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A08304 A progresse of pietie. Or the harbour of heauenly harts ease to recreate the afflicted soules of all such as are shut vp in anye inward or outward affliction. By Iohn Norden. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1596 (1596) STC 18633; ESTC S103531 73,609 218

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aduersarie that shee thy seruant and we thy people her subiects may still shew our selues thankefull vnto thee for thy protection and couet more and more to serue thee in all truth and holy zeale as becōmeth vs in al things graunt these things good Father in the merites of Jesus Christ our sauiour in whom as thou art well pleased bee pleased to blesse preserue and direct our Queene to comfort defend support vs and either to bring our enemies to a perfect peace in imbracing thy truth with vs or to confound their deuises and power for euer Amen Oh Lord increase our faith A short Confession of our Sinnes MOst gracio●s God and louing Father in Jesus Christ pure and holye I Confesse vnto thee mine vnrighteousnes which maketh mee vnworthie to come before thee not onely in regard of mine originall corruption which I traduced from disobedient Adam But in regard of my continuall sinnes and actuall euils which I daylye commit against thee whereby I can not but become offensiue vnto thee and euer lo●●●●me in thy sacred eyes But a ●s such is mine estate being considered as it is in and of my selfe that I can bring forth no better fruites then the tree of Adams disobedience whose rootes as they are sinne so beare they sinne in me and consequently procure death and destruction But deare Father as by Adam sinne entred and tooke hold of him selfe and all his posteritie So by thy Sonne we are all Justified by our adoption into his righteousnesse of thy free loue If wee take hold of thy promises in him and become obedient as hee is obedient vnto thee And therefore deare Father howsoeuer our corruptions as they are in vs of our selues haue be wrapped vs in bondage to sinne and death let thy Sonnes merites bee vnto vs a sufficient ransome for our euerlasting libertie not onely to come freely vnto the throne of thy grace but in the ende to obtaine the ioyes eternal with him in heauen Amen O Lord increase our faith A motion to a Prayer for the forgiuenes of our sinnes HAuing thus cast our selues downe before our God in true humilitie wherein wee haue acknowledged that we are so polluted with sins and so tyed with the chaines of death that there is no euasion or meane in our selues or by our selues to escape the snares of Sathan that lurketh lik a roaring Lyon seeking whō he may deuoure We must now endeuor to findout the meane how to be made at one with and be reconciled vnto our God againe Wherin thus much we are first to consider that as by Adam all men haue sinned and haue deserued death by sinne euen so by Christ we are clensed from sinne and stand againe in the fauour of God the father by faith in him Whom also we haue to be an Advocat to God our heauenly father and he it is that obtaineth pardon for all our sinnes It is the passion and most innocent death of Iesus Christ the immaculate Lambe which is a sufficient reconciliation for our offences And therfore he saith If any man sinne he hath an Advocate with the father euen Iesus Christ the righteous That is if any man acknowledge his offences truely before God and that he is sinfull impure and corrupt and doeth faithfullie submit himselfe vnto the fauour of God in Christ without standing to iustifie himself righteous Such a one hath the benifite of Christes death and such a one shal be partaker of the deserts of Christ wherin he shall obtaine pardon for all his sinnes But he that will not thus throw himselfe downe before the Lorde and crie out against his owne vnworthynes and say that he is a sinner and vnable of himselfe to obtaine remission of sins there is no place of mercy for such a one For Christ came to call not y e righteous such as were in their owne conceit holy pure iust and without sinne but sinners such as did so confesse acknowledge thē selues to repentance Such sinners as are sorie for their sinnes repent them of their euils such Christ himselfe calleth saying Come vnto me Al ye that labour and are heauy laden and I wil ease you Our God is patient and wold haue no man perish but woulde that al men shuld come to repentance And therefore hee sent his sonne Christ Jesus to giue himselfe a ransome for all that repent and truely beleeue in him We were in bondage and captiuitie and he most franckly tooke vpon him to ransome vs with a great price euen his bloud which bloud he shed for many for the remission of sinnes not for all but for such as truly repent amend their liues for they that runne on still in their sinnes howsoeuer they flatter themselues they are left vnto themselues and the merits of Christ worke not for them his death to them is none aduantage And we therefore must take heed left that we deceiue our selues with this that he is the Lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world And that thereby euery man in the world is so included euery mans sins by him so taken away without repentance that we haue scope to sinne because hee taketh it away But wee must take hold of his merits by faith which faith will worke in vs a detestation of sinne and ade●●re to reforme euill in our selues and to be reconciled vnto God in amendment of lyfe For it appeareth that the whole world was polluted and defiled with sinne and that the whol world naeded a meane to be cured of that great miserie and to that end came Christ men to saue all that repent and beleeue the Gospel to such is the glad tidyinges of saluation sent as well vnto the Gentile as to the Jewe to the bond as to the free to all people and nations of the world Wherein appered the vnspeakeable loue of God not that we loued him first but that he loued vs and sent his sonne to be a reconciliation for our sinnes It was he that bare our sins in his body on the tree that being dead to sinne should liue in righteousnesse by whose stripes wee are healed Being then healed of this deadlie euil euen of death it selfe let vs speedily repent vnto our good God in hartie repentance casting aside and g●uing ouer all the deceitfull workes of darkenesse and let vs pray that he will vouchsafe vs forgiuenes of our sins wherein of long time we haue liued Let vs be earnestlie sorrie that wee haue spent the time past of our liues after the lusts of the Gentiles licentiously and wickedly in wantonnes in lusts drunkenesse gluttony couetousnes in abhominable I do latrie To day if we will heare his voice let vs not harden our hearts But hauing laid open our weaknesse and infirmities with an ardent desire to reforme our liues let vs boldly approch vnto our mercifull God who seeing
