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mercy_n good_a sin_n sinner_n 3,410 5 7.5691 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04053 The[n]terlude of youth 1557 (1557) STC 14111A; ESTC S108291 8,828 22

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strife Therefore yf ye wyll be ruled bi mi tale We will go to the ale And se howe we can do I truste to God that sitteth on hye To lese that lyttell companye With in an houre or two Pride ¶ Now let vs goo for goodes sake And se howe merye we can make Ryot ¶ Now lette vs go a pace And I be last there I be shrewe my face youthe ¶ Nowe let vs go that we were there To make this Ladye some chere Lecheri ¶ Uerelye sir I thanke the That ye wyll bestowe it on me And whan it please you on me to call My heart is yours bodye and all youthe ¶ Faire Ladye I thanke the On the same wyse ye shall haue me whan so euer ye please Pryde Riot we tarye very longe Ryot we wyl go euen now with a lusty songe Pryde In fayth I wyll be rector chorye youthe Go to it then hardely and let vs be agate charite Abide felowe a worde with the whether go ye tell me Abyde and here what I shall you tell And be ruled by my counsel Pryde ¶ Naye no felowe ne yet mate I trowe thy felowe be in Newgate Shal we tell the whether we go Nay i wis good Iohn a Pepo Who learned the thou mistaught man To speake so to a gentylman Thoughe his clothes be neuer so thine yet he is come of noble kinne Thoughe thou gyue him suche a mocke yet he is come of a noble stocke I let the well to wite Ryot ¶ What syr Iohn what saye ye wolde you be fetred nowe Thynke nat to long I pray you It mye fortune come sone ynowe ye shall thynke it a lytell soone youthe ¶ yet syrs let thys cease And let vs talke of goodnes charite He turned his tale he is a ferde But faith he shal be skerd He weneth by flatterynge to please vs againe But he laboureth all in vayne charite ¶ Syr I pray you me not spare For nothinge I do care That ye can doe to me Ryot ¶ No horeson sayst thou so Holde him pride and let me go I shall set a prayre of rynges That shall sit to his shinnes And that euen a none Pride ¶ Hye the apace and come agayne And bringe with he ta good chaine To holde him here stil. charite ¶ Iesu that was borne of Mare milde From all euyll he vs shielde And sende you grace to amende Or oure lyfe be at an ende For I tell you trewlye That ye lyue full wickedlye I praye God it amende Ryot ¶ Lo syrs loke what I bringe Is not thys a ioly ringinge By my trouth I trowe it be I will go with of charitie How sayest thou mayster charitie Dothe this geare please the. charite ¶ They please me well in dede The more sorowe the more mede For God saide whyle he was man Beatiqui persecutionē patiūtur ꝓpter iusticiā Unto his apostles he sayde so To teache them howe they shulde do Pride ¶ we shall se how they can please Sit downe sir and take youre ease Me thinke these same were ful meete To go about your fayre feete youthe ¶ By my truthe I you tell They wolde become him very well Therfore hye that they were on Unto the tauerne that we were gone Ryot ¶ That shall ye se anone Howe soone they shall be on And after we wyll not tary longe But go hence with a mery songe Pryde ¶ Let vs begyn all at once youthe ¶ Nowe haue at it by cockes bones And soone let vs goo charite ¶ Lo maisters here you maye see beforne That the weede ouergroweth the corne Nowe maie ye see all in this tide How vice is taken and vertue set aside yonder ye maye see youth is stable But euermore chaungeable And the nature of men is frayle That he wotteth not what may auayle Uertue for to make O good Lorde it is a pitifull case Sith God hath lent man wyt and grace To chose of good and euyll That man shulde voluntarylye To suche thynges him selfe applye That his soule shuld spyll 〈◊〉 ¶ Christ y t was crucified crowned w t thorne 〈◊〉 Forsake them and do after vs The better shall you do Ryot ¶ Syre he shall do well inowe Thoughe he be ruled by neither of you Therfore crake no longer here Least you haue on the eare And that a good knocke Pride ¶ Lyghtlye se thou auoyde the place Or I shall gyue the on the face youth I trowe that he wolde Make you holy or ye be olde And I swere by the rode It is tyme inoughe to be good Whan that ye be olde youthe ¶ Syr by my truthe I the say I wyll make mery whiles I may I can not tell you howe long Ryot ¶ ye sir so mote I thryue Thou art not certayne of thy life Therfore thou were a starke foole Ro leue myrthe