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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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crucified for me I goe into my bedde let him blesse me † gouerne me and defende me and bringe me into lyfe euerlastinge Amen A prayer to be sayed as thou seitleste thy selfe to sleepe L. Viues in precibus general O Iesu Christ our safegarde receaue me into thy protection and graunt that when my body is a sleepe my soule may watch to thee and that it may ioyfullye and gladlye beholde that blessed moste ioyfull and heauenly lyfe where thou art gouernour together with the Father and the holy Ghost and where the Angels with the blessed soules are citizens for euer and euer Amen An exhortation to watche taken out of holy Scripture The day of our Lorde shall come as a theefe in the night Thes 1. v. 5. VVatche ye therefore because ye knovve not the day nor the houre Math. 25. v. 13. And that vvhich I say to you I say to all vvatche Marc. 13. v. 37. The ende of the first Chapter Moste holesome meditations vvhich vve ought day and night to haue before our eyes and alvvayes to haue in remembraunce VVe onght continually to remēber these three things that is to saye Tyme Paste That vve haue vnprofitably spent That good vvhich vve haue left vndonne That euill vvhich vve haue committed Tyme Present Of the shortnes of mans lyfe Of the difficultie to be saued Of the small number that shall be saued Tyme To come Of death moste miserable Of the last Indgement most horrible Of the paynes of hell intollerable THE SECONDE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE GOODly deuout prayers to be sayed before at after the holy Sacrifice of the Masse A prayer vvhen thou doest enter into the churche Ex hortulo animae OH take from me moste mercifull Lorde all mine iniquityes to the ende I may with a pure and contrite harte enter into the holy of holyes O Sauiour of the worlde which lyuest and reignest with the father and the holy ghost A prayer to styrre vp the minde to deuotion before Masse Io. Fab. ex Aug. 33. medit ALmightye and moste mercifull Father vnto thee all the heauenly companie of the celestiall citie all the blessed orders of saued spirites doe incessantly with due reuerēce sing continuall glory and euerlasting prayse Thee O Lord all saintes and soules of holy men doe laude and magnifie with moste worthie and condigne honour as to whome all prayse honour and glorie is most iustly due Nor there is any creature be he neuer so worthy that can sufficiently accordinge to thy worthynes geue vnto thee worthye and sufficiente prayse For thou arte that vnspeakeable vncomprehensible and euerlastinge goodnes Thou good Lorde hast made me thou haste through the merites of the bitter passion of thy moste blessed Sonne which he vouchesafed to suffer for man-kind restored me to the state of saluation To thee onely is due all laude and honour if anye good thinge be found in me Oh good Lord I miserable wretche a creature of thy makinge a poore woorme of the earth haue good will to laude and magnifie thee with all my minde whole intent but without thy speciall grace I finde my selfe fainte and wonderfull weake wherfore I come to thee my God my lyfe my strength my hope and onelye comforte to craue thy mercie and grace to geue mee power to praise thee Graunte of thy vnspeakeable mercy that I may worthelie prayse honour thee and that what I doe therin may be pleasing acceptable to thee Graunt me the light of thy grace that my mouth maye speake my harte studie thy glorie my tounge may be occupied only in the song of laude praise But because all praise in a sinners mouthe is vyle and I must of force confesse my selfe manifoldelie to haue offēded with my lippes clēse thou o good Lorde my harte from all filthe and sinne Sanctifie me moste mightie Sauioure bothe inwardlie and outwardlie and make mee worthy to magnifie thee receyue of thy infinite goodnes the sacrifice of my lippes and make it acceptable in thy sighte lett the sauour therof be plesaunte well smelling vnto thee Let thy holie swetenes possesse wholie my mind and feade my soule with the fulnes of inuisible thinges lett my soule good Lorde bee quite cutte from visible things all whollie geuen to the studie of inuisible thinges cleane seperat from earthlie things and wholie addicted to heauenlie meditations make my soule see the wonderfull sight of thy Maiestie O almightie God enspire thou my harte that I maye continuallie geue thankes vnto the and honour thee for euer Graunt mee the grace that in my pilgrimage and vale of miserie I may so praise thee that through thy mercie grace I may bee associat to their holie fellowshippe whiche see the euerlastinglie singe prayse to thee worlde without ende Amen A deuoute prayer necessary to be sayed euery Sunday Cornel. Donters in his contemplations of the Passion MY most louing God and Lord and my creatour I miserable sinner doe presente my selfe this day before thine eyes beseeching thee humblye that through thine infinite bountye thou wouldeste vouchsafe to geue me grace that I may keepe holy this Sunday according to thy commaundement and the precept of our mother the holy Church geuing me true contrition of all my sinnes that I haue committed against thy diuine Maiestie and against my neighbour by thoughts wordes and deedes and by omission of good workes which I ought to haue done And I most humblie beseech thee most sweete Iesus that thou wouldest not consider the multitude of my sinnes but remember thine infinit mercy and vouchsafe to graunte me grace to spende this weeke folowing without mortall sinne and for the honour of thy death and passion to geue to al sinners knowledge and grace to do penaunce in this worlde and generally to haue mercy of al those that our mother the holy Churche desireth this day to pray for that with her we all may be partakers of thy sorowfull passion Amen A prayer to be vsed before confession or before Masse if time serue OH maker of heauen and earth king of kinges and Lorde of Lords which of nothing diddest make to thine image and lykenes and diddest redeme me with thine owne precious bloude whom I a sinner am not worthye to name neither to call vpon neither with my harte to thinke vpon humbly I desire thee mekely pray thee that gently thou do beholde me thy wicked seruaunte and haue mercy on me which haddest mercye of the woman of Canane and Mary Magdalene which diddest forgeue the Publicane the thefe hanging on the crosse vnto thee I confesse most holy Father my sinnes whiche if I woulde I can not hide frō thee Haue mercy on me O Christ for I wretche haue sore offended thee in pryde in couetousnesse in gluttony in lechery in vaine-glory in hatred in enuy in adultery in thefte in lyinge backebitinge in sporting in dissolute and wanton laughing in Idle wordes in hearinge in tastinge in
for euer Thou rewardest vs not accordinge to our sinnes nor punishest vs accordinge to our desertes Loke howe high the heauen is in cōparyson of the earth so greate is thy mercye towardes vs. How farre as the earth is distaunt from the west so farre O Lorde remoue our sinnes from vs. Like as a naturall father hath pity vpon his children euen so O Lorde God thou haste had compassion vpon vs. Thou haste not forgotten thy creature thou remembredst that we are fleshe yea all men liuinge And that the age of men is lyke vnto grasse and may be compared to the floures in the fielde VVhich as soone as the sharpe winde hathe blowen vppon them with his blastes wither away and dye so that no man can tell where they dyd growe But thy mercie O Lorde and louyng kyndenesse is alwayes vpon them that feare thee and thy ryghteousnes endureth for euer So that we kepe our promyse and conuenaunt with thee and so remember thy commaundementes that we doe them in deede O Lorde thou haste stablished thy throne in heauen and thou gouernest all thinges by thine imperyall power I will magnifie thee O Lorde and prayse thy name worlde withoute ende I will gyue thankes alwaye and make thy name glorious fo euer O Lorde thou arte puissant and greate and thy magnyficence is vnsearcheable One generation shall shewe to another thy workes and they shall declare thine auncient noble actes They shall euer prayse the magnificence of the glorie of thy holynes the memorie of thy great goodnes For thou arte good and gracious to all men and thy mercye excedeth all thy workes The eyes of all men beholde wayte vpon thee that thou shouldest gyue them their susten aunce in time conuenient Thou openest thyne hande and fillest euery lyuinge creature with necessary foode O Lorde thou art ryghtfull in al thy wayes holy in thy deedes Thou kepest all them that loue thee and the tourmente of malice shall not touche them My mouthe shall speake thy glorie and prayse and all lyuinge creatures shall honour thy holye name for euer Prayse our Lorde oh ye his Angels mightie in power whiche doe his commaundementes and obeye the voyce of his worde Prayse ye altogyther God O all ye hostes you his ministers that do his will and pleasure Prayse our Lorde as I do and let vs magnifie his name togyther Prayse our Lorde oh all ye his Saintes for his name is glorious and his prayse goeth aboute heauen and earth Prayse our Lorde togyther O all ye his workes euerye thing that liueth prayse our Lorde Amen A thanks-giuinge to God for his innumerable benefits bestovved on man from his infancie B. August can 18. Soliloq I The sonne of thy hand-mayd in these my poore confessions doe confesse to thee my redeemer with all my hart and will call to mynde all the benefites whiche thou haste bestowed vpon me all the time of my lyfe euen from mine infancye for I knowe well O Sauiour that thou art greatlye displeased withe ingratitude for it is the roote of all spirituall euill and a certaine wynd dryenge and burninge all good stopping the fountaine of thy dyuine mercy towardes man But I O Lorde will gyue thee thankes least I be ingratefull to thee my redeemer because thou hast delyuered me howe oft had that dragon swallowed me