vs a farre of namely vnfainedly purposing to amende our liues hee will come with his spirit and meete vs and will imbrace vs with the armes of his loue and will put on vs the robes of his owne righteousnes Loe his mercie is from gen●●●tion to generation to them that feare him And therefore let vs feare no more for we are freely iustified by grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus whome God hath set foorth to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes by the for giuenes of our sins that are passed O let vs not therefore despise the riches of his bountifulnesse and patience and long suffering knowing that the bountifulnesse of God leadeth vs to repentance Let vs fall downe before him therefore and he will heare vs vp let vs crie out and he will hea●e vs let vs fly vnto him he wil come meet vs imbrace vs. If you sins were as red as skarlet he wil make them as white as snow Therfore wil euery man that is godly make his praier vnto him in a time whē he may be foūd The Lord redeemeth the soules of his seruants and none that trusteth in him shall perish I should haue fainted but that I belieued to see the goodnes of the Lord in the land of the liuing Psa. 〈…〉 The prayer for the forgiue-of sinnes O God of my saluation I haue acknowledged my sins vnto thee I haue not hidden mine iniquities For thus my good God I thought I wil confesse my wickednes against my selfe vnto thee O Lord forgiue the punishment of my sinnes vnto thee O Lord I cry O my strength be not far from me lest that if thou answere me not I be like them that goe downe vnto the pit Remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my rebellions but according to thy kindnesse remember thou me euen for thy goodnesse sake remember thou mee gracious and righteous thou art and thou teachest sinners in the way O turne thy face towards mee let thy louing fauour and mercie euermore be extended for I am miserable sinfull and poore And I come vnto thee the fountaine of all helpe forgiue my sinnes wash me and I shall bee cleane let me taste of thy old louing kindnesse who haste euer bene readie to forgiue euer readie to helpe ready to receiue the complaint of the poore ready to receiue the miserable to imbrace them that returne from their euill ways as appereth by Dauid by Peter by Marie Magdalene and many other who repenting their sinnes haue found fauour Our fathers called vpon thee and thou didst heare them they trusted in thee and wer deliuered they depended vppon thee and were not confounded Wherefor haue mercie vpon mee O God haue mercy vpon me according to thy great mercies and according to the multitude of thy compassions do away mine iniquities O cleanse mee from my secrete sinnes and couer my known sinnes with the righteousnesse of thy Sonne remooue mine iniquities farre away from mee and be not angry with thy seruant for euer O enter not into iudgement with me for if no flesh before thee be iustified what shall become of me who haue ●o highly sinned Lord my God full of mercy I appeale vnto thee I flie vnto thee I rest vpon thee leaue thy displesure against mee and howsoeuer weake and vnable I be to stande in thy presence oh let thy spirit of strength hold me vp and say vnto me feare not for my grace is sufficient for thee I take hold of thy loue and I rest vpon thy fauour in Christ reiect mee not though there bee no good in mee powre downe that absolute good thing euen thy grace and let it direct me to amendement of my corrupt life Thou hast said that thou art wel pleased in Christ thy Sonne in him be thou also pleased with me and receiue mee againe into thy loue through his merites by whome euery sinner receiueth free accesse vnto thee And although I for my part most louing God be a vessell full of faultes and filthynes although I be no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne although I bee a seruant most vnprofitable yea a withered and starued branch who haue lost the quicknes and vigor of thy blessed spirit and am good of mine owne proper nature for nothing but for the fire Yet good Father haue mercy vpō me haue patience with me cast me not from thee but rather endue me againe with a new spirite and a liuely feeling of thy pleasure and will and ablenesse to do thereafter that I may fill vp the residue of my daies in sinceritie in holines in righteousnesse and in the due seruice of thee in faith vnfained and in all singlenes of heart and soule that from henceforth insteede of straying from thee I may dwell and bee shrouded vnder the shadow of thy winges that in steede of sinne which heretofore hath miscaried me I may imbrace pietie godlynesse and true zeale and in steed of ignorance whereby I haue gone so long astray I may take hold of the knowledge of thy sau●ng truth And let it be as a lanterne vnto my feet a light vnto my pathes that so I may rest safe in thee through a liuely faith which neuer deceiueth And graunt that I may carefully performe what thou likest howsoeuer disliking it be vnto me and may watchfully auoid what thou lothest howsoeuer liking it be vnto me For I acknowledge good father that flesh and bloud sauor nothing of the things belonging vnto saluation but I waite in the spirite for thy louing kindnesse and mercie promised in Christ thy Sonne in whome I am bolde with deepe sighes of the heart to crie Lorde forgiue mine offences remit mine iniquities couer my sinnes and lay not my former euils vnto my charge Good Father giue the knewledge of saluation vnto me and to all thy people by the remission ●f our sinnes through the bowels of thy tender mercies that we may perceiue in our mindes both comfort peace and gladnes of thy holy spirite which may begin a newe lyfe in vs pleasing thee And for the beter perfourming of our duties vnto thee from hencefoorth quench all the corrupt motions of our minds striuing with thy diuine pleasure and restore againe in vs the image of thy deuine light whiche was lost that being thus inwardly renued in our minds we may reforme vs outwardly in our conuersations and may sing aloud vnto thee and may serue thee with gladnes and come alwayes vnto thee with ioy Amen O Lord increase our faith Sing vnto the Lord a new song O Sing vnto the Lord a new song Psal. 96. 1. Sing vnto the Lord and praise his name declare his saluation from day to day vers 2. To the prayse of God for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes WHat shal we do to thee O God for all that thou hast done Whose loue frō vs remoues y e rod which our offences
