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A68942 The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.; Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 2. English. 1549 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555.; Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1549 (1549) STC 2854.7; ESTC S107068 904,930 765

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c Hath not God made the wisedom of this worlde folishnes For the Iewes require asigne c. We preach Christe crucified c. The folishnes of God is wyser thē m●n God hath chosen the fo●y●●e thinges of the worlde to confounde the wyse W● haue not receyued the spirite of the worlde He that is spirituall discusseth al thynges I haue plāted Apollo watered Let no man deceiue you He compasseth the wise in theyr craftimes Ye are Christes Christe is goddes It is the Lorde that iudgeth me What haste thou that thou haste not receyued Wherefore I desire you to folowe me as I folowe Christe The kindome of God is not in wordes yf any that is called a brother bee a fornicatoure I maie do● all thing But al thinges are not profitable Let not the bodye bee applied vnto fornicacion For ye are dearely boughte Let euery man haue his owne wife Wythdrawe not your selfes one frō another excepte it be with consent for a time Euery man hathe his proper gift of god If they cannot abstayne lette thē marry for it is better to marry than to burne Let not the wyfe be seperated frō the husbād For the vnbeleu●ng husband i● sanctified by the wyfe c. But and yf the vnbeleuing depart let hym departe Ye are derely boughte be not ye the seruauntes of men Lykewyse if a virgine marrye she hathe no● synned I would haue you without care This speake I for your profite not to tangle you in a snare He that ioyneth his virgine in mariage doeth well Knowledge maketh a man swell but loue edifieth We are sure that an image is nothyng Meate maketh vs not acceptable to god Wherfore if meate hurte my brother ▪ c. Haue I not seene Iesus Christ our lorde But woe is it vnto me if I preache not the gospell Let rather him that thinketh he standeth c. For why is my libertie iudged c. The mā is y● womans head c. Neither was the mā created for the womās sake Let a man e●am●● hymselfe so let him eate of the breade and drinke of the cup. He that prophecieth speaketh vnto men for theyr edifying Let hym that speaketh with tōgue pray that he may interprete also Prophecy serueth not for them that beleue not but for them which beleue For God is no causer of strife but of peace For yf the deade ryse not againe thē is Christ not rysen agayne By out reioysing whiche I haue in Christe Iesu out lorde I dye dayly All fleshe is not one maner of flesh The fyrste manne is of the earth earthly Death is swalowed vp in victorie c. For our preachyng to you was not yea and naye c. Not that we be lordes o●e● youre fayth But we haue this trea●ure in earthen vessels We are knowen wel ynough vnto God For if we be to feruente to God are we to feruente Therfore yf any man be in Christe he is a new creature God was in Christe and made agremente betwene the world and hymselfe By the armoure of ryghteousnesse I promise vnto you like rewarde as vnto children We haue hu●t ●o mā we haue defrauded no man God that comforteth the abiecte comforted vs by the cūmyng of Titus Godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saiuacion There was geuen vnto me vnquietnesse thorowe the fleshe For my strengthe is made perfect thorow weakenesse For in nothing was I inferioure vnto the chiefe Apostles For I se●● not yours but you Dyd I pyll you by any of them whō I sent vnto you We can do nothyng againste the trueth but for the trueth But ●y I●sꝰ Christ and by God the father Whiche called you by grace vnto an other gospel Either go I aboute to please men For if I had hitherto studied to please men c. For I neither receiued it nor learned it of man I communed not of y● matur with fleshe and bloude I w●t vp by reuelacion cōmuned ●● them And that because of incūmers c. I withstode hym open●y He dyd eate with the Gētiles And y● other Iewes dissēbled aswelas he If thou beyng a Iew. c A man is not iustifyed by the dedes of the lawe Is Christ thē the minister of synne Not I but Christ liueth in me c. I dispise not the grace of God c. That ye should not beleue y● truth To Abraham and his seede were the promises made For if the inheritaunce cū of the law c. The lawe was adde● because of transgressiō But y● scripture concludeth all thinges vnder sinne That we mighte be ●●de righteous through feyth For ye are y● chyldren of god because ye beleue it For ye are al one in Christ Iesu Tha● we through eleccion myghte receyue thinheritaunce But now after that ye haue knowen God c. How is it that ye turne againe vnto the weake beggerly ordinaūces c. Ye haue not hurt me at al. I would I wer with you now ● co●●● chaunge my voyce Abraham had two sōnes c. For these are two testamētes ▪ c. But Ierusalem whiche is aboue ●s free c. Put away● the bond womanne wt●●● sonne As manye of you as are ●● stified by the lawe c. Who was a lette to you y● ye should not beleue the truthe Why do I th●n suffer persecucion For the lawe is fulfilled in one word c. The fleshe lusteth cōtrary to y● spirit The dedes o● the fleshe c. are th●se adultrie c. Consideryng thy selfe lest y● be tempted Beare ye one anothers burdaine Be not deceiued God i●m not mocked When the time ●o come we sh●l reape without we●●yn ● Wherby the worlde is cru●●●ified vnto me I vnto the world I beare in my bodye the markes of y● lorde Iesu Grace be vnto you ● peace Blessed bee God the father According as he had chosen vs. Through loue Which ordayned vs. To the praise of the glory of his grace In al wisdome and prudence According to his good pleasure That ●e may to his prayse In whome we also Which is y● earnest Vnto the praise of his glorye May geue vnto you y● spirite of ●●sedome He hath wrought in Christe c. And hath made him aboue all thinges the head In the children of unbeliefe And were by nature the childrē of wrathe But God whiche is riche in mercie By grace are ye made safe I● is the gift of god For we are his workemanship Vnto good workes whiche god ordayned Hauing no hope Gene .xxii. But nowe by the meanes of Christ Iesu For be is ou● peace Through his fleshe Making peace To you which were a ferre of By ●●uelation shewed he this mestery vnto me Vnto me the least of al Saintes is this grace geuen c. That he ●●ul● graunt you accordīg to y● riches o● his glory which is father of all Ye beeyng rooted and grounded in loue myght bee hable to cōprehende Unto hym that is hable The houseband is the wiues head
vs Goddes mercy stole for the remission of synnes that are paste therby prouing that Christes righteousnes which commeth on vs thorowe fayth helpeth vs onely Whiche righteousnes sayeth he is now declared thorow the gospell and was testified of before by the lawe and the Prophetes Furthermore sayeth he the lawe is holpe and furdered thorow faithe though that the workes therof with al theyr boste are brought to nought and proued not to iustifye In the .iiii. Chapter after that now by the .iii. fyrste Chapters the sinnes are opened and the waye of faythe vnto rigteousnes layde he beginneth to aunswere vnto certayne obieccions and cauillacions And fyrste he putteth forthe those blynde reasons whiche commonlye they that wil be iustifyed by their owne woorkes are wont to make when they heare that faythe onelye without woorkes iustifyeth sayinge shall menne do no good woorkes yea and yf faythe onelye iustyfye what nedeth a manne to studye for to do good workes He putteth forthe therfore Abraham for an ensample sayinge What dyd Abraham with hys woorkes was al in vaine came hys workes to no profyte And so cōcludeth that Abraham without before all workes was iustified and made ryghteous In so muche that before the worke of circumcysion he was praysed of the scripture and called ryghteous by his fayth onely Genelis .xv. So that he dyd not the worke of circumcision for to be holpe therby vnto ryghteousnes which yet God cōmaunded him to do and was a good worke of obedience So in lyke wyse no doute none other workes help any thing at all vnto a mans iustifyinge but as Abrahams circumcysion was an outewarde signe whereby he declared his righteousnes which he had by faith and his obedience and redynes vnto the wyll of God euen so are all other good workes outwarde signes and outewarde frutes of fayth and of the spirit which iustifye not a man but that a man is iustifyed alredy before God inwardly in the herte thorowe faythe and thorowe the spirite purchased by Chrstes bloud Herewith nowe stablysheth Sayncte Paul his doctryne of fayth afore rehearsed in the .iij. Chapters and bringeth also testimony of Dauid in the xiij Psalme whiche calleth a manne blessed not of workes but in that hys synne is not reckened and in that faythe is imputed for ryghteousnes though he abyde not afterwarde without good workes when he is once iustifyed For we are iustifyed and receaue the spirite for to do good workes nether were it otherwyse possible to do good workes except we had fyrste the spirite For how is it possible to do any thynge well in the sight of God while we are yet in captiuitie and bondage vnder the deuyll and the deuyll possesseth vs all together and holdeth our hertes so that we cannot ones consent vnto the wil of God No man therfore can preuent the spirite in doing good but the spirite must fyrste come and wake hym out of hys slepe and with the thunder of the lawe feare him and shewe him hys miserable estate and wretchednes and make him abhorre and hate him selfe and to desyre helpe and then comforte hym againe with the pleasant rayne of the Gospell that is to saye with the swete promyses of God in Christe and stiere vp faithe in hym to beleue the promises Then when he beleueth the promises as God was mercifull to promyse so is he true to fulfyll them and will geue hym the spirite and strength bothe to loue the will of God and to worke thereafter So se we that God onelye whiche according to the scripture worketh all in all thinges worketh a mans iustifyinge saluacion and healthe yea and powreth faithe and belefe lust to loue goddes will and strength to fulfill the same into vs euen as water is powred into a vessell and that of his good will and purpose and not of our deseruinges and merites Goddes mercy in promisinge and trueth in fulfilling his promises saueth vs and not we our selues And therfore is al laude praise and glory to bee geuen vnto God for hys mercy and trueth and not vnto vs for oure merites and deseruinges After that he stretcheth hys ensample out agaynste all other good workes of the lawe and concludeth that the Iewes cannot be Abrahams heyres because of bloude and kynred onely much lesse by the workes of the law but must inheryt Abrahams fayth if they wil be the right heires of Abrahā for as much as Abrahā before the law both of Moses and also of circumcisiō was thorow faith made righteous called the father of all them that beleue not of them that worke Moreouer the law causeth wrathe in as much as no man can fulfil it with loue and usie And as longe as suche grudgynge hate and indignacyon agaynst the lawe remayneth in the herte and is not taken awaye by the spirite that commeth by fayth so longe no doute the workes of the lawe declare euidently that the wrath of God is vpon vs and not fauoure Wherfore faythe onely receyueth the grace promysed vnto Abraham And these ensamples were not written for Abrahams sake onely sayeth he but for ou●es also to whom yf we beleue faythe shal be rekened lykewyse for righteousnes as he sayth in the ende of the Chapter In the .v. Chapter he commendeth the frutes and workes of faythe as are peace reioysing in the conscience inwarde loue to God and man moreouer boldnes trust confydence and a strong and a lusty mynde and stedfast hope in tribulacion and sufferynge For all suche folowe where the ryghte fayth is for the aboundaunte graces sake and gyftes of the spirite whiche God hathe geuen vs in Iesu Christe in that he gaue him to dye for vs yet his enemyes Nowe haue we then that faythe only before al workes iustifyeth and that it foloweth not yet therfore that a man shoulde do no good workes but that the righte shapen workes abyde not behynde but accompanye faythe euen as bryghtnes doth the sunne and are called of Paul the frutes of the spirite where the spirite is there it is alwaies somer and there are alwaies good frutes that is to say good workes This is Pauls order that good workes springe of the spirite the spirit commeth by faith and fayth commeth by hearing the worde of God when the glad tydinges and promises which God hath made to vs ī Christ are preached truly and receaued in the grounde of the hearte without wauering or doutynge after that the law hath passed vpō vs hath damned oure consciences where the word of God is preached purely and receaued in the hert there is faith and the spirite of God and there are also good workes of necessitie when soeuer occasion is geuen where goddes worde is not purely preached but mens dreames tradicions ymaginacions inuencions ceremonies and supersticion there is no faythe and consequentlye no spirite that commeth of God And where Goddes spirite is not there can be no good workes euen as where an apple tre is not there can
Christ ought to sytte Compare therfore all maner doctrine of men vnto the scripture and se whether they agre or not And commytte thy selfe whole and all together vnto Christe and so shall he with his holy spirite and with all his fulnes dwell in thy soule The summe and whole cause of the wrytynge of thys epystle is to proue that a man is iustified by fayth onely which proposicion who soeuer denyeth to him is not onely this epistle and al that Paul wryteth but also the whole scripture so locked vp that he shall neuer vnderstande it to hys soules health And to bringe a man to the vnderstandinge and felynge that faith onely iustifyeth Paul proueth that the whole nature of manne is so poisoned and so corrupte yea and so dead concerning godly liuing or godly thinkinge that it is impossible for her to kepe the lawe in the sight of God that it to saye to loue it and of loue and lust to do it as naturally as a man eateth or drincketh vntill she be quickened again and healed thorow faith And by iustifying vnderstand none other thing then to be reconciled to God to be restored vnto his fauour to haue thy sinnes forgeuen the. As whē I say God iustifieth vs vnderstād therby that God for Christes sake merites deseruinges only receaueth vs vnto hys mercy fauour grace forgeueth vs our sinnes And when I say Christ iustifieth vs vnderstand therby that Christ onely hath redemed vs bought deliuered vs out of the wrath of God damnaciō hath with his workes only purchased vs the mercy the fauour grace of God the forgeuenes of our sinnes And whē I say that faith onely iustifieth vnderstand therby that faith trust in the truth of God in the mercy promysed vs for Christes sake for his deseruing workes only doth quiet the cōscience certify her that our sinnes be forgeuen we in the fauour of God Furthermore set before thyne eyes Christes workes thine owne workes Christes workes only iustifie the make satisfaccion for thy sinne and thyne owne workes not that is to say quieteth thy conscyence and make the sure that thy synnes are forgeuen the and not thine owne workes For the promise of mercye is made the for Christes workes sake not for thine owne workes sake Wherfore seinge God hathe not promysed that thyne owne workes shall saue the therfore faithe in thine owne workes can neuer quyet thy conscience nor certifie the before God whē God cōmeth to iudge to take a reconing y● thy sinnes are forgeuen the. Beyond all this mine owne workes cā neuer satisfie the law or pay her that I owe her For I owe the law to loue her with all mine heart soule power might Whiche thing to paye I am neuer able whyle I am compassed with fleshe No I cannot once beginne to loue the lawe excepte I be fyrste sure by fayth that God loueth me and forgeueth me Finallye that we saye fayth only iustifieth ought to offende no man For if this be trewe that Christ only redemed vs Christ only bare our synnes made satisfaccion for them purchased vs the fauour of God then must it nedes be true that the trust only in Christes deferning in the promyses of God the father made vs for Christes sake doth onely quiet the conscience certifie her that the sinnes are forgeuen And when they say a man must repent forsake sin haue a purpose to sin no more as nye as he can loue the lawe of God Ergo fayth alone iustifieth not I aunswere that al like argumentes are nought like to this I must repent be forye the Gospel must be preached me I must beleue it or els I cannot be partaker of the mercye which Christe hath deserued for me Ergo Christ only iustifieth me or not Christ onely hathe not made satisfaccion for my sinnes As this is a naughty argumēt so is the other Now go to reader according to the order of Paules wryting euē so do thou Fyrst behold thy selfe diligētly in the lawe of God se there thy iust damnacion Secondarely turne thyne eyes to Christe and se there the exceading mercy of thy most kynde and louinge father Thirdly remembre that Christe made not thys attonement that thou shouldest anger God againe nether dyed he for thy synnes that thou shouldest lyue styll in them nether clensed he the that thou shouldest retourne as a swyne vnto thyne olde puddell againe but that thou shouldest be a newe creature and lyue a newe lyfe after the will of God and not of the fleshe And be diligent least thorowe thine own negligence and vnthankfulnes thou lose this fauoure and mercy againe ¶ Fare well The vvhole matier and argument of sainct Paules Epistle to the Romaines by Era●mus of Roterodame AL the beginnyng to make the matier more plaine this shal bee briefely to declare the summe and contentes of this presente Epistle And fyrst to beginne with the authors name albeit I knowe that sainct Hierome in his commentaries he wrote vpon the Epistle to Philemon is of the minde that Paul was fyrst called Saule and afterwarde called him self Paule in remēbraunce of the great and victorious acte wherby he wonne vnto Christ Sergius Paule lieuetenaunt of Paphos in Cipres as it is wryten in the .xiii. chapiter of the Actes of thapostles And though againe I knowe that other some be of the mynde that Paule for the tyme wherin he liued vnder the Iewes lawe was called Saule that at the fyrst beginnyng of his newe religion he chaunged his name yet the one opinion semeth vnlikely forsomuche as S. Luke in the chapiter before rehersed then Saule vvhiche is also called paule beyng full of the holy goste plainly by these wordes declareth that he had two names before Sergius Paules conuersion the other opinion semeth more vnlikely as it appeareth as well by that some els where as especially in the same chapiter euen at that tyme when he preached Christes gospel he is called Saule the holy gooste speakyng these wordes deuide me Barnabas and saule Me thinketh therfore that Origens opinion is in this point nigher y● trueth For as in the bookes of the olde testament we fynde some whiche had diuers names as for exāple one in one place is called Idida whiche in an other is called Salomon likewyse an other is in some place called Ozias whom scripture elswhere calleth Azarias in the gospel of Luke he is called Leui whiche in his owne gospel calleth him selfe Mathewe so is it to be supposed that Paule had two names though that in his Epistles he neuer vseth to call him selfe Saule but in euerye place Paule peraduenture because y● name of Paule was more familiar among them that he wrote vnto I meane the Romaines and Grecians Now is the Latine worde Saulus after like sorte deriued out of this Hebrue worde Saul as the Grecians fourme
