies of a maiden are vpon hir mistresse so are mine eies bent vpon thee my Lord God vntill thou haue mercie Haue mercie on me O Lord haue mercie on me for I am full of reproch and my soule is euen as a weaned child from the mothers brests Heare me O Lord as my trust is in thee for Iesus Christs sake thy sonne our Lord and sauiour Amen Another praier of a widowe O Lord I thanke thee that thou hast scourged me thus with the death of mine husband He was deer vnto me O Lord euen bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh for whom I forlooke both father and mother to cleaue vnto him He by the couenant of matrimonie was made one bodie with me thou gauest him vnto me and thou hast taken him from me blessed be thy name for euer The bands of death haue sundred me from him for a while but I hope O Lord by the power of thy holie spirit that nothing shall be able to separate me from thee mine onelie Iesus the onelie ioie of my soule Put the axe of thy mercie to the roote of my wanton nature and cut it off that I doo not marrie the vanitie of this wicked world but put vpon me the garment of innocencie and tie about my hart the iewell of faith that
me wretched woman for thy beloued sonne Iesus Christes sake who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost one God euer world without end Amen God the Father of all comfort and consolation blesse keepe and defend me from all the illusions and suggestions of sathan now and euermore also giue me grace to walke in thy feare Amen Reade more of this in the Quéenes meditation page 10. and 16. 17. c. in the second Lampe A praier of Marie Magdalens repentance O Good Iesu the onlie hope of the penitent person which opening the bowels of thy compassion and to declare and shew a token of thy great loue didst gratiouslie giue absolution and pardon of all hir sinnes to Marie Magdalen that greeuous sinner and sinfull woman at what time she touched with great remorse and sorrowe stood weeping before thee and powring foorth abundance of teares washed thy feete and kissing them wiped them with the heare of hir head in token of hir hartie repentance and sorrowe for hir forepassed sinfull life spent in adulterie and vncleannesse O despise not me also I beseech thee most mercifull Iesu which am a more sinfull woman and now likewise most humblie with great remorse of conscience and sorrowe for my sinfull life past doo prostrate my selfe before the feete of thy mercie washing them with the inward teares of contrition and kissing them with the lips of deuout earnest praier And vouchsafe O sweet Christ to make me meete to heare thy voice so full of loue and compassion so full of elemencie sweetnesse and mercie which the same Marie Magdalen was made woorthie to heare that as hirs so also my manifold sinnes and offences committed against thee and thy whole Church and mine owne bodie and soule may quite be forgiuen and washed awaie by thine onlie grace and merits O blessed Sauiour Iesu Amen Another praier of the woman taken in adulterie O Most tender harted Iesu which so gentlie deliueredst the woman taken in adulterie and so mercifullie sentedst hir awaie in peace and vncondemned of thee from hir accusers Behold my adulterous soule standeth heere before thee which so often hath forsaken thee hir true and faithfull spouse as she hath consented to the vile suggestions of the adoulterous and corrupt enimie Alas my conscience accuseth me yea and all my lewd works and wicked actions doo all bewraie and condemne mee But O Lord enter not thou into iudgement with them I praie thee neither doo thou remember mine old or new offences to plague them as they deserue but deliuer me also a most sinfull wretch and a woman corrupted and abused in adulterie Deliuer me I saie a woman altogither giltie of horrible iniquities from mine accusers and being fullie persuaded in my conscience that I am freelie forgiuen of thee and from this and all other my crimes and offences absolued pardoned and quitted before the tribunall seate of thy iudgement let me now depart in peace and vncondemned For it is thy propertie alwaies to haue mercie and to spare sinners that repent and turne vnto thee as I doo heare at this present vnfeignedlie yea there is no end of thy mercies and compassions to such as forsaking their old sinnes doo vnfeignedlie seeke and cleaue vnto thee to whome therefore with the Father and the holie Ghost be blessing praise power and dominion now and for euer Amen Of this matter reade more in the latter end of the sixt Lampe and in diuers places of the seuenth Lampe A praier to be said of anie damsell daughter or maiden child O Most mercifull God and heauenlie Father which hast commanded mee to honor my parents by whome I was borne and doo liue for such obedience doth please thee for thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christes sake and thou hast promised to reward the same with long life manifold benefits and heauenlie blessings I humblie beseech thee O Lord giue to my parents and all other that I am bound vnto in this world a long life and protect them from all miseries hurt and danger Also grant mee grace to obey them and all others which haue authoritie ouer me in deed and in word and in all patience that I may haue thy benediction and blessing Let mee helpe my parents in their age and neuer greeue them as long as they liue and if their vnderstanding faile let me beare with them and neuer in my lustie youth despise them Imprint in my mind the paines which my mother hath endured for my sake not onlie before I came out of hir wombe but also till I was of anie discretion for which cause be it far from me that I at anie time make hir sad or out of quiet through anie my lewd behauiour and disobedience Furthermore O mercifull God and heauenlie Father I beseech thee forgiue me the sinnes of my tender age and youth whereby I haue and do still offend both thee and my louing parents Pardon them I saie O Lord for thy mercie sake Remember not my rebellions make me both to knowe my follie and to be hartilie sorie for mine offences Place before mine eies continuallie the example of our sauiour Christ which in his childhood was obedient vnto his parents thereby both teaching and shewing to all children what their dutie is Keepe me O Lord from the wicked companie of vngodlie men and when they shall entise me let me not walke in the way with them Refraine my feete from their paths least I come into the dangerous and suspicious iudgements of other folke and hazard therby mine honestie chastitie and good name and vertue to the perill and hurt both of my selfe and my parents Increase O Lord not my yeares onelie but also my wisedome chastitie shamefastnesse sobernesse temperance and all kind of vertue and obedience requisite in a godlie child that I may growe in fauour both with thee and all good men and women through thy beloued Sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Another verie necessarie praier to be said of anie daughter or maiden child FOrasmuch as in thy holie word O almightie God and heauenlie Father it is said that a wise daughter is an heritage vnto hir husband but she that liueth dishonestlie bringeth hir father to heauinesse againe A daughter that is bold or past shame dishonoureth both hir father and hir husband and the vngodlie shall regard hir because she is not inferiour vnto them but both hir father and hir husband shall despise hir because of hir foolishnesse I beseech thee therefore take from mee a stout stomach an incorrigible hart an impudent mind an vnshamefast eie and a bold countenance with all other vices and marks of a reprobate and disobedient child and in stead thereof giue vnto mee a gentle spirit a meeke hart an humble mind a demure looke a sober countenance an affable and seruiceable bodie with all other good graces and comelie conditions of a chast virgin and godlie child towards hir parents Oh suffer me not to be of the number
husband or friend is in prison and endurance or otherwise persecuted or in trouble and affliction see that hartilie you praie for him and saie as followeth O Lord Father of mercie and God of all consolation which rulest and disposest all things after thine vnsearchable wisedome and workest in thy creatures according to thy blessed will which is alwaie good and godlie howsoeuer blind fraile flesh iudgeth of it I knowe and vnfeignedlie confesse thine omnipotencie and almightie power I knowe that thou art able to doo what thy good pleasure is I knowe that thou bringest downe to the graue and fetchest vp againe Thou punishest with pouertie and makest wealthie againe Thou throwest men into the darke dongeons and loosest them out of prison againe breaking euen the gates of brasse and smiting the bars and bolts of iron asunder Thou dooest put downe and exalt againe Thou woundest and healest yea thou O Lord killest makest aliue againe Oh woonderfullie dooest thou worke in thy creatures especiallie in them whome thou hast appointed to be vessels of mercie and inheritors of thine eternall glorie If they at anie time greeuouslie offend thy diuine maiestie as we be all sinners and readie at euerie moment to fall thou dooest neither long winke at their wickednes nor yet euer cast them off from thy fauour but like a louing phisician with some emplaister or salue although bitter to the flesh yet wholesome to the soule thou healest them and like a tender and gentle father correctest them with some temporall punishment that by this meanes they escaping euerlasting punishment may repent them of their vngodlie behauiour confesse their wickednes flie vnto thy mercie and for euer after be the more circumspect in treading the paths of thy holie lawe On this manner didst thou handle the Israelits when they offended thy fatherlie goodnes On this manner didst thou deale with King Dauid and the Prophet Ionas for their disobedience with manie other whome notwithstanding for thy mercies sake after they had acknowledged their offences and called vpon thy holie name thou woonderfullie deliueredst a●d broughtest againe as it were out of the perillous seas into the hauen of quietnes I therefore thy poore creature and sorrowfull hand-maid perceiuing in thy holie word so large fountaines of thy great mercies plentifullie issuing out towards all them that be of a contrite heart and broken spirit am bold notwithstanding mine vnwoorthines by reason of my manifold sins to come at this present vnto thee and that for thy promise sake most humblie he seeching thee that as thou deliueredst Ionas out of the whales bellie Ioseph and Daniel from prison Peter thine Apostle out of ward and durance Dauid from the hands of his enimies Susanna from the power of hir aduersaries with manie other so in like manner thou wilt deliuer and set at libertie thy seruant and my faithfull and deere husband T.B. and that in such sort that it may be to thy glorie to his health to the comfort of me his wofull wife and sorowfull children and friends and to the reioicing of so manie as vnfeignedlie loue thy blessed word And although O God I formine imperfection am not worthie to craue and enioie so great and comfortable a benefit at thy mercifull hands yet I doubt not but for thy deerelie beloued Sonne Iesus Christes sake thou wilt most fauourablie heare me most fatherlie pitie me and most bountifullie grant me this mine humble request and I againe receiuing this notable benefit of my deere husbands deliuerance at thy hand shall not be vnthankefull but continuallie magnifie thy holie and glorious name which dealest so fauourablie with thy seruants when they call vpon thee in the name of Iesu Christ thine onlie begotten Sonne and our alone mediator and aduocate to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all praise and honor for euer and euer Amen When your husband or other friend is deliuered out of anie trouble looke that you giue God hartie thanks therefore and saie SO often as I consider thy woonderfull works O blessed and heauenlie father which thou workest of thine owne good will for so manie as in their trouble and aduersitie flie for refuge vnto thy holie name as vnto a strong hold and mightie fortresse I cannot but confesse and acknowledge thy singular kindnes and vnspeakeable good will which thou continuallie through thy fatherlie goodnes bearest towards thy seruants and for the same not merited of anie but freelie of thy mercie giuen I render vnto thee according to my most bounden dutie most hartie praises and entire thanks in consideration whereof the children of Israell being in miserable captiuitie lamentablie lamenting before thee their too much sorrowfull state by hartie praiers after that thou hadst deliuered them from the land of seruitude brast out into exceeding great praises glorifieng thy most holie and blessed name for their sweet and comfortable deliuerance The Citizens of Bethulia likewise being in great distresse called vpon thy glorious name and thou most mercifullie deliueredst them and they againe with merie voices and more ioifull harts soong vnto thee most hartie thanks In like manner when thou hadst deliuered Ioseph Daniel Dauid Peter and manie other thy seruants from their sorowes and calamities oh who is able to expresse with how readie and glad minds they magnified thee thy holie name I therefore sinfull woman excited and stirred vp with the godlie examples of these thy seruants knowing how greatlie thou delightest in the sacrifice of praise confessing also such is my beggerie that I haue none other thing woorthie to offer vnto thy diuine maiestie at this present addressed and prepared to celebrate thy great mercies do magnifie thy blessed name and render vnto thee most humble thanks and immortall praise that it hath pleased thee of thine exceeding goodnes the rather at the contemplation of my poore praiers to shew thy fauourable mercie in the deliuerance of thy seruant and my deere husband T.B. vnto my singular ioie and great comfort For this thy benefit most beneficiall father I so hartilie thanke thee as hart can thinke most intirelie be seeching thee that thou wilt giue him and me and vs all euen so manie as loue thy blessed word neuer to be vnmindfull of this thy benefit nor to commit any thing heereafter that should offend thy fatherlie goodnes or prouoke thy wrath against vs least through our disobedience we after this feele more bitter tokens of thy heauie displeasure than hitherto we haue done but in all our enterprises so to behaue our selues according to thy blessed will that thou maist delight in vs as a father in his children And vouchsafe to blesse vs with all spirituall blessings to enrich vs with the knowledge of thy heauenlie word and to worke in vs a life conformable to the same that other seeing our godlie manners and christian conuersation may be encouraged to embrace thy blessed word to magnifie thy holie name and in all points to frame their life
restore in me that which my sins haue hindered and corrupted and either take from me the great labour and dangerous trauell that my sins haue deserued the feare that it hath brought me into for the same so that I shall not need such power and strength such care and industrie as my corruption now seeketh and requireth or else so qualifie mitigate and order all my throwes paines pangs and pinches of this my child-birth that the trauell thereof doo not surmount nor ouercome my strength further than thou oh father wilt make mee able to beare endure the same or else encrease my strength encourage my mind and fortifie my senses so that I may without mistrust despaire or grudging against thy maiestie beare the labour to the end For my God and deere Father I doo knowe and assuredlie beleeue that all my paines and throwes are so in thy fatherlie ordering and working that onlie so far foorth shall they be painefull and greeuous vnto mee and no further but as thy diuine prouidence doth appoint Assist mee therefore oh most deere father with thy most cheerefull present and readie helpe and comfort me with thy holie Ghost For deere father as thou didst laie this rod of correction vpon vs for our sins that we should conceiue in sorrowe and beare in perill so Lord thou of thy goodnes didst promise that we should bring foorth Therefore oh most louing and pitifull father according to this thy holie promise I beseech thee send me good deliuerance of such a child as may be to the praise of thy holie name a witnes and testimonie of thy good will and blessing to this most honourable state of matrimonie and also by thine holie institution of baptisme may be made of the number of thine elect children and heire of thine eternall kingdome by the merits and deseruings of thy deere Sonne Iesus Christ in whose name I beseech thee furthermore as he hath taught and commanded me saieng Our father which art in heauen c. The same praier more breefe THY wisedome and power shine foorth in all thy works O Lord but yet much more greater more manifest and more woonderfull are they in the shaping of man Of how small beginning dooest thou make so maruellous a liuing thing infusing a soule into it whose originall is from heauen to the intent he should long to returne thither as into his countrie And now that thou hast ●●uchsafed to make me as it were thy worke-house wherein to fashion so singular a worke I most humblie and hartilie thanke thee beseeching thee that as thou hast giuen me abilitie to conceiue so thou wilt giue me strength to the perfecting of the thing that is in breeding that I may safelie both beare it and bring it foorth Trulie thou O mercifull father hadst of thine owne goodnes made this worke of child-bearing easie but our sinne hath made it sorrowfull and full of danger O most gratious worke-man let thy pitifulnes amend the thing which our sinfulnes hath marred and either abate my paine that I may not haue need of so great strength tendance and running or else increase my strength power and courage that I may be able to ouercome all the paines of my trauell Amen The same praier againe in Meeter THY wisedome Lord in all thy waies and power great to performe it We cease to search and onlie praise They passe so far the reach of wit And thus we muse and maruell much at all thy works and yet we find No maruell nor no wonder such as dailie forming of man-kind Of such beginning such an end and of such séed such fruit to growe With Dauid well we may contend to maze to muze and nothing knowe The matter earth the shape from heauen doth knit both soule and flesh in one Whereof such strife is them betwéene from whence they canie they would be gone And yet in all thy wonders great thy mercie Lord doth far passe all Which dooest vouchsafe to worke this feate in me poore wretch thy bond and thrall And as good Lord thou dooest me make thy shop to shape thy worke therein Thy hand-worke so doo not forsake but end the thing thou dooest begin Thy goodnes Lord did once make light this burthen now which sore doth gréeue Untill which wo did wrap each wight the wofull worke of wofull Eue. That Eue hath lost let Christ restore that guilt hath made let grace amend Why should the fault of Eue doo more than grace in Christ God it defend Oh Lord the time approcheth néere that throwes of Eue I must sustaine And that I may the same well beare increase my strength or lesse my paine Thy will this burthen on me laid thy goodnes eke will ease the same Where Christ hath once the ransome paid why should the déed of Eue bring blame Thus O Lord I me in thy will doo put eke wholie in thy hand I will not once swarue from thy skill to die or liue to fall or stand Amen Another godlie and earnest praier to be said of euerie Christian and faithfull woman in the time of hir trauell or child-birth vsed of the vertuous Ladie Frances Aburgauennie ALmightie God my heauenlie and most mercifull father I feele thy promised punishment at this present to take effect on me which for the gilt and transgression of my progenitors hath beene by thy diuine maiestie iustlie pronounced against me and the whole generation of Adam Great and intollerable are these bitter pangs and pearsing paines that in this my trauell of child-birth I endure and abide Now feele I as it were a cruell and sharpe conflict betwixt death and life now feele I O Lord the rod of thy correction according to thy iustice laid heauie vpon me for the vse and exercise of sin and iniquitie yet when it shall please thee good Lord looke vpon me with the eies of thy fatherlie compassion and pitie and according to the multitude of thy manifold mercies be thou now present with me Arm● mee O mightie God with perfect patience ioifullie to beare thy correction and in the middest of these my sharpe and bitter brunts of greefe giue me grace still to call vpon thee Strengthen me a poor wretched woman giue mee comfort and heauenlie consolation from aboue and when thou shalt thinke it meet and conuenient send me safe deliuerance that I may enioie the fruit of my wombe the sight whereof shall adorne and decke me anew with ioie and gladnes otherwise good Lord if in this season thou determine to take mee hence vnto thy selfe by thy messenger death to whose stroke all creatures when thou thinkest it meet and expedient shall bow make me constant and faithfull in thee whose I am whether I die or liue Forget my sins and offences committed by mee against thee Let the bloud of the Lambe Iesus wash away my deformitie Let the spots of my corruption be purged and taken awaie Let my infected soule that is putrified therein be purified therein
