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A30905 Truth triumphant through the spiritual warfare, Christian labours, and writings of that able and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Robert Barclay, who deceased at his own house at Urie in the kingdom of Scotland, the 3 day of the 8 month 1690. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690. 1692 (1692) Wing B740; ESTC R25857 1,185,716 995

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that which may be known of himself A. That which may be known of God is manifest in them Rom. 1.19 for God hath shewed it unto them Q. Is then this Light or Seed sown in the Hearts of Evil Men A. And he spake many things to them in Parables Behold a Sower went forth to sow and when he sowed Matth. 13.3 4 5 7. some Seeds fell by the way-side c. some fell among stony places c. and some fell among Thornes c. Q. Are these places where the Seed is said to have fallen understood of the Heart of Man A. Hear ye therefore the Parable of the Sower when any one heareth the Word of the Kingdom Matth. 13.18 19. and understandeth it not then cometh the Wicked One and catcheth away that which was sown in his Heart this is he which received the Seed by the way-side c. Q. Is this Seed small in its first Appearance A. The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a Grain of Mustard Seed which a Man took and sowed in his Field Matth. 13 31 32. which indeed is the least of all Seeds Q. Forasmuch as many understand not this under the Notion and Appellation of Light or Seed it being quite another Dialect than the common though I must needs confess it is the very Language of the Scriptures Is there a saving Manifestation of the Spirit given unto all A. The Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man to profit withal 1 Cor. 12.7 Q. Sure if it be to profit withal it must be in order to save for were it not useful nor yet sufficient to save what Profit could it be of But in regard some speak of a Grace that is Common and of a Grace that is Saving is there such a Grace Common unto all as brings Salvation A. The Grace of God that brings Salvation hath appeared to all Men. Tit. 2.11 Q. That which brings Salvation must needs be saving What doth that Grace teach us A. Teaching us that denying Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live Soberly Tit. 2.12 Righteously and Godly in this present World Q. Certainly that which teacheth both Righteousness and Godliness must be sufficient for therein consisteth the whole Duty of Man What saith the Apostle elsewhere of this Instructor A. And now Brethren I commend you to God and to the Word of his Grace Acts 20.32 which is able to build you up and to give you an Inheritance among all those that are Sanctified Q. What is the Word of God A. The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any Two-edged Sword Hebr. 4.12 13. piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the Joints and Marrow and is a Discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart Neither is there any Creature that is not Manifest in his Sight but all things are naked and open to the Eyes of him with whom we have to do Q. Ought we not to take heed to this Word A. We have also a more Sure Word of Prophecy whereunto ye do well that ye take heed 2 Pet. 1.19 as unto a Light that shineth in a Dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-Star arise in your Hearts Q. I perceive the Scriptures are very clear both concerning the Vniversality and Sufficiency of this Light Seed Grace and Word of God but is this Word nigh or afar off Inward or Outward A. Say not in thine Heart Who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above Rom. 10.6 7 8. or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring up Christ again from the Dead But what saith it The Word is nigh in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith which we preach Q. That is clear as to the Word Is there any Scripture speaks of the Light 's being Inward A. God who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness has shin'd in our Hearts 2 Cor. 4.6 7 to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. But we have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels that the Excellency of the Power may be of God and not of us Q. But seeing it is also called the Seed of the Kingdom is the Kingdom of God also within A. The Kingdom of God comes not with Observation neither shall they say Lo here or Lo there for behold Luke 17.20 21. the Kingdom of God is within you CHAP. VI. Concerning Faith Justification and Works Question WHat is Faith Answer Hebr. 11.1 Faith is the Substance of things hoped for and the Evidence of things not seen Q. Is Faith of absolute necessity A. Without Faith it is Impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them Hebr. 11.6 that diligently seek him Q. Are we Justified by Faith A. Wherefore the Law was our School-Master to bring us unto Christ that we might be Justified by Faith Gal. 3.24 Q. What is the Nature of this Faith that availeth to Justification A. For in Jesus Christ neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Love Gal. 5.6 Q. Are Works then necessary to Justification as well as Faith A. But wilt thou know O Vain Man that Faith without Works is Dead Was not Abraham our Father justified by Works Jam. 2.20 21 22 23 24. when he had offered Isaac his Son upon the Altar Seest thou how Faith wrought with his Works and by Works was Faith made perfect And the Scripture was fulfilled which saith Abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for Righteousness He was called the Friend of God Ye see then how that by Works a Man is justified and not by Faith only Q. If then both be equally required in Justification what are these Works which the Apostle excludes so much Rom. 3.20 A. By the Deeds of the Law there shall no Flesh be Justified in his sight Q. But though we be not Justified by the Deeds of the Law is not this to exclude Boastings that the Grace of God may be exalted Ephes. 2.8 9 10. A. For by Grace are ye saved through Faith and not of your selves it is the Gift of God not of the Works lest any Man should boast for we are his Workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good Works Q Are even the Works which are performed by Grace excluded Are we never said to be saved or justified by them Tit. 3 5 6.7 A. Not by Works of Righteousness which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour that being justified by his Grace we should be made Heirs according to the hope of Eternal Life Q. I perceive then that to be
and Observances A. * Gal. 6.14 15. But God forbid that I should Glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom the World is Crucified unto me and I unto the World For in Jesus Christ neither Circumcision availeth any thing nor Uncircumcision but a New Creature Q. What speaketh Christ of the Unity of the Saints with him A. At that Day ye shall know that I am in my Father John 14.20 and ye in me and I in you Abide in me and I in you John 15.4 5. As the Branch cannot bear Fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the Vine ye are the Branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much Fruit for without me ye can do nothing Neither pray I for these alone but for them also John 17.20 21 22 23. which shall believe in me through their Word That they all may be One as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in Vs that the World may believe it that thou hast sent me And the Glory which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be One even as we are One I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in One and that the World may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me Q. What saith the Apostle Paul to this purpose A. For both he that Sanctifies and they that are Sanctified Hebr. 2.11 are all of One for which Cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren Q. What saith the Apostle Peter A. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and pretious Promises 2 Pet. 1.4 that by these you might be Partakers of the Divine Nature having escaped the Corruption that is in the World through Lust. CHAP. V. Concerning the Light wherewith Jesus Christ hath enlightned every Man The Vniversality and Sufficiency of God's Grace to all the World made manifest therein Question WHerein consists the Love of God towards Fallen and Lost Man Answer For God so loved the World John 3.16 that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not Perish but have Everlasting Life In this was manifested the Love of God towards us because that God sent his only begotten Son into the World 1 John 4.9 that we might live through him Q. What is intended here by the World all and every Man or only a few A. But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of Death crowned with Glory and Honour Hebr. 2.9 that he by the Grace of God Should taste Death for every Man 1 John 2.1 2. And if any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is the Propitiation for our Sins and not for ours only but also for the Sins of the whole World Q. Methinks the Apostle John is very plain there in mentioning the whole World which must be not only the Saints but all others seeing he distinguisheth the World from himself and all the Saints to whom he then wrote What saith Paul elsewhere in this matter A. Christ in you the Hope of Glory whom we Preach warning every Man Col. 1.27 28. and teaching every Man in all Wisdom That we may present every Man perfect in Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.3 4 6. I Exhort therefore that first of all Supplications Prayers Intercessions and Giving of Thanks be made for All Men for this is good and acceptable in the Sight of God our Saviour who will have All Men to be saved and to come to the Knowledge of the Truth who gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified in due time Q. What is the Apostle Peter 's Testimony in this A. The Lord is not slack concerning his Promise as some Men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward 2 Pet. 3.9 Not willing that any should Perish but that All should come to Repentance Q. Are there any more Scripture-Passages that prove this thing A. Say unto them As I live saith the Lord God I have no Pleasure in the Death of the Wicked Ezek. 33.11 but that the Wicked turn from his Way and Live The Lord is Gracious and full of Compassion slow to Anger and of great Mercy Psal. 145.8 9. The Lord is good to all and his tender Mercies are over all his Works To wit That God was in Christ Reconciling the World unto him self 2 Cor. 5.19 Q. Seeing then by these Scriptures it appears that the Love of God is held out to all that all might have been or may be saved by Christ What is to be judged of those who assert that God nor Christ never purposed Love nor Salvation to a great part of Mankind and that the Coming and Sufferings of Christ never was intended nor could be useful to their Justification but will and must be effectual for their Condemnation even according to God's Purpose who from their very Infancy to their Grave with-held from them all means of Salvation What saith the Scripture to such A. For God sent not his Son into the World to Condemn the World but that the World through him might be saved John 3 17. I am come a Light into the World that Whosoever believeth in me John 12.46 47. should not abide in Darkness And if any Man hear my Words and believe not I judge him not for I came not to judge the World but to save the World Q. From what Scripture then came these Men to wrest an Opinion so contrary to Truth A. For the Children being not yet born neither have done any Good or Evil Rom. 9 11 12 13. that the Purpose of God according to Election might stand it was said unto her The Elder shall serve the Younger as it is written Jacob have I loved but Esau have I hated Q. I perceive in that Scripture it was only said before the Children were born The Elder shall serve the Younger These other Words Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated are mention'd out of the Prophet Malachy who wrote them many hundred Years after both were Dead Doth not the Scripture mention any other Cause of God's hating Esau than meerly his Decree What saith the same Apostle elsewhere A. Lest there be any Fornication or Prophane Person as Esau Hebr. 12.16 17. who for one Morsel of Meat sold his Birth-right for ye know how that afterward when he would have inherited the Blessing he was rejected Q. But seeing that such alledge that it is because of Adam 's Sin that many even Children are Damned Doth not the Scripture aver that the Death of Christ was as large to Heal as Adam 's Sin could Condemn A. For if through the Offence of one many be Dead Rom. 5.15 18. much more the Grace of God
Reprover or a Comforter where-ever he was or went Omniscient for the same Reason because he could not think amiss but he was sensible in himself that God knew and saw it by the Reproof that followed it Omnipotent because he Experienced that Power by which the Soul is Redeemed from Death and Sinners are made Saints the most excellent and self-evident Proof of God's Omnipotency or All-sufficiency For nothing can Regenerate but that which Made nor Renew but that which Created And as the Heavens are nobler than the Earth so is the Soul than the Body Renovation and Redemption than Creation And Resurrection than our former Life This Reader thou shalt come to know to be true as any Demonstration that can be made to thy outward Senses if thou wilt but Turn in thy Mind to this Teacher and wilt become the humble Scholar of this Divine Master and Learn of him in true Silence and with Diligence Ponder what I say Wouldst thou know God and be fitted for his Heavenly Mansions seek him in his Image and thou wilt know the Original by it Be thou but as Clay is in the Hands of the Potter Pliable and he will Form and Fashion thee aright He will make thee a Vessel of Honour for his own House and Use and by the Self-denial Love Purity Patience Righteousness c. that he will work in thee or work thee into thou shalt be able to pronounce truly and knowingly God is and that he is a Rewarder of them that fear him Surely there is a God in all the Earth Then wilt thou be able to say with holy David and Mary Ps. 103.1 O my Soul bless the Lord and all that is within me Luk. 1.46 47. praise his Holy Name My Soul doth magnify the Lord and my Spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour for he is good for his Mercy endureth for ever Amen Lord Jesus Amen I am now come to the Labours of our Author and shall mention them according to their respective Times with the Nature of their Subjects in brief to Inform and Excite the Reader to their Perusal The First of them in Order of Place was so in Order of Time it is called Truth Cleared of Calumnies He writ it at least published it 1670. The Occasion of it was a Book Intituled A Dialogue between a Quaker and a stable Christian the Invention it is supposed of one W. Mitchel a Preacher near Aberdeen the Disingenuous Fruit of a long Controversy between him and some other bitter Sticklers and the People called Quakers who as well by that Discourse as in the Pulpits of those Times were Represented as was our Lord Jesus and his Followers the Worst of Men possest of the Devil and Blasphemers under Pretence of being Led by the Spirit And for their Principles that they denied the True Christ Angels Heaven and Hell That they held no sort of Resurrection of the Body nor Final Judgment were Enemies to Magistrates and Ministry Comparing them with the worst of Hereticks to Inflame the People against them A Field large enough for this Zealous Young Soldier to Engage his Adversary in and where one of a less Capacity than God had blessed him with might without any Praesumption have comforted himself with an Assured Success which with much Ease and Plainness he hath obtained against the Goliah-like Vanity and Praesumption of the Author of the said Dialogue And in which he has Detected the Power and Evil Effects both of Ignorance and Malice and shewen and defended the Innocency of his Friends and above all the Soundness and Scripture-Verity of their Principles It is written with Strength and Moderation His next Publick Service of this kind was published in the same Year called Queries to the Inhabitants of Aberdeen It is the most eminent Place in the North of Scotland and near his Father's Seat then alive and many Years after They contain the Principles and Practices of the Children of Error and Truth wherein the Inhabitants of that Place especially might see themselves What they were and what they should be and remember some of them what they once pretended to Seek for and Enjoyed and were fallen from writ as an Appendix to the former Discourse His Third Book was writ in the Year following 1671. upon the same Controversy and against the same Opposer namely W. Mitchel Intituled William Mitchel Vnmasked Being a Rejoinder to that Persons Reply to his Truth Cleared from Calumnies In which the Dispute rises High and the Contest seems Sharp and Close but to every Impartial Reader the Advantage evidently runs upon our Author's side Who appears rather Zealous than Heated and sharp on his Enemy's Matter than Person For he rather pities his Enemy than Triumphs over his Weakness and Envy Here as in an Exact Draught the Reader has an Account of the fabulous Principles given under our Names and those that we really profess and the Pleasure even Men pretending to Religion take to render a poor self-denying People that which they are not As if they feared we should be in the right or hold Principles nearer to what they profess themselves to believe than is convenient for their Interest with the People to allow lest that together with the Sobriety their worst Enemies confess to be so Conspicuous among them should give them too great a Credit with their Hearers The next Year 1672. he writ A Seasonable Warning and Exhortation to and Expostulation with the Inhabitants of Aberdeen concerning this present Dispensation and Day of God's Living Visitation towards them A serious Title and Dedication and a serious Discourse they are deeply indebted to his Love Labour and Memory I pray God it may be as Bread cast upon the Waters to the Inhabitants of that Northern City of this Famous Isle of Britain and that they and theirs after these many Days that have past may find it to their Spiritual Edification that they may know there was a Servant and Prophet of God among them with the Testimony of the Everlasting Gospel which is the Power of God revealed in Man to Regenerate him May it never rise up in Judgment against that People His Fifth Book was his Catechism writ in 1673. the Title A Catechism and Confession of Faith Approved of and Agreed unto by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles Christ himself Chief Speaker in and among them Which containeth a True and Faithful Account of the Principles and Doctrines which are most surely believed by the Churches of Christ in Great Britain and Ireland who are reproachfully called by the Name of Quakers yet are found in the one Faith with the Primitive Church and Saints as is most Clearly Demonstrated by some plain Scripture-Testimonies without Consequences or Commentaries which are here Collected and Inserted by way of Answer to a few Weighty yet Easie and Familiar Questions fitted as well for the Wisest and Largest as for the Weakest and Lowest Capacities And Expostulation with and Appeal to all
Happiness both to live in a more Retired Corner and to Enjoy at that Time a Space of Quiet above his Brethren Which with the Consideration of their Three or Four Years Toil and a Sense of Service in himself put him upon Undertaking and Publishing this Discourse as an Essay towards the Prevention of Future Controversy It First lays down our A vowed Principles of Belief and Practice distinguished from what our Enemies are pleased to say in our Names who by making us Erroneous give themselves the Easier Task to Confute us and then Triumph After he has Stated our Principles he has put the Objections which he had Collected out of our Adversaries Books or that he did Apprehend might be made to those Principles and Answers them And lastly Cites divers Author's both Ancient and Modern especially some of the Primitive Ages for further Illustration and Confirmation of our said Belief and Practice The Method and Style of the Book may be somewhat Singular and like a Scholar for we make that Sort of Learning no part of our Divine Science But that was not to shew himself but out of his Tenderness to Scholars and as far as the Simplicity and Purity of the Truth would permit in Condescension to their Education and Way of Treating of those Points herein handled Observing the Apostle's Example of Becoming all unto all where there was nothing in himself to forbid it that he might Win some In fine the Book says so much for us and itself too that I need say the less but Recommend it to thy serious perusal Reader as that which may be Instrumental with God's Blessing to Inform thy Vnderstanding Confirm thy Belief and Comfort thy Mind about the Excellent Things of God's Kingdom To be sure thou wilt meet with the Abused and Disguised Quaker in his own Shape Complexion and proper Dress so that if thou art not one of them thou needest not longer follow Common Fame or Prejudice against a People though Afflicted from the first yet not Forsaken to this Day Ever blessed be the Name of the most High God for he is Good for his Mercy endures for ever A Dispute follows this Apology and in the same Year It is Intituled A Dispute between some Students of Divinity so called of Aberdeen and the People called Quakers held in Aberdeen c. Opponents or Students Job Lesly Al. Sheriff P. Gellie Defendents our Author R. Barclay and George Keith who is a very Learned Man and they both behaved themselves in Meekness and Christianity The Success I leave the Reader to Observe Only this I must say to him it ended in the Convincement of divers Students of our Principles The next Year produced the Tenth Treatise of this Volume being 1676. It is called Quakerism Confirmed A Vindication of the Chief Doctrines and Principles of the Quakers from the Objections of the Students of Divinity so called of Aberdeen in their Book called Quakerism Canvased This we see is Controversial and therefore I will say the less only the Reader must needs observe the Anger and Prejudice that followed the good Success of the last Dispute and to what a Pitch they Carry Men when Pride or Interest hath kindled them It was well prayed of David indeed Create in me a Clean Heart and Renew a right Spirit within me For a Right Frame of Spirit will Govern the Will and Affections keep from Mistakes and hurtful Transports yea a Man of Conversation may want it sometimes and be in Danger of Disorder This Discerns this Judges this Directs Blessed is the Man that possesses it he will not Judge before his Time nor Judge wrongly nor be partial nor peevish nor unstable Which had those Students known they would not have Resisted the Lowly Truth and so Vnlearnedly Wrested the Words of it and it would have been a better Tutor of Divinity to them than all the Colledges in the World can yield O ye Students and Professors of Divinity Seek God where he may be found in Christ and Christ in you by his Light and Spirit Look not out for the Kingdom is there within you read plain Scripture In that Seed Luk. 17.20 Talent and Leaven it lies Virtually though as yet not Actively Your Obedience to the Holy Manifestations of it in your selves will open its Power to you and if you follow on to know through Obeying you shall have the End of that blessed Prayer Thy Kingdom come Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Spend not your Time in vain your pretious your most-pretious Time Let me a Stranger but a Well-wishing one beseech you not to strain your Brains break your Rest and wander far and gather nothing but Empty Notions Husks indeed Alas what do you Overcome What do you Enjoy by them One Day in the Courts of God is more worth than it all which Obedience to the Light of Christ in your Hearts brings you to And there you will Hear See and Taste of Divine Things to which your Studies are but as Bread in a Picture to Real Bread Then will your Souls live and you will have the Key of Holy Scripture and know the Meaning of the Holy Men and the Spirit by which they Spake and Writ which are Aenigma's to the World and that without the help of your Costly and Tedious Commentators who for the most part do but write by guess themselves Then will you possess the Treasures of the holy Ancients and know what the Blessings of the Everlasting Hills mean This is Nectar and Ambrosia indeed the River of God! And here is the Olympus of the Sons of Light the Mount Zion of David's Seed the true Jews where the Morning-Stars are seen and heard to sing together for Joy But I must stop I thought not of this Flight of Soul to Aberdeen But God put it into my Heart thus to Visit you in particular the Chief Place of our Author's Labour of Love and methinks I hope and feel That it shall not be in vain nor this Remembrance of you O Students and Inhabitants of that City and Vniversity This Holy Spirit of Love that filled my Pen in the last Paragraph has seasoned me for this following Piece writ in the Year 1677. and honoured with the best of Titles viz. Universal Love c. The Occasion of it to prevent the Abuse of it on one hand and recommend the Vse and Practice of it on the other Hand There are Two great Extreams this Discourse observes and moderates in the Spirit of Love and Wisdom Those that suffer their Zeal to flame so Inordinately as to burn up all Appearances of Love and Tenderness to those that are not of the same Judgment and Interest which is a most-Pernicious Work of Satan that Common Enemy of Mankind that turns the Zeal of Man upon his Fellow-Creature that ought to be turned against him only the Father of Wickedness Nor is this done without great Subtilty for he Transforms himself into an Angelical
No this is Reserved a Secret to be unfolded to the Children of Obedience O Reader Great is the Mystery of Godliness And if the Apostle said it of the Manifestation of the Son of God in the Flesh 1 Tim. 3.16 if that be a Mystery and if a Mystery it is not to be spelt out but by the Revelation of the Spirit how much more is the Work of Regeneration a Mystery that is wholly Inward and Spiritual in its Operation who is sufficient for these things what Doctor what Philosopher what sort of Divine surely none but one of God's making alone that has past through the Degrees of Regeneration which is the Experimental Operative Revelation of the Spirit of God in Man And this Revelation is a Fruit of his Omnipresence He is ever Present his Eye beholds the Evil and the Good Prov. 15.3 Psal. 33.18 1 Chr. 28.9 Psal. 9. Pro. 17.10 Ch. 20.12 Psal. 139.7 but in a particular manner is over them that fear him and trust in his Mercy Yea his Eyes are upon the Righteous he searches the Heart and Tryes the Reins and sets Man's Thoughts in Order before him This David knew when he Cried out Whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy Presence And why but because he is present as a Reprover an Helper a Comforter and Saviour Which also made the same Royal Penitent and Prophet in his Fifty first Psalm pray Cast me not away from thy Presence Psal. 51.11 12 13. and take not thy Holy Spirit from me This also made him a Preacher to others For if God would but hear his Prayer and Restore to him the Joy of his Salvation and uphold him by his Free Spirit he would teach Transgressors his Ways and Sinners should be Converted unto God Which comes up to all I have said upon this Head that the way to be a Child of God and Minister of his Truth is the Inward Experience of the Revelation of the Spirit and Power of God in the Soul without which David could not open his Mouth for God He else-where tells us how Near God is to his People The Meek will he Guide The Secrets of the Lord are with them that Fear him The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart and saveth such as are of a Contrite Spirit Psal. 25.9 14. Ps. 34.9 18 Ps. 34.8 Ps. 27.10 11. He calls them to Taste and See how good the Lord is to them that fear him This was Revelation with a Witness no less than Two of the Spiritual Senses of the Soul at once And though Father and Mother forsake him God would take him up whom he prayed to Teach him and Lead him in a plain Path And in the Sense of God's Inward Goodness to his Soul in this way of Revelation and Omnipresency he Triumphs thus Yea though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will fear no Evil for thou art with me Ps. 23.4 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me Indeed his whole Book of Psalms is a continued Evidence of that Revelation we plead for and he cried he waited for and he Enjoyed who grew so well Acquainted with the Presence of God that he could tell us that in his Presence was Life Ps. 16.11 and at his right hand were pleasures for ever Nor is this to be wondered at by the Professors of Christianity since it is the Covenant God made of Old To which the Prophet Jeremiah gives Testimony That he would put his Law in their Inward Parts Jer. 31.31 34. and write it in their Hearts and he would be their God and they should be his People and know him from the least to the greatest To which the Apostle refers in his Epistle to the Hebrews as fulfilled in the Christian Dispensation then on foot Heb. 8.9 10 Joel 2.28 29. Act. 2.16 18. 2 Cor. 6.16 17. So Joel of the pouring out of the Spirit on all Flesh applied by Peter on the Day of Pentecost And Paul to the Corinthians goes yet further and tells them That God in these latter Days will dwell in them and walk in them and therefore Commands them not to touch the Unclean Thing Now if all this can be without Revelation Inspiration Divine Vision and Sensation in the Soul we may Conclude we do not hear see feel taste and smell what we do hear see feel taste and smell every Day I forbear many Scriptures as I in them and they in me He that is with you shall be in you I am with you to the end of the World and that notable Saying of the Apostle When it pleased God to Reveal his son in me Gal. 1.16 I consulted not with Flesh and Blood He grounds his Call Conversion and Ministry upon it and can we now hope for a True and Saving Knowledge or Ministry without it By no means But our Author in this as much as in any of his Tracts acts the Scholar and has not Chosen this Way of Arguing having to do with a Learned Man that he Esteemed and would be Entertained in a more Abstract Way of Arguing Which made me the Freer to express my self in this manner for their sakes that easily submit their Arguments to Scripture-Authority and that Hunger and Thirst after an Inward Enjoyment of that of which so many glorious things are said by the Holy Men of God in Scripture that they may be freed of Objections and savour the Clear and Divine Truth of this Doctrine That they may know Jo. 7.37 39. the Wells are opened now as well as formerly and that Rivers of living Water flow out of the Bellies of true Believers now as well as then which Christ spake of meaning the Spirit that should flow in and out of those that believed in him And Reader if thou wilt be a Witness hereof despise not the Day of small things Embrace the Talent that is given thee Zach. 4.10 follow the Reproofs and Teachings of it Wait upon it for Power to Enable thee to Overcome what it Condemns And if thou wilt Abstract thy self from the World and the Distracting Impressions and Idea's of it into a true Silence or Inactivity and Quietness of Mind believe me thou wilt find the Heavenly Potter will Mould and Form his Clay and work in thee mightily to Will and to Do For before Life is Death and before an Active a Passive Life Remember these things and Almighty God give thee an Experimental Understanding of them to his Glory and thy Comfort here and for Ever Thus Reader am I come to the End of this Preface and thou to the Begining of this Author's Volume Read with Consideration be not hasty to Judge what at first may not please thee but be Ready to Practise what thou likest That Knowledge through Obedience may Increase and GOD the great Author of all Good through his poor Instruments may have his Glory who is Worthy for ever Amen ACCORDING to that True and