shal we sleep vnlesse we betake vs into the hands of God when we go to bed It is a matter of great moment little regarded of worldly men But the children of God farre otherwise betake themselues to their corporall rest for they make their sleepe an image of their death and their bed they enter into as into their graue and in the morning when the sun and light appeareth they take a new occasion when they rise to contemplate of the celestiall and eternall light glorifying the name of God for his most gratious protection And therefore arise now all yee seruants of the Lord cry out in the night poure out your hearts like water before the face of our liuing God The Prayer for the Euening I Thanke thee good God and most mercifull father whose prouidence reacheth vnto the least of thy creatures and thy fauour and loue alwaies wait vpon thy children to preserue them thou hast executed thy sacred comforts towards me this day thou hast giuen me all things necessary and hast suffered none euill to annoy me And by thy mightie working I haue passed this day and am now come to the ende thereof entring into the dark and lothsom night wherin many dangers lurk and lie secretlie hidden to vexe thy children if thou preuent them not in thy wisedome and loue Haue regard therefore good Father vnto mee who am fraile and soone fall into many things offensiue vnto thy Maiestie and the right is often polluted with my sinnes insomuch as I cannot but accuse my selfe before thee that my sleepe cannot be iustified to be pure but euen therein by dreames fantasies of the flesh and many vaine temptations I am often mooued to consent vnto that which thou lothest and can in no wise then performe what thou louest Sith therfore my good father that I through my sinnes deserue no fauour but punishment I appeale vnto thy mercy in Christ beseeching thee for his sake to annoint the eies of my heart with the oyle of thy grace that though the naturall man slumber and in slumbering fall away by weaknes yet my soule may be refreshed this night with diligent watchfulnes least that the aduersarie sowing therein the tares of temptation I giue consent to sin and so endanger both body soule by my negligence Good Father pardon my sinnes for thy names sake be merciful vnto me receiue me this night into thy custodie and safe protection let thy grace comfort me and let thy continuall fauour defend me from all perils And in thy loue vouchsafe me such comfortable rest as thou shalt see expedient for the refreshment and preseruation of the helth of my bodie which els cannot but waxe feeble and be made subiect to such infirmities as I shall not be able to execute my dutie vnto thee In thy name therfore good Father I yeeld my selfe vnto my rest wherein let thy holy spirit keepe the doore of my hart and thy holy Angels attend about my bed for my safetie for Christ Jesus thy deare sonnes merits Amen O Lord increase our faith Before we goe to bed The Lorde will graunt his louing kindnesse in the day and in the night will we sing of him euen a prayer vnto the God of life Psal. 42. 8 OH Father ful of might and loue our castle and our stay Who rulest with thy power aboue The darksome night and day The day is thine and night also thou rulest with thy hand Both which were made for man we know and so was sea and land The sea and land and all the things therein which thou hast plast Thou gauest vs madst vs kings to vse them till the last Which blessings Lord this day we haue most richlie had frō thee Blesse ●●ke this night good Lord we craue keep vs frō danger free Preserue vs when our drousie sleep our bodies shall possesse And let not Sathan creepe into nor our poore soules oppresse But let thy grace preuent his ire let nothing vs annoy Let faith preuaile let him retire and we good rest enioy Tremble and sinne not examine your owne hearts vpon your bed and be still Psal. 4. 4. O Lord increase our faith Hauing thus farre proceeded in our progresse wee must be forced to take vp our standing-house and for a time abide in the earthly mansions of our bodies before we can attaine vnto the end of our iourney and be fully possessed of that absolute heauenly hearts ease In which standing house we must consider how wee ought to carry our selues towards our Queene the head and gouernour of this houshold IT is a common matter and necessary for Princes and great estates vpon their repaire vnto any house wherin they purpose to make any small abode to take order that the same be cleansed swept garnished perfumed and set in decent and pleasing order as well for healths sake as for somelines pleasure and delight But much more it behoueth vs that haue taken by our lodgings and abiding places in these our mortall bodies to take order with our affections wils and dispositions that our conuersations be in such decent comely sweete and comfortable order disposed that our soules be not annoyd with the filth and stincke of our corruptions while we abide in the same but rather that our soules may be delighted with the sweete odours and sacred perfumes of sanctitie and spirituall graces Wee must therefore like vnto good Surueyers and ouerseers of our owne buildings carefully endeuour that all the noysome places within our building be clensed and the contagious sincks and vnseemely filth and rubble which disgrace or annoy the same be cast out and swept And aboue all we must looke into the heart for there lieth infinite filthines and vnles it be carefully seene vnto it wil hardly be throughly clensed for the hart is the place that is most deceitfull and wicked yea aboue all the other parts of the bodie and therfore it is demaunded who can know it In so much as the Prophet argueth that the heart is so subtil and deceitfull that vnles we most narrowly search it there will lye hidden filthinesse corruption when we thinke it is well swept and garnished It is a dangerous thing for vs to flatter our selues in our hearts saying our hearts are cleane and we shal haue peace and yet the filthines of sin rest in vs and y e roote that bringeth foorth gall and wormewood groweth in our willes behauiour But we must circumcise our hearts we must cut off all peruerse corrupt affections and purge vs of all iniquitie wherein we must craue the assistance of y e spirit of God which will purifie our hearts And hee that will not thus endeuour to cleanse this most filthie part of his house but resteth stiffe-necked and as it were of an vncircumcised hart and eare not forsaking his old wicked conuersation neither will heare whē God speaketh vnto him he doeth as it were