Giue me grace alwaies whether I liue or die to call vpon thee continuallie Giue me power to pitch my confidence onelie and alone in the bloudie wounds of Christ Iesus to whome in this my distresse I flie and appeale for remedie and comfort Grant this O gratious God which liuest and reignest world without end Amen Another praier of a woman being in trauell LORD saue mee or else I perish Lord haue mercie vpon me a sinner Pitifull Iesu shew thy mercie vnto me and let the light of thy countenance shine vpon me that I be not swallowed vp of greefe and sorrowe Lord sweet Lord thou sendest thy seruants to call me to the marriage the fatlings and oxen are killed and dinner is readie Lord giue me grace to come vnto thee that I beeing freed from sin and eased of sorrowe the fruit of sin may marrie thee in the couenant of thy mercie and banquet with thee face to face at the table of ioie in the heauenlie Ierusalem Lord louing Lord and gratious God blesse the fruit of my wombe and take it into thy familie For I beleeue Lord that thou becamest of God the son of man to make it and all other whome thy father hath giuen thee the children of God thy heauenlie father According to my faith therefore O Lord be it vnto me Open the doore of thy mercie and lodge my child in the vertue of the couenant that being my God and the God of my seed I may glorifie thee both now and euer and offer vp the sacrifice of praise and the fruits of a ioious spirit vnto thee Lord and father of heauen it is thy will that all men should be saued thy will be done and saue me and my child by thy mercie I beseech thee Amen Another meditation in Meeter to be said of a woman with child made by W.H. In time of trouble call on mee And I will then deliuer thee THE time drawes nigh of bitter painefull throwes how long I shall the same endure God knowes O Lord my God I humblie aske of thée make haste swéet Christ and safe deliuer me As I by sin deserued haue right well such paine as this yea more than tongue can tell Yet ah my God turne not awaie thy face nor me forsake in this so sharpe a case This wombe and fruit that springeth in the same hast thou create to glorie of thy name Opprest with paine O Lord when I shall bée make lesse the same so much as pleaseth thée And grant good God thy creature may procéed safelie on liue with mercie at my néed In Christes name I will my trauell sho now holie Ghost come comfort me in wo. Come father déere and let thy power descend O Iesu Christ thy mercies great extend Ah God behold my dolour and my smart swéet holie Ghost my comforter thou art Take part with me and heare my wofull crie Ex●uli me miserere mei Amen In long and sore labour call earnestlie vpon God and saie to your comfort the 6. 38. 51. 102. 30. and 142. Psalmes of Dauid commonlie called the seauen penitenti all Psalmes or the Psalme of a peniten● sinner Or else this 22. Psalme of DAVID following called The complaint of Christ on the Crosse. MY God my God why hast thou forsaken me It seemeth that I shall not obteine deliuerance though I seeke it with lowd cries My God I will crie all the daie long but thou wilt not answer and all the night long I make pitious mone without taking anie rest The meane time thou most holiest seemst to sit stil not caring for the things y ● I suffer which so oft hast helped me heeretofore hast giuē to thy people Israel sufficiēt argument and matter to praise thee with songs wherwith they haue giuen thanks to thee for thy benefits Our fore-fathers and mothers were woont to put their trust in thee and as often as they did so thou didst deliuer them out of their distresse As oft as they cried for helpe to thee they were deliuered as oft as they committed themselues to thee they were not confounded nor put to anie shame But as for me I seeme rather to be a worme than a woman the doonghill of Adam and Eue the outcast of the vulgar people As manie as haue seene me laugh haue laughed me to scorne and reuiled me and shaking their heads in deriston at me haue cast me in the teeth saieng She is wont to boast and glorie that she is in great fauour with God wherefore let God now deliuer hir if he loue hir so well By thy procurement O Lord I came out of my mothers wombe and thou gauest me good comfort euen when I sucked my mothers breasts Through thy meanes I came into this world and as soone as I was borne I was left to thy tuition yea thou wast my God when I was yet in my mothers wombe Wherefore go not far awaie frō me for danger is euen now at hand so none in earth will or can help me Manie buls haue closed me in both strong and fat they haue compassed me round about They haue opened their mouth against me like vnto a lion that gapeth vpon his praie and roareth for hunger I am powred out like water and all my lims losed one from another and my hart is melted within me as it were waxe All my strength is gone and dried vp like vnto a tilestone my tongue cleaueth to the roofe of my mouth and at the last I shall be buried in the earth as the dead be woont For dogs haue compassed me round about and the most wicked haue conspired against me they wound euen my verie hart hands head and feet I was so vngentlie intreated of them that I might easilie number all my bones and after all the paine and torment that they did to me with greeuous countenance they stared and looked vpon me They diuided my cloaths among them and cast lots for my coate Wherefore Lord I beseech thee go not far from me but for-as-much as thou art my power my strength make haste to helpe me Deliuer my soule from danger of the sword and keepe my life destitute of all mortall helpe from the violence of the infernall dog Saue my soule from the mouth of the lion and take me from the hornes of the vnicornes So will I shew vnto my breethren and sisters the maiestie of thy name and when the people are most assembled togither I will praise and set foorth thy most worthie acts and deeds All that worship the Lord praise him all the posteritie of Iacob magnifie him all ye that be of the stocke of Israell with reuerence serue and honour him For he hath not despised and set at naught his poore hand-maid bicause of hir miserie nor he hath not disdainefullie turned awaie his face from hir but rather as soone as his poore hand-maid cried vnto him for helpe he heard hir by and by I will praise thee therefore with my songs
openlie in the multitude of people and I will performe my vowes in the sight of them that honour thee The poore shall eate and be satisfied they shall praise the Lord that studie to please him and as manie of you as continue still such your harts shall liue All the ends of the world shall consider these things and be turned to the Lord and all heathen nations shall submit themselues and doo homage vnto thee my God For the Lord hath a power roiall and an imperiall dominion ouer the heathen The most mightie greatest of all them that dwell on the earth haue eaten and after that they haue tasted the spirituall gifts of the Lord they haue submitted themselues and made humble suite vnto him Yea and all the dead which are buried in the earth shall kneele and make reuerence in his honour because he hath not disdained to spend his owne life for them They that shall come after vs shall honour and serue him These things shall be written of the Lord that our posteritie may knowe and vnderstand them That they also may come and shew these things to the people that shall be borne of them that the Lord hath done these things which be so maruellous The praier in long and dangerous trauell of child to be vsed either of the woman hir selfe or by the women about hir in hir behalfe HAue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon mee thy sinfull seruant and wofull hand-maid who now in my greatest need and distres doo seeke thee behold with grieuous groanes deepe sighes I crie vnto thee for mercie Euen now while thy heauie hand in chastening is vpon me doo I powre out my soule and make my pitious mo●e and humble supplication vnto thee my God for mitigation of my miserie For lo thou seest how I pant with paine and grone through griefe and trauell in sore labour before thee togither with all thy creatures sighing in my selfe and waiting for thy readie helpe and my speedie deliuerance foorth of this distres Oh Lord am not I now that wofull wight who with all the sorrowes of a trauelling woman am oppressed in thy sight Yea thou seest in what pitifull plight I am drawing nigh towards my trauell and hearest me sorrowfull wretch crieng out in my pangs as she that is destitute of all mortall helpe Alas how tediouslie doo I trauell of this child how pinching pangs doo I iustlie suffer for my sins I haue a long time O Lord held my peace suppressing my throwes so long as my womanlie strength will suffer I haue beene quiet and still and refrained my selfe I saie as much as I am able but now alas such and so intolierable is my greefe so manie and vehement are my throwes yea so continuall and tedious is my trauell that without thee I can not possiblie anie longer forbeare but am forced through bodilie paine and inward greefe to shrich and crie alowd vnto thee and that with teares for speedie comfort and heauenlie helpe that she which is in sore labour may find mitigation of hir paines through thy mercie and being readie to bring foorth may be deliuered through thy power For except thou O Lord make a waie out that which is conceiued can not be borne Oh Lord this daie is a gloomie daie a bitter time and terrible houre a daie or night of anguish and tribulation of sorrowe and perturbation vnto the verie soule of thine hand-maid for the babe is come vnto the place of the birth and lo it seemeth that thou for my sins hast shut vp the dores of my wombe and caused the babe to stand still like to be stiffled What shall I saie O my God what shall I doo Haue mercie vpon mee O Lord haue mercie vpon me and helpe me Make a way out for my deliuerance for in me there is no helpe no strength nor power to bring that foorth that I haue conceiued It is thou onlie O Lord my God which hast fashioned it in my wombe that must doo it Oh therefore put foorth speedilie thine almightie hand and helpe me and giue me strength and patience to endure whatsoeuer for my sins it shall please thee to laie vpon me in this my sore labour O good God thou that hast promised to intreate those gentlie that beare yoong haue mercie vpon thine hand-maid and vouchsafe to shew that tender care and fatherlie fauour vnto mee that am full weake feeble helpe me speedilie that stand in great need thereof For without thee I confesse there is no deliuerance nor saluation in the earth to be expected neither can anie worldlie meanes preuaile anie thing at all heere in this action Oh Lord thou art he that hast drawne me out of my mothers womb long since and hitherto hast had a tender care ouer me so that thou hast caused me to looke vp vnto thee when I did hang yet on my mothers breast so soone as I was borne and came foorth into this world I was committed vnto thee and euen then thou didst declare thy selfe to be my God and father Now then O Lord when so great miseries doo approch and enuiron me I beseech thee be not thou far from me neither forsake me which am destitute of all manner of succours besides Come holie Ghost and regard the sorrowes of thy hand-maiden for behold he that is mightie hath humbled me greatlie O blessed trinitie come visit a wretch that now as thou seest is entred into hir secret chamber and hath shut the dores about hir to hide hir selfe for a little while vntill thine indignation be ouerpassed Come I saie O glorious and almightie God come speedilie and through thy diuine power worke thou all our works for vs heere in secret that we may praise thee openlie For thou art my God and my soule hath greatlie longed for thee both daie and night Yea with my spirit within me doo I hartilie and earnestlie seeke thee earlie and late oh would God that I might find thee whome my soule loueth For in the waie of thy iudgements O Lord doo I wait I constantlie abide in mi●e aduersities wherewith thou dooest woorthilie afflict me and put my trust onlie in thee from whome I expect speedie deliuerance in thy good time Thy sweet name O Iesu and the remembrance of thee is now the thing that my languishing soule so much longeth for● O come therefore vnto me at the last and comfort me satisfie my longing to the full and deliuer thy faithfull hand-maid and sorrowfull seruant out of this extreame sorrowe and easelesse paines that I may no longer crie and saie Why is my heauines continuall and my paines so intollerable How is it Lord that for no intreatie thou wilt not deliuer thine hand-maid from such indurable greefes How long shall I suffer the paines of the birth and the anguish of the trauell Now long Lord shall my bowels thus sound like an harpe my bones and sinewes be racked asunder and mine inward parts be thus
greeuouslie tormented for my sins Consider O Lord how I am troubled how my wombe is disquieted and my hart wambleth within me for anguish Wilt thou haue no compassion on a wretch Wilt thou cause me thus to trauell still in paines intollerable and greefe vnspeakeable Wilt thou not bring foorth that which thou hast formed that I may be deliuered of that which I haue conceiued Alas O Lord alas my God yea my deare and onelie God wilt thou not heare the lamentable cries and regard the inward teares of a wretch that trauelleth laboureth so sore with child euen the wofull voice ● mournfull lamentation of thy hand-maid and daughter I saie though vnworthie that thus all the daie long sigheth crieth and stretcheth out hir feeble han●● vnto thee in heauen calling for thy heauenlie helpe and succour Oh Lord spare me oh deare God haue mercie vpon me and my babe Shall I be the graue of my child Shall I giue death the fruit of my bodie for the sins of my soule and my first second or third 〈◊〉 for the transgressions of my youth Alas shall that perish in the wombe which is conceiued by thee or shall it die in the birth and not be borne which thou hast so mightilie fashioned Hast thou shut vp the doores of my wombe in thy displeasure and couered me with the shadowe of death that the birth may not come out Wilt thou cause that to die in the birth I saie which is the woonderfull worke of thy almightie hand God forbid oh God forbid Oh saue me and my babe I beseech thee and let it not be as a thing borne out of time either as an infant which neuer sawe the light neither let it perish or be slaine so soone as it commeth out of the wombe but open thou the wombe and bring it foorth safelie that I may set it on my knees and giue it sucke with my brests Oh finish the thing mercifullie which thou hast begun so gratiouslie in me and let me reioice rather that a man-child is borne into the world els why am I in this plight Wo is me now that euer I sinned for how shall I be able to endure all the sorowes and pangs of a trauelling woman which are now or hereafter shall be iustlie laid vpon me O Lord thou seest my hart fainteth my face looketh pale yea sounding with a sighing and gasping soule I crie out and saie Alas that euer I sinned Wo is me that euer I offended so louing a God so mercifull a Sauiour so deare a redeemer so holie and blessed a sanctifier Alas for this daie which is so dreadfull that none may be likened vnto it And out alas for the time of this perplexiti● of this sorowe and griefe which I now sensiblie feele and endure both in bodie and mind for it is like the daie and time of Rachel My sorowe and trouble may be compared to Phinees wiues trouble my state and condition seemeth to me and others to be not much vnlike vnto theirs I saie from the which neuerthelesse for thy great mercie sake good Lord I beseech thee deliuer me and saue me and my ●abe from the graue as my trust is in thee Amen Another O GOD make speede to saue me O Lord make hast to helpe me Make no long tarieng O my God least I be like to those that go downe into the pit How long Lord wilt thou forget me How long shall I bee plucked a sunder with these griping greefes and pinching pangs of deadlie throwes How long shall I a wretch expect thy gratious comfort and readie helpe How long wilt thou forget thy creatures O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from thy hand-maid thus being in miserie Shall my greefe euer continue my paines neuer cease What is my power O Lord that I should endure such pangs Or what is my strength that I may abide such throwes Surelie O God thou knowest my strength is not the strength of stones neither is my flesh or bones made of brasse or iron For in troth there is in me no helpe nor in anie mortall creature anie reliefe or succour yea all strength is vtterlie taken from me and there is none that I can find to helpe me therefore without thy helpe strength and patience it is impossible for me to continue in this perplexitie Oh spare me therefore a litle that I may recouer my strength before I go hence and be no more seene O Lord cast not awaie thy seruant in thy displeasure but let it be thy good pleasure to deliuer me Make hast O Lord to helpe me Wilt thou absent thy selfe for euer or hast thou shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure Is thy mercie cleane gone and thy promises come vtterlie to an end for euermore Chasten me O Lord and correct me but giue me not ouer vnto death neither shut vp my soule with the wicked in the graue Let not mine enimie saie So so I haue deuoured hir For I come vnto thee with those good women in the Gospell and falling downe at thy feet in trembling and feare I humblie beseech thee saieng O sweet Iesu O sonne of Dauid O Lambe of God that ta●e ●t awaie the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me that am grieuouslie vexed with nipping throwes Lord helpe me Lord heare me and vouchsafe to grant me the thing that I long for and destre that is that thou my maker and preseruer wilt speedilie come and comfort me mitigate these griefs now after the time that thou hast plagued and tormented me with all thy stormes and in great compassion haue mercie vpon me and my seelie infant that it be not like the vntimelie fruit or like the birth that dieth and is borne togither After this night and houre of calamitie ouerpassed let the pleasant morning of comfort luckilie shine vpon me that by time I may heare and feele thy goodnes and mercie in obteining at thy hand a comfortable issue and deliuerance for in thee onelie is all my trust Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy mercie and righteousnes bring my soule and bodie out of this distres and ease me of these paines for I am thy seruant O come and comfort me thy weake creature in these mine afflictions with the presence of thy holie spirit that euen in death I may find life For vn●er thy protection and defence mercie and fauour doo I wholie repose my selfe Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit preserue and keep me relieue ease and speed me O Lord thou God of truth for thou hast redeemed me Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not now nor forsake me O God of my saluation What profit is there in my bloud when I go downe to the pit Shall the dust giue thanks vnto thee or shall the graue declare thy truth O therefore haue mercie on me good Father for thy holie name sake euen for thy