Ability of the large Vnderstanding given him to set forth the Beauty and Infallibility of the Grounds and Excellent Principles of Truth and to open and prove the same over all Opposition of Gainsayers to the reaching of the Understanding of many of the Great and Learned of the World both at home and abroad and to the begetting a better Opinion and Judgment concerning both the Principles and Practices of God's People called in Derision Quakers than had been held forth by the Craft and Malice of the Priests and others to be in the beginning as Fools Madmen c. and holding non-sensical and unreasonable as well as Vnscriptural Whimsies and so forth But God who is Light is wipeing away the Reproaches and Slanders off his Blessed Truth and People and will more and more exalt the Standard and Ensign thereof to gather the Nations unto it out of their Cruelties Lusts and Roarings against one another and of the overflowing of all Abominations among them to the great provo●ing of God's Wrath. Reformation from all which will never be known nor Deliverance from the Bondage and Miseries thereby occasioned by all the Might Power and Fightings of the Carnal Sword nor Politick Devices of Men but only by the blessed Power Spirit and Grace of God which hath appeared to all to that very end to teach to deny Vngodliness and wordly Lusts and to live soberly Righteously and Godly in this present World if Men would turn to believe in and obey it Which is our Testimony and Holy Principle we direct all unto and which this Blessed Servant of the Church laid out himself in his many Excellent Writings especially his Apology to promulgate through the World with blessed Success not only in Printing but in Travelling having gone through a great part of Germany Holland and other Countries in the Service of the Truth And the Lord blessed him every way therein He was an Exemplary Husband Parent and Master in his Family so that the Beauty good Order Holiness Gravity and Lowliness of the Truth shined therein I can say to my Refreshment and many others as in a Quiet Habitation He was a Man of great Meekness Sweetness and Lowliness of Spirit and of such a bearing contented Mind that though a Man of such Parts and great Authority over Evil in his Servants and others yet kept in such a Dominion over any thing that would have disordered his own Syirit that I can truly say I never saw him in any peevish angry brittle or disordered Temper since ever I knew him though I had as much Intimacy and Frequency of Concerns with him as most here-away He was so far from being lifted up or Exalted by the great Gifts he had received from his Maker both in the Truth and as a Man that I can say I have often desired to grow in the plain down-right humble and lowly Spirit wherein he became as weak with the weakest and poor with the poorest and low with the lowest as well as he could be deep with them that were deep So that in a good Measure he had learned to become all things to all Men with a true and upright Endeavour to Gain some I can say I have parted with a most Entire Friend and Counsellor But glory to him who lives for ever through great Mercy I know him who is the Fountain of all Wisdom Righteousness Love and Pity who I trust will make up this great Loss not only to me but to his blessed People and Church especially in this his Native Country of Scotland in and to which he had made him an Ornament and as a Star and shining Light And Oh! that he may make me and all whom he hath Convinced of his pretious Truth in our Native Country whether living therein or abroad to shine forth in the Glory Beauty and Virtue thereof and as the first Fruits thereof and Witnesses of the great Glory that shall livingly arise therein though perhaps ushered in by great Tribulations when our God shall wipe away the Reproaches thereof and change its name from Barren or Forsaken because our God hath a true though a small Seed therein in which he delighteth and is Married thereunto and many shall be the Children of the Lamb's Marriage therein in due time when the Leaven of the Pharisees is purged out and the Bastard-Births of the Adulteresses and Whoredoms of a false Profession therein comes to be seen and turned from As concerning this our Dear Friend R. B. The Lord soon began his Work with him shortly after he was brought home from France wherein in his Young and Tender Years he was brought up at Paris under his Vncle And though at his Return thence but about sixteen Years yet it having pleased the Lord to bring his Dear and Worthy Father into his most-precious Truth he having thereby occasion to be in the Meetings of God's Chosen People who Worship him in his own Name Spirit and Power and not in the Words of Man's Wisdom and Preparation he was by the Virtue and Efficacious Life of this Blessed Power shortly after reached and that in the Time of Silence a Mystery to the World and came so fast to grow therein through his great Love and Watchfulness to the Inward Appearance thereof that not long after he was called out to the Publick Ministry and declaring abroad what his Eyes had seen and his Hands had handled of this pure Word of Life Yea the Lord who loved him counted him worthy so Early to Call him to some Weighty and Hard Services for his Truth in our Nation that a little after his coming out of the Age of Minority as it is called he was made willing in the Day of God's Power to give up his Body as a Sign and Wonder to this Generation and to deny himself and all in him as a Man so far as to become a Fool for his sake whom he loved in going in Obedience to his Will in Sack-cloath and Ashes through Three of the Chief Streets of the City of Aberdeen As his Testimony printed concerning it holds forth his Service therein besides some weighty Services at several Steeple-houses and Sufferings in Prison for the Truth 's Sake And I cannot forbear to touch at his great Care and Zeal that Vnity Love and Sweetness might be preserved among God's Children over all the Cunning Endeavours of the Enemy to the contrary What shall I more say concerning this Servant of the Lord but that Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord Yea saith the Spirit from henceforth they rest from their labours and their works follow them He laid down the Body in the Holy and Honourable Truth wherein he had served it about Twenty Three Years upon the Third Day of the Eighth Month 1690. near the Forty Second Year of his Age at his own House of Vrie in Scotland and it was laid in his own Burial-Ground there upon the sixth Day of the same Month before many Friends and other
sinful and evil however they may imagine them to be good And herein I say we differ vastly from Papists they think and seek to be justified by such Works as are evil in the sight of God whereas we believe that by no such Works can any man be justified Other weighty Differences could be shewed in relation to this Matter but what is here in short declared may suffice to evince that we differ widely from the Papists concerning Justification Thirdly Look how near a kin ye are to Papists as in many other things so in these relating to Justification First Do ye not say That ye are not justified by Christ in-dwelling in you So say the Papists Secondly Do ye not say That the way to attain to a state of Justification is not by believing in the Word of Faith which is in every man and in the Light wherewith Christ has enlightned every man that comes into the World And so say the Papists who though they talk of Vniversal Grace yet they deny that this Vniversal Grace is an Evangelical Principle of Light by believing in which men can attain unto a state of Justification immediately Thirdly Do ye not say That God's Act of Justification is not an immediate Testimony of his Spirit declaring or pronouncing men righteous And so say the Papists Fourthly Do ye not say That men are not to know their Justification or that they are in a justified state by an immediate Testimony of the Spirit in them by way of object for this were to assert Immediate Revelation So do the Papists So by these few Instances given here and by many other Instances given by others in other particulars try your selves and first clear your selves of Popery before you or thou dost throw it upon us Now whereas thou alledgest That the Apostle in the matter of Justification excludes all Works even those of Christ his working in the Saints and which they work in him 'T is false nor do the Scriptures cited by thee prove thy intent As Rom. 3.20 Gal. 2.16 Tit. 3.5 thou say'st The Apostle speaks of Works in general Works of the Law and of the Spirit without any limitation But herein thou contradictest the very express Scriptures cited by thee for all these Scriptures speak of Works with a limitation As Rom. 3.20 By the deeds of the Law there shall no Flesh be justified and Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the Works of the Law Here the Works of the Law are excluded but not the Works of Christ in us which are not of the Law for the Law or first Covenant was weak and gave not strength to them who were under it to fulfil Righteousness but these who were in Christ Jesus witnessed the Righteousness of the Law fulfilled in them who walked not after the Flesh but after the Spirit And as for that other Scripture Tit. 3.5 though it exclude Works of mens doing as of themselves yet it excludes not all Works nor inward Righteousness of Christ but expresly includes it According to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost Thou couldst not have brought a more plain proof against thy self for thou citest this Scripture has holding forth Justification Now the Apostle saith He saved us according to his Mercy by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost and is not the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost a Work which comprehends many particular Works of the Spirit of Christ in the Saints And is not Regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost a Righteousness wrought in us How is it then that thou art not ashamed to charge us with Rank Popery for saying We are justified by a Righteousness wrought in us seeing the very Scripture cited by thee is expresly for it May we not pertinently return these words upon thee which thou mis-appliest to us Oh! tell it not in Gath publish it not in the Streets of Askalon c. that a man who pretends to teach others a-right in the matter of Justification hath so confounded himself that to prove that Justification is not by a Righteousness wrought within brings a Scripture which speaks expresly of Righteousness within to wit that of Regeneration and Renovation by which we are saved And if any should say The words do not say We are Justified by the washing of Regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost but we are Saved thereby as intending Sanctification and not Justification I answer This helps not the Author out of the Ditch for he brings this Scripture forth applying it to the matter of Justification But again If these words exclude all Works generally and without any limitation then they exclude all Works which are wrought by the Spirit of Christ from sanctification as if men were sanctified by no Works of the Spirit of Christ within them Sanctification by the Works of the Spirit Or if it be said that Works of our own doing Self-righteousness are only excluded from having place in our Sanctification but not the Works wrought in and by the Spirit of Christ then I say why may not the same Distinction have place in all these other Scriptures which say We are not justified by Works c. And indeed in all these Scriptures it holds true no less concerning Sanctification than concerning Justification As thus By the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be sanctified knowing that a man is not sanctified by the Works of the Law c. But it were vain to infer from this that men are sanctified by no Works of Righteousness wrought in them by the Spirit of Christ. Therefore it is as vain to infer that men are justified by no Works of Righteousness wrought in them by his Spirit Page 22 Thou say'st We can shift off Popery with this that they are not our Good Works which deserve and merit Justification but the Good Works of Christ's working in us Yea I say we do justly cast off the Accusation of Popery as having the express testimony of Scripture that we are justified by Works to wit such as are wrought in Christ and by him in us James 2.24 You see then that a man is justified by Works and not by Faith only Compared with Tit. 3.5 before-mentioned And as for the Papists Works by which they seek to be justified we do not acknowledge them to be such Works as whereby or wherein any can be justified And whereas thou pleadest That the Good Works of Christ's working in us are ours citing Isai. 26.12 Matth. 5.16 c. We grant it but they are not ours in that signification as where it is said He that is entred into his Rest hath ceased from his own Works Hebr. 4.10 There are Works which are so ours that they are not the Works of the sanctifying renewing Spirit of Christ in us What works do justify and such are Works both of open Unrighteousness and of
