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A02928 The vvay of lyfe A Christian, and catholique institution comprehending principal poincts of Christian religion, which are necessary to bee knowne of all men, to the atteyning of saluation. First delyuered, in the Danish language for the instruction of those people, by Doctor Nicolas Hemmingius, preacher of the Gospell, and professor of diuinitie, for the Kynge of Denmarcke, in his Uniuersitie of Hafnia: and about three yeares past, (for the commoditie of others) translated into Latine, by Andrew Seurinus Velleius: and now first, and newly Englished, for the commodity of English readers: by N. Denham, this yeare of our redemption. 1578.; Via vitae. English Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Denham, Nicholas. 1578 (1578) STC 13067; ESTC S103963 117,088 234

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hee will in Heauen and in Earth Againe if we looke vpon the commaundement Christe willeth all nations to be baptised that this might bee a testimonie that God will remit sinnes to all those whiche beleeue and turne them selues vnto him To conclude if we fasten our eyes vppon his presence Christe himselfe will appeare heere who baptising with the holy Ghoste woorketh that inwardly which the water outwardly applyed doth signifie By foure vnmouable arguments therfore we haue proued this to be the wil of God That he would haue all men to be saued as many as turne them selues vnto him by faith in Iesus Christ Whosoeuer therefore inwardly regardeth his saluation let him stedfastly rest in this will of GOD which God hath not onely manifested in his woorde but also by many meanes effectually proued and shewed Let vs therfore conclude that they teach falsely which to the slaūdring of the death and passion of Christe doe say that his sacrifice made for the forgiuenesse of sinnes is not profitable for all men but for a certaine few elected The second errour is of those which defend that there be certaine sinnes which cannot bee remitted for the mirite of the passion and death of Christe To this opinion these wordes of Paule are contrary VVhere sinne did abounde there Grace in Iesu Christe did superabound Likewise Iohn when he affirmeth Christe to take away the sinnes of the worlde giueth to vnderstande that the sacrifice of Christe is of farre greater force to saue then the sinnes of the whole worlde are to destroy Therefore let vs thinke that there is no sinne greater then to thinke that there is any sinne greater then the grace of GOD in Iesu Christe Such was the sinne of Cayne who beeing ouercome with the conscience of his wickednesse and dispayring sayde Greater is myne iniquitie than that it may bee forgiuen But rightly doeth Augustine aunswere him Thou lyest Cayne for the mercy of God is greater than the misery of all sinne He therefore argueth God of vntrueth whosoeuer despayreth of forgiuenesse for the heape and greatnes of his sinnes he contemneth the othe of GOD who by an othe confirmeth That hee will not the death of a sinner but that he should be conuerted and liue For when GOD beholdeth thy sinne he therwithall considereth that an infinite price is payde for the same namely the Lords passion From whence also peceedeth that voyce of the conscience reioycing in Bernarde concerning the remission of sinnes I holde sayth hee a moste strong argument THE PASSION OF THE LORD for his voice was of much more force than the voyce of the blood of Abell crying in the heartes of the elect the forgiuenesse of all offences For hee was betrayed for our sinnes neither is it to be doubted but that his death is mightyer and of more force vnto good then our sinnes vnto euill I haue sinned saith Manasses aboue the sande of the Sea but thou O LORDE according to thy greate mercie shalt saue mee though vnwoorthye But heere some body may obiect and say I haue oftentimes promised amendment of my life and yet notwithstanding wittingly and willingly I haue againe oftentimes sinned and doone against my conscience To this I aunswere thus This kinde of sin is in the sight of God horrible and dangerous and many for the same are condempned as Saule and many others who by soudaine death are caught from hence without repentaunce but notwithstanding Grace in our Lorde Iesu Christe aboundeth aboue bothe this and all the sinnes of the whole worlde For whosoeuer doe rise againe from sin by earnest repentance they all for the death and passion sake of Christe doe obtaine forgiuenesse of sinnes This temptation did so assaulte the Iewishe people that despayringly brusting foorth into this voyce they cryed out in Ezechiel 33. Our sinnes and iniquities are gone ouer vs and wee are waxed faynt in them How then can we liue Tell them sayth the mighty Lorde As truely as I liue I will not the death of a sinner but that he be conuerted and liue Turne ye turne yee from your most wicked offences O yee house of Israell wherefore will ye