fashioned vs altogither With skin and bones hast thou couered vs and ioined vs togither with bones and sinews Thou hast giuen vs life and grace and thy visitation hath preserued our spirits Grant we beseech thee to all infants yet vnborne that knit togither with their due veines and members they may come foorth into this world sound and perfect without fault or deformitie and grant that they being borne vpon their mothers sides may be ioifull vpon their mothers knees and sucke the milke of comfort out of the breasts of hir loue to the reioising of the mother Staie the furiousnes of wicked spirits that they shewe not their tyrannie vpon yoong infants Keepe all women with child that no waie being terrified frighted or troubled extreemelie they be vntimelie deliuered Giue grace also to the babes newlie borne that togither with their outward baptisme they may be receiued into the congregation of the faithfull with wholesome water through the renewing and regeneration of the holie spirit which thou wilt plentiouslie powre vpon them through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that being iustified by grace they may be made heires according to the hope of eternall life and become new creatures through him Strengthen all women deliuered and lieng in child-bed that beeing restored to their woonted health they may glorifie thee their helper in the time of need and learne afterward to repose their whole confidence in thee which art nigh vnto all that call vpon thee to all we saie calling vpon thee in truth And if at anie time through thine vnsearchable iudgement an vntimelie birth or vnluckie deliuerance happen so comfort O mercifull father the mournefull and sad parents that they faint not with sorrowe but beleeue rather that the woful chance is a triall of their faith hope and patience For thou art a mercifull and gratious God forgiuing our sins Though thou art angrie with our wickednes yet in thy displeasure thou remembrest thy mercie that the troubled may take comfort and the afflicted find grace For this doo all thy seruants persuade themselues that if they be tried they shall be crowned if they be troubled they shall be deliuered and if they be chastened they shall be saued for thou hast no plesure in our damnation which bringest faire wether after stormes gladnes after teares Thy name O God be praised for euer Amen The same praier more breefe for women with child generallie O Heauenlie father and eternall God which through thine vnspeakable wisedome hast enioined woman-kind that in paine and sorrowe they should bring foorth children and replenish the earth O Lord we beseech thee giue them grace to call into mind this thy decree and pleasure and thereby patientlie to beare the greefe and groanes incident vnto them Conuert Lord their sorrowes into gladnes through a luckie deliuerance and let them remember their paines no more for ioie that a man is borne into the world Comfort them in the midst of their anguish and helpe as well the mother as the babe especiallie in the danger of deliuerance For without thine assistance they perish vndoubtedlie all the world cannot helpe them Grant to all yet vnborne that knit togither with their due veines and members they may come into this world sound and perfect without all deformitie Staie the furiousnes of wicked spirits that they shew not their malice and tyrannie vpon yoong infants Blesse all with child that no waie being terrified or troubled extreamelie they bee vntimelie deliuered Giue grace to all babes newlie borne that togither with their outward baptisme they may be receiued into the congregation of the faithfull and be made new creatures filled with the holie Ghost euen from their mothers womb Strengthen all women deliuered with thy vertue and power whereby they may receiue their woonted health and glorifie thee their helper in the time of need learning afterward to repose their whole confidence in thee which art nigh vnto all that call vpon thee euen to all that call vpon thee in truth And if at any time through thy sufferance and vnsearchable pleasure an vntimelie birth or if without offence we may saie an vnluckie deliuerance doth happen comfort O mercifull God the pensiue parents that they despaire not through sorrowe but thinke rather that the wofull chance is a triall of their faith hope and patience and so confesse thee to be alwaies as good and gratious God forgiuing sins and remembring mercie in thy great displeasure that the troubled may take comfort and the afflicted find grace For thus doo al thy seruants persuade them selues that if they be tried they shall be crowned if they be troubled they shall be deliuered if they be chastised they shall be saued through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier to be said of euerie Christian midwife for hirselfe before she execute hir office O Heauenlie Father which at the beginning didst appoint woman to bee the organe instrument and vessell to receiue nourish bring foorth man through thy woonderfull workmanship without anie labour paine or helpe of flesh and blood but afterward through the sinne and disobedience of our grandmother Eue hast made that which before was easie now to become hard and painefull yea dangerous and impossible if thy helpe were not for them to be brought to passe and now as a meane hast ordeined man to be a god to man and made woman through thine vnspeakable power working togither with him to helpe ease woman which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes are not able in this case and time of their sore labour to helpe themselues For as much as it hath pleased thee among manie other more worthie to call me thy most vnworthie hand-maid to the office of a midwife among the daughters of Israel and made me an instrument and means vnder thee to comfort them in their sorrowes cherish them in their child-beds ease them in their pains and to further them in their deliuerance with all possible paines and conuenient speede that I may and can in thee and for thee I most hartilie thanke thee and praise thy holie name and maiestie beseeching thee of grace and vertue to walke worthie of this my calling in all holie obedience to thee and thy word to thy glorie others profit and mine owne saluation in Christ. And because I knowe and feele mine owne weaknes and must needs confesse how that of my selfe I am far vnable to discharge mine office with such dutie as apperteineth without the assistance and helpe of thine almightie power and holie spirit to strengthen me therein For it lieth not in the power of flesh and bloud no nor in all the helpe of the world to go through with so great a worke and weightie enterprise as this is but it onlie and alone belongeth vnto thee our creator and maker of heauen and earth Therefore blesse thou so my weake labours and further my paines that the fruit thereof may redound to the praise of thy name profit of
thy people and their posteritie Take from me all ignorance negligence slouthfulnes slacknes and disdaine yea from all vnmercifulnes rough handling hardnes of hart contempt of others falshood crueltie and bloudgiltines good Lord deliuer me and in steed thereof make me wise-harted skilfull louing gentle tender pitifull cherefull comfortable helpfull painefull watchfull strong able readie willing carefull diligent faithfull euen for thy sake onelie without respect of filthie lucre to pleasure all women at all times in my calling to the full discharge of my conscience and dutie both before thee and the world And O Lord to the end there may be found no fault in my ministerie nor anse woman or child said to be hurt or perish in their trauell by my negligence or ignorance and that I may auoid all slander and reproch I beseech thee O almightie God worke thou all my works for me and that which thou beginnest by me finish it I praie thee also by me to the glorie of thy name and giue me euer good lucke and prosperous successe through the power of thy spirit in all my womanlie and lawfull enterprises enioined of thee as a necessarie businesse to be done that they may come to a fortunate and desired end in thee as I hartilie wish and praie Finalie blesse me O God with all thy good gifts of grace vertue skill and cunning as thou didst thy holie seruants Shiphra and Puah the two graue matrons godlie women and famous midwiues of the Hebrue women in Aegypt that I fearing thee more than men as they did and being faithfull to my patients as they were may not onelie moue thee to haue mercie on me and to prosper me in making my house to increase as thou didst them but also by mine obedience and vpright dealing in mine office thy people may be multiplied and the families of thy true Israelites increased to the praise of thy glorie the exaltation of thy power renowme of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be said of the midwife when she goeth about to doo hir office OH my celestiall Father be now mercifull vnto me thy repentant handmaid and sinfull seruant fled from mine enimies vnto thy helpe and succour Impute not vnto me my sinnes for Christs sake for I haue heard thy fatherlie voice and yet it soundeth dailie in mine eares out of heauen promising mee and affirming constantlie thy selfe to be appeased pleased and at one with me for thy Sonne my sweet Sauiour Iesus sake whom thou commandest me to heare and beleeue who I am sure is made of thee my righteousnes my satisfaction my reconciliation my peace-making my mediatour and intercessour with his praiers my fulfilling of the lawe my deliuerer and the whole wholie accomplisher of all my iust desires and my sauiour Christ Iesus God and man In whose blessed and holie name at this present I attempt and take in hand to doo mine office according to my vocation for thy glorie and this womans profit ease comfort and helpe in thee desiring thy gratious goodnes most mercifull Lord and Father for thy dearly beloued sonne sake Iesus Christ who without all helpe of man was conceiued and begotten of thee his father before all worlds and who also without anie helpe of woman was borne brought foorth into this world for our sakes of his blessed mother Marie the virgin For his sake I saie vouchsafe to prosper it further it and to giue it happie increase whatsoeuer I take now in hand iustlie and fortunatelie to finish the same O holie Father worke thou all our works for vs here in secret that we may praise thy name openlie before all people O prosper thou the works of our hands vpon vs Prosper thou our handie worke and blesse all things which I take in hand with thy blessed increase and let me doo nothing in this my action hurtfull either to the mother or hir babe neither let me seeke mine owne will but euer to praie that thy will be fulfilled here now in earth of vs as it is in heauen of thine angels And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from all euils present and to come Amen Amen In doing hir office let the midwife praie thus with hir selfe and saie I In the name of God Amen Preuent vs O Lord in this action and all our doings with thy most gratious fauour and further our labours with thy continuall helpe that in this and all our works begun continued and ended by thee and in thee we may glorifie thy holie name and finallie by thy mercie obteine euerlasting life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Or else thus THE glorious maiestie of the Lord our God be vpon vs. Prosper and direct thou O God the worke of our hands vpon vs. O prosper thou our handi-worke and this womans labour that we may bring foorth more fruite in our age to flourish with praises in the Church of Saincts to glorifie thee Amen If the woman haue verie sore labour and be long in trauelling and in danger of death then let the mid-wife and all the women assistant about hir kneele downe and praie one after another hartilie and ●arnestlie as followeth Midwife O Lord remember not our offences nor the iniquities of our fore-fathers and mothers neither take thou vengeance on our sins but spare vs good Lord O spare thy people whom thou hast redeemed with thy most pretious bloud and be not angrie with vs for euer Women Correct vs O Lord and yet in thy iudgement not in thy furie least we should be consumed and brought to nothing Midwife Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Women Christ haue mercie vpon vs. Midwife Lord haue mercie vpon vs. Altogither Our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done c. Midwife And leade vs not into temptation Women But deliuer vs from euill Amen Mid. O Lord saue this woman thy seruant and hand-maid Wo. Which putteth hir onlie trust in thee Mid. O Lord send hir present helpe from thy holie place Wo. And euermore mightilie defend hir Mid. Let the enimie haue none aduantage of hir Wo. Nor the wicked approch to hurt hir Mid. Be thou now vnto hir O Lord a strong tower Wo. From the face of all hir enimies visible and inuisible Mid. Lord heare our praiers Wo. And let our crie come vnto thee Amen Midwife Let vs praie O Most mightie God our heauenlie Father we beseech thee looke downe mercifullie from heauen behold visit releeue and ease this wofull woman thy seelie seruant which is greeued now with sore labour tedious trauell and bitter paines Looke vpon hir with the eies of thy mercie and extend thine accustomed goodnes to hir now in this hir perplexitie And for-as-much as hir pangs and paines seeme vnto vs most extreame and hir trauell verie dangerous both to hir selfe and hir babe giue hir grace we beseech thee patientlie to endure this thy crosse of griefe and
porches of the Church that I may intreat all people both small and great and I will saie thus vnto them Trample and tread me vnder foot which am the foolish salt the vnsauorie salt Treade on mee which have no taste or relish of God treade me vnder foote which am fit for nothing Trample mee vnder your feet as a Iesabell for I am a daughter of Sodom and Gomer that deserueth to obteine no mercie nor to haue anie pitie or compassion to be shewed vnto me but to be quite forgotten and put cleane out of all remembrance Now let the virgins mourne and lament for that their fellowe virgin is defiled Now let the maidens and damosels mourne for that their companion is fallen Now let the wiues widowes yong women and matrons mourne for that a fellowe sister is fallen Now let all women both old and yong maried and vnmaried bond and free mourne and lament for that an aduancement of virginitie and womanhood is shamefullie fallen and hath broken hir faith and promise made both to God and man Wo is me that I fell so lewdlie Wo is me that I fell most dangerouslie and cannot rise againe Assist me O holie spirit and giue me grace to repent Let the fountaine of teares be opened and gush out into streames to see if peraduenture I may haue the grace worthilie and throughlie to repent and to wipe out of the booke of consciences the accusation that is printed against me But thou O Lord thinke not vpon polluted lips neither weigh thou the tongue that hath vttered lewd things but accept thou repentance affliction and bitter teares the dolor of the hart the heauinesse of the soule and haue mercie vpon me and raise me vp from out of the mire of corruption for the puddle thereof hath euen choked me vp Wo is me that sometime was a pearle glistering in the golden garland of glorie but now throwne into the dust and trode in the mire of contempt Wo is me that the ●ault of God now lieth in the dunghill Wo is me that the temple of the holie Ghost is thus prophaned and made a cage of vncleane spirits Wo is me that thy holie house of praier is become a den of fee●ds But how great streames of lamentations shall wipe and purifie mine humble hart Now I will addresse my selfe and turne my talke vnto God Why hast thou lifted me vp and cast me downe For as thou hast exalted me with the diuine word of thine heauenlie wisedome so mee thinks I sticke in the depth of sinne which my selfe haue wrought I had not committed this impietie vnlesse thou hadst withdrawne thine hand from me but it is thy pleasure O Lord which art good to doo all things gratiouslie and I of the other side being a foolish and fraile woman haue foolishlie fallen But why O Lord hast thou shut my mouth by thy iudgements threatened in thine holie word against adulterers and sinners Haue I beene the first that herein haue sinned Or am I the first that fell Why hast thou thus forsaken me being desolate and reiected Why hast thou thus banished me from among thy Saints and astonied me to read thy iudgements and lawes What is he or she borne of a woman that sinneth not What man or woman is there now or euer was conuersant here vpon earth and did none iniquitie This I saie bicause thou hast thus forsaken me Dauid Bersaba and the woman of Samaria sinned too bad in thy sight yet after their repentance thou receiuedst them in mercie Likewise Peter a professor of truth and Marie Magdalen after their fall wiped awaie their bitter passions that they suffered with salt teares sleaing sinne and purging awaie the ●enom of the serpent not