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A69010 Institutions of Christian religion framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the best diuines, methodically handled by questions and answers, fit for all such as desire to know, or practise the will of God. Written in Latin by William Bucanus Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lausanna. And published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, for the benefit of our English nation, to which is added in the end the practise of papists against Protestant princes.; Institutiones theologicae. English Bucanus, Guillaume. 1606 (1606) STC 3961; ESTC S106002 729,267 922

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b Rom 7 19 which do much obscure the knowledge encline the wil that wee doe not straight put in practise that which we will 2. Because the regenerate are sometimes for a while left to thēselues and forsaken of God who at that time doth not as before shewe his power efficacie in them so that falling into sin they may be humbled returne to God as it may be seene Psal 51.13 c. which is done 1. To humble them 2. To make thē pray for grace 3. That they may acknowledge that grace is of God Is it in our power to refuse or accept the grace of God offered to vs and continue in grace or againe to fall from it If man be cōsidered such as he is of his own nature that is being wholy in the power slauery of sin he can indeed refuse grace neither can he turne vnto God But if you looke to Gods purpose election effectual calling he that is elect cannot but in his time receiue grace For the counsel determination of God cannot be made void Psal 33.11 The counsell of the Lord remaineth for euer And Ephe. 1.11 In whom we are predestinated according to his purpose who worketh all things according to the counsell of his owne will Notwithstāding spiritual gifts are to be ascribed to God only And the regenerate stand not by their own power but by the only power of the holy ghost by which power also they rise after their fals perseuere vnto the end Ps 37.23 The paths of a man are directed by the Lord for he loueth his way though he fall yet he shall not be crushed in pieces for the Lord putteth vnder his hand Heb. 13.5 I will not faile thee neither forsake thee But after we haue bin cōuerted haue giuen place to the first grace doth not our strēgth worke together with the grace which followeth Where the grace of God raigneth there is readinesse to obey cōstācy to perseuere but so as it alwaies proceedeth frō gods spirit consenting therto Phil. 4.13 I am able to do all through Christ that strēgtheneth me But that a man should take so much frō him self as therby to work with gods grace this doth plainly oppose the Scripture Phil. 2.13 It is God who worketh in vs both to wil to do according to his good pleasure Also Ps 23.6 9.11 His mercy preuēted me his mercy shal follow me Also Phil. 1.6 He that hath begun his good work in you he wil also finish it euē vnto the day of our Lord Iesus Christ And 1. Pet. 1.5 You who by the power of God are kept by faith vnto saluation Therfore the whole benefit of our conuersion saluation in the beginning middest end thereof is of gods free mercy If a man can do nothing in spiritual things in vaine therfore are propoūded all punishments precepts reproofs exhortations promises as these If you will do this c. You shal eate the good things of the Land c. Concerning punishmēts I answere that seing sin is cōmitted by a voluntary desire therfore they are iustly inflicted vpon sinners For the other Aug. lib. de corrept gratia maketh answer on this maner O man in the Commandement know what thou oughtest do In thy correction know that through thine owne fault thou hast not that thou shouldest haue In making petition knowe vvhence thou receiuest that thou vvouldest haue And God conuerteth a man kindleth faith in him not without means that is not without the word not without hearing reading meditating vpon the doctrine which soundeth in the ministery not without a wrestling resistāce of his will Certainly the wicked can impute their hardnes to none but themselues but by the word they are vrged in their consciences are made more inexcusable against the day of iudgement But the godly by exhortation are prepared to obey exhortation are conuicted by reprehension of their sins To conclude God by his promises testifieth how vnworthy the vngodly are of his goodnes but the godly he allureth by the swetnes therof to loue of his precepts But Zachary Cha. 1.3 seemeth to part diuide the effectes of our cōuersion betwixt God vs saying Turne you vnto me I will turne vnto you I answere Zacharie speaketh of an outward conuersion to good works he speaketh of such a conuersion in god not wherby he reneweth mans hart vnto repētance but wherby he sheweth himselfe to be mercifull wel pleased by the prosperity hee sendeth For cōcerning the inward conuersion Ieremy speaketh in the Lam. 5.21 on this maner Turne vs O Lord we shal be turned And Deut 29.4 God hath not giuen you a heart to vnderstād to which is answerable that saying of Augustine O Lord giue that which thou comādest command what thou vvilt Da quod iubes iube quod vis But Moses Deu. 30.11.14 speaketh thus The commandement which I cōmand thee this day is not hid frō thee neither is far off but it is vvith thee euen in thy mouth in thy heart that thou maist do it 1. I answer in general that Moses doth not speak of any power in thē to perform perfect obediēce to the law but of a natural doctrinal notice of the cōmandemēts of the Deacalogue so that the people could pretēd no ignorāce seing they had the tabls therof writtē for them so might repeate them by heart and had the lawe written and engrauen in the knowledge and minde 2 According to Paules application Rom. 10.8 we adde further that Moses speaketh not simply of the commaundements of the Lawe but of the promises of the Gospell and that he maketh this easines of performance to consist not in mans power but in the helpe assistance of the Holy Ghost who accomplisheth mightily his worke in our infirmitie a 2 Cor 12.9 What is the vse of this Doctrine That man being taught that no good remaineth in him may bee humbled that hee may glorifie God by the confession of his owne want that hee may aspire and labour to that good which hee wanteth that distrusting his owne strength he may relie vpon God that hee may learne that hee must recouer in God that which is wanting to himself that he may acknowledge the greatnesse of Christs benefits that he may knowledge and professe the free gift of the Holy Ghost working in him that hee may yeelde obedience to the operation of the same Holy Ghost and may so much the more constātly continue in calling vpon God by praier What things oppose this Doctrine 1. The errour of Plato who laboureth by disputation to proue that vice is not voluntarie and that men of their owne disposition are not euill Also that of Aristotle who saith that reason moueth and perswadeth a man to the best things and that reason is a thing disagreeing with sinne in the end of his Ethicks when as notwithstanding reason doth not
neglect and contempt of both tables yea and of the lawgiuer himselfe because there is but one and the same lawgiuer of all the precepts and the bodie of the law is entire and vnseperable 5 The person is not accepted and taken into Gods fauour for the workes sake but on the contrarie the works doe then please god when the person hath firste found grace and fauour in Gods sight And for this cause it is that it is written Gen. 4.4 that god had respect vnto Abell and his sacrifice And Hebrevv 11.4 By faith Abell offered vnto God a greater Sacrifice then Cain 6 Saint Paul 2. Cor. 5.18 testifieth that the preaching of free reconciliation with god is perpetuall in the Church so that the faithfull to the end of this life haue no other righteousnesse then that which is there described VVhy then doth Saint Iames Chap. 2 verse 21. say that Abraham vvas Iustified by vvorkes Because he speaketh not there of the cause but of the effect whereby iustification may be discerned For when Abraham had offered Isack his sonne vpon the alter he was Iustified through workes saith he that is he was found to be iustified euen before that time by faith that by his works as testimonies of his iustification And so a man is iustified by workes that is by the holinesse of his life he is approued to be such a person as is iustified by the obediēce of Christ which holinesse doth follow iustificatiō as an effect therfore is also a testimonie witnesse of the same After this sort also god is said at the latter day that he wil iustifie his elect by their workes For whereas there are two beginnings of things one of existence the other of knowledge Faith as the beginning of Existence causeth vs to bee iust and workes as the beginning of knovvledge make vs to be knowne to bee iust And therefore the Lord at the last day will propound the beginning of knowledge of the righteousnesse by faith which shall appeare in the eyes of all creatures Mat. 25.34 Come yee blessed of my father c. For I was an hungred and yee gaue mee meat c. VVhat vvas the state of the Question concerning Iustification in Saint Paules time or vvhereof was the controuersie in old time Of the efficient and meritorious cause of Iustification namely whether it were the satisfaction of Christ apprehended by faith or else our workes And the reliques of that controuersie remaine yet in poperie For although the subtiller sort of Papists doe ascribe the beginning of iustification that is the first iustification as they call it onely to the merit of Christ yet the progresse and proceeding in iustification which they call the second iustification that they attribute to the merit of workes But now by the subtiltie of the diuill the whole nature of iustification is called into question For indeede in the Apostles time the question was not whether iustification were a naturall motion as it were from inherent vnrighteousnesse to inheren● righteousnesse or whether iustifycation were seated in the sentence of the Iudge pronounced which is the question at this day but the state of the question thē was whether iustifycation placed in the sentence of the iudge pronounced vpon the guiltie person were in regard of workes or by reason of Christ By vvhat arguments or reasons doth the Apostle Paule take avvay from workes the cause of Iustification 1. Because wee are all sinners and from an impure nature it cannot be that there should proceede pure and perfect obedience toward God to whom nothing is acceptable vnlesse it be euery way sound absolute not spotted or stained with any corruption which neuer yet could nor euer shal be found in any man 2. Because the Scripture pronounceth that there is no man righteous by the works of the Law no not one And this sentence remaineth euer firme and stedfast Cursed is euerie one that abideth not in all things that are vvritten in the booke of the Law to doe them Gal. 3.10 But there is no man no not the holiest man that euer was that could satisfie the whole law of God as appeareth by the complaint of the Apostle Paule Rom. 7. 