dye Whosoeuer therfore is afflicted with the conscience of his owne wickednesse let him remember the greatnesse of the mercy of GOD exceeding all y e works of God Let him consider that the will of God is not to will the death of a sinner but his conuersion and life Let him beholde the raunsome throughly payd by Christe which is farre greater than the sink of all the sinnes of whole worlde Let him consider the examples of suche as haue beene turned after moste horrible offences as the example of the Theefe of Manasses and of many other Let him beware leaste vnto the greatnesse of his sinnes he ad desperation wherby the trueth of God is denied than the which sinne doubtlesse none can be more greeuous And so let him approche to the Throne of Grace and with an earnest heart for Christ his sake aske forgiuenesse neither let him ceasse by faithfull prayer to knock before that he feele in his heart an aunswere to be giuen him by the holie Ghoste which thing without all doubt shalbe accomplished so that he cast from him earnestly the purpose of sinninge When the minde is by this meanes strengthened perceiuing the aunswere of God by the consolations of the heart then a confirmatiō by the voice of y e Ministers of the Gospel and the vse of the Lordes Supper is rightly required But he which asketh forgiuenesse and neuerthelesse keepeth still a purpose to sinne is a damned hypocrite which thinketh God to bee like to himselfe as which should be mooued and delighted or els deceiued through hypocrisie To the same as long as he shal be such a one aswell the absolution by the ministerye of the Church as also the vse of the Lords Supper doth stretch to his greater dampnation so farre of it is that he should hope that any commodity shall thereof come vnto him Of the sinne Jrremissible commonly called the sinne against the holie Ghoste BUt what is then to be saide touching Christ which maketh mention of y e 12. of Matt. of a sin not to be forgiuen when he saith All sinne basphemy shalbe remitted vnto men but the blasphemy against the spirite shall not be forgiuen neither in this worlde neither in the worlde to come In like manner Mar. 3. Verely I say vnto you that all sinnes and blasphemies shall be forgiuen to the children of men but he which shall blaspheme against the holy Ghoste shall neuer be forgiuen but shall be guiltie of eternall offence 1. Iohn 5. He which knoweth his brother to sinne a sinne not vnto death let him aske and life shall be giuen him for him which sinneth not vnto death there is a sinne vnto death for the which say I not that a man should pray All vnrighteousnesse is sin and there is a sinne not vnto death
a thousād hangings which committing this kinde of thefte far more greeuous doth vnfaythfully instruct the youth vpon good trust committed vnto him Tutors or gouernours also which are in the steede of parentes should wholy frame themselues according to the rule prescribed beefore to parentes Therfore they should not onely haue a regarde and studious care to keepe the goods of their pupilles which fall to them by way of heritage but they should haue a special care that they might bee well and honestly instructed knowing that they themselues are as streightly bound before the iudgement seate of GOD by the promise which they made to the parentes of those children as if they had couenaunted with God himselfe that they would bee faythfull tutors and patrones of those pupilles For this cause GOD calleth himselfe a father of the fatherlesse and a defender of the Widdowes But what is doone at these dayes by the common sorte of tutors is euidente to all men and the miserable pupilles and widdowes alas for sorow to their great greefe haue experience Last of all also the Ministers of the woorde of GOD are bound to exhort their hearers to outward honesty of lyfe according to the law of God by doctrine examples by admonishments togeather with chastisements set beefore them as Christe himselfe did and the holye Apostle Paule But if they shall lay aside this due care of their duety and deceiptfully doo the businesse of the Lorde they shal not escape the iust iudgemente and punishmente in that laste day of the Lorde But how manye may wee see now a dayes which follow that verse of the Poet. The rauening Crow is pardoned still The simple Dooue susteynes much yll When as notwithstanding God would haue thee to respecte the person of no man so that thou bee moderate after the example of most excellēt Nathan It is better for the Minister of the woord of God with Iohn to bee beheaded then with Herode to bee feasted for there ought to bee had greater regarde heere to the glory of God and the saluation of man than to our owne liues and commodities Let these things suffise to bee spoken touchinge the externall vse of the Lawe and how farre the same stretcheth There bee foure most weighty causes why this outwarde discipline should bee exercised First The commaundement of GOD. Secondly