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A03788 A riche storehouse, or treasurie, for the sicke, full of Christian counsels holesome doctrines, comfortable persuasions, and godly meditations, meete for all Christians, both in sicknesse and in health. Wherevnto is annexed a comfort for poore prisoners, and also an exhortation to repentance. Written in Dutch, by Gaspar Huberine, and Englished by Thomas Godfrie, esquire, late ... fruits and ... at the request of his dangter Marie, wife ... Iohn French, gentleman of the Inner Temple Huberinus, Caspar.; Godfrie, Thomas. 1578 (1578) STC 13905; ESTC S113094 72,574 208

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further earnest●● marke vnderstand and knowe that ●ot only al punishments and sufferings ●●me from God and be layde vppon vs ●●y God but ye shall also earnestly be●eue that GOD fendeth vnto his chil●●en as a very merciful father such pu●●shmentes and sufferings of méere fa●our and grace to his owne for their ●●ofite and commoditie For there be two causes why God ●●ndeth vnto vs aduersities troubles ●●d passions séeing that God hath two ●●tes of children vpon the earth Some many times lead a long time 〈◊〉 vnrepentaunt life they cannot not abide that a man of loue and good will say any thing vnto them but continually runne foreward in their mischiefous frowarde and naughtie wayes They haue GOD very little before their eyes Therfore must God lay hold on them restraine draw them backe and to true repentaunce and godly liuing driue and inforce them or els they will dye in their wicked froward conuersation Therfore doth God lay in the necke of backsliders from him some aduersitie that they may looke well about them and marke well who is at their backes and layeth such a yoke on their neckes at the last to knowe themselues and learne what they be whereabout they goe and howe they against GOD haue so grieuously offended Thus God correcteth them through punishmentes and learneth them as the Prophet Esaias saith in the 28. Chap. that doth the soule very much good and suche aduersitie is a precious medicine for trouble onely maketh a man take héede to the word Esaias 28. Then doeth ●e worde of God very well sauour vnto vs ●●en it is pouldred mingled or sawced with ●ubles and passions For when trouble is at ●de then we seeke to God and when God ●h visite vs then we call earnestly Esai 〈◊〉 Therefore doeth God many times ●mplaine against his foolish ignoraunt ●ople Esaias 9. where God saith The ●●ople do not turne backe to them that haue ●icken them nor inquireth after the Lord ●d of Sabbaoth Which is a great token ●an vnrepentant and stubberne heart ●esides that it is a great and heauie ●ne against the Lord God from whi●e God mercifully defend vs Amen The other cause wherfore our Lord ●d layeth troubles and aduersities vp●●●his children is this specially bicause ●e Lord God will leade his chosen chil●en from faith to faith and continual● maketh them expert and cunning in ●e knowledge of God and will thus ●oue them in faith and godly know●ge whereby his name by this mea●s may be the better knowne cōmen●d praysed as we sée in good Dauid Ionas and Iob c. Fiftly séeing that ye perceiue and knowe that ye are flesh fleshly weaknesse hath many times preuailed and you had the vpper hande vpon you and you haue oftentimes giuen ouer your selfe to your olde Adam and followed fleshe and bloud too muche and thereby many times displeased our Lord god Thus shall you therefore before the high maiestie of GOD humble your selfe acknowledge your offences aske mercy haue a seuere purpose to absteine from sinne and if God will againe restore you to liue in a good perfect Christian penitent life to embrace Gods mercy in Christ our deliuerer stay and holde your selfe with an holie hope vpon his comfortable promises Therefore thus say earnestly after me with heart and minde ALmightie euerlasting most mercifull God Father I acknowledge from the bottome of my heart and say with my mouth that I am a poore and damnable sinner For I am in sin conceiued borne Besides that from my youth hitherto all the imaginations thoughtes of my heart haue bene very wicked and inclined to al sinne and vnrighteousnesse There is also no true feare of God no faithful loue of God no perfect faith of God in my heart hitherto oh Lord founden Also I haue with my mouth oh God little called vppon God my lord in my trouble fled vnto him for succour I haue also bene very vnthankfull to God my Lord for all his wonderfull benefites both bodily and ghostly