3. Because if righteousnesse be by the Law then Christ dyed in vaine Gal. 2.21 and. 5.2 4. Because God will haue no man to glorie in himselfe Least anie man should boast Eph. 2.8.9 Rom. 3.26.27 5. Because by the Law came the knowledge of sinne and the Law causeth wrath that is to say it denounceth death and Iudgement against them that doe not performe perfect obedience in their works and actions a Rom. 4.15 6. Bec use the law was giuen after the promise of iustification and life eternall b Gal. 3.17 7. Because the inheritance or life euerlasting is of free gift and not of merit c Ro. 6 23 Gal. 3.18 Eph. 2 8 8. Because all our sufferings are not worthy of the glorie which shal be reuealed shewed vnto vs therfore our actions are not worthy of it Rom. 8.18 And 2. Cor. 4.20 Our light affliction which is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and an eternall weight of glorie By what arguments doth the Apostle confirme the righousnesse of faith 1. Because it alone hath the witnesse of the Law Prophets d Ro. 3 21 Gen 3.15 22 28 the end of the Law was Christ Ro. 10.4 Circumcision was the Seale of the righteousnes of Faith Ro 4.11 The Sacrifices Ceremonies did prefigure Christ the righteousnesse which is by faith Haba 2.4 The iust shall liue by his Faith Psa 32.1 Blessed are they vvhose iniquities are forgiuen And on the contrarie Psal 132.2 In thy sight shall no flesh be iustified namely by the obedience of the Law Act. 10.43 To Christ giue all the Prophets vvitnesse that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes 2. From the comparison of like and equall things because Abraham the father of the faithfull in the example and excellencie of faith was iustified by faith e Gen 15 6. Ro. 4.13 14. and not by the Law Now God is alwaies like himself and the case is alwaies alike of the beleeuing father and the beleeuing children 3. Because saluation is not promised vnto him that fulfilleth the Law for that were a vaine promise and so our saluation alwaies doubtfull and vncertaine because no man doth fulfill the law and wee our selues should be also vncertaine whether wee had sufficient good workes for the attaining of this righteousnesse but it is promised to the beleeuer Therefore the inheritance is by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure as relying wholy vpon mercie for that which proceedeth from the grace and fauour of God through Christ is firme and stedfast but so is not that which proceedeth from vs and from our workes Rom. 4.16 4. By an argument of the like
is double debt by order of iustice for the payment whereof a man is bound by reason of the excellencie and worthinesse of the benefit bestowed vpon him and this properlie is called debt But improperly that is called debt which is due by couenant and free promise or because it is so couenanted and agreed vpon Out of all which it followeth that that properly is a merite or a meritorious worke whereunto by reason of the excellencie therof something is due by order of iustice VVhat then are the good vvorkes of men meritorious in the sight of God If you speake of euill workes wee affirme that they are meritorious taking the name of merite properly and punishment is due vnto them taking the name of debt properly for the vvages of sinne is death Rom. 6 23. But if wee speake of good workes wee denie out of the promises that any good worke no not of the most most excellent creature doth merite at the handes of GOD because the scripture expresly teacheth it Rom. 4.4 To him that vvorketh c. And Chap. 11.6 If it be of vvorkes then not of grace a Eph. 2.8.9 2 Because Christ hath sufficiently by his owne merit deserued eternall life for vs b Mat 20.28 Ioh 16 2 1 Ti. 1.10 Heb 9 12 3 Because all our boasting must be taken away c Eph. 2 9 1 Cor 4.4 4 Because the nature and condition of a merite doth require these three things 1 That that worke whereby wee merite be free not due from vs to him to whom we doe performe that worke of ours But whatsoeuer good we doe it is onely some part of our dutie towards God which wee owe vnto him a Luk 17.9 10. c Ro. 8.12 and who hath giuen to the Lord first and it shall be restored to him againe Rom. 11.35 2 That the selfe same worke of ours and gift which is offered be profitable and commodious for him of whom wee merite but no action of ours brings any profit to God Psal 16.2 My good dooing reacheth not vnto thee Iob. 22.2 For the Lord hath no neede of any thing of ours Psal 50 11.12 3 It is required that the thing wee offer bee proportionable and in price and worthinesse equall to that thing which wee doe receiue of another and wherewith another doth recompence vs e Ro. 1 27 But no good workes of ours are worthie that is proportionable to saluation and life eternall which wee receiue of GOD because there is no proportion betweene our good workes and life eternall f Rom 8 18 Therefore to conclude our good workes merite nothing at the handes of God and for this cause eternall life is called the free or gratious gift of God Rom 6.23 Further wee deny that simplie God oweth any thing to a good worke if the name of debt or wages be taken properly for neither is there any such excellencie of any good worke whatsoeuer that god should be indebted to it by the order of iustice g Luk. 17.9 doth the Lord thanke that seruant because he did those thinges that were commaunded him I trow not Although it cannot be denyed that rewarde is due to good workes by couenant free promise to wit if they be perfect Rom. 4.4 to him which vvorketh namely to him that perfectly fulfilleth the law rewarde is counted to him of debt and in the law shewing mercie to thousands of them that keepe his commaundements c. Exod. 20. Is there any thing then due to the good vvorks of the regenerate at least by couenant and promise No. 1. Because we liue not vnder that legall couenant of workes wherein God couenanteth with man vnder condition of the workes of the lawe but we are vnder the couenante of grace wherein god maketh a couenante with man vnder condition of Christes merit to be laid hold on by our faith 2 Because though we graunt that we are still vnder the couenante of the law yet according to that couenant and promise made therein God oweth not any thing to our workes but death for our workes euen in the state of regeneration are imperfect neither can they indure to be examined according to that rule of the lawe of god vnlesse you would make that law of God so holy and so perfect a leaden rule as the papists doe at this day Are there not also in the Gospell euery where promised many blessings both temporall and eternall to our good workes In deed they are promised as Psal 84.12 He will not depriue them of good thinges that walke in innocencie 1. Timoth. 4.8 godlines hath the promise of this life and of that that is to come Math. 5.12 your rewarde is greate in heauen Luc. 6.38 Giue and it shal be giuen vnto you Math. 25.29 to him that hath it shall be giuen and the faithfull seruant shall haue rule ouer many things And. Cap 10.42 he that shall giue a cup of colde water in my name shall not lose his reward And Cap. 19.29 he that shall leaue house brethren sisters etc. for my sake shall receiue an hundred fold in this life and shall inherite eternall life Reuela 22.14 Blessed are they that keepe his commaundements that they may haue right vnto the tree of life and may enter by the gates into the City But yet not vnder condition of workes which should procure those benefits vnto vs but as they do manifestly shew vnto vs prooue as effects better knowne to vs that wee are pertakers of that condition which is in the couenante of grace whereby alone it being fulfilled those benefits are procured neither are they bestowed on vs as of debt but as free rewardes How doe the promises which are made in the gospell with condition of workes differ from the Legall promises 1 All the promises which are to be found in the gospel with condition of workes are made in Christ and for Christs sake for his merite sake 2 They be altogether franke and free therefore the rewarde is not giuen of debt or by couenante because we haue fulfilled the condition of workes but of mere grace and mercy for Christs sake and his merit But the Legal promises are not made for Christs sake nether is rewarde giuen to them of mere grace but for the condition of works performed and obserued which is impossible to man VVhat then are the Legall promises concerning the rewarde of good workes to no purpose Truly they are for they performe nothing vnlesse the condition of perfect obedience be performed do this and thou shalt liue Yet they are performed and become profitable thorow the gos in them that beleeue not because they fulfill the lawe but because they beleeuing thorow Christ are reconciled vnto god and the law thorow faith is established Rom. 3.31 both because he hath perfection which beleeueth in Christ saith Ambrose as also Rom. 10.4 Christ is the end and fulfilling of the law to euery one that beleeueth hence 2.