That the punishmentes might bee auoyded Thirdly That wee might liue peaceably and quietly amongest our selues Fourthly That the same might bee an Instruction makinge vs the more apte to heare the healthsome doctrine of y e Gospel of IESVS CHRISTE Of the Internall or inwarde vse of the Lawe AS THE FIRST VSE OF THE LAVV is externall and concerneth the societie of man so that whosoeuer expresseth in outwarde conuersation in woord and deede the letter of the Lawe is Iudged of the people to bee good and honest so the seconde vse of the Lawe is INTERNALL in the heart and Conscience of man that hee might bee staied before the Iudgement seate of GOD and render a reason whether with all his power hee hath fulfilled the lawe of God or no Here if hee can boast of the fulfilling of the Law which is impossible for all men Christe onely excepted hee may then vnderstand that vnto him belongeth blessinge and mercy vnto thousandes accordinge to the promise annexed to the Lawe but if hee perceyue himselfe to bee a transgressour of the Law hee heareth the vengeaunce and iudgement of God propounded agaynst him vnto the thirde and fourth generation Likewise hee heareth Cursed is euery one which fulfilleth not whatsoeuer things are written in this booke of the Lawe This sentence was first giuen in Paradise and moreouer in manifeste woordes expressed by Moses Besides this the conscience of each man confirmeth the same and in like manner all the calamities of this life and at the last death it selfe prooueth the same Lastly the eternal tormentes of Hell shal punish as many as shal not be deliuered by our Lord IESVS CHRIST Caine when hee weighed his sinne in an euen Ballance according to the Law sayde My iniquitie is greater than may be forgiuen The same thinge befell vnto Saule also despairinge and throwinge himselfe into eternall damnation But Dauid when hee examined his deed by the Lawe and knewe his sinne sayde If thou O Lorde shalt marke what is doone amisse O Lorde who shall abide it But there is mercye with thee therfore shalt thou bee feared Manasses likewise Mary Magdalene and the Theefe vpon the Crosse confessing their sinnes repented and did flye to the mercy of GOD. And thus wee see what the INTERNALL or inward VSE OF THE LAVV is namely to examine the deedes of our liues by euery precept of the Law of GOD as often as we finde our selues to haue offended so often wee should holde for a suretie that the curse of the Law and the punishmentes of God his anger are denounced against vs. What counsayle shall wee take in this case onely two wayes are set beefore vs the one by desperation to eternall death and malediction the other by the throne of grace to eternall life and benediction THE THRONE OF GRACE is CHRIST IESVS which reconcileth vs to his father and giueth lyfe euerlasting For hee which beeleeueth in Iesus Christe obteyneth by him both righteousnesse and forgiuenesse of sinnes by which righteousnes he entreth into euerlasting life For Christe hath fulfilled the lawe to iustifie all that beeleeue in him This Fayth in Christe is the foundation of our saluation as all Christians do confesse in the Creed when they say I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes that is to say although my sinnes bee innumerable and the greatnesse of Gods anger is infinite and the punishmentes which fall in by reason of sinne be horrible yet notwithstanding forasmuch as I am vnder grace and not vnder the Law I doo assuredly beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes through the merite of the death and passion of Iesus Christe who not onely clenseth mee from all Sinne by his precious bloud but also imputeth vnto mee his righteousnesse so that the Lawe with her sentence of condemnation hath no right ouer mee at all This fayth springeth out of the knowledge of the Gospell which offereth to all the faythfull GRACE in Iesu Christ Wherfore Augustine sayth Christe hath made our sinnes his that hee might make his righteousnesse oures Also when Caine sayde My iniquitie is greater then that I may bee forgiuen Augustine answereth Thou lyest Caine for the mercy of GOD is greater than the wretchednesse of all Sinners This is that which Iohn sayth Beholde the Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes of the world Item CHRIST is the propitiation not only for our sinnes but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde This fayth resteth in the obedience of GOD alone and trusteth to no creature beside eyther in heauen or in earth But concerning the nature of fayth it shalbee sayd more