wonne Thy Son hath brought vs peace againe made vs one with thee Although our sins deserued pain his crosse hath made vs free O how shall we requi●e thy loue what recompence is due To thee or him helpe from aboue our sinfull liues renew The best reward that we can giue it helps not thee at all Yet thou in bountie doest receiue vs wretched wights in thrall Great is thy glory loue and might thy mercies haue no end Al thanks praise to thee in right each heart should still extend But we poore sinners may cry out against our selues and say Our purest deeds like filthy clout our grosse conceits bewray No stay is in our crooked will a rash consent we giue To teach delight that seekes to kil our soules wherein we liue But now thy sauing health extend thy mercies sweete prepare And salue our sores let vs amend and breake thou Sathans snare A short praier for the forgiuenes of sinnes OH Father euerlasting mercifull and full of pittie I doe acknowledge my selfe sinfull whereby I haue deserued punishment in thy heauie displeasure But I haue an aduocate euen Jesus Christ the righteous and he hath redeemed me frō all feare of death if I truely repent mine euils and forme my life according to thy will wherefore most deare Father in him sanctifie mee againe wash me clean through his bloud ●ouer mee with the precious and most glorious robe of his integritie and obedience and in him forgiue my sinnes and for his sake remember them no more but rather supply the wants of all spirituall graces and gifts in me of ●aith of knowledge of loue of patience of repentance of obedi●nce and true reformation of my ●ife that being renued againe and regenerate in him I may morti●●e all my corrupt and filthie affections and liue in all holinesse ●ighteousnesse and true zeale all ●he daies of my life that when his frayle bodye shall returne to ●ust my soule may ascend where Christ my Sauiour sitteth at thy ●ight hand at the time appointed my soule and body may receiue ●he fulnesse of the ioyes prepared ●or thine elect in thy relestiall Pa●adise Amen Oh Lord increase my faith A motion to a praier tending to the obtayning of true mortification of our sinfull affections without the which we cannot please God HAuing acknowledged our sins corrupt affections before our God and in Christ his son hauing obtained attonment with him and yet resting in our selues sinfull and miserable of our selues vnable to obtaine the fauour of God and being obtained not able to stand without his continuall aide we must seeke by all meanes to frame all our actions in his feare knowing this that it is not inough for vs to haue found the meane how to bee reconciled vnto God but we must vse the meanes also being reconciled to retaine and keepe him out fauourable God still which is by mortifying of those euils in vs which breake foorth vnto his dishonour We must leaue sinne Yet this is not inough Wee also must cleaue vnto righteousnesse and exercise our callings to Gods glory we must not onely eschue euil but we must doo good we may not onely seeke peace and attonement with God but we must ensue and follow it It is not inough for vs not to walke in the counsail of the scorner and wicked persons or not to stand in the way of sinners but we must delight in the law of the Lord and that not for a time and then to retourne to our vomite and vanity againe according to the course of the worlde who thinketh not inough to cease from euill for a time and to serue the Lord at seasons ordinary but wee must exercise our selues in his word and that continually day night And we must gird vp the loynes of our mindes and be sober and trust perfectly on that grace that is brought vnto vs in the reuelation of Jesus Christ as obedient children not fashioning our selues vnto the former facts of ignorance but as he which hath called vs is holy so let vs be holy in all maner of conuersation pleasing God Not making our boast of our owne harts desire as the couetous who blesseth himself in his owne wealth and prosperitie and contemneth the Lord grounding the foundation of our hope vpon vain things wher●by oftentimes we are stirred vp to execute things offensiue vnto God which yet may carry coulor of warrant by the law of man wherin the inward affections of the hart appeere not only not mortified but rather reuiued to sinne If we duely looke into our desires we shall find out few or none that truely tende to that mortification which is required but rather to the aduancing of the pride of our flesh against the humility of the spirite Let none thinke it irkesome or tedious to leaue this that the first step to the perfection of a godly man is to deny himselfe which deniall is keeping vnder of all the corrupt motions which rise in our selues and couet to breake foorth in action contrary to that which our God hath commanded and if that bee hard to performe that which is further required is more hard and they are the words of Christ himselfe which I dare not deny If any man saith he will follow mee let him forsake himselfe and yet that not inough Let him take vp his crosse and follow me And in another place If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take vp his crosse dayly and follow me We are commaunded to forsake our selues and to deny our selues wherein we may see the great necessity of this mortification and how seuerely it is enioyned vs. If we forsake our selues whether shall wee flye to leaue our selues we must vnderstand that we as long as we are in the body are at home in the flesh where many corruptions lurke and therefore if we will forsake our selues we must suppresse the euils in our selues and by the spirite ascend vp from our carnall habitation and dwell with the Lord in continuall contemplation of his will in a dayly desire to bee with him thus also must we deny our selues for when the motions of the flesh do as it were intreate the minde and soule to consent vnto that which is vnlawful wee must presently checke our selues and in an inward godly aunsweare repell the proud desires of the flesh Which sauour not the things that appertaine vnto life but vnto death and therefore necessary to be denied Thus if we carry our affections within the compasse of the Lordes good pleasure we shall then easely attaine vnto the other part namely to take vp the crosse that is accept willingly the miseries troubles afflictions and persecutions which may happen vnto vs but so long as wee are carried away with the alluringes of the world and the flesh we shall say as Peter said vnto his maister sauo●ing of the flesh and not