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appointed vnto wrath as Paul speaketh 1. Thess 5.6 What is Election It is the Predestination of certaine men in Christ to eternal life namely wherby God willing to manifest the glory of his grace hath of his only goodnes mercie determined out of the whole race of mankind being subiect to sinne death freely to adopt in Christ some certain men to cal them effectually to iustifie them that through him they may be partakers of the heauēly inheritāce and of eternall life And this Election is eternall in the purpose of God although in respect of our selues we may thē be said to be elected when God doth execute his purpose in vs. Or electiō is the execution of Gods wil or the act in separating from the rest of the worlde through effectuall calling Iustification Sanctification those on whom he hath appointed from the beginning to bestow euerlasting life What is the principall cause of Election God is the principall cause All that the father giueth mee shall come vnto me No man can come vnto me except the father draw him Iohn 6.37.44 17.9 I pray not for the world but for these whome thou hast giuen me for they are thine Ephes 1.4 God hath elected vs. And Christ because he is the same God with the father sayth that hee hath chosen vs. Ioh 15.16 And the holy Ghost sayd Act. 13.2 Separate me Saul Barnabas for the work wherūto I haue called thē What is the efficient inforciue or precedent cause thereof The inward cause is only in god that is to say his meere Charitie the only goodnes of the wil of God Eph. 1.4.5 He hath chosen vs saieth he before the foundations of the world were laid according to the good pleasure of his wil. And his free loue Ioh. 3.6 Ro. 9.13 In which place saith he Iacob haue I loued the only grace mercy loue of God b Iohn 4.10 19. 2 Tim. 1.9 he hath called vs with an holy calling not according to our works but acording to his own purpose grace which was giuē to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was I say the meer good pleasure of god only respecting it self but excluding al other outward cause which is or can be in mē a Rom. 9.16 So then electiō is neither in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in god that sheweth mercy where he calleth the thought indeauor of the mind a will the exercise of good works a race that by suppositiō for no mā willeth or runneth of himself but it is god which worketh in you both to wil to do according to his own free goodwill Phi. 2.13 So. Ephe. 1.9 According to the purpose of his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself as if it should be said that god considered nothing without himself wherof he might haue respect in determining or choosing cap. 2. to Tit. 3.5 Doth our election consist of our owne faith holines worthines linage or works foreseen of God or no In no wise 1. because our sure certain saluation is euidently in the singular freely bestowed grace of the merciful god acording to that It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in god that sheweth mercy Ro. 9.16 2 Because the praise glorie of our electiō is wholy due to god alone he chose vs to the praise of the glory of his grace Eph. 1.6 Moreouer if works foreseen faith or worthines might moue god to choose some the elect might haue wherof they might boast 3. Because god could foresee no worthinesse or good at all in men but what he had determined now already freely to bestow on thē by the benefit of his election who not by custom imitation but by nature are the enimies of god b Rom. 5.10 and sonnes of wrath c Ephes 2.3 dead in sin d Rom. 7.10 Ephes 2.1 vnapt euen to think a good thought as of thēselues e 1. Cor. 3.5 Finallie in whome by nature there is nothing but matter of eternall death damnation f Iob. 15.16 Psal 14.3 Ierem. 10.23 7. Because then there should be no cause why the Apostle should say O man vvho art thou vvhich pleadest against god Ro. 9.20 For he might haue answered that god foresaw the desert of the one of the other yet doth he not say so but flyeth to the iudgments mercie of god Neither the exclamation of the same Apostle Ro. 11.32 of the deapth c. should take place For he might haue declared in a word that some are e●ected others reiected for the workes which he foresaw would be in either 5 Because our saluation is more safe and sure by gods election then by our owne workes which euermore haue a doubt annexed to them a. Rom. 4.16 6 Because then it would follow that faith is of our selues not of god or that we first loued chose god which the scripture pointeth out to be false absurd b. Ioh. 3.5 6.37 8.47 15.10 ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you 7 Because that place Rom. 9.11 For yer the children Esau and Iacob were borne and when they had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of god might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth it wat said the elder shall serue the yonger Where the Apostle drawing forth the reiection of Esau For that he was condemned to be his brothers bond seruant as also the election of Iacob because hee was made lord ouer his brother euen ouer the first borne that Esau his seruitude was ioyned with Gods hatred Iacobs rule with Gods loue out of Malachy the best interpreter of Moses chap. 3.e. As it is written I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau So that neyther any goodnes in Iacob nor any other thing in Esau may be accounted the cause eyther of the chusing of the one or reiecting of the other doth euidently impugne this foresight of faith 8. Because there can be no goodnesse in the world vnlesse God had placed and ordeined it 9. Because naturally the efficient cause cannot bee after his effect but Election is the cause of faith and good works for wee are called Elect that we might be holy Ephes 1.4 and without blame not contrary because he foresaw that we would be such for these two are contrary that the godly haue frō their election this that they should be holy and that they should attaine the same election by meanes of their workes And Paul writeth plainely 1. Corinth 7.25 that he had obtained mercie of the Lord that he might be faithfull 10. Because the Logicians rule is manifest VVhatsoeuer is the cause of the cause is also the cause of the thing caused If then faith and workes foreseene were the cause of Election they should also be the cause of Vocation and Iustification which are the effectes
visible heauens c Heb. 7.262 or that third heauen into which Paule was rapt which by Interpretation he calleth Paradise 2. Cor. 12.2.4 But after the Iudgement restoring of all things eternall life or the seate and place of the blessed shall bee not onely in the heauens but in the earth also For wee looke for new heauens and a new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse that is which are the mansion place of the righteous Isa 65.16 2. Pet. 3.13 Reuel 21.1 What is the end of eternall life 1. That God may make good in very deede and fact his grace toward the elect 2. That the godly may enioy the fruite of Christs death and passion 3. That they may receiue rewardes meete for their labours d Tim 4.2 4. That they may acknowledge Gods bottomelesse mercie That they may see him for euer which is the end of all their desires and that they may praise him continually without tediousnesse VVhat are the effectes of eternall life 1. Our being like vnto the Angels that is not as touching the substance but as concerning the proper conditions of this life a Math. 22 30 2. Our participation of the dignitie of the man Christ for thē hee will make vs verily Kings Priests and Prophets with himselfe b rev 1 6 but with this condition that himselfe be vnspeakeablie aboue all in dignitie What is the vse of the Doctrine of life eternall 1. It is a comfort in calamities and iniuries whereunto we are subiect in this life 2 It mitigateth the sorrow which we take for them that are dead 3 It lesseneth the feare of death when wee beleeue that a better life shall follow after this death and when we thinke vpon that saying Reuel 14.13 Blessed are they that dye in the Lord. 4 It maketh vs earnest and cheerefull to performe our duetie to God and charitie to our neighbors with whome we shall haue a perpetuall conuersation hereafter in heauen What are the Opinions disagreeing thereunto 1 The absurd opinions of Democritus Epicurus Plinie Galene and others who iest at the question of eternall life and think that all parts perish with the bodie 2 The curious questions and determinations of the Papists concerning the degrees of the Saints in eternall life as of a thirtieth folde pofite to maried folke that liue chastly to them that keepe themselues widowes sixtiefold and to Virgins a hundreth folde to be recompensed And of them also who before the time desire to know what is done in heauen and take no care which way to goe to heauen 4 The opinions of some Fathers as Irenaus Tertullian and others who did not thinke that the soules of the godly went vnto heauen vntill after the resurrection but were in a temporary store-house receptacle or Region though not in an heauenly one yet in an higher then hell where they might haue a refreshing euen vntill the resurrection The errour of Pope Iohn the twentieth who thought that foules did not see God face to face vntill the last day of resurrection 6 Especially eternall death doth directly thwart eternall life and so likewise doth lamentation feare crying out mourning colde wearinesse sleepe sicknesse death hunger thirst pouertie the snares and temptations of Sathan torment feare of hell c. The fortieth common place Of eternall Death From whence is death deriued MAny take it in a good sense to be deriued from the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 taken vpward vnto God and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to consider diligently those things which are aboue because it brings vs back