good thing and commoditie of the children of God or of the Church is That God himselfe is in her as a moste lightsome Sun For euen as from this visible Sunne there commeth vnto the worlde Light Heate and Shining beames wherby al things are quickened and cherished so frō God which is the Sun inuisible there cometh vnto the Church Light that is to say cleere knowledge of GOD there commeth Heate that is affections burning with Faith Hope and Loue and shining beames which are the manifolde consolations whereby the faithfull soule is releeued cherished and comforted This Sunne as it riseth to such as feare God so it setteth to the negligent the wicked lyuer and the carelesse It is therfore with great diligence to be taken heede of that the godlie through a certaine sluggishnes of their owne in hearing or reading the word of God wherin this Sunne brightly shineth doe not suffer this Sunne to be either darkened or hidden from them For as this visible Sunne if it shall seeme to a sicke body in his dreame to be hid or darkened there is daunger as Hippocrates affirmeth of moste certaine death to the sicke body to be at hand so if our Sunne Christe be darkened vnto vs his doctrine beeing either abolished or obscured not onely darcknes hangeth ouer vs but also the death of the soule and moste assured eternall condemnation Furthermore we may heereby perceiue the misery of them as many as are destitute of this Sunne the worde of GOD. For they beeing blinde doe bothe grope in the darknesse of ignorance and beeing ignoraunt of God are stricken with dreadfull amasednesse of minde when sinne sheweth foorth it selfe in their consciences And albeit that Conscience seemeth in many to be as it were with an hot yron feared as though it were voyd of all feeling of sinne yet notwithstanding it will at sometime be wakened vp at the least in the extreame agonie of death and will driue the miserable soule into desperation than the whiche thing nothing may happen vnto manne either more heauy or more bytter as hauing leather that hee had neuer beene created and brought vnto light The second good thing or commoditie of them which knowe the Essence and will of GOD and yeelde themselues obedient to the same is that God is a defence or sheeld vnto them wherwith they are compassed defended and sheelded against the kingdome of darcknesse Of this sheeld speaketh Dauid in Psal 5. when he saith All they which hope in thee shall reioyce they shall euer be giuing thanks and thou shalt dwell in them all they which loue thy name shall reioyce in thee For thou Lord shalt blesse the righteous and with thy fauourable kindenesse shalt thou compasse vs as with a sheelde Item Psal 18. And thou haste giuen me the defence or sheelde of thy saluation and thy right hand doth vpholde me In this manner it is the good pleasure of God that he wil not only with the crowne of his fauourable kindenesse compasse his about but also will haue them to bee happie with perpetuall blessednesse Paule when he writeth to the Ephesians thus Take vnto you the sheeld of Faith wherewith ye may quench all the fiery dartes of the wicked Signifying that we are thē compassed about with the sheeld of faith when we fight a good fight holdeing a stedfast beleefe of the doctrine with a sure confidence of mercy a good conscience This sheelde forasmuch as the enemies of God doe want what I pray ye can be more miserable then they For in asmuch as they be naked and vnarmed they are not able to resist the diuel the prince of darkenes but he obteineth ful dominion in them throweth them headlong out of one wickednes into an other vntill he haue brought them to vtter destruction The third good thing or commoditie which the godly haue by the healthfull knowledge and feare of the true God is called of Dauid Grace This Grace is the fauour of God forgiuing sinne to the beleeuers for the death of his sonne and garnishing them with a most pure garment which is The obedience or righteousnesse of Christe VVhereby they are in such wise reputed righteous in the sight of God as if they them selues had fulfilled the lawe But they which are out of the congregation are voide of this grace of saluation and doe remaine vnder sinne the wrath of God and eternall damnation for their iniquitie The fourth commoditie which they that know and feare God doe inioy is called of Dauid Glory This Glory is The adoption of the adopted sonnes of GOD The inhabiting of the holy ghoste and the hereditary Possession of eternall blessednesse by Iesus Christe But contrarywise they whiche doe not knowe God are the bondslaues and dwelling places of the diuell are mooued by his spirit and to eternall ignominie are they reserued The fifth good thing or commoditie which God by the Psalmist promiseth vnto the godly is cōteined in these wordes He will withholde no good thing from them which walke in innocencie O how great is this promise It is all one as if he should say They which walke in innocencie that is to say they which by faith doe yeelde obedience vnto God shall be abundantly indewed with all good thinges so that they may perpetually inioy them and shall neuer stand in feare of any euill to come vnto them And albeit that all the Children of God shal in this world suffer persecution yet notwithstanding they are certaine of the good things promised which heere they