vppe if thou haddest not taken me from his mouth how oft haue I sinned and he was redy to haue deuoured me but thou my Lorde God haste defended me when I wrought wickedly agaynst thee and did breake thy commaundementes he would haue drawen me to hell if thou haddest not letted him I did offend thee and thou diddest defend me I did not feare thee and thou didest preserue me I departed from thee and offered my selfe to mine enemie but thou diddest affraye him that he durst not take me thou diddest bestowe these great benefites vpon me O my God yet I poore wretch did not know it Thou hast often times deliuered me from the iawes of the diuell thou hast takē me out of the mouth of the lyon and haste brought me many tymes from hell I not knowinge it for I wente downe to the gates of hell but thou haste stayed them that I entred not in I did hasten to the portes of death but thou diddest not suffer them to inclose me in thou haste also often deliuered me from bodyly death O my sauiour VVhen I haue bene sore vexed with sicknes and in greate danger by lande and sea by fier and sword thou haste stoode by me and mercifully deliuered me from all for thou diddest knowe O Lorde if death had then ouertaken me hell had receyued my soule and I had bene damned for euer but thy mercye and grace preuented me and deliuered me from death both of bodye and soule O my Lorde God These and many other benefites thou haste heaped vpon me but I being blind did not perceiue it vntill thou dyddest illumynate me Now therefore O the light of my soule O my Lorde God O my life by whom I lyue O the lighte of mine eyes by the which I see loe thou haste illuminated me and I know thee for by thee I lyue And I gyue thee thankes although insufficient and nothing correspondente to thy benefites yet such as my frayltie is able to afford I offer vnto thee I confesse and acknowledge thy goodnes for thou haste broughte me from the lower hell once twyse thryse yea a hundred and a thousand tymes I was euery day going downe to hell but thou diddest bringe me backe agayne and iustly thou might a thousande tymes haue condemned me if it had bene thy pleasure but thou wouldest not because thou louedst soules and dissemblest the sinnes of men expectinge their repentance O my God my sauiour in all thy wayes their is great mercy now I see and manifestly know through the light of thy grace and my soule doth faynte in the contemplation of thy greate mercy towardes me because thou haste pluckt me from the lower hell and haste brought me backe againe to lyfe It is then by thee wholy that I liue and therfore I wholy offer my whole selfe to thee my whole soule my whole harte my whole body my whole life let it liue vnto thee O my sweet lyfe for thou haste wholy delyuered me that thou mighte wholye possesse me thou hast wholy made me that thou mighte wholy haue me agayne Therefore I will loue thee O Lord which art my strēgth I will loue thee O my ineffable ioy and comforte so that my wholle life shall liue no more but for thee which lyfe was loste in my misery and nowe reuyued agayne in thy mercy for thou art a God mercyfull to thowsands that loue thy holy name Amen A prayse and thankes gyuinge to God for his great benefites Io. Roffe psal 13. lib preca MY soule doth praise thee O my God and all that is within me doth laude thy holy name my soul doth render
thee hūble thankes I will neuer be vnminful of thy benefites for thou doest pardonne all my sinnes hast healed all my infirmities thou haste redeemed my lyfe from death and haste shewed vnto me mercy and grace Thou haste multiplied in me thy magnificēce after thine anger thou haste comforted me thou haste showed me many tribulations and aduersities but in the end thou hast brought me backe againe from the depth of deapnes thou haste made knowen to me thy wayes and from me thou haste not hid thy counsels Thou arte mercyfull and full of grace O Lorde slowe to anger prone and redy to goodnes thou wilt not alwaie be angrie and thou doest not for euer holde backe thy mercie thou rewardest vs not according to our sinnes nether doest thou punishe vs accordinge to our iniquities As the father doth pitie his children so thou haste compassion of vs O God our Lord thou forgettest not thy handy-worke thou remembrest that euery liuinge man is fleshe and that the daies of man are as grasse and as the flowers of the fielde which with a blaste of colde winde vanishe away so as none can fynde the place where they grewe But thy mercy is euerlastinge to those that feare thee and thy iustice remayneth alwayes so that we keepe thy law and fulfill thy commaundementes I will extoll thee my God and prayse thy name for euer and euer I will render thee thankes at all seasons and I will make thy name famous for euer and longer if longer may be for thou arte good to all and thy mercye exceedeth all thy workes The eyes of all thinges looke vppe vnto thee that thou wouldest gyue them meate in due time thou openest thy hand fillest with thy blessinge euery liuinge thing thou preseruest all that loue thee no tormente of malyce shall touche them my mouth shall shew foorth thy prayse and euery liuing thing shall celebrate thy holy name for euer and euer Prayse our Lorde O ye Angels mightye in power which doe his commaundementes and are obediente to the voyce of his worde prayse our Lorde O all ye Armies which doe his will magnifie our Lorde and lett vs extoll his name in it selfe Prayse our Lord all ye his Saints whose onely name is moste highe whose onely prayse doth exceede heauen and earth Prayse our Lord all ye his workes through all his dominion in euerye place euerie thinge that liueth praise our Lorde The ende of the eyghte Chapter THE NYNTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE NECESSArie prayers for the prosperitie of our bretheren friends and neyghbours Timoth. 2. Iacob 5. A prayer for the Churche afflicted Franc. Tittel in para Psal 78. O God the gentiles barbarous Nations and Infidelles which haue no fayth in thee nor knowleadge of thy name are entred into thy heritage they haue taken thy people by force of armes and as vanquishers they occupie our cyties they haue defyled with their abhominations thy temple dedicated to thy honor and seruice they haue polluted the vessels consecrated for the seruice of the temple and vsed them prophanely VVe are become a reproch and laughing-stocke to our neighbors in such sorte that they scorne dispise and make a ieste of vs reioysing at our afflictions and in their mirth they vpbrayd vs but thou O Lord vpon whose will we wholy depend how long wilt thou be angry with vs. And wherfore doest thou so deliuer vs into the hāds of our enemies as though thou haddest shaked vs of hereafter would haue no more care ouer vs wherefore doest thou showe the furye of thy wrathe towardes thy people which are the sheepe of thy holy pasture whereof thou art the ruler sheppard defender and protector Be myndfull O Lorde of thy holy Churche and leaue it not in the hands of thy enemyes but delyuer it by thy stronge powre beholde and consider the league and testament made with the elect Remembre thy promise made vnto thē that thou woldest not forsake them that were contrite in hart but woldest saue them that were humble in spirite For in trueth we are kepte vnder afflicted and broughte to nothing we are contemptible abiect and miserable in such sorte that we are a gasing-stocke and ignominie to all nations wherefore O Lorde doest thou not turne thy face to vs thy poore seruantes why doest thou turne thy face from them and suffer thy enemies so cruellye to rage against them why doest thou not beholde the misery and affliction wherin we thy seruantes destitute and desolate of all helpe and hauing no comfort but in thee are afflicted and tormented of our enemies Awake O Lorde God dissemble no longet but come to succour thy people and make hast to helpe thy faythfull seruants and saue vs from the hands of our enemies we humbly beseech thee for thy moste glorious names sake for thine own selfe and for thy infinite mercye that we the posteritie may a little taste the sweetnes of thy promises which our for fathers haue so abundantly felte But we that are thy people and the sheepe of thy pasture which worshippe no other God which seeke no other sheppard gouernour besides thee whiche put our whole trust cōfidence in thee desire to be fedd ruled and gouerned by thee onely we will render thee moste humble thankes and sett foorth thy glorye for euer and euer VVe will declare and shewe thy prayses from generation to generation for thou of thy meere good will haste restored vs to the libertye which we haue requyred we therefore in aduersitie as well as in prosperitie or how so euer it shall please thee to dispose of vs will serue thee with ioye and gladnes we will contine we still in thankes gyuinge attendinge patientlye thy ayde and helpe Amen A prayer for our parentes Io. Ferus in lib. precat O Almightye and omnipotente God which haste strictly commaunded vs next vnto thee to honour our father and mother and to pray for their happy and good successe graunt vnto my parentes and the whole familye health peace keepe them in the piety and trueth of thy fayth defend them from all daungers bodily and ghostly gyue them grace I humblye beseeche thee that they offende not thee in any thinge but that they may alwaye find thee a louing gentle and mercyfull father and God Amen A prayer to be sayed for them that are fallen from the Church Io. Fabius in preca christ OMnipotent benigne and moste mercifull father we moste entierly besech thee that it wil please thee to visitt with thy fatherlye affection all those that are fallen and departed from the pure Catholike and christian Church or doubt in any article thereof and are seduced or deceiued through any false perswasion to illuminate their hartes O Lorde with the beames of thy diuine light staye them and bring them backe to acknowledge their errour that being in such sort conuerted they maye with the whole vniuersall Church confesse with mouth and shewe in workes one true