againe to God It is also called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an entrance into eternall life In Latine Death seemeth to bee deriued from tarrying because death tarrieth or stayeth for vs and it commeth stealing on vs with a still foote or because it esteemeth the condition of none How manifold is death Fourefolde 1. A corporall death which is also called temporarie and it is either naturall or accidentall and it is either violent or a voluntarie separation of the soule from the bodie common both to the good and bad inflicted on all through the malice of Sathan by the iust iudgement of God for the sinne of Adam a Gen. 2 17 Ioh. 8.44 Ro 5.12.17 6.23 1 Co. 15.21 Heb 9.27 and it is called by Iohn the first death in respect of the wicked Reu. 20 14. And surely the godly doe not escape it likewise albeit their sinnes be forgiuen them 1. That thereby they might learne to hate sinne 2. That they might acknowledge the seueritie of Gods anger for sinne 3. That they might lay away the remnants of sinne togither with the miseries that cleaue vnto them by reason of sinne 4. That they might try the power of God in raising the deade and so their death and infirmitie might serue for their owne good and for Gods glorie And for that respect should it be desired of them after the example of Paule I desire to be dissolued Phil. 1.23 Not for that they are wearie of life or for their ownselues because this desire is contrarie to naturall reason but for another end namely because it is a deliuerance from sinne wholy as also from the miseries of this life and a passage vnto the bright presence of God a returning and remoouing from banishment not vnto a ruinous but vnto a new and most delectable dwelling a 2. Co. 5. ●0 Because it is an aduantage b Phil. 1.12 a passage to the father c Ioh. 5.24 13 1. and therefore not to be feared because Christ hath ouercome it d Ose 13 14 and it is such vnto vs as he hath made it e He. 2 4.3 and the verie hower thereof is appointed vnto euery one by God but it should bee desired by the desire of faith yet so that we continue in this earthly house as long as it shall seeme good to the Lord for the godly do rather wish to liue vnto the glorie of Christ then for their own benefite 2 A spirituall death and it is either of beleeuers or vnbeleeuers and that of the beleeuers is threefolde 1. Of sinne as concerning the strength that is the force or life of sinne which is called mortification Rom. 6.2.8 Wee are deade vnto sinne in the datiue case how shall wee liue yet therein 2. Of the Law but in part as farre as the Law is the power of sinne 1. Because it accounteth them which are in Christ guiltie no more 2. Neither doth it prouoke men to sinne Rom. 7.4 Yee are deade to the Law by the bodie of Christ And Gal. 2 16 19. I am dead to the law that I may liue vnto God for Christ maketh vs dead to the Lawe because by iustifying vs hee taketh away those terrours of conscience which the Lawe doth cast into vs and by sanctifying vs hee maketh
in the word and sacraments or faith is the organ instrumēt or meane whereby man being a sinner apprehendeth and applyeth to himselfe Christ wholy with all his benefits and is vnited vnto Christ and liueth in him The Apostle Heb. 11.1 describing faith saith thus Faith is the substance of things which are hoped for the euidence of things that are not seen And Paul Ro. 4.20.21 painting out faith as in a map bringeth in the example of Abraham the father of the faithfull and saith Hee doubted not of the promise of God through vnbeleef but was strengthened in the faith gaue glory to god being fully assured that hee which had promised was also able to doe it Is that discription of faith Heb. 11.1 differing from the rest No forasmuch as therein there is exact mention made both of the forme of faith which is declared in the words Substance and Euidence also of the obiects namely things hoped for and things not seene For by the word Substance hee meaneth not a person as in the article of the Trinitie a Heb. 1.3 but the ground and as it were the prop whereupon a godly minde must stay and relie it selfe to signifie that faith is a certain sure safe possession of those things which are promised vnto vs by God As Psal 39.8 My Hypostasis or substance that is to say My hope is euen in thee And Heb. 3.14 We are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the beginning wherewith wee are vpholden or vnderpropped Some translate the word Hypostasis existence or subsistēce because faith in some respect causeth things to haue a beeing as if they were which in trueth are not that is to say it setteth things before vs as if they were present which onely are in expectation Budaeus translateth it Strength or Courage In which signification it is vsed 2. Corinth 9.4 Least wee should bee ashamed 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. In this constant boasting Cha. 11.17 By a word deriued from the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is to sustaine to except not to giue placc to violence Hereupon it is that a souldier is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is bolde and hardie and turneth not his backe to his enemie but goeth to meete him and resists him and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 boldnes whereby a man standeth stoutly to it and without stirring his foote receiueth his aduersarie that inuadeth him And surely this notable signification doth well agree with faith For in the act of beleeuing wee haue neede of strength and patience we must resist the flesh we must conquer reason we must withstand our owne conscience sinne the wrath of God and all other things whereby the consent of faith is hindered and oppugned Wee had neede to be armed with such a strong shield that wee may receiue and quench all the fyrie darts of the diuell Ephe. 6.16 and ouercome the world 1. Iohn 5.4 As for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is translated Euidence it is not a refutation or a reproofe but an argument demonstration that is an assurance wherby the minde being conuinced by diuine testimonies doth most stedfastly embrace the diuine promises But by the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are hoped for and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are not seene is vnderstood the Gospel those things which are offered in the Gospel namely fellowship with Christ forgiuenesse of sins iustification Resurrection and life eternall For these are the things we hope for and which doe not appeare and of themselues are not conformable vnto our reason and so are they the misteries of saluation in themselues and in their owne nature inuisible But those things which we see with our minde and in hope we do behold them in the word of God and doe accompt them as if they were done accomplished and present before vs. How many sorts of Faith are there Not many sorts but only one faith Ephe. 4.5 One Lord one Faith one Baptisme Now faith is one not in respect of the subiects for after that sort there are as many faiths that is to say giftes of faith as there are beleeuers but faith is and alwaies hath been one in Specie that is in respect of the thing beleeued and of the obiect whereupon it rests And this is the only obiect of faith namely the grace and mercie purposed and ordained for all beleeuers in Christ from the beginning of the world What is the efficient cause of Faith God himsefe working freely and giuing faith to whome hee will euen of his owne free good will Iohn 6.29 This is the worke of God that yee beleeue in him whom he hath sent Act. 16.14 God opened the heart of Lydia so that shee attended vnto the things which Paule spake Rom. 12.3 God hath dealt to euerie man the measure of faith Phil. 1.29 It is freely giuen vnto you for Christs cause not onely to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake The causes together with God the father are the son and the holy Ghost for as it is said in another place The workes of the Trinitie without are diuided Luk. 24.32 Christ opened the minde of his disciples that they might vnderstand the Scriptures And Heb. 12.2 Looking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith 2. Cor. 4 13. We haue the spirit of faith that is to say we haue faith by the inspiration and gift of the same holy spirit The workmen together with God are the ministers of the worde 1. Cor. 3.5 Who is Apollo and vvho is Paule but the Ministers by vvhome that is by vvhose preaching ye beleeued The instrumentall cause of faith is the hearing of the word of God by the which word the holy Ghost vttereth his power Ro. 10.17 Faith is by hearing hearing by the word of God Esa 57.19 And Act. 10.44 VVhile Peter spake these vvords the holy Ghost fell on alll them which heard the vvord Furthermore another instrumentall cause is the beholding and vse of the Sacraments And to this end God ordained a ministerie in his Church yet so as no force is to be attributed either to the Ministers that speake or vnto the words themselues or to the Sacraments forasmuch as they haue no other effect but only to represent vnto our minds those things for the declaring whereof they are applyed by the ordinance of God but the force and power of them a Mark 16 20 1 Cor 12 6 commeth onely from God and there is but one and the same installer of man into life eternall who was the Creator of him vnto this life temporall 1. Cor. 3.7 Neither hee that planteth is any thing neither he that watereth but God vvhich giueth the increase And Cha. 15.19 I haue laboured more then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with mee or which vvas present vvith mee And so the voice of