and folowe their scole humili. ¶ Syr I shall him exhorte Unto vs to resorte And you to forsake Pride ¶ Aske him if he wyll do so To forsake vs and folowe you two Nay I warrant you nay humili. ¶ That shall you● euen anone I wyll vnto him gone And se what he will ●aye Ryot ¶ Hardely go on thy waye I knowe well he will say naye youthe ¶ Ye syr ●e God that me ●ere ●●●ght Me think ye laboure all for nought Benest thou that I wyll for the Or thy brother Charytie Forsake thys good companye Nay I warrant the Pride ¶ ●o mayster I praye you of that For anye thynge for sake vs nat and all oure counsell rule you by ye may be Emperour or ye dye youthe ¶ While I haue life in my body Shall I be ruled by Riot and the Ryot ¶ Sir than shall ye do well For we be true as stele Syr can teache you to play at the dice At the quenes game and at the Iryshe The Treygobet and the hasarde also And many other games mo Also at the cardes I can theche you to play At the triump and one and thyrtye Post pinion and also aumsase And at ad other they call dewsace yet I can tel you more ye shyll con me thanke Pinke and drinke and also at the blanke And many sportes mo youthe ¶ I thanke the Riot so mote I the For the counsell thou haste geuen me I will folowe thy minde in euery thinge And guide me after thy learnynge charite ¶ Youth leue that counsell for it is nought And amende that thou hast mys wrought That thou maist saue that God hath boughte youthe ¶ What saye ye mayster charitie whath hath God bought By my trouth I knowe not He came neuer at the stues Nor in no place where I do vse I wis he bought not my cap Nor yet my ioylie hat I wot not what he hath bought for me And he bought any thynge of myne I wyll g●ue hym a quarte of wyne The nexte tyme I hym meete charite ¶ Sir this he dyd for the When thou wast honde he made the free And bought the wyth his bloud youthe ¶ Sir I praye you tell me Howe may thys be That I knowe I was neuer bonde Unto none in Englande charite ¶ Sir I shall tell you Whan Adam had done greate trespas And out of paradise exiled was Then all the soles as I can you tell were in the bondage of the deuyll of hell Tyll the father of heauen of hys great mercie Sent the seconde person in Trinitie Us for to redeme And so with his precyous bloude He bought vs on the roode And our soules dyd saue youthe ¶ Howe shulde I saue it tell me nowe and I wyll be ruled after you my soule to sau● Ryot ¶ What youth wyll you forsake me I wyll not forsake thee humili. ¶ I shall tell you shortely Knele downe and aske God mercye For that you haue offended Pr●●●● Youth wylte thou do so Folowe them and let vs go Marye I trowe naye youthe ¶ Here all sinne I forsake And to God I me betake Good Lorde I praye the haue no indignacion That I a sinner shulde aske saluacyon charite ¶ Nowe thou muste forsake pryde And all Riot set aside Pride ¶ I wyll not him forsake Neither early ne late I wende he wolde not forsake me But if it wyll none otherwise bee I wyll go my waye youthe ¶ Sir I praye God be your spede and helpe your at your nede Ryot ¶ I am sure thou wilt not forsake me Nor I wyll not forsake thee youthe ¶ I forsake you also and wyll not haue with you to do Ryot ¶ And I forsake the vtterlye Fye on the caytife fye Once a promise thou dyd me make That thou wolde me neuer forsake But nowe I se it is harde For to truste the wretched worlde humili. Fare well masters euerycheone For your synne looke ye morne and euyll creatures loke ye tourne For your name who maketh insicion Saye it is good contricion That for sinne doth morne charite ¶ Here is a newe araye For to walke by the waye Your prayer for to saye 〈◊〉 ¶ Here be bedes for your deuocyon And kepe you from all temptacyon Let not vyce deuoure Whan ye se mysdoing men Good counsell geue them And teach them to amende youthe ¶ For my synne I wyll morne All creatures I wyll turne and whan I see misdoinge men Good counsell I shall geue them and exorte them to to amende charite ¶ Then shall ye be an heritour of blysse Where all ioye and myrth is youthe ¶ To the whiche eternall Go brynge the persons all Here beynge amen humili. Thus haue we brought our matter to an ende Before the persons here present Wolde euery man be contente Leaste onother daye we be shente charite ¶ He thanke all thys presente Of theyr meeke audyence humili. ¶ Iesu that sytteth in heauen so hye Men and women that here be amen amen for charitie Imprinted at London by Iohn waley dwellyng in Foster lane