obtaine by hope and in the life to come shall without all impediment for euer possesse But contrarywise they which haue neither learned to knowe God by his worde neither yet to feare him according to his will vnto them ignominies sorowes and calamities shall neuer be wanting but vnto the Diuell whome they haue serued they shall be thrall and subiect for euer Heereby now euery one may easely vnderstand that to be moste true which I propounded in the beginning namely That of all things which are in the world there is nothing either more better or more precious neither yet more profitable than rightly to know the ESSENCE and WIL of God and that this knowledge is drawne forth of the word of God in the which word he hath opened bothe him self and his wil. But least any man should suffer himselfe to be seduced by the deuill his members it is to bee knowne that the worde of GOD is not any other where to be sought than in the writinges of Moses the Prophetes the Euangelistes and Apostles whiche are beautified with the testimonie of the omnipotent God which is the eternall veritie and can not lye as Paule speaketh But some may obiect or at the least thinke with himselfe in his heart as many doe although they expresse it not by their mouth after this manner If wee were certaine that that worde were in very deede the worde of
Dauid plainely expresseth the great dolors and vexations wherewith as with tempestes he is ouerwelmed for his sinnes Thirdly Let him reuerence in God Iudgement and Mercy It is the parte of the most iust iudgement of God to punish sinne in all men but of his Mercy to punish not to destroy but y t he might saue so that we do not contempne the Medicine Whereof Esaie saith Trouble giueth vnderstanding Item The distresse wherein they cry is a doctrine vnto them Breefely God punisheth By IVDGEMENT that hee might saue By MERCIE as it may bee seene in Psal 51. In the word of y e Gospel Let him seeke counsail and remedyes The Gospell sendeth all afflicted sinners to this onely Physition Iesus Christe which calleth vnto him and saueth all offenders This counsaile is moste excellent because neither in Heauen nor in earth any is founde which is able to heale the wounds of sin beside this onely Iesus Christe Furthermore this very worde which giueth vs counsaile doth also minister helpe vnto vs and healeth the woundes of sinne in such wise that we may be holpen by Christ so that we beleeue in him and with a constant Fayth pray with Dauid saying Heale me Lorde and I shall be whole In this place againe are to be called back into our mindes the fiue Articles of whome mention is made a little before The Finall causes wherefore GOD will haue his Church to bee subiecte to the Crosse are many of which these are the cheefe First that wee may learne that those good things whiche God hath promised to his Children are not to be looked for in this worlde but that we should think of the true countrie to the which we are called so that wee might ease all the aduersities of this life by the meditation of the ioy to come and life euerlasting For if all things should succeed vnto the godly in this life according vnto their desires they would not be affectioned with the desire of the good thinges promised by Christe Secondly that man by the Crosse as by a bridle may be restrayned who through the corruption of nature is otherwise prone to sinne Heereof the Psalmist sayth Holde their chawes with bit and bridle which drawe not nigh vnto thee Thirdly that the Crosse might be a sensible preaching of repentance For euen as the conscience assenteth to the law reprouing sinne so also by the Crosse we are admonished to repent that we may be saued Fourthly That the crosse may ouerthrowe al mans presumption and confidence of the flesh and teach vs to cleaue with a firme fayth vnto GOD alone and to call vpon him according to his Commaundement Call vpon me sayth he in the day of tribulation and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie mee Let these things suffice to be spoken touching the Crosse or calamitie of which our Baptisme doth admonish vs. IN THE FOVRTH PLACE Baptisme teacheth vs what wee should looke for For euen as the partie Baptised beeing sprinkled with the water is drawen from the water and as Christe himselfe after his passion and death entred into his glory so wee also doe take our iourney from the straunge wandring of this world vnto saluation life euerlasting a moste euident testimonie wherof Christe hath giuen namely Baptisme to all the beleeuers IN THE FIFT PLACE Baptisme teacheth vs that our life in this worlde is nothing els than a Pilgrimage of three dayes Wee suffer we are buryed and we shall ryse againe at the sound of the last Trumpet when Christe shall say Aryse yee Deade THE third signifycation of Baptisme wherof wee haue made mention aboue is that it is a Souldierly marcke or Cognisance whereby the Souldiours of Christe are knowen whiche haue giuen their