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A02612 A proclamation of vvarre from the Lord of Hosts. Or Englands warning by Israels ruine shewing the miseries like to ensue vpon vs by reason of sinne and securitie. Deliuered in a sermon at Pauls Crosse Iuly the 23. 1626. By William Hampton Master of arts, and preacher of Gods word. Hampton, William, 1599 or 1600-1677. 1627 (1627) STC 12741; ESTC S120499 26,867 50

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case let vs all lay it to heart I haue heard of a Marques of Brandenburge who was wont to say he had in his Countrie three Monasteries which were three Monsters one of the Dominicans who had abundance of Corne and yet had no Land to sow another of the Franciscans who were full of Money and yet receiued no Rents the third of Saint Thomas order whose monkes had a great many Children yet had no wines Wee are like to be a Monster and wonder a Prouerbe and a common talke to all people as it is verse 37. For vnlesse our Soueraigne be supplied that some course may speedily be taken for our defence wee shall haue neither Lands nor Rents nor Money nor Corne nor Wiues nor Children nor any thing else in safety but all will fall into our enemies hands Lord open our eyes that we may see the danger we are in and in time prouide for it lest when it be too late wee wish wee had When you see this strange strong and sterne Foe at your gates your Countrey wasted your Houses fired your Citie besieged when you heare the clangor of the Trumpet the clamor of the wounded the clattering of the harnesse the beating of the Drumme the roaring of the Ordnance the thundring of the Cannon when you see your wiues rauished before your faces your friends slain your children murdered your Infants dashed against the stones or broached on the Pike and all the Land made nothing but the Shambles of Castillian and Ignatian Butchers then you will wish but alas too late would to GOD wee had in time beene warned would we had parted with halfe our estates rather then lose all and come to this lamentable slauery and misery God in mercy put it into all our hearts to consider seriously of it that euery man according to his ability may condescend vnto the necessitie of the time Now for a conclusion All that hath beene spoken may serue as a strong motiue to stirre vs vp with speed to turne vnto God that hee may turne vnto vs and turne from vs this fearefull calamitie Let vs repent heartily and cry vnto him mightily to spare vs to be mercifull vnto vs. Vncessant praiers repentant teares are most powerfull to procure Gods mercy to diuert his iudgement he is mercifull and will receiue our Prayers he is pittifull and will regard our teares His Sword was once drawn against Niniueh a fearefull doome pronounced Yet fourty dayes and Niniueh shall be destroyed The King and his Nobles and all the people fall to repentance they fast they pray they humble themselues to sackcloath and ashes their sinnes cry for iudgement their repentance for mercy there was a contention betweene them which should out-cry the other their wickednesse ascends vp on high knockes at heauen gate clamours lowd in the eares of God Iustice my Lord vengeance vengeance Their repentance ascends higher and cries lowder in the eares of God mercy good Lord mercy spare vs O spare vs we beseech thee Repentance gets the victory GOD is not so much enclined to iudgement as to mercy he regards not the cry of sinne if he once heare the cry of sinners he accepts their sorrow and humiliation he puts vp his sword hee holds his hand hee sees them turne from their wicked wayes and he turnes from his fierce wrath he sees them repent of their euill deedes and he also repents of the euill hee pronounced against them The sinnes of our Land like the sinns of Nintueh are ascended vp on high and cry alowde for reuenge to the GOD of heauen but our religious King hath proclaim'd a Fast hee and his Nobles haue led the way if we with him and them send vp repentance and prayers and teares to cry alowd in Gods eares they will dull the cry of our sinnes that he shall not heare it and dull the edge of his sword that it shall not wound vs. Wicked Ahab had grieuously sinned and a terrible sentence was past vpon him yet vpon his repentance though it were but superficiall in outward shew GOD was mercifull and spared him Seest thou not sayes God to Elijah how Ahab is humbled before me because he submitteth himselfe before mee I will not bring that euill in his dayes but in his sonnes dayes will I bring euill vpon is house If God were so mercifull to that wicked man vpon his false fained repentance how much more if we turne vnto him with true vnfained repentance will he be mercifull to vs not bring this euill in our daies A second meanes to diuert this iudgement is vncessant prayer wonderfull is the force of praier with the God of heauen when the Moabites and Ammonites and they of mount Seir came vp against Ierusalem with an huge Army the people were amazed not knowing what to doe for they were not able to stand before such a multitude in battell Iehosophat proclaimes a Fast the people all fall to their prayers desire GOD to ayde defend and deliuer them O Lord God of our Fathers art not thou in heauen and raignest not thou ouer all the Kingdomes of the Heathen and in thine hand is power and strength and none is able to withstand thee O our God wilt not thou iudge them for there is no strength in vs to withstand this great multitude neither doe wee know what to doe but our eyes are toward thee And such was the force of their prayers that GOD gaue them the victory without fighting any stroke the Lord himselfe became the Warriour and laid ambushments for their Enemies saith the Text and made them sheath their swords in one anothers bowels till they were all destroyed When Senecharib came into the land of Iudah with a mighty Host and tooke the strong and defenced Cities thereof Hezekiah and the people what did they In the first place they vsed the best meanes for their safety they stopped vp the fountaines of water that their Enemies might not bee refreshed therewith they built all the broken wall they raised vp the Towers they repaired Millo in the Citie of Dauid they made many Darts and Shields they mustered the people of the Land and set Captaines ouer them teaching vs what to do It is not enough to sit still and cry Lord haue mercy vpon vs without vsing meanes for our defence and safety for GOD workes by meanes be it small or great and therefore Hezekiah vseth the best meanes hee can to withstand and keepe out the Enemie and then he and his people pray vnto God for a good successe and rely on him as then surest stay for help and deliuerance Feare not neither bee afraid of the King of Ashur nor for all the multitude that is with him for there be more with vs then with him with him is an arme of flesh but with vs is the Lord our GOD for to helpe vs and to fight our battels And the Lord seeing their confidence and hearing their prayers gaue them