continuing long in the puddle of infidelitie but they of fauour were thought woorthie of mercie And this I speake to the end these things may take effect also in me miserable sinner CAP. V. WO is me that I fell thus wickedlie Wo is me that my aduenture in these things was so vnfortunate but now I humblie beseech thee O Lord inasmuch as I haue felt far woorse call me backe O Lord for that I tread a most perilous and ruinous waie that leadeth vnto death Grant me that good guide and teacher the holie Ghost that I be not made a pricking hedgehog and become an habitation for diuels but that I may tread vnder foote the diuell which trode me and ouercomming his sleights be restored againe to my former health puritie and saluation Remember not O Lord the iniquitie of thine humble suter who sometime haue celebrated vnto thee the fruits of virginitie Remember not O Lord the iniquitie of me seelie woman who made answere too soone with wicked language too rashlie gaue my consent to naughtinesse Now O all yee virgins and women which behold my wound tremble for feare let your loines be girt and your lamps burning and take heed that ye slumber not neither fall into the like crime but take heed watch and praie and come iointlie which haue the same measure of faith let vs assemble togither and rent our harts and prouoke streames of teares to gush out of the temples of our heads For when these run and flowe vpon the face of the earth there will followe remission of sinnes the paines will be auoided and the torments shall not be felt I mourne and am sorie from the hart roote O ye my friends that euer I fell from aloft I haue fallen and am brused there is no health in me Let all women lament ouer me bicause of this my dangerous fall let the garlands and crownes of virgins lament ouer mee for that I am seuered from among their blessed assemblies Let the whole Church of Christians lament and bewaile my wofull case for that I am so ruinous decaied wasted Let all people generallie lament ouer me for that I haue my deaths wound I see the clouds in the skie shadowing the light from me and the sunne hiding his bright beames And now ye doo all see and perceiue that my mouth is shut and that shame and confusion hath couered my face But bewaile me and lament this my bitter sorrowe bewaile me which am in like case with the reprobate bewaile me that am woorthie to be troden vnder foote as mire and dung of euerie one that goeth by the way bewaile mee that am become nothing but rottennes and wormes bewaile me that am taken awaie and made a publike example of reproch to all women and an inheritour of death and damnation and all bicause I would not vnderstand the feare of the Lord and liue after his commandements bewaile mee that am transformed into a dog a sow and filthie goate by trespassing against mine owne soule and bodie by dishonesting my friends and dishonouring my God CAP. VI. WHat shall I doo that am thus beset with manie mischiefes Alas O death why dooest thou linger I had rather thou spite me and beare me malice than
thy louing bridegroome to followe the filthie fleshlie pleasures of the world O sinfull soule how wretched is thy state O wicked wretch how sinfull is thy fall Oh my God whence proceede these irkesome stings of sinne Or who can make satisfaction for such heapes of iniquities O thou miserable wretch my sinfull soule why dooest thou not cast thy selfe headlong into the dungeon of griefe which of thine owne accord didst throwe thy selfe into the filthie sinks of sinne O thou polluted creature why dooest thou not burie thy selfe in the bowels of sorowe which so willinglie wallowedst in the kennell of shame O thou sinfull helhound why dooest thou not drowne thy selfe with the waues of weeping which hast so often swoome in the seas of fornication O sting of sinne O rod of sorrowe O daughter of heauines torment me scourge me plague mee crucifie mee and trample and tread me as a filthie rag vnder your feet I haue deserued it yea I haue sought it for I haue most impudentlie contemned yea and most arrogantlie prouoked you nay rather God not you and therefore now shew your authoritie in executing the giltie to death that ye may be reuenged for your God Let the sinfull fornicatrix feele the punishments she hath deserued and drinke deepe of the cup of shame she hath desired O thou my sinfull soule it is now high time for thee to shew the fruits of repentance which hast so long straid from the fold of the godlie virgins and erred from the paths of the righteous women Bath thy selfe I saie in the sweet streames of repentance which so often hast wallowed in the filthie puddles of vnrighteousnes O God of all consolation and securitie I durst not sue for anie fauour at thine hands vnlesse I had brought in my bosome a pardon for my sinnes procured by repentance in the death of Christ which heere with teares I present vnto thee desiring thee good God of consolation if again with the dog I returne to my vomit and wallowe in my sinnes as the sow in the mire then to driue me from the countrie of the godlie and to banish me like a vagabond from the court of my sauiour and spouse yea I desire of God it may be so and I hope in Christ it shall be so And although I am not woorthie to lift vp mine eies to heauen to call to my God for grace by reason of the multitude of my misdeeds which alwaies are as red as scarlet in my sight yet am I not vnworthie with continuall weeping and crieng for grace to loose them For seeing my soule is constrained through greef of conscience to powre forth praiers to my God for his mercie and grace it is meete it should be done with great contrition of heart and continuall mourning Consider therefore O my soule what thou hast done and what plagues thou hast deserued for losing thy virginitie Ponder I say lament and remember O my soule before thou end the short pilgrimage of this life how thine aduersarie the Diuell like a roring lion lies lurking in euerie corner to deuoure thee and sends out his messengers into all places to entrap thee O my God what doo I see on earth but engins to entrap me What I say can I behold but baites to entise mee Alas and out alas what doo I heare A cōfession of mourners a crashing of teeth and a great multitude of howlers Wo is me alas For me thinks I see great flames of fire huge balles of wild fire and fornaces full of boiling leade and all approching neere vnto me Alas what meanes these strange cries of monstrous woormes What diuelish spite doth thus inflame them and what firie flame doth so torment them O yee hellish hagges frieng with heate and frowning with furie why are yee so cruell to those that lie howling amongst you Is there no meane no remedie nor no end of this your punishments and are these O my God the torments which are prepared for filthie fornicators and contemners of thy commandements of which I am one yea the cheef of all sinners And must I needs abide these infernall plagues Then O my soule why art thou not afraid And thou my hart why dooest thou not rent in sunder Alas alas how suddenlie yea and how greeuouslie the serieants of sinne now seeme to arrest me Alas I saie what wicked actions mine aduersarie sinne hath found against mee But oh cruell sinne whether wilt thou carrie me And thou my God whither wilt thou leade me If I haue committed this horrible crime which deserueth death O yet remember I praie thee that thou art my Sauiour If I haue broken the bands of chastitie O yet call to mind that thou art my redeemer O my God if I haue done any thing that deserueth death and damnation yet forget not how that thou sheddest thy pretious bloud to saue me And therefore O my mercifull God be not so seuere in marking what is done amisse of me but let thy mercie preuaile and couer all my secret and open faults Remember thou saiedst by the mouth of the Prophet I will not the death of a sinner but that he should conuert and liue My God which canst not lie what meanest thou to say that thou wouldest not the death of a sinner if thou throwe him into the bottomlesse pit of hell Dooest thou meane that thou carest not for the death of a sinner when thou committest him to the slauerie of the diuell Is this thy meaning I say when thou saiedst I had rather he should turne and liue I am a sinner O my God if therefore thou haue no delight in the death of a sinner then who shall let thee to take compassion vpon mee sillie woman If thou hadst rather he should turne and liue then who shall withhold thy countenance from me sinfull wretch If the hugenesse of my sinnes deserues a wound the care of so gratious a father prepares a salue God forbid that the wickednesse of a sinner repenting hir of hir sinne from the bottome of hir heart should surmount the mercies of so bounteous a Sauiour O therefore remember me most louing father I beseech thee because thou art my redeemer and take compassion vpon thine vnwoorthie handmaid because thou art my sauiour Respect not O my God the iustice due to so greeuous a sinner but remember thy louing kindnesse towards thy creature Remember not O Lord the offences of a sore transgressor but call to mind the mercies of a louing sauiour I confesse O Lord that my sinnes both old and new deserues eternall condemnation and that no repentance is able to make satisfaction for the least of my faults and yet by faith I am assured of my saluation bicause thy mercies surpasse thy iudgements Spare me therefore O Lord for my soule appealeth from the seate of thy iustice to the throne of thy mercie O deliuer me because thou art almightie Oh saue me sinfull woman because thou art mercifull and take compassion vpon
and make choice or ordinarie election and that thy counsell standeth not in anie mans power neither can anie man alter or diminish thy purpose Wherfore I most humblie beseech thee most mercifull father that if this coniunction of our minds and loue be thy worke and counsell that thou vouchsafe for the glorie of thy name to giue vs some token and true certificate thereof by the increasing and stedfastlie stablishing our godly loue in thee that thou wilt performe the same in vs in thy good time to thy glorie and our comfort that we may the more perfectlie loue and rightlie serue thee But if it be a false persuasion or temptation of the enimie to deceiue vs and to drawe vs from thee then good Lord for thy deere sonne Christes sake I beseech thee so to alter our loue and change our minds so order and guide vs that we may soone be certified thereof that thereby we may flie all occasions of euill and the more zealouslie cleaue vnto thee and in our trie●g to stand stedfast in patience so that neither selfe-will nor the lusts of our corruptions doo deceiue vs and if it be for chastening which I confesse we haue not onlie deserued but sore and greeuous punishment for our manifold and greeuous sinnes yet for thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake oh deere God which hast said that thou delightest not in our destruction I most humblie beseech thee that we may by thy mercie come againe into thy fatherlie fauour and after our great sorrowe and heauines we may obteine perpetuall ioie and consolation and be receiued into the fellowship of thy faithfull fruitfull seruants and Saincts Grant this deere father for thy beloued sonne Iesus Christes sake our onlie peace and mediatour So be it Another praier to be vsed of anie woman before the solemnisation of hir marriage I Beseech thee O father which art neither made nor begotten marrie me now and for euer vnto thy sonne marrie mee vnto him in righteousnesse and iudgement in godlinesse in mercie and in compassion marrie me I saie vnto him in faith that I may trulie knowe thee my Lord and God which wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he repent and liue O thou onlie begotten sonne of God ioine me now I beseech thee vnto thy bodie that ingraffed in thee I ●ay drawe from thee the iuice of life and of heauenlie wisedome Defend me O holie Ghost and thine whole Church against the rage of Sathan the world the flesh and the diuell and let all things that I doo please thee for thou O glorious Trinitie art my husband which louest me my God whom I worship and the head whervnto I am subiect To thee be glorie and praise both of men and Angels now and for euer Amen Another praier to be vsed of the man or woman a little before they be married O Eternall Father of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ which art the maker and king of all creatures we thanke thee from the bottome of our harts for that thou hast not cast mankind fallen from thy grace through sin into euerlasting destruction as thou didst the diuell but of thine vnspeakable goodnesse and secret counsell thou broughtest foorth thy sonne Iesus and madest him an husband that hauing taken our flesh vpon him he might marrie the faithfull vnto himselfe Immortall praise and glorie to thee for reuealing this thy couenant to mankind from time to time by teachers and for calling vs to his heauenlie marriage by thy ministers we beseech thee by and for the same thy sonne so to change and confirme our hearts by thy spirit that adorned with the wedding garments of righteousnesse faith holie loue chaste minds and good conscience and without all hypocrisie dissimulation and without the sinne against our owne conscience wee may approch to this honourable estate of matrimonie and be found in the number of thine elect Let vs now trulie be espoused in faith and vertue to thine heauenlie spouse and be ingraffed in his flesh Let vs be two in one flesh and so cleaue to him that we may be one spirit and so drawe the heauenlie motion of faith comfort ioie and eternall life from him that alwaies we may be though two bodies yet but one soule Finallie our troublesome race beeing finished bring vs with thine elect vnto thy visible companie that for euermore we may remaine in the spouse of the vniuersall Church in eternall companie and comfort Amen Another meditation and praier declaring how Christ adorneth the nuptiall feast with his bodilie presence O Eternall true and almightie God which at the first creation of the world after thou hadst made man an image of thy wisedome and goodnesse bearing such shape as thine eternall sonne at a time determined did take vpon him and afterward of thy secret counsell through thy word didst vtter these words It is not good for man to be alone Thy will it was that from a few euen two the whole multitude of mankind should proceed and a sacred Church honouring thy name religiouslie and sincerelie deliuering vnto posteritie to come the true knowledge of thy word should proceed Thy will it is that both our weake nature may liue purelie in the lawfull state of marriage and thy Church multiplied more and more through the generation of the godlie O gratious God which art pure from all spot of impuritie and wouldest that the cleere vnderstanding of holinesse should shine in vs that approching vnto thee in praier we might discerne thy goodnesse from the nature of incestuous and polluted gods By thy chaste and holie spirit we humblie beseech thee purge our harts that in an holie and chaste conuersation we may be coupled togither to serue thee vtterlie renouncing thine enimie the diuell which is the author of incestuous lawes contrarie to thy commandements forbidding men to marrie for none other end but that both the one by licentiousnesse of life might be forgotten and flocks of wicked men through their lewd conuersation be withdrawne from thee to eternall miserie Be it far from vs O God that so much as in thought we should either so dishonour thy sacred maiestie or hurt our selues And we beseech thee strengthē vs weak ones with thy diuine power that we neuer be drawne from thee our God through sinfull desires of the flesh which hinder our praiers the onelie comfort of the Saincts distressed in this miserable life neither forgo the sweetnes and ioie of a godlie conscience through hardnesse of hart and horrible blindnesse wherewith lewd liuers are commonlie punished nor when the course of this mortall life shall be cut off we feele not those torments appointed for the wicked according to that terrible threat Euerie soule which shall commit these abhominations shall perish from among the people And thou O sonne of God which hast ordeined the loue of married folks to be a mysterie of a woonderfull and heauenlie thing instill into our minds and breasts