not referred to a qualitie but to the relation which consisteth in a flowing out and respect rather then in the place of abode And besides it is now so imputed vnto vs as hereafter liuing with Christ in heauen wee shall really be clothed with the righteousnes of Christ and shall liue by that life of Christ which is now onely begunne in vs and shall be perfected hereafter How doth the righteousnesse of the law and the righteousnesse of the Gospell differ Not in matter or forme but in the efficient the subiect and the end Not in matter because both of them are obedience performed vnto God Not in forme because the rule of both is the law of God for God acknowledgeth no other righteousnesse but that that agreeth with this law And therfore Rom. 3.30 The law is established by faith both because the righteousnes of Christ is the full performance of the law as also because we are by faith clothed with the spirit of Christ which working in vs we doe begin to will and to doe things appertaining to God and so by him the obedience of the law is begun in vs and Rom. 8.3.4 God sent his sonne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the law i. that verie thing which the law requireth namely the fulfilling of righteousnesse and the perfect integritie of our abilitie all which we doe freely attaine by Christ apprehended by faith might be fulfilled in vs that is to say indeed in himselfe and as I may so say by application for by faith he and his righteousnesse are made ours and Gal. 4.4 Christ was made vnder the law that is subiect vnto the law both by doing and suffering that hee might redeeme those that were vnder the law i. which were subiect vnto the lawe But they differ in the subiect and efficient because the righteousnesse of the law is performed in and by that man who by the same is accompted righteous of which sort there is none but Christ himselfe The righteousnesse of the Gospell is a perfect fullfilling of the lawe performed not in or by that man who is thereby accompted righteous but by another namely Christ which performance notwithstanding is accompted to come from the man himselfe And therefore Rom 10.5 c. The righteousnesse which is by the Lawe standeth thus The man that doth these things shall liue in them Leuit. 18.5 But the righteousnes that is of faith promiseth free saluation If thou shalt beleeue in thy heart and confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and that the Father hath raised him from the deade thou shalt bee saued They differ also in the end for the end of the righteousnesse of the Gospell is the glory of the mercie and iustice of God but the end of the righteousnesse of the Lawe is rather the glory of men a Rom. 3.26 27 4.12 Ephes 1.6 because man should haue whereof to boast himselfe VVhat thing is there agreeable vnto Iustification or of the like nature with it Regeneration or the giuing of the holy Ghost or Sanctification Viuification Renouation or the infusion of grace by little and little decaying and altering our corrupt nature eyther also inherent righteousnes which being communicated vnto vs by the holy Ghost doth shew it selfe outwardly by workes and whereby wee are iust not before God but before men and are by him acknowledged and accompted for iust and it appeareth by the mortification of sinne or the olde man and renouation of the new i. by the hatred of sinne and loue of righteousnesse and zeale of good works and it is vsually called inchoated or begunne obedience Whereof 1. Iohn 3.7 He that doth righteousnes is righteous and Apoc. 22.11 He that is righteous let him be more righteous Can Regeneration be separated from Iustification No but yet they may be distinguished neyther are the two benefits of Iustification and Sanctification euer to be confounded as of Iustification he saith Psalm 32.2 Blessed is he to vvhom the Lord imputeth not sinne and of renouation he addeth And in vvhose spirit there is no guile For as in orignall sinne which we haue from Adam there are two things namely the guilt and imputation of that sinne and disobedience as it is said Rom. 5.12 In vvhom namely in Adam vve haue all sinned and that which followed that namely the priuation of righteousnesse So if the opposition be true betweene Christ Adam as contrarie causes and then betweene sinne and righteousnesse as contrarie effectes for after the like and selfe same manner righteousnesse is by Christ as sinne was by Adam it must needes be that we must haue both the imputed and the inherent righteousnesse But in the former consisteth the true Iustification of vs before God because that onely is perfect and maketh a quiet conscience a Rom. 5.1 in the other consisteth our Innouation wherein we must of necessity daily profit but yet not rest vpon it before God seeing it is but imperfect b Rom. 7.18 Doe Iustification and sanctification agree in nothing They agree 1. in the efficient cause For God is the authour of both through the merit of Iesus Christ 2. in the instrumentall cause which is faith the instrument of Iustification by receiuing it the instrument of sanctification not by effecting it c 1. Tim. 1.5 3 In the scope and end for they both tend to one end Iustification as the cause sanctification as the waye Ephes 2.10 vve are created in Christ to good vvorkes vvhich God hath prepared that vve should vvalke in them Is there any difference betweene Iustification and the giuing of the holy Ghost Yes euen as Luk. 15.20 the prodigall sonne is reconciled to his father onely of his meere mercie wherewithall his Fatherly heart is inflamed not for all the ornaments which are bestowed vpon the partie reconciled Which is the difference betweene Iustification and Renouation They differ in beeing 1. In forme for Iustification is the remission of sinnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and imputation of righteousnesse or acceptation of the person to life eternall of Gods mercie for the lambe of Gods sake that taketh away the sinnes of the world But Renouation is by the Holie Ghost dwelling in the hearts of those that are iustified and kindling new motions agreeable vnto the will of God and reducing them from impure qualities vnto pure qualities So that the giuing of the holy Ghost is not a part of iustification but an appendice or part of this so great benefit a sealing vp and testifying of iustification receiued for the Mediators sake according to that Ephe. 1.13.14 In vvhome vvhilest yee beleeue yee are sealed vvith the Holie spirite of promise vvho is the pledge of our inheritance 2. In subiect For the subiect of righteousnesse is not in vs but in Christ but the subiect of sanctification is the minde will affection and all the outward members a Rom. 6.19 Colloss 3 5 3. In the Obiect For iustification respecteth the
He renounceth his owne righteousnesse which is by the Law resteth vpon the righteousnesse which is by the faith of Iesus Christ or from God by faith Why is the exclusiue particle alone added in this proposition We are iustified by faith alone That it might be vnderstood that the promise of saluation is receiued by faith alone and doth not depend vpon any worthinesse or merit of our worke Can this exclusiue particle alone bee prooued by Scripture Yes it may for Mar. 5.36 it is in expresse words where Christ comforting Iairus saith vnto him Feare not only beleeue In which words Christ doth plainely declare that hee looketh for nothing but faith alone without which it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 2. There is asmuch in effect Gal. 2.16 Where Paul saith that men are not iustified but by faith adding expresly not by works R● 3.28 without works for he that taketh away righteousnesse from works doth soundly enough ascribe it vnto faith alone The same thing the word freely Rom. 3.24 confirmeth For this word excludeth all maner of merit and desert from him to whome is done either good or euill as Ps 35.19 They hated mee freely vvithout a cause that is without any cause of hatred proceeding from me 3. The Apostle Rom. 10.3 pronounceth that the Iewes were therefore not subiect to the righteousnesse a Gal. 3 2. of God because they would establish their owne righteousnes together with the righteousnesse of faith And Phil. 3.7.8 hee affirmeth that although hee were vnrebukeable concerning the Lawe before men yet he did account it as dung that hee might obtaine that righteousnesse which is of God through faith shewing that it is not posible that faith and workes should be set together as parts or causes of righteousnesse 4. The necessitie of maintaining the honour of Christ and of comforting an afflicted conscience in the combat doth require the exclusiue particle onely 5. To the Scripture may bee added the opinion of the fathers for Gennadius the interpreter of Paule saith In his exposition vpon the 3. chapter of the Epistle to the Rom. For righteousnesse is euen to beleeue onely And Ambrose They are iustified freely because working nothing neither doing asmuch againe they are iustified by faith alone VVhat then is it that the particle onely or alone doth exclude in that sentence wherein wee are said to be iustified only by faith or by faith alone Not the causes concurring which are without vs but onely the causes of the same kinde and rancke with it selfe which are within vs that is to say not the grace or mercie of God that iustifieth nor the merit of Christs death which is imputed vnto vs for righteousnesse but only the workes or qualities of vs our selues and of the saints Wel therfore is it said that faith alone iustifieth because it is the onely instrument sole facultie in vs by which we receiue the righteousnesse of Christ So God iustifieth as the efficient cause Christ by his obedience as the meritorious cause faith alone as the instrumentall cause But vvhy doth Paule adde Rom. 4.6 VVithout the vvorkes of the Lavve Not because hee would not haue them perswaded but as denying them to be causes of mans Iustification But what vvorkes are they that Paule doth here exclude 1. Not onely ceremoniall workes as our aduersaries would haue it but euen morall workes also as appeareth by those sentences which hee alledgeth for the proofe of his assertion