Likewise also haue I litle praysed or set foreward the thankes due to God and the same acknowledged confessed much lesse haue I rightly ben desirous to set forward maintein Gods true seruice To be short I haue not in my whole life time done and brought forth any good thing wherby before god I haue brought foorth any godly cōuersation to his glory honour and praise wherevnto he hath chiefly created and made me Al this I confesse and it grieueth me from the bottome of my heart that I haue so grieuously offended thée my very God Lord father especially with euill thoughts words and déedes Againe I acknowledge and confesse thée my Lord and God that I haue not rightly and truly obeied them to whom I ought obedience Also I haue oftentimes grieuously offended my neighbours and not sufficiently shewed vnto them Christian charitie and loue but haue bene many times disdainefull angrie fierce and very sowre Also I haue bene many times kindled in euil lustes and desires in forbidden loue Also I haue bene many times ouerséene with lewd thoughts I haue also many times ben too streight to my neighbours harmed them not holpen them defended them nor comforted them I haue likewise offended and hurt my neighbour by word spoken euill behinde his back and condemned him To be short all wicked desires and lustes haue taken in me very mightie vpperhand Therefore I acknowledge this my sinfull life require mercy haue pitie vpon me Lorde heauenly father for the bitter passion death of thine onely sonne our Lorde ¶ Heare your comfort Thus saith Saint Paule in the first Epistle to Timothie the seconde Chap. There is one God and one mediatour betweene God and man specially the man Iesus Christe that hath giuen him selfe for all for our deliuerance Beléeue this comfortable saying holde fast on Iesus Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour so shall you in your consciences rest in peace and quietnes with God the lord God graunt his grace thervnto Amen ¶ But if the sicke bodie be so weake and cannot make such a long confession you may vse an other shorter in this maner An other confession to the Lord God. OH thou merciful gratious good God and father I wretched sinfull sicke miserable forsaken creature come nowe before thy high and mightie maiestie as a poore sinfull creature full of sinne and vnrighteousnesse and confesse vnto thée frō my heart that I haue grieuously sinned against thée from my youth hitherto with wicked thoughtes words and déedes These do I acknowlege and confesse altogether generally for I am not able to remember number thē all at length particularly therefore my God be gratious to me a poore sinner through the deserts of thy louing Son our Lord Iesus Christ which was therfore slaine for me wretched sinner to the intent that I should be and remaine thy childe for euermore Amen Hearken to this comfort Thus saith S. Iohn
well your selues whether ye beléeue as Saint Paul saith in the 13. Chapter of his seconde Epistle to the Corinthes Try your selues saith he whether ye be in belefe proue your selues c. Specially that ye earnestly stedfastly beléeue the godly promise that is promised in the Sacrament Item wherfore that godly meate is giuen vnto you Thirdly examine your selfe well whether ye canne and will forgiue your neighbor whether they be friends or foes that haue offended or hurt you whereby ye can shewe towards al men a Christian friendly louing and courteous heart and good will. For this pray vnto our Lord God nowe once againe And if for your sicknesse you can not speake it with your mouth yet in your heart inwardly say thus My Lorde Iesus Christe I come againe as a wretched sinner vnto thée that haue many times offended thée haue deserued nothing but thy euerlasting displeasure and punishment But seeing thou art so gentle and mercifull thou willest not the death of a sinner but that he repent and liue therefore hast thou established among vs a newe Testament whiche was long before promised by thy holy prophetes that thou wouldest take our sinnes from vs through thy death and the same neuer after remember And also before thy death hast made thy last will and therein hast made vs an assured promise that thou wouldest giue vs thy body for our redemption to be slaine and shed thy bloud for remission of our sinnes For thus soundeth thy gratious promise Take eate this is my body which shal be giuen for you This is the cupp● of the newe testament in my bloud which shal be shed for you for the forgiuenesse of your sinnes This thy promise doe I beléeue stedfastly