they persecute his children It appeared as soone as the maister was taken away the seruantes were despised when the shepheard was gone the sheepe wandred abroad and all the children of God were tryed some by mockings and scornings som by bondes and imprisonment some were ●ewne in peces some stoned some slaine with the sword some wandred vp and downe in sheepe skinnes destitute of comfort afflicted and tormented some wandred in the mountains and in the wildernes hiding themselues in caues and dennes of the earth and none escaped the hand of the enemie yet they were such as the world was not worthy of Paul the Apostle was mightily persecuted of the Iewes after hee became a member of this Church Peter Iohn were also bitterly persecuted Stephen most miserably handled and at last stoned Al the Apostles and Disciples of Christ were persecuted and hauock was made of the Church of God in so much as all such as tooke on them the profession of Christ or had but the name of Christians were forced to taste of the cup whereof their master tasted And we that followe them in prof●ssion must be contented to follow them in troubles to take vp the crosse and to beare what the world will lay vpon vs. There is no way to the kingdom of heauen but by Christ and there is no way to Christ but by tribulation The wicked do continually seek to oppresse such as are true of hart they make sharp their swords they bend their bowes and dispose their arrowes in the stringes coueting to shoote at those that feare God The Kinges of the earth band thēselues the Princes of the world assemble themselues together against God and his church England since it hath come to the tast of true religion hath tasted how true it is that is said that they that will liue vprightlie shall haue many that will rise vp against them How hath the rage of Sathan appeared against vs with bitter threats frō Spaine with excommunications and condemnations from Rome how haue we bin labored to haue bene seduced by Priests and Seminaries from our bounden loue and dutie not onely towards her Maiestie but towards our God if cursings if blessings if disswasions or perswasions if threats of hell if promises of heauen if throwing downe or exalting high if feare of fire and sword could haue preuailed we had falne and forsaken God ere this day how haue they sought the death and destruction of our gratious Queene and graue Counsellors by inchantments by magick by murther and by all deuilish practises Haue we not bine enuironed by Fleetes of foes at sea by armies of rebels by land and endaungered by hidden Traytors at home hath there ye● any of their conspiracies preuayled hath not God stood our defence hath not our Christ the head of our Church stood in the gap against these trecheries and tumultes and doeth there not herby appeare a Church militant a Church still driuen to defende it selfe and a Church malignant a Church fraught with malice against the truth a Church offended and a Church offending a Church suffering and a Church persecuting And who doth not see how manifestly it appeareth that our Church is that Church which resembleth our head Christ Jesus in suffering and the other to be the Church resembling their father the Deuill by massacring and killing who seeing his kingdome to bee nee●e at an ende and noting how his Church and the reprobates companie diminisheth beginneth to enkindle the coales of dissention betweene kings and kingdomes and stirreth vp traitors vnder collour of teachers murtherers in the name of catholiques and deuils vnder the habit of a religion by whome the whole worlde is at this day set all in a flame and they labour by all means to peruert with the venom in their tayles the consciences of al true Christians and where they see they cannot preuaile by the trueth they seeke it by tyrannie in the place and steede of mercie they vse massacres in steed of peace which the truth imbraceth they stirre vp warres and in steede of loue the badge of Christians they execute all hatred euen to bloud If we looke into late yeares wee shall finde in Fraunce how thousands of the Church of God haue bene murthered some in their beds some in the streetes some in the temple some preaching some praying and whosoeuer was noted to serue god aright was swallowed vp in this deuilish furie and for that the more they striued to suppresse the truth the more seeing it to preuaile they by the instigation of the adulterer of Rome proceed on to new deuises sparing neither old nor yong great nor small but take all by the throat euen their Kinges and with butcherly hands defile their pallaces with most cruel murther killing euerie innocent euen such as can but name the Lord Christ and him serue as their onely redeemer in the lowest measure doe they most cruelly cut off with vntimely death Is it not therfore high time for the poore Church of God in regard of this bloody worke of the Deuill to poure foorth continuall ardent prayers vnto our God for his present helpe in this trouble And howsoeuer we rest in great measure freed from massacres and open murthers heere in England through the louing hande of our good God yet are we not without continuall occasions to moue vs to godly supplications that God in his mercies will cōtinue our fauourable God for euer and that he will be still mindfull of vs that wee fall not into our enemies hands who as we see practise by all kindes of pollicies to presse in vpon vs to deale with vs as they haue dealt with other nations nay to make vs to be no more a people The remembrance of our little persecution in the time of Queene Marie may moue vs to due obedience vnto our God who did speedilie deliuer vs by the gracious hand of our most sacred Queen Elizabeth in whome vnder our good God we haue bene this 39 yeares almost compleat so happily defended that wee haue had free scope to serue our God in truth whereas wee see other nations to bee so suppressed by the heauie hande of the wicked man that none dare stand vp to professe God but with present torture Oh let vs therfore be thankfull to our mighty God for his help in all former dangers and pray that we may shew our selues as wise as Serpents as innocent as doues that we may stand sound and vnblameable in our professions in faith strong in loue vnfayned and constantly perseuering in this inuiolable truth that the gates of hell nor the tyrannie of the euill man preuaile not against vs that the fond and idle furie of that Romish Idol terrifie vs not whome together with his worshippers our alsufficient God laugheth to scorne who as we see and haue tasted hath by his prouidence turned their practises to