the truth finally in the lawe bondage in the gospel libertie and that it was in the Galathians extreme folishnes after they had tasted of better thynges to fal to worse Whiche pointes saint Paule entreateth of in y● fyrst the second the third and fourth chapiter then after that he hath very earnestly warned them that by receiuyng circumsicion they should not shamefully cast them selues into the bondage of the lawe he teacheth that christian libertie is not a libertie to do what a manne lust synnefully but a willyng and a ioyfull mynde to do well euen for loue and not because the lawe so cōmaundeth Finally he exhorteth the Galathians to christian concorde to helpe suche as are weake or fallen and to do for suche as haue taught vs christian fayth and that suche workes because they be workes of the spirite are with euerlasting glory rewarded whereas temporal ceremonies deserue but glory temporal incidently bringyng the false Apostles into displeasure and hatred as whiche for nothyng els labored to haue the Galathians circumcised but because they might therof glorye as bryngers to passe of suche an high arte Lyke diseases haue suche now a daies whiche fynde out newe straunge kindes of religions that it may be sayd suche a kynde of men made he All this epistle Paule as it semeth wrote with his owne hand to shewe how tenderly he loued the Galathians whereas in other epistles his maner is nomore but to subscribe The latine argumētes shew that it was written from the cytie of Ephesus but the greke titles reade that it was sent from Rome The paraphrase vpon the epistle of the Apostle sainct Paule to the Galathians by Des Erasmus of Roterodame The fyrst Chapiter The texte Paule an Apostle not of men neither by man but by Iesus Christ and by God the father whiche raised him vp from death and all the brethren whiche are with me PAule an Apostle and an Apostle of no meane sorte whiche I say lest either some dispise me as one of lesse reputacion or with the power authoritie of other Apostles abate and suppresse myne For neither was I of any man putte in this commission and office as other some haue been whiche either beyng but disciples vnderlynges to the Apostles auaunce them selues as thoughe they were of the highest sorte or els by vnlawfull meanes procuryng mens fauor violently breake into the office of an Apostle Nor was putte in authoritie to preache the gospel by any excellent person but by Iesus Christ him selfe the sonne of God who not with any mannes eleccion or consent had commaunded me to be the preacher of the gospel but by his owne mouth what tyme he was becomen immortal euen from heauen called me foorth to do this busynes vndoubtedly by the decrees and authoritie of God the father who raised his sonne Iesus from death For he is not therfore to be supposed dead because he is of vs no lenger seen But rather if suche be worthyly taken for high Apostles whom Christ appointed beyng as yet among mortal men mortal then surely should I not be coumpted theyr inferior whom he at that tyme from heauen not as man but euen God called to be his Apostle and messenger For as I am in this point equal euen to the highest Apostles in that I was of the same Iesus Christ institute so this preeminence may I lawfully chalenge that Christ chose them what tyme he was to our bodily infirmities subiect but me called he a sonder to be his preacher what tyme he had put of all condicions of mannes weakenes The texte Vnto the congregacion of Galacia Grace be with you and peace from God the father and from our lorde Iesus Christ whiche gaue him selfe for our synnes to deliuer vs from this present euil worlde accordyng to the will of God our father to whom be praise for euer and euer Amen Paule therfore euen I an Apostle and suche an Apostle write this Epistle to as many of you as through the whole countrey of Galacia consent and agre in Christes doctrine and lest one mans authoritie be of to smale weight not onely I but also as many as are here of whom there is a great numbre whiche with me professe the name of Christ which forsakyng Moses lawe embrace the fayth doctrin of the gospel fyrst wishe you grace and than peace and concorde grace that vpon fre deliueraūce from your old lynnes ye may hereafter liue an innocente and a pure life concord that ye neither dissent frō other congregacions nor yet frō your selues whiche both giftes we muste looke to receiue neither of Moses nor of any other mortal man but of God the father from whō as from a welspring al our welth cōmeth of his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ by whō it pleased God to geue vs all thinges whō we must both thanke for all the miseries that we haue escaped also for al the goodnes that we haue obtained vnto For Moses circumcision made no man innocent but Christ of his owne fre goodnes offred him self to death because he would for our synnes make amendes purposyng through the grace of the gospel to supply that which Moses law was not able to do that we through his onely benefite beyng deliuered from synne synfull myndes wherevnto the world is bound may neither be slauishely vnder vnclennes nor mans ceremonies For so hath it pleased God our father by whom beyng fyrst made when after through our foly we fell againe into the bondage of synne we were restored againe like men newe borne of yearthly becomen heauenly and of carnall made spiritual To him therfore of whom al our goodnes floweth honor and glory be geuen not transitory as Moses lawe had but suche as shal neuer haue an ende Amen The texte I meruaile that ye are so sone turned frō Christ whiche called you by grace vnto another gospel whiche is nothing els but that there be some whiche trouble you and intende to peruert the Gospel of Christ Wheras I lately preached this vnto you synce that ye once receiued the same I maruaile not a litle what hath chaūced that ye are fallen frō so good a father so sone fallen frō him which frely forgeuyng al your trespaces hath called prouoked you to euerlastyng saluacion not for your kepyng of the lawe but through the grace bounteous mercy and benefite of Iesus Christ that ye are sodenly fallen againe into the bondage of Moses lawe as it were into an other gospel when in dede beside that whiche we preached vnto you there is no other gospel at all Whence is this so great vnstablenes frō whence is this lightnes to chaunge suche fredome as is freely geuen vnto you with suche wylfull bondage As for your wittes I reproue not but thinke this fault rather to be layd to certain false Apostles whiche beyng rather the preachers of Moses than of Christ abuse your rudenes and trouble you with
men that for haters we be made well wyllers euen to thē that hate vs thys haue we neither by Moses lawe nor yet by our owne merites but by the free goodnes of God by the which we coueite that all men yf it be possyble reioyse with vs in one commune saluation and that the verite of the gospel may shine and geue lyght to all men as it hath geuen lyght to vs. For afore we wandered lyke blynde men in darkenes as the vnbeleuers do styll But nowe after that it is made open thorow the ghospell howe greate the goodnes and charite of God the father which is autor of our saluation is to al men now after that the darkenes of our former lyfe is put away we haue obteyned true lyfe saluation not by the obseruation of the lawe which had a certayne righteousnes in it but yet of small efficacie to geue euerlastyng lyfe but we haue obteined it thorowe the mere mercie of the Godhed For by the holy fonte of baptisme we benewe borne agayne and graffed into Christ the sonne of the euerlastyng father and beyng renewed by his spirite we haue ceased to be carnall and haue begon to be spirituall Therfore what so euer we be we are altogether bounde to God for it whiche into vs nothyng deseruing it hathe shed aboundantlye his spirite whiche the lawe coulde not geue And he hath shed this his holye spirite into vs by Iesus Christ by whom it hath pleased him most liberally to geue vs all thynges that we beyng purged by hys benefite from oure olde synnes should endeuour our selfes by good workes to be made apte to receiue the inheritaunce of the lyfe that endureth for euer of the whiche the doctrine of the gospell doeth put vs in a sure hope Sence that we therefore were once miserable and beyng nowe thorow the onely mercy of the Lorde delyuered from synne we hope for the crowne of euerlastyng lyfe with Christe we muste haue pitie vpō other go aboute by al meanes that God may also haue mercy on thē The texte This is a true saying Of these thinges I wyll that thou certifie that they whiche beleue in God myght be diligent to go forwarde in good workes For these thynges are good and profitable vnto men Let a christian Byshop in the steade of Iewishe fables tel these thynges to the people for they are certaine and not to be doubted of There remayneth nothing more for vs to do but that in all our cōuersation frō hence forth we shew our selfes not vnmyndful of the great benefite that we haue receyued of God but that we lyue in all thinges accordyng to his godly pleasure or els the professiō of christiandome of the gospel wil nothyng aduaile vs. Wherfore I wil that thou assure al mē of these thinges which greatly perteyne vnto our purpose confirme thē therin also y● they whiche haue once beleued in God y● by his free mercifulnes they haue bene redemed from their synnes and that he will geue the crowne of immortalitie to all them whiche by vertuouse and godly liuinge do studye to folowe Iesu Christe as nere as they are able maye leade suche a lyfe as maye seme not vnworthy of so greate profession and so hir promisses Nowe they shall declare them selues to be true christians yf they curse not the Ethnikes and the Iewes nor saye euyl by them but yf they be beneficial to al men and by the affection that they haue to piety they reioyse to helpe all men For these thynges shall not onelye ornate and commende the professyon of the gospell as thynges of them selfes honeste but besyde that very profytable to drawe other to Christe and to helpe other whiche be oppressed with any calamitie The chiefe poynte of christiantie is to do good to all men and by benefites euen the very wylde beastes are ouercome and made tame Thou shalte therfore on suche wise speake and preache of these thynges and not as one that is in any dowte of them as some be whiche mouyng many questions seme to haue but a faynte beleue But teache thou with greate confydence of countenaunce and with greate stedfastnes of wordes that euery man maye right well perceyue that thou arte throwlye persuaded in that whiche thou doest laboure to perswade to other Out of these thinges commethe no small frute of true religion The texte Folyshe questyons and genealogies and braulyng thorowe s●tyuinges about the lawe auoyde for they are vnprofitable and superfluous But folyshe and vnconnyng questions and entangled genealogies and contenciouse disputacions or rather warre vpon Moses lawe whiche some folowyng the trade of the Iewes do styrre vp to gette them a name thereby and vantage caste them away as superfluous and vuprofytable to the lyfe that is after the gospell For what death it hurte good lyuynge yf I knowe not why Moses graue can no where be founde And whether it be as the Iewes do say lest he should be raysed vp agayne by enchaunters Or yf I knowe not howe many yeares Matusalem lyued Or of what age Salomon was whan he begate Roboam Why Moses did forbyd to eate the fleshe of swine Why the Iewes do suppose that the blode of a Wesell must with so great diligence be purged And many other more folyshe than these In the exposicion whereof what profiteth him to tary that hasteth to the rewarde of a true christian lyfe These thynges must rather ●e cutte awaye than declared and they which professe them as excellente thynges oughte more to be reproued and sharplye rebuked than to be ouercome with disputacion The texte A man that is an auctor of sectes after the firste and the seconde admonicion auoid ▪ knowyng that he that is suche is peruetted and synneth euen damned by him selfe If they whiche mayntaine suche supersticions as haue tofore bene mencioned erre by symplenes whan they be warned therof they wyll amende But yf they do it of a purposed malice eyther to get them a name or for lucre or for some other fylthy cause than wyll they be ready to defende euen those thynges whiche they knowe to be false These men whan thou hast once or twies rebuked them yf they amende not then auoyde them as sedicious and incurable persones leste they do more harme whan they be prouoked than they woulde doe yf they were let alone as men not regarded Yea and lest it may turne to a worse inconuenience that they whiche cannot be brought into a better mynde drawe him that goeth about to instructe them into the same errour that they be in For what auayleth it to geue any oftenar to them the medicine of cortectiō yf there be no hope of remedy An errour commynge onelye of the fraylenes of man is remedied by one or two warnynges but peruersitie is incurable and made worse by puttyng to of remedies Therefore he that beyng once or twyes rebuked abydeth neuertheles styffe in his opiniō let him alone in his froward
looke for Suche men are the very true seruauntes of god fully stablysshed in the right faythe and true loue From the whiche thorowe the grace of god they shall neuer fall For as muche as god is their father and ouerse●r whose deare and louynge children they are And they can lacke no treasure neyther corporall nor spirituall eyther in this worlde or in the worlde to come And they lyue blessedly in peace and quientnes of conscience before god readye at the pleasure of god to goe thorowe welthe and woo in this worlde whome no maner of creature can hurte for as muche as the lorde fauoreth them vnto whome they haue vtterly geuē and committed them selues and haue offred vp vnto him a pleasant sacrifice oblacion in faythe in true Christen loue and perfyght hope For Christ that suffered death for them and redemed them with his bloude will not forsake them but graciously rule gouerne them and thorowe the holy gospel wil instructe them in all rightuousnes which they begynne here in this world and shal enioye the frute therof in the lyfe euerlastyng And thus thorowe y● grace mercye of god they shal ouercome al woe and vexacion and remayne pacient in persecucion yea and mery and ioyfull also in him that can strengthen and comforte them whiche dystrybuteth his plentifull grace vnto them to worke al holy vertuous workes For the which also beyng his owne workes he wyll yet crowne and rewarde them as S. Austen sayeth in the kyngdome of heauen eternaliy The .viii. Chapter The texte ¶ And when he had opened the seuenth seale there was sylence in heauen about the space of halfe an houre And I sawe vii angelles standynge before god to them wer geuen seuen trompertes And another angel came and stode before the aulter hauinge a goldē senser and muthe of odoures was geuen vnto him that he should offce of the prayers of all sa●●●res vpon the golden aulter which was before the seate And y● smoke of the odoures whiche came of the prayers of all sa●●●res ascended vp before god out of the Angelles hande And the Angell toke the senser and fylled it with fyre of the aulter and caste it into the earth and voyces were made and thondrynges and lyghtnynges and earthquake IT hathe ofte bene sene that after great troubles and muche vexacion thorowe the prouysion of god rest and quietnes hath folowed in all tymes And thus shall it continue euen from the ascencion of Christe vntyll the worldes ende that after rayne the sunne shal shyne and afterwarde it wyll be cloudye darcke againe Euen so whan the faythfull haue once ioy in god after the victorye of the dragon then commeth a new dysquietnes and perplexite whan as the wycked Angels and spirites thorowe their membres mynisters shall set vp all abhominacion synne wyckednes hurtefull and noysome vnto the soule as Sathan dyd vnto Iob what tyme he came and accompanyed him selfe with the children of god Here come vii that is to saye very many and those mightye and stronge with power graunted and permitted vnto them to doe harme But Christ the true and faythfull kyng and father of his kyngdome churche and children commeth and standeth as an hyghe pryest at the alter of god with the oblacion of his owne bodye For Christ the lorde is bothe priest altar and the oblacion himselfe and he standeth for his faythfull electe with the golden censers the hyghest loue and humilyte thorowe the whiche he gaue him selfe for the synnes of al the world into the moost bytter and standerous death for a perpetuall reconciliacion for all those that beleue in him Vnto this onely one and eternall priest Christ doe all faythfull holy and blessed christians render and gyue their vnperfyte deuocion thanck es geuynge feruent