matrimonie that by the same both the weake nature of mankind might liue purelie in lawfull wedlocke and an holie Church be gathered vnto thy selfe giue thy blessing to vs and all which are married that we and they may haue godlie children and their wiues prooue like the fruitefull vine and their children appeare like the oliue branches round about their table and may see their childrens children the peace and safetie of thy Church the which Christ thy sonne repairer of mankind by taking our flesh vpon him hath coopled to himselfe which liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie spirit a God blessed and praised for euermore Amen A praier to be said of a yong married woman or a VVife O Lord forasmuch as thou of thy fatherlie goodnes hast vouchsafed to keepe me from my tender age vntill this present and hast now called me from my single life vnto the holie state of honorable wedlocke that I liuing therein might according to thine ordinance bring foorth children vnto thy glorie giue me grace I most entirelie beseech thee to walke worthie of my vocation to knowledge my hus●and to be my head to be subiect vnto him to learne thy blessed word of him to reuerence him to obeie him to please him to be ruled by him peaceablie and quietlie to liue with him to weare such apparell as is meet for my degree and by no meanes to delight in costlie iewels and proud gallant vestures but alwaie to vse such cloathing as becommeth a sober chast and christian woman circumspectlie and warelie ●o looke to my houshold that nothing perish through my negligence and alwaies haue a diligent eie that no dishonestie no wickednesse no vngodlinesse be committed in my house but that in it all things be ordered according to thy holie will which art woorthie all honour glorie and praise for euer and euer Amen Another MErcifull and gratious God forasmuch as through thy grace I am placed in the state of matrimonie and called to the charge of a familie wherein doing my dutie I may please thee giue grace to me thy handmaid that I may haue ●hy feare alwaies before mine eies and loue thee my maker and redeemer aboue all things in this world Next imprint within my brest an intire affection of good will towards mine husband Let mee honour him cherish him and loue him aboue all men and onlie as my part is and I haue promised Grant that my will according to thy commandement may be in subiection to mine husband and obeie him in all equitie and that the hid man of mine hart be vncorrupt with a meeke and quiet spirit adorned with all kind of vertue for after this manner in time passed the ho●ie women which trusted in thee attired themselues and were subiect to their husbands Reforme the manners of thine handmaid and make me in my conuersation modest and honest make me in visage shamefast in words temperate in wit wise in going sober in conuersation meeke in correction pitifull in life circumspect in companie-keeping warie in promise stedfast in loue constant take from me all crabbednesse curstnesse stubbornesse and shrewdnesse and let mee haue an especiall care by vertue and friendlie words to mitigate the anger of mine husband if at anie time he be displeased and let me absteine from all such things as I knowe will offend him Furthermore giue me grace to bring vp my familie and children which thou hast or shalt giue me in all honestie and vertue to the honor of thy most holie name and my comfort Assist me in like sort that diligentlie I may saue not wastfullie or negligentlie consume those things which of thy mercie thou hast and dooest giue to the maintenance of mine houshold but grant that I may doo my dutie to the vttermost of my power whereby I may haue to giue to the poore and to releeue the needie Blesse vs O Lord from vnthri●tie seruants which will waste and wickedlie consume that which painefullie we haue gathered Also make me patientlie to suffer the troubles and affli●tions of married life and to continue in my dutie albeit manifold miseries doo arise persuading my selfe that by affliction my faith is tried O Lord vnto thy protection doo I commend my selfe my louing husband with all ours Uouchsafe O gratious God to keepe vs all from sinne shame and destruction through Christ our Lord Amen Another praier to be vsed of anie Noble woman c. when she is married or afterward O Most mercifull Lord and sauiour Iesu Christ which to expresse thy most burning affection towards thy best beloued spouse the Church hast offered thy selfe vpon the altar of the crosse to sanctifie and cleanse hir by the washing of water thorough the word and to make hir glorious for thy selfe without spot or wrinkle or anie such thing and also coopled thy selfe to hir by suffering vpon thine owne flesh the punishment which was due vnto hir Ioine me I beseech thee vnto thy bodie that ingraffed in thee I may drawe from thee the iuice of life and of heauenlie wisedome Marrie me for euer O sweet Christ vnto thy selfe in righteousnes and iudgement in godlines mercie and faith that I may trulie knowe thee my Lord and my God which wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he or she repent and liue Giue me grace also that I neuer delight in mine owne beautie or fairenesse and so plaie the harlot by following mine old lewd louers which promise me bread and water wooll flaxe oile wine and drinke to entise me to follie but make me with a chaste bodie and pure affection to serue thee in chast matrimonie and to loue my husband vnfeignedlie from my hart without dissimulation so that he may safelie trust in me as in his true turtle and sweet and deere companion and I may render vnto him good for good not euill for euill Giue me grace so to keepe my selfe in great feare of thee that being well occupied in my businesse temperate in my words faithfull to my husband well ordered in my person peaceable with my neighbour honest among mine owne familie and shamefast among strangers I may thereby conserue the reputation of mine estate and degree to thy glorie especiallie mine owne renowne and vertue and others good example Driue awaie Sathan the mortall enimie to this thine ordinance that he sowe not contentions and bralles betweene vs. Cut off all occasions of debate and sinister suspicions that so in a true conioining togither of minds we may in this world liue vertuouslie according to thy word Defend mee I saie O deere Christ and thine whole Church against the rage of sathan the world and the flesh Doo thou vouchsafe for euer to loue cherish and comfort such as are engraffed in thy flesh Purge and wash me continuallie from my s●●nes filthines and spots through thy great mercie and merits Finallie decke me with thy gifts and goodnes Wash mee with water and purge me with thy bloud annoint
me with thine oile of gladnes put vpon me the robes of righteousnes and couer me with the glorious purple adorne mee with the pretious stones of vertue and place vpon mine head glorie and honour that all mine ornament may be inward and that I may please thee through liuing in thy faith and ●eare and hoping in thy mercie For thou O sweet Iesu Christ art mine husband which tenderlie louest me my God whome I worship my head wherevnto● I am subiect and my bridegrome with whom I hope in heauen to reigne eternallie Amen Another praier to be said of anie noble woman ladie gentlewoman or modest matrone married FOrasmuch as it hath pleased thee O heauenlie father of thine inestimable mercie to bring me to this high estate of dignitie and to put me in possession of a place of honor as a matrone for other women to behold grant vnto mee I humblie beseech thee that in all my dooings I may followe the example of all vertuous and graue matrones which are specified and described for our example in the holy scripture that is to be as louing and obedient vnto my Lord and husband as Sara was to Abraham as Susanna was to Ioachim and as humble loiall and wise as Abigaell was to King Dauid Hester to King Ahesuerus or the blessed and noble virgin Marie was to Ioseph Grant also I beseech thee that I be neither proud presumptuous ambitious disdainefull of others in comparison of my selfe high-minded nor a boaster in mine owne bloud kindred beautie wit or dignitie but with the noble Queene Hester to saie Thou knowest my state O Lord and that I hate this signe of preeminence and worship which I beare vpon my head what time I must go foorth to be seene and that I abhor it as an vncleane cloth and that I weare it not when I am quiet alone by my selfe that bearing alwaies an euen mind and hauing an humble opinion of my selfe as she that knoweth hir selfe to be but dust and ashes and en●bled by thee from whome alone commeth the true nobilitie and gentrie to so manie as are borne of thee and made thy children through faith I may laie awaie all pompe and pride nicenes tendernes and disdaine and euer set more by others than by my selfe yea and thinke my selfe worsse than anie other in thy sight to the end I may alwaies liue vertuouslie holilie shamefastlie soberlie and chastlie in all meekenes gentle behauiour discreete conuersation prudence wisedome learning vertue and puritie both in bodie and soule both before thee and all men as becommeth a christian and faithfull woman and such a one as will be a true imitator of Rebecca Hester and the rest of those holie matrones and noble women mentioned in the scriptures that all other seeing my good example of life may praise thy name and be encouraged thereby to glorifie thee in their vertuous conuersations world without end Amen A praier to be vsed of the wife that hath a froward and bitter husband as a present remedie against the mischiefe of di●orcement and separation O Most wise and prouident GOD which in the beginning didst create man in thine owne image and out of him didst make the woman and didst bring hir vnto the man that she might be an helper vnto him and therefore thou causedst him to saie and confesse that she was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones thereby teaching him not onlie the holie and indissoluble band of loue vnitie and mutuall societie that ought to be betweene man and his wife as for whose sake he ought to leaue father and mother and to clea●e vnto hir but also the most s●cred and blessed coniunction and knitting togither of our Lord Iesus Christ his sanctified Church and people so that no man can breake or despise that bond and vnitie but he must needs be giltie of presumption against God and of the wilfull breach and contempt of his ordinance Wherefore oh Lord sith it hath pleased thee to match me in this most honourable state of marriage according to thy diuine prouidence I beseech thee to make him an head vnto me and my selfe an helper vnto him according to my creation and as thy holie institution requireth And because thy holie word is the onlie rule and ordinarie to gouerne and direct our liues I hartilie desire thee oh good God giue this mine husband thy grace and holie spirit and so open thou his wits and senses that hauing by the light of thy grace the true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy holie word in all discretion he may knowe how to walke in his vocation both towards mee his poore wife and yoke-fellowe and all others as becommeth him and thereby become vnto me not so bitter a despiser and hater but a true louer sweet freend and godlie gouernour Thou O good father seest the great lacke and necessitie that I thine handmaid haue of a wise guide graue counseller holie instructor and continuall comforter O therefore I beseech thee looke vpon my trouble which I endure consider my reproofe and reproches that I beare in my bosome pitie my miserie ease me of so great a burthen and releeue my great need and necessitie Make this my husband I saie O deere God a head a vaile and defence vnto me for my preseruation and safetie for if we thus bite and deuour one another it cannot possible be but we shall be consumed one of another Make him therefore tender carefull and comfortable vnto me thy weake creature if it be thy good pleasure and grant that according to his promise made before thee and as thou hast commanded else-where in thy holie word he may with perfect and holie loue cherish nourish and loue me as his owne flesh and as Christ loueth his Church and as she that is heire togither with him of the grace of life that our praiers and godlie exercises to the benefiting of our soules and bodies be not interrupted or hindered Grant that he forsaking all other may cleaue onlie vnto me as becommeth without separation and that he may dwell with me as a man of knowledge and christian behauiour and gouernement to thy glorie my comfort and others edifieng But alas I must needs confesse vnto thee my God that I am most vnwoorthie of so good a be●efit for I haue not walked in this most honorable state purelie and holilie according to thy diuine ordinance whereby I haue made my selfe much more vnworthie to haue so pretious a gift at thy fatherlie hands and if it be thy good pleasure with frowardnes bitternes and vnkindnesse yea the hatred and disdaine of my husband thus to correct me for my fault I most hartilie thanke thee for it And I beseech thee so to order me in all things in thy great mercie that I neuer murmur or grudge impatientlie against thee for the same nor doo anie thing either against thee or my husband whereby thy maiestie may be displeased my husband offended or thy Gospell
to helpe and deliuer vs and thy people from the crueltie of our enimies And although our sins haue instlie deserued to be punished with the sword of thy vengeance yea though we women for our abhominable pride and filthines haue merited to haue all violence vsed against vs in all vncleannesse by the enimie as our virgins to be rauished the wombe of our maidens opened and defiled the thighes of our wiues and daughters discouered and their wombs polluted and all generallie to be put to shame reproch and confusion yea to the slaughter and to haue our beds and bodies bathed in bloud yet looke mercifullie vpon vs with the eies of thy fauourable pitie who trulie and earnestlie repent vs of our sins and forget our corrupt and most filthie o●fences O let our contrite and sorowfull harts be a meane to mooue thee to haue pitie and compassion vpon vs our husbands and children and to vanquish thy displeasure iustlie conceiued against vs and our husbands children and families people and countrie Be thou present I saie O almightie God with vs our husbands thy souldiers in this time of our wars great necessitie and trouble fight thou their battels for them set thy hand to helpe and assist them against the enimie be present with vs I saie in this time of perill and danger Go thou foorth with our armies and hoasts and fight thou on our side then shall we be assured to preuaile Let not the multitude of our furious foes dismaie vs anie whit for victorie we doo knowe consisteth not in the power nor strength of manie men neither yet in the strength of horsses armour nor weapons but it is thou O mercifull father and mightie God that giuest the conquest where and to whome thou pleasest To thee therefore in this great perplexitie and bloudie battell doo we flie and appeale beseeching thee of thine inestimable loue and kindnes for the loue of our sauiour Iesus to looke vpon our true repentant harts and in the fulnes of thy miserations and pities to saue our liues from the sword and our goods from the spoile and deliuer vs and set vs free from the hands and power of our raging enimies abate their pride asswage their malice confound their deuises and to pardon all our sins and greeuous offences that being armed with thy defence and preserued by thee from all imminent perils we vow and dedicate our harts and minds wholie to walke in integritie and newnes of life to glorifie thee the onlie giuer of all victorie which grant good Lord through the merits of thine onlie sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be attributed all praise power and dominion for euer and euer world without end Amen A praier to be said of anie wife or daughter for hir husband or father being a Merchant-venterer or otherwise making his voiage by Sea O Almightie Lord God and most mercifull father maker of all things who by thine insearchable wisedome didst create that mightie globe of the world the heauens earth sea and all things else therein conteined vouchsafe I beseech thee to be mine husbands or my fathers aid and defence in this his dangerous voiage which he hath presumed to take reposing his onlie trust and confidence in thy mightie mercie to be deliuered and preserued from all manner of dangers and ieopardies that may happen either vpon the sea or on the drie land Thou knowest O Lord and most mercifull father that all those that trauell by sea are subiect to the hazard of diuers calamities either to be tossed at the pleasure of the wind and waues either to be dashed violentlie vpon the maine rocks or to sticke in the quick-sands or to be despoiled both of life and goods by the tyrannie of pirats but yet what crosse or affliction soeuer happen vnto him grant that he may acknowledge freelie that it is but a iust punishment for his and mine offences because from the first houre of our natiuitie we haue beene more apt and prone to followe the filthie appetites of our owne desires than to exercise our selues in the true waie of thine vndefiled lawe Notwithstanding what crosse soeuer I saie thou shalt thinke good to laie vpon him yea though thou suffer him to be drowned of the waues and swallowed downe into the deapth of the whales bellie with Ionas from which good Lord deliuer hun yet let him not despaire of thy mercie for thou art the same God foreuer thy right hand is not shortened neither is the greatnes of thy power diminished When Ionas laie three daies and three nights in the whales bellie in the sea yet didst thou at last O mighties God deliuer him safe and sound and sentest him to preach thy name to the great citie of Niniue Thou art yet the same God I saie thou wast at that time neither is thy power abridged at all and therefore although my husband or father be neuer so shaken with winds turmoiled with tempests tossed with the waues yea although he were vtterlie deuoured of the whale-fish in the bottome of the sea yet I confesse and so let him acknowledge that thou art able to deliuer him from all these dangers yea from the verie iawes of death To thee therefore doo I thine vnwoorthie handmaid make my humble supplication and intercession for my husband or father T.B. now passing the seas vnto thee doo I his seelie poore wife or child S.B. powre foorth my feruent and hartie praiers in my deere husbands or fathers behalfe because thou onlie art the castell of both our comforts and his bulwarke his watchman his keeper and defender his sure rocke and hope of his salnation To thee onlie and to none other doo I commit and commend him wholie bodie and soule goods ship fraught and all that belongeth vnto him Uouchsafe I beseech thee to blesse him preserue and keepe him in health and giue him grace so to behaue himselfe in this his iournie and at all times that in no part he offend thy diuine maiestie or prouoke thee to be angrie with him Direct his course safelie vnto the hauen mart Protect him and saue him and all his from the crueltie and force of the water-flouds Leade thou him foorth and bring thou him in Be thou O God his onlie staie and defence whether he sleepe or wake liue or die sinke or swimme vpon the waters as well as vpon the land and brieflie in all places and in all times and seasons shield and preserue thou him as my trust is in thee Thou knowest O Lord that this trade is not of his deuising nor yet proceeding of anie humane inuention but thou O father of thy meere mercie didst reueale the mysterie thereof to thy seruant Noah in commanding him to frame an Arke that might fleete vpon the flouds wherein he and his familie onlie to the number but of eight persons were saued in the great deluge or floud when all the world else for the greatnes
