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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03564 Here begynneth a lytell treatyse called the Lucydarye; Elucidarius Honorius, of Autun, ca. 1080-ca. 1156.; Chertsey, Andrew. 1523 (1523) STC 13686; ESTC S117897 27,015 51

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proue them as he dyd Iob whan he suffred that the deuyll hym dyd so many of ylles and of tourmentes for to preue hym in his grete pacyēce for without the permyssyon of god they haue noo puyssaunce but ben as the hange man the which without the byddynge of the Iuge may not hange nor bete ony euyll doer wherfore my chylde thou sholdest retourne the vnto god and vnto the sayntes and to lyue holyly as sayth the psalmyst Non timebis amore nocturno That is to say thou shalt not drede of those folysshe vysyons by nyght For they be not but Illusyons made by the ennemye as it is sayde ¶ Mayster may the ennemy be constrayned to come by wordes or by sygnes My chylde nay yf he ne wyll but they ben the coūtenaūces that he hath with those that bē of his secte the which in sayenge some wordes or ī makynge some tokens or carateres thyder cometh and maketh that that he demaundeth to th ende that he them holde the better in his lyne the mayster the discyple ¶ Master what say ye of these dremes My chylde thou sholde take none hede vnto them for they ne be but vysyōs of some thȳges on the whiche a mā hath thought or sene before wakynge a man dremeth often of that the which is semblable vnto his complexiō master how knowe the ꝓphetes tho dayes that that they sawe by dreme My chylde that was not by dremes all onely but it was by the reuelacyon of god for with the vysyon they had an Imagynacyon and beleue especyall in the bounte of our Lorde that that same thynge that they hadde seen in slepynge came ¶ Mayster syth that God dyscendyd in erthe for to saue the synners wherfore bē they dāpned My chylde there is not so grete a synner in this worlde that if he reknowlege his synne and crye god mercy with good herte but that he be pardoned by the meryte of the deth passyon of Ihesu cryste but those that wyll not knowlege thyr synne but ben obstynate tyll vnto the deth know thou that they ben damned eternally for God saueth not the synner the whiche wyll not saue hymselfe and also paradyse is not deseruyd by synne but it is lost ¶ Mayster syth that god dyed for our synnes wherfore be we baptysed My chylde for the baptym is the homage y● we owe vnto oure lorde Ihesu cryst by the whiche all our synnes ben pardoned and in suche wyse ordeyned he it as telleth the gospell that sayth thus Quicūque baptisatꝰ fuerit That is to say who so shall be baptysed shall be saued and he that is not shall be dampned ¶ Mayster how many persones shall be saued My chylde there shall be as many saued as there fell of the cursyd aungelles of paradys by theyr pryde for the men and the womē ben made for to be in theyr place and for that cause is the ennemy so enuyous ayenst man ¶ Mayster from whens came the fyrst Idolatres My chylde they were fyrst founde in abell the whiche is now callyd babylon y● grete and there shall the antecryst be borne and there was the toure with the gyauntes the which is of .xl. stages There regned the fyrst kynge of this worlde the whiche men called Neron the whiche caused to be made an Image of Appolyn and commaundyd all those of his realme that they sholde do hym sacryfyce and worshypped hym and in lykewyse dyd they the whiche came after hym in suche wyse that whan some grete princes were deed theyr successoures caused to make of Images maruaylously ryche ī the name of theyr predysessoures and made theyr subgettes to adoure thē to do sacryfice were callyd Idolles in to whom the deuyll entred spake tolde them many of abusyons so dyde they of grece vnto theyr kynge and they of rome vnto Romulus as men fynde by the wrytynges and auncyent cronycles ¶ Mayster wherfore ne made God that man ne sholde ete but one tyme in a weke My sone the honger is one of the passyons y● we suffre by the synne of Adam and so we haue euery day hōger thyrste colde and heet and many other passyons to th ende that we trauayle alway for to thynke on oure nedes and of our neyghboures to the ende that by oure trauayle and laboure contynuall we haue the more meryte for yf the man hadde not of necessyte