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A41608 A papist mis-represented and represented, or, A two-fold character of popery the one containing a sum of the superstitions, idolatries, cruelties, treacheries, and wicked principles of that popery which hath disturb'd this nation above an hundred and fifty years fill'd it with fears and jealousies and deserves the hatred of all good Christians : the other laying open that popery which the papists own and profess : with the chief articles of their faith, and some of the principal grounds and reasons, which hold them in that religion / by J.L. ; to which is annexed, Roman-Catholick principles, in reference to God and the King. Gother, John, d. 1704.; Corker, James Maurus, 1636-1715. Roman-Catholick principles. 1685 (1685) Wing G1334; ESTC R8084 89,548 131

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meet for any Christian to appeal from Christ's Words to his own Senses or Reason for the examining the truth of what he has said but rather to submit his Senses and Reason to Christ's Words in the obsequiousness of Faith And that being a Son of Abraham 't is more becoming him to believe as Abraham did promptly with a Faith superiour to all Sense or Reason and whither these could never lead him With this Faith it is he believes every Mystery of his Religion the Trinity Incarnation c. With this Faith he believes that what descended upon our Saviour at his Baptism in Jordan was really the Holy Ghost though Senses or Reason could discover it to be nothing but a Dove With this Faith he believes That the Man that Joshua saw standing over against him with his Sword drawn Josh 5. 13. and the three Men that Abraham entertain'd in the Plains of Mambre Gen. 18. were really and substantially no Men and that notwithstanding all the information and evidence of Sense from their Colour Features Proportion Talking Eating and many others of their being Men yet without any discredit to his Senses he really believes they were no such thing because God's Word has assured him of the contrary And with this Faith he believes Christ's Body and Blood to be really present in the Blessed Sacrament though to all appearance there 's nothing more than Bread and Wine Thus not at all hearkning to his Senses in a matter where God speaks he unfeignedly confesses That he that made the World of nothing by his sole word That cured Diseases by his Word That raised the Dead by his Word That expell'd Devils That commanded the Winds and Seas That multiplied Bread That changed Water into Wine by his Word and Sinners into Just Men cannot want Power to change Bread and Wine into his own Body and Blood by his sole Word And this without danger of multiplying his Body of making as many Christs as Altars or leaving the right hand of his Father But only by giving to his Body a supernatural manner of Existence by which being left without eztension of parts and rendred independent of place it may be one and the same in many places at once and whole in every part of the Symbols and not obnoxious to any corporeal Contingencies And this kind of Existence is no more than what in a manner he bestows upon every Glorified Body Than what his own Body had when born without the least violation of his Mothers Virginal Integrity When he arose from the Dead out of the Sepulchre without removing the Stone When he entred amongst his Disciples the Doors being shut And though he cannot understand how this is done yet he undoubtedly believes That God is able to do more than He is able to understand VI. Of Merits and Good Works HE Believes Christ's Death Passion to be inneffectual and insignificant and that he has no dependance upon the Merits of his Sufferings or the Mercy of God for the obtaining Salvation but that he is to be sav'd by his own Merits And for this reason he very zealously buisy in Fasting in Whipping himself in Watching in going in Procession in wearing Hair-shirts and using a thousand such like Mortifications And having done this he thinks himself not at all beholding to God for his Salvation and that to give him Heaven will be no favour It being now his due upon the account of his own Meritorious Atchievements without any God-a-mercy to Christ's Passion or his Makers Goodness HE believes it damnable to say that Christ's Death and Passion is ineffectual and insignificant And that 't is the Doctrine of Devils to believe That he has no dependance for his Salvation upon the Merits of Christ's Sufferings or the Mercy of God but only upon his own Merits and good Works 'T is his Faith to believe That of our selves we are not sufficient so much as to think a good thought that the Grace by which we are justified is given us purely gratis upon the account of Christ's Merits moreover that no Man how just soever can Merit any thing either in this life or in that to come independant on the Merits and Passion of Jesus Christ Nevertheless that through the Merits of Christ the Good Works of a Just Man proceeding from Grace are so acceptable to God that through his Goodness and Promise they are truly Meritorious of Eternal Life And this he has learn'd from the Apostle 2 Tim. 4. 