peticions and prayers their hope loue and fayth All whiche he receyueth in good parte and maketh them acceptable vnto the father with the censers of his prayers and with his swete smellynge rightuousnes and holynes wherwith he is full and aboundant plentuous and sufficient for all the electe from the begynnynge of the worlde vntyll the ende therof And by this meanes and no nother wyse may the prayers of all the holy and faythfull come vnto god namely thorowe the handes and merites of his passiō so that they take the same with them pleating with god thorowe the same Whiche thing dilyghteth and pleaseth the lord god right well Nowe yf the holy electe shal thus offre vp their necessities praiers vnto god thorowe Christ whiche is the onely medyatour betwene god the father and mankynde than wyll the mercifull god heare them ▪ and shall punyshe the wycked tyrannes and oppressours of the faythfull with his fyerye dartes and thonderboltes and other plages whiche he can and is wont to vse dyuers wayes for the terryble punyshemēt of the wycked godlesse prynces tyrannes bothe bodely and gostly in so muche that Sathan with his whole kyngdome shal be amased therat The texte ¶ And the seuen Angels which had the seuen trompettes prepared them selues to blowe The first Angell blewe and there was made hadle and fyre whiche were myngled with bloude and they were caste into the earth and the thirde parte of y● earth was set on fyre and the thirde parte of trees was burnt and all greue grasse was brente And the seconde angell blewe and as it were a great mountayne burnyng with fyre was caste into the see and y● thirde parte of the sea turned to bloude and the thirde parte of the creatures which had lyfe dyed and the thirde parte of shyppes were destroyed Christ bringeth his punyshementes to passe thorowe good and euyll angels euen at his owne pleasure For vnto the lorde there is nothing euell nor vnprofytable for as muche as he onely can make good of euyll well ynoughe The first plage of the churche of Christ was in the vnderstandynge and interpretacion of holy scripture whiche euen at the first was assaulted with dyuerse dangerous heresyes whiche sprang vp by reason of y● dyuersytie of vnderstandyng amonge the wryters and teachers by reason wherof infynite Schisemes dissēcions ▪ perels and dangerous vproures did sprynge aryse And for this cause were so many councels holden For the christendome suffred great decaye and many swarued there from at suche tyme as god of his mercye gaue peace and quietnes in the churche but for a small season as I sayde before By the trees we shall vnderstande people of all maner of nacions and degrees in y● christendome of no small nomber as in the tyme of Athanasius and after The seconde plage foloweth afterwarde against the whote and natural strength and fearcenes of men and specially that whiche was betwene princes and rulers that were assaulted of the wycked fyende with ambicion for power and dominion The whiche the wycked fyende dyd rayse vp after that the godly and holy teachers had rooted out all errours and heresyes This contencion and
thys loue is not wrytten in our heartes is that we beleue not the fyrste parte that our Lorde God is one God For wist I what these wordes one Lorde and one God meaneth that is to saye yf I vnderstode that he made all and ruleth all and that what soeuer is done to me whether it bee good or bad is yet his will and that he onely is the Lorde that ruleth and doeth it and wist thereto what this worde myne meaneth that is to saye yf myne heart beleued and felte the infinite benefytes and kyndenes of God to me warde and vnderstode and ernestly beleued the manyfolde couenauntes of mercy wherwith God hathe bounde him selfe to be mine wholy and all together with all his power loue mercye and might then shoulde I loue him with all myne heart soule power and myght and of that loue euer kepe his commaundementes So se ye now that as faythe is the mother of al goodnes and of al good workes so is vnbelefe the grounde and rote of all euyll and all euyll workes Finally yf any man that hath forsaken sinne and is conuerted to put hys trust in Christe and to kepe the lawe of god doth fall at a time the cause is that the fleshe thorowe negligence hathe choked the spirite and oppressed her and taken from her the foode of her strength whiche fode is her meditacion in God and in his wonderfull dedes and in the manyfolde couenaūtes of his mercye Wherfore then before all good workes as good frutes there muste nedes be faythe in the heart whence they springe And before al bad dedes as bad frutes there muste be vnbelefe in the hearte as in the ro●e fountayne pith and strength of all synne Which vnbelefe and ignoraunce is called the head of the serpent and of the olde dragon which the womans seed Christ must treade vnder fote as it was promysed vnto Adam Grace and gyft haue this difference Grace properly is Goddes fauoure beneuolence or kinde mind which of his owne selfe without desecuyng of vs he beareth to vs wherby he was moued and enclined to geue Christ vnto vs with all his other gyftes of grace Gyfte is the holy goost his working whome he powreth in to the heartes of them on whome he hath mercy and whome he fauoureth Though the gyftes of the spirite encrease in vs daylye and haue not yet their full perfeccion yea and though there remayne in vs yet euyil lustes and synne whiche fight against the spirite as he sayeth here in the .vii. Chapter and in the .v. to the Galathians and as it was spoken before in the .iii. Chapter of Gene. of the debate betwene the womans seed and the sede of the serpent yet neuerthelesse Gods fauoure is so great and ●o strong ouer vs for Christes sake that we are counted for full whole and perfecte before God For Goddes fauour towardes vs deuydeth not her selfe encreasinge a lytell and a lytell as do the gyftes but receaueth vs whole and al together in full loue for Christes sake our intercessor and mediatour and because that the gyftes of the spirite and the batayle betwene the spirite and euyll lustes are begonne in vs al ready Of this now vnderstandest thou the .vii. Chapter where Paul accuseth him selfe as a synner and yet in the .viii. Chapter sayeth there is no damnaciō to them that are in Christ and that because of the spirite and because the giftes of the spirite are begonne in vs. Sinners we are because the fleshe is not full kylled and mortified Neuerthelesse in as muche as we beleue in Christ and haue the earnest and beginning of the spirite and woulde fayne be perfecte God is so louinge and fauourable vnto vs that he will not loke on suche synne nether will counte it as sinne but will deale with vs according to oure belefe in Christ and according to his promyses which he hath sworne to vs vntyll the synne be full slaine and mortified by deathe Faythe is not mans opynyon and dreame as some ymagin and fayne when they heare the storie of the gospell Which when they se that there folow no good workes nor mendement of liuing though they heare yet can bable many thinges of fayth then they fall from the right waye and saye fayth only iustifyeth not a manne must haue good workes also yf he will be righteous and safe The cause is when they heare the Gospell or glad tydinges they fayne of theyr owne strength certayne ymagynacyons and thoughtes in theyr hertes saying I haue hearde the Gospell I remembre the storie ●o I beleue And that they counte righte faythe which neuerthelesse as it is but mans ymaginacion and faininge euen so profiteth it not nether folow there any good workes or mendement of liuyng But right fayth is a thinge wroughte by the holy gooste in vs whiche chaungeth vs turneth vs in to a newe nature and begetteth vs a newe in God and maketh vs the sonnes of God as thou redest in the fyrst of Iohn and killeth the olde Adam and maketh vs altogether newe in the hearte mynde will lust and in al oure affeccions and powers of the soule the holy gost euer accompanying her and rulinge the hearte Faith is a liuely thing mightie in working valiaunt and stronge euer doing euer frutefull so that it is vnpossible that he whiche is endued therewith shoulde not worke alwayes good workes without ceasing He axeth not whether good workes are to be done or not but hathe done them all redy ye● mencion be made of them and is all waye doinge for suche is his nature nowe quicke faithe in his herte and liuely mouinge of the spirite driue him and stere him therevnto Whosoeuer doeth not good workes is an vnbeleuynge person and faythlesse and loketh round about gropinge after fayth and good workes wotteh not what fayth or good workes meane though he babil neuer so many thinges of fayth and good workes Faithe is then a liuely and stedfast truste in the fauoure of God wherewith we committe oure selues all together vnto God and that truste is so surely grounded and stycketh so faste in our heartes that a manne woulde not once doute of it though he shoulde dye a thousande tymes therfore And suche trust wrought by the hooly goost throughe faith maketh a man glad lusty cherefull and true herted vnto God and to all creatures By the meanes whereof willingly and without compulcion he is glad and redy to do good to euery man to do seruice to euery man to suffer all thinges that God may be loued and praysed which hathe geuen him suche grace so that it is impossible to separat good workes from faithe euen as it is impossible to seperate heere and burninge from fyre Therfore take hede to thy selfe and beware of thine owne fantasies and ymaginacions whiche to iudge of faith and good workes will s●me wyse when in dede they are starke blinde and of al thinges most folysshe Praye God that he wyll witesafe to
god tourned to our weale and aduauntage The texte ¶ And the gyfte is not ouer one synne as death came through one sinne of one that synned For damnation came of one synne vnto condemnation but the gyfte came to iustifie from many synnes For yf by the synne of one death raigned by the meanes of one muche more they whiche receaue aboundaunce of grace of the gyft of righteousnes shall raigne in lyfe by the meanes of one that is to saye Iesus Christe Agayne thoughe throughe Adams onlye offence damnation entred and through innocēt Christe saluation yet is not one equal to another For in suche sorte had damnacion her begynnyng that the synne of one man issued into al his posteritie by meane wherof it might in continuaūce of tyme at the last haue made the whole world thrall to synne but y● benefite of god cōtrarywyse is in suche sorte gyuen y● the sinnes of al the world then gathered together and growen strong are at once by Christes death wyped awaye and not only so but also righteousnes is gyuen And therfore albeit the synne of onlye one man had suche a power that it brought all men vnder the tyranny of death so that all suche as had offended as Adam did could not be but vnder the same yoke that he was yet muche more receaue we through the bountifull and ouer flowyng mercy of god whiche is that all suche as folowyng the example of Christ liue iustlye innocently shall not only be free from the tyranny of synne and death but also through him whiche is the onely authour of our felicitie and welthe raigne themselfes in lyfe euerlastyng The texte ¶ Lykewyse then as by the synne of one there sprang vp euell on all men to cond●̄nation euen so by the righteousnes of one spryngeth good vpon all men to the righteousnes of lyfe For as by one mannes disobedience many became synners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteouse But the lawe in the meane tyme entred in that synne shoulde encrease Neuerthelater where aboūdaunce of sinne was there was more plenteousnes of grace That as synne had raygned vnto death euē so myght grace raigne through righteousnes vnto eternall life by the helpe of Iesus Christe Herein therfore are bothe lyke that as by the offence of one man syn came into the worlde by meane wherof all became thrall vnto death so through y● ryghteousnes of one whiche is deriued into al suche as beleue and submyt themselfe vnto the kyngdom of lyfe are all men of god made righteouse and partakers of the kyngdom of life For as by Adā through his disobedience to goddes commaundement many became synners whiles they folowed theyr fyrst fathers trāsgression so shal only Christ which euen vnto the death of the crosse obeyed god his father make many righteouse all suche I saye as are folowers of his obedience But to returne agayne vnto our former purpose yf by suche meanes as we before spake of it pleased god both to take awaye synne also to geue righteousnes lyfe to what purpose was it to geue a law vnable to do any good Whervnto to answer it is to be vnderstanden that in this the lawe dyd good y● therby the great mercy of God toward vs became more euident better knowē For the more great outragious the power of synne is the more notable is his benefite whiche deliuereth vs from synne Now is by the lawe the tyranny of synne set foorth whiles the same albeit in vaine resisteth it Strong and mightie was this tyranny but muche more mightie was the mercye of God wherof we haue by so muche more perfite experience the greater daūger of the sayd tyrāny we haue hitherto been in And certainly for this also are we bounden to thanke the lawe because therby we perceiue the greatnes of Gods benefite by meane wherof as the deuil through synne winnyng the dominion destroyed mannes soule whiche is very death in dede so should godly life through Gods gifte obteinyng the kyngdome and vpper hande geue life vnto all men through the help of Iesus Christ vnder whom as our lorde and capitaine we reioyce beyng now deliuered from the bōdage of death vnder whose baner we wer not long ago souldiars The .vi. Chapter The texte ¶ What shal we say then Shal we continue in synne that there may be aboundance of grace God forbid How shall we that are dead as touchyng synne liue any longer therin Knowe ye not that all we whiche are baptised into Iesus Christ are baptised to dye with him We are buried then with him by baptisme for to dye that likewise as Christ was raised vp frō death by the glory of the father euen so we also should walke in a new life For if we be graft in death like vnto him euen so shal we be partakers of the resurreccion knowyng this that our olde man is crucified with him also that the body of synne might vtterly be destroyed that hensfoorth we should not be seruauntes vnto synne For he that is dead is iustified from synne BVt because we before sayd that through the lawe sinne encreased that of sinne this good came that the grace of God more encreased lest by so saying some take occasion to continue in synne and this wyse thynke with him selfe if synne auaunce and encrease Gods grace towardes mā well done wer it to synne more often that his fre gifte may more and more encrease Herevnto I answer that pitie were it that any man should so thinke When I so sayd I ment and spake of the synnes of our former life whiche God of his goodnes turned to our weale and profite But now after that we are ons brought frō the tyrāny of synne into the kyngdome of innocencie God forbid that we should againe departe from our redemer and fall againe headlong into our olde tyrannous subiection Lyfe and death are so quite contrarye one to another that eche one destroyeth the other nor can they after like consideracion stande together Therfore if that as soone as we begynne to liue to Christ warde we be dead towarde the deuil with what reason standeth it that we should still liue to him warde to whom we are already dead If we liue to Christ then liue we not to y● deuil And if we through sinne liue vnto the deuil then are we to Christwarde dead But nowe forasmuche as we liue to Christ it foloweth that we are dead to synne whiche he hath by his death vāquished For mete it is that ye should know since ye haue receiued the baptisme of Christ what the sayd baptisme in vs doth bothe worke and signifie What tyme we are in Christes name baptised we dye with him touchyng y● synnes of our former life which synnes are through his death abolished and not onely so but buried also are we with him that by the same baptisme that as he whiche neuer liued synfully diyng