of iniquitie perished altogither and were vtterlie confounded and drowned in the mightie waters that ouerflowed the whole earth Uouchsafe therefore I beseech thee O most mightie God and mercifull father the ruler and gouernour both of heauen earth and sea with all the creatures conteined therein in thy mercie so to dispose the wind and the weather and to giue my husband or father such successe in this his voiage and iournie which he hath now presumed to take onlie vppon a sure faith assurance of thy mercie that it may turne him to no danger dammage losse or misfortune but that he may alwaie be deliuered from all the dangers both of the sea pirats and enimies and so that he may be safelie conducted by thy mercifull protection and assistance and haue a safe and prosperous returne home againe into his countrie as was righteous Noah in his arke and as may be most to thy glorie my comfort and his commoditie Behold I thine hand-maiden whom thou hast ransomed and redeemed doo crie vnto thee yea euen I as now a s●litarie woman left all desolate alone whom thou hast with thy pretious blood redeemed doo still crie and call hartilie vpon thee for my deere and welbeloued husband or father according to my dutie and thy commandement Heare me O God my sauiour the hope of ●ll the ends of the earth and of all them that be in the sea a far off Heare me I saie O mercifull father for now my deere husband or father is conuersant in a troublesome sea and perillous waters O stand thou vpon the shore of thy heauenlie countrie and looke at his perils Lord saue him for thy name sake that he perish not Gouerne his ship with thy right hand by the helpe of thy grace that he perish not in the waues of the stormie sea that the tempest of the waters ●rowne him not and that the deepe swallowe him not vp but Lord grant him so to keepe his course amiddes the vast seas betweene the most perillous rockes of Scilla and Caribdis and to hold so with the anchor of faith and hope in thee and in thy crosse and passion that he may escape the danger of both those dangerous rocks and be guided by thee the morning light and sea-star of daie sonne of righteousnes that he may come safe to land both outward and homeward without losse of man ship or fraught so will I yeeld thee immortall thanks perpetuall praises for thy fatherlie benefits and my tongue shall record thy works of glorie for euer and euer which thou dooest for the children of men both vpon the sea and land Yet O father not my will but thy blessed will and secret counsell be fulfilled both in him and in me and I beseech thee set thy feare alwaies before mine eies and indue me with such plentie of thy grace to strengthen my weakenes and frailtie in falling that in this my husbands or fathers absence I may continue faithfull and godlie in my vocation and persist in faith loue and holines with modestie Make me diligent to rule well my children and familie and to keepe them in all christian obedience that I may get my selfe a good report of all men Let me abandon all vaine pleasures fond delights which beguile vnstable soules Make me to shun and auoid all vnprofitable practises all idlenes s●oth and securitie and let me be well giuen and disposed to all huswifelines sobrietie godlines and chastitie keeping home instructing my houshold and praieng continuallie day and night because of my great necessitie that so liuing purelie and behauing my selfe christian●e in all obedience towards thee and loiall faithfulnes towards my husband or father I may giue occasion to the aduersarie to speake well of the professors of the Gospell to thy glorie and my comfort in Christ Iesus to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be all honor and glorie now and for euermore Amen Amen When your husband or father is come safe home from his iournie giue God thanks therefore and saie I Thanke thee O heauenlie father for this thy great mercie and grace which thou hast shewed vnto mee thine vnwoorthie hand-maid both in hearing and granting mine humble requests also in leading foorth and bringing in and causing this my deere husband or father to returne and come home againe safe and sound in good health to my great ioie and comfort This I acknowledge and confesse O Lord is brought to passe euen through thy meere mercie gracious goodnes and holie blessing which thou of thy woonted clemencie and bountifull liberalitie giuest and extendest to all them that keepe thy holie word and doo thereafter Blessed and praised therefore be thy most holie name for euer and I beseech thee O gratious God grant now both vnto my husband or father and me whiles we liue heere in this vale of miserie where we haue no abiding dwelling place or permanent citie but looke for one else-where with thee in our celestiall home a sure and quiet conscience to loue each other of vs in thee and for thee and to serue thee loue thee and praise thee with all our harts with all our strength and with all our soules for euer and euer through thy sonne Iesus Christ our Lord who is our onlie rest and peace to whome with thee and the holie Ghost three persons and one inuisible God be all praise dominion thanks for euer and euer Amen A praier and thanks-giuing to be said when your husband or father with his ship is safelie come home from his voiage by sea O Most mercifull Lord and heauenlie father I render vnto thee most humble and hartie thanks for the manifold and great mercies which thou from time to time hast mercifully bestowed vpon me both for my soule and bodie And amongst other O father I thanke thee for the good and prosperous successe which thou in thy mercie hast giuen my husband or my father in this his voiage and iournie deliuering him and his from all the dangers of the same disposing all things by thy good prouidence to a good and happie end and now safelie bringing him with ship and fraught home into his owne countrie and house to my great comfort and his commoditie Let this thy fatherlie fauour O Lord be both vnto him and me a sufficient cause to mooue vs continuallie to render thanks vnto thee and wholie to depend vpon thy mercifull prouidence both in prosperitie and aduersitie and that we may so walke before thee as thy glorie alwaie may shine in vs and that our tongues may be instruments of thy praise at all times and in all places euen all the daies of our life that we thus liuing in thy faith feare and loue and in the obedience of thy holie commandements may passe the time of this our pilgrimage in peace concord mutuall loue and amitie so that when the same is ended wee may liue and reigne with thee for euer and euer Amen When your
deere sonne Iesu Christs sake I saie haue compassion vpon a wretch that calleth vpon thee in his name and vouchsafe now yet at the length to shew some good token of thy fauour and mercie vpon me and that for my good and speedie deliuerance that they which hate me may be ashamed they that loue me be comforted and praise thee togither with me because thou O Lord hast had mercie on me and holpen me and sent me a speedie deliuerance of this burden and made me a ioifull and glad mother of this child to thy glorie So shall my soule magnifie thee O Lord and my spirit shall euer reioice in thee O God my Sauioue yea so shall I be ioifull in thy saluation and I will not cease to celebrate thy name among the saints and sing vnto thee the sugred songs of Sion to the perpetuall praise of thy renowmed name and erernall glorie of thy most sacred maiestie world without end Amen Amen Praiers and thanks-giuings to be vsed of women in child-bed after their trauell and deliuerance and at their churching or purifieng as they call it O My Lord God I thanke thee with all my heart wit vnderstanding and power for that thou hast vouchsafed to deliuer mee out of this my most dangerous trauell and hast sent into this world out of my wofull wombe this child a creature of thine owne fashioning forming and shape like vnto the rest of the children of thy creation for which I am not able worthilie inough of mine owne fraile nature to giue to thee condigne thanks praise honour and glorie for thy so great benefits shewed vnto me in pulling me out from the pit-brinke of death easing and releeuing all my wofull sorrowes labours pangs and most greeuous throwes bitter anguishes vnspeakeable paines which I could neuer haue escaped without out thy most singular aid helpe releefe and succour Wherefore I thy most humble hand-maid with stedfast and pure hart and hands doo powre out before thee my Lord God and onlie sauiour these my simple praiers of thanks-giuing the fruit of my faith hope trust charitie and assured confidence which I haue in thee assertaining my selfe that now thou hast preserued me for a further triall of my vocation and seruice towards thee in this vale of transitorie life wherin I may haue time by thy diuine permission and sufferance to direct all my steps in thy waies and to honour and glorifie thee in my soule and bodie with condigne thanks in reioising in thy holie name according to thy most blessed word wherein thou hast declared that a woman as long as she is in trauell of hir child-bearing she is sorrowfull heauie and full of anguish and intollerable paines but as soone as the child is borne she learneth straight-waies to forget all hir paines not remembring them anie longer and to reioice for that she hath brought foorth a child into the world Euen so O Lord fareth it with me thy poore humble and obedient seruant now reioising in that it hath pleased thee to make me a glad mother in bringing foorth this my child whome now I doo present before the face of thy diuine Maiestie with an earnest zeale of a godlie spirit and most pure affection praieng and beseeching thee O euerlasting God heere to preserue this child according to thy most holie will that it may enioie the benefit of all thy heauenlie sacraments to loue and serue thee in purenes of life as a faithfull member of the christian congregation wherein thy name by it may be glorified honoured and praised world without end Amen Another praier and thanks-giuing to be said of euerie faithfull woman in child-bed after the time of hir deliuerance vsed of the vertuous Ladie Francis Aburgauennie HOW much and how greatlie am I bound to laud praise and extoll thee O my Lord God Euen now was I assailed in my bodie being a wretched and sinfull woman with sundrie and diuers dolours and greeuous gripes of perillous pains in such sort that my agonies abounding death himselfe seemed to me to knocke at the gates of my bodie the rod of iustice laie so heauie vpon me so that I iudged my selfe a creature more meet for the graue whose clamour I thought still sounded in mine eares than to reape the benefit of life By my paines Lord God in this my trauell I am forced to confesse and acknowledge that thou art iust in thy promises and readie to punish sin and iniquitie By this my safe and sure deliuerance I am bound to acknowledge that with thy iustice thou alwaies frequeatest pitie commixing thy mercie and iustice togither in such sort that I must needs confesse thee to be most righteous and mercifull I can not O my God but protest that thou hast dealt fauourablie with me and those paines which I abode were laid vpon me for my sin and wickednes and yet hast thou not dealt seuerelie with me neither giuen sentence against me in thy furie which haue iustlie deserued the same For hadst thou O Lord respected my deserts I had perished euerlastinglie and beeue vtterlie confounded My greeuous groanes throwne foorth vnto thee pearsed the verie bowels of thine annointed sonne Iesus Christ who beholding mine agonies and bitter paines became an intercessor to thee for me through whose earnest intreatie and louing meditation thou conuertedst thy displeasure to mercie and for his sake alone that died vpon the crosse for mine offences thou hast asswaged my torments and in the fulnes of thy bountie and louing kindnes thou hast giuen me a liuing soule to glad my hart for the which I am bound of right to giue thee hartie and humble thanks humblie beseeching thee being now faint and feeble in bodie to strengthen me in soule mind and hart that my tongue may be the organe that may continuallie publish foorth thine euerlasting praise Grant this O gratious God for the loue of thine onlie begotten Sonne Iesus Christ to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all laud power and dominion for euer and euer Amen Another praier of a woman in child-bed after deliuerance OF dutie O Lord I lift vp mine eies and mind vnto thee and giue thee most humble and hartie thanks for thine infinite goodnes which hast not onelie beautified and blessed me most abundantlie with common rare and woonderfull gifts and benefites but euen now also hast vouchsafed of thy free mercie to send me safe deliuerance and to giue me this infant and child as a token of thy loue towards me the which so great a treasure and blessing though I be not able to deserue yet most louing father for Christs sake I beseech thee that thou wilt confirme thy fauour more and more towards me And take this infant into thy tuition defence whom I offer present vnto thee with hartie praier and neuer suffer him to fall into such vnkindnes wherby he should loose the force of thy grace but that he may perceiue thee continuallie to be
she still calleth vpon thy holie name and putteth hir full trust to be saued onlie in thy mercie impute not vnto hir the manifold sinnes of hir former life passed but pardon them and take hir vnto thy high fauour through the bloudie merits and deere death of thine onelie begotten sonne Iesus Christ our sauiour Amen Or praie thus O Pitifull physician and healer both of soule bodie Christ Iesu vouchsafe to cast thine eies vpon this thy poore sinnefull creature our deere sister M. B. who is here thy captiue bound with the burden of child-birth greefe vnspeakable paines in the chaine of sinne and death for our transgression in our grandmother Eue turning this hir weaknes and greefe to thy glorie hir health and safe deliuerance And vouchsafe good Lord to send hir patient sufferance that she may stedfastlie continue to the end in these extremities that she may with a true and perfect faith in thee fight now a good fight and stand manfullie against all the temptations of the diuell hir mortall enimie when she may no longer continue O Sauiour of the world saue hir which by thy crosse and precious bloud hast redeemed hir Amen Adde this blessing THE almightie Lord which is a most strong tower to all them that put their trust in him to whom all things both in heauen earth and vnder the earth doo bow and obey blesse preserue and keepe this our sister and be now and euermore hir buckler and defence against all hir enimies and make hir to knowe and feele in hir soule and conscience that there is none other name giuen vnto man in whom and through whom she may receiue ease comfort health deliuerance and saluation but onelie in the most holie blessed and venerable name of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A praier of instruction to be vsed of the women in health attendant about the sicke and languishing woman in sore trauell for themselues O Most mercifull God and most louing Father we beseech thee haue mercie vpon vs and aid vs with thy grace holie spirit that we which be yet in good health and safetie and looke according to the condition of our nature for the like hour of ad●ersitie but with more mercie and mitigation of our paines than as it seemeth our sister here endureth if it be thy will may learne to feare and dread thee may loue and embrace thy holie word and that we may set thee before vs as a scope and marke wherevnto we may direct all our dooings and that we boing alwaies mindfull of this thy crosse and heauie iudgement laid vpon all women in the loines of our grandmother Eue for hir and our transgression and euermore remembring the vnspeakable pangs intollerable paines and most bitter agonie of death may so prepare our harts and arme our selues that we may order all our deeds from hence-foorth in all holie and chast obedience both towards thee and our husbands or heads as well becommeth right christian women and modest matrones to thy glorie and as doo and and haue done all godlie women which feare thee in all ages that in the end we obteine to be fellow-heires with them of euerlasting life in the kingdome of heauen through the merits of our deere Lord and sweetest Sauiour Iesus Christ the righteous Amen Another godlie and effectuall praier to be hartilie said of the women assistant if the woman in sore trauell or child-bed lie in the pangs of death and be a passing this life O Lord God almightie the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost three persons and one onlie God the Lord of life and the destroier of death with whom to be is life and from whom to be is death who as a louing father mercifull redeemer and freendlie caller to repentance hast now visited with the scourge of hard painefull and greeuous trauell or with vntimelie birth vnfortunate deliuerance and sore sicknes thy most sinfull daughter yea thy spotted creature defiled seruant and greeuous sinner S. B. to cause hir to knowe hir selfe and to confesse hir wickednes and so to come to thee at this thy calling to knowe thee and onelie to crie and call vpon thee for comfort Now thou O Lord whose propertie is euer to haue mercie and freelie to forgiue those that faithfullie come vnto thee we thine humble hand-maids with heauie harts most humblie beseech thee looke downe from heauen with thine accustomed eies of compassion vpon hir cast behind thy backe hir innumerable and greeuous sins throwe them all both old and new from hir as far as is the East from the West yea scrape the memorie of them out of thy sight quite forget them and freelie forgiue them hir as hir onlie trust is in thee O Lord be thou now vnto hir at hir most time of need a tower of strength a place of refuge and a defensible God to keepe strengthen and defend hir from the danger of the diuell now readiest to disquiet hir and destroie hir against desperation now busiest to greeue hir against death now likest to strike hir and against hell now gaping to deuoure hir Oh heauenlie father aid thou now hir Helpe hir and establish hir in the firme faith of thy truth Comfort hir now O sweet Christ and continue hir in the knowledge of thee hir onlie sauiour which art now in hir extreamenes and pangs of death readie to shew thy selfe vnto hir as hir sauiour crucified on the crosse to comfort hir Therefore now saue thou hir from sin deliuer thou hir now from eternall death hale hir from hell embrace hir hide hir in the holes of thy bloudie wounds as thy deere doue and beare hir manifold sins on thy backe And thou O holie spirit strengthen thou now hir weake fainting and sounding spirit against sathan that standeth now nigh hir to seduce hir Saie thou now to sathan Auoid sathan and command thy holie angels and blessed spirits now to aid and assist hir Let thy comfort cleaue fast vnto hir thy mercie keepe hir thy grace guide hir thy paines ease hir thy crosse releeue hir and thy death reuiue hir Oh almightie God the giuer of all health and if it be thy good will to lengthen hir daies in this life to spare hir for a season to mitigate hir pangs to ease hir of hir paines to releeue hir of all these wofull sorowes and most greeuous throwes to deliuer hir of this most dangerous trauell and send into this world out of hir wofull wombe hir child a sound and perfect creature after thine owne image and so restore hir to hir former health as thou hast done hir and manie others heeretofore in like case that she thereby may once againe visit thy temple and be purified sanctified and dedicated vnto thy honor and glorie the commoditie of hirs and comfort of vs all hir friends kindred and neighbours Weio●fullie saie Thy will O Lord be done and not ours But if it be not thy will so but that she according to