8. where he is taught that there is a Crown of Justice which our Lord a just Judge will render at the last day not only to Saint Paul but also to all those that shall have fought a good fight and consummated their course kept the Faith and lov'd his coming Knowing therefore that at the day of Judgement he is to receive according to his Works He endeavours by good Works to make his Vocation and Election sure And in following this Councel he thinks he no more offends against the fulness of the Merits of Christ's or God's Mercy than the Apostle does in giving it VII Of Confession HE believes it part of his Religion to make Gods of Men foolishly thinking that these have power to forgive sins And therefore as often as he finds his Conscience oppress'd with the guilt of his Offences he calls for one of his Priests who are commonly more wicked than himself and falling at his feet he unfolds to him the whole state of his Soul and having run over a Catalogue of his sins he asks of him Pardon and Forgiveness And what is most absurd of all he is so sillily stupid as to believe That if his Ghostly Father after he has heard all his Villanies in his Ear does but pronounce three or four Latin words making the sign of a Cross with two fingers and a thumb over his head his sins are forthwith forgiven him although he had never any thoughts of amendment or intention to forsake his wickedness HE believes it damnable in any Religion to make Gods of Men. However he firmly holds that when Christ speaking of his Apostles said Joh. 20. 21. Receive ye the Holy Ghost whose sins you shall forgive they are forgiven and whose sins you shall retain they are retained He gave to them and their Successors the Bishops and Priests of the Catholick Church Authority to Absolve any truly Penitent Sinner from his sins And God having thus given them the Ministry of Reconciliation and made them Christ's Legates 2 Cor. 5. 18. 19. 12. Christ's Ministers and the Dispensers of the Mysteries of Christ and given them power to loose on Earth whatsoever was to be loosed in Heaven Matt. 18. 18. he undoubtedly believes that whosoever comes to them making a sincere and humble confession of his sins with a firm purpose ●●●mendment and a hearty Resolution of turning from his evil ways may from them receive Absolution by the Authority given them from Heaven and not doubt but God ratifies
and there to imploy it in Meditation Love Thanksgiving Imitation c. as the Object requires As many good Christians placing a Death'-head before them from the sight of it take occasion to reflect often upon their last end in order to their better preparing for it or by seeing Old Time painted with his Fore-lock Hour-Glass and Scythe turn their thoughts upon the swiftness of Time and that whosoever neglects the present is in danger of beginning then to lay hold when there 's no more to come These Pictures or Images having this advantage that they inform the mind by one glance of what in reading requires a Chapter and sometimes a Volume There being no other difference between them then that Reading represents leisurely and by degrees and a Picture all at once Hence he finds a convenience in saying his Prayers with some devout Pictures before him he being no sooner distracted but the sight of these re-cals his wandring thoughts to the right Object and as certainly brings something good into his mind as an immodest Picture disturbs his heart with naughtiness And because he is sensible that these holy Pictures and Images represent and bring to his mind such Objects which in his heart he loves honours and venerates he cannot but upon that account love honour and respect the Images themselves As whosoever loves their Husband Child or Friend cannot but have some love and respect for their Pictures and whosoever loves and honours his King will have some honour and esteem for his Image Not that he venerates any Image or Picture for any Virtue or Divinity believ'd to be in them or for any thing that is to be petition'd of them but because the honour that is exhibited to them is refer'd to the Prototypes which they represent So that 't is not properly the Images he honours but Christ and his Saints by the Images As it is not properly the Images or Pictures of Kings or Dukes we generally respect or injure but by their Images or Pictures we respect or injure Kings or Dukes themselves All the veneration therefore he expresses before Images whether by kneeling praying lifting up the Eyes burning Candles Incense c. 't is not at all done for the Image but is wholly referr'd to the things represented which he intends to honour by these actions And how by so doing he breaks the Second Commandment he cannot conceive for he acknowledges only one God and to him alone gives Sovereign Honour and is so far from honouring Images as Gods that for any ones satisfaction he is ready to break or tear a Crucifix or other Image whatsoever into a thousand pieces and cast them into the fire And what respect he shews them seems to him no more injurious to any of the Commandments than 't is for a Christian to love and honour his Neighbour because he bears the Image of God in his Soul to kiss and esteem the Bible because it contains and represents to him God's Word or to love a good Preacher because he minds him of his Duty all which respects do not at all derogate from God Almighty's Honour but are rather Testimonies of our greater Love and Honour of him since for his sake we love and esteem every thing that has any respect or relation to him II. Of Worshiping Saints HE makes Gods of Dead Men such as are departed hence and now are no more able to hear or see or understand his necessities And tho' God be so good as to invite all to come unto him and to apply themselves to their only and Infinite Mediator Jesus Christ Yet so stupid is He that neglecting and as