to god agaynste Israel saying Lorde they haue kylled thy prophetes and haue digged downe thyne alters and I am lefte alone and they seeke my lyfe But what sayth the aunswer of god vnto hym I haue reserued vnto my self seuen thousand men which haue not bowed their knees to the image of Baal Euen so also at this tyme is there a remnaunt left accordyng to the eleccion of grace Yf it be of grace then is it not nowe of workes For then grace is no more grace But yf it be of workes then is it nowe no grace For then were deseruing no deseruing What then Israel hath not obtayned it whiche he seeketh but the eleccion hath obtayned it The rēnaunte are blynded accordyng as it is written God hath gyuē them the spirite of vnquietnes iyes that they should not see and eates that they should not heare euen vnto this daye And Dauid saithe Let their table be made a snare to take them with all and an occasion to fall and a rewarde vnto them let theyr iyes be blynded that they see not bowe thou downe theyr backe alwaye BVt to what ende drawe all these my wordes Be they to teache that the Gentiles whiche were before this tyme to god straungers are thoroughe fayth taken into goddes familie and that the people of the Iewes whiche was by god fyrste chosen oute is through vnbelief vtterly refused No not so for vnlykely is it that god hath nowe vtterly refused that nacion which he hath hitherto gentely gladly knowledged as his chosen people If god had throughly refused the whole nacion then should not my selfe by kinred an Israelite lineally descended of the stocke of Abraham and appertaynyng to the tribe of Beniamin at this tyme preache Christe So ferre are we from this that god hath refused vs that euen when I for zeale of the law persued good people then god called me furth to preache his gospel At lestwyse that ye forget not whiche is red in the thirde booke of the kynges where the prophete Helias speaketh vnto god complayning vpō and blamyng the Iewes wickednes sayinge Lorde they haue kylled thy prophetes and ouerthrowen thyne aulters I am left alone and they seke for my lyfe After whiche vnmercifull crueltie it myghte seme that god would vtterly haue caste of his people as desperate and paste all amendmente But what was by god aunswered to Helias I haue reserued vnto my self seuen thousande men whiche haue not bowed theyr knees vnto y● ydoll of Baal As then at that tyme god refused not al his people but of so many euyll left a certayne noumber to honour him after the same sorte happeneth it nowe For the whole people of the Iewes hath not god suffered to be estraunged from him no more then he hath suffered the reste besyde to peryshe in theyr synnes albeit of bothe people very fewe are they whiche do belieue in comparison of them that refuse so to do But yet of his goodnes hath god saued some neither because they were Iewes borne nor yet because they kepte Moses lawe but because he of manye hath chosen them furthe vpon whome his pleasure was to shewe his bountiful grace and mercye Nowe yf he so dyd of his owne bountiful mercy and not for theyr desertes let it not be imputed vnto theyr workes For that whiche is gyuen a man for his labor is rather as hyrewages than a free gyfte But that whiche is gyuen to suche as deserue not that and none els is a free gift Yf the desertes of workes be once accoumpted then is a benefite no lenger a benefite but should muche more be called a rewarde What happened then Surelye this happened that the same whiche the people of Israel vpon confidence of the lawe intended to obtayne for lacke of belief they went there without so that suche onlye obteined as were of goddes eleccion and not they whiche belonged to the circumcised stocke To suche as were not chosen by god neither circumcisiō nor kepyng of the lawe auayled but they were with malyce so far furth blinded that vpon syghte of so many miracles they gaue no credence leyng with theyr bodely iyes Christ whome they had so long loked for yet with the iyes of theyr harte seyng hym not at al. And that we now see done and are for the same sorye the prophet Esai long before prophecied should be Because they refused the holy and humble spirite of Christ therfore hath god gyuen them the spirite of vnquietnes bothe roughe boysteouse and vnrulye so that the wonders they behelde with theyr iyes they deny styl as thoughe they sawe them not and that they heare with theyr eares no more moueth them than yf they hearde them not Suche were they in tyme paste to the prophetes suche were they to Christe hymselfe suche are they vntil this daye towarde the preachers of the gospell This also Dauid replenished with the spirite of prophecie sawe long before and for theyr great stubbernes in this behalfe agaynst the wyll of god prophecieth destruccion mete for suche frowarde people Let theyr table sayeth he become a snare to take them withal and an occasion to fall and into punishment dewe for suche dedes let theyr iyes be so blynded that they see not and alwaye bowe downe theyr backes because they woulde not pleasauntly vse that whiche was layd before them and refused suche thynges as they presently sawe and hearde and were without al godly regarde to loke vp to heauē warde and knowledge toward thē their makers benefite but gyuyng themself wholly to the grosse meaning of the lawe disdayne heauenly doctrine and in regarde of thynges transitory despisen that which is euerlasting The Iewes cary about in their handes the bokes of Moses and vnderstande them not they reade the prophecies and denie that in them is promised But wherto maketh this some man will saye they are blyndfolded they are snared they be bowed downe and become deafe The texte ¶ I saye then haue they therfore stumbled that they should vtterly fall awaye together God forbyd but through theyr fall is saluacion happened vnto the Gentiles for to prouoke them withall Wherfore yf the fall of them be the riches of the worlde and the minishyng of them the riches of the Gentiles howe muche more theyr perfitenes I speake to you Gentiles in asmuche as I am the apostle of y● Gētiles I wyl magnifie myne office yf by any meanes I maye prouoke them whiche are my fleshe might saue some of them For yf the casting away of them be the recōcilyng of the world what shall the receiuyng of them be but lyfe agayne from death For yf one piece be holy the hole heape is holye And yf the roote be holy the braunches shal be holy also Are they so fallen from god that all hope of rysyng agayne is passed No not so But rather this fall of theyrs chaunced but for a tyme and for you whiche are Gentiles it luckelye
so diligent to cōtinue aduaunce their popyshe pryuate masses other straunge tounged seruice to passe awaye the tyme to kepe both thēselues the people blynde styll yet myne vnfeyned hope trust is that lyke as y● almyghtie euerlyuing God the father of our lorde Iesu Christe by Christe of al perfite christians hath of his owne vnspeakeable mercye to this mooste Emperiall Realmewarde geuen so gracious so godly so vertuous so learnedly toward and so faythful a Christen Kyng and most worthy supreme head euē our most soueraine lord king Edward y● .vi. to rule gouerne nourishe defend it who by thaduise ministery and trauaile of his victorious most noble vncle the Lorde Protectours grace other of his moste honourable Counsayll seketh the kyngdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof aswell in free settyng forth of the most holy sacred scriptures by iniunccions and visitoures as in diligent placeing and sendyng abroade of moste excellently learned readers and preachers to instructe his subiectes in the true knowledge of them selues and of God and in theyr bounden dueties to theyr superiors and also in christian charitie to their neighbours so he will also of his moste haboundaunte ryches of mercye and inscrutable power contynue wyth daylye encreace suche forewarde hertynes and hertye forewardenes of earnest godly procedynges in the Kynges moste Roial Maiestie by the aduise ministerie and trauayle foresayed as the ignoraunt ministers being charitably amoued from their ecclesiasticall cures hauyng competent in other trades of lyfe to rest vpon and reasonable necessarie prouision for the honest mayntenaunce of learnyng good ministers beyng had that father of mercies and Lorde of glorye whose waies are vnsearcheable and iudgementes incomprehensyble by whose wisedome all thynges are swetely disposed and ordred wyll in case we be seruent in hear●●e prayer and not slacke in rendryng thankes vnto him for his excedynge manifolde benefites sende conuenient w●llyng and l●stye forewarde workemen into this his most copious great haruest of Englande aswel to the extirpacion banyshement and ●o●yng out of popyshe faythe false religion cankred opinions heathnyshe rites idoiatrous worshyppynges supersticious deuoucions disguysed myssall sacrificeinges aduouterous conuersacion and other grosse vile iniquities arysyng and growing to the contempt and dishonour of the liuyng God as braunches out of the roote of the Romyshe Antichristian religion as also to the plantyng settyng forth and glorifyeng of the moste vndefyled lawe of the Lorde that conuerteth soules from naughtynes to godlynes to the syncere teaching of the most sacred religion of Christ and the true wourshyp of God to the reformacion of maners and also to the expressyng of godly behauiour in outwarde conuersacion both in the ministre and parishene● to walke in loue as Christ hathe loued vs in Christen almose dedes in scripturely fastyng in ghospellike prayer in rendryng thankes in lifting vp pure handes in pacience long suffryng perfite charitie temperaunce sobrietie chastitie brotherly compassion and true obedience towardes the Kynges maiestie and all other set in autoritie vnder hym and in other offices workes dedes and vertues that God requireth and commaundeth by his actes proclamacions and decrees most earnestlye and straightely mentioned in his mooste holy perfite boke the Byble so as God I doubt not shall vouchesafe long to preserue vnto thys Realme y● most vnspeakable worthy Iewel y● kynges hyghnes and defendyng it frō the daungerous plagues curses due vnto the wicked children of vnbelefe shall vouchesafe also to powre vpon it the mercies blessynges in most pleyntuous habundaunce that he hath promised by the same boke to the beleuing chyldren of obedience Vpon these respectes hope consideracion and seing thaforenamed seuen Epistles whiche in dede are as necessarye requisite pieces of scripture to the furtheraunce of Christes religion christen maners as y● rest of the newe testamēt is to be left vntrāslated I toke in hāde to trāslate thē at such seldome leasures as I possiblie could frō mine other prophane trauailes incidēt to my drudging vocaciō spare now at last haue finished thē not doubting albeit I cōfesse my self euē frō y● botome of mine he●t as vnmete for this kinde of office as a cartes of husbādry to be a caruer at a noble mans table yet y● this my rude trāslaciō is bothe accordyng to y● texte in euerye sentence agreably to the Paraphrastes mynde and playnlye Englished to the vnderstandyng of the moste vnlearned Englyshe men for whose erudicion I did take vpon me thys laboure For althoughe curious soughte termes of Rhetoricall Englishe in thys translacion woulde better please the delicate eares and fyne wyttes of men fynely broughte vp in trickynge of termes and tounges yet in asmuche as these translated Paraphrases are set forth for the informacion and playne teaching of the Kynges maiesties playne Englyshe subiectes that vnderstande none other but theyr owne natiue barayne tongue I thoughte it rather better to seke the edification of the playne vnlearned by playne termyng of wordes than by tedious circum●ocucion to make a Paraphrase vpon a Paraphrase and by that meanes not onelye to leaue the simple vulgare people vntaught or neuer the better but also in vayne sekynge after curiositie to be iustly laught to scorne for bunglyng at the thyng that is ferre aboue my capacitie Therefore where vnnecessary fynesse wanteth accept true meanyng playnesse And good reader be not of the nōbre of those men whiche leade and get an easye and a wealthye lyfe almoste altogether by deprauinge comptrollyng querellyng mysreportyng and fault fyndyng at other mennes doynges whose studye is to doe some good and loyter the tyme them selues and do no good at all But in case thou chauncest to fynde any notable faulte in this my grosse translacion whiche hathe escaped me either for lacke of leasure or learnynge I beseche thee correcte it charitably with aduysednes so as the readers and hearers thereof maye the better and more expressely perceaue the Paraphrastes mynde ▪ considrynge howe profitable doctrine for these oure present daungerous dayes the Paraphrases doe importe aswell in teachynge Christ sincerely and in settyng forthe of Christen manners playnlye as in rebukyng vice wicked customes sharpely I ment not by thys my translation to hunt after worldly commendacion or temporall rewardes God is my witnes but to do good to the best of my poore vnlearned talente vnto the symple vulgare sort who I perceiued by most euident experience at y● kynges highnes visitacion wherin I vnworthye was a wayting ministre were glad conformablye willyng to heare the pure word of God obedient to receyue the Kynges most godly iniūccions traynyng them to y● same so they would contynue in case theyr ordinaries Curates ministers were not try●lers and hynderours therof and if they were not seduced and taught by sedicious earewhisperours contrary to the worde of God the Kynges hyghnes mooste godly gracious procedinges onely for pelfe belycheare ease and lucre But take me not that
remembre that whā I was yet with you I told you these thinges And now you know what is the let that Christ cummeth not In dede that the wicked man as I saied afore may in his propre tyme openly practise his tyranny vpon the Sainctes For now wickednesse worketh his crueltie vnderhand by him and the deuill by wicked menne rageth against the professours of the gospell and as you perceyue by my tellyng there is nothyng that letteth the aduersarie of Christe from shewyng himselfe openly but only that in the meane while euery one should holde still that he holdeth vntil that kingdome wherwith all other are holden in subieccion be dispatched quyte out of the waye And as soone as that shall come to passe than shall that wicked one shew himselfe abrode openly furnished with al kynde of iuggling castes and wylie disceytes to bryng mankynde to destruccion But for all his rageing with his deuilish spirite the Lord Iesus shall cheoke him with the mightie blast of his mouthe and for all his bostyng of his false counterfaite shew of diuinitie the Lorde shall obscure and abolishe him with the excellente clearenes of his cummyng euen as monstreous sightes of the night time and vayne appearaunces of thinges vanishe and goe a waye at the shynyng out of the bright sonne beames The texte Euen hym whose cumming is after the workyng of Satan with all lying power signes and woonders and with all deceyuab●enes of vntyghtewesnes among them that perish because they receyued not the loue of the trueth that they might be saued And therfore God shall sende them strong delusion that they should beleue lyes that all they might be damned whiche beleued not the trueth but had pleasure in vnrightewesnes But we are bounde to geue thankes alwaye to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord for because that God hath from the begynnyng chosen you to saluacion thorow sanctifyeng of the spirite and thorow beleuyng of the trueth wherunto he called you by oure Gospel to obtayn the glory of our lorde Iesu Christ For that wylie deceiuer shall at his cūming be furnyshed with the spirite of Satan for the Deuil shal practise his crueltie by him And to the intente he maye the more cruelly worke his myschiefe he shall not onely be armed with a puyssaunt great power to make mens consciences afrayed but also with lyeng countrefaict castes of signes and wondres wherin he shall pretende to folowe Christ euen as the learned enchauntours folowed the example of Moses among the Egipcians To be briefe there shall be no kynde of fraude but he shal be perfitely conyng in it to worke wickednesse Howbeit it shal not availe him in any wise but only to the hurting of such as perishe though he were not through their owne vnbelefe For thus their obstinate rebellion against Christ demeriteth this is a reward worthy their desertes that seing they receiued not Christ by whom they might haue been saued who for his charitie sake was desyrous to haue al mēne saued for his trueth sake opened playnly the thinges that belonged to saluacion now by the suffraunce of God falsehead taketh place with thē in stede of trueth tyranny for charite a destroyour for a saue our and so as thei shal beleue a wicked mās lyenges inasmuch as thei refused to beleue the sonne of God that preached nothing but truth Thus shal it come to passe that where thei should otherwise haue also perished because of their obstinate mysbelefe than it shall manifestly appeare in all mennes sight that they are iustly damned forasmuche as they spightfully forsoke Christe and gaue credence at the first woorde to a craftie deceiuour and a wicked person This stormy tempest lyke as it shal declare them worthy damnaciō so shall it sette forth your stedfastnesse more clearely By reason whereof we are bounde to rendre alwayes thankes vnto God my christianly welbeloued brethren in that he suffred you not to continue still in errour but chosed you vnto saluacion from the beginning not by the meanes of Moses law but by his owne spirite the geuer of holynes and by your obedience wherwith you beleued the trueth simply and playnly Besydes this lyke as he chosed you eternally from the begynning so dyd he call you by our gospell preaching to the intent the saluacion of you whiche beleued whan the Iewes beleued not should growe to the glorye of our Lorde Iesus Christe The texte Therfore brethren stande fast and kepe the ordinaunces which ye haue learned whether it were by oure preachynge or by Epistle Oure Lorde Iesu Christ hymselfe and God our father which hath loued vs and hath geuen vs euerlastyng consolacyon and good hope thorowe grace comforte youre hertes and stablyshe you in all good saying and doynge The gospell that I delyuered vnto you was the true and very right gospell so that there is none other that you ought to loke for Therfore stand fast in it brethren and holde the thinges that we delyuered vnto you and that you learned of vs eyther by our preachyng or by our Epistle Vnto those it shall be your parte to applie your endeuour with all watching diligence Moreouer the Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and god oure father which loued vs of his owne accorde and called vs vnto saluacion and by his spirite hathe geuen vs eternall consolacion euen in these affliccions to loke in good hope for the rewardes of the life in heauen not by meanes of our deseruinges but by his owne free mercie conforte your hartes more and more and establishe and confirme you to perseuer in all goodnes both in worde and in dede The .iii. Chapter The texte Furthermore brethren praye ye for vs that the worde of God maye haue passage and be gloryfyed as it is also with you and that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and froward men For al men haue not fayth but the Lord is faythfull which shall stablyshe you and preserue you from cuyll We haue confydence thorowe the Lorde to you warde that ye bothe do and wyl do the thynges which we commaunde you And the Lorde gyde your hertes to the loue of God and pacience of Chryste FVrthermore brethren like as we in oure supplicacions to god helpe foreward the busynesse of your saluacion euen so it is reasō that you in semblable case set forward the thinges that I goe about with your prayers to him also that like as the doctrine of the gospel had spedy prosperous encrease among you so it may runne abrode and be published among all menne For the more spedynesse whereof praye you that we maye through his helpe be delyuered from suche men as be peruerse and frowarde whiche hyndre withall theyr possible meanes that the doctrine of Christe be not sowen without lette or hinderaunce For all they beleue not the Gospell that heare the Gospell and yet there is no cause why you should not beleue for all theyr wicked endeuours They spurne against the Gospell but they