of a most vyle manciple and slaue Medita 6. O Good and gracious IESV thou being fast boūd like a notorious malefactour wast led vnto the house of Cayphas the high Priest where the Iewes moste vniustely condemned thee and most filthily and vily all bespetted and spauled thy royall and moste amiable face and most spitefully they laied on thee manye a sore buffette and blowe and skornefully in mockage they did blindfolde and couer thy face and strykinge thee they with mocke scorne sayed Prophecy Christ who is he that stroke thee doinge vnto thee innumerable iniuries all that nighte Medita 7. O Good and gracious IESV thou in the morninge was brought before Pilate and with most sweet and pleasaunt countinaunce casting thine eyes downe stoodest before him in the iudgemente hall And when thou wast moste falsely accused of the Iewes and many a rebuke and reproche was geuen thee thou most meekely heldest thy peace and madest no answere Medita 8. O Good and gracious IESV thou was sente from Pylate vnto Herode This Herode of a vayne and curious minde couetinge to see some miracle at thy hande asked and demaunded many things of thee And the Iewes sturdilye accused thee still But thow amonge all these mooste wisely heldest thy peace For this cause Herode and all his despysed and contemmed thee put vpon thee a white garment a dezerds cote lyke a sot he sent thee thus againe vnto Pylate O howe vnmeasurable is this humilitie and obediēce At the will and pleasure of thine ennemyes thou wentest foorthe thou returnedst againe without gaine saying suffering thē to dooe to thee what soeuer they would Medita 9. O Good and gracious IESV thou in the iudgement hall stripped naked and without all cōpassion being bounde fast to a pillar was mooste cruelly scourged There was thy virginall tender fleshe cutte with whippes torne with stripes all together mangled and deformed with blacke and blewe and many a wounde so that the streames of thy moste precious bloude ranne downe on euery syde vpon the earthe Medita 10. O Good and gracious IESV after that sore and sharpe scourgyng of thine to put thee to more shame and vilanye thou was clothed of Sathanas souldiours with a purple reade garment vyle and torne They also makyng a crowne of thorne painefully pressed the same vpon thy moste holy heade And while the sharpe thorns pricked greuously and wounded sore thy head thy moost pure bloude ranne downe aboundantly ouer all thy louely face and necke Then they puttynge a reede into thy ryght hande and kneelyng downe before thee in scorne saluted thee saying All hayle Kynge of Iewes And then tooke they the reede with many a sore stroke they smitte thy venerable heade They also spette in thy mellifluous visage stroke thee on the blessed face Medita 11. O Good and gracious IESV thou was brought foorthe by Pylate vnto the furious Iewes to bee gased and looked vpon wearinge thy crowne of thorne and purple garment but they cried out with more cruelnesse to haue thee crucified Medita 12. O Good and gracious IESV thou was delyuered vpp vnto the will pleasure of the Iewes which by by led thee to bee crucifyed layinge the heauy crosse vppon thy sore and bloudie shoulders Thus didst thou beare moste mekely thyne owne crosse whose greate weyghte payned thee full sore and comyng vnto the place all werie breathlesse with paine for my sake thou dydst not refuse to taste wyne mingled with gall myrre which was there geuen vnto thee Medita 13. O Good and gracious IESV when thou was stripped naked then were thy sore woundes by the violent pullynge of thy clothes renewed Oh what a bytter and cruell payne dyddest thou suffre whan thy tender handes and vndefyled feete were with blounte rough nayles faste nailed vnto the crosse and when the ioinctes of thy limmes were loosed Oh with what loue and swetenesse of charitye didst thou offre thy handes and feete to be bored through Then out of the woundes of thy handes and feete as it had been out of welles thy precious bloude plentifully gushed out Medita 14. O Good and gracious IESV thou hangynge vpon the crosse in the middes betwene two theues was assayled with blasphemyes but thou praydst vnto thy father the while saying Father forgeue it them they wote not what they do Then diddest thou promise paradise vnto the theefe Then gauest thou thy deere-beloued mother who persed with the sworde of sorowe stoode by the crosse vnto thy disciple Iohn and vnto vs all to be our mother And after that thou hadest suffred three long houres intollerable paynes and thirsted verye vehemently they gaue thee eysell to drinke which when thou hadest tasted bowing downe thy venerable head thou yeldest vp thy spirite Medita 15. O Good and gracious IESV O good shepherde thus thou bestowedst thy lyfe for thy shepe and the right side of thy dead body was opened with a speare out of the which flowed both water and bloud for vs. Thou wouldest that thy tender and louinge harte should be wounded for my sake Afterwarde thy immaculate body taken downe from the crosse thy moste blessed mother tooke it in her lappe she kissed it and wett it with teares At the length Ioseph and Nicodeme wounde it vpp in Sindon and layed it in the sepulcher My dere beloued yea the deare beloued of all my desires thou diddest vouchsafe thus to die to be buried for my sake which lyuest and reygneste blessed and glorious for euer and euer world without ende Amen These asperations and ghostlye sighinges and prayers are needefull for deuoute Christians to haue by harte and often times to reuollue in minde some of them at the leaste for attayning to a ghostly and perfecte lyfe O Good Iesu o gracious Iesu o sweete Iesu o my hope my refuge and my helth haue mercy haue mercy haue mercy vpō me I am poore nedy and weake I am naught I haue naught I know nothinge I can dooe nothing of my selfe but sinne helpe me therfore swete Iesu O Lorde bee mercyfull vnto me moste vile moste abominable synner vnworthie to lyue on the earth verily it is but ryghte that euery man should despise me persecute me afflicte me ouer treade me with their feete I resigne and surrendre me yelding me wholy vnto thee Thy moste blessed and thankeful will bee euer done vpō me and in me Graunt me O good Lord full remission of all my sinnes washing me in thy precious bloude Graunt me perfecte mortification and denyinge of my selfe Destroye in me myne owne will and the sekyng of my selfe Graunt me true humilitye perfecte patience charitie of my tounge of all my senses perfecte temperaunce Graunt vnto me the puritie simplicitie nuditie and libertie of mynde and also an exacte and essenciall In-turnyng that I maye bee one accordynge to thy hartes desire Lo my singular beloued Lord lo I salute and honour thy roseruddy
and swete woundes All hayle all haile moste pleasaunte and healthsome woundes of my Lorde All hayle moste bountifull harte of my deare louer wounded for my sake of all goodnesse of all blisse the moste pleasaunt treasure house O My Lord Iesu Christ I moste humblye thanke the for thy venerable woundes Oh Lord drowne me in them hyde me in them write and prynte them deepely in my harte that I may burne al together in thy loue and that I maye take compassion vpon thee from the harte Graunt that all fraile creatures may bee vyle and of small estimacion with me and that thou onely mayest please and bee swete and delectable vnto me Make me lyke vnto thy holy humanitie O derely-beloued derely-beloued derely-beloued O the most derely-beloued of all derely-beloued O my onely beloued O my freshe and flourishinge spouse O my mellifluous and hony-sweete spouse O the swetenesse of my harte the lyfe of my soule sette me on fier burne me make me a newe and transforme me that nothinge beside thee liue in me Oh wounde very depely my harte with the darte of thy loue Then turne thy mynde to the godhead of Christ and quyetly thincke or saye thus O My Lord God o my delectable principle and beginnynge O amiable depth bottomlesse O the clere lighte of my intrailes and bottome of my verye herte O moste sincere delectable goodnesse my very and incomparable goodnesse O my God all thing what desire I besides thee Thou arte my highe full contentacion and only ynough for me Oh when shall I luckely fynde thee when shall I ardently and mooste feruently loue thee when wilt thou rauishe me all together into thee when wilt thou consume me all wholy into thee when wilt thou moste fast and sure knytte me vnto thee Oh remoue awaye mercifully all impedimētes and make me one spirite with thee to the laude and prayse of thy name All hayle glorious shyninge and euerlastinge quiet Trinitye father sonne and holy ghoste one God Oh vouchesafe to feede my soule with thy gostly influence In lyke maner to the blessed mother of God saye thus HAyle MARIE full of grace oure Lorde is with the hayle sweete Virgin the blessed mother of God The very excellēt Quene of heauen Hayle bright shinynge starre Rose verye delectable and pleasaunt The Orient white lyllie of the Trinitye O blessed ladye take pitye vpon me moste poore banished man In lyke maner to such a Sainte of God as thou hast speciall deuotion vnto and to thy holy Angell ALhayle derebeloued of God blessed and holy saincte N. or all haile noble spouse of Christe holy and blessed saincte N. Hayle holy Angell of God my faithfull keper All hayle all ye blessed sainctes of God and all ye blessed spirits Angelical which are fulfylled perpetually with the vehemente streame of all diuine voluptuousnesse heauēly pleasure pray for me now and at the houre of my death O mercifull IESV I beseche the for thy moste venerable Passiō and death graunt vnto the quicke mercy grace and vnto the deade reste and euerlasting light An other briefe exersice to be vsed dayly accordinge to the choyse of the deuoute christian as his opportunitio shall serue O Good IESV be mercyfull vnto me abhominable sinner I haue sinned I haue offended I haue done amisse before the Lord perdon me All my iniquitye my negligences and all my immortifications I put thē all into thy moste derebeloued woundes and I caste