By the workes of the Lavv shall no flesh be iustified because by the Law came the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 and therefore not righteousnesse And. Rom. 4.15 The Law causeth wrath inasmuch as no man is able to performe it and therefore it causeth not righteousnesse And Rom. 7.7 out of the Decalogue or morall Law hee citeth the tenth commaundement I had not knowne lust to be sinne if the Law had not said Thou shalt not lust Gal. 3.10 Cursed is euery one that abideth not in all things that are written in the booke of the Law to doe them And vers 12. The man which doth these things shall liue in them 2. The Apostle doth not only exclude those morall workes as the same our aduersaries would make vs beleeue which men as yet not regenerate do performe literally or by the meere light of nature without the grace of Christ inasmuch as the man vnregenerate being out of Christ can neuer do any thing well but the Apostle excludeth also euen the good works of the very regenerate men or the works of grace or those that proceed from faith For Abraham who is registred as an vniuersall patterne of all Iustified men was both iustified and regenerate when he performed those good workes for the which he obtained praise with men But with God he was not iustified but when he had many yeares excelled in holinesse of life God imputed only his faith vnto him for righteousnes Rom. 4.2.3 Neither doth the Prophet Habacuck speake of the faithles but of the faithful when he saith Chap. 2. vers 4. The iust shall liue by his faith And Dauid after he was regenerate cryeth out of himselfe and of other godly men Psal 32.1 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen And Psal 143.2 Enter not into iudgement vvith thy seruant O Lord for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Yea and the Apostle himselfe 1. Cor. 4.4 I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified And no maruell for that indeede good workes are the effectes of Iustification and not the causes thereof 3. Our good workes are fewe imperfect and alwaies polluted and stained with some blemishes and spots that they receiue from vs. Esay 64.6 And 1. King 8.46 There is no iust man vvhich doth good and sinneth not For seing the forme of inherent righteousnesse is not thoroughly let in because after the sence of our aduersaries Iustification consisteth in motion it followeth that the contrarie qualitie which is sinne is not thoroughly let out and shaken off and so in that which is imperfect the reliques of sin do stil remaine And whereas Bellarmine maketh inherent righteousnesse to be perfect in respect of the habite and imperfect in respect of the action it is but a fond deuise of his owne braine for in truthe the perfection and imperfection of the action dependeth vpon the perfection and imperfection of the habite according to that of the Philosopher The best habit hath the best action Yea euen our former righteousnesse is put out of remembrance by our later sinnes Ezek. 18.24 4 Saint Iames saith Chap. 2. verse 10. He that faileth in one point is guiltie of all that is to say he is iustlie and worthily condēned of the breach of the lawe in generall for that he that breaketh one title hath offended against the Maiestie of the law giuer Whereupon commeth this rule The whole law is one copulatiue and that the breach of one commaundement draweth with it the
in contraries for as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of Christ many are made righteous Rom. 5.19 5. By the effect because from iustification by faith alone ariseth peace with God that is to say securitie and tranquillitie of conscience or that ioy which commeth from a conscience excusing and acquiting vs from sinne and death peace toward God confidence and hope of the glorie of god that is of life eternall f Rom. 1.5 8 35. Tit. 3 7. 1. Ioh. 3.21 6. Because the glorie both of the exceeding iustice and mercie of God cannot stand safe and fyrme nor the merit of Christ remaine whole and sound vnlesse wee bee iustifyed onely by faith in Christ Iesus and not by workes or if we should bee iustifyed partly by faith and partly by works g Rom. What is the end of our Iustification The fyrst and chiefe end in respect of God is his glorie Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glorie of his grace and to the praise of his glorie namely that the praise thereof might not bee giuen to any man but might redound wholy and absolutely to god alone so that hee alone might bee acknowledged to bee iust and mercifull to be the iustifyer of him which is of the faith of Iesus Ro. 3.26 In which place there is mention made of a double or twofolde glorie of GOD the one which proceedeth from his iustice that hee might bee iust the second that which proceedeth from his mercie And iustifying him which is of the faith of Iesus For from the alone benefit of Iustification ariseth the manifestation of that admirable temperament of the iustice and mercie of God and from thence Gods glorie both of his iustice towarde his sonne in punishing of sinne who spared not his owne sonne being made sinne for vs and likewise of his mercie toward vs imputing vnto vs that beleeue in Christ though we be wicked and vnrighteous by nature our faith for righteousnesse 2. The declaration of his goodnesse 1. Pet. 2.9 That ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruellous light The next end in respect of vs is that wee being made righteous by imputation might be accepted of God and iust that is might bee set free from the guilt excelling through the gift of Christs righteousnesse Furthermore that the righteousnesse of the Law might bee fulfilled in vs and that wee might enioy the fruite of righteousnesse which is life eternall Rom. 8.7 Tit. 3.7 That being iustified wee might bee made heires of euerlasting life Lastly that wee our selues might bee bettered and made righteous Gal. 2.17 If then while wee seeke to bee made righteous by Christ we our selues are found sinners is Christ therefore the minister of sinne God forbid For to this end are we iustified by faith through Christ that the old man being abolished by the power and efficacie of Christ crucified Christ might liue in vs and that wee should by our studie and labour endeauour to bring forth good workes shewe our selues thankfull to god for so great a benefit And therefore it is that the Apostle Paule almost in all his Epistles deriueth the Doctrine of sanctifycation or good workes from the Doctrine of faith or iustifycation as the cause from the effect or the necessarie consequent from the antecedent What are the adiuncts of Iustification If you respect the actions of God therein election and effectuall vocation doe goe before it a Rom. 8 31 but if ye respect man surelie not workes foreseene neither merits of congruitie or condignity For saith Augustine good workes doe follow a man alreadie iustified and doe not goe before a man that is to bee iustified as good fruites are not before a good tree but sinnes and wickednesse and the workes of the flesh b Ro. 3 23 4.5 The workes accompanying or following it are peace of conscience or tranquillitie and quiet of minde and conscience Rom. 5.1 Being iustified by faith wee haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ Moreouer the adopting of vs to bee sonnes of God our sanctification or newnesse of life the fruites wherof are described Gal. 5.22 For they that are made partakers of Christ through faith they doe with him receiue the holie Ghost the author of all holinesse from whence it is that these two benefits are indeede distinguished one from another but yet so linked together by an vnseparable bond that they can neuer bee plucked asunder and the latter is the testimony of the former both in the soule of the faithfull man himselfe and to other men also What is the effect of Iustification Free entrance and accesse to God c Rom. 5 2. our glorification d Ro which is begun in this life and perfected in the life to come Is our Iustification perfected in this life In Iustification as wee are iudged and accounted righteous by God so wee are adiudged vnto life eternall So that in respect of Gods decree and of the sentence it selfe of life eternall pronounced by God the Iudge also in respect of righteousnes which the heauenly Iudge imputeth vnto vs our Iustification is alreadie perfected in this life sauing that in the life to come this imputed righteousnes is to be reuealed and made more manifest and to be more neerely applyed and appropriated vnto vs. But yet our whole iustification is perfected in this life in which a man may be said to bee fully and perfectly iustified Wee are the sonnes of God therefore iust●fied but it doth not yet appeare what we shall be 1. Iohn 3.2 But if you respect the execution of Gods decree and looke vnto the life and glorie which is adiudged vnto vs and which is to cleaue and stick vnto vs because that in this life is not perfected in vs our iustification therefore may bee accounted also imperfect in this life Can the benefis of iustification perish by reason of our sinnes No by no meanes for the purpose of god cannot bee depriued of his end And 1. Ioh. 3.9 Whosoeuer is borne of GOD sinneth not that is not vnto death because his seede that is the holy Ghost abideth in him Besides the gifts and callings of God are without repentance Rom. 11.29 When is the vse and necessitie of the Doctrine of iustification felt and perceiued 1. In the serious examination of the conscience when a man presenteth himselfe as guiltie not before an earthly but the heauenly Iudge for then being carefull and pensiue for his deliuerance he doth willingly prostrate and make himselfe of no reputation hauing first considered the great maiestie and iustice of God before which nothing is accepted vnlesse it be euery way perfect and absolute a Esa. 4 5 2. In the imperfection of his owne righteousnes Iob 4.7 18. Behold they that serue him are not faithfull and hee hath found iniquitie in his Angels how much more in