as mooste plentuous witnesses of thyne affection and mutuall loue towardes me By reason wherof I am fylled all together full of ioye whan it commeth to my mynde howe paynlye thou resemblest me in the sinceritie of faythe as a naturall sonne his father And lyke as the integritie of religiō was in me as it were by enheritaūce euen so this sinceritie of fayth semeth to be geuen to the by the handes of thyne elders For it dwelt stedfastly fyrst in thy Grādemother Lois thā after by by in thy mother Eunica I doubt not but thou wilt become accordigly like a neuew to so right a religious grādmother a sonne to so right a good mother seing thou hast ben more desyrous to be like to thē thā to thy kyndred of thy fathers syde The texte Wherfore I warne the that thou stiere vp the gyfte of god which is in the by the puttyng on of my handes For god hath not geuen to vs the spirite of feare but of power of loue of sobrenes Be not thou therfore ashamed of the testimony of our lorde nether be ashamed of me which am his prysoner but suffer thou aduersitie with the ghospell accordyng to the power of god which saued vs and called vs with an holy calling not accordyng to our dedes but accordyng to his owne purpose and grace which was geuē vs thorow Christ Iesu before the worlde began but i● now declared openly by y● appearyng of our sauiour Iesus Christ which hath put awaye death hath broughte lyft and immortalitie vnto lyght thorowe the gospel wherunto I am appoynted a preacher and Apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles for the which cause I also suffre these thinges Neuerthelesse I am not ashamed ▪ For I knowe and am sure that he in whom I haue put my trust is able to kepe that which I haue committed to his kepyng agaynst y● day These thinges I remēbre the of so as thou mayest be of y● better courage both by the example of vs and of thyne elders to stiere vp by thyne industrye diligence the gifte of God which thou receyuedst by the laying on of mine handes whan thou waste ordayned a Byshop and boldely and without shrynkynge to accomplyshe the office commytted vnto thee feare not any mens barkinges nor the rageing crueltie of persecutours It is the propertie of Iewes to be afrayed of those thinges that this present life occasioneth but vnto vs whiche through beleuing of the gospell are made the children of God he hathe geuen a ferre other maner spirite not to make vs afrayed discouraged for feare distrust but through an assured trust of innocēcie hope of y● promised immortalitie to be bolde lusty through loue to be free ful of courage euē as loue both trusteth altogether vpō gods succour shrinketh not for his neyghbours sake to abyde daungier Finally a spirite y● suffreth not vs to be disturbed ●● our mynd but causeth vs alwaies to perseuer to th ende with a whole a pre●●● ready herte Forasmuch thā as y● hast receyued this spirit set forth his power declare stoutely the thyng the thou hast Be not ashamed of thy profession wherby thou preachest the crosse death of our lord Iesu Christ nor be ashamed to be a disciple of his Apostle though I am ladē with these bondes There is nothing more glorious thā the crosse of Christ y● gaue saluatiō to y● world y● brake the deuiles tirannye y● hath obteined vs immortalitie Christes crosse is our glory These cheanes the I willingly suffre for the ghospelles busines sake are not to my slaunder but to my glorie rather Therefore refuse not to suffre those thynges that Christ suffred and that I suffre for hys sake But be thou ready also to come into the felowshyppe of afflyctions that are layed vpon vs for the ghospell of Christe What so euer chaunceth there is no cause why we shoulde be afrayed for the matier is not done by oure strengthes but by the succour of God We are feble in dede but he is mightye whiche whan we were lost saued vs by the death of hys sonne hauynge done awaye the trespasses of oure former conuersation and hathe called vs vnto holynes not for any merites of ours but beyng enforced by hys own wil and free goodnes that he bestowed vpon vs not vpon anye late aduisemente but from euerlastynge and before all tyme afore the makynge of thys worlde it was decreed of him to geue these thinges vnto vs by his sonne Iesus Christ The matter is no newes to him but that thing that was alwayes in the secret of his mynde he hath lately declared to the worlde by the commyng of our sauiour Iesu Christe who hauyng receyued a bodye subiecte to death hath dispatched awaye death by the crosse and by hys resurreccion hath opened lyfe and immortalitie throughe the preachynge of the ghospell whiche promyseth lyke rewardes vnto them that folowe the exaumple of Christes crosse Thys ghospell preachynge is committed vnto me as the Apostle and teacher of the Gentiles to the intent they maye learne by me that not onely the Iewes are called to this gyfte of God but also all mankynde vniuersallye Forasmuche than as I am tyed in cheynes for the ghospelles sake I am not onely nothyng ashamed of thys affliccion but also I esteme it for a pure greate glorye vnto me To suffre for naughtye dedes doyng it is a reproche but to be afflicted for the glorye of Christe it is excellent This stormye tyme doeth feare me nothyng at all For althoughe I am weake yet I knowe and am assured that he whom I haue put my faythfull trust in is hable ynoughe to kepe vnto the vttermost daye the thing that I haue committed to his fidelitie Throughe his ayde bothe the gospelles busines and my saluation and also the prosperitie of the christian flocke is in sauegarde And albeit anye thynge here in thys worlde seme to perishe for a tyme yet whan that daye shall come in the whyche he shall expresse his myghtie power vnto the worlde he shall restore it wyth greate gayne I haue layed my life and my healthe in his handes and he hathe put me in truste to dispence the doctrine of the gospell In case I shall be a trustye fayth keper he wyll not fayle my trust The texte ▪ Se that thou haue the ensample of the holsome wordes which thou hast heard of me with fayth loue that is in Christ Iesu That good thing which was committed to thy keping ●old fast through the holy gost which dwelleth in vs. This thou knowest how that all they which are in Asia be turned frō me Of which sort are Phigelus and Hermogenes The Lord geue mercy vnto the housholde of Onesiphorus for he ofte refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chaine but when he was at Rome he sought me out very diligently and founde me The lorde graunte vnto hym that he maye fynde
loue their husbandes to loue their children to be dyscret chaste housewyfely good obedyente to their husbandes that the word of god be not euyil spoken of Yong men lykewyse exhorte that they be sobre mynded On the same maner thou shalt warne olde wemen that they go apparayled after suche maner as becommeth them that wylbe named christian persones they must not fynde fautes with the lyuyng of other whiche faulte is peculiare to this sex and age They must not be geuen to ouermuche drinkynge of wyne How be it the vse of wyne must not be denyed to age so y● it be moderate They must teache maydens and yong wemen suche thinges as be honest no nycenes neyther euyll fasshions and so instruete them that they be wyse and loue theyr husbandes and childrē that they be sobre and chaste and kepars of their house and playe the good housewyfes For this is the hyest prayse y● can be in wemen to be knowen to be subiecte and obedyent to their husbandes that the name of God whose religion they professe be not flaundered thorowe their lewde maners For sithen we see the wyues of heathen men to behaue them selfes ●yghte womanly in suche poyntes belongyng to womanhed what shall the vnfaithful say whan they see our christen wemen worse in this behalfe thē their wemen are seyng it becometh them in al good maners to excell other Now what thing olde wemen must by thyne instruccion teache yong maydens and yong wyfes that same shalte thou thy selfe teache yong men exhortynge them to be sobre and of moderate affeccions that the heate of youthe ouerthrowe them not hedlonge into vice The texte ¶ In all thinges shewe thy selfe an ensample of good worckes in thy doctrine with honestye grauitie and with y● wholsome worde which cannot be rebuked that he whiche withstandeth maye be a shamed hauyng no euyll thinge to saye of you And that thou mayest the more effectuousely perswade these thinges firste of all be thou thy selfe an example vnto them of honest doynges in al that is the dutie of a true christian man to do For no man doeth soner perswade men to folowe his doctrine then he that doeth the same that he byddeth other men to do Thou shalte therfore so teache the youthe that together with thy doctryne thou shewe ▪ thy selfe a lyuely example of a pure and vpright lyfe corrupte with no maner of vyce at al. And that thou kepe suche grauitie that they haue theyr teacher in reuerence and be afeared to offende him Se therfore that thou moderate all thy lyfe and also thy wordes that there maye nothinge be founde in the that maye be contemned that not onely they whiche be vnder thy lore maye obey the but also they whiche afore were against the gospell maye be ashamed of their euyll saying whan they shall se all thinges in the so withoute blame that euen they that lye in wayte for the and seke all the meanes they can to get some occasion to laye somwhat against the can fynde nothing at all to brynge their entent to passe neyther in the nor in thyne The texte ¶ Exhorte seruauntes to be obedyent vnto their owne masters and to please them in all thinges not answerynge againe neyther to be pyckers but y● they shewe all good faithfulnes that they maye doe worshyp to the doctrine of god our saueour in all thinges Exhorte seruauntes that they be obediente to their masters and seruiceable in al thinges leste they maye seame thorowe the profession of y● christian faithe to be made worse than they were afore and so by them the naughtines of euyll parsons shal be reproched to y● gospell Let them not therfore be full of answers against their maysters and euyll wylled to do their commaundementes neither must they be pyekers as the commune sorte of vnthrifty seruauntes be that as they professe the faythe of Christe lykewyse they declare them selfes in all seruice to be done to their maysters to be dyligent and true yea thoughe theyr maisters do but lytle deserue it of them So that thorowe their honeste behauoure they commende and set forthe the doctrine of our saueoure god and that by them mo men maye be drawen to the folowynge therof whan theyse suche as knowledge themselfes to be christians to be more gentle and amyable then other in all their conuersacion The texte ¶ For the grace of god that bryngeth saluacion vnto all men hath appered and teacheth vs that we shoulde deny vngodlynes and wordlye lustes and that we should liue sobrely and righteously and godlye in this presente worlde lokynge for that blessed hope and appearynge of the glorye of the great god and of oure saueour Iesu Christe whiche gaue him selfe for vs to redeme vs from all vnrighteousnes and to purge vs a peculyar people vnto him selfe feruently geuen vnto good workes For in this thorowe the gospell hath shyned the bountefulnes and exceading great mercy of god our saueour whiche was afore vnknowen And it hath not shyned onely to the Iewes but egallye to all men not that nowe beyng delyuered from the burden of Moses lawe we shoulde lyue after our owne wyll but we be taught that after that by baptisme the faultes of our lyfe afore passed be forgeuen vs and that we swerynge to abyde in Christes doctrine haue ones renounced and geuen vp wyeked relygion and worshypping of images and al worldly desires we shoulde so lyue hereafter in this worlde that it may appere manifestly that we be truly new borne againe in Christe and made altogether other mē than we were afore And where as we tofore were the seruantes of wickednes synne an● fylthye concupiscence we must from hence forthe kepe suche moderacion that we be in no wyse oppressed with the desyres of worldly thinges Let vs so obserue the iustyce of liuynge that we do good to euery man as muche as lyeth in vs and that we hurte no man that we maye nowe with a pure conscience geue that honour and worshyp to god that we gaue afore to deuyls And thoughe paraduent are we be punished with pouertie infamie reuilynges enprisonement tormentes and dyuerse other euyls ▪ yet let vs not thynke y● oure faith and godly lyuyng is baraine and vnfrutefull nether let vs hunte after rewardes of this worlde whiche in comparison of thinges to come be neyther greate nor of any contynua●ce but let vs ●oke for that greater rewarde of euerlastyng ly●e which shall then chaunce when after the ende of this worlde in the whiche the membres of Christ be vexed with many afflictions and ignomies god the father shall open his glorye and magnificence in them that be his true worshyppers all their miseries beyng cleane expussed At the whiche tyme he shal not appeare humble but gloriouse terrible to the wycked And together with y● father shal appeare in the same glorie our lord saueouer Iesus Christ geuyng vnto his membres y● glorye of immortalitie in y● which he now shyneth He bycause
mynde as a man quite ouerturned and paste all remedy Neyther hast thou any neade to laboure in the condemnynge of him sythen he is condemned by his owne iudgement If he peryshe he is lost and cast awaye by his owne faulte For he cannot laye this excuse for him I was deceyued and went oute of the waye thorowe ignoraunce no man warned me of myne ●●●oure This excuse it but vayne For what shal one do to a sicke man that wil take no medicine peraduenture yf he were contemned and not passed on he woulde wexe wyser If he wyll not yet the fewer resorte vnto him the fewer shall the contagion of his madnes infecte The texte When I shall sende Artemas vnto the or Tithycus be diligente to come to me vnto Nic●●opolis For I haue determined there to wynter Bryng zenas the lawear Apollos en theyr iorney diligently that nothynge be lackyng vnto them And let oures also learne to ●●cell in good woorkes as farforth as nede requireth that they be not vnfruteful All that are with me salu●e the. Grete them that loue vs in the fayth Grace be with you all Amen I woulde fayne haue the with me a fewe dayes but I woulde not it should be to the damage of the christian congregacions in Crete which haue bene but late conuerted to the faith and therefore they haue the more nede of a diligente ouerseat whiche maye buylde vpon the foundacion nowe all ready layed Se therefore that thou mete with me at Nicopole But come not afore I send Artemas or Tichicus to thee to be there for thee in my steade leste thy departing shoulde leue Crete destitute and as it were an Orpheline Thou shalte not neade to feare that I wyll in the meane tyme go any where els and so thou to lese thy laboure For I am purposed all this nexte wynter to be at Nicopole whiche is a citie of Trace Whan Zenas sometyme a doctor of Moses law but nowe a noble preacher of the ghospell and Apollos whiche is a man greatlye approued in the doctrine of Christe wyll departe from the bryng them forthward with all the humanite that maye be and see that they lacke nothyng that shal be necessary for their iornaye If these offices of humanitie be exhibited of the Ethnikes that they doo for good maners sake brynge their frende onwarde on his iorney and gyue him at his departyng sufficiently bothe of vytayles and otherthynges necessarye for him in his way I thynke it very right that our men also whiche profelse Christe do learne to vse suche gentyle fashions and to gyue due thankes to them that do deserue it Not that they shuld make them riche with greate gyftes but to geue them suche thinges as be necessarye for their lyuing whan nede shall requyre For seyng that they whiche do not knowe Christe be yet taught of nature to geue them thankes whiche haue done for them truly it is very vnsemely that christian men should be barayne and vnfruteful to them of whom they haue receiued any good turne As many as be here with me commende them vnto the. Do thou agayne cōmende me to as many there as loue me not with worldely affeccion but with Euangelicall and christian loue whiche the commune profession of faythe doeth engendre in vs. The free beneficence of Goddes mercy be with you all for euer Amen ¶ Thus endeth the paraphrase vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to Titus ¶ The Argument vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to Philemon by Erasmus of Roterodame ▪ THis Philemon after the Grekes writing was a Phrigi● borne whiche nacion of people is vntractable ●●anyshe as the Greekes owne prouerbe maketh often mencion Stripes make the Phrigian to amende And yet Paul reconned this Philemon one of hys speciall frendes bycause of his godlynes diligence done to y● sayntes And a seruaunt of his one Onesimus had runne away frō him to Rome and had theuishlye stollen somwhat from him as seruauntes are for the moste parte vsed to doe There whan he had hearde Paule who at that tyme was in bondes he receiued the doctrine of the gospel and serued Paule in prison But lest the maister should be vexed in his mynde for his seruauntes runnynge awaye he sendeth him home agayne with a wonderfull diligence and ciuilitie he reconsileth vnto the Maister his seruaunt that had bene both a runneagate and a piker and offreth him selfe to be suertie to make good what soeuer he had piked at his runnyng awaye This Epistle he wrote from the prison by the sayd Onesimus whom he also calleth his sonne Thus endeth the Argument ¶ The paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Epistle of S. Paule to Philemon ¶ The .i. Chapter The texte Paule the prysoner of Christe brother Timothee Vnto Philemon the beloued and oute helper and to the beloued Appia and to Archippus oure felowe souldier and to the congregacion that is of thy house Grace be vnto you and peace from God oure father from the Lorde Iesus Christe PAule before this tyme an Apostle and seruaunte of Iesu Christ and nowe his prysoner also for why shoulde not I be glad to be hys prysoner for whose ghospelles sake I weare these bondes not for the punyshement of any euyil that I haue done but as a notable badge of a free valeaunt preacher and also my felowe ghospellpreacher brother Timothee vnto Philemon in the profession of the commune faith a brother singulerly worthye to be beloued and not a brother onely but also my companion in very many affaires partaker in the office of the gospel to his wyfe Appia my moste welbeloued syster as concernyng the kynred of fayth to Archippus our felowe souldier and to the rest of the congregacion whiche is at his house Grace be vnto you and peace from God oure cōmune father frō his sonne the lord Iesu Christ The texte I thanke my god making menciō alwayes of the in my prayers when I heare of thy loue and fayth whiche thou haste towarde the Lorde Iesu and towarde all sayntes so that the fellowshyppe of thy fayth is fruteful in the knowledge of euery good woorke whiche is in you towarde Iesus Christe For we haue great ioye and consolacion in thy loue because that by thee brother the sayntes hertes are comforted In my prayers wherwith I am accustomed to sacrifice daylye vnto God I undre thankes vnto him alwayes on thy behalfe For I ascribe it thankefully vnto him that I heare spoken openly of all men that is to say both the purenesse thy ryght gospelling charitie which thou bearest towardes the lord Iesus not towardes hym only but also towardes al saintes y● is to were his mēbres vnto whō what so euer is bestowed hys wyl is to reckē it done to him self And this I also beseche him to augment his mercifulnes vpon thee that this thy faith whiche is not idle in the may expresse his power dayly more more to enforce