no man judge you in Meat or Drink or Holy Day or New Moon or Sabbath-days which are a Shadow of things to come See also Rom. 14. which plainly holds forth all days under the Gospel to be alike and said Paul to the Galatians To observe days c. I am afraid of you For a Third Reason thou say'st That Jesus Christ plainly intimates the Continuance of a Sabbath because that speaking of the Desolation of Jerusalem he said pray that your flight be not in the Winter nor on the Sabbath-day Answ. But that Sabbath-day is neither here nor elsewhere said to be the First Day of the Week The Jews were to flee at that time and Christ holds forth their difficulties that it should be grievous unto them to be put to it to flee on their Sabbath-day or be killed for they kept it in the strictness of it But as for any of your Sabbath-keepers they are not so strait-laced but they will do less necessary things than to flee from a danger on that day And as the outward Jew desireth that he may not be put to flee on his outward Sabbath so the inward Jew in Spirit desireth much more that he may keep his Sabbath which is his Spiritual Rest in Christ that the Enemy oft seeketh to break to cause him to flee on his Sabbath-day but this to you is a Mystery viz. what the Sabbath of them who believe is Hebr. 4.9 10. There remaineth therefore a Sabbatism to the People of God and he that is entred into his Rest hath ceased from his own works as God did from his And that this Sabbath or Rest is not an outward day is plain because in the next Verse he saith Let us labour therefore to enter into that Rest. But if it were an outward day it might be easily entred into but this is such a Rest as none can enter into who hearken not to the Voice of the Lord by believing and obeying it For a Fourth Reason thou say'st though ye keep not the same day the Jews did ye have the same Authority for keeping your day that they had for theirs Hence this day The Lord's Day not the first day of the Week that we keep say'st thou is called the Lord's Day Rev. 1.10 it being set apart by the Lord for his Service and as a special Memorial of his Resurrection Answ. But for all this here is no Probation at all but meer Assertions If ye have the same Authority produce it and let us see it John was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day therefore the first day of the Week ought to be kept how hangs this together Prove that John meant the first day of the Week We read much in Scripture of the Day of the Lord which is the Lord's Day but no where do find it called the First Day of the Week or any other Natural Day for it is Spiritual and as God called the Natural Light Day so he calleth the Spiritual Light of his Appearance where the Sun of Righteousness ariseth with healing under his Wings Day And this is the Day of the Lord wherein his People rejoice and are glad And whereas thou say'st It is set apart by the Lord as a Special Memorial of his Resurrection This is thy naked Assertion without any shadow of proof and if thou wilt say that therefore it is to be a Holy Day because he Rose on it Is not this a fair inlet to all the Popish Holy Days Popish Holy Days If ye keep one Day for his Resurrection why not one Day for his Conception another for his Birth another for the Annunciation of the Angel another for his being Crucified another for his Ascension and then we shall not want Holy Days in good store Fifthly thou say'st Who oppose the Sabbath-Day sin against Mercy and Equity and Justice Answ. It is granted but who oppose your Day which ye have made or imagined to be the Sabbath do no sin against any of the fore-said if in other things they keep unto the Rule of Mercy and Justice First They sin not against Mercy if through all the days of the Week they be found in that which is for the good of themselves and their Neighbours not laying too heavy burdens upon their own Souls by excessive care and labour in outward things nor yet forcing their bodily strength beyond the Rule of Mercy and Love nor imposing any things upon either Servants or Cattel contrary to Mercy For if the Law required Mercy even in these things much more the Gospel so that we grant Times of Rest are to be given unto Servants and Beasts and Mercy is to be shewed unto them more than under the Law And thus is the End of the Sabbath answered which was made for Man yea this is indeed to keep the Sabbath The true Sabbath To undo every burden and to let the oppressed go free both as to the inward and the outward And the Lord's People have frequent times more than once a Week wherein laying aside their outward Affairs for a Season they may and do Meet together to wait upon the Lord and be quickned and refreshed and instructed by him and worship him in his Spirit and may be useful unto one another in Exhortation or Admonition or any other way as the Lord shall furnish And such who find any distemper upon their Minds through letting them go forth too much upon outward things may find the Lord allowing them any other day or time no less than that to get their hearts reduced into a right frame And it were sad if the Lord had only allowed but one day of seven unto this effect The Lord inviteth and alloweth the weary and distempered who love to be cured of their Distempers to come unto him every day And as for those who abide not in a due care every day to have their Hearts ordered a-right but let their Minds go forth excessively in outward Occasions all the Week they provoke the Lord to shut them out from Access to him upon the First day And our Souls do oft bless the Lord in allowing us many times of refreshment and strengthening to the establishing and confirming us in his love and life and disburdening our Minds of earthly things much more frequently than in one day of seven And as for sinning against Justice they cannot be charged with it who give up unto the Lord not only one day of seven but all the seven even all the days of their life unto his Service for Equity and Justice calleth upon us to spend all the seven in his Service that our Hearts may continually be exercised in his Fear and Love and whatever we do we may do it to him and in him And as for the First Day of the Week The first day of the Week we meet together even on that day as we do on other days according to the practice of the Primitive Christians to wait upon the Lord
the fall of the first Adam He being put on by us as the new and heavenly Adam of which the Apostle Ye have put on Christ put him on I say as a Form i. e. the Wisdom Righteousness and Life of God And Pareus de Just. Cont. Bellar. lib 2. cap. 7. pag. 469. We saith he neither ever spoke nor thought the Righteousness of Christ to be imputed to us that by it we were and might be named formally Righteous as we have oft now shewed for surely that should no less fight with reason than if one quite absolved in Judgment should say he were formally Righteous by the mercy of the Judge These are the plain and positive expressions of several famous Protestants though W. M. reckons G. Keith's words mentioned by him page 55. as Popish which are nothing different from these And of late R. Baxter whom W. M. page 37. terms A Judicious Servant of God holdeth this Doctrine throughout in his Book termed Aphorisms of Justification who page 80. saith That some ignorant Wretches gnash their teeth at this Doctrine as if it were flat Popery not understanding the nature of the Righteousness of the New Covenant which is all out of Christ in our selves though wrought by the power of the Spirit of Christ. Page 195. he saith How this differeth from the Papist he need not tell any Scholar who have read their Writings Hereby the Intelligent Reader may observe how ridiculous if not malitious W. M. is in making such a noise as if we were in this matter either going with Papists or opposing Protestants In his second Section page 58. though he would be making a great bussle of our speaking of Justification by Works yet in the very entry he cannot deny but he is for it according to the true sense and meaning of the Spirit And therefore it remains to prove that ours is not so His alledging from some words of Samuel Fisher where he speaks of Works having Merit saith nothing for the Question recurs concerning the signification of the word Merit which we use in a qualified sense for we say That Works are no other ways Meritorious Works are Meritorius by the promised Reward upon Conditions than as they are Rewarded Merit and Reward being Relative terms as I told him in my last to which he returneth no Answer And thus is solved Sam. Fisher's using of that Argument mentioned by him page 60. to whom he foolishly supposes I cannot reconcile my self without being of a higher strain than for a Reward of Merit to wit That as Condemnation is the reward of evil works so Eternal Salvation and consequently Justification is the reward of good works Now Merit in a qualified sense doth not import an absolute desert according to strict Justice as on our part but a sutableness agreeableness or congruity according to these Scriptures Matth. 3.8 Bring forth fruits worthy of Repentance the Greek word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth Meritorious or Worthy and the same Greek word is used in these other Scriptures 1 Thess. 2.12 Walk worthy of God 2 Thess. 1.5 That ye may be counted Worthy of the Kingdom of God And thus R. Baxter speaketh of Merit in the Book above-mentioned page 90. In a large sense saith he as promise is an obligation and the thing promised is called debt so the Performers of the Conditions are called Worthy and their Performance Merit Though properly it is all of Grace and not of Debt Moreover whereas Augustine Bernard and others of the Fathers use the word Merit in this qualified sense W. M and his Brethren can give it the right hand but where we use it notwithstanding we tell them the simplicity of our meaning we must be upbraided with Popery It is here observable how he turns it to my Reproach That I seem to draw near in the least to any of the moderate sort of Papists And yet as to things wherein I charged him of Affinity with them he returneth no solid Answer Papists and W. M. agree but says I must not be credited Yea he plainly not only draws near but fully acknowledges his agreement with them saying They hold some things common with the Orthodox His third and fourth Section containeth not any thing of a solid Reply to that which is writ from page 36. to 44. of my last which the Reader by comparing them may easily observe He begins alledging That Rom. 3.28 Gal. 2.19 must exclude all Works even the Works of Christ in us And that because the Apostle must be supposed to exclude either evil or good Works not evil therefore good And consequently the Works of Christ in us But as I told him in my last some Works may be good materially The Works of the Spirit of God and those of Man 's own Spirit differ which proceeding not from the Spirit of God but Man 's own Spirit are therefore excluded And thus the Case of Abraham doth not answer who though a godly man was capable sometimes to have done Works from his own Spirit It is here observable how he seeks to shift that which I inforce upon him from Tit. 3 5. alledging He mentioned it in opposition to Justification by Works as the Meritorious cause thereof But of this there was not one Word where he cites in his Dialogue page 20. Nor doth he answer any thing for that which I infer from this Scripture shewing page 37. of my last to which I refer the Reader he having wholly omitted it that by this Scripture where the Apostle says According to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration the Apostle includes Good Works as to Justification now all this he shuffles over as Insulting Triumphing Words and yet notwithstanding he himself insults here as though he had found us guilty of Popery though what we say in this matter be no other than what is clearly asserted by these famous Protestants above-mentioned and more particularly by R. Baxter in his Book aforesaid The Works of the ●aw excluded from Justification not the Works of the Gospel from page 185. to the end where he says That we are Justified by Works in the same kind of causality as by Faith viz. as causae sine quibus non Conditions or Qualifications of the New Covenant requisite on our part in order to Justification shewing how the Apostle Paul in the places above-mentioned excludes only the Works of the Law from Justification and never at all the Works of the Gospel as they are the Conditions of the New Covenant and there he refutes W. M's Exposition upon Isa. 2.12 As if our Justification were only Justified by Works or we declared Just by them before men And seeing W.M. hath declared he hath so good an Esteem of R. Baxter I refer him to read how he is Refuted by him as being too large to be here inserted Pag. 65 66. To overturn that which is said by me concerning the Faith Knowledge and Obedience
as ought can be alledged for the former But what is the Bread then wherewith the Saints are to be nourished A. Then Jesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that Bread from Heaven but my Father giveth you the True Bread from Heaven for the Bread of God is he which comes down from Heaven and giveth Life unto the World Then said they unto him Lord evermore give us this Bread And Jesus said unto them I am the Bread of Life he that cometh to me shall never Hunger and he that believeth on me shall never Thirst. I am that Bread of Life Your Fathers did eat Manna in the Wilderness and are Dead This is the Bread which cometh down from Heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die I am the Living Bread which came down from Heaven If any man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I will give him is my Flesh which I will give for the Life of the World Joh. 6.32 33 34 35 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58. The Jews therefore strove amongst themselves saying How can this man give us his Flesh to eat Then Jesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you Except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink his Blood ye have no Life in you Whoso eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood hath Eternal Life and I will raise him up at the last Day For my Flesh is Meat indeed and my Blood is Drink indeed He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him As the Living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me This is that Bread which came down from Heaven not as your Fathers did eat Manna and are dead He that eateth of this Bread shall live for ever CHAP. XII Concerning the Life of a Christian in general what and how it ought to be in this World Question WHat is the True RELIGION Religion Answer Pure Religion and Undefiled is this To visit the Fatherless and the Widow in their Affliction James 1 2● and to keep himself unspotted from the World Q. What is required of man A. He hath shewed thee O man what is good Mich. 6.8 and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love Mercy and to walk humbly with thy God * Isa. 66.2 But to this man will I look even to him that is pure and of a contrite Spirit and trembles at my Word Q. Doth God then require People to be Quakers to tremble at his Word Trembling was there any such among the Saints of old A. Then were assembled unto every one that Trembled at the Words of the God of Israel Ezra 9.4 Now therefore let us make a Covenant with our God 10.3 to put away all the Wives and such as are born of them according to the Counsel of my Lord and of those that Tremble at the Commandment of our God Q. It seems Ezra loved well and had a high Esteem of Quakers since he would have their Counsel followed Quakers of old Do any other of the Prophets point out Quakers or Tremblers as God's People A. Hear the Word of the Lord ye that Tremble at his Word Your Brethren Isa. 66.5 that hated you that cast you out for my Name 's sake said Let the Lord be glorified but he shall appear to your Joy and they shall be ashamed And it shall be to me a Name of Joy a Praise and an Honour before all the Nations of the Earth Jer. 33.9 which shall hear all the good that I do unto them and they shall Fear and Tremble for all the Goodness and for all the Prosperity that I procure unto it Q. The Prophets promise good Things there to Quakers what becometh of those that Tremble not and are not such Jer. 5.21 22. A. Hear now this O foolish People and without Vnderstanding which have Eyes and see not which have Ears and Hear not fear ye not me saith the Lord will ye not Tremble at my Presence c. Q. God's Children Q. Are then all God's Children Quakers and are we commanded to quake or tremble in order to our Salvation both under the Law and now under the Gospel A. Serve the Lord with Fear and rejoice with Trembling I make a Decree Psal. 2.11 that in every Dominion of my Kingdom Men Fear and Tremble before the God of Daniel Dan. 6.26 for he is the Living God and steadfast for ever Work out your own Salvation with Fear and Trembling Phil. 2.12 Commandments Q. What be the Chief Commandments A. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy Mind This is the first and great Commandment Matth. 22.37 38 39 40. And the second is like unto it Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self On these two Commandments hang all the Law and Prophets Q. What ought a Christian to seek after in the first Place Matth. 6.32 A. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you Behaviour Q. How ought Christians to behave themselves in this World A. But this I say Brethren the Time is short It remaineth That both they that have Wives 1 Cor. 7.29 30 31. be as though they had none and they that weep as though they wept not and they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not and they that buy as though they Possessed not and they that use this World as not abusing it for the Fashion of this World passeth away Q. What saith the Apostle Paul further as that which is fit for Christian Men and Women to be found in A. I will therefore that Men Pray every where lifting up holy Hands without Wrath and Doubting In like Manner also 1 Tim. 2.8 9 10. that Women adorn themselves in modest Apparel with shamefac'dness and Sobriety not with broidered Hair or Gold or Pearls or costly Array but which becometh Women professing Godliness with good Works Q. I observe Apparel the Apostle is much against the Vanity and Superfluity of Cloths among Christians what saith Peter to this A. Whose Adorning 1 Pet. 3.3 4. let it not be that outward Adorning of Plaiting the Hair of wearing of Gold or of putting on of Apparel But let it be the hidden Man of the Heart in that which is not corruptible even the Ornament of a meek quiet Spirit which is in the Sight of God of great Price Q. The Apostle is very plain there but what saith the Scriptures Respect of Persons as to Respect of Persons among Christians A. My Brethren have not the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory with Respect of Persons James 2.1 2 3
Secondly Those who through Vnwatchfulness the secret Corruption of their own Hearts and the mysterious or hidden Temptations of the Enemy have fallen into his Snares and so have come under the Power of some Temptation or other either of Fleshly Lusts or of Spiritual Wickedness who being seasonably warned by those that keep their Habitation and faithful Overseers in the Church have been again Restored by unfeigned Repentance not kicking against the Pricks but have rejoiced that others watched over them for their good and are become Monuments of God's Mercy unto this Day 3. Self-separating troublesome Opposers Thirdly Such who being departed from their first Love and Antient Zeal for the Truth become Cold and Lukewarm and yet are ashamed to make open Apostacy and to turn back again so as to deny all the Principles of Truth they having had already such Evidence of Clearness upon their Understanding yet not keeping low in their own Habitations but being puffed up and giving Way to the restless Imaginations of their Exalted and Wandering Minds fall out with their Brethren cause Divisions begin to find Fault with every thing and to look at others more than at themselves with swelling Words to talk of and preach up a higher Dispensation while they are far from living up to the Life and Perfection of this present like unto such who said we will not have this Man to rule over us cry out of Formality and Apostacy because they are not followed in all Things and if they be reproved for their Vnruliness according to the good Order of the Church of Christ then they cry out Breach of Liberty Oppression Persecution we will have none of your Order and Government we were taught to follow the Light in our Consciences and not the Orders of Men. Well of this hereafter but this gave the Rise of this Controversy Which leads me to that which I proposed in the second Place SECTION III. Whether there be now to be any Order or Government in the Church of Christ. IN Answer to this Proposition I meddle not at this Time with those that deny any such Thing as a Church of Christ I have reserved their Plea to another Place Neither need I to be at much Pains to prove the Affirmative to wit That there ought to be Government and Order in the Church of Christ Church-Order and Government granted unto the Generality of our Opposers both Papists and Protestants who readily confess and acknowledge it and have heretofore blamed us for want of it Though now some of them and that of the highest Pretenders are become so unreasonable as to accuse us for the Use of it improving it so far as they can to our Disadvantage For such is the Blindness of partial Envy that whereas the supposed Want of it was once reckoned Heretical now the present Performance of it is counted Criminal These then to whom I come to prove this Thing are such who having cast off the Yoke of the Cross of Christ in themselves refuse all Subjection or Government denying that any such thing ought to be as disagreeing with the Testimony of Truth or those who not being so wilful and obstinate in their Minds yet are fearful or scrupulous in the Matter in respect of the dangerous Consequences they may apprehend such a Thing may draw after it For the clearing then as well the Mistakes of the one as answering the Cavils of the other I judge the Truth of these following Assertions will sufficiently prove the Matter which I shall make no great Difficulty to Evidence First That Jesus Christ the King and Head of the Church Reason I did appoint and ordain that there should be Order and Government in it Secondly That the Apostles and Primitive Christians when they were filled with the Holy Ghost and immediately led by the Spirit of God did Practise and Commend it Thirdly That the same Occasion and Necessity now occurring which gave them Opportunity to exercise that Authority the Church of Christ hath the same Power now as ever and are led by the same Spirit into the same Practices The Abuse makes not void the true Vse As to the First I know there are some that the very Name of a Church and the very Words Order and Government they are affraid of Now this I suppose hath proceeded because of the great Hypocrisy Deceit and Oppression that hath been cloaked with the Pretence of these Things but why should the Truth be neglected because Hypocrites have pretended to it The right Institution of these Things which have been appointed and ordained by God must not nor ought not to be dispised because corrupt Men have abused and perverted them I know not any thing that hath been more abused and perverted in the whole World than the Name of a Christian shall we then renounce that Honourable Title because so many Thousands of Wicked Men yea Antichrists have falsly assumed it to themselves The Man of Sin hath taken upon him to sit in the Temple of God as God yet we must not therefore deny that God is in this Temple If the Synagogue of Satan hath assumed the Name of the Church of Christ and hath termed her Oppression and Violence the Power and Authority thereof therefore must not the Church of Christ and its Authority be exercised where it truly is according to his Mind This I prefix to warn all to beware of stumbling at things which are innocent in themselves and that we may labour to hold the steady even Path of Truth without running in either of the Extreams For that Jesus Christ did appoint Order and Government to be in the Church Church-Order appointed by Christ and the Form thereof is very clear from his plain Words Matth. 18.15 16 17 18. Ver. 15. Moreover if thy Brother shall trespass against thee go tell him his Fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou hast gained thy Brother Ver. 16. But if he will not hear thee then take with thee one or two more that in the Mouth of two or three Witnesses every Word may be established Ver. 17. 〈…〉 he shall neglect to hear them tell it unto the Church but 〈…〉 neglect to hear the Church let him be unto thee as an Heathen●●● and a Publican Ver. 18. Verily I say unto you whatsoever 〈◊〉 shall bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever 〈…〉 loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven From which ●cripture it doth manifestly and evidently follow First that Jesus Christ intended there should be a certain Order and Method in his Church in the Procedure towards such as Transgress Secondly That he that refuseth to hear two is become more guilty as hardned than in refusing to hear him that first reproved alone Thirdly That refusing to hear the Judgment of the Church or whole Assembly he doth thereby Exclude himself and shut out himself from being a Member and is justly judged by his Brethren
strange ways seeing according to this most true Doctrine the Gospel reacheth all of whatsoever Condition Age or Nation Eleventhly It is Really and Effectively though not in so many words Cons. 11 yet by deeds established and confirmed by all the Preachers Promulgators and Doctors of the Christian Religion that ever were or now are even by those that otherways in their Judgment Oppose this Doctrine in that they all wherever they have been or are or whatsoever People Place or Country they come to do preach to the People and to every Individual among them That they may be saved Intreating and Desiring them to believe in Christ who hath died for them So that what they deny in the general they acknowledge of every particular there being no man to whom they do not preach in order to Salvation telling him Jesus Christ calls and wills him to believe and be saved and that if he refuse he shall therefore be Condemned and that his Condemnation is of himself Such is the Evidence and Vertue of Truth that it constrains its Adversaries even against their wills to plead for it Cons. 12 Lastly According to this Doctrine the former Argument used by the Arminians and Evited by the Calvinists concerning Every man's being bound to believe that Christ died for him is by altering the Assumption rendred Invincible thus That which every man is bound to believe is True But Every man is bound to believe that God is merciful unto him Therefore c. This Assumption no man can deny seeing his Mercies are said to be over all his Works And herein the Scripture every where declares the Mercy of God to be in that he Invites and Calls sinners to Repentance and hath opened a way of Salvation for them so that though those men be not bound to believe the History of Christ's Death and Passion who never came to know of it yet they are bound to believe that God will be Merciful to them if they follow his Ways and that he is Merciful unto them in that he Reproves them for Evil and Incourages them to good Neither ought any man to believe that God is unmerciful to him or that he hath from the beginning Ordained him to come into the World that he might be left to his own evil Inclinations Our Adversaries unmerciful Assertion of God and so do wickedly as a means appointed by God to bring him to Eternal Damnation which were it true as our Adversaries affirm it to be of many Thousands I see no reason why a man might not believe for certainly a man may believe the Truth As it manifestly appears from the thing it self that these good and excellent Consequences follow from the belief of this Doctrine so from the Probation of them it will yet more evidently appear To which before I come it is requisite to speak somewhat concerning the State of the Controversy which will bring great light to the matter For from the not right understanding of a matter under Debate sometimes both Arguments on the one hand and Objections on the other are brought which do no way hit the Case and hereby also our Sense and Judgment therein will be more fully understood and opened § XII First then by this Day and Time of Visitation which we say Quest. 1 God gives unto all during which they may be saved The Stating of the Question we do not understand the Whole Time of every man's Life though to some it may be extended even to the very hour of Death as we see in the Example of the Thief Converted upon the Cross but such a season at least as sufficiently exonerateth God of every man's Condemnation which to some may be sooner and to others later according as the Lord in his Wisdom sees meet So that many men may out-live this day after which there may be no possibility of Salvation to them That many may out-live the Day of God's Visitation and God justly suffers them to be hardned as a just punishment of their Vnbelief and even raises them up as Instruments of Wrath and makes them a Scourge one against another Whence to men in this Condition may be fitly applied those Scriptures which are abused to prove That God incites men necessarily to sin This is notably express'd by the Apostle Rom. 1. from v. 17. to the end but especially vers 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them up to a Reprobate Mind to do those things which are not Convenient That many may out-live this Day of God's gracious Visitation unto them is shewn by the Example of Esau Hebr. 12.16 17. who sold his Birth-right so he had it once and was capable to have kept it but afterwards when he would have inherited the Blessing he was Rejected This appears also by Christ's weeping over Jerusalem Luke 19.42 saying If thou hadst known in this thy day the things that belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine Eyes Which plainly imports a Time when they might have known them which now was removed from them though they were yet alive But of this more shall be said hereafter § XIII Secondly By this Seed Grace and Word of God and Light Quest. 2 wherewith we say every man is Inlightned and hath a measure of it which strives with them in order to Save them and which may by the stubbornness and wickedness of man's Will be quenched bruised wounded pressed-down slain and crucified we understand not the proper Essence and Nature of God precisely taken which is not Divisible into parts and measures as being a must Pure Simple Being void of all Composition or Division and therefore can neither be resisted hurt wounded crucified or slain by all the Efforts and Strength of men The Light what it is and its Properties described But we understand a Spiritual Heavenly and Invisible Principle in which God as Father Son and Spirit dwells a measure of which Divine and Glorious Life is in all men as a Seed which of its own nature draws invites and inclines to God And this we call Vehiculum Dei or the Spiritual body of Christ Vehiculum DEI. the flesh and blood of Christ which came down from Heaven of which all the Saints do feed and are thereby nourished unto Eternal Life And as every unrighteous Action is witnessed against and reproved by this Light and Seed so by such Actions it is hurt wounded and slain and resiles or flees from them even as the flesh of men flees from that which is of a contrary nature to it Now because it is never separated from God nor Christ but wherever it is God and Christ are as wrapped up therein therefore and in that respect as it is Resisted God is said to be Resisted and where it is born down God is said to be pressed as a Cart under sheaves and Christ is said to be slain and crucified And on the contrary as