and for assurance thereof I haue before this time in my good health of body many times in the congregation of God receiued the holy Sacrament of thy very body and bloud wherof at this present I doe not doubt but am nowe certeinly and assuredly persuaded of al thy graces and mercies Be it vnto me according to thy word ¶ Here it is good to put the sicke body in remembraunce shortly what hath beene saide before after this manner Ninethly now deare friends I haue tolde you in the beginning how that all aduersities and troubles come from our Lord God and be laide vpon his of fatherly and true loue Therefore shall you be certeinely persuaded that this your sicknesse is by God therefore laide vpon you that the old man with Christ shoulde be nayled vpon the crosse that the sinfull body shoulde cease and a new and perfecte man appeare thereof whiche with Christe shall inioy euerlasting ioy and felicitie For Flesh and bloud can not enherit the kingdome of God As saint Paule witnesseth 1. Cor. 15. The olde man must full and whole be destroyed and as Christe in the 12. Chap. of Saint Iohn saith Except that the wheate corne fall into the earth and die so remaineth it but one corne But if it die it bringeth forth much fruite Thus must all both within and without vs be forsaken the olde Adam with all his wisedome reason and vnderstanding come to nought wherby a newe man may appeare at that day as Saint Paule saith 1. Cor. 15. Where he speaketh thus That whiche we see is not liuely except it first die It is sowen in corruption and shall rise againe in glorie It is sowen in dishonour and shall rise againe in honour It was sowen in weakenesse and shall rise againe in might It was sowen a naturall body and it shall rise againe a spirituall body When this corruptible body hath put on incorruption and this mortalitie hath put on immortalitie then shal be fulfilled the saying which is written Death is swalowed vp in victorie Death where is thy sting Hell where is thy victorie God be praised that hath giuen vs the victorie through our Lord Iesus Christe Secondarily séeing the case standeth thus you shall nowe further resigne and forsake your owne wil and giue it ouer to Gods wil and pray as our Lord God hath taught vs to pray Matth. 6. and say Father thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen And as Christe Gods sonne him selfe at the houre of his death hath done and hath set forth vnto vs an example to be followed where he saide vpon mount Oliuet Matth 26. Father not my will but thy will be done So shall ye also doe vnto him conforme your selfe in all thinges to God him selfe our Lord and giue ouer all thinges to him our body our life our soule our estimation our goods friendes wife children and all c. and say thus NOw my Lord and God wil it none otherwise be but that I must at this time néedes drinke the cuppe of my passion that thou haste filled for me to drinke let thy will be done As thou willest so will I also I am willing and readie I am thy childe and thou arte my louing father thou wilt not destroy me that I knowe right well Oh onely giue thou me grace strength power mercie patience to suffer all thinges willingly that I may to thée kéepe a right holy day continually holde fast by thée and willingly to suffer thée to doe with me according to thy fatherly good will and pleasure Then shall I thrée dayes long rest lie with Christe in the graue hope for a ioyfull resurrection of all beléeuers at domes day according to the comfortable promise of Christe Iohn the 6. where Christe saith thus This is the will of him that sent me that he that seeth the sonne and beleeueth on him haue euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the latter day Thirdly ye shall also further vnderstande and beléeue certeinely that this your sicknesse howe great howe sore howe gréeuous to suffer howe long and painefull soeuer it bée yet is it not sufficient to appease pacifie Gods wrath to take away your sinnes and to purchase you euerlasting life For ye shall stedfastly beléeue this that deseruing of any Saint nor your owne worke how precious so euer it bée or may bée can gett you heauen or can deserue it For Saint Paule saith Rom. 8. That All the sufferinges in this worlde be not worthie of that glorie that shal be shewed vnto vs. Fourthly ye shall vndoubtedly beléeue that the onely passion and death of our Lorde Iesus Christe is a sufficient oblation for your sinnes For The Lorde Iesus is made for vs from God to be our wisedome our righteousnesse our sanctification and deliuerer as the Apostle saint Paul witnesseth in the first to the Corinthians the first Chapter For there is none other name giuē to men nor there is in none other helth wherin we shal be saued then only in the name of Iesus Christe c. As likewise witnesseth Saint Peter Acts the fourth For God hath made him that neuer knewe sinne for our sakes to