rather sticke still vnto Moses than vnto him and haue reiected him not willyng to haue hym put in the buylding that they purposed to buylde he is contrary wise a reproche and a very destruccion For him that they disdeyned to haue in their buylding god wold haue to be head stone of the corner by whom he might knyt together and conteyne as it were the wall on eithersyde that is to saye both the sortes of people of the Gentiles and of the Iewes by whose strong defence the buylding should be safely preserued against all assaultes him should who so euer were aduersaries vnto this new buylding stumble at and ●●ne against And they stumble whosoeuer be offended at the worde of the Gospell and beleue it not seing Moses lawe made them ready before hande to this ende that they shoulde beleue the gospell as sone as the thing was truly performed in dede that the lawe signified in shadow Therfore those that haue disallowed Christ god hathe also disallowed them agayne But as for you whom they reiecte with Christ he hath made that chosen kynred wherof Moses spake in tymes past that holy nacion and peculiar people whom god hath take to him selfe with an excellent price that like as the people of the Hebrues being deliuered in tymes paste by Moses leading from the tyranye of Egipt and conueied through so many daungerous matters into the lande that they had long hoped vpon preached vnto the worlde the goodnes of god shewed to them warde euen so you hauing in remembraunce his fre liberalitie towardes you also should glorifie among al men the wonderfull power of god which by a new meane hauyng conquered the enemies of your saluacion hathe deliuered you out of the darkenes of ignoraunce and vicious lyuing into his wōderful light of the gospels trueth by the which all the errours of the gentiles and shadowes of the Iewes are cleane wyped away Vnto you therfore hathe chaunced this honour that they which persecuted Christ surely reckoned vpō to them selues yet cleane contrary the matters being turned vpside downe the thing chaunced that Osee sayd before should come The people which before were the most abiectes that is to say far of from god is now a peculiar people vnto god And the people whom god had reiected as vnworthy of his mercy hath felt by experience the mercy of god without helpe of circ●cision of the lawe and is receiued through the only gospel like faith into the felowship of the sonne of god The texte Dearlye beloued I beseche you as straungers and pylgrems abstayue ▪ from fleshly Iustes whiche fyght agay●ste the soule and se that ye haue honeste conuersacyon amonge the Gentyles that where as they backbyte you as ouyll doc●s they maye se youre good woorkes and prayse God in the daye of disitacyon Submytte youre selues therfore vnto all manner ordynaunce of manne for the Lordes sake whether it ●ee vnto the Kynge as vnto the ●he●e heed other vnto rulars as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punishment of euel dowars but for the laude of them that do well For so is the wyl of God that with wel doyng ye maye stoppe the mouthes of foulyshe and ignoraunte men ▪ as fre and not as hauyng the libertye for a cloke of malicyousnes but euen as the seruauntes of God Honoure all men Loue brotherly felowshipe Feate God honoure the kyng Seruauntes obey your masters with feare not onely yf they be good and courteous but also though they be frowarde For this is thāke worthy yf a man for conseyence towarde God endure grefe and suffer wronge vndeserued For what prayse is it yf whell ye be buffe●ed for your fautes ye take it paciently But and yf when ye do wel ye suffer wrong and take it paciently then is there thanke with God Than sence ye acknowlege the singular liberalitie of god towardes you whome he hathe redemed with the price of bloud whom he hathe reconsyled vnto himselfe by the deathe of his sonne whome his will was to haue to bee the membres of his onely begotten and the lyuyng stones of the heauenly buylding whome he hathe chosen into the right of children and called into the enheritaunce of immortalitie I beseche you deately beloued to frame youre selues in holynes of life like vnto your owne dignitie like vnto the gentil goodnes of god and vnto so high a rewarde You are regenerate vnto heauen being in this woorlde as foryners and straungers make spede thither where your countrey is where the enheritaunce of heauen is layed vp in stoare for you that you be not called away frō this desyre by earthlye and grosse appetites which with all manner of engynes make warre and ●atail agaynste the spirite which is gredyly desyrous of heauenly thinges Let your conuersacion accorde with your profession that your maners may allure vnto Christe other folkes also that are paganes among whome you lyue vnto whome it is so muche requisite for you to geue no maner of occasion that they maye rightfully iudge euil of the ghospelles doctrine yf they shoulde perceaue you in the commune custome of life to bee no whit better than other be that the entier vprightenes of your manners and wel doing towardes all menne may stoppe theyr backbyting reportes wherwith they speake euil of you for malice that they beare to Christ and for the hate of religion whiche they suppose to be wicked supersticion whiche thinges euidently perceaued they shal repent also and acknowlege their owne errour being inspired with the mercye of god whan it shal please him whiche hathe chosen you to draw them to him also and that they maye than by your godly workes glorifie him whome before they abhorred because they knew him not This worlde hathe also an order of his owne whiche by occasion of religiō ought not to be disturbed as much as may be sauing the glory of christ Euen so Christ would haue you to be free from synnes that you shoulde neuertheles suffer euery thing willingly for the gospelles busynes sake obeying and submytting your selues not only vnto Christian magistrates but vnto the heathen magistrates also whether he be a kyng you must obey him as most excellent in the publike autoritie whether they be rulers you muste obey them as by whom being sent to trauail abroade the king administreth the matters of the cōmon wealth Nether let it moue you that they bee heathens that thei be Idolatours but acknowledge their office that is necessarye vnto the cōmune wealthe which consisteth of sondry kyndes of men and religions For they beare rule with autoritie to restrayne offenders and wicked persones by feare of punyshement to allure those that bee good with rewardes to doe theyr duetie You haue not nede of their fearing inasmuch as you do of your owne accorde more than mans lawes require They haue no nede of mannes commendacion whom the rewarde of heauen maketh feruent and yet it is requisite also to acknowlege
now a seruaunt and Embassadour of Iesus Christ whose gospel euē as y● day light wipeth and driueth awaye all the shadowes of the olde testament write vnto all maner of men without parciall excepcion either of people or religiō either of kynde or state or yet condicion For we esteme all people to be kynsfolkes and most nerely ioyned vnto vs whosoeuer haue deserued to be made like vnto vs in the profession of the faith of the gospel by the which we haue atteyned true rightuousnes not by circumcision or by sacrifices of the lawe but by the goodnes of our God and by the deathe of our sauiour Iesu Christ who hath frely pardoned vs our olde synnes to th entēt we should hence forthe folowe gospellyke righteousnes which dooeth not consiste in ceremonies but in true godlines of mynde hath a certaine farre greater perfecciō than the Iewes righteousnes whiche is nothinge but a shadowe of true righteousnes And I praye y● lyke as you haue yet hitherto gon aboundantlye forwarde in the grace of y● gospel alwayes somwhat augmentyng in thencreaces of godlynes drawinge nerer brotherly concorde amonge your selues daylye more and more so the liberall goodnes of God woulde vouchesafe to make perfite his gyftes in you which Iewelles encrease so much y● more largely in you as you grow forewarde into y● knowledge of God y● father of his sonne our Lord Iesu Christ the acknowledginge of whome is eternall lyfe For it is the chiefe poynte of saluacion to acknowledge the autor of saluacion that we chalenge no parte therof to our owne desertes and strengthes or to the prescripcions of Moses lawe inasmuche as whatsoeuer is perteyninge to true lyfe and whatsoeuer belongeth vnto true godlynes his diuine power hath bestowed it vnto vs without helpe of circumcision onely by faithe wherby we acknowlage God the father from whome procede all thinges and Iesus Christ by whome onely we haue al thinges geuen vnto vs. These thinges are not geuen throughe our merites but by his free bounteouse gyfte whiche of his owne accorde hathe called vs vnto the benefite of saluacion and to them that were voyde of glory and vertue he hath bestowed bothe his owne glorye and vertue to thintent that wheras being addicte vnto our owne vicious naughtines lyke fylthye vyle slaues we scrued ydoles we shoulde be engraffed vnto Christe and be made bothe pure and glorious hauing y● wickednes taken out of the waye wherin we were fylthily soyled He hathe translated our vyle naughtines vpon himselfe that he mighte choose vs of his owne free pleasure into the felowship of his glory Our trespasses he hath taken vpon himselfe that we might enioye his innocencye Nowe these same are very great matters but those are farre greater of muche more excellencie that are promissed vs in tyme to come not by the lawe of Moses as we haue often sayed before but by thacknowlageing of Iesu Christ But what is it that is promysed Forsoothe that albeit you perteyne not to the kynredde of the Iewes yet you maye be made with them companions of the diuine nature beyng chosen into the nomber of y● children of god to possesse thenheritaunce of immortal lyfe so that you set your study vpon a certaine immortalitie by vncorrupte conuersacion in the meane season here in this worlde and flee from al corrupcion of vices and naughtie lustes wherwith a mynde that is infected tēdeth to euerlastinge deathe The texte ¶ And herunto geue all diligence in your faithe minister vertue in vertue knowledge in knowledge temperaunce in temperaunce pacience in pacience godlynesse in godlynesse brotherly kyndnesse in brotherly kyndnesse loue For yf these thinges be amonge you and be plenteous they wyll make you that ye nether shal be ydle nor vnfrutefull in the knowledge of our Lorde Iesus Christ But he that lacketh these thinges is blynde and gropeth for the waye with his hande and hath forgotten y● he was pourged from his olde synnes ▪ God hathe once geuen innocencye frely and it is not inoughe to mainteine it but applyeng withall studious diligence endeuour your selues to be made riche in well doinges that your faithe be not ydle but that it be accompanyed with good behauiour that nothing be doone or sayed but that whiche is vertuous Than let good behauiour entreteyne knowlage that you maye not onely folowe the thinges that be vpright but also discerne what thinge in what place amonge whome after what sorte and by what meanes ought worthilye to be done Let knowledge be accompanied with temperaunce that the mynde beynge vnmoueably strong against all the wanton enticementes of the worlde maye constantlye without shrinkynge folowe the thing that it hathe iudged to be best Vnto temperaunce let pacience be ioyned that whan you doe wel you maye chearefully suffer sorowes For those men whom the flateringe pleasures of the worlde doe not bringe in to a fine fingred nicenes are somtymes broken with impacient suffring of sorowes with pacience let godlynes be present that what soeuer you doe or suffre you referre it to the glorye of God Let godlynes be accompanied with brotherly charitie that like as you loue God for himselfe euen so for his sake you maye loue all them that professe God And let brotherly charitie be augmented and vpheaped with loue to studye to doe good for all men not onely them that are godly and Christian folkes but also for them that are wicked These are the frutes of an euangelicall faithe whiche yf you haue them aboundauntlye shall brynge to passe that where you haue acknowledged our lorde Iesus Christ throughe faithe it should not be vnprofytable and vnfrutefull vnto you althoughe you haue nothing to doe with circumcision For in these thinges consisteth the whole summe of Christen godlynes and yf any mā want thē he hath professed Christ in vaine forasmuche as he slydeth backe from the light of the Gospell in to his olde former darkenes euen as it were a blynde man that groapeth the waye with his hande and is caried aboute hereawaye and therawaye throughe the mases of worldly lustes neither seeth he the waye to come to the felowship of Christ beynge vnthankefull also for the benefite of Christ of whome where he is once frely clensed from his olde transgressions yet as a man forgetfull of this so exceadynge a mercye he slydeth backe in to the same againe The texte ¶ Wherfore brethrē geue the more diligence for to make your callynge and eleccion sure by good workes For yf ye doe suche thinges ye shall neuer fall Yea and by this meanes an entringe in shal be ministre● vnto you aboundantly into the euerlastinge kyngdome of our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Wherfore I wil not be negligent to put you alwayes in remembraunce of suche thinges thoughe ye knowe them your selues and he stablished in the present trueth Notwithstandynge I thinke it mete as longe as I am in this tabernacle to stere you vp by putting you in remembraunce for
Christe what so euer he hathe he ascribeth it vnto the father and what so euer we haue it behoueth vs to ascribe it vnto Christe Christe is the true lyght that procedeth from the father of all lyght We canne not bee the membres of Christe except we bee bright nether canne we haue lyght onles we bee transformed into him and contynue stedfastly vnto the ende in his feloweship Trueth and Innocencye is the lyght of the mynde and synnes and wycked lustes are the darkenes where lyght is there is life where darkenes are there deathe is The texte And this is the tydinges which we haue hearde of hym and declare vnto you that God is light and in him is no darckenes at all If we saie that we haue felowship with him and walke in darckenes we lye and do not the trueth But and yf we walke in light euen as he is in light then haue we felowship with him the bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne If we saye that we haue no synne we deceaue our selues and the trueth is not in vs. If we knowledge our sinnes he is faythfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes and to clense vs from all vnrightewesnes If we say we haue not synned we make hym a lyar and hys worde is not in vs. What is the matter than whiche we shewe vnto you that you myght the more fully reioyce In dede it is that whiche we haue heard euen of him and hauing heard it we make it cōmune vnto you that God forasmuch as he is altogether and of his own nature good all wise al pure and al light life nether is ther any darkenes in him In vs the matter standeth not after such sorte but we haue muche darkenes euen of our selues in case we haue any light we are endebted in that all to gether vnto him by whose free liberality we are deliuered from our olde synnes and being deliuered from the darkenes of our former ignoraunce we haue learned by the Gospelles doctrine to liue godly after Christe our heades example If any manne boast that he is through baptisme engraffed to the body of Christe and hathe therby felowshippe with God the father where as in the meane while he liueth yet in errours vices of hys former lyfe dooeth playnly lye For seing as I sayed before God is farre from all maner felowship of darkenes how can he possibly haue any thynge a dooe with hym that lyueth yet still all together in errour and olde vices For he is clene out of the waye that thinketh he can atteyne Innocencie by any other meanes than by Christ agayne he is deceaued that thinketh it ynough for him to be washen in baptisme except he be answerably like vnto his professiō through Innocencie of life he that thinketh thus is deceaued and he lieth that sayeth it For Christe is the trueth whiche hathe nothing a doo with lyers The fyrste steppe vnto light is for a manne to acknowlage his darkenes and the fyrst stepping forthe of a manne vnto Innocencie is to acknowlage his sinnes Will ye heare therfore by what token we maye knowe that we haue true feloweshippe with God Doubtles euen by thie if like as he is light and voyde of all darkenes euen so shall we absteyne after his example from the darkenes of all errours and vices framyng all our conuersacion after the light of the Gospell and yf like as the sonne hathe most high concorde with the father euen so shoulde we also lyue Innocently and be all of one mynde amonge our selues The