a meruailous deliuerance sent forth a Captaine out of his owne Host a holy Angell which in one night slew an hundred somescore and fiue thousand of their Enemies So through this strong and sterne foe should come against vs yet let vs not be dismayed if we repent heartily for our sinnes pray earnestly vnto God trust to him no doubt but hee will in mercy looke vpon vs and worke some meanes for their confusion as hee did in 88. beyond our expectation there bee more with vs then with them GOD is on our side it is his quarrell he will defend his Church if we continue constant in his seruice feruent in prayer One Moses by prayer saued a whole Nation from a fearefull destruction when the people forgetting Gods commandement made them a God of gold and worshipped it and so prouoked the holy one of Israell that hee was minded to make a cleane riddance and consume them vtterly for it Moses stepping into the gap and praying for them stayed his hand The people sinne God is angry drawes his sword lifts vp his hand to strike and Moses lifts vp his hands in prayer and so long as he prayes God cannot strike his hands were held by Moses prayers Let me alone Moses saith God let me alone that my wrath may waxe hot against them for I will consume them at once but I will make of thee a mighty people It seemes Moses by his prayers did hinder and hold God backe from destroying Israell prayer is like a chaine or manacle to tye the hands of an angry Lord Vincit inuincibilem It ouercomes him that ouercomes all things And therefore Moses he still prayes O Lord turne from thy fierce wrath and change thy minde from this euill toward thy people and such was the power of his prayer that GOD altered his sentence turned from his anger destroyed them not as he had intended Though Gods anger bee kindled against this Land for our sinnes yet if some Moses doe stand in the gap if some holy deuout and faithfull men doe intercede for it no doubt but God will bee mercifull And herein lyes our strongest consolation for as God would haue spared sinfull Sodome if there had bin but fifty but fiue and forty but forty but thirty but twenty nay but tenne righteous therein So vndoubtedly it is for some good peoples sake that GOD hath spared vs so long for though many are sinfull yet it is to be hoped there is here and there a Moses that holds vp his hands here and there a Lot that grieues for the sinnes of the time here and there an Abraham that makes request for Sodome for their sakes GOD spares the whole let them continue constant in Gods seruice zealous in prayer yea let vs all betake our selues to earnest and hearty prayer for now it is time and more then time so to doe Spare vs good Lord spare vs wee beseech thee O remember not our olde sinnes and offences but haue mercy vpon vs and that soone for else wee are like to come to great misery helpe vs O God of and saluation for the glory of thy name O deliuer vs and be mercifull vnto our sins for thy names sake Or as the Prophet Ioel exhorts Let the Priests the Ministers of the Lord yea and all the people weepe betweene the Porch and the Altar in the Lords house and let them say Spare thy people O Lord spare thy people and giue not thine heritage into reproach that the Heathen should rule ouer them Let not this furious bloud-thirsty and cruell Nation worse then the Heathen euer set footing in this Kingdome or haue dominion ouer vs but let the Crowne flourish vpon his head on whom thou hast vouchsafed in mercy to place it the man of thy right hand whom thou hast made strong for thine owne selfe cloath his Enemies with shame and confusion be as a wall of fire to him and his Realmes Let those that rise vp against him be like Sisera and Iabin who perished at Endor and became as the dung of the earth make them and their Princes like Oreb and Zeb yea make all their Princes like as Zeba and Zalmana O my God make them like a wheele and as the stubble before the winde Let them fall vpon the edge of the sword that they may be a portion for Foxes so shall the King reioyce in thy strength exceeding glad shall he be of thy saluation For why he putteth his trust in thee and in thy mercy O thou most high let him not miscary So we that be thy people and Sheepe of thy Pasture shall giue thee thankers for euer and will be shewing forth thy praise from one generation to another So shall thy name be glorified thy Son magnified thy truth defended thy Gospell propagated thy poore Church comforted which we humbly beseech thee to graunt O Father of mercies and God of all consolation for our blessed Sauiour Iesus Christ his sake to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit three glorious persons one eternall omnipotent God be giuen all honour glory praise and power now and euermore FINIS Sen. de ben lib. 1. cap. 8. Gen. 49. vers 25. Psal 71 12. Psal 107.34 1 Chron. 15.2 Ioseph de bell Iud. lib. 7. cap 3. Ezek. 16.48.51 Master Fox Acts and Monu pag. 126. Ier. 36.23.24 Cedren hist pag. 542. Alco●a Azoar 2.3.6 Vid. Phil. Morn lib. de veritat relig Christ c. 33. p. 608. Crudelitat Hispan in Indies patrat Hispaenice conscript per episcop Bar thol Casa●̄ natione Hispanum latine excus Francosurti 1598. a Pag. 7. b Pag. ● c Pag. 6. d Pag. 25. e Pag. 96. f Pag. 4. g Pag. 82. h Pag. ●● i Pag. 67. k Pag. 31. 78. l Pag. 20. m Pag. 8. Praefat. ad Anton. August praefix ante Oser de gest Eman. pag. 15. n Pag. 35. o Pag. 9. p Pag. 10. q Pag. 11. r Pag 99. 108. ſ Pag. 60. t Pag. 50. u Pag. 46. x Pag. 29. y Pag. 28. z Pag. 100. Benz. hist Ind. a Pag. 19. 101. 2 Reg. 24.13 M. Fox act mon. p● 155. 165. vlt. edit Hen. Hunting lib. 6. Ric. Knowlles his Turkish History in the life of Mahomet the great 1 King 21.19 2 Chro. 2● 2 Chron. 32. Exod. 32.11