whereinto they fall of their owne inclination that in those the mercie of the creator but in these his iustice in either his glorie might be declared Or it is the aeternall purpose of god whereby according to the good pleasure of his will before the foundations of the world were laid he hath c Act. i 25 Iohn 17 12 Apoc 17 8 Ephes 1.4 2. Tîm 1.9 Rom 1 9.2● c determined to glorifie himselfe by ordeining some men to grace saluation others to displeasure and eternall destruction Is praedestination but of mankinde onely It is of Angells also for Paul calleth the Angells which stood steedfast in their integritie Elect ones 1. Tim. 5.21 But if their stedfastnesse was grounded in gods good pleasure it argueth that the fall of others was vtterly abandoned Whereof their can no other cause be brought but reprobation which is hid in the secret counsell of God But our purpose is in this place to speake of the praedestination of mankinde How manie degrees or parts of predestination are there Three 1. the very decree in the wisdome of God for sauing or casting men away 2 The execution or proceeding of the very decree of that aeternall God by outward meanes 3 The most excellent end of the Maister builder namely the glorie of God himselfe who doth so lay open both his power mercie What is the decree of praedestination Whereby God determining to what end he would create men before he created them hath according to his power and meere goodwill decreed so to further his owne glorie that some of them should be vessells and examples of his goodnesse mercie but others vessells and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 matter for his wrath that is of his power and iust reuenge on sinne a Rom 9.22 1. Pet. 2.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to which they were appointed 1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it is said Rom. 9.17 I haue stirred thee vp saith the Lord to Pharao that I might shew my power vpon thee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were fitted V. 22. And this decree is such as that it disposeth the causes of the execution cōsisteth not of thē But because the Apostle treating of the vessells of mercie vseth the actiue verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro 9.23 speaking of the vessells of wrath or the reprobate hath the passiue participle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. fitted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prepared doth it therefore follow that the reprobate are the cause of their owne reprobation No because Luk. Act. 13 48. treating also of the elect vseth the passiue participle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appointed who neuerthelesse are not ordayned of themselues but rather of the meere grace of God Moreouer if question be made of the ordinarie meanes whereby the vessells of wrath are caried to destruction they alone are the cause of their owne vtter decaie But when we mention the decree of election and Reprobation the Reprobates can no more be said to haue cast away themselues then the elect to haue elected themselues no more I say then if one should say that a pott was not made by the potter but of it selfe VVhat is the primordiall efficient cause of this great decree 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The pleasure of God to doe with his owne what it shall please him b Mat. 10 25.20.16 For S. Paul saith Rom 9.21 Hath not the potter free povver and authority how much more then the most iust God and wisest workeman ouer clay that out of the same lump that is out of a substance as yet vnwrought and onely prepared to a future worke he may make some vessels for honor and others for dishonor c. Ier. 18.1.2 5.14 Isa 64.8 and the will of God or his good pleasure because he bringeth all things most wisely to passe after the counsell of his owne will Ephes 1.11 d. Ioh. 6.39 Act. 2.23 and Rom. 9.18 He hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth This one cause we know that so the most mercifull and most iust lord will be glorified for the Scripture setteth forth vnto vs no other cause besides this faith biddeth vs in this cause onely to rest likewise on the Scripture so that to seeke out the cause of this cause why it so pleased him were a point of rash boldnesse and vngodly curiositie a. Ro. 9.20.14 11.33 VVhen began this Decree Not onely then after men were created or began to sinne but before the foundations of the world were laid that is God had this purpose from eternitie b. Matt. 25.34 Ephe. 1.4 What kind of Decree is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The deepe and wonderfull gulfe of his riches 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vnsearchable c. Roet 1.32 33. 3. Eternall in respect of the beginning d. Eph. 1.4 but it is also eternall in regard of the end 4. And therefore immoueable immutable vnrepentable and irreuocable because those whom the father hath giuen to the Sonne no man can plucke out of his hand Ioh. 10.28 and because it is the fathers wil that not one of these little ones should perish Math. 18.14 Here Paul crieth out that nothing is able to separate vs from the loue of God namely wherewith hee hath loued vs in Christ Rom. 8.35 How many kindes are there of this Decree of Predestination Two 1. The first is called an Election or Predestination to life 2 The other is called a Reprobation or Refusing or Casting off or Decree or Predestination to death for some he chooseth to eternall life but neglecteth and reiecteth others e. Rom. But these two kinds of Predestination doe concurre as well in the ende as in the beginning for God his decree is the beginning of each now both the wayes which are diuided as it were from this beginn●ng meete againe together in the extreame namely in the glory of 〈◊〉 Whether Reprobation be also subiect to God his Decree as Election is Yea verily for he that chooseth taketh not al because he chooseth somwhat among two or three he is said necessarily to refuse those things which he choseth not therfore whom God doth not receiue him he reiecteth and whō he neglecteth or chooseth not him he casteth out of fauour 2. Reprobation is vnderstood in Election by the rule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Relation that if Reprobation be nor neither should there be Election 3. The Scripture doth manifestly confirme God his Decree concerning reprobating a. Rom. 9.22 1. Pet. 2.8 And the Apostle subiecteth both of thē to the Decree of God 1. Thess 5.9 God hath not saith he apointed vs vnto wrath but to obtaine Saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ Neither is it a harder speech to say some are predestinated to destruction then that some are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordeined before of old to this condemnatio as Iude speaketh vers 4. Iude 4. or 〈◊〉
end to another What is the proper end of Election The remote and farthest end in respect of God that electeth is his glory or praise and the declaring of his mercie Rom. 9.23 That he might make knowne the riches that is exceeding greatnesse of hss glory toward the vessels of mercie which hee hath prepared vnto glory Eph. 1.9 Hee hath elected vs to the praise of the glory of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued And verse 11. That wee shovld bee vnto the prayse of his glorie But in regard of vs that is nigh at hand or successiue that wee should be holy Ephes 1.4 and 2.10 Wee are his workemanship created vnto good workes which God hath ordained thst wee should walke in them And Rom. 8.29 That we might be made like to the image of God The last is our Saluation Life and Glorification a Col. 1.12.13 1 Thes 13.14 Act. 13.48 Rom. 9.23 VVhat are the markes of Election There are many markes whereof true faith in Christ effectuall through Charitie is the spring whereby a spirituall life is certainely discerned and thereby our Election is perceiued as the life of the body is by sense and motion VVhat is Reprobation A certaine execution of Gods will in casting off and refusing them which are predestinate vnto death Or it is a Predestination wherby God frō the beginning without any iniustice hath determined not to haue mercie on some that were corrupted in Adam and in his eternal iudgment to adiudge them vnto death for their sins being left to thēselues that in these as in the vessels of shame appointed to destruction which is spoken not in respect of the euent but of the purpose for that the particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth not only declare the euent but the scope and purpose hee might make knowne the glory both of his iustice and power a Exod. 9.16 Pro. 16.4 The Lord hath made all things for himselfe yea euen the wicked for the day of euill b Rom. 9.17 21.22 1. Pet. 7.8 Iudith 4 Apoc. 17.8 20.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What is the efficient cause of Reprobation God who as he hath elected vs according to the good pleasure of his will so hath hee reiected the reprobate according to his iust will or purpose which in order goeth before all for as hee taketh mercie on vvhom he vvill so vvhom hee vvill hee hardeneth For the same verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not otherwise to bee expounded either in the former or latter part of the sentence but because contraries are the consequents of contraries if it bee godly and truely spoken of God which no man denieth he hath mercie on vvhom hee vvill haue mercie Exod. 33.19 without doubt Paul spake truely and godly but vvhom he vvill he hardeneth And Ephes 1.11 God doth all things after the purpose of his will The word of Election doth approue the very same thing For in whose power it is to elect some in his power also it is not to elect others but to passe by them or to reiect them for neyther can the Election of some be granted without a reiection or neglecting nor a reiection or neglecting without the election of others And whereas it is said Ezech. 