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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05142 The seconde [seventh] sermon of Maister Hughe Latimer which he preached before the Kynges Maiestie [with?]in his graces palayce at Westminster, ye xv. day of Marche [-xix daye of Apryll], M.ccccc.xlix. Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. 1549 (1549) STC 15274.7; ESTC S122869 128,935 442

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marres all to gether Well to my texte Labores manuum tuarum quia manducabis beatus et bene tibi erit Because thou eatest thy labors of thy handes that y t God sendes the of thy laboure Euery man must labour yea though he be a kynge yet he muste laboure for I knowe no mā hath a greater laboure then a Kinge What is his laboure To study goddes boke to see y t there be no vnpreachynge prelates in hys realme nor bribing Iudges t● se to all estates to prouyde for the poore to se vittailes goodchepe Is not thys a labour trowe ye thus if thou doste laboure exercisynge the worckes of thy vocacyon thou eatest the meate that God sendes the and then it foloweth Beatus es● Thou arte blessed manne in Goddes fauour Et bene tibi rit And it shal go well wyth the in this worlde both in bodie soule for God prouides for both Howe shalt thou prouyde for thy soule Go here sermons Howe for the body Eabour in thy vocation and then shall it be well wyth the bothe here and in the worlde to come through the fayth and merites of our sauiour Iesus Chryst. To whom with the father and the holy goste be prayse for euer and euer world with out ende Amē The ende of the .vi. Sermon The seuenth Sermon of Mayster Hughe Latymer whych he preached before the Kinges Maiestie within his graces Palayce at Westminster the xix daye of Apryll QVecunque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam scripta sunt Al thinges that be writen thei be writē to be our doctrine By occasiō of this text most honorable audiēce I haue walked thys Lente in the brode filde of scripture and vsed my libertye intreated of suche matters as I thoughte mete for this auditory I haue had a do wyth many estates euen wyth the hyghest of all ▪ I haue entreated of the dutye of Kynges of the dutye of magestrates and Iudges of the dutye of prelates alowyng that y t is good disalowyng the contrary I haue taught that we are all synners I thinke there is none of vs al neither preacher nor hearer but we maye be amended and redresse oure lyues We maye all saye yea all the packe of vs peccauimus cum patribus nostris We haue offēded sinned w t our forefathers In multis offendimus omnes There is none of vs all but we haue in sondry thinges greuously offended almyghtye God I here intreated of manye fautes and rebuked manye kyndes of synnes I intende to daye by Goddes grace to shew you the remedy of synne We be in the place of repentaunce nowe is the tyme to cal for mercy whyles we be in this worlde We be all synners euen the best of vs all Therefore it is good to here the remedy of synne This day is comonlye called good Fryday although eueri daye ought to be wyth vs good fryday Yet thys day we ar accustomed specially to haue a commemoratiō and remembraunce of the passion of our sauiour Iesu Christ. This daye we haue in memory hys bytter Passion and death whych is the remedy of our syn Therefore I intend to intreate of a pece of a story of hys passion I am not able to intreate of all That I maye do that the better and that it maye bee to the honour of God y e edification of youre soules and myne both I shal desyre you to praye c. In thys prayer I wyll desyre you to remember the soules departed wyth laudes and prayse to almightie God that he woulde vouchsafe to assyste them at the hour of their death In so doynge you shal be putte in remembraunce to praye for youre selues that it maye please GOD to assyste and comforte you in the agonies and paynes of death The place that I wyll intreate of is in the .xxvi. Chapiter of Saynct Mathewe Howe be it as I intreate of it I wyll borrowe parte of Sayncte Marke and saynct Luke for they haue somwhat that saynct Mathew hath not and especiallye Luke The texte is Tunc cū uenisset Iesus in uillam que dicitur gethsemani then whē Iesus cāe some haue in nillō some in agrum some in prediū But it is allone whē Chryst came in to a Graūg