he sholde haue no care to trauayle but he sholde be euermore in slouthe and sholde not knowe what good were worthe and also he sholde mysknowe his creatoure And howe be hyt that the grete lordes and gētylmen and other that be ryche trauayleth not corporallye All be it that they trauayled spyrytuallye euermore That is to vnderstande in theyr vnderstandynge and wyll in hauynge euermore desyre to gete for he that moost hathe and more wolde haue moost hath in thynkynge and so my chylde none ne may lyue without payne trauayle but euery man hath moche to do in his ryght the mayster the discyple the mayster the dyscyple the dyscyple the mayster MAyster howe fro whēs shall the Antecryst come my chylde he shall be borne in babylon of a cursyd man of a cursyd woman the which shall be of the lygnage of Dam of the wōbe of his mother he shall be full of the cursed spyryte shall be nourysshed and confermed in enchauntementes and shall be Emperour of all the worlde shall put the people vnder him in foure maners That is to vnderstande the prynces other ryche couetous by gyftes for he shall haue by his enchauntementes all the tresoures hydde in the erthe The poore by grete drede rygoure of Iustyce for he shall make them greuously to be martred The clergy by connynge whereof he shall be full For he shall conne y● .vij. artes all the other scryptures the deuoute persones by tokens by myracles that shall be marueylous For he shall make the fyre to dyscende that shall brenne his ennemyes before hym also he shall make the deed men to aryse not truely but the deuyll shall entre in to the bodyes of some dāpned and the deuylles shall bere them anone make them to speke by his enchauntement to walke as if they were on lyue shall reedyfye Ihrlm and there he shall make hym to be honoured as god there shall be receyued in grete honoure men shall come to hym frome all partes he shall make semblaūce to the people by his enchaūtementes that he shall dye that he shall aryse shall make hym to be lyft vp in heyght by the deuyls sayenge y● he wyll wounte in to the glorye of paradys than god seynge his grete pryde thyder shall sende his aūgels of paradys for to confounde hym in suche wyse that the deuyls y● shall lyfte hym shall fle shall lette hym fall to the erthe in suche wyse that he shall gyue so grete a stroke
kynde of breed and of wyne My chylde as the breed and the wyne that thou eatys drynkest conuerte theym in to thyne owne bodye and in to thyn owne bloode In lykewyse the sacrament of the awter the breed and the wyne sayenge the holy wordes by the wyll of god also chaungeth them vnto the precyous body and blode of Ihesu cryste And also he wolde do it for the grete loue that he hathe in vs he wolde euermore be with vs. And it is in his power that to do as of nothynge he hath made all the worlde the whiche is a more grete thynge Than my chylde thou sholdest beleue stedfastly and withoute doubte for his pleasure was hit to instytute in suche wyse And how be it that thou seest it not corporally for a body gloryfyed is inuysyble thou hast the more of meryte For fayth is none other thynge but to beleue that thynge that he seeth not the mayster the discyple MAister what say ye of th● the which receyueth the sayd sacrament in mortall Synne My chyld they crucyfye of newe oure lorde Ihesu Cryste and him receyueth vnto their dampnacyon ¶ Mayster the preest that is īmortall synne maye he sacre and admynyster the holye bodye and blode of Ihesu Cryste My chylde ye for the sacramēt 〈…〉 e empayreth ne amendeth by the condycyon of the preest as the sonne whan that it shyneth vpon foule thynges and stynkynge lesyth not his clerete but the preest it doth vnto his dampnacyō and yf he be with out synne it is vnto his saluacyon ¶ Mayster howe longe abydeth the body of Ihesu cryste in the wombe of hym the whiche hym receyueth My chylde he there abydeth as longe as the substaūce of the breed there may amyde vndegested and no more but thou shalt vnderstande that god there is and also abydeth euermore with theym the whiche ben in the state of grace ¶ Mayster whā many prestes syngeth masse the bodye of cryste is it ouer all My chylde ye For god is and maye be ouer all as thy soule the whiche is hoole in euerye partye of the bodye ¶ Mayster shold a man hate the yll My chylde a man sholde hate theyr cursydnes and folyes and