as Christe is your Iustice your Loadesman and your Guide Secondely well be loued if Gods wrath threatening and punishment shoulde feare you dismay you or trouble your mind as though our Lord God as an earnest and seuere Iudge should deale with you according to his extreme iustice for your sinnes past then shall you from henceforth call vpon our Lord Christe the vnspotted Lamb of GOD whiche hath taken your sinnes vppon him and thus flée from the place of Gods iustice commit your selfe to the mercie seate of Christe our Lorde For ye haue a speciall and faithfull promise of our Lord Iesus Christe for he hath bestowed and giuen him selfe for wretched sinners and so bound and pledged him selfe for all penitent sinners that he will stand to them and deliuer them from Gods wrath Also Saint Paule witnesseth 1. Thes 1. God hath our Lorde Iesus saith the holy Apostle raised vp from death that hath deliuered vs from the wrath to come And 1. Thes 5. saith Saint Paule further God hath not appointed vs to inherit his wrath but to inherit his blessednesse through our Lorde Iesus Christe whiche died for vs. Marke and consider this diligently Thirdly welbeloued if the worlde do trouble you and though some folkes specially your enimies and euil willers reioyce and be glad that you according to their desires be so gréeuously handled and that you be now by God so fore punished and that they therfore mocke scorne despise you and make greate cheare at your trouble yet let not that trouble nor tempt you for séeing that wicked people mocked Christe at the houre of his death and made great cheare at it likewise shall you of the worlde not escape such thinges Séeing you be a member of Christe you muste suffer in your body all such troubles as wanted in Christes passion as Saint Paule saith the first Chap. to the Colossians Therefore is the worlde a stubborne proud and wicked child of sathan whiche is full of all wickednesse dissimulatiō mockerie backbiting Christ for our comforte hath tolde vs before that we muste suffer and beare many thinges of the worlde and that the worlde shoulde laugh vs to scorne and shoulde reioyce at our trouble and we on the other side a little while shuld be pensiue and sorrowfull But Christ comforteth vs and saith Your sorrow shal be turned into ioy Iohn 6. And Iohn 17. In the world you shall haue sorrowe care but comfort your selfe I haue ouercome the worlde Thus shall you in faith beare all the wickednesse of the world suffer and ouercome For Our faith is the victorie that hath ouercome the worlde Iohn 15. Fourthly moreouer dearely beloued if Moses the lawegiuer set vppon you and will make you afraid with his debt booke and put you out of countenaunce for your great debtes notable sinnes whiche you are bounde to satisfie and pay the terrible iudgement of God as that ye are a breaker or transgressor of gods lawes and therfore will call you to accompt and giue euidence against you and condemne you with your own hand writing your own consciēce knowing the same to be true complaine vpon you and accuseth you then shall you before Moses by and by bring forth your Christian libertie wherby Christ hath made you frée and deliuered you from the lawe and from the curse and malediction thereof For If Gods sonne haue made you free then be you free in deede Iohn 8. And as Saint Paul further doth shew and confirme such fréedome Galat. 3. where he saith thus Christe hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe when he was made a curse for vs. Thus can the curse neuer more ouerrunne nor trouble you séeing it hath once all together fallen vppon Christe the most innocent Lambe Therefore séeing Christe is the ende of the lawe whosoeuer beleeueth on him is made righteous Rom. 10. Therfore saith Saint Peter Be you lustie and strong Actes 15. that ●e are nowe taught that forgiuenesse of sin●es commeth by this man and of all them whereof ye could not be made righteous in the lawe of Moses Who so euer beleueth on Christ is righteous Here is nowe onely all sinnes taken away So that no man can or dare lay any thing to the charge of the faithfull neither Moses nor the lawe Therfore be of good comfort Fiftly furthermore dearely beloued