into a peace of lād into a felde it makes no matter call it what he wyll at what tyme he had come into an honeste mans house and there eaten hys pascall lambe and instituted and celebrated the lordes supper and sette furth the blessed communion then when thys was done he toke his way to the place where he knewe Iudas woulde come It was a solitarye place and thyther he wente w t hys leauen Apostles For Iudas the twelfte was aboute his busines he was occupied aboute his marchaundyse and was prouydyng amōg the byshoppes and preistes to come with an imbushement of Iewes to take our sauiour Iesu christ And when he was come into this feeld or graunge this village or ferme place whych was called Gethsemani there was a Garden sayth Luke into the whych he goeth leues .viii. of hys disciples w tout howbeit he appoynted thē what they shold do He saith Sedete hic donec nadā il luc et orē Sit you here whiles I go yonder and pray He told thē that he went to pray to monysh thē what they should do to fall to praier as he dyd He lefte thē there toke no more with hym but .iii. Peter Iames and Ihō to teach vs that a solitari place is mete for prayer Then when He was come into thys garden cepit expauescere He begā to trimble in so much he sayed Tristis est anima mea vsque ad mortē Mi soule is heauye and pensyue euen vnto death Thys is a notable place and one of the moste especiall and chefest of al that be in the story of the passiō of Christ. Here is oure remedye Here we muste haue in consideracion all hys doynges and sayinges for oure learnynge for our edificacion for oure comforth and consolation Fyrst of al he set hys thre Disciples that he toke wyth him in an order and toulde them what they shoulde do sayinge Sedete hic et uigilate mecum et orate Syt here praye that ye enter not into tēptaciō but of that I wil entreate afterward Now when he was in y e garden cepit ex pauescere He began to be heauye pensiue heauye herted I lyke not Oregenes plaing with this word cepit it was a perfect heauines it was suche a one as was neuer sene the greater it was not only y e beginninge of a sorow These doctours we haue greate cause to thanke God for thē but yet I wold not haue thē alwayes to be allowed They haue handled many pointes of our fayth very godly we may haue a greate staie in thē in manye thinges we mighte not wel lacke thē but yet I woulde not haue
lyued the people wold honor him more thē they dyd the king And the king shuld not be set by so betwene thē I cā not tel how it came to pas but at s Edmundesbury in a parliamēt the good Duke Humfrey was smothered But nowe to returne to my texte and to make further rehearsall of the same the matter begīneth thus Et pasquā sederit rex And when the kyng is sette in the seate of hys Kyngedome what shal he do shal he daunce and dally banket hauke and hunte No forsothe syr For as God set an order in the Kynges stable as I tolde you in my last Sermon so wyll he apoynte what pastyme a Kynge shall haue What must he do then He must be a student He muste wryte Goddes aboke hym selfe Not thynkynge bycause he is a kynge be hath lycence to do what he wyll as these worldlye flatterers are wont to say Yea trouble not your self syr ye mai hauke hunt and take youre pleasure As for the guydinge of your kyngdome and people let vs alone wyth it These flatteryng clawbackes are originall rotes of all myschyefe and yet a Kynge maye take hys pastyme in haukinge or huntynge or such lyke pleasures But he must vse them for recreation when he is wery of waighty affayres that he mai returne to thē the moore lustye and thys is called pastime with good companye He must write out a boke hym selfe He speaketh of wrytynge bicause printynge was not vsed at y e tyme. And shall the Kynge wryte it out hym selfe He meaneth he shall se it wrytten and rather then he shoulde be wythout it wryte it hym selfe Iesus mercy is God so chary wyth a kynge to haue hym wel brought vp instructed Yea forsoth For if the kyng be well ordered the realme is wel ordered Where shall he haue a copye of thys boke of the Leuites And why Bicause it shal be a true copye not falsifyed Moyses lefte the boke in an olde cheste the Leuites had it in kepyng And bycause ther should be no errour no addition nor takynge away from it he byddeth hym fetch the copye of the Leuites And was not here a greate