for vs to rise earlie and to go to our rest late and in griefe to eate our breade vnlesse the Lorde giue a blessing vnto our labours and studies Wherefore let vs repayre vnto our good God with humble harts in faithful supplications that hee will giue vs ablenesse to performe our callings skilfully and religionslie that in quiet of conscience wee may eate the fruites of our labours and so prosper in al that we take in hand that our brethren be neither deceyued by vs nor our selues forced to vse any vnlawfull thing for our owne reliefe which may offend the Lord. The Prayer that euerie man may liue vprightly in his calling O God of all comfort and giuer of all consolation forgiue my sinnes cleanse mee and wash mee from all iniquitie which disable mee to performe my calling in such sinceritie as becommeth mee And through the bloud of thy Sonne purifie my heart and my imperfections increase my knowledge and sanctifie mine affections with thy grace that my sinnes being forgiuen I may rest in thy fauor and in thy fauour finde continuall comfort and be dayly blessed with new gifts that I may be founde perfect in my calling seasoned so with a liuely faith in thee that thy holy spirite may continually dwell and beare rule in me and lead mee to the due performance of those things which thou requirest to be done in my calling that all vnnaturall affections being truelye mortified I may onely rest in thee and relie on thee and be ruled by thee in all things Good Father graunt that I may take the direct right course in my vocation to eternall life In which course consisteth the inward peace of the soule which is onely delighted in thine inuiolable truth reueiled by thy Sonne and left vnto vs in his word and last will In which his last will and Testament are comprehended all necessarie rules and the sacred discipline whereby thy children are to guide them selues in their seuerall callings which directions are comprehended in three principall vertues by thee bestowed vpon them that seeke them at thy hands in the name of thy sonne faith hope and loue which three are so vnited and knit in one that they dwell altogether in thine elect children so precisely direct them through thy grace that they goe not awry in their callings I therefore good Father being of mine owne wisdom ignorant and of mine owne power vnable to comprehend the height the length and depth of my calling instantly beseech thee in mercy to beholde mee an vnperfect creature without these vertues and so adorne me with them that I may be made perfect in all good workes of the spirit that my bodilie labors be not in vayne in thee Graunt also that I may ioyne with all my trauailles labors affections desires and endeuours faith with faith knowledge with knowledge temperance with temperance patience with patience godlines with godlines brotherly kindnes and with brotherly kindnes loue that I bee not vnfruitfull in my calling But may acknowledge thy sonne Christ Jesus and in him to haue peace of conscience that I may bee patient in troubles long suffering in wronge● meeke in trials faithfull in expecting helpe in distresse reioycing in heart quieted in minde in hope to inioy at thy handes and in thy good time whatsouer maketh to the true comforte of my soule and the reliefe of my bodie That in all truth and inward feeling of thine aide my calling may be made perfecte and sealed with the seale of thine owne spirituall approbation So shall I thine vnworthy creature and all such as thou hast committed to my charge bee directed in the true knowledge of thee and sustayned with thinges necessary while wee liue here Oh blessed Lord and louing father except thou thus direct me I cannot stande but shall fall into many miseries For no estate no degree no calling office function or trade of life can prosper or bee rightly performed without thy continuall ayde direction and prouidence Therefore Lord guide mee by thy spirite encrease my faith giue mee wisedome and ablenes in all thinges to execute calling as I ought and to the execution thereof blesse all my members make them apt and ready instrumentes to perform their duties that in no poynt I fayle in a Christian proceeding therein And bridle in mee the nature of flesh bloud which vnles thou season my affections by thy spirit will so much the more glorie by howe much thou hast exalted me to worldly preferment enable mee to liue in this world in higher reputation than other men whereunto flesh and bloud is ready to attribute chiefest harts ease And by that subtil shift Sathan manie times mooueth vs to relie vpon vain things And therfore good Father vouchsafe so to ground all mine affections vppon thy feare that I bee not miscarried in my calling from the true obedience vnto thee without which neither honour profit friendes wealth wisedome or any other blessing of thine can steede releeue or comfort me Be present therefore good and gracious Father with mee and grant that all thinges that I take in hand may begin in knowledge proceed in feare of thee and end in loue that my whole course of life may be blessed with good effect in all my endeuours That neither mine enemies reioyce at my miseries the godly bee offended at my rashnesse nor my estate hindered by my foolishnes Good Lord grant this for thy sonnes sake Amen For Gods direction in our callings O God of Gods O father great thou guide of all degrees The high and low look vp to thee attendant on their knees We haue our being and our food our wisedome and our skill Our high estate all honour eke and callings at thy will Al kings receiue their scepters pure and diademes from thee Thou makest thē apt to rule a land else they vnable be Thou giuest sage and sacred men and Senators most graue To guide thy people in the hestes that fit them best to haue Thou chosest eke the godliest ones and meetest men to be The preachers of thy satred will who learne to teach from thee Thy grace doth guide their lips aright els speak they all awry Thou art the fountaine ful of loue whereof they drinke or die The porest thou dost frame to skil the lowest learnes to liue Ech hand taks hold of art frō thee thou doest all blessings giue Els all their curious cunning failes our labours loose their grace In vaine we trauaile and our toyle turnes vs to poorest place Sith then good father ech degree depend on thee for aide The high and low wealthy wise els rest they all vnstaide Blesse all thy people in their charge our callings all direct Teach Prince people in the way that graceth thine elect A motion to a prayer wherein the soule must arme himselfe to suffer crosses and therefore it is necessarye to call to mind what is to be done when affliction commeth EUery one that