them into the bottomlesse depthe of thy mercy merites O would to God I had neuer offended thee would to God I had neuer letted thy grace in me I purpose now by thy helpe to correcte and amende my selfe Oh Lorde put awaye all my sinnes washe me cleane with thy precious bloude Make me whole with thy precious woundes Sanctifie me with thy bitter Passiō and deathe Clense me perfectlye Restore againe vnto me the innocencye whiche thou gauest me in baptisme that I maye trulye please thee I worshyp I laude glorifie thee I prayse geue thankes vnto thee my Lorde IESV CHRISTE for all thy mercies and benefites I thanke thee O sonne of the lyuing God moste highest GOD whiche for thy excedinge greate charitye that thou didste beare towarde me hast vouchesaffed to bee made mā Thou wouldeste for my sake be borne in a stable and an infant bewrapt in clothes to be layd downe in a manger to be fed with the litle milke of the mayden thy mother to suffre nedinesse and pouertye to be sore troubled thyrtie three yeres with manifolde labours and carefull paines Thou wouldest for very inwarde paine and agonie be all in a bloudy sweate to be apprehended and taken shamefully to bee bound vnworthily to bee cōdemned vniustly to bee defyled with spettle to be stricken vvith buffettes blowes to bee clothed scorned as it were a madde man in a white garment in mockage Thou wouldest bee beatē torne moste cruellye with stripes moste cruellye crowned with thornes ouerlodē with a painfull heauye crosse furiously and boysteoufly nailed vnto the crosse with sturdie nailes vnkyndely to haue offred to thee in thy thyrste eysell and gall Thou the noble clother and garnisher of the starres hangest all naked despised wounded and with innumerable sorowes afflicted vpō the crosse for my sake Thou shedst for me thy moste pure and precious bloude thou dyedst for me I embrace in the armes of my soule thy venerable crosse and for the loue honoure of thee I kysse the same Graunte that I may with whole full desire attayne vnto thee and that I maye pause reste in thee most sweetest of all Lo my Lord lo I repute and set my selfe in the lowest place vnder all creatures For I am vnworthie that the earth shoulde beare me I caste my selfe downe putt my selfe vnder the state of all men I sincerely loue all men as well as I can I forsake and leaue all corruptible thinges for thy sake I refuse what soeuer thou arte not I forsake renounce all sensuall pleasure and delite I renounce all vanitie and impuritie I forsake al the sekyng of my selfe and all immortifications I resygne and put me wholy into thy hande pleasure All my whole will ' I chaunge into thyne Thy onely will Lorde thy onely will be done in me and on me thy blessed will be doone in all times and euer lastyngly I offre me redie to suffre with the helpe of thy grace whatsoeuer it shal please thee Oh moste sweete and mercifull IESV mortifie whatsoeuer lyueth naughtillie and sensuallye in me and what soeuer is vicious and inordinate in me what soeuer displeaseth thee in me mortifye in me all propertye Garnyshe and adourne me with thy merytes and vertues Oh prepare Lorde a delectable and a pleasaunt habitacion for thy selfe in me Renewe my spirite my soule my bodie with thy excellente grace Make me like vnto thy holy humanitie Make me one vnto thy hartes desire Ridde
make clere my mind and soule and make it syngle and lyghten it Graunte me free inturning vnto thee O my Lorde God O my very vnchāgeable goodnesse fulfyll me with thine owne selfe Leade me into the clere bottome of my soule and bringe me from thens into thee my originall Knitte me vnto thee moste nerely and chaung trāsforme me altogether into thee that thou maiest haue thy delyte in me Here me graciousely Lorde here me graciousely not at my will but at thy blessed pleasure Oh Lorde teache illumine directe and helpe me in all things that I maye doe nothing I maye speake nothinge I maye thinke nothinge nor desyre nothinge but that whiche maye be acceptable before thee Then to haue in minde our blessed ladye O Blessed MARIE O moste sweete Virgine haue pitye vpon me moste vile sinner I salute I honour thee Oh blessed ladie optaine for me of thy blessed sōne full remission of all my synnes optaine for me perfect mortification and forsakinge of my selfe Optaine for me very and true humilitie patiēce charitie refrainyng and temperance of my tong and of my sences Obtaine for me puritie simplicitie freedome of minde and that I maye bee once accordinge to the hartes desire of thy sonne Take in mynde all Saintes O All ye blessed saintes of God and blessed spirites Angelicall whome God with his melly fluous countenance and blessed presence maketh ioyfull and euerlastingely glad praye ye for me I salute and honour you I geue lauds thākes vnto our Lord which hath chosen you and hath preuented you in his benedictions Oh optayne for me forgeuenesse optayne for me grace and to be made one with God O Moste benigne moste mercifull IESV haue mercie vpon thy churche haue mercy vpon this place and congregacion Graunte that here be cotinuallie humilitie peace charitie chastitie puritie Graunt that we all maye worthily amende and correcte our selues that we feare thee and serue thee faithfully that we maye loue thee and please the. I commende vnto thy mercie all our businesse our necessities Lord haue mercie vpon all for whome thou haste shed thy moste holie blood Oh Lord conuerte turne and call agayne all miserable sinners graunt vnto the quicke forgeuenesse grace vnto the dead rest and light euerlasting Amen A prayer for schollares before they goe to schoole for obtayning vvisdome learning and knovvledge COme O holy spirit replenishe the harts of thy faythfull lightē in vs the fyer of thy loue which by diuersitie of all languages haste assembled and gathered the people in the vnitie of fayth O God which by the brightnes of the holy Ghost hast instructed the hartes of the faythfull graunte vs that in the same spirite we maye knowe that whiche is ryghte and truth and alwaies to be ioyfull in his consolation Amen Holesome Meditations vvich you may vse at night before you goe to reste 1 VVhen thou wouldest goe to bedde thou shalt yelde thankes to God for his greate mercy that he hath so preserued thee that daye wherein dyuers throughe their sinnes hane fallen headlonge into hell 2 Then after reuolue and call to minde diligently all the sinnes whereby any way thou hast offended God or thy neyghbour that daye and aske God mercye for them 3 Fynally thou shalte praye to God with thy hart that he would vouchsafe to haue care ouer thee and that he would not suffer thee to perish in workes of darcknesse and by these or other lyke prayers folowinge thou shalte call for the ayde and succour of our Lord and Sauiour An Eueninge prayer to be sayed as thou goest to bedde Ex viridario spirituali A Lmyghtye and euerlastinge God I render thee most hartye thankes for that thou haste vouchsafed of thy greate mercye and goodnes to preserue me this day frō all euil And I beseech thee more-ouer for thy bitter death and passion moste mercifully to pardone me wretched sinner all mine offences that this day I haue committed by thought worde or deede and hereafter to preserue and keepe me from all daunger as well of body as of soule to the end I may rise agayne in health to prayse the name of thy maiestie and ioyfully serue thee in thankes gyuinge with a chaste body and a cleare harte Amen Our Father c. Hayle Marye c. O Mary the mother of grace And of mercy mother also Defend me from the cruell foe And at my death my sou'e ēbrace I Beleeue in God the Father c. An other prayer for the night O Lord God and my heauenly Father forasmuch as by thy diuine ordinance the night approcheth and darknes begynneth to ouer whealme the earth and tyme requireth that we geue oure selues to bodylye reste quietnes I render vnto thee moost hartie thankes for thy louynge kyndnes whiche haste vouchsaued to preserue me this day from the daunger of mine enemies to geue me my healthe to feede mee and to sende me all thinges necessarie for the cōforte of this my poor eand nedye lyfe I moste humblie beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake that thou wilte mercyfullie forgeue me all that I haue this daye committed againste thy fatherlie goodnes eyther in worde deede or thoughte that thou wilt vouchsafe to shadow me this nyght vnder the comfortable wynges of thy almightie power defende me from Satan and from all his craftie assaultes that neither he or anye of his ministers haue power ouer eyther my bodye or my soule But that althoughe my body thorowe thy benefyte enioyeth sweete and pleasaunt slepe yet my Soule maye continuallye watche vnto thee thinke of thee delight in the and euermore praise thee that when the Ioyefull light of the daye returneth accordinge to thy godlye appointemēt I maye ryse againe with a faithfull soule and vndefiled bodye and so afterwarde behaue my selfe all my life time according to thy blessed will and commaundement by casting away the workes of darkenes and putting on the armoures of light that men seeing my good workes may therby be prouoked to glorifie thee my heauenlye Father which with thy onely begotten sonne Iesu Christ our onely sauiour and the holy Ghost that most sweete comforter lyuest and raignest one true and euerlasting God world without ende Amen A prayer to thy good Angell thy gardiane Ex hortulo animae secū vsum Leodiens I Beseech thee O holy Angell to whose protection and custodye I wreched sinner am committed continually to defende ayde and garde me from all inuasion and assaultes of the deuill where-soeuer I be both waking and sleepinge dryue away from me through the vertue of the holy Crosse † al the temptations of Satan that which through the deserts of mine owne merites I can not doe by thy praiers obtayne at the handes of the highest and dreadfull ludge that he may haue no place in me Amen A prayer as thou entrest into thy bed F. Sonnius tract 3 Cathe IN the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe that was