hir instant desire must now being preuented with vntimelie labour and birth through perillous trauell needs drinke of the cup of Rahels and Phinees wi●es potion and go the waie of all flesh then O Lord thou in whose hands are the harts of all flesh arme hir we humblie beseech thee with thy perpetuall grace peace patience and perfect confidence in thee increase hir faith helpe hir vnbeleefe annoint hir with the oile of gladnes in thee ease hir of hir extreme paines be thou nigh vnto hir and driue the diuell far from hir aid hir with thy holie angels giuing hir grace so quietlie to take this thy fatherlie chastisement and visitation in good woorth that in this hir painfull life yea and in the verie end thereof she with perfect memorie sure trust commending hir selfe wholie to thee may in hart ioifullie still saie and we hir deere sisters and faithfull freends and neighbours for hir as followeth When she is departing and yeeldeth vp the ghost then adde and saie this that followeth FEtch now againe Lord God Father into thy holie hands that which thy puissant might hath shapen command thy holie angels now to aid hir and safelie to bring hir to thee and now place thou hir amongst thy chosen children and blessed heirs in thine eternall kingdome prepared for them that are written in the booke of life Fetch now againe Lord God sonne that which thou of thy meere mercie hast so wiselie gouerned and bought with thy pretious bloud now ioifullie receiue hir and saie vnto hir as thou saiedst vnto the penitent theefe This day shalt thou be with me in paradise Take againe now Lord God holie Ghost that which thou of thy onelie fauour hast louinglie kept and guided in this region of sinne and vale of miserie and now louinglie leade thou hir with Rebecca and Lazarus to eternall ioie and rest This grant hir O holie and most blessed Trinitie good Lord almightie three persons and one verie God vnto whome be all honour praise and glorie for euer and euer Amen Amen Another praier while she yeeldeth vp the ghost THE mightie God of angels and former of all things visible and inuisible in whose hands is onelie life and death light and darknes and all the motions of the soule and bodie without thee most mightie God all things had beene nothing and of nothing all things are made by thee without thy Christ and thy blessed spirit which is one coeternall Trinitie all flesh were accursed all consciences molested and all soules vtterlie damned from light into darknes from freedome into euerlasting reprobation but by Iesus Christ thine onelie sonne we thanke thee deere father of all mercie that now it hath pleased thee to take to thy mercie at this present time our deere sister S. B. whom thou hast elected consecrated and now she shall by thy mercie and pitie be sanctified vnto thee in the death of Christ to be a citizen of eternall glorie Now we perceiue that flesh and bloud doth forsake hir and all hir worldlie strength faileth hir now are the organes yeelding vp the heauenlie sound hir soule commeth now vnto thee good Lord receiue it to thy mercie into thine euerlasting glorie where as Abraham Isaac and Iacob Sara Rebecca Rahel and the blessed virgin Marie are continuallie To thee oh heauenlie Father be incessant honour glorie for euer and euer Amen After hir departure let the women kneele downe also and giue thanks as followeth ALmightie God with whom doo liue the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that be elect after they be deliuered from the burden of the flesh be in ioie felicitie thou I saie O mercifull God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though he die and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him shall not die eternallie who also taught vs by his holie apostle S. Paule not to be sorie as women without hope for them that sleepe in him we giue thee hartie thanks for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this woman our sister out of the wofull miseries of this sinfull world meekelie beseeching thee O Father to raise vs from the death of sinne vnto the life of righteousnes that when we also shal depart this life we may rest in Christ as our hope is this our sister doth and that it may please thee of thy gratious goodnes shortlie to accomplish the number of thine efect and to hasten thy kingdome that at the generall resurrection in the last daie we with this our sister and all other departed in the true faith of thy holie name being found acceptable in thy sight may haue our perfect consummation and blisse both in bodie and soule in thy eternall and euerlasting glorie and receiue that blessing which thou O Christ shalt then pronounce to all that loue feare thee saieng Come ye blessed children of my Father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Grant this we beseech thee O mercifull father through Iesus Christ our onlie mediatour redeemer and sauiour Amen A praier and thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mother or women about hir after the child is baptised ALmightie and euerlasting GOD who hast vouchsafed to regenerate this infant by water and the holie ghost and hast giuen vnto it forgiuenes of all his sinnes and receiued it into the number of thy children and heires of eternall life I thanke thee for thy gratious goodnes fauour mercie towards it And I humblie beseech thee also O Lord to strengthen it so with thy holie ghost the comforter that it may lead the rest of his life according to this good beginning Let thy fatherlie hands I praie thee be euer ouer it and blesse ti dailie increase it with thy manifold gifts of grace giue it the spirit of wisedome vnderstanding the spirit of counsell strength the spirit of knowledge and true godlines fulfill it with the spirit of thy holie feare faith and praier and so lead this child in the knowledge and obedience of thy holie word that being euer defended with thy heauenlie grace it may continue therein for euer and dailie increase in thy holie spirit more and more vntill in the end he obteine the gift of euerlasting life in thy celestiall kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen If the child or yong infant be verie sicke and lie sore pained with anie greefe or whensoeuer else it be visited with anie dreadfull disea●e praie ouer it and saie as followeth Lord heare our praiers And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Mercifull Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the onelie begotten Sonne of the liuing Father redeemer of all men through all ages whose nature is pitifull not onelie to the strong and stout but also to the weake and simple as babes infants and children we here assembled most hartilie desire and praie
thy glorious maiestie for this seelie infant and child which hath not the capacitie to praie for it selfe lieng here in paines and pangs of sorrowfull sicknes beseeching thy grace that with y ● same pitie wherewith thou sufferedst the babes and children to come to thee in the Gospell and laiedst thy blessed hands vpon them thou wilt also respect with the same eies of compassion and consider this poore babe seelie child and weake infant sore greeued with sicknesse Grant we beseech thee that as it beareth and here sheweth the image of sinfull Adam by suffering for sinne so it bearing the liuelie image of thy heauenlie gift may by thy grace be deliuered and helped from that which now by nature it suffreth So that like as it is with vs partaker of thy holie baptisme so it may also with vs be partaker of thy helpe and consolation And forasmuch as the paines of the same poore child seeme greeuous and vehement we beseech thee so mitigate the vehemencie thereof that by the releeuing and easing of it we also especiallie his sorowfull parents may be comforted dealing with it according as it shall seeme good to thy diuine wisedome whether by death to call it or by life to restore it so that whether it go or tarie it may be thine and at the last with thine elect be made partaker of that blessed resurrection when thou shalt appeare In whose name we praie furthermore for it and our selues as thou in thy holie Gospell hast taugth vs saieng O our Father which art in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdome come thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen giue vs this daie our dailie bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespas against vs and leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer and euer Amen Thanks-giuings for women after deliuerance of childe A thanks-giuing and praier to be said of the father so soone as he heareth that a child is borne vnto him and his wife safelie deliuered O Eternall God and heauenlie father the creator and preseruer of mankinde thou knowest the fraile and weake nature of man and hast in thy mercifull louing kindnes for his comfort and remedie ordeined him the most honourable state of marriage to liue and walke in commanding them to increase and multiplie and hast promised the fruit of the bodie to be a blessing and a witnes of thine eternall councell of this most honourable state to all them that loue and feare thee Wherefore oh heauenlie father I most hartilie thanke thee that it hath pleased thee to call me into this most holie and honourable state of marriage and hast vouchsafed to giue me this infant thy creature as a witnes and testimonie of thy good will towards the same and a token of thy promised blessing to thy children And that it hath pleased thee also to deliuer this thy poore hand-maid my yoke-fellowe and mother of this thy creature from the sin-plague of sorrowe and perill in bringing foorth as thou appointedst the same to our grandmother Eue. And now oh deere and most mercifull father I most humblie beseech thee to giue vnto me and to this my yoke-fellowe or wife thy seruant thy grace holie spirit and so renew the same in vs day by day that both we may liue and walke chastlie honestlie and holilie as becommeth thy children to liue and walke in so honourable a state before thee and that we may doo our duties in education and bringing vp of this thy blessing and creature in godlie nourture and discipline and in true information in thee oh Lord thy Sonne Iesus Christ and also that this thy creature may doo his dutie in harkening and obeieng so that of no part anie fault be found in vs that may giue occasion to the vngodlie to speake euill of thy truth and holie name nor of this holie and honourable state but rather that they which knowe not the truth may through the example of our good conuersation be brought to the knowledge of thy truth whereby they may be made members of thy Church and praise thee for all thy benefits through thy mercie and louing kindnes powred vpon vs. Grant this oh most mercifull father for thy deere Sonne sake Iesus Christ our onlie mercie-seate and mediatour in whose name I praie thee as he hath taught me saieng O our father c. Here may be said or soong to the glorie of God and your edifieng the 8. the 127. the 128. Psalmes of Dauid and Benedictus or the song of Zacharie which he made at the birth of his sonne Iohn the Baptist as Luke cap. 1. and in the beginning before the Psalmes in meeter Another thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mid-wife or women assistant after the safe deliuerie of a woman in child-bed O Eternall and almightie God thy power and might is to be praised and magnified for euer for in the greatest weakenes of man thy power is seene in his greatest dangers thy saluation is knowne Therefore we praise thy name and giue thee thanks for all thy great mercies and wonderfull works namelie Lord we giue thee thanks for thy mercie shewed to this our sister at this time in bringing hir through manie and great dangers of child-birth and in giuing hir the fruit of hir bodie It was thy hand O Lord that hath done it for it is a worke greater than all the wisedome power of man Deere father we beseech thee euer hereafter to deliuer the mother and the child out of all their dangers as may best make to thy glorie and their saluation in Iesus Christ our Lord. Touching vs we thanke thee for blessing our labours and furthering the works of our hands beseeching thee that we beholding thy outstretched arme and rich mercies may be drawne by them to serue thee in feare and reuerence all the daies of our liues Amen An other thanks-giuing to be said for the safe deliuerance of anie woman in child-bed or at hir churching as it is called AMong other thy benefites those innumerable which thou dailie bestowest vpon vs thy needie poore creatures this is not the least O most mercifull father that thou of thy tender goodnes doest vouchsafe for the conseruation of man-kind to preserue the women that are with child and to giue them safe deliuerance of their burden by this meanes making them glad and ioifull mothers For this thy benefite and good will towards vs we so hartilie thanke thee as hart can thinke beseeching thee to worke such thankfulnes in the hart of this thy seruant S. B. and all other women in like case by thy spirit that they being not vnmindfull of this high benefite of their safe deliuerance wrought onelie by the sauiour of all man-kind may shew themselues thankfull vnto thee for this thy goodnes and neuer forget that thy present helpe and most sweete comfort which thou
mercifullie shewedst vpon them in their great trauels labours and paines when they fled vnto thy holie name for succour as vnto a strong tower bulworke and holie defence Go foorth O Lord to make them the ioifull mothers of manie children endue them with long life that they may see their childers children and the children that thou giuest vnto them make thou as in age so likewise in wisedome and in the abundance of thy holy spirit to increase that they may haue fauour both with thee and with all good men vnto the glorie of thy most blessed name Amen The mothers praier for hir childrens good education O Eternall God creator and preseruer of all man-kind the giuer of all spirituall grace and the onlie author of eternall life I most hartilie thanke thee that it hath pleased thy fatherlie goodnes to giue me these thy creatures the fruit of my bodie as a witnes and testimonie of thy fatherlie fauour and good will towards this most honourable state of matrimonie Oh Lord as thou hast giuen them vnto me so I beseech thee vouchsafe to giue me thy gifts both spirituall and bodilie that I may haue competent wherwith to educate and bring them vp Haue mercie on me oh Lord and giue vnto them thy grace and holie spirit and open thou their wits and senses and giue them the true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy holie word a louing affection and obedience vnto the same and a true faith in it Giue them wisedome vnderstanding knowledge and discretion docilitie capacitie and facilitie to comprehend take and receiue doctrine learning nouriture and discipline that they may be made worthie instruments of thy glorie and profitable members of thy Church to the aduauncement of thy glorie the edifieng of thy Church and the comfort of my conscience by Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen Another praier to be vsed of euerie godlie mother for the godlie proofe of hir child made for the Ladie Lettice O Most mercifull Lord God almightie onelie which art gratious and good as by thy diuine will power this my child was formed and made a liuing creature consisting of bodie and soule in the wombe of me his naturall mother from whom he is departed into this world by naturall birth weake and impotent of fraile and sinfull substance by his owne propertie inclined to ignorance and sinne and now inuironed with thousands of malicious mightie and subtill enimies both bodilie and ghostlie which waite for the seducing leading of him to perill death and destruction wherevnto all mankind is prone and were it not for thy mercifull grace and tuition soone ouercome So be it thy will O most gra●ious Lord in the abundance of thy mercies and loue for Christs thy deere sonnes sake with thy fatherlie eie to looke vpon him to blesse him powring plentifullie of thy heauenlie gifts vpon him that being preserued brought vp and nourished in diuine knowledge faith feare and obedience of thee through true profession of thy sweete sonne Iesus in the sinceritie of the Gospell he may growe rich and beautifull in all godlines and vertue in all his waies and proceedings seeking the kingdome of eternall glorie through firme abundant faith and holie conuersation in Christ our sauiour working all righteousnes filled with meeknes brotherlie loue obedience cheerfull hope desire of heauenlie things contempt of the world and mightilie armed with thy grace and strengthened by thine assistance to vanquish the power of sinfull flesh and satan that hauing victorie in the end he may ioifullie triumph in thy presence O God with the rest of thy beloued saints to giue honour and continuall praise to thy most holie name in blisse euerlasting through thy deere sonne our mercifull Lord and Sauiour Amen Another praier of the mother for hir child ALmightie euerlasting God which of thine infinit mercie and goodnes hast promised vnto vs that thou wilt not onelie be our God but also the God father of our children I beseech thee that as thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in the felowship of faith so it may please thee to sanctifie with thy spirit into the number of thy children this infant which thou hast giuen me to the end that he comming to perfect age may confesse thee onelie the true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ and to serue him and be profitable vnto his Church in the whole course of his life that after this life beeing ended he may be brought as a liuelie member of his bodie vnto the full fruition of thy ioies in the highest heauens where thy sonne our sauiour Christ reigneth with thee world without end Amen Another praier to be vsed of the mother for the good education of hir youth and children OH gratious God in knowledging that thou louest all things which thou hast made of thy goodnes and that thing cannot perish which is committed to thy charge now I come vnto thee with my tender children committing them into thine hands and desiring thee to couer them vnder the wings of thy prouident mercie Hew and square the rough table of their hearts of stonie make them fleshie that being softened by the deaw of thy blessings they may beare the seales of adoption in thy Sonne Christ. O Lord guide them in this darke vale of vanitie with the light of thy fauour that escaping the dongeon of sin they may walke in newnes of life and lodge alwaies in thine holie will Imprint in their harts faith hope humilitie chastitie and charitie that following thee they may be humble and meeke holie vertuous perfect and godlie as thou art Indue them with the spirit of feare that they may kisse thee in faith liuelie obedience and thou be neuer angrie with them but louing vnto them as the mother is to hir tender sucklings Amen Another praier for the godlie and vertuous life of thy childe O Lord God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and father of all them that beleeue which hast said by the mouth of Salomon the sonne of Dauid that an vndiscreet sonne is a greefe vnto his father and an heauines vnto his mother that bare him and that the wise sonne maketh a glad father but an vndiscreet bodie shameth his mother that it would please thee so to conduct and guide this my sonne S. in his waie that he may acknowledge and confesse that thou art the author of his life that he may serue and honor thee without feare in all truth and righteousnes and growing in age he may be mortified in spirit that he may be filled with wisedome and that thy grace be with him To conclude that by that meanes keeping thy precepts he may prolong his daies heere vpon earth obeieng vs his parents whom thou hast chosen as instruments for to place him in this world Giue vnto him O Lord such ease for the commoditie of this life that vnder colour of pouertie he doo not couet or