it were passing by both God and his only Son and all their Mercies he betakes himself to his Saints and there pouring forth his Prayers he confides in them as his Mediators and Redeemers and expects no Blessing but what is to come to him by their Merits and through their hands And thus without scruple or remorse robs God of his Honour HE believes there 's only one God and that 't is a most damnable Idolatry to make Gods of Men either living or dead His Church teaches him indeed and he believes That it is good and profitable to desire the Intercession of the Saints reigning with Christ in Heaven but that they are Gods or his Redeemers he is no where taught but detests all such Doctrine He confesses That we are all redeem'd by the Blood of Christ alone and that he is our only Mediator of Redemption But as for Mediators of Intercession that is such as we may desire lawfully to pray for us he does not doubt but 't is acceptable to God we should have many Moses was such a Mediator for the Israelites Job for his three Friends Stephen for his Persecutors The Romans were thus desir'd by St. Paul to be his Mediators so were the Corinthians so the Ephesians so almost every sick man desires the Congregation to be his Mediators that is to be remember'd in their Prayers And so he desires the Blessed in Heaven to be his Mediators that is that they would Pray to God for him And in this he does not at all neglect coming to God or rob him of his Honour but directing all his Prayers up to him and making him the ultimate Object of all his Petitions he only desires sometimes the Just on Earth sometimes those in Heaven to joyn their Prayers to his that so the number of Petitioners being increas'd the Petition may find better acceptance in the sight of God And this is not to make them Gods but only Petitioners to God 't is not to make them his Redeemers but only Intercessors to his Redeemer he having no hopes of obtaining any thing but of God alone by and through the Merits of Christ for which he desires the Saints in Heaven and good men on Earth to offer up their Prayers with his the Prayers of the Just availing much before God But now how the Saints in Heaven know the Prayers and Necessities of such who address themselves to them whether by the Ministry of Angels or in the Vision of God or by some particular Rovelation 't is no part of his Faith nor is it much his concern it should be determin'd For his part he does not doubt but that God who acquainted the Prophets with the knowledge of things that were yet to come many hundred years after That inform'd Elijah of the King of Syria's Counsel tho' private resolv'd on in his Bed-chamber and at a distance 2 Kings 6. 12. can never want means of letting the Saints know the desires of those who beg their Intercession here on Earth Especially since our Saviour tells That Abraham heard the Petitions of Dives who was yet at a greater distance even in Hell and told him likewise the manner of his living while as yet on Earth Nay since 't is generally allow'd that even the very Devils hear those desperate wretches who call on them Why
disgrace He holds it in the highest Veneration of all Men living he professes it to be the Dew of Heaven Oracles of God Fountain of Eternal Life that to prophane it is to incur the guilt of Damnation And that we are rather bound to lose our lives than concur any way to its prophanation 'T is true he does not think it fit to be read generally by all without Licence or in the Vulgar-Tongues Not for any dis-respect to it But I. Because he understands that private Interpretation is not proper for the Scripture 2 Pet. 1. 20. II. Because that in the Epistles of Saint Paul are certain things hard to be understood which the unlearned and unstable deprave as also the rest of the Scriptures to their own perdition III. Because God hath given only some to be Apostles some Prophets other-some Evangelists and other-some Pastors and Doctors Eph. 4. 11. For these Reasons he is taught That 't is not convenient for the Scripture to be read indifferently to all men but only such as have express Licence and good testimony from their Curates that they are humble discreet and devout Persons and such as are willing to observe directions in the perusing this Sacred Volume That is take notice of all Godly Histories and imitable examples of Humility Chastity Obedience Mercy to the Poor c. and all such places as are apt to provoke and stir up the hatred of Sin fear of God's Judgements love of Virtue c. and in all Hard Obscure and Disputable Points to refer all to the Arbitrement of the Church to the judgement of those whom God hath appointed Pastors and Doctors Never presuming to contend controul teach or talk of their own Sense and Phansie in deep Questions of Divinity and high Mysteries of Faith but expecting the sense of these from the Lips of the Priest who shall keep knowledge and from whose mouth they shall require the Law Mal. 2. 