to the lustes desirs of the fleshe and to liue to thee onely all oure life So that in the end we raigne eternallie with him where thou with the same thy sonne and the holy ghoste liuest and raignest one true and lyuing God for euer and euer Amen VVhen the Priest sayeth the Pater noster saye vvith him LEtt vs pray Being admonished by holesome preceptes and being taught by diuine institution we dare be bold to say Pater noster qui es in caelis c. Aue Maria gratia plena c. VVhen the Preist kissethe the pax O Lambe of God that takest awaye the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon vs. O Lambe of God that c. haue mercie vpon vs. O Lambe of God that c. Gyue vs peace and quietnes Deliuer vs we beseech thee O Lord from all our euills paste presente to come and by the intercession of thy blessed and glorious mother the virgin Mary of thy holy Apostles Peter Paule of all thy saincts mercifully graunte vs peace in our dayes that we being aided by the helpe of thy mercye may continually be free from sinne and safe from all parturbation of mynde and bodye Amen VVhen you kisse the Pax. GEeue peace in our dayes O Lorde because their is no other that fighteth for vs but onely thou O Lorde God VVhen the Priest receyueth O Sacred feast wherein Christ is receyued the memorie of his passion is reuiued the minde is replenished with grace and a pledge is geuen vs of the glory to come O Mostmercifull Lord God father of mercye graunte I beseech thee that this vnbloody Sacrifice of the blessed bodye and blood of thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ which here euery-where throughout thy holie Churche is offred to the great benefit of vs al for a cōtinuall daylie memorie thankes geuing may entreat for vs at thy handes mercie remissiō of all our sinnes Amen Then blessing your selfe saye THe grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ the vertue of his moste gloriouse Passion the signe of the holye Crosse the integritie of the moste blessed Virgin Marie the blessing of all Saints the prayers of all the Elect of God be betwene me and all my ennemies visible inuisible now and in the howre of my death In nomine patris filii spiritus sancti Amen A prayer after the diuine Sacrifice of the Masse Cornelius Donters in his contemplations of the passion O Moste louinge Lorde and almighty God I beseech thee most humbly vouchsafe to receiue for acceptable the diuine seruice which I haue done this day to thy honour and glorie and to the honour of thy blessed mother and to the honour of all saintes whose feasts we celebrate in remission of our sinnes and for all our frendes and benefactours aswell those that liue as those that be departed most earnestlye requestinge that thou wouldest louinglye receyue these our deuotions in this time of thy diuine seruice and to forgyue me mercifully that which I haue done without deuotion in dedes words and thoughtes Gyue vs thy grace alwayes to walke in thy holy commaundementes and to serue thee loyally to the ende thou maist be honored glorified in vs. Amen A prayer to recommend your selfe to God In Eucholo Ecclesiast O Lorde I recommend into the hands of thy inestimable mercy my soule my body my senses my wordes and my thoughtes my counsayle my workes and all the necessities of my body and soule my entring and goinge foorth my fayth and my conuersation the course and end of my lyfe the day and houre of my departinge my death the reste and resurrection of my soule with thy saints and thine elected Amen A prayer to be sayed before a Catholicke Sermon or exhortation O Lorde Iesus Christ open the eyes and eares of my harte to the ende I may heare and vnderstand thy holy worde and to obey it according to thy holy will I am a pylgrime vpon earth keepe not hidden thy cōmaundements from me Open myne eyes that I may vnderstand the maruelouse things of thy lawe Gyue me wisdome to lighten my vnderstanding to purifie my hart to inflame my affection that I may loue thee and knowe thee in all and aboue all thinges Amen The ende of the second Chapter THE THIRDE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE HOLsome prayers for remission of sinnes An humble bevvaylinge of sinnes for a sinner that hath compunction Ioan. Fab. in precat Christian O Most heauenly kinge and moste mercyfull Lorde and Sauioure Christ Iesu here do I come to thee beinge verye fainte with the infirmitie of sinne and far from the perfection which thou requirest to be in me My consciēce doth dayely accuse me and more and more I finde the imperfection and fraveltie of my flesh I do continually offende thy Maiestie All the imaginations of my harte all my words and deedes whatsoeuer I do or leaue vndone whether I eate drincke sleepe or watche all my thoughtes all my senses are wholye bent to wickednes whether shall I turne me O Lorde Thou requirest of me integritie of life and iustice and that I shoulde walke in thy holie commaundementes wherto thou promisest mee thy gratious helpe But O Lorde I feele my owne will so peruerse ouer-thwart that I can not hartelie wishe and desire those thinges whiche be requisite to my saluatiō I haue no will to bewayle my sinnes ne yet repente my wickednes from the bottome of my harte I am so caried awaye with the vanitie of this life that I doo quite forgette the benefites of thy death and Passion whiche thou of thy bountiouse liberalitie bestowed vpon me moste vyle and abhominable wretche My offences bee so manie in number and so grieuous O most gracious God wherwith I offend thy Diuine maiestie that were not thy most mercifull pitie I had bene longe agoo drowned in the depe dongeon of euerlastinge tormente VVherfore I most humblie thāke thy vnspeakeable goodnes mercie that I am not alredie sounkē into the botomles pitte of hell But what shall I doo shall I despayer shall I saye with cursed Cain the murtherer of his brother my offences are greater thē can be forgyuen me No God forbyd that I shoulde haue anye suche thoughte no but this will I say my God is mercifull and full of pitie he is my comforte my strengthe consolatiō my refuge defence he will not despyse the worke of his owne h●●d n●● will caste from afore him me poore wretched sinner wherfore moste mercifull Sauiour I come to the openinge in thy sight the thoughtes of my harte for thou neuer fayleste me with thy graciouse helpe I cōfesse most mercifull Lorde before thee my weakenes acknowledginge my owne imperfectiō and bewaylinge the multitude of my offences O euerlasting and endles swetenes o vnspeakeable mercie and moste louinge Father I haue sundrie times and manies wayes offended against heauen thee so that I am not worthie to be reputed for thy childe
suggestion doo plucke mee away from the and a harte soo stable that no troubles maye ouercome mee so free from all vice that sinne maye chalenge nothinge in me Graunt mee O my Lord God vnderstanding to know thee diligēce to seke thee wisdom to finde thee conuersatiō to please thee faithfullie to perseuere looking after thee finallie thorough hope to imbrace thee in respect of thy most grieuouse paines suffered vpon the Crosse for mee that I maye willingly suffre penaunce and all tribulation for thee Also through thy grace to enioye the graciouse benefittes here in this transitorye lyfe and in the world to come to be partaker of thy rewarde heuenlye ioyes throughe the precious bloude of that immaculat lambe our onelye Sauiour Iesus Christ to whome with the father and the holy ghost three personnes and one God be al honour and glorie worlde without end Amen A prayer to God that he vvill vouchsafe to preserue the fruites of the earth Ioan Ferus in lib. prec O Omnipotent euerlasting and mercifull God we beseeche thee consider our daylye needes shewe vs thy mercy and gyue vs a sufficiente harueste for our dayly necessities graunt that corne trees and other fruites of the earth may by thy holy benediction growe encrease and multyplye Turne backe and with-drawe from the fruites of the earth all that may be dammageable as tempestes ouerflowing of waters coldnesse hayle and other lyke thinges which are anye waye hurtfull Through our Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne the euerlasting lyfe Amen A prayer to desire that vve may vse all temporall thinges for the health of our soules onely Thomas de Camp in lib. de Imit Christ I Beseeche thee moste inercyfull God vouchsafe to preserue me from excessiue cares of this lyfe that I be not to much encombred with many thinges concerning the necessitie of my body and that I be not ouertaken with any voluptuousnes of these thinges O my God my ineffable sweetenes chaunge and turne into bitternesse all my carnall consolations which withdraw me from the loue of celestiall thinges Suffer me not my God to be conquered not to be ouercome of fleshe and of blood Suffer me not to be deceyued of the worlde and of the transitorie glory thereof nor that the deuill through his subtiltie ouerthrow me to the grounde Gyue me strengthe to resist pacience to endure and cōstancie to perseuer for meate drincke clothes and all necessayrie things to vpholde the bodie are painfull troublesome for that person that hathe a deuout spirite Therefore graunt me Lorde to vse these thinges moderatly and that my harte be not to much encombred with the desyre of them The holy law forbiddeth vs to require superfluous thinges and suche as are more delectable than profitable for otherwyse the fleshe should be ouer burdenouse to the spirit And alwayes I request that thy holy hande may gouuerne instruct me that I doe nothinge excessyuelie Amen The ende of the fifth Chapter THE SIXTE CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE HOLESOME prayers of the lyfe and passion of our Sauiour and redeemer Iesus Christ A prayer to be sayed before the Crucyfix Cuthbertus Tunstall in lib. bell prec O Mercyfull crucifix the redeemer of all people whose heade was filthely lacerat torne with a croune of thorne whose hands feete extended vpō a crosse were through-bored with nayles whose whole feble bodye was hanged on highe and twoo theues to his ignomie