rather please thee good Father to refresh mee with the timelie showers and pleasaunt dewe of thy louing assistance that where I am now low I may bee exalted to thy protection being poore I may be enabled to liue being base or of little or no credit in the world I may be beloued and imbraced and comforted of thee behold my pouertie consider mine affliction and weigh my miseries For innumerable troubles haue compassed mee my sinnes haue taken such holde vpon mee that I am not able to looke vp Oh let it please thee good Father to deliuer me make hast O Lord to releeue me though I be poore and needie O thinke thou on me thou art my helper and my deliuerer oh make no long tarrying O my God why hast thou fergotten me thou art the God of my strength why hast thou put mee away vp my God why sleepest thou awake be not farre off for euer wherefore hidest thou thy face and forgettest my miserie and affliction my soule is beaten downe I haue no ayde no comfort all my consolation is come to an end therefore rise vp O succour me rise vp O my helper rise vp O my castle rise vp O my refuge rise vp and restore mee againe thou God of my comfort Thou rocke and my fortresse my strength my shield the horne also of my saluation and my refuge Thou hast promised to be a refuge for the poore a refuge in due time euen in affliction I am poore and in miserie help me for baine is the helpe of man They that knowe thy name will trust in thee for thou neuer failest them that trust in thee The poore shall not alwayes be forgotten the hope of the afflicted shall not perish for euer Thou hast promised to blesse our victuals and to satisfie the poore with breade Innumerable are thy mercies and that my soule knoweth right well and I thirst after thee in a barren drie land I wait thy releefe in this miserable time wherein there is no comfort but thou vpholdest them that fall thou releeuest all that are ready to perish and therefore doe the eyes of all wayte on thee and thou giuest vs all meate 〈◊〉 due season open thine hand and fill vs with thy blessings Diuide the red sea of this cruell euill and hard worlde that wee may passe through our dayes without danger satisfied with euerie good thing open the hard rocke and giue vs the water of comfort to drinke send vs the Manna of thy loue and ready helpe that we may bee filled with all good thinges Stand in the gappe betweene vs and our aduersaries that our enemies oppresse vs not Increase the oyle and meale of our stocke and store that we may haue sufficient not only to feede and cloth vs but to releeue thy poore children and to pay what we owe vnto all men that we owe nothing to anie man but good will Great art thou oh God and great is thy power yea thy wisdome and prouidence is infinite and past finding out Worke therefore good Father worke for mee thy poore wretched creature that haue no meane to help or releeue my selfe Help thou me O my God that I may say and confesse I sought my God and he heard me and deliuered me out of all my troubles Oh turne thee good Father turne thee towardes me and haue mercie vpon me for vnlesse thou hold me vp I shall fall vnles thou stay me I shall bee ouerthrowne and vnlesse thou releeue me I shal vtterly perish Oh the remembrance of thy loue is sweet the experience of thy power recomforteth my soule It was thou O Lord that sentest Elias foode by a rauen euen so canst thou by vnexpected meanes sende comfort vnto thy children euen in raysing vp the most cruell men of the world to releeue them It was thou that deliueredst Daniel from the Lyons and thou canst deliuer vs from the cruell men of the worlde It was thou that directedst the hand of Dauid to kil Goliah and thou canst teach our fingers to fight and withstand them that rise vp against vs. It was thou that filledst many thousande people with a small show of bread and Fishes and it is thou that canst feede thy seruantes that call vpon thee euen with little in shew and canst increase it as thou wilt It was thou that diddest saue thy three childrē in the furnace from the force of the fire and thou canst preserue vs in the fierie triall of this world It was thou that deliueredst Paule and Sylas out of prison and thou canst deliuer thy children out of whatsoeuer captiuitie It was thou that didst worke for Ioseph that his imprisonment turned to his promotion and thou canst turne al our calamities to our comfort It was thou that raysedst mee from my mothers breast vnto this estate wherein I am and thou canst preserue me feede me and hold me vp for euer yea good God I euen I by experience can sing of thy goodnes yea the goodnesse of the Lord endureth for euer the mercies of the Lord endure for euer the loue of the Lord endureth for euer the power of the Lord endureth for euer yea the willingnesse and the readines of the lord to releeue the afflicted indureth for euer yea let all such as heretofore haue beene dull of beleefe nowe see and consider that great is the God of Abraham of Isaak and of Jacob yea our God the God of all the beleeuers whose hand is mightie to saue his mercies infinite his loue woonderfull his prouidence past finding out when sorrow commeth in the euening thou Lord sendest ioy again in the morning when I am in neede thou releeuest me when I am in danger thou comfortest mee when I am sicke thou makest my bed and curest my disease When haue I come vnto thee and haue bene reiected Neuer hath my complaint bene put back but louinglie hard and my petitions graunted so that I reste assured of thy continuall help I am forced good Father to seeke thee dayly and thou offerest thy selfe dayly to be found whensoeuer I seeke I finde thee in my house in the fieldes in the Temple and in the high waye Whatsoeuer I doe thou art with mee whether I eate or drinke whether I write or worke goe or ride reade meditate or pray thou art euer with me wheresoeuer I am or whatsoeuer I doe I feele some measure of thy mercies and loue If I be oppressed thou defendest me if I be enuied thou gardest mee if I hunger thou feedest me whatsoeuer I want thou giuest me Oh continue this thy louing kindnesse towards mee for euer that all the worlde may see thy power thy mercie and thy loue wherein thou hast not fayled me and euen mine enemies shall see that thy mercies endure foreuer O Lord increase our faith A song of praise for Gods present help in trouble I I Prayse my God who lends his eare vnto my poore cōplaint Whose ready help preuēts y e feare which causd