names vnto him and taken an othe that they will fight vnder his standerde agaynst the Deuill and his kingdome namely Sinne. The Souldiours of Christe are discerned by foure notes cheefely from those whiche are in wages vnder their Captaine the Deuill The first and moste surest note of the Children of God is Faith inuisible and onely knowen vnto God with her priuy and inwarde frutes in the heart of the man The seconde is The open profession of Faith in the mouth before all the worlde The thirde is seene In Godlynesse and Honestie of life when the Christian doth so order his life that y e same may be a manifest testimony of the faith which lyeth hid in the heart of man The fourth is the note of the body namely Baptisme whereby we professe our selues to be the seruāts of Christ Heervnto also maketh the sacrament of the Lorde his Supper whereof we will now speake a fewe wordes Of the supper of the Lord. I Haue sayd before that the Sacramentes of the new Testament doe occupy the third place accommodating or applying of the benefites of Christe Forasmuch as we haue hetherto spoken of Baptisme it remaineth now that we intreate of the other Sacrament namely of The supper of the Lorde God graunt that it may be to the glory of his name and the wholesome instruction and profite of all the godly I will remoue all vnprofitable questions and diuersities of opinions which doe more hurte then profit and set downe onely those things touching the most holy Supper of the Lorde which I haue learned and drawen out of the fountaines of the sacred Scripture And that the same may be done to the greater fruit profit of the christian Reader I will comprehend this whole doctrine in a fewe and certaine assured poyntes Articles The firste and cheefest thing that wee must knowe concerning the Supper of the Lorde instituted of Christe himselfe vnder the visible Symboles of Bread and Wine is That Christe in the same night in which hee was betrayed did institute this Sacramente that the same might bee amongst all his an euerlasting monument of his Passion in whiche hee deliuered his body to death and shed his blood vpon the Altar of the Crosse for many for the remission of sinnes as he himself saith This is my body whiche is giuen for you This is my blood which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Item Doe ye this in REMEMBRANCE of mee Secondly The Supper of the Lorde testifyeth that they which vse the same rightly are vnited and as it were incorporated into Christ and that spiritually according to the woords of Paul The Cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the partaking of the blood of Christe The Breade which wee breake is it not the participating of the body of Christ That is to say whosoeuer doth eate the body of Christe and drinke his blood he so that a lyuing fayth be not wanting abydeth in Christe and Christe in him Thirdly the Supper of the Lord teacheth a spirituall education in the body of Christe which is accomplyshed whilst we vse his Supper For euen as we are by the blood of Christe cleansed and by the holy Ghost in Baptisme
Saule Achitophell Iudas Iulianus and infinite others We see also how many nations which haue heard Christe and his Apostles haue perished beeing turned away to pernitious errours of the Deuill the Turke and the Romaine Antichriste Ninthly Let this cogitation also enter into thy minde That Repentaunce is not so the worke of man as the the gifte of GOD which if thou contemnest whiles it is day from day and often offered vnto thee of God it is to be feared that hee dooth oftentimes caste his precious pearles before swine The tenth is The condition of late Repentaunce For it is oftentimes rightly sayde Late Repentaunce is seldome true Hee is not to bee iudged to repent whiche after he is not able to sinne doth feigne repentaunce And Augustine sayth The repentaunce whiche is required of him onely which is about to dye I feare mee leaste that same repentance doe also dye I say this not that I doe denye the mercy of God to be giuen vnto those which beeing about to departe forth of this life doe repent but that we may consider how daungerous it is to protracte repentaunce vnto the laste gaspe of this lyfe It seemeth good vnto me to collect breefely these reasons the consideration of whiche will keepe euery of vs in the feare of God that wee abuse not the greatnesse of his mercie to our owne destruction Almightie GOD bende our heartes vnto true constant and healthfull Repentaunce that wee may be the Children of God and that wee may all and singuler with olde Symeon from the botom of our heartes when wee shall departe foorth of this lyfe ioyfully sing Now Lorde let thy seruaunt departe in peace according to thy worde c. Howe shall a Christian perseuer vnto the ende that he loose not Faith and the grace obtayned in our Lorde Iesu Christe Wise and prudent Physitians beeing called to the sick patient doe apply themselues to doe two thinges