not to do euyll as they done but we sholde loue oure nature for we be all the sones of one father and of one mother bought and redemed with one selfe blode and if they doo the ony wronge thou sholdest pardon them and praye for theym vnto the example of Ihesu cryst the whiche prayed for them that him crucyfyed and put vnto the dethe For it is the werke mooste merytoryous that we maye do ¶ Mayster wherfore haue the euyll so many of goodes and of prosperytees in this worlde My chylde there is not so yll in this worlde but that somtyme dothe some good dede And for as moche as man dyde neuer any good dede but that it were recōpensed nor neuer dyd euyll but that hit be punysshed And for this cause god them sendeth of grete goodes prosperytees in retrybucyon of theyr good dede so vnto them gyueth puyssaunce auctoryte vpon the good to the ende y● the good ben proued by them and sometyme god sendeth trybulacyon vnto the yll to th ende that they amende them and yf they do it not neuerthelesse that shall be in dymynucyō of theyr synnes that they shold suffer haue in hell Or they shal haue encreasynge of other grete goodes temporals but god gyueth of trybulacyons aduersytees vnto the good for to proue them as vnto Iob vnto Thobye to the ende y● they dyspraysed the vanytes of this worlde that they sholde not forgete theyr creature and that by theyr merytes in takynge all in pacyence they may haue the glorye of paradyse and somtyme god theym gyueth of goodes to th ende that they be the more charytable and that they augment in glorye in paradys The good dyeth somtyme anone to the ende that they empeyre not for to auoyde the perylles temptacyons the which ben in this worlde and also the good lyueth somtyme longely for to encreace theym in bounte to th ende that by theyr good example doctryne the ylle may amende them and also the ylle dyeth anone sometyme for to make these other ylle a ferde to the ende that they amende them and somtyme the ylle lyueth longely for to proue the good and also for god taryeth that they sholde amende them and so thou sholde vnderstande my chylde that the opynyon of some doctours is that the mercy of god is so grete that he suffreth euermore the man to dye in the best estate purpose that he may fynde hym For god wyll not ne also suffreth not the dethe dāpnacion of a man but wylleth that conuerte hym lyue eternally in paradys and how be it that many dyeth sodeynly wtout hauyng space to confesse them to do penaunce satysfaccyō How be it vnto suche purpose may they dye and in so grete contrycyon of herte that god them taketh vnto mercy ¶ Mastier shall the ryche the poore be egallye guerdoned rewarded My chylde of as moche as they be the more sage and the more dygne of as moche shall they be the better rewarded whā they shall be good and whan they shall mowe be euyll of vs moche shall they be the more greuouslye punysshed ¶ Mayster maye god do euyll my chylde nay for how be it that he be all puyssaunt neuerthelesse it is not entendyd that he may do thynges contrarye vnto reason and that they ben Impossyble for to be ¶ Mayster wherfore suffreth god that the beestes haue so moche of payne and also they haue not deserued it my chylde it is somtyme that by the synne of the man the vengeaūce of god falleth vpon the beestes vpon theyse other goodes to the ende that he amende hym or for to proue hym as Iob. And also than beestes bē made to susteyne to nourisshe the man by the whiche they ben vnder his subieccyon And also for all thynges sholde serue vs to that wherunto they ben ordeyned as the brydge the whiche is made to passe or to go ouer In lykewyse my chylde god it suffreth to th ende that therby we take example for syth that the beestes suffreth so moche of payne for theyr poore lyfe corporall we shold well more trauayle and take payne to gete the lyfe eternall of paradys in the whiche a man shall lyue eternallye ¶ Mayster knoweth god whether that a man shall be saued or dampned before that he be borne My chylde yes not that god it dothe in entencyon for to dampne hym for god ne dampnyth hym but the man dampnith hymselfe with out ony constraynt but of his owne wyll the whiche is at his owne lyberall arbytre or fre wyll As we se the boterflye the whiche of hym selfe and of his propre wyll hym brēneth in the candell And how be it that the sayde boterflye is sometyme