my soule to faint O Out of the myry clay his hand raisd me and set me where I doe enioy a pleasant land he only set me there H He euen he that Daniels God who shut the Lyons iawes Rescues my soul frō dredful rod and from mens cruell pawes N Now will I sing vnto my rest my rock and fortresse sound Who holds me vp y t am opprest I els should fall to ground N No poore estate no fretting foe no crosses shall dismay My soule that sits al safe frō wo in God my sacred stay O Out of his storehouse he doth sēd what may releeue my thrall He brings my sorrows to an end and giues me ioy withall R Reliefe alone comes frō aboue our God is nigh at hand He poures his blessings down in loue he fructifies our land D Draw neere therefore afflicted wights he cals you for your ease Be wise auoid al humane slights he will your griefes appease E Encline thine eare ô father deere in loue releeue our need In Dauid Iob and Ioseph were thy mercies seene in deed N No end therof y e same remains thy mercies power and loue Are ready prest to ease my paines my help is from aboue A motion to a thankesgiuing in the morning IT is a necessary thing while we liue here that wee should bee continually exercised in a due contemplation of Gods mercies towardes vs and there is no time but necessarilie administreth vnto vs great and daylie occasions to celebrate the name of the Lord. If we looke into the day wherinto wee enter rising out of our beddes a thousand thinges open themselues vnto the viewe of our eyes whose glorie and beautie put vs in mind of our farre surpassing glorie to come as also of our frailtie and ignominie present For what are we of our selues in regard of the flowers of the fielde whose beautie and hew may make vs blush and indeede to tremble in respect of our casuall and short continuance here had wee not a certaine assurance of a more glorious estate to come for as we see the most sweete fragrant floure quicklie to fade as to grow in the morning gay and in the euening cut downe and withered and all other thinges to come speedilie to their end euen such is our estate if we consider the vncertaintie of our dayes which would soone haue an ende did not the mercies of the Lord and his comfortable hand conduct vs and holde vs vp For let vs consider how the want of our daylie sleepe doth annoy vs who can forbeare sleep one weeke nay for lesse while What thing is more tedious and irksome vnto the bodie than the want of dayly rest and what comforteth it more than the daylie vse and enioying thereof and what are we being possessed with heauines and drousines of the bodie and when we are cast into a dead sleepe are we not as dead men whose memorie hearing seeing and all other sences are cleane gone wherein we are seperated as it were from God and the world wee can neither think on God or good things we cannot doe any thing whereby to defend our selues from the least danger Let vs therefore this morning recount the light great fauour of our good God towards vs wherein euen this night he hath preserued vs from many casualties whereof there are many kinds by theeues and robbers by fire by suddaine sicknes Yea death seemeth to haue a hand fixed on vs which might easilie haue dispatched vs this night had not God preuented vs whose continuall help is so ready that euery morning doth witnesse his loue Let vs therfore reuerentlie fall downe and giue him condigne thankes for all his louing kindnes towards vs yea early now this morning let vs shew foorth the louing kindnes of the Lord. Psal. 92. 2. The Thanksgiuing in the morning O Lord I will praise thy name earlie now this morning will I glorifie thee who by thy louing protection hast so garded me that no euill hath taken hold of me this night Oh most high mightie and fauourable God the day is thine and the night is thine thou hast framed the day for vs to trauaile in and the night thou hast appointed for vs to rest in I giue thee most humble vnfained thankes good father for thine vnspeakeable mercies who hast not only giuen me my comfortable rest this night past but also hast kept me as it were vnder the shaddow of thy wings euen as the apple of thine owne eie And had I not bene defended by thee innumerable daungers had ouertaken mee If then hadst not raised mee vp this morning I should not haue bene able to rise but haue perished in my bed O great is thy mercy towards me far surpassing my deserts for it is thy hand good Father that hath this night preserued me from perishing Therfore lift I vp mine eyes euen to the heauens from whence I haue obtained this safetie Yea betimes in the morning I wil call vpon thee that thy mercies may euermore preserue mee and ouershaddow me that no euill either of soule or bodie hurt mee and graunt that thy most sacred protection may alwayes preuent al the secrete and open euils which hang ouer my head Giue me thy spirit of wisedome and reuelation this morning that I may know thee and serue thee Lighten the eies of mine vnderstanding that I may knowe thy will and according vnto the same frame all mine actions this day and graunt also that I may finde how excellent thou art in thy power how sweete thou art in thy mercies and in performing thy promises wherin thou continuallie workest to the comfort defence and releefe of all such as come vnto thee O Lord increase our faith A motion to an Euening Prayer THe day being now past the light of y e sun being ouershaddowed with darkenes let vs consider that euen so there will come the daye wherein the light of our bodilie eies shall be shut vp not for a night as in the bed through a slumber but vntil the appearance of Christ in his glorie comming to iudgement And forasmuch as al things for the most part at this time betake them to their rest man is limitted this time to cease from his labours It is our duties especially to betake vs into the gracious protection of our good God submitting vs our bodies and soules to his tuitiō that if it be his pleasure to touch vs this night with the finger of death we may be so readilie prepared that we bee not taken at vnawares but that wee may haue the light of the lamp of a faithfull expectation of that blessed houre burning continuallie in our hearts which may awaken vs out of the deadly slumber of securitie whereby otherwise we shall be so darkened that we shall perish not onlie in our beds for a time but in our soules and bodies for euer And surely in this danger