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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06710 A comfortable epistle, too Goddes faythfull people in Englande wherein is declared the cause of takynge awaye the true Christen religion from them, & howe it maye be recouered and obtayned agayne, newly made by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1542 (1542) STC 1716; ESTC S101288 27,898 66

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vs. the Christen common weale of the true Israelites ●…erely oure ingratitude our vnthankeful●…s oure vnkyndnes yea oure churlyshenes towarde God and hys holye worde hath caused all these miseries worthely to fall vpon vs. We were weary of the heauenly Mauna and had a pleasure to returne vnto Egipt where we myghte syt among the greasy flesh pottes eatynge beffe and brewes knucle depe and haue our deyntye fyshes our melo●…s our cucūbers oure onyons oure garleke oure lekes c. therfore accordinge to the fylthye lustes of oure wicked hartes hath God dealte with vs sent vs agayn into the popishe Egipte to fe●…e vpon the pestilente leauen of the papisticall Phariseis euen the beggarly ceremonies ●…feling tradicions and dyrtye decrees of men in steade of Gods holy worde vnto the horrible and dredeful damnaciō of our soules as he sayth by the Psalmographe My people wold not hear my voyce Israel wolde not obeye me therefore gaue Psal. ●…1 I them vp vnto their owne hartes luste let thē folow their own imaginatiōs Here vnto agreeth the sayinge of s. Paule Because 〈◊〉 thes 2. they receaued not the loue of the truthe that they might be saued therfore wyll God send thē a s●…rōg illusiō to beleue lyes Is not this the sayng of our sauior Christ this is condēnacion that light is come into Ioan. 3. the worlde mē haue loued darkenes more thā light for their workes were euell The thing therfore that brought this cōdēnaciō this darkenes this blyndnes vpō●…s is the hating of the light of Gods worde our vnthankefulnes for the benefites of Christes Gospel our sinful lyfe replenished with all kynd of wickednes These thinges these thinges made God to withdraw the moste pleasaūt cōfortable light of his louing cōtenaūce frō vs to suffer the prince of dar kenes to shadow vs with his winges of hellish ignoraūcy deuelish blindnes vnto our great discōfort cōtinual sorow God haue mercy on vs blesse vs shew vs the light of his cōtenācē be merciful vnto vs that Psal. 67. we may know his way vpō the earth his sauing health amōg all natious Amen ¶ The. iiij Chapter BUt what is now to be done shall we Hovv●… the Christen 〈◊〉 ligion 〈◊〉 be reco●… red caste away all hope Shal we yelde our self to the pri●…e of darknes Shal we suffer our selfs cōtinually to be wrapped couered in with the dredefull cloudes of popysh blyndenes God forbid Yea rather let vs with a lusty courage bold spirite hunte out seke some meanes wherby we may be dispatched of this moste miserable plague wherewith we are at this present iustly stryken for our vnthākefulnes wicked lyfe so recouer the fauor of God that we may once agayn walke in the heauēly light of his moste glorious cōtenaūce Synne as we hearde afore drowe awaye Sin●… frō vs the benefite of Goddes moste blessed worde of hys true religiō as the prophet sayth Your wickednesses haue made a wal Esa. 59. betwen you your God your sines hyde his face frō you Now must we therfor seke how to apease the wrathe of God kyndled agaīst vs. Uerely the meane how to make God merciful vnto vs is frōhensforth to Remedies againste the vvrathe o●… God auoide that which was the cause of Gods displeasur agaīst vs of the takīg away of his blessed worde frō vs I meane syn Syn must be takē awai frō amōg vs or els c●…we neuer be recōciled vnto God nor obtaī his fauour so far is it of that we shall recouer the heauēly benefite of his glorious gospel For the Lorde our God is suche a God as 〈◊〉 wickednes The euell can not Psalm 5. dwell by hym nor the vnrighteous abyde in hys sight Sy●…e therfore which droue God out of oure host●… and with hym the ●…ght of hys blessed worde muste be weded o●… bothe of oure ha●…e and lyfe that we maye be pure before the Lorde oure God 1. Cor. 6. 