are to account this Long-suffering of God to them Salvation Now how or in what respect can they account it Salvation if there be not so much as a possibility of Salvation conveyed to them therein For it were not Salvation to them if they could not be saved by it In this matter Peter further refers to the Writings of Paul Some things in Paul's Epistles hard to be understood holding forth This to have been the Vniversal Doctrine Where it is observable what he adds upon this occasion How there are some things in Paul 's Epistles hard to be understood which the unstable and unlearned wrest to their own destruction insinuating plainly this of those Expressions in Paul's Epipistles as Rom. 9. c. which some unlearned in Spiritual things did make to Contradict the Truth of God's Long-suffering towards all in which he willeth not any of them should perish and in which they all may be saved Would to God many had taken more heed than they have done to this Advertisement That place of the Apostle Paul which Peter seems here most particularly to hint at doth much Contribute also to Clear the matter Rom. 2.4 Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long-suffering not knowing that the Goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance Paul speaketh here to the Vnregenerate and to the Wicked who in the following verse he saith Treasure up wrath unto the day of wrath and to such he Commends the Riches of the Forbearance and Long-suffering of God shewing that the Tendency of God's Goodness leadeth to Repentance How could it necessarily Tend to lead them to Repentance how could it be called Riches or Goodness to them if there were not a Time wherein they might Repent by it and come to be sharers of the Riches exhibited in it From all which I thus argue If God plead with the Wicked from the Possibility of their being accepted If God's Spirit strive in them for a season in order to save them Arg. who afterwards perish If he wait to be gracious unto them Gods Spirit strives in the wicked If he be long-suffering towards them And if this long-suffering be Salvation to them while it endureth during which time God willeth them not to perish but exhibiteth to them the Riches of his Goodness and Forbearance to lead them to Repentance then there is a Day of Visitation wherein such might have been or some such now may be saved who have perished and may if they Repent not Perish But the First is true Therefore also the Last § XX. Secondly This appeareth from the Prophet Isa. 5.4 What could Proof II I have done more to my Vineyard for in verse 2. he saith The Vineyard planted brought wild Grapes He hath fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof and planted it with the Choicest Vine and yet saith he when I looked it should have brought forth Grapes it brought forth Wild Grapes Wherefore he calleth the Inhabitants of Jerusalem and men of Judea to Judge betwixt him and his Vineyard saying What could I have done more to my Vineyard than I have done in it and yet as is said it brought forth Wild Grapes Which was applied to many in Israel who refused God's Mercy The same Example is used by Christ Matth. 21.33 Mark 12.1 Luke 20.9 where Jesus shews how to some a Vineyard was planted and all things given necessary for them to get them fruit to pay or restore to their Master and how the Master many times waited to be Merciful to them in sending Servants after Servants and passing by many Offences before he determined to Destroy and Cast them out First then this cannot be understood of the Saints or of such as Repent and are Saved for it is said expresly He will destroy them Neither would the Parable any ways have answered the End for which it is alledged if these men had not been in a Capacity to have done good yea such was their Capacity that Christ saith in the Prophet What could I have done more So that it is more than manifest that by this Parable Repeated in three sundry Evangelists Christ holds forth his Long-suffering towards men and their Wickedness to whom means of Salvation being afforded do nevertheless Resist to their own Condemnation To these also are parallel these Scriptures Prov. 1.24 26. Jer. 18.9 10. Matth. 18.32 34. Acts 13.46 Lastly That there is a Day of Visitation given to the Wicked wherein they might have been Saved and which being Expired they are shut out from Salvation appears evidently by Christ's Lamentation over Jerusalem expressed in Three sundry places Matth. 23.37 Luke 13.34 Proof III 19.41 42. And when he was come near he beheld the City and wept over it Christ's Lamentation over Jerusalem saying If thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things that belong to thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes Than which nothing can be said more Evident to prove our Doctrine For first he insinuates that there was a Day wherein the Inhabitants of Jerusalem might have known those things that belonged to their Peace Secondly that during that Day he was willing to have gathered them even as a Hen gathereth her Chickens A familiar Example yet very significative in this case which shews that the Offer of Salvation made unto them was not in vain on his part but as really and with as great Chearfulness and Willingness as a Hen gathereth her Chickens Such as is the love and care of the hen towards her brood such is the Care of Christ to gather lost men and women to Redeem them out of their corrupt and degenerate state Thirdly That because they Refused the things belonging to their Peace were hid from their Eyes Why were they hid because ye would not suffer me to gather you ye would not see those things that are good for you in the season of God's Love towards you and therefore now that Day being Expired ye cannot see them and for a further Judgment God suffers you to be hardned in Vnbelief God hardens when So it is after real Offer of Mercy and Salvation Rejected that God hardens mens hearts and not before Thus that saying is verified To him that hath shall be given and from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath This may seem a Riddle yet is according to this Doctrine easily solved He hath not because he hath lost the season of using it and so to him it is now as nothing for Christ uses this Expression Matth 25.26 upon the occasion of taking the one Talent from the slothful Servant The One Talent was sufficient and giving it to him that was diligent which Talent was no ways Insufficient of it self but of the same nature with those given to the others and therefore the Lord had reason to exact the Profit of it proportionably as well as from the rest
by which Inward Manifestation we are made capable to see and discern the Eternal Power and Godhead in the outward Creation So were it not for this Inward Principle we could no more understand the Invisible things of God by the outward Visible Creation than a blind man can see and discern the variety of Shapes and Colours or judge of the Beauty of the outward Creation Therefore he saith first That which may be known of God is manifest in them and in and by that they may read and understand the Power and Godhead in those things that are Outward and Visible And though any might pretend that the outward Creation doth of it self without any Supernatural or Saving Principle in the heart even declare to the natural man that there is a God yet what would such a Knowledge avail if it did not also Communicate to me what the Will of God is and how I shall do that The Onward Creation may beget a Perswasion in man of an Eternal Power and Virtue which is acceptable to him For the outward Creation though it may beget a Perswasion that there is some Eternal Power or Vertue by which the World hath had its Beginning yet it doth not tell me nor doth it Inform me of that which is just holy and righteous how I shall be delivered from my Temptations and Evil Affections and come unto Righteousness that must be from some Inward Manifestation in my heart whereas those Gentiles of whom the Apostle speaks knew by that Inward Law and Manifestation of the Knowledge of God in them to distinguish betwixt Good and Evil as in the next Chapter appears of which we shall speak hereafter The Prophet Micah speaking of man Indefinitely or in General declares this Mich. 6.8 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do Justly and to love Mercy and to walk Humbly with thy God He doth not say God Requires till he hath first assured that he hath shewed unto them Now because this is shewed unto all men and manifest in them therefore saith the Apostle Is the Wrath of God revealed against them for that they hold the Truth in Vnrighteousness that is the measure of Truth the Light the Seed the Grace in them for that they Hide the Talent in the Earth that is in the Earthly and Vnrighteous part in their hearts and suffer it not to bring forth fruit but to be choked with the sensual Cares of this Life the Fear of Reproach and the Deceitfulness of Riches as by the Parables above-mentioned doth appear But the Apostle Paul opens and illustrates this matter yet more Rom. 10. where he declares That the Word which he preached now the Word which he preached and the Gospel which he preached and whereof he was a Minister is one and the same is not far off but nigh in the heart and in the mouth This Divine Preacher the Word nigh hath sounded in the Ears and Hearts of all men which done he frameth as it were the Objection of our Adversaries in Vers. 12 15. How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard how shall they hear without a Preacher This he answers Verse 18. saying But I say have they not heard yes verily their Sound went forth into all the Earth and their Words unto the End of the World insinuating that this Divine Preacher hath sounded in the Ears and Hearts of all men for of the outward Apostles that saying was not true neither then nor many hundred years after yea for ought we know there may be yet great and spacious Nations and Kingdoms who never have heard of Christ nor his Apostles as outwardly This Inward and Powerful Word of God is yet more fully described in the Epistle to the Hebrews c. 4. v. 12 13. For the Word of God is quick and sharper than any two-edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the heart The Virtues of this Spiritual Word are here enumerated It is Quick because it Searches and Tries the hearts of all no man's Heart is Exempt from it for the Apostle gives this Reason of its being so in the following Verse Before whom all things are manifest But all things are naked and opened unto the Eyes of him with whom we have to do and there is not any Creature that is not manifest in his sight Though this ultimately and mediately be Refer'd to God yet nearly and immediately it relates to the Word or Light which as hath been before proved is in the hearts of all else it had been Improper to have brought it in here The Apostle shews And every Thought and Intent of the heart how every Intent and Thought of the heart is discerned by the Word of God because all things are naked before God which imports nothing else but it is in and by this Word whereby God sees and discerns man's Thoughts and so must needs be in all men because the Apostle saith There is no Creature that is not manifest in his sight The Faithful Witness This then is that faithful Witness and Messenger of God that bears Witness for God and for his Righteousness in the hearts of all men for he hath not left man without a Witness Acts 14.17 and he is said to be given for a Witness to the people Isa. 55.4 And as this Word beareth Witness for God so it is not placed in men only to Condemn them for as he is given for a Witness so saith the Prophet he is given for a Leader and a Commander A Leader and Commander The Light is given that all through it may believe Joh 1.7 For Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by this Word of God which is placed in man's Heart both to be a Witness for God and to be a Mean to bring man to God through Faith and Repentance It is therefore powerful that it may divide betwixt the Soul and the Spirit It is like a Two-edged-sword A Two-edged Sword that it may cut off Iniquity from him and separate betwixt the precious and the vile And because man's heart is cold and hard like Iron naturally therefore hath God placed this Word in him which is said to be like a Fire A Fire and a Hammer and like a Hammer Jer. 23.29 that like as by the heat of the Fire the Iron of its own nature Cold is warmed and by the strength of the Hammer is softned and framed according to the mind of the Worker so the Cold and Hard heart of man is by the vertue and powerfulness of this Word of God near and in the heart as it resists not warmed and softned and receiveth a Heavenly and Coelestial Impression and Image The most part of the Fathers have spoken at large touching this Word Seed and Light and Saving Voice calling