18.23 I will not the death of a sinner but that he returne from his waies and liue It appeareth to be an indefinite Proposition which differeth very much from an vniuersall and is to be restrained to them to whom is giuen the grace of repentance Which also Christ saith Matth. 23.37 Hovv often vvould I haue gathered thy sonnes and thou vvouldest not hee speaketh of the outward ministerie and as farre as he himselfe was generally promised for the saluation of this nation and as he was also carefull of it in speciall Are not some sinnes as Incredulitie c. the causes of the Decree vvhy some one is reiected No for if sinnes were the cause of Reprobation there should not one be elected because God hath foreseene that all men are sinners But onely the purpose and will of God which in euery worke of his is both iust and the onely rule of all iustice Therfore can it neither bee iustly blamed or accused by vs. a. For in these sayings Ioh 3.18 Hee that beleeueth not is iudged already And 16.9 The holy Ghost shall reprooue the vvorld of sinne because they beleeue not in me And Mark 16.16 He that hath not beleeued shall bee condemned Christ hath not appointed incredulitie the cause of the decree of reprobation but of execution thereof or of condemnation and iudgement Is not God tainted vvith the note of iniustice if his vvill only be determined the cause of Reprobation In no sort for when we entreat of this supreme will of God which ordaineth the causes of all things we must not say there must haue be●ne somewhat iust before God willed it but contrarie God must first haue willed somewhat before it could be iust For so is the will of God the principall rule of iustice that whatsoeuer he will ought to be accompted iust euen because it is his will but there is a deeper reason of Gods iustice then that it can be measured by any meanes of man Rom. 11.13 Rom. 5.20.21 or can be comprehended by the slendernesse of mans witb. And as he hath chiefe and free power by his proper right ouer all creatures So likewise ouer man as the potter ouer the clayc. That neither God should haue bene vniust if he predestinated none to saluation seeing he is debtor to no man and we are all borne the sonnes of wrath 2 Betweene the decree of that secret and vnblameable will of God in reiecting some and the corruption of mankind which is the true and first originall of the condemnation of the reprobate the will of the first man commeth which being created good of it owne accord corrupted it selfe and thereupon made open passage for the iust iudgment of God to destroy them to whome he vouchafeth not his mercie Moreouer although no man be condemned but whome the Lord hath reiected yet no man is condemned but he that is for certaine found to haue in himselfe iust causes of damnation Therfore it is manifest that this decree is most iust by the meanes and degrees as wel generall as special wherby the Reprobate in going on are the cause of most iust condēnation to thēselues so as they can accuse none but themselues For there is one cause of Reprobation and an other of the condemnation of man albeit then that sinnes are not the causes of reprobation which was from the beginning but the iust will of God is the cause yet are they the cause of the damnation which will follow in the last time Neyther are the Reprobate condemned simply for their reprobation but for their impietie and incredulity that is that decree of God is not the cause of the damnation to them that
God vnites them to Christ and nourisheth them by the preaching of the word and by examples of true good workes a 1. Cor. 4.15 whereupon is that saying that No man can haue God for his father who hath not the church for his mother 2 The house of Christ or of the liuing God b Psal 23.6 1 Tim. 3.15 and a familie c Math. 24.45 because God dwelleth in the middest of them whome he hath receiued for sonnes through the grace of adoption of which house of liuely stones are both Pastours flocks also d 1. Pet. ●2 5 and he hath not onely vessels of Gold but euen of wood and stone also some for honour and some for dishonour 2. Tim 2.20 Whereof the most excellent most gracious most prouident most Mightie and most wise God is maister The first begotten sonne of God and Lord of his fathers house is Christ e Iohn 8 3 to whome is giuen all power And they of the houshold are all the Elect and also the children and sonnes of GOD who ought worthily and holilie to be busied in this house the Gouernours or stewards are the ministers or preachers of the Gospell f Math. 24.45 the commons or food of that familie is the very word of God out of this house the bondslaues of sinne and vnthriftinesse are at length to be cast forth g Iohn 8 35 3 The city of God h psal 46 1. Isa. 1 21 Ephes. 2.19 the faithfull city that is the i holie citie comming downe from heauen k Reue. 21.2 10. which is the society of the faithfull who depend on the excellent gouernance of God as of the onely lawgiuer and are gouerned by his word and lawes and do enioy the very priuiledges and benefits of Christ m ps 85 ●1 The wall defender whereof is God the tower and Bulwark is the calling vpon the Lord. l prou 18 10 the Armes is goodnes faith iustice and peace in the gate and foundation is Iesus And they are the citizens which are called Gods houshold seruants n Ephes 2 19 4 The inheritance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or lot of the Lord not in respect of the Pastours onely but of the sheepe also o Psal 2 8 1 Pet 53 because it is giuen vnto Christ as his owne substance that is a most acceptable and most precious treasure 5 The misticall body of Christ the head and soule whereof is Christ p Rom. 12 5 because it is quickened cherished and conserued by the spirit of Christ and is perfected by his fullnes and is coupled with Christ the head by the same spirit as by a most close and strong chaine and the members thereof doe by vertue of the same spirit grow together It is also called the fulnes of Christ a ephes 27 because although Christ worketh all in all much lesse doth he neede the supplie of anie one yet such is his loue toward the church that hee estemeth himselfe as it were lame and maimed in his members vnlesse he haue a church adioyned vnto himselfe like vnto his body members Hence it commeth that sometime Christ is briefly taken for the whole church ioyned to her head b 1. Cor. 12 12 13 Gal 3 16 so that the whole church is nothing else but the body of Christ only because it is described an whole mysticall body from the head Hence is it much more expresslie said In Christ c Rom. 6 2. 8.1 Ephes 3.6 then with Christ And hereupon Paul saith that he liueth in Christ and Christ in him Gal. 2.20 Hereupon was that speech of Christ Saul Saul why persecutest thou me Acts 9.4 that which is written Col. 1 4 Lastly from hence proceedeth all comfort 6 The hill of the Lord or the hill of Holinesse d psa 2.6 3.5 15.1 24.3 1 because it alwaies maketh toward those things which are aboue and despiseth those that are beneath 2 because there is no comming thereunto but by ascending out of the dregs of this life in the cheerefullnesse of the spirit 3 And for that the Doctrine thereof nether can nor ought to be hidd e Math. 5.14 7 It is called the Piller and Foundation of trueth 1 Tim 3 15 Not that trueth doth simply depend thereon for it dependeth on the word but because being vnderpropped by Christ and borne vp by truth it selfe it giueth a testimonie vnto the truth and doth susteine spread and defend truth by it office and seruice and laboureth diligently that truth might haue a beeing among men or els Chrysostome on this place altereth the proposition well and saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Truth is the Piller and foundation of the church 8 The church is called a vineyard f Psal 80.9 Esa 5.2 Math 21.23 Iohn 15.1 because the lord hath planted it and doth carefully trimme and deck it with his word with the giftes of his spirit doth account it precious doth bestow exceeding great care and daily thought thereon and doth conserue it wonderfully by his succour and comfort And because they that are receiued thereinto ought to bring forth the fruite of faith and charity most acceptable to God wherewith his heart may be cheared 9 The tabernacle of God g psal 15.1 bicause it hath the Lord dwelling therein and it hath not a safe or firme abiding in this life but is now then compelled to change her abiding vntill it be receiued into her true contrey So likewise is it called the temple of God h 1. Cor. 3 19. because his holy spirit dwelleth in the hearts of the faithfull The Priests wherein are all christians 1. Pet. 2.5 The propitiatorie Sacrifice for sinne is the onely sacrifice of Christ once offered for sinnes the sacrifice of thanksgiuing is 1 the preaching of the Gospell whereby the preachers doe as it were with a sword kill the beastly affections of men a Rom 15 16. Phil. 7.17 2 the offering vp of a mans owne selfe or the mortification of the flesh b Rom 12 2 calling vpon God as its Incense c Psal 141.2 faith and good workes the giuing of thankes d Psal 50 14. Ose 14.3 or the calues of our lippes and mercie the sacrifice of praier e Ose 6.6 2. Cor 9.12 Phil. 4.18 10 The louer sister and spouse of Christ f Cantic 4 5.7.8 Ephes 5.23 and the Queene and daughter of the King g Ps 45.10 because it is ioyned vnto Christ by a spirituall and firme wedlock and league and by a most sure bond of the spirit and by most chaste loue and is exalted to the participation of his loue honour and of all his goodnes being beautifull and without spott throughout because here it is spotlesse through grace in the world to come it shall be spotlesse through glorie heere vnperfectly there most perfectly Therefore is it also called a pure or chast virgine