in peace bicause mine eies haue seene thy saluation which thou hast prepared before the face of all people a light to be reuealed vnto the gentiles and the glorie of thy people Israell through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Another praier to be vsed of old women OH my sweet Lord Iesus Christ my creator and reformer which wilt that no man perish neither delightest in the destruction of soules heare me wretched woman and inueterated sinner which walowe in wicked life The whole time of my pilgrimage is threescore yeres few and euill haue the daies of my life beene and I am now placed in the darke euening of my life neither looke I to attaine vnto the yeres of the life of my forefathers or mothers in the daies of their pilgrimage I am full of yeres and daies I saie O Lord but in deed more full of vices and sinnes Mine offences are not a few but an huge heape of an innumerable sort of sinnes neither are they small or veniall sinnes but great mortall and deadlie My sinfull conscience accuseth me and the large abundance of mine iniquitie beateth my hart in peeces This deceitfull world in which I dreame and loiter faileth me my forworne and withered bodie threateneth my decaie This house of claie waxeth verie ruinous in euerie part thereof The graie heares a token of my manifold afflictions for sinnes are plentifullie growen vpon me and my strength is quite gone to teach me to knowe the vanitie and brittle state of this life To conclude my life is short mine end doubtfull my destruction horrible Death now beginneth to search me out euerie where the diuell doth laie snares for me on euerie side time passeth awaie the houreglas is almost run my candle is almost burned out and thine euerlasting iudgement draweth on Alas what shall I sinfull woman doo for I haue prouoked thee my God and all other thy creatures against me bicause thou knowing my forepassed sinfull life dooest see nothing in me without spot and offence I haue shut my selfe out of thy presence when thou didst call me to euerlasting life and I haue receiued that old enimie of my grandmother Eue into my soule which persecuteth me vnto death my conscience I saie doth vexe me the damnation to come which I haue so deepelie and often deserued doth feare me which through mine owne merits or deserts I can not possiblie put awaie or auoid When I consider it with my selfe oh how intollerable is that horror vnto me When I doo well ponder and regard it in my selfe oh how ineuitable is death to be differred or put awaie from me that now am euen a figure of death it selfe and carrie him euidentlie about me in my pale face and leane lims yea so far am I from flieng awaie from death that as it seemeth I rather now post speedilie after him Moreouer to acquit my selfe before thee I cannot possiblie doo it for that I haue as manie accusers as sins as many witnesses as hoarie heares Yea thou thy selfe my sweet God who best knowest me art my iust accuser thou art the true witnes of my deeds thou art my righteous iudge and if thine euerlasting iustice refuse me then both thine enimies and also mine with whom I haue plight the troth of my friendship are my heauie accusers No holie man or woman yong or old doth speak for me or in the life euerlasting may speake for me and those that might in their dailie praiers in this life helpe me towards thee I alas with all scornefull reproch and contempt haue cast them awaie and vtterlie refused their good companie but my verie mortall aduersaries I haue too willinglie receiued euen into my bosome Now therefore being alone in secret I lie flat vpon the ground destitute of all helpe confounded and had in derision of all Now in the last age of my withered life when my glorie should be my graie head that is my wisedome and feare of God ioined with much experience my reproch alas is increased by my follie and bicause I haue not behaued my selfe iustlie and wiselie before other my iuniors old age that should be a crown of glorie when it is found in the waie of righteousnes and ioined with vertue is now turned into infamie in me and to be abhorred by reason of my manifold sins and vices For though I haue liued long yet bicause I am waxed old in wickednes I shall be nothing regarded and my last age shall be without honor through my doting defiled life To conclude there draweth on apase the daie of thy fearefull iudgements in which all my deeds shall be tried and sifted to the vttermost and innermost secret thoughts of my hart My reproofes shall be reuealed and my opprobrious and shamefull works shall be brought to light and openlie seene for that I haue beene a barren and vnfruitfull tree and being throwne into euerlasting fire I shall there burne foreuer and of those whom I haue lewdlie accompanied my selfe with shall I be vexed who also after the sentence of eternall damnation giuen vpon me shall teare me and without anie intermission or end most cruellie shall minister torments vnto me whom they shall not cease crucifieng for euermore neither will there euer at anie time anie waie of mitigation ease or mercie appeare or be found at their hands Wherefore O louing Lord and souereigne Sauiour there remaineth now no more vnto me sinfull woman worne out with miserie but thy branching mercie to reioice my hart to quicken mine appaled spirits and to renew mine age as doth the eagle for that in the same thy mercie and through the same thy compassion and fauour I almost spent wasted and consumed to dust doo yet breath and liue to call vpon thee who art gentle mild and verie mercifull both to old and yoong man woman and child and wilt not the death no not of an old and ancient sinner as I am O be mindfull therefore of me my sweet God bicause thou art my creator and I thine vnworthie creature and hand-maid Do not loose the works of thine own hands through my greeuous sins and lewd deserts Thou art my redeemer and sauiour therefore saue me sinfull woman through thy grace mercie and fauour whome through thine owne iustice thou maist worthilie cast awaie into damnation O God be mercifull vnto me a sinner and grant pardon to hir that repenteth from the bottome of hir heart O giue not foorth I beseech thee the voice of thy sentence according to my demerits but like as thy mercie before hath come in the beginning of my life when thou tookest me out of my mothers wombe so let it conclude the end thereof when thou shalt turne me againe into the mother of all things to remaine with thee for euer world without end Amen Another praier to be said of an old Woman OH God which continuest still the same and dooest remaine for euer subiect to no tearme of yeares and time whose yeares shall neuer faile
and the remembrance of whom eternallie endureth from generation to generation worlds without end Haue mercie vpon me thy sinfull hand-maid for behold I as all thy works else both in heauen and earth by little and little am waxen old as is the garment by long vse as a vesture am I outworne I saie greatlie changed My strength abateth more more I perish and consume hourelie and am withered awaie like mowne grasse or haie Howbeit Lord if praise bee seemelie in the mouth of so old a sinner or if rottennes and dust may presume to giue thanks vnto thee then lo I thy wretched creature humblie laud and magnifie thy maruellous mercies extended towards mee from my first conception in my mothers wombe vntill this present houre yea would God I could tell what to render vnto thee O Lord my God for all thy benefits towards me which hast not taken me awaie hastilie nor cut off my daies by death as I iustlie deserued but let me run the race of this life and suffered me to passe the tempestuous seas of this dangerous world and liue vnto so good an age Now therefore as it hath pleased thee in mercie to augment the number of my yeares to lengthen thus my daies and to satisfie me with long life heere vpon earth to my comfort for the which I offer and paie vnto thee the sacrifice of praise so I call still vpon thy holie name beseeching thee to vouchsafe in like goodnes to grant me grace that during the remnant of my race and little time of being yet to come I may liue still to glorifie thee by endeuouring my selfe dutifullie to further and helpe not onlie the yonger sort of women and my freends and kindred but also my verie enimies and the Common-weale wherein I liue with such good councell wisedome and discretion as it hath pleased thee in mercie to reueale vnto me or by experience in this long course of my life I haue obteined that shewing my selfe a guide vnto godlines and an example of vertue vnto all I may worthilie haue that honor and dignitie attributed and giuen vnto me which is due vnto the image and portrature of wisdome vnto a matrone of modestie and to an instructer or teacher of honestie and vertue Furthermore take from me the foule vice of auarice wherewith old age is most commonlie infected and incline my hart vnto thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnes and grant that I may euer eschew and auoid all sloth waiwardnes and lasciuiousnes Teach me yet to number my daies that I may applie my hart vnto wisedome and giue me grace to weigh and consider diligentlie with my selfe what the graie heares in my head and this my crooked and riueled bodie postulateth and requireth euen that I vse apparantlie graue manners and vertuous conditions O let me remember how that I doo dailie drawe neerer and neerer vnto death that mine out-worne bodie is bowed downe towards the ground and that my graue is at hand wherein by death I shall ere it be long enter to be consumed into earth and dust from whence I was taken that knowing this my earthlie house and tabernacle shall be destroied I may laie aside all the vaine pleasures and delights of this wretched world and giue my selfe wholie to looke for death and patientlie in watching fasting and praieng abide his comming And bicause my life is now lamed with age broken with infirmitie and oppressed with sorrowes I come crieng vnto thee oh mercifull God sighing in my soule and saieng Oh would God that thou O Christ of thy heauenlie pitie hauing released the heauie burthen of my sins wouldst commaund mee thine humble hand-maid to laie aside the fardell of this flesh that I might passe hence by death vnto the endles ioies of paradise For now I ware weerie of this painefull sinfull and corruptible life I begin to loath and detest this queene of pride this mistres of all mischiefe and hand-maid of hell yea therefore in deed I sigh and grone desiring that this ruinous and rotten tabernacle of mine earthlie house wherewith I am yet clothed and burdened might be destroied to the end I might be clothed and compassed with the building giuen of God euen with our house of unmortalitie which is from heauen that mortalitie might be swalowed vp in life For I loue rather to remoue out of this fraile bodie and to dwell with thee O Lord and with S. Paule I hartilie wish and desire to be dissolued and to be with thee for I would faine see thee And bicause no man can see thee and liue here behold therefore O Lord I can find in my hart to die here leaue this life that I may see thee Let me see thee that I may die here I desire not to liue anie longer I had leuer die that I may liue with thee in the kingdome of heauen which is the blessed the chast and holie life prepared of thee O father for them that loue thee where youth neuer waxeth old where life neuer weareth out where there is no age nor anie miserie or infirmitie of age where there is no lame crooked or foreworne person but all growe vp to perfect men and women after the full measure of the age of Christ there in happie eternitie and full suretie of the incorruptiblenes of thine euerlasting immortalitie to reioice with thine elect saints and praise thee for the gift of perpetuall blisse and happines through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen A praier to be said of anie woman generallie for all women that they may haue in remembrance the fall of their grandmother Eue and be moued therby the rather to turne to God and liue in their calling according to his will FOrasmuch O heauenlie Father as at the beginning when thou madest man and woman thou didst place them both in paradise and there blessing them in their state of innocencie didst giue them also a lawe of obedience in paine of eternall death damnation to be straightlie of them obserued and kept which through the spite sleights of satan was most miserably broken working his purpose by the woman Eue whom he foresawe to that speciall end to be an organ most apt instrument of al mischeefe for hir owne destruction hir husband Adams and their whole posteritie for euer Bicause in hir our grandmother Eue as in the first transgressour we are all spotted haue lost our innocencie and haue sinned to eternall death and should therefore haue beene damned for euer vnlesse through thy mercie O God in the promised seede the seede of the woman Christ Iesus thy sonne which brake the head of the serpent we did ground our assured faith and confidence to be saued I beseech thee and that most humblie O louing father to haue mercie vpon thine inheritance the whole generation and ofspring of our old parents Adam and Eue so worke in the harts of all vs women that we especiallie may haue in our remembrance the originall
our owne parents Kindred to enter and sing psalmes of praise and songs of thanks-giuing to thine immortall Maiestie to whom with thy Sonne and holie Ghost be euerlasting laud perpetuall praise and greatest glorie both now and for euer Amen Another praier made vpon the similitude of the ten virgins Matth. 25. O Lord Iesu Christ thou good spouse and heauenlie bridegroome giue me grace like the wise virgins both with a right intention and vpright dealing to doo good works and also to perseuere and continue in the same watchfullie and diligentlie vnto the end And bicause it is not sufficient to haue once giuen my selfe to followe thee vnlesse I continue doo thou teach me wiselie to make prouision in time that hauing plentie of the oile of thy grace and gifts in the lampe of my soule I may neuer contemne thine honor nor faile in the mid-way but being found readie and watchfull I may be thought worthie to enter ioifullie with thee vnto the wedding I beseech thee also O Lord make knowne vnto mee mine end before it come and suffer me not to depart this life before I haue confessed my faults and thou haue forgiuen me my sins that in the hour of my death neither thy wrath may fall vpon me nor the power of darkenes hurt or inuiron me but let me be found such a one at the daie of examination and triall as I did appeare and shew my selfe at the day of my regeneration and baptisme through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Amen A generall Confession of sinnes with a praier for mercie and grace verie necessarie to be vsed at all times O Almightie God my heauenlie father I confesse and acknowledge that I am a miserable and wretched sinner haue manifold waies most greeuoustie transgressed thy most godlie commandements thorough wicked thoughts vngodlie lusts sinfull words and detestable deeds in my whole life In sin am I borne and conceiued and there is no goodnes in me inasmuch as if thou shouldest enter into thy narrowe iudgement with me iudging me according to the same I were neuer able to abide or suffer it but must needs perish and be damned for euer so little helpe comfort or succour is there either in me or in anie other creature Onlie this is my comfort O heauenlie father that thou didst not spare thine onlie deere beloued Sonne but didst giue him vp vnto the most bitter and most vile slanderous death of the crosse for me that he might so paie the ransome for my sins satisfie thy iudgement still and pacifie thy wrath reconcile me againe vnto thee and purchase me thy grace fauour and euerlasting life Wherefore through the merit of his most bitter death and passion and through his innocent bloud-shedding I beseech thee O heauenlie father that thou wilt vouchsafe to be gratious and mercifull vnto me to forgiue and pardon me all my sins to lighten my hart with thy holie spirit to renew confirme and strengthen me with a right and a perfect faith and to inflame me in loue towards thee and my neighbour that I may hencefoorth with a willing and glad hart walke as it becommeth me in thy most holie commandements and so glorifie and praise thee euerlastinglie And also that I may with a free conscience and quiet hart in all manner of temptations afflictions or necessities and euen in the verie pangs of death crie boldlie and faithfullie vnto thee and saie I beleeue in God the father Almightie c. But O Lord God heauenlie father to comfort my selfe in affliction and temptation with these articles of the Christian faith it is not in my power for faith is thy gift and forasmuch as thou wilt be praied vnto and called vpon for it I come vnto thee to praie and beseech thee both for that and for all other things necessarie for me and thy whole Church euen as thy deere beloued Sonne our Sauiour Christ Iesus hath himselfe taught vs and from the verie botome of my hart I crie and saie O our father which art in heauen c. A praier for the Queenes Maiestie and the Realme O God most excellent creator and preseruer of all things we cast our selues downe before the feet of thy maiestie and inwardlie feeling how vnworthie we are to haue our praiers heard of thee we dare not lift vp our eies to heauen Neuertheles whereas we are conceiued in sin and therefore as all Adams children deserued vntimelie death yet thy fatherlie hand hath brought vs foorth and caused vs to be borne yea and granted vs to liue in this blessed time of thy Gospell to the intent that dieng with Christ we should rise againe to eternall life But alas wretches that we are we haue deserued thy iust indignation by returning to our old vomit and yet thy grace surmounteth our sinne continuallie calling vs to thy sheepfold by the voice of thy gospell Blessed be thy holie name for sending vs that light when we were in darknesse that spirituall drinke when we were in deadlie thirst that heauenlie foode when we were hunger-sterued And like honour and praise be ascribed to thee onelie O Lord for giuing vs such so wise so zealous so godlie and carefull gouernours of thy chosen Church of England whom thou hast raised vp by the light of thy gospell to guid vs in the same thy light and to feed vs with the same thy heauenlie food We magnifie thy name daie and night for that inestimable benefit of thine bestowed vpon vs thy people of England in calling thy chosen creature the nurse of this thy church our Queene and Gouernour from worldlie vanities to the care of thy kingdome and into the communion of thy saints by the preaching of the Gospell when we gaue not sufficientlie attentiue and diligent eare to thy blessed word albeit thou didst correct hir and other ingratfull creatures of this our nation with thy rod yet euen in this point also thy clemencie surmounteth our double wickednes For behold when as thy iustice might haue depriued vs of hir thou of thine infinite mercie didst deliuer hir out of prison set hir free from the lions iawes crowned hir with a diadem of gold and put the roiall scepter of this realme in hir hand Moreouer O singular and most pretious treasure of treasures thou through hir meanes and ministerie hast brought againe Christ Iesus once banished out of England These most mercifull Father be the principall iewels of thine inestimable riches bestowed vpon vs which the more excellent they are the lesse are we worthie of them bicause we haue misbehaued our selues towards thy maiestie in dailie sinning more and more against thee in so much that feeling the same in our conscience we be driuen well neere to despaire But when we call to mind thy sure and sweet promises in Christs pretious blood we are thereby refreshed and recouering strength by hope approch to thy throne boldlie not offering anie thing for the satisfaction of our sinnes but onelie