then makes just he adds But let them have a care lest by too great and empty subtilty unknown both to the Scriptures and the Fathers they lessen and diminish the weight and dignity of so great and Divine a Benefit so much celebrated in the Scripture to wit Justification of the Wicked For if to the formal Reason of Justification of the Ungodly doth not at all belong his Justification so to speak i. e. his being made Righteous then in the Justification of a sinner although he be justified yet the stain of sin is not taken away but remains the same in his Soul as before Justification And so notwithstanding the benefit of Justification he remains as before Unjust and a Sinner and nothing is taken away but the Guilt and obligation to Pain and the Offence and Enmity of God through non-Imputation But both the Scriptures and Fathers do affirm that in the Justification of a sinner their sins are not only remitted forgiven covered not imputed but also taken away blotted out cleansed washed purged and very far removed from us as appears from many places of the Holy Scriptures The same Forbes shews us at length in the following Chapter that this was the Confessed Judgment of the Fathers out of the Writings of those who hold the contrary Opinion some whereof out of him I shall note Calvin Inst. l. 3. c. 11. § 15. As First Calvin saith That the Judgment of Augustine or at lest his manner of speaking is not throughout to be received who although he took from man all praise of Righteousness and ascribed all to the Grace of God yet he refers Grace to Sanctification by which we are Regenerate through the Spirit unto newness of life Chemnitius saith That they do not deny but that the Fathers take the word Justify for Renewing Chemnitius in Exam. Concil Trid. de Just. p. 129. by which works of Righteousness are wrooght in us by the Spirit And p. 130. I am not ignorant that the Fathers indeed often use the word Justify in this signification to wit of making just Zanchius saith That the Fathers and chiefly Augustine interpret the word Justify according to this signification Zanchius in cap. 2. ad Eph. ver 4. loc de Just. Thes. 1.5 to wit of making Just so that according to them to be Justified was no other than of Unjust to be made Just through the Grace of God for Christ. He mentioneth more but this may suffice to our purpose Assert I § VIII Having thus sufficently proved that by Justification is to be understood a really being made Righteous I do boldly affirm and that not only from a Notional Knowledge Christ revealed and formed in the Soul of a man is the formal Cause of man's Justification but from a real inward experimental Feeling of the thing that the Immediate Nearest or Formal Cause if we must in Condescendence to some use this word of a man's Justification in the sight of God is the Revelation of Jesus Christ in the Soul changing altering and renewing the mind by whom even the Author of this inward Work thus formed and revealed we are truly justified and accepted Proof I in the sight of God For it is as we are thus covered and cloathed with him in whom the Father is always well-pleased that we may draw near to God and stand with Confidence before his Throne being purged by the blood of Jesus inwardly poured into our Souls and cloathed with his life and righteousness therein revealed And this is that Order and Method of Salvation held forth by the Apostle in that Divine saying Rom. 5.10 For if when we were Enemies we were reconciled to God by the Death of his Son much more being Reconciled we shall be saved by his Life For the Apostle first holding forth the Reconciliation wrought by the Death of Christ wherein God is near to receive and redeem man holds forth his Salvation and Justification to be by the Life of Jesus Now that this Life is an Inward Spiritual thing revealed in the Soul whereby it is renewed and brought forth out of Death where it naturally has been by the Fall and so quickned and made alive unto God the same Apostle shews Eph. 2.5 Even when we were dead in Sins and Trespasses he hath quickned us together in Christ by whose Grace ye are saved and hath raised us up together Now this none will deny to be the Inward Work of Renovation and therefore the Apostle gives that Reason of their being saved by Grace which is the inward Vertue and Power of Christ in the Soul but of this place more hereafter Of the Revelation of this Inward Life the Apostle also speaketh 2 Cor. 4.10 That the Life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our bodies and v. 11. That the Life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh Now this inward Life of Jesus is that whereby as is before observed he saith We are saved Secondly That it is by this Revelation of Jesus Christ and the New Proof II Creation in Vs that we are Justified doth evidently appear from that Excellent Saying of the Apostle included in the Proposition it self Tit. 3.5 According to his mercy he hath saved us by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost c. Now that whereby we are saved that we are also no doubt Justified by which words are in this respect Synonymous The Immediate Cause of Justification is the inward Work of Regeneration Here the Apostle clearly ascribes the Immediate Cause of Justification to this inward work of Regeneration which is Jesus Christ Revealed in the Soul as being that which formally states us in a capacity of being Reconciled with God the Washing or Regeneration being that inward Power and Vertue whereby the Soul is cleansed and cloathed with the Righteousness of Christ so as to be made fit to appear before God Thirdly This Doctrine is manifest from 2 Cor. 13.5 Examine your own Proof III selves whether ye be in the faith prove your own selves know ye not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates First It appears here how earnest the Apostle was that they should know Christ in them so that he presses this Exhortation upon them and inculcates it three times Secondly The Cause of Reprobation is Christ not known by Inward Revelation he makes the Cause of Reprobation or Not-justification the Want of Christ thus Revealed and known in the Soul whereby it necessarily follows by the Rule of Contraries where the parity is alike as in this case it is evident that Where Christ is inwardly known there the persons subjected to him are Approved and Justified For there can be nothing more plain than this that if we must know Christ in us except we be Reprobates or Vnjustified persons that if we do know him in us we are not Reprobates and consequently Justified ones Like unto
and times and that in the beginning of Chap. 5. he sheweth them their Folly and the Evil Consequence of adhering to the Ceremonies of Circumcision then he adds v. 6. For in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision nor Vncircumcision availeth but Faith which worketh by love and thus he concludes again ch 6. v. 15. For in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision availeth nor Vncircumcision but a New Creature From which places appeareth that distinction of Works afore-mentioned whereof the one is excluded the other necessary to Justification For the Apostle sheweth here that Circumcision which word is often used to comprehend the whole Ceremonies and legal Performances of the Jews is not Necessary nor doth avail Here are then the Works which are excluded by which no man is Justified but Faith which worketh by love but the New Creature this is that which availeth which is Absolutely necessary for Faith that worketh by love cannot be without Works for as is said in the same 5 Chap. v. 22. Love is a Work of the Spirit Also the New Creature if it avail and be necessary cannot be without Works seeing it is natural for it to bring forth Works of Righteousness Again that the Apostle no ways intends to exclude such good Works appears in that in the same Epistle he Exhorts the Galatians to them The Usefulness and Necessity of good Works and holds forth the Vsefulness and Necessity of them and that very plainly c. 6. v. 7 8 9. Be not deceived saith he God is not mocked for whatsoever man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption but he that soweth in the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting And let us not be weary of well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not Doth it not hereby appear how necessary the Apostle would have the Galatians know that he esteemed good Works to be to wit not the outward Ceremonies and Traditions of the Law but the fruits of the Spirit mentioned a little before by which Spirit he would have them to be led and walk in those good Works As also how much he ascribeth to these good Works by which he affirms Life Everlasting is Reaped Now that cannot be useless to man's Justification which Capacitates him to Reap so rich a Harvest But lastly for a full Answer to this Objection and for the Establishing of Answ. 2 this Doctrine of good Works I shall instance another saying of the same Apostle Paul which our Adversaries also in the blindness of their Minds make use of against us to wit Tit. 3.5 Not by Works of Righteousness Justified not by our legal performances but the fruits of the Spirit which we have done but according to his Mercy he saved us by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost It is generally granted by all that Saved is here all one as if it had been said Justified Now there are two kinds of Works here mentioned one by which we are not saved that is not Justified and another by which we are saved or justified The first the Works of Righteousness which we have wrought that is which we in our first fall'n Nature by our own strength have wrought our own legal performances and therefore may be truly and properly called ours whatever specious Appearances they may seem to have And that it must needs and ought so to be understood doth appear from the other part But by the washing of Regeneration and Renewing of the Holy Ghost seeing Regeneration is a Work comprehensive of many good Works even of all those which are called the Fruits of the Spirit Object Now in case it should be objected That these may also be called Ours because wrought in us and also by us many times as Instruments Answ. I Answer It is far otherwise than the former For in the first we are yet alive in our own natural State unrenewed working of our selves seeking to save our selves by imitating and endeavouring a Conformity to the outward Letter of the Law and so wrestling and striving in the Carnal Mind that is Enmity to God and in the Cursed Will not yet subdued But in this second we are Crucified with Christ we are become dead with him have partaken of the fellowship of his sufferings are made Conformable to his death and our first man our old man with all his deeds as well the openly wicked as the seeming righteous our Legal Endeavours and foolish Wrestlings are all buried and nailed to the Cross of Christ and so it is no more We Not We but Christ in us is the worker of Righteousness but Christ alive in us the Worker in us So that though it be We in a sense yet it is according to that of the Apostle to the same Gal. c. 2. v. 2O I am crucified yet nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me not I but the Grace of Christ in me These Works are especially to be ascribed to the Spirit of Christ and Grace of God in us as being immediately thereby acted and led in them and enabled to perform them And this manner of Speech is not strained but familiar to the Apostles as appears Gal. 2.8 For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the Apostleship of the Circumcision the same was mighty in me c. Phil. 2.13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do c. So that it appears by this place that since the Washing of Regeneration is necessary to Justification and that Regeneration comprehends Works Works are necessary and that these Works of the Law that are excluded are different from these that are necessary and admitted § XI Thirdly they Object That no Works yea not the Works of Christ in us can have place in Justification Object 3 because nothing that is impure can be useful in it and all the Works wrought in us are Impure For this they alledge that saying of the Prophet Isaiah c. 64. v. 6. All our righteousness are as filthy Rags adding this reason That seeing we are Impure so must our Works be which though good in themselves yet as performed by us they receive a tincture of Impurity even as a clean Water passing through an unclean Pipe is defiled Answ. 1 That no Impure Works are useful to Justification is Confessed but that all the Works wrought in the Saints are such is Denied And for answer to this the former Distinction will serve We Confess that the first sort of Works above-mentioned are Impure but not the second because the first are wrought in the unrenewed State but not the other And as for that of Isaiah it must relate to the first kind for though he saith What sort of Righteousness is as filthy Rags All our Righteousness are as filthy Rags yet that will not Comprehend the Righteousness of Christ in us but only that which we work of and
by our selves For should we so Conclude then it would follow that we should throw away all Holiness and Righteousness since that which is filthy Rags and as a menstruous Garment ought to be thrown away yea it would follow that all the fruits of the Spirit mentioned Gal. 4. were as filthy Rags whereas on the contrary some of the Works of the Saints are said to have a Sweat savour in the nostrils of the Lord are said to be an Ornament of great price in the sight of God are said to Prevail with him and to be Acceptable to him which filthy Rags and a menstruous Garment cannot be Yea many famous Protestants have acknowledged that this place is not therefore so to be understood Calvin's and others their sense concerning Isa. 64 6. of our Righteousness Calvin upon this place saith That it is used to be cited by some that they may prove there is so little Merit in our Works that they are before God filthy and defiled but this seems to me to be different from the Prophet's Mind saith he seeing he speaks not here of all Mankind Musculus upon this place saith Musculus That it was usual for this people to presume much of their legal Righteousness as if thereby they were made Clean nevertheless they had no more Cleanness than the unclean Garment of a man Others expone this place concerning all the Righteousness of our flesh that Opinion indeed is true Yet I think that the Prophet did rather accommodate these sayings to the Impurity of that people in legal Terms The Author commonly supposed Bertius speaking concerning the True Sense of Chap. 7. of the Epistle to the Romans Bertius Epistolae praefixae dissert ann hath a Digression touching this of Isaiah saying This place is commonly corrupted by a pernicious wresting for it is still alledged as if the meaning thereof inferred the most Excellent Works of the best Christians c. Ja. Coret Apolog. Impress Paris ann 1597· pag. 78. James Coret a French Minister in the Church of Basil in his Apology concerning Justification against Alescales saith Nevertheless according to the Counsel of certain good men I must admonish the Reader that it never come into our minds to abuse that saying of Isa. 64.6 against good Works in which it is said that all our Righteousness are as filthy Rags as if we would have that which is good in our good Works and proceedeth from the Holy Spirit to be esteemed as a filthy and unclean thing § XII As to the other part That seeing the best of men are still Impure and Imperfect therefore their Works must be so It is to beg the Answ. 2 question and depends upon a Proposition denied and which is to be discussed at further length in the next Proposition But though we should suppose a man not throughly perfect in all respects yet will not that hinder but good and perfect Works in their kind may be brought forth in them by the Spirit of Christ Neither doth the Example of Water going through an unclean Pipe hit the matter because though Water may be capable to be tinctured with Vncleanness yet the Spirit of God cannot whom we assert to be the Immediate Author of those Works that avail in Justification and therefore Jesus Christ his Works in his Children are pure and perfect and he worketh in and through that pure thing of his own forming and creating in them Moreover if this did hold according to our Adversaries supposition That no man ever was or can be perfect it would follow that the very Miracles and Works of the Apostles which Christ wrought in them Were the Miracles and Works of the Apostles wrought by the power of Christ in them Impure and Imperfect and they wrought in and by the Power Spirit and Grace of Christ were also Impure and Imperfect such as their Converting of the Nations to the Christian Faith their gathering of the Churches their writing of the Holy Scriptures yea and their Offering up and Sacrificing of their Lives for the Testimony of Jesus What may our Adversaries think of this Argument whereby it will follow that the Holy Scriptures whose Perfection and Excellency they seem so much to magnify are proved to be Impure and Imperfect because they came through Impure and Imperfect Vessels It appears by the Confessions of Protestants that the Fathers did frequently attribute unto Works of this kind that Instrumental Work which we have spoken of in Justification albeit some ignorant persons cry out that it is Popery and also divers and that famous Protestants do of themselves Confess it Amandus Polanus in his Symphonia Catholica Am. Polanus c. 27. de Remissione Peccatorum Our Doctrine of Justification and Works is not Popery p. 651. places this These as the Common Opinion of Protestants most agreeable to the Doctrine of the Fathers We obtain the Remission of Sins by Repentance Confession Prayers and Tears proceeding from Faith but do not Merit to speak properly and therefore we obtain Remission of Sins not by the Merit of our Repentance and Prayers but by the Mercy and Goodness of God Gentiletus Ex. Impressi Genev. 