7. And this Caution is used lest that the Scripture coming into the hands of a presuming sort of proud curious and contentious People be abused and perverted who make it their business to enquire into Dogmatical Mystical High and Hidden secrets of God's Counsels into Predestination Reprobation Election Pre-science and other such incomprehensible Mysteries and upon the presumption of I know not what Spirit immediately become Teachers Controllors and Judges of Doctors Church Scripture and all and acknowledging no Authority left by Christ to which they are to submit under pretence of Scripture and Gods Word make way for all sorts of Prophaneness Irreligion and Atheism So that 't is not for the preserving Ignorance he allows a restraint upon the reading the Scriptures but for the preventing a blind ignorant Presumption And that it may be done to edification and not to destruction and without casting the holy to dogs or pearls to swine XI Of Apocryphal Books HE believes it lawful to make what Additions to Scripture his Party thinks good and therefore takes no notice of the antient Canon approved by the Apostles and Primitive Christians but allows equal Authority to the Books of Toby Judith Ecclesiasticus Wisdom and the Macchabees as to the other part of the Scripture although these were always rejected by the Jews never extant in the Hebrew Copy and expresly condemn'd by St. Jerome as not Canonical and never admitted by the Church but only of late years in some of their Synods which made these Innovations contrary to the sense of their Ancestors HE believes it damnable to add and thing to the Scripture And yet allows the Books of Toby Judith Ecclesiasticus Wisdom Macchabees to be Canonical because the Church of Christ has declar'd them such not only in these later Ages but even in the Primitive times St. Gregory Nazianzen Orat. de SS Macch. who lived in the year 354. Also St. Ambrose lib. de Jacob. vit beat An. 370. Innocent I. Ep. ad Exup They were also received by the Third Council of Carthage Anno 419. which approv'd all these Books as Canonical Can. 47. and was subscrib'd by St. Augustine and confirm'd in the Sixth General Synod August lib. 2. Doct. Christ cap. 8. So that to him 't is of little concern whether they were ever in the Hebrew Copy the Canon of the Church of Christ being of much more Authority with him than the Canon of the Jews He having no other assurance that the Books of Moses and the four Gospels are the true Word of God but by the Authority and Canon of the Church And this he has learn'd from that great Doctor St. Augustine who declares his mind plainly in this case saying That he would not believe the Gospel except the Authority of the Catholick Church mov'd him thereunto Contra Ep. Fundam c. 4. Now he is well satisfied that many doubted whether these Books were Canonical or no and amongst others St. Jerom because the Church had not declar'd them so But since the Church's Declaration no Catholick ever doubted no more than of other Books viz. of the Epistle to the Hebrews the Epistle of St. James the second of St. Peter the second and third of St. John St. Jude 's Epistle and the Apocalyps All which were for many years after the Apostles time doubted of but afterwards declared and receiv'd as Canonical This he finds St. Jerome expresly confessing of himself viz. That for some time the Book of Judith seemed to him Apocryphal to wit till the Council of Nice declar'd it otherwise Praef. in Judith The like he affirms of St. James's Epistle that it was doubted of by many for several years Paulatim tempore procedente meruit authoritatem By little and little in process of time it gain'd Authority De viris illus verb. Jacobus For this reason he matters not what Books have been reputed Apocryphal by some and for some years But only what Books are Receiv'd and Declar'd by the Church Canonical in what year and at what time soever For believing the same spirit of Truth assists her in all Ages he looks upon himself equally oblig'd to receive her Definitions of the Year 4. 19. as of any of the precedent years It not being possible for Christ to fail of his Promise or the Holy Ghost to err or misguide the Church in that year more than in any other XII Of the Vulgar Edition of the Bible HE makes no Conscience of abusing the Scripture and perverting for the maintenance of his Errours and Superstitions And therefore though he dares not altogether lay it by lest he should by so doing lose all claim to Christianity Yet he utterly disapproves it as it is in its genuine Truth and Purity and as allow'd in the Church of England and crying this down he believes it unlawful to be read by any of his Communion And then puts into their hands another Volume which in its Frontis-piece bears the Title indeed of the Word of God with the names of the Books and Chapters but in the
whatsoever Judgment or Perswasion they be whether in Communion with his Church or no he is taught to stand to his Word and observe his Promise given or made to any whatsoever and that he cannot cheat or cozen whether by dissembling equivocations or mental reservations without defiance of his own Conscience and the violation of God's Law This is the Instruction he receives from the Pulpit the Confessionary and his Books of Direction The holy Francis Sales in his Introduction to a Devout Life p. 3. c. 30. tells him plainly Let your Talk be courteous frank sincere plain and faithful without double dealing subtility or dissembling This he is taught to observe and practise and that without this 't is not possible to please God In the Catechism ad Parochos compil'd by order of the Council of Trent and recommended to all Parish-Priests for the instruction of the Faithful he is taught that by the Eighth Commandment he is forbidden all dissimulation whether in Word or Deed that cum scelere conjuncta sunt to speak or do otherwise than for the intimation of what is in the mind is abominable and wicked That no man shall bear false witness against his Neighbour whether he be Friend or Enemy And Pope Innocent XI in