miracle of God how this boke was preserued It had layne hyd many yeares and the Iewes knewe not of it Therefore at lengthe when they had founde it and knew it they lamented for theyr ignoraunce that had so long bene wythoute it and rente theyr clothes repentyng theyr vnfaythfulnes and the holy bible Goddes boke that we haue amonge vs it hathe bene preserued hytherto by wonderfull miracle of God though the kepers of it were neuer so malitiouse firste euer sythe the byshope of Rome was firste in authorytye they haue gone about to destroye it but God worketh wonderfully he hathe preserued it mauger theyr beardes and yet are we vnthankefull that we can not consider it I wil tel you what a byshoppe of thys realme sayed once to me he sent for me meruayled that I woulde not consente to suche tradytyones as were then sette out And I answered hym that I woulde be ruled by Gods boke and rather then I wolde dissent one iote frō it I woulde be torne wyth wylde horsses And I chaunced in our cōmunication to name the Lordes supper Tushe sayeth the Byshop What do ye call the Lordes supper What newe terme is that There stode by hym a dubber one Doctour Dubber he dubbed hym by and by and sayde that thys terme was seldome red in the doctours And I made answer y t I would rather folowe Paule in vsyng hys termes then them though they hadde all the doctours on theyr syde Whye sayed the byshoppe can not we wythoute scriptures order y e people how dyd they before the scripture was fyrste wrytten and copied out But God knoweth ful yl yet woulde they haue ordered theim For seyng that hauyng it they haue deceyued vs. in what case shold we haue bene nowe wythout it But thankes be to God y t by so wōderful a myracle hathe preserued y e boke styll It foloweth in the text Habebit secum c. He shal haue it w t hym in hys progresse he muste haue a man to carrye it that when he is haukynge and huntynge or in any pastyme he maye alwayes comune with them of it He shall reade in it not once a yeare for a tyme or for hys recreation when he is weary of haukyng or huntyng but Cunctis diebus vite sue All the dayes of hys lyfe Where are those worldlynges now These bledder puffed vp wylye men Wo worth them that euer they were about any King But how shall he read thys boke as the Homilies are read Some call theym homlyes and in dede so they maye be well called for they are homely handeled For though the Priestes reade theym neuer so well yet yf the Paryshe lyke them not ther is suche talkynge and bablynge in the Churche that nothynge can be heard and yf the paryshe be good and the pryest naught he wyll so hacke it choppe it that it were as good for theym to be wythout it for any worde that shal be vnderstande And yet the more pytye thys is suffred of your graces byshoppes in theyr diocesses vnpunished But I wyll be a suter to youre grace that ye wyll geue youre byshoppes charge year they go home vpon theyr allegiaunce to loke better to theyr flocke to se your maiesties iniunctiōs better kepte and sende youre visitours in theyr tayles And if they be founde negligent or fauty in theyr deuties oute with them I require it in Gods behalfe make thē quondams all the packe of them But peraduenture ye wyll saye Where shall we haue anye to put in theyr rowmys In dede I were a presumptuous fellow to moue your grace to put them oute yf there were not other to put in theyr places But youre mayestye hath diuers of your chaplayns well learned men and of good knowledge yet ye haue some that be bad inough hāgers on of the court I meane not those But if your mayesties chaplayns and my Lorde Protectours be no● able to furnyshe theyr places there is in thys realme thankes be to GOD a great syghte of laye men well learned in the scryptures and of vertuouse Godly conuersation better learned then a greate syght of vs of the cleargy I can name a numbre of them that are able and woulde he glad I dare say to minister the function yf they be called to it I moue it of conscience to your grace lette them be called to it orderly let them haue institution and geue them the names of the cleargye I meane not the name onlye but lette theym do the function of a byshop and lyue of the same Not as it is in manye places that one shoulde haue the name and cyghte other the profyte For what an enormitye is thys in a chrystian realme to