father will not laye the traunsgressions of our olde life vnto our charge whiche are ones doone awaye all the sorte of them by the precious blood of his sonne Iesu Christe so that we from henceforthe absteyne from all synne as muche as in vs lyethe The blood of Christe hathe washed awaye all fylthynes and hathe washen it away from all folkes yea but he hathe washen none but those that acknowlage theyr faultes Yf we saye that we are not endaungered with synne we deceaue our selues we lyue in errour we wandre in darkenes and Christe which is light whiche is trueth is not in vs. For if he were truly in vs in dede he would dispatche awaye thys darkenes of arrogaunt ignoraunce And if it shall chaunce vs after receyuing of baptisme to slyde backe agayne through mannes weaknes in to any synne and as it were a myste obscure our light we muste beware that arrogauncie withdrawe vs not farther and farther of and leade vs agayne from light in to our olde darkenes Yea we muste geue dilygence that through discrete sobrenes we maye be admoued vnto the light that shall dispatche awaye all darknes If the brother perchaunce doo trespasse agaynste the brother let eyther forgeue other hys trespasse that God maye forgeue them also the trespasses that are done agaynste him For in dede God hathe vpon this condicion promysed to forgeue vs what so euer we haue offended againste him if we forgeue our brothers fault and exacteth hys debte euen to the vttermoste farthinge of him whiche hauyng hys lorde mercifull vnto him shewed him selfe smally mercifull towardes his felowe seruaunt that is to saye he iudgeth him vnworthye the mercye of God seinge he ones frely forgaue him all his trespasses that will not pardone a smale offence vnto hym agaynst whome he eyther trespasseth euery daye or elles maye trespace That man wyll easyly forgeue hym that trespasseth agaynste hym whiche wyll remembre howe many wayes he offendeth both agaynst God and agaynst his neyghbour And as it is a very hard matter for a man to do so as he offende in nothing euen so is it a verye easye mater to amende suche offences with forgeuing one an other Forgeue thou thy neighbour and thy neyghbour shall forgeue thee agayne and God shall euen as it were of very couenaunt forgeue you both I speake of those faultes that chaunce euen among them that are good yea but among men and those faultes that obscure the lyght of the Gospelles veritie rather than extinguyshe it For God forbydde that manslaughter or whoredome or sacrilege shoulde chaunce vpon their life that are ones chosen among the chyldren of God There is nothing that allureth more the mercie of God and swageth his wrath than yf a man acknowlage his faulte to God If he that is a fearce cruel man forgeue him that acknowlageth his faulte how muche more shall God do so which is more mercifull than any man He is by nature readyly bent vnto mercie and hath promised vs forgeuenes vpon this condicion forgeue and it shal be forgeuen vnto you If he would not forgeue in that he is good yet he shuld forgeue because he is iust of faithful credence See that thou accomplyshe the prescribed condicion and he shal not forget his couenaunt If we with our whole harte forgeue our neighbour that offendeth vs God shall also forgeue vs not onely one synne or
faith doe spring want lacke of ryght good workes Euen so came it to passe at Ephesus by y● meanes of y● false apostles as Paule did before prophecye vnto them at Myletus For y● which cause y● Lorde requireth exhorteth them to amēde threatneth them before after y● maner of al the prophetes that he wyll els punyshe and condemne them As concernynge the secte of the Nycholaites reade y● xxix chapter of y● thirde booke of Eusebius Chronicle Whosoeuer thorow true faith loue shall ouercome y● tēptacions assaultes of the enemy the same shall receyue and enioy the euerlastinge reward of blisse y● fruicion of god y● heuenly father the pleasant sight of the countenaūce of Iesus Christ in euerlastinge ioye which he nameth in this place y● tree of lyfe The texte ¶ And vnto the angel of the congregacion of Smyrna wryte These thinges sayth he that is first and the laste which was dead and is alyue I knowe thy worckes and tribulacion and pouer●ie but thou art ryche And I knowe the blasphemy of them whiche call them selues Iewes and are not but are the congregacion of Satan Feare none of those thinges whiche thou shalt suffre Beholde the deuyll shall caste some of you into pryson to tempte you and ye shall haue tribulacion ten dayes Be faithfull vnto the death and I wyll geue the a crowne of lyfe Let him that hath eares heare what the spirite sayth to the congregacions He that ouercommeth shall not be hurte of the seconde death The false apostles whiche were conuerted from the Iewes vnto the faythe were also at Smirna very busye and vnquiet in maynteynyng the ci●cumcysion and other Iewyshe ceremonies Against the whiche the trew apostles and their dysciples as Paule and suche other were fayne to fyght and stryue by reason wherof all the churches in the world were in perplexyte and dysquieted In this place Christ speaketh vnto them of Smirna and calleth them poore in affliccions and ryche in faythe and vertue And thus he teacheth here that it is the worcke of the deuyll and not of man whansoeuer thou arte caste into any perplexyte vexacion or pryson for the faythe and truthes sake And therfore be the more pacient seyng the heauenly father permytteth suche power vnto Sathan against the. Euen so dyd it happen in this citye vnto y● good bishop Polycarpus one of Iohns dysciples whiche was burnt of the vnfaythfull for the truth and the christen faythes sake Of this ye maye reade more in the. xiiii and xv Chapter of the. iiii boke of Eusebius chronicle By the seconde deathe vnderstande euerlastynge deathe and damnacion as the first death is y● deathe of the bodye and of synne from the whiche we shall be delyuered and be raysed vp againe thorowe a trewe faythe and confydence in the mercye of god ioyned with a perfyght repentaunce The texte ¶ And to the messenger of the congregacion in Pergamos wryte This saythe he whiche hath the sharpe swearde with two edges I know thy worckes and where thou dwellest euen where Satans seate is and thou kepest my name and hast not deuyed my fayth And in my dayes Antipas was a faithfull wytnes of myne whiche was ●●ayne amonge you where Satan dwelleth But I haue a fewe thinges against the because thou hast there them that maynteyne the doctrine of Balam whiche taught in Balake to put occasyon of synne before the children of Israell that they shoulde eate of meate dedycate vnto ydoles and commyt fornicacion Euen so hast thou them that maynteyne the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate But be conuerted or els I wyl come vnto thee shortly and wyll fyght against them with the swearde of my mouthe Let him that hath eares heare what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions To him that ouercommeth wyl I geue to eat Manna y● is byd wyl geue him a whyte stone and in the stone a newe name written whiche no man knoweth sauynge he that receaueth it As cōcerning this church we reade of no maner of accion or worke of faith therof But in al notable cities where right Christē mē were bothe y● christened vnchristened Iewes did styre vp cause much sedicion tumult as their accustomed maner was And they prouoked also the lyuetenauntes of Rome alwayes to hate persecute y● right true christiās As it happened in this citie vnto the deare faithful seruant of god Antippe which with out doubt preached y● gospel truly syncerely therfore was faine to suffre death In such cities wher gods word is cōdemned al godly men in continual perell danger of their lyues goodes wher mē doe both blesse curse for money as Balaam did where abhominable fylthines whoredō is mainteined suffered ydolatry set vp wher holy matrimonye is had in no estimaciō there without doubte dwelleth y● deuil For these are no small synnes but very odious and hateful vnto god But they maye repent and amende and so obteyne mercye of god and thorowe the grace and ayde of god they maye withstande and ouercome suche damnable and outragious enormyties whiche thing yf they doe not let them loke for nothinge more sure than eternall damnacion This ought to moue the hartes of all men and to feare and shrugge them that they maye repent and amende their lyues By Manna vnderstande the worde of god and true harty loue And to cleaue faste vnto Christ with a strong and a stedfast faith whiche thing is a syngular pleasure and delyght vnto the godly and faithfull and a very poyson vnto the vngodly vnfaithfull By the white stone is sygnified the eleccion and appoyntment vnto euerlastyng honour before god and all sainctes bothe in this worlde and in the worlde to come with the testimonye of a good conscience that feareth god and of a right harty ioye And also the euerlastynge peace rest and sure confydence in the grace and fauoure of god vnto euerlastynge lyfe The texte ¶ And vnto the messenger of the congregacion of Thiatira wryte This saith the sonne of god whiche hath eyes lyke vnto a flamme of fyre and hys fete are lyke brasse I knowe thy worckes and thy loue seruyce and fayth and thy paciēce and thy dedes whiche are moo at the last then at the fyrst Notwithstandynge I haue a feawe thinges agaynste the because thou sufferest that woman Iesabell whiche called her selfe a prophetise to teache and to deceaue my seruauntes to make them commyt fornicacyon and to eate meates offered vp vnto ydoles And I gaue her space to repent of her fornicacyon and she repented not Beholde I wyll cast her in to a bedd and them that cōmyt fornicacyon with her into great aduersitye excepte they ●u●ue from theyr dedes And I wyll kyll her chyldren with death Here learne that the sonne of god whiche hath the two edged swearde the first and the laste whiche is deade and yet lyueth which hathe
him But this temple of God is the holy christen churche and congregacion in this tyme of trouble dyscencion and batell and participacion of the blisse of heauen and euerlastinge lyfe vnto them that wynne and beare awaye the victorye The Arke of the testamente is the blessed and holy manhode of Christ vnited and knit in one with the godlye nature of the euerlasting word of God which is and euer hath bene y● Mercye stoole of all the worlde and of al men and the onely comforte refuge and ioye of the faythfull electe But the lyghtenynge the noyse of the voices the thonderynge and earthequake with the great hayle maye sygnifie the terryble damnacion of the wicked for euer or els it maye sygnifie a synguler ernest and wonderfull preparacion of the hearer or of the reader lyke as was of the holy Apostle S. Iohn whiche sawe it to marke and consyder it the more dilygentlye For it is necessarye to marke and consyder suche reuelacions and visions as doe folowe vpon suche tokens the lyke whereunto happened sometymes also vnto the prophetes as the holy scripture declareth The texte ¶ And there appeared a great wonder in heauen a woman clothed with the Sunne and the Mo●e vnder her fete vpō her heade a crowne of .xii. starres And she was with childe cried trauayling in birthe and pained ready to be delyuered And there appeared another wonder in heauē for beholde a great red dragon hauing .vii. heddes ten hornes .vii. crounes vpon his heades his tayle drue y● thirde part of y● starres cast them to y● earth As in the prophetes of the olde testament the first dyd write more plainely and manifestly than the last whiche are muche harder to be vnderstanded as Ezechiel Daniel and zacharie are muche harder than Esaye and Ieremy Euē so in the new testament in this prophetycall boke the latter prophecies reuelacions and visions are more playne and easy to be vnderstanded thā the first in so muche as this vision maye in manner be an interpretaciō of those visions that went before This heauen wherin this great token dyd appeare must nedes be the kyngdome of heauen the christen churche congregacion and felowshyp of all faithfull from the begynnynge of the worlde vntyll the ende therof as Christ him selfe doth interprete it The woman of whome the angell here speaketh is the euerlasting mighty and blissed worde of god whiche is bryght and mightye as the Sunne wherunto all the vnderstanding of man and of all fleshe is subiecte And it is clothed and garnysshed with the faith and confession of the patriarkes ▪ prophetes Apostles and martirs bothe of the olde and of the newe testament This word of God the holy gospel promised vnto vs from the begynnynge and beleued hath performed and thorowe the mercye and goodnes of God hath brought forthe and borne vnto vs Christe the sauiour of the worlde or the true faith in Christ But this came not to passe before suche time as nonother saluacion coulde in any wyse be founde thorow the workes of the lawe throughe the sacrifices nor throughe all other good workes For none of them all had power to satisfye or to make holy but onely the righteousnes of the worde of God that became man namely our sauiour Christe the sonne of God and of Marye whiche had bothe the nature of God and of man in one onely person whiche made satisfaccion for al mankynde This beyng with childe is in this place as muche as an earnest lust and desyre The cryeng is prayer As the holy prophetes dyd euermore desyre this saluacion trusted throughe belefe in y● worde of God vnto the promes y● was made vnto the whole worlde Against this holy worde of God and this christen faithe dyd appeare an other token in the congregaciō of the churche beyng called of God namely a bloudy dragon and enemye of mans saluacion and of the true faithe in Christ whiche is y● wicked spirite Lucifer his felowshyp by whose .vii. heades is sygnified all blasphemies and wickednes wherwith he worketh all myschiefe And the .x. hornes doe sygnifye his great and manyfolde tyrannye wherby he worketh to hynder and hurt the true faythe and the gospell of Iesus Christ the onely sauiour wherunto he is an enemye an aduersarye with all his might power so farre as almightye God wyll permyt and suffer him whiche he taketh to helpe him namely the louers frendes and gredy folowers of this worlde vngodlye tyrannes againste all godly innocencye and christen faithe This dragons tayle sygnifieth the might power and ministers of the deuell wherby he dysyreth to hurt the electe yf God woulde suffer it as it is possible that he maye that they shoulde fall from the heauenly vertue and godlines vnto the loue of this worlde and vnto earthly and fleshely lustes and affeccions The texte ¶ And the dragon stode before the woman whiche was readye to be delyuered for to deuourt her chylde as sone as it were borne And she brought forthe a man childe whiche shoulde rule all nacions with a rodde of yron And her sonne was taken vp vnto God and to his seate And the woman fled into wildernes where she had a place prepared of god that they shoulde fede her there a M.ii. hundred and .lx. dayes The wycked spirite dyd bestowe all his might and power that the promyse of God thorowe the dysobedience of the children of Israell whome he alwayes stirred vp might come to none effecte and that y● trueth of God might be dysappoynted and that the faythe in Christ in whome our saluacion dothe consyste might be blemysshed and confounded and also that the gospell might be myxed with mans doctrine interpretacions and errours But the goodnes truth mercye faythfulnes and loue of God is greater than the power and wickednes of the deuell and of al his subtilties and ministers For the childe was borne goddes worde became man truth had the victorye and falsehede laye on y● grounde vnder fote The craft and subtiltie of the deuell was defeated by the wysdome of God and was opened and dysclosed vnto the worlde This childe Christ the euerlasting worde of God whiche became man in the moost holy wombe of the virgin Marye was receyued and taken of God the father throughe grace for the satisfaccion of the synne of al the world and he dyd merite and deserue with his highe and most perfyte obedience and humblenes the glorye of y● heauenlye father and the kyngdome of heauen wherin he ruleth for euer and euer But the truth of the christen faith religion and of the gospell of Christ dyd alwaies suffre extreme sorowe and payne beyng persecuted euen at the first of the Iewes of the false Apostles of false and coloured christians of Emperours and Kynges of workemongers of false and wicked bysshops of Sorcerers and nigromansers of Sarasens of ydolaters and Epicures of philosophers of the louers