a Decree issued forth the Second of March Anno 1679. has strictly commanded all the Faithful in virtue of his holy Obedience and under pain of incurring the Divine Vengeance that they never Swear equivocally or with any mental reservation upon no account or pretended convenience whatsoever And that if any presume either publickly or privately to teach or maintain the Doctrine of Swearing with equivocations or mental reservation that they de facto incur Excommunication latae Sententiae and cannot be absolv'd by any but the Pope himself excepting at the hour of death He is taught therefore to speak plainly and sincerely without dissimulations equivocations mental reservations or any such like Artifices which cannot be but very injurious to all Society and displeasing to the First Truth And now if any Authors in communion with his Church be produced as Patrons of inward Reserves and grand Abettors of these mental Juggles let them hold up their hands and answer for themselves Their Church has declar'd for no such Doctrine and is no more to be charg'd with their extravagant Opinions than with the unexemplar lives of other her Members whose irregularities are not at all deriv'd from their Religion but from the neglect of their own corrupt Inclinations and giving way to the temptations of their Enemy XXVII Of a Death-Bed-Repentance HE is bred up in a total neglect of the service of God of all Virtue and Devotion while he is well and in good health upon presumption of a Death-bed-repentance and a confidence that all his sins will be certainly forgiven if he can but once say Lord have mercy upon me at the last hour And 't is a sufficient encouragement to him to rely wholly upon this to see that there is no such profligate Villain none that has liv'd tho' to the heighth of wickedness and debauchery of his Communion but at his death he shall be assisted by a Priest and shall receive an Absolution from all his sins with an absolute promise of being soon admitted to Bliss and Reigning with Christ if he can but once say he is sorry of if his Voice fail him signifie as much by a Nod of his Head or the Motion of a Finger HE is bred up in the Service and Love of God taught to work his Salvation in fear and trembling to provide in health-time against the last hour and by no means to rely upon a Death-bed-Repentance for that Men generally speaking as they live so they die and 't is to be fear'd greatly that those who neglect God Almighty and forsake him all their life-time will never find him at their death So that with St. Augustine he doubts the Salvation of as many as defer their Conversion till that hour and has no encouragement at all to do it However if any are found that have been so neglectful of their Duty as to put off this great business of Eternity to the last moment He is taught that in Charity they ought to have all assistance possible to put them in mind of their condition to excite them to a hearty detestation of all their Offences To let them know that tho' they deserve Hell-fire in punishment of their wickedness yet that they ought by no means Despair for that God is merciful and who knows but if they heartily call upon him and endeavour for a sincere Repentance with an humble confidence on the Merits and Passion of Jesus Christ he may hear their Prayers shew them mercy and give them time to repent These are all the Promises can be given in this point and this is what he sees daily practic'd And if some by these means are preserv'd from falling into despair 't is well But as for any receiving from hence encouragement of coming into the like circumstances he thinks there 's but little danger especially since there 's nothing so often repeated in Books no more common Subjects for Sermons than the displaying the manifold perils of delaying ones Conversion and putting off Repentance till the last hour XXVIII Of Fasting HE is contented the appearance of Devotion and looking not beyond the name of Mortification he sits down well satisfied with the shadow without ever taking care for the substance And this being a great Pretender to Fasting and the Denial of himself he thinks he has sufficiently complied with his Duty in this point and made good his claim if he has but abstain'd from Flesh And tho' at the same time he Regales himself at Noon with all variety of the choicest Fish and stuffs himself at Night with the best Conserves and delicatest Junkets and drinks all day the pleasantest Wines and other Liquors yet he perswades himself that he is a truly Mortified Man that he has most Christian-like commemorated the bitter Death and Passion of his Redeemer and done a work of great force in order to the suppressing his corrnpt Inclinations and satisfying for the Offences of his Life past Nay he has such a preposterous conceit of things that he believes it a greater sin to eat the least bit of Flesh on a Fasting-day than to be down-right Drunk or commit any other Excess as having less scruple of breaking the Commandments of God than of violating any Ordinance of the Pope or any Law of his Church HIS Church teaches him that the Appearance of Devotion the Name of Mortification and pretence to it are only vain and fruitless things if they are not accompanied with the substance And that 't is but a very lame compliance with the Ecclesiastical Precept of Fasting to abstain from Flesh unless all other Excesses are at the same time carefully avoided 'T is true his Church has not forbidden on these days the drinking of Wine but