〈◊〉 hym in spirite and bodye So shall we 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●…emples for his godly 〈◊〉 to dwel in whom yf we once receyue i●…to oure hartes with hym we maye be sure to enioye all good thynges Nowe to put awaye synne the fyrste remedye is ear●… and vnfayned repentaunce Let vs all Repētaūce euen from the very hart be inwardly sorye for oure vnthākefulnes and disobedience agaynst Gods moste blessed will Let vs euē with teares as Peter and Magdalene dyd Matt. 26. Luc. 7. lament and bewayle oure wretchednesses beyng moste hartely sory that we euer offended so louyng a father and so mercifull a Lorde For this vnfayned repentaunce harty ●…ewayling of our synnes is an accep table sacrifice vnto God as Dauid sayth A sacrifice vnto God is a troubled spirite a Psal. 51. broken and humble hart God will not despys●… Yea God him selfe sayth by the Prophet Unto whome ●…hall I loke but vnto hy●… that is ●…owe brought and of a broken Esa. 66. spirite ●…nd standeth in awe of my wordes this way of obtayning Gods fauor taught Esa. 55. Iere. 3. Eze. 18. Math. 〈◊〉 Mar. 1. Moses and all the Prophetes Ihon Baptiste Christ and al his disciples as the holy scriptures testefie For with out repentaūce nothing is to be had of God but wrath dis pleasure and euerlasting damnatiō as our sauiour Christ sayth Except ye repent all sorte of you shall perysh But where true repentaunce cometh an earnest hate off Luc. 1●… synne with a feruent studye of innocency amendement of lyfe there lyghe the grace mercy fauour and good wil of God bent out for the penitent synner as God hym self sayth by the Prophet If the vngodlye turne awaye frome all hys synnes that he Ezec. 18. hath done and shall kepe all my statutes do iudgement and righteonsnes he shal su●…ely lyue and not dye All hys offences shal nomore be layde before hym but in hys righteousnes that he hath done shal he lyue For I haue no pleasure in the deathe of a synner sayth the Lord God but rather that he turne from hys wicked wayes and lyue Agayn as surely as I lyue sayth the Lorde Ezech. 〈◊〉 God I haue no delighte in the deathe of a synner but rather that he should turne frō hys waies and lyue Turne ye turne ye frō your euell wayes and why will ye dye O ye house of Israel Diuers examples haue we hereof in the holy scripture as the Examples of repētāce chyldren of Israel the Niniuites Dauid ●…anasses Peter Magdalene the thefe and suche other ▪ which after they repēted foūd fauoure at the mercifull hande of God As we haue folowed them in synning doyng euel so let vs folow them in repenting and doyng wel Than maye we be sure to fynde lyke fauour with them For it is written Psal. ●…4 the Lorde is at hande for them
healthe amonge all nacions Turne vntoo me sayeth the LORDE of hostes and I wyll turne vnto you Zacha. 1. Remember howe fauorably God at all tymes dealte with hys people bothe whan they were captiues in Egipte and also in Babylon yea and at all other tymes whāsoeuer they were in anye distresse For though he worthely plagued them for their wickednes yet so sone as they vnfaynedlye returned vnto hym he deliuered them frō their enemies and gaue them their hartes desyre For God is neuer so angry with his people but that in the myddes of hys anger he wyll remember hys mercie And though he somtyme punisheth vs yet will he be pleased agayn if he seeth oure vnfayned cōuersion as Tobie sayde in his praier Tobi. 3. After a storme O Lorde thou makest the weather fayre and calme After weping and heauines thou geuest great ioye Thy name O God of Israell be praysed for euer Onely let vs returne vnto the Lorde oure God and become new men and withoute all doubt we shall se out of hāde the myghtye working of God Repent betymes therfore repent humble your selfs in the sight of God beleue hys promyses call on hys holy name abyde paciently hys godly pleasure become new men in lyfe and conuersacion walke worthy your profession and so behaue youre selfes in all thinges that God maye be glorified by you Fare ye well dere Brethren and accordynge too the admonicion of the holy Apostle watche ye 1. Cor. 16 stande faste in the faythe quyte you lyke menne and be stronge The Grace of the Lorde Iesus Christe be wyth you all Amen ¶ Gyue the glorie to GOD alone ¶ Manne Howe longe o Lord Psal. 13. Christe I come quickely Apoc. 22 Manne Oh come Lord Iesu. Apo. 22. Prophet He will come and not tarye Abac. 2. ☞ The C. iij. Psalme made in Englishe meter by Thomas Becon for a thankesgeuing vnto God immediatly after hys deliueraunce out of pryson whose emprysonmente began the. 16. daye of August the yeare of oure Lorde 15 53. and ended the 22. of Marche then nexte ensuynge ¶ Psalm 103. BE thanckefull o my soule vnto the LORDE And all that within me haue theyr beynge Laude prayse magnifye with one accorde Hys holy blessed name aboue all thynge O my soule once agayn to the I saye Be thankeful vnto the Lord euer more And looke thou forget not night nor daye All hys benefites that thou haste in store For he it is yea he it is alone Which pardoneth al thy synnes both more and les He deliuereth the from all griefe mone And sendeth the