151● Innocentius Gentiletus a Lawyer of great fame among Protestants in his Examen of the Council of Trent p. 66 67. of Justification having before spoken of Faith and Works adds these words But seeing the one cannot be without the other we call them both conjunctly Instrumental Causes Zanchius Zanchius in his 5. Book de Naturâ Dei saith We do not simply deny that good Works are the Cause of Salvation to wit the Instrumental rather than the Efficient Cause which they call sine quâ non And afterwards Good Works are the Instrumental Cause of the possession of Life Eternal for by these as by a means and a lawful way G. Ames in Medullâ S. Theologiae l. 2. c. 1. Thes. 30. God leads unto the possession of Life Eternal G. Amesius saith That our Obedience albeit it be not the Principal and Meritorious Cause of Life Eternal is nevertheless a Cause in some respect administring helping and advancing towards the possession of the Life R. Baxter Also R. Baxter in the Book above cited p. 155. saith That we are Justified by Works in the same kind of Causality as by Faith to wit as being both Causes sine quâ non or Conditions of the New Covenant on our part requisite to Justification And p. 195. he saith It is needless to teach any Scholar who hath read the writings of Papists how this Doctrine differs from them Of the Merit and Reward of Works But lastly because it is fit here to say something of the Merit and Reward of Works I shall add something in this place of our Sense and Belief concerning that matter We are far from thinking or believing that man Merits any thing by his Works from God all being of Free Grace and therefore do we
been Sent to them of God Answ. and so thy Ministry and Preaching hath not been among them in the Power Vertue and Life of Christ and so thou deserv'st nothing or else they have Rejected thy Testimony and so are not Worthy and from such thou ought'st not to Expect yea nor yet to Receive any thing if they would give thee but thou ought'st to shake off the dust from thy feet and leave them And how frivolous this Objection is Matth. 10.14 appears in that in the Darkest and most-Superstitious times the Priests Revenues Increased most If they reject thy Testimony shake the Dust from off thy feet and they were most richly Rewarded though they Deserved least So that he that is truly sent of God as he needs not so neither will he be affraid of Want so long as he serves so good a Master neither will he ever forbear to do his Work for that cause And indeed such as make this Objection shew truly that they serve not the Lord Christ but their own belly and that makes them so Anxious for Want of Food to it § XXXII But lastly as to the Abuses of this kind of Maintenance indeed he The many Abuses Priests Maintenanc● brings that would go through them all though he did it passingly might make of it alone an huge Volumn they are so great and numerous For this Abuse as others Crept-in with the Apostasy there being nothing of this in the primitive-times Then the Ministers claimed no Tithes neither sought they a stinted or forced Maintenance but such as Wanted had their Necessity supplied by the Church and others Wrought with their hands But the Persecutions being over and the Emperours and Princes coming under the Name of Christians the Zeal of those Great Men was quickly Abused by the Covetousness of the Clergy who soon learned to change their Cottages with the Palaces of Princes and rested not until by degrees some of them came to be Princes themselves nothing Inferior to them in Splendor Luxury and Magnificence a Method of living that honest Peter and John the Fisher-men and Paul the Tent-maker never coveted and perhaps as little imagined that men pretending to be their Successors should have arrived to these things And so soon as the Bishops were thus Seated and Constitute forgetting the Life and Work of a Christian they went usually by the Ears together about the Precedency and Revenues The Protestants having forsaken the Pope yet would not forsake the Rich Popish Revenues each Coveting the Chiefest and Fattest Benefice It is also to be Regretted to think how soon this Mischief Crept-in among Protestants who had scarce well appeared when the Clergy among them began to speak at the old rate and shew that though they had forsaken the Bishop of Rome they were not resolved to part with their Old Benefices And therefore so soon as any Princes or States shook off the Pope's Authority and so demolished the Abbeys Nunneries and other Monuments of Superstition the Reformed Clergy began presently to cry out to the Magistrates to beware of medling with the Churches patrimony severely exclaiming against making a lawful Vse of those Vast Revenues that had been Superstitiously bestowed upon the Church so called to the good and benefit of the Common-wealth as no less than Sacriledge But by keeping up of this kind of Maintenance for the Ministry and Clergy-men so called there is first a bait laid for Covetousness 1. The Clergy's Covetousness which is Idolatry and of all things most hurtful so that for Covetousness sake many being led by the desire of filthy Lucre do apply themselves to be Ministers that they may get a Lively-hood by it If a man have several Children he will allot one of them to be a Minister which if he can get him to be he reckons it as good as a Patrimony so that a Fat Benefice hath always many Expectants and then what Bribing what Courting what Industry and shameful Actions are used to acquire these things is too openly known and needs not be proved The Scandal that here-through is raised among Christians is so manifest that it is become a proverb that The KIRK is always GREEDY Whereby the Gift and Grace of God being neglected they have for the most part no other Motive or Rule in applying themselves to one Church more than another but the Greater Benefice The Greedy Kirk A Proverb For though they hypocritically pretend at their Accepting of and Entring unto their Church that they have nothing before them but the Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls yet if a richer Benefice offer it self they presently find it more for God's Glory to remove from the first and go thither And thus they make no difficulty often to Change while notwithstanding they accuse us that we allow Ministers to go from place to place and not to be tied to one place but we allow this not for the gaining of Money but as moved of God For if a Minister be called to Minister in a particular place he ought not to leave it except God Call him from it and then he ought to Obey for we make the Will of God inwardly Revealed and not the Love of Money and More Gain the ground of Removing Secondly From this Abuse hath proceeded that Luxury and Idleness 2 The Clergy's Luxury that most of the Clergy live in even among Protestants as well as Papists to the great Scandal of Christianity For not having lawful Trades to work with their hands and being so superfluously and sumptuously provided for they live in Idleness and Luxury and there doth more Pride Vanity and worldly Glory appear in their Wives and Children than in most others which is open and evident to all Thirdly They become hereby so Glued to the Love of Money 3 The Clergy's Cruelty that there is none like them in Malice Rage and Cruelty if they be denied their Hire they Rage like drunken men fret fume and as it were go mad A man may sooner satisfy the Severest Creditor than them The general Voice of the poor doth Confirm this For indeed they are far more Exact in taking up the Tithes of Sheep Geese Swine and Eggs c. and look more narrowly to it than to the Members of their Flock they will miss the least mite Poor Widows Mite cannot escape the Priest's most Greedy hands and the poorest Widow cannot escape their avaritious Hands Twenty Lies they will hear Vnreproved and as many Oaths a man may Swear in their hearing without offending them and greater Evils than all this they can overlook But if thou Ow'st them ought and refuse to Pay it then nothing but War will they Thunder against thee and they will stigmatize thee with the horrible title of Sacriledge and send thee to Hell without mercy as if thou hadst committed the Sin against the Holy Ghost The Work of Anti-Christ is Fury Envy Malice Of all people we
Expostulateth with and Lamenteth over Jerusalem But for Answer to all this albeit these Places were granted all of them to be particular yet so much is gained by them Some that did perish had a day of Visitation contrary to J. B.'s false Position that some that did perish had a Day of Visitation in which they might have been saved And thus his Doctrine Salvation was never possible to any but to such as must necessarily be saved is overturned and he should at least have answered them as to this Further all the Scripture-Proofs and Complaints are not particular but some of them general and one general one is enough to prove my Assertion albeit as to that I may see what he saith hereafter to Answer that as to the Vniversality it is more particularly proved in my Apology such as Gen. 6.3 which is spoken of Men Indefinitely And whereas he supposeth This striving of God with Men to be only by his Word and Servants meaning the outward Word he doth but beg the Question Likewise that of Micah 6.8 he hath shewen thee O Man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love Mercy and to walk humbly with thy God where the Word but doth shew this is all that is required and that no more is Required than is shewen to Man Indefinitely Others might be mentioned And whereas in this and other Places he saith My Argument will not prove that Men have Power to lay hold on Salvation without the Grace and Spirit of God It is true For as I never affirmed any such thing as is above observed so I never intend to bring any Argument to prove it Pag. 222 N. 14. in answer to 1 Pet. 3.20 brought by me he saith I fore saw it would be answered that the long-suffering of God there mentioned was not unto Salvation But the Man is Vnhappy in his Conjectures of other Mens Thoughts It will not follow it was not to Salvation because the Parties towards whom it was remained Obstinate and so perished And albeit the Apostle Peter 2 Pet. 3.15 be speaking to his Brethren who might have been advanced in Grace yet he shews not how it thence follows that the Long-suffering there mentioned is restricted to them only The Text saith no such thing And what though this Epistle of Peter was not particularly directed to the Romans to whom Paul wrote yet this being a general Epistle Included the Church of Rome among the rest And others had need to have seen Paul 's Epistles to the Romans since a●cording to him it was a part of their Principle and only Rule of Faith and Manners But to overturn what I observed here from Peter's taking notice of Some Wresting Paul 's Writings he bringeth nothing but his own Affirmation His Answer to what I urge from the Riches and Bounty of God towards Men spoken of Rom. 2.4 which could not be if Salvation were Impossible to them is That the Riches there mentioned is understood of the good things of this Life Contrary to the express Words of the Text J. B.'s Explanation of the Riches of God's Goodness c. contrary to the Text. which shews That the Nature of that Riches and Long-suffering is to Lead to Repentance and ver 7. Eternal Life is proposed as the Reward of such as by not despising of those Riches are led to Repentance and continue in well-doing And whereas he adds This cannot be done by the meer Strength of Nature without the Grace of God I never said so And therefore like to this Calumny is what he saith p. 225. where that he may take occasion to Rail and Reflect he would make his Reader believe that I argue That because Men can do evil they have therefore a Power to do good and then pleases himself to add These are Quaker like Inferences that want all solidity and no little of Sobriety At last he desires me to prove The Talents saving Grace that by the Talents mentioned Mat. 25.15 is understood Saving Grace But if he think that be not meaned by them I would know of him what is meaned For it is observable he doth not because de dare not deny that Saving Grace or the means of Salvation is meaned by them Doth not Christ make use of this Parable to Compare the Kingdom of Heaven to it and is it not of the same Import with the former of the Ten Virgins five whereof who had Oil in their Lamps I suppose he will Confess this was Saving Grace entred with the Bridegroom Is it not said to those that Improved their Talents Well done good and faithful Servant enter into the joy of thy Lord It is much the Man had Confidence to insinuate so much as a Denial that Saving Grace is here meaned As to what he adds of this being not Vniversal and not proving that Men have Power of themselves without Divine Help and Grace I have answered it above ¶ 3. I come now to his Tenth Chapter Intituled Of Vniversal Grace and Light where he grows warm to purpose and Rails almost Constantly He is scarce well entred this Chapter when he accounts the further Piece of our Divinity as he terms it and against which himself writes as Non-sense and the foaming of a distracted Brain yea p. 228. such as he doubts whether it can be understood at all pag. 230. whos 's Meaning is Vnintelligible But what need he bestow near forty Pages J. B. bestows near 40 pages to refute Vnintelligible Nonsense as he calls it to Refute Vnintelligible Nonsense For if it be so he cannot be sure he has Refuted it since no man can be sure he has answered that sufficiently he doth not Vnderstand And his Malice has so Over-driven him that he writeth down his own Judgment saying pag. 227. Some may justly blame him for spending Words and wasting Time upon such a non-Sensical self-Contradictory Proposition Yet the Man will be doing that for which he Confesseth he is justly Blameable and so much the more as he further Confesseth p. 261. That non-Sense cannot be well Answered Of this Violent Railing take one Instance p. 248. where in Answer to my saying That the Light of Christ will not Consent to any Abomination but taketh away Blindness openeth theVnderstanding and directeth the Judgment and Conscience J. B. 's Railing Stuff against the Quakers he addeth And while the Quakers preach up this as a sure Guide to Life Eternal they are abominable Pelagian and Socinian Deceivers who should be fled from as the most impudent and sworn Enemies of the Grace of God and of his Gospel that ever appeared out of the bottomless Pit a company of pure Pagan-Preachers whose Doctrine is Paganism and driveth thereunto The Reader may judge of the rest which he may find in Terms no less Abusive very frequent pag. 227 233 234 237 238 240 248 258 260 261 266. All which Railing as it occurreth in these