First they bend all their diligence by their arte and counsayle to take away the present disease Furthermore that vnto the patient restored to his former health they may prescribe an order of liuing least they fall back againe into their disease so become the authours of their owne destruction The examples of these wil I follow because I haue hetherto brought forth of the worde of God the worde of saluation remedy against sinne death damnation I ●●al now also bestow counsayle by what meane it may bee accōplished That hee which hath receiued Christe with his benefits may also continue and obtayne those euerlasting good thinges whiche Christe hath merited for all those which repose their confidence in him If I shall therefore saye with Paule Fight thou a good fight holding fayth and a good conscience I haue comprehended the whole matter But if any man goe forwarde further to saye Nowe is Fayth and a good Conscience to bee retayned I aunswere The Scripture nameth The feare of God The hyeste and cheefest wisdome of the Children of God For this feare contayneth vs in duety and obedyence towardes GOD in whose sight wee walke It hath foure conditions First It is heedeful leaste it should offend God Secondly It doth diligently execute the things which are commaunded it Thirdly It carefully auoydeth all lyinges in waite deceiptes and subtilties Fourthly It seeketh and imploreth ayde against his enemyes First of all he which feareth God doth busily take heed that by any meanes hee offend not GOD. For this cause The feare of the Lorde is called in the 19. Psalme PVRE because that he whiche feareth God considereth what euils he was subiect vnto by reason of sinne hee considereth y e Christ hath suffered his most bitter death to take a way sinne hee considereth that whether hee wake or sle●●o or walke eate or drinke c. he is cōuers at harthe sight of God Furthermore hee remembreth that infinite glory whereby he is adopted into the societie of the Sonnes of God that hee might shew himselfe in all things obedient to his moste louing father he considereth that sinne is the marke of the Children of the Deuil he considereth himselfe to bee a member of Christe and partaker of that holy fellowship with GOD the father the Sonne and the holy Ghoste and so foorth with all the electe of God hee considereth that Sinne is spirituall Adultery breaking the mariage knotte whiche is betweene the Soule of man with her Bridegroome our Lorde Iesu Christe hee considereth that it is not comely that hee shoulde turne the Temple of GOD into the habitation of the Deuill neither that hee oughte to expell the holy Ghoste foorth of his hearte whose benefites so exceeding and many he hath effectually prooued Hee is at a point that he wil not deale traiterously against his Lorde and redeemer Christe to gratifie the Deuill Hee considereth that hee must so trade ouer his life that through any manifest wickednesse he bee not an offence to any or that through him the Gospell be not euill spoken of These and suche other considerations will breede in the hearte of man the feare of God and a study to auoyde sinnes and fallinges agaynst the conscience GOD graunt that euery one of vs may continually beare aboute with vs in our heartes these considerations Secondly He which feareth GOD Obeyeth the Commaundements of the Lorde For as the Psalme sayth He hath great delight in his commaundements that is to say He yeeldeth due reuerence and obedience vnto GOD acccording to his Commaundements with his greatest pleasure of minde From this true worship or seruice of GOD the Papists haue many yeeres hether vnto fowlye erred whiche doe rashly teache that God is to bee worshipped with the precepts of men and doe bynde all the worshipping of GOD to the Priestes and Monckes of their order whom with manifest deceiptes notwithstanding and for lucre sake they doe bouldely affirme to serue God aright only and to haue also saleable works of supererogation I will therefore adde somewhat concerning this matter whereby euery man may learne rightly to frame his iudgement touchinge the true worship or seruice of God Of the worship or seruice of GOD. THE VVORSHIP or seruice of God is A woorke commaunded of GOD wrought through Faith principally to the setting foorth of the glory of God In this definition there bee three thinges whiche in the true worship of God are necessaryly ioyned together First The matter or materiall parte which is A worke commaunded of God Secondly The cause namely That the same worke be doone of faith in Iesus Christe Thirdly The end namely The glory of God which the worker respecteth that by this meanes he may declare himselfe obedient to his heauenly father That this worship must bee A worke commaunded of God he himselfe in the 20. Chapter of Ieremie teacheth vs VValke yee in my Commaundements and not in the Commaundementes of your Fathers And Christe when he sayth In vaine doe they worship me teaching the doctrines