I doe aduise you that you will not suffer the great weight and burden of your sinnes to presse and weigh you downe and trouble you For sinne I assure you is an heauie burden to a fearefull conscience Wherefore continually cast your sinnes from you and out of your consciences and caste them vppon Christ for he is the right carrier of our sinnes as holy Saint Iohn witnesseth Iohn 1. where he saith Behold this is the Lambe of God that beareth or carrieth away the sinns of the world Therefore let the Lorde and valiaunt Champion take vppe your sinnes and carrie them vppon him selfe For God hath appointed him thereunto as Saint Paule saith where he saith thus GOD hath appointed him namely Christ that neuer knewe sinne to be sinne it selfe for our sakes to the intent that we shoulde be by him that righteousnesse that is auayleable before god Behold this righteous and innocent Lord hath taken all your sinnes vppon him selfe borne them satisfied for them and ransomed them and hath clothed you decked and trimmed you with his innocent righteousnesse and iustice For Christ saith the Prophete Esaie 53. is for our sinns wounded and for our sinnes beaten and smitten Correction is laide vppon him to the intent that we should haue peace and by his wounds should be healed Behold for Gods sake thinke vpon this with all diligence ernestly Christ saith the Prophet is wounded for our sinnes whereby we might be made whole The wrath the correctiō is cleane gone ouer him to the intent that we should be without correction might inioy peace with god So haue you deliueraunce in Christe by his bloud namely forgiuenes of your sinnes according to the richnesse of his grace Ephe. 1. For Christe is therefore come into this worlde to make sinners holy blessed 1. Tim. 1. As Christ witnesseth of him selfe Matth. 18. And Luke 19. The sonne of man saith he is come to seeke and to make blessed that that is lost For God hath not sent his sonne into the worlde that he should condemne the world but that the world by him shold be made hapie whosoeuer beleeueth on him shall not be iudged Also Christe is the forgiuenesse of our sinnes Beléeue this comfortable saying from the bottome of your heart and stay your selfe more vppon Gods mercifull promise then of the deceites of sathan and of the daungerous imaginations of your reason Giue God the honour bicause he is so merciful a God that of a wretched sinner he will make a child of God if a man
shall set against death For death hath layde hand vpon this innocent Lord and wearied him without al right and equitie whereby death euen lost al his strength and might so that he can do no more when this Lord laieth hand vpon him and taketh to him selfe those that be his Therefore be not afraide for Death is swallowed vp in victorie 1. Cor. 15. You haue a great vordeale or aduauntage for as much as you haue of your side the most valiant and most mightie which shall neuer be able to be ouercome yea him that is Lord both of death of life If death come vnto you would deuour you wil eate you vp and swallowe you downe yet can our Lord God whiche is the right life it selfe by his almightie cōming and might make you aliue againe yea in the middest of death holde you by life and make you liue for euer For you shall not denie or refuse to make this exchaunge where you shall haue an euerlasting and blessed life in stead of a transitorie perishing and labourious life which is ful of miserie misfortunes and plagues Let death take from you such a life as will last but the twinckling of an eye which fléeth and passeth away like a shadowe and our Lorde giue you an euerlasting life Amen Thirtéene Well nowe dearly beloued if your sinne done and committed do tempt you again and your sore misdéedes which you haue done therefore would dismay you make you faint harted heauie pensiue as though Christe would disdaine you bicause of your sinnes and so not take you to him and to his fauour then shall you set before your eyes Christ your God and Lorde as the holy scripture setteth him foorth not follow your owne imagination your reason For in the holy Scripture you shal finde here and there how maruellous comfortable our Lorde Christe hath ben at all times to miserable sinners howe loath he is to contemne or despise the miserable troubled assaulted and sorrowful sinner howe he doth not withdraw him selfe from them or with drawe his helpe from them whiche vndoubtedly is a great comfort to al troubled sinfull hearts For behold and remember the whole life of our Lorde Christ then shall you not