of this world of spiritual prelates and religious monkes and friers c. For all these and other suche lyke are the hornes crounes and the great tayle of this dragon whiche watcheth studieth and seketh all wayes and meanes to hurte and hynder the true faithe the christen lyfe and the holsome doctrine that is to saye our sauiour Christ in the faithfull And for this cause the doctrine of the gospell and the christen faithe hathe bene fayne to suffer muche continually euen from the beginnyng of the worlde and immediately after the christen faith was first taught preached And therfore many holy and faithfull christianes haue bene fayne to flee and y● trueth of the gospel in continuaunce of tyme was straunge and vnknowen vnto the moost parte of the hyghe learned doctours and potentates throughout the worlde Althoughe the true christen faithe was alwayes preserued thoughe it were in fewe and in abiecte persons of slender reputa●ion And this continued a longe space namely from the tyme of Constantine the Emperour whan as the christen churche semed in maner to haue escaped all daunger and perill of decaye and destruccion vntil our tyme wherin she appeareth againe wonderfully after a straunge maner in despite of al tirannes and of all the power of hell And nombring from that tyme of Constantine I meane vntyll our tyme euen this nomber of yeares shall euydentlye appeare reckenynge dayes for yeares as it is a commune thing in scripture If any man can finde out any plainer vnderstanding of this place for in suche darke and obscure places of scripture no man ought to be frowarde or contencious let them take it and folowe it The texte ¶ And there was a great batayle in heauen Michael and his Angels fought with the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and preuayled not nether was their place founde any more in heauen And the great dragon that olde serpent called the deuell and Sathanas was cast out Whiche deceaueth all the worlde And he was cast into the earth and his angels were cast our also The power of God the holy worde of God and the spirite of Christ which we maye vnderstande by Mychaell who by interpretacion is who is lyke god and Gabriel the strength of God hath in all ages and tymes bene dryuen to holde batel with Lucifer and Sathan with the pryde of mans wysdome whiche haue hindred the true honour of God the true seruice religiō of God the true faith and haue euer withstanden the holy and pure gospell But this worde of God hath alwayes had the victorie althoughe with muche labour and daunger and sometyme not without harme and losse but not of the electe whiche thing shall continue vntyll suche tyme as our sauiour shall haue his wil and pleasure of this battell and with the breath of his mouthe shall slaye the sonne of the dragon the damnable Antichrist For the whiche thing we ought continuallye to call vpon the mercye and goodnes of God in a stedfast and perfight hope and confidence as he hath taught vs halowed bee thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wyll be done no lesse in earth than it is infalliblye in heauen For the hāde of God is not shortened but is able to gyue whatsoeuer he hath commaunded vs to aske and ●o praye for The peace also and quietnes of the elect and faithfull to lyue in godlynes maye be wysshed to be more perfight as is also promysed thorowe the prophetes than it hath bene hitherto for lacke of the true sounde doctrine of the gospel no smal space althoughe the very perfyght peace can not be obteyned but onely in heauen in the eternall quiet kyngdome of Christe The texte ¶ And I hearde a loude voyce saying in heauen is nowe made saluacion and strength and the kingdome of our God and the power of his Christ For the accuser of oure brethren is caste downe whiche accused them before our God daie and night And they oeurcame him by the bloude of the lambe and by the worde of their testimonye and they loued not their lyues vnto the death Therfore reioyce heauens and ye that dwell in them Wo to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea for the deuil is come downe vnto you whiche hathe great wrathe because he knoweth that he hath but a shorte tyme. Thus throughe the spirite of Christ with the continual and sincere preaching of the gospel Sathan and his champiō Antichrist are ouercome And thus shal the voyce prayse and thankesgeuing of the faythful be heard in the churche as it is here written now is Saluacion thorowe faithe and the strength thorow loue and the kyngdome or dominion in the churche become gods Nowe maye all men see the power of gods worde the iudgement of Christ against the deuel whiche would haue roted out y● rightuosnes of faith in Christ would haue directed and appointed christen men vnto the rightuosnes of workes and to the hope of their owne satisfaccion wherby he woulde alwayes haue founde occasion to accuse all men before God vnder a false pretence But the preachinge of the gospell hath disclosed this suttell falsehede and all suche lyke and declareth that onely the bloude of the lambe and nothing els can wype and washe awaye the synnes of all the worlde yf they trust in god thorowe Christ with a true lyuely faith thorowe the grace and mercye of God and the rightuousnes of Christ which he dystributeth vnto al his faithfull electe and maketh them partakers therof That by this meanes Sathan can haue no quarell against the workes of the faithfull whiche lyke thankfull parsons remayne and continue stedfastly in their true faith in al maner of affliccion aduersitie euē vnto very death And therfore the true ioye of all godly consciences waxeth and increaseth in the churche And so their blisse and saluacion beginneth in this worlde thorow faith which faith worketh an innocent and a godly lyfe thus continueth euerlastingly in heauen But on y● contrarye parte woo vnto them whiche seeke their rightuousnes by men at certen places certaine times certaine workes and certaine meates for they can neuer fynde any true rightuousnes but thorowe the falsehede wickednes of y● deuil they fall eyther into desperacion or els into presumpciō wherunto Sathā applieth al his study y● they fall not frō his kingdō nor escape out of his fingers For he seketh nothing but y● damnaciō of such The texte ¶ And when the dragon saw that he was caste vnto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forthe the man childe And to y● woman were geuen two winges of a great Egle y● she might flye into y● wildernes into her place where she is nourished for a tyme times and halfe a tyme from the presence of the serpent And the dragon caste oute of his mouthe water after the woman as it had bene a ryuer because she shoulde haue bene caught of the floude And the earth holpe the
their wickednes without repentaunce and neuer returning backe vntil their last howre vntyll their very death than is it not possyble but that their damnacion begon here in this worlde in all myschefe wickednes and without sorowe repentance or amendment leauynge example vnto their posterite to committe and to maynteyne lyke wickednes it is not possible I saye but that the smoke of their payne torment shall ascende vp from euerlasting to euerlastinge without any maner of rest daye or night with all those which dyd euer helpe vnto suche vngodlynes or consent vnto it opened such a dore vnto wickednes and woulde be extolled and praysed therfore with their Antichristes marke contrarye to the holy token of gods electe whiche they haue in their foreheades namely the holy worde of God for the whiche they haue suffered muche payne and opprobrye but with excedynge great pacience for Iesus sake The texte ¶ And I hearde a voyce from heauen sayinge vnto me wryte Blessed are the deed which herafter dye in the Lorde euen so sayth the spirite that they rest from their laboures but their worckes folowe them In so great danger of the faithful vnder the iurisdiccion of Antichristes abhominacion with his .ii. hornes and vnlawfull vsurped power vpon bodye and soule vtterly against the worde of god whiche is the onely comforte of al faithfull soules is it necessary that some comforte come vnto them from heauen aboue whiche the lambe sendeth vnto all true christians thorowe the holy gospell which the spirite of God writeth in their hartes to beleue stedfastlye that it can not be otherwyse in this worlde but that all they whiche wyll folow Christ must beare the crosse euen vnto death as Christe the innocent lambe dyd but afterwardes shall they see nothing but euerlastinge saluacion merited purchased vnto them thorowe the passion and death of Christe to the iustificacion and merite of eternall saluacion of all the electe Whiche comforte shall be muche greater in their soules in the kynkdome of Christe than is possible for al the merites of man to deserue or obteyne And speciallye at suche tyme as the glorified bodye shall be ioyned and vnited againe vnto the blissed soule after the latter daie And therfore the good workes of the faithful as thei doe not goe before their faith and loue but are onely the frutes of them euen so shall they not preuent the merite of Christ for all electe from euerlastinge but as the spirit of Christ saythe they folowe and come after them whan they haue obteyned rest and peace thorowe the free grace and mercye of God and thorowe the merite of Christes rightuousnes after this I saye thorowe faithe haue folowed good workes out of an humble and obedient heart whiche workes the lorde wyl graciouslye crowne as his gyftes and receyue and rewarde them as acceptable vnto him The texte ¶ And I loked and beholde a whyte cloude and vpon the cloude one syttinge lyke vnto the sonne of man hauinge on his heed a golden crowne and in his hande a sharpe spckle And another angell came out of the temple cryinge with a loude voyce to him that sate on the cloude Christ in thy syckle and reape for the tyme is come to reape for the corne of the earthe is rype And he that sate on the cloude thrust in his syckle into y● earth and the ●arth was reaped Althoughe the right faithfull garnyshed with good workes after y● worde of God were euermore sure of their saluacion yet not withstandynge the iudgement of God whan his tyme is come goeth forwarde against all suche thinges as are set vp against the worde of God As it was readye at hande at one tyme by reason of the obscuringe and blyndinge of gods worde amonge y● Iewes thorowe the cursed Talmud wherunto they gaue more faith and credence and cleaued more earnestly vnto it than vnto the lawe of God and to the prophetes And lykewyse among the christians specially among the hyghe bysshops and prelates with their glorious tytles of Popes Patriarkes Cardinals Primates and suche other orders of the whiche one euer desiered to be aboue a nother sekyng alwayes their owne glorye lust pompe honour and dignitie and not the wil of God faithe godlynes of lyfe nor yet the gospell whiche they haue alwayes pretended falsely and craftilye to colour and cloke their myschefe and wickednes As concerninge the Turkes faithe we can saye but lytle what their greatest faut wickednes and beastlynes is we haue had more knowledge by writinges than by any profe or experience But it is to be feared yf God be not mercifull vnto vs we shall learne it soner than we woulde In the myddest of all this thorowe the trompet of the gospel beyng blowen out in our tyme after a wonderfull sorte thorowe the spirite of Helyas whiche appeareth commeth abrode plentuouslye and effectuouslye is rysen and daylye ryseth suche a mouynge and sterringe vp of mens hartes suche a knowledge of the truth such a lyght and lanterne of doctrine and such a iudgement of Antichristes workes suche a feare of the wrathe of God so that there is a good hope that y● holy and holsome seede of gods worde so plentiously sowne and spred abrode shall not returne againe without great frute and edif●enge of the faithe and the lyfe of men For as for the Iewes whether they wyll or no they must nedes despaire of their workinge their faithe their doctrine and of all their state whan as they see that the whole kyngdome of heauen whiche they take to be theirs peculiarely to be taken from them and to be made common vnto all them that feare God thorowe the whole worlde more than euer was founde by them Euen so also amonge the christians the doctrine and profession of the holy gospell true faythe and all godlye vertues shall waxe and increase in the heades and rulers of the christendome as it shall also be ioyfullye receyued of all true Christen subiectes notwithstandynge that the nomber of them shall alwayes be least And also the knowledge vnderstandinge lernynge and readynge of the holy scripture shall somwhat increase amonge the spirituall prelates as it shoulde be hoped for and with most earnest and feruent prayer desired and called for of god And it is well to be thought and to be beleued that the Lord wyll doe his parte also euen in suche wyse as is here promysed so y● Antichrist beyng thus put to shame but yet remayninge styll impenitent shall be reaped downe with the syckle of gods worde thorowe the spirite of Helyas and shall be cut downe thresshed not to the destruccion but to the profyte edificacion and saluaciō of the world This hath our Lorde and sauiour Christ brought to passe whiche is alwayes the heade of the churche who is not onely present therwith but also doth graciouslye rule and gouerne it edifieth and helpeth it and he with and roteth out the enemies and aduersaries with the sickle of his
or in securitie after the lustes of the fleshe rightuously and vnrightuouslye For there shall no colour crafte lyes dissimulacion violence might anger or respecte of parsons auayle or helpe but euery man shall there be iudged accordynge to hys workes And thus shall hell with all suche that belong vnto it shall be damned be nothing els but a fyery lake a terryble and heuy state of damnacion ordeyned and prepared of all the myserie sorowe wickednes and euyll that can be thought or ymagyned This is the seconde death the rewarde punyshment and recompence of all them whiche are not founde writen in the boke of lyfe which shall remayne perpetually with Christ in heauen with all the holy angels and electe in the ioyfull perfyght and eternall blisse and fruicion of all the grace and goodnes that is prepared of God and of Christ our heuenly kynge for all faithfull beleuers But this is incomprehensyble vnto all reason wytte and sense of man onely to consyder it generallye as S. Austen saith saluacion is a state wherin is all perfyghtnes aboundantly of all those thinges that are good and to be desyred eyther in heauen or in earth wherunto God of his mercye will helpe and bryng vs. ¶ The .xxi. Chapter The texte And I sawe a newe heauen and a newe erth For the fyrst heauen and the fyrst erth were vanysshed away there was nomore See And I Iohn saw that holy cytie new Ierusalem come down from God out of heauen prepared as a bride garnisshed for her husband And I harde a great voyce out of heauen saying beholde the tabernacle of God is with men he wyll dwell with them And they shal be his people God himselfe shal be with them and be their God NOwe from this place forth the holy Apostle and Euangelyst S. Iohn describeth the saluation of al suche as are electe their state and the kyngdome of heauen and finally the euerlasting blisse wherof he wrote somewhat in the fyfte chapter but here he wryteth more playnely plentuosly and largely of it As concernynge the newe heauen and newe earth after what maner they shall be it is no place here to dyspute or to contende muche aboute it The testymony of the holy apostle S. Peter and of S. Iohn in thys place is suffycient for vs S. Peter in the thyrde chapter of hys seconde Epistle sayth as Iohn doeth here that thorow the worde of God wherby heauen and earth are created and made shall there be a newe heauen and a newe earthe agayne whiche the faithfull elect shall well see whyche had rather beleue the worde of God than all the weake and deceyueable reason of the phylosophers whiche haue taken in hande to dyspute and discusse such thynges but lytle to the purpose But S. Paule dyscusseth the matter with one worde saying we shal be alwayes with the lord in that same state where Christ our lord the euerlastyng kyng is namely with all them whiche shall be saued both angels and soules and also withal those men whiche dyd ryse and wente vp to heauē with Christ This is certen that like as thorow the synne of Adam thys world is corrupte and infect and the earth also with weedes and vnprofytable thynges whyche hynder and hurte the pleasaunt and good frutes whiche myght serue and be profitable vnto the worlde and the see lykewyse with hir vnquietnes and ragyng doth muche harme so shall the earth and water no more be but altogether with out faute lyke as mankynde shall lykewyse be without any maner of faute in perfyte ioye pleasure and blisse Euen so I saye shall the whole earth be garnyshed after suche a sort that it maye be a very paradyse wythout any maner of labor that the blessed shall wyshe to lyne vpon it but that they are in their contrye in heauen The same heauen whiche was made wyth one worde may likewise be prepared of God with one worde for the whole and persyte blisse of the faythfull electe Let vs content and satysfye oure selfes with this ▪ in this doubte and dysputacyon whiche can not be comprehended nor discussed with any reason of man But the holy citie that Iohn sawe is nothyng els but the state of all the faithfull electe in eternall and full saluation withoute anye maner of imperfeccion with aboundance of all goodnes where nothing more can be desired and with sure and quiet possessyon of all heuenly treasures in the syght and fruicion of God the hyghest and the onely goodnes and felicitie as he can gyue himselfe to be inioyed and that most louingly most cōmfortably and moste blissedly vnto all treatures of knowlege and vnderstandyng And that thorowe the cleare and blissed glasse of the excellent holy and excedyng blessed manhode of Christ the kyng of all honoure and blisse vnto all faithfull elect Whose blessed and sacred body and soule vnited and knytte in one with the holy godhed is a perfite and a cleare glasse wherin hys moste pleasaunte gloryfied manhode maye be beholden In whiche glasse all the blissed sayntes that is to say all that are saued doe beholde and haue the perfite fruicion of all that goodnes whiche the Lorde God is in him selfe and of all benefites that he will gyue vnto all his creatures euerlastyngly This glasse is sygnified by the tabernacle of God wherein God wyll abyde and remayne with man with all grace and louing kyndnes and that in the newe Ierusalem whiche is buylded altogether of moste precious stones of the blyssed frendes of God in whom God hath a pleasure and a delyght to dwell and to remayne and to deale and distribute his ioye felicitie and blisse vnto the faithfull elect For Ierusalem is not the myserable and wretched citie of the Iewes whiche is called Ierusalem and Iebus and I can not tell with howe manye more names besyde whiche was so ofte ouerthrowen for the rebellyon and disobedience of their citizens and for that they forsoke God in the whyche cytie the blynde proude frowarde and obstynace Iewys doe fyxe and set all their hope and felicitie where they hope and desyre to be lordes and to reigne ouer al men with their Messias whom they vaynely beyng grossely deceyued doe looke and gape for but it is that Ierusalem whiche is neyther heauenlye nor earthly but a spirituall Ierusalem a generall felowshyp and brotherhoode of all faythfull seruaūtes of God whiche haue a ryghte Christen fayth and a perfyte loue thorowly furnyshed with all good and holy workes the bondes and lymites whereof are thorout the whole compase of the earth wheresoeuer the Lorde God is rightly knowen and truely serued after his owne wyll expressed in his worde So that there are .iii. maner of Ierusalems But saynct Iohn speaketh in this place of the heauenly and newe cytie of those which are blissed in God whiche citie is in heauen prepared of God and made readye of Christ the brydegrome of all faythfull for them his spouse Whiche spouse is garnished not