health in tyme of sykenes He saueth thy lyfe from destruccion Which otherwyse should perish withoute doubte He of mere ' grace ' and tender compassion Crouneth the with louing kyndnes round aboute He with good thinges thy mouth doth satisfye To eate drinke gyuing the abundance He maketh the ioyful yonge and lustye Euen as an Egle that is ful of pleasaunce The LORD dothe minister iustice and iudgement To suche as are oppreste with violence He defendeth the good and innocent But the wicked he casteth frō his presence He shewed hys wayes vnto faythfull Moses And his workes to the sonnes of Israel That all hys people myghte knowe bothe more and les In all kynde of vertue for to excel O the Lord God euē of his own nature Is bent vnto gentilnes and mercye Yea frendly is he aboue all measure Longe suffering eke of great petye For though oure synnes be bothe greate and many Yet wil not the Lord be alway chyding Neither will he for euer be angry But shew him self toe vs bothe gentle and louyng After our synnes he dealeth not with vs Neither according to our wickednes But lyke a father bothe gentle gracious He forgeueth al our sinnes both more les For loke how hye is the heauen supernal In comparison of the earth full lowe So great is hys mercy toward them all That feare hī wickednes away throwe And loke howe wyde the Easte is frome the West So farre hath he set all our synnes frō vs Because oure conscience should be at rest And nomore trobled with workes odious Yea lyke as a father gentle and tender Pittieth hys owne chyldren natural Euen so is the Lorde merciful euer Unto thē that feare him both great smal For he beyng our maker knoweth cer●…es Of what mater we be made and formed He remembreth we are but dust and ashes All of vyle and slymye earth created A man in his lyfe is like vnto grasse Hys dayes are few but a whyle endure Lyke the floure of the felde awaye he passe Flori●…ing for a tyme but nothing sure For as a flour with fears w●…d assayled Fadeth shortly away cometh to nought So dothe man of cruel death oppressed Departe hēce vnto nothing is brought But the mercifull goodnes of the Lorde Dothe continew for euer and euer Upon thē that feare him with one accorde And hys iustice vpō their chylders chylder I meane vpon such as kepe his coucnaūt And do them selfs diligently applye To kepe hys preceptes likewise do graūte To frame their whole lyfe accordingly In heauē hath the Lorde a seat prepared For him self both glorious and royall And his prince like power is so outstretched That it raygneth ruleth ouer all O prayse the Lorde all ye aungels of hys Ye that excel bothe in strengthe and vertue Ye that do hys will without any mys Ye that harken to hys voyce that ensue O prayse the Lorde our God omnipotēt All ye hys hostes and armies supernall Ye seruauntes of hys whiche alwayes are bent To do hys wil o prayse the Lord aboue all Yea all thinges that euer God created Prayse ye the Lorde that God of myghte and poure But thou o my soule with hart vnfayned Looke that thou prayse the LORDE at euery houre ¶ Geue the glory to God alone ¶ Psal. 112. O Blessed is the man at eche season That feareth the LORDE God omnipotent For suche one hath all his delectation To accomplysh the Lordes commaūdemēt Hys sede vpon the earth shall be mighty Florishing aye lyke the grene olyue tree The generacion of the godly Shall be blessed in euery degree Suche a man in hys house shall haue alwaye Of honour and ryches great abundaunce And hys righteousnes shall neuer decaye But in all ages haue continuaunce Whan that other in darkenes do remain Unto the godly pleasaunt light shal spyne For such one dothe loue mercy to mayntain To kyndnes iustice his hart he enclyne A good man is bent all vnto mercy And gladly lendeth to such as haue nede As for his talke he ordreth discretly So that his wordes vnto vertue do lede From hys place shal he neuer be moued But alway abyde both constante sure The remēbraunce of the iuste true harted Shall for euer and euer styll endure The righteous shal be nothinge afrayde Of any euel tidinges whā they be brought For hys hart on the Lord is wholy stayde Thorow stronge faythe that God therein hath wrought Yea his hart is so throughly stablished That he wil not thrynke in no condicion Untyl he seeth hys desyre satisfyed On hys enemies and their destruccion He disperseth abrode plenteously And geueth to the pore their nede to sustain Remembred therfore continually Shal he be his prayse euer remayn The vngodlye seynge these thinges shall ware woode Gnathe with hys teeth consume away Yet shal the vngodly with all his moode Shortely come to nought perish decay ¶ Geue the glorie to GOD alone