only perceiue that he hath not onely taken to his fauour one or two sinners hath taken pitie only vppon them but he hath flocked into the middest of sinners wherby he might helpe them foorth of their sinnes First sée his generation his great grandfather had he not many sinners in his petigrée as Iuda by name Dauid Manasses Thamar Rachab Barsaba and such like and very many moe Wherefore doth our faithfull and good Lorde not be ashamed flée from sorrowful and penitent sinners why doth he not Surely euen therfore that therby all sorrowfull sinners shuld the more boldly haue a hartie resort and recourse vnto him specially séeing that he vppon such sinners could take and shewe his truth loue and friendship wherby they might thereby winne and haue a liuelier passage and fréedome to beholde all goodnesse all trueth and helpe to be in this only bearer and carrier of our sinnes Beholde further and looke vpon the birth of our lord Christ in his birth So soone as he was borne into the world he suffered him selfe to be séene made open and to be knowne through the Angels from heauen to the poore people specially to the shepheards in the fielde there must to them be shewed this comfortable ioy Behold to you this day is borne a Sauiour This ioy shal all people haue There by his Angels is the innocent childe Iesus giuen and declared first to the poore shepheards and after that to the whole world But who be the shepheards who be al people surely al poore and miserable sinners for whose sake Christe came and was borne to helpe them out of their sinnes As also then such a name was giuē vnto him namely Iesus that is to say a Sauiour that shall loose his people from their sinnes Behold also and sée vprightly wherfore was Christe at the eight day circumcised so shed his innocent bloud Surely for the cause of poore and wretched sinners For Saint Paule saith Gala. 4 that Christ hath yealded him selfe therfore vnder the lawe and circumcision to the intent he might deliuer them that were vnder the lawe But who were more hardly snarled vnder the lawe then the wretched sinner Sée yet to whom did Christ preach and whome did he turne and conuert Any other then the poore sinner To whome hath he friendlier spokē helped or counselled made whole both in body and soule then euen the poore cumbred and sorrowfull sinner Mark also with whom did Christ wander goe about here through the Iewishe lande and commaunded that they should preach abroad his wholsome Gospell Surely with his welbeloued Apostles But what were they Wretched sinners as Matthewe and likewise Peter yea did they not shewe them selues many times before Christe to be weake worthy reproch and fraile How oft hath our good Lord friendly rebuked them taught them taken in good part their weaknesse helped them suffered and borne with their faults and wants and yet neither condemned them nor cast them away but continually handled them after the best manner whereby at the last he might deliuer them frō their sinnes There hath Christ not only receiued poore sinners in so much as he touched the hurt of their soul but also the harmes of their body Howe many thousand men hath he many times fedd when their hunger and néede went into his heart and he tooke pitie of their miserie Oh how many amongest them were miserable sinners yea infidels and not worthy to haue and receiue such goodnesse at Gods hand How many hath he healed in their bodies from agues dropsie and leprosie Item such as were lame crooked blind and haunted and possessed with euill spirits Yea some he did raise from death it selfe and alwayes shewed him selfe in all things as the very true Sauiour of the whole world by that meanes to bring the Infidels to faith and to be short done the best to euery man and shut out no man that had néede of his helpe and had called vpon him as the holy Euangelistes here and there do euidently and plainly declare With which louing comfortable and gratious examples of Christe they shew vnto vs his great vnspeakble loue and mercy and declare shew the same vnto vs with all diligence Whereby we may learne to knowe aright our Lorde Christe specially that he is therefore come to helpe miserable sinners both in body and soule both from temporall and euerlasting hurte whervnto sathan hath brought al mankinde For Christe is therefore come that he should destroy the worke of sathan 1. Ioh. 3. Whome so euer he helpeth in soule him helpeth he also in body And though he doe not alwayes hourely declare the same in this world yet at Doomes day it will appeare where he