shame fastened on his righte and lefte hande of the whych the one dispised thee the other knowleged thee to be a kinge whose spirit cōmēded vnto the father was gvuen vppe to redeme vs withall And being deade thy side thorwe-pearced gushed poured outewater and bloude VVhat toung can worthely expresse what minde can cōceyue those innumerable paynes the which thou an innocente haste suffered VVee beseeche thee for these so exceding great tormentes to illuminate our soules with the lyghte of thy knowledg to moderat our vnderstāding to strengthen our handes too good workes to conuerte our feetesteppes and goinges to thy wayes to directe our thoughtes wordes and deedes and laste of all to bringe vs wretches vnto thy kingedome where that wee with thy holye Angells maye haue thy fruition the which doest liue and raigne God with God the father the holy ghoste through all worldes So be it A prayer acknovvledginge that man vvas the cause of Christs suffering Io. Fab. ex 7. Medit. B Augustin VVHat hast thou done sweet chylde that thou shouldest haue this iudgement VVhat haste thou done that thou shouldest be thus streitly delte-with what is thy offēce what is thy gilte what cause of thy death what occasion of thy condemnation I truly I am cause of thy trouble my fault hath made thee to be slaine my defert hathe brought thee vnto this deathe vēgeance is taken of thee for my haynouse gilte thou art thus tormēted for me and I the occasion of all thy smart O maruelous sorte of iudgement order of the vnspekeable diuine misterie The wicked sinneth and the iuste is punished The gilty offendeth and the innocente is beaten The sinner transgresseth and the godly is condemned That whiche the bad hath deserued the good suffreth for that wherin the seruaunt hath done euill the maister maketh recompence for that the man hath committed the sonne of God is plagued how farfurthe thou sonne of God how farfurth hathe thine humilytie descended what hathe feruente loue enforced the to doo Howfarfurthe is thy mercye extended how doth thy bountie encrease how far furth hath thy loue reached Vnto what passe is thy compassion come For I haue done wickedlie and thou art punished I haue committed a greuous faulte and it is layed to thy charge I am the offender and thou arte put to the torture I was pufte vp in pryde and thou imbaced and made of no reputation I was disobedient thou sufferest the paine of my disobedience I haue pampered my selfe with delicat fare thou therfore redie to perishe thorow hunger My affectiō through concupiscence had made mee to doo thinges vnlawfull and perfect charitie in thee hath brought thee to suffer vpon the crosse I presumed to doo that I was forbidden and thou submittest thy selfe to receyue rebukes and punishemēts therefore I delight in all banquettinge and pleasure and thou art put vnto miserable paynes vppon the Crosse I lyue at ease and thy hādes and feete are persed with nayles I tast the plesaunt aple and thou the bytter gaule Eua laugheth and reioyseth with mee blessed Marye lamenteth soroweth with thee Beholde O Kinge of glorie Loo what myne iniquitye is and howe abundant thie mercie is Loo what myne vngodlines is and how meruailouse thy rightuousnes is O my King and my God with what maye I possible recompence thee for the greate goodnes shewed towardes me Mannes harte is not able to thinke what maye be worthelye gyuen in recompence for so great benefites For is ther any such fines of witte in man
Iewes did so rage against thee with villanous spitefull words when they did mocke thee and all bespytte thy vysage when they did hoode-winke thine eyes and with their most filthy and impure hands did smyte thee vpon the most blessed face when they did moste cruelly whippe and scourge thee faste bounde to a piller when they did thruste vpon thy most sacred head a pricking crowne of thorne when with yron nayles they did pearce thy blessed armes stretched alonge vpon the crosse when thy blessed syde was thruste throughe with a speare when in thy great thirst and extreame agony they offered thee a sponge full of vinager and gall whē with thy head inclined downe thou sayed It is consummate when thou diddest commend thy spirite into the handes of God the Father and all this ended for the redemption and saluation of mankinde in thy graue thou was buried For all these paynes and passions O most meeke Lorde Iesus Christ I poore and wretched sinner doe humbly beseech thy infinite maiestie not to forsake nor suffer me to be accused and condemned in thy terrible iudgement but let thy dolorous passion so helpe and ayde me that I may be brought to euerlastinge felicitye let thy holy Angells alway be in my company and specially at the houre of death that they may protect defend keepe me so that the cruell infernall enimy may haue no powre or parte in me The ende of the sixt Chapter THE SEVENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE DEuoute and holesome prayers to be sayed before and after the receyuinge of the B. Sacrament Aduertismentes for more vvorthelye receyuinge the holye Euchariste 1. Cor. cap. 11. Verse 26. FOr as often as you shall eate this breade and drincke the chalice you shall shevve the death of our Lorde vntyll he come Verse 27. Therefore vvhoe soeuer shall eate this breade and drincke the chalice of our Lorde vnvvorthily he shall be giltye of the body and bloode of our Lorde Verse 28. But lett a man proue him selfe and so let him eate of that breade and drincke of the chalice Verse 29. For he that eatethe and drinckethe vnvvorthyly eateth and drincketh iudgemente to him selfe not descerninge the body of our Lorde This probation according to the wordes of the Apostle Lett a man proue him selfe consisteth principally in fower poyntes 1. Fayth before all thinges is necessarye to him that shall receyue the blessed Sacrament of the Aultar that is to say he must firste beleeue the presence of the true body and blood of our sauiour Iesus Christe in the Sacramente of the Aultar for they that denye it doe asmuch as thy can to denye the omnipotencye of God and doe accuse God with lyinge for he hath sayed This is my body and this is my blood Also you must of necessitie beleeue that the body of Iesus christ is deliuered to death and his blood truely shedd for the remission of your sinnes 2. Penaunce or repentaunce to the ende you may acknowledge your sinnes with all your harte and haue true repentaunce for the same and truely to confesse thē to the priest your ghostly father And after you haue obtayned absolution you must firmely purpose not to commit any deadly sinne hereafter and hauinge forsaken all rancour and malice you muste be reconciled to them whom you haue offended or that haue offended you 3 Honest and decente behauiour and countenaunce apparteyning to a christian man whereby is required that none goe to this moste blessed Sacramente and greate misterie but fasting and with modestie humilitie and feruente zeale not with any dishonest or vncomely behauiour 4. Deuotion and a harte not occupied in other busines or affaires that so you may imploy your selfe wholly by meditations and deuout prayers to receyue such an excellente sacramente in considering and wonderinge at the incomprehensible humilitie of almightie God I meane hereby that he being a Lord of so greate and infinite maiestye hath bene obediente vnto his heauenly father euen vnto death to gyue vs lyfe And with all that by such deuout meditations and prayers you maye be stirred and prouoked to loue almighty god aboue al things and to gyue him most harty thanks for his so great benifites desiringe him moste humbly that the merits of his most bitter passion and death maye be applied to the comforte and profit of your soule A prayer to be sayde before the receyuinge of the Blessed Sacrament I Adore and worshippe thee and gyue thākes vnto thee my most louing Lorde Iesu Christe for thy innumerable benefites and giftes gyuen vnto me moste vnwhorthy All those I yeeld and offer vnto thee into an euerlastinge laude and prayse I gyue vnto thee thankes for all the goodnes that euer thou diddest shew or euer wilt shew vnto any reasonable creature I gyue thee thāks for al the mercies of thy moste swete goodnes I gyue thee thankes for thy holy Incarnation Natiuitie Infancie Childhod Manstate labours sorowfull cares Passion Death Resurrection thine Ascension I moste humbly thanke thee that thou haste vouchsafed to admitte me most vile sinner to the noble and liuelie feaste of this thy holy table O gracious Iesu I beseche thee for that loue that in maner constreigned thee to be incarnated to suffre and to die for me that thou wilt make me fully cleane from all sinne and make me to please thee in all thing Adorne and garnish my beggarlye and poore soule with thy mercies vertues Graunte mercifull Iesu that I may with moste humble reuerēce with burninge desire and chaste affection receiue the moste venerable Sacrament of thy blessed Bodie in memorie of all those things that thou haste vouchsafed to doe to speake and to suffre for my saluation Graunt good Lorde that I maye performe this thinge moste purely to the euerlasting glorie of thy name to the honour of thy moste sweet Mother and Virgin Marie and to the honour of thy blessed Saint N. Here name the Sainte of that daye to the honour of all thy blessed Saintes and Angells of heauen to the soule health of me and N. and to the soules health of all Christen people quicke and dead Haue mercy good Lord haue mercy vppon thy Churche haue mercy good Lord vpon this place and this compagnie Graunte that here be alwaye humilitye peace charitye chastitye and cleanesse Graunt that we all maye worthily amende and correct our selues and that we feare thee and serue thee faithfullye and that we maye loue thee and please thee I commend vnto thy mercy all our busines and all our necessities be mercifull vnto all those for whome thou haste shed thy precious blood Graunte vnto the quicke forgyuenesse and grace graunt vnto the faithfull departed rest and light euerlastinge Another Prayer before the receyuinge of the holy Sacrament By Sir Thomas Moore O Benigne Iesu that wouldest suffer so many greuous paines yea death it selfe for the loue of mankind greate and meruailous is thy charitie O good God for that thy charitie and that
catholicke and christian faith and remayninge in it they maye worke their owne saluation so that they and we beinge of one minde and will in one foolde may heare and followe thee our shepparde through Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer that chilldren may be instructed in vertue and in the feare of God Ioan. Ferus in lib. precat O God graunt that not onely we our selues cleaue to thy holye worde and doctrine but also that we may instruct and bringe vp our children in thine honor in thy feare and discipline in vertue and obedience and that they may encrease and growe in comelynes fayth and piety that we may haue perfect ioy without any sorrowe and that we may laude and prayse thee all the dayes of our lyfe Amen A prayer for a friende and generallye for anye that is commended vnto our prayers O Moste sweete sauiour Iesus I moste humbly beseech thee to vouchsafe to illuminate with the lighte of thy grace the harte of N. thy seruaunte and my harte also and to comfort and replenishe our hartes with thy moste louing charitie to the ende that we may wholy seeke thine honour and blessed will and thee alone with all our hartes to serch and loue and wholy altogyther to leaue our selues and our owne wills and to resigne them wholy to thee so that alwaies and at all times we may lyue accordinge to thy holy pleasure in obseruing and sulfilling thy holy wil. Iesus for thy holy name and for thy bitter passiō saue vs from sinne and shame and endlesse damnation and bring vs to the blisse which neuer shall haue ending Amen A generall prayer for the lyuinge and the departed in the Catholicke fayth Ex lib. veterum orat groecorum O Sweete sauiour Iesu forgyue those that hate vs and handle vs oūtragiouslye render good to them that doe vs good graunt vnto our brethren those necessaries which they doe aske and lyfe euerlasting comforte the sicke directe saylers and keepe the passengers in their righte waye O Lord according to thy great mercy haue pitye vpon those that are recommēded vnto our vnworthy prayers remember our fathers and bretheren departed this lyfe bringe them to that place where they may beholde the light of thy countenaunce call to minde our brethren which are in captiuitie and delyuer them from their affliction Assiste all those that doe good and labour in rulinge of the Churche graunt them their iust requests and gyue them euerlastinge blisse be not vnmindful O lord of vs poore wretched sinners thy vnworthye seruaunts powre into our harts the lighte of thy knowlege and keepe vs in the path of thy commaundementes by the intercession of the moste holy sacred and blessed virgin Mary and of all the saintes of heauen for thou arte blessed for ouer and euer Amen The end of the ninth Chapter THE TENTH CHAPTER CONTEYNINGE HOLESOME prayers to the holy Trinitie A prayer or thankes geuynge vnto the holy Trinitie O Blessed Lorde Father Sonne and Holy Ghoste three personnes and one God my Lorde my God my maker my redemer my nourisher my defender my swetenes my mercie my refuge my strēgthe my victorie my ioye my glorie eternal I laude thee I glorifie thee I honor and worshippe thee O blessed Trinitie for that thou arte in thy selfe for thou arte the hiest good from whome floweth all goodnes thou arte gracious eternitie thou art eternall felicitie thou arte onely God and there is none without thee I laude and honour thee o blessed Trinitie that mightfully haste made of nought heauen and earth sonne and moone and althinges that be in them and for that it pleased thee to make the holye Angels to laude to prayse thee eternally and that they might assiste vs faithfully in this exile and bannishement with there good counsayles and helpings and to declare thy in effable goodnes thou madest all thinges for man and moreouer thou madest man with thy propre handes to thine owne ymage and similitude onely for thee and thou formedst in him vnderstanding adornedst him with free wil. I laude glorifie thee for that great gifte Thou didest set him in paradise flowing with delites that he might haue the thinges that are aboue to enioye and gouuerne the thinges inferioure to possesse all things and to worshippe thee for euermore And thou made not these noble creatures Angels men for any necessity thou hadest of them for truly all thinge was sufficient in thee to thine eternall ioye glorie but of the feruoure of thy charitys thou wast moued to create them that suche creatures shoulde bee partakers of thy ineffable ioye and glorie I laude and honour thee good Lorde for that it pleased thee among all thy blessed workes to make mee a reasonable man and hast gyuen mee wisedome reason vnderstanding and free libertie haste fourmed mee with all right lymmes and features of bodie and haste gyuen mee manye blessed giftes spirituall and temporall and also meate drincke clothe and all thinges necessarie whiche manie a good creature that hath serued the better than I haue done hathe wanted and for that thou hast visited my harte many times with many graces and spirituall motions deliuering mee oft from many perilles both of bodie and soule and from slaunders shames and rebuks of this worlde into the whiche for my sinnes I myght haue fallen and for that also thou hast suffered mee in all mine iniquitie and all myne horrible and abhominable sinnes pacientlye alwaye abydinge for my conuersion and amendemente whereas at innumerable times thou myghtest haue slayne mee and of righte haue putt mee to eternall paines and dampnation I laude and glorifie thee O Lorde God for all thy mercie whiche alwayes thou haste shewed to sinners pacientlie abyding for them mercyfully callinge them beninglye receyuinge them abundantlye geuing grace to them to such familiaritie admittinge them as though they had neuer sinned O mercyfull Lord and paciente God what shall I saye to thee for all these benefites VVhat laudes and thankes shall I yelde to thee VVhat and all my sinnes were cleane taken a waye from mee trulie yet were not I worthy for the leaste of thy benefites and mercies to gyue thee condigne lande But as a wretched sinner can with all my hart I laude thee I prayse thee I thanke thee I honoure and worshippe thee yea all honor laude prayse be gyuen to thee nowe and euermore Amen A prayer to God the father S. Cyprianus author esse scribitur O God father of our Lorde Iesus Christ thy sonne God of Patryarckes God of Prophetes God of Apostles God of Martyrs God of Virgins God of all beleeuers I beseech thee O father of maiesty which without limitation of tyme haste taken pitie vpon vs sendinge vnto vs Iesus Christ thy sonne our Lorde and sauiour borne of the virgin Marye by the operation of the holy ghost by the annunciation of the Angel Cabriel by whom thou haste delyuered vs from iminente and
present death I beseech thee O Lorde to succour and helpe me and iudge me not accordinge to my workes for I haue not bene obediente to thy commaundements but thou which louest repentance haue mercy vpon me which before thy face make confession of all my sinnes and as Dauid prayed O Lord for the loue of thy holy name wype awaye my sinnes so I beseech thy diuine Maiestie to blotte out all my offences Make me to abyde in thy holy Catholike Church with an vndefiled faith a pure hart firme deuotiō continuall loue and to perseuer in good workes deliuer me from the eternall fyre euerlasting payne from all torment which thou haste prepared for the wicked graunte this for our good and blessed Sauiours sake by whom to thee al laud honour power and glorye be for euer and euer Amen A prayer to God the Sonne called O bone Iesu O Bountifull Iesu O swete Iesu O Iesu the sonne of the pure Virgin Marie full of mercy and trueth O swete Iesu after thy great mercy haue pitie on me O bening Iesu I praye thee by the same precious bloude which for vs miserable finners thou wast contente to shed on the aulter of the crosse that thou wouldest vouchsafe to auoid clene all my wickednes and not to despise me hūbly asking pardō calling vpō thy most holy name Iesus This name Iesus is the name of health what is Iesus but a Sauiour O good Iesus that hast created me with thy precious bloude redemed me suffer me not to be dāned whom of nought thou hast created O good Iesu let not my wickednes destroye that which thy almightie goodnes hath made and formed in me O good Iesu reknowlege that which is thine in me wipe cleane away that which is not thine in me O good Iesu while time of mercy is haue mercy on me and cōfound me not in time of thy terrible iudgment O good Iesu if I wretched sinner for my moste grieuous offēces haue by thy verye iustice deserued eternall paine yet I appeale from thy verye righteousnes and stedfastlye trust in thine ineffable mercy so as a mylde father mercyfull Lorde oughte take pitie on me O good Iesu what profit is in my bloud since I muste discende into eternall corruption they that be dead shal not magnifie thee nor lykewyse all they that descende to hell O moste mercyfull Iesu haue mercy on me O most sweete Iesu deliuer me O moste meke Iesu be vnto me comfortable O Iesu accepte me a wretched sinner into the number of them that shal be saued O Iesu the health of all them that truste in thee haue mercy vpō me O Iesu the sweete forgyuenes of all my sinnes O Iesu the sonne of the pure Virgin Marie endue me with thy grace wisdome charitie chastitie and humilitie yea in all myne aduersities with stedfast pacience so that I maye perfectlye loue thee and in thee to be glorified and haue myne onely delight in thee worlde without ende Amen A prayer to the holy ghoste Io. Fab. cap. 9. mechta COme O holy spirite the moste sweete comforter of the sorrowfull and desolate the loue of the diuine puissance the holy communication of the almightie and omnipotent father and of his most blessed sonne descende with thy mightie power into the entralls of my harte lighten and bewtifie the darke closetts of my desolate harte with thy cleare brightnes and that which with continuall filth of my vnfruitfull lyfe is dryed vppe vifit thou and make fruitfull with the aboundant dewe of thy grace Touche and wounde my harte with the darte of thy loue inflame my dull and slouthfull harte lighten the inner partes of my soule withe the heate of thy holye fyre make me to drincke of the riuer of thy sweetnes that hereafter I may feele no taste in any worldly delyte which is venimous O holye spirite O excellente workman whomsoeuer thou doest inhabite thou buildest a lodginge for the father and the sonne come therfore O moste sweete comforter of my sorowfull soule defende me in all tribulation come O purifier of our sinnes and saluer of our deadly sores come O strength and fortitude of the weake and guide of the humble come meeke father of the fatherlesse and sweete Iudge of the widowes Come O soueraigne hope of the poore and comforter of the weake come O bright starre of faylers and sure porte of the shipp wracte come O singuler bewtie and ornament of the liuing and onelye saluation of the deade come moste holy spirite come and haue mercy vpon me make fitt and accomodate me to thee condescend benignely to me accordinge to the multitude of thy mercy that my littlenes may be agreeable to thy greatnes and my imbecillitye and weakenes to thy diuyne puissance through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen The ende of the tenth Chapter THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNINGE CHRIstian Catholicke prayers to Saintos citizens of the glorie of heauen A prayer vnto the holy virgin Mary Cuth Tunstall in lib. prec Luke 1. ALl hayle vndesiled Virgin Marye mother of the sonne of God elected and chosen aboue all other Virgins the whiche euen from the wombe of thy mother Anna a woman moste holy hast bene of the holy Ghost so fanctified illuminated and so greatly defended with the grace of God almightie that vnto the conception of oure Lord Iesus Christ thy sonne and whilest thou didest conceyue hym and vnto the tyme of his birthe whylest thou didest beare him and continuallye after his byrth thou continuedst and remaynedst a Virgin of all other that be borne moste chast most vncorrupte and of bodie and soule all thy lyfe moste immaculate and vnspotted For truely thou haste far passed all other Virgins how many soeuer haue bene hetherto syns the beginninge of the worlde or euer shal be to the later ende therof in a sincere conscience of an impolluted minde By these thy most excellent gyftes of heauenly grace infused into thee by God very singulerly O Virgin and mother Marie aboue all other women and Virgins wee praye thee which art vnto vs miferable mortal men a mercyfull patronesse that thou wilt voutchesafe to make intercession to God the Father omnipotente and to his sonne Iesus Christ begotē certenly as cōcerning his Diuinitie of the Father before all worlds borne of thee cōcerning his humanity to the holy Ghost proceding from the father and the sonne that our sinnes may be forgeuen vs and that wee throughe thy intercession maye meryte continuallye to reioyce with thee O holye Virgin and to prayse thee in the kindome of heauen without ende Amen A prayer to our Ladye the blessed virgin Mary and S. Iohn Euangelist S. Edmundus Arch. Cantuarienfis author scribitur O intemerata O Vndefiled for euer blessed singular and incōparable Virgin Marie mother of God his most pleasaunt Tēple the noble Shryne of the holy Ghost the Entree and Gate of the kyngdome of heauen by whome next after God all the
after his beleefe O Holy Trinitie I beseech thee keepe and preserue this pure religion of my fayth and graunte that it may euer be sounding in my conscience vntill my spirit departe O almightie and mercyfull Iesu I protest before thee and before all the courte of heauen that I haue a will and desire to finishe my lyfe in this fayth wherein of necessitie euery childe obediente to our Mother the holye Church ought to dye Further my sweete Sauiour I protest to beleeue wholly and vniuersally all that which is conteined in the Catholicke fayth and that which a true faithful christiā ought to beleeue that if it happen by the assaults of the deuil or by violence of sicknes I come to thinke say or doe any thing contrary to this purpose I doe reuoke it at this present protest that I gyue no consent to any such thought word or worke I reioyce and render thankes to my louinge creator and redeemer through the maruelouse goodnes of his bounty by the which I hope vndoubtedlye to dye in the holye Catholicke fayth and so I recommende my soule and body into his moste holy handes nowe and at the houre of my death Amen Prayers in sicknesse Dionys Cart. in dial de part iudicio animarum O Swet Iesu I desire nether lyfe nor deathe but thy most holy will Thee O Lorde I loke for be it vnto mee according to thy pleasure Yf thou wil sweete Iesu that I dye receyue my soule And albeit I come to thee euen at the verye eueninge as one of the laste yet graunt that with thee and in thee I may receyue euerlasting rest Yf thou wilt sweete Iesu that I lyue longer on earthe I purpose to amende the rest of my lyfe and offer all into a burnt sacrifice vnto thee for thy honour and glorie accordinge to thy blessed will and for the perfoorminge of this I desire the assistance of thy holy grace Another prayer Nieron in Agone mortis auctore Eusebio O Mercyfull Iesu my vertue and power my comforte and ease my receyuer and my redemer in whome I haue hoped in whome I haue belyeued and whome I haue loued my swete delight my tower of strength my hope from my youthe the guide of my lyfe call mee and I will answer thee O creator of heauen and earthe stretche foorth the power of thy mercye vnto the worke of thy hāds which thou createdst of the slyme of the earth and tiedst together with bones and synowes Commaund O Lorde staye not for it is time that dust may returne into dust and my soule maye returne to thee his Sauiour who diddest sende it downe into this worlde Open vnto me the gates of lyfe for thou diddest hange vpon the Crosse for my sake and madest mee promise to receyue mee Come my sweete Lorde lett mee embrace thee lett mee not leese thee Bring mee into thy heauenlie palace Thou arte my receyuer my glorie mine aduauncer my habitation and my benedictiō Receyue me moste mercyfull Lorde accordinge to thee multitude of thy mercies For thou dyinge on the Crosse receyuedst the theefe returninge vnto thee Another prayer Ibid. I Am sycke my lyfe is weake in this poore state and therfore to thee O Lorde I runne as to my onely phisitiō Heale mee O Lord and I shal be healed And for that I haue mine affiance reposed in thee lett mee not be confounded But what am I O most mercifull God that speake so boldly to thee I am a sinner begottē borne brought vp in sinne I am a rotten carkas a stinckinge vessell and meate for woormes VVhat victorie O Lord shall it be yf in conflict thou ouerthrow mee who am lesse than a litle strawe before the face of the wynde Forgyue O Lord forgyue all my sinnes and lyft vpp a poore man from this durty dounghill of earthe Certes good Lord this will I saye yf it please thee thou mayest not refuse him that hathe his recourse to thee For thou arte my Lord God flesh of my flesh bones of my bones For to this intent thou not leauing the right hand of thy father diddest assumpte my humaine nature and becamst God man remayning in one person the selfe same whiche thou wast from thee beginninge And why diddest thou woorke this so hard wounderfull misterie but that I should boldlye haue recourse to thee as vnto my brother thou wouldest mercifully so couer thy diuinitie that I should not be affraid of thy heauenlie power VVherfore arise O Lorde and helpe me arise and put mee not backe for euer Another prayer Ibid. LEtt my request entre into thy sight O Lord and let thy hande bee made to make me whole Beholde I am the man that cominge downe from Hiericho was taken and wounded of theeues and left half dead Doo thou receyue mee O mercyfull Samaritan I haue sinned excessiuelie in my lyfe and wrought muche iniquitie in thy syght From the sole of my foote euen to the toppe of my head there is no sounde health in mee Verely onlesse thou dying on the Crosse hadst assisted mee my soule had bene worthy to dwell in hell I am sweete Iesu a parte of that deare price for me thou diddest shed thy precious bloud cast me not away I am the sheepe that wēt a stray seeke that sheepe O good shepheard put hym in thy folde that thou mayst be iustified in thy woorde For thou diddest make mee promise that at what soeuer houre a sinner did repēt him of his sinnes returne to thee he shoulde be saued I lament O Lord and moorne for my sinnes I acknowledg myne iniquities my wickednesse is in my sight I am not woorthy to be called thy sonne For I haue sinned against heauen before thee thou shalt make mee heare that whiche halbe great ioy gladnes vnto my ●eart Turne away thy face O Lord from my sinnes blotte out myne iniquities accordinge to thy great mercie Cast me not away out from thy sight Deale not with mee accordinge to my sinnes nor reward mee after the desert of myne iniquities But helpe me O Lorde my God and my Sauiour and for the glorye of thy holy name delyuer mee Deale mercifully as it femeth best to thy holy will that I maye dwell in thy howse all the dayes of my lyfe that I may prayse thee for euer more as they doe that dwell there worlde without ende Amen Prayers and suffrages to be sayd for one lyinge in death bedde LOrde haue mercie vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Holy Marie praye for him All holy Angelles and Archangels praye for him Holy Abell praye for him All the companye of the iuste pray for him Holy Abraham praye for him Holy Iohn Baptiste praye for him All yee holye Patriarkes and prophetes praye for him Saint Peter praye for him Saint Paule praye for him Saint Andrewe